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Feng Shui Matrix

Author(s): China Blue
Source: Leonardo, Vol. 37, No. 4 (2004), pp. 277-278
Published by: The MIT Press
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Accessed: 13/06/2014 01:54

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China Blue, 14 Dunham Place,
Fig. 1. China Blue,
Brooklyn, NY 11211, U.S.A. Laura'sJabbering
E-mail: <>. Jabberwocky,plug-
and-play device, ._.
audio recording,
Received29 August 2003. Accepted
Plexiglas, lamp and
publicationbyRogerE Malina. movement sensor,
13 X 41 x 17 inches,
I am a conceptual artist whose work 2002. (? China Blue)
The piece is i
explores the relationship of art to tech- -
equipped with a r
nology, architecture and culture, with movement sensor |
the aim of finding a new typology for i
that when triggered |i
the interlacing of these areas. The plays a recording of i
Chinese philosophy of feng shui is the Laura Miller speed- -
reading Lewis Car- - - -'
physical and philosophical positioning roll's poem
matrix for my work. Physically,feng "Jabberwocky"in
shui associates areas of a room with less than a minute.
areas of one's life, so that, for example,
one's career could be affected by where
the bed is placed or the future could be
determined by the placement of the
refrigerator. Philosophically, feng shui IN
is a system that investigates the relation-
ships between people and the places
they inhabit. In my work I update this
ancient form by introducing new tech-
nology. I achieve this by using stand-
alone plug-and-play modules,
movement triggers, DVDs and audio
systems. Through the use of these
electronic technologies, I literally facili-
tate the feng shui concept of redirect-
ing energy. For example, when a
person walks into a room she brings
her own energy with her. In my work,
she then engages a movement sensor, duces the idea of social and psychologi- nectedness of the world. In the piece
which in turn triggers sound that fills cal healing as an aesthetic component Laura'sJabberingJabberwocky (Fig. 1), the
the room. This is the series of energy- in the context of visual ideas. sensor triggers an audio recording of
based actions that are initiated and Lewis Carroll's poem "Jabberwocky."
activated by a person's energy. I am Technology This recording, made with the goal of
particularly interested in sound, be- The movement sensors are used in reading the poem in a minute or less,
cause one definition of sound is energy conjunction with stand-alone, plug-and- scrambles the already humorous-
in physical form. play electronic modules that are con- sounding poem and makes it sound
nected to speakers. The movement even funnier. In the context of feng
Architecture sensors trigger sound from the mod- shui, the element of humor is consid-
Feng shui is a method of assessing the ules. When a person walks by or inter- ered to be healing.
nature of a room and altering it to acts with the space, a sound is heard.
create aesthetic and healing results. This idea of interaction and contact is Art and Innovation
The idea of healing is focused on both critical to the concept of the work Incorporating a Chinese cultural refer-
the people who live in the space and because it stimulates a direct and physi- ence is important to the work because
those who experience it. It is believed cal engagement of the viewer with the it establishes the strategy of imparting
that through the adjustment of the space while simultaneously establishing another cultural viewpoint. This chal-
space, the lives of the people who inter- a connection between the work and the lenges the Western conception of space
act with the space will be affected in a architecture of the room. This part is as defined by the disciplines of sculp-
positive way. It is a kind of acupuncture particularly interesting because it illus- ture and architecture. By emphasizing
for space, if you will! This idea is of trates in a very direct and simple way in my work feng shui's inherent archi-
special interest to me because it intro- the Buddhist concept of the intercon- tectural references and its idea of the

? 2004 ISAST Vol.37, No. 4, pp. 277-279, 2004


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healing qualities of space, I realize a This elevated garden is to be situated our society. The motivation of this work
new context for creating and viewing atop a building. The central element is is neither to celebrate the superiority of
art and simultaneously seek to outline a a mineral sculpture composed of three human power nor to condemn contem-
Chinese (or Eastern) relationship to symmetrical walls forming a cave and a porary science. Humanity is always
the production and perception of space bush pruned into a hemisphere. The searching for its origins. Here, the
as distinct from the dominant cultural visitor is led to a viewpoint along the visitor is invited to discover him- or
viewpoint. axis of the sculpture, where the bush is herself in the visual experience made
framed by the cave. The distance from possible through genetic engineering.
this point to the bush will permit the During the day, when the moss's
BIOLUMINESCENT GARDEN luminescence is imperceptible, the
eye to perceive the whole installation at
Jun Takita, 71-73, rue Victor Hugo, once. In springtime the bush will blos- bush will become the central figure of
93500 Pantin, France. E-mail: som, and it will be pruned regularly so this landscape. Its form will be lit by the
<>. that it remains within the framework of sun, and its shape will serve to distin-
the cave. The inside of the cave is to be guish it from a dark background. After
Received13 August 2003. Acceptedfor covered with a bioluminescent moss sunset the opposite happens: the biolu-
publicationbyRogerE Malina. produced with genetic engineering minescent background will be broken
technology. The moss will emit light via up by the silhouette of the bush, form-
It is easy to perceive a figure in the photosynthesis. ing a negative figure (see issue cover
landscape within 10? of one's line of According to traditional classifica- and Fig. 2).
sight. This angle corresponds to the tion, photosynthesizing organisms
size of the visual field of a fist held out belong to the plant kingdom. Plants
at arm's length. For example, constella- transform light into energy but are not
tions are based on the principle that capable of bioluminescence-that is, METAPHOR-NARRATIVE:
one reads stars at a distance of up to they cannot emit light. Excepting a few
about 11? from one another as part of a A COLLABORATION IN
species like the dinoflagellates, which
group. Even when we look at the sky, belong to both the plant and animal
the human hand is the unit of refer- kingdoms, bioluminescence is found in Andrea Duncan, School of Architecture
ence for measuring an image. If an only a few animal species. In other and the Visual Arts, University of East
object exceeds this 10? visual field, we words, biological evolution has not London, Docklands Campus, 4-6 Uni-
have to move our eyes in order to per- given rise to an organism that can both versity Way,London E16 2RD, U.K
ceive it in its entirety. Vision is then consume light as energy and use that E-mail:<andreaduncan839@hotmail.
constructed by the accretion of several energy to create its own light. However, com>.
images memorized by the brain. over the last few years, genetic manipu-
I have conceived a garden project lation has made it possible to create Received25 April 2003. Acceptedforpubli-
based on this phenomenon. In contrast bioluminescent plants. Acting simulta- cationbyRogerF Malina.
to the Zen garden, which plays upon neously as plants and nonplants, these
the memory of composed images, I artificial organisms transgress the laws My work explores interdisciplinary
propose a unique image perceptible at of nature. The new technologies of links between art, science and narrative
a glance. genetic engineering have totally shaken from the position of an enthusiasm for
the "phenomenal body," i.e. the body's
emotional relationship to the "thing-
Fig. 2. Jun Takita, BioluminescentGarden:Nuit, digital image, 2002. (? Jun Takita) Night view ness" of the world. As an artist, I use
of bush and cave: inversion of figure and background. For the daytime view, see issue cover.
photography, digital imagery and text
to extend and combine the languages
of these disciplines in unorthodox
ways. Working across these disciplines, I
value metaphor as a carrier of mean-
ing. I also utilize slippage and juxtaposi-
tion as further elements in the visual
and textual narratives that I construct
[1]. These metaphoric narratives (or
cross-wirings) may be seen to connect
various phenomena of perceptual
experience by recognizing and combin-
ing the experience of the senses
through a series of visual and linguistic
layers of meaning. As Vilayanur S.
Ramachandran said recently in dis-
cussing the brain's metaphor-making
relationship to synesthesia, "there is a
pre-existing translation between the
visual appearance of the object repre-
sented in the fusiform gyrus [of the
brain] and the auditory representation
in the auditory cortex" [2].

278 Artists' Statements

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