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com Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of

Intelligence (WASI Test)
75 Practice Vocabulary Questions
2nd 6th Grade Level Questions
Without using visual prompts ask your child to define what these words

You are looking for your child to give the most important feature, quality or
core meaning of the word that shows your child knows what it is. Older
children would be expected to give more complete, accurate word

Children are given 0, 1 or 2 points depending on the accuracy and

specificity of their answer.

1) What is a stranger?
1 point: You shouldnt talk to strangers.
2 points: Someone you dont know. You shouldnt talk to them.
2) What is a planet?
1 point: Theyre in the sky.
2 points: Theyre very big and in the sky and they go around the
sun. The earth is a planet. Venus is a planet.

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3) What is a wish?
1 point: You blow out the candles and make a wish.
2 points: Its something you want very much. On your birthday
you make a wish and blow out the candles so it will come true.
4) What does lost mean?
1 point: You cant find your mother.
2 points: Its when you cant find something; then its lost. Or you
can be lost if you dont know where you are.

5) What does healthy mean?

1 point: Vegetables are healthy for you.
2 points: Its when you take care of your body by eating the right
foods and getting enough sleep.
6) What does polite mean?
1 point: Saying please and thank you.
2 points: Its behaving nice to people, having manners. Its polite
to say please and thank you.
7) What does march mean?
1 point: Soldiers go on marches.
2 points: Its a way of walking when you lift your knees very high.
Soldiers march when they have a parade.
8) What does snap mean?
1 point: You can snap your fingers.
2 points: Its a clicking sound you make when you snap your
fingers. You can snap a picture.
9) What is a bridge?
1 point: It goes over water.
2 points: Its something you drive on or walk on that helps you go
over water and get to land.
10) What is a telescope?
1 point: You see stars.
2 points: You look through it and you can see stars and planets
much closer than if you were just looking with your eyes.
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11) What does ancient mean?
1 point: Old.
2 points: Very old like the Egyptians or the dinosaurs! Things
from very old history are ancient.
12) What does empty mean?
1 point: Nothing.
2 points: When something doesnt have anything inside it. A jar
can be empty or a new house can be empty.

13) What does temperature mean?

1 point: How many degrees it is.
2 points: How hot or cold it is outside or inside. You can take the
temperature of your body or the air with a thermometer.
14) What does courage mean?
1 point: Not afraid.
2 points: If you have courage, you are brave. You do something
even if youre scared. Knights and soldiers are brave.
15) What is a sip?
1 point: When you take a drink.
2 points: When you drink a little at a time.
16) What are germs?
1 point: Theyre very tiny and you cant see them.
2 points: Theyre tiny living things that you cant see but they can
make you sick. When you sneeze, you spread germs.
17) What is a pond?
1 point: Water.
2 points: A small body of water. Sometimes frogs and lily pads
are in ponds.
18) What is zero?
1 point: Its a circle.
2 points: It means nothing. It looks like a circle. If Im out of
cookies, I have zero cookies. It comes before the number 1.

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19) What is a stain?
1 point: A spill.
2 points: When you spill on your clothes it leaves a patch that is a
different color from your clothes. Thats a stain.
20) What does smooth mean?
1 point: Even.
2 points: Its when something is easy to touch because it is not
rough or uneven.
21) What is a voyage?
1 point: travel.
2 points: Its when you travel by water or to a place very far
22) What does shiny mean?
1 point: a penny is shiny.
2 points: Its bright and it catches the light. Gold is shiny.
23) What does moist mean?
1 point: Wet.
2 points: Just a little wet like your cheeks after you cry. Or if you
take the clothes out of the dryer before theyre ready, they are
24) What does wild mean?
1 point: Animals are wild.
2 points: Animals that arent pets or at the zoo live in nature and
they are wild. Flowers that grow without people taking care of
them are wild.
25) What does crash mean?
1 point: A loud sound.
2 points: Its a loud sound that you hear when two things hit each
other. If a car hits another car, they have a crash.
26) What does agree mean?
1 point: To go along with.
2 Points: To go along with or have the same opinion as someone
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27) What does fluorescent mean?
1 point: Shiny.
2 points: Its something that shines and seems to give off light or
glow in the dark.
28) What does faithful mean?
1 point: Loyal.
2 points: Someone who is faithful keeps helping you and
supporting you. You can trust them.
29) What is a knuckle?
1 point: your fist.
2 points: Its where your fingers join your hands
30) What does zest mean?
1 point: excited.
2 points: Someone who has zest for something has lots of
enthusiasm and excitement about doing it.
31) What does vanish mean?
1 point: Disappear.
2 points: It means to disappear suddenly like a magician makes
someone disappear.
32) What does tyrant mean?
1 point: Someone who is mean.
2 points: Its someone who rules over other people and is cruel
and harsh to them.
33) What does total mean?
1 point: Everything.
2 points: Its the amount you get when you add numbers
together. It can also mean complete, like complete or total
34) What does spoil mean?
1 point: Ruined.
2 points: It means that you damaged something and cant use it.
It can also mean a child who gets whatever she wants and always
wants her own way.
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35) What does inflate mean?
1 point: To make something bigger.
2 points: Its when you pump air into something so it gets bigger
like a tire or a balloon.
36) What does fable mean?
1 point: a made up story.
2 points: Its a story that often has animal characters that tries to
teach us a lesson in a fun way.
37) What is a mammal?
1 point: An animal like a cow or whale.
2 points: Its a warm blooded animal that has hair or fur on its
body, Cows, whales, lions and people are mammals.
38) What does plural mean?
1 point: More than one.
2 points: Its a word that means two or more people or things.
Like, the plural baby is babies or the plural for person is people.
39) What is a poem?
1 point: A rhyme.
2 points: Its a way of using language in a smart or witty way.
Poems often rhyme but they dont have to.
40) What does stubborn mean?
1 point: Things have to be their way.
2 points: Its when people want things to be their way only and
they wont consider other points of view or change their mind.
41) What does vicious mean?
1 point: fierce.
2 points: Its when an animal is ferocious and attacks someone.
Or it can be when someone is cruel to someone else.
42) What does vandal mean?
1 point: Like a bad guy.
2 points: Its when someone breaks in to a place and messes it up
on purpose.

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43) What does clockwise mean?
1 point: Moving the way a clock moves.
2 points: If something moves clockwise, it moves in the same
direction as the hands of a clock, from the top it moves to the
right and keeps moving in a circle.
44) What does glorious mean?
1 point: Wonderful.
2 points: Its when something is so beautiful or amazing that it
makes you happy. A sunrise or rainbow could be glorious.
45) What does marsupial mean?
1 point: A kangaroo is a marsupial.
2 points: Its an animal that carries its babies in a special pouch.
Kangaroos and Koalas are marsupials.
46) What does orbit mean?
1 point: The earth orbits the sun.
2 points: It means to travel around something. The earth orbits
the sun.
47) What does inconvenient mean?
1 point: Not easy.
2 points: If something is inconvenient it is difficult or annoying
and you dont want to do it. Going up stairs is inconvenient if
youd rather use the elevator.
48) What does stranded mean?
1 point: Stuck.
2 points: Its when you are stuck in a place and you cant leave.
You might be at an airport and theres a snowstorm and they
close the airport. That leaves you stranded.
49) What does prowl mean?
1 point: It means to move quietly.
2 points: Its when you move around quietly and secretly so
people cant hear you. I prowler might sneak around and break
into your house. Or a tiger might prowl around a tree before
attacking its prey.
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50) What does evolution mean?
1 point: To change into something else.
2 points: Its the way plants and animals change gradually over a
long period of time. For example, humans evolved from apes.
51) What does contagious mean?
1 point: You can catch it.
2 points: Its something that spreads that someone can catch like
a disease or laughter.
52) What does municipal mean?
1 point: The city.
2 points: It relates to a town or city or local government instead
of something national or international.
53) What does contemporary mean?
1 point: Todays time.
2 points: Its something in present time, something modern. Or if
youre the same age as someone else, youre their contemporary.
54) What does triumph mean?
1 point: To win.
2 points: Its when you are victorious or you conquer something;
its a big success or victory.

55) What does unanimous mean?

1 point: When people agree.
2 points: Its when people vote and everyone agrees, or when
everyone is in agreement even if they dont vote.
56) What does urge mean?
1 point: to persuade.
2 points: Its when you push something along, try to make it
happen faster. Its when you recommend or advocate for
something to happen.
57) What does humid mean?
1 point: Moisture.
2 points: Its when there is water or water vapor in the air.
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58) What does clarify mean?
1 point: Make something more clear.
2 points: Its when you make something easier to understand,
take away any confusion, or it can be when you take solid out of
liquid and the liquid becomes clear.
59) What does rancid mean?
1 point: Sour.
2 points: Its when something smells bad or tastes bad because it
spoiled, like rancid butter. If something is nasty or gross, you can
say it is rancid.
60) What does bibliography mean?
1 point: The books you read before you write a report.
2 points: Its a list of books and articles and any other materials
an author relies on before writing his own work. Bibliographies
are listed in a special way with the name of the book, author, year
it was published, etc.
61) What does eminent mean?
1 point: Someone with rank.
2 points: Its a person high in station or rank, like a king or a
62) What does collapse mean?
1 point: To fall in.
2 points: Its when something suddenly falls in or caves in like a
roof or a bridge. It can also be when something comes to nothing,
like when peace talks collapse.
63) What does quarantine mean?
1 point: Isolated or kept away from others.
2 points: Its when you have to be isolated from others to avoid
spreading disease.
64) What does conspiracy mean?
1 point: When you plan to do something.
2 points: Its when you plan to do something bad or against the
law with another person.
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65) What does deny mean?
1 point: To say no.
2 points: Its when you say that something that people believe is
true isnt true. It can be when you refuse someone access to
66) What does residence mean?
1 point: Where you live.
2 points: Its a place, like a house, where you live or reside. It can
also be the time you reside in a particular place, like you are in
residence for a year.
67) What does infection mean?
1 point: When a sore goes bad.
2 points: Its when germs or disease are contaminated and
spread, or its when you get a bug or a disease from germs.
68) What does connection mean?
1 point: when things are joined.
2 points: Its when things are related or linked in some way.
69) What does magnify mean?
1 point: Made bigger.
2 points: Its when something is made larger or intensified. A
magnifying glass makes something small look much bigger. A
telescope makes the stars look much bigger than they look with
the naked eye.
70) What does tremendous mean?
1 point: Huge.
2 points: Its something that is huge and overwhelming.
71) What does fragrant mean?
1 point: Smells like a flower.
2 points: Its a nice smell, something sweet or perfume-like. Its a
pleasant smell.

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72) What does environment mean?
1 point: Your surroundings.
2 points: Its everything around you, the air, water, and land. It
can mean the area where something lives.
73) What does destiny mean?
1 point: Fate.
2 points: Something that is to happen that is meant to be. It
means its almost inevitable or preordained.
74) What does deteriorate mean?
1 point: Falling apart.
2 points: Its when something becomes worse than it was before.
It breaks down or falls apart.
75) What does atrocious mean?
1 point: Horrible.
2 points: Its a something that is a horrible, evil, cruel, shockingly
terrible offense.

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