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Colum Colum Excavat Colum Colum Colum Colum Column Colum

n1 Column2 n3 ion n4 n5 n6 n7 8 n9
Item Item length width height Area Volum Quantit
code Description unit (ft) (ft) (ft) (sft) e y Total
L1 Long wall cft 63.26 3.00 3.00 189.78 569.34 1.00 569.34
L2 Long wall cft 53.01 3.00 3.00 159.03 477.09 1.00 477.09
L5 Long wall cft 12.76 4.00 3.00 51.04 153.12 1.00 153.12
L3 Long wall cft 20.76 4.00 3.00 83.04 249.12 1.00 249.12
L4 Long wall cft 38.00 4.00 3.00 152.00 456.00 1.00 456.00
S4 Short wall cft 11.62 4.00 3.00 46.49 139.47 5.00 697.35
S2 Short wall cft 15.00 4.00 3.00 59.98 179.94 3.00 539.82
S8 Short wall cft 12.13 4.00 3.00 48.50 145.50 1.00 145.50
S10 Short wall cft 2.24 4.00 3.00 8.96 26.88 1.00 26.88
S7 Short wall cft 11.63 4.00 3.00 46.50 139.50 1.00 139.50
S11 Short wall cft 15.00 4.00 3.00 60.00 180.00 1.00 180.00
TOTAL 3633.7
Backfill Item Code Excavation Concrete Masonary Backfill2
L1 569.34 174.60 180.42 214.32
L2 477.09 146.31 134.58 196.20
L5 153.12 51.04 30.23 71.85
L3 249.12 83.04 40.17 125.92
L4 456.00 152.02 72.45 231.54
S4 697.00 233.45 150.80 312.75
S2 539.00 179.94 90.18 268.88
S8 145.50 48.50 31.21 65.80
S10 26.88 8.96 10.55 7.37
S7 139.50 46.5 30.18 62.82
S11 180.00 60 37.00 83.00
total 3632.55 1184.36 807.75
correction 3623.55 20.525 -20.525
corrected 3623.55 1204.89 787.23 1631.44

Column Column
1 2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6
509.51 0.75 0.75 286.6
Foundation Pcc

Colu Colum Colu Colum Colu Colu Colu Colum Colum

Column1 Column2 mn3 n4 mn5 n6 mn7 mn8 mn9 n10 n11

N PCC (1:4:8)
Descriptio length width height Area Volu Quant
Item code n unit (ft) (ft) (ft) (sft) me ity Total

L1 Long wall cft 63.26 3.00 0.25 8 47.45 1.00 47.45
L2 Long wall cft 53.01 3.00 0.25 3 39.76 1.00 39.76
L5 Long wall cft 12.76 4.00 0.25 51.04 12.76 1.00 12.76
L3 Long wall cft 20.76 4.00 0.25 83.04 20.76 1.00 20.76
L4 Long wall cft 38.00 4.00 0.25 0 38.00 1.00 38.00
S4 Short wall cft 11.62 4.00 0.25 46.49 11.62 5.00 58.11
S2 Short wall cft 15.00 4.00 0.25 59.98 15.00 3.00 44.99
S8 Short wall cft 12.13 4.00 0.25 48.50 12.13 1.00 12.13
S10 Short wall cft 2.24 4.00 0.25 8.96 2.24 1.00 2.24
S7 Short wall cft 11.63 4.00 0.25 46.50 11.63 1.00 11.63
S11 Short wall cft 15.00 4.00 0.25 60.00 15.00 1.00 15.00

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6

length (ft) width (ft) height (ft) Volume
175.25 0.42 0.33 24.34
Foundation RCC

Colum Colu Colum Colum Colum Colum Colu Colu Colum Colum
n1 Column2 mn3 n4 n5 n6 n7 mn8 mn9 n10 n11

Item Item length width height Area Volu Quanti

code Description unit (ft) (ft) (ft) (sft) me ty Total

189.7 126.5
L1 Long wall cft 63.26 3.00 0.67 8 2 1.00 126.52
159.0 106.0
L2 Long wall cft 53.01 3.00 0.67 3 2 1.00 106.02
L5 Long wall cft 12.76 4.00 0.75 51.04 38.28 1.00 38.28
L3 Long wall cft 20.76 4.00 0.75 83.04 62.28 1.00 62.28
152.0 114.0
L4 Long wall cft 38.00 4.00 0.75 0 0 1.00 114
S4 Short wall cft 11.62 4.00 0.75 46.49 34.87 5.00 75
S2 Short wall cft 15.00 4.00 0.75 59.98 44.99 3.00 5
S8 Short wall cft 12.13 4.00 0.75 48.50 36.38 1.00 36.375
S10 Short wall cft 2.24 4.00 0.75 8.96 6.72 1.00 6.72
S7 Short wall cft 11.63 4.00 0.75 46.50 34.88 1.00 34.875
S11 Short wall cft 15.00 4.00 0.75 60.00 45.00 1.00 45
L 879.36

Column Plinth Colum Column Colum Colum Colum Colum Colum

1 Beams n2 3 n4 Column5 n6 n7 n8 n9
Item Item length width height Area Volum Quanti
code Description unit (ft) (ft) (ft) (sft) e ty Total
L1 Beam cft 56.25 0.75 1.00 42.19 42.19 1.00 42.19
L2 Beam cft 46.00 0.75 1.00 34.50 34.50 1.00 34.50
TOTAL 76.69
Item Item length width height Area Volum Quanti
code Description unit (ft) (ft) (ft) (sft) e ty Total
B1 Beam cft 19.75 0.75 1.00 14.81 14.81 2.00 29.63
B2 Beam cft 20.25 0.75 1.50 15.19 22.78 2.00 45.56
B3 Beam cft 9.63 0.75 1.50 7.22 10.83 1.00 10.83
B4 Beam cft 27.50 0.75 1.00 20.63 20.63 1.00 20.63
B5 Beam cft 7.25 0.75 1.50 5.44 8.16 1.00 8.16
CB1 Beam cft 22.5 1.25 667 28.13 11.72 1.00 11.72
BAND Beam cft 182.5 0.75 0.75 136.88 102.66 1.00 102.66
LB-8 Lintel Beam cft 37 0.75 1.50 27.75 41.63 1.00 41.63
LB-7 Lintel Beam cft 38 0.75 1.50 28.50 42.75 1.00 42.75
LB-5 Lintel Beam cft 17.5 0.75 1.00 13.13 13.13 1.00 13.13
LB-4 Lintel Beam cft 35.5 0.75 0.75 26.63 19.97 1.00 19.97
Roof slab

Roof Column Column Column

Slab Column1 2 Column3 Column4 Column5 6 7
Item Slab Thicknes Quantit
Item # Description unit Area s Volume y Total
1 Bed Room 1 cft 373.13 0.42 155.47 1.0000 155.47
2 Bed Room 2 cft 378.13 0.42 158.81 1.00 158.81
3 Kitchen cft 155.95 0.42 65.50 1.00 65.50
4 Guest Bedroom cft 212.50 0.42 89.25 1.00 89.25
5 Drwaing Room Cft 255.43 0.42 107.28 1.00 107.28
6 Lobby cft 121.68 0.42 51.11 1.00 51.11
7 Dinning Room cft 210.00 0.42 88.20 1.00 88.20
8 Lounge cft 408.00 0.50 204.00 1.00 204.00
9 Car Park cft 329.43 0.50 164.72 1.00 164.72
10 Sunken slabs 1 cft 48.38 0.50 24.19 1.00 24.19
11 Sunken Slab 2 cft 48.38 0.50 24.19 1.00 24.19
VOLUME 1132.71


Column Colum Column Colum Column Colum Colum Colum Column

1 Column2 n3 4 n5 6 n7 n8 n9 10
Item Item length width height Area Volum Quanti
code Description unit (ft) (ft) (ft) (sft) e ty Total
C1 Column cft 0.75 0.75 10.75 0.56 6.05 15.00 90.70
C2 Column cft 1.50 0.75 10.75 1.13 12.09 2.00 24.19
Vol 114.89
Col Col Col Col um Col
Colu Column um um um um Colu n1 um
mn1 2 n3 Column4 n5 n6 n7 Column8 mn9 0 n11
Masonary Work
Between FFL to

Item wid Qu
Item Descript uni th Are C.Area Volu ant Tot
code ion t length (ft) (ft) a (sft) me ity al
W1 Bedroo 0.7 11 82.
Ft m cft 11 5 10 0 110 82.5 1 5
W2 Bedroo 0.7 15 116.2 116
Ft m cft 15.5 5 10 5 155 5 1 .25
W3 Bedroo 0.7 11 64.12 64.
Ft m cft 11 5 10 0 85.5 5 1 125
Guest 105
W4 Bedroo 0.7 15 105.9 .93
Ft m cft 15.5 5 10 5 141.25 375 1 75
W1 Open to 0.7 37.
Ft sky cft 5 5 10 50 50 37.5 1 5
W2 Open to 0.7 15 101.8 .81
Ft sky cft 15.5 5 10 5 135.75 125 1 25
W1 0.7 87. 65.62 65.
Ft Kitchen cft 8.75 5 10 5 87.5 5 1 625
W2 0.7 87. 49.87 49.
Ft Kitchen cft 8.75 5 10 5 66.5 5 1 875
W3 0.7 14 111.8 .82
Ft Kitchen cft 14.91 5 10 9.1 149.1 25 1 5
W1 0.7 16 125.6 .62
Ft Lounge cft 16.75 5 10 7.5 167.5 25 1 5
W2 0.7 16
Ft Lounge cft 16 5 10 0 160 120 1 120
W3 0.7 14 108.7 108
Ft Lounge cft 14.5 5 10 5 145 5 1 .75
Ft G cft 2 5 10 1.5 20 15 1 15
Ft G cft 2 5 10 1.5 20 15 1 15
W3 DINNIN cft 2 0.7 10 1.5 20 15 1 15
Ft G 5
W4 DINNIN 0.7 37 84.37 84.
Ft G cft 11.25 5 10 5 112.5 5 1 375
Ft G cft 2 5 10 1.5 20 15 1 15
W1 DRAWIN 0.7 14 87.
Ft G ROOM cft 14.5 5 10 5 117 87.75 1 75
W2 DRAWIN 0.7 16 79.
Ft G ROOM cft 16 5 10 0 106 79.5 1 5
W3 DRAWIN 0.7 14 108.7 108
Ft G ROOM cft 14.5 5 10 5 145 5 1 .75
W1 BED 0.7 15 112
Ft ROOM1 cft 15 5 10 0 150 112.5 1 .5
W2 BED 0.7 13 49.
Ft ROOM2 cft 13.5 5 10 5 66 49.5 1 5
W3 BED 0.7 15 112
Ft ROOM3 cft 15 5 10 0 150 112.5 1 .5
W(a) BATHRO 0.3 12.18 24.
Ft OMS cft 5 75 10 50 32.5 75 2 375
W(b) BATHRO 0.3 67.
Ft OMS cft 9 75 10 90 90 33.75 2 5
W1 BED 0.7 13 65.
Ft ROOM2 cft 13.5 5 10 5 87 65.25 1 25
W2 BED 0.7 16
Ft ROOM3 cft 16 5 10 0 160 120 1 120
W1 STAIRS 0.7 52.
Ft AREA cft 7 5 10 70 70 52.5 1 5
W2 STAIRS 0.7 16 93.18 187
Ft AREA cft 16.25 5 10 2.5 124.25 75 1 5
Ft ED AREA cft 10 5 10 7.5 100 75 1 75
W2 EXTEND 0.7 27. 272.4 .49
Ft ED AREA cft 36.33333333 5 10 25 363.33 975 1 75
Ft ED AREA cft 10 5 10 7.5 100 75 1 75
W1 AREA 0.7 87. 65.62 65.
Ft ETC cft 8.75 5 10 5 87.5 5 1 625
W2 AREA 0.3 10 37.
Ft ETC cft 10 75 10 0 100 37.5 1 5
W3 CAR cft 10 0.3 10 10 100 37.5 1 37.
Ft PORCH 75 0 5
W4 AREA 0.3 23 89.06 062
Ft ETC cft 23.75 75 10 7.5 237.5 25 1 5
PARAPE 0.3 70 262.8 .87
T CFT 175.25 75 4 1 701 75 1 5

Total 312
Masonary 2.5
Work 725

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