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Chickens lay eggs (las gallinas ponen huevos)

Ham is pork meat (el jamón es carne de cerdo)

You can eat chicken wings (tú puedes comer alas de pollo)

Olive oil isn´t sweet (el aceite de oliva no es dulce)

Bread is made with flour (el pan es hecho con harina)

Corn doesn´t grow on trees (el maíz no crece en los árboles)

Fish don´t have fingers (los peces no tienen dedos)

Honey is from bees (la miel es de las avejas = viene de)

Pasivo= is/are + verbo en past participle

Make= made (is made/ are made)

Fill= filled (is filled/are filled)

Grow = grown (is grown/ are grown)

Pick = picked (is picked/are picked)

Cook = cooked (is cooked/are cooked)

Sell = sold (is sold/are sold)

Eat = eaten (is eaten/are eaten)

Clean = cleaned (is cleaned/are cleaned)


Is made (es hecha)

Are made (son hechas)

Are filled (son llenadas)

Is grown (es cultivado)

Is picked (es recogido/cosechado)

Are cooked (son cocinados)

Are sold (son vendidos)

Are eaten (son comidos)

1. The tortillas are made of corn

2. They are filled with cheese and chicken
3. Corn is grown in the fields
4. Corn is picked and made into flour
5. The flour is made into dough
6. The dough is made into tortillas
7. The tortillas are filled with cheese
8. They are cooked
9. They´re sold in restaurants
10.They are eaten by hungry people

Reescribir usando la forma pasiva

1. They sell them and people eat them
They are sold and eaten

2. People fill and cook them

3. They make the dough into tortillas

4. Farmers grow corn in the fields


5. People make the flour into dough


6. They pick the corn and make it into flour


7. In Mexico, people eat millions of tortillas every day


8. They clean de school every day


9. They grow corn in the fields


10.They pick the coffee beans by hand


11.They sell cotton clothes in Mexico


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