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International Design Codes

15. Russian Codes

15A. Concrete Design per SNiP 2.03.01-84*

15B. Steel Design per SNiP 2.23-81*

15C. Steel Design per SP 16.13330.2011

15D. Concrete Design per SP 63.1330.2012

International Design Codes

15A. Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per SNiP 2.03.01-84*

STAAD.Pro is capable of performing concrete design based on the Russian code СНиП 2.03.01-84*: СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫЕ НОРМЫ И ПРАВИЛА БЕТОННЫЕ И
ЖЕЛЕЗОБЕТОННЫЕ КОНСТРУКЦИИ (SNiP 2.03.01-84* Building Regulations: Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Construction).

Design of members per SNiP 2.03.01-84* requires the STAAD ECC Super Code SELECT Code Pack.

15A.1 General

15A.2 Design Parameters and Input Data

15A.3 Beams

15A.4 Columns

15A.5 Two Dimensional Element (slabs, walls, shells)

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per Russian Code (SNiP 2.03.01-84*)

15A.1 General

Russian Code SNiP 2.03.01–84* plain concrete and concrete structures is based on the method of limit states. Code SNiP 2.03.01–84* defines two groups of limit

Analysis according to the first group of limit states is performed to avoid the following phenomena:

• brittle, plastic or other type of failure,

• loss by structure of stable form or position,

• fatigue failure,

• failure due to the action of load actions and unfavorable environmental effects.

Analysis according to the second group of limit states is performed to avoid the following phenomena:

• excessive and long-term opening of cracks if they are allowed according to service conditions,

• excessive displacements.

Analysis of structures for the first group of limit states is performed with the use of the maximum (design) loads and actions. Analysis of structures for the second
group of limit states is made in accordance with the operational (normative) loads and actions. Ratio between design and normative loads is called reliability
coefficient for loads which is determined according to SNiP 2.01.07.-85 “Loads and actions”.

Reliability coefficient γn for destination according to SNiP 2.01.07.-85 shall be considered in determination of loads and their combinations.

Program STAAD.Pro makes it possible to calculate reinforcement for concrete members according to codes of many countries round the World and Russian Code
SNiP 2.03.01-84* inclusive. Algorithms for calculation of reinforcement of concrete linear (beams, columns) and 2D (two dimensional) (slabs, walls, shells)
members are incorporated in program STAAD.Pro. Not only Code SNiP 2.03.01-84* but also the “Guide for design of plain concrete and reinforced concrete
structures from normal weight and lightweight concrete (to SNiP 2.03.01-84)” have been used in creation of these algorithms.

It is possible using program STAAD.Pro to calculate reinforcement for beams of rectangular or T section and for columns of rectangular or circular section (Fig.1).

Figure 15A.1 - Notation of dimensions for rectangular, circular and T sections

Flange of T-shape beams may be situated at the top zone of the section if the angle BETA=0°, or at the bottom zone of the section, if BETA=180°.

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International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per Russian Code (SNiP 2.03.01-84*)

15A.2 Design Parameters

Entry of data of cross-sections of beams and columns is made by the use of MEMBER PROPERTIES command, and thicknesses of 2D members are entered by

* Columns of rectangular cross-section
1 TO 16 PRI YD
350. ZD 350.
* Columns of circular cross-section
17 TO 22 PRI YD 350.
* Beams of T cross-section
23 TO 40 PRI YD 450. ZD 550. YB 230. ZB 200.
41 TO 100 THICKNESS 0.14
101 TO 252 THICKNESS 0.16
* Flange of T beams is located at the bottom zone of cross-section
BETA 180. MEMB 23 TO

Commands for calculation of reinforcement are located in the input data file after the command of analysis and as a rule, after output commands to print results of

* Command of analysis
.* Output command to print results of calculation (according to user’s judgment)
* Command of loading and their combinations considered in design
* Command to start reinforcement calculation procedure
.* List of parameters being used in reinforcement calculation
BCL 20. MEMB 17 TO 22
CL1 0.04 MEMB 1 TO 40
DD2 10. MEMB 23 TO 40
CRA 0.036 MEMB 41 TO 252
* Command of beam reinforcement calculation
* Command of column reinforcement calculation
* Command of calculation 2D elements (slabs,
walls, shells)
* Command of interruption reinforcement calculation

In tables 1, 2 and 3 information about parameters used for calculation of reinforcement for beams, columns and 2D (two dimensional) members is presented.
Values of parameters do not depend on UNIT command. In the file of input data only such parameters have to be taken, the values of which differ from
determined in the program.

Once a parameter is specified, its value stays at that specified number until it is specified again. This is the way STAAD works for all codes.

Table 15A.1-Names of parameters for Concrete design according to Russian Code -СНиП 2.03.01-84* for beams.
Parameter Default
No. Description
name Value

1 NLT 1 Number of long-term loading case

2 RCL 3 Class of longitudinal reinforcement:

• RCL = 1, if class of reinforcement is A-I;

• RCL = 2, if class of reinforcement is A-II;

• RCL = 3, if class of reinforcement is A-III;

• RCL = 33, if class of reinforcement is A-IIIb;

• RCL = 4, if class of reinforcement is A-IV;

• RCL = 5, if class of reinforcement is A-V;

• RCL = 6, if class of reinforcement is A-VI;

• RCL = 7, if class of reinforcement is A-VII;

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Parameter Default
No. Description
name Value
• RCL = 77, if class of reinforcement is K-7;

• RCL = 8, if class of reinforcement is B-II;

• RCL = 9, if class of reinforcement is Bp-II;

• RCL = 10, if class of reinforcement is Bp-I;

• RCL = 19, if class of reinforcement is K-19

Class of longitudinal reinforcement: Russian Grade:

• 1 = A240;
• 2 = A300;
• 3 = A400;
• 4 = A500;
• 5 = B500;
2 RCL 3
• 6 = A500SP;

European Grade:

• 11 = S240;
• 12 = S400;
• 13 = S500;

3 USM 1. Total product of service conditions coefficients for longitudinal reinforcement (gs)

4 UB2 0.9 Specific service conditions coefficient for concrete (gb2)

5 DD1 16. Diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars in beam tension zone

6 DD2 16. Diameter of shear reinforcement bars for beam;

7 BCL 15. Compression class of concrete

Compression Class of concrete.

• 10 = B10;
• 15 = B15
• 20 = B20;
• 25 = B25;
• 30 = B30;
• 35 = B35;
• 40 = B40;
• 45 = B45;
• 50 = B50;
• 55 = B55;
• 60 = B60;
7 BCL 15.
• 8.10 = C8/10
• 12.15 = C12/15;
• 16.20 = C16/20
• 25.30 = C25/30
• 30.37 = C30/37
• 35.45 = C35/45
• 40.50 = C50/50
• 45.55 = C45/55
• 50.60 = C50/60
• 60.75 = C60/75
• 70.85 = C70/85
• 80.95 = C80/95
• 90.105 = C90/105

8 UBM 1. Product of service conditions coefficients for concrete, except UB2 (gb)

Parameter of concrete hardening conditions:

9 TEM 0. • TEM=0, for natural hardening conditions;

• TEM=1, for steam hardening conditions

Distance from top/bottom fiber of beam cross section to the center of longitudinal reinforcement
10 CL1 0.05

11 CL2 0.05 Distance from left/right side of beam cross section to the center of longitudinal reinforcement bar

12 WST 0.4 Ultimate width of short-term crack

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Parameter Default
No. Description
name Value

13 WLT 0.3 Ultimate width of long-term crack

Limit state parameter for beam design

• SSE=0, if calculation of reinforcement amount must be carried out according to the

14 SSE 0 requirements of load carrying capacity (the first limit state);

• SSE=1, if calculation of reinforcement amount must be carried out according to the

cracking requirements (the second limit state)

Class of shear reinforcement:

• RSH = 1, if class of reinforcement is A-I;

• RSH = 2, if class of reinforcement is A-II;

• RSH = 3, if class of reinforcement is A-III;

• RSH = 33, if class of reinforcement is A-IIIb;

• RSH = 4, if class of reinforcement is A-IV;

• RSH = 5, if class of reinforcement is A-V;

15 RSH 1
• RSH = 6, if class of reinforcement is A-VI;

• RSH = 7, if class of reinforcement is A-VII;

• RSH = 77, if class of reinforcement is K-7;

• RSH = 8, if class of reinforcement is B-II;

• RSH = 9, if class of reinforcement is Bp-II;

• RSH = 10, if class of reinforcement is Bp-I;

• RSH = 19, if class of reinforcement is K-19

Class of shear reinforcement:

Russian Grade:

• 1 = A240;
• 2 = A300;
• 3 = A400;
• 4 = A500;
15 RSH 1
• 5 = B500;
• 6 = A500SP;

European grade:

• 11 = S240;
• 12 = S400;
• 13 = S500;

Design width of beam top flange. Use for beam design only with default value provided as ZD in
member properties.

Design width of beam bottom flange. Use for beam design only with default value provided as ZB
in member properties.

Design depth of beam section. Use for beam design only with default value provided as YD in
member properties.

19 SFA 0. Face of support location at the start of the beam. Use for beam design only.

20 EFA 0. Face of support location at the end of the beam. Use for beam design only.

Number of equally-spaced sections for beam design. Use for beam design only. Upper limit is
21 NSE 13
equal to 20.

Table 15A.2-Names of parameters for Concrete design according to Russian Code СНиП 2.03.01-84* for columns
No. Parameter Name Default Value Description

1 NLT 1 Number of long-term loading case

2 RCL 3 Class of longitudinal reinforcement:

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No. Parameter Name Default Value Description

Russian Grade:

• 1 = A240;
• 2 = A300;
• 3 = A400;
• 4 = A500;
• 5 = B500;
• 6 = A500SP;

European Grade:

• 11 = S240;
• 12 = S400;
• 13 = S500;

3 USM 1. Total product of service conditions coefficients for longitudinal reinforcement (gs)

4 UB2 0.9 Specific service conditions coefficient for concrete (gb2)

5 DD1 16. Minimum diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars for column

6 DD2 16. Maximum diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars for column

Compression class of concrete:

• 10 = B10;
• 15 = B15
• 20 = B20;
• 25 = B25;
• 30 = B30;
• 35 = B35;
• 40 = B40;
• 45 = B45;
• 50 = B50;
• 55 = B55;
• 60 = B60;
7 BCL 15.
• 8.10 = C8/10
• 12.15 = C12/15;
• 16.20 = C16/20
• 25.30 = C25/30
• 30.37 = C30/37
• 35.45 = C35/45
• 40.50 = C50/50
• 45.55 = C45/55
• 50.60 = C50/60
• 60.75 = C60/75
• 70.85 = C70/85
• 80.95 = C80/95
• 90.105 = C90/105

8 UBM 1. Product of service conditions coefficients for concrete, except UB2 (gb)

Parameter of concrete hardening conditions:

9 TEM 0. • TEM=0, for natural hardening conditions;

• TEM=1, for steam hardening conditions

10 CL1 0.05 Distance from edge of column cross section to the center of longitudinal reinforcement bar

11 ELY 1. Column's length coefficient to evaluate slenderness effect in local Y axis

12 ELZ 1. Column's length coefficient to evaluate slenderness effect in local Z axis

13 RSH 1.
Class of shear reinforcement:

Russian Grade:

• 1 = A240;
• 2 = A300;
• 3 = A400;
• 4 = A500;
• 5 = B500;
• 6 = A500SP;

European grade:

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No. Parameter Name Default Value Description

• 11 = S240;
• 12 = S400;
• 13 = S500;

Table 15A.3-Names of parameters for Concrete design according to Russian Code (SNiP 2.03.01-84*) for slabs and/or walls
Parameter Default
No. Description
Name Value

1 NLT 1 Number of long-term loading case

Class of longitudinal reinforcement:

Russian Grade:

• 1 = A240;
• 2 = A300;
• 3 = A400;
• 4 = A500;
2 RCL 3
• 5 = B500;
• 6 = A500SP;

European Grade:

• 11 = S240;
• 12 = S400;
• 13 = S500;

3 USM 1. Total product of service conditions coefficients for longitudinal reinforcement (gs)

4 UB2 0.9 Specific service conditions coefficient for concrete (gb2)

5 SDX 16. Diameter of reinforcing bars located in the first local (X) direction of slab/wall

6 SDY 16. Diameter of reinforcing bars located in the second local (Y) direction of slab/wall

Compression class of concrete:

• 10 = B10;
• 15 = B15
• 20 = B20;
• 25 = B25;
• 30 = B30;
• 35 = B35;
• 40 = B40;
• 45 = B45;
• 50 = B50;
• 55 = B55;
• 60 = B60;
7 BCL 15. • 8.10 = C8/10
• 12.15 = C12/15;
• 16.20 = C16/20
• 25.30 = C25/30
• 30.37 = C30/37
• 35.45 = C35/45
• 40.50 = C50/50
• 45.55 = C45/55
• 50.60 = C50/60
• 60.75 = C60/75
• 70.85 = C70/85
• 80.95 = C80/95
• 90.105 = C90/105

8 UBM 1. Product of service conditions coefficients for concrete, except UB2 (gb)

Parameter of concrete hardening conditions:

9 TEM 0. • TEM=0, for natural hardening conditions;

• TEM=1, for steam hardening conditions

Distance from top/bottom face of slab/wall element to the center of longitudinal reinforcing bars
10 CL 0.05 located in first local (X) direction. (Main thickness of top/bottom concrete cover for slab/wall

Distance from top/bottom face of slab/wall element to the center of transverse reinforcing bars
11 CRA 0.05 located in second local (Y) direction (Secondary thickness of top/bottom concrete cover for

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Parameter Default
No. Description
Name Value
12 WST 0.4 Ultimate width of short-term crack

13 WLT 0.3 Ultimate width of long-term crack

Parameter of limit state for slab/wall design:

• STA=0, if calculation of nonsymmetrical reinforcement must be carried out according to the

requirements of load carrying capacity (the first limit state);

• STA=1, if calculation of symmetrical reinforcement must be carried out according to the

14 STA 0 requirements of load carrying capacity (the first limit state);

• STA=2, if calculation of nonsymmetrical reinforcement must be carried according to the

cracking requirements (the second limit state);

• STA=3, if calculation of symmetrical reinforcement must be carried according to the cracking

requirements (the second limit state)

15 SELX 0. Design length of wall member to evaluate slenderness effect in local X axis

16 SELY 0. Design length of wall member to evaluate slenderness effect in local Y axis

Design parameter of slab/wall reinforcement:

17 MMA 0 • MMA=0, if reinforcement calculation must be applied by stresses in local axis;

• MMA=1, if reinforcement calculation must be applied by principal stresses

Design parameter of slab/wall reinforcement:

18 MMB 1 • MMB=0, if the effect of additional eccentricity is not taken into account;

• MMB=1, if the effect of additional eccentricity is taken into account

Class of shear reinforcement:

Russian Grade:

• 1 = A240;
• 2 = A300;
• 3 = A400;
• 4 = A500;
19 RSH 1.
• 5 = B500;
• 6 = A500SP;

European grade:

• 11 = S240;
• 12 = S400;
• 13 = S500;

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per Russian Code (SNiP 2.03.01-84*)

15A.3 Beams

Reinforcement for beams of rectangular and T cross-section can be calculated. In calculation of longitudinal reinforcement bending moment about local axis
and torsional moments are considered, but influence of longitudinal forces and bending moments in relation to local axis is ignored. In calculation of
transverse reinforcement shear forces parallel to local axis and torsional moments are taken into account.

Reinforcement for beams can be calculated either from conditions of strength or from conditions of open crack width limitation (see parameter SSE).

Parameters SFA and ЕFA are considered only in calculation of transverse reinforcement.

In general case calculation of reinforcement for beams is carried out two times – according to strength conditions and according to conditions of open crack width
limitation. In reinforcement calculations from conditions of strength design values of load have to be taken and in calculations from conditions of crack width
limitation – characteristic (normative) load values are used. Both calculations can be carried out in one session with the use multiple analysis possibility of the
program STAAD.Pro.

In most cases calculation of reinforcement is carried out with account only of a part of loadings. In such cases command LOAD LIST is used, in which numbers
of loads considered in calculation are indicated. Number of permanent and long-term loads equal to parameter NLT must be included into the list of considered

It has to be noted, that values of parameters DD1 and DD2 have influence not only on the width of opened crack but also in some cases, on design and normative
reinforcement resistances.

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Parameter BCL can be equal to any value of concrete compression strength class given in SNiP 2.03.01-84* and to any intermediate value as well.

It should be remembered, that accuracy of results of calculation of transverse reinforcement increases with the value of parameter NSE.

Parameters SFA and EFA are considered only in calculations of transverse reinforcement. Beam 1 is shown in Figure 2 with rigid intervals the lengths of which
are: at the start of the beam 0.3m and at the end – 0.2m. In modeling of the beam the following command can be used.


1 START 0.3 0 0

1 END -0.2 0 0

Figure 12A.2 - Diagram of a beam with rigid intervals

When command MEMBER OFFSET is used forces corresponding to the beam the length of which is equal to the distance between points a and b are calculated
and then used in calculation of reinforcement. In such case it is necessary to take into account default values of parameters SFA and ЕFA equal to zero.

When command MEMBER OFFSET is not used forces corresponding to the beam the length of which is equal to the distance between points 10 and 11 are
calculated and then used in calculation of reinforcement. In this case it is necessary to consider values of parameters SFA=0.3 and ЕFA=0,2 in reinforcement

In both cases calculated quantity of transverse reinforcement will be the same. Calculated quantity of longitudinal reinforcement in the second case will be greater.

For beam the following output is generated:

• beam number;

• method of calculation (according to conditions of strength or limitations of opened crack width);

• length and cross-sectional dimensions;

• distance from resultant of forces acting in bottom/top reinforcement to bottom/top edge of the section;

• distance from the side edge of cross-section of the beam web to the centroid of longitudinal bars located at this edge;

• concrete class;

• class of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement;

• assumed in calculations bar diameters of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement;

• calculation results of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement (in two tables).

In nine columns of the first table the following results are presented:

Table 15A.4-Beam design output 1

Result Description

Section distance of the section from the “start” of the beam, мм

As- cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement in the bottom zone of

cross-section of the beam, if angle BETA=0°, or in the top zone, if
BETA=180° ,

As+ cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement in the top zone of cross-

section of the beam , if angle BETA=0°, or in the top zone, if BETA=180° ,

Moments (-/+) values of bending moments, determining cross-sectional areas of

longitudinal reinforcement As- and As+ , kNm

Load. N. (-/+) numbers of loading versions, determining cross-sectional areas of

longitudinal reinforcement

Acrc1 short-term opened crack width*, mm

Acrc2 long-term opened crack width*, mm

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* Opened crack width is presented only in the case when calculation is performed according to conditions limiting opened crack width.

In ten columns of second table the following results are presented:

Table 15A.5-Beam design output 2

Result Description

Section distance of the section from the “start” of the beam, mm

Qsw intensity of transverse reinforcement, kN/m

Asw cross-sectional area of transverse bars,, if their step is 10, 15, 20, 25
or 30 cm

Q value of shear force parallel to the local axis, kN

T value of torsional moment, kNm

Load N. number of loading version, determining intensity of transverse


An example of output of calculation results is presented below.


(by limitation of crack width)

Length - 6000 mm.

Section: BF1= 550 mm, B= 200 mm, HF1=220 mm, H=450 mm.

Distance from top/bottom surface of beam to center of longitudinal

reinforcement - 40 mm.

Distance from side surface of beam to center of longitudinal

reinforcement - 30 mm.

Concrete class - В25.0 (Rb=13.05 MPa; Rbt=0.94 MPa; Gb2=0.9).

Class of longitudinal reinforcement - А-III (Rs=365.0 MPa; Rsc=365.0 MPa).

Diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars D=16 mm.

Class of shear reinforcement - А-I (Rsw=175.0 MPa).

Diameter of shear reinforcement bars Dw=10 mm.


Section As-As+ Moments(-/+) Load.N.(-/+) Acrc1 Acrc2

mm kNm mm mm


0. 10.92 0.41 -152. / 2. 6 / 4 0.237 0.121

500. 4.74 0.41 -60. / 0. 5 / 0 0.294 0.157

1000. 1.13 1.13 -5. / 17. 4 / 6 0.000 0.000

1500. 1.13 6.41 -8. / 75. 4 / 6 0.295 0.147

2000. 1.13 9.24 -11. / 115. 4 / 6 0.298 0.149

2500. 1.13 11.53 -14. / 139. 4 / 6 0.271 0.134

3000. 1.19 12.16 -18. / 144. 4 / 6 0.263 0.127

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3500. 1.41 10.86 -21. / 132. 4 / 6 0.277 0.130

4000. 1.63 8.28 -24. / 103. 4 / 6 0.296 0.129

4500. 1.95 4.54 -27. / 56. 4 / 6 0.299 0.093

5000. 3.23 0.58 -39. / 9. 5 / 3 0.293 0.157

5500. 0.74 0.41 -124. / 0. 5 / 0 0.271 0.142

6000. 16.89 0.41 -226. / 0. 5 / 0 0.155 0.078


Section Qsw Asw, cm^2, if Sw= Q T Load

mm kN/m 10cm 15cm 20cm 25cm 30cm kN kNm N.

0. 2.15 2.87 -203.9 0.0 6

251.3 1.44 3.59 4.31

2.15 2.87 -168.9 0.0 6

500. 251.3 1.44 3.59 4.31

1.50 1.99 -133.9 0.0 6

1000. 174.5 1.00 2.49 2.99

0.55 0.73 -98.9 0.0 6

1500. 63.9 0.36 0.91 1.09

Minimum detailing -63.9 0.0 6

2000. requirements !

Minimum detailing -28.9 0.0 6

2500. requirements !

Minimum detailing 12.7 0.0 5

3000. requirements !

Minimum detailing 47.7 0.0 5

3500. requirements !

Minimum detailing 82.7 0.0 5

4000. requirements !

95.0 0.82 1.09 1.37 1.64 117.7 0.0 5

4500. 0.55

2.08 2.77 3.46 4.16 152.7 0.0 5

5000. 242.5 1.39

2.59 3.46 4.32 5.19 187.7 0.0 5

5500. 302.5 1.73

2.59 3.46 4.32 5.19 216.1 0.0 5

6000. 302.5 1.73

Here Minimum detailing requirements! means that reinforcement is not required according to calculation.

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International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per Russian Code (SNiP 2.03.01-84*)

15A.4 Columns

Reinforcement for columns of rectangular or circular cross-section can be calculated. Flexibility of columns can be evaluated in two ways. In the case of usual
analysis (command PERFORM ANALYSIS) flexibility is assessed by parameters ELY and ELZ, values of which should conform with recommendation of the
Code SNiP 2.03.01-84*. If P-DELTA (analysis according to deformed diagram) or NONLINEAR (nonlinear geometry) analysis is performed, values of
parameters ELY and ELZ should be close to zero, for example ELY = ELZ=0.01.

Longitudinal reinforcement for columns is calculated only from condition of strength. Longitudinal forces and bending moments in relation to local axes and
are taken into account in longitudinal reinforcement calculations.
For rectangular columns the following output is generated:

• column number;

• column length and cross-sectional dimensions;

• distance of centroid of each longitudinal bar from the nearest edge of the cross-section;

• concrete class;

• longitudinal reinforcement class;

• range of longitudinal reinforcement bar diameters assumed in calculation;

• diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars obtained in calculation;

• total quantity of longitudinal bars;

• quantity of longitudinal bars at each cross-section edge, directed parallel to the local axis ;

• quantity of longitudinal bars at each cross-section edge, directed parallel to the local axis .

In nine columns of the table under the heading LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT the following output is presented:

Table 15A.6-Column design output 1


Section distance of the section from the “start” of the column, mm

Astot total cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement,

Asy cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement bars at each edge of section,

directed parallel to the local axis ,

Asz cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement bars at each edge of section,

directed parallel to the local axis ,

Percent reinforcement percentage in the section

Nx, Mz, My respective values of longitudinal force and bending moments in relation to the
local axes and , determining cross-sectional area of longitudinal

Load.N. number of loading version, determining cross-sectional area of longitudinal


An example of output of calculation results is presented below.


(rectangular section)

Length - 4000 mm.

Section: B= 350 mm, H=350 mm.

Distance from edge of column cross section to center of each longitudinal

reinforcement bar - 40 mm.

Concrete class - В25.0 (Rb=13.05 МPa; Gb2=0.9).

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Class of longitudinal reinforcement - А-III (Rs=365.0 МPa; Rsc=365.0 МPa).

Diameter range of longitudinal reinforcement bars:

Dmin=16 mm . . . Dmax=32 mm

Diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars from calculation d=20 mm.

Total number of reinforcement bars Ntot=6.

Number of longitudinal bars at each section edge parallel to the

local Y axis Nyy =2.

Number of longitudinal bars at each section edge parallel to the

local Z axis Nzz =3.


Section Astot Asy Asz Percent Nx Mz My Load

m % kN kNm kNm N

0. 16.42 3.01 6.20 1.34 285.5 81.9 0.0 6

4000. 15.35 3.01 5.67 1.25 397.3 95.3 0.0 5

Diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars, total quantity of longitudinal bars as well as quantity of longitudinal bars at each edge of the section obtained from
calculation should be considered as recommendation. In this case arrangement of reinforcement in the section depends on the orientation of the local axes and is as

Calculated values of reinforcement cross-sectional areas are presented in the table and they may differ from recommended on the lower side.

When it is not possible according to detailing provisions to arrange in the column longitudinal reinforcement determined from calculation additional message is

For columns of circular section the following output is generated:

• column number;

• column length and diameter of cross-section;

• distance of centroid of each longitudinal bar to the edge of cross-section;

• longitudinal reinforcement class;

• assumed in calculation range of diameters of longitudinal reinforcement bars;

• diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars obtained from calculation;

• quantity of longitudinal bars.

In seven columns of the table under the heading LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT the following results are presented:

Section distance of the section from the “start” of the column, mm

Astot total cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement,

Per cent percentage of longitudinal reinforcement

Nx, Mz, My respective values of longitudinal force and bending moments in relation
to local axis and , determining cross-sectional area of
longitudinal reinforcement

Load. N. number of loading version, determining cross-sectional area of

longitudinal reinforcement

An example of output of calculation results for a column of circular section is presented below.

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(circular section)

Length - 4000 mm.

Diameter: Dс= 350 mm.

Distance from edge of column cross section to center of each longitudinal

reinforcement bar - 50 mm.

Concrete class - В20.0 (Rb=10.35 МPa; Gb2=0.9).

Class of longitudinal reinforcement - А-III (Rs=365.0 МPa; Rsc=365.0 МPa).

Diameter range of longitudinal reinforcement bars:

Dmin=16 mm . . . Dmax=32 mm

Diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars from calculation D=20 mm.

Total number of reinforcement bars Ntot =7.


Section Astot Percent Nx Mz My Load

m % kN kNm kNm N

0. 17.96 1.87 195.1 59.8 0.0 5

4000. 21.86 2.27 195.1 80.2 0.0 5

Diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars, total quantity of longitudinal bars as well as quantity of longitudinal bars at each edge of the section should be
considered as recommendation.

Arrangement of reinforcement in section in this case is shown below:

Calculated cross-sectional areas of reinforcement presented in the table may differ from recommended on the lower side.

When according to detailing provisions it is not possible to arrange in the column longitudinal reinforcement obtained from calculation additional message is

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per Russian Code (SNiP 2.03.01-84*)

15A.5 Two Dimensional Elements (slabs, walls, shells)

In general case calculation of reinforcement for 2D members is carried out two times – according to conditions of strength and conditions of limiting opened width
of cracks. If reinforcement is calculated according to conditions of strength, design values of loads have to be used, and for conditions of limiting crack width –
characteristic (normative) loads are employed. Both calculations can be made in one session taking advantage of multiple analysis possibility of the program

Symmetric or nonsymmetrical reinforcement of 2D members is calculated according to conditions of strength or according to conditions of limiting opened crack
width (see for example STA).

In reinforcement calculation for 2D members it is necessary to pay attention to arrangement of local axes of member and direction of reinforcement (see for
example CL and CRA).

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An example of output of calculation results is presented bellow.


(by stresses in local axes for limitation of crack width)

Element Asx Mx Nx Load.N. Asy My Ny Load

N. kNm/m kN/m (X) kNm/m kN/m

60 TOP 0.00 - 4.9 0.00 1 0.00 - 4.5 0.00 1

BOT 3.53 - 9.9 0.00 3 3.46 - 8.9 0.00 3

61 TOP 0.00 - 5.3 0.00 1 0.00 - 4.7 0.00 1

BOT 3.87 - 10.7 0.00 3 3.65 - 9.4 0.00 3

62 TOP 0.00 - 5.6 0.00 1 0.00 - 4.8 0.00 1

BOT 4.10 - 11.2 0.00 3 3.77 - 9.6 0.00 3


Table 15A.7-Slab design output

Result Description

Element number of finite element, TOP - “top” zone of member, BOT - “bottom” zone of member (“top” zone of
member is determined by positive direction of local axis -see Fig.2)

Asx intensity of reinforcing in the first direction (parallel to the local axis ),

Mx distributed bending moment in respect to the local axis , kNm/m

Nx distributed longitudinal force directed parallel to the axis , kNm/m

Load N.(X) number of loading version, determining intensity of reinforcing in the first direction

Asy intensity of reinforcing in the second direction (parallel to the local axis ),

My distributed bending moment in respect to the local axis kNm/m

Ny distributed longitudinal force directed parallel to the local axis kN/m

Load N.(Y) number of loading version, determining intensity of reinforcing in the second direction

Figure 2 - Local coordinate system of 2D member and notation of forces

International Design Codes

15B. Russian Codes - Steel Design Per SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)

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STAAD.Pro is capable of performing steel design based on the Russian code СНиП II-23-81* Часть II Нормы проектирования Стальные конструкции (SNiP
2.23-81* Part II Design Standards for Steel Construction).

In STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 5) or later, design of members per SNiP 2.23-81* requires the STAAD ECC. Super Code SELECT Code Pack.

15B.1 General

15B.2 Built-in Russian Steel Section Library

15B.3 Member Capacities

15B.4 Design Parameters

15B.5 Member Selection and Code Check

Related Information

15C. Steel Design per SP 16.13330.2011

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)
15B.1 General

Design Code SNiP Steel Structures –as is the case in the majority of modern codes– is based on the method of limit states. The following groups of limit states are
defined in the Code.

• The first group is concerned with losses of general shape and stability, failure, qualitative changes in configuration of structure. Appearance of non-
allowable residual deformations, displacements, yielding of materials or opening of cracks.
• The second group is concerned with states of structures making worse normal their service or reducing durability due to not allowable deflections,
deviations, settlements, vibrations, etc.

Analysis of structures for the first limit state is performed using the maximum (design) loads and actions, which can cause failure of structures.

Analysis of structures for the second limit state is performed using service (normative) loads and actions. Relation between design and normative loads is referred
to as coefficient of load reliability, which is defined in SNiP 2.01.07.- 85 “Loads and Actions”.

Coefficient of reliability for destination GAMA n according to SNiP 2.01.07.- 85 shall be taken in to account determining loads or their combinations.

In this version of the program only members from rolled, tube and roll-formed assortment sections and also from compound such as double angles of T-type
sections, double channels are presented. Design of other members of compound section will be presented in other versions of the program.

Economy of selected section is indicated by ratio (RATIO) σ/Ryyc presented in calculation results. A section is economical when said ratio equals to 0,9 – 0,95.

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)
15B.2 Built-in Russian Steel Section Library

Typical sections of members being checked and selected according to SNiP 2.01.07.- 81* are presented in the following tables.

Table 15B.1-Typical Sections for Russian Steel Design

Section Section Type Designation form

I-beam (GOST 8239-89) ST I12

Regular I-beam (GOST 26020-83) ST B1-10

Broad-flanged I-beam (GOST 26020-83) ST SH1-23

Column I-beam (GOST 26020-83) ST K1-20

Channel (GOST 8240-89) ST C14

ST L100x100x7
Equal legs angle (GOST 8509-89)
RA L100x100x7

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Section Section Type Designation form

Unequal legs angle (GOST 8510-89) ST L125x80x10

RA L125x80x10

ST PIP102x5.5

Pipes (welded and for gas piping) or

ST PIPE OD 0.102 ID 0.055

ST TUB160x120x3

Roll-formed square and rectangular tubes or

ST TUBE TH 0.003 WT 0.12 DT 0.16

Table 15B.2-Compound Sections for Russian Steel Design

Section Section Type Designation form

D C14 SP 0.01
Double channels
(SP – clear distance between
channel walls)

LD L100x100x7 SP 0.01
Double equal legs angles (SP – clear distance between
angle walls)

LD L125x80x10 SP 0.01
Double unequal legs angles with long legs back to back
(SP – clear distance between
angle walls)

SD L125x80x10 SP 0.01
Double unequal legs angles with short legs back to back (SP – clear distance between
angle walls)

T I12
Tee with flange at the top
T B1-10
Flange of Tee beam is at the top part of cross-section if beta angle = 0°, or at the
T SH1-23
bottom part if beta angle = 180°.
T K1-20

For entry of cross-sectional dimensions command MEMBER PROPERTIES RUSSIAN is used.

15B.2.1 Example

* I-beam
1 TO 6 TABLE ST B1-10
* Channel
7 TO 11 TABLE ST C14
* Unequal legs angle
12 TO 30 TABLE RA L125x80x10
* Round assortment pipe
31 TO 46 TABLE ST PIP102x5.5
* round pipe of cross-sectional dimensions defined by client
47 TO 60 TABLE ST PIPE OD 0.102 ID 0.055
* Square tube from assortment
61 TO 68 TABLE ST TUB120x120x3
* Rectangular tube of cross-sectional dimension defined by client
69 TO 95 TABLE ST TUBE TH 0.003 WT 0.12 DT 0.16
* Double channel (distance between walls 10 мм)
96 TO 103 TABLE D C14 SP 0.01
* Double unequal legs angles with short legs back-to-back (distance between walls 10 мм)
104 TO 105 TABLE SD L125x80x10 SP 0.01
* member of Tee section
106 TO 126 TABLE T SH1-23
* Flange of T-beams at the bottom of cross-section
BETA 180. MEMB 116 TO 126
* Orientation of the local angle axes in relation to the global axes of the structure

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Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)
15B.3 Member Capacities

Algorithms for selection and review of sections for steel members according to assortments and databases of the main rolled steel producers from given countries
and according to international standards as well are included in STAAD.Pro program. In this program version only assortment sections can be utilized.

15B.3.1 Example

* Command of analysis
* Command of loadings and their combinations considered in design
* Command to start design according to Russian Code
* List of parameters used in checking and selecting

Obligatory parameter
LY 4. MEMB 1 TO 4
LZ 4. MEM 1 TO 4
* Parameter of output amount of information on calculation results
* Command to start section check procedure
* Command to start section selection procedure
* Command of output to print content of assortment tables
* Command of output to print summary of steel according to sections
* Command of output to print summary of steel according to members and sections

15B.3.1 Axial tension members

15B.3.2 Axial compression members

15B.3.3 Flexural members

15B.3.4 Eccentric compression/tension members

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)
15B.3.2 Axial Tension Members

Stress in a section of axial tension member shall not exceed design strength Ry of selected steel multiplied by coefficient of service conditions γc (KY and KZ),
table 6 of SNiP 2.01.07.- 81*. Slenderness of tension member (CMM) shall not exceed slenderness limit indicated in table 20 of SNiP 2.01.07.- 81* (default value λu
= 200, but another value can be defined). Net section factor (ratio Anet/Agross (NSF)) is used for tension member to allow for reduction of design cross-section area.

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)
15B.3.3 Axial Compression Members

All axial compression members are calculated as long bars, i.e., with allowance for slenderness (λ = l0/imin). The calculation is performed in accordance with the
clause 5.3 of SNiP 2.01.07.- 81*, buckling coefficient φ is determined by formula 8-10. Effective bar lengths (within and out of plane) taking in to account role and
location of the bar in the structure, as well as fixation of ends (l0 = μl), are determined according to requirements of chapter 6 or addition 6 to SNiP 2.01.07.- 81*
and are set by specification of members. Slenderness of compression members (CMN) shall not exceed limit values given in table 19 of SNiP 2.01.07.- 81*. Value of
coefficient α being used in table 19 is taken within limits from 0,5 to 1,0. Limit slenderness value depends on stress acting in the member, section area, buckling
coefficient and design resistance of steel.

Since slenderness can be different in various planes the greatest slenderness is assumed in calculations.

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Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)
15B.3.4 Flexural members

Members subjected to the action of bending moments and shear forces are called flexural members.

Calculation of flexural members consists of verification of strength, stability and deflection.

Normal and tangential stresses are verified by strength calculation of members. Normal stresses are calculated in the outermost section fibres. Tangential stresses
are verified in the neutral axis zone of the same section. If normal stresses do not exceed design steel strength and tangential stresses do not exceed design value of
steel shear strength Rsγs then according to clause 5.14 of SNiP 2.01.07.- 81* principal stresses are checked.

General stability of member subjected to bending in one plane are calculated in accordance with clause 5.15 of SNiP 2.01.07.- 81*, and subjected to bending in
two planes – in accordance with “Guide to design of steel structures” (to SNiP 2.01.07.- 81*). Coefficient φb value is determined according to appendix 7 of SNiP
2.01.07.- 81*. Additional data about load (concentrated or distributed), numbers of bracing restrains of compression flanges, location of applied load are required.
For closed sections it is assumed that coefficient φb= 1.0.

Simply supported (non-continuous) beams can be calculated in elastic as well as in elastic-plastic state according to requirements of clause 5.18 of SNiP 2.01.07.-
81*. Calculation can be selected by specification of structure in input data.

Stiffness of flexural members is verified comparing input value of deflection limit (through parameter DFF) with maximum displacement of a section of flexural
member allowing for load reliability coefficient, which is specified, in input data. Limit values of deflection are determined in accordance with SNiP 2.01.07.- 85
“Loads and Actions. Addition chapter 10. Deflections and displacements”. Verification of deflection is performed only in the case of review (CHECK) problem.

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)
15B.3.5 Eccentric Compression/Tension Members

Eccentric compression or tension members are subjected to simultaneous action of axial force and bending moment. Bending moment appears due to eccentric
application of longitudinal force or due to transverse force.

Stress in eccentric compression/tension members is obtained as a sum of stresses due to axial force and bending.

Following the requirements of clause 5.25 of SNiP 2.01.07.- 81* resistance of eccentric compression/tension member taking into consideration condition Ry< 530
MPa, τ < 0.5Rs and N/(AnRy) > 0.1 is calculated by formula 49, and in other cases-by formula 50. Calculations of stability verification are performed according to
requirements of clauses 5.27, 5.30, 5.32 or 5.34.

Calculation for strength of eccentric tension members is made according to formula 50 of SNiP 2.01.07.- 81*.

When reduced relative eccentricity mef> 20 eccentric compression members are calculated as flexural members (N = 0), when mef< 20 strength by formula 49 is
not verified (clause 5.24).

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)
15B.4 Design Parameters

Information on parameters, data used for check and selection of sections in design of steel structures according to Russian Code is presented in the following table.

In this version of calculation according to requirements of SNiP 2.01.07.- 81* there is common database of equal legs angles and unequal legs angles, therefore
solution of section selection problem may give equal legs angle as well as unequal legs angle irrespective of set at the beginning. The same is and with rectangular
and square tubes.

Values of parameters do not depend on command UNIT. Only these values of parameters, which differ from, defined in the program need to be included in the
input data file.

Review of sections (command CHECK) can be performed according to the first and the second group of limit states. Selection of section (command SELECT) can be
performed only according to the first group of limit states with subsequent recalculation and verification of selected section with allowance for deflection.

Calculation for the first group of limit states involves selection of members according to strength and stability. Parameters CMN and CMM give opportunity to set
slenderness limit for compression and tension members respectively for their stability calculation, or refuse consideration of slenderness by setting default
parameters. In this case selection of sections will be performed with consideration only of strength check.

Check for deflection performed by setting parameter DFF (maximum allowable relative deflection value) different from set in the program.

In the case of application of steel not defined by SNiP and/or GOST it is necessary to set their design strength by parameters UNL and PY.

In determination of steel parameters SBLT and MAIN shall be approved (see Table 15B.4).

Once a parameter is specified, its value stays at that specified number until it is specified again. This is the way STAAD works for all codes.

Table 15B.3-Parameters for Steel design according to Russian Code (SNiP II – 23 – 81*, edition 1990)
Parameter Default
Name Value

CODE - Must be specified as RUSSIAN 1990

Design Code to follow.

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Parameter Default
Name Value
See section 5.48.1 of the Technical Reference Manual.

Member design parameter:

• BEAM = 0, Design members for forces at their ends or at the sections defined by SECTION

• BEAM = 1, Calculate the major axis moment Mz at 13 points along the beam and design
BEAM 1 beam at the location of maximum Mz;

• BEAM = 2, Same as BEAM=1, but additional checks are carried out at beam ends and at
critical inter mediate section;

• BEAM = 3, Calculate forces at 13 points and perform design checks at all locations including
the ends

Place of loading on beam:

CB 1 • CB = 1, for loading on top flange;

• CB = 2, for loading on bottom flange

Slenderness limit value for tension members:

• СMM = 0, if slenderness is suppressed;

• СMM = 2, if ultimate slenderness value is "150";

• СMM = 2, if ultimate slenderness value is "200";

СMM 0 • СMM = 3, if ultimate slenderness value is "250";

• СMM = 4, if ultimate slenderness value is "300";

• СMM = 5, if ultimate slenderness value is "350";

• СMM = 6, if ultimate slenderness value is "400

Set slenderness limit value not equal to "0" for design with evaluation of buckling effect

Slenderness limit value for compression members:

• CMN = 0, if slenderness is suppressed

• CMN = 1, if slenderness limit value is 180-60a
• CMN = 2, if slenderness limit value is 120
• CMN = 3, if slenderness limit value is 210-60a
• CMN = 4, if slenderness limit value is 220-40a
• CMN = 5, if slenderness limit value is 220
• CMN = 6, if slenderness limit value is 180-60a
• CMN = 7, if slenderness limit value is 210-60a
• CMN = 8, if slenderness limit value is 200
• CMN = 9, if slenderness limit value is 150

Set slenderness limit value not equal to "0" for design with evaluation of buckling effect

Allowable limit of relative local deflection (Member length/Deflection Ratio):

DFF 0. Default value 0 is valid if design is applied without deflection limitation.

Set for deflection check only

1. Maximum allowable section depth

0. Minimum allowable section depth

GAMC1 1.0 Specific service condition coefficient for buckling design

GAMC2 1.0 Specific service condition coefficient for strength design

KY 1.0 Coefficient of effective length in respect to local axis Y (in plane XZ)

KZ 1.0 Coefficient of effective length in respect to local axis Z (in plane XY)

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Parameter Default
Name Value
LEG 4 Type and position of loading on beam:

• LEG = 1, for loading concentrated in the middle span;

• LEG = 2, for loading concentrated in the quarter of the span;

• LEG = 3, for loading concentrated at the end of bracket;

• LEG = 4, for loading uniformly distributed on beam;

• LEG = 5, for loading uniformly distributed on bracket

LY Member Effective length in respect to local axis Y (in plane XZ)

[m] length Default is selected member's length

LZ Member Effective length in respect to local axis Z (in plane XY)

[m] Default is selected member's length

Standard of steel grade (GOST):

• MAIN = 1, if Standard of steel grade is GOST27772-88;

• MAIN = 2, if Standard of steel grade is GOST10705-80;

• MAIN = 3, if Standard of steel grade is GOST10706-76;

• MAIN = 4, if Standard of steel grade is GOST8731-87;

• MAIN = 5, if Standard of steel grade is TY14-3-567-76

NSF 1.0 Net section factor for tension members or web section area weakening factor for bending members

Design steel strength (yield strength):

If parameters MAIN according to Standard of steel grade (GOST) and by SGR according to Steel
grade (STAL) are not defined

RATIO 1.0 Ratio between design and characteristic loads values

Number of lateral bracing restraints along the span:

• SBLT = 0, if beam not fixed;

• SBLT = 1, one restraint in the middle of the span;

• SBLT = 2, 3, etc. number of uniformly spaced lateral supports along the span

SGR 1 Steel grade (STAL). Refer to Table 12B.4 below.

Indication of elastic or elastic-plastic calculation:

• TB = 0, for elastic calculation

TB 0
• TB = 1, for elastic-plastic calculation

Set for members under bending or non-axial compression/tension only.

TRACK 0 Output parameter:

• TRACK = 0, for suppressed output information;

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Parameter Default
Name Value
• TRACK = 1, for extended output information;

• TRACK = 2, for advanced output information

Design steel strength (ultimate strength):

If parameters MAIN according to Standard of steel grade (GOST) and by SGR according to Steel
grade (STAL) are not defined

Table 15B.4-Steel types for design of steel structures according to SNiP 2.01.07.-81* (table 51 and 51a)
SGR Value Steel Parameter MAIN GOST For members*

1 C235 1 GOST 27772-88 GT, F

2 C245 1 “ GT, F

3 C255 1 “ GT, F

4 C275 1 “ GT, F

5 C285 1 “ GT, F

6 C345 1 “ GT, F

7 C345K 1 “ GT, F

8 C375 1 “ GT, F

9 C390 1 “ F

10 C390K 1 “ F

11 C440 1 “ F

12 C590 1 “ F

13 C590К 1 “ F

14 BSt3kp 2 GOST 10705-80* Tube

2 GOST 10705-80*
15 BSt3ps Tube
3 GOST 10706-76*

2 GOST 10705-80*
16 BSt3sp Tube
3 GOST 10706-76*

17 20 4 GOST 8731-87 Tube

18 16G2АF 5 TY 14-3-567-76 Tube

*GT – members from sheet and roll-formed tubes

F – rolled section steel

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)
15B.5 Member Selection and Code Check

Both code checking and member selection options are available in SNiP 2.23-81*.

Refer to Section 2.5 of the Technical Reference Manual for general information on Code Checking. Refer to Section 5.48.2 of the Technical Reference Manual for
details the specification of the Code Checking command.

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Refer to Section 2.6 of the Technical Reference Manual for general information on Member Selection. Refer to Section 5.48.3 of the Technical Reference Manual
for details the specification of the Member Selection command.

Output of selection and check results are given in suppressed, extended and advanced forms. Form of output results depends on value of parameter TRACK.

Results are presented in tables. Three versions of output results are possible: suppressed – results according the critical strength condition (TRACK=0), extended -
results according to all check conditions (TRACK=1) and advanced – complete information on results of member design (TRACK=2).

In tables of results common data for all TRACKs are indicated:


In tables of results common data for all TRACKs are indicated:

• number of member;
• type and number of cross-section;
• result obtained (ACCEPTED – requirements are met, FAILURE – are not met);
• abbreviated name of normative document (code, standard) (SNiP);
• number of check clause;
• safety of strength (ratio between design and normative values);
• number of the most unfavorable loading;
• value of longitudinal force acting in the member with subscript indicating its direction (“C” – compression, “P” – tension);
• bending moments in relation to local member axes Z and Y;
• distance to section, in which the most unfavorable combination of forces acts.

15B.5.1 Example of TRACK 0 output

In suppressed form (TRACK 0) results are presented according to the critical check for given member with indication of SNiP clause number, according to which
strength safety of the member is minimum.
1 I60 PASS SNiP- 5.18 0.68 1
0.000E+00 -4.650E+02 0.000E+00 3.000E+00

15B.5.2 Example of TRACK 1 output

In extended form (TRACK 1) results are presented on the basis of all required by SNiP checks for given stress state.
1 I60 PASS SNiP- 5.18 0.68 1
0.000E+00 -4.650E+02 0.000E+00 3.000E+00
1 I60 PASS SNiP- DISPL 0.36 1
0.000E+00 -4.650E+02 0.000E+00 3.000E+00

15B.5.3 Example of a TRACK 2 output

In advanced form (TRACK=2) in addition to tabled results supplementary information is presented.

• Material characteristics:
• Steel;
• Design resistance;
• Elasticity modulus;
• Section characteristics:
• Length of member;
• Section area;
• Net area;
• Inertia moment (second moment of area) (I);
• Section modulus (W);
• First moment of area (S);
• Radius of gyration;
• Effective length;
• Slenderness;
• Results are presented in two columns, Z and Y respectively.
• Design forces:
• Longitudinal force;
• Moments;
• Shear force.

Signs “+” and “-“ indicate direction of acting longitudinal force, bending moments and shear forces in accordance with sign rules assumed in program STAAD.

Check results in advanced form are presented with values of intermediate parameters by formulas in analytical and numerical expression with indication of SNiP
1 I60 PASS SNiP- 5.18 0.68 1
0.000E+00 -4.650E+02 0.000E+00 3.000E+00
1 I60 PASS SNiP- DISPL 0.36 1
0.000E+00 -4.650E+02 0.000E+00 3.000E+00

Steel =C245
Modulus of elasticity = 206.E+06 KPA
Design Strength (Ry) = 240.E+03 KPA

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Member Length = 6.00E+00
Gross Area = 1.38E-02
Net Area = 1.38E-02
z-axis y-axis
Moment of inertia (I) : 768.E-06 173.E-07
Section modulus (W) : 256.E-05 182.E-06
First moment of area (S) : 149.E-05 156.E-06
Radius of gyration (i) : 236.E-03 354.E-04
Effective Length : 600.E-02 600.E-02
Slenderness : 0.00E+00 0.00E+00

DESIGN DATA (units -kN,m)SNiP II-23-81*/1998

Axial force : 0.00E+00
z-axis y-axis
Moments : -465.E+00 0.00E+00
Shear force : 0.00E+00 500.E-02


F.(39) M/(C1*Wmin)=-465.0E+00/ 1.12E+00* 2.56E-03= 162.1E+03
F.(41) Q/(H*T)= 500.0E-02/ 6.00E-01* 1.20E-02= 694.E+00
RY*GAMAC= 240.0E+03

Conventional notations assumed in presentation of results: “+”, “-“, “/”, “*”,”**”, “SQRT”, their respective meanings (i.e., addition, subtraction, division,
multiplication, raising to the second power (squared), and square root). Conventional notations of stresses, coefficients and characteristics of steel resistance
comply with accepted in the SNiP standard. Only Greek letters are changed by their names (e.g., , γc-GAMAC; α-ALPHA; β-BETA, η-ETA, φ-PHI, etc.).

International Design Codes

15C. Russian Codes - Steel Design Per SP 16.13330.2011

STAAD.Pro is capable of performing steel design based on the Russian code Сп 16.13330.2011 стальные конструкции (SP 16.13330.2011 Steel Structures).

This code supersedes SNiP II-23-81*.

Design of members per SP 16.13330.2011 requires the STAAD ECC. Super Code SELECT Code Pack.

This feature requires STAAD.Pro 2007.10.10.xx or greater.

15C.1 General

15C.2 Member Capacities

15C.3 Built-in Russian Steel Section Library

15C.4 Design Parameters

15C.5 Section selection and check results

Related Information

15B. Steel Design Per SNiP 2.23-81* (Edition 1990)

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SP 16.13330.2011

15C.1 General

Design Code SP Steel Structures –as is the case in the majority of modern codes– is based on the method of limit states. The following groups of limit states are
defined in the Code.

• The first group concerns losses of general shape and stability, failure, and qualitative changes in configuration of the structure (i.e., ultimate limit states).
Appearance of non-allowable residual deformations, displacements, yielding of materials or opening of cracks.

Analysis of structures for the first limit state is performed using the maximum (design) loads and actions, which can cause failure of structures.

• The second group concerns states of the structure which worsen their service or reduce durability due to exceeding allowable deflections, deviations,
settlements, vibrations, etc. (i.e., service conditions)

Analysis of structures for the second limit state is performed using service (normative) loads and actions. Relation between design and normative loads is
referred to as coefficient of load reliability, which is defined in SNiP 2.01.07.- 85 “Loads and Actions”.

The coefficient of reliability for destination GAMA n according to SP 20.13330.2011 shall be taken in to account determining loads or their combinations.

According to the European standards, the strength of steel is represented by the characteristic value. To obtain the design value, the steel reliability coefficient
GAMM is used. The default value of GAMM is 1.0.

If there are doubts about the conformance of the European steel type and the standard, it is necessary that the steel type designation used by the ENSGR parameter be
set the same as the standard selected in the ENMAIN parameter. If the chosen steel type is not present in the chosen standard, then the program exits with the error
code MEMBER NO.145 STEEL S275 IS NOT PRESENT IN EN 10025-6 * ERROR * The calculation will be terminated if the thickness of the designed member
web or flange thickness is outside the limits of the steel standard. The error code will be issued: MEMBER NO. 1000 CURRENT THICKNESS IS OUT OF EN
100219-1 * ERROR *

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Only members from rolled, tube, and roll-formed assortment sections, and compound sections (such as double angles of T-type sections, double channels) are may
be designed in STAAD.Pro.

Economy of selected section is indicated by ratio the ration (which can be set using the RATIO parameter) σ/Ryyc presented in calculation results. A section is
economical when said ratio equals to 0.9 – 0.95.

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SP 16.13330.2011

15C.2 Member Capacities

15C.2.1 Axial Tension Members

Stress in a section of an axial tension member shall not exceed design strength Ry of the selected steel multiplied by the coefficient of service conditions, γc (input
by the GAMC1 and CAMC2 parameters), take from table 1 of SP 16.13330.2011.

The slenderness of tension members shall not exceed the slenderness limit, λuindicated in table 33 of SP 16.13330.2011 as equal to 150. This limit may be
specified using the CMM parameter, which defaults to 150.

The net section factor (the ratio of Anet/Agross) is specified by the NSF parameter and is used for tension members to allow for the reduction of design cross-section

15C.2.2 Axial Compression Members

All axial compression members are calculated as long bars (i.e., with allowance for slenderness - λ = l0/imin, where l0 is the effective length of the element).
Calculation is performed in accordance with clause 7.1.1 of SP 16.13330.2011, with the buckling coefficient ϕ determined by equation 8. Effective lengths of
elements (within and out-of plane) take into account role and location of the bar in the structure, as well as fixity of the ends (l0 = μ1), are determined according the
requirements of section 10.3 of SP 16.13330.2011 and are set by the user specification of the members. Slenderness parameters, μx(z) and μy are set using the
parameters KZ and KY, respectively. If the slenderness parameters of an element is not precisely known, then the effective length can be specified using the LY and
LZ parameters, instead. The ultimate slenderness of compression members shall now exceed the limit values given in table 32 of SP 16.13330.2011, or a user-
specified value provided through the CMN parameter. The value of the coefficient α used in Table 32 is taken within the limits of 0.5 and 1.0. The limiting
slenderness value in compression elements depends on stress acting the member, buckling coefficient, and design resistance of the steel.

Since the slenderness can be different in various planes, the greatest slenderness ratio is assumed in calculations. A warning is given if the slenderness ratio of a
compression element exceeds the limit, but the calculations are continued. If the slenderness ratio exceeds the limit value, the output line containing the
slenderness check is preceded by a # (pound or hash symbol).

The calculations of single members are performed in this manner. If the member is subjected to axial forces and bending moment (e.g., due to self weight), then the
calculation of load bearing capacity will be done taking into account the axial force and bending moments and the buckling resistance only under the axial
compression according to clause 7.1 of SP 133330.2011. Local buckling of the web and flanges of centrally loaded members is checked. Stiffener ribs are
recommended if necessary.

15C.2.3 Flexural Members

Member subjected to bending moments and shear forces are called flexural members.

There are three classes of flexural elements:

1. Elastic - in cross-section, the stress in the extreme compression fiber of the steel member –assuming an elastic distribution of stresses– can reach the yield
strength. σ ≤ Ry, where σ is the absolute value of the stress.
2. Elasto-plastic - in on part of the cross-section, the stresses are σ ≤ Ry and in another σ = Ry.
3. Plastic state (i.e., conditional plastic hinge) - across the entire cross-section, the stresses are σ = Ry.

The parameter TB is used to specify either class 1 (elastic) or class 2 (elasto-plastic).

The calculation of flexural members consists of verification of strength, stability, and deflection.

Normal and tangential stresses are verified by strength calculations of members. Normal stresses are calculated in the outermost section fibers. Tangential stresses
are verified in the neutral axis zone of the same section. If the normal stresses do not exceed design steel strength and tangential stresses do not exceed the design
value of steel shear strength, Rsγs, then according to clause 8.2.1 of SP 16.13330.2011 the principal stresses are checked.

For elements subjected to biaxial bending moments according to clauses 8.2.1 and 8.4.1 of SP 16.13330.2011

15C.2.4 Eccentrically Compressed/Tensioned Members

Eccentrically compressed or tensioned members are subjected to simultaneous action of axial force and bending moment. Bending moment appears to eccentrically
applied longitudinal force or due to transverse force.

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SP 16.13330.2011

15C.3 Built-in Russian Steel Section Library

STAAD.Pro can check many standard sections in SP 16.13330.2011.

Table 15C.1-Typical Sections for Russian Steel Design

Section Section Type Designation form

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Section Section Type Designation form

I-beam (GOST 8239-89) ST I12

Regular I-beam (GOST 26020-83) ST B1-10

Broad-flanged I-beam (GOST 26020-83) ST SH1-23

Column I-beam (GOST 26020-83) ST K1-20

Channel (GOST 8240-89) ST C14

ST L100x100x7
Equal legs angle (GOST 8509-89)
RA L100x100x7

ST L125x80x10
Unequal legs angle (GOST 8510-89)
RA L125x80x10

ST PIP102x5.5

Pipes (welded and for gas piping) or

ST PIPE OD 0.102 ID 0.055

ST TUB160x120x3

Roll-formed square and rectangular tubes or

ST TUBE TH 0.003 WT 0.12 DT 0.16

Table 15C.2-Compound Sections for Russian Steel Design

Section Section Type Designation form

D C14 SP 0.01
Double channels
(SP – clear distance between
channel walls)

LD L100x100x7 SP 0.01
Double equal legs angles (SP – clear distance between
angle walls)

LD L125x80x10 SP 0.01
Double unequal legs angles with long legs back to back
(SP – clear distance between
angle walls)

SD L125x80x10 SP 0.01
Double unequal legs angles with short legs back to back
(SP – clear distance between
angle walls)

T I12
Tee with flange at the top
T B1-10
Flange of Tee beam is at the top part of cross-section if beta angle = 0°, or at the
T SH1-23
bottom part if beta angle = 180°.
T K1-20

For entry of cross-sectional dimensions command MEMBER PROPERTIES RUSSIAN is used.

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See "Built-in Russian Steel Section Library" for an example.

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SP 16.13330.2011

15C.4 Design Parameters

Table 15C.3-Design parameters for design of steel members per SP 16.13330.2011

Default Value Description

Must be specified as RUSSIAN

CODE - Design Code to follow.

See section 5.48.1 of the Technical Reference Manual.

Member design parameter:

0. Design member for forces at their ends or at the sections defined by the
SECTION command (See Section 5.41 of the Technical Reference Manual).
1. Calculate the major axis moment, Mz, and 13 points along the beam and design the
BEAM 1 beam the location of the maximum Mz value.
2. Same as BEAM = 1, but additional checks are carried out at beam ends and at critical
intermediate sections.
3. Calculate forces at 13 points and perform design checks at all locations, including at

Location of loading on the beam:

CB 1
1. top flange
2. bottom flange

Slenderness limit for tension members:

0. suppress slenderness check

1. 150
CMM 0 2. 200
3. 250
4. 300
5. 350
6. 400

Ultimate slenderness for compression members. Limits as per SP 16.13330.2011 clause 10.4,
Table 32:

0. suppress slenderness check

1. 180-60a
2. 120
3. 210-60a
CMN 0 4. 220-40a
5. 220
6. 180-60a
7. 210-60a
8. 200
9. 150

where a = alpha calculated as defined in SP 16.13330.2011 Table 32.

DFF None "Deflection Length" / Maximum allowable local deflection

Start Joint
of member
End Joint of
DMAX 1,000 in Maximum allowable section depth
DMIN 0 Minimum allowable section depth
ENMAIN 1 The number of the steel standard taken from Table 3.1 in EN 1993-1-1: 2005
The number of the steel grade from Table 3.1 in EN 1993-1-1: 2005. See "Steel grade as in
Table 3.1: EN 1993-1-1: 2005:" for values. Also, see Note 1 below.
GAMC1 1.0 Specific service condition coefficient for buckling design
GAMC2 1.0 Specific service condition coefficient for strength design
GAMM 1.0 Specific partial coefficient for steel for European . See "General" for details.
KY 1.0 Coefficient of effective length in respect to local axis Y (in plane XZ)
KZ 1.0 Coefficient of effective length in respect to local axis Z (in plane XY)
Describes the type of and position of loading on the beam:

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Default Value Description
1. concentrated in middle of the span
2. concentrated in the quarter of the span
3. concentrated at the end of bracket
4. uniformly distributed along beam
5. uniformly distributed on bracket

LY Member Length Effective length in respect to local axis Y (in plane XZ)
LZ Member Length Effective length in respect to local axis Z (in plane XY)

Standard of steel grade (GOST):

1. GOST27772-88
MAIN 1 2. GOST10705-80
3. GOST10706-76
4. GOST8731-87
5. TY14-3-567-76

Net section factor for tension members or web section area weakening factor for bending
NSF 1.0

Design steel strength (yield strength)

PY 0
Used when parameters MAIN and SGR are not defined for Russian steel materials or
ENMAIN and ENSGR for European steel materials. See Note 1 below.

RATIO 1.0 Permissible ratio of the actual capacities.

Number of lateral bracing restraints along the span:

SBLT 0 0. beam is not fixed laterally

1. singe restraint at mid-span
2. or higher is the number of uniformly spaced lateral restraints along the span

Steel grade (STAL): See Note 1 below.

1. S235
2. S245
3. S255
4. S285
5. S345
6. S345K
7. S375
SGR 1 8. S390
9. S440
10. S590
11. S590K
12. VSt3kp
13. VSt3ps
14. VSt3sp
15. VSt3ps4
16. St3ps4
17. 20

Indication of elastic or elastic-plastic calculation for bending members (non-axially

compressed or tensioned) per Cl. 8.1:
TB 1 1. 1st Class (Elastic)
2. 2nd Class (Elasto-plastic)
3. 3rd Class (Plastic)

Output details:

0. suppressed output information

TRACK 0 1. extended output information for the critical section under the critical load case
2. full output information for the critical section under the critical load case
3. extended output information for all sections under all load cases.

Design steel strength (ultimate strength)

Used when parameters MAIN and SGR are not defined.

15C.4.1 Notes

1. It is common practice to design only Russian or European shapes to the SNiP codes. For Russian steel sections, the steel design strength value, Ry, of a
particular steel grade can be obtained from Table C.5 of SP 16.13330.2011 and is used for the SGR parameter. For European sections, the ENSGR and ENMAIN
parameters are used accordingly. If steel sections from other countries must be used, the PY parameter is used to specify the steel strength.

International Design Codes

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Russian Codes - Steel Design Per Russian Code SP 16.13330.2011

15C.5 Member Selection and Code Check

Both code checking and member selection options are available in SP 16.13330.2011.

Refer to Section 2.5 of the Technical Reference Manual for general information on Code Checking. Refer to Section 5.48.2 of the Technical Reference Manual for
details the specification of the Code Checking command.

Refer to Section 2.6 of the Technical Reference Manual for general information on Member Selection. Refer to Section 5.48.3 of the Technical Reference Manual
for details the specification of the Member Selection command.

Output of selection and check results are given in suppressed, extended and advanced forms. Form of output results depends on value of parameter TRACK.

Results are presented in tables. Three versions of output results are possible: suppressed – results according the critical strength condition (TRACK=0), extended -
results according to all check conditions (TRACK=1) and advanced – complete information on results of member design (TRACK=2).

In tables of results common data for all TRACKs are indicated:

• (TRACK=2).

In tables of results common data for all TRACKs are indicated:

• number of member;
• type and number of cross-section;
• result obtained (ACCEPTED – requirements are met, FAILURE – are not met);
• abbreviated name of normative document (code, standard) (SNiP);
• number of check clause;
• safety of strength (ratio between design and normative values);
• number of the most unfavorable loading;
• value of longitudinal force acting in the member with subscript indicating its direction (“C” – compression, “P” – tension);
• bending moments in relation to local member axes Z and Y;
• distance to section, in which the most unfavorable combination of forces acts.

15C.5.1 Example of TRACK 0 output

In suppressed form (TRACK 0) results are presented according to the critical check for given member with indication of SP 16 clause number, according to which
strength safety of the member is minimum.
2 I IPE300 PASS SNiP- 8.4.1 0.76 1
0.000E+00 -4.446E+01 0.000E+00 4.000E+00

15C.5.2 Example of TRACK 1 output

In extended form (TRACK 1) results are presented on the basis of all required by SP 16 checks for given stress state.
2 I IPE300 PASS SNiP- 8.2.1 0.22 1
0.000E+00 -4.446E+01 0.000E+00 4.000E+00
2 I IPE300 PASS SNiP- 8.2.1 0.00 1
0.000E+00 -4.446E+01 0.000E+00 4.000E+00
2 I IPE300 PASS SNiP- 8.2.1 0.20 1
0.000E+00 -4.446E+01 0.000E+00 4.000E+00
2 I IPE300 PASS SNiP- 8.4.1 0.76 1
0.000E+00 -4.446E+01 0.000E+00 4.000E+00

15C.5.3 Example of a TRACK 2 output

In advanced form (TRACK=2) in addition to tabled results supplementary information is presented.

• Material characteristics:
• Steel;
• Design resistance;
• Elasticity modulus;
• Section characteristics:
• Length of member;
• Section area;
• Net area;
• Inertia moment (second moment of area) (I);
• Section modulus (W);
• First moment of area (S);
• Radius of gyration;
• Effective length;
• Slenderness;
• Results are presented in two columns, Z and Y respectively.
• Design forces:
• Longitudinal force;
• Moments;
• Shear force.

Signs “+” and “-“ indicate direction of acting longitudinal force, bending moments and shear forces in accordance with sign rules assumed in program STAAD.

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Check results in advanced form are presented with values of intermediate parameters by formulas in analytical and numerical expression with indication of SNiP
2 I IPE300 PASS SNiP- 8.2.1 0.22 1
0.000E+00 -4.446E+01 0.000E+00 4.000E+00
2 I IPE300 PASS SNiP- 8.2.1 0.00 1
0.000E+00 -4.446E+01 0.000E+00 4.000E+00
2 I IPE300 PASS SNiP- 8.2.1 0.20 1
0.000E+00 -4.446E+01 0.000E+00 4.000E+00
2 I IPE300 PASS SNiP- 8.4.1 0.76 1
0.000E+00 -4.446E+01 0.000E+00 4.000E+00

Steel =S355 EN10025-2
Modulus of elasticity = 206.E+06 kPa
Design Strength (Ry) = 355.E+03 kPa


Member Length = 8.00E+00
Gross Area = 5.38E-03
Net Area = 5.38E-03
z-axis y-axis
Moment of inertia (I) : 836.E-07 604.E-08
Section modulus (W) : 557.E-06 805.E-07
First moment of area (S) : 314.E-06 625.E-07
Radius of gyration (i) : 125.E-03 335.E-04
Effective Length : 160.E-01 800.E-02
Slenderness : 0.00E+00 0.00E+00

DESIGN DATA (units -kN,m)SNiP II-23-81*/2011

Axial force : 0.00E+00
z-axis y-axis
Moments : -445.E-01 0.00E+00
Shear force : 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Bi-moment : 0.00E+00 Value of Bi-moment not being entered!!!


F.(41) M/(Wn,min*Ry*GAMAc)=-444.6E-01/( 5.57E-04* 355.0E+03* 1.00E+00= 2.25E-01=<1
F.(44) 0.87/(Ry*GAMAc)*SQRT(SIGMz^2+3*TAUzy^2)=
0.87/( 355.0E+03* 1.00E+00)*SQRT(-798.2E+02^2+3* 0.000E+00)=
TAUzy/(Rs*GAMAc)= 0.000E+00/( 205.9E+03* 1.00E+00)= 0.00E+00=<1
F.(69) M/(FIb*Wcx*Ry*GAMAc)=
-444.6E-01/( 2.97E-01* 5.57E-04* 355.0E+03* 1.00E+00)= 2.25E-01=<1

Conventional notations assumed in presentation of results: “+”, “-“, “/”, “*”,”**”, “SQRT”, their respective meanings (i.e., addition, subtraction, division,
multiplication, raising to the second power (squared), and square root). Conventional notations of stresses, coefficients and characteristics of steel resistance
comply with accepted in the SP standard. Only Greek letters are changed by their names (e.g., , γc-GAMAC; α-ALPHA; β-BETA, η-ETA, φ-PHI, etc.).

International Design Codes

15D. Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per SP 63.1330.2012

STAAD.Pro is capable of performing concrete design for beams, columns, slabs, and walls based on the Russian code Сп63.1330.2012 Бетонные и
железобетонные конструкции. Основные положения (SP 63.1330.2012 Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures. Basic Provisions).

This code supersedes SNiP 2.03.01-84*.

Design of members per SP 63.1330.2012 requires the STAAD ECC Super Code SELECT Code Pack.

This feature requires STAAD.Pro 2007.11 or greater.

15D.1 General

15D.2 Design Parameters

15D.3 Beams

15D.4 Columns

15D.5 2D Elements: Slabs, Walls, and Shells

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per SP 63.1330.2012

15D.1 General

Russian Code SP 63.1330.20121 Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures - Basic Provisions is based on the method of limit states. This code defines two
groups of limit states.

Analysis according to the first group of limit states is performed to avoid the following phenomena:

• brittle, plastic or other type of failure,

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• loss by structure of stable form or position,

Analysis according to the second group of limit states is performed to avoid the following phenomena:

• excessive opening of cracks (if they are allowed according to service conditions)

Analysis of structures for the first group of limit states is performed for the maximum (design) loads and actions. Analysis of structures for the second group of
limit states is made in accordance with the operational (normative) loads and actions. Ratio between design and normative loads is called reliability coefficient for
loads which is determined according to SNiP 2.01.07.-85 Loads and actions.

STAAD.Pro calculates reinforcement for concrete members. Algorithms for calculation of reinforcement of concrete linear (beams, columns) and 2D (two
dimensional) (slabs, walls, shells) members are incorporated into STAAD.Pro. In addition to SP5 2.13330.2011, the Guide for design of plain concrete and
reinforced concrete structures from normal weight and lightweight concrete (to SNiP 2.03.01-84) has been incorporated in the calculation algorithms.

STAAD.Pro calculates reinforcement for beams of rectangular or T section and for columns of rectangular or circular section (Fig.1).

Figure 15D.1 - Notation of dimensions for rectangular, circular and T sections

The flange of T-shape beams may be situated at the top zone of the section if the angle BETA=0°, or at the bottom zone of the section, if BETA=180°.

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per Russian Code SP 63.1330.2012

15D.2 Design Parameters

Values of parameters do not depend on the UNIT command.

Commands for calculation of reinforcement are located in the input data file after the command of analysis and as a rule, after output commands to print results of

Table 15D.1-Parameters for concrete design according to Russian Code SP 63.1330.2012

Parameter Default
Name Value
Must be assigned as RUSSIAN

CODE - Design Code to follow.

See section 5.48.1 of the Technical Reference Manual.

BCL 15 Compression class of concrete

(Slabs/Walls) Distance from top/bottom face of slab/wall element to the center of the longitudinal
CL 0.05 reinforcing bars located in the first local (x) direction (i.e., main thickness of top/bottom concrete cover
for slab/wall elements)

(Beams) Distance from the top or bottom edge of the beam cross section to the center of longitudinal
CL1 0.05
(Columns) Distance from the edge of the column cross section to the center of the longitudinal
reinforcing bars

(Beams) Distance from left/right side of the beam cross section to the center of longitudinal
CL2 0.05
(Slabs/Walls) Distance from top/bottom face of slab/wall element to the center of the transverse
CRA 0.05 reinforcing bars located in the second local (y) direction (i.e., secondary thickness of top/bottom concrete
cover for slab/wall elements)

(Beams) Diameter of the longitudinal reinforcement bars in the beam tension zone
DD1 16
(Columns) Minimum diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars for the column

(Beams) Diameter of the shear reinforcement bars for the beam

DD2 16
(Columns) Maximum diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars for the column

(Beams) Design depth of beam the section. Used for design only, with the default value taken as the YD
dimension in the member properties.
EFA 0 (Beams) Face of support location at the end of the beam
ELY 1 (Columns) Length coefficient to evaluate slenderness effects in the local Y axis
ELZ 1 (Columns) Length coefficient to evaluate slenderness effects in the local Z axis
(Beams) Design width of the beam's bottom flange. Used for design only, with the default value taken as
the ZB dimension in the member properties.
(Beams) Design width of the beam's top flange. Used for design only, with the default value taken as the
ZD dimension in the member properties.
(Slabs/Walls) Design parameter of slab/wall reinforcement:

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Parameter Default
Name Value
0. reinforcement calculation applied by stresses in local axis
1. reinforcement calculation applied by principal stresses

(Slabs/Walls) Design parameter of slab/wall reinforcement:

0. the effect of additional eccentricity is not considered
1. the effect of additional eccentricity is considered

NLT 1 Load case ID number of the long-term load case

NSE 13 (Beams) Number of equally spaced sections used for beam design. The upper limit is 20.

Class of longitudinal reinforcement:

1. A240
RCL 3 2. A400
3. A500
4. A600

(Beams) Class of shear reinforcement:

1. A240
RSH 2. A400
3. A500
4. A600

SDX 16 (Slabs/Walls) Diameter of reinforcing bars located in the first local (X) direction
SDY 16 (Slabs/Walls) Diameter of reinforcing bars located in the second local (Y) direction
SELX 0 (Slabs/Walls) Design length of wall member to evaluate slenderness effects in local X axis
SELY 0 (Slabs/Walls) Design length of wall member to evaluate slenderness effects in local Y axis
SFA 0 (Beams) Face of support location at the start of the beam

(Beam) Limit state parameter for beam design:

0. reinforcement amount calculated for required load capacity (i.e., the first limit state)
1. reinforcement amount calculated for cracking requirements (i.e., the second limit state)

(Slabs/Walls) Parameter of limit state for slab/wall design:

0. non symmetric reinforcement amount calculated for required load capacity (i.e., the first limit
STA 0 1. symmetric reinforcement amount calculated for required load capacity (i.e., the first limit state)
2. non symmetric reinforcement amount calculated for cracking requirements (i.e., the second limit
3. symmetric reinforcement amount calculated for cracking requirements (i.e., the second limit state)

Parameter of concrete hardening conditions:

TEM 0 0. normal concrete

1. fine-grain concrete
2. (Beams and Columns) fine-grain, steam hardened concrete

UB2 0.9 (Slabs/Walls) Specific service conditions coefficient for concrete, γb

Product of service conditions coefficients for concrete, except for γb in the case of slabs or walls (see
USM 1 (Beams and Columns) Total product of service conditions coefficients for longitudinal reinforcement, γs
WLT 0.3 (Beams and Slabs/Walls) Ultimate width of long-term crack
WST 0.4 (Beams and Slabs/Walls) Ultimate width of short-term crack.

15D.2.1 Example


* Columns of rectangular cross-section
1 TO 16 PRI YD 350. ZD 350.
* Columns of circular cross-section
17 TO 22 PRI YD 350.
* Beams of T cross-section
23 TO 40 PRI YD 450. ZD 550. YB 230. ZB 200.
41 TO 100 THICKNESS 0.14
101 TO 252 THICKNESS 0.16
* Flange of T beams is located at the bottom zone of cross-section
BETA 180. MEMB 23 TO 40

* Command of analysis

* Output command to print results of calculation (according to user’s judgment)

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* Command of loading and their combinations considered in design
* Command to start reinforcement calculation procedure
* List of parameters being used in reinforcement calculation

BCL 20. MEMB 17 TO 22
CL1 0.04 MEMB 1 TO 40
DD2 10. MEMB 23 TO 40
CRA 0.036 MEMB 41 TO 252

* Command of beam reinforcement calculation
* Command of column reinforcement calculation
* Command of calculation 2D elements (slabs, walls, shells)

* Command of interruption of the reinforcement calculation

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per Russian Code SP 63.1330.2012

15D.3 Beams

Reinforcement areas are calculated for beams of rectangular and T cross section. When calculating the longitudinal reinforcement bending moment about the local
axis Z and torsional moments are considered; the influence of longitudinal forces and bending moments in relation to local axis Y is ignored. When calculating
transverse reinforcement shear forces parallel to local axis Y and torsional moments are considered.

Reinforcement for beams can be calculated either for strength conditions or from crack width limits using the SSE parameter.

In general, the calculation of reinforcement for beams is carried out two times: once according to strength conditions and again according to crack width limitation.
In reinforcement calculations for strength conditions (i.e., the first limit state), design load values must be used. In reinforcement calculations for crack width
limitation (i.e., the second limit state), characteristic (i.e., normative or service) load values are used. Using the multiple analysis capability of STAAD.Pro allows
you to carry out both calculations in a single analysis and design run.

In most cases, calculation of reinforcement is carried out with only a partial number of load cases. In such cases, the LOAD LIST command is used to indicate the
load case numbers. The load case number indicated by the NLT parameter –used to indicate the load cases for permanent and long-term loads– must be included in
the list of considered loads.

The parameter BCL can be equal to any value of concrete compression strength class given in SNiP 2.03.01-84*, as well as any intermediate value.

It should be noted that the accuracy of results in calculating transverse reinforcement increases with the value of the NSE parameter.

Parameters SFA and EFA are considered only in the calculation of transverse reinforcement. Beam 1 shown in the following figure has rigid end-links of 0.3m at the
start of the beam and 0.2m at the end of the beam. In the STAAD input file, this is modeled as:
1 START 0.3 0 0
1 END -0.2 0 0

Figure 12A.2 - Diagram of a beam with rigid intervals

When the MEMBER OFFSET command is used, the forces used in calculation of reinforcement are for a beam whose length is taken from point a to point b (i.e.,
between the faces of the supporting columns) in the figure. In this case, it is necessary to use the default values of the parameters SFA and EFA (zero).

When the MEMBER OFFSET command not is used, the forces used in calculation of reinforcement are for a beam whose length is taken from node 10 to node 11. In
this case, it is necessary to assign the distances to the design parameters SFA and EFA.
SFA 0.3 1
EFA 0.2 1

The sign is positive for the EFA parameter, as it is assumed to be taken away from the gross beam length.

In both cases, the calculated quantity of transverse reinforcement is the same. The calculated quantity of longitudinal reinforcement in the second case will be

For beams, the following output is generated:

• beam number;
• method of calculation (according to conditions of strength or limitations of opened crack width);
• length and cross-sectional dimensions;
• distance from resultant of forces acting in bottom/top reinforcement to bottom/top edge of the section;
• distance from the side edge of cross-section of the beam web to the centroid of longitudinal bars located at this edge;

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• concrete class;
• class of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement;
• assumed in calculations bar diameters of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement;
• calculation results of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement (in two tables).

In nine columns of the first table the following results are presented:

• Section – distance of the section from the “start” of the beam, мм;
• As- – cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement in the bottom zone of cross-section of the beam, if angle BETA=0°, or in the top zone, if
• As+ – cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement in the top zone of cross-section of the beam , if angle BETA=0°, or in the top zone, if BETA=180°,;
• Moments (-/+) – values of bending moments, determining cross-sectional areas of longitudinal reinforcement As* and As* , kNm;
• Load. N. (-/+) – numbers of loading versions, determining cross-sectional areas of longitudinal reinforcement;
• Acrc1 – short-term opened crack width, mm;
• Acrc2 – long-term opened crack width, mm.

Opened crack width is presented only in the case when calculation is performed according to conditions limiting opened crack width.

In ten columns of second table the following results are presented:

• Section – distance of the section from the “start” of the beam, mm;
• Qsw – intensity of transverse reinforcement, kN/m;
• Asw – cross-sectional area of transverse bars,, if their step is 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 cm;
• Q – value of shear force parallel to the local axis, kN;
• T – value of torsional moment, kNm;
• Load N. – number of loading version, determining intensity of transverse reinforcement.

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per Russian Code SP 63.1330.2012

15D.4 Columns

Reinforcement for columns of rectangular or circular cross section can be calculated. The flexibility of columns can be evaluated in two ways.

• In the case of linear analysis (i.e., the PERFORM ANALYSIS command), the effective length is evaluated using the ELY and ELZ parameters, conforming to
provisions of SP5 2.13330.2011.
• If a P-DELTA or NONLINEAR (i.e. nonlinear geometry) analysis is performed, the values of the ELY and ELZ parameters should be close to zero (e.g., ELY =
ELZ = 0.01).

Longitudinal reinforcement for columns is calculated only for the strength condition. Longitudinal forces and bending moments in relation to local axes Y and Z
are taken into account in longitudinal reinforcement calculations.

For rectangular columns, the following output is generated:

• column number;
• column length and cross-sectional dimensions;
• distance of centroid of each longitudinal bar from the nearest edge of the cross-section;
• concrete class;
• longitudinal reinforcement class;
• range of longitudinal reinforcement bar diameters assumed in calculation;
• diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bars obtained in calculation;
• total quantity of longitudinal bars;
• quantity of longitudinal bars at each cross-section edge, directed parallel to the local axis Y ;
• quantity of longitudinal bars at each cross-section edge, directed parallel to the local axis Z.

In nine columns of the table under the heading LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT, the following output is presented:

• Section – distance of the section from the “start” of the column, mm;
• Astot – total cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement,;
• Asy – cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement bars at each edge of section, directed parallel to the local axis Y ,;
• Asz – cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement bars at each edge of section, directed parallel to the local axis Z ,;
• Percent – reinforcement percentage in the section;
• Nx, Mz, My – respective values of longitudinal force and bending moments in relation to the local axes Z and Y , determining cross-sectional area of
longitudinal reinforcement;
• Load.N. – number of loading version, determining cross-sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement.

International Design Codes

Russian Codes - Concrete Design Per Russian Code SP 63.1330.2012

15D.5 2D Elements: Slabs, Walls, and Shells

In general, the calculation of reinforcement for two dimensional elements (i.e., slabs, walls, and shells) is performed two times: once according to conditions of
strength and again according to limiting of width of cracks. In reinforcement calculations for strength conditions (i.e., the first limit state), design load values must
be used. In reinforcement calculations for crack width limitation (i.e., the second limit state), characteristic (i.e., normative or service) load values are used. Using
the multiple analysis capability of STAAD.Pro allows you to carry out both calculations in a single analysis and design run.

Symmetric or non symmetric reinforcement of elements is calculated according to either first or second limit states by using the STA parameter.

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It is necessary to pay close attention to the arrangement of local axis of the element with respect to the direction of reinforcement for the calculation of
reinforcement. This is controlled using the CL and CRA parameters, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 15D.2 - Russian concrete design parameters CL and CRA

An example output of reinforcement calculations:

(by stresses in local axes for limitation of crack width)
Element Asx Mx Nx Load. N. Asy My Ny Load N. kNm/m kN/m (X) kNm/m kN/m (Y)
60 TOP 0.00 *4.9 0.0 1 0.00 *4.5 0.0 1
BOT 3.53 *9.9 0.0 3 3.46 *8.9 0.0 3
61 TOP 0.00 *5.3 0.0 1 0.00 *4.7 0.0 1
BOT 3.87 *10.7 0.0 3 3.65 *9.4 0.0 3
62 TOP 0.00 *5.6 0.0 1 0.00 *4.8 0.0 1
BOT 4.10 *11.2 0.0 3 3.77 *9.6 0.0 3


• Element – number of finite element, TOP – “top” zone of member, BOT – “bottom” zone of member (“top” zone of member is determined by positive
direction of local axis Z see the following figure);
• Asx – intensity of reinforcing in the first direction (parallel to the local axis X),;
• Mx – distributed bending moment in respect to the local axis Y, kNm/m;
• Nx – distributed longitudinal force directed parallel to the axis X, kNm/m;
• Load N.(X) – number of loading version, determining intensity of reinforcing in the first direction;
• Asy – intensity of reinforcing in the second direction (parallel to the local axis Y),;
• My – distributed bending moment in respect to the local axis X kNm/m;
• Ny – distributed longitudinal force directed parallel to the local axis Y kN/m;
• Load N.(Y) – number of loading version, determining intensity of reinforcing in the second direction.

Figure 15D.3 - Local coordinate system of 2D member and notation of forces

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