You are on page 1of 18

DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Config Class Initialized

DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Hooks Class Initialized

DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Utf8 Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> UTF-8 Support Enabled
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> URI Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Router Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Output Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Security Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Input Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Global POST and COOKIE data sanitized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Language Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Loader Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Config file loaded:
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Config file loaded:
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Config file loaded:
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Config file loaded:
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Config file loaded:
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Helper loaded: url_helper
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Helper loaded: form_helper
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Helper loaded: virtualkey_helper
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Database Driver Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Session Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Helper loaded: string_helper
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> A session cookie was not found.
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Session routines successfully run
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Form Validation Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Controller Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Model Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Model Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Model Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Model Class Initialized
ERROR - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined property: Cronjob::
$logger /mnt/ebs/virtualkey/application/helpers/virtualkey_helper.php 689
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside locks library constructor
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Model Class Initialized
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> logger class already loaded. Second attempt
ERROR - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index:
/mnt/ebs/virtualkey/application/libraries/locks/locks.php 26
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Model Class Initialized
ERROR - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Severity: Warning --> Missing argument 1 for
streamlineinterface::__construct(), called in
/mnt/ebs/virtualkey/system/core/Loader.php on line 1100 and defined
/mnt/ebs/virtualkey/application/libraries/pms_interface/streamlineinterface.php 6
ERROR - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Severity: Warning --> Missing argument 2 for
streamlineinterface::__construct(), called in
/mnt/ebs/virtualkey/system/core/Loader.php on line 1100 and defined
/mnt/ebs/virtualkey/application/libraries/pms_interface/streamlineinterface.php 6
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Model Class Initialized
ERROR - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined variable:
/mnt/ebs/virtualkey/application/libraries/pms_interface/streamlineinterface.php 9
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside getStreamLineAccessDetails
ERROR - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index:
/mnt/ebs/virtualkey/application/libraries/pms_interface/streamlineinterface.php 10
ERROR - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined index:
/mnt/ebs/virtualkey/application/libraries/pms_interface/streamlineinterface.php 11
ERROR - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Severity: Notice --> Undefined variable:
/mnt/ebs/virtualkey/application/libraries/pms_interface/streamlineinterface.php 14
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside create_smart_hub_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching not claimed bookings upcoming
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: bookings found=41
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=95, booking id= 8966, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (989) 859-1758
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=8966 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 95 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[1758] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 1758 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=6397
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=6397
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=1758
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=173, booking id= 15157, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (585) 739-9244
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=15157 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 173 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[9244] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 9244 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=2931
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=2931
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=9244
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=42, booking id= 15340, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (517) 303-0305
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=15340 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 42 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[0305] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 0305 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=9409
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=9409
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=0305
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=143, booking id= 17246, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (510) 418-8165
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=17246 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 143 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[8165] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 8165 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=5938
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=5938
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=8165
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=144, booking id= 19018, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (901) 229-5054
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=19018 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 144 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[5054] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 5054 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=8954
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=8954
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=5054
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=165, booking id= 19509, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (708) 305-5009
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=19509 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 165 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[5009] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 5009 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=3943
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=3943
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=5009
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=186, booking id= 22599, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (248) 880-8795
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=22599 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 186 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=429, booking id= 22795, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (818) 489-4458
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=22795 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 429 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=44, booking id= 23229, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (415) 426-9305
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=23229 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 44 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[9305] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 9305 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=3390
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=3390
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=9305
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=340, booking id= 23520, user id= 0 and guest_phone= +90 536 963 5054
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=23520 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 340 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[5054] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 5054 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=2054
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=2054
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=8433
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=119, booking id= 23874, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+44 7501 871573
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=23874 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 119 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[1573] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 1573 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=2490
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=2490
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=1573
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=183, booking id= 23887, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (847) 767-1812
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=23887 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 183 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=380, booking id= 24234, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (408) 839-2424
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=24234 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 380 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[2424] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 2424 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=2837
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=2837
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=2424
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=77, booking id= 24239, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (312) 285-9503
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=24239 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 77 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[9503] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 9503 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=4444
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=4444
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=9503
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=124, booking id= 24741, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (505) 440-4422
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=24741 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 124 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[4422] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 4422 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=7808
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=7808
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=4422
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=457, booking id= 25097, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (941) 914-6755
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=25097 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 457 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[6755] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 6755 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=9638
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=9638
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=6755
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=341, booking id= 25864, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (917) 991-6607
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=25864 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 341 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[6607] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 6607 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=6382
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=6382
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=6607
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=73, booking id= 25986, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (614) 795-1105
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=25986 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 73 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[1105] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 1105 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=1232
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=1232
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=1105
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=172, booking id= 26168, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (978) 965-4747
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=26168 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 172 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[4747] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 4747 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=6528
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=6528
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=4747
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=45, booking id= 26264, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (909) 224-6078
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=26264 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 45 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[6078] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 6078 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=4187
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=4187
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=6078
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=93, booking id= 26884, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (416) 527-4001
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=26884 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 93 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[4001] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 4001 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=1890
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=1890
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=4001
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=144, booking id= 27227, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (425) 281-5349
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=27227 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 144 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[5349] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 5349 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=5605
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=5605
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=5349
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=476, booking id= 27328, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (229) 630-5641
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=27328 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 476 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[5641] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 5641 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=3756
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=3756
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=5641
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=470, booking id= 27365, user id= 0 and guest_phone=
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=27365 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 470 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=183, booking id= 27499, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (780) 404-7740
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=27499 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 183 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=477, booking id= 27515, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (303) 547-2537
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=27515 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 477 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[2537] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 2537 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=4487
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=4487
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=2537
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=163, booking id= 27562, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (520) 668-0636
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=27562 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 163 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[0636] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 0636 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=4230
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=4230
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=0636
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=448, booking id= 27790, user id= 0 and guest_phone=
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=27790 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 448 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=401, booking id= 28138, user id= 0 and guest_phone=
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=28138 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 401 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=115, booking id= 28161, user id= 0 and guest_phone=
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=28161 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 115 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=39, booking id= 28521, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (863) 845-4633
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=28521 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 39 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[4633] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 4633 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=5646
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=5646
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=4633
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=61, booking id= 28775, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (936) 446-0799
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=28775 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 61 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[0799] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 0799 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=8190
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=8190
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=0799
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=217, booking id= 28944, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (215) 882-4050
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=28944 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 217 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[4050] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 4050 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=6696
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=6696
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=4050
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=181, booking id= 28999, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (925) 640-4996
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=28999 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 181 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[4996] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 4996 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=4526
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=4526
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=4996
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=456, booking id= 29007, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (678) 982-3576
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=29007 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 456 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[3576] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 3576 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=3987
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=3987
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=3576
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=485, booking id= 29157, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (859) 779-1280
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=29157 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 485 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[1280] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 1280 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=1647
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=1647
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=1280
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=184, booking id= 29230, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (201) 704-6331
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=29230 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 184 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=428, booking id= 29253, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (859) 457-4774
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=29253 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 428 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=122, booking id= 29910, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (519) 816-0925
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=29910 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 122 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[0925] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 0925 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=7129
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=7129
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=0925
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=76, booking id= 29921, user id= 0 and guest_phone=+1 (732) 336-0852
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=29921 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 76 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 1
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching host user details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Setting sendNexiaSchlageLockEmail status
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Common access code creating
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoked access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching distinct guest_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Checking if phone number last 4 digit access
code[0852] is there in DB
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: 0852 access code is already there. Creating
unique guest access code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Returing guest access code=9384
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Access code created=9384
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check access code created for lock
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Lock has already access code created=0852
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Check if send schlage lock email to guest
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Invoking function to create nexia access for
property id=402, booking id= 30449, user id= 0 and guest_phone=
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Inside createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: Fetching nexia smart lock details
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: SELECT,sl.property_id, as
FROM vk_smart_locks as sl
LEFT JOIN vk_guest_access_codes as gac ON
( gac.booking_id=30449 and and gac.user_type='guest' )
WHERE sl.property_id = 402 AND sl.lock_type_id IN (5,10,6)
AND sl.sub_lock_type_id=1 GROUP BY ORDER BY sl.is_primary desc
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: smart lock details count 0
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of createNexiaAccess
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> debug: End of create_smart_hub_access_code
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Final output sent to browser
DEBUG - 2017-11-06 17:09:16 --> Total execution time: 0.2296
^C[naman@vapp01 ~]$

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