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Based on the QAC recommendation of setting a high

priority on the rapid development and implementation of
a framework of key performance indicators (KPIs) and
performance indicators (PIs), and its associated
processes were developed and implemented.
Key Performance Indicators
The purpose of the KPIs is to provide measures of
(KPIs) for performance and progress towards institutional goals.
Learning and Teaching

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HKIEd T&L Strategic Targets HKIEd T&L Strategic Targets

The development of the KPIs/PIs is driven by the Conceptual Framework of the Five Targets
Institutes strategic targets for teaching and learning.

The five strategic targets:

1. Producing graduates of high quality
2. Ensuring high quality teaching and learning processes
3. Strengthening the teaching-research nexus
4. Providing broad-based, diversified learning
experiences for students
5. Providing high quality educational experience for
research postgraduate students

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The Hong Kong Institute of Education
KPI Implementation Mechanism KPI Implementation Mechanism

The Framework for the establishment, development, and

application of KPIs of Teaching and Learning for HKIEd
was endorsed by the Committee on Learning and
Teaching (CLT) in July 2012.

The Implementation stages includes:

Stage 1: Establishing KPI
Stage 2: Implementing KPI
Stage 3: Enhancing performance
Stage 4: Monitoring, evaluating, and reviewing

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Working Group on KPIs Revision of KPIs

The WG is chaired by VP(AC), and it consists of ARC, After further discussion on the measurement of the
LTTC, Registry, Graduate School and representatives KPIs and the appropriateness, the number of KPIs was
from the faculties. adjusted from 23 KPIs to 21 KPIs. E.g.,

LTTC takes charge of collecting, consolidating and p The Number of funded RPg students/Faculty was
analyzing data, and generating the Institute and deleted because the number of RPg students was
programme level reports. provided by UGC.

p The Number of external awards and recognition for

The first meeting of WG on KPIs was held on 17
teaching was suggested to change to PI as not
October 2012. The main responsibilities are:
appropriate for being a KPI, it will be replaced with
to clarify the definition/criteria of KPI(s) for data collection
and analysis; and
External Awards and Services.
to highlight the key findings of the KPIs for CLTs further
discussion/actions where necessary.

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The Hong Kong Institute of Education The Hong Kong Institute of Education
21 KPIs 21 KPIs (Contd)
Strategic Targets of T&L KPIs

Producing Graduates of 1 IELTS scores and number taking test Strategic Targets of T&L KPIs
High Quality (IELTS up to 2013/14. ELPA from 2012/13)
Providing Broad-based, 12 Language enhancement programmes
2 Students attainments on GILOs
Diversified Learning
Employer evaluation of graduates GILOs Experiences for Students 13 Credit units taken by facultys students in other faculties
(IRG result) 14 Overseas exchange projects: quantity and participation
4 Employment trends of graduates
15 Non-education work-related experiences
Ensuring High Quality 5 Student yearly progression, rates, retention and
Teaching and Learning discontinuation 16 Co-curricular activities
Processes 6 Students evaluation of alignment of teaching and
Providing High Quality 17 Average time to complete
learning with assessment (one SET item) Educational Experience for
7 Student evaluation of teaching (SET) score 18 Completion rates of research postgraduate students
Research Postgraduate
Students (RPg)
8 Student evaluation of field experience Pass rate of MPhil/PhD thesis without re-submission
Strengthening the 9 Research publications on higher education and teacher Results of the Postgraduate student experience survey
Teaching-research Nexus education
10 Successfully completed TDG projects 21 Participation of scholarly activities

11 Percentage of courses requiring students to engage in 9 10

The Hong Kong Institute of Education The Hong Kong Institute of Education
research components

The Reports Programme Level KPI Feedback Loop

The WG has discussed and confirmed 17 Institute-
level KPI reports, which are KPI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,
KPI programme
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, and 21. report

For testing the feedback loop, BEd(EL) programme

was selected to generate a Programme-level report on Revise/Enhance
Annual Programme
KPIs. Report

p Report was discussed with Programme Leaders.

p Feedback has been collected from the Programme

Leaders. CLT Faculty Board

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The Hong Kong Institute of Education The Hong Kong Institute of Education
Institute Level KPI Feedback Loop Current Status and Future Actions

It is at stage 3 of the implementation mechanism, i.e.,

enhancing performance

Next steps
p Dissemination of the KPIs on Institute website will

be discussed.
p A complete feedback loop will be confirmed.

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The Hong Kong Institute of Education The Hong Kong Institute of Education

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