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Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power

of Participation
Simon Clemmow
Advertising, Big Ideas
& the Power of Participation

Simon Clemmow
Co-Founder, CHI & Partners
Spring 2009


• Creating the brand idea is the basis

of all brand communication
– How that big idea is generated and integrated
into a comprehensive and coherent programme
of branded communication is a core area
of brand management

1. Behind every successful brand

there’s a big idea

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Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow

What I mean by a ‘big idea’

Advert ising
Big idea
Oth er br and
co mm unicatio n
Brand dev elopm ent

Busin ess b eh avio ur

Tesco is a good example

“Ev er y little h elp s”

adv ert ising

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Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow

Tesco is a good example

“Ev er y little h elp s”

Adv ertising

Making In-sto r e d ev elop m ent

easier Valu e rang e

Club card m

Staff t raining

A simple test of a big idea

Extern ally

Does it work
And here ?

Tod ay Tomo rro w

And And here ?


Intern ally

2. Where big ideas come from:

product truth

The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow
Big ideas timeline

The 4Ps:

’50s ’60s ‘70s ’80s ’90s ’00s




The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow

Product interrogation
• “Products often just seem identical;
When an agency turns loose a group of qualified scientists,
when broad-scale, open-ended research and testing
are started, it is astonishing how many radical differences
come swimming to the top – differences either in the product,
or in the use of the product,
which had not been suspected before”
• “When this happens, the USP is often startling
in its selling power”

Rosser R eeves: ‘Realit y In Ad vert ising ’ ( 1961)


Big ideas timeline

The 4Ps Pro du ct


The U SP

’50s ’60s ‘70s ’80s ’90s ’00s


3. Where big ideas come from:

consumer insight


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow

A new approach to research

“The most important contribution that research can make

to increasing the selling effectiveness of advertising
is at the planning stage before anyone has even begun
to think about particular advertising ideas”

Alan H ed ges: ‘T esting To D estru ctio n’ ( 1974)




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Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow
From focus groups to forward-facing,
co-creating research


Big ideas timeline

The 4Ps Pro du ct Con sum er

truth insight

The U SP Brand
im ag e

resear ch

’50s ’60s ‘70s ’80s ’90s ’00s


4. Where big ideas come from:

company culture


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow

Brand wars



Brand positioning:
the battle for your mind

“The easy way to get into a person’s mind is to be first;

If you can’t be first, then you must find a way
to position yourself against the product...
who did get there first”

Ries and Trout: ‘Po sitionin g: T he B attle Fo r You r Mind ’ ( 1981)


Company culture
& the soul of the organisation

‘Th e cr eativ e pot ent ial ‘W inning thro ugh p articipat ion ’
of the in divid u al’


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow



The soul of an organisation


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow
Big ideas timeline

The 4Ps Pro du ct Con sum er Comp an y

truth insight cult ur e

The U SP Brand Brand

im ag e position ing

New lighth ou se
resear ch Brand s

’50s ’60s ‘70s ’80s ’90s ’00s


5. Where big ideas come from:

corporate ambition


Competing for the future

“The future is not an extrapolation of the past...

Competition for the future is competition for opportunity
share rather than market share; It is competition
to maximise the share of future opportunities a company
could potentially access within a broad opportunity arena...
The question that must be answered by every company
is, given our core and future competencies,
what share of opportunities are we likely to capture?”

Hamel an d Pr ah alad: ‘Co mp eting For Th e F utur e’ (1994)


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow

Creating the markets of tomorrow



Big ideas timeline

The 4Ps Pro du ct Con sum er Comp an y Corpo r ate

truth insight cult ur e am bition

The U SP Brand Brand New

im ag e position ing mar ket
sp ace
New Lighth ou se
resear ch brand s

’50s ’60s ‘70s ’80s ’90s ’00s


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow

6. Big idea hunting


Today all four are valid

Pro du ct Con sum er

truth insight

Comp an y Corpo r ate

cult ur e am bition


‘Big ideas day’


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow

7. Five tests of a big idea


Five tests of a big idea

1. Get the collective opinion of the contributors

to the big ideas day
2. Apply the today/tomorrow/external/internal test
3. Check that the idea ‘fits’ with where it came from


Does the idea fit?

A key
A cor e p rod uct
con su m er

Big idea go es here

The d esir ed The agr eed

cult ur al v alues cor por at e
am bition


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow
Five tests of a big idea

1. Get the collective opinion of the contributors

to the big ideas day
2. Apply the today/tomorrow/external/internal test
3. Check that the idea ‘fits’ with where it came from
4. Research it to life
— What people tell us helps us work out
how the ideas are functioning
5. Write a manifesto


Toyota Aygo launch manifesto

• There are two types of peopl e i n life; thos e who sit ar ound waiti ng
for things to happen, and thos e who g o out and make things happen
• The br ave new worl d bel ongs to people with the c onfi dence,
cour age and creati vity to make s omething happen
• Fulfilli ng an ambiti on i n life; C el ebr ati ng i ndi vi duali ty or connecti vity;
Maki ng the rig ht c hoi ces and s eizi ng opportuniti es ,
and doi ng thi s i n a positi ve and opti mistic way that makes a r eal differ enc e
• Ayg o by T oyota is a c ar that uniquel y enables young, ur ban,
Europeans to do mor e
• It has a bol d, innovati ve, s porty design; It is dynamic
and responsi ve in its ride and handli ng, maki ng it fun to dri ve
in the city and beyond; And bec aus e it is better built
you can have better experienc es
• So go on; D o s omethi ng memorabl e wi th Aygo by Toyot a

8. From big idea to creative idea


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow
A comedian wants his audience
to think he’s funny

I am No A good He is
funny you’re joke
not funny


Logic & magic

“Exactly how ideas get created – how the ‘eureka’ moment

happens – is fairly mysterious ...
The process start s with background knowledge;
You have to understand the issues, the subject,
the people and their motivations and lives very thoroughly...
Then there has to be an idea – the first vision of a solution;
This is a non-logical process, subcon scious
and often very messy ”

Steph en Kin g: fro m th e JW T ’Too lkit’ ( 1986)


Two approaches to the creative idea

Logical Creativ e
dev elo pm ent leap

‘Persil washes ‘Every little
whiter’ the parts helps’
other beers
cannot reach’

‘Do not
is a cigar ‘Just do it’
the power
called Hamlet’
of PlayStation’


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow

9. Campaign planning


The average person...

W atches 3 hours
of TV a day
Googles skips the ads

Is exposed to 3000
Uses another device
advertising messages
while watching TV
every day

Is on the phone Spends over 12 hours

40 minutes ever y day online each week

Spends over 4 hours playing

electronic games each week

Sources: OfCom and Universal-McCann, 2008


Bringing ideas to life inside out


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow
Our communications planning tool


A new approach to measuring effectiveness

Pro du ct Con sum er

attitud es
dev elo pm ent?
and b eh avio ur?

Big idea

Comp an y Brand
cult ur e? am bition?


10. The power of participation


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow

Changing media landscape

Yesterday Today
• Brand-to-consumer • Consumer-to-con sumer
axis axis
• Brand ‘deference’ • Brand ‘reference’
• Watching advertising • Interacting with media
• Engagement • Participation


The power of participation


A youth-targeted water brand


The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements
Advertising, Big Ideas & the Power
of Participation
Simon Clemmow



The screen versions of these slides have full details of copyright and acknow ledgements

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