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Summative Rubric- Buoyancy experiment

Task Excellent Good Satisfactory Limited

SLO 2.4 Student has created Student has created a Student has created a Student has
a boat that can float boat that can float but boat that can float created a boat
Student while holding 10 can only hold but can not hold any but it does not
designs a boat pennies approximately 5 additional weight float
that is buoyant pennies
and able to
float while
holding 10

SLO 2. 6. Student has used 3- Student has used 3-5 Student has used less Student has
Student 5 materials that are materials that are than 3 materials but used less than
designs a boat all waterproof mostly waterproof they are waterproof 3 materials
that uses at and the
least 3-5 watercraft is
materials that not
are waterproof waterproof

SLO 2.9 Student clearly Students clearly Student identifies Students does
identifies why they identifies why they some of their not identify
used all their used some of their materials used but why they
explains the materials using materials using words doesn't mention used any of
choices they words such as such as waterproof or waterproof or their
made for the waterproof and buoyant buoyant in their materials
design of the buoyant explanation

SLO 2.7 The Student identifies Student identifies one Student identifies a Student is
Students one way to improve way to improve their way to improve their unable to
reflection their boat and boat and it is clear boat but reasoning identify a
identifies at explicitly connects there is an does not demonstrate way to
least one way their reasoning to understanding of an understanding of improve their
to improve previous knowledge waterproof materials, waterproof, weight, watercraft.
their about waterproof weight and/or and/or balancing
materials, weight, balancing weight weight distribution.
and/or balancing distribution but it is
weight distribution not explicitly stated.

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