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mylipsaresealed /soyunatumba
toletthecatoutofthebag /irsedelalengua
tospillthebeans /irsedelalengua
tokeepapokerface /tenercaradepoker
wellknown /famoso
infamous /infame
brilliant /brillante
crack /romper
thinkers /pensadores
bright /inteligentes
enemy /enemigo
aheadoftime /conantelacin
tosucceed /tenerxito
pastimes /pasatiempos
todisrupt /interrumpir,perturbar
deadline(timelimit) /fechalmite
notorious /infame
employee /empleado
torequire /necesitar
tocrackacode /descifraruncdido
threat /amenaza
toleadto /llevaa
effort /esfuerzo
challenge /desafiar,retar
tobesuitedto /serapropiadopara
toconcentrateon /concentradoen
tobelievein /creeren
tosearchfor /buscar
toagreewith /estardeacuerdocon
todependon /dependede
remindof /merecuerdaa
toassemble /juntar
tomakeupof /formadopor
casualty /baja
grid /cuadro
torecruit /reclutar
selftaught /autodidacta
key /clave
right /derecho
invasionofprivacy /invasindelaprivacidad
hazardous /peligroso
dishonest /deshonesto
risky /arriesgado
toconceal /ocultar
sneaky /furtivo
toreveal /revelar
towarn /advertir
secure /seguro
suspicious /sospechoso
illegal /ilegal
totrust /confiar
cautious /cauteloso

1 Give two possible answers to the questions below. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. What are risky jobs?
2. What are your rights as a citizen?
3. How can you get in touch with a friend?
4. What are things some people try hard NOT to reveal?
5. What places in town have got employees?

2 Complete each sentence with a word below. There are more words than you need.
dishonest deadline threat concealed warned pastime
cautious an invasion of privacy hazardous illegal
1. Dont read my e-mail its !
2. Its to cheat in an exam.
3. They worked hard to finish the project before the .
4. The suspect a weapon in his shoe.
5. Smoking is to your health.
6. Its to drive without a licence.
7. The police us to stay away from the park after dark.
8. You need to be when buying products online.


3 Complete the sentences with a suitable word to show you have understood the meaning of the words in bold.
1. Shes very sneaky. Shes not someone I would .
2. Dont blame me. I didnt do anything .
3. Im not required to come to the lesson. Its my .
4. Driving too fast can lead to .
5. He looks suspicious. Hes behaving .
6. The flights were cancelled because of the threat of a .
7. I dont trust her. Shes very .
8. He disrupted the lesson because he was very .

4 Complete each sentence with a preposition.

1. Did you succeed reaching Ben?
2. Jeff applied the job, but he didnt get it.
3. The novel was based the authors own experiences.
4. Dont bother arguing her. She wont change her mind.
5. Its hard to concentrate my work when its sunny out.
6. I want to help you. I really care you.
7. Im supposed to talk the teacher after class.
8. Five thousand runners participated the marathon.
9. Im sorry. I apologise my rude behaviour.
10. You can search the information online.
11. This game is not suited very young children because it involves reading.

5 Replace the words and phrases in bold with a similar word or phrase.
1. Its against the law to park your car across a driveway.
2. The spy hid the microphone in a flower pot.
3. The video of the crime resulted in the mans conviction.
4. Ms Hogan refuses to tell her age.
5. That politician is corrupt and not truthful.
6. Drive safely the roads are dangerous because of the ice.
7. The police must be careful when making an arrest.
8. Her hobby is collecting stamps.

1 Match A to B to form sentences.
1. If governments didnt use spies, ...... a. the plane had not been shot down.
2. Most people would not become spies unless ...... b. he works for two countries at the same time.
3. Some spies must learn foreign languages before ...... c. they couldnt gather information about their enemies.
4. The American spy would not have been caught if ...... d. they begin work in another country.
5. If they understood the code, ...... e. they disagreed with their governments policies.
6. If a spy acts as a double agent, ...... f. they would be able to read the message.

2 Write sentences with the words below according to the form in brackets.
1. I / ski / every day / if / I / live / in Switzerland (second conditional)
2. if they / read / the directions / they / prevent / the accident (third conditional)
3. you / find / some envelopes / if you / look / in the bottom drawer (first conditional)
4. Peter / set / the table / before / the guests / arrive (time clause)
5. if you / put / sugar / in / water / it / dissolve (zero conditional)
6. if you / want / to run / a marathon / you / exercise / every day (first conditional)

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Tia will be upset if you (not thank) her for the present.
2. If you (not follow) my advice, you would have made a major error.
3. Craig would be able to keep up with the rest of us if he (be) in better shape.
4. If we had eaten breakfast, we (not need) to stop for a snack now.
5. If you (practise) regularly, you will be ready for the competition.
6. The flowers will stay fresh for a week as long as you (not forget) to change the water.
7. Remember to put on sunscreen before you (go) outside.
8. More people (shop) at this store if the prices werent so high.


4 Complete the sentences according to the meaning of the original sentences.

1. The guard didnt check the womans ID, so he didnt realise that it was fake.
If the guard the womans ID, he that it was fake.
2. Im not tall enough to play for the basketball team.
If I a little taller, I for the basketball team.
3. I didnt bring my mobile phone, so I couldnt call you.
I you if I my mobile phone.
4. I am overweight because I eat a lot of junk food.
If I a lot of junk food, I overweight.
5. The show is starting in a few minutes and I dont think were going to arrive on time.
Unless we within the next few minutes, we late for the show.

5 Complete the sentences in a logical way.

1. If the spy had worn a disguise, ............................................................. .
2. You cant drive a car unless ................................................................. .
3. They wouldnt have cancelled the TV show if ........................................
.............................................................................................................. .
4. If you exercise daily, ............................................................................ .
5. He wont know about the party unless ...................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
6. You might have done better in the test if ................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
7. Trevor will take a break before ............................................................. .
8. If I were a few years older, I ................................................................. .

6 Correct the following sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1. If I finish on time, I join you for dinner.
2. Would you be angry if I cancel our plans tonight?
3. You would have a good time if you had gone out with him.
4. Unless you really need help, you wont disturb him.
5. People often get excited when they will see celebrities in public places.


1 These sentence pairs dont make sense. Write your own second sentence that logically follows the first.
Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. They concealed the package. It was left on the table.
2. Hell always be one of the most infamous people in our town. People admire him for his courage.
3. I trust her. Thats why I dont tell her anything.
4. This room is a hazardous place. Its ideal for children to play in.
5. We made all the arrangements ahead of time. We walked very quickly.
6. Joe is a very cautious person. He enjoys skydiving and mountain climbing.

2 Write a second sentence that logically follows the first one. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. Selena has an interesting pastime.
2. She cares for her grandparents.
3. The letter contained a bomb threat.
4. Jeff is trying to get in touch with you.
5. This website is not secure.
6. The deadline for the essay contest is Friday at 5.00.
7. I warned Jessica not to drive in that neighbourhood.


3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words below. There are more words than you need.
rights infamous suspicious illegal employees sneaky blame require
1. A: I think Ben is 1. . I get the feeling hes hiding something.
B: Why are you so 2. of him? He seems OK to me.
2. A: Do all 3. at Burger Queen have to wear a uniform?
B: Yes. Most fast-food restaurants 4. uniforms.
3. A: Its 5. to smoke here. Its a public place.
B: Well, what about the 6. of smokers? Shouldnt they have a place to smoke?

4 Complete the sentences with one of the words below and the appropriate preposition.
Some verbs are used more than once.
agree believe argue care hear insist rely apologise
1. Do you ghosts? I think theyre real!
2. I never Kayla. She doesnt write to me.
3. Tammys parents money all the time. They have a lot of fights.
4. You cant that clock. It doesnt show the exact time.
5. Why do you paying for everyone? Ill pay my share!
6. I you I also think that every school should have security cameras!
7. You should Peter because you offended him.
8. Dont me. My decision is final.
9. I saying those terrible things about you.
10. She doesnt her appearance. She never dresses nicely.

5 Complete the passage using suitable words.

Have you ever heard 1. Sampat Pal Devi? Shes an Indian woman who
believes 2. her ability to change society. Although she was illiterate for
much of her life and married at the age of 12, she has become a well-known fighter for womens
3. in India. She has succeeded 4. helping many

women achieve justice when dealing with the police and other state officials.
Twenty thousand women now participate 5. Pals group, the Gulabi Gang,
which is known for wearing bright pink saris. They are famous for staging protests, sometimes
using violence, to shame a man who has done something 6. , but whom the
police refuse to go after. For instance, they have 7. fathers who beat their
daughters to stop or be attacked by the group.

Sampat Pals work is 8. once someone tried to kill her because of it. But
despite the 9. of death, Sampat Pal keeps on going because many women
depend 10. her.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the first, second or third conditional.
1. I (go) to the spy film last night if you (recommend) it.
2. Dont worry! We (not say) anything unless you (give) us permission.
3. If I (be) you, I (not open) that e-mail message.
4. You (be) good at keeping secrets if you (be) a spy.
5. If Jim (not hear) our conversation, he (not know) that we were spying on him.
6. This is important. If Penny (not tell) anyone her password, her account (be)
7. We (not need) to borrow money next year if we (start) saving now.
8. If you (return) the book to the library on time, you (not need) to pay a fine

2 Complete each sentence in a logical way.

1. The spies wouldnt have been caught if .................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
2. Jenna will go to the beach tomorrow as long as ....................................
.............................................................................................................. .
3. We wont announce the winner before ...................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
4. Peter wouldnt call you so often if ...........................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
5. They wont trust you unless ....................................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
6. You need to work hard if ........................................................................
.............................................................................................................. .

3 What would you say in each of the following situations? Write the conditional specified in the brackets.
1. You didnt do your homework. (third conditional)
2. You hope to win the lottery. (second conditional)
3. You are giving advice on how to make friends. (zero conditional)
4. You are arguing with another driver after an accident. (third conditional)
5. Your sister has long showers and wastes a lot of hot water. (second conditional)
6. You are offering to walk to school with a friend. (first conditional)

4 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. I will only be available to meet you on 7th April. (unless)
2. Patrick went to the concert only because George had given him a free ticket. (if)
3. You cant return the jeans because you dont have a receipt. (could)
4. She doesnt have a student ID, so she cant get a discount. (when)
5. Sharon will call you and then shell leave her house. (before)
6. Bread gets stale when its not wrapped up. (if)

5 Complete the passage using the correct form of the words in brackets.

If you 1. (be) interested in the world of espionage, you 2.

(see) Garbo the Spy. Its a documentary about Juan Pujol Garca, a Spanish double agent who
was active in World War II. It may not be accurate to say that if he 3. (not be)
a spy at that time, the Allies 4. (not win) the war. However, his role was very

Pujol Garca 5. (not succeed) in his mission if he 6. (not be)

very creative. He invented a network of informers in Britain who provided fake information to
the Nazis. He knew that the Nazis 7. (not believe) him unless his information
8. (seem) real. Pujol Garca convinced the Nazis that the historic D-Day

landing at Normandy would take place at another place and another time.

The Germans apparently didnt discover that Pujol Garca was a spy. If they 9.
(know), they 10. (never award) him an Iron Cross after the war!

When the war was over, Pujol Garca disappeared. Intelligence expert Nigel West found him in
Venezuela many years later. He died there in 1988.

4 UNIT TEST Level 1 NAME: Mark:

1 The following sentences do not make sense. Correct them by replacing each word in bold
with a word in bold from a different sentence. (10 x 2 = 20 points )
1. We must trust our real identity from them.
2. This door isnt very hazardous. You should get a new lock.
3. A spy should never warn his identity.
4. She has no deadline to speak to you that way.
5. She always blames with me when shes in town.
6. This road is secure because it is not well-lit at night.
7. I must reveal you that the journey will be very difficult.
8. The project must be finished on time. We must meet our right.
9. My brother always gets in touch with other people for his mistakes.
10. I cant conceal her at all. She cant keep a secret.

2 Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

1. Ive never heard that writer.
2. Donald has applied the job that you advertised.
3. Rose always argues Claire.
4. They succeeded persuading her to stay a little longer.
5. My uncle Alan reminds me my father.
6. She insisted bringing me a present even though I told her not to.

3 Complete the sentences with a suitable ending. Pay attention to the words in bold. (6 x 3 = 18 points)
1. Shopping online can be risky, ...............................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
2. Im suspicious of people who ...............................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
3. Its important to be cautious when ........................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
4. A good employee is someone who .......................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
5. Its an invasion of privacy when ..........................................................
.............................................................................................................. .
6. Its illegal to ...........................................................................................
.............................................................................................................. .

4 UNIT TEST Level 1
4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use a conditional or time clause. (7 x 2 = 14 points)
1. Im on a diet. If I (not be) dieting, I (eat) that ice cream.
2. Please tell me whats wrong. I (not help) you unless you
(talk) to me.
3. I cant believe its raining. If the weather (be) better, we (go)
to the beach.
4. Bob fell and broke his leg, so he couldnt play in the basketball match. If Bob (not fall),
he (play) in the match.
5. Everyone is here. We (leave) as soon as Jack (finish)
getting ready.
6. I fell asleep so I missed the end of the film. If I (not fall) asleep, I
(see) the end of the film.
7. You are not working hard enough. If you (want) to succeed, you
(work) harder.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable verb. (7 x 3 = 21 points)
1. You Judy if you had come to the party.
2. Nobody will pass the test unless they .
3. I will call you as soon as I .
4. I would talk to him if I you.
5. If Id known you were here, I earlier.
6. If I had a lot of money, I a yacht.
7. I wont forgive him until he for what he said.

6 Complete the sentences with a conditional. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence. (5 x 3 = 15 points)
1. I enjoyed the picnic because the weather was beautiful.
If ........................................................................................................... .
2. I didnt get a good mark because I didnt study.
If ........................................................................................................... .
3. I cant meet you tomorrow because I have to work.
If ........................................................................................................... .
4. You cant enter the building unless you know the password.
If ........................................................................................................... .
5. I cant help you because Im very busy today.
If ........................................................................................................... .







tenerxito secure/sneaky/conceal/succeed

seguro enemy/succeed/secure/recruit

clave warn/grid/key/enemy

autodidacta recruit/trust/selftaught/secure

creeren dependon/wellknown/believein/blame

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