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Curriculum has become the important part of education. The curriculum that has been
launched is important to shift attention to how schools and teachers can be supported to help
their students understand, enjoy and take part in a wide creative education. A good quality
curriculum will encourage teacher to get to know their students and ensure that their teaching
style and their classroom behavior are directed well. Curriculum is totality of the content to
be taught and aims to be realized within one school or educational system (White, 1988,
The history of curriculum in Indonesia is often changed together with the alteration of
Education Minister, so the quality of education in Indonesia has not met the clear and steady
quality standard. The national education in Indonesia has been changing in 1947, 1952, 1964,
1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2006 and 2013 (Wiranto, 2014, p. 2). The changes are a
logical consequence of political system, social, cultural, economic, science and technology.
Therefore, Dwiyatama (2008) stated that the curriculum as set of educational plan needs to be
developed dynamically in accordance with the requirement and changes in society. All
national curriculums were designed based on the same foundation, Pancasila and UUD 1945,
the difference emphasis of educational goals and approaches to make it happen.

2006 Curriculum
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) is an operational educational
curriculum developed and implemented in each educational unit in Indonesia (Soehendro,
2006, p. 5). KTSP legally mandated by Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System
and the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education
Standards. Preparation of KTSP started at the academic year 2007/2008 with reference to the
Content Standards (SI) and Graduate Competency Standards (SKL) for primary and
secondary education, as published through the Minister of National Education respectively
No. 22 of 2006 and No. 23 of 2006, as well as KTSP Development Guide issued by BSNP. In
principle, KTSP is an integral part of the SI, but the development is handed over to school to
fit the needs of the school itself. KTSP consists of unit level education objectives, structure
and content of education level curriculum, educational calendar and syllabus. KTSP
implementation refers to the Regulation of National Education Minister No. 24 of 2006 about
the implementation of the SI and SKL.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo, MBA (2007, p. 17) explained that Content Standard (SI)
is the scope of material and level of competence as outlined in graduate competency
requirements, subject competence of study materials, and planning for learning to be fulfilled
by students on the certain level and type of education. Content standard is the guidelines to
develop the KTSP which content:
1. Basic framework and structure of the curriculum.
2. Study credits
3. KTSP developed at the unit level of education, and
4. Education calendar
Graduate Competency Standards (SKL) is used as an assessment guide in determining
students passing of the educational unit (Sudibyo, 2007, p. 24). SKL covers competences for
all subjects or subjects groups. Competence of graduates is qualified graduate capabilities
that cover attitudes, knowledge, and skills in accordance with national standards that have
been agreed. Imposition of SBC, as defined in the regulations of the Minister of National
Education No. 24 of 2006 on the Implementation of SI and SKL, determined by the principal
after considering the recommendations of the school committee. In other words, the
implementation of the curriculum is fully delivered to school, in the sense that there is no
intervention from the Department of Education or the Ministry of Education. The preparation
of KTSP are involving the teacher, employees, and the school committee and if necessary
also the experts from local universities (Raharja et al., 2007). The involvement of school
committees in the preparation of the KTSP will create a curriculum that appropriate
accordance with people aspiration, situations and environmental conditions and community

2013 Curriculum
2013 curriculum (K-13) is fixed curriculum implemented by the government to
replace KTSP which has prevailed for more than 6 years. 2013 curriculum come into the
probation in 2013 by making some schools into startups schools. In 2014, 2013 curriculum
has been applied in grade I, II, IV, and V, while for junior high are grade VII and VIII and
senior high are grade X and XI (Wikipedia, 2014).
According to Ministry of Education and Culture (2012, p. 3) 2013 curriculum has
three aspects of assessment; they are knowledge aspects, skills aspects, and attitudes and
behavior aspects. In 2013 curriculum, especially in the learning materials, there are materials
that streamlined and added. Materials that streamlined are Bahasa Indonesia, social, PPKn,
etc., while the materials that added is Mathematic (Afifah, 2015). The material (especially
Math) is adapted from the international standard material, so the government expects
balancing the education in Indonesia to abroad.

The Differences between KTSP 2006 and 2013 Curriculum
A. General Differences
NO 2013 Curriculum 2006 Curriculum
1 Graduates competence aspects are on the Put more emphasis on the aspect of
balance of soft skills and hard skills that knowledge
include competence attitudes aspects, skills
and knowledge
2 The amount of lesson hours per week are The amount of lesson hours per are less and
more and the amount of subjects are less the amount of subjects are more than 2013
than KTSP curriculum.
3 In every theme of the learning process in The standard of process in learning consists
elementary and all subjects in SMP / of exploration, elaboration, and
SMA / SMK are conducted with a confirmation.
scientific approach (scientific approach),
which is the standard in the learning
process consists of observing, asking,
reworking, presenting, summing, and
4 Technology, Information and Technology, information and communication
communication is not a subject but as the as subject
learning media.
5 Standard assessment using authentic The assessment is more dominant in aspects
assessment, which measures the attitudes of knowledge
of all competencies, skills and knowledge
based on the process and results.
6 Scout becomes mandatory extracurricular Scout is not mandatory extracurricular
7 Specialization (majors) start from grade X Major specialization start from grade IX
for SMA / MA
8 Counseling emphasizes about developing Counseling is about solving students
students' potential problem.
B. In terms of process
1. At KTSP, the dominant learning process is cognitive, psychomotor, and affective,
whereas in 2013 curriculum, the dominant in the teaching and learning process are
affective, psychomotor, and then cognitive. It means, in process, students will
highlight the affective and psychomotor.
2. 2013 curriculum strongly emphasizes balancing between cognitive (intellectual),
psychomotor (movement) and affective (attitude). In contrast to the KTSP 2006 at
the stage of implementation tend to focus more on cognitive aspects
3. In aspects of content standards, the amount of subjects at each level in 2013
curriculum is reduced.
4. In standard learning process, significant changes occurred on learning approach
which conducted. In the beginning, the learning use cognitive and behaviorism
approach, and now move to constructivism approach. This will impact on the
teacher in the classroom who initially tends to be a source of learning (teacher-
centered leaning), become a student and the environment as a source learning
(student-centered leaning).
5. Changes in assessment standards; KTSP 2006 tends assess using the final
assessment without any assessment on the learning process. At this new
curriculum, the assessment on learning process will be included. Later there will
be portfolio assessment of the student's personality.
Source: Revyareza. 2014.
Research Question
1. What are the benefits of using 2006 curriculum?
2. What is its strength?
3. What is its threat?
4. Do you think, we, Indonesian teachers have to apply 2013 curriculum?
5. How would you portend English teaching in Indonesia and what is the best method then?
6. How would be the best strategy of material development?
The objective of this research is to analyze the meaning, characteristic, and
differences between KTSP 2006 curriculum and 2013 curriculum. Also, in this research, the
writer will give 6 questions to the English teacher in junior or senior high school, to analyze
their knowledge, idea and suggestion about the implementation of KTSP 2006 curriculum
and 2013 curriculum.
The Objectives of 2006 Curriculum
Mulyasa (2007, p. 65) stated that the general objectives of KTSP application is to
independence and empowering education units through the granting authority (autonomy) to
educational institutions or education units and encourage schools to conduct participatory in
making decision in curriculum development.
Specifically, the objectives of KTSP application are:
1. Increase the education quality through school autonomy and initiative in
developing curriculum, managing, and empowering the existing resources.
2. Increase the awareness of school member and society to be involved in decision
making about the curriculum development.
3. Increase the good competency among the education units about education quality
that will be achieved.
Based on the elaboration above, concluded that KTSP have two objectives, general
and specific objectives. Those objectives still refer to the national education objectives.

The Objectives of 2013 Curriculum

The objectives of in 2013 curriculum are to prepare the Indonesian to have the ability
as individuals and citizens who believe, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and
able to contribute to society, nation, state, and world civilization (Samparona, 2014).

In this report, the writer had an interview with an English teacher. The writer asked
six questions to be answered and elaborated by the teacher. The question that have been
written in problem section as the research questions are about the 2006 curriculum and 2013
Based on the interview result, the teacher stated that the objectives of 2006 curriculum
are to increase the quality of education in Indonesia through the school initiative to develop
the education independently. Therefore, the advantages are the school know about the
strength, weakness and can optimize the resources.
The strengths of 2006 curriculum, the learning process focus on the students and
teachers function only as the facilitator in order to help the students in learning process.
Also, in learning process, we can use any kind of source and media that make the learning
process more variation, dynamic and fun. Therefore, the students will grow properly with
their own ability and need and the students become more active and creative.
However, the threats of this curriculum are the development need to be supported by
comfortable situation, the situation will create an independent character for the students and
also the teacher will not depend on school. Teachers performance also need to increase, each
of teachers have to improve their quality. If they do not improve their performance, the
learning processes will not increase. The good media without good teacher will be useless.
Talking about 2013 curriculum, the teacher that has been interviewed is agreed if the
2013 curriculum be applied in Indonesia. 2013 curriculum is based on the idea of the future
challenges marked by centuries of science, called knowledge-based society. So the
curriculum is fulfilling that purpose. Furthermore, this curriculum is not only able to hone the
maximum creativity of learners but also to demands the extraordinary skill of the teacher. So
we as teachers have a tremendous opportunity to improve ourselves.
English teaching in Indonesia will grow rapidly in next few years. Now, English
teaching in Indonesia has been developed well. The method is applied in teaching English is
making the English atmosphere or turning English as the language for communication. It can
be in class during the lesson or anywhere the students are. Therefore, Indonesia will be ready
in facing globalization.
In teaching, the best strategy of material development is using any kinds of media or
facility in school. The teacher can find any material from any source, not only from the text
books but from anywhere, such as internet, learning application, and etc. Also, the teacher
can use any media, such as laptop, projector, card, etc.


Based on the result of study and interview, the writer concludes that 2006
curriculum and 2013 curriculum have good objectives for Indonesian education. The general
objectives of KTSP application is to independence and empowering education units through
the granting authority (autonomy) to educational institutions or education units and
encourage schools to conduct participatory in making decision in curriculum development.
Then, the objectives of in 2013 curriculum are to prepare the Indonesian to have the ability as
individuals and citizens who believe, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and able
to contribute to society, nation, state, and world civilization. Those curriculums have strength
and weakness, but we as a teacher should follow the regulation from the government which
curriculum should be applied.

The curriculum that applied in Indonesia should fulfill the education needed of the
students. Curriculum is the key of the good education system in Indonesia. Also, teachers are
the key of success curriculum. We as teacher, has to master the rule and role of the
curriculum, so we can transfer the material and give good assessment properly.

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