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Experimental study on the impact of rain water puddle of asphalt pavement structure

Firdaus Chairuddin

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1903, 020001 (2017);

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Published by the American Institute of Physics

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Experimental Study on the Impact of Rain Water Puddle of
Asphalt Pavement Structure
Firdaus Chairuddin

Doctor Civil Engineering from Hasanuddin University at duty to Atma Jaya Makassar University. Makassar

Abstract.This research was the study case of Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodos Segment, Makassar. Makassar City is a
city area of eastern Indonesia, but they often found the road flooded during the rainy season, as a result there are few roads
damaged by stagnant water, such as Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo. STA.0 + 900 - STA. 1 + 200 there is a pattern of
damage stripping, raveling, pothole. Rainfall data from the Meteorological agency of Makassar notes starting from January
to December of 2010 and January of 2011 until mid-August rainfall reached 368 mm / mo. Sampling from jalan Dr.
Wahidin Sudiro Husodo Makassar (Sta.0 + 900 - Sta. 1 + 200) by means of cores using the tool coredrill. Next is conducting
laboratory tests starting from cutting the sample, weighing, soaking, accumulation of wet, drying surface, decomposition
of the sample, manufacture briquette. Further test Density (SNI 03-2828 - 1992) Stability test, testing asphalt content (SNI
03-3640 - 1994), testing Aggregate gradation (SNI 03-1968 - 1990). The number of samples taken there were 12 points.
Sampling starts from the left side and then on the right road sample of 12 points. on stability testing using the Marshall test
only produced four pieces of sample A1, A2, B1 and A1 B2.The result of gradation on the sample can be seen from the
graph that% larger sieve contained in No. "which has a value of 73.37. The results of the samples graded B1 of grading
results can also be seen from the graph that% larger sieve contained in No. "which has a value of 87.35%. In sample B2
can also be seen from the graph that% larger sieve contained in No. "which has a value of 87.53.

The highway is the transportation infrastructure and play a role in future rapid development in recent years. The
highway is needed to do a lot of activities, among others for economy accessibility, trade, and for the promotion of
tourism and encourages the public to continue to pursue the development of an area or land as possible. Makassar City
is one of the fast-growing city in eastern Indonesia, but they often found the road flooded during the rainy season.
Puddles that occurred in this city have an impact on economic and social conditions of society, especially the problem
of land transportation. There are several roads affected from the puddle that changes shape lining the road. In the
visual observations indicate that the incidence of puddles on the surface caused by the dominant way road drainage
system is not good, as the research conducted at Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo (STA. 0+900 - STA. 1+200). To
cope with inundation and floods which caused damage to the road. The problem is how the flooding occurred on the
road surface layer. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of puddles on the road surface layer.

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Construction and Building Engineering (ICONBUILD) 2017
AIP Conf. Proc. 1903, 020001-1020001-10;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1591-1/$30.00

The framework of this study, described such a scheme as follows:



1. Stripping(peeling)
2. Ravelling(agregate releasing)
3. Pothole

Primary data




FIGURE 1. Framework research

Wajo sub-district is one of the districts of 14 districts in the city of Makassar and located in South Sulawesi
Provincial Capital Center. Location of the District Wajo bordering the Northern District of Ujung Tanah, District
Bontoala East, District Ujung Tanah Makassar Strait south and west. Wajo District Area with an area of 1.99 km2
divided into 8 sub-district where five villages located in the beach area and three other villages located in the area
instead of the beach with an average altitude of less than 500 m. Geographic Location Wajo Subdistrict 5 07 '32'
'south latitude and 119 24' 36 '' East Longitude. After review of the field, puddle highest among 8 Village is the
Malay Village and Village Butung. Malay Village Size of 0.06 km2 and 0.27 km2 Butung village. The population of
as many as 5917 Malay village life and village Butung many as 2583 people. Both the village is a central area of
business / commerce where there are schools, gas stations, and places of worship, shops, hotels, and others. Based on
our observations, it is in the sub-district roads Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo is a road that is included in the secondary
road network system and by function are local roads. Status of this road is the road of the city.

(a) (b)
FIGURE 2. (a) Map Location of research and Puddle Jl. Dr. Wahidin; (b) Actual situation of research site

The road is the basic and main track in moving the national and regional economy, given its strategic importance
and function of the way to encourage the distribution of goods and services at a time of population mobility. Where
the availability of public access roads allowing ease of transport. It required the planning of pavement structure is
strong, durable and have high resistance for deformation. Damage to roads in Indonesia are generally caused by
excessive physical damage factor, the amount of current passing vehicle as a result of the growth of road vehicles also
affects the life of a decent vehicle. Besides, a lot of road damage caused by the drainage function of the structure is
not good, consequently puddle road surface increases so that damage the structure of the road. (Research Works,
Among these are properties of porous asphalt hydraulic properties due to benefit prevent aqua planning on a road
with wet or waterlogged conditions in the surface layers, thereby reducing hydroplaning. More properties of porous
asphalt because the surface is rough skid resistant vehicles at high speed conditions porous asphalt besides it also
reduces water spray and the reflection of light on the road because good drainage function. (Pagotto et al., 2000).
Drainage capacity porous asphalt is very dependent on the size of small size porosity, while the durability and
strength depends on the size of the contents of the vacancy different pore, which determined that the pavement with
levels of vacancy of more than 20% it is more durable than the condition of the levels of vacancy of less than 20 %.
(Ruz et al., 1990).
On porous asphalt which use binder BNA Blend Pertamina 100%, the precipitation that falls on the surface with a
slope between 2% - 3% with the intensity of 452 mm / hour the amount of seepage vertical is 100% and the flow
surface (surface run-off) is 0, 05%. (Nur Ali et al., 2012).
At the present time the pavement is already at a level that is quite advanced. Pavement is already at the level of
planning that takes into account various theoretical analyzes with empirical method after going through accurate
testing. Based on the needs of road pavement is generally required to meet several requirements, namely from the
standpoint of traffic, road users should feel the safety and convenience and structurally, the ability to bear a
considerable burden and can adapt well to the environment. Flexible Pavement Construction (Flexible Pavement),
namely the use of asphalt pavement as a binder and layers serve to carry and spread the traffic load to the foundation
soil that has been compacted. In general pavement layers on the surface layer (surface coarse), is the layer that receives
direct wheel load and duty to carry and spread the load to the base layer. The surface layer is also the uppermost layer.
(Hamirhan Saodang, 2004).
There are several kinds of damage pavement conditions in Indonesia, namely the rutting (groove), damage to the
road surface in the form of permanent deformation of the pavement is marked by grooves extending along a tire
vehicle track .Stripping (peeling), damage to the road surface in the form of exfoliating the surface layer due the bond
between the surface layer and below less, the surface layer is too thin, too many levels of the surface layer of asphalt
or as a result of surface water. Shoving (spade), damage in the form of subsidence and deformation transverse to the

content of the sidewall, due to the traffic load is too large, less compaction or material not eligible. Ravelling is damage
in the form of loss of grain aggregate, due to lack of compaction, the gross aggregate, asphalt content is less or heating
the mixture is too high. Pothole (hole) is in the form of damage to the formation of a bowl or a deep hole, caused less
asphalt, fine grain too much or too little, locking aggregate less or drainage is not good. Depression (subsidence), with
or without cracks with a depth of more than 2 cm. Usually from less compaction, fine aggregate too much, too much
asphalt, leveling layer below it ugly or as a result of settlement layers underneath. Bleeding (overweight), damage to
pavement due to bitumen content is too high, layer absorbing binders or binder too much or too little, fine grain
mixture is less Crack (crack), can form hairline cracks, cracked crocodile, cracked baseboards, cracked reflection,
cracked skid, shrinkage cracks or crack widened. Many causes ranging from less material good, basic soil is less
stable, ground water, the foundation is not good, the surface layer weathered, depreciation of land, support the side
lost, changes in volume as a result of too much asphalt with low penetration, fine aggregate too much and compacting
less (Keni , VS Patala, Y. 2006).

FIGURE 3. Pavement Thickness

Through field surveys (visually) seen some kind of damage to roads located in Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo,
which are:

Stripping on Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo STA 0+900 - 1+200

(a) model (b) on site Potholes on Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo STA
0+900 - 1+200
FIGURE 4. Raveling

(a) model (b) on site Potholes on Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo STA
0+900 - 1+200
FIGURE 5. Potholes

The data collection was done by direct interviews of the residents who live on Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo
STA 0 + 900 - 1 + 200. Samples were taken Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusudo (STA 0 + 900 - 1 + 200) by the way in
using the tool coredrill core.

(a) (b)
FIGURE 6. Sampling

Experimental methods Fig.6 Sampling (Right)


Weighing of dry briquettes

Preparation Immersion briquettes for 24 hours

Weighing wet briquette

Cut asphalt samples based on layers
Drying briquettes surface

Immersion briquettes for 30 minutes

Weighing asphalt sample
Measurement of stability and weaknesses briquettes
(marshall test)
Immersion of samples 24 hours
Heating the briquette

Weighing the wet sample

Unraveling briquettes

Drying the sample surface


Heating the sample Drying aggregate extraction

Weighing aggregate extraction

Unraveling samples

Weighing aggregate gradation results

Data analysis


FIGURE 7. Research flowchart

Density or density testing aims to determine how much density that is still contained in Jalan Dr. Wahidin
Sudirohusodo (STA 0 + 900 - 1 + 200). The results of testing the density at each briquette (sample) result coredrill
road as on the attachment density test results. Marshal testing aims to determine the resistance (stability) of the melting
plastic (flow) of a mixture of bitumen Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusudo (STA 0 + 900 - 1 + 200). The test results on
the attachment marshall test results Marshall Test. Extraction aims to separate the aggregate with bitumen in order to
know how much aggregate experiencing fatigue or fatigue and wear at all during the service. The extraction test results
in attachment extraction test results. Grading tests aimed to find out how much aggregate and asphalt content
remaining in the briquettes. The results of testing on each briquette, among others:
TABLE 1. Sample A1 Gradient Results
Material Weight A1 : 928,7 gr
Sieve Number Indiv. Weight resist.
Weight resist. %Resist. % Passing
1/2" 247.3 247.3 26.63 73.37
3/4" 68 315.3 33.95 66.05
4 147.5 462.8 49.83 50.17
8 68.4 531.2 57.20 42.80
16 80.1 611.3 65.82 34.18
30 78.1 689.4 74.23 25.77
50 69 758.4 81.66 18.34
100 90.4 848.8 91.40 8.60
200 38.7 887.5 95.56 4.44
PAN 41.2 928.7 100.00 0.00

Sample A1 Gradation Results


Passing Percentage (%)


Sample A1

1/2" 3/8" 4 8 16 30 50 100 200 PAN
Sieve Number

FIGURE 8. Sample A1 Passing Percentage and Sieve Number chart

It can be seen from the results table on samples graded A1 above that sieve No. 4 and No. 100 individuals detained
by weight greater than the sieve number other than the results of these gradations, and can also be seen from the above
graph that% larger sieve contained in No. "which has a value of 73.37%, since it is sieve number that has an
aggregate capacity greater passed.

TABLE 2. Sample A2 Gradient Results
Material Weight A2 : 921.2 gr
Sieve Number Indiv. Weight resist.
Weight resist. %Resist. %Passing
1/2" 164.9 164.9 17.90 82.10
3/4" 105.4 270.3 29.34 70.66
4 125.2 395.5 42.93 57.07
8 77.4 472.9 51.34 48.66
16 92.6 565.5 61.39 38.61
30 88.2 653.7 70.96 29.04
50 87.1 740.8 80.42 19.58
100 95.4 836.2 90.77 9.23
200 40.4 876.6 95.16 4.84
PAN 44.6 921.2 100.00 0.00

Sample A2 Gradation Results

Passing Percentage (%)



Sample A2

1/2" 3/8" 4 8 16 30 50 100 200 PAN
Sieve Number

FIGURE 9. Sample A2 Passing Percentage and Sieve Number chart

It can be seen from the results table on samples graded A2 above that sieve No. 4 and No. 100 individuals detained
by weight greater than the sieve number other than the results of these gradations, and can also be seen from the above
graph that% larger sieve contained in No. "which has a value of 82.10%, since it is sieve number that has an
aggregate capacity greater passed.
TABLE 3.Sample B1 Gradient Results
Material Weight B1 : 919.2 gr
Sieve Number Indiv. Weight resist.
Weight resist. %Resist. %Passing
1/2" 116.3 116.3 12.65 87.35
3/4" 65.5 181.8 19.78 80.22
4 152.3 334.1 36.35 63.65
8 54.2 388.3 42.24 57.76
16 89.3 477.6 51.96 48.04
30 151 628.6 68.39 31.61
50 111.1 739.7 80.47 19.53
100 93.5 833.2 90.64 9.36
200 31.8 865 94.10 5.90
PAN 54.2 919.2 100.00 0.00

Sample B1 Gradation Results

Passing Percentage(%) 70.00
40.00 Sample B1
1/2" 3/8" 4 8 16 30 50 100 200 PAN
Sieve Number
FIGURE 10. Sample B1 Passing Percentage and Sieve Number chart

It can be seen from the results table on samples graded B1 above that sieve No. 4 and No. 50 individuals detained
by weight greater than the sieve number other than the results of these gradations, and can also be seen from the above
graph that% larger sieve contained in No. "which has a value of 87.35%, since it is sieve number that has an
aggregate capacity greater passed.
TABLE 4. Sample B2 Gradient Results
Material Weight B2 : 921,4 gr
Sieve Number Indiv. Weight resist.
Weight resist. %Resist. %Passing
1/2" 114.9 114.9 12.47 87.53
3/4" 127.7 242.6 26.33 73.67
4 161.3 403.9 43.84 56.16
8 80.8 484.7 52.60 47.40
16 85.3 570 61.86 38.14
30 107.2 677.2 73.50 26.50
50 94.2 771.4 83.72 16.28
100 80.5 851.9 92.46 7.54
200 31.6 883.5 95.89 4.11
PAN 37.9 921.4 100.00 0.00

Sample B2 Gradation Results

Passing Percentage (%)

40.00 Sample B2
1/2" 3/8" 4 8 16 30 50 100 200 PAN
Sieve Number

FIGURE 11. Sample B2 Passing Percentage and Sieve Number chart

It can be seen from the results table on samples graded B2 above that sieve No. 4 and No. 3.8 "weight individuals
retained greater than the sieve number other than the results of these gradations, and can also be seen from the above
graph that% larger sieve contained in No. "which has a value of 87.53%, since it is sieve number that has passed
aggregate capacity greater.
TABLE 5. Comparison Research Results
% Weight Passing
Sieve Number Indiv. Weight resist. (WC LAYER HRS SPECIFICATION APBN 2004)
%Passing MIN MAX
1/2" 247.3 73.37 90 100
3/4" 68 66.05 75 85
4 147.5 50.17
8 68.4 42.80 50 72
16 80.1 34.18
30 78.1 25.77 35 60
50 69 18.34
100 90.4 8.60
200 38.7 4.44 6 12
PAN 41.2 0.00 0 0

Sample A1 Comparison Research Result


60.00 Sample A1
Spek HRS
20.00 MAX
1/2" 3/4" 8 30 200 PAN
Sieve Number

FIGURE 12. Sample A1 Test Result Chart

Can be seen clearly in the above table shows the changes were pretty much on the Standard Specifications HRS
HIGHWAYS 2004 based on the percent qualify. In the graph the results on the samples A1 compared to the results
Standard Specification for HRS HIGHWAYS 2004 decreased very much on sieve no. "s / d sieve no. 200 due to
the LPA material which may be stuck into the surface layer (HRS) for attachment to the asphalt and aggregate material
is reduced due to waterlogging.
TABLE 6. Comparison Research Results
% Weight Passing
Sieve Number Indiv. Weight resist. (WC LAYER HRS SPECIFICATION APBN 2004)
%Passing MIN MAX
1/2" 164.9 82.10 90 100
3/4" 105.4 70.66 75 85
4 125.2 57.07
8 77.4 48.66 50 72
16 92.6 38.61
30 88.2 29.04 35 60
50 87.1 19.58
100 95.4 9.23
200 40.4 4.84 6 12
PAN 44.6 0.00 0 0



Passing Percentage (%) 80.00

sample A2
40.00 Spek HRS MAX
20.00 Spek HRS MIN
1/2" 3/4" 8 30 200 PAN
Sieve Number

FIGURE 13. Sample A2 Test Result Chart

Can be seen clearly in the above table shows the changes were pretty much on the Standard Specifications HRS
HIGHWAYS 2004 based on the percent qualify. In the graph the results on the samples A2 when compared to the Standard
Specifications HRS HIGHWAYS 2004 decreased very much on sieve no. "s / d sieve no. 200 due to the LPA material which
may be stuck into the surface layer (HRS) for attachment to the asphalt and aggregate material is reduced due to waterlogging.

1. According to the research in the laboratory, the most influential large puddles on the surface layer of aggregate.
Stagnant water serves as an anti-adhesion where the water causes the release of the aggregates from the surface
layer (raveling).
2. Stagnant water has no effect on the levels of tar, when seen from the reduced binder content in the samples
was studied.
3. Specifications asphalt content and the power of good soil stability and appropriate standards do not guarantee
the condition of the road will remain good until the design life expires. Puddles of water as a factor that is not
taken into account in the planning of the road can be a major cause of damage to the layers on the road.

1. Drainage canal in Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo needs to be addressed and maintained regularly to prevent
2. Handling roadwork on Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo needs to be done because if it is not done soon, the
damage will be more severe and may affect up to a layer of subgrade. Water can affect the larger the base
layer, a layer of sub-base, and subgrade due to the lack of substance in the adhesion of these layers.

1. Allex Eduardo Alvarez Lugo, Improving Mix Design and Construction of Permeable Friction Course Mixtures,
Texas University, Texas, 2009.
2. Hamirhan Saodang, Highway Pavement Design (Nova Publisher, Bandung: National Business, 2004).
3. V. S. Keni, Y. Patala, Alternative Planning of Base Pavement Thickness with AASHTO Component Analysis
Method on Hertasning-Samata Road Section of Sulawesi-South Province, Unpublished thesis, Atma Jaya
University, Makasar, 2006.
4. Lori Kathryn Schaus, Porus Asphalt Pavement Design in Proactive Design for Cold Climate Use, thesis
Waterloo University, Canada, 2007.
5. Nur Ali L., Samang M.W., Tjarangge Transportation International Symposium on Low Laud Technology Saga,
Japan 2010 properties asphalt porous with ligyd as Buton as additive.


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