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Neolithic and Bronze Age Settlement in Western Macedonia

Author(s): Dimitra Kokkinidou and Katerina Trantalidou

Source: The Annual of the British School at Athens, Vol. 86 (1991), pp. 93-106
Published by: British School at Athens
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Accessed: 27-02-2017 19:41 UTC

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It is widely acknowledged that the study of Macedonian prehistory can make a val
contribution to our understanding of the basic problems of Aegean and Balkan prehi
Owing to its key position at the crossroads of ancient routes between the Mediterra
world and the Balkan peninsula, Macedonia can provide prehistorians with evidenc
will help to define the chronological relations and the cultural influences exer
between these regions in the course of prehistory. The amount and extent of prehis
research in Macedonia, especially in its western part, compares ill however with
conducted in southern Greece and Thessaly. Although the foundations of Maced
prehistoric archaeology were laid as early as the mid war period, it was only during the l
decades that systematic investigations were started in these hitherto neglected provin
The subject of this paper is the development of human settlement through the neo
and bronze ages in one part of Macedonia: the geographical unit that is defined by
rivers Aliakmon and Axios. The choice of the area as the focus of investigation ha
suggested by the hypothesis that geographical zones may form a historical bas
human activity, and cultural zones be identified accordingly with distinct physiogr
units. The area selected for research is one such unit forming consecutive basins whi
divided into valley systems by means of mountain ranges.
The work is partly based upon previous field studies as well as upon fieldwork c
out by the authors.2 Certain sections within the study area were chosen for or
fieldwork where a gap in previous research was particularly apparent. These lands
known administratively as the prefectures of Florina and Pella and geographically a
basins of Prespa, Florina and Vegoritis, the Giannitsa plain and the Almopia basin.
decision to conduct fieldwork in these areas was determined by the need to lay som
of foundation for the study of local prehistory which is poorly documented.
The aim of the survey was to identify prehistoric sites and to use information on
types and distribution patterns to form hypotheses about the manner in which the
was inhabited. In the course of the project it became evident that the area in questi
contribute to our knowledge of the forms of prehistoric habitation. Tell sites, whic
regarded as typical of Macedonia, proved to be only one of the various types of settle
flat or low sites are quite common in the plain, and in the hill areas different proce
formation have resulted in other types represented by flat-topped ridges or 'acro
settlements. These should provide a rewarding subject of future research. Moreover

2 We should like to thank Dr Maria Karamanoli-

' Hellenic Army Geographical Service Map, 1:50,00ooo, Region-
Siganidou, Ephor of Prehistoric and Classical Antiqu
al series (1970); Geological Map of Greece, 1:500,ooo, Institute
for Geology and Surface Research (i954); L. Faugeres, for Western Macedonia, for permission to visit sites an
Recherches geomorphologiques en Grece septentrionale, Paris,study
H. material in local museums. We also wish to thank
Champion (1978) 2 vols. Mr Theodoros Hatjitheodorou for preparing the map.

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Epirus Thessaly

Prehistoric Sites in Western Macedonia

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significance of the region is demonstrated by the evidence for continuous occupat

most sites from prehistoric down to historical times.
Despite the limitations imposed by a single-handed and privately sponsored
which has necessarily been extensive rather than intensive, our original fieldwork
the discovery of thirty two and ten new sites in the prefectures of Florina and
respectively. Ninety six sites are included in the catalogue compiled (map and tab
with the exception of nine sites that have produced pottery of undiagnosed phase.
The results presented here should not be regarded as final, but as a basis for fu
more comprehensive study which, if combined with systematic excavation wo
survey, would make possible the reconstruction of prehistoric settlement patterns
part of Macedonia.


The basin lies in the Greek-Albanian border area and is enclosed by Mts. T
east and Mali i Thate, Sua Gora and Morave to the west. Most of th
occupied by Lake Mikri Prespa which seems to have been lower in antiquit
Natural communication with the adjacent basins of Korytsa to the west,
north, Kastoria to the south and Florina to the east is confined to a few na
The earliest known settlements seem to belong to the bronze age.
neolithic habitation may either be due to possible loss of sites as a result o
or to the geographical isolation of the area itself which would not
occupation at this date. Nevertheless, evidence of early neolithic set
neighbouring basins of Korytsa and Pelagonia lends support to the former
Two sites in our area have produced surface hand-made pottery of brow
probably of the late bronze-early iron age. They both lie at an altitude of
fortified (Oxya-Mikrolimni, Trigonon); they may be related to the fortifie
Korytsa, which are attributed to the early iron age, though an earlier d
been suggested.5

Academie Bulgare des Sciences (1969) 198.

'(P.M. H ltoCg, "AgxcOa6TTrTEg XiaLV tvax AUTLxilg
The transition from the late neolithic to the early br
Maxeovcag ADelt, 17, B, XQovtix (1961-62) 225-6.
' F. Prendi, 'La civilisation prehistorique deage has been attested in Tren Cave at the southea
end of the lake, in Albanian territory, where occup
Studia Albanica 3 (1966) 255-80; Ib., 'Traits du neolithique
continues until historical times: M. Korkuti and S. Anam-
recent en Albanie, a la lumiere de nouvelles decouvertes
(la civilisation de Maliq-Kamnik)', Studia Albanicaali,9'Fouilles
(1972) archeologiques 1965-1966 en Albanie', Studia
3-13; Ib, 'Le ndolithique et l'eneolithique en Albanie', 4 (1967) 142-5; M. Korkuti, 'Fouilles archiologi-
6 (1976) 49-87; Ib., 'Aperqu sur la civilisation ndolithique
ques 1967-1969 en Albanie', Studia Albanica 8 (I97I) 134-9;
et l'fige du bronze en Albanie', Studia Albanica F. 4Prendi,
(1967)'L'age du bronze en Albanie', Iliria 7-8 (1977-8)
163-82; Ib., 'The prehistory of Albania', CAH 3(1) 27; (1982)
lb., CAH, op. cit. 201-6.
187-237; A. Benac, 'Les groupes ndolithiques en 5 G.You-
Karaiskaj, 'Les fortifications illyriennes du premier
age du fer dans les environs de Korc Iliria 6 (1976)
goslavie': Actes
Balkaniques du Ier Europeines,
et Sud-Est Congres International des ltudes
29/8-1/9-1966. N. Ceka, personal communication.

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The Kastoria basin extends between Mts. Voion to the west-southwest and Mouriki to the
east-southeast and is connected with the neighbouring basins by means of narrow val
which are traversed by tributaries of the river Aliakmon. The Kleisoura ridge to the
provides access to the Ptolemais basin.
This area has not so far been explored systematically, and the only evidence
prehistoric occupation, possibly of middle neolithic date, derives from Dispilio on t
southern shore of Kastoria Lake, which came to light as a result of the lake's pa
drainage.6 A remarkable architectural feature of the site are the remains of numer
cedar posts (over 500oo), I m in length, which were laid, 0.65-I.50 m below the soil surf
Although pile-dwellings were in use across Macedonia and the Balkans during pr
tory,' it is only Dispilio along with Maliq in Albania that have produced well preser


This geographical unit is formed between a range of mountains including Varnous

Vernon to the west and Voras to the east, and is bordered to the south by the r
eminences of Vevi. A route to the basins of Prespa and Kastoria to the west lies thr
the Pisoderi ridge, and the Kleidi straits to the south leads to the Vegoritis basin. Be
the Greek-Yugoslavian frontier the Florina basin stretches into the Pelagonian
which is drained by the river Erigon. This is the widest subsidence of the Pelagonian
and the largest plain of Macedonia.'0

6 A. KeqcQttp6xovXXog, "EQFetvL iv AUTxti1o L. Rey, 'Observations sur les premiers habitats de la

Macedoine', BCH 41-43 (1917-19) 170; L. Faugeres, op.
MctaXc6ovLa', HAE (1938) 53-66; K.A. Wardle, 'The
cultures': M.B. Sakellariou (ed.), Macedonia: 4000 years cit.,
of 31.
Greek history and civilization, Athens, Ekdotike Athenon Sixty nine prehistoric settlements have been recorded in
(1983) 10. Pelagonia, twenty four being located in the plain south of
the river Erigon and the town of Monastiri: L. Rey, op. cit.,
7 A. KctjovXXog HAE, op. cit., 58-61; 1. 170-5; D. Simoska and V. Sanev, Prehistory in Central
MaoQLvd&rog, 'OXtLtvctog oLxtoItbg KaOTOQLdg, AAA i
(1968) 162-7; A.K. Av6QEriWtivov tXLt I.H. Pelagonia, Bitola, Naroden Mysei (1976). Neolithic occupa-
tion has been attested at forty eight settlements, and
ToJdQTooy)oU, "AgactL6T'TeTg xaL tvltvijot 'HtccOlCtg
xCatL AUTLXfg Mctxebovlag', ADelt 24, B2, XQovtxd (1969) Porodin and Velucina are the key sites for the tracing of
pottery development from the early neolithic: M. Grbi' et
314; Q. Hi(toog, 'AQLoat6TrTEg xa Ltvqjta[i KETvltxfig al., Porodin, Kasnoneolitsko naselje kod Bitolja, Bitolj (1960); D.
Maxcbov(tag', ADelt 24, B2, XQovtx& (1969) 202; lb.,
XQovtiX atQXcatokoytix 1968-70, Maxe6ovexd, 15 (I975) Simoska and V. Sanev, op. cit.; D. Basler et al., Praihistorija
303. jugoslavenskih Zemalja, Sarajevo, Akademija Nauk Bosne i
8 RJ. Rodden, 'Excavations at the early neolithic site at Hercegovine 2, 3 (1979); M.V. Gara'anin, 'The stone age
Nea Nikomedeia, Greek Macedonia (1961 season)', PPS 28 in the central Balkan area', CAI2 3:1 (1982) 87-Ioo. Later
(1962) 267-88; D. Simoska et al., 'The settlement of phases have been studied at Mala Toumba (middle neoli-
Crnobuki and the problems concerning the culture of the thic), Velika Toumba (late neolithic), Crnobuki (transi-
same name in the light of new archaeological researches', tional late neolithic-early bronze age) and Varos (late
Makedonica Acta Archaeologica 2 (1976) 64-83; K. KwTodTxyg, bronze age): D. Simoska and V. Sanev, op. cit.; M.V.
Garaganin, 'The eneolithic period in the central Balkan
'AjtoxaTrdomrTao xraT6dpewv acoootaX6nlxTmyv otxqdRmoV
area', CAL2F, 3:1 (1982) 136-62; lb., 'The bronze age in the
[LE TI 3oOEL0Eto e'xTQovtLXOI TVOXoytocil orqv avctoxctcpl
Mav&dXov A. MaxEbov(ag', Et)aLrrvr, T6tog iurLtTXo6g central Balkan area', CAlF 3:I (1982) 163-86. In terms of
yit ov xaOlypIril N. HnXTovao, HQ6dxXto, A'log morphological features the majority of settlements can be
HQaxXkelov (1987) 117-24. classified to the tell type, a characteristic tall and steep-
sided mound, derived from the residues of long occupa-
' F. Prendi, Studia Albanica (1966) op. cit. 255; lb., CAH,
op. cit., 205. tion. An average size of 2 to 3 ha and height of up to 8 m

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In the Florina basin the neolithic period is poorly documented. At Arm

Heurtley had assigned certain vessels to the late neolithic, but his observatio
challenged by modern research." Late neolithic occupation is also hinted at
of the table type, measuring 0.20 ha, which is situated on a ridge southeast of
Meliti. Both sites were inhabited during the early bronze age.
Thirteen settlements were founded in the early bronze age either in the
ridges or low hills at an average of 6oo to 8oo m respectively.12 These are co
or elongated tables measuring 2 ha on average. The average minimum distan
the smaller sites is 2 km, while the larger are distributed from 6 to 13 km ap
the abandonment of settlements by the end of the early bronze age is d
destruction, as suggested by surface layers of burnt clay, is difficult to deci
the late bronze age introduces a new habitation pattern whose main feature is
sites to natural routes of communication at the outlet of small valleys. Four
can be attributed to this period, and their actual size is difficult to calculat
extensive historical occupation.


Between the rocky eminences of Vevi and Kozani extends a fertile plain en
blocks of mountains including Vernon, Mouriki and Askos to the west, Ver
east and Voras to the north, and a range of hills to the south. This area hold
Vegoritis, Petres, Cheimaditis and Zazari, and the floor of Lake Sarig6l or Ki
drained in I950s.'3 Natural communication with the basins of Kastoria and Gr
west is possible through the ridges of Kleisoura and Siatista respectively, w
along the shore of Lake Vegoritis leads to the Edessa basin in the east. The
to the north provide access to the Florina basin, and the Kadova passage to th
links upland with lowland Macedonia. Further south a route through the hi
leads to the middle Aliakmon valley.
Twenty-one prehistoric settlements have been recorded in the lakeland, an
fifteen have been located around the drained marches in Kitrini Limni.14

has been suggested for the majority of the sites: D.

Maxrebovtag - OEQxng, YH-IO, AHO (1988), 52.
Simoska and V. Sanev, op. cit. io-- I; M.V. Garaianin,
cit. 97. SB.F.
op. KakoXTllg,
vrxQor6XkwE "Avcaoxacil
'v Ko6v%', H1AE (1950) 291,agaLag
pl. 7; Ib.,
" Y. Beguignon, 'Chronique des fouilles et decouvertes "Avaoxaqpil &QXcag vexQoxr6Xo;g kv Kod6v%', HAE
arche'ologiques' BCH 55 (i931) 498-9; W.A. Heurtley, (1958) 96; . H fIrotag, 'MUxrlVCtx~t 6oTQaxa kx Koadv1g
Prehistoric Macedonia: an archaeological reconnaisance of Greek xat Fmtovlag', AE (1953-4) 113-28; lb., XQovtxx
Macedonia (west of the Struma) in the neolithic, bronze and early aQXatookoytxd, Maxe6ovtxd, 7 (1966-7) 350; lb., XQovLx&
iron ages, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (1939)
57-58, 76; R. Treuil, Le niolithique et le bronze ancien Ege'ins: les aQXo.okoytx&
XQovtx 1968-70,'1968-70,
aQXatokoytxa Maxedovtxd 14 (1974)i5236-7;
MaxE6ovtxa (I975)lb.,
problemes stratigraphiques et chronologiques, les techniques, Paris, 300; M.S.F. Hood, 'Archaeology in Greece, 1954', AR
Bibliothique des Ecoles Franqais d'Athenes et de Rome (0954) 14; lb., 'Archaeology in Greece, 1958', AR, (I959) 13;
(1983) 85-86. Ecole Frantaise, 'Chronique des fouilles et d6couvertes
12 K. TQavTaklou, 'HgQOL*oTopoLX oLtxtoo(l g arch6ologiques en Grbce', BCH 79 (1955) 254; G. Daux,
kexdvEg DktbotLvag xat A tvTaLov', AQXala Maxe6ovta 'Chronique des fouilles en 1958', BCH 83 (1959) 605; R.
5, Orooakov(xq, IMXA, in press. Hope-Simpson, 'A gazetteer and atlas of mycenaean sites',
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, University of
" M. G eLda66g, 'K 'TQtvq AL vogov' KoCdvylg, 1987.
HQoioToQtxilgeQva', To aQXato)oytx6 Eyo arru Maxe- London, supp. 16 (1965) 113; Ib., Mycenaean Greece, New
Jersey, Noyes Press (1981) 178; D.H. French, 'Pottery
6ov[a xat &Oerx/, i, 1987, ecooakx, YnouQyEo

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In Kitrini Limni the habitation pattern consists of large low-spreading mou

above the surrounding plain as well as flat sites, 7oo m a.s.1.; and two settle
hills overlooking the plain at an altitude of 8oo m.
Maximum height is 3 m, and site size ranges from 2 to 8.50 ha, or 5 ha on
similar pattern can be seen in the Vegoritis area where settlements possess
shallow mounds or flat sites in the plain of an average height of 2 m; four sit
founded on natural ridges. The average size is 2 ha, with the exception of Vego
measures to ha, and minimum distance is 2 km.
Evidence for early neolithic occupation has been produced by the moun
Dimitrios-Koilada in Kitrini Limni. The middle neolithic period is repres
sites; a find-spot has been identified north of Lake Cheimaditis (Anargyroi
rest are located in Kitrini Limni. The late neolithic is attested at twenty-two s
in Kitrini Limni). During the early bronze age there was a decrease in site num
part of the basin, unlike the Vegoritis area. Eleven and sixteen settlements
can be attributed to the early bronze age, and habitation becomes sparse
bronze age which is found at eight sites including only two in Kitrini Limni.
Environmental reasons may lie behind the abandonment of the settlement
Limni by the end of the early bronze age. A possible formation of the lake
phase could have cause flooding of previous arable land and forced the o
different types of sites in the vicinity of the old settlement such as terraced
Other factors may include movement to upland grazing as a result of a larg
component in the economy, or a truncation of the catchment territories, sinc
minimum distance between settlements is less than 1.5 km.
On the basis of the ceramic evidence certain cultural links can be established between
the neolithic settlements in Kitrini Limni and the Thessalian tradition. During the
neolithic, in particular, the Thessalian influence is manifested by the occurre
polychrome or painted pottery of the Arapi and classic Dimini classes.16
In the Vegoritis area three early bronze age sites continued to be occupied, and s
new sites were founded in the late bronze age. There is no apparent change in
distribution in relation to that observed in the preceding periods.
In addition to settlement sites, a burial site is reported from the lakeland. This is a
circle of ten cist graves which has been described as belonging to a middle bronze
double tumulus;17 the burials appeared temporarily near the village of Arnissa as a
of a lowering of the level of Lake Vegoritis.18

"7 N.G.L. Hammond, An history of Macedonia: historical

distributions and the geographical regions of Macedonia',
Zbornik Narodnog Muzeia, 6 (1970) 5-19; X. KouxoIX6i-
geography and prehistory, Oxford, Clarendon Press, i (1972)
XQUGovO(x1, 'H Avttxil Maxea oylv HIQooJToQla. 266-7; lb., 'Grave circles in Albania and Macedonia': R.A.
NEotOtxij ' eroox', TQ ro vvideto IarogQag,
Crossland and A. Birchall (eds), Bronze age migrations in the
Aegean: archaeological and linguistic problems in Greek prehistory,
Aaoyapag, FAwuooouooyag, HaQadootaxrg
London, Duckworth (i973) 190.
AQxtrexrovtxg r rg Boiaxg Eariag OEoa)aoveXrg
(1982) 98-128; F. KagagilrgoV-MEvTceoJLq, " J.M. Cook and J. Boardman, 'Archaeology in Greece,
1953', ]HS 74 (1954) 159; Ecole Frangaise, 'Chronique des
'lfQoioTOQLtxo otixtoLXGL uTg K(`fLtvVg ALgvrqg (captyxyt6k)
fouilles et decouvertes archeologiques en Grece en 1953',
Kodvlg', Ayr7rdg, Tutflx6g 6Tog yta Tov xaoyydh'ril M.
AvQ6vtLxo, E)ooxakovLxfl, i, (1987) 391-416; M. BCH 78 (i954) 95-224; G. Daux, 'Chronique des fouilles et
(oWtta6qg, AyrT6g, op. cit.; K. TQavTaVX8ov, op. cit. d6couvertes archdologiques en 1959', BCH 84 (1960) 767;
1 M. qortLdtg, op. cit. 59. F. Schachermeyr, 'Forschungsbericht uber die Ausra-
16 D.H. French, Zbornik Narodnog Muzeia, op. cit.; X. bungen und Neufunde zur Agaischen Frfihzeit 1957-60',
k TQLTo Uvtbo IolToQ(Llag..., AA I (1962) 187; . HI-I'octg, Max-E6ovtxad 7, op. cit., 308.
The nature of the middle bronze age is little understood
op. cit.; F. KQaQ TQOV-MEVTE A~rp6g, op. cit.

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Ringed by chains of mountains, Pindos to the west, Vourinos to the east

south and a range of hills to the north, this valley is crossed by active r
Aliakmon, with its source in the mountain massif between Pindos and G
down from the northwest and finally turns to the southeast, and in the
tributaries, Venetikos and Greveniotikos, flow from the west and join th
river approaches lowland Macedonia by means of a practically impassable
the lower slopes of Pieria and Vermion near Velvendos. A route to Thessal
wide watershed ridge between the Aliakmon and Sarantaporos, a tributa
which connects western Macedonia with the Elasson basin.
The British excavations at Servia and Platanaki (Boubousti) have provided so
information on the nature of prehistoric settlement, but these matters will become
when the results of a systematic survey, currently being conducted, are fully published
Prehistoric habitation has been identified at six sites on hillslopes or rocky emi
350 a.s.l., and a linear settlement pattern can be seen along the river's course. Excav
at Servia has brought to light the remains of a farming community with phases spa
from the early neolithic to the early bronze age.20 The settlement lay on the easter
of the Aliakmon and was a low-spreading mound i ha in size and 4 m in height; it
longer visible being below the surface of the artificial lake of Polyfyto. The main
produced only a very small amount of early neolithic material, but levels of this dat
uncovered 500oo m downstream on the lower river terraces (Servia V). In addition to Ser
middle neolithic occupation has been recognised at Profitis Ilias Cave, a limestone
on a rocky eminence.21 Both sites continued to be occupied through the late neolith
early bronze ages. The latter phases are also represented at Velvendos, an elongated
i ha in size and 8 m in height, which stands on the foothills of Pieria.22 Early bron
finds appeared after a trial excavation at Neraida, a precipitous hill north of the
carrying the Kozani-Larisa road.23

poulou, 'Prehistoric settlement of Servia (West Macedo-

in Macedonia as a whole, since this phase is still difficult
to distinguish stratigraphically. Grey Minyan ware, the nia). Excavation 1971', AAA 5 (1972) 27-34; K.
hallmark of the middle Helladic period in mainland Rhomiopoulou et al., 'Prehistoric settlement of Servia
Greece (D.H. French, 'Migrations and "Minyan" pottery (West Macedonia). Excavations 1972', AAA 6 (1973)
in Western Anatolia and the Aegean': R.A. Crossland and 419-26; K. Rhomiopoulou and C. Ridley, 'Prehistoric
A. Birchall, op. cit., 51-7) is rare in Macedonia, beingsettlement of Servia (West Macedonia). Excavations
restricted to some wheel-made imports on the coast: W.A.1973', AAA 7 (1974) 351-60; C. Ridley and K.A. Wardle,
Heurtley and C.A.R. Radford, 'Two prehistoric sites'Serviain 1973', ADelt 29, B3, XQovxt' (i1973-4) 727-8; Ib.,
Chalcidice', BSA 29 (1927-8) 165-6; D.H. French, 'Some 'Rescue excavations at Servia 1971-73: a preliminary
problems in Macedonian prehistory', Balkan Studies, 7
report'. BSA 74 (I979) 185-230.
(1966) io6, fig. 3. The transition to the middle bronze age21 K. Pa.tooiotOou, "AQXaOt6t Xrg xat v l a
was probably gradual, since pottery development conti- AUTLxrg MaxeboviLtag', ADelt, 28, B2, XQovtLX& (1972) 519.
nues without drastic change from the early to the late22 A.K. 'Av8QELomivov Xat II.H. TouQdTooykov,
bronze age: E. Hanschmann and V. Milojcic, Die deutschen"CXcat6treg xcat tvC~w tca 'HltaOlag xcat Avtix~g
Ausgrabungen auf der Argissa-Magula in Thessalien. Die friihe ADelt, 24, B2, XQovtx& (1969) 331; F.
und Beginnende mittlere Bronzezeit, Bonn, Rudolf MactxEkdxxqg, 'ToO Bcotoidg l 96Xn', Max6edovtxOv
Habelt, 3 (1976) 217-22. HpegoAoytov (1969) 53-57.
19 N. Wilkie, 'Grevena project (in nomos of Grevena, 23 M. KcgEacttv6'kq-Ltyavl6ov, "AQgcat6tteg xCat
SW Macedonia)', Workshop on systematic survey in Greece, tvIREoat AUTLxilg McxxebovL;ag', ADelt, 31, B2, XQOVLXC
University of Illinois, Chicago, March 1988 (information
(1976) 264; H. HfIdvTog, "AgCot6TrLTEg XQL RtVlEL
sheet). AVuTLx~g MaxE8ovltag', ADelt, 32, BI-2, XQovtLX (1977)
20 W.A. Heurtley, 'Excavations at Servia in Western 228-9; G. Touchais, 'Chronique des fouilles et decouvertes
Macedonia', A] 12 (1932) 227-38; Ib., Prehistoric Macedonia, archdologiques en Grace en 1984', BCH iog (1985) 812.
op. cit., 43-56, 136-51, 190-i; C. Ridley and K. Rhomio-

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Owing to their geographical location these sites coul

Thessaly. Indeed, the ceramic assemblage testifies
tradition which was transmitted through the Aliakmon
By the end of the early bronze age the older-establi
at present there is no evidence for newly founded, ex
of the basin. This is a very small mound measuring
with occupation levels attributable to the end of the


The large alluvial plain stretching from the Thermaic gulf inland is the h
Macedonia. On the sides framed by mountains the plain itself rises at first very g
then more noticeably as the terrace lands and foothills are approached. This low
enclosed to the west by Mt. Vermion and to the north by the Voras Range, and t
ridge continues to the east and southeast forming Mts. Tzena and Paikon respec
The southern boundaries are the hills of Pydna.
The hydrography of the region is dominated by the rivers Aliakmon and Axios
main communications routes follow their courses. The former approaches the pla
the northwest; the latter, which marks the eastern boundary of the plain, flows
Skopje area and enters the Greek territory through a defile between Gev
Axioupolis. Smaller rivers are the Loudias and Moglenitsas. North of the Vermi
the river Edessaios provides access to a north-south orientated upland basin
(Edessa basin). The dominant feature of the plain was the large, shallow lake of G
or Loudias, a modern remnant of a former inlet of the Thermaic gulf, which was dra
the 1920s.25
Twenty nine settlements have been discovered as a result of survey proje
excavations at Nea Nikomideia, Mandalo and Giannitsa have shed further lig
nature of prehistoric culture, especially in the neolithic and early bronze
Settlements are mainly located either on the margins of the plain between the
marshes and the foothills, or on ridges and slopes that are normally not far fr
former shoreline at an altitude of up to Ioo-150 m. In the area of Giannitsa and
settlements are spaced along Via Egnatia, probably a very ancient route. The
confirms a varied habitation pattern involving flat or low sites, tall mounds, fla
ridges and 'acropolis' type sites as well as two caves (Rodochori, Flamouria).
varies from 0.50 to 5 ha, or 2 ha on average, and the maximum height of mounds
The average minimum distance between settlements is 4 km.

24 W.A. Heurtley, 'A prehistoric site in Western neolithic and bronze ages in Central-Western Macedonia: A study of
Macedonia and the Dorian invasion', BSA 28 (1926-7) the period from the mid sixth to the end of the second millennium
158-94; Ib., Prehistoric Macedonia, op. cit., 40-43, 227-9. B.C. in the area between the rivers Axios and Aliakmon in Northern
25 Admiralty, 'Greece: Regional Geography', Geogra-Greece, Ph.D. thesis, Birmingham, University of
phical Handbook Series, Naval Intelligence Service Birmingham (1989); A. Koxxtvl(bov, H rQoiToroQia aTro
Division, 3 (1945) 118-19. XbOo roy vopoo Hl2lag. Karoi~xari xat opvatx6
26 D.H. French, Index of prehistoric sites in central Macedonia
.(eQtf/dAAov orr veoAtOtx7 "xat vw erox4 Toy XoAxoP,
and catalogue of sherd material in the University of Thessaloniki, 'EbEooa (1990).
Athens (1967) privately circulated. D. Kokkinidou, The

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The rich plain attracted occupation from the sixth millennium B.C. Five sites wer
founded during this period which has been studied in detail at Nea Nikomedeia,27 and
early neolithic finds are reported from Giannitsa.28 The majority of the early neolithi
sites seem to have been abandoned in the middle neolithic, a phase which is still
under-represented over the whole region, being restricted to a couple of sites in th
southern part of the plain (Archondiko, Giannitsa). Habitation becomes denser during the
late neolithic which is represented at nineteen sites including five that were occupied at an
earlier date. Fifth millennium B.C. levels have been uncovered at Mandalo. At this site
late neolithic occupation terminated after a conflagration which led to the desert
settlement for a millennium and was resumed in the early bronze age.29 In ad
seven new settlements, twelve earlier sites continued to be occupied through t
bronze age.
During the late bronze age there is a steady decrease in site numbers; only two new
settlements can be assigned to this phase, and occupation continues on five sites of the
preceding period. The sparsity of late bronze age habitation is a striking feature which
contrasts with the large arable potential of the region. On the other hand, settlements of
this date are plentiful in the neighbouring valley of the Axios.2o It is likely that the silting
up of this part of the plain commenced earlier than has been suggested,3" and by the later
bronze age had already advanced enough to inhibit arable agriculture and large scale
Local culture appears to combine native traits with influences from cultural groups in
adjacent territories, especially in Thessaly and northern Macedonia. Imports of neolithic
painted pottery tend to be concentrated in the southern and western parts of the plain,
probably as a result of closer connections of these areas with the ceramic tradition of
Thessaly. The Thessalian penetration becomes weaker as one proceeds northwards. The
ceramic assemblage from Mandalo, in particular, points to a different cultural tradition
whose main feature is the profusion of monochrome wares. At the same site what is
remarkable is the use of copper, documented in late fifth millennium layers.33 Metal

27 R.J. Rodden, 'Excavations at the early neolithic site at &edxm, op. cit., 173-80; lb., 'NkE g otvtoctrXpLXg EQEUveg
Nea Nikomedeia, Greek Macedonia (1961 season)', PPS 28 oo Mdvbtko AOxtilg MaxEbovcag, 1985-86', Eyvaria i,
(1962) 267-88, lb., 'Recent discoveries from prehistoric EnETL'ba T o I otxo(D Xat AQXCatokoytxo1 Rog
Macedonia (an interim report)', Balkan Studies 5 (1964) To. A.H.E. (1989) 15-28; K. Kotsakis et al., 'Carbon 14
I 10-24; lb., 'An early neolithic village in Greece', Scientific dates from Mandalo, W. Macedonia', Archaeometry,
American 212(4) (1965) 83-91; R.J. Rodden and J.M. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium,
Rodden, 'A European link with Chatal Huyuk: uncovering Amsterdam, Elsevier (1989) 679-85.
a 7th millennium settlement in Macedonia. Part I. Site 3o D.H. French, Index ..., op. cit.; D. Kokkinidou, The
early bronze age in Macedonia: A study of human settlement with
and pottery', Illustrated London News, April IX (1964) 564-7;
lb., 'A European link with Chatal Huyuk: the 7th millen- particular reference to the Axios valley, M. Phil, thesis, Birming-
nium site of Nea Nikomedeia in Macedonia. Part II. ham, University of Birmingham (1986): lb., Ph.D. thesis,
Burials and shrine', Illustrated London News, April 18 op. cit.
604-7. 31 J.L. Bintliff, 'The plain of western Macedonia and the
28 EqppFgQa MaxE6ovia, EJtLXoykg (XETr*t[Ptog neolithic site of Nea Nikomedeia, PPS 42 (1976) 241-62.
1990) I186-7. 32 M.R. Jarman et al., Early European agriculture: Its founda-
29 A. Hl-HlaXraoQpLov et al., 'Nog JtQpoLo*ToQLXo6g tions and development, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press (1982) 152.
otxtoi6g Goo Mdvobtko trig ATLXilg MaxEb6ovag',
AQXala Maxedovia 4, voo IMXA (1986) 1 A. HxutoLo-HrtanavOLou xatL A. HLXkdkClX-
451-65; A. Hfjoao pLov -HonavOt0ov, 'Tglet IaoXtcoteg(ov, 'O pToioT0QLtx6g otxtoO6g Tov MavbdXov
vrotXLOLXd a6EL0oXLt wt6 TO MdvatXo Tg MaxehovLctg', AUTxilg MaXE8ovLCtg licoOt oTE RtOXLTLOTLX'td 7tXCCLOLt tig

Etcamivi, op. cit., 171-7; A. HItcsIvOuvtLov-HatctvO(ioU

Uo(reTg veoXLOLx'g', Extro AteOvig vyrdato Atytauxg
xct A. HLXtdkiX-HtcoarTEQLov, 'Avacoxaccpg GoT HQoiaroQtag, in press.
Mcaako', To ag atoAoytx6 igyo arrn MaxEcovta xat

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working seems to have been important for the m

suggested also by surface objects of gold from Ar


North of the Edessa plateau, at an altitude of 300 m, extends the Almopia basin
by Mts. Voras, Tzena and Paikon and traversed by the river Moglenitsas.
The area has so far yielded very little evidence for prehistoric occupation, and
possible that the sparsity of sites is related to the presence of a lake which occupi
of the basin until later prehistory.35 Neolithic remains, including pottery a
engravings, have recently been identified at Loutraki, a complex of limestone cave
the foothills of Voras Mt.36 Hand-made monochrome pottery, probably of the bro
can be collected at Aloron and Margarita, two sites of the 'acropolis' type,
occupation continues until Byzantine times.


This paper has attempted to outline the evolution of prehistoric habitation in w

Macedonia. The limitations imposed by the paucity of excavation data must quali
conclusions suggested here.
The existing data show a settlement record consisted of tall, conical or ov
low-spreading mounds, flat sites, elongated tables and naturally defensible location
as caves. The foundation of settlements is linked to a number of predictable factor
locational preference for riverine environments, selection of fertile soils for agri
exploitation, and proximity to water sources and lines of natural communication.
The observed density of occupation tends to increase from the early neolithic
early bronze age. In reality original density must have been greater if we t
consideration the fact that many early sites have been destroyed, or buried by al
or remain undetected. The appearance of numerous late neolithic and early bron
sites may reflect an increase of local population which led to the utilisation of h
unsettled lands.
During the late bronze age an interruption of settlement continuity is observab
followed by a sharp decline in site numbers. Identical evidence is reported from easte
Macedonia where decrease of late bronze age sites is accompanied by a change in si
distribution and settlement shifts to higher grounds, probably as a result of the need f
defensible locations.37 On the contrary, in the Axios valley there is a steady increase

34 A. FQaRggvog, NeoitOtxEg gevveg UrrTv KEvTQLXitTQOTQLXV OLXLoi Tv ~lTY; AvaQTOxilg Maxeboviag', H

xat AvaroAtx4 Maxe6ovia, ALrbaXTOQLX1 LTQLP3Kafidaa axat 1i reQtoX rqng, eooaXov(xl, IMXA (1980)
EOoakXovtxTl, A.H1.. (1984) 11i, 148; H AyeooutxdL235-47; B. Blouet, 'Development of the settlement
(Nop6;g HE"Wig), AQZato)oya i8 (1986), 8i. pattern': C. Renfrew et al. (eds.) Excavations at Sitagroi: a
3' D. Kokkinidou, Ph.D. thesis, op. cit., 192. prehistoric village in northeast Greece, Monumenta
36 Eqcp'EQgLa Maxedovia, EttXoyEg (AiyovoTog 1990) Archaeologic, 13, Los Angeles, The University of
46. California, The Institute of Archaeology, 133-43.
7 A. FQact~d-vog, 'I v [tCQLtCTTtOToI w R XEIT 6(OV

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site numbers which resulted in dense spacing, and comparative evidence suggests t
this pattern is rather a local phenomenon.38 Whether the abandonment of early b
age sites in our area is due to environmental changes or social disturbances is diffic
decide. It may be assumed, however, that the population increase, as observed
Axios valley during the late bronze age, is related to movements of inhabitants fr
abandoned sites of the Giannitsa plain.
Accurate figures of site size and population by period are difficult to obtain, since
very limited number of settlements have been subject to excavation, and calcul
cannot be representative. Thus, the extent of sherd scatter is conventionally taken
size of non-excavated sites. An estimate of 2 ha on average is proposed for the siz
settlements in western Macedonia, with the exception of sites in Kitrini Limni whi
considerably larger and lower measuring 5 ha and 2 m on average. The tallest mou
5.5 m on average, are to be found in the Giannitsa plain, and there seems to be a re
proportion between the size and height of a site. The restricted size of tells is some
considered as indicative of long occupation. Nevertheless, our evidence suggests that
or low sites were equally long-lived, and perhaps the most important difference bet
the two groups is that unenclosed settlements were subjects to no artificial restricti
regard to the extent of their occupation and growth. Such sites, possibly related t
greater mobility of population, may be the result of partial horizontal displacement
settlement, following short spells of occupation, which prevented the format
mounds. On the other hand, the steep profile of mounds may be the product of spe
constructional practices such as mud-brick buildings, terraces and fortifications whi
a marked feature of late bronze age architecture in central and eastern Macedonia.3
observation now proves to be valid for earlier periods as well. At Mandalo, a typic
site, excavation has brought to light the remains of an enclosure wall of unu
substantial construction, founded in late neolithic levels, which may have been of
defensive nature.u



i. Oxya-Mikrolimni LB
2. Trigonon LB

i. Dispilio MN

i. Ano Kleinai I LB
2. Ano Kleinai II EB
3. Florina LB

38 D. Kokkinidou, Ph.
SK.A. Wardle,
40 A.'Assiro
Ha ae
the late bronze and ea

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4. Skopos I EB
5. Skopos II EB
6. Skopos III EB
7. Lofoi I EB
8. Lofoi II EB
9. Niki I EB
io. Niki II EB
ii. Niki III EB

I12. Kladorachi EB
13. Papagiannis LB
14. Neochoraki LB
15. Meliti LN EB
16. Armenochori LN EB
17. Palaistra EB
18. Perasma EB
19. Agios Vartholomaios EB

i. Agras EB
2. Petres LB
3. Agios Panteleimon I LN EB
4. Agios Panteleimon II EB
5. Vegora I LB
6. Vegora II EB
7. Vegora III LN EB LB
8. Vegora IV LN
9. Filotas EB
io. Maniaki LB
I i. Fanos I EB
12. Fanos II LN EB
13. Rodon LN EB
14. Limnochori I LN EB
15. Limnochori II LN EB
16. Valtonera EB
17. Anargyroi I LB
18. Anargyroi II LN EB
19. Anargyroi III MN LN EB LB
20. Variko I LN EB
21. Variko II LN EB
22. Maurodendri MN LN
23. Pontokomi LN EB
24. Drepano MN LN
25. Akrini LN EB
26. Mikro Nisi MN LN EB
27. Chamboula Toumba MN LN EB
28. Keramidia MN LN
29. Megalo Nisi MN LN EB
30. Agios Dimitrios - Koilada EN MN LN
31. Agios Dimitrios MN LN EB
32. Xeropigado LN EB
33. Tetralofos MN EB
34. Kremasti LN EB
35. Agios Eleutherios LN EB LB
36. Kozani EB LB

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i. Neraida EB
2. Profitis Ilias MN LN EB
3. Servia EN MN LN EB
4. Servia V EN
5. Velvendos LN EB
6. Platanaki LB

i. Edessa LN EB
2. Longos LN EB
3. Flamouria LN EB
4. Rizari EN
5- Skydra EB
6. Arseni LN EB
7. Polyplatanos LN
8. Episkopi EB LB
9. Rodochori LN
10. Giannisa LN
Si. Agios Georgios EN LN
12. Trilofos EN LN
13. Nea Nikomedeia EN LN
14. Nea Nikomedeia II LN EB
15. Vergina EB LB
16. Kypseli LB
17. Fakos LB
18. Giannitsa EN MN LN
19. Archontiko MN LN EB LB
20. Pentaplatanos EB LB
21. Damiano LN EB
22. Agrosykia LN EB LB
23. Leptokarya EB
24. Filyria EB
25. Aravissos LN EB
26. Plagiari LN EB
27. Drosero LN EB
28. Mandalo LN EB
29. Mandalo II EB

i. Loutraki NE
2. Aloron BA
3. Margarita BA

TABLE I: Site distribu

Total of sites : 96

P- Mikri Prespa : 2 = 2%
K- Kastoria : I = 1%
F- Florina : 19 = 20%
PV- Ptolemais-Vegoritis : 36 = 38%
A- Aliakmon : 6 = 6%
G- Giannitsa : 29 = 30%
AL- Almopia : 3 = 3%

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TABLE 2: Phases represented

(% in number of sites by region)


EN : 1 = 3% 2 =33% 5 = 17.0%
MN: 10o = 28% 2 = 33% 2 = 7.0%
LN : 2 = o10.5% 22 = 61% 3 = 50% i9 = 65.5%
EB : 15 = 79.0% 27 = 75% 4 = 67% 19 = 65-5%
LB: 4 = 21.0% 8 = 22% 1 = 17% 7 = 24.0%

TABLE 3: New sites

(% in number of sites by region)


EN: I = 3% 2 =33% 5 = I7.0%

MN: 9 = 25% 1i = 17% 2 = 3.5%
LN : 2 = 11% 13 = 36% I = 17% 14 = 48.5%
EB : 13 = 68% 9 = 25% 1i = 17% 7 = 24.o%
LB : 4 = 21% 4 = iI% I = 17% 2 = 7.0%

TABLE 4: Settlement continuity

(% in number of sites of preceding period by re

Florina Aliakmon
LN : 2 to EB : 2 = 100% EN : 2 to MN: I = 50%
EB : 15 to LB : o = o% MN: 2 to LN : 2 = 10oo0%
LN : 3to EB : 3 = 100%
Ptolemais -Vegoritis EB : 4to LB : o = o%
EN : i to MN: I = 0Ioo%
MN: io to LN : 9 = 90% Giannitsa
LN : 22 to EB : 18 = 82% EN : 5to MN: I = 20%
EB : 27 to LB : 4 = 15% MN: 2 to LN : 2 = 100%
LN : 19to EB : 12 = 63%
EB : I9gto LB : 4 = 21%

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