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This programmer is a highly simplified version of PICKIT2 programmer from Microchip.

It allows to flash

Resistor R12 (10 Ω) is optional. It limits a little current to the target board. I use it as a jumper on the

For two resistors R7 and R11, it is obvious that one is enough. I put two on the one hand, serves a strap
like on the circuit, on the other hand, with 20k instead of 10k, transistor saturation limit is slightly Q3
which improves its dynamic behavior.

Perform the circuit. Here is the schematic and the PCB size Proteus ISIS and artwork pdf format and

Flasher with PIC18F2550 firmware PICKIT2. Currently it is the PK2V023200.hex release. It is not
impossible that microchip releases a new version. It is advisable to download it directly on the microchip
site. To flash the 18F2550, you will need a programmer, or precisely, is what we are doing. One solution
is to use the programmer to two resistors that works very well on the serial port of a desktop PC (does
not work with a laptop). For software, I have a preference for PICPGM software that has the advantage
of detecting the PIC when the wiring is correct. In case of difficulty, select the JDM programmer to
program in the Hardware section
Place the PIC18F2550 in place on the circuit (It is highly recommended to use a support)

Connect the USB cable, normally Windows should detect and issue a small gling-gling like when you plug
a mouse. If you receive the message Device not recognized USB. Try (several times before forfeit) on
another USB port possibly with a different USB cable.

If you are using MPLAB, launch MPLAB and choose PICKIT2 programmer: Programming -> Select
Programmer -> PICKIT2. The toolbar Programmer

MPLAB tries to detect the target PIC configured in the Configure / select device menu (PIC16F877 in my
case) and can not find it, it displays the warning below. Click OK

Now connect the programmer to the target PIC (PIC you want to program)

Vpp -> MCLR

Vdd -> vdd

GND -> Vss


CLK -> RB6

If you do not use MPLAB, you can use the software currently PICKIT 2 (June 2012) is the version 2.61.
The latest version should be downloaded from the microchip site.

To program on MPLAB, nothing more simple.

Enter a program

Compile until "BUILD SUCCEEDED"

Click the button in the toolbar programmer.

the following output is obtained in the Output window

If you want the program executes immédiatemet while the target PIC is still connected to the
programmer, you must force the MCLR pin high. To do this simply click on the button in the tool bar of
the programmer. You can configure the MPLAB as programmer for it forces the output MCLR high at the
end of each program: Program menu -> Settings -> check the "Run after a successful program" -> OK

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