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SkemaPengenalanFizikKertas 2


1.a Ratchet 1

1.b To prevent too much pressure being exerted on the object. 1

Untuk mengelakkan terlebih tekanan dikenakan pada objek

1.c Reading =1.85 – ( - 0.02 ) 1

= 1.87 mm 1 4


(b) weight = mg =(20)(10) = 200 N
berat = mg =(20)(10) = 200 N 1
(c) The resultant force acting on a system is zero.
Daya paduan yang bertindak ke atas sistem adalah sifar. 1

(e) W
sin 30 
0.5  1
TOB  400 N

Total = 5

3) (a) (i) mass per unit volume of a certain material.

jisim per unit isipadu
(ii) 7.5 x 1000 = 7500 kg m-3.

(b) (i) 5 x 10 x 20 = 1000 cm3

= 1000 x 10-6 m3
= 10-3 m3
(ii) weight = mass x acceleration due to gravity
= volume x density x acceleration due to gravity
berat = jisim x pecutan graviti
= Isipadu x ketumpatan x pecutan graviti
= 10-3 x 7500 x 10
= 75 N

(c )(i)

(ii) Maximum pressure = weight of wooden block / area

tekanan maksimum = berat bungkah kayu / luas
= 75/(5 x 10-2 x 10 x 10-2)
= 1.5 x 104 N m-2.
Soalan 4

(a) (i) Thermal equilibrium is a condition where the net rate of heat 1
transfer between two bodies that are in contact is zero // same
(ii) The heat is transferred 1
The net rate of heat transfer is zero// Temperature is equal 1
(b) (i) mw cw (95 – θ) = me ce (θ – 27) 1 4
0.6 (4200)(95 – θ) = 0.05(3320)(θ – 27) 1
θ = 90.78 0C 1
(ii) No heat loss to the surrounding. 1

6 a(i) Critical angle 1

Sudut genting

n = sin 𝑐

a(ii) = 1 1
sin 42°
= 1.4945

Total internal reflection is shown.

Pantulan dalam penuh ditunjukkan.
The angle of reflection is labelled as 48
Sudut pantulan dilabelkan sebagai 48

The critical angle is exceeded.

b(ii) 1
Sudut tuju melebih sudut genting

The refracted ray that is bending towards the normal is shown.

Sinar biasan yang mendekati normal ditunjukkan
The angle of refraction is labelled.
Sudut biasa dilabelkan.
10 (a) Buoyant force is an upward force acting on an object which has displaced some fluid in
which it is immersed.

Daya apungan adalah daya tujah bertindak ke atas objek yang disesarkan oleh cecair yang
mana ia tenggelam. 1

(b)(i) 1. Buoyant force are produced by the water to act on the rods

2. The buoyant force are able to balance/support the weights of the 2


(ii) Archimedes’ Principle 1

Prinsip Archimedes

(c)(i) Rod Q has displaced more water 1

Rod Q mempunyai lebih banyak air yang tersesar

(ii) Buoyant force acting on Rod Q > Rod P 1

Daya apungan bertindak di Rod Q > Rod P

(iii) Rod Q 1

(d)(i) Weight of water displaced = 1 000 (5) ( 10) 2

= 50 000 N

(ii) Weight of cargo = 50 000 – 250 (10) 1

= 47 500 N


Suggestion Explanation 10

Material – Extra To ensure the balloon does not burst or leak easily and
strong the people in a strong basket will be safer.

Power-Strong It can heat up the air faster and the balloon can ascennd

The holding cable- It will decrease the overall weight of the balloon in place
Light and strong safely

Balloon should pulled So that the balloon can descend faster and more safety
down by motor without human error and fatique

Most Suitable is Its balloon and basket materials are strong, it has a
balloon X strong burner, its holding cable is strong and light and its
descend is operated by motor.

11 a Object in thermal contact reach the same temperature and no net heat flow. 1

Objek yang bersentuhan secara terma mencapai suhu yang sama dan tidak pengaliran haba

Thermal contact- thermometer is placed in the cup of coffee.

b 1
Sentuhan terma – thermometer ditempatkan dalam kopi dalam cawan

The heat from water flows to the thermometer

Haba dari air mengalir ke termometer

The rate of heat flows is same. Called thermal equilibrium.

Kadar pengaliran haba sama. Disebut keseimbangan terma.

Coffee and thermometer share the same temperature.

Kopi dan thermometer mempunyai suhu yang sama

Sugestion Cadangan Reason Sebab

High density High inersia
Ketumpatan tinggi 2
Inersia tinggi

High specific heat capacity Longer time to become hot

Muatan haba tentu yang tinggi
Masa yang panjang untuk menjadi

High strength Hard to break

Tidak mudah pecah
High stiffness Can stand bigger force without
Kekenyalan tinggi changing shape

Boleh menahan daya yang lebih besar 2

tanpa mengubah bentuk

Q high density, high specific heat

capacity, high strength and high

Ketumpatan tinggi, muatan haba tentu
tinggi, kekuatan tinggi dan
kekenyalan yang tinggi

d (i)
Heat absorbed, Qa = Heat released, Qr

Tenaga yang diserapkan = Tenaga yang dibebaskan

0.2 X 405 X (q - 30) = 0.3 X 4200 X (90 - q)
θ = 86.3°
(ii) 1
Lower final temperature of water

Suhu akhir yang rendah.

Copper container absorb heat

Bekas kuprum menyerap haba

Cannot be shown on screen

1 (a)(i) 1
Tidak kelihatan pada skrin

M1 Incident ray from the fish refracted / change direction at B

(ii) Sinar tuju daripada ikan dibiaskan/ bertukar arah pada B

M2 Refraction

M3 Incident ray from the dragon-fly reflected by water surface at A

Sinar tuju daripada pepatung dipantulkan oleh permukaan air pada A

M4 Reflection


(b) (i)

M1 𝜃 = 90° − 30°
M2 = 60°
sin 𝛼
M3 1.33 =
sin 40
M4 𝛼 = 58.75°

(ii) Virtual / same size / same distance / laterally inverted

Maya/ saiz sama/ jarak sama/ songsang sisi

Characteristics Explanation

(c) Ciri- ciri Keterangan

Concave mirror Reflected rays is converging

M1 M2
Cermin cekung Sinar biasan menumpu

Reflected rays form a parallel

Bulb at principal focus beam
M3 M4
Mentol pada fokus utama Sinar pantulan membentul
sinaran yang selari

Batteries connected in series

Produces larger current
M5 M6
Bateri disambungkan secara
Menghasilkan arus yang besar

Low resistance / larger current

Copper connecting wire
M7 M8 Rintangan rendah/ Arus yang
Wayar sambungan kuprum

M9 Torchlight Q is chosen

Lampu suluh Q dipilih.

M10 because it has concave mirror, bulb at principal focus, batteries connected in
series and copper connecting wire

Kerana mempunyai cermin cekung, mentol pada fokus utama, bateri disambungkan
secara sesiri dan wayar sambungan kuprum.


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