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1. Angeline Lillard, “developing a cultural theory of mind:the CIAO approach”

department of psychology, university of virginia,

1. This essay was first published as a chapter in the book Shamanism - An Expanded View
of Reality. ed. Nicholson, Shirley. Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Publishing Co. 1987.

2. Eliade, Mircea. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. Bollingen Series LXXVI.

Princeton University Press, 1972; Halifax, Joan. Shaman - The Wounded Healer. New
York: Crossroads Publishing, 1982.

3. Eliade, Mircea. The Forge and the Crucible. Harper & Row, 1962.

4. Eliade, Mircea. Yoga - Immortality and Freedom. Princeton University Press, 1969;
Metzner, Ralph. Maps of Consciousness. Collier/Macmillan, 1971.

5. Walsh, Roger & Vaughan, Frances (eds.). Beyond Ego: Transpersonal Dimensions in
Psychology. J.P.Tarcher, 1980; Boorstein, Seymour, ed. Transpersonal
Psychotherapy. Palo Alto: Science & Behavior Books, 1981.

6. Achterberg, Jeanne. Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine. Boston:

Shambhala Publications, 1985; Halifax, Joan. Shamanic Voices: A Survey of Visionary
Narratives. E.P. Dutton, 1979.

7. Edinger, Edward. Anatomy of the Psyche. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing,
1985. p. 2.

8. Metzner, Ralph. op. cit.., pp. 83 ff.

9. Evans-Wentz, W.Y. Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines. Oxford University Press, 1928;
Garfield, Patricia. Creative Dreaming.New York: Ballentine, 1974; LaBerge,
Stephen. Lucid Dreaming. Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, 1985.

10. Taimni, I.K. The Science of Yoga - Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Wheaton, Ill.:
Theosophical Publishing House (Quest Books), 1975.

11. Grof, Stanislav. Beyond the Brain. Birth, Death and Transcendence in
Psychotherapy. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1986.

12. Hamel, Peter Michael. Through Music to the Self. Boulder, Co.: Shambhala, 1979.

13. Schultes, R.E. & Hofmann, A. Plants of the Gods. Origins of Hallucinogenic Use.
McGraw-Hill, 1979; Furst, Peter T.Hallucinogens and Culture. San Francisco: Chandler
& Sharp, 1976; Wasson, R. Gordon. The Wondrous Mushroom. Mycolatry in
Mesoamerica. McGraw-Hill, 1980; Dobkin de Rios, Marlene. Hallucinogens: Cross-
Cultural Perspectives. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1984;

14. Harner, Michael. "The Role of Hallucinogenic Plants in European Witchcraft," in

Harner, M. (ed.) Harner, Michael (ed.)Hallucinogens and Shamanism. Oxford University
Press, 1973.

15. Strickmann, Michel. "On the Alchemy of T'ao Hung-ching." in Welch, Holmes &
Seidel, Anna (eds.) Facets of Taoism. Yale University Press, 1979; see also my Maps of
Consciousness, where, in the chapter on alchemy, some possible alchemical psychedelics
are mentioned.

16. Taimni, I.K. (Patanjali), op. cit. p. 377.

17. Aldrich, Michael. "Tantric Cannabis Use in India". Journal of Psychedelic

Drugs. Vol.9 (No.3) Jul.-Sept. 1977; see also the chapter on Tantra in my Maps of

18. Grof, Stanislav. op. cit.; also Grinspoon, Lester & Bakalar, James. Psychedelic Drugs
Reconsidered. Basic Books, 1979.

19. Metzner, Ralph. Opening to Inner Light. The Transformation of Human Nature and
Consciousness. Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, 1986.

20. Lakoff, George & Johnson, Mark. Metaphors We Live By. University of Chicago
Press, 1980; Smith, M. Brewster. "The Metaphorical Basis of Selfhood". in Marsell, A.,
Devos, G. & Hsu, F.L.K. (eds) Culture and Self. Asian and Western Perspectives. New
York : Tavistock Publications, 1985; Bateson, Gregory. Mind and Nature. A Necessary
Unity. E.P. Dutton, 1979.

21. Metzner, Ralph. Opening to Inner Light. op. cit., p. 179.

22. ibid. p. 96.

23. Metzner, Ralph. Opening to Inner Light. chapter 4, "Purification by Inner Fire." pp.
59-74.; also, Metzner, Ralph. "On Getting to Know One's Inner Enemy". Revision
Vol. 8, No. 1, Summer/Fall 1985.

24. Stevens, Jose. "Power Animals, Animal Imagery and Self Actualization." Ph.D.
Dissertation, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, 1981. For a brilliant
discussion of animal and other imagery in alchemy, see Edinger, Edward. Anatomy of the

25. Gallegos, Eligio S. "Animal Imagery, the Chakra System and

Psychotherapy." Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. Vol. 15, No. 2, 1983

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