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What about nanotechnologies ?


Nanotechnologies pour
loptique infrarouge h

Riad Haidar

P. Bouchon, P. Chevalier, S. Collin, S. Derelle, J. Deschamps, Th. Estruch,
S. Hron, J. Jaeck, Q. Lvesque, F. Pardo, J.-L. Pelouard,
B. Portier, E. Sakat, C. Tardieu, M. Verdun, G. Vincent

Le sub-, source de paradoxes

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Infrared light detection Applications of IR detection

Vision nocturne Performance nergtique

Maintenance Prdictive Imagerie Mdicale

1. Poor spectral selection (wide-band detection)

2. Performances of IR detectors
3. Compacity/ Cost/ multifunctionality of IR camera
3 4
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What about nanotechnologies ? What about nanotechnologies ?

Thomas Ebbesens experiment Des plasmons dans lart... depuis lantiquit !

Nature 391, 667 (1998)

Lycurgus cup from Byzantine era
Nanoparticles of Gold in glass

F. pardo !
a0 Th. Ebbesen, 1998

Metal Film
Aperture d = 150 nm
Aperture ratio 2%

H.A. Bethe, Phys. Rev. 66, 163 (1966)

Sub- transmission
4 Rosace (Notre-Dame de Paris)
T ~ 10 3

Fortunately opaque transparent to optical
to micro-wave radiation
radiation, but Enhancement of absorption

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Surface plasmons Basic architectures

for the application of plasmonics to imaging
Modle de Drude des mtaux
Ondes de surface sur les mtaux p 2
Source de lumire

m ( ) = 1
Rayonnement visible et infrarouge 2 + i
Hublot fonctionnalis (filtrage angulaire ou spectral)

0.75 Optique rfractive (lentilles, prismes)

Dtecteur (fonctions intgres, performances)
m + d = 0
t on


Besoins :
0.25 1. Compacit (embarquabilit, cot cryognique)

2. Cot
- m >> d 3. Multifonctionnalit
0 4. Performances
0 1 2 3 4
plasmons de surface

Plasmon de Surface dans le visible et linfrarouge :

deux ondes planes inhomognes qui se comportent comme un photon.

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Basic architectures Plasmonic window
for the application of plasmonics to imaging Spectral filtering

Quasi-perfect transmission through very narrow metallic slits

> Great interest for spectral filtering in the IR



1 0,6

h 0,4

0,2 gain x5
10,5 11,0 11,5 12,0 12,5 13,0
detector FPA

plasmonic window
core-shell technology spectral filtering engineering

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Plasmonic window Plasmonic window

Spectral filtering Plasmonic micro-optics

Phase-coding with narrow metallic slits

Vincent et al., PRL 2010

Sakat et al., OL 2011
Estruch et al, OL 2011 Lvesque et al., OL 2013

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Basic architectures Plasmonics on chip
for the application of plasmonics to imaging MIM structure
Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) structures

1 2
h h
kspp = > d k0 high effective optical index
1 d + 1 m

detector FPA detector FPA 2neff

plasmonic window plasmonics on chip

absorption engineering very small optical resonators

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Plasmonics on chip Plasmonics on chip

MIM : a perfect nano-antenna MIM : funneling mechanism
w = 150nm w = 150nm
Vertical MIM : experimental results d = 2500nm Vertical MIM : funneling mechanism d = 2500nm
h = 2000nm h = 2000nm

Total and quasi-omnidirectional absorption in nanometric grooves
Bouchon et al., OL 2012 Pardo et al., PRL 2012

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Plasmonics on chip Plasmonics on chip
MIM : funneling and tunnel Horizontal MIM

MIM slits MIM ribbons
Prisme d


air E1, H1
E1 H2 + E2 H1
E2 , H 2 wikipedia

Analogie avec leffet tunnel quantique

d travers une barrire de potentiel.

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Plasmonics on chip Plasmonics on chip

MIM for bolometric detection MIM for bolometric detection

Principe de la dtection thermique MIM pour la dtection thermique h

Phase 1 : Absorption du rayonnement, et chauffement
Phase 2 : Modification des proprits physiques
La Tourmaline : un matriau pyrolectrique Le semiconducteur : bolomtre rsistif G Isolation thermique
C Volume
t =
R = R0 . eB (T T0 )
Thophraste compromis entre vitesse (C) et efficacit () : tout absorber dans le plus petit volume

R0 h

T0 T

Phase 3 : Mesure dun signal lectrique

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Plasmonics on chip Plasmonics on chip
MIM for rainbow antenna Photons sorting in polarized 1D antennas
w = 150nm
Combinaison dantennes d = 2500nm biMIM : 2 resonators per sub- period
h = 2000nm

w1=1.62 m w2=1.74 m d=5 m l=0.82 m

C. Koechlin et al. APL 99 241104 (2011)

Possibilit de tri spectral, sans perte de lumire

Sorting effect & Wideband detection
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Plasmonics on chip Plasmonics on chip

Photons sorting in polarized 1D antennas Photons sorting in 2D unpolarized antennas

R1 quadriMIM : 4 resonators per sub- period



Rtot =13

Wavelength [m] w1=1.64 m w2=1.78 m w1=1.91 m w2=2.07 m

d=5.3 m hZnS=290 nm hAu=50 nm

wideband unpolarized resonators

Independent antennas : R1 R2 design rule P. Bouchon et al. Opt. Lett. 37(6) 1038 (2012)

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Conclusion MIM for thermal emission

Plasmonics by combination of metals and dielectrics

Optical functions on window
Camera on chip Isotropic total light absorption in tiny volumes
Verslegers et al, APL 95, 071112 (2009)

( ) = ( )

New photodetector structures

Decrease the detector active area (solar cells, bolometers)
Colorize the light detection (photons sorting instead of filtering)

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