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B.Tech.VII Sem (IV year) Improvement assignment, 2017.

Branch: - Mechanical Engineering
Q.1 Discuss banded symmetric matrix and band width with suitable example.
Q.2 determine the displacement of each node and force required at node 3 for specific conditions as follows.

Q.3 Solve the equations using gauss elimination method.

Q.4 Derive global stiffness matrix for a two spring system using local stiffness matrix for each element.
Q.5 Using minimum energy approach solve for displacement at 2, 3 and 4 and reaction force at node 1 for
following node 3 is rigid.

Q.6 Shape function satisfy property of consistency i.e. they are able to model rigid body motion and condition of
constant strain. Write shape function for linear and quadratic interpolation for 1D element. Also show that these
shape functions are consistent.
Q.7 Consider the bar shown in fig. an axial load P= 200x103 N is applied as shown. Using the penalty approach
for handling boundary conditions, do the following-
(i) Determine the nodal displacements.
(ii) Determine the stress in each element.
(iii) Determine the reaction forces.

Q.8 State and explain the principle of minimum potential energy for 1D element.
Q.9 Derive Shape functions for CST triangular element in local coordinates.
Q 10 Determine Jacobain matrix of a triangle element. Which coordinate are A(1, 2.5),B(8,6.5) and C(3,9 ).
Q.11 Minimize the residual of governing differential equation considering the Galerkin residual method. The
governing equation uniform bar subjected to a linearly varying load q is given by
Q.12 Discuss the variational(week) form of the weighted residual statement for given differential equation

Q.13 Discuss the variation formulation method of differential equation foe one dimensional heat transfer problem
Q.14 Discuss the collocation method and Sub-domain method.
Q.15 Find out the trial solution for given governing differential equation shown in fig.

Q.16 What are the applications of finite element method?

Q.17 What are the concepts of element mass matrix in dynamic analysis?
Q.18 What do you mean by p and h methods of mesh refinement?
Q.19 Derive the equation of motion based on weak form for axial vibration of a rod.
Q.20 Using langrage interpolation formula, write down trail solution for a three quadratic element with nodes at
x1= 0, x2= 2, x3= -1 and find out the u(x) if u1= 4, u2= 3 and u3=-1.

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