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I. Introduction
A. Background of the study
a. Presentation of the problem
1. Detailed view leading to the problem
2. Unsatisfactory condition/ present scenario
3. Necessity to conduct the study/ rationale of the study
b. Historical revolution/background
c. Development of the project
1. A desire to have a deeper and clearer understanding of the situation
2. A desire to find a better way of doing something
3. A desire to do something
d. Geographical conditions of the locale
e. Nature of the project(i.e. activities,users,purpose)
f. Wrap up/ link between the introduction and the statement of the problem

B. Statement of the problem

a. Initial findings/ assessment of the condition
b. Issues and problems
1. Major problem
2. Sub-problems
c. Why the project is a solution
d. Why the project is being proposed/ what problem the researcher intends to

C. Project Objectives
a. Architectural thesis goals
b. Objectives
c. Strategies

D. Significance of the study

a. Rationale, timeliness and relevance of the study
b. Possible solutions/improvement
c. Who and why will benefit
d. Possible contribution to the fund of knowledge
e. Possible implications

E. Scope and delimitation

a. Research
1. Subject matter/ general purpose/ topics
2. Significance
3. Population, locale, period
b. Design
1. Architectural programming
2. Scale and magnitude

F. Criteria for site selection

a. Criteria and technical description
b. SWOT analysis

G. Site description
a. Location
b. Existing condition
c. Orientation
d. Photo documentation

H. Definition of terms (?)

I. Conceptual Framework (?)

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