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11 Trina Oratio after Compline Psalm 12: The 1st Cantor along chants the first half of the first verse of the Ist Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): How long, O Lord, wilt Thou utterly forgét mé? * Then, only the Lst Cantor's side of the Quire completes the verse: How long wilt Thou turn Thy Face awéy from mé? And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: py tigw long shall I take coinsel in my soil, * with grievings in my heart by day 4nd by night? How long shall mine enemy be exillted ver mé? * Look upon me, hear me, O Lérd My Géd. . Enlighten mine eyes, lest at, any time I sleep Ginto death; * lest at any time mine enemy say: “I have prevail-ed against him.” They that afflict me will rejoice if I am shékén; * but as for me, I have hoped in Thy méreg. My heart will rejoice in Thy salvatiOn; + I will sing unto the Lord, Who is My Bénefactor; * and I will chant unto the Name of the Lord Most High. Glory be to the Father, and t6 the Son, * and to the Hély Ghést. : As it was in the beginning, both naw and évér,* and unto the ages of ages. Amén, Psalm 42 Then the Ist Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein). Judge me, O God, and give judgment in my cause, against a nation that is not holy; * Then, only the Lst Cantor's side of the Quire completes the verse: . . from a man unjust and crafty deliver mé. And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: For ‘THOU, 0 God,” ART’ My Strength; + Wherefore hast Thou cist me Off? * And wherefore go I with downcast face whilst mine enemj afflicteth mé? © send out Thy Light and Thy Trith; + they have guided me along the way, and have brought me unto Thy Holy Moéntain, * and unto Thy Tabernéclés. And T shall go in unto the Altar 6f Géd; * unto God Who giveth gladness t6 my T will give praise unto Thee, © God, MY God, with the harp. * Why art. thou cast down, O my soul, and why dost thoii disquiet mé? Hope in God, for I will give thanks tinto Him; * HE IS the Salvation of my cointenance, and My Géd. Glory be to the Father, and t6 the 5K Sdn, * and t8 the Holy Ghést. an, 8S it Was in the beginning, both now and évér, * and unto the ages of ages. youth. 2 | ‘Trina Oratio after Compline L2 and then, as prescribed by St. Benedict, this is continued totally in silence: Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be Done, on Earth, as It is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. kK —+ Until the Abbot (or Senior in Quire) alone resumes the chant of the prayer with the words: W. And lead us not in-to temp-ta- All respond. BR. But de-liv-er us from evil. The 1st Cantor alone then begins the following Preces and Collect: . Turn Thy Face away from my sins. f; And blot out all mine iniquities. /. Create in me a clean heart, O God. y. And renew a right spirit within me. ; Cast me not away from Thy Presence. And take not Thine Holy Spirit from me. ”. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, i. And with Thy Governing Spirit establish me. . Let us pray. I give Thee thanks, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty Everlasting God, Who hast graciously deigned to protect me this day; grant me this night so to bear myself ‘with cleanness of heart and chastity of body that when I rise in the morning I shall be enabled to pay worthy service unto Thee. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, ‘Thy Son, Who liveth and relgneth with ‘Thee inthe Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all’ the ages of ages. RZ. Amen. Psalm 66. The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the Psalm verse, using this Tone: God BE Gracious unto iis and bléss ds, * Then, only the 1st Cantor's side of. the Quire com, and cause His Face to shine upon us, and have mérey bn ds, And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire chants the entire next verse, the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: ‘That we may know upon the Earth Thy way, * among all the nations Thy salvitin, Let the peoples give Thee praise, © God; *iet all the peoples praise Theé. ;_, Let the nations be glad and rejoice, + for Thou shalt judge peoples with uprightnéss; * and nations shalt Thou guide upén the Earth. : Let the peoples give, Thee praise, O God, + let all the pedples praise Theé; * the Earth hath yielded her fruit. . ‘Let God, Our God, bless us; let God bléss ils, * and let all the ends af the Earth feér Him. Glory be to the Father, and t6 the % Son, * and to the Holy Ghést. 5 ‘As if was in the beginning, both now and évér,* and unto the ages of ages. Amén. Psalm 126: The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein) Excépt the Lord build the hoiise, * Then, only the 1st Cantor's side of the Quire completes the verse: _ in vain do they labour that build it. And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter ‘Except the Lord guard’ the city, * in vain doth ke watch that gudtdeth hér. It is vain for. you to rise at dawn. * Ye that eat the bread of sorrow, rouse yoursélves after résting, When He hath giv Lord, the reward of the fruit sleep t6 His belév-éd; * lo, sons are the heritage of the if the wémb. erage of the | 3 om] ‘Trina Oratio after Compline Bless-ed is he that shall fulfil hig desires with thém, * they shall not be put to hi hen they speak to their énemies in the gates. same Clary be fo the Father, and to the % Son, * and t6 the Holy Ghést. As it was in the beginning, both néw and évér,* and unto the age: The Litany, The Lord’s Prayer, The Preces and The Callect The Hebdonadary TF] alone chants: W. Kyr-i-e el-e-y-son. Only the 2nd Cantor's side <= —R All See of the Quire continues: BY. Chris-te el-e-y-son. conclude: BY. Kyr-t-e ebe-y-son. Then the Abbot (or Senior in Quire) alone chants the beginning of the Lord's Prayer: W. Our Fath-er. and then, as prescribed by St. Benedict, this is continued totally in silence. Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be Done, on Earth, as It is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. Unttit the Abbot (or Senior in Quire) alone resumes the chant of the prayer with the words: ¥ And lead us not in-to temp-ta-tion. — a f ages. Amen. All respond: B But de-liv-er us from evil. The Lst Cantor alone then begins the following Preces and Collect: . Turn Thy Face away from my sins. z. And blot out all mine iniquities, ’. Create in me a clean heart, O God. i And renew a right spirit within me, ” Cast me not away from Thy Presence. y. And take not Thine Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation. And with Thy Governing Spirit establish me. Whorst,ts Pray. © God to whom every heart is open, every desire speaks and from Whom no secret is hid; cleanse by the outpouring of the Holy Ghost the thoughts of our hearts that we may deserve to love Thee perfectly and praise Thee worltiy, ‘Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Same Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages~ W.. Amen. Psalm 129: The st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein) Out of the depths have I cried into Thee, 0 Lord; * Then, only the Ist Cantor's side of the Quire completes the verse: © Lord, hear my voice. And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter et Thine Ears BE Atténtive * to the voice of supplication, If Thou shouldest mark iniquifies, O Lérd; * O ; Whé shall stéind? For with Thee there is forgivenéss, * for Thy Name's sake have I patiently waited for Thee, O Lérd. 7 My soul hath waited patiently for Thy Word; * my soil hath ho-ped in the Lérd. in the Eom the morning watch untit night, * from the morning watch let Isra-el hope in the Lord. For with the Lord there is mércf, * and with Him js plenteoiis redémptign, And He shall redeem Isra~él * out of all his ini ities, Glory be to the Father, and 16 the * Sdn, * and t0 the Hély Ghdst. ¢% Sony ‘Trina Oratio after Compline ‘The Litany, The Lord’s Prayer, The Preces and The Collects he Hebdomadary eet alone chants: YW. Kyr-te el-e-y-son. Only the 2a Contr ide a Eee Of the Quire continues: Bf. Chris-te e-e-y-son. conclude: Bl. Kyri-e e-e-y-son. Then the Abbot (or Senior in Quire) alone — ===! chants the beginning of the Lord's Prayer. Y. Our Fath-er. and then, as prescribed by St. Benedict, this is continued totally in silence: Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be Done, on Earth, as It is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. —————— 4 Until the Abbot (or Senior in Quire) alone resumes the chant of the prayer with the words: Y¥. And lead us not in-to temp-ta-tion. — * All respond: By. But de-liv-er us from The Ist Cantor alone then begins the following Preces and Collects: ¥. Turn Thy Face away from my sins. And blot out all mine iniquities. ’. Create in me a clean heart, O God. y And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy Presence. And take not Thine Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation. WJ. And with Thy Governing Spirit establish me. ‘W. Let us pray. Almis evil ity God, Most Loving and Kind, Who didst bring forth from the rock a fountain of water for Thy thirsting people, do Thou bring forth from the hardness of our hearts tears of repentance that we may be able to weep for our sins and, by Thy Mercy, deserve to obtain their forgiveness. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. RY. Amen. Y. Let us pray. Almighty God, Most Loving and Kind, hearken gra thoughts that we may ‘our prayers and deliver our hearts from the temptation of e be deemed meet to become the dwelling place of the Holy Ghost. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Same Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. BJ. Amen.

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