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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Preparatoria 2 de octubre de 1968


English III

Adrián Carbajal Perez

My Thesis


School cycle 2017-2018


Engineering in mechatronics

Mechatronics engineering is a fundamental basis of what we have today, is one of the

largest bases of electronics, since the mechatronics is based on all fundamental
engineering but ....

How much does the mechatronics influence in everyday life?

Very little know all the field of work that manages this engineering, l see everywhere and
yet never ask us how they are made or who are responsible for what we use.

Why is the mechatronics well seen today?

lately the mechatronics is one of the best seen engineering, this either because of the
good reputation it is winning thanks to the variety of specialties it entails, besides that it
has been "sold" as the carer of the future, making this a more attractive tone of how
things are done

and finally ... Why is the mechatronics so important in our lives?

Today most things are handled electronically, by means of devices, circuits and do not
forget the programming, it is very difficult to find someone who has not used any tool that
carries one of the aforementioned, it is worth mentioning that the way in which a series of
activities is carried out, some of them carry out a circuit or handle electricity automatically
or analogously, even though they are carried out by means of some program.

Aldrish (2008) The word mechatronics can be divided into mecha mechanics and
electronics, however it covers other areas of the knowledge such as control and

To study mechatronics, it is essential to know a little about of the history of each one of
the main areas that compose it.

Starting with mechanics, which can be said to show first traces in the stone age with the
manufacture of the first tools based on silex, later in the year 287-212 A.C.

Archimedes: mathematician and inventor who raises the Law of lever, invents the
composite pulley, the catapult of mirrors and the endless screw between others But
maybe the law was raised better known is known commonly known as the Archimedes
principle, which states "that Every body submerged in a fluid experiences a loss of weight

equal to the weight of the volume of the fluid that dislodges. "Years later it arrives

Heron of Alexandria a mathematician and physicist in the year 20-62 D.C. who

he wrote works on mechanics, mathematics and physics and invented several novel
devices such as the aelipila: a steam engine rotating, the source of Heron: a pneumatic
device that produces a vertical water jet by air pressure and diopter: a primitive

geodetic instrument used to measure distances on earth. Later in the Middle Ages in the
fifteenth century appears Leonardo Da Vinci, Italian architect, sculptor, engineer and sage,
who in addition to hisartistic works such as the Gioconda and the last dinner among the
most famous, he stood out for inventing ingenious machines such as the suit of
application of diver and flying machines that for the time not

immediate practice
The development of mechanics with Kepler and Copernicus contributed then to the
development of celestial mechanics, I understand the movement of bodies in space. Then
the laws of movement on earth in the sixteenth century with Galileo Galilei, astronomer,

mathematician, philosopher and physicist to whom the Law of the pendulum, the
invention of the telescope, the study on the fall of bodies and gave some characters on
gravitational law without giving it character of law universal.

Jovans (2009) ELECTRONICS: branch of physics that studies the movement of electrons in
a conductor or in a semiconductor.

Which means that it takes advantage of the phenomena caused by the flow of electrons
between two bodies with opposite electrical charges to apply in the transmission and
manipulation of information.

Electronics is divided into two fundamental branches; analog and digital.

Figure. Fundamental branches of electronics Analog electronics, manipulation,

transcription and reproduce the information so that in any part of the process

Sign is a faithful image of the original.

In analog electronics are three basic automatic; theresistors, capacitors and resources in
semiconductors like diodes and transistors.

Resistances, as their own name indicates, are opposed tostep of the electric current and
helps limit the current that It flows in the circuit when a certain voltage is applied.

The capacitors are capable of storing a small amount of energy, so they were initially used

balance existing electrical charges in the circuit, although its scope has been extended in
digital electronics to that of information warehouses. electronics
In conclusión Based on the research we can conclude that the mechatronics is an
engineering that covers all types of engineering so its field of application is very large due
to the great diversity of engineering that make up everything in one, thus giving a
versatility Much better than doing the best of all things, applying them all together,
instead of all things separately as is traditional.

What has caused great technological advances, as a result of automotive mechanisms that
facilitate technological development.

You can also say that mechatronics appears in many activities of the human being, which
is an engineering that is mainly responsible for developing new innovations or
technological advances to facilitate the tasks or activities of a human being.

In the same way, combining all the engineering in one allows this to be better than the
most relevant of each of them, which causes the best of each of them to be obtained in
order to carry out more advanced and better processes or systems. that focuses on always
innovate for a simpler and faster development when carrying out all the activities that a
human being entails. Being that it has such a large field of application that it can take
place in the automotive industries that use all kinds of advanced equipment intelligently
and in this way reach a more efficient work.
The mechatronics has as immediate antecedents to the investigation in the area of the
cybernetics carried out in 1936 by Alan Turing; in 1948 by Wiener and Morthy; the
machines of numerical control, developed initially in 1946 by Devol; the manipulators,
whether teleoperated, in 1951 by Goertz, or robotized, in 1954 by Devol, and
programmable automatons, by Bedford Associates in 1968.
The term mechatronics began to emerge from the 60s as a concept of automation of
Japanese industry; It was first introduced in 1969 by the engineer Tetsuro Mori, worker of
the Yaskawa Japanese Power Company in a memorandum (Mori, T., "Mechatronics",
Trademark Application of Yaskawa Internal Memo 21.131.01, July 12, 1969 ), who
together with Ko Kikuchi applied the Kaizen technique (Japanese term that means
continuous improvement) to solve a problem of operation of one of the products that
they manufactured in the company where they worked, receiving in 1972 the right of
mark (registration of Japanese brand , No. 946594, January 1972). The philosophy of the
Yaskawa company, based on the development of knowledge and the search for the quality
of life of a society, allowed in 1982 the free use of the term.

The definition of mechatronics has evolved from the original in trademark application
documents. Yaskawa defined the mechatronics as follows:
The word mechatronics is composed of "mecca", of mechanism, and "tronic", of
electronics. In other words, technologies and products available that incorporate
electronics and more to the mechanisms, intimately, organically and impossible to say,
when one ends and the other begins.
The concept went unnoticed for more than a decade, and was renewed by European
schools, mainly by the Danish Mechatronics Association, the Mechatronics Group of
Finland, the Hungarian Mechatronics Association and various design centers in Italy,
England, Germany and Sweden, mainly. The evolution of the original concept of
mechatronics developed in Yaskawa, under the European perspective, resulted in the
inclusion of the technology of the statement, a fin of non-intruders by an artificial physical
intelligence in the machines.

The definition of mechatronics continued to evolve after the company Yaskawa suggested
the original concept. A cited definition was presented by Harashima, Tomizuka and Fukada
in 1996, and retaken by Unesco. In his words, the mechatronics is defined as:

"The synergistic integration of mechanical engineering with electronics and intelligent

computer control in the design and manufacture of industrial products and processes".
That same year, another definition was suggested by Auslander and Kempf:
"Mechatronics is a methodology used for the optimal design of electromechanical
In the publication of the first peer-reviewed journal: IEEE / ASME Transactions on
Mechatronics, in 1996, "The synergistic combination of precision mechanical engineering,
electronic control and intelligent systems in the design of products and manufacturing
In 1999, he has a recommendation from Willian Bolton:
A mechatronic system is not only the union of electronic and mechanical systems, and is
more than a control system; it is a complete integration of all of them in which there is a
concurrent approach to design.
A broader definition of the area of mechatronic engineering:
Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary engineering of scientific and technological nature that
integrates the areas of mechanics, electronics, computer science, automatic control and
project management, with the help of other areas of knowledge to analyze, develop and
design systems in order to improve the quality , flexibility, low costs and productivity of
processes and products within a wide range of scientific, industrial, commercial services,
medicine and for beneficiaries applications and impact all sectors of society.
All these definitions and statements about mechatronics are informative and accurate;
however, each fails to capture the entire mechatronics. Despite the continuous efforts to
define mechatronics, classify mechatronic products and develop a standard mechatronics
curriculum, a conscious opinion in a complete description of what is mechatronics eludes
us. This lack of consensus is a healthy signal. He tells us that the field is alive, that it is a
young matter. Even a definitive description of mechatronics, by means of the above
definitions and the experience of engineers understand the essence of the philosophy of
Mechatronics, by its field of application, is related to a fairly broad set of disciplines, such
as mechanics, kinematics, dynamics, computer science, systems identification,
mathematics, automatic control engineering, electronic engineering, cybernetics,
bioengineering and vision. artificial. Currently, mechatronics is strongly linked to
automation, which denotes a technology aimed at supplying human beings with machines
in a routine or high-risk manufacturing process, considering not only the execution of
physical operations, but also the processing adequate information on the status of the
process. A subset of the mechatronics is robotics, which is a multidisciplinary area that
addresses the research, analysis and design of a particular class of mechanical systems
called manipulative robots, which represent theoretical challenges due to their
multivariate, non-linear and coupled dynamics.
During the eighties the use of digital computers as components of integral control systems
became routine. There are literally hundreds of thousands of computers in process control
installed around the world. Whatever the definition of mechatronics that one chooses, it
is evident that modern mechatronics involves calculation as a central element. In fact, the
incorporation of microprocessors to accurately model the mechanical system and adapt to
changes in the environment are the essence of modern mechatronics and smart products.
The study of mechatronic systems can be divided into the following areas:
1. Physical model of systems.
2. Sensors and actuators.
3. Signals and systems.
4. Computers and electronic systems.
5. Programming and data acquisition.
The key elements of the mechatronics are illustrated in the figure. As the field of
mechatronics continues to mature, the list of relevant topics associated with the area will
surely expand and evolve.
A typical mechatronic system consists of a mechanical structure, actuators, sensors,
controllers, signal conditioning and modification devices, interface devices, power
sources, digital hardware and software equipment.
For the task of designing and implementing a mechatronic system, it is important to have
a new vision of the processes, of the integrated design itself, a formal consideration of the
information and the transfer of energy between the components of the system. In this
way, such an integral approach to mechatronics will result in better products, services,
better performance and greater reliability, in some way approaching optimization. This
will allow the development and production of electromechanical systems efficiently,
quickly and economically
Today the need to create manufacturing processes, capital goods or products increasingly
specialized in the industrial area, as well as the creation of everyday products has led man
to work in a multidisciplinary way for the creation of these technologies, however, the
increasingly growing integration of systems created with mechanics and electronics have
led to the merger of these two disciplines, forming a new call MECHATRONIC

Mechatronics (acronym for mechanics and electronics) is the synergetic combination of

mechanical, electronic, computer and control engineering. The latter is often omitted as it
is considered within one of the previous two, however it is important to highlight it
because of the important role that control plays in mechatronics. The synergy is that the
integration of the parties is superior to the simple union of these.
The constituents of mechatronics and the main related areas.
Mechatronics is centered on mechanisms, electronic components and computer modules
which, combined, make it possible to generate more flexible, versatile, economical,
reliable and simple systems.
The word "mechatronics" was coined by engineer Tetsuro Moria while working at the
Japanese company Yaskawa in 1969.
Mechatronics is the way to describe the practice of integrating work teams formed by
product designers, manufacturing personnel, purchasing and sales acting together to
design the product and the manufacturing system.
Currently it is recognized that the future in the innovation of production will come with
those that optimize the union between electronic systems and mechanical systems. And
this optimization will be more intense in advanced manufacturing applications and
production systems where artificial intelligence, expert systems, intelligent robots and
advanced manufacturing systems will create the new generation of tools to be used in the
factories of the future.
Anexo y biblografias
Mori, T.,1969, “Mechatronics”, Yaskawa Internal Trademark Application Memo 21.131.01, July 12.

Comerford R.,1994, “Mecha…What?”, IEEE Spectrum, Tutorial/Design, August.

Dorf, R. C. and Kusiak, 1994, A., Handbook of Automation and Manufacturing, John Wiley & Sons,
New York.

Kyura, N. and Oho, H., 1996, “Mechatronics an industrial perspective”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on
Mechatronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 10-15.

Harshama, F., Tomizuka, M., and Fukuda, T., “Mechatronics What is it, why, and how? an editorial”,
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1996, pp. 1-4.

Auslander, D. M. and Kempf, C. J., 1996, Mechatronics: Mechanical System Interfacing, Prentice-
Hall, UpperSaddle River, NJ.

Shetty, D. and Kolk, R. A., 1997, Mechatronic System Design, PWS Publishing Company, Boston,

Bolton, W., 1999, Mechatronics: Electrical Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical

Engineering, 2nd Ed. Addison-Wesley Longman, Harlow, England.

Robert H. Bishop, 2002, The Mechatronics Handbook, CRC Press, ISA-The Instrumentation,
Systems, and Automation Society. .

Clarence W. de Silva, 2005, Mechatronics An Integrated Approach, CRC Press.

Sabri Cetinkunt, 2007, Mechatronics, Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Reyes Cortés, Fernando, Jaime Cid Monjaraz y Emilio Vargas Soto, 2013, Mecatrónica Control y
Automatización, Editorial Alfaomega.

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