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English 9 (3rd Quarter)

Activity No. 13
Activity Title: Noting the Use of Figurative Language to Clarify Meaning
Learning Competencies: Explain the literary devices used
Learning Target: Note the use of figurative language to clarify meaning
Reference: English Expressways 3,pages 94-95
Concept Notes:

Writers use figurative language when they choose words and phrases that help
the reader see ordinary things in new ways. These special descriptions are called
figures of speech.

1.) Simile- likens or compares one object, action or relation to something else of a
different kind or quality using like or as.
2.) Metaphor- a word or phrase literally denoting the kind of object or idea, place of
another by way of suggesting a likeness between them.
3.) Personification- is a representation making an animal ,object , or an element of
human qualities or behaves like a human being.
4.) Hyperbole- is an exaggerated statement uttered to produce the desired effect.
5.} Irony- the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really think.
6.) Apostrophe- is an address to someone who is absent and cannot here the speaker
or to something nonhuman that cannot understand what is said.
7.) Synecdoche- a figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole, the whole
for a part, the species for the genus, the genus for the species, or the name of
material for thing made.
8.) Metonymy- is a figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted with
another with which it is closely associated.
9.) Understatement- the opposite of hyperbole, to make little of something

Task 1: Identify the figure of speech expressed in the following sentences.

1. “ Come night; come, Romeo , come, thou thee is night.
2. The pen is mightier than the sword.
3. His parents bought him a new set of wheels.
4. The United States will be delivering the new product to us very soon.
5. Fear clutched his throat.
6. The muscles of his arm are as strong as iron bad.
7. Jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain top.
8. I will love you till the seas run dry.
9. I have looked all over the world for you.
10. Death is a black camel, which kneels at the gates of hell.

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