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Trees are very important to both people and animals. Trees provide fruits and seeds, cool
shade , and even a place for nests . Trees produce oxygen that people breathe in on the
other hand trees also help people in other ways people can build houses and make
furniture or paper with wood, or use it as fuel. Many trees are being cut down, sole”ts plant
trees on arbor day.
Es un gran árbol. Un niño viene al árbol todos los días. Le gusta subirlo. a menudo elige y
come los árboles frutales a veces duerme en su fresca sombra.
Los árboles son muy importantes tanto para las personas como para los animales algunos
animales hacen sus nidos en árboles. Las personas y los animales comen frutas y semillas
de los árboles. Los arboles les proporcionan una sombra fresca también los arboles
producen oxígeno y ayuda a mantener el aire limpio. Las personas respiran oxígeno y
exhalan dióxido de carbono. Por otro lado, los arboles absorben dióxido de carbono del aire
y dan oxígeno.
Los arboles también ayudan a las personas de otras maneras, la madera es un buen material
para la construcción de casas y hacer muebles o papel. También se puede usar como
combustible, pero muchos árboles se talan cada año. ¿ te preocupas por esto? Entonces
permite plantar árboles juntos en el día del árbol.
Main idea
1.- ¿Cuál es la idea principal del pasaje?
a. - how to grow trees.
b. - how important trees are.
c. - What to do on Arbor Day.
d. - why trees need oxygen.
Supporting details
2. - trees ……………………………carbon dioxide from the air and …………………...oxygen
a. - gives out- take in c. - breathe out- breathe in
b. - produces –keep d. - take in –give out
3. - oxygen is …………………………………………. for people to breathe.
a. - Useless c.- necessary
b. - Harmful d.- unsuitable
4.-what can we not get from trees?
a. - fruits and seeds c.- oxygen
b. - shade d.- carbon dioxide
5.-what is not true about trees?
a. - trees never need oxygen to grow c. - some animals use trees for their nests
b. - trees provide cool shade for people d. - people use trees to make paper
6.-what can be inferred from the passage?
a. - animals need trees more than people do. c.- trees affect our lives in many ways
b. - It is illegal not to plant trees on arbor day d.- people should not use wood for
building house
Complete the summary with the correct words.

Trees are very important to both people and animals. Trees provide fruits and seeds, cool
shade, and even a place for nests. Trees produce oxygen that people breathe in on the
other hand, trees take in carbon dioxide that people breathe out trees also help people in
other ways people can build houses and make furniture or paper with wood, or use it as
fuel. Many trees are being cut down, sole”ts plant trees on arbor day.
a.- how often do you plant trees?
I plant trees once a year.
b.- what do trees do for us?
They give us oxygen and produce fruits and seeds cool shade and even a place for nest.
c.- what would happen if there were no trees?
There would be no oxygen, People will die.
Visualizing: fin in the
Treesgive us
Shade wood wood

oxygen and help keep clean.

air clean

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