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The plan of salvation, or, in other a freedom from all anxiety of business,
words, the redemption of fallen beings, and constraint by poverty, throughout
is a subject that should occupy the at- the remainder of his life. He then sup-
tention of all intelligence that pertains poses he has obtained salvation.
to fallen beings. I do not like the term Descend from the busy, wealth-
fallen beings, but I will say, subjected in- seeking middle classes, to the humbler
telligence, which term suits me better— grade of society, and follow them in their
subjected to law, order, rule, and gov- various occupations and pursuits, and
ernment. All intelligences are deeply each one of them is seeking earnestly
engaged in this grand object; not, how- that which he imagines to be salvation.
ever, having a correct understanding of The poor, ragged, trembling mendicant,
the true principle thereof, they wander who is forced by hunger and cold to drag
to and fro, some to the right, and some his feeble body from under some tem-
to the left. There is not a person in this porary shelter, to seek a bit of bread,
world, who is endowed with a common or a coin from his more fortunate fel-
share of intellect, but is laboring with low mortal, if he can only obtain a few
all his power for salvation. Men vary in crusts of bread to satisfy the hunger-
their efforts to obtain that object, still worm that gnaws his vitals, and a few
their individual conclusions are, that coppers to pay his lodgings, he has at-
they will ultimately secure it. The mer- tained to the summit of his expectations,
chant, for instance, seeks with unwea- to what he sought for salvation, and he is
ried diligence, by night and by day, fac- comparatively happy, but his happiness
ing misfortunes with a determined and vanishes with the shades of night, and
persevering resistance, enduring losses his misery comes with the morning light.
by sea and by land, with an unshaken From the matchmaker up to the trades-
patience, to amass a sufficient amount man, all have an end in view, which they
of wealth to enable him to settle calmly suppose will bring to them salvation.
down in the midst of plenty in some op- King, courtier, commanders, officers, and
ulent city, walk in the higher classes common soldiers, the commodore, and
of society, and perchance receive a sailor before the mast, the fair-skinned
worldly title, or worldly honor, and enjoy Christian, and the dark-skinned savage,

all, in their respective grades and as strenuous in argument, in support of

spheres of action, have a certain point in those doctrines, as others are in the be-
view, which, if they can obtain, they sup- lief of the existence of an Eternal God.
pose will put them in possession of sal- The early customs and teachings of par-
vation. ents and friends, to a greater or less de-
The Latter-day Saint, who is far from gree, influence the minds of children, but
the bosom of the Church, whose home when they are disposed to inquire at the
is in distant climes, sighs, and earnestly hands of Him who has eternal intelli-
prays each day of his life for the Lord to gence to impart to them, when their un-
open his way, that he may mingle with derstandings are enlarged, when their
his brethren in Zion, for he supposes that minds are enlightened by the Spirit of
his happiness would then be complete, truth, so that they can see things that
but in this his expectations will be in a are unseen by the natural eye, they may
measure vain, for happiness that is real then be corrected in their doctrine and
and lasting in its nature cannot be en- belief, and in their manner of life, but not
joyed by mortals, for it is altogether out until then.
of keeping with this transitory state. How difficult it is to teach the natu-
If a man's capacity be limited to the ral man, who comprehends nothing more
things of this world, if he reach no fur- than that which he sees with the natu-
ther than he can see with his eyes, feel ral eye! How hard it is for him to be-
with his hands, and understand with the lieve! How difficult would be the task
ability of the natural man, still he is as to make the philosopher, who, for many
earnestly engaged in securing his salva- years, has argued himself into the belief
tion, as others are, who possess a su- that his spirit is no more after his body
perior intellect, and are also pursuing sleeps in the grave, believe that his in-
the path of salvation, in their estimation, telligence came from eternity, and is as
though it result in nothing more than a eternal, in its nature, as the elements, or
good name, or the honors of this world. as the Gods. Such doctrine by him would
Each, according to his capacity—to the be considered vanity and foolishness, it
natural organization of the human sys- would be entirely beyond his comprehen-
tem, which is liable to be operated upon sion. It is difficult, indeed, to remove an
by the circumstances and influences by opinion or belief into which he has ar-
which it is surrounded, is as eager to ob- gued himself from the mind of the natu-
tain that which he supposes is salvation, ral man. Talk to him about angels, heav-
as I am to obtain salvation in the Eternal ens, God, immortality, and eternal lives,
world. and it is like sounding brass, or a tin-
The object of a true salvation, cor- kling cymbal to his ears; it has no mu-
rectly and minutely understood, changes sic to him; there is nothing in it that
the course of mankind. Persons who are charms his senses, soothes his feelings,
taught by their teachers, friends, and attracts his attention, or engages his af-
acquaintances, are traditionated, from fections, in the least; to him it is all van-
their youth up, into the belief that there ity. To say that the human family are
is no God, or intelligent beings, other not seeking salvation, is contrary to my
than those that they see with the natural experience, and to the experience of ev-
eye, or naturally comprehend; that there ery other person with whom I have any
is no hereafter; that at death, all life acquaintance. They are all for salvation,
and intelligence are annihilated. Such some in one way, and some in another;
persons are as firm in their belief, and but all is darkness and confusion. If the

Lord does not speak from heaven, and ren, "Know ye not your own selves, how
touch the eyes of their understanding that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye
by His Spirit, who can instruct or guide be reprobates;" there is a throne for the
them to good? Who can give them words Lord Almighty to sit and reign upon,
of eternal life? It is not in the power of there is a resting place for the Holy
man to do it; but when the Lord gives Ghost, there is a habitation of the Fa-
His Spirit to a person, or to a people, ther and the Son. We are the temples of
they can then hear, believe, and be in- God, but when we are overcome of evil by
structed. An Elder of Israel may preach yielding to temptation, we deprive our-
the principles of the Gospel, from first selves of the privilege of the Father, the
to last, as they were taught to him, to a Son, and the Holy Ghost, taking up their
congregation ignorant of them; but if he abode and dwelling with us. We are
does not do it under the influence of the the people, by our calling and profession,
Spirit of the Lord, he cannot enlighten and ought to be by our daily works, of
that congregation on those principles, it whom it should be truly said, "Ye are the
is impossible. Job said that, "There is temples of our God." Let me ask, what
a spirit in man, and the inspiration of is there to prevent any person in this
the Almighty giveth them understand- congregation from being so blessed, and
ing." Unless we enjoy that understand- becoming a holy temple fit for the in-
ing in this probation, we cannot grow or dwelling of the Holy Ghost? Has any be-
increase, we cannot be made acquainted ing in heaven or on earth done aught to
with the principles of truth and righ- prevent you from becoming so blessed?
teousness so as to become exalted. Admit No, but why the people are not so privi-
that the Spirit of the Lord should give leged I will leave you to judge. I would
us understanding, what would it prove to God that every soul who professes to
to us? It would prove to me, at least, be a Latter-day Saint was of that char-
and what I may safely say to this con- acter, a holy temple for the indwelling
gregation, that Zion is here. Whenever of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
we are disposed to give ourselves per- Ghost, but it is not so. Is there any in-
fectly to righteousness, to yield all the dividual within the sound of my voice
powers and faculties of the soul (which today, that has received the Holy Ghost
is the spirit and the body, and it is there through the principles of the Gospel, and
where righteousness dwells); when we at the same time has not received a love
are swallowed up in the will of Him who for them? I will answer that question.
has called us; when we enjoy the peace Wait and see who it is that falls out by
and the smiles of our Father in Heaven, the way; who it is in whom the seed of
the things of His Spirit, and all the bless- truth has been sown, but has not taken
ings we are capacitated to receive and root; and then you will know the indi-
improve upon, then are we in Zion, that viduals who have received the truth, but
is Zion. What will produce the opposite? have never received a love of it—they do
Hearkening and giving way to evil, noth- not love it for itself. What a delight-
ing else will. ful aspect would this community present
If a community of people are per- if all men and women, old and young,
fectly devoted to the cause of righ- were disposed to leave off their own sins
teousness, truth, light, virtue, and ev- and follies, and overlook those of their
ery principle and attribute of the holy neighbors; if they would cease watch-
Gospel, we may say of that people, as ing their neighbors for iniquity, and
the ancient Apostle said to his breth-

watch that they themselves might be phy, knowledge, and wisdom of men may
free from it! If they were trying with be set in array against them, but they
all their powers to sanctify the Lord in are like chaff before a mighty wind, or
their hearts, and would prove, by their like the morning dew before the sun in
actions, that they had received the truth its strength such Elders embrace truth
and the love of it! If all individuals because it is all-powerful. When a man
would watch themselves, that they do of God preaches the principles of the
not speak against the Father, the Son, Gospel, all things give way before it, and
the Holy Ghost, nor in short against any some embrace it because it is so mighty.
being in heaven or on earth. Strange as But by and by those characters will fall
this may appear, there have been men out by the way, because the soil has not
in this Church that have done it, and depth to nourish the seeds of truth. They
probably will be again! If this people receive it, but not the love of it; it dies,
would be careful not to do anything to and they turn away. If every person who
displease the spirits of those who have has embraced the Gospel would love it as
lived on the earth, and have been justi- he loves his life, would not society wear a
fied, and have gone to rest, and would so different aspect from that of the present?
conduct themselves, that no reasonable I do not intend to enter into a detailed
being upon the face of the earth could account of the acts of the people, they are
find fault with them, what kind of soci- themselves acquainted with them; peo-
ety should we have? Why every man's ple know how they themselves talk, and
mouth would be filled with blessings, ev- how their neighbors talk; how husband
ery man's hand would be put forth to and wife agree in their own houses, and
do good, and every woman and child in with their neighbors; and how parents
all their intercourse would be praising and children dwell together. I need not
God, and blessing each other. Would tell these things, but if every heart were
not Zion be here? It would. What hin- set upon doing right, we then should
ders you from doing this? What is the have Zion here. I will give you my rea-
Lord or the people doing to cause this one son for thinking so. It is because I have
and that one to commit sin with a high hand, had it with me ever since I was bap-
in secret and in the open streets? tized into this kingdom. I have not been
If Elders of Israel use language which without it from that day to this. I have,
is not proper for the lips of a Saint, such therefore, a good reason for the asser-
Elders are under condemnation, and the tion I have made. I live and walk in
wrath of God abides upon them, those Zion every day, and so do thousands of
who do it have not the love of truth in others in this Church and kingdom, they
their hearts, they do not love and honor carry Zion with them, they have one of
the truth because it is the truth, but be- their own, and it is increasing, grow-
cause it is powerful, and they wish to ing, and spreading continually. Sup-
join with the strongest party. Do they pose it spreads from heart to heart, from
love light because it is light? Virtue be- neighborhood to neighborhood, from city
cause it is virtue? Righteousness be- to city, and from nation to nation, how
cause it is righteousness? No. But these long would it be before the earth would
principles are almighty in their influ- become revolutionized, and the wheat
ence, and like the tornado in the forest, gathered from among the tares? The
they sweep all before them, no argument wheat and tares, however, must grow to-
can weigh against them, all the philoso- gether until harvest. I am not, there-

fore, disposed to separate them yet, for if that principle. The philosophers of the
we pluck up the tares before the harvest, world will concede that the elements of
we may destroy some of the good seed, which you and I are composed are eter-
therefore let them grow together, and by nal, yet they believe that there was a
and by the harvest will come. time when there was no God. They can-
There is another thing, brethren, not comprehend how it is that God can
which I wish you to keep constantly be- be eternal. Let me ask this congregation,
fore your minds, that is with regard to Can you realize the eternity of your own
your travels in life. You have read, in existence? Can you realize that the in-
the Scriptures, that the children of men telligence which you receive is eternal?
will be judged according to their works, I can comprehend this, just as well as I
whether they be good or bad. If a man's can that I am now in possession of it. It
days be filled up with good works, he will is as easy for me to comprehend that it
be rewarded accordingly. On the other will exist eternally, as that anything else
hand, if his days be filled up with evil ac- will. I wish to impress upon your minds
tions, he will receive according to those the reality that when the body which
acts. This proves that we are in a state is organized for intelligence to dwell in,
of exaltation, it proves that we can add dies, and returns to its mother earth, all
to our knowledge, wisdom, and strength, the feelings, sensibilities, faculties, and
and that we can add power to every at- powers of the spirit are still alive, they
tribute that God has given us. When will never die, but in the absence of the body
the people realize that this is the period are more acute. They are organized for
of time in which they should commence an eternal existence. If this congrega-
to lay the foundation of their exaltation tion could comprehend that the intelli-
for time and eternity, that this is the gence that is in them is eternal in its na-
time to conceive, and bring forth from ture and existence; if they could realize
the heart fruit to the honor and glory of that when Saints pass through the veil,
God, as Jesus did—grow as he did from they are not dead, but have been laying
the child, become perfect, and be pre- the foundation in these tabernacles for
pared to be raised to salvation? You will exaltation, laying the foundation to be-
find that this probation is the place to in- come Gods, even the sons of God, and
crease upon every little we receive, for for crowns which they will yet receive—
the Lord gives line upon line to the chil- they would receive the truth in the love
dren of men. When He reveals the plan of it, live by it, and continue in it, until
of salvation, then is the time to fill up our they receive all knowledge and wisdom,
days with good works. until they grow into eternity, and have
Let us fill up our days with useful- the veil taken from before their eyes, to
ness, do good to each other, and cease behold the handiworks of God among all
from all evil. Let every evil person for- people, His goings forth among the na-
sake his wickedness. If he be wicked in tions of the earth, and to discover the
his words, or in his dealings, let him for- rule and law by which He governs. Then
sake those practices, and pursue a course could they say of a truth, We acknowl-
of righteousness. Let every man and edge the hand of God in all things, all
woman do this, and peace and joy will be is right, Zion is here, in our own posses-
the result. sion.
A few words more upon the sub- I have thus summed up, in a bro-
ject of the eternal existence of the soul. ken manner, that which I desired to
It is hard for mankind to comprehend speak. We are not able to comprehend all

things, but we can continue to learn and long, you must be cut off; if too short,
grow, until all will be perfectly clear to you must be stretched." Now this is the
our minds, which is a great privilege height of folly. I find that I have enough
to enjoy—the blessing of an eternal in- to do to watch myself. It is as much
crease. And the man or woman who lives as I can do to get right, deal right, and
worthily is now in a state of salvation. act right. If we all should do this, there
Now, brethren, love the truth, and would be no difficulty, but in every man's
put a stop to every species of folly. How mouth would be "May the Lord bless
many there are who come to me to you." I feel happy, as I always told you.
find fault with, and enter complaints Brother Kimball has known me thirty
against, their brethren, for some tri- years, twenty one of which I have been
fling thing, when I can see, in a mo- in this Church; others have known me
ment, that they have received no in- twenty years; and there are some here
tentional injury! They have no com- who knew me in England; I had Zion
passion on their brethren, but, having with me then, and I brought it with me
passed their judgment, insist that the to America again, and I now appeal to
criminal shall be punished. And why? every man and woman if I have not had
Because he does not exactly come up Zion with me from first entering into
to their standard of right and wrong! the Church, to the present time! Light
They feel to measure him by the "Iron cleaves to light, and truth to truth. May
Bedstead principle"—"if you are too God bless you. Amen.

L AKE C ITY, A PRIL 7, 1853.


I was led to reflection on this sub- invite you to seek unto those famil-
ject, not only by my acquaintance with iar with spirits, and to wizards, &c.,
the present state of the world, and the or in other words, to magnetizers, rap-
movements and powers which seem new pers, clairvoyants, writing mediums,
to many, but because this text, written &c. When they shall say these things
by Isaiah so many centuries since, and unto you, then is the time to consider
copied by Nephi ages before the birth the question of that ancient Prophet—
of Jesus Christ, seemed as appropriate, "Should not a people seek unto their God,
and as directly adapted to the present for the living to hear from the dead?"
state of things, as if written but yester-
day, or a year since. We hear much, of late, about vi-
"Should not a people seek unto sions, trances, clairvoyance, mediums
their God, for the living to hear of communication with the spirit world,
from the dead?" is a question by the writing mediums, &c., by which the
Prophet, and at a time when they shall world of spirits is said to have found

means to communicate with spirits in really died, and are now dead in the
the flesh. They are not working in a sense of the word, as understood by the
corner. The world is agitated on these ancient Sadducees, or modern Atheist,
subjects. Religious ministers are said to then it is in vain to talk of conversing
preach, editors to write and print, judges with the dead. All controversy, in that
to judge, &c., by this kind of inspiration. case, is at an end on the subject of cor-
It is brought into requisition to develop respondence with the dead, because an
the sciences, to detect crime, and in short intelligence must exist before it can com-
to mingle in all the interests of life. municate. If these individuals are dead,
In the first place, what are we talking in the sense that the human body dies,
about, when we touch the question of the then there is no communication from
living hearing from the dead? It is a say- them. This we know, because of our own
ing, that "dead men tell no tales." If this observation and experience. We have
is not in the Bible, it is somewhere else; seen many dead bodies, but have never
and if it be true, it is just as good as if it known of a single instance of any intelli-
were in the Bible. gence communicated therefrom.
The Sadducees in the time of Jesus, Jesus, in his argument with the Sad-
believed there were no such things as an- ducees, handled the subject according to
gels or spirits, or existence in another the strictest principles of ancient and
sphere; that when an individual was modern theology, and true philosophy.
dead, it was the final end of the workings He conveyed the idea in the clearest
of his intellectual being, that the ele- terms, that an individual intelligence or
ments were dissolved, and mingled with identity could never die.
the great fountain from which they em- The outward tabernacle, inhabited by
anated, which was the end of individual- a spirit, returns to the element from
ity, or conscious existence. which it emanated. But the think-
Jesus, in reply to them, took up the ing being, the individual, active agent
argument from the Scriptures, or history or identity that inhabited that taber-
of the ancient fathers, venerated by rea- nacle, never ceased to exist, to think,
son of antiquity, in hopes, by this means, act, live, move, or have a being; never
to influence the Sadducees, or at least ceased to exercise those sympathies, af-
the Pharisees and others, by means so fections, hopes, and aspirations, which
powerful and so well adapted to the end are founded in the very nature of intel-
in view. ligences, being the inherent and invalu-
Said he, God has declared Himself able principles of their eternal existence.
the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. No, they never cease. They live,
Now God is not the God of the dead, move, think, act, converse, feel, love,
but the God of the living; as much as to hate, believe, doubt, hope, and desire.
say that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were But what are they, if they are not
not dead, but living; that they had never flesh and bones? What are they, if
been dead at all, but had always been liv- they are not tangible to our gross or-
ing; that they never did die, in the sense gans of sense? Of what are they
of the word that these Sadducees sup- composed, that we can neither see,
posed, but were absolutely alive. hear, nor handle them, except we are
Now if intelligent beings, who once quickened, or our organs touched by
inhabited flesh, such as our fathers, the principles of vision, clairvoyance,
mothers, wives, children, &c., have or spiritual sight? What are they?

Why, they are organized intelligences. sumed to be one of the lowest or more
What are they made of? They are gross elements of spiritual matter, up
made of the element which we call spirit, through all the gradations of the invis-
which is as much an element of mate- ible fluids, till we arrive at a substance
rial existence, as earth, air, electricity, so holy, so pure, so endowed with intel-
or any other tangible substance recog- lectual attributes and sympathetic affec-
nized by man; but so subtle, so refined tions, that it may be said to be on a par,
is its nature, that it is not tangible to or level, in its attributes, with man.
our gross organs. It is invisible to us, Let a given quantity of this element,
unless we are quickened by a portion of thus endowed, or capacitated, be or-
the same element; and, like electricity, ganized in the size and form of man,
and several other substances, it is only let every organ be developed, formed,
known or made manifest to our senses and endowed, precisely after the pat-
by its effects. For instance, electricity is tern or model of man's outward or fleshly
not always visible to us, but its existence tabernacle—what would we call this in-
is made manifest by its operations upon dividual, organized portion of the spiri-
the wire, or upon the nerves. We can- tual element?
not see the air, but we feel its effects, and We would call it a spiritual body,
without it we cannot breathe. an individual intelligence, an agent en-
If a wire were extended in connection dowed with life, with a degree of in-
with the equatorial line of our globe in dependence, or inherent will, with the
one entire circle of 25,000 miles in ex- powers of motion, of thought, and with
tent, the electric fluid would convey a the attributes of moral, intellectual, and
token from one intelligence to another, sympathetic affections and emotions.
the length of the entire circle, in a very
small portion of a second, or, we will say We would conceive of it as possessing
in the twinkling of an eye. This, then, eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to handle;
proves that the spiritual fluid or element as in possession of the organ of taste, of
called electricity is an actual, physical, smelling, and of speech.
and tangible power, and is as much a real Such beings are we, when we have
and tangible substance, as the ponder- laid off this outward tabernacle of flesh.
ous rocks which were laid on yesterday We are in every way interested, in our re-
in the foundation of our contemplated lationships, kindred ties, sympathies, af-
Temple. fections, and hopes, as if we had contin-
It is true that this subtle fluid or spir- ued to live, but had stepped aside, and
itual element is endowed with the pow- were experiencing the loneliness of ab-
ers of locomotion in a far greater de- sence for a season. Our ancestors, our
gree than the more gross or solid ele- posterity, to the remotest ages of antiq-
ments of nature; that its refined parti- uity, or of future time, are all brought
cles penetrate amid the other elements within the circle of our sphere of joys,
with greater ease, and meet with less sorrows, interests, or expectations; each
resistance from the air or other sub- forms a link in the great chain of life, and
stances, than would the more gross ele- in the science of mutual salvation, im-
ments. Hence its speed, or superior pow- provement, and exaltation through the
ers of motion. blood of the Lamb.
Now let us apply this philosophy Our prospects, hopes, faith, charity,
to all the degrees of spiritual ele- enlightenment, improvement, in short,
ment from electricity, which may be as- all our interests, are blended, and more

or less influenced by the acts of each. demned, there to await the ministry of
Is this the kind of being that departs that Gospel which had failed to reach his
from our sight when its earthly taberna- case while on the earth.
cle is laid off, and the veil of eternity is How many other places Jesus might
lowered between us? Yes, verily. Where have visited while in the spirit world is
then does it go? not for me to say, but there was a mo-
To heaven, says one; to the eternal ment in which the poor, uncultivated, ig-
world of glory, says another; to the ce- norant thief was with him in that world.
lestial kingdom, to inherit thrones and And as he commenced, though late, to re-
crowns, in all the fullness of the presence pent while on the earth, we have reason
of the Father, and of Jesus Christ, says a to hope that that moment was improved
third. by our Savior, in ministering to him that
Now, my dear hearers, these things Gospel which he had no opportunity to
are not so. Nothing of the kind. Thrones, teach to him, while expiring on the cross.
kingdoms, crowns, principalities, and "This day shalt thou be with me in Par-
powers, in the celestial and eternal adise," said Jesus, or, in other words, this
worlds, and the fullness of the pres- day shalt thou be with me in the next
ence of the Father, and of His Son Je- sphere of existence—the world of spirits.
sus Christ, are reserved for resurrected
beings, who dwell in immortal flesh. Now mark the difference. Jesus was
The world of resurrected beings, and the there, as a preacher of righteousness, as
world of spirits, are two distinct spheres, one holding the keys of Apostleship, or
as much so as our own sphere is distinct Priesthood, anointed to preach glad tid-
from that of the spirit world. ings to the meek, to bind up the broken
Where then does the spirit go, on its hearted, to preach liberty to the captive,
departure from its earthly tabernacle? It and the opening of the prison to them
passes to the next sphere of human ex- that were bound. What did the thief go
istence, called the world of spirits, a veil there for? He went there in a state of
being drawn between us in the flesh, and ignorance, and sin, being uncultivated,
that world of spirits. Well, says one, is unimproved, and unprepared for salva-
there no more than one place in the spirit tion. He went there to be taught, and to
world? Yes, there are many places and complete that repentance, which in a dy-
degrees in that world, as in this. Jesus ing moment he commenced on the earth.
Christ, when absent from his flesh, did He had beheld Jesus expire on the
not ascend to the Father, to be crowned, cross, and he had implored him to re-
and enthroned in power. Why? Because member him when he should come into
he had not yet a resurrected body, and possession of his kingdom. The Savior
had therefore a mission to perform in under these extreme circumstances, did
another sphere. Where then did he go? not then teach him the Gospel, but re-
To the world of spirits, to wicked, sin- ferred him to the next opportunity, when
ful spirits, who died in their sins, be- they should meet in the spirit world. If
ing swept off by the flood of Noah. The the thief thus favored continued to im-
thief on the cross, who died at the same prove, he is no doubt waiting in hope
time, also went to the same world, and for the signal to be given, at the sound
to the same particular place in the same of the next trump, for him to leave the
world, for he was a sinner, and would spirit world, and to reenter the fleshly
of course go to the prison of the con- tabernacle, and to ascend to a higher

degree of felicity. Jesus Christ, on the Ask the poor Lamanites who have,
other hand, departed from the spirit with their fathers before them, inhab-
world on the third day, and reentered his ited these mountains for a thousand
fleshly tabernacle, in which he ascended, years, whether they have ever heard the
and was crowned at the right hand of the Gospel, and they will tell you nay. But
Father. Jesus Christ then, and the thief why not? Is it not preached on the earth?
on the cross, have not dwelt together in Yea, verily, but the earth is wide, and cir-
the same kingdom or place, for this eigh- cumstances differ very greatly among its
teen hundred years, nor have we proof different inhabitants. The Jews once had
that they have seen each other during the Gospel, with its Apostleship, pow-
that time. ers, and blessings offered unto them, but
they rejected it as a people, and for this
To say that Jesus Christ dwells in the reason it was taken from them, and thus
world of spirits, with those whose bodies many generations of them have been
are dead, would not be the truth. He is born, and have lived and died without
not there. He only stayed there till the it. So with the Gentiles, and so with the
third day. He then returned to his taber- Lamanites. God has seen proper to offer
nacle, and ministered among the sons of the Gospel, with its Priesthood and pow-
earth for forty days, where he ate, drank, ers, in different ages and countries, but
talked, preached, reasoned out of the it has been as often rejected, and there-
Scriptures, commissioned, commanded, fore withdrawn from the earth. The con-
blessed, &c. Why did he do this? Be- sequence is that the generations of men
cause he had ascended on high, and been have, for many ages, come and gone in
crowned with all power in heaven and on ignorance of its principles, and the glori-
earth, therefore he had authority to do ous hopes they inspire.
all these things. Now these blessings would have con-
So much then for that wonderful tinued on the earth, and would have
question that has been asked by our been enjoyed in all the ages and na-
Christian neighbors, so many thousand tions of man, but for the agency of the
times, in the abundance of their charity people. They chose their own forms of
for those who, like the thief on the cross, government, laws, institutions, religions,
die in their sins, or without baptism, and rulers, and priests, instead of yielding to
the other Gospel ordinances. the influence and guidance of the chosen
vessels of the Lord, who were appointed
The question naturally arises—Do all to instruct and govern them.
the people who die without the Gospel Now, how are they situated in the
hear it as soon as they arrive in the spirit world? If we reason from anal-
world of spirits? To illustrate this, let ogy, we should at once conclude that
us look at the dealings of God with the things exist there after the same pat-
people of this world. "What can we rea- tern. I have not the least doubt
son but from what we know?" We know but there are spirits there who have
and understand the things of this world, dwelt there a thousand years, who,
in some degree, because they are visible, if we could converse with them face
and we are daily conversant with them. to face, would be found as ignorant
Do all the people in this world hear the of the truths, the ordinances, powers,
Gospel as soon as they are capable of keys, Priesthood, resurrection, and eter-
understanding? No, indeed, but very nal life of the body, in short, as ig-
few in comparison have heard it at all. norant of the fullness of the Gospel,

with its hopes and consolations, as is the so distant from each other in point of
Pope of Rome, or the Bishop of Canter- time, they were left to linger without
bury, or as are the Chiefs of the Indian hope, and without God, in the spirit
tribes of Utah. world; and similar has been the fate of
And why this ignorance in the spirit the poor Jew, the miserable Lamanite,
world? Because a portion of the inhabi- and many others in the flesh. Between
tants thereof are found unworthy of the the commission and ministry of the For-
consolations of the Gospel, until the full- mer and Latter-day Saints, and Apostles,
ness of time, until they have suffered in there has been a long and dreary night
hell, in the dungeons of darkness, or the of darkness. Some fifteen to seventeen
prisons of the condemned, amid the buf- centuries have passed away, in which the
fetings of fiends, and malicious and lying generations of man have lived without
spirits. the keys of the Gospel.
As in earth, so in the spirit world. Whether in the flesh, or in the spirit
No person can enter into the privileges world, is this not hell enough? Who
of the Gospel, until the keys are turned, can imagine a greater hell than that
and the Gospel opened by those in au- before our eyes, in the circumstances
thority, for all which there is a time, ac- of the poor, miserable, degraded Indian
cording to the wise dispensations of jus- and his ancestors, since the keys of the
tice and mercy. Gospel were taken from them some fif-
It was many, many centuries before teen hundred years ago? Those who had
Christ lived in the flesh, that a whole the Gospel in the former dispensations,
generation, eight souls excepted, were and were made partakers of its spirit,
cut off by the flood. What became of its knowledge, and its powers, and then
them? I do not know exactly all their his- turned away, and became the enemies of
tory in the spirit world. But this much I God, and of His Saints, the malicious and
know—they have heard the Gospel from willful opposers of that which they knew
the lips of a crucified Redeemer, and to be true, have no forgiveness in this
have the privilege of being judged ac- world, neither in the spirit world, which
cording to men in the flesh. As these per- is the world next to come.
sons were ministered to by Jesus Christ,
after he had been put to death, it is rea- Such apostates seek, in all dispensa-
sonable to suppose that they had waited tions, to bring destruction on the inno-
all that time, without the knowledge or cent, and to shed innocent blood, or con-
privileges of the Gospel. sent thereto. For such, I again repeat,
How long did they wait? You may I know no forgiveness. Their children,
reckon for yourselves. The long ages, who, by the conduct of such fathers, have
centuries, thousands of years which in- been plunged into ignorance and mis-
tervened between the flood of Noah and ery for so many ages, and have lived
the death of Christ. Oh! the weariness, without the privileges of the Gospel, will
the tardy movement of time! The linger- look down upon such a parentage with
ing ages for a people to dwell in condem- mingled feelings of horror, contempt, re-
nation, darkness, ignorance, and despon- proach, and pity, as the agents who
dency, as a punishment for their sins. plunged their posterity into the depths
For they had been filled with violence of misery and woe.
while on the earth in the flesh, and had Think of those swept away by the
rejected the preaching of Noah, and the flood in the days of Noah. Did they
Prophets which were before him. wait a long time in prison? Forty
Between these two dispensations, years! O what a time to be im-

prisoned! What do you say to a hundred, ordinances, and had not clear concep-
a thousand, two thousand, three or four tions of his doctrine, and of the resur-
thousand years to wait? Without what? rection. They expected to go to that
Without even a clear idea or hope of a place called heaven, as soon as they were
resurrection from the dead, without the dead, and that their doom would then
broken heart being bound up, the cap- and there be fixed, without any further
tive delivered, or the door of the prison alteration or preparation. Suppose they
opened. Did not they wait? Yes they did, should come back, with liberty to tell all
until Christ was put to death in the flesh. they know? How much light could we
Now what would have been the re- get from them? They could only tell you
sult, if they had repented while in the about the nature of things in the world
flesh at the preaching of Noah? Why, in which they live. And even that world
they would have died in hope of a glo- you could not comprehend, by their de-
rious resurrection, and would have en- scription thereof, any more than you can
joyed the society of the redeemed, and describe colors to a man born blind, or
lived in happiness in the spirit world, sounds to those who have never heard.
till the resurrection of the Son of God. What, then, could you get from them?
Then they would have received their Why, common chit chat, in which there
bodies, and would have ascended with would be a mixture of truth, and of error
him, amid thrones, principalities, and and mistakes, in mingled confusion: all
powers in heavenly places. their communications would betray the
I will suppose, in the spirit world, same want of clear and logical concep-
a grade of spirits of the lowest order, tions, and sound sense and philosophy,
composed of murderers, robbers, thieves, as would characterize the same class of
adulterers, drunkards, and persons ig- spirits in the flesh.
norant, uncultivated, &c., who are in
Who, then, is prepared, among the
prison, or in hell, without hope, without
spirits in the spirit world, to communi-
God, and unworthy as yet of Gospel in-
cate the truth on the subject of salvation,
struction. Such spirits, if they could com-
to guide the people, to give advice, to con-
municate, would not tell you of the res-
fer consolation, to heal the sick, to ad-
urrection or of any of the Gospel truths,
minister joy, and gladness, and hope of
for they know nothing about them. They
immortality and eternal life, founded on
would not tell you about heaven, or
manifest truth?
Priesthood, for in all their meanderings
in the world of spirits, they have never All that have been raised from the
been privileged with the ministry of a dead, and clothed with immortality, all
holy Priest. If they should tell all the that have ascended to yonder heavens,
truth they possess, they could not tell and been crowned as Kings and Priests,
much. all such are our fellow servants, and of
Take another class of spirits—pious, our brethren the Prophets, who have the
well-disposed men; for instance, the testimony of Jesus; all such are waiting
honest Quaker, Presbyterian, or other for the work of God among their poster-
sectarian, who, although honest, and ity on the earth.
well disposed, had not, while in the They could declare glad tidings if
flesh, the privilege of the Priesthood we were only prepared to commune
and Gospel. They believed in Jesus with them. What else? Peter, James,
Christ, but died in ignorance of his Joseph, Hyrum, Father Smith, any,

or all of those ancient or modern Saints, gotten them. Our fathers have forgot-
who have departed this life, who are ten to hand down to us their geneal-
clothed upon with the powers of the eter- ogy. They have not felt sufficient inter-
nal Apostleship, or Priesthood, who have est to transmit to us their names, and
gone to the world of spirits, not to sor- the time and place of birth, and in many
row, but as joyful messengers, bearing instances they have not taught us when
glad tidings of eternal truth to the spirits and where ourselves were born, or who
in prison—could not these teach us good were our grandparents, and their ances-
things? Yes, if they were permitted so to try. Why is all this? It is because of that
do. veil of blindness which is cast over the
But suppose all spirits were honest, earth, because there has been no true
and aimed at truth, yet each one could Church, Priesthood, or Patriarchal order,
only converse of the things he is privi- no holy place for the deposit or preserva-
leged to know, or comprehend, or which tion of the sacred archives of antiquity,
have been revealed to his understanding, no knowledge of the eternal kindred ties,
or brought within the range of his intel- relationship, or mutual interests of eter-
lect. nity. The hearts of the children had be-
If this be the case, what then do we come estranged from the fathers, and the
wish, in communicating with the eter- hearts of the fathers from the children,
nal world, by visions, angels, or minis- until one came in the spirit and power of
tering spirits? Why, if a person is sick Elijah, to turn the keys of these things,
they would like to be visited, comforted, to open communication between worlds,
or healed by an angel or spirit! If a man and to kindle in our bosoms that glow of
is in prison, he would like an angel or eternal affection which lay dormant.
spirit to visit him, and comfort or deliver
him. A man shipwrecked would like to be Suppose our temple was ready, and
instructed in the way of escape for him- we should enter there to act for the dead,
self and fellows from a watery grave. In we could only act for those whose names
case of extreme hunger a loaf of bread are known to us. And these are few with
brought by an angel would not be unac- the most of us Americans. And why is
ceptable. this? We have never had time to look
If a man were journeying, and mur- to the heavens, or to the past or future,
derers were lying in wait for him in a so busy have we been with the things of
certain road, an angel would be useful to the earth. We have hardly had time to
him in telling him of the circumstance, think of ourselves, to say nothing of our
and to take another road. fathers.
If a man were journeying to preach
the Gospel, an angel would be useful to It is time that all this stupidity and
tell the neighbors of his high and holy indifference should come to an end, and
calling, as in case of Peter and Cornelius. that our hearts were opened, and our
Or would you not like to have angels all charities extended, and that our bosoms
around you, to guard, guide, and advise expanded, to reach forth after whom?
you in every emergency? Those whom we consider dead! God has
The Saints would like to enter a condescended so far to our capacity, as
holy temple, and have their Presi- to speak of our fathers as if they were
dent and his assistants administer for dead, although they are all living spirits,
their dead. They love their fathers, and will live forever. We have no dead!
although they had once almost for- Only think of it! Our fathers are all

living, thinking, active agents; we have the body, you must go to an extreme of
only been taught that they are dead! heaven or of hell, there to rejoice with
Peter on thrones of power in the pres-
Shall I speak my feelings, that I had
ence of Jesus Christ in the third heav-
on yesterday, while we were laying those
ens, or, on the other hand, to roll in the
Corner Stones of the Temple? Yes, I will
flames of hell with murderers and dev-
utter them, if I can.
ils." Such are the doctrines of our sec-
It was not with my eyes, not with tarian brethren, who profess to believe
the power of actual vision, but by my in Christ, but who know not the myster-
intellect, by the natural faculties inher- ies of godliness, and the boundless re-
ent in man, by the exercise of my reason, sources of eternal charity, and of that
upon known principles, or by the power mercy which endureth forever.
of the Spirit, that it appeared to me that It is here, that the spirit world would
Joseph Smith, and his associate spirits, look with an intense interest, it is here
the Latter-day Saints, hovered about us that the nations of the dead, if I may
on the brink of that foundation, and with so call them, would concentrate their
them all the angels and spirits from the hopes of ministration on the earth in
other world, that might be permitted, or their behalf. It is here that the count-
that were not too busy elsewhere. less millions of the spirit world would
look for the ordinances of redemption, so
Why should I think so? In the first
far as they have been enlightened by the
place, what else on this earth have they
preaching of the Gospel, since the keys
to be interested about? Where would
of the former dispensation were taken
their eyes be turned, in the wide earth,
away from the earth.
if not centered here? Where would their
Why? If they looked upon the earth
hearts and affections be, if they cast a
at all, it would be upon those Corner
look or a thought towards the dark speck
Stones which we laid yesterday; if they
in the heavens which we inhabit, unless
listened at all, it would be to hear the
to the people of these valleys and moun-
sounds of voices and instruments, and
tains? Are there others who have the
the blending of sacred and martial mu-
keys for the redemption of the dead? Is
sic in honor of the commencement of a
anyone else preparing a sanctuary for
temple for the redemption of the dead.
the holy conversation and ministrations
With what intensity of interest did they
pertaining to their exaltation? No, verily.
listen to the songs of Zion, and witness
No other people have opened their hearts
the feelings of their friends. They were
to conceive ideas so grand. No other peo-
glad to behold the glittering bayonets of
ple have their sympathies drawn out to
the guards around the temple ground,
such an extent towards the fathers.
and they longed for the day when there
No. If you go from this people, to hear would be a thousand where there is now
the doctrines of others, you will hear the but one. They wish to see a strong peo-
doleful sayings—"As the tree falls, so it ple, gathered and united, in sufficient
lyeth. As death leaves you, so judgment power to maintain a spot on earth where
will find you. There is no work, nor de- a baptismal font might be erected for the
vice, nor knowledge in the grave, &c., baptism for the dead.
&c. There is no change after death, but It was here that all their expec-
you are fixed, irretrievably fixed, for all tations were centered. What cared
eternity. The moment the breath leaves they for all the golden palaces, marble

pavements, or gilded halls of state on spirit of his anointing came upon him.
earth? What cared they for all the splen- He slew an ox, divided it into twelve
dor, equipage, tides, and empty sounds of parts, and sent a part to each of the
the self-styled great of this world, which tribes of Israel, with this proclamation—
all pass away as the dew of the morning "So shall it be done to the ox of the man
before the rising sun? What cared they who will not come up to the help of the
for the struggles, the battles, the victo- Lord of hosts."
ries, and numerous other worldly inter-
ests that vibrate the bosoms of men on Ye Elders of Israel! You will find that
either side? None of these things would there is a spirit upon you which will urge
interest them. Their interests were cen- you to continued exertion, and will never
tered here, and thence extended to the suffer you to feel at ease in Zion while
work of God among the nations of the a work remains unfinished in the great
earth. plan of redemption of our race. It will in-
Did Joseph, in the spirit world, think spire the Saints to build, plant, improve,
of anything else, yesterday, but the do- cultivate, make the desert fruitful, in
ings of his brethren on the earth? He short, to use the elements, send missions
might have been necessarily employed, abroad, build up states and kingdoms
and so busy as to be obliged to think and temples at home, and send abroad
of other things. But if I were to judge the light of a never-ending day to every
from the acquaintance I had with him in people and nation of the globe.
his life, and from my knowledge of the
You have been baptized, you have had
spirit of Priesthood, I would suppose him
the laying on of hands, and some have
to be so hurried as to have little or no
been ordained, and some anointed with
time to cast an eye or a thought after his
a holy anointing. A spirit has been given
friends on the earth. He was always busy
you. And you will find, if you under-
while here, and so are we. The spirit
take to rest, it will be the hardest work
of our holy ordination and anointing will
you ever performed. I came home here
not let us rest. The spirit of his calling
from a foreign mission. I presented my-
will never suffer him to rest, while Sa-
self to our President, and inquired what
tan, sin, death, or darkness, possesses
I should do next. "Rest," said he.
a foot of ground on this earth. While
the spirit world contains the spirit of one If I had been set to turn the world
of his friends or the grave holds captive over, to dig down a mountain, to go to the
one of their bodies, he will never rest, or ends of the earth, or traverse the deserts
slacken his labors. of Arabia, it would have been easier than
You might as well talk of Saul, to have undertaken to rest, while the
king of Israel, resting while Israel Priesthood was upon me. I have received
was oppressed by the Canaanites or the holy anointing, and I can never rest
Philistines, after Samuel had anointed till the last enemy is conquered, death
him to be king. At first he was like destroyed, and truth reigns triumphant.
another man, but when occasion called
into action the energies of a king, the May God bless you all. Amen.


L AKE C ITY, AUGUST 22, 1852.


Brethren and Sisters—I feel happy in tained, and the hand of God which has
having the privilege of meeting you once been manifested to us in all these things;
more in the Valley of the mountains. It and I rejoice, and praise God my Savior.
is now about three years since I left this I feel perfectly at home, in fact I feel at
place. Since then I have traveled a great home wherever I meet with the Saints of
distance, enough, if in a straight line, God—in this country, or in other coun-
to have gone round the world. Had I tries, but this is the grand home, this is
only had that to do, I should have been the home for the gathering of the Saints
back some time ago. Before I enter upon of the Most High God, the place where
anything else, I will tell you some of my the oracles of God dwell, and where the
feelings, and speak of other things after- Spirit of God is preeminently poured out,
wards. where we have come to learn, of the great
I feel glad to see you, brethren, sis- Jehovah, the sacred things pertaining to,
ters, and friends, and permit me to say and associated with His kingdom.
that I feel just at home, for Zion is my
I am not going to preach. I wish to tell
home; wherever the people of God are,
my feelings, and look at you, and think
I feel perfectly at home, and can re-
about what we have done, and what we
joice with them. It seems as though
are going to do, for it is not all done yet—
I want to look at you. I have been
we have only commenced the great work
gazing around at this, that, and the
of the Lord, and are laying the founda-
other one, while brother Wallace was
tion of that kingdom which is destined to
preaching; I have been trying to think
stand forever; what we shall do, is yet
where I had seen them, and the vari-
in the future; we have commenced at the
ous scenes we have pressed through to-
little end of the horn, and by and by we
gether, in different places—in journey-
will come out at the big end.
ing, in perils, in mobbing, in difficulties
and dangers of various kinds. But out I was talking about troubles, but I
of all we have been delivered, the hand don't know that we need talk or care
of God has been manifested towards us about them. We have had some lit-
in a remarkable manner. And then I tle amusements and frolics among the
see people here from different nations, Gentiles, some few difficulties, but we
with whom I have associated—from Eng- have struggled through them all, and
land, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and from we are all here safe and sound. True,
other nations of the earth; from the some of our friends have dropped by
Eastern, Western, Northern, and South- the way, they have fallen asleep, but
ern States; from Canada, and from al- what of that? And who cares? It is
most all parts of the world. I think as well to live as to die, or to die as
of the various changes, annoyances, to live, to sleep as to be awake, or to
and tribulations that we have passed be awake as to sleep—it is all one, they
through, the deliverances we have ob- have only gone a little before us. For

example, we have left other parts and to rejoice all the day long, that God has
come here, and we think we have got revealed the principle of eternal life, that
to Zion; they have gone to the world of I am put in possession of that truth, and
spirits, and they think they have got to that I am counted worthy to engage in
heaven; it is all right. We have left some the work of the Lord, and be a messen-
of our friends behind in various places; ger to the nations of the earth. I rejoice
when they arrive here, they will shake in proclaiming this glorious Gospel, be-
hands with us, and be glad they have cause it takes root in the hearts of the
got to Zion; and when we go to where children of men, and they rejoice with
our departed friends are gone, we shall me to be connected with, and participate
strike hands with them, and be glad we in, the blessings of the kingdom of God.
have got to heaven; so it is all one. Al- I rejoice in afflictions, for they are nec-
though our friends were sorry when we essary to humble and prove us, that we
left them, yet they rejoiced as well as we, may comprehend ourselves, become ac-
that we were going to Zion; and so we quainted with our weakness and infirmi-
shall rejoice with those who have died in ties; and I rejoice when I triumph over
the Lord, for they rest from their labors. them, because God answers my prayers,
therefore I feel to rejoice all the day long.
We have the principles of eternal life I feel as though I am among the hon-
in us, we have begun to live, and we orable of the earth when I am here; and
shall continue to live, as the Methodists when I get mixed up with the people
very properly express it, "while life, and abroad, and mingle with the great peo-
thought, and being last, or immortality ple in the world, I feel otherwise. I
endures;" and this is the beginning of it, have seen and deplored the weakness of
consequently other little circumstances men—their folly, selfishness, and corrup-
in this world, or even life or death; have tion. I do not know how they feel, but I
very little to do with it. Some people have witnessed a great deal of ignorance
have said to me, sometimes, Are you not and folly, I think there is a great deal
afraid to cross over the seas, and deserts, of great littleness about them. There
where there are wolves and bears, and is very little power among them, their
other ferocious animals, as well as the institutions are shattered, cracked, and
savage Indians? Are you not afraid that laid open to the foundation. It is no
you will drop by the way, and leave your matter what principle you refer to—if to
body on the desert track, or beneath the their religion, it is a pack of nonsense;
ocean's wave? No. Who cares anything if to their philosophy and politics, they
about it? What of it, if we should hap- are a mass of dark confusion; their gov-
pen to drop by the way? We expect the ernments, churches, philosophy, and re-
Lord and His angels can do as much as ligion, are all darkness, misery, corrup-
brother Benson has done in gathering up tion, and folly. I see nothing but Babylon
the people—he has brought a great host wherever I go—but darkness and con-
from Pottawatomie—and the Lord can fusion, with not a ray of light to cheer
surely as easily "send His angels, and the sinking spirits of the nations of the
gather together His elect from the four earth, nor any hope that they will be de-
quarters of the earth," and, as old Daniel livered in this world, or in the world to
says, we shall all come up and stand in come.
our "lot in the end of the days." These I have been with my brethren here
things don't trouble me, but I have felt who went with me some years ago

to foreign nations—brother Erastus men on those frontier countries, and I

Snow, who is here; brother Lorenzo thought that some miserable wretches
Snow, who has not got back yet; brother might come upon them after the main
F. D. Richards, who has been over in body of the Saints had removed, and
England; and brother Pratt. There has abuse, rob, and plunder the widow, the
been a great work done in all of these orphan, the lame, halt, blind, and des-
places, but I will leave these brethren titute, who might be left, as they did
to relate their own affairs themselves. I in Nauvoo; and thus the old, decrepit,
rejoice to associate with them, I rejoice and infirm would be abused, insulted,
to hear of their prosperity, and to see the and preyed upon by wretches in human
wisdom, intelligence, and prudence that shape, who never have courage to meet
have been manifested in all their deport- men, but are cruel and relentless with
ment and transactions. I could not have the old, infirm, the widow, orphan, and
bettered it, and I do not know that any- destitute. But, thank God, they are com-
body else could. Everything has been ing, nearly all, old and young, rich and
going on well, and prospering, the hand poor.
of God has been with us, and His angels When I see my brethren and sis-
have been on our path, and we are led ters here, I cannot help but to rejoice
to rejoice exceedingly before Him as the with them, and especially with those
God of our salvation. who have been engaged in these various
It gave me great joy, on my way home, The reports that have reached me
to find the Saints leaving Kanesville. It from time to time, of your prosperity—
seemed as though they were swept out accounts of the great work of the Lord
with a besom almost. When I was there, that was going on here, have caused me
I rode out in my carriage one day to a much joy. I have heard of your progress
place called Council Point. I thought in the city, and out of it; of your various
I would go and visit some of the folks settlements and explorations; and of the
there, but, when I got there, behold, many organizations made by the Presi-
there were no folks to see. I hunted dency. This has been joyful to me while
round, and finally found a place with abroad in foreign nations.
something like "grocery" written upon Some people think that preaching
it. I alighted, and went into the house, is the greatest part of the business in
and asked a person who presented him- building up the kingdom of God. This
self at the door, if he was a stranger is a mistake. You may pick out our
there. Yes, says he, I have only just come. most inferior Elders, in point of talent
And the people have all left, have they? and ability, and send them to England
Yes, was the answer. I next saw a few to preach and preside, and they think
goods standing at the side of a house, but they are great men there. Their reli-
the house was empty, these were wait- gion teaches them so much more than
ing to be taken away. I went into an- the Gentiles know, that they are received
other house, and there were two or three as the great men of the earth. Any-
waiting for a boat to take them down the body can preach, he is a poor simpleton
river, and these were all the inhabitants that cannot, it is the easiest thing in the
I saw there! world. But, as President Young says, it
takes a man to practice. A great many
When I first reflected upon this re- preach first-rate when they get abroad;
moval, my heart felt pained. I well you there meet with most eloquent men,
knew the disposition of many of the they will almost make the stones un-

der your feet tremble, and the walls of may, their position in the world, in a na-
the building to quake; but the moment tional capacity, demands at our hands,
they get into a little difficulty, they im- as public journalists, to report their
mediately dwindle down into nothing, progress, improvements, and position." I
and they have not got as much force as sent the Epistle of the First Presidency
would draw a mosquito off its nest. to the Journal Des Debats, which is one
But the things that are going on here, of the principal papers in Paris. They
require talent, force, energy, a knowl- published the Epistle, and the chief ed-
edge of human nature and of the laws itor made some excellent remarks upon
of God. The sacrifices that are being it, and signed his name to them. It was
made, in leaving home, and traveling taken from the paper, and translated and
from place to place, combating and over- published in Switzerland, Italy, Den-
coming the many difficulties that we mark, and Germany, and thus, in their
have had to cope with, and standing in various languages, it was spread before
a distinguished position in the eyes of the nations of Europe. Our place and
the nations of the earth, are no small people are becoming well known abroad.
affair. They gaze with astonishment at While in the city of Paris, I had to do with
the stand that this people take at the some of the leading government men. In
present time in their territorial capac- seeking to obtain authority to preach, all
ity; to that all the nations and courts of I had to do, generally, was to send my
Europe are looking. Talk about preach- card—John Taylor, du (from) Deseret.
ing; this is a matter of another impor-
We are becoming notorious in the
tance entirely. I do not care how elo-
eyes of the nations; and the time is not
quent men are—these are all good in
far distant when the kings of the earth
their place—but it is the organization in
will be glad to come to our Elders to ask
this place; the wise policy of the Gov-
counsel to help them out of their difficul-
ernor who presides here, in the exten-
ties; for their troubles are coming upon
sion of this infant state, by building up
them like a flood, and they do not know
new colonies, &c.; making such extensive
how to extricate themselves.
improvements that preach louder among
the courts of Europe, at the present time. I will here give a short history of some
It is one of the most remarkable of my proceedings. I was appointed to
things that has ever taken place in any go to France some years ago, in company
age; and kings, and philosophers are with some of the Twelve, who were ap-
obliged to acknowledge it. I remember pointed to go to other places. The First
noticing an article in the London Times, Presidency asked us if we would go. Yes,
not long ago (and it is one of the leading was the reply; we can go anywhere, for
papers of the day). In speaking about the if we cannot do little things like these, I
"Mormons," giving an account of some don't know what else we can do. Some
affairs associated with the Church, and people talk about doing great things; but
with the establishment of a Territorial it is not a great thing to travel a little,
Government here, the editor remarks or to preach a little. I hear some of our
nearly as follows—"We have let this peo- Elders saying, sometimes, that they are
ple alone for some time, and said noth- going to do great things—to be rulers in
ing about them; we have been led to be- the kingdom of God, Kings and Priests
lieve that they were a society of fanat- to the Most High, and are again to ex-
ics and fools, &c.; but let this be as it alt thousands of others to thrones, prin-

cipalities, and powers, in the eternal wanted to create a disturbance in the

worlds; but we cannot get them out of meeting, but I would not allow it, besides
their nests, to travel a few miles here. If I was in a strange city, and was received
they cannot do this, how will they ever courteously by the mayor, and wished my
learn to go from world to world? meeting to be orderly. These insolent
We went, and were blessed in our men came to create disturbance in our
journeying. We had a pretty hard time in meetings, but seeing they could not get
crossing the plains, and I should not rec- a chance of speaking inside the doors,
ommend people to go so late in the sea- they followed me in the streets, asking
son as we did. We should have lost all me questions as I walked along. Among
our horses, but the hand of God was over the questions, they said something about
us for our good; He delivered us out of all "Joe Smith." Says I, "Who are you talk-
our dangers, and took us through safely. ing about? I was well acquainted with
When we got to the Missouri River, the Mr. Joseph Smith; he was a gentleman,
ice was running very strong, so that it and would not treat a stranger as you
was impossible to ferry; but in one night do me." They still, however, dogged af-
the river froze over, and we passed over ter me, asking me more questions. I told
as on a bridge, in perfect safety; but as them, I did not wish to talk with men
soon as the last team was over, the ice of their caste. They finally sent me a
again removed. Thus the Lord favored challenge, and we had a discussion; the
us in our extremities. result of it you may have read as pub-
lished. The Methodist preacher denied
You may inquire, how did you get his calling, and was to be removed from
along preaching? The best way that we his place, in consequence; and the others
could, the same as we always do. We sunk into forgetfulness—I could obtain
went to work (at least I did) to try to no information of them when last there.
learn the language a little. I went into I decreed, then, I would let the English
the city of Boulogne, and I obtained per- alone, and turn to the French.
mission there from the mayor to preach; I went from there right into the
this I was under the necessity of doing. city of Paris, and commenced translat-
At that time, I had not been very par- ing the Book of Mormon, with brother
ticular in seeking recommends as I went Bolton to assist me. We baptized a
along; but I had a recommend from Gov- few; some of them men of intelligence
ernor Young: he told the folks I was an and education, and capable of assist-
honorable man, and signed his name to it ing us in the work. Brother Pack went
as the Governor of the Territory of Utah, to Calais, and raised a small Church
and Willard Richards as Secretary. I told there. We afterwards united some En-
the mayor, in relation to these matters, glish Branches, Boulogne en France, to
I had not many papers with me, but I it, called the Jersey Islands. There the
had one that I obtained from the Gover- people speak half English, half French;
nor of the state I came from. "O," says and brother Pack went to preside over
he, "Mr. Taylor, this is very good indeed, them. Brother Bolton and I remained
won't you leave it with me, and if any- principally in Paris, and in that neigh-
body finds any fault, I shall have it to re- borhood; we there organized a Church.
fer to." Before I came away, we held a Con-
Several Protestant priests from Eng- ference, at which four hundred mem-
land commenced to annoy us, and bers were represented, including those

Branches that were added to the Branch publication. Instead of filling it with the
in Calais. news of the day, we have filled it with all
that is good for the people to read, that
We have got a translation of the Book it may be a standing work for years to
of Mormon, as good a one as it is possible come. It contains articles written on bap-
for anybody to make. I fear no contra- tism, the Gift of the Holy Ghost, the ne-
diction to this statement from any man, cessity of gathering together, and all the
learned or illiterate. I had it examined leading points associated with the reli-
and tested by some of the best educated gion we believe in, that there may be evi-
men in France. I have got a specimen dence forthcoming at anytime and place,
with me. [The Book was produced, which in the hands of the inquirer. If men
was beautifully bound.] This is the Book should be there, not acquainted with the
of Mormon, translated into the French language, and individuals should make
language, and it is got up in as good inquiries of them relating to the doc-
a style as any book that was ever pub- trines of their religion, they have noth-
lished, whether in the Church or out of ing to do but hand them this Number
it. The translation is good, the printing or that Number of the "Star of Deseret,"
is good, and the paper is good. I have containing the information they wish.
made some little alterations, that is, I This will save them a great deal of trou-
have marked the paragraphs, and num- ble in talking.
bered them, so as to tell where to refer We found many difficulties to com-
to, when you wish to do so; and in some bat, for it is not an easy thing to go into
instances where the paragraphs are very France and learn to talk French well; but
long, I have divided them. The original at the same time, if a man sets to work
simplicity of the book is retained, and it in good earnest, he can do it. I have
is as literal as the genius and idiom of scratched the word "can't" out of my vo-
the French language would admit of. cabulary long since, and I have not got it
in my French one.
This book is stereotyped, and I have The Spirit of the Lord was with us,
arranged it so that when copies of this and with the people, and He prospered
work are sold, a certain amount of money us in our undertakings, and we were
is put away, that when another edition is enabled to accomplish the thing we set
called for, the money is there; and thus about. We had difficulties to cope with in
it can be continued from time to time, regard to the government. If it had not
as necessity shall require, until 200,000 been for the position of things there in
copies are printed without any addi- relation to the late revolution, that was
tional expense. We also publish there a then brewing, I believe we should have
paper called "L'Etoile du Deseret" (The obtained the privilege from the govern-
Star of Deseret). It is got up in good ment to preach throughout all France,
style, and printed in new type. It is also and also protection for the Elders.
stereotyped, and most of it is new matter. I petitioned the Cabinet for that
I have given an account of the organiza- privilege. While talking to some of
tion of the Church, and a brief history them, they told me there would be
of it; of the coming forth of the Book of no difficulty in obtaining permission.
Mormon, and the evidences of it; of the But we were unable to obtain the lib-
doctrines of the Church, and the position erty we wished. And I believe it
of things in this country, &c., &c. These originated from the position of things
are some of the leading items of this just before the revolution broke out;

it was through that, or through difficul- of the souls of their husbands, as well as
ties in Denmark, wherein a mob was their own. The fact is, the men care little
raised against the Saints. They were about it themselves. You will find noth-
then banishing strangers out of Paris, ing but women in the places of worship
and would not allow them a place there there, while on the other hand, if you go
unless they were wealthy persons, and out to the public promenades, and the-
had money in the bank, as security for aters, and public amusements on Sun-
their conduct. day, you will see men by thousands; and
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, and if you judge of their religion by their ac-
Brotherhood," was written almost upon tions, you would consider that the the-
every door. You had liberty to speak, but ater and public amusements are their
might be put in prison for doing so. You places of worship; at the same time, that
had liberty to print, but they might burn the Church is the place to do penance,
what you had printed, and put you into and that the women do it.
confinement for it. The nations of Eu- I am not surprised that infidelity
rope know nothing about liberty, except should prevail in such countries. I de-
England; and there it is much the same clare, personally, if I could see nothing
as here, that is, liberty to do right. better than what is called Christianity
there, I would be an infidel too; and I
When you get into France, Germany,
say the same also in regard to Protes-
or any of the foreign nations, where
tantism. The Protestants talk a great
the language is different from ours, the
deal about Catholic priests, but I believe
spirit of the people is different, and it ap-
they are much more honest in the sight
pears to me that a different spirit is car-
of man, and will do more for their pay,
ried along with these languages, which
than any Protestant minister you can
is peculiar to them.
find. You will find them up at five o'clock
I might tell you about their political in the morning, saying mass, and attend-
state, but I will preserve that for some ing to what they consider are their reli-
political speech or other; we will let that gious duties—visiting the sick, and going
go for the present. At the same time, among fevers and plagues, where Protes-
there are thousands of as good spirited, tant ministers dare not go. This is my
honest hearted men as I ever met with notion of that. (A voice in the stand—
in any part of the world; they are quiet, The children are always lazier than their
calm, peaceable, and desirous to know daddy.) The idea of taking Protestantism
the truth, and be governed by it; and if among the French people is nonsense,
we only had liberty to preach to them for one Catholic priest could prevail over
the principles of truth, thousands would fifty Protestants. The Catholic priests
flock to the standard of truth. are more intelligent, they know the ba-
Infidelity prevails there to a great ex- sis upon which their church is founded,
tent, and at the same time a great deal and they can reason upon principles the
of a certain kind of religion, a sort of Protestants cannot enter into. Protes-
Catholicism; not the Catholicism that tants can do very well when they have
was, but which is. Men have got sick of it, got a mass of their own people around
and look upon it as moonshine and folly. them.
You may divide the people into three When I was in Boulogne, some
classes—the most religious class are the Protestant ministers were afraid lest I
women; from observation you would should make a division among them;
judge that they attend to the affairs they were fearful lest I should show

up some of their follies, and the Catholics full as this hall is this morning; but in
should laugh at them. One of these Je- that country it was considered a first
suit priests came to me; he was a well rate congregation. When M. Guizot fin-
educated man. In speaking on those dis- ished his discourse, about one-third of
cussions, says he, when they ask about the congregation left. I thought this a
the character of your founders, just ex- curious proceeding; they don't act so in
amine into theirs, and I will furnish you Protestant countries. Another got up to
all the testimony you want. I told him speak, and when he had made a speech,
I was much obliged to him, but I could another third of what was left, left the
attend to my own business. I thought if house and went away; and when four or
I could not get along, and defend "Mor- five of them had made speeches, there
monism" without the help of a Jesuit were about as many left in the house as
priest, it was a poor case. you would see at a Catholic chapel at
I was speaking, awhile ago, about mass. I was really surprised at the in-
the people there being divided into three difference and carelessness manifested.
classes. One of them you may call infidel,
This was at the anniversary of a Bible
under the head of Socialism, Fourierism,
Society in the city of Paris, where some of
and several other isms. Communism is a
the most notable men gathered together.
specimen of the same thing, and they call
I speak of this to represent to you the po-
it religion! These are generally known
sition of things there, and the spirit of
under the head of what is called Rouges,
the people in relation to these matters.
or Red Republicans. There is one class
In a theater, or in any public spectacle,
that think it is necessary to sustain reli-
all would have stayed till the last.
gions as a national policy, to subdue the
minds of the people, and make them eas- It is among this people we have got to
ier to govern. The third class is in the introduce the Gospel. When they come
minority a long way; it is those who are to see it, they rejoice in it, but we do
actually sincere in their religion. not preach religion much to them, for
I will give you a specimen of Protes- a great many of them are philosophers,
tantism as I witnessed it in a grand an- and, of course, we must be philosophers
niversary Bible Society meeting in Paris. too, and make it appear that our phi-
There were some of the most notable losophy is better than theirs, and then
men in Paris going to preach there and show them that religion is at the bot-
that attracted the attention of the pub- tom of it. It would be nonsense to talk
lic. The meeting was held in one of the about justification by faith: they would
principal Protestant churches. The late say it was moonshine, or something else.
Prime Minister of Louis Philippe, Mon- You have got to talk common sense, you
sieur Guizot, presided, and many other have got to affect their bodies as well as
eminent men were present. M. Guizot their souls, for they believe they are pos-
is a man of great ability, and quite an sessed of both. When they once get in-
orator, so that all parties respected him terested in the work of God, and get the
on account of his talent. As he was go- Spirit of God, they rejoice exceedingly
ing to be there, and deliver a speech, it in the blessings of the Gospel. I have
attracted quite an audience. I went to seen Saints in that country who rejoiced
hear them, in company with a French and thanked God, for the blessings of the
minister that was baptized there. The new and everlasting covenant, as much
place was pretty well crowded, not so as ever I saw Saints in any country.

I had thought, after having com- ther Bolton, and brother De La Mere,
pleted the translation of the Book of Mor- who was from the island of Jersey, that
mon into the French language, in which there was one man in the Valley I wished
I was assisted by brother Bolton, of re- was here, and that was brother Carn.
turning home last year, but I met with There was one brother in France, who
the Epistle of the First Presidency, from was a German, and was well acquainted
which I could learn their desire that we with the languages, both German and
should stay another year. I, therefore, French. I engaged him to go with me to
thought I would alter my course imme- Germany, that is, to translate. However,
diately, and follow the directions of the I went over to England, and thought we
Spirit of God—for I wished all the time, would hunt in England to find some per-
as Paul says, to be obedient to the heav- son qualified to go and preach in Ger-
enly calling; I wished at all times to pur- many. I found many Germans, but none
sue the course the Spirit of the Lord with sufficient experience in the Church.
should dictate. I knew it would dictate Finally, I thought I would start by my-
them right, though I did not see at that self. When I got to London, I met with
time that it would be of much benefit brother Dykes; he had said something
for me to stay long there, as it was no about going to Germany, but he con-
place for preaching in. The government, cluded he had better be with brother
after studying about these things some Snow, as he was acquainted with the
time, denied us the privilege of preach- Danish language; he had got his dis-
ing; and all the place we had to meet charge from that engagement, and was
in was a private room; and, according to on his way home when I met him. This
a law of the government, if more than placed things in another position. He
twenty persons were known to meet to- said he would like to go if his family
gether they were in danger of being put could be provided for, but I could not say
in prison. The officers were continu- anything particular about his family.
ally on the alert, and when we would
meet, lest there should be more than I finally had him go for a month or
twenty people, they would be counting two, for I did not wish to put a thing
how many there were in the room, and upon him I would not do myself. He felt
thus the Saints were continually under a desire to go, and said he would do as I
the spirit of fear of the authorities. It is said, so I told him to go for two months.
under these circumstances we have had I made an appointment to meet him in
to labor. Germany, as I had to go through France.
As it stated in the Epistle, that it
was better for the brethren to extend When we arrived there, we started
their labors to other nations, it imme- the translation of the Book of Mormon,
diately occurred to my mind to go to and it was half completed before I came
Germany, so I made a plan before I got away. We also started to publish a
up in the morning, for thought flows paper in Germany, called Zions Panier
quickly, you know. The plan was—to (Zion's Banner). I wished to be per-
publish the Book of Mormon there. I fectly satisfied that the translation was
wrote to brother Hyde to send me out right; brother Richards and I heard some
some brother that was acquainted with of it read in Boulogne, and we thought
the German language, and my letter got it was very good, but still it had to
there about the time he left for the Val- be altered. I, therefore, got some of
ley, and he did not get it. I said to bro- the best professors in the city of Ham-

burg to look over it: some few alterations that is all they do know; if you except
were necessary, but not many. Also, with that, there is not an ounce of common
regard to the paper, one of the profes- sense remains. What if you can read
sors said he would not have known it French, or German, or Hebrew, or any-
was written in English and translated; thing else—what good would it do you
he should, if not told to the contrary, unless you read to understand the works
have supposed it written originally in written in those languages? Simply none
German. at all. A man is a fool if he boast about
I have often heard men in this coun- anything of that kind.
try splutter a great deal about the mean- The Book of Mormon by this time is
ing of odd words in the Bible, but this printed and stereotyped in the German
only exhibits their folly: it is the spirit language. I left brother Carn there, to
and intention of the language that are to attend to this business: everything was
be looked at, and if the translator does going on smoothly, so I thought I could
not know this it is impossible for him to leave it as well as not. When I got to Liv-
translate correctly, and this is the rea- erpool, and was about coming away, the
son why there are so many blunders in very man I wanted to come from the Val-
the Bible. I believe the English Bible is ley arrived there. I was glad to meet him
translated as well as any book could be in Liverpool.
by uninspired men. The German trans-
I shall want to get some folks to go to
lation of the Bible, I believe, is tolerably
France, and to Germany. I would not ask
correct, but some of the French editions
anybody to do that which I would not do
are miserable.
A Protestant minister in Germany
refused to discuss the doctrine of Bap- There are books, thousands of them,
tism, because their Bible is so plain upon if you cannot talk to the people, you
that subject that the doctrine of sprin- can give them the books to read. But
kling could not be maintained. Among you can learn the language, or you
the German people, we find a great deal are poor concerns. Any sane person can.
of infidelity, but at the same time we I do not know that it is necessary for
find very much sterling integrity, and me to say anything more. O yes, I or-
there will be thousands and tens of thou- ganized a society to make sugar, and a
sands of people in that country who will woolen manufactory. The sugar factory
embrace the faith, and rejoice in the will be here soon. If you will only pro-
blessings of the Gospel. We have sent vide us with beets and wood, we will
our French papers to Switzerland, Den- make you sugar enough to preserve your-
mark, and to Lower Canada, and some of selves in. We can have as good sugar in
our German papers to France, and vice this country as anywhere else; we have
versa. as good machinery as is in the world.
The languages in these countries I have seen the best specimens of it in
are mixed up: it is a profession more the World's Fair, but there was none bet-
general than it is in this country; ter than this; there is not any better on
they think a man is very ignorant the earth, nor better men to make sugar
if he professes to be a teacher and than those who are coming. I found this
does not know two or three languages, affair as difficult to arrange as anything
but with all their knowledge of lan- I have had to do. We could not bring
guages, there is a great amount of igno- the other machinery on this year, for we
rance. There are men there acquainted had as much on hand with the sugar
with two or three languages, and machinery as we could get along with,

so we had to leave it, that is, the woolen After I had left Paris, on my arrival
and worsted machinery, to another year. in England, I found a letter from brother
I can say also of this, that it is as good Bolton, who is president in France; he
machinery as there is in the world. It informed me that the haut (high) police
is the same kind of machinery that is had been inquiring for me at my lodg-
made use of in the west of England to ings, but that the gentleman of the house
make the best kind of broad cloth; also had kept him talking for two hours, de-
a worsted manufactory to manufacture fending my character, &c. They came to
cloth for ladies' wear, such as merinoes, the house ten minutes after I had left
and alpaccas, and other sorts of paccas. I in a cab for the railroad, but I had then
don't know the names of them all; and finished my work, and when they would
various kinds of shawls, blankets, car- have put their fingers on me, I was not
pets, &c., &c., if we can only command there. But at the very time they were
the wool. voting for their president, we were vot-
After having gone through these ing for our president, and building up the
things, I will say again, I am glad that Kingdom of God; and I prophesied then,
I have got back to this place. Some and prophesy now, that our cause will
people have asked me if I was not stand when their's is crushed to pieces;
pretty near being taken up and put in and the kingdom of God will roll on and
prison by the authorities of France. I spread from nation to nation, and from
might have been, but I did not know it. kingdom to kingdom. And from these na-
tions we have been preaching the Gospel
A gentleman in Paris would make me of Christ to, you will see thousands and
promise to call on him when I came back tens of thousands yet flocking to Zion, and
to Paris, and make his house my home. singing Hallelujahs to the God of Israel.
I agreed to return, and stay a few days Did we not talk about England in
in that city, and hold a Conference there. the same way when the Gospel was first
This was a few days after the revolu- introduced into that country? Brother
tion. I saw the place where the houses Kimball prophesied the same things of
had been battered down, and the peo- that country, and they have all come
ple killed by wholesale; where they were to pass, and this will come to pass by
shot down promiscuously, both big and and by, for there is "a good time com-
little, old and young, men, women, and ing, Saints, wait a little longer;" and we
children. I was there soon after this oc- will rise up like the servants of the liv-
currence; and at the very time the people ing God, and accomplish the work He
were voting in their President, we were has given us to do; and when we have
holding a Conference on the same day, done our work here, we will then join our
for I thought they would have something friends in the eternal worlds, and engage
else to do than to attend to us. Some of in acts more vast, more mighty, and that
the Elders, however, were afraid to come will require more energy than the works
to Paris, lest there should be difficulty. we are now engaged in.
There were about 400 represented I rejoice that I am happy to meet with
at this Conference; Elders, Priests, and you and my family: you are my friends,
Teachers were ordained; and a Con- and you are the friends of God, and we
ference was regularly organized. The are building up the kingdom of God, and
Spirit of the Lord was with us, and by and by the kings and princes of the
many were ordained to the Priesthood earth will come, and gaze upon the glory
with a Presidency over the nation. of Zion.

I used to think there was a good deal tailor's shop a little, and start you out
of intelligence among the world, but I like gentlemen, as large as life. I tell you
have sought for it so long I have given up there is a great difference between our
all hopes of ever finding it there. Some people and others. Many others have a
philosophers came to visit me in France, nice little finish on them; they may be
and while conversing, I had to laugh a compared to scrimped up dandies; but
little at them for the word philosophy is everything is on the outside, and nothing
about every tenth word they speak. One in the inside.
of them, a Jesuit priest, who had come Our folks who are operating round
in the Church, a well educated man, was here in the canyons, and on the land,
a little annoyed in his feelings at some of are listening to the servants of God, and
my remarks, on their philosophy. I asked studying principles of eternal truth; they
them if any of them had ever asked me are like young rough colts, with plenty of
one question that I could not answer. bone, sinew, and nerve in them; all they
They answered in the negative. But, said want is rubbing down a little, and they
I, I can ask you fifty that you cannot an- will come out first rate. I believe in the
swer. polish, and a little of everything else, you
Speaking of philosophy, I must tell know I am a Frenchman now.
another little story, for I was almost I have found that all intelligence is
buried up in it while I was in Paris. I was good, and there is a good deal in the
walking about one day in the Jardin des world, mixed up with all their follies.
Plantes—a splendid garden. There they It is good for the Elders to become ac-
had a sort of exceedingly light cake; it quainted with the languages, for they
was so thin and light that you could blow may have to go abroad, and should be
it away, and you could eat all day of it, able to talk to the people, and not look
and never be satisfied. Somebody asked like fools. I care not how much intelli-
me what the name of that was. I said, I gence you have got, if you cannot exhibit
don't know the proper name, but in the it you look like an ignoramus. Suppose a
absence of one, I can give it a name— Frenchman should come upon this stand
I will call it philosophy, or fried froth, to deliver a lecture upon Botany, Astron-
which you like. It is so light you can blow omy, or any other science, and could not
it away, eat it all day, and at night be as speak a word of English, how much wiser
far from being satisfied as when you be- would you be? You may say, I thought the
gan. Lord would give us the gift of tongues.
There are a great many false prin- He won't if we are too indolent to study
ciples in the world, and as I said be- them. I never ask the Lord to do a thing
fore, whether you examine their religion, I could do for myself. We should be ac-
their philosophy, their politics, or their quainted with all things, should obtain
national policy, you will find it a mess intelligence both by faith and by study.
of complete baby work, there is nothing We are instructed to gather it out of the
substantial about it, nothing to take hold best books, and become acquainted with
of. There is no place that I have found governments, nations, and laws. The El-
under the whole heavens where there is ders of this Church have need to study
true intelligence, but in the land of Zion. these things, that when they go to the
I will risk our Elders among the nations, they may not wish to return
world, if they will only brush up their home before they have accomplished a
ideas a little. I will take any of you good work.
rough looking fellows, put you in a When I was in Hamburg, there were

30,000 soldiers quartered in the city, and countries in the world, but they (the
that is called a free city. If you ask any Americans) do not appreciate their priv-
of the inhabitants what they are doing ileges.
there, they will answer—Ich weise nicht
I am glad to see things moving on
(I don't know), but we have to keep them.
so well here; I observe great improve-
They are there because the Emperor of
ments and changes: you have done a
Austria placed them there, and he had
great work, and God will bless you for
power to have them there.
it. I am glad to see and hear that you are
In Paris, you would suppose you were
more diligent in paying tithing, and at-
in an armed city for you could not step
tending to your duties than before I left.
anywhere without meeting soldiers at
It is not hard to do the will of God, and if
every step.
some of you would go out into the world
When I was in Hamburg, I had to
for two or three years, you would not find
go and get a permit to authorize me
it hard to repay tithing when you came
to stay one month, and when that was
back again. I am glad to hear of these
done, I had to get another to autho-
things—of the building up of the king-
rize me to stay another month. The
dom of God; and union is strength, and to
only thing we can do in that country at
fulfill the will of God brings down bless-
present is to baptize some of the citi-
ings upon our heads. I now expect to rest
zens, and set them to preaching, as they
a little, and visit a little, and we will talk
have more rights and privileges than a
and preach, and do all the good we can
stranger. No man has a right to re-
in this world, and then go into the next
ceive his own son into his own house, if
to do more good.
not a citizen, without a card; or a per-
mit from the Government; and that is I feel obliged to the brethren here
a free city, so called. We cannot know for putting me up a house; and brother
anything about the blessings and privi- Brigham, I am much obliged to you for it;
leges we have as Americans, without be- God bless you for it. And I pray that the
coming acquainted with the condition of blessings of God may rest down upon all
other nations, this is one of the greatest the Saints, worlds without end. Amen.




With joy and delight I look upon tion to our Father and God, that my
you, brethren and sisters. I feel to heart is capable of rendering; and
render all praise, thanks, and adora- with all the affections, together with

all the talent bestowed upon me, I feel in the capacity of a social community—
to serve, praise, adore, and acknowledge for what? That our minds may rest, and
the Lord our God. our bodies receive that recreation which
Let me ask a question. Finding our- is proper and necessary to keep up an
selves in our present position in the equilibrium, to promote healthy action to
world of sin and darkness, of igno- the whole system.
rance, unbelief, superstition, and tradi-
Let our minds sing for joy, and let
tion, which have been woven and inter-
life diffuse itself into every avenue of the
woven with our lives; thrown around us
body; for the object of our meeting is for
like a mantle, which is used to shield the
its exercise, for its good.
body from the cold and from the storm;
considering ourselves as we are, then This party was gotten up by the mem-
ask ourselves the question, if on earth bers of the Legislature, to rest their
we have any idea of anything like a king- minds, to convene in a social capacity,
dom or community of people being celes- and enjoy the society of each other, with
tial; then ask ourselves again, if we have, their families, and to give renewed activ-
does not the presentation this evening ity and energy, which will invigorate and
border very nigh to it? I can say for strengthen them in the discharge of the
one, as far as we do know and under- arduous duties devolving upon them.
stand, as far as our capacities can ex-
With regard to these feelings prevail-
pand, and grasp life and happiness, just
ing in our midst this evening, as well
so far this community which is present
as the correctness of these principles,
this evening, is advanced in the celestial
all men and women must be their own
judge. I judge for myself, and not for
If there is a heart here this evening,
another, although I have that privilege,
that does not chime in with every sen-
and can do it with safety and propri-
timent of righteousness, that heart has
ety. Why is this? Because when I look
no power in this assembly. This com-
upon the faces of my brethren, I know
pany are controllable, like the ship by
their hearts; let the roots of bitterness
the rudder, in a gentle breeze, that can
be there, and their countenances meet
be turned hither and thither at the will
mine, and I know it in a moment. Do you
and pleasure of him who commands; so
not know it also? Can you not feel it?
with all here present; at the sound of
Can you not see it? You can. This is why
the voice, all is hushed, and every heart
I say that I have the privilege of judg-
throbs in unison in response to the words
ing others. You have the same privilege.
of praise and thanksgiving to our Father
Having this privilege to judge for others
and our God. This proves that the major-
as well as myself, I feel to say, that every
ity, at least, are right; and I have no rea-
heart of the company present this after-
son to believe that there is a heart in this
noon and evening, feels to sing praises
house, but chimes in with my own. Every
to the Lord, and shout hallelujah to His
countenance is cheerful; every face is lit
holy name. I am in the best place I ever
up with a lively glow of joy, peace, and
was during my life, and with the best so-
ciety. I never saw a community that en-
We are now enjoying our pastimes.
joyed the tranquility and peace that are
We often meet together and worship
enjoyed by this people in these valley's
the Lord by singing, praying, and
of the mountains. Is it not so? Judge for
preaching, fasting, and communing with
yourselves, ye are my witnesses.
each other in the Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper. Now we are met A few words, perhaps, will suffice

the company. I was requested to make a This is our experience. If we should suf-
few remarks at the opening of the meet- fer ourselves to spend our time day af-
ing, but I chose to delay speaking until a ter day, and week after week, as we are
more suitable time; for when any of my today, how long would it be, before we
brethren or myself speak to the people, I would forget the Lord? It would not be
wish all to hear that conveniently can, long. If we continued in the exercising
because when we are in this capacity, of the body without reflection, this com-
and call our minds together, it is to re- pany would soon think—it is no mat-
flect for a few moments, and look at each ter about praying, or asking the Lord
other, and think of the Lord; view over about anything; we have enjoyed our-
the past times of our lives, and contrast selves heretofore, and all has been peace,
their history with the present festive mo- quietness, and good order. But how long
ments. It is good to look upon each would it remain so? How long would it
other, because the faces of our friends, be before we would become careless, if
and the gladness of their countenances, we remembered not the Lord? For this
cheer our hearts, furnishing food for fu- reason, I say, on every such occasion, it is
ture reflection. Under all circumstances, right, reasonable, and necessary, that ev-
in every situation of our past lives, in ev- ery heart be directed to the Lord. When
ery transaction of business and of social we have had sufficient recreation for our
enjoyment, remember it is good to reflect good, let that suffice. It is all right; then
and consider upon it now in the days of let our minds labor instead of our bod-
peace and prosperity, while we have the ies; and in all our exercises of body and
privilege. mind, it is good to remember the Lord.
If it cannot be so, but otherwise, I do not
Our present situation, and the enjoy- wish to see another party while I live. If
ments of this evening, will become subjects I could not enjoy the Spirit of the Lord in
of pleasant and agreeable reflection, when we this capacity with you this evening, and
shall be separated from each other. Some of
feel the power of God to rest upon me,
these, my brethren, may be absent in foreign
lands; our sisters may be separated from this
I should cease from all such indulgence.
community, and go to the right and to the left; From this time, never let us permit our-
then these moments of festive joy will be re- selves to go one step beyond that which
membered with pleasing emotions, and cher- the Lord will own and bless.
ished in fond memory in after years. But I pause here, and for this
reason—I want it distinctly understood,
Again, when we meet in this capacity, that fiddling and dancing are no part
it is good for our minds to be refreshed on of our worship. The question may be
this wise a little, for the reason, as you asked, What are they for, then? I an-
are all aware, that we are naturally for- swer, that my body may keep pace with
getful, and it is according to the frailties my mind. My mind labors like a man
of human nature to decline and falter in logging, all the time; and this is the rea-
our feelings at the varied, besetting, en- son why I am fond of these pastimes—
ticing, and almost overwhelming temp- they give me a privilege to throw every-
tations that are abroad in the world, thing off, and shake myself, that my body
and with which the people, especially may exercise, and my mind rest. What
those of the household of faith, have to for? To get strength, and be renewed
contend. Our former life, its anxieties and quickened, and enlivened, and ani-
and enjoyments, are apt to be forgotten. mated, so that my mind may not wear

out. Experience tells us that the most community to consider that I have feel-
of the inhabitants of the earth wear ings of a very acute nature. There is
out their bodies without wearing their not a man or a woman, Saint or sin-
minds at all, through the sufferings they ner, it mattereth not, that feels injured,
endure from hard labor, with distress, and lays his or her complaints before me;
poverty, and want. While on the other but what it rests upon my feelings; but
hand, a great portion of mankind wear my faith is unyielding, and I intend to
out their bodies without laboring, only keep it so, as much as I can; my feelings
in anxiety. But when men are brought sympathize so with the injured, that I
to labor entirely in the field of intelli- am grieved and distressed, and my head
gence, there are few minds to be found aches, and large drops of cold sweat sit
possessing strength enough to bear all upon my brow, and no man or woman
things; the mind becomes overcharged, knows anything about my feelings, and
and when this is the case, it begins to I do not want them to know, for I calcu-
wear upon the body, which will sink for late to kick off from my heels all that I
want of the proper exercises. This is cannot carry. I will carry all I should,
the reason why I believe in and prac- but there is not a person in this commu-
tice what I do. The question might be nity that can bring to mind or mention
asked, Why not go into the canyons and the time whenever I exhibited one parti-
get out wood, which would be good ex- cle of sorrow or trouble to them. I calcu-
ercise enough? If you would know, come late to carry my own sorrows just as long
up to my house, you will soon find out. as I live upon this earth; and when I go to
Were I to go to the canyons, the whole the grave, I expect them all to go there,
camp of Israel would follow me there; and sleep with me in eternal silence.
and they would not be there long before
they would say, Come, brother Brigham,
I want to talk with you; come, I will But to return to our party. I would
chop this wood. How many scores of just say, it was gotten up by the Legisla-
times I have undertaken to work, since I ture to enjoy ourselves. I have enjoyed
came into this ministry! Scores and hun- myself first-rate: my heart is cheerful
dreds of times when my calling in the and full of gladness. I am in the midst of
kingdom of God was less than it is now, the Saints of the Most High, and my de-
have I endeavored to set myself to work, sire is, and I will say with all my heart,
but seldom could have a chance to do so may God grant that the blessings, favors,
more than five minutes; someone would and mercies, and kindness of our Father
come along, "Give me the hoe, brother in heaven, may bring us to a sense of the
Brigham, I want to talk with you;" and obligations we owe to Him; and cheer,
so stop me, and no sooner stop me than and cause joy and tranquility to reign
he stops also. I have given it up, I do not in this community, that every heart may
intend to work any more at manual la- be bound up in the Gospel of the Lord
bor. I do not wrestle, or play the ball; all Jesus Christ, without having to feel the
the exercise I do get is to dance a little, rod again. What is the use of it, when
while my council room is from my office mercy and kindness are lavished upon
to this room, and from this room to my the people of God, and to see them fal-
house again, into my sitting room, din- ter in their faith, see them grow cold
ing room, &c. towards the Lord their God, see them
You will see the time, you will slacken their pace? Is it not grievous?
know what my labor is. I wish this Just look at it. Suppose you had all the

good gifts to bestow upon your children ver have power to bring another afflic-
that heart could wish, and you lavish tion upon us, never, no, never. There-
them out, but the more you give, the fore, love the Lord, keep His command-
more slothful they become—how would ments, cleave to the Israel of God; this is
you feel? Just apply this to yourselves: my exhortation all the time. And what
I know how I should feel. When I bring is the next duty? Love your neighbor
my mind to bear upon this subject, and as yourself, do unto others as you would
see what the Lord has done for me, and that others should do unto you, cease
for this people, and think that I should your contention and bad feelings, your
become remiss in my duty, so that the evil speaking and evil doing.
Lord should have need to chasten me As I observed here not long since, I
again, it seems, on the first reflection, consider it is a disgrace to the commu-
that I ought to be damned. When I look nity, and in the eyes of the Lord, and
at myself before the Lord, and see what of Angels, and in the eyes of all the
He has called me to, and what He has Prophets and Revelators that have ever
called my brethren and sisters to; how lived upon the earth, when a community
He has bestowed blessings upon us, and will descend to the low, degraded state
heaped them up until there is not room of contention with each other; this lit-
to receive them, and I should want to tle bickering, jarring, faultfinding, some-
go to the gold mines, and return again body's abused me; why do you not say, if
here to speculate upon the Saints, and you have a mind to abuse, abuse away?
should be guilty of complaining all the Suppose every heart should say, if my
time, it seems, if I were to do this, the neighbor does wrong to me, I will not
Lord would damn me. complain, the Lord will take care of him.
I know you feel as I do upon this Let every heart be firm, and everyone
subject. When you take this into con- say, I will never contend any more with
sideration, your serious reflections hav- a man for property, I will not be cruel to
ing place in your heart, you feel as I my fellow creature, but I will do all the
do. For heaven's sake, for your own good I can, and as little evil as possible.
sake, and for the sake of Him who died Now, where would be the wrong of taking
for us, never let us falter in our duty. this course? This is the way to approxi-
While we live, it is our duty to love the mate toward a celestial state. A commu-
Lord with all our might, and with all our nity cannot be produced upon all the face
strength, and with all our souls. This is of the earth that presents a celestial as-
our duty first and foremost: we ought to pect like this. If we continue to be faith-
love Him better than our wives, children, ful and prayerful, and strive continually
and brethren and sisters, and all things to resist every evil, we shall approxi-
besides. Is this our duty? Verily yes. Let mate more and more towards that ce-
the heart love God, and serve Him, with- lestial kingdom, where there is an eter-
out any division of feeling: never suffer nal inheritance, and an unsullied glory.
it to wander to the right or to the left for And if we should look back upon our-
one moment. selves, when we were doing evil to each
If these were the feelings of this other, should we not do so with regret
people, the Lord would lift up our and shame? Should we not look upon our
hands, exalt our hearts, and cause us past mortal lives with anguish and dis-
to walk in His almighty strength, so gust? I wish men would look upon that
that the devil and his imps would ne- eternity which is before them. In the

great morning of the resurrection, with the history of the whole Church, and look
what grief would they look upon their lit- over the whole surface of the matter, and
tle trifling affairs of this probation; they did you ever see this people, when they
would say, O! do not mention it, for it is had the same confidence as they have
a source of mortification to me to think in each other at this day? No, never.
that I ever should be guilty of doing And it is on the increase; and this is
wrong, or of neglecting to do good to my what will make a community powerful.
fellow men, even if they have abused me. But if we lack confidence in each other,
O! how would it appear if you understood and be jealous of each other, our peace
the heart of the Lord, and understood the will be destroyed. If we cultivate the
heart and faithfulness of those in the ce- principle of unshaken confidence in each
lestial kingdom. As good as we are, we other, our joy will be full. What does it
shall not want to look upon our past ac- prove? It proves that we are fast advanc-
tions; we shall say, O! do not mention it, ing and approximating towards that de-
but let it sleep; I never want that to be gree of light, knowledge, and glory, and
resurrected, but let it die in the grave, all the principles that pertain to the ev-
and sleep an eternal sleep. Brethren and erlasting Gospel, and that we are actu-
sisters, I hope and pray that our evils ally in the favor of the Lord. We need not
may never rise with us. I can say to bring any proofs of that, for that devils
you, with all my heart, and with all my never kick and cuff their own is certain.
soul, and not only to this company, but As I used to say, fifteen years ago, when I
to all the Saints throughout the world— was out preaching, and the people would
may the heavens bless you; the Lord get alarmed, when the devil would get
Almighty blesses you, my soul blesses mad, and would say to me, "Oh! dear, sir,
you, how my soul loves you, may angels what is the matter, I am afraid we are
bless you, guard and preserve you; and all going to be killed, for all hell is boil-
may all the heavenly hosts, arrayed in ing over"—my answer was, "Thank God,
all their panoply of power, be engaged for the devil has not forsaken us yet." Will
your exaltation. he not sustain his own kingdom? When
One thing more. You will perceive all you see all the powers of the evil one
the time, this one thing in me, viz., by my combined against a community, you may
conduct, there is no lack of confidence— know that is Christ's kingdom. Every-
not a particle of jealousy arises in my thing has proved that this is God's king-
bosom towards this people. I never felt dom, and I need not say anything more
for one moment a shadow of doubt upon about these two powers.
that subject. I have never seen one The Lord Almighty is for us, and
moment but this people loved me; al- the devil is against us. However, I
though I may get up here and cuff them will tell you what I think of the whole
about, chastising them for their forget- of the devil's company on this earth—
fulness, their weaknesses and follies, yet if they will just keep out of my path,
I have not seen a moment when they I shall be glad, for I never want to
did not love me. The reason is, be- see one of them. My soul is satisfied
cause I love them so well. Do you not
with looking upon this wicked world. If I
know that spirits beget spirits, and like- never see another wicked person while I live,
ness begets likeness. I love this peo- I am perfectly satisfied with the Saints; these
ple so well that I know they love me; are my feelings. True, it is my duty to
they have confidence in me, because I preach to them; but I am willing, if the Lord
have confidence in them. You may scan is satisfied, that I should never see another

wicked person upon this earth. I henceforth. May heaven bless you,
would be satisfied to live with the brethren and sisters. Amen.
Saints and Angels from this time


S ALT L AKE C ITY, J ULY 11, 1852.


I have been much interested with the do we must do in this state of existence,
principles that have been laid before us while in our tabernacles of flesh; and if
by brother Daniel Tyler. He is a man we make good use of our lives, and of
with whom I have been acquainted for our bodies, and of our talents, it will be
many years, and I know him to be a well with us; but if we do not, we have
good man. I can say truly that I have to give an account of the deeds done in
heard the Gospel presented before us the body. These bodies are given to you
this morning, as it is recorded in the New by the same Being that gave to me my
Testament. body, and they are committed to you as a
You know that it is generally un- stewardship by that God who placed us
derstood, and perhaps by many of the here; and you have got to give an account
strangers who are present today, that we of your stewardship, and the course you
do not believe the Bible. That is a great take. If you permit that tabernacle to be-
mistake: we do believe it. I can say, as come polluted, and if your spirit suffers
one of the Apostles of old said, and it is your body to be contaminated with sin
my advice and instruction to you—prove and corruption, you will have to make
all things, and try all things, and hold an atonement for it before you can get
fast to that which is good. As he exhorted your redemption worked out. Gentle-
you to prove these things, to investigate men, mark it, for it is even so.
them, and reflect upon them, and prove This is the Gospel which has been
the truth of that which is called "Mor- taught to us today, in a plain and sim-
monism," let me tell you, gentlemen, the ple manner, and in that simplicity that
day will come, if you don't do it, you will it was taught by Jesus Christ and his
be sorry. Why? Because there is a future Apostles, and by many others who were
day that will determine these things. ordained by them. The people pro-
It will be but a few years, perhaps fess to believe the Bible; the whole
not to exceed fifty, that not a person Christian world profess to believe that
here this day will then be upon the book—to believe that it is the Bible,
earth. You will go into the world of but do they believe what is in that
spirits, to try the realities of another Bible? If they do, they don't prac-
state of existence. What we have to tice it. How many of you, my breth-

ren and fellow travelers to eternity, how every other, which thing I have said in
many times have you said in your day, the United States and in Great Britain—
and in your generation, and in your fam- except you receive the words of Jesus
ily circles, "If I could see one man prac- Christ, and those that are ordained and
tice that religion that was taught by Je- sent forth by him, you are just as sure
sus and his Apostles, I would be a Saint." of damnation as you are sure of dying,
I said it many times before I ever heard and I know it. These things are plain,
of "Mormonism," and sought for these and the Gospel that brother Daniel has
things, and wished for them, and prayed spoken has been revealed in these last
for them according to the knowledge I times. That light that was once extin-
then had. But what did I know about guished by wickedness has been lit up
God, or about the Gospel, by what I again. The ancient Gospel is again re-
heard from the pulpits of the day? vealed, and the Priesthood of the Son of
I have been at the Methodists' meet- God, and the Latter-day Saints have this
ing many a time, and have followed up power, and you cannot help yourselves.
their protracted meetings, and sought That is why we are here today, that is
for religion; and when people were con- the reason why I am here today, in a land
verted to the faith of Methodism, I have of peace and plenty, and a healthy loca-
seen the priest go to the water because tion, with my brethren who have come
some wished to be baptized in the wa- here to find a good home. Don't you find
ter, but not because it was at all neces- the people here peaceable, and kind, and
sary. One would say I want to be sprin- affectionate, attending to their own busi-
kled; another, I want to have the water ness? Did you ever find a more peaceable
poured upon me; and another, I want to place in your life, in the United States, or
be plunged. All right, says the minis- in England, or in any part of the world,
ter, either of these is just as necessary as than this? No, I defy you to find any
the other, for none of them are essential more peaceable place than this. The rea-
to salvation; we only attend to them to son we are here in these silent valleys is,
satisfy the candidate. Suppose the laws because we could not have the privilege
of the United States were made upon of worshipping God according to His re-
this principle, just to suit everybody's quirements in our native country. Some
fancy and notions, making laws for ev- of you may say, "I can scarcely believe
ery one to do just as he pleased—what that;" but, as sure as you live, I have
kind of laws would they be? What would been robbed and broken up six times be-
you think of such a lawmaking depart- fore I came here, and was forced to leave
ment? Would you sustain it? Would you my habitation, and my substance. It is
send to it a man, as a delegate, to repre- there now, and they are welcome to it.
sent your case, to make wholesome laws I am not the only person who has suf-
that would give every man his rights and fered so, by a great many; and all be-
privileges? I would not have such a law, cause of my religion. We are looked upon
but I would cast it out with those who as the worst kind of beings on the earth.
made it. Did you ever think of a wicked thing but
God has one mode of saving men and what it was placed upon us.
women, and you cannot be saved upon Joseph Smith and his brother were
any other principle than that which Je- killed in Carthage jail. Joseph Smith
sus Christ taught, and I know it. I was a Prophet of God, and I know
can say to this congregation, and to it. I am not testifying to this

because I have believed it so long, but I bled about it; in Great Britain, France,
knew it twenty years ago, just as well and Denmark, they are troubled about
as I do now, and have testified of it to it. The priests of the day are stoutly cry-
the nations of the earth. And what will ing, false Prophet, and delusion; and the
be the consequences of this testimony? invisible world are rapping, muttering,
They that believe and are baptized shall and peeping, and they are finding fault.
be saved, and they shall receive the Holy They are at a loss to know what can be
Ghost under the hands of those who have the matter. The invisible world are in
due authority to confer that blessing; trouble; they are knocking, and rapping,
and if they go forward and are baptized and muttering; and the people are in-
with full purpose of heart, believing with quiring of them to know concerning the
all their soul, obeying the Gospel, be- things of God, and there is not a soul of
ing buried with Christ by baptism, they them can tell them anything about the
shall obtain the Holy Ghost. end of the world. They are in a dread-
On the day of Pentecost, when Pe- ful situation; and in the city of Rochester,
ter proclaimed the Gospel, about 3,000 near where I used to live, the last infor-
souls were added to the Church that day. mation I received from there, there were
How long did it take them to repent? No 135 spiritual writers in that city. I have
longer than they were willing to believe, a brother-in-law there, who is a Presby-
and put away their sins, with a deter- terian priest: he couldn't inquire of God
mination to forsake them, and not sin about future things, so he inquired of the
again. spirits; but they could not tell him any-
I rejoice that I live in this day and age thing about the dead nor the living. They
of the world; I rejoice that I have passed are just about as intelligent in their rev-
through what I have for the Gospel's elations as this world are in theirs. They
sake; but will it compare with what men are all in commotion—what is going to
passed through in the days of Jesus, who be done? I will tell you—God is going to
was hung upon a cross for his religion? make a short work upon the earth, and
He expired upon Calvary for his religion; the invisible world are troubled about it.
they killed him as a false prophet, and You do not doubt that, gentlemen; you
even those of his own household did not who come from the United States can see
believe in him; they also slew his Apos- that it is so; and the people are trou-
tles, and those who believed in them. bled in New York, and in many of the
Don't you suppose it was as degrading to other States, so that they cannot rest,
them to believe in Jesus Christ, as for no not a day. They are in confusion,
us to believe that Joseph Smith was a and so dispirited they know not what to
Prophet? He was a Prophet, and Jesus was do. The idea strikes me that the day of
the Son of God; and Hyrum Smith was a Pa- the Lord is approaching, and nearer than
triarch, and a son of God, and I bear witness you think it is. You are here in quest of
of it unto all men. Many feel to damn the gold, but there is something here worth
"Mormons," and call them everything that is
more than the glittering jewels of the
evil—does it harm us? Does it affect our sal-
vation in the least? No! The more patiently
earth. I say, let me serve God, and keep
we bear it the greater will be our glory and His commandments, and you may have
exaltation. It is because of our religion that the gold, and all the riches and wealth
the people are in trouble. of the earth in welcome; I care noth-
In the United States they are trou- ing about it; for all you can take with

you, when you leave this earth, is not your feelings; I have seen the day when I
much. loved gold, and silver, and fine carriages,
A dream that my own daughter had and fine horses, and the good things of
lately, comes forcibly to my mind. I will this world; but I have lost those feel-
relate it. She dreamed that she was ings, and may God ever continue to sep-
driven, and those that were with her, but arate them from me, as far as the east
they had a great many fine things in the is from the west; and let my affections
earth, in the shape of furniture, gold and be upon Him, and His kingdom, until
silver, and everything else; and she suf- I breathe my last breath. I know if I
fered in her feelings, because she was never go to the United States again, or to
under the necessity of leaving all, and Great Britain, my skirts are clear from
could not take anything out of the world the blood of this generation. I have re-
with her. Finally she was permitted to ceived nothing but ill wages for my la-
take a white dress. I said to her, that is bor from them; and if ever a man did his
all we can take, in our shroud we shall duty, I have done it to this generation. I
be laid in the silent tomb. Naked we have told you the truth, and whether you
came into the world, and naked we shall are in hell or in heaven you shall know
go out of it, for dust we are, and unto that "Mormonism" is true, and what I
dust we shall return. Can you help your- and my brethren have told you this day
selves? If you can, you have more power is the Gospel of salvation. So may God
than I have. I expect to be laid low, with have mercy upon you, and save you in
all the human family, as was the Son of His kingdom. Amen.
God, and I cannot help myself. I know


S ALT L AKE C ITY, J ULY 11, 1852.


There are a few minutes more of time Permit me to ask a question. Who
allotted to us for worship this morning, are the individuals upon the face of
which I will occupy for the consolation of the earth, that can make this state-
my hearers, and for my own. ment in truth? Who are the indi-
viduals that can say that the Gospel
I can bear testimony that of Jesus Christ is true, and that he
the Gospel of Jesus Christ is lives? Can the Christian world? They
true; and the word of the Lord, cannot. They may say that they be-
whether written or spoken, is true. lieve, and have all confidence that

Jesus lives; they may have all confidence and strangers, to say to you, there is
in declaring that the Gospel of Jesus not that man that hears the sound of
Christ is true; they may firmly declare my voice this day, that can say that Je-
that the Bible (referring particularly to sus lives, whether he professes to be
the New Testament) is true; that therein his disciple or not; and can say at the
contained is the plan of salvation, and same time, that Joseph Smith was not a
is true. This they may declare in all Prophet of the Lord.
good conscience, and with all soberness. There is not that being that ever had
But let me ask, where are the individu- the privilege of hearing the way of life
als that can say that they know that Je- and salvation set before him as it is writ-
sus lives? And who are the individuals ten in the New Testament, and in the
that can say that his Gospel is true, and Book of Mormon, and in the Book of
is the plan of salvation to man? I will Doctrine and Covenants, by a Latter-day
let Christendom answer this question for Saint, that can say that Jesus lives, that
themselves; but to me it is certain, that his Gospel is true; and at the same time
no man lives on the face of the earth— say that Joseph Smith was not a Prophet
no woman lives that can say this, except of God. That is strong testimony, but it
those to whom Christ has revealed him- is true. No man can say that this book
self. (laying his hand on the Bible) is true, is
Though others may say in all good the word of the Lord, is the way, is the
conscience they believe he lives—who guide-board in the path, and a charter
knows the doctrine of the Lord Jesus by which we may learn the will of God;
Christ to be true? There is one class and at the same time say, that the Book
of people, and one only, that live upon of Mormon is untrue; if he has had the
the face of the earth, who do know it; privilege of reading it, or of hearing it
and that class of men and women are read, and learning its doctrines. There
those that keep his commandments, and is not that person on the face of the earth
do his will; none others can say it. None who has had the privilege of learning the
others can declare with boldness, and Gospel of Jesus Christ from these two
emphatically, that Jesus lives, and that books, that can say that one is true, and
his Gospel is true. Upon the plain and the other is false. No Latter-day Saint,
simple principle of logical and philosoph- no man or woman, can say the Book of
ical deduction, we learn this from his Mormon is true, and at the same time
own words, as written by one of his say that the Bible is untrue. If one be
disciples—"They that do my will, shall true, both are; and if one be false, both
know of my doctrine, and they that love are false. If Jesus lives, and is the Savior
me will keep my commandments;" and I of the world, Joseph Smith is a Prophet
will add, "they that know and love me," of God, and lives in the bosom of his fa-
says Jesus, "will keep my sayings." ther Abraham. Though they have killed
This is my testimony. We have had his body, yet he lives and beholds the
the first principles of the Gospel laid be- face of his Father in heaven; and his gar-
fore us this morning, and we have heard ments are pure as the angels that sur-
the testimony of one of the Apostles of round the throne of God; and no man
the last days to confirm it. I am also a on the earth can say that Jesus lives,
witness to the truth of these sayings con- and deny at the same time my assertion
tained in the New Testament. about the Prophet Joseph. This is my
Permit me, my hearers, brethren testimony, and it is strong.

Permit me to say, that I am proud best and greatest divines that lived in
of my religion. It is the only thing I my boyhood, I may say almost in my
pride myself in, on the earth. I may childhood, children not as old as I was
heap up gold and silver like the moun- at the time, almost babes and suck-
tains; I may gather around me property, lings, would drown them in their own
goods, and chattels, but I could have no arguments, and confuse them. Ques-
glory in that, compared with my reli- tion them, and they cannot answer the
gion; it is the fountain of light and in- simplest question concerning the char-
telligence; it swallows up the truth con- acter of the Deity, heaven, or hell, this
tained in all the philosophy of the world, or that, or the other; a sucking child
both heathen and Christian; it circum- would comparatively confuse and con-
scribes the wisdom of man; it circum- found them upon these subjects; and
scribes all the wisdom and power of the they would wind up all by saying, "Great
world; it reaches to that within the veil. is the mystery of Godliness, God mani-
Its bounds, its circumference, its end, its fest in the flesh." I would say, great is
height, and depth, are beyond the com- their foolery; they are profound in their
prehension of mortals, for it has none. ignorance.
But I am proud to say of my religion,
Permit me to remark, my hearers,
I have studied it faithfully for twenty-
as for the intelligence of the day, and
two years, day and night, at home and
the knowledge that they have had in
abroad, upon the rivers, and upon the
Christendom—how long will it take a
lakes, when traveling by sea and by land;
man of reflection, of deep thought, and of
have studied it in the pulpit; from morn-
a sound mind, to circumscribe every par-
ing till night; whatsoever might be my
ticle of it? It can be weighed and mea-
pursuit, I have studied it with as close an
sured, as easy as the gold dust. For in-
application as any college student ever
stance, go to the "Mother Church," from
did any subject he wished to commit to
whence all the religions of Christendom
memory; and I can say I have only just
have sprung; go back to the time when
got into the A B C of it; it leads the vi-
she flourished in her glory; and how long
sion of my mind into eternity.
would it take us to circumscribe the re-
Suppose the Almighty should unfold
ligion of the "Mother Church," the "Holy
the future destiny of the nations to you,
Catholic Church?" Cannot we learn the
and wrap you in a sea of vision, and show
principles of that church in a very few
you the eternity of knowledge, with the
years? We can study her theology un-
history of worlds on worlds, and their
til we get all the knowledge and wis-
destiny—you can then have a faint idea
dom to be had upon every point of doc-
of what it is like; and any other man, or
trine contained in her from first to last.
any other woman, whoever has received
Go then to the Church of England, and
the promise of the Gospel, knows that
from that to the latest and last reformer
the Lord Almighty is in the midst of all
that lives upon the earth—and how long
His creatures that are scattered abroad
would it take to circumscribe every par-
among the nations of the earth, and does
ticle of their religion from first to last?
His pleasure among them. His scrutiniz-
Not long.
ing eye will not suffer a hair of your head
Why do I make these remarks and to fall to the ground unnoticed; His at-
assertions? It is because I have an tention is at once so minute and so ex-
experience. All the religion of the tensive.
world, I have learned already. The He presides over the worlds on

worlds that illuminate this little planet, selves anything that pertains to this
and millions on millions of worlds that earth that does not belong to its Re-
we cannot see; and yet He look upon deemer? He is my master, my elder
the minutest object of His creations; not brother. He is the character I look to,
one of these creatures escapes His no- and the one I try to serve to the best of
tice; and there is not one of them but His my ability. Should I not be proud of my
wisdom and power has produced. But religion? I think if pride can at all be in-
that is no matter to me, I speak with dulged in, the Latter-day Saints should
regard to you. Is there a man who be- be proud.
lieves, or professes to believe in what Je- I know there are a great many peo-
sus says, where he declares by one of his ple who are not acquainted with the his-
Apostles, or by more than one pointedly, tory of this people; I am personally and
there is no half way work in this matter? most intimately acquainted with the his-
Now if you can believe it, it is directly tory of Joseph Smith and this people,
to the point; says he, "If you love me, for twenty-two years. There are a great
you will keep my commandments;" and if many people that are not; and they have
you do not love me, you will not keep my thought we have been persecuted from
commandments—this follows as a mat- state to state, and from place to place,
ter of course; and that will show to my because of our wickedness and lawless
Father, and to my brethren that follow acts among the people. I need not say it
me, that you do love me; and so say I, to my Father in heaven, to Jesus Christ
they that love the Lord Jesus, will keep His Son, or to the holy angels, or the
his commandments. Prophets and Apostles, who have lived in
former, or in latter days; for they know
Why should I not be proud of my re- it; but I can say to those who do not un-
ligion? If a man be permitted to have derstand and know our history, that we
pride at all; or if this people be permit- have been persecuted because we believe
ted to indulge in it in the least degree, in the Lord Jesus Christ, and do just as
why not be proud of their religion? For he has told us, and not because of the evil
God loves it, angels adore it, all the heav- acts of Joseph Smith.
enly hosts delight in it; it is in the midst Joseph Smith was not killed because
of an eternity of intelligence, and forms he was deserving of it, nor because he
a part of it; while, on the other hand, was a wicked man; but because he was
all hell is opposed to it, all wickedness a virtuous man. I know that to be so,
is opposed to it, all men and women who as well as I know that the sun now
desire to make sin their refuge, hate it; shines. Every man and woman who
and all hell, and all its votaries hate it, does the will of the Father, and will
and the Lord Almighty, with all His sub- keep the commandments of Jesus Christ,
jects, loves it; and He will yet rule tri- may also know, as well as myself—it is
umphantly over this earth. What shall their privilege. I know for myself that
we say, will not Jesus reign and sub- Joseph Smith was the subject of forty-
due the world? Is he not the Savior of eight lawsuits, and the most of them I
the world, and the only begotten Son of witnessed with my own eyes; but not
the Father, and will he not accomplish one action could ever be made to bear
the work he came to accomplish? Is not against him. No law or constitutional
the earth the Lord's, the wheat, the fine right did he ever violate. He was in-
flour, the gold, the silver, the earth and nocent and virtuous; he kept the law of
all its fullness? Can you imagine to your- his country, and lived above it; out of

forty-eight lawsuits (and I was with him the stage of action to act for myself, there
in the most of them), not one charge never was a boy, a man, either old or
could be substantiated against him. He middle-aged, that ever tried to live a life
was pure, just, and holy, as to the keep- more pure and refined than your hum-
ing of the law. Now this I state for the ble servant. As I told my friend, says
satisfaction of those who do not know I, Brother Brown, I have tried to make
our history; but the Lord and the angels myself a better man from the day of our
know all about it. first acquaintance to this. I have not
Let me ask another question; do the infringed upon any law, or trod upon
people know what we were driven from the rights of my neighbors; but I have
Missouri for? An old friend of mine, tried to walk in the paths of righteous-
called upon me the day before yester- ness, and live an humble life, that I
day. He said he had been watching my might gain eternal happiness. I make
course, had looked and inquired after bold to speak thus, though in the east-
me, and had endeavored to find out my ern world it is quite unpopular to speak
history, for we were friends. I asked him in one's own praise; but since I have be-
if he knew anything about the Latter-day come a western man, I can make stump
Saints, or not? I found he had been look- speeches. Why am I driven from my
ing after me, and had learned I had be- possessions? Why am I persecuted, and
come a follower of Joseph Smith. I said, forced to leave thousands and thousands
"Do you know anything about our his- of dollars' worth of property in Ohio, Mis-
tory?" By his reply, I found he knew noth- souri, and Illinois? Though I have never
ing at all of it, in comparison. looked back upon it, it is as ashes under
A great many are in the like situa- my feet. I am in the hands of God, He
tion. Now let me relate one item of it, gave it, and He took it away; and blessed
not for those who are wise, and pretend be the name of the Lord.
to be filled with knowledge, and at the I am in His hands; all men are in His
same time know nothing, but I relate it hands; and He has turned the enemy in
for the information of those who know his way, and held him by His power. It is
nothing about it. To my certain knowl- not I, it is not Joseph, it is not this peo-
edge, men and women left the counties of ple, nor the wisdom they possess, that
Davies and Caldwell, in the upper part of has delivered them from their enemies;
the state of Missouri, set fire to their own but it is the Lord. He is our captain,
buildings, drove off their cattle killed our pilot, and our master, and in Him do
and slayed (I know, and could name the we glory, and will glory. Let the world
people), and then swore the "Mormons" say what they please, we will glory in
had done it. Now this circumstance came our holy religion, and God will we serve.
under my certain knowledge. Says I, can And furthermore let me remark, I am
it be possible that men can become so not afraid nor ashamed to expose and
corrupt, and so sunken in wickedness? I oppose the iniquity of men, though they
say this for the information of those who may stand in high places; neither was
do not understand and know this people Joseph Smith. Let death come, no mat-
from the beginning. From the first day ter for that; who cares for it?
I knew brother Joseph to the day of his I am aware, as well as brother Kim-
death, a better man never lived upon the ball, if my body fall into the dust,
face of this earth. I am laying it down to abide the
From the days of my youth, and I penalty of the law broken in the fall of
will say from the day that I came upon man; for dust I am, and unto dust I

must return. It is all right to me; I swift against evil; and if evil come, let it
have seen a great many times that I come. If for this my body shall fall, let it
would like to have this body lie down, fall; when they have destroyed the body,
but as long as the spirit and body hold to- then they have no more that they can do;
gether, my tongue shall be swift against that is the end of their power, and of the
evil, the Lord Almighty being my helper. power of the devil on this earth; but Je-
Though it may be in "Mormon" El- sus Christ has power to destroy both soul
ders, among the people in or out of the and body in hell. I thank you for your at-
Church, if they come in my path, where tention. May the Lord bless you. Amen.
I can chastise them, the Lord Almighty
being my helper, my tongue shall be


L AKE VALLEY, J ULY 24, 1852.


My Friends—It is with a heart lifted this secluded valley, in this desolate and
up in gratitude to Him who reigns above, mountain country; of establishing insti-
for the privilege of rising before you to tutions that insure freedom to all, lib-
express my feelings, and of beholding erty to every person—the liberty of con-
so many persons happily situated in the science, as well as every privilege which
enjoyment of civil and religious liberty, can be desired by any citizens of this
that I have the privilege this day, in the earth.
company of the thousands that surround As I walked with the procession
me, of rejoicing in the celebration of the from the habitation of the President to
24th of July, it being the first day for this place, with heart and eyes filled
seventeen years since the organization with weeping, I saw the beauty and
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- the glory of the liberty and the happi-
day Saints, that they could lie down to ness that surrounded us: my mind was
rest in perfect peace—without being dis- caught back in an instant to the days
turbed by the cruel hand of persecution. of bloody persecution. Joseph was not
Yes, my friends, after seventeen years there; Hyrum was not there; David (Pat-
of cruel, bloody persecution, inflicted in ten) was not there in the procession.
the most ruthless and savage manner Where are they? Sleeping in the silent
upon the people of the Church of Latter- tomb. They were murdered, cruelly mur-
day Saints, they—a few pioneers, 143 dered, in violation of all law, and ev-
in number, had at last the privilege, on ery principle of justice; cruelly murdered
the 24th of July, 1847, of lying down in for their religion, and we survive their
ashes that are mingling with the dust,

after being sacrificed; after, as martyrs, country; this has actually been effected
sealing their testimony, we are even per- in violation of the laws and regulations
mitted to live, and enjoy five years of our of the country where it occurred, and not
lives where no man has power to mur- one person has ever been punished for
der, or to rob, or to burn our houses, these crimes. I challenge the world to
or destroy our property, or ravish our produce the record upon the face of the
women, or kill our children; no man has earth, that shows, in all these murders,
the power to do it without justice over- cold-blooded butcheries, house burnings,
taking him. and wholesale robberies, that a single
The history of our persecutions is un- person has suffered the just penalty of
paralleled in the history of past ages. the law; that a solitary criminal was
To be sure, persecutions have existed in punished; that any of the unprincipled
countries where religion was established savages who were guilty of these high-
by law, and where any other religion handed depredations, were ever brought
than the one established, was decreed to justice. Ought we not, then, to rejoice,
by law to be heretical, and its votaries that there is a spot upon the footstool
doomed to persecution and the flames. of God, where law is respected; where
But in the countries where we suffered the Constitution for which our fathers
our persecution, there is a good govern- bled is revered; where the people who
ment; there are good institutions that dwell here can enjoy liberty, and wor-
are calculated to protect every person in ship God in three or in twenty different
the enjoyment of every right that is dear ways, and no man be permitted to plague
to man. his head about it? I rejoice that this is
The persecutions we have suffered the case; and when I reflect upon the
were in violation of every good institu- scenes we have passed through, and re-
tion, of every wholesome law, of every in- alize our present prosperity, my heart is
stitution and constitution which exist in filled with joy.
the countries where they have been in- I have looked upon scenes that are
flicted. And what is more singular, out calculated to stir up the stoutest heart,
of the hundreds of murders which have without shedding a tear; but I cannot
been committed upon men, women, and look upon the procession of this day,
children, in the most barbarous, ruth- and consider the blessings that now
less, and reckless manner—not one mur- surround this people, without shedding
derer has ever been brought to justice; tears of gratitude, that God has so kindly
not a single man who has shed the blood delivered us out of all our distresses,
of a Latter-day Saint has ever been pun- and given to us our liberty. To be sure,
ished or brought to justice; but they are after working our way into these val-
permitted to run at large, in the face and leys, making the roads through moun-
eyes of every officer of government, who tains, seeking out the route, and coming
are directly concerned to preserve the here, our persecutions did not cease; our
laws, and see them faithfully executed. enemies were like the good old Quaker
The history of no country on the earth when he turned the dog out of doors:
affords a parallel to this; it cannot be said he, "I won't kill thee, thou hast
found; that is, such a wholesale murder, got out of my reach; I cannot kill thee,
robbery, house burning, butchering of but I will give thee a bad name;" and
men, women, and children, and, finally, he hallooed out "bad dog," and some-
the wholesale banishment of tens of body, supposing the dog to be mad,
thousands of souls from their homes and shot him. So with us; after robbing

us of millions of property, and driving 20,000 dollars for the erection of public
us cruelly from the land of our birth; buildings; and 5,000 dollars for a library.
after violating every solitary law of the Has the Legislative Department ever
government; in which many of the of- received one dollar? No! And why?
ficers were partakers; expelling us into Because they are "Mormons;" and fugi-
the wilderness, where they thought we tive officers could run home to see their
would actually perish (and there is not mammy, and cry out "Bad dog, bad dog,"
to be found in the history of the world, "They are Mormons, they are Mormons."
a parallel case of suffering that this peo-
What is the reason that a citizen of
ple endured); while in the midst of this, this Territory cannot get a foot of land to
the cry of mad dog was raised, to finish,
call his own? for there is in reality no
as they thought, the work of destruction such thing. Why has not the Indian title
and murder. Without a guide, without a been extinguished, and the people here
knowledge of the country, without read-
been permitted to hold titles to land? Let
ing even the notes of any traveler upon the people answer.
this earth, or seeing the face of a be-
ing whoever set foot upon this land, we Why is it that the inhabitants of this
were led by the hand of God, through Territory have never had one dime ex-
His servant Brigham, threading the dif- pended to defray the expenses of their
ficult passes of these mountains, until we Legislature? Four or five winters they
set our foot upon this place, which was, have held their session, and not one soli-
at that time, a desert, containing noth- tary dime has been expended by the Gen-
ing but a few bunches of dead grass, and eral Government, as has been done in all
crickets enough to fence the land. We other Territories. What is the reason?
were more than one thousand miles from What is the reason that the Oregon
where provisions could be obtained, and land law was not extended over Utah,
found not game enough to support an In- which gives to the citizens who broke up
dian population. We set down here, and the new ground, a home free, for them-
we called upon God to bless our under- selves, as was the case in other Territo-
takings. We formed a government here; ries? Why are these hardworking pio-
and a government has been in existence neers, who dug down the mountains, not
in this Territory of Utah for five years. permitted a title to their homes?
I now want to ask a few grave Let me ask again. The people here
questions upon this subject. It is have sustained three Indian wars at
customary for the General Govern- their own expense. Who pays for the In-
ment to extend a fostering hand and dian wars of Oregon? The Indian wars
parental care to all new territories. in California? Or in New Mexico? For
When we first settled here, this was the difficulties in Minnesota? And other
Mexican territory; but it was soon after ac- sundry wars and difficulties that have
quired by treaty, and became U.S. territory. occurred or may occur in the Territories?
Four years and a half a government has been Whose duty I ask, is it to pay for them?
supported here, governmental laws and reg- It is the duty of the Government of the
ulations have been kept up.
United States.
I inquire, has the Government of the U.S.
ever expended one dollar to support that gov- Why has not Utah the same privi-
ernment? No! with the exception of the U.S. lege, the same treatment? Why is it
officers in the Territory a little over one year; that these three wars have to be totally

and entirely sustained by those citizens, among this people since that time, where
without a dollar of aid from the parental they have received protection; they have
Government? been fed when they were hungry. The
I need not follow up this train of re- very man who burned the house of El-
flection, but I will add one question more. der Moses Clawson, at Lima, came to
Why was it that the judges and the sec- him and said, "Mr. Clawson, I want
retary returned home last year without to get some provisions from you." Now,
performing one particle of their duty? these very persecutors knew that our re-
You can read it in their own report; say ligion was true, and that we were men
they, "When we got there, we found that of sterling integrity, or else they never
the people were all Mormons;" as if we would have thrown themselves in our
were horses, or elephants, or Cyclops, way, and called upon us for aid after-
whose business it was to get up into wards; and I am proud to say, that kind
these mountains and forge thunderbolts. aid and assistance on their journey to the
"Oh! we will run home again, because gold mines, have been extended to hun-
when we got there, we found the people dreds of these robbers, and thus coals of
all Mormons." fire have been heaped upon their heads;
I will say, with all reverence to the but their skulls were so thick, it never
constituted authority that exists in the burned many of them a bit.
General Government, that I do believe
that the same spirit of tradition, and I have but a few more remarks to
the same spirit of persecution, that have make, which will be directed to the
ever followed the people of God, have twenty-four young men, and the braves
more or less influence with them; and and warriors of these mountains. Young
that if we would actually go to work, men, braves and warriors, who sit be-
and alter our name, we might possibly fore me this day, let me admonish you,
be treated as other men. Be this as it never to let the hand of tyranny or op-
may, I feel, while I stand upon the face pression rise in these mountains, but
of the earth, determined to defend my stand unflinchingly true by the Consti-
right, and the rights of my friends and tution of the United States, which our fa-
brethren. I know that there is no "Mor- thers sealed with their blood; never suf-
monism" known in the constitution of fer its provisions to be infringed upon;
the U.S., but all men are there consid- and if any man, or set of men form them-
ered equal, and free to worship God ac- selves into a mob in these mountains, to
cording to the dictates of their own con- violate that sacred document, by taking
sciences, and enjoy equal rights and priv- away the civil or religious rights of any
ileges. man, if he should be one of the most in-
There is one item of history which ferior beings that exist upon the face of
I have observed among this people. the earth, be sure you crush it, or spend
The very men who were the murder- the last drop of blood in your veins with
ers of our fathers, and our brothers, the the words of—Truth and Liberty, Liberty
burners of our houses, have come here and Truth, forever!

S ALT L AKE C ITY, A PRIL 9, 1852.


It is my intention to preach several the principles of the Gospel, which have

discourses this evening, but how many I been taught to me, without that diffi-
do not know. dence of feeling, and fear, which I expe-
I will in the first place bear testimony rience while speaking to my brethren."
to the truth of many remarks made by It is very true that the first principles
brother Hunter, and especially his ex- of the Gospel taught by the Elders of
hortation to the Seventies and Elders, this Church are easy to be understood,
and those men who wish to go on mis- compared with what it is to preach them
sions. I wish also to urge the necessity to our families, or to our neighborhood,
of your proceeding on your missions im- and to govern and control ourselves by
mediately, and of going to the place of the principles of righteousness which the
your destination full of the Holy Ghost, Gospel inculcates. Again, to gather the
preaching righteousness to the people; Saints, to preach the Gospel to the world,
and while you do this, live up to the prin- and convince them of the truth, are much
ciples you preach, that you may teach easier tasks than to convince men that
also by your example, as well as by pre- you can master yourself, and practice the
cept. Go, ye Elders, and now consider moral principles inculcated by your re-
yourselves from this time forth mission- ligion. That is a small portion of the
aries. If the Gospel is in you like a duty required of you in order to obtain
flaming fire, to be poured upon the peo- crowns of glory, immortality, and eternal
ple, gather your neighbors together, and lives. I will here remark, that it is nat-
give your brethren an invitation to your ural for the people to desire to know a
house, and set before them the duties of great deal of the MYSTERIES; this, how-
man; and preach, if you can speak but ever, is not universally the case, though
for five minutes, occupying that time to it is so with a great many of the Elders
the best advantage. Continue to preach, of Israel. I do not suppose it will ap-
study, and learn, by faith and prayer, un- ply to those who compose this congre-
til your minds and mouths are opened, gation; your object in being here this
and you understand most perfectly the evening is not to hear some great mys-
love of Christ. tery of the Kingdom, which you never
It is not uncommon for Elders to understood before. The greatest mystery
say, "If I could have a mission, and a man ever learned, is to know how to
be sent among strangers, I could speak control the human mind, and bring every
to them, because they have not been faculty and power of the same in subjec-
instructed in the way of life and tion to Jesus Christ; this is the greatest
salvation; I could lay before them

mystery we have to learn while in these If you feel prayer in you, pray; and
tabernacles of clay. It is more necessary if you feel the spirit of preaching in
for the Elders to learn and practice upon you, preach; call in your brethren, and
this lesson in the midst of the Saints at read the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the
headquarters than in the world; for their Book of Covenants, and the other reve-
facilities for learning are much greater, lations of God to them; and talk over the
and I will tell you wherein. Let a Bishop, things contained in those books, and deal
a High Priest, a President of any Stake them out to your brethren and neigh-
or Quorum, any who are Elders in Is- bors; pray with them, and teach them
rael, or any individual Saint from the how to control themselves; and let your
first to the last of them, fall into er- teachings be sustained by your own ex-
ror, and it is at once made manifest; ample. Teach your families how to con-
he cannot pursue that course any fur- trol themselves; teach them good and
ther, for he is where he can learn his wholesome doctrine, and practice the
duties, and know how to walk straight same in your own lives. This is the place
in the paths of righteousness. Here is for you to become polished shafts in the
the place for you to teach great myster- quiver of the Almighty. This will answer
ies to your brethren, because here are for one sermon.
those who can correct you. This fault the I feel much inclined to talk to the
Elders of Israel do not fall into in this brethren: I have not had the privilege of
Tabernacle, although they may in pri- preaching much for some time, because
vate houses and neighborhoods. When of the inconvenience of our former meet-
a man is capable of correcting you, and ing place. Now, as we have a good, con-
of giving you light, and true doctrine, venient place to meet in, and my health
do not get up an altercation, but sub- will serve me, I expect to improve the
mit to be taught like little children, and time. I love to preach at home with the
strive with all your might to understand. Saints. I love to meet with them, and
The privileges of those who dwell here look upon their happy countenances, lit
are greater than the privileges of those up with the joys of eternity. In short, I
who are abroad. When your duties call love the society of all good men, and to
you into foreign lands, and you there ex- preach salvation to them.
haust your stock of knowledge and wis- You may consider what I shall now
dom, and you are not in possession of lay before you a small matter; but I
the keys to obtain that instruction which think it of some importance. When
you desire, it is because you are far the Elders of Israel leave this place
from the right fountain—far from the and go forth among the wicked, it
body, where all the members are in lively is not their privilege to mingle with
operation—where the eye can see, the them in any of their worldly exercises;
ear hear, the nose smell, and the mouth for if they do, the devil will obtain
speak, and so forth. When your face an advantage over them, and succeed
is turned from the body, let mysteries in drawing them away from the path
alone, for this is the only place for you of their duty. For instance—suppose you and
to be corrected if wrong. Preach the I, with many more of the brethren, meet
simple, unadorned truth; work out your together in a convenient place in the Val-
salvation with diligence, and do that ley, and dance to the sweet strains of the
violin; we could do so with a perfect good
which will guarantee you a warranted
will; but if we should be called to Eng-
deed, an undeniable title to eternal lives. land, and there have an invitation to join

with the wicked in their pastimes and Presbyterian, of the old fashion and cut,
recreations, and we in our feelings bow to look into a room where a company
down to this, and suffer our spirits to of young men and women were danc-
be subject to their commandments, we ing, lest they should sin against the Holy
suffer ourselves to be ruled over by Ghost. This overrighteous notion is im-
them, and at once become their servants. bibed by the generality of professors of
While I am here, I am in the midst of the religion, but it is because they them-
Priesthood of heaven, and in the center selves have made it a sin. Let us look
of the kingdom of God. We are before at the root of the matter. In the first
the Lord, where every hand I shake is place, some wise being organized my sys-
the hand of a Saint, and every face I see, tem, and gave me my capacity, put into
when I look upon the assembled thou- my heart and brain something that de-
sands, is the countenance of a Saint. I lights, charms, and fills me with rap-
am the controller and master of affairs ture at the sound of sweet music. I
here, under Heaven's direction; though did not put it there; it was some other
there are those who do not believe this. I being. As one of the modern writers
invite those who are not subject to me as has said, "Music hath charms to soothe
their President, not to contaminate my the savage breast." It has been proved
friends; for were I and my friends to be- that sweet music will actually tame the
come subject to those who object to us, most malicious and venomous beasts,
we are then on the ground of the devil, even when they have been stirred up
and subject ourselves to him they serve. to violent wrath, and make them docile
and harmless as lambs. Who gave the
Never suffer yourselves to mingle in
lower animals a love for those sweet
any of those recreations that tend to sin
sounds, which with magic power fill the
and iniquity, while you are away from
air with harmony, and cheer and comfort
the body of the Church, where you can-
the hearts of men, and so wonderfully af-
not so fully control yourselves. Let the
fect the brute creation? It was the Lord,
Elders who are going out from this place
our heavenly Father, who gave the ca-
carry this instruction with them into the
pacity to enjoy these sounds, and which
other portions of the earth. Whatever a
we ought to do in His name, and to His
man does, let him do it in the name of
glory. But the greater portion of the sec-
the Lord—let him work in the name of
tarian world consider it sacrilege to give
the Lord, let all his acts through life be
way to any such pleasure as even to lis-
in the name of the Lord; and if he wants
ten to sweet music, much more to dance
light and knowledge, let him ask in that
to its delightful strains. This is another
short sermon.
You are well aware that the wicked- I wish now to say a few words to
ness of the world, or the apostasy of the brethren upon the subject of tithing.
the Church, is so great, that those It is well known to the majority of this
who now profess religion cannot en- Conference what transpired, last Confer-
joy their own natural privileges in the ence, upon the stand in the old Bowery.
world. In many places their folly At that Conference I had good cause to
and superstition are so great that they find fault with the Bishops, and I took
would consider they had committed the liberty to brush them down a lit-
the sin of blasphemy if they happened tle. From that day to this there has
to hear a violin. The whole world been more accomplished by our Bishops
could not hire a good, honest, sound in the short space of seven months, than

was accomplished by them for the space a child; but I am careful to keep my tears
of years previously. This gives me great to myself. If you do wrong, it grieves
satisfaction. The Bishops have done as my heart, and it also grieves the heart of
well as men could do: their conduct in my heavenly Father. I feel continually to
fulfilling the duties of their calling has urge my brethren to cease from all evil,
truly been praiseworthy, and I feel to and learn to do well.
bless them, and pray the Lord to bless The fullness of the heavens and the
them all the day long, for they have earth is the Lord's—the gold and the sil-
done first rate. When we consider the ver, the wheat, the fine flour, and the
ignorance of the world, their unbelief cattle upon a thousand hills; and when
in God, and realize that the veil of the we fully understand His works, we shall
covering is over the face of all nations, know that He is in all the earth, and ful-
and remember the ignorance we were fills His will among the children of men,
once in ourselves, having to commence exalting and debasing them according to
like babes at the rudiments of learn- His pleasure; for the systems, creeds,
ing, knowing also how faltering men are thrones, and kingdoms of the world are
in their faith, and then look at what all under His control. "Shall there be
this people have accomplished, we are evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done
led to exclaim, "It is marvelous in our it"—or that He doth not control? The
eyes!" Were I to say, "Elders of Israel, Lord controls the whole; and in the end,
you that feel to put your all upon the you will find He has regulated all things
altar, rise upon your feet," who would right, for all will be consummated to His
be left? [All present rose up simulta- glory.
neously.] Where is there another peo-
ple upon the earth who would have done The children of men are made as in-
this? I have no tithing, but all—all I have dependent in their sphere as the Lord
is the Lord's. You know the word sacri- is in His, to prove themselves, pursue
fice: as brother Banks said today, it is which path they please, and choose the
a mere burlesque—a nonsensical term. evil or the good. For those who love the
No man ever heard me say I had made a Lord, and do His will, all is right, and
sacrifice. I possess nothing but what my they shall be crowned, but those who
heavenly Father has been pleased to give hate His ways shall be damned, for they
me, or, in other words, He has loaned it choose to be damned.
to me while I remain here in this mortal As I was meditating on the philoso-
flesh. phy of the day, it occurred to my mind
Is it not marvelous, considering the how visible it must appear to all eyes
weakness of man, to see the willingness that the Lord does indeed work, that
of this whole people to die if necessary it is He who blesses this people; and
for the truth? How do you suppose it yet it seems as though they cannot see
makes me feel? Though I may some- His hand. The Lord fills the immen-
times chastise my brethren, and speak sity of space. What saith the Psalmist?
to them in the language of reproof, there "Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or
is not a father who feels more tenderly whither shall I flee from thy presence? If
towards his offspring, and loves them I ascend up into heaven, thou art there:
better than I love this people; and my if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art
Father in heaven loves them; my heart there. If I take the wings of the morn-
yearns over them with all the emotions ing, and dwell in the uttermost parts
of tenderness, so that I could weep like of the sea; Even there shall thy hand

lead me." I was trying to think of the Father in Heaven begat all the spirits
place where God is not, but it is impos- that ever were, or ever will be, upon this
sible, unless you can find empty space; earth; and they were born spirits in the
and there I believe He is not. If you can eternal world. Then the Lord by His
find such a place, it will become useful power and wisdom organized the mortal
for a hiding place to those who wish to tabernacle of man. We were made first
hide themselves from the presence of the spiritual, and afterwards temporal.
Lord, in the great day of accounts. I will
close this sermon, as I intend to preach Now hear it, O inhabitants of the
another before I present the subject I earth, Jew and Gentile, Saint and sin-
more particularly wish to speak upon. ner! When our father Adam came into
My next sermon will be to both Saint the garden of Eden, he came into it with
and sinner. One thing has remained a celestial body, and brought Eve, one
a mystery in this kingdom up to this of his wives, with him. He helped to
day. It is in regard to the character of make and organize this world. He is
the well-beloved Son of God, upon which M ICHAEL, the Archangel, the A NCIENT
subject the Elders of Israel have con- OF D AYS ! about whom holy men have
flicting views. Our God and Father in written and spoken—H E is our FATHER
heaven, is a being of tabernacle, or, in and our G OD, and the only God with
other words, He has a body, with parts whom WE have to do. Every man upon
the same as you and I have; and is ca- the earth, professing Christians or non-
pable of showing forth His works to or- professing, must hear it, and will know
ganized beings, as, for instance, in the it sooner or later. They came here, or-
world in which we live, it is the result of ganized the raw material, and arranged
the knowledge and infinite wisdom that in their order the herbs of the field, the
dwell in His organized body. His son Je- trees, the apple, the peach, the plum,
sus Christ has become a personage of the pear, and every other fruit that is
tabernacle, and has a body like his fa- desirable and good for man; the seed
ther. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of was brought from another sphere, and
the Lord, and issues forth from Himself, planted in this earth. The thistle, the
and may properly be called God's min- thorn, the brier, and the obnoxious weed
ister to execute His will in immensity; did not appear until after the earth was
being called to govern by His influence cursed. When Adam and Eve had eaten
and power; but He is not a person of of the forbidden fruit, their bodies be-
tabernacle as we are, and as our Father came mortal from its effects, and there-
in Heaven and Jesus Christ are. The fore their offspring were mortal. When
question has been, and is often, asked, the Virgin Mary conceived the child Je-
who it was that begat the Son of the Vir- sus, the Father had begotten him in his
gin Mary. The infidel world have con- own likeness. He was not begotten by
cluded that if what the Apostles wrote the Holy Ghost. And who is the Father?
about his father and mother be true, He is the first of the human family; and
and the present marriage discipline ac- when he took a tabernacle, it was begot-
knowledged by Christendom be correct, ten by his Father in heaven, after the
then Christians must believe that God same manner as the tabernacles of Cain,
is the father of an illegitimate son, in Abel, and the rest of the sons and daugh-
the person of Jesus Christ! The infi- ters of Adam and Eve; from the fruits of
del fraternity teach that to their disci- the earth, the first earthly tabernacles
ples. I will tell you how it is. Our were originated by the Father, and so

on in succession. I could tell you much professor upon this subject, when I
more about this; but were I to tell you the replied, to this idea—"if the Son was
whole truth, blasphemy would be noth- begotten by the Holy Ghost, it would
ing to it, in the estimation of the super- be very dangerous to baptize and con-
stitious and overrighteous of mankind. firm females, and give the Holy Ghost to
However, I have told you the truth as far them, lest he should beget children, to
as I have gone. I have heard men preach be palmed upon the Elders by the peo-
upon the divinity of Christ, and exhaust ple, bringing the Elders into great diffi-
all the wisdom they possessed. All Scrip- culties."
turalists, and approved theologians who Treasure up these things in your
were considered exemplary for piety and hearts. In the Bible, you have read the
education, have undertaken to expound things I have told you tonight; but you
on this subject, in every age of the Chris- have not known what you did read. I
tian era; and after they have done all, have told you no more than you are con-
they are obliged to conclude by exclaim- versant with; but what do the people
ing "great is the mystery of godliness," in Christendom, with the Bible in their
and tell nothing. hands, know about this subject? Com-
It is true that the earth was or- paratively nothing.
ganized by three distinct characters, I will now again take up the subject
namely, Eloheim, Yahovah, and Michael, of tithing. The brethren have done well.
these three forming a quorum, as in all They have been willing and obedient, no
heavenly bodies, and in organizing ele- people could have been more so; for this
ment, perfectly represented in the Deity, I thank my Father in Heaven. I could
as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. not wish a people to work more kindly
in the yoke of Jesus than this people do;
Again, they will try to tell how the the yoke grows more and more easy to
divinity of Jesus is joined to his hu- them. It seems that every man will not
manity, and exhaust all their mental only pay his tithing, but give all he has,
faculties, and wind up with this pro- if the Lord requires it: still I see wherein
found language, as describing the soul they may do better. I asked the people
of man, "it is an immaterial substance!" today to assist to pay our Church liabil-
What a learned idea! Jesus, our elder ities. The offer of three or four yoke of
brother, was begotten in the flesh by the oxen only, we do not want; but I will lay
same character that was in the garden of before you what we wish you to do. By
Eden, and who is our Father in Heaven. the manifesto which has been read, you
Now, let all who may hear these doc- have learned the precise situation of the
trines, pause before they make light of property of the Church. What has in-
them, or treat them with indifference, for curred this debt? Why does it exist in
they will prove their salvation or damna- the shape in which it now appears? And
tion. wherein could we have obviated the dif-
I have given you a few leading items ficulty, and done better? A fourth part of
upon this subject, but a great deal the money already paid out, did not come
more remains to be told. Now, re- in upon tithing. This money we have
member from this time forth, and for- had to borrow in order to keep the public
ever, that Jesus Christ was not be- works in progress. You may say, wherein
gotten by the Holy Ghost. I will could we have done better, for we have
repeat a little anecdote. I was in paid our tithing punctually? But has
conversation with a certain learned that brother, who sent $100 back to the

East for merchandise, paid $10 of it into what your feelings would be if you were
the tithing office? Or did the brother laid under the same responsibility that
who has sent $500 back, let us have I and my brethren have upon our shoul-
$50? No; these have used it them- ders. We are required to see the Gospel
selves, and thereby involved those who preached to the nations afar off, to build
bear the responsibilities of the Trust. council houses and temples, to cope with
Again, those who have not possessed the united wisdom and craft of legisla-
sufficient money to send back for mer- tive assemblies, and with the powers of
chandise, have been necessitated to pay darkness in high places; and then place
out what they had. Thousands of dol- yourselves in the circumstances we are
lars have been paid here for merchan- now placed in! Besides all this, see the
dise. Has one-tenth of all that money hundreds who come to us everyday to be
been paid into the tithing office? It has administered to in various ways: some
not. And where is the tithing that should want fruit, some sugar, others tea, and
have come in from England and Cali- all want clothing, &c. Then step into our
fornia. Instead of tithing their money, private rooms, where we commune with
they have used it for other purposes, the people, and you will see and hear all
and paid it in property, with which we this, and a great deal more. Instead of
could not pay our debts. This is wherein every man bringing his picayune, or his
we have failed to liquidate our debts. sixpence, or his $5, &c., as tithing on the
The people go to these Gentile stores, money in his possession, it is all used
on the Saturday, in crowds, to purchase for something else, and the storehouse
goods. I think we shall not overrate of the Lord is left empty. Suppose noth-
the amount, if we say that $500,000 has ing had been put in there but what the
been paid, in these valleys, to the mer- people have put in, the workmen would
chants. But suppose they have received have been naked. Walk into the store-
no more than $50,000 from this commu- house, and examine for yourselves. To
nity, $5,000 of that money ought to have be sure there has been a little clothing
been first paid into the tithing office; put in lately; for instance, there was an
and we could have sent it to the States, old silk dress put in for $40, that had
and purchased goods ourselves, for one- been lying for years rotting in the chest:
third or one-half less than we have to pay this is a specimen of the rest. What are
the merchants here. And $25,000 more such things worth to our workmen? Why,
should have come into the tithing office nothing at all. We wish you to put in
from the Church in the United States. strong and substantial clothing. Good,
The brethren in California have made no strong, homemade stuffs make the most
less than $100,000; the tenth of which suitable clothing for those who are build-
is due this tithing office. For want of ing up the public works.
this money, we are brought into bondage
and we must now apply our faith and Will you help us out of this thrall-
works to raise means to liquidate our in- dom, and have it credited to your
debtedness, which has accumulated by future tithing? There is already a
purchasing goods at high and extortion- great deal more due than would liqui-
ate prices. I find no fault with the mer- date all our debts, but we cannot com-
chants, for they came here to gather gold mand it now. Do you feel willing to
by the hundred weight. put your shoulder to the wheel, and
Now, brethren, and Bishops, look continue to roll it forward, and still
over this matter, and try to think continue, you that have faith to con-

tinue, to increase in faith? For the busi- money tithing. Had we received the
ness of this kingdom will increase, and money due to us, we should have had
the responsibility also; the labor will and no debts; but this failure has been, and
must grow, and continue to increase, un- is now, in existence. I will take every
til the kingdoms of this world become the kind of spare stock I have, except my
kingdom of our God and His Christ. So cows and sheep, and wipe off these debts
much on tithing; you see where the fail- until they are cancelled; and now ev-
ure is; it is in that point, and nowhere ery man who will do the same, let him
else. rise upon his feet. [The whole congrega-
It is not for any man to think he is tion of two thousand men rose up to a
a cipher—that what he can do will not man.] Do you suppose we want to de-
tell in this matter, and say, "They will get prive you of your teams? It is not so,
along well enough without me;" but it is but we wished to know the state of your
every man's duty to lay it to heart, and faith, so that when we are ready to call
help what he can with his earthly sub- upon you, we can be sure our call will
stance; though I wish you to understand be responded to. I would not cripple any
distinctly that it is no commandment— man, I would rather give him five yoke
you are left to act freely. of oxen, than destroy his team, and you
Let all the sheep stay in the Valley; know it. [Some of the brethren in the
also the cows; for they will give milk stand, not believing their own eyes, that
and butter, and replenish the stock. But the whole congregation rose, it was tried
when we speak of the horses, mules, and over again, to satisfy them, when the
oxen, let every man look up his spare congregation all rose again to a man.]
stock of this description, and with them Brother Hunter now knows what to do.
help to liquidate these debts. Stock will Many of the brethren are killing their
now pay debts. I will use my stock for calves; don't do this; if you cannot raise
this purpose, and my brethren will do them, it will be better to give them away
the same, until we have enough. I do to those who can.
not enjoin this upon you, as you have al-
ready paid the tithing which is required I bless you, and may the Lord bless
of you; except in some instances in the you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

L AKE C ITY, AUGUST 29, 1852.


It is quite unexpected to me, brethren ciple which has been named, namely, a
and sisters, to be called upon to ad- plurality of wives.
dress you this forenoon; and still more It is rather new ground for me;
so, to address you upon the prin- that is, I have not been in the habit

of publicly speaking upon this subject; mestic pleasures, in no way connected

and it is rather new ground to the inhab- with religion. In reply we will show you
itants of the United States, and not only that it is incorporated as a part of our re-
to them, but to a portion of the inhabi- ligion, and necessary for our exaltation
tants of Europe; a portion of them have to the fullness of the Lord's glory in the
not been in the habit of preaching a doc- eternal world. Would you like to know
trine of this description; consequently, the reasons? Before we get through, we
we shall have to break up new ground. will endeavor to tell you why we consider
It is well known, however, to the con- it an essential doctrine to glory and exal-
gregation before me, that the Latter-day tation, to our fullness of happiness in the
Saints have embraced the doctrine of a world to come.
plurality of wives, as a part of their reli- We will first make a few preliminary
gious faith. It is not, as many have sup- remarks in regard to the existence of
posed, a doctrine embraced by them to man, to his first existence in his first
gratify the carnal lusts and feelings of estate; and then say something in rela-
man; that is not the object of the doc- tion to his present state, and the bear-
trine. ing which it has upon his next or future
We shall endeavor to set forth before The "Mormons" have a peculiar doc-
this enlightened assembly some of the trine in regard to our pre-existence, dif-
causes why the Almighty has revealed ferent from the views of the Christian
such a doctrine, and why it is considered world, so called, who do not believe that
a part and portion of our religious faith. man had a pre-existence. It is believed,
And I believe that they will not, under by the religious world, that man, both
our present form of government (I mean body and spirit, begins to live about the
the government of the United States), time that he is born into this world, or a
try us for treason for believing and prac- little before; that then is the beginning
ticing our religious notions and ideas. I of life. They believe, that the Lord, by a
think, if I am not mistaken, that the con- direct act of creation, formed, in the first
stitution gives the privilege to all the in- place, man out of the dust of the ground;
habitants of this country, of the free ex- and they believe that man is possessed
ercise of their religious notions, and the of both body and spirit, by the union of
freedom of their faith, and the practice of which he became a living creature. Sup-
it. Then, if it can be proven to a demon- pose we admit this doctrine concerning
stration, that the Latter-day Saints have the formation of the body from the dust;
actually embraced, as a part and portion then how was the spirit formed? Why,
of their religion, the doctrine of a plu- says one, we suppose it was made by a
rality of wives, it is constitutional. And direct act of creation, by the Almighty
should there ever be laws enacted by this Himself; that He molded the spirit of
government to restrict them from the man, formed and finished it in a proper
free exercise of this part of their religion, likeness to inhabit the tabernacle He
such laws must be unconstitutional. had made out of the dust.
But, says the objector, we cannot Have you any account of this in
see how this doctrine can be embraced the Bible? Do the Scriptures declare
as a matter of religion and faith; we that the spirit was formed at the time
can hardly conceive how it can be em- the tabernacle was made? No. All
braced only as a kind of domestic con- the tabernacles of the children of men
cern, something that pertains to do- that were ever formed, from remote

generations, from the days of Adam to tion, what would we say? We should say,
this time, have been formed out of the that our spirits were formed by genera-
earth. We are of the earth earthy. The tion, the same as the body or taberna-
tabernacle has been organized accord- cle of flesh and bones. But what says
ing to certain principles, and laws of or- revelation upon the subject? We will
ganization, with bones, and flesh, and see whether revelation and analogy will
sinews, and skin. Now, where do you agree.
suppose all these tabernacles got their We read of a certain time when
spirits? Does the Lord make a new spirit the cornerstones of the earth were laid,
every time a tabernacle is made? If so, and the foundations thereof were made
the work of creation, according to the be- sure—of a certain time when the Lord
lief of Christendom, did not cease on the began to erect this beautiful and glori-
seventh day. If we admit their views, the ous habitation, the earth; then they had
Lord must be continually making spirits a time of joy. I do not know whether they
to inhabit all the tabernacles of the chil- had instruments of music, or whether
dren of men; he must make something they were engaged in the dance; but
like one thousand millions of spirits ev- one thing is certain, they had great joy,
ery century; he must be working at it and the heavens resounded with their
every day, for there are many hundreds shouts; yea, the Lord told Job, that all
of individuals being born into the world the sons of God shouted for joy, and the
every day. Does the Lord create a new morning stars sang together, when the
spirit every time a new tabernacle comes foundations of this globe were laid.
into the world? That does not look rea-
The SONS of God, recollect, shouted
sonable, nor Godlike.
for joy, because there was a beautiful
But how is it, you inquire? Why the
habitation being built, so that they could
fact is, that being that animates this
get tabernacles, and dwell thereon; they
body, that gives life and energy, and
expected the time—they looked forward
power to move, to act, and to think; that
to the period; and it was joyful to them
being that dwells within this tabernacle
to reflect, that the creation was about
is much older than what the tabernacle
being formed, the cornerstone of it was
is. That spirit that now dwells within
laid, on which they might, in their times,
each man, and each woman, of this vast
and in their seasons, and in their gen-
assembly of people, is more than a thou-
erations, go forth and receive taberna-
sand years old, and I would venture to
cles for their spirits to dwell in. Do
say, that it is more than five thousand
you bring it home to yourselves, brethren
years old.
and sisters? Do you realize that you
But how was it made? When was it
and I were there? Can you bring it to
made? And by whom was it made? If our
your minds that you and I were among
spirits existed thousands of years ago—
that happy number that shouted for joy
if they began to exist—if there were a
when this creation was made? Says one,
beginning to their organization, by what
I don't recollect it. No wonder! For
process was this organization carried on?
your recollection is taken from you, be-
Through what medium, and by what
cause you are in a tabernacle that is
system of laws? Was it by a direct cre-
ation of the Almighty? Or were we framed earthly; and all this is right and neces-
according to a certain system of laws, in sary. The same is written of Jesus Christ
the same manner as our tabernacles? If himself, who had to descend below all
we were to reason from analogy—if we things. Though he had wisdom to assist
admit analogical reasoning in the ques- in the organization of this world; though

it was through him, as the great leader been. But if we have once been there,
of all these sons of God, the earth was then we can see the force of the saying of
framed, and framed too, by the assis- the wise man, that the spirit returns to
tance of all his younger brethren—yet God who gave it—it goes back where it
we find, with all that great and mighty once was.
power he possessed, and the great and Much more evidence might be de-
superior wisdom that was in his bosom, rived in relation to this subject, even
that after all, his judgment had to be from the English translation of the Bible;
taken away; in his humiliation, his rea- but I do not feel disposed to dwell too
son, his intelligence, his knowledge, and long upon any particular testimony; suf-
the power that he was formerly in pos- fice it to say, that the Prophet Joseph
session of vanished from him as he en- Smith's translation of the forepart of the
tered into the infant tabernacle. He was book of Genesis is in print, and is ex-
obliged to begin down at the lowest prin- ceedingly plain upon this matter. In
ciples of knowledge, and ascend upward this inspired translation we find the pre-
by degrees, receiving grace for grace, existence of man clearly laid down, and
truth for truth, knowledge for knowl- that the spirits of all men, male and fe-
edge, until he was filled with all the male, did have an existence, before man
fulness of the Father, and was capable was formed out of the dust of the ground.
of ruling, governing, and controlling all But who was their Father? I have al-
things, having ascended above all things. ready quoted a saying that God is the Fa-
Just so with us; we that once lifted up ther of our spirits.
our united voices as sons and daughters In one sense of the word, there are
of God, and shouted for joy at the lay- more Gods than one; and in another
ing of the foundation of this earth, have sense there is but one God. The Scrip-
come here and taken tabernacles, after tures speak of more Gods than one.
the pattern of our elder brother; and in Moses was called a God to Aaron, in
our humiliation—for it is humiliation to plain terms; and our Savior, when speak-
be deprived of knowledge we once had, ing upon this subject, says, "If the Scrip-
and the power we once enjoyed—in our tures called them Gods unto whom the
humiliation, just like our elder brother, word of God came, why is it that you
our judgment is taken away. Do we not should seek to persecute me, and kill me,
read also in the Bible, that God is the Fa- because I testify that I am the Son of
ther of our spirits? God?" This in substance was the word
We have ascertained that we have of our Savior; those to whom the word
had a previous existence. We find that of God came, are called Gods, accord-
Solomon, that wise man, says that when ing to his testimony. All these beings
the body returns to the dust the spirit of course are one, the same as the Fa-
returns to God who gave it. Now all of ther and the Son are one. The Son is
this congregation very well know, that if called God, and so is the Father, and
we never existed there we could not re- in some places the Holy Ghost is called
turn there. I could not return to Cal- God. They are one in power, in wis-
ifornia. Why? Because I never have dom, in knowledge, and in the inheri-
been there. If you never were with the tance of celestial glory; they are one in
Father, the same as Jesus was before their works; they possess all things, and
the foundation of the world, you never all things are subject to them; they act in
could return there, any more than I could unison; and if one has power to become
to the West Indies, where I have never the Father of spirits, so has another;

if one God can propagate his species, voice bearing record that he is the Only
and raise up spirits after his own image Begotten of the Father; that by him, and
and likeness, and call them his sons and through him, and of him, the worlds are
daughters, so can all other Gods that be- and were created; and the inhabitants
come like him, do the same thing; conse- thereof are begotten sons and daughters
quently, there will be many Fathers, and unto God." Notice this last expression,
there will be many families, and many "the inhabitants thereof are begotten
sons and daughters; and they will be the sons and daughters unto God" (mean-
children of those glorified, celestial be- ing the different worlds that have been
ings that are counted worthy to be Gods. created and made). Notice, this does
not say, that God, whom we serve and
Here let me bring for the satisfaction worship, was actually the Father Him-
of the Saints, the testimony of the vi- self, in His own person, of all these sons
sion given to our Prophet and Revelator and daughters of the different worlds;
Joseph Smith, and Sidney Rigdon, on the but they "are begotten sons and daugh-
16th day of February, 1832. They were ters unto God;" that is, begotten by those
engaged in translating the New Testa- who are made like Him, after His image,
ment, by inspiration; and while engaged and in His likeness; they begat sons and
in this great work, they came to the 29th daughters, and begat them unto God, to
verse of the 5th chapter of John, which inhabit these different worlds we have
was given to them in these words—"they been speaking of. But more of this, if we
who have done good, in the resurrection have time, before we get through.
of the just; and they who have done evil, We now come to the second division
in the resurrection of the unjust." This of our subject, or the entrance of these
being given in different words from the spirits upon their second estate, or their
English translation, caused them to mar- birth and existence in mortal taberna-
vel and wonder; and they lifted up their cles. We are told that among this great
hearts in prayer to God, that He would family of spirits, some were more noble
show them why it was that this should and great than others, having more in-
be given to them in a different man- telligence.
ner; and behold, the visions of heaven Where do you read that? says one.
opened before them. They gazed upon Out of the Book of Abraham, trans-
the eternal worlds, and saw things be- lated from the Egyptian papyrus by the
fore this world was made. They saw Prophet Joseph Smith. Among the great
the spiritual creation who were to come and numerous family of spirits—"the be-
forth and take upon themselves bodies; gotten sons and daughters of God"—
and they saw things as they are to be there are some more intelligent than oth-
in the future; they saw the celestial, ter- ers; and the Lord showed unto Abra-
restrial, and telestial worlds, as well as ham "the intelligences that were orga-
the sufferings of the ungodly; all passed nized before the world was; and among
before them in this great and glorious all these there were many of the noble
vision. And while they were yet gaz- and great ones." And God said to Abra-
ing upon things as they were before the ham, "thou art one of them, thou wast
world was made, they were commanded chosen before thou wast born." Abra-
to write, saying, "this is the testimony, ham was chosen before he was born.
last of all, which we give of him, that Here then, is knowledge, if we had time
he lives; for we saw him, even on the to notice it, upon the doctrine of elec-
right hand of God: and we heard the tion. However, I may just remark,

it does not mean unconditional election their tabernacles would never have been
to eternal life of a certain class, and the seized by death; death entered entirely
rest doomed to eternal damnation. Suf- by sin, and sin alone. This marriage was
fice it to say, that Abraham and many celebrated between two immortal beings.
others of the great and noble ones in For how long? Until death? No. That
the family of spirits, were chosen before was entirely out of the question; there
they were born, for certain purposes, to could have been no such thing in the cer-
bring about certain works, to have the emony.
privilege of coming upon the stage of ac- What would you consider, my hear-
tion, among the host of men, in favor- ers, if a marriage was to be celebrated
able circumstances. Some came through between two beings not subject to death?
good and holy parentages, to fulfill cer- Would you consider them joined together
tain things the Lord decreed should come for a certain number of years, and that
to pass, from before the foundations of then all their covenants were to cease
the world. forever, and the marriage contract be
The Lord has ordained that these dissolved? Would it look reasonable and
spirits should come here and take taber- consistent? No. Every heart would
nacles by a certain law, through a certain say that the work of God is perfect in
channel; and that law is the law of mar- and of itself, and inasmuch as sin had
riage. There are a great many things not brought imperfection upon the globe,
that I will pass by; I perceive that if I what God joined together could not be
were to touch upon all these principles, dissolved, and destroyed, and torn asun-
the time allotted for this discourse would der by any power beneath the celestial
be too short, therefore I am under the ne- world, consequently it was eternal; the
cessity of passing by many things in rela- ordinance of union was eternal; the seal-
tion to these spirits in their first estate, ing of the great Jehovah upon Adam and
and the laws that governed them there Eve was eternal in its nature, and was
and come to their second estate. never instituted for the purpose of being
The Lord ordained marriage between overthrown and brought to an end. It is
male and female as a law through which known that the "Mormons" are a pecu-
spirits should come here and take taber- liar people about marriage; we believe in
nacles, and enter into the second state marrying, not only for time, but for all
of existence. The Lord Himself solem- eternity. This is a curious idea, says one,
nized the first marriage pertaining to to be married for all eternity. It is not cu-
this globe, and pertaining to flesh and rious at all; for when we come to examine
bones here upon this earth. I do not the Scriptures, we find that the very first
say pertaining to mortality; for when the example set for the whole human family,
first marriage was celebrated, no men- as a pattern instituted for us to follow,
tality was there. The first marriage that was not instituted until death, for death
we have any account of, was between two had no dominion at that time; but it was
immortal beings—old father Adam and an eternal blessing pronounced upon our
old mother Eve; they were immortal be- first parents. I have not time to explain
ings; death had no dominion, no power further the marriage of Adam and Eve,
over them; they were capable of endur- but will pass on to their posterity.
ing forever and ever, in their organiza- It is true, that they became fallen,
tion. Had they fulfilled the law, and kept but there is a redemption. But some
within certain conditions and bounds, may consider that the redemption only

redeemed us in part, that is, merely from years, and then the marriage contract
some of the effects of the fall. But this is not must cease, and there shall be no further
the case; every man and woman must see at opportunity of carrying out this com-
once that a redemption must include a com- mand, but it shall have an end? No,
plete restoration of all privileges lost by the there is nothing specified of this kind;
but the fall has brought in disunion
Suppose, then, that the fall was of through death; it is not a part of the
such a nature as to dissolve the mar- original plan; consequently, when male
riage covenant, by death—which is not and female are restored from the fall,
necessary to admit, for the covenant was by virtue of the everlasting and eternal
sealed previous to the fall, and we have covenant of marriage, they will continue
no account that it was dissolved—but to increase and multiply to all ages of
suppose this was the case, would not eternity, to raise up beings after their
the redemption be equally as broad as own order, and in their own likeness and
the fall, to restore the posterity of Adam image, germs of intelligence, that are
back to that which they lost? And if destined, in their times and seasons, to
Adam and Eve were married for all eter- become not only sons of God, but Gods
nity, the ceremony was an everlasting or- themselves.
dinance, that they twain should be one This accounts for the many worlds
flesh forever. If you and I should ever we heard Elder Grant speaking about
be accounted worthy to be restored back yesterday afternoon. The peopling of
from our fallen and degraded condition worlds, or an endless increase, even of
to the privileges enjoyed before the fall, one family, would require an endless in-
should we not have an everlasting mar- crease of worlds; and if one family were
riage seal, as it was with our first pro- to be united in the eternal covenant of
genitors? If we had no other reasons in marriage, to fulfill that great command-
all the Bible, this would be sufficient to ment, to multiply his species, and propa-
settle the case at once in the mind of gate them, and if there be no end to the
every reflecting man and woman, that increase of his posterity, it would call for
inasmuch as the fall of man has taken an endless increase of new worlds. And if
away any privileges in regard to the one family calls for this, what would in-
union of male and female, these privi- numerable millions of families call for?
leges must be restored in the redemption They would call for as many worlds as
of man, or else it is not complete. have already been discovered by the tele-
What is the object of this union? is scope; yea, the number must be multi-
the next question. We are told the ob- plied to infinity in order that there may
ject of it; it is clearly expressed; for, says be room for the inheritance of the sons
the Lord unto the male and female, I and daughters of the Gods.
command you to multiply and replen- Do you begin to understand how
ish the earth. And, inasmuch as we these worlds get their inhabitants? Have
have proved that the marriage ordinance you learned that the sons and daugh-
was eternal in its nature, previous to the ters of God before me this day, are His
fall, if we are restored back to what was offspring—made after His own image;
lost by the fall, we are restored for the that they are to multiply their species
purpose of carrying out the command- until they become innumerable?
ment given before the fall, namely, to Let us say a few words, before
multiply and replenish the earth. Does we leave this part of the subject, on
it say, continue to multiply for a few the promises made to Abraham, Isaac,

and Jacob. The promises were, Lift up to Abraham, and enough to spare for the
your eyes, and behold the stars; so thy fulfillment of similar promises to all his
seed shall be, as numberless as the stars. seed.
What else did He promise? Go to the
We read that those who do the works
seashore, and look at the ocean of sand,
of Abraham, are to be blessed with the
and behold the smallness of the parti-
blessing of Abraham. Have you not,
cles thereof, and then realize that your
in the ordinances of this last dispensa-
seed shall be as numberless as the sands.
tion, had the blessings of Abraham pro-
Now let us take this into consideration.
nounced upon your heads? O yes, you
How large a bulk of sand would it take
say, I well recollect, since God has re-
to make as many inhabitants as there
stored the everlasting Priesthood, that
are now upon the earth? In about one
by a certain ordinance these blessings
cubic foot of sand, reckoning the grains
were placed upon our heads—the bless-
of a certain size, there would be a thou-
ings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why,
sand million particles. Now that is about
says one, I never thought of it in this
the estimated population of our globe. If
light before. Why did you not think of it?
our earth were to continue 8,000 years,
Why not look upon Abraham's blessings
or eighty centuries, with an average pop-
as your own, for the Lord blessed him
ulation of one thousand millions per cen-
with a promise of seed as numerous as
tury, then three cubic yards of sand
the sand upon the seashore; so will you
would contain a greater number of par-
be blessed, or else you will not inherit the
ticles than the whole population of the
blessings of Abraham.
globe, from the beginning, until the mea-
sure of the inhabitants of this creation is How did Abraham manage to get a
complete. If men then cease to multiply, foundation laid for this mighty kingdom?
where is the promise made to Abraham? Was he to accomplish it all through one
Is it fulfilled? No. If that is the end of his wife? No. Sarah gave a certain woman to
increase, behold, the Lord's promise is him whose name was Hagar, and by her
not fulfilled. For the amount of sand rep- a seed was to be raised up unto him. Is
resenting his seed, might all be drawn in this all? No. We read of his wife Ketu-
a one-horse cart; and yet the Lord said to rah, and also of a plurality of wives and
Abraham, thy seed shall be as numerous concubines, which he had, from whom he
as the sand upon the seashore; that is, raised up many sons. Here then, was
to carry out the idea in full, it was to be a foundation laid for the fulfillment of
endless; and therefore there must be an the great and grand promise concerning
infinity of worlds for their residence. We the multiplicity of his seed. It would
cannot comprehend infinity. But suffice have been rather a slow process, if Abra-
it to say, if all the sands on the seashore ham had been confined to one wife, like
were numbered, says the Prophet Enoch, some of those narrow, contracted nations
and then all the particles of the earth of modern Christianity.
besides, and then the particles of mil-
I think there is only about one-fifth of
lions of earths like this, it would not the population of the globe, that believe in
be a beginning to all thy creations and the one-wife system; the other four-fifths
yet thou art there, and thy bosom is believe in the doctrine of a plurality of
there; and thy curtains are stretched wives. They have had it handed down from
out still. This gives plenty of room time immemorial, and are not half so nar-
for the fulfillment of the promise made row and contracted in their minds as some

of the nations of Europe and America, but it would be considered an awful

who have done away with the promises, thing by them to raise up a posterity
and deprived themselves of the blessings from more than one wife; this would be
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The na- wrong indeed; but to go into a brothel,
tions do not know anything about the and there debauch themselves in the
blessings of Abraham; and even those lowest haunts of degradation all the days
who have only one wife, cannot get rid of their lives, they consider only a trifling
of their covetousness, and get their lit- thing; nay, they can even license such in-
tle hearts large enough to share their stitutions, in Christian nations, and it all
property with a numerous family; they passes off very well.
are so penurious, and so narrow and con- That is tradition; and their posterity
tracted in their feelings, that they take have been fostered and brought up in the
every possible care not to have their fam- footsteps of wickedness. This is death,
ilies large; they do not know what is in as it stalks abroad among the great and
the future, nor what blessings they are popular cities of Europe and America.
depriving themselves of, because of the
traditions of their fathers; they do not Do you find such haunts of prostitu-
know that a man's posterity, in the eter- tion, degradation, and misery here, in
nal worlds, are to constitute his glory, his the cities of the mountains? No. Were
kingdom, and dominion. such things in our midst, we should feel
Here, then, we perceive, just from indignant enough to see that such per-
this one principle, reasoning from sons be blotted out of the page of exis-
the blessings of Abraham alone, the tence. These would be the feelings of this
necessity—if we would partake of community.
the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Look upon those who committed such
Jacob—of doing their works; and he that iniquity in Israel, in ancient days; every
will not do the works of Abraham and man and woman who committed adul-
walk in his footsteps, will be deprived of tery were put to death. I do not say that
his blessings. this people are going to do this; but I will
Again, let us look at Sarah's pecu- tell you what we believe—we believe it
liar position in regard to Abraham. She ought to be done.
understood the whole matter; she knew Whoredom, adultery, and fornica-
that, unless seed was raised up to Abra- tion, have cursed the nations of the
ham, he would come short of his glory; earth for many generations, and are
and she understood the promise of the increasing fearfully upon the commu-
Lord, and longed for Abraham to have nity; but they must be entirely done
seed. And when she saw that she was away from those who call themselves
old, and fearing that she should not the people of God; if they are not,
have the privilege of raising up seed, she woe! woe! be unto them, also; for
gave to Abraham, Hagar. Would Gentile "thus saith the Lord God Almighty," in
Christendom do such things now-a-days? the Book of Mormon, "Woe unto them
O no; they would consider it enough to that commit whoredoms, for they shall
send a man to an endless hell of fire and be thrust down to hell!" There is no
brimstone. Why? Because tradition has getting away from it. Such things will
instilled this in their minds as a dread- not be allowed in this community; and
ful, awful thing. such characters will find, that the time will
It matters not to them how corrupt come, that God, whose eyes are upon all
they are in female prostitution, if they the children of men, and who discerneth
are lawfully married to only one wife; the things that are done in secret, will

bring their acts to light; and they will be selves before the Most High God, by
made an example before the people; and their wickedness, whoredoms, idolatries,
shame and infamy will cleave to their abominations, adulteries, and all other
posterity after them, unto the third and kinds of wickedness? And we further-
fourth generation of them that repent more believe, that according to the Jew-
not. ish Prophets, as well as the Book of
How is this to be prevented? for we Mormon, and modern revelations given
have got a fallen nature to grapple with. in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants,
It is to be prevented in the way the Lord that the sword of the vengeance of the
devised in ancient times; that is, by giv- Almighty is already unsheathed, and
ing to His faithful servants a plurality of stretched out, and will no more be put
wives, by which a numerous and faithful back into the scabbard until it falls upon
posterity can be raised up, and taught the head of the nations until they are
in the principles of righteousness and destroyed, except they repent. What
truth: and then, after they fully under- else do we believe? We believe that
stand those principles that were given God is gathering out from among these
to the ancient Patriarchs, if they keep nations those who will hearken to His
not the law of God, but commit adultery, voice, and receive the proclamation of
and transgressions of this kind, let their the Gospel, to establish them as a people
names be blotted out from under heaven, alone by themselves, where they can be
that they may have no place among the instructed in the right way, and brought
people of God. to the knowledge of the truth. Very well;
But again, there is another reason if this be the case, that the righteous are
why this plurality should exist among gathering out, and are still being gath-
the Latter-day Saints. I have already ered from among the nations, and be-
given you one reason, and that is, that ing planted by themselves, one thing is
you might inherit the blessings and certain—that that people are better cal-
promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and culated to bring up children in the right
Jacob, and receive continuation of your way, than any other under the whole
posterity, that they may become as nu- heavens. O yes, says one, if that is the
merous as the sand upon the seashore. case—if you are the people the ancient
There is another reason, and a good one, Prophets have spoken of, if you are the
too. What do you suppose it is? I will people that are guided by the Lord, if
tell you; and it will appear reasonable you are under the influence, power, and
to every man and woman of a reflect- guidance of the Almighty, you must be
ing mind. Do we not believe, as the the best people under heaven, to dictate
Scriptures have told us, that the wicked the young mind: but what has that to
nations of the earth are doomed to de- do with the plurality of wives? I will
struction? Yes, we believe it. Do we tell you. I have already told you that
not also believe as the Prophets have the spirits of men and women, all had
foretold, concerning the last days, as a previous existence, thousands of years
well as what the new revelations have ago, in the heavens, in the presence of
said upon the subject, that darkness pre- God; and I have already told you that
vails upon the earth, and gross dark- among them are many spirits that are
ness upon the minds of the people; and more noble, more intelligent than others,
not only this, but that all flesh has cor- that were called the great and mighty
rupted its way upon the face of the earth; ones, reserved until the dispensation
that is, that all nations, speaking of of the fullness of times, to come forth
them as nations, have corrupted them-

upon the face of the earth, through a sistent that the Lord should say unto His
noble parentage that shall train their faithful and chosen servants, that had
young and tender minds in the truths of proved themselves before Him all the
eternity, that they may grow up in the day long; that had been ready and will-
Lord, and be strong in the power of His ing to do whatsoever His will required
might, be clothed upon with His glory, them to perform—take unto yourselves
be filled with exceeding great faith; that more wives, like unto the Patriarchs,
the visions of eternity may be opened to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob of old—like
their minds; that they may be Prophets, those who lived in ancient times, who
Priests, and Kings to the Most High God. walked in my footsteps, and kept my
Do you believe, says one, that they are commands? Why should they not do
reserved until the last dispensation, for this? Suppose the Lord should answer
such a noble purpose? Yes; and among this question, would He not say, I have
the Saints is the most likely place for here in reserve noble spirits, that have
these spirits to take their tabernacles, been waiting for thousands of years,
through a just and righteous parent- to come forth in the fulness of times,
age. They are to be sent to that peo- and which I designed should come forth
ple that are the most righteous of any through these my faithful and chosen
other people upon the earth; there to be servants, for I knew they will do my will,
trained up properly, according to their and they will teach their children after
nobility and intelligence, and according them to do it. Would not this be the sub-
to the laws which the Lord ordained be- stance of the language, if the Lord should
fore they were born. This is the rea- give us an answer upon this subject?
son why the Lord is sending them here, But then another question will arise;
brethren and sisters; they are appointed how are these things to be conducted?
to come and take their bodies here, that Are they to be left at random? Is every
in their generations they may be raised servant of God at liberty to run here and
up among the righteous. The Lord has there, seeking out the daughters of men
not kept them in store for five or six thou- as wives unto themselves without any
sand years past, and kept them wait- restriction, law, or condition? No. We
ing for their bodies all this time to send find these things were restricted in an-
them among the Hottentots, the African cient times. Do you not recollect the cir-
negroes, the idolatrous Hindoos, or any cumstance of the Prophet Nathan's com-
other of the fallen nations that dwell ing to David? He came to reprove him for
upon the face of this earth. They are not certain disobedience, and told him about
kept in reserve in order to come forth to the wives he had lost through it; that the
receive such a degraded parentage upon Lord would give them to another; and he
the earth; no, the Lord is not such a be- told him, if he had been faithful, that the
ing; His justice, goodness, and mercy will Lord would have given him still more, if
be magnified towards those who were he had only asked for them. Nathan the
chosen before they were born; and they Prophet, in relation to David, was the
long to come, and they will come among man that held the keys concerning this
the Saints of the living God; this would matter in ancient days; and it was gov-
be their highest pleasure and joy, to erned by the strictest laws.
know that they could have the privilege So in these days; let me announce
of being born of such noble parentage. to this congregation, that there is but
Then is it not reasonable, and con- one man in all the world, at the same

time, who can hold the keys of this mat- saith the Lord God Almighty, in the rev-
ter; but one man has power to turn the elation He has given. Why? Because
key to inquire of the Lord, and to say where much is given, much is required;
whether I, or these my brethren, or any where there is great knowledge unfolded
of the rest of this congregation, or the for the exaltation, glory, and happiness
Saints upon the face of the whole earth, of the sons and daughters of God, if they
may have this blessing of Abraham con- close up their hearts, if they reject the
ferred upon them; he holds the keys of testimony of His word, and will not give
these matters now, the same as Nathan, heed to the principles He has ordained
in his day. for their good, they are worthy of damna-
But, says one, how have you obtained tion, and the Lord has said they shall be
this information? By new revelation. damned. This was the word of the Lord
When was it given, and to whom? It to His servant Joseph the Prophet him-
was given to our Prophet, Seer, and Rev- self. With all the knowledge and light he
elator, Joseph Smith, on the 12th day of had, he must comply with it, or, says the
July, 1843; only about eleven months be- Lord unto him, you shall be damned; and
fore he was martyred for the testimony the same is true in regard to all those
of Jesus. who reject these things.
He held the keys of these matters; he What else have we heard from our
had the right to inquire of the Lord; and President? He has related to us that
the Lord has set bounds and restrictions there are some damnations that are eter-
to these things; He has told us in that nal in their nature; while others are but
revelation, that only one man can hold for a certain period, they will have an
these keys upon the earth at the same end, they will not receive a restoration
time; and they belong to that man who to their former privileges, but a deliver-
stands at the head to preside over all the ance from certain punishments: and in-
affairs of the Church and kingdom of God stead of being restored to all the privi-
in the last days. They are the sealing leges pertaining to man previous to the
keys of power, or in other words, of Eli- fall, they will only be permitted to en-
jah, having been committed and restored joy a certain grade of happiness, not
to the earth by Elijah, the Prophet, who a full restoration. Let us inquire af-
held many keys, among which were the ter those who are to be damned, ad-
keys of sealing, to bind the hearts of the mitting they will be redeemed, which
fathers to the children, and the children they will be, unless they have sinned
to the fathers; together with all the other against the Holy Ghost. They will be
sealing keys and powers, pertaining to redeemed, but what will it be to? Will
the last dispensation. They were com- it be to exaltation, and to a fulness of
mitted by that Angel who administered glory? Will it be to become the sons of
in the Kirtland Temple, and spoke unto God, or Gods to reign upon thrones, and
Joseph the Prophet, at the time of the en- multiply their posterity, and reign over
dowments in that house. them as kings? No, it will not. They
Now, let us enquire, what will be- have lost that exalted privilege forever;
come of those individuals who have though they may, after having been pun-
this law taught unto them in plain- ished for long periods, escape by the skin
ness, if they reject it? [A voice in of their teeth; but no kingdom will be
the stand, "they will be damned."] I conferred upon them. What will be their
will tell you: they will be damned, condition? I will tell you what revelation

says, not only concerning them that re- The Lord has told us. He says these
ject these things, but concerning those are angels; because they keep not this
that through their carelessness, or want law, they shall be ministering servants
unto those who are worthy of obtaining
of faith, or something else, have failed to
have their marriages sealed for time and a more exceeding and eternal weight of
glory; wherefore, saith the Lord, they
for all eternity; those that do not do these
things, so as to have the same ordinances shall remain singly and separately in
sealed upon their heads by divine au- their saved condition, and shall not have
thority, as was upon the head of old Fa- power to enlarge themselves, and thus
ther Adam—if they fail to do it through shall they remain forever and ever.
wickedness, through their ungodliness, Here, then, you can read their his-
behold, they also will never have the tory; they are not Gods, but they are
privilege of possessing that which is pos-angels or servants to the Gods. There
sessed by the Gods that hold the keys is a difference between the two classes;
of power, of coming up to the thrones the Gods are exalted; they hold keys
of their exaltation, and receiving their of power; are made Kings and Priests;
kingdoms. Why? Because, saith the and this power is conferred upon them
Lord, all oaths, all covenants, and all in time, by the everlasting Priesthood,
agreements, &c., that have been made to hold a kingdom in eternity that shall
by man, and not by me, and by the au- never be taken from them worlds with-
thority I have established, shall cease out end; and they will propagate their
when death shall separate the parties; species. They are not servants; for one
God is not to be a servant to another
that is the end; that is the cessation; they
go no further; and such a person cannot God; they are not angels; and this is
come up in the morning of the resurrec- the reason why Paul said, Know ye not,
tion, and say, Behold, I claim you as my brethren, that we shall judge angels?
wife; you are mine; I married you in the Angels are inferior to the Saints who are
other world before death; therefore you exalted as Kings. These angels who are
are mine: he cannot say this. Why? Be- to be judged, and to become servants to
cause he never married that person for the Gods, did not keep the law, therefore,
eternity. though they are saved, they are to be ser-
vants to those who are in a higher condi-
Suppose they should enter into
covenant and agreement, and conclude
What does the Lord intend to do
between themselves to live together to
with this people? He intends to make
all eternity, and never have it sealed by
them a kingdom of Kings and Priests,
the Lord's sealing power, by the Holy
a kingdom unto Himself, or in other
Priesthood, would they have any claim
words, a kingdom of Gods, if they will
on each other in the morning of the res-
hearken to His law. There will be
urrection? No; it would not be valid
many who will not hearken; there will
nor legal, and the Lord would say, It
be the foolish among the wise, who
was not by me; your covenants were not will not receive the new and everlasting
sealed on the earth, and therefore they covenant in its fulness; and they never will
are not sealed in the heavens; they are attain to their exaltation; they never will be
not recorded on my book; they are not to counted worthy to hold the scepter of power
be found in the records that are in the over a numerous progeny, that shall multiply
archives of eternity; therefore the bless- themselves without end, like the sand upon
ings you might have had, are not for you the seashore.
to enjoy. What will be their condition? We can only touch here and there

upon this great subject, we can only But while I talk, the vision of my
offer a few words with regard to this mind is opened; the subject spreads forth
great, sublime, beautiful, and glorious and branches out like the branches of a
doctrine, which has been revealed by thrifty tree; and as for the glory of God,
the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, Joseph how great it is! I feel to say, Hallelujah to
Smith, who sealed his testimony with His great and holy name; for He reigns in
his blood, and thus revealed to the na- the heavens, and He will exalt His people
tions, things that were in ancient times, to sit with Him upon thrones of power, to
as well as things that are to come. reign forever and ever.



It does not exactly please me at this tion commences with the mother, and the
time to make the remarks I wish upon child in connection. I will state the facts
the subject of education, as the greater in the case, as you will find them to be
part of the morning has been devoted hereafter, in the education of your chil-
to laying before the congregation, the dren. It depends in a great degree upon
necessity of improving ourselves in the the mother, as to what children receive,
knowledge of the sciences. The subject in early age, of principle of every descrip-
which has been aimed at by the speak- tion, pertaining to all that can be learned
ers this morning, bearing particularly by the human family. When will moth-
upon the necessity of instructing the hu- ers understand this? Knowing that this
man family, has been laid before us in is the case, I am perplexed with grief
the light in which it is generally held when I see such a wanton diversion from
by the world. When we speak upon the real design of life, it causes me to
education, it is not to be understood mourn for my poor, ignorant, fellow mor-
that it alone consists in a man's learn- tals, and sometimes almost goads me to
ing the letters of the alphabet, in be- anger. I can see mothers pay attention to
ing trained in every branch of scholas- everything under heaven, but the train-
tic lore, in becoming a proficient in the ing up of their children in the way they
knowledge of the sciences, and a classical should go, and they will even make it
scholar, but also in learning to classify appear obligatory on the father to take
himself and others. It has been hinted care of the child at a year old. How of-
that education commences with the first ten is it the case that mothers will say—
dawn of knowledge upon the mental fac- "Why, Pa, this child is growing up in ig-
ulties of the child, and continues with norance, he is going to ruin. Really, dear
it till death. But I will trace it a little husband, what shall we do with him?" I
further back still, and say that educa-

will tell you the truth as you will find it through life, to a greater or less degree,
in eternity. If your children do not re- by the teachings of the mother. The
ceive impressions of true piety, virtue, traits of early impressions that she gives
tenderness and every principle of the the child, will be characteristic points in
holy Gospel, you may be assured that his character through every avenue of
their sins will not be required at the his mortal existence.
hands of the father, but of the mother.
Lay it to heart, ye mothers, for it will This is the education I wish you to
unavoidably be so. The duty of the establish in this Church, that mothers
mother is to watch over her children, and may not suppose they are not required
give them their early education, for im- to watch over the early education and
pressions received in infancy are last- impressions of their children, but over
ing. You know, yourselves, by experi- their husbands to know where they are
ence, that the impressions you have re- every moment of their lives, taking spe-
ceived in the dawn of your mortal exis- cial care to order them thus and so, so
tence, bear, to this day, with the great- as to keep them advised and properly in-
est weight upon your mind. It is the ex- structed all the time, instead of doing
perience of people generally, that what that which they ought in their houses
they imbibe from their mothers in in- with their children. I am not quite so
fancy, is the most lasting upon the mind strenuous as some of the ancients were,
through life. This is natural, it is rea- who taught that if the women wanted
sonable, it is right. I do not suppose to learn anything, to learn it at home
you can find one person among five hun- from their husbands. I am willing they
dred, who does not think his mother to be should come to the meetings and learn,
the best woman that ever lived. This is but some of the ancients proscribed them
right, it is planted in the human heart. in this privilege, and would confine them
The child reposes implicit confidence in at home to learn through their husbands.
the mother, you behold in him a natu- I am a little more liberal than they
ral attachment no matter what her ap- were, but this is not liberal enough for
pearance may be, that makes him think many of the women, they must also be
his mother is the best and handsomest watching their husbands, while at the
mother in the world. I speak for my- same time their children are running
self. Children have all confidence in abroad in the streets, naked and bare-
their mothers; and if mothers would take footed, cursing and swearing. What time
proper pains, they can instil into the have I got to watch my children today?
hearts of their children what they please. Does not my duty demand my presence
You will, no doubt, recollect reading, in here? Where are my children? Some
the Book of Mormon, of two thousand are here. Where are the rest of them?
young men, who were brought up to be- Perhaps in the streets, with other chil-
lieve that if they put their whole trust dren, playing, or doing that which is
in God and served Him, no power would wrong, entirely unnoticed by their moth-
overcome them. You also recollect read- ers. This applies to the community. And
ing of them going out to fight, and so then their mother will say—"Husband,
bold were they, and so mighty their faith, our children will certainly be ruined."
that it was impossible for their enemies Mothers, what do you want? Do you
to slay them. This power and faith they wish your husband to sit all the time
obtained through the teachings of their in the parlor with you? Yes, and I
mothers. should suppose, by the conduct of some,
The character of a person is formed you want to be seated over the head of

God Almighty, to rule over Him, and all I undertake to conquer a child who wants
His kingdoms. If I mention my own fam- to conquer me, it shall be death to him
ily, and use them as an example, I do it before I yield. I would rather see every
that other people cannot complain. Do child I have, go into the grave this day,
you suppose that I cannot see faults in than suffer them to rise up and have con-
my own family, as well as in my neigh- trol over me.
bors? I am not so prejudiced in their fa- Mothers, if you suffer your children
vor, as not to discover faults in them, nei- to grow up wild, and uncorrected, when
ther can I close my eyes upon the faults they come into the hands of their fa-
of my neighbors. thers, and will not follow their counsels,
let them be disowned, and have no por-
What faults do I discover in my neigh- tion in the inheritance; let them be dis-
bors' families? I can see their women franchised, be banished from Israel, and
go off visiting, riding on horseback, at- not be numbered in the books of the off-
tending parties, while their little ones spring of Abraham. This shall be the fate
are neglected, and left to run at large in of my disobedient children, if I have any;
the streets, exposed to the pernicious ex- and if there are any of my children here
amples of vile company. Hear it again! today, let them hear it! For if they will
The blood of these wicked children will not keep my commandments, they shall
be required at the hands of their moth- have no part or lot in the household of
ers! Should your husbands be called out faith.
to fight the Indians, or go to the islands Let education commence at this
of the sea to gather the poor, it is none of point, you mothers! And then with
your business, when it is their calling to brother Spencer and the Board of Re-
be away from home. gents. Let mothers commence to teach
I want education to commence here. I their children while in their laps, there
wish you strictly to follow out this prin- do you learn them to love the Lord, and
ciple, and when children are old enough keep His commandments. Teach them to
to labor in the field, then the father keep your commandments, and you will
will take them in charge. If children learn them to keep the commandments
are not taught by their mothers, in the of your husbands. It is not the preroga-
days of their youth, to revere and follow tive of a child to dictate to his mother, or
the counsels of their fathers, it will be his father; and it is not the prerogative
hard indeed for the father ever to control of the father to rise up and dictate to his
them. I know it is so, for it is too true. God whom he serves. Is it right that my
Mothers will let their children go to the wife should dictate to me? It is just as
Devil in their childhood and when they reasonable, and as right, as it is for your
are old enough to come under the imme- children to rise up and dictate to their
diate guidance of their fathers, to be sent mother. It is not their business to dictate
out to preach the Gospel in the world, or to you, their duty is to obey, and not to
to learn some kind of mechanism, they dictate.
are as uncontrollable as the winds that The Lecture which you have heard
now revel in the mountains. from Chancellor Spencer, is so far in
advance of us, that it does not touch
It is not for the mother to rise the case of this people, at present, with
up and encourage her children to fight regard to education, until they have
against their father. You know my feel- learned the rudiments, that is, according
ings on this point—they are pointed, to my view of the subject.
resolute, and strong. And when It is true the Lord has revealed

great and precious revelations to us pass the purposes of the Lord. Always
through our language, and I believe it is keep your minds pure before the Lord.
as good a language as any now in use; You may say it is impossible, because of
but when we scan it narrowly, we find your temptations, but let me inquire, Do
it to be fraught with imperfections and you pray? Did you pray this morning, be-
ridiculous vagaries. I am as far from be- fore you left your houses? Did you pray
lieving that it is meet for us to adopt it last evening, before you laid your bod-
in preference to any other tongue, as I ies down to rest? Did you pray that the
am that it is to adopt Presbyterianism, Holy Spirit might rest upon you, so that
or the Baptist's religion, in preference your sleep might be sweet and refresh-
to any other of the same order of an- ing? Some of you may reply, that you
tichristian churches, for they are all im- have children, and have not time to pay
perfect. The Lord can reveal Himself to attention to this duty in the morning.
these Indians, He can talk to any nation, Some of you may have sick families, and
it makes no difference to Him, as He can others of you may be afflicted in other
connect the ideas He wishes to convey by ways, and you will offer these facts as
means of their language, as imperfect as reasons for similar neglect. In these cir-
it is. cumstances the mind must be centered
I wish to impress my lecture more upon the Lord, and upon His work, con-
particularly upon the minds of moth- tinually. When you embark to fill up the
ers. Am I not continually exhorting the end of your creation, never cease to seek
brethren to be kind to their families, to have the Spirit of the Lord rest upon
and never to ill use a human being on you, that your minds may be peaceable,
the earth? I exhort you, masters, fa- and as smooth as the summer breezes
thers, and husbands, to be affectionate of heaven. Never cease a day of your
and kind to those you preside over. And life to have the Holy Ghost resting upon
let them be obedient, let the wife be sub- you. Fathers, never cease to pray that
ject to her husband, and the children to your wives may enjoy this blessing, that
their parents. Mothers, let your minds their infants may be endowed with the
be sanctified before the Lord, for this is Holy Ghost, from their mother's womb.
the commencement, the true foundation If you want to see a nation rise up full of
of a proper education in your children, the Holy Ghost, and of power, this is the
the beginning point to form a disposition way to bring it about. Every other duty
in your offspring, that will bring honor, that is obligatory upon man, woman, or
glory, comfort, and satisfaction to you all child, will come in its place, and in its
your life time. To the mothers who may time and season. Remember it, brethren.
be here today, who have not the experi- Let your hearts be pure before the Lord,
ence they will have, and young women and never cease to do anything you can
who are perhaps just entering upon the for the satisfaction and comfort of your
stage of life, let me say (and I wish you family, that all may enjoy the comforts of
always to keep it in remembrance, even the Spirit of the Lord continually. If you
you younger females who have newly en- do not come to this, your literary attain-
tered into the sacred state of matrimony), ments will not exceed those of the world.
fulfil the commandments of Eloheim, fill up
the measure of your creation, that the joy We have but few collegians among
of your hearts may be full in the day of us, but I know that a thoroughly ed-
the resurrection, in that you have done all ucated man knows no more than you
you could to fulfil His law, and bring to do, when his literature is displayed,

though he spreads himself like the green Southern, New England, and Eastern
bay tree. Brother Spencer has given us a States, all teach the English language,
display of the learning of the day, he has yet the same ideas are conveyed with en-
erected a beautiful building, but where tirely different classes of words, by these
is the foundation? In his discourse, he separate communities. If there were one
referred to Joseph. Joseph built on the set of words to convey one set of ideas,
sure foundation, and, when I build up it would put an end to the ambiguity
my superstructure, it shall be upon the which often mystifies the ideas given in
same foundation. Brother Spencer has the languages now spoken. Then when
used language quite beyond your reach. a great man delivered a learned lecture
Well, I have the foundation, and he can upon any subject, we could understand
make the building. When he commences his words, for there would be only one
the building, I have asked the Board of word with the same meaning, instead of
Regents to cast out from their system of a multiplicity of words all meaning the
education, the present orthography and same thing, as is the case now. For in-
written form of our language, that when stance, there are men in this house so
my children are taught the graphic sign technical in their feelings with regard to
for A, it may always represent that indi- their choice of words, that when their
vidual sound only. But as it now is, the ideas are formed, and they commence to
child is perplexed that the sign A should convey them, they will stop in the mid-
have one sound in mate, a second sound dle of a sentence, and introduce another
in father, a third sound in fall, a fourth set of words to convey the same idea. If I
sound in man, and a fifth sound in many, can speak so that you can get my mean-
and, in other combinations, soundings ing, I care not so much what words I use
different from these, while, in others, A to convey that meaning.
is not sounded at all. I say, let it have
one sound all the time. And when P is in- I long for the time that a point of
troduced into a word, let it not be silent the finger, or motion of the hand, will
as in Phthisic, or sound like F in Physic, express every idea without utterance.
and let two not be placed instead of one When a man is full of the light of eter-
in apple. nity, then the eye is not the only medium
I ask, have the great and learned through which he sees, his ear is not the
men completed their education? No, only medium by which he hears, nor the
they are ever learning, and never able to brain the only means by which he under-
come to the knowledge of the truth. Let stands. When the whole body is full of
the Board of Regents commence on the the Holy Ghost, he can see behind him
proper foundation, that when we have with as much ease, without turning his
learned a great while, we may find to our head, as he can see before him. If you
satisfaction, we have at last come to the have not that experience, you ought to
knowledge of the truth. have. It is not the optic nerve alone
The English language, in its writ- that gives the knowledge of surround-
ten and printed form, is one of the ing objects to the mind, but it is that
most prominent now in use for absur- which God has placed in man—a sys-
dity, yet as a vehicle in which to con- tem of intelligence that attracts knowl-
vey our ideas verbally, it is one of the edge, as light cleaves to light, intelli-
best, for extent and variety it goes be- gence to intelligence, and truth to truth.
fore, and far beyond, any other. Its va- It is this which lays in man a proper
riety is what I dislike. The schools in the foundation for all education. I shall yet

see the time that I can converse with flesh, that the education of human life
this people, and not speak to them, commences. Now, mothers, train up your
but the expression of my countenance children in the way they should go. Fa-
will tell the congregation what I wish thers and husbands, instruct your wives
to convey, without opening my mouth. and children in the ways of the Lord, and
We are at present low, weak, and love, joy, and prosperity will attend you
groveling in the dark, but we are from this time, henceforth and forever,
planted here in weakness for the pur- which may God grant for Jesus sake.
pose of exaltation. It is at the time Amen.
of the formation of the tabernacle of

L AKE C ITY, A PRIL 9, 1853.


We have been listening to a very they have harvested their grain, they
interesting discourse from brother Pul- have not taken care of it, but have
sipher. His remarks were truly appro- thrown it together in a very loose and
priate when speaking upon the subject of careless manner. From want of proper
sanctification. respect for the temporal blessing of
I want to say a little more touching heaven, hundreds of bushels of grain
that principle. If I understand it cor- have been wasted, to which many who
rectly, it means a purification of, or a are here today can testify. In conse-
putting away from, us, as individuals, quence of this, and some other causes,
and as a community, everything that is flour can scarcely be bought for six dol-
evil, or that is not in accordance with the lars per hundredweight. A short time
mind and will of our heavenly Father. ago it was sold in great quantities at the
Sanctification has also an eye to our rate of three dollars per hundred to the
own preservation for usefulness—for ex- stores, and now there is hardly bread
ecuting, carrying forward, and perpetu- enough in Israel to supply the wants of
ating the work of the Most High God. our children. Why is this waste? A lit-
We have been hearing that this is a tle more care should be exhibited by the
fruitful valley. The blessing of the Lord farmers for the products of the soil.
descends upon the mountains, and abun- If God our heavenly Father has
dantly flows into the Valley, causing it given us temporal blessings in the due
to spring forth, and produce whatever is course and order of nature, we ought
necessary to sustain life. to hold them sacred, and be as pru-
I wish to observe here, that so dent and economical of them as we
bountiful have been the productions of are of a precious truth revealed from
the fields of our farmers, that after heaven by the agency of an holy an-

gel from the presence of God. I know not the purifying of the heart by prayer, and
which to prize the most, the blessings by acts of obedience to God, but it means
of the earth which pertain to the suste- also to purify a people, and purge from
nance of these bodies, or the blessings their midst that which is evil. I will sup-
of heaven that give food to the mind; for pose a case, viz., that here is a large flock
they are all the blessings of heaven to me of sheep out on the prairie, and here are
and to you. I look upon every blessing as shepherds also to watch over them with
the gift of Jehovah, as the Apostle James care. It is generally the case that shep-
wrote anciently, "every good and perfect herds are provided with most excellent
gift cometh from the Father of lights, dogs, that understand their business—
with whom there is no variableness, nei- their duty in relation to the flock. It
ther shadow of turning," whether it be has been said by some, that shepherd
wheat, corn, flocks, herds, houses, lands, dogs should be reared with the sheep,
wives, or children; we can obtain none and suck the milk from them, and thus
of these things independent of this bless- partake of their nature; that the child
ing; neither can we make one hair white not only draws its nourishment from the
or black, or add one cubit to our stature, woman, but from the same source con-
without it is by the blessing of our Father ceives a strong attachment, a kindred
in heaven. feeling and sympathy, for the fountain of
Sometimes for want of proper care its life. How this is I cannot say; I have
in keeping a secure fence, cattle break heard the observation, but those who un-
derstand and know concerning this mat-
through, and destroy the fruits of our
toil. I hope, as the time of sowing seed is ter, can properly appreciate the remark
in relation to it.
at hand, that we shall remember these
Suppose the shepherd should dis-
things. And let me say further, that a
good fence is the most effectual "Stray cover a wolf approaching the flock, what
would he be likely to do? Why, we should
Pound Law" that can exist. If there are
any so circumstanced as not to be able suppose, if the wolf was within proper
to walk up to the full extent of these in- distance, that he would kill him at once
with the weapons of defense which he
structions, let us, however, try to do a lit-
tle more than we have done heretofore, carries; in short, that he would shoot
him down, kill him on the spot. If the
and by a little extra exertion secure to
wolf was not within shot, we would nat-
ourselves an additional amount of com-
fort, and have a little more to contribute urally suppose he would set the dogs
on him; and you are aware, I have no
to the building up of the Temple of God,
in which operation we may be sanctified. doubt, that thence shepherd dogs have
Brethren, bear these things in mind. very pointed teeth, and they are very ac-
tive, very sensitive to know when the
We have heard, of late, a great deal flock is in danger. It is sometimes the
about stray cattle, stealing, dissension case, perhaps, that the shepherd has
and apostasy. I have not spoken upon the not with him the necessary arms to destroy
subject, I believe, from this stand; at the the wolf, but in such a case he would set his
same time I have my feelings and views faithful dogs on him, and by that means ac-
in relation to these matters, and I wish complish his destruction.
now to express them by introducing a fig- Is this true in relation to the shep-
ure, from which you may draw your own herd, and the flock, and the dogs?
You can all testify to its truth. Now
was Jesus Christ the good shepherd?
Now sanctification means, not only Yes. What the faithful shepherd is

to his sheep, so is the Savior to his fol- Ghost had made him overseer—"The
lowers. He has gone and left on earth time will come when grievous wolves
other shepherds who stand in the place will enter in among you, not sparing the
of Jesus Christ to take care of the flock. flock, and even of yourselves will men
When that flock is out on the prairie, arise speaking perverse things to draw
and the pasture range extending broad disciples after them." &c.
and green before them, and completely
I will tell you a feeling that I have
cleared of wolves, is not that sanctified
ever cherished, though some may think
and cleansed, when there is nothing to
I speak contrary to my real sentiments;
hurt or destroy them? I ask if one wolf
because in certain circumstances I spoke
is permitted to mingle with the flock,
in defense of a certain individual, which
and unmolested proceed in a work of de-
heaven knows whether he be guilty or
struction, will he not go off and tell the
innocent. Perhaps my zeal carried me
other wolves, and they bring in a thou-
beyond mediocrity, if it did that will be
sand others, more wicked and ravenous
overruled for my good, for it may show
than themselves? Whereas, if the first
me who among my friends are my en-
one should meet with his just desserts,
emies. At the same time my feelings
he could not go back and tell the rest of
are these—the best way to sanctify our-
his hungry tribe to come and feast them-
selves, and please God our heavenly Fa-
selves upon the flock.
ther in these days, is to rid ourselves of
Now don't say that brother Hyde has
every thief, and sanctify the people from
taught strong things, for I have only told
every vile character. I believe it is right;
you what takes place between the shep-
it is the law and practice of our neighbor-
herd and the flock, when the sheep have
ing state to put the same thing in execu-
to be protected.
tion upon men who violate the law, and
If you say that the Priesthood or
trample upon the sacred rights of others.
authorities of the Church here are the
It would have a tendency to place a ter-
shepherd, and the Church is the flock,
ror on those who leave these parts, that
you can make your own application of
may prove their salvation when they see
this figure. It is not at all necessary for
the heads of thieves taken off, or shot
me to do it.
down before the public. Let us clear up
It is all the same to me whether they
the horizon around us; and then, like the
want to destroy the flock, or destroy,
atmosphere after the thunderstorm has
steal, and carry off the property of the
spent its fury in the tops of the moun-
flock. If you steal my team, which is my
tains, becomes purified; and a calm sun-
means of living, you might just as well
shine pervades the whole. I believe it
kill me at once. It is like this—"Brother
to be pleasing in the sight of heaven to
Hyde, I will not disturb, molest, or harm
sanctify ourselves and put these things
you, or any of the rest of your brethren;
away from our midst.
but we will take you out on the bleak and
comfortless prairie, and leave you there I have delivered the sermon I wanted
to starve or freeze to death, and take pos- to preach. I told the President I wished
session of your property." You might as to preach a sermon of about twenty min-
well destroy us at once as take us where utes long, and I believe I am at an end
we should starve. It would be much bet- of it, inside of the time. I bequeath these
ter to take our heads off at once than to remarks to you in the name of Jesus my
subject us to a lingering death. Says the master, with the best feelings of a heart
Apostle, to the flock over which the Holy devoted to your good. Amen.

S ALT L AKE C ITY, S EPT. 11, 1853.


After giving you a brief explanation ments, feelings, customs, habits, and
of the feelings of those who profess to be manner of life.
Saints, I wish to give a little counsel—as
With regard to the kingdom of heaven
I have frequently done before—to new-
now on the earth, of which we form a
part, we admit the kingdom of God has
I am acquainted with the general dis-
come; many of us believed that years
position of mankind, and also consider-
ago, who believed Joseph Smith was a
ably acquainted with the traditions un-
Prophet, who believed he had power and
der which their minds, feelings, pas-
authority to establish it on the earth.
sions, judgments, or I will comprehend
What were the feelings of the people, al-
the whole by saying their consciences,
most universally, in the infancy of this
have been formed by parents, teachers,
Church? Men of science and talent
ministers, and others, who have exer-
in this Church believed—or they said
cised an influence over the young and
they believed—honestly, truly, and with
tender mind; these things are familiar
all their hearts, that Joseph Smith did
to me in a great degree, and have been
not understand anything about temporal
for many years. I see them manifested
matters. They believed he understood
each day I live. The branches of the tree
spiritual things—that he understood the
shoot forth, and bear their fruit, and men
Spirit of the Lord, and how to build up
can judge of the nature of the tree, by its
the spiritual kingdom among men; but
when temporal matters were talked of,
The feelings and sentiments of this
men were ready to decide at once, that
people, the Latter-day Saints, are varied;
they knew more than the Prophet about
they are far from being of one heart, and
such matters; and they did so decide.
of one mind, of one judgment, and of one
desire; but I have no doubt they come Were you to ask how many times men
nearer to it, than any other community did so, who did so, and on what occasions
upon the face of the earth. This we know. they did so, I could answer you, for I am
In reality, the inhabitants of the conversant with every circumstance that
earth do not vary so much in their sen- transpired, pertaining to temporal mat-
timents as they do in the explaining ters, from the first of my acquaintance
of them to each other. This I have with Joseph Smith, as a Prophet of the
good reason to believe; when feelings Lord. The first Elders of this Church
and ideas are explained, people vary decided that Joseph did not understand
more in language than in sentiment, temporal matters. The first Bishops of
yet they differ widely in their senti- this Church said they believed with all

their hearts, that they understood tem- considerable portion of this community
poral matters far better than the who have not had an acquaintance with
Prophet Joseph. Are these the feelings of the Prophet; they never associated with
the people at the present time? They are him, they have not had an opportunity
not, but right to the reverse. I could have of sustaining his hands. Again, there is
said then, the same that I could say now, a certain portion of the people who were
if Joseph was living—if he could have associated with him. What would the
been believed, and confidence could have people do now, if they by their voice could
been placed in him, with regard to tem- call him back to their midst? Would
poral matters, wealth would have been they be willing to lay their substance
poured into the laps of this people, to at his feet? I very much doubt it. He
overflowing. was poor, harassed, distressed, afflicted,
The remark that was made this and tormented with lawsuits upon law-
morning is a true one, although the mat- suits, persecution upon persecution, and
ter referred to is small, apparently, but thus it cost thousands and hundreds of
it is a fact, there was not enough confi- thousands of dollars to keep him alive,
dence in the people to satisfy them that which a few had to sustain. Is this af-
the Prophet knew how to handle money, fliction upon them now? It is not. The
or what to do with it; they did not be- scene is reversed. And as the people once
lieve he knew how to manage temporal thought, that many by one man could be
affairs. This lack of confidence brought made poor, they now believe, by one man
poverty and distress upon the whole peo- many will be made rich. At the present
ple. day I do not know where the opportunity
When men came into our midst, who is to prove the people.
shut up the bowels of their compassion,
and held their money with an iron fist, There are individuals here, and mem-
they were held in communion with us, bers of the Church, that when they come
our faith was exercised for them, we up to this land, are very careful to leave
mingled with them, and gave them fel- their substance behind them. And if
lowship for a time, yet one man, with they have money to lend, they are very
his covetousness, tied up the whole peo- careful to lend it to persons who do not
ple. In many instances, men were cut belong to the Church. There are such
off for their covetousness, and because present today. They are fearful and un-
they had not confidence in the Prophet, believing. They did not believe in the
and held their substance when means days of Joseph that he could tell them
were wanted to carry on the work of God, the truth. But if you asked them if they
to send the Gospel to distant lands, to believed Joseph was a Prophet, and if
sustain the poor, build houses, and ac- God sent him to build up the kingdom,
complish that which was necessary to be "O yes," would be their reply; and yet
done. While this means was withheld, they had not confidence to ask him what
it brought the whole Church under con- they should do with the thousands in
demnation, for this reason all had to suf- their possession. These are a few facts
fer. in the life and experience of the Prophet
This was in the days of the Prophet Joseph.
Joseph. Have the people reformed since How is it now? Have the people con-
then? Perhaps a few of them have; fidence? They say they have. Are they
and again, perhaps a great many of willing to take counsel? They say they
them have not. Many have not had are. As it was observed here this morn-
an opportunity to reform, as there is a ing, when we wish anything done, the peo-

ple are ready and willing to raise their not condescend to such small matters,
hands to accede to the propositions made having given us an understanding, and
by their leaders. Do you remember we know what to do. Are not these the
what I told you a few sabbaths ago—this feelings of the people? I could refer to
whole people are willing to receive coun- some little things by way of example, but
sel, but who of them are willing to carry it would hit somebody rather too pub-
it out to the very letter? The future will licly.
prove that. It is not proven by sitting Let me ask that brother, if you have
on your seats and simply raising your not thought in your heart, you would not
hands, as a token, a covenant, a witness go to brother Brigham for counsel, for
to God and angels that you are ready to fear he would counsel you to go to some
take counsel, and also carry it out. place you do not want to go? Still you
For men of principle, and seemingly say, "I believe this is the kingdom of God,
of good sense, to believe the Prophet and I do not want to come in contact with
Joseph, who was inspired to build up brother Brigham, I do not wish to meet
the kingdom of God temporally as well him, for fear he should come in contact
as spiritually, did not know as much with my calculations, and what I have
about a picayune as about God's spir- decided upon in my mind." I could put
itual kingdom, about a farm as about my hand upon some of you who entertain
the New Jerusalem, is folly in the ex- such thoughts.
treme, it is nonsense in the superlative I will refer you now to the counsel
degree. Those who entertain such ideas I wished to give the brethren who have
ought to have their heads well combed, lately come into the city from the East. I
and subjected to a lively course of fric- have heretofore counseled newcomers, to
tion, that peradventure a little common go to the South, or to the North, for we
sense might dawn upon their confused have settlements 360 miles, North and
ideas. South.
Consult your own judgments in such Many of the people here have their
matters. Do you think that God friends, who have come in this season,
would set a man to lead his people, and some are still on the plains, who
who does not know as much about a will be in in a few days. I have been
picayune or a farm, as about God's spir- in the habit of saying to the brethren—
itual kingdom, or the New Jerusalem? You take one hundred families and set-
Shame on those who would entertain tle in such a place; and you take fifty
such ideas, for they debase and cor- and settle in yonder place; but I never
rupt the hearts of the community who have given such counsel for the guidance
imbibe them. According to the senti- of the brethren, that it has not raised one
ments of some of the Latter-day Saints, continual whining, saying, "I want to go
the Lord must have become wonder- to another place, for there is somewhere
fully high minded in the last days; I you want me to go that I do not like;" or,
should think he has become too proud "I rather think brother Brigham thinks I
according to their belief, to notice farms am not tried and proven sufficiently, and
and merchandise, and other little affairs he wants to put me in circumstances to
and transactions that pass around us. He
finish trying me." That is the reason I
used to notice the very hairs of our heads want you to go here or there, and the rea-
that fell and the sparrows; He took care son why you complain; for when men are
or the ravens, and watched over the chil- thoroughly tried, they are ready to go to
dren of Israel, and supplied all their tem- any place where they are told to go, and
poral wants; but we say now, He does when they are told.

My counsel now to newcomers is, to Do not allow your fathers, your hus-
do just what you have a mind to, and bands, and your brothers, to go to any
go where you please, IF YOU CAN. You place to settle, unless it is walled in, or
may go and settle in any part of the Ter- in some other way made perfectly ca-
ritory that you please; and furthermore, pable of defending you and themselves
you may go to California if you wish. from the attack of Indians, or those who
I have told you what you may do, I would seek to destroy you and your prop-
will now tell you what you may not do. erty. If they want to drag you off to some
You may try to gather a little company, place where you will be exposed to the
and go to settle a place where there are ravages of Indians, tell them you are go-
no inhabitants. You cannot, with my con- ing to stay where you are, and then ask
sent, go to any place, unless it is to a them what they are going to do about
city, that is, or will be walled in. If you it. It is not my general practice to coun-
go from this city, go to a neighborhood sel the sisters to disobey their husbands,
where you can be defended from the rav- but my counsel is—obey your husbands;
ages of Indians or other evil designing and I am sanguine and most emphatic
persons. on that subject. But I never counseled
Brother David Fullmer, this morning, a woman to follow her husband to the
talked about working all our lives upon a devil. If a man is determined to expose
wall, if it were necessary; but the wall we the lives of his friends, let that man go to
contemplate making here, is not a break- the devil and to destruction alone.
fast spell. I calculate to keep walling un- You have got my counsel. You need
til the mountains around us become an not, any of you, ask my counsel to run
impregnable defense. What we have now over to the west mountains to settle, for
on hand is not a circumstance. I will ven- there are plenty alone there already. If
ture to say, that brother Parley P. Pratt you have not elbow room enough, rub
has got a job on hand infinitely more ex- my elbows, I can rub as hard as you
tensive than the walling in of the whole can. I can tell you something you never
territory of Utah. His work was given have yet thought of. You may number
to him sixteen years ago, by the Prophet all the families in this city, and with
Joseph Smith, in the Kirtland Temple. them their cattle and flocks, and there
Parley P. Pratt has yet to build temples is more ground within its precincts, if
in old Scotland. The Scotch brethren properly cultivated, than would support
might say, "What is the use then of our them all from year to year. There are not
coming to these distant valleys, so far inhabitants enough in the city to culti-
from our native country?" Had you not vate the land in it, as it should be. Look
better write to your brethren who are around and see the hundreds of acres
still in Scotland to stay where they are, that have not been cultivated at all; one
think you? He has to build temples there bushel to ten has not been raised, that
of greater magnitude than we have yet might have been, on the lots that the
contemplated. When he will do it I do people have pretended to cultivate. Be
not know; it is certain he will do it if he not afraid of being too close together. The
is faithful; but whether he will do it after men or women who enjoy the Spirit of
the earth is glorified, or before that time, the Lord, never feel themselves crowded
I do not know. by that spirit, or by those who possess
I have a word to say to the sis- it; and they never will. When distur-
ters who have lately come into our city. bance and difficulty occur, it is because of

the opposite spirit, which is a con- henceforth and forever. You are not to
tentious spirit; and those persons who be overcome by your enemies, or put
possess it may expect to be crowded down and trampled under foot, if you will
when they get to hell, as much or more do this, and continue to be humble be-
than they are here; they will not have fore the Lord your God. In doing this,
as much elbow room there as they have no power under the heavens can disturb
here, perhaps. this people.
The Latter-day Saints ought not to If I have any knowledge touching the
feel so. Our cities are open, our streets condition of this people at the present
are wide, and we have the sweet moun- time, and the way they are taught, led,
tain air, and a healthy country. Do not counseled, and dictated by those who go
be afraid to live together. What kind of before them to open up the way, it is
air did you breathe, who lived in eleven, directly opposite of that we saw in the
twelve, and fourteen story houses in your days of Joseph the Prophet. He was
native country? If you could live in such full of sorrow, trouble, poverty, and dis-
confined circumstances, why cannot you tress; but now the people are led into
live here, while breathing air as sweet, I riches, by the example, counsel, advice,
may say, as the New Jerusalem. and dictations of their leaders. They are
I have told you my mind, you can now on the highway to wealth; and there is
do as your own minds shall dictate, if you danger in it. Here are men that never
think proper, and be responsible for the knew enough of the principles of econ-
same. I have frequently thought, what omy to gather substance or save any-
would be the consequence in this com- thing to themselves, until within a few
munity, were we to be as strict now, as years back; but now they are becoming
the authorities of the Church once were? rich in a moderate point of view. We
For it used to be, if a man did not obey do not expect to become wealthy like the
counsel after it was given him, he was Rothschilds, or some other large capital-
cut off from the Church. Do you not ists of Europe. This people are gather-
think we are lenient, easy, and forgiv- ing much substance around them, which
ing? Let us be kind to each other, and is a principle of heaven—a principle of
cultivate the spirit of peace, and seek Zion, but there is a fear within us lest it
diligently to know the will of God. How cause us to forget our God and our re-
can you know it? In matters pertaining ligion. Whether we have much or lit-
to yourselves as individuals, you can ob- tle, let it be on the altar, for it is all
tain it directly from the Lord; but in mat- the Lord's, whether this people know it
ters pertaining to public affairs, His will or not. Joseph Smith said to this peo-
is ascertained through the proper chan- ple, that all the wisdom he had was re-
nel, and may be known by the general ceived from the hand of the Lord. All the
counsel that is given you from the proper knowledge, wisdom, economy, and every
source. business transaction pertaining to hu-
I have told you heretofore what I man life in connection with the spiritual
am afraid of (and, in reality I am not kingdom of God on the earth, is given
afraid of anything else), which is in- unto us as individuals, or as a commu-
corporated in the idea—See that ye nity, from the liberal hand of God.
forget not the Lord your God. If Do you realize this? Or will some
this people will serve Him with all of you say, "It is my own wisdom and
their heart, mind, and strength, they economy that have accomplished this or
have nothing to fear from this time that?" If you do, beware, lest the Lord

withdraw the light of His spirit from heart. As to the world, they may do as
you, that you be left in darkness, and they please, for we care not for it anyhow.
your former judgment, wisdom, and dis- Let this people cleave unto the Lord, and
cretion be taken from you. If we re- righteous principles, and all is right and
ceive good, it is of the Lord; then let well.
us serve him, and love him with a true May the Lord bless you. Amen.




As a humble private from the ranks strictest jealousy, every violation of the
of the Deseret Mountaineers of the Nau- provisions of the federal constitution; ev-
voo Legion, I have the honor, though ery infringement of the rights of the peo-
unexpectedly, to rise and offer a few of ple is regarded by the Nauvoo Legion
our feelings in view of the great mat- with the most fiery indignation. When-
ters which have been presented before ever the rights of a religious body are
us this day, and of the great events of invaded—whenever the privileges of a
which this is the anniversary. From the civil community are trampled upon with
remarks of the gentlemen who have oc- impunity—whenever any man in power,
cupied this stand previous to my rising, or any man out of power shall tram-
we might think, that a people who have ple upon the provisions of that legacy
been driven, and who have suffered so bequeathed us by our ancestors, there
many difficulties, robbings; shaking of rises in us an unbounded indignation; for
the ague, catching birds with hands, and our fathers' legacy was sealed with their
for a time living on crickets, &c., that blood, and we are determined to main-
we would be very lean and poor; but tain it inviolable. When an executive of
my friends, I think I am a pretty fair a state rises up and assumes to himself
specimen of the privates who compose a dignity and a power that no autocrat
the Nauvoo Legion. The experiment has of all the Russias dare presume to ex-
been tried of living in the deserts, of wan- ercise, and issues a bloody order as did
dering among mountains, and of solving L. W. Boggs, for the utter extermination
the philosophical problem of almost liv- of all the "Mormons;" men, women, and
ing upon the air; and it has answered ex- children, that may belong to, or be in any
ceedingly well. way connected with them, it raises the
It is with the greatest pleasure that indignation of the Nauvoo Legion to an
I address you; for I can assure you unbounded pitch.
that the Nauvoo Legion view with the

What is more curious than all the from water to water. Such a march has
rest; it frequently occurs in all govern- not been equaled by any body of infantry
ments that corruption arises among the in the world; and General Kearney said,
people; the people become corrupt, and that there was no other set of troops in
to a great extent, it must affect the gov- his army that could endure such service.
ernment also; no matter how good its
Talk of rebellion! Or want of loy-
form may be, the corruptions that arise
alty! Men might as well say the sun does
among the body of the people, must in
not shine, as to argue that this people
a great measure paralyze the head of
are enemies to their country's freedom.
the government. The Roman Catholics
There is a spirit of religious intolerance
in Philadelphia were attacked by a law-
that has arisen in the minds of a great
less mob, and thousands turned out to
many men against this people in the
demolish their churches and dwellings,
present age; they say, "you shall think as
and murder their people, and the per-
I think, or damn you, we'll destroy you."
petrators of such deeds are suffered to
General Joseph Smith, the commander
go unpunished—this fills the Nauvoo
of our Legion, was treacherously mur-
Legion with burning indignation. The
dered, and his noble brother by his side
legacy bequeathed to us by our forefa-
also, while under the pledge of safety
thers was a constitution which will pro-
of Governor Thomas Ford. The grand-
tect every man in his civil and religious
father of that murdered general (mur-
rights; and where this Legion is, woe
dered while under the sacred pledge of
to him that infringes upon these con-
the State of Illinois), his paternal grand-
stitutional liberties. Being called upon
father; I say, was at the elbow of Colonel
without reflection, or time to prepare a
Ethan Allen, at Ticonderoga, and with
speech; and not possessing the requisite
Stark at Bennington; and his maternal
talents for preparing notes, I must give
grandfather was in the first naval bat-
you what I have to say in an offhand
tle, and at the elbow of the first Com-
modore of the American navy, when the
Men will rise up in distant countries;
first naval battle was fought by Ameri-
and say that the inhabitants of these
cans against Great Britain, and served
mountains are rebellious. Rebellious!
during the entire war. Why was he
Against what? Against the power of
murdered? Because he thought differ-
mobs, lawless robbery, and the infringe-
ent from his neighbors. Religious tolera-
ment and violation of the constitution of
tion was not in accordance with the feel-
the United States—against the lawless
ings of narrow minded men; he must be
destruction of property and life—against
butchered—basely murdered—and to ac-
the deprivation of human beings of reli-
complish it the faith of a sovereign state
gious liberty—that is what we are rebel-
had to be pledged. We love the consti-
lious against; and the Nauvoo Legion are
tution of the United States in its organi-
ready to rebel against every aggression
zation; but we detest southern secession,
of this kind, as long as there is one drop
and northern disunion, or anything that
of blood left in their veins.
would be calculated to destroy our glo-
These bayonets now before me have
rious Union, and the institutions which
been carried upon the shoulders of these
have been sealed by the blood of our fa-
men to extend "the area of the Amer-
ican Liberty," over 4,000 miles, suf-
fering almost every kind of distress Gentlemen, appearing as I appear
and fatigue; sometimes traveling on in your midst, lean though I may be
foot ever a hundred miles of desert, (Mr. Smith now weighing 230 lbs.), I

will tell you that I have the honor of hav- driven out of three dwelling houses in
ing descended from an officer of the revo- different states, by mob force; as many
lution, who marched 150 miles under the times deprived of my property; and hav-
command of General Morgan, from the ing buried most of my family from suf-
battle of the Cow Pens, with nothing to fering on the plains; been three days at
eat but the rawhide belt of his cartridge a time, without taking food, that there
box. That cannot be the cause of my is now scarcely a hair left on my head
fine appearance; but it must be the no- between me and heaven; yet I am on
ble living my ancestors have had, when hand, and with the Nauvoo Legion, re-
fighting for the liberties we enjoy this joice that there is a place amid the moun-
day, in these mountains. And although tains where men are free to enjoy civil
I have passed through so many trials and religious liberty and truth. Truth
and afflictions to get here, having been and Liberty forever! Amen.


S ALT L AKE C ITY, M ARCH 27 TH , 1853.


I do not know that I can speak so that possessed, they were acquainted with
you can hear me, as you perceive some- it, it is the same spirit they possess
thing affects my throat; I wish, however, to the present day—the spirit of "Mor-
to say a few words to you this morning; monism," the spirit of the Gospel. I will
I would like to say considerable—a good ask those brethren, and those sisters, if
many words, but perhaps a few will an- they believe Joseph Smith was a Prophet
swer. of God? If they believe that he mag-
There are a goodly number in the nified his calling? I will ask them if
congregation, who have been acquainted Joseph lived and died a Prophet of God,
with this Church and kingdom from its and what would they answer? All men
rise, and that knew Joseph in his first and women know, by the power of the
career in the Gospel. There are many Holy Ghost, by the spirit they know it,
here that have been in the Church for by the light that is in them, for light
fifteen, sixteen, and some more than cleaveth to light, and truth embraces
twenty years. I have been in the Church, truth. These pure attributes, as I told
wanting a few days of twenty-one years, you here a few Sabbaths ago, stand upon
and there are a considerable number their own basis—the fabric sustains it-
that I know have been in it longer than self, but falsehood, and that which is
I have. They knew Joseph—they knew built upon it, will, sooner or later, fall.
him from week to week, and from year to How many witnesses could we bring,
year, they knew what he did, they knew men that are upon the islands of the sea,
how he spake, they knew the spirit he in foreign lands, and people scattered

through the United States, hundreds than they, who would run out and bring
and thousands in their poverty, who are in all the devils they possibly could. That
not able to gather with the Saints; I has been the starting point and grand
ask, what would they witness if they cause of all our difficulties, every time
were here today? They would tell you; we were driven. Are there not witnesses
and they would sound it so that all the of this, here? Yes, a good portion of
world might hear, if they could, that this congregation are witnesses of these
Joseph Smith was a man called of God things, although many of them never
to build up His kingdom in the last days, saw Joseph, and were not personally ac-
preparatory to the coming of the Son of quainted with him.
Man. We have been persecuted—we have
There are many witnesses here, not built houses, made farms, cultivated the
only witnesses of Joseph and his career, land, broken up the wild prairie, and
but witnesses of the disaffected spirits made it like the Garden of Eden; we
that have come into this Church, and have fenced, built, and gathered sub-
gone out again. Are there witnesses of stance around us many times, and as
men trying to rise up and usurp Joseph's many times have been driven from our
place in his day? Yes, there are many possessions, until we came to this inher-
witnesses, that many men tried it. Are itance which we now enjoy in these val-
there witnesses here, of the rise and fall leys of the mountains.
of men in this kingdom? Yes, plenty Now think a moment, reflect, and ask
of them. I have witnessed more than yourselves what do we see here? I am
has been pleasing to me. It delights me coming nearer home, I am coming to this
to see men come into the Church, and place; what do we see here? Do we see
magnify the Holy Priesthood, but it is a disaffected spirits here? We do. Do we
grievous matter to see men turn away see apostates? We do. Do we see men
from the holy commandments delivered that are following after false and delu-
unto them, gather to themselves false sive spirits? Yes. When a man comes
spirits, follow after a phantom, and be right out, as an independent devil, and
duped by the devil—be ensnared by the says, "Damn Mormonism, and all the
power of the enemy, and give way to it Mormons," and is off with himself, not
until they fall. It is a source of regret, to Texas, but to California, (you know it
but we witness it, we could name many used to be to Texas), I say he is a gen-
of this class. tleman, by the side of a nasty sneak-
Let me ask this congregation, that ing apostate who is opposed to nothing
portion of it that was in Jackson County; but Christianity. I say to the former,
and again that portion that was in Kirt- Go in peace, sir, go and prosper if you
land in the days of Joseph, and in leav- can. But we have got a set of spirits
ing Kirtland; then those that were in here worse than such a character. When
Caldwell and Davis counties, Missouri; I went from meeting, last Sabbath, my
then ask these who were in Nauvoo in ears were saluted with an apostate cry-
his day, and after he was slain; these ing in the streets here.
portions of my congregation which I I want to know if any one of you
have mentioned I will ask, what has who has got the spirit of "Mormonism"
produced your persecutions and sorrow? in you, the spirit that Joseph and
What has been the starting point of all Hyrum had, or that we have here,
your afflictions? They began with apos- would say, Let us hear both sides of
tates in your midst; these disaffected the question, let us listen, and prove
spirits caused others to come in, worse all things? What do you want to

prove? Do you want to prove that an old "We are Mormons, brother Brigham."
apostate, who has been cut off from the "No, you are not," I replied. "But we have
Church thirteen times for lying, is any- been," said they, and they began to jump,
thing worthy of notice? and caper about, and dance, and their
I heard that a certain gentleman, a rags of many colors were all in motion,
picture maker in this city, when the boys to attract the attention of the people. I
would have moved away the wagon in said, "You are no Saints, you are a dis-
which this apostate was standing, be- grace to them." Said they, "We have been
came violent with them, saying, "Let this Mormons." By and by, along came some
man alone, these are Saints that are mobocrats, and they greeted them with,
persecuting (sneeringly)." We want such "How do you do, sir, I am happy to see
men to go to California, or anywhere you." They kept on that way for an hour.
they choose. I say to those persons, you I felt ashamed of them, for they were
must not court persecution here, lest you in my eyes a disgrace to "Mormonism."
get so much of it you will not know what Then I saw two ruffians, whom I knew
to do with it. D O NOT court persecu- to be mobbers and murderers, and they
tion. We have known Gladden Bishop crept into a bed, where one of my wives
for more than twenty years, and know and children were. I said, "You that call
him to be a poor, dirty curse. Here is sis- yourselves brethren, tell me, is this the
ter Vilate Kimball, brother Heber's wife, fashion among you?" They said, "O, they
has borne more from that man than any are good men, they are gentlemen." With
other woman on earth could bear; but that, I took my large bowie knife, that
she won't bear it again. I say again, I used to wear as a bosom pin in Nau-
you Gladdenites, do not court persecu- voo, and cut one of their throats from ear
tion, or you will get more than you want, to ear, saying, "Go to hell across lots."
and it will come quicker than you want The other one said, "You dare not serve
it. I say to you Bishops, do not allow me so." I instantly sprang at him, seized
them to preach in your wards. Who him by the hair of the head, and, bring-
broke the roads to these valleys? Did ing him down, cut his throat, and sent
this little nasty Smith, and his wife? him after his comrade; then told them
No, they stayed in St. Louis while we both, if they would behave themselves
did it, peddling ribbons, and kissing the they should yet live, but if they did not,
Gentiles. I know what they have done I would unjoint their necks. At this I
here—they have asked exorbitant prices awoke.
for their nasty stinking ribbons. [Voices,
"that's true."] We broke the roads to this
country. Now, you Gladdenites, keep I say, rather than that apostates
your tongues still, lest sudden destruc- should flourish here, I will unsheath my
tion come upon you. bowie knife, and conquer or die. [Great
I will tell you a dream that I had commotion in the congregation, and a
last night. I dreamed that I was in simultaneous burst of feeling, assent-
the midst of a people who were dressed ing to the declaration.] Now, you nasty
in rags and tatters, they had turbans apostates, clear out, or judgment will
upon their heads, and these were also be put to the line, and righteousness to
hanging in tatters. The rags were the plummet. [Voices, generally, "go it,
of many colors, and, when the peo- go it."] If you say it is right, raise your
ple moved, they were all in motion. hands. [All hands up.] Let us call upon
Their object in this appeared to be, to the Lord to assist us in this, and every
attract attention. Said they to me, good work.

After Alfred Smith was called upon to set time to favor Zion had come. I want
go on a mission, he would not go, and I you to hear, Bishops, what I am about
knew he would apostatize. Do you sup- to tell you. Kick these men out of your
pose that after a man has refused to ful- wards. If you want to apostatize, apos-
fil his calling, he can retain the spirit tatize, and behave yourselves. You shall
of truth, and stand? He cannot. They not disturb my peace, nor the peace of
say they believe that Joseph Smith was this people. If you want to go to Califor-
a Prophet raised up to establish the work nia, go, and serve Gladden Bishop there,
of the last days, and bring forth the Book if you wish, but disturb not this commu-
of Mormon; and thus they deceive. But if nity, or else you will find judgment is
you will examine them you will not find laid to the line. Do not court persecu-
anything but contradiction to every prin- tion, for, remember, you are not playing
ciple of truth. with shadows, but it is the voice and the
I felt to say this that I have said, hand of the Almighty you are trying to
though my throat is very sore, but I play with, and you will find yourselves
think this exercise has done it good. mistaken if you think to the contrary.
I feel to say to Jew and to Gentile,
Let this people alone in these valleys
of the mountains, or you will find that May the Lord bless you, my brethren;
which you are not looking for. We and I pray, all the time, that we may be
are on the Lord's side, and we have preserved in the truth, that when the
the tools to work with. But shall Lord has anything for us, we may be
this people sink? No. The time has ready to receive it, and thus serve Him
come that Israel shall be redeemed, all the day long. If we have not been
and they never shall be trampled un- driven far enough to enjoy peace, tell me
der foot again. Now is the time; where next we can be driven to, to find it;
Joseph told us, before he was killed, the and if apostates follow, let them follow.


L AKE C ITY, M ARCH 27 TH , 1853.


Brethren and Sisters—My feelings individual now living, as it regards the

are with those who have spoken, de- Church of the Saints in this age.
cidedly and firmly so. You have heard And I bear testimony, not only by
with reference to the experience of the the Holy Spirit, but by personal ob-
past. I have had an opportunity to servation, memory, experience, and
obtain experience in the past, and to knowledge, that what has been said
observe as much perhaps as any one is true, strictly speaking, in all

its bearings, in regard to the result of Priesthood of the Latter-day Saints,

apostasy, as it relates to persecutions, traitors to the cause that they professed
breaking up, robbing, plundering, suffer- to believe. This was the direct means
ing, and martyrdom in this world. of the suffering, and the breaking up, of
The subject that has been presented the community in Kirtland; of the break-
here by President Young, I have revolved ing up of the community in, and the ex-
over in my own mind, and reflected upon pulsion of them from, Missouri. It was
it in its order. I remember well several the direct means of this last persecu-
scenes, and the places, he referred to; tion which led to the martyrdom of the
and I do not know of one single perse- Prophet, and the destruction of many
cution, of any magnitude, that brought others; the plundering of millions, the
trouble and general distress upon the burning of our Temple, and our migra-
people of God in this age, that was not tion to this country. We came here for
brought about directly by means of those peace. We are now in a place where the
that went out from ourselves, who pro- extended desert, and snow clad moun-
fessed to be of us, if I may except the first tains, widely intervene on every side be-
trouble in Jackson County, Missouri. I tween us and our neighbors, that they
lived there at that time, and I do not per- may not tread on our toes, and that we
sonally know that apostates, or unlaw- may not tread on theirs.
ful conduct on the part of those profess- We know who led us here. It was not
ing to be Saints, was the particular agent only the Almighty God, by His match-
of bringing about that persecution. I do less providence, but by His servant—he
not know, so far as my own acquaintance that stands at the head of this people,
with the circumstances is concerned, but and those that were with him. These
that may be an exception. I do not rec- were they that led us here—that so coun-
ollect but what the world there, with- seled and arranged and organized our lo-
out aid from apostates, arose up and did cal matters, that we have been sustained
what they did. here, and have been fed, clothed, shel-
[Mr. Pratt's mind was refreshed by a tered, and preserved. We have obtained
person in the stand, that there was an our local, political rights and privileges,
apostate who wrote a book previous to and have been enabled to preserve them
that persecution.] I now recollect there inviolate in the face of all the opposition,
were some writers, among which was a lies, and slanders, which have been so in-
Mr. Booth, that had been ordained to dustriously circulated.
the Priesthood in this Church. He pub- Many of us here, as well as many
lished things well calculated to bring on who sleep in the dust, have been worn
persecution. There might have been oth- out in industriously accumulating prop-
ers also. erty, making homes, and being deprived
But I was speaking of personal ac- of them by violence and robbery. We
tors, there, in the county. It was have spent our lives in making home-
not then, as generally is the case, steads, fencing, improving, cultivating,
or as it has been since, aided by &c., without enjoying the fruits of our
those from among ourselves. In all labors.
the general persecutions, from that time to Sooner than be subjected to a repetition
the present, I do not recollect of a single of these wrongs, I, for one, would rather
instance, that the general storm was not march out today and be shot down. These
brought about by men from among ourselves, are my feelings, and have been for some
professing the name, membership, and time. Talk about liberty of conscience! Have

not men liberty of conscience here? Yes. falsehood in the name of the Lord. If
The Presbyterians, Methodists, Quak- he was tried before the Councils of the
ers, &c., have here the liberty to worship Church, he would confess that he had
God in their own way, and so has every lied, in pretending to visions, angels,
man in the world. People have the priv- and revelations, and ask forgiveness. If
ilege of apostatizing from this Church, he was excommunicated, he would join
and of worshipping devils, snakes, toads, again, &c.
or geese, if they please, and only let their I never heard of him in any other
neighbors alone. But they have not the light, but as a man or a "thing" that crept
privilege to disturb the peace, nor to en- in from time to time among the Saints,
danger life or liberty; that is the idea. If with attempts to deceive the people with
they will take that privilege, I need not one imposition or another.
repeat their doom, it has been told here His difficulty all the time was, that
today, they have been faithfully warned. the people would not be deceived by him.
I will not put him on a level with other
Why is it that these apostates wish to apostates. Where can we find one of
cram down people's stomachs that which them that has not had some influence? I
they loathe? That which they have no know of no one that had not some follow-
wish either to hear, think about, or di- ers for awhile, although none could keep
gest? If the people of a neighborhood, them; but I never knew Gladden Bishop
ward, or city, wish to speak, hear, or wor- to gain a single follower among his per-
ship, or to discuss any subject, they have sonal acquaintance. He was disfellow-
public and private buildings, school- shipped, and received on his professions
houses, churches, or assembly rooms in of repentance, so often, that the Church
abundance. Why, then, are our streets at length refused to admit him any more
disturbed by tumults, railings, slander- as a member. These apostates talk of
ous, abusive, and treasonable language, proof! Have we not proved Joseph Smith
under the name of preaching? If the to be a Prophet—a restorer, standing at
city, or a large portion of its citizens, the head of this dispensation? Have
wish to discuss any general principle, we not proved the Priesthood which he
here is the Tabernacle, and yonder is the placed upon others by the command of
State House, or the Theater—all owned God?
by the people, and under their control. I see no ground, then, to prove or
Where is the need, then, of preaching to investigate the calling of an apostate,
in the streets. But where is the city who has always been trying to impose
or community to be found, who wish to upon this people. It is too late in the day
discuss that which they already know for us to stop to inquire whether such an
and understand? As to this man, or outcast has the truth.
rather "thing," called Gladden Bishop, We have truths already developed,
unfulfilled by us—unacted upon. There
and his pretended visions and revelations, I are more truths poured out from the
know him of old. I knew him in Ohio, some
eternal fountain, already, than our
eighteen or twenty years ago. I remember his
minds can contain, or than we have
name. My memory is poor in names, many of
you know; but when there is something asso- places and preparations to carry out.
ciated with a name, that stamps it strongly And yet we are called upon to prove—
on my mind, I am not apt to forget it. I what? Whether an egg that was known
scarcely ever heard that name in my life, that to be rotten fifteen years ago, has really
it was not associated with some imposition or improved by reason of age!!

"You are going to be destroyed," say everything else, but they wish the liberty
they, "destruction awaits this City!" Well! to stab you to the heart.
What if we are? We are as able to be It is policy not to wait till you are
destroyed as any people living. What killed, but act on the defensive while you
care we whether we are destroyed or not? still live. I have said enough on this sub-
These old tabernacles will die of them- ject.
selves, if let alone.
We have nothing to fear on that head, I rejoice in living with this people.
for we are as well prepared to die as to As brother Kimball said, this was his
live. One thing we have heard today, and heaven. It is mine. There might be a bet-
I am glad to hear it. We shall not be de- ter people, but we can't find them—they
stroyed in the old way—as we have been are not known upon the earth, in mortal
heretofore. We shall have a change in flesh. If we find a better people we shall
the manner, at least. We shall proba- have to wait till people grow better.
bly be destroyed standing, this time, and If we should find a better people be-
not in a sitting or lying position. We can fore ourselves are grown better, we could
die as well as others who are not as well not live among them, and that would be
prepared! I am glad that while we do the hell of it. We have found a people
live we shall not submit to be yoked or as good as we are, and we are agreed
saddled like a dumb ass. We shall not to live together. The light of truth has
stand still to see men, women, and chil- united us, and the spirit has baptized
dren murdered, robbed, plundered, and us into a degree of oneness. The world
driven any more, as in the States hereto- thinks we are one in the highest sense
fore. Nor does God require it at our of the term; but God sees that there is
hands. That is the best news we have much room for us to improve in one-
heard today. ness. Where shall we begin to improve? I
You may say, Wait till an enemy don't know of anything better calculated
forms a league with others for your de- to improve our union than to have some
struction. We would do this, if we did not wide meshes in the net, to let those slip
know the spirit that actuates our ene- through who don't wish to be gathered,
mies. Ignorant of this, we might sit down and to unite with the rest. There is an
and wait till men did actually cut our accumulation here of the good and the
throats, in order to prove them. But if bad, the chaff and the wheat, the tares
you will manifest to me a spirit in any and the good grain, the good and bad fish
person, I will tell you where that spirit which the Gospel net gathers. The only
leads, and so can President Young and safe way is for the good and bad to be
his Counselors, and every true-hearted separated. I like to see the roads open,
Saint who has experience in the opera- the snow disappear from the canyons,
tions of spiritual powers. We will try to that spirits not congenial to the Gospel
act in time, and not suffer the spirit of of peace may go as many roads as there
destruction to ripen in our midst. are points of the compass. Such move-
It is not enough for people to have ments give opportunity for the Saints to
liberty to worship according to sec- draw the cords of union still closer. May
tarianism, Judaism, heathenism, and God bless you all. Amen.




As there is more time which remains with it, carries conviction to his mind
to be improved this morning, I will offer that it may be true, although, through
a few remarks to the congregation, feel- the influence of the world, of evil associ-
ing thankful for this privilege, and for all ations in life, or the instigations of the
others that I enjoy from day to day. enemy of all righteousness, those con-
victions and impressions may be swept
away, which, if exercised at the time, in
We have had the pleasure this morn- sincerity, with full purpose of heart to
ing of hearing the truth of the work of know the truth, would have substanti-
the last days declared, with the testi- ated the matter to his entire satisfaction.
mony of one of the servants of the Lord A weight of testimony always accompa-
(Ira Ames), who has had an experience nies the promulgation of the Gospel of
of twenty years in this Church. There Salvation.
are many others who also have had a Brother Ames has said that "'Mor-
lengthy experience, and some who have monism' will progress." If it does not,
not had more than six months' trial, God will be dethroned, for when He un-
but who have, in that short time, ob- dertakes to do anything, it will be done,
tained an experience which has given notwithstanding every opposing influ-
them sufficient information to satisfy ence. When the wicked have power to
them that there is a God in this work, blow out the sun, that it shines no more;
that a Supreme Power has attended the when they have power to bring to a con-
Gospel of salvation, or what is called clusion the operations of the elements,
"Mormonism," from its rise to this day. suspend the whole system of nature, and
I say to all, both Saint and sinner, that make a footstool of the throne of the
there is not an individual who has heard Almighty, they may then think to check
the sound of the Gospel of Salvation, the "Mormonism" in its course, and thwart
report of this work of the last days, of the unalterable purposes of heaven. Men
the coming forth of the Book of Mor- may persecute the people who believe
mon, and of the mission of Joseph Smith, its doctrines, report and publish lies
but the Spirit of the Lord in a greater to bring tribulation upon their heads,
or less degree accompanied that report earth and hell may unite in one grand
with power, and with the testimony of league against it, and exert their mali-
its truth, no matter as to the character cious powers to the utmost, but it will
of the individual, nor yet whether he ad- stand as firm and immovable in the
mits and embraces the truth. If he has midst of it all as the pillars of eter-
heard it in its simplicity and purity, the nity. Men may persecute the Prophet,
weight of testimony which it bears along and those who believe and uphold

him, they may drive the Saints and kill life with them, you will find that their
them, but this does not affect the truths lives throughout have been well spent,
of "Mormonism" one iota, for they will full of faith, hope, charity, and good
stand when the elements melt with fer- works, as far as they have had the abil-
vent heat, the heavens are wrapt up ity. These are the ones who will win the
like a scroll, and the solid earth is dis- race, conquer in the battle, and obtain
solved. "Mormonism" stands upon the the peace and righteousness of eternity.
eternal basis of omnipotence. Jehovah I would inquire if the congregation
is the "Mormonism" of this people, their recollect the text for the season. Let ev-
Priesthood and their power; and all who ery man who preaches it act according
adhere to it, will, in the appointed day, to it himself. If those who speak, do so
come up into the presence of the King by the Spirit of the Lord, they will speak
Eternal, and receive a crown of life. according to the text, for it is impossible
While speaking the other day to the ever to depart from it if they remain in
people, I observed that "the race was not the truth. If they live to it, their whole
to the swift, nor the battle to the strong," lives will aim directly to the one grand
neither riches to men of wisdom. I hap- object, namely, to be encircled, wrapt up,
pened to cast my eyes upon Ira Ames, and surrounded with the knowledge of
who was sitting in the congregation, I God; that will make them one (according
knew he had been in the Church a con- to the text), prepare them to do unto oth-
siderable length of time, I have been per- ers as they would that others should do
sonally acquainted with him for twenty unto them, to keep the whole law of the
years. My eye also caught many more of Father and the Son, and all the laws of
the first Saints at the same time. These the Celestial Kingdom which have been,
men know that "Mormonism" is true, or ever will be, revealed, and to meet the
they have moved steadily forward, and Savior at his coming.
have not sought to become noted char- It yields solid satisfaction to hear
acters, as many have; but, unseen as it men testify of the truth of the Gospel.
were, they have maintained their foot- It is always peculiarly interesting to
ing steadily in the right path. I could me to hear the Saints tell their expe-
place my hand upon many in this con- rience. It is to me one of the best of
gregation, who will win the race, though sermons to hear men and women re-
they are not very swift, to outward ap- late to each other how the Lord has
pearance, and they make not great pre- wrought upon their understanding, and
tensions; they are found continually at- brought them into the path of truth,
tending to their own business. They life, and salvation. I would rather hear
do not appear to be great warriors, or men tell their own experience, and tes-
as if they were likely to win the bat- tify that Joseph was a Prophet of the
tle. But what is their true charac- Lord, and that the Book of Mormon, the
ter? They have faith today, they are Bible, and other revelations of God, are
filled with faith, their words are few, true; that they know it by the gift and
but they are full of integrity. You will power of God; that they have conversed
find them tomorrow as they were yester- with angels, have had the power of the
day, or are today. Visit them when you Holy Ghost upon them, giving them vi-
will, or under whatever circumstances, sions and revelations, than hear any
and you find them unalterably the same; other kind of preaching that ever saluted
and finally when you have spent your my ears. If I could command the lan-

guage and eloquence of the angels of esting and instructive to them. But the
God, I would tell you why, but the elo- case is quite different with those whose
quence of angels never can convince any minds are not opened and instructed by
person that God lives, and makes truth the power of God. Sermonizing, divid-
the habitation of his throne, indepen- ing, and subdividing subjects, and build-
dent of that eloquence being clothed with ing up a fine superstructure, a fanciful
the power of the Holy Ghost; in the ab- and aerial building, calculated to fasci-
sence of this, it would be a combination nate the mind, coupled with the choic-
of useless sounds. What is it that con- est eloquence of the world, will produce
vinces man? It is the influence of the no good to them. The sentiments of my
Almighty, enlightening his mind, giving mind, and the manner of my life, are
instruction to the understanding. When to obtain knowledge by the power of the
that which inhabits this body, that which Holy Ghost.
came from the regions of glory, is en- If all the talent, tact, wisdom, and re-
lightened by the influence, power, and finement of the world had been sent to
Spirit of the Father of light, it swallows me with the Book of Mormon, and had
up the organization which pertains to declared, in the most exalted of earthly
this world. Those who are governed by eloquence, the truth of it, undertaking
this influence lose sight of all things per- to prove it by learning and worldly wis-
taining to mortality, they are wholly in- dom, they would have been to me like
fluenced by the power of eternity, and the smoke which arises only to vanish
lose sight of time. All the honor, wis- away. But when I saw a man without
dom, strength, and whatsoever is consid- eloquence, or talents for public speak-
ered desirable among men, yea, all that ing, who could only say, "I know, by
pertains to this organization, which is in the power of the Holy Ghost, that the
any way independent of that which came Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph
from the Father of our spirits, is obliter- Smith is a Prophet of the Lord," the
ated to them, and they hear and under- Holy Ghost proceeding from that individ-
stand by the same power and spirit that ual illuminated my understanding, and
clothe the Deity, and the holy beings in light, glory, and immortality were be-
His presence. Anything besides that in- fore me. I was encircled by them, filled
fluence, will fail to convince any person with them, and I knew for myself that
of the truth of the Gospel of salvation. the testimony of the man was true. But
This is the reason why I love to hear men the wisdom of the world, I say again,
testify to the various operations of the is like smoke, like the fog of the night,
Holy Spirit upon them—it is at once in- that disappears before the rays of the lu-
teresting and instructive. When a sub- minary of day, or like the hoarfrost in
ject is treated upon with all the calcula- the warmth of the sun's rays. My own
tion, method, tact, and cunning of men, judgment, natural endowments, and
with the effusions of worldly eloquence, education bowed to this simple, but mighty
before a congregation endowed with the testimony. There sits the man who bap-
power of the Holy Ghost, and filled with tized me (brother Eleazer Miller.) It
the light of eternity, they can understand filled my system with light, and my soul
with joy. The world, with all its wis-
the subject, trace its bearings, place all
dom and power, and with all the glory
its parts where they belong, and dispose and gilded show of its kings or potentates,
of it according to the unalterable laws sinks into perfect insignificance, compared
of truth. This makes all subjects inter- with the simple, unadorned testimony of the

servant of God. Jesus said, "Consider ther state of existence invisible to the
the lilies of the field," behold the splen- natural eye; of the influence that pro-
did, yet simple beauty of their clothing; duces an effect without revealing the
even Solomon, the greatest, and wisest cause, and is therefore called a mira-
of earthly kings, who swayed his scepter cle. You are already acquainted with my
so as to be admired and feared by all views upon the doctrine of miracles. In
nations—he, in all his glory could not reality there can be no miracle, only to
compare with one of these lilies, which the ignorant. There are spiritual agents,
you can sever from its native stem, with invisible to the natural eye, not only in
the least effort, admire for a moment, us, but in the elements, in the heavens
and then toss it from you. All that is above, and in the earth beneath, who are
considered valuable, precious, glorious, continually producing effects, the cause
or magnificent among men, cannot even of which we cannot comprehend.
compare with that lily, which you tread
under your feet, for beauty and excellence. Does the experience of this people
The glory of man is fleeting as the teach them what that is, which causes
twilight, and like the "baseless fabric" men and women to speak that which is
of a dream, it vanishes away. It is fitly wrong? Many of them, but not all, under-
compared in the Scriptures to the flower stand it tolerably well. Paul could not ex-
of the grass when it is cut down, which plain it though he was one of Gamaliel's
withers and is gone forever, but when the household servants, and probably swept
Almighty sheds forth His Spirit upon an his house, or cleaned his sandals. How-
individual, or upon a people, the vision ever, he had an opportunity of learn-
of their mind is opened, so as to discern ing much, but, with all his learning
between the things pertaining to this or- and talent, he could not explain this
ganization, and those pertaining to or- matter any better than his uneducated
ganizations which are brought forth in brethren. When he would seek the Lord
other spheres, all things are made new with all his heart, he found something
to them, for all things in the heavens in the way, which endeavored to over-
and on the earth are in the power of come him, and block up his path, when
the Almighty, and can only be revealed he pursued the course of righteousness;
unto mortals, in their proper light, by the and the only way he could explain it was
power of the Holy Ghost. by saying "when I would do good, evil is
While brother Ames was relating his present with me." This evil is with us,
experience previous to believing and em- it is that influence which tempts to sin,
bracing the faith of the Gospel, and the and which has been permitted to come
few words of conversation that passed into the world for the express purpose of
between him and brother George Cur- giving us an opportunity of proving our-
tis, this question occurred to my mind— selves before God, before Jesus Christ
"What causes men and women, whose our elder brother, before the holy an-
minds have been unaccustomed to re- gels, and before all good men, that we
flect upon theological subjects, to speak are determined to overcome the evil, and
so intelligently as soon as the Spirit of cleave to the good, for the Lord has given
the Lord touches their understanding?" us the ability to do so. Consequently,
The experience of most of the congrega- when the evil is present with me, I have
tion can answer this question. You are a little fighting to do, I must turn and
the oracle of the Spirit, the repository combat it until it is eradicated from my
of the intelligence that comes from ano- affections, as well as from my actions,

that I may have power to do all the good it be done in a spirit of reflection, never
I wish to perform. Every person is capa- again act in haste, but let your action al-
ble of this, all can bridle their tongues, ways be the result of mature consider-
and cease from every evil act from this ation. "Do not hurry me," is one of the
time henceforth and forever, and do good prominent characteristics of my history.
instead. I frequently exhort the brethren not to be
There is an old maxim, and in many in a hurry, for we shall not stop here, we
cases an excellent one, it is, "think twice are only hunting for the grave, and there
before you speak, and three times be- is no fear but we shall find it.
fore you act." If we train ourselves to We have embraced the Gospel, and
think what we are about to do, before are professedly Latter-day Saints, but
we do it, and have understanding to evil will introduce itself in the midst of
know, and power to perform the good, my brethren, then I have frequently to
we can thereby avoid the evil that is chastise them. There are two thousand
present with us. When the enemy makes persons in this assembly, and if only half
war with me, I am thrown on the de- a dozen of them have done wrong, I could
fensive, and if I use my weapons skill- not chastise them without appearing to
fully, and with firmness of purpose, my chastise the whole congregation, which
antagonist must yield to me the victory, in reality is not so. By chastising the
the Lord being my helper. The Scrip- guilty, however, it is impossible to spot
tures say—"Rebuke the devil, and he will the conscience of good men and women,
flee from you." This is the duty of ev- whose hearts are clean and pure as a
ery Saint. When evil is present with piece of white paper.
us, we must overcome it, or be overcome The Lord will help those who help
by it. When the devil is in our hearts, themselves to do right. Should the peo-
tempting us to do that which is wrong, ple be determined from this time hence-
we must resist him or be led captive by forth, never to do anything but good, and
him. When brother Ames, without giv- should go forth to build up the King-
ing himself time to pause or think, said dom of God, doing everything in their
to the person who presented the Gospel power to promote the cause of truth, and
to him—"I do not want to hear one word never do another wrong, it would be but
about 'Mormonism,'" it was the evil in a short time before this people would be
him that caused him so to speak. Man a holy people, sanctified unto the Lord.
is endowed with power and wisdom suffi- We are already the best people on earth,
cient, if he will exercise them, to hush to but we can still improve, we are made
silence his tongue, and cause his hands for that purpose, our capacities are or-
to cease their operations. His feet may be ganized to expand until we can receive
swift to shed blood, but he has power to into our comprehension celestial knowl-
pause, and combat and conquer the en- edge and wisdom, and to continue worlds
emy; for good is present with him also, without end.
and he is influenced in a greater or less There is another thought which
degree, by the Spirit of the Lord. You strikes my mind at this moment, upon
experience these two opposites of good which it will perhaps be well enough
and evil in yourselves every day you live, to throw out a few ideas. It has
you are tried, tempted, and overtaken been, and is now, believed by numer-
in sin, by saying and doing that which ous individuals, that the brute creation,
is wrong. Now from this time, hence- by increase in knowledge and wisdom,
forth, pause, and, whatever you do, let change their physical or bodily organi-

zation, through numerous states of exis- crease, and to grow in grace and truth.
tence, so that the minutest insect, in the The operation once begun, strict obedi-
lapse of time, can take to itself the hu- ence to the requirements of heaven is
man form, and vice versa. This is one necessary to obtain the end for which we
of the most inconsistent ideas that could were created, therefore let us commence
be possibly entertained in the mind of to do the will of God in earnest from this
man; it is called the transmigration of time henceforth. Let the child, when he
souls. It is enough for me to know that comes to understanding, and the father
mankind are made to improve them- communicates his will to him, say, "Fa-
selves. All creation, visible and invis- ther, from this time, henceforth and for-
ible, is the workmanship of our God, ever, I will do thy will." So it has been,
the supreme Architect and Ruler of the beginning with Father Adam, and so it
whole, who organized the world, and cre- will continue to be the duty of his poster-
ated every living thing upon it, to act ity who will be sanctified, and enter into
in its sphere and order. To this end the celestial kingdom. This will cause
has He ordained all things to increase every person to do unto others as they
and multiply. The Lord God Almighty would that others should do unto them,
has decreed this principle to be the great and will make them as pure and holy in
governing law of existence, and for that their sphere as God is in His. Commence
purpose are we formed. Furthermore, with it, go through the veil into eternity
if men can understand and receive it, with it, and still continue, and the end
mankind are organized to receive intel- thereof no man on earth knoweth, nor
ligence until they become perfect in the the angels in heaven.
sphere they are appointed to fill, which Nothing short of the Holy Ghost will
is far ahead of us at present. When we do us any lasting good. I told you, in the
use the term perfection, it applies to man beginning of my remarks, the truth as it
in his present condition, as well as to is in heaven, and on earth; as it is with
heavenly beings. We are now, or may be, angels, with Prophets, with all good peo-
as perfect in our sphere as God and An- ple, and with every sinner that dwells
gels are in theirs, but the greatest intel- upon the earth. There is not a man or
ligence in existence can continually as- woman that loves the truth, who has
cend to greater heights of perfection. heard the report of the Book of Mormon,
but the Spirit of the Almighty has tes-
We are created for the express pur- tified to him or her of its truth; neither
pose of increase. There are none, cor- has any man heard the name of Joseph
rectly organized, but can increase from Smith, but the Spirit has whispered to
birth to old age. What is there that is him—"He is a true Prophet."
not ordained after an eternal law of ex- God has raised up a Prophet, brought
istence? It is the Deity within us that forth the Book of Mormon, influenced
causes increase. Does this idea startle the people to lay the foundation of
you? Are you ready to exclaim, "What! his kingdom, taking two of a nation,
the Supreme in us!" Yes. He is in every and one of a family. When a per-
person upon the face of the earth. The son is worked upon by the Spirit to
elements that every individual is made believe the truth of the Gospel, the
of and lives in, possess the Godhead. Devil tells him it is a falsehood. And
This you cannot now understand, but again, "the loss of my good name" ex-
you will hereafter. The Deity within us is ercises a powerful influence against a
the great principle that causes us to in- person's embracing the truth, for if

he determines to adhere to "Mor- is to see the inhabitants of the earth ac-

monism," his unbelieving friends take it knowledge God, bow down to Him, and
for granted that he is deluded. There- confess His supremacy, and His righ-
fore, but a few prove themselves worthy teous covenant. To Him let every knee
of the truth by taking the right path. bow, and every tongue confess, and let
Nearly all the world pursue their own all creation say Amen to His wise prov-
path, they will not believe the truth idences. Let every person declare his
when it is declared to them, nor see allegiance to God, and then live to it,
the light when it is before their eyes, saying—"As for me and my house we will
but they close their eyes, harden their serve the Lord. As for me, and all I have,
hearts, and would rather believe a lie it is the Lord's, and shall be dedicated
that they may be damned. to Him all my days." If this can be done,
I am experimentally conversant with happiness is here, angels are here, God is
the history of this Church further back here, and we are wrapped in the visions
than brother Ames is, and he commenced of eternity. But I am not the Lord, and
in 1830. At that time it was said, "Mor- can do nothing more than others of His
monism must be put down," but IT IS servants. I can do good myself, and my
NOW LARGER THAN EVER ! They can brethren and sisters can do the same; we
only kill the body, and "Mormonism" is can unitedly keep His commandments,
not altered by that in the least. The and do His will. This is all I desire, to
Prophet Joseph was the oracle through make me happy here, and feel as well as
which God spoke; they slew his body, I can in my mortal body. When I see an
but "Mormonism" is still the same. Had Elder in Israel who is looked up to, who
"Mormonism" been a falsehood, the Devil stands high in the Kingdom of God, do-
and the world, instead of fighting against ing something to tarnish his own char-
it, would have sustained and built it up. acter, and that of others, it grieves my
Perhaps I have said enough to the spirit; but when I can see all the people
brethren at this time. It would give filled with the knowledge of God, then all
me much pleasure if we could prevail is peace, all is happiness with me.
on all the inhabitants of these valleys,
on the inhabitants of the whole earth
and on ourselves, to cease to do evil May the Lord help us to live our reli-
and learn to do well; that is all I could gion, from this time henceforth and for-
wish or ask for. All I desire to live for ever. Amen.



Great Salt Lake City, October Term, 1851.


Please the court, and gentlemen the learned, or to the technical policy
of the jury—With the blessing of the of modern times; be that as it may, the
Almighty, although not in a proper state plain simple truth is what I am aiming
of health, I feel disposed to offer a few at.
reasons, and to present a few arguments, I am happy to behold an intelligent
and perhaps a few authorities, upon the jury, who are looking for justice instead
point in question. In the first place, I will of some dark, sly, or technical course by
say, gentlemen of the Jury, you will have which to bias their judgment. I shall re-
to bear with me in my manner of commu- fer in the first instance to an item of law,
nication, being but a new member of the which was quoted by the learned pros-
bar, and unaccustomed to addressing a ecutor yesterday, in which he stated to
Jury. The case upon which I am called to this jury, that the person killed should
address you is one of no small moment. be, or must be, a reasonable creature.
It is one which presents before you, and Now what dark meaning, what unknown
to investigate which involves, the life of interpretation the learned and deep-read
a fellow citizen. men of law may give by which to inter-
pret this language, it is impossible for me
I am not prepared to refer to authori-
to say; as I said before, it is the plain
ties on legal points, as I would have been
mountain English I profess to talk. It
had not the trial been so hasty; but as
was admitted on the part of the prose-
it is, I shall present my arguments upon
cution, that James Monroe, who is al-
a plain, simple principle of reasoning.
leged in this indictment to have been
Not being acquainted with the dead lan-
killed by Howard Egan, had seduced
guages, I shall simply talk the common
Egan's wife; that he had come into this
mountain English, without reference to
place in the absence of her husband, and
anything that may be technical. All I
had seduced his family, in consequence
want is simple truth and justice. This de-
of which, an illegitimate child had been
fendant asks not his life, if he deserves to
brought into the world; and the disgrace
die; but if he has done nothing but an act
which must arise from such a transac-
of justice, he wishes that justice awarded
tion in his family, had fallen on the head
to him.
of the defendant. This was admitted
It is highly probable that the man- by the prosecution. Now, gentlemen of
ner in which I may present my ar- the jury, according to plain mountain
guments, may be exceptionable to English, a reasonable creature will not

commit such an outrage upon his fellow justice, and if I can illustrate this to their
man; that is the plain positive truth, as understanding, one point is gained, so
we understand things. far as it has a bearing upon this case.
But, perhaps, this defendant is to be The laws of the twelve tables were
tried by the laws of England, and per- formed for a people possessing the Greek
haps in England they have a different refinements and Greek ideas, Greek no-
understanding of the passage. Suppose tions of right and wrong; these laws
I admit it for argument's sake. It was were made according to a genius of lib-
a point repeatedly argued and decided erty known among that ripened confed-
by Chancellor Kent, that every honest eracy. They were brought to Rome, to a
man was a lawyer, and that the intent people entirely different in their genius,
of the law was to do justice. The Statute who placed different values upon differ-
or Organic Law of Utah, which extends ent points, and had different views of
the laws of the United States, and sec- right and wrong; they had to put them in
ondly, in a degree, the laws of Eng- force: and, let me ask you, what was the
land, over this country, makes a reser- result? Read the pages of history, and
vation in the matter, which reservation hundreds of mourning families will tell
I wish you to consider favorably, for the the sad tale! The truth is written with
benefit of my client—"The laws of the the blood of thousands, through taking
United States are hereby extended, and the rules, laws, and regulations of an
decreed to be in force for said territory, so old and rotten confederacy, and apply-
far as the same or any provision thereof ing them to a new and flourishing ter-
may be applicable." Now we do not con- ritory! I argue, then, that these laws,
sider the wise legislators extended these which may have force in Old England,
laws over this territory, only that they are totally inapplicable to plain moun-
should be extended where they should tain men.
be applicable; they no doubt supposed I want to inquire whether the ge-
they might not be applicable in certain nius, and the spirit, and the actual
cases, and therefore wisely inserted that existing principle of justice and right,
clause. Then, if a law is to be in force which abide in the inhabitants of these
upon us, it must be plain and simple to mountains, are the same as those found
the understanding, and be applicable to among the nations of the old world? And
our situation. whether such an application of law and
justice as that I have just noticed is ap-
I will quote history instead of law. plicable to us?
I will go back to the time when Rome In England, when a man seduces
was a young and flourishing state; when the wife or relative of another, the in-
in the midst of prosperity they thought jured enters a civil suit for damages,
proper to procure a code of laws; and which may perhaps cost him five hun-
being wilderness men, they sent to the dred pounds, to get his case through;
wise and learned Greeks for a code of and, as a matter of course, if he un-
laws. The wisest lawyers of Greece were fortunately belongs to the toiling mil-
selected, who formed first a code writ- lion, he may get twenty pounds as
ten upon ten tables, and finally added damages. In this case, character is
two others, which were received by the not estimated, neither reputation, but
Roman Senate. Now I wish you to the number of pounds, shillings, and pence
understand me as bringing this up by alone bear the sway, which is common in
way of illustration, knowing that these courts of all old and rotten governments.
men before me are sworn to execute In taking this point into considera-

tion, I argue that in this territory it is a will hide away; but will a man be called a
principle of mountain common law, that reasonable creature, when he knows the
no man can seduce the wife of another executioner is on his track, and at the
without endangering his own life. I may same time walk right over the law, crawl
be asked for books. Common law is, in re- between the sheets of a fellow citizen,
ality, unwritten law; and all the common and there lay his crocodile eggs, and then
law that has been written is the decision think to stow away gunpowder in a glow-
of courts; and every time some new de- ing furnace? If we are called upon here
cision comes up, it is written, which you to say whether a reasonable creature has
may find stacked up in the Attorney Gen- been killed, a negative reply is certain.
eral's office, in Great Britain. This is Not Mr. Horner only, who has testi-
continuing: fresh decisions are still be- fied that he knew the cause of the deed,
ing made, and new written authorities but a number of others. When the news
added, and precedent upon precedent es- reached Iron County, that Egan's wife
tablished in the courts of the United had been seduced by Monroe, the uni-
States and Great Britain; and must we versal conclusion was, "there has to be
be judged by these ten thousand books? another execution;" and if Howard Egan
What is natural justice with this peo- had not killed that man, he would have
ple? Does a civil suit for damages answer been damned by the community forever,
the purpose, not with an isolated individ- and could not have lived peaceably, with-
ual, but with this whole community? No! out the frown of every man. Now we see
It does not! The principle, the only one that the laws of England only require a
that beats and throbs through the heart civil suit for damages, in a case of seduc-
of the entire inhabitants of this Territory, tion; but are these laws to be applied to
is simply this: The man who seduces his us who inhabit these mountain heights?
neighbor's wife must die, and her nearest The idea is preposterous. You might as
relative must kill him! well think of applying to us the law of
Call up the testimony of the witness, England which pertains to the sovereign
Mr. Horner, and what does he say? Af- lady, the Queen, alone. I will apply it,
ter Mr. Egan had killed Monroe, he was and with much better sense: "To seduce
the first one to meet him. Egan said, the sovereign lady, the Queen, is death
"Do you know the cause?" Mr. Horner by the law." I will say, here, in our own
had been made acquainted with it; he Territory, we are the sovereign people,
said he advised Monroe, and told him and to seduce the wife of a citizen is
for God's sake to leave the train, for death by the common law.
he did not wish to see him killed in There is no doubt but this case may
his train. Mr. Horner knew the com- be questioned, but there is an Ameri-
mon law of this Territory: he was ac- can common law, as well as an English
quainted with the genius and spirit of common law. Had I the books before
this people: he knew that Monroe's life me, which are at hand in the public
was forfeited, and the executor was af- library, I might show you parallel in-
ter him, or he (the executor) was damned stances in the United States, where per-
in the eyes of this people forever. "Do sons standing in a like position to this
leave the train," says Horner; "I would defendant have been cleared. I will refer
not have you travel in it for a thou- to the case of "New Jersey v. Mercer," for
sand dollars." Was Monroe a reasonable killing Hibberton, the seducer of his sis-
creature? A dog that steals a bone ter. The circumstance took place upon a

public ferryboat, where Hibberton was famy, and compelled to linger out a
shot in a close carriage in the most pub- short existence, and ultimately covers
lic manner. After repeated jury sittings her shame, seeking repose in a prema-
upon his case, the decision was NOT ture grave; and this is the spirit and
GUILTY . We will allow this to be set down genius, not only of the people of Great
as a precedent, and, if you please, call it Britain, but of some of the States also.
American common law. I will refer to an- How is it here in these mountains, where
other case: that of "Louisiana v. Horton," the genius, spirit, and regulations of so-
for the killing of the seducer of his sister. ciety are different from those old na-
The jury in this case also found the pris- tions? Why, men are under the neces-
oner NOT GUILTY. This is the common sity of respecting female chastity, when
practice in the United States, that a man a seducer is no more secure abroad than
who kills the seducer of his relative is set the dog is that is found killing sheep. Fe-
free. male virtue is not protected by those old
A case of this kind came under my governments; but they are corrupt insti-
own observation in Kentucky. A man, for tutions, which prostitute and destroy the
taking the life of the seducer of his sis- female character and race.
ter, was tried and acquitted, although he Just consider this matter. Are the
did the deed in the presence of hundreds law, the genius, the spirit, and the in-
of persons: he shot him not more than stitutions of a people who go in for pre-
ten feet from the Court House. I saw the serving inviolate—in perfect innocence,
prosecutor, and conversed with him, and the chastity of the entire female sex—are
have a knowledge of the leading facts. I they to compare with the spirit and the
bring these instances before the jury, to genius of communities that only value it
show that there are parallel cases to the by a few dimes? Is that law to be exe-
one before us in American jurisprudence; cuted on us? I say that the Congress of
and yet, in some of the States a civil suit the United States have wisely provided
for damages will answer the purpose. that the laws of the United States shall
not extend over us any further than that
Walker, on this subject, for instance,
they are applicable.
in the State of Ohio, tells us in cases of
The Jury will please to excuse my
this kind a civil suit may be instituted,
manner of treating this matter: I am
and a fine be imposed; the civil suit may
but a young lawyer—this is my first case,
bring damages according to the charac-
and the first time I ever undertook to
ter of the person, and that is considered
talk to a Jury in a court of justice. I say,
an equivalent for the crime. What is the
in my own manner of talking upon the
reason that these civil suits are tried in
point before you, a fellow citizen, known
this way? It is because the spirit which
among us for years, is tried for his life;
actually reigns in these rotten and over-
and for what? For the justified killing of
grown countries is to prostitute female
a hyena, that entered his sheets, seduced
his wife, and introduced a monster into
Go to the cities of Great Britain his family! And to be tried, too, by the
where the census reports between two laws of a government ten thousand miles
and three hundred thousand prosti- from here!
tutes: if a man seduces a female, no If Howard Egan did kill James Mon-
matter how it occurs, a few pence is roe, it was in accordance with the es-
all the scoundrel pays. He damns tablished principles of justice known
the woman, who is consigned to in- in these mountains. That the people

of this Territory would have regarded I have been admitted to speak be-
him as accessory to the crimes of that fore this intelligent court, for which I
creature, had he not done it, is also a feel grateful; and I come before you, not
plain case. Every man knew the style for the pence of that gentleman, the de-
of old Israel, that the nearest relation fendant, but to plead for the honor and
would be at his heels to fulfil the require- rights of this whole people, and the de-
ments of justice. fendant in particular; and, gentlemen of
the jury, with the limited knowledge I
Now I wish you, gentlemen of the
have of law, were I a juryman, I would lie
jury, to consider that the United States
in the jury room until the worms should
have not got the jurisdiction to hang that
draw me through the keyhole, before I
man for this offense: the laws are not ap-
would give in my verdict to hang a man
plicable to it; they have ceded away the
for doing an act of justice, for the neglect
power to do that thing: it belongs to the
of which he would have been damned in
people of this territory; and, as a mat-
the eyes of this whole community.
ter of course, we deny the right of this
I make this appeal to you, that you
court to hang this defendant, on princi-
may give unto us a righteous verdict,
ples that have been ceded away to some-
which will acquit Mr. Egan, that it may
body else to act upon.
be known that the man who shall in-
For instance, the learned attorney for sinuate himself into the community, and
the prosecution read a certain item in seduce his neighbor's wife, or seduce or
the law of the United States yesterday prostitute any female, may expect to find
to the jury, that they might know how no more protection than the wolf would
to act. Now this is presented to us find, or the dog that the shepherd finds
as a case of exclusive jurisdiction, and, killing the sheep: that he may be made
as a matter of course, no common law aware that he cannot escape for a mo-
must be brought in, but we are called ment.
upon to hang a man according to the God said to Cain, I will put a mark
customs of a nation ten thousand miles upon you, that no man may kill you.
from here, whose principles, organiza- I want the crocodile, the hyena, that
tion, spirit, ideas of right and wrong, would destroy the reputation of our fe-
of crime and justice, are quite different males to feel that the mark is upon him;
from those which prevail in this young and the avenger upon his path, ready to
and flourishing territory. To enforce pounce upon him at any moment to take
these laws would be highly pernicious vengeance; and this, that the chastity of
to our prosperity as a people, and as a our women, our wives and daughters,
nation. Therefore, Congress has wisely may be preserved: that the community
provided that the people of this territory may rest in peace, and no more be an-
should not be thus imposed upon; for in- noyed by such vile depredations.
stance, as long ago as Sept. 9, 1850, Should the jury feel it their duty
they passed an act providing for the or- to return a verdict in favor of the
ganization of a judiciary, that an origi- defense, you are aware that you are
nal jurisdiction should be acknowledged, borne out in this by the precedents
as far as the same be applicable to us, already set up by the Courts of the
AND NO FURTHER . This act of killing has United States in the few instances I
been committed within the Territory of have noticed; that the jurisdiction of the
Utah, and is not therefore under the ex- United States extending to this case,
clusive jurisdiction of the United States. does not exist; that the laws of the

United States do not apply to it at all; was unable to take hold of this business
and as men who look for justice, as in- so as to treat it in a manner to satisfy
telligent lawyers, knowing what is right myself, and do justice to the case of my
and wrong, must know, that a verdict, client; and I would say further, what I
such as the defendant desires, will alone have said has been in my own moun-
bear justly on the case. tain English; what the learned prosecu-
I feel very thankful to the honor- tor may be able to show I cannot tell;
able court, and to the jury, as also to enough has been said to show you that
the spectators, for the audience given this defendant has a right, upon just and
me; and, as I said, in the commence- pure principles, to be acquitted.
ment, my health not being good, I




Gentlemen of the Jury—The grand crime has been committed, the offender
jury, called and sworn on behalf of the shall be punished by due course of law,
United States, having presented an in- but not otherwise. We have no right
dictment against Howard Egan, for the to punish a person for a real or imag-
murder of James Monroe—it becomes inary wrong, except with the author-
our duty to proceed with the case, and ity of law. The safety of ourselves in-
if he should be convicted or found guilty dividually, and of society, depends on
of violating the laws of the United States the correct and faithful administration
in this behalf, to pass sentence against of good and wholesome laws. No one
him. For the purpose of determining ought to be punished unless he be guilty
the facts, you have been empanelled of an act worthy of punishment, nor
and sworn to give a true verdict ac- even then, unless that act has been de-
cording to the evidence which should be clared to be penal by the law of the land,
given you in court. You will readily and the punishment directed, nor until
see that your duty is important. It is he has had an opportunity of having a
the right of the United States, the right fair and impartial trial, for, peradven-
of the citizens of this territory, and the ture, he may not be guilty as alleged
right of the defendant, to insist that you against him. If the law suffered a per-
shall now discharge that duty without son to be punished upon mere rumor, or
fear, affection, or partiality. It is the upon strong circumstance, accompanied
right of us all to insist that, when a with the communication of our best—our

bosom friends, without the usual tests of without malice, kills the one who resists,
truth which have been established, we it is justifiable homicide. If a homicide be
might well pause and wonder whereunto committed to prevent the forcible com-
this would grow. mission of an atrocious crime, such as
Gentlemen, you are the exclusive murder, robbery, rape, &c., it is justifi-
judges of the facts, and the court is to be able; but it is not so if done to punish the
the judge of the law when the facts are offender after the crime has been com-
found by you. Murder may be defined to mitted. If you find any of these in favor
be, the unlawful killing of a human being of the defendant, then your verdict must
in the peace of the Republic, with malice be, not guilty; but if none of these things
prepense, or of forethought, by another exist, then the killing, if it has taken
human being who is of sound mind and place, is unlawful: in that event, you
discretion. will proceed to inquire, in regard to the
In this case, there is no pretence but malice prepense, or malice aforethought.
that the defendant, at the time of the Malice prepense, or malice aforethought,
alleged killing of James Monroe, was of means premeditated malice, or malice
sound mind and discretion; so you are thought of, before the killing occurred.
relieved of that part of the case. When It may be a meditation for a few mo-
you retire to your juryroom, you will first ments only, or it may be of long stand-
proceed to inquire from the evidence, ing; it may be owing to injury, real or
whether or not James Monroe be dead. imaginary, received from the deceased,
If you do not find him to be dead, that by the accused. The law does not permit
ends the case, and your verdict must be, a person to take the redress of grievances
not guilty. If you find him to be dead, you into his own hands. Though the deceased
will proceed to inquire by what means he may have seduced the defendant's wife,
came to his death; if by violence, then in- as he now alleges, still he had no right to
quire whether or not the defendant gave take the remedy into his own hands. If,
him the mortal wound. If you find he for seduction, the law inflicted the pun-
did not, that ends your inquiries, and he ishment of death, it would not justify nor
is entitled to a verdict of not guilty. If excuse the injured party from guilt, if he
you find the defendant gave him the mor- inflicted death without a judgment of the
tal wound, you will then inquire whether law to that effect, nor even with such
the killing was lawful or unlawful. In a judgment, unless he be the officer of
law every killing of one human being by the law appointed for that purpose. If,
another of sound mind, is unlawful, ex- as it is contended by the defendant's at-
cept such as the law excuses or justifies. torney, he killed Monroe in the name of
If a person when doing a lawful act, the Lord, it does not change the law of
by accident kills another, it is excus- the case. A man may violate a law of
able homicide. If a person kills an- the land, and be guilty, and yet, so far
other on a sudden attack in defense as he is concerned, do it in the name of
of himself, wife, child, parent, or servant, the Lord. If, as it has been contended by
it is excusable homicide. If the proper of- the district attorney, the defendant, be-
ficer executes the sentence of the law upon fore he left the city, formed the design
another, by taking his life pursuant to the of killing Monroe; or if he so formed the
judgment of a court legally rendered, it is
design after he left, and before he met
justifiable homicide. If an officer of the
him; or if he formed it while in conversa-
law in the exercise of a particular legal
duty, is forcibly resisted or prevented, and, tion with him, it was malice prepense or

aforethought. If the deceased did seduce to be national in their character, and

the defendant's wife, and begat a child to extend to all places under the sole
with her; and if for this the defendant and exclusive jurisdiction of the United
killed him, in law, the killing was unlaw- States, but they do not extend to those
ful. places within the United States, when
Should you be of the opinion in all there is an existing State or Territorial
these things, that the defendant is guilty, jurisdiction, unless they are to protect
then the place in which the act was com- its necessary internal authorities, such
mitted becomes material. This would not as protecting its postal arrangements, its
in most cases affect the general result, revenue laws, its courts and officers, and
provided the crime be committed within the like cases. There is a large extent
the jurisdiction of the court trying the ac- of country between this city and the Mis-
cused. souri River, over which the United States
The materiality in this case, arises have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction;
in consequence of the peculiar relation- and there is a part of this same coun-
ship of the United States courts with the try within the jurisdiction of the State of
courts of the several States and Terri- Missouri, and another part within the ju-
tories. The jurisdiction of the United risdiction of this Territory.
States courts is separate and distinct
from the jurisdiction of the State courts. It is the right of every American citi-
But in the Territories, the same judges zen to have full and ample protection in
sit in matters arising out of the consti- the enjoyment of life, liberty, and happi-
tution and laws of the United States, ness; and the duty of the United States,
as well as the laws of their respective in those places where it has the sole and
Territories. This, to me, has been the exclusive jurisdiction, to extend that pro-
most difficult part of the case. The Ter- tecting hand over them; and the duty
ritorial courts being of a mixed juris- of the States and Territories in their re-
diction partly national and partly local spective jurisdictions, subject to the con-
in their organization, it becomes impor- stitution and laws of the United States,
tant to keep in view these two jurisdic- to extend a like protecting hand. By
tions. When sitting as a court of the this you will see that the United States,
United States, we must try criminals by when it established the Territorial gov-
the laws of the United States, and not ernments, giving them the right of leg-
by the Territorial laws; we must look to islation, created a jurisdiction within its
them for our authority to punish viola- own jurisdiction, but subject to its super-
tors of the law. visory control: therefore it has not the
When sitting as Territorial courts we sole and exclusive jurisdiction within the
must try criminals by the laws of the Ter- limits of the existing Territories.
ritory, and look to them for our author-
ity to punish. If the laws of the United By the 3rd section of the act of
States do not authorize us to punish in a Congress, approved April 30, 1790, chap-
case like the present as we are now sit- ter 9, it is enacted, "that if any person
ting as a United States court, the defen- or persons shall, within any fort, arse-
dant, for this reason, is entitled to a ver- nal, dockyard, magazine, or any other
dict of, not guilty. place or district of country, under the sole
The United States have no right to and exclusive jurisdiction of the United
pass a law to punish criminals, except States, commit the crime of willful mur-
in those cases which are authorized by der, such person or persons on being
the constitution. These may be said thereof convicted, shall suffer death."

You see by this law, the crime must be points, you entertain reasonable doubts,
committed within the places over which you may give the defendant the benefit
the United States have the sole and ex- of these doubts. Reasonable doubts are
clusive jurisdiction. You will look to not merely capricious doubts, but such
the evidence given you in court for the as reasonable men may honestly enter-
facts of the case; if you find the crime, tain. We often have painful duties to dis-
if any has been committed, was com- charge, but ought not for this reason to
mitted within that extent of country be- shrink from duty. It is better to bear
tween this and the Missouri River, over with many wrong acts, than for the ac-
which the United States have the sole complishment of a given object, to depart
and exclusive jurisdiction, your verdict from the great and well-approved princi-
must be guilty. If you do not find the ples on which mainly depend our lives,
crime to have been committed there, but liberty, and happiness. Gentlemen, the
in the Territory of Utah, the defendant, case for the present, is committed to your
for that reason, is entitled to a ver- consideration.
dict of, not guilty. If, in any of these


S ALT L AKE C ITY, M AY 8, 1853.


I take the liberty to occupy a short that the minds of the people may be at
time, this morning, in addressing my rest, and freed from anxiety.
brethren and sisters.
I do not profess to be extensively We went to the city of Provo, in Utah
versed in historical lore, still I expect to Valley; where I had some business to at-
be able to relate a small portion of my tend to. We tarried there a short time be-
own history to you this morning, refer- fore proceeding on our journey, the prin-
ring especially to the latter part of my cipal items of which I wish to lay before
life, say for three weeks past. the brethren, in connection with some
It is known by you all, that I started circumstances that had transpired pre-
from this place with the intention of vious to our leaving this place. These cir-
journeying south to the extent of our cumstances combined together, caused
southern settlements, but I have re- a suspicious feeling in my own heart.
turned short of performing that jour- I have endeavored all my life to follow
ney. I will state the reasons why, one portion of the instructions of the Sa-

vior to his disciples, that is, to "WATCH." of his intentions I had my own thoughts.
I am a very watchful man. I went about my business, but in
Previous to my starting from this city, the meantime sent a man to reconnoitre
there was an express sent from Iron him, to whom he made some haughty
county, that Indian Walker manifested expression about Governor Young. Said
hostile feelings; for it seems he had he, "Governor Young need not feel so
drawn out his men on a small portion damned important, I associate with Gov-
of our brethren, and commanded them to ernors when I am at home, and have
return home, when they were in pursuit money enough to buy Governor Young
of supposed thieves; these Indians would and all his wives." He further said, "I
not suffer them to proceed any further. have four hundred Mexicans waiting my
This circumstance, small as it might orders, and can have as many more if I
appear to some, caused suspicion in my wish, besides, the Indians here are all at
mind that all was not right with the In- my command."
dian chief, though I expected to visit him I soon learned to my satisfaction, that
on my journey. he had come into the Territory to buy In-
After tarrying at the city of Provo dian children, and sell them again for
a day and a night, I was accosted in slaves. Therefore I issued the Procla-
a very abrupt manner by a stranger, mation which you have no doubt read
a person that I knew nothing of, and in the pages of the News, gave orders to
had never seen before. I have learned the Lieutenant General, and he has done
since that he is an American from the what he has.
State of New York, and has been living We proceeded on our journey, and
in New Mexico some years. This per- found that this man had been trading
son came to my carriage, while I was with the Indians. He said, "He asked
standing upon the steps of it, arrang- no odds of the authorities of this Terri-
ing my luggage, preparatory to proceed- tory, but calculated to buy all the Indian
ing onward, and said in a rough, author- children he could." He was told it was
itative tone, "Is Governor Young in this against the law. He replied, "Catching
carriage?" "No, sir," I said, "but he is is before hanging."
on the steps of it. What is wanting?" I When I arrived at San Pete, I learned
turned round to see who addressed me, that one hundred and fifty Yampa Utes
and saw this stranger, dressed in buck- on the west fork of the Sevier River, had
skin, pretty well smoked. He said, "I come over to Walker's camp. I did not be-
have a little privacy with you." Step- lieve that this Mexican trader had four
ping aside, far enough not to be heard hundred Mexicans lying on the head wa-
by any other person, I said, "Say on, ters of the Sevier, for I did not think that
sir." "But I want to see you in private," men would patiently wait in the snow
he replied. I said, "I have no pri- and frost for a man of his appearance.
vacy with strangers; if you have any Instead of Mexicans, they turned out to
communication to make to me, you can be those Yampa Utes.
do it by letter." He walked, and left I sent out a reconnoitering party con-
me. That was all that passed between sisting of thirty men, to learn their in-
us. As soon as he intimated that he tentions, if possible; also the where-
wanted a private conference with me, I abouts of D. B. Huntington, who had
scanned the man, and saw that his pock- gone previously, but I have not heard
ets were filled with deadly weapons, and from them, nor him, since they left

us at Salt Creek, about a week ago last may be uncertain, but I know the Indians
Tuesday morning. Amasa Lyman and are. I dislike to trust them far. I never
Charles C. Rich proceeded on their jour- wish to be injured, nor have this people
ney, and omitted calling at San Pete. I injured by Indian depredations, commit-
went to San Pete to learn the situation ted upon them; and if the Saints will do
and proceedings of the Indians. Ara- as they are told, they will never suffer
peen, it appeared from some cause, had from that quarter in this Territory.
been dissatisfied, and had left. Before Take up the history of the first set-
he left, he gave them to understand that tling of America, and you cannot read of
he desired peace, and wanted to live a colony ever being settled in the midst
in peace. However, I was prepared for of savages, without having trouble, and
whites, reds, or blacks, by night and by suffering more from them than this peo-
day, and always intend to be. ple have in Utah. What is the reason?
It is because those people did not know
This is a short account of my journey.
how to take care of themselves. We
I wished to lay it before you as it was, in
can scarcely read of one colony founded
consequence of the different statements
among the aborigines in the first settling
which have been made, that vary con-
of this country, wherein the tomahawk
siderably from the truth, after passing
of wild Indians did not drink the blood
through a few hands. After relating the
of whole families. Here there have been
simple facts as they existed, you may re-
no such deeds committed; because when
gard them as you please; but when you
we first entered Utah, we were prepared
tell them over again to your neighbors,
to meet all the Indians in these moun-
tell them as they were, or not at all.
tains, and kill every soul of them if we
I have heard a great many differ- had been obliged so to do. This prepara-
ent stories since I came home, and find tion secured to us peace.
the minds of the people very much ag- Every settlement that have been
itated about the probable result of the made in these valleys of the mountains,
hostilities of the Indians, and the pres- have received strict charges from me, to
ence of the Mexicans among them. I build, in the first place, a Fort, and live
will tell you the reason why I returned in it until they were sufficiently strong
home before accomplishing the remain- to live in a town; to keep their guns and
der of my contemplated journey—it was ammunition well prepared for any emer-
because I wished to return. You may gency; and never cease to keep up a night
inquire why I wished to return. I will watch, if any apprehensions of the Indi-
tell you. I am a great coward myself, ans being hostile were entertained. We
I do not wish to rush into danger im- have suffered nothing from them, com-
prudently. If there should happen to be pared with what we have suffered from
any trouble with Indians, and I away white men who are disposed to steal; and
from this place, there would be more I would rather take my chance today for
trouble here than with me. Of this I good treatment among Indians, than I
was fully aware, and it was proved to would among white men of this charac-
my satisfaction when I returned home. ter.
Imagined danger always produces the I have no recollection of the In-
most trouble. The Indians are very dians killing any of this community,
much as they say the whites are, that is, except one man, which happened
uncertain—not to be trusted. The whites about three years ago this spring, who

had started for California, on foot and dential; and I shall live a long while be-
alone, against counsel. The red skins fore I can believe that an Indian is my
found him and slew him. I have never friend, when it would be to his advantage
heard of their even disturbing a fam- to be my enemy.
ily; and I do not intend that they ever I wish now to put you in mind of
shall, if watching, and praying, and be- a few things. Do you pray for Israel?
ing ready for them will prevent it. You will no doubt answer in the affir-
mative. These Indians are the seed of
I have always acknowledged myself Israel, through the loins of Joseph who
a coward, and hope I always may be, was sold into Egypt; they are the chil-
to make me cautious enough to preserve dren of Abraham, and belong to the cho-
myself and my brethren from falling ig- sen seed; were it not so, you would
nobly by a band of Indians. I am satisfied never have seen them with dark, red
that the men who follow Walker, who is skins. This is in consequence of the curse
the king of the Indians in these moun- that has been placed upon them, which
tains, do it out of fear, and not because never would have come upon them in the
they have real regard for their leader. If world, had their fathers not violated the
he becomes hostile, and wishes to com- order of God, which was formerly among
mit depredations upon the persons or them; for in proportion to the light they
property of this people, he shall be wiped sinned against, so were they reduced by
out of existence, and every man that will the curse of God, which has been vis-
follow him. This is my calculation, and I ited upon their children for many gen-
wish you to be ready for it. erations. They are of the House of Is-
rael, and the time has come for the Lord
Yesterday morning, we received a to favor Zion, and redeem Israel. We
communication from father Morley, in are here in the mountains, with these
which we were informed that Walker Lamanites for our neighbors, and I hes-
and Arapeen came down to pay him a itate not to say, if this people possessed
visit. The morning that we left San the faith they ought to have, the Lord
Pete, we sent back by the hands of Almighty would never suffer any of the
Arapeen's two messengers, some little sons of Jacob to injure them in the least;
presents in the shape of shirts and to- no never.
bacco. Walker said to Father Morley, But I am suspicious that this peo-
"Tell brother Brigham, we have smoked ple do not possess the faith they should
the tobacco he sent us in the pipe of have, therefore I calculate to carry with
peace; I want to be at peace, and be a me proper weapons of defense, that if a
brother to him." That is all right. But man should aim a blow at my person to
it is truly characteristic of the cunning take away my life, before he is aware,
Indian, when he finds he cannot get ad- he himself is numbered with the dead.
vantage over his enemy, to curl down at I have always been thus prepared for
once, and say "I love you." It is enough years. It is a matter of serious doubt
for me to know that Walker dare not at- in my mind, whether this people have
tempt to hurt any of our settlements. I faith enough to control the Indians in
care not whether they love me or not. these mountains, by that alone, with-
I am resolved, however, not to trust his out works. Again, you may pray as fer-
love any more than I would a stranger's. vently for them as for yourselves, which
I do not repose confidence in persons, I have always done; it is my business
only as they prove themselves confi- to pray for them, and seek the redemp-

tion of Israel, but something more is security, with a few shattered boards
wanted to hold them at bay. roughly put together for a door to their
Who are Israel? They are those who houses, and that without any fastening.
are of the seed of Abraham, that have Were it not that the people of this city are
received the promise through their fore- kept stirred up continually, and teased
fathers; and all the rest of the children from time to time by some person on
of men, who receive the truth, are also this matter, it would not be one year be-
Israel. My heart is always drawn out fore fifty men could conquer and slay the
for them, whenever I go to the throne of whole of the inhabitants.
grace. I love Israel, I long for their salva- Are you sure you have faith enough
tion, and look forward with a desire full to bind Satan so that he can have no in-
of hope and peace to the day when they fluence in this city? If you are not, you
will be gathered and saved; when their had better watch as well as pray. Are you
forefathers who enjoyed the Gospel, and sure you have faith enough to control the
through their faithfulness received great ungovernable nature of the Lamanites,
promises and blessings for their poster- or subdue a Gentile mob? If you have,
ity, shall see them fulfilled upon their I am glad of it, it is the first time this
heads. people ever enjoyed it. Even suppose you
have faith to accomplish all this, will you
I wish you to have faith to lay hold add no works to your faith? And if you
on the promises, and claim them as your have the spirit of prayer to an almost un-
own. If you had faith like the ancients, limited degree, will you cease to watch?
you might escape the edge of the sword, I have prayed many times, and had a
stop the mouths of the lions, quench the man at the door to watch for the mur-
violence of fire, open the prison doors, derer who thirsted for my blood. Then
and burst asunder iron fetters—all this he would pray, and I would watch. What
could be accomplished by faith. But, for? To kill the bloodthirsty villain. I
lest you should not have faith, we have would not go and seek for him, but when
caused to be done that which has been he came to kill me in my own house, I
done, in having this people prepared for wished to be prepared to disembody his
any emergency that should arise. My ad- spirit, to save my own tabernacle, and
vice is be on the watch all the time. Do send his down to the dust, and let him
not lie down, and go to sleep, and say all go to the place prepared for murderers,
is well, lest, in an hour when you think even to hell.
not, sudden destruction overtake you. Suppose we had faith enough to ac-
We will carry this out a little fur- complish all we have been speaking of,
ther. Never permit yourself to sleep which would be the most proper, to use
in your houses until your doors are prayer alone without watching, and have
made perfectly secure, that the Indians faith alone without works, or watch and
cannot come in and kill you in your add works to faith? I will mix works with
sleep. In this respect the people gen- my faith, and watching with my prayer,
erally are careless, and perfectly uncon- and reap the benefits of their united op-
cerned. Some want to be separated far eration.
from their neighbors, and own all the A few words more concerning Walker
land around them saying, "all is right, the Indian. He sent word to us that
all is peace, and the Indians are perfectly he was coming down to this city to
good natured, and wish us no harm;" trade. That is all right, it is very
wrapping themselves up in the mantle of good. I expect he will be peaceable,

and the rest of the Indians also. I have do hereafter, I will tell you in a few
no doubt of it. Why? Because they dare words—keep your powder, and lead, and
not be any other way. If they dare be oth- your guns in good order. Go about your
erwise, I know not how quick they would work, plough your fields, work in your
be at war with us. But they will be kind mechanic shops, and be ready in the
and peaceable, because they are afraid to morning, at noon, or in the night, that
die, and that is enough for me. whenever you are called upon, you can
If they will in the least receive the put your hand upon your musket and
spirit of the Gospel, I shall be glad of it. ammunition at the shortest notice. "Be
There is no doubt in my mind but Walker ye also ready, for in an hour you think not
has felt it from time to time, and I am behold the thief comes," and takes away
satisfied that our faith and prayers will your horse from your stable.
do a great deal of good to these wretched How many complaints have been
remnants of Abraham's seed. We must made to me by men who have had their
continue our labors until we have faith to horses stolen out of their stables, or out
bind Satan; and if you and I do not live to of their corrals, or of clothes being taken
do it, our posterity will step forward and from the line. The reason why people
accomplish it after we are gone. lose their property is because they do
When a person is placed in circum- not watch it. Have I ever complained
stances that he cannot possibly obtain of any such thing? No! Why? Because
one particle of anything to sustain life, I watch my corral. Do I lose anything
it would then be his privilege to exer- out of my barn. No. Because I lock it
cise faith in God to feed him, who might up, and keep somebody there to watch it.
cause a raven to pick up a piece of dried Do I lose any clothing? Not that I know
meat from some quarter where there was of. I tell my folks not to leave out their
plenty, and drop it over the famishing clothing. "Why," they ask, "is there any
man. When I cannot feed myself through danger of their being stolen?" It is none
the means God has placed in my power, of your business, they will not dry after
it is then time enough for Him to exercise dark, therefore take them in, and hang
His providence in an unusual manner to them out again in the morning. That is
administer to my wants. But while we the way to live, and this is what I wish
can help ourselves, it is our duty to do so. to say to you concerning these matters,
If a Saint of God be locked up in prison, that your minds may be at peace. All will
by his enemies, to starve to death, it is be peace this summer, if you will keep on
then time enough for God to interpose, watching.
and feed him. If you want to know what to do with
While we have a rich soil in this val- a thief that you may find stealing, I say
ley, and seed to put in the ground, we kill him on the spot, and never suffer
need not ask God to feed us, nor follow us him to commit another iniquity. That is
round with a loaf of bread begging of us what I expect I shall do, though never,
to eat it. He will not do it, neither would in the days of my life, have I hurt a
I, were I the Lord. We can feed ourselves man with the palm of my hand. I
here; and if we are ever placed in circum- never have hurt any person any other
stances where we cannot, it will then be way except with this unruly member, my
time enough for the Lord to work a mir- tongue. Notwithstanding this, if I caught
acle to sustain us. a man stealing on my premises I should
If you wish to know what you must be very apt to send him straight home,

and that is what I wish every man to do, been President; but they do not knew
to put a stop to that abominable practice enough.
in the midst of this people. Brother Orson Pratt was in Washing-
ton, when he wrote last March; he is
I know this appears hard, and throws probably now in England. He has pub-
a cold chill over our revered traditions lished a paper called The Seer, seven
received by early education. I had a Numbers of which have appeared before
great many such feelings to contend with the public. He also hired a Hall in that
myself, and was as much of a sectarian city, when he first arrived there in De-
in my notions as any other man, and as cember last. Many came to hear him
mild, perhaps, in my natural disposition, at first, but they kept dropping off, un-
but I have trained myself to measure til there were so few that he gave it up,
things by the line of justice, to estimate but he continues publishing.
them by the rule of equity and truth, and There is influence enough there,
not by the false tradition of the fathers, among the priests, and the members of
or the sympathies of the natural mind. If Congress, to keep the people away from
you will cause all those whom you know hearing Orson Pratt. They are all well
to be thieves, to be placed in a line before persuaded that if they contend with him,
the mouth of one of our largest cannon, he will break up their churches. Igno-
well loaded with chain shot, I will prove rant as they are in other matters, they
by my works whether I can mete out jus- know enough to guard against that. The
tice to such persons, or not. I would con- paper has a good effect. He says, "A
sider it just as much my duty to do that, great many who have apostatized, say,
as to baptize a man for the remission of had they seen the Revelation on Ce-
his sins. That is a short discourse on lestial Marriage, years ago, they would
thieves, I acknowledge, but I tell you the never have left the Church. They be-
truth as it is in my heart. lieved 'Mormonism;' but supposed there
As you have heard the history of our was no such Revelation in existence."
journey south, I will now give you a lit- He says that hundreds of families
tle of what is going on in the world be- from whom the light of truth had well
neath us, gleaned from the eastern mail nigh departed, are again reviving, and
which came in last evening. I know there inquiring how they may get to the Val-
is a great anxiety in the minds of the peo- ley. There is no opposition compared
ple to learn the news, as it is now seven with what has been. The public prints
months since we had anything from that burlesque the doctrine published in The
quarter. Seer, which is about all the opposi-
tion there is. And what can they
I understand that New York is yet say? Nothing more than what they al-
standing in the same place, also the ways have said. I can sum up all the
cities of Philadelphia and Washington arguments used against Joseph Smith
still flourish, also the old Bay States, and 'Mormonism' in a very few words,
with the Northern, Southern, and West- the merits of which will be found in
ern States, are all there yet, and "O LD J OE S MITH . I MPOSTOR , M ONEY
Franklin Pierce is President of them. D IGGER . O LD J OE S MITH . S PIRI -
That we guessed would be the case, TUAL W IFE D OCTRINE . I MPOSTURE .
last year. But if the Whigs had had T HE D OCTRINE IS FALSE . M ONEY
half the cunning that men have here, D IGGER . FALSE P ROPHET. D ELU -
they would have beaten that party, SION. S PIRITUAL W IFE D OCTRINE .
and Franklin Pierce would not have Oh, my dear brethren and sisters, keep

away from them, for the sake of your ther Orson Spencer could not obtain per-
never dying souls. FALSE P ROPHETS mission to stay in Prussia. The Gover-
THAT SHOULD COME IN THE LAST nor said to the brethren who went to Ja-
DAYS. O LD J OE S MITH . ANTI- maica, that they might minister among
CHRIST. M ONEY D IGGER , M ONEY the people; and the minister from the
D IGGER , M ONEY D IGGER ." And the States did all he could to have them stay
whole is wound up with an appeal, not to there, but they had to leave on account
the good sense of the people, but to their of the prejudices of the community, and
unnatural feelings, in a canting, hypo- they are now preaching in the United
critical tone, and there it ends. States. These are some of the leading
I have not learned anything yet of items we have received per this Mail.
any change being made touching the Ex- I now wish to say to the Latter-day
ecutive Officer of this Territory. Brigham Saints that which will be a great comfort
Young is still the Governor of Utah. to them. We laid before you our Church
Brother Bernhisel has succeeded in get- indebtedness a year ago, last April Con-
ting liberal appropriations for the Terri- ference; it now gives me great consola-
tory, among which twenty thousand dol- tion to be able to say that every dime of
lars has been appropriated for a Peniten- that debt is paid, and money left, enough
tiary. I appointed Dr. Willard Richards, to answer our purpose at present. [A
Secretary pro. tem., which appointment general expression of satisfaction in the
has been honored by the General Gov- congregation.]
ernment, and one thousand eight hun- The Lord has delivered us from this
dred dollars appropriated for his ser- difficulty. I never liked to be in bondage
vices; notwithstanding I rebuked the to my enemies, but I would be as willing
runaway Secretary in a public manner, to owe the brethren money as not, for it
when he and his companion publicly in- is better doing good in my hand, than to
sulted this great people; and notwith- be looked up in a chest, doing no good.
standing the hue and cry which they When the brethren go to the world to
made about the "Mormons in Salt Lake administer salvation to them, we wish
Valley." I have courage enough to tell a them to go perfectly clean, and represent
man of his meanness no matter whether an honorable and independent people. It
he be a Sheriff, a Judge, a Governor, a is a great consolation to me that we do
Priest, or a King. I have courage enough not owe the Gentiles one red cent, or not
to tell them of their wickedness, and ex- more than one tenth part of the money
pect I always shall have. we have got on hand, at the furthest.
The general news you will get
We can now put forth our hand
through the columns of our city paper.
and help the poor Saints, that are
We have a great many letters still
scattered abroad, to this place. We
back at Laramie; when our mail carri-
can now obtain articles to build the
ers left there, there were seventeen mail
Temple we have commenced. Joseph
bags, six of which they brought away.
Smith laid the foundation of the great fabric,
As a general thing, the people will get and we have commenced to build upon it. If
their letters; as the newspaper bags were we do right, there will be an eternal increase
chiefly left, and the letter bags brought among this people in talent, strength of in-
on. tellect, and earthly wealth, from this time,
I will say a word concerning the henceforth, and forever.
brethren who left here last fall. Daniel I might tell you many great and
Carn had to leave Germany, and bro- good things, but I will tell you at

once, if you will do your duty, and live thing but people on the world, designed
as you ought to live before God and your to fill the measure of our creation, to
brethren, you will have good with you bring to pass certain results that pertain
all the time. It is our duty to apply our to our exaltation.
hearts to wisdom, and learn enough of Let us seek the Lord with all our
the things of God to enable us to see hearts, then shall we be weaned from
the world as it is, which is one of the the world; no man will love this, that, or
greatest privileges that can be granted the other thing, except to do good with
to man. It is not only a privilege, but it, to promote the eternal interests of
a duty for the Saints to seek unto the mankind, and prepare them to be ex-
Lord their God for wisdom and under- alted in immortality. No man can be ex-
standing, to be in possession of the spirit alted unless he be independent. I will
that fills the heavens, until their eyes use a comparison to illustrate this idea.
are anointed and opened to see the world If you put an animal or being not en-
as it really is, to know what it is made dowed with intelligence on a throne, he
for, and why all things are as they are. would be nothing but an animal still;
It is one of the most happifying sub- but put intelligence into that creature,
jects that can be named, for a person, to give him knowledge how to prepare
or people, to have the privilege of gain- himself to reign on that throne, and for-
ing wisdom enough while in their mortal tify it with strength, then he is exalted.
tabernacle, to be able to look through the Mankind are naturally independent and
whys and wherefores of the existence of intelligent beings, they have been cre-
man, like looking through a piece of glass ated for the express purpose of exalt-
that is perfectly transparent; and under- ing themselves. When they apply their
stand the design of the Great Maker of hearts to wisdom, they will then get un-
this beautiful creation. Let the people derstanding. There is the fountain, go
do this, and their hearts will be weaned and drink at it, ask and receive all you
from the world. wish, for there is an eternity of it, it will
If this people will pursue the course never become any less. It is for you and
they are bound by their obligations me to receive wisdom so as to be pre-
and covenants to take, they will ob- pared for exaltation and eternal lives in
tain spirit enough to see and under- kingdoms that now exist in eternity.
stand all things in heaven and on earth, May God bless you. Peace be upon
that are sufficient for their salvation. you. Be fervent in spirit, humble, teach-
The cobwebs of early traditions and an- able, and prayerful, taking care of your-
tiquated superstitions will be brushed selves, endeavoring to save yourselves
away, and they will plainly see that and all you have any influence over,
the world is just the world, and noth- which is my continual prayer for you, in
ing but the world, and we are no- the name of Jesus. Amen.




I arise to make a few remarks, upon if they wish to act upon unrighteous
the subject on which brother Hyde was principles, they can take advantage of
speaking, concerning the privileges of their neighbor's necessity, ask extor-
the Saints. I think that he has plainly tionate prices for rendering any little-
shown us, that privileges are, in a mea- assistance or service, and after thus
sure, disconnected with duties; and al- dishonestly filling their purses, go to
though we may not exercise ourselves in the gambling table, or grog shop, and
all of them that we might, still, we shall spend it by getting drunk, and rolling
not fall under condemnation for this ne- in the streets. Almost numberless in-
glect. deed are the privileges and blessings of
The privileges of the Saints of God, the human family, and their abuses co-
and that are granted unto the inhabi- extensive therewith.
tants of the earth, are founded upon the But when blessings and privileges
principles of truth and righteousness; are to be used by the Saints, it should
but many people use them to their own be so as not to bring condemnation.
condemnation; yet, if they knew how to Upon what principle, when, and where
receive and act upon them, there would may we use them? I have the privilege
be no condemnation, but to the contrary, of associating myself with my brethren
a blessing. This remark applies not only and sisters in the dance. When can
to the privilege of dancing (for such it I do this without abusing this privi-
is), that has been spoken of this morn- lege, and thereby bringing condemna-
ing, but to all other acts and privileges tion upon myself? I answer, it is when
that exist, and still are not specifically I have performed every act, every duty
pointed out by revelation as duties or re- that is incumbent upon me, when every
quirements. All blessings of this nature necessary labor and requirement is ac-
are to be used as such, understandingly, complished, when I have served my God
by the Saints, and upon righteous prin- and my brethren, when I have performed
ciples. every act required of me, until nothing
What are the privileges of the Saints remains to be done, but to lie down and
in these valleys? Are they abridged in rest, to seek recreation, then it becomes
the least? Can they not accumulate my lawful privilege, and not before. I
wealth by trading with each other with fear this is quite different from the prac-
emigrants, by cultivating the soil, rais- tice of many. I also, as well as others,
ing stock, going to the mines and digging could act upon unrighteous principles, if
for gold—in short, pursuing any and I would, and neglect my duties pertain-
every avocation to increase in wealth, ing to life and salvation.
and accumulate unto themselves the Suppose you go into some of the
things of this world? Still further, wards and say, "we have obtained

some music, let us go into the school- abuse of this privilege, of this blessing,
house and have a dance." "O yes!" is the will bring condemnation to thousands;
ready response, and they will immedi- and not this alone, but all the privileges
ately prepare, get ready their sons and of this life, if they are not wisely used.
their daughters, and, leaving all impor-
When you go to amuse, or recreate
tant duties pertaining to their welfare
yourselves in any manner whatever, if
here and hereafter, unattended to, fill
you cannot enjoy the Spirit of the Lord
the house to overflowing. Brethren, you
then and there, as you would at a prayer
will use these privileges to your own de-
meeting, leave that place; and return not
struction, if you are not careful. Yes, you
to such amusements or recreation, un-
could have a full house, dancing atten-
til you have obtained the mastery over
dance to the sounds of revelry and mu-
yourself, until you can command the in-
sic; but, on the other hand, suppose your
fluences around you, that you may have
invitation is to your neighbor, "Come,
the Spirit of the Lord in any situation in
brethren, sisters, we are going to have a
which you may be placed. Then, and not
prayer meeting over at the schoolhouse.
until then, does it become the privilege of
Will you go? Will you come? Not to
you, of me, or of any of the Saints, to join
dance, but to pray!" "Well, really, I do
in the festivities designed by our Cre-
not see how I can; my work is not done;
ator for our recreation. I wish that you
I have a few chores [trifling domestic
would remember it; and that you may,
affairs] to do yet; I have agreed to go
I repeat that it is not your lawful priv-
to a neighbor's on business; a neighbor
ilege to yield to anything in the shape
promised to call on me tonight, and I
of amusement, until you have performed
cannot well leave. I should like very
every duty, and obtained the power of
much to go, but I really do not see that
God to enable you to withstand and re-
I can tonight." In short, excuses are not
sist all foul spirits that might attack you,
wanting. I say to you, my brethren, and
and lead you astray; until you have com-
to myself, if we take this course, condem-
mand over them, and by your faith, ob-
nation is our doom, we will ruin, con-
tained, through prayer and supplication,
demn ourselves, and the Lord Almighty
the blessings of the Holy Spirit, and it
will judge us out of our own mouths. This
rests upon, and abides continually with
is the tale told as it is. It is not for any
of us to enjoy the privilege of the dance,
or any other recreation, until every duty You can never obtain my consent to
that is enjoined upon us is performed. engage in amusements and recreations,
I cannot, legally, have the privilege of until you are in this situation, until
exercising myself perfectly independent you are exercised and influenced by the
of my brethren, until I have performed Spirit of the Lord our God. Hear it, all
every requirement that they have placed ye Latter-day Saints! Will you spend
upon me; the same applies to you and all the time of your probation for naught,
Saints. and fool away your existence and be-
I ask the brethren, do you pray be- ing? You were organized, and brought
fore you go to these dances? When into being, for the purpose of endur-
you return, are you not tired, fatigued, ing forever, if you fulfil the measure of
and is not your mind filled with non- your creation, pursue the right path, ob-
sense, so that you do not want to pray; serve the requirements of the Celestial
and finally, do you not conclude to law, and obey the commandments of our
wait, to put it off until morning? This God. It is then, and then only, you may

expect that the blessing of eternal lives to decay, separation, annihilation; no,
will be conferred upon you. It can be not annihilation, as we use the English
obtained upon no other principle. Do term, there is no such principle as this,
you understand that you will cease to be, but dissolution or decomposition.
that you come to a full end, by pursuing
the opposite course? Now, you Elders who understand the
The privileges and blessings of the principles of the kingdom of God, what
Saints of the Most High God are many. would you not give, do, or sacrifice, to as-
Yes! All there is in heaven, and on sist in building up His kingdom upon the
the earth—kingdoms, thrones, principal- earth? Says one, "I would do anything in
ities, powers, heights, depths, things my power, anything that the Lord would
present, and things to come; with all you help me to do, to build up His kingdom."
can see, hear, or think of, realize or con- Says another, "I would sacrifice all my
template; everything in heaven; earth, property." Wonderful indeed! Do you not
or hell, is for your glory, exaltation, and know that the possession of your prop-
excellence, if by your lives you honor erty is like a shadow, or the dew of the
the Priesthood which has been conferred morning before the noonday sun, that
upon you; and, in the proper time, all you cannot have any assurance of its con-
will become subservient unto you, but trol for a single moment! It is the unseen
not until then. But if you submit to hand of Providence that controls it. In
serve your own feelings, and if you desire short, what would you not sacrifice? The
not to build up the kingdom of God, and Saints sacrifice everything; but, strictly
sanctify your hearts, they will lead you speaking, there is no sacrifice about it. If
down to be eternally subject thereunto— you give a penny for a million of gold! A
subject to the power that will afflict and handful of earth for a planet! A tempo-
torment you, and eventually bring you rary worn out tenement for one glorified,
to destruction; whereas, if you pursue that will exist, abide, and continue to in-
the opposite course, those feelings and crease throughout a never ending eter-
passions will become subject unto you; nity, what a sacrifice to be sure!
you will be enabled to govern and control
them, and cause them to serve you, and Many, no doubt, would consider it a
subserve the object and design for which great sacrifice to be called to go on a mis-
they were planted in your bosoms. sion a few years; to leave wife, children,
Often have I looked at individuals friends, comfortable homes, travel per-
passing to and fro through our Territory, haps on foot, encounter storms on the
and heard them say, "These are the jolly sea, be in perils on land among mobs,
Mormons; these are the merry Mormons, and be hated of all men. It is true
I never saw such a society!" Why is this? we might consider this a great sacrifice,
Simply because they enjoy themselves, and yet men do all this, and more—
because they take so much comfort. they risk their own lives upon their
Is a man a Saint, who comes into venture to get gold, to follow the al-
the Church of God under such influ- lurements of pleasure. And should not
ences, merely because the Saints ap-
the Saints of the Most High God be more
pear to be happy? No, he is not. willing, more anxious to promote the cause
No person can be a Saint, unless he of their holy religion, devoting themselves,
receives the Holy Gospel, for the pu- their influence, property, and, if necessary,
rity, justice, holiness, and eternal du- their existence, than the votaries of fash-
ration of it. Everything else tends ion, the devotees of wealth and pleasure,

and to merely sensual, temporary objects the earth, in any community of people
of worldly gain or aggrandizement? Ver- but Saints. I may say, that we have it
ily I say unto you, if you are not, and if already; but I think that an increase of
you have a spirit to seek after the giddy, faith in our God, and confidence in each
vain, foolish vanities of the world, the other, is desirable. If we could obtain
things pertaining only to the gratifica- that faith and confidence in each other,
tion of present feelings, passions, and and in our God, that when we ask a fa-
selfish desires, and have no spirit of vor, we could do so with a full assur-
prayer and supplication, cannot and do ance and knowledge that we should re-
not feel to exercise an interest above all ceive, do you not perceive that it would
others, for the cause of truth, my ad- lead us directly to do as we would be
vice and counsel is for all such, to go done by, in every transaction and circum-
straightway to the gold mines of Califor- stance of life. It would prompt us to do,
nia, and seek for gold, for rest assured, not only as much as requested, but more.
as many as have this spirit, will run as If your brother should request you to go
their unrighteous feelings prompt or dic- with him a mile, you would go two; if he
tate. Yes! Go to the gold region, and do should sue you for your coat, you would
not come and seek my counsel about it, give him your cloak also. This principle
whether I am willing that you should go prompts us to do all we can to promote
or not, for I am not only willing that you the interest of each other, the cause of
should leave, but anxious that you may God on the earth, and whatever the Lord
as soon as possible. desires us to do; makes us ready and
willing to perform it at once. It needs the
If you do not love God, and His cause,
language of angels to express our ideas,
better than everything else besides, and
to converse with each other in a man-
cannot with a good heart and willing
ner to be perfectly understood. When we
hand, build it up upon the earth; if you
see and comprehend things in the Spirit,
will not repent of your follies, and get the
we ofttimes realize an utter inability to
Spirit of truth in you, so as to love it, and
simplify and tell them in our language,
feel willing to sacrifice all for it, you can-
to others; though we may receive princi-
not build up the kingdom of God.
ples, and convey the same to others, to
Confidence, brethren, C ONFIDENCE some extent. It would be a great consola-
in our God, and in each other, is the tion to me, inasmuch as faith comes by
text I gave the Twelve and all others hearing the word of God, if I had lan-
who preached last sabbath, to preach guage to express my feelings. No man
from. The Twelve received missions to can tell all that he can see in the Spirit,
preach to the people in these valleys, in when the vision of the Spirit is upon him.
their various locations, last Conference; He can see and understand in the Spirit
and I believe they have been tolerably only. He cannot tell it, yet many things
faithful, under the direction of the Presi- may be given, in part, to others.
dent of their Quorum, brother Hyde. Let I thought, while brother Rich was
them now preach from this text, C ON - speaking upon certain principles, how
FIDENCE ; and let the entire people act beautiful, how satisfactory it would be
upon its principles, and notice when and to the Saints, could they converse in
where it will begin and end, and see a pure language; if they could have
if we do not establish such confidence the language of angels with which to
in this community, among this people, communicate with each other. I have
as never did, nor ever will exist upon contemplated the principles that per-

tain to salvation—the principles which I lence, power, glory, might, and domin-
have been trying to lay before you; the ion, and the attributes that fill eter-
acts of men, and how they should be or- nity. What principle does the devil work
dered before their God. I would simply upon? It is to destroy, dissolve, decom-
say, we must attend to the duties which pose, and tear in pieces. The princi-
are laid upon us, before we enjoy our ple of separation, or disorganization, is
privileges. as much an eternal principle, as much
a truth, as that of organization. Both
What principle does this convey to
always did and will exist. Can I point
your minds? None, unless your minds
out to you the difference in these prin-
are open, and enlightened by the visions
ciples, and show clearly and satisfacto-
of the Holy Spirit. The principles of truth
rily the benefit, the propriety, and neces-
are eternal. The mind would ask at once,
sity of acting upon one, anymore than
what is truth? It is any thing, principle,
the other? I will try in my own way, as
or fact that actually has an existence. If
briefly as I can. It is plain to me, but can
a falsehood, yet it is true that falsehood
you understand it?
exists. It is as true that devils exist, as
In the first place, matter is eternal.
that Gods exist.
The principle of annihilation, of strik-
Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, ing out of existence anything that has
and the life." The devil also says, "I am, existed, or had a being, so as to leave
I exist;" and consequently, by the same an empty space which that thing occu-
rule, "I am Truth." How far short is this pied, is false, there is no such princi-
of what the Lord reveals by His Holy ple in all the eternities. What does ex-
Spirit! Jesus Christ, his Father before ist? Matter is eternal. We grow our
him, all the faithful, the Gods of eter- wheat, our fruit, and our animals. There
nity, and all organized elements, have they are organized, they increase and
been organized for the express purpose grow; but, after awhile, they decay, dis-
of being exalted to an eternal increase; solve, become disorganized, and return
or suppose I say to eternal truth. Would to their mother earth. No matter by
this convey to your minds that the devil, what process, these are the revolutions
because it is a truth that he exists, could which they undergo; but the elements
attain to the same power and exaltation? of the particles of which they were com-
Suppose that we admit the idea that we posed, still do, always have, and always
shall see the time when we can combine will exist, and through this principle of
and organize elements, bring worlds into change, we have an eternal increase.
existence, redeem, and bring them up to But Satan works upon the opposite
eternal glory, by merely saying—"I am principle; he seeks to destroy, would an-
Truth." As before quoted, "Jesus is the nihilate if he could, but only decomposes,
way, the truth, and the life." We can turn disorganizes. Permit me to inquire what
round and say—Satan is the way, the was his curse? It was, that he should not
truth, and the death; or the way, and the increase anymore, but come to an end.
falsehood. Can you perceive the differ- When I came to the door of the taber-
ence? But to say that Jesus Christ is the nacle, this morning, I heard brother
way, the truth, and the life, is equivalent Rich telling about one-third part of
to saying that he is the only continued or the heavenly host revolting from the
eternal existence. The Lord Jesus Christ government of Jehovah. This was
works upon a plan of eternal increase their curse—to never have taberna-
of wisdom, intelligence, honor, excel- cles to dwell in. They now exist

in Spirit, but shall never have a body, nor Suppose that our Father in heaven,
be exalted; they shall have no further our elder brother, the risen Redeemer,
addition to their existence; whilst those the Savior of the world, or any of the
who did not rebel, could have taberna- Gods of eternity should act upon this
cles, and, through the resurrection, be- principle, to love truth, knowledge, and
come personages of tabernacle in the wisdom, because they are all powerful,
eternal world. There it is, on the one and by the aid of this power they could
hand, and on the other. You can now send devils to hell, torment the people
see the benefit, the propriety of obey- of the earth, exercise sovereignty over
ing the principles which lead to eternal them, and make them miserable at their
lives, exaltations, and increase; and why pleasure; they would cease to be Gods;
it is that Jesus Christ has so much more and as fast as they adopted and acted
power than Satan. The power of the upon such principles, they would become
evil one is beyond the conception of man; devils, and be thrust down in the twin-
his cunning craft, and winning ways to kling of an eye; the extension of their
insinuate and introduce himself into a kingdom would cease, and their Godhead
community, an individual. This is to ob- come to an end.
tain, if possible, a tabernacle, which, al- Language, to convey all the truth,
though a borrowed one, yet increases his does not exist. Even in the Bible, and
power, so long as he can wield it to suit all books that have been revealed from
his purposes; and if he fails in this, and heaven unto man, the language fails to
in enticing unto evil, then, his object is convey all the truth as it is. Truth,
to decompose, to destroy, that the good wisdom, power, glory, light, and intel-
power, the good influence, may, like him- ligence exist upon their own qualities;
self, become bereft of the power pertain- they do not, neither can they, exist upon
ing to an embodied spirit. any other principle. Truth is congenial
The Lord operates upon the princi- with itself, and light cleaves unto light,
ples of continuing to organize, of adding it seeks after itself, and clings thereto. It
to, gathering up, bringing forth, increas- is the same with knowledge, and virtue,
ing and spreading abroad; while the op- and all the eternal attributes; they fol-
posite power does not. It shows the low after and attract each other. Mercy
nature of his opposition to that pecu- cleaves to mercy, because it is mercy;
liar trait of Christianity, based upon the light to light, because it is light, and
principles of eternal duration, increase, there is no darkness, no deception, no
power, glory, and exaltation; and points falsehood in it. Truth cleaves unto truth,
out the difference between the two ad- because it is truth; and it is to be adored,
verse powers. because it is an attribute of God, for
Again, what do you love truth for? Is its excellence, for itself. It is upon this
it because you can discover a beauty in principle, that these principles should
it, because it is congenial to you or be- be held, esteemed, practiced. Any per-
cause you think it will make you a ruler, sons, men or women, who do not re-
or a Lord? If you conceive that you will ceive these principles for the love which
attain to power upon such a motive, you they bear towards them, because of their
are much mistaken. It is a trick of the beauty, excellence, and glory; and be-
unseen power, that is abroad amongst cause they are congenial to their feel-
the inhabitants of the earth, that ings upon this principle, are not Saints!
leads them astray, binds their minds, They exist upon their own basis, and
and subverts their understanding. rest upon their own foundation. Eternal

justice, mercy, love, and truth, never can could be used, for when the Lord Jesus
be moved; they are attributes that cor- Christ shall be revealed, after the ter-
respond, and are congenial with each mination of the thousand years' rest, he
other; they promote each other, fortify will summon the armies of heaven for
the heavens, the Gods, and that which the conflict, he will come forth in flam-
the Gods possess. ing fire, he will descend to execute the
Now look upon the opposite side of mandates of an incensed God, and, amid
these principles. Suppose you say, "We the thunderings of the wrath of Omnipo-
will give up the pursuits of our holy re- tence, roll up the heavens as a scroll,
ligion. We are not Latter-day Saints. and destroy death, and him that has
Let us go and seek after the things of the power of it. The rebellious will be
the world, speculate, get unto ourselves thrown back into their native element,
riches, turn away from our duties, ne- there to remain myriads of years before
glect the things pertaining to our sal- their dust will again be revived, before
vation, go with the giddy, the frivolous, they will be reorganized. Some might ar-
the seeker after gold, to California, Aus- gue that this principle would lead to the
tralia, or elsewhere, for the purpose of reorganization of Satan, and all the dev-
acquiring wealth." I tell you the result ils. I say nothing about this, only what
of that course. You would cease to in- the Lord says—that when he comes, "he
crease in all the attributes of excellence, will destroy death, and him that has the
glory, and eternal duration, from that power of it." It cannot be annihilated;
very moment. So soon as you conceive you cannot annihilate matter. If you
such ideas, they find a soil within you could, it would prove there was empty
prepared to nurture them, and it brings space. If philosophers could annihilate
forth their direful effects; from that very the least conceivable amount of matter,
moment you cease to increase. The op- they could then prove there was the min-
posite principle seizes you, fastens itself utest vacuum, or empty space; but there
upon you, and you decrease, lessen, di- is not even that much, and it is beyond
minish, decay, and waste away in quality, the power of man to prove that there is
excellence, and strength, until your or- any.
ganization becomes extinct, oblivion cov- Brethren, what is it that you love
ers you, your name is blotted out from the truth for? Is it because it gives you
the Book of Life, from the heavens, from the power, the authority of the Priest-
the earth, and from under the earth, and hood? Is it because it makes you rulers,
you will return, and sink into your natu- kings, and priests unto our God, and
ral element, which cannot be destroyed, gives you great power? There are men
though many read the Bible as convey- professing to be Saints, even in this
ing such an idea, but it does not. congregation, within the sound of my
The principle opposite to that of voice, who feel how almighty they have
eternal increase from the beginning, become. They will curse you, if you
leads down to hell; the person de- do not see proper to comply with their
creases, loses his knowledge, tact, tal- wishes. Many men have feelings in
ent, and ultimately, in a short period of their hearts towards their wives, that if
time, is lost; he returns to his mother they will not do precisely as they wish
earth, his name is forgotten. But to perform this or that, they will curse
where, Oh! Where is his spirit? I them. What wonderful things they are
will not now take the time to follow going to do! "If you do not obey my
his destiny; but here, strong language voice, my counsel, I will send you to hell,

and turn the keys upon you, that you I am aware that my language fails to
may never! No N EVER! be released." convey my ideas to you as I could wish.
Sisters, you might as well heed the But I will proceed a little further. A great
crackling of thorns under the pot, the promise was made to Abraham, which
passing idle bird, or the croaking of a was—you shall have seed, and unto your
crane, so far as their Priesthood is con- increase there shall be no end. The
cerned. You are safe, if they will only same promise was made unto the Sav-
keep their hands off from you; let them ior; and unto every true and faithful man
curse. It reminds me of a proverb which who serves God with all his heart, and
the Arabs have, that "cursings are like whose delight is in keeping the law of
young chickens, they will still come home the Lord, obeying the behests of Jeho-
to roost." vah, and building up His kingdom upon
Is it for this—is it because it gives you the earth.
such great power and authority, that you The Elders of Israel frequently call
love the Truth? That it gives you power upon me—"Brother Brigham, a word in
to curse your neighbors, your neighbor's private, if you please." Bless me, this is
children, their cattle, and everything no secret to me, I know what you want,
around you? Let all such go away to their it is to get a wife! "Yes, brother Brigham,
own place, to California, by the northern if you are willing."
route; not to San Bernardino, at brothers I tell you here, now, in the presence
Lyman and Rich's location, for they have of the Almighty God, it is not the privi-
devils enough there already; but go into lege of any Elder to have even ONE wife,
the world entirely away from the Saints, before he has honored his Priesthood, be-
and the sooner the better. fore he has magnified his calling. If
Men should act upon the principle of you obtain one, it is by mere permission,
righteousness, because it is right, and to see what you will do, how you will
is a principle which they love to cher- act, whether you will conduct yourself in
ish and see practiced by all men. They righteousness in that holy estate. T AKE
should love mercy, because of its benev- CARE ! Elders of Israel, be cautious! Or
olence, charity, love, clemency, and of all you will lose your wives and your chil-
of its lovely attributes, and be inspired dren. If you abuse your wives, turn them
thereby to deal justly, fairly, honorably, out of doors, and treat them in a harsh
meting out to others their just deserv- and cruel manner, you will be left wife-
ings. less and childless; you will have no in-
If selfishness prompts you to embrace crease in eternity. You will have bartered
the truth, if it is merely to exalt your- this blessing, this privilege, away; you
self and your friends that you covenant will have sold your birthright, as Esau
to serve your God, and that is your only did his blessing, and it can never come to
motive, you had better pass on the north- you again, never, NO NEVER!
ern route, for we can do you no good if Look to it, ye Elders! You will
you wait, or remain with us; not but that awake from your dream, alas! But
God has regard for all His children; but too soon, and then you will realize the
He loves those who love all the principles truth of the remarks I am making to-
of righteousness, because they are righ- day. Whose privilege is it to have
teous, and have a delight in the exercise women sealed to him? It is his who
of pure principles, of virtue, of excellence has stood the test, whose integrity is
and truth, of meekness, long-suffering, unswerving, who loves righteousness be-
and self-denial, mercy, and charity. cause it is right, and the truth be-

cause there is no error therein, and virtue to increase for a season, but by and by
because it is a principle that dwells in they are left in the shade, their glory is
the bosom of Him who sits enthroned in clipped, and their house is left unto them
the highest heavens; for it is a principle desolate.
which existed with God in all eternities,
Pray the Lord to inspire your hearts.
and is a cooperator, a coworker betwixt
Ask for wisdom and knowledge. It is our
man and his Maker, to exalt man, and
duty to seek after it. Let us seek, and we
bring him into His presence, and make
shall find; knock, and it will be opened
him like unto Himself! It is such a man's
unto us. But as for His coming down here
privilege to have wives and children, and
to pour His Spirit upon you, while you
neighbors, and friends, who wish to be
are aiming after the vain and frivolous
sealed to him. Who else? No one. I tell
things of the world; indulging in all the
you nobody else. D O YOU HEAR IT?
vanity, nonsense, and foolery which sur-
Many applications will unquestion-
rounds you; drinking in all the filthy
ably be made to me for wives, and, per-
abomination which should be spurned
haps, by men too who will steal, or
from every community on the earth—so
trespass upon me, their neighbors, kill
long as you continue this course, rest as-
their stock, do wickedly in various ways.
sured He will not come near you.
Nothing would damn such men sooner
than to give them this privilege. I an- I will not enter into particulars. You
swer the brethren, they have to go upon already know enough about them. I ask
their own responsibility. I tell you the that you would leave it off; refrain, pu-
truth. If you are a first-rate good man, rify, and sanctify yourselves before your
and honor your Priesthood, it is your God, and get so much of the spirit of
privilege. The man who has proved truth that you may become filled with it,
himself before God, has been faithful, so that you can shout aloud with all your
has gone through and performed every- might to the praise of God, and feel your
thing the Lord has laid upon him to do, hearts clear as the noonday sun. Then
for the purpose of building up and sus- you can dance, and glorify God; and as
taining His kingdom, has proved him- you shall abide in the truth, God will
self before men, angels, and his Fa- raise you up, and add to your numbers,
ther in heaven, he is the only charac- so that your train will fill the Holy Tem-
ter that will increase, and obtain a celes- ple, as it was said of the Lord by one of
tial glory. Others may seem to prosper, old. May the Lord bless you. Amen.




At the commencement of our Confer- as we say in a familiar phrase, "to get

ence, it has fallen to my lot to make a few broken into the harness."
remarks. Not only so, but we have had some
If you will indulge me with your little disturbance with the red men this
prayerful attention, I will try to commu- season, and this is a cause of some di-
nicate to you a few words, which I hope gression from the common path of duty
and trust may prove, not only edifying to we are accustomed to move in.
you now, but a source of comfort and con- Under all these circumstances, as we
solation in time to come. have business of importance to trans-
Be it as the Lord will, I shall use my act during this Conference, it becomes
best endeavors for this; and if I fail in it, necessary that our minds should become
it will be for want of ability, and not for united in one, as far as possible, that we
want of a disposition. may act in accordance with the mind and
I discover before me many strange will of our Father which is in heaven.
faces; I presume they are our friends Let me here observe, that the people of
from the different settlements, South, God can be united only upon that prin-
North, East, and West, who have no ciple that vibrates from the very bosom
doubt assembled here for the purpose of of heaven. If we are united, if we can
obtaining instructions and information touch one point or principle upon which
respecting the prosperity of the Church, all can strike hands, by that union we
the duty of its officers, and what is to be may know that our will is the mind and
done in the important period in which we will of God; and what we, in that state,
now live. bind on earth, is bound in heaven, for the
It is a peculiar and interesting time action is reciprocal, it is the same.
with us. In the first place, our brethren Hence, after so long a separation,
from abroad, who are unaccustomed to a we have come together again, under cir-
mountain life, or a life in this Valley, are cumstances somewhat peculiar. It is
emigrating to this place; and when they necessary that we seek to be united.
arrive here, they do not find everything, How shall we be united? Around
perhaps, as they anticipated, or they find what standard shall we rally? Where
things different from what they have is the beacon light to which our eyes
been accustomed to in the places from shall be directed, in order that our
which they came. Everything seems new actions may tend to the accomplish-
and strange, and it takes a little time, ment of the same purpose and design?

The beacon light is he whom our heav- If one individual, then, is a little ahead
enly Father has ordained and appointed of us in obtaining this power, let us not
to lead His people, and give them coun- be envious, for it will be our time by and
sel, and guide their destiny. That is the by. We ought to be the more thankful,
light to which the eye should be directed. and glorify God that He has armed one
And when that voice is heard, let every individual with this power, and opened
bosom respond, yea and amen. a way that we may follow him, and ob-
tain the same power. Instead of it being
But, says one, "If this be correct, it
a cause of envy, it ought to be, on the con-
is giving to one man almighty power. It
is giving to one man supreme power to trary, a matter to call forth our warmest
thanksgivings and praise to God, that
rule." Admit it. What are we all aim-
ing for? Are we not aiming for supreme He has brought back that power again
power? Are we not aiming to obtain to the earth in our day, by which we may
be led step by step to the point we hope
the promise that has been made to all
believers? What is it? "He that over- to attain.
After reflecting a little this morning,
cometh shall inherit all things, and I will
a passage of Scripture occurred to my
be his God, and he shall be my son."
Are we not all seeking for this, that we mind—the words of John the Revelator,
or the promise made to him. It says,
may overcome, that we may inherit all
things? For says Paul, "Therefore let "Him that overcometh will I make a pil-
no man glory in men. For all things lar in the temple of my God, and he shall
go no more out; and I will write upon him
are yours; Whether Paul, or Apollos, or
Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or the name of my God, and the name of the
city of my God, which is new Jerusalem;
things present, or things to come; all are
which cometh down out of heaven from
yours; And ye are Christ's, and Christ is
God's." Well, then, if all things are ours, my God; and I will write upon him my
new name."
we should be very insensible to our best
interests if we did not seek diligently for In the course of my travels in preach-
that which Heaven promises as a legacy ing the Gospel to different nations, I
have often heard it remarked by the peo-
to the faithful. It is our right, then.
Do we not all expect to be armed with ple, in days gone by, "We have heard your
testimony; we have heard your preach-
almighty power? Is there a Latter-day
ing; but really, why does not Joseph
Saint under the sound of my voice, whose
heart is fired with celestial light, but Smith, your Prophet, come to us and
bear testimony? Why does he not come
that seeks to be in possession of supreme
power (I had like to have said) both in to us and show us the plates from which
heaven and on earth? It is said, we the Book of Mormon was translated? If
we could see the Prophet and the plates,
are "heirs of God, and joint heirs with
Jesus Christ." Does Jesus Christ pos- then we should be satisfied that the
work is genuine, that it is of God; but
sess all power in heaven and on earth?
if we cannot see him and the ancient
He said, when he rose from the dead,
records, we are still in doubt with regard to
"All power is given unto me in heaven
the genuineness of the work."
and in earth." Are we heirs of God, and My reply to them was something like the
joint heirs with that illustrious charac- followings—"Joseph Smith cannot be every-
ter? He has so declared! If we are, do where, and the plates cannot be presented
we not, in common with him, possess the to every eye. The voice of Joseph Smith
power that is in heaven and on earth! cannot be heard by every ear." And I have

said to them, "You that have seen me May we not count him as first and fore-
have seen Joseph Smith, for the same most in the ranks of them that over-
spirit and the same sentiments that are come? I think so! Well then, "Him that
in him are in me, and I bear testimony to overcometh will I make a pillar in the
you that these things are verily true." temple of my God, and he shall go no
more out." All those who approach the
It is generally the case, and I think nearest to that standard, we expect will
I may say it is invariably the case, that remain in the temple of God at home,
when an individual is ordained and ap- and not go abroad to the nations of the
pointed to lead the people, he has passed earth.
through tribulations and trials, and has Says one, "If an angel from heaven
proven himself before God, and before would descend and bear testimony that
His people, that he is worthy of the situ- this work was of God, I would believe it.
ation which he holds. And let this be the Why may I not receive the testimony of
motto and safeguard in all future time, angels, as well as Joseph Smith or any
that when a person that has not been other person? For God is no respecter
tried, that has not proved himself before of persons! If I could receive it, I would
God, and before His people, and before be satisfied then that the work is true."
the councils of the Most High, to be wor- But let me here remark again—suppose
thy, he is not going to step in to lead the the Omnipotent Jehovah, that sits upon
Church and people of God. It never has His throne of glory and power, was to
been so, but from the beginning someone descend and bear testimony, what fur-
that understands the Spirit and counsel ther credence would you then want? You
of the Almighty, that knows the Church, would want someone to tell you that it
and is known of her, is the character that was really God Himself that had visited
will lead the Church. you, that you might be satisfied it was
How does he become thus ac- not an angel of darkness in the simili-
quainted? How does he gain this influ- tude of a heavenly personage.
ence, this confidence in the estimation Remember that God, our heavenly
of the people? He earns it by his up- Father, was perhaps once a child, and
right course and conduct, by the justness mortal like we ourselves, and rose step
of his counsels, and the correctness of by step in the scale of progress, in the
his prophecies, and the straightforward school of advancement; has moved for-
spirit he manifests to the people. And he ward and overcome, until He has arrived
has to do this step by step; he gains influ- at the point where He now is. "Is this
ence, and his spirit, like an anchor, is fas- really possible?" Why, my dear friends,
tened in the hearts of the people; and he how would you like to be governed by a
is sustained and supported by the love, ruler who had not been through all the
confidence, and goodwill of the Saints, vicissitudes of life that are common to
and of Him that dwelt in the bush. This mortals? If he had not suffered, how
is the kind of character that ought to could he sympathize with the distress
lead God's people, after he has obtained of others? If he himself had not en-
this goodwill and this confidence. dured the same, how could he sympa-
thize and be touched with the feelings
What then is he to do? Is he to of our infirmities? He could not, un-
go abroad to the nations of the earth less he himself had passed through the
and preach the Gospel; to leave his same ordeal, and overcome step by step.
home and the people of his charge? If this is the case, it accounts for the

reason why we do not see Him—He is too they did it unto his Father. He was the
pure a being to show himself to the eyes agent, the representative, chosen and
of mortals; He has overcome, and goes sent of God for the purpose. When it was
no more out, but He is the temple of my necessary that the Savior of the world
God, and is a pillar there. should have help and strength, should be
What is a pillar? It is that sustained in the darkest hour, did God
power which supports the superstruc- Himself in person come to his aid? No,
ture which bears up the edifice; and but He sent His angel to succor him.
if that should be removed from its When the Savior was born, the spirits
place, the edifice is in danger of falling. around the throne of God were ready
Hence, our heavenly Father ascended to fly to his protection, when the kings
to a throne of power; He has passed and rulers of this lower world sought his
through scenes of tribulation, as the destruction. What did they say to the
Saints in all ages have, and are still wise men of Israel on that eventful occa-
passing through; and having overcome, sion? "Glory to God in the highest, and
and ascended His throne, He can look on earth peace, good will toward men."
down upon those who are following in
the same track, and can realize the na- When he fasted forty days and
ture of their infirmities, troubles, and forty nights, the angels appeared and
difficulties, like the aged father who strengthened him. His heavenly Father
looks upon his race, upon the smallest did not come Himself, but, says the Sav-
child; and when he sees them grappling ior, he that hath seen me hath seen
with difficulties, his heart is touched the Father also; I am just like him, the
with compassion. Why? Because he has brightness of his glory, and the express
felt the same, been in the same situation, image of his person. The same spirit that
and he knows how to administer just is in the bosom of the Father is in me. I
chastisement, mingled with the kindest came not to do my own will, but the will
feelings of a father's heart. So with our of Him that sent me. Then the charac-
heavenly Father; when He sees we are ter that looked upon the Savior, looked
going astray, He stretches forth His chas- upon the Father, for he was a facsimile
tening hand, at the same time He real- of Him; and if they would not believe the
izes the difficulties with which we have Son, they would not believe the Father.
to contend, because he has felt the same;
but having overcome, He goes no more The Savior, in the performance of his
out. mission, laid down his life for the world,
When the world was lost in wretched- rose from the dead, and ascended up on
ness and woe, what did He do? Did high. And few and blessed are the eyes
He come here Himself? No. But, says that have seen him since! It is some-
he, I will send my son to be my agent, times the case that the veil of mortality
the one who is the nearest to my per- has been rent, and the eye of the spirit
son, that is bone of my bone, and flesh has gazed upon the Savior, like as did
of my flesh; I will send my son, and I Stephen of old, when he was stoned to
will say, he that heareth him, heareth death. In his expiring moments, in the
me. Go then, my son. He came, and agonies of death, what did he say? He
how did he look? He looked just like said, "I see the heavens opened, and the
his Father, and just as they treated Son of man standing on the right hand
him they treated his Father in heaven. of God." Stephen saw him in that trying
For inasmuch as they did it unto him, hour.

True it is, that in the most trying and not go out and be buffeted by a cold
hour, the servants of God may then be and heartless world!" We would rather
permitted to see their Father, and elder remain with our friends, and bask in the
brother. "But," says one, "I wish to see sunshine of their goodwill and favor, and
the Father, and the Savior, and an an- enjoy life as we pass along; but to go
gel now." Before you can see the Father, out into the world, and meet its scoffing
the Savior, or an angel, you have to be sneers, it is alone for the cause and king-
brought into close places in order to en- dom of God's sake; and for the sake of
joy this manifestation. The fact is, your this, we not only long to go abroad to the
very life must be suspended on a thread, nations of the earth, but to do everything
as it were. If you want to see your Savior, that is laid upon us to do.
be willing to come to that point where no Look at the angels of heaven. If there
mortal arm can rescue, no earthly power are so many millions of them, and they
save! When all other things fail, when manifest such an interest for the wel-
everything else proves futile and fruit- fare of mortals, why do they not come,
less, then perhaps your Savior and your and visit us more? They may have the
Redeemer may appear; his arm is not same feeling in relation to coming to this
shortened that he cannot save, nor his earth, that we would have in going to the
ear heavy that he cannot hear; and when nations of the world. If they are sent,
help on all sides appears to fail, my arm they will go; but if not sent, it is very
shall save, my power shall rescue, and likely they will stay at home, as we will.
you shall hear my voice, saith the Lord. If we are sent, we will go; if we are not
"Him that overcometh will I make sent, we are glad to stay at home. This,
a pillar in the temple of my God," &c. then, I presume, is their feeling; hence it
The Father has overcome, the Savior has has become proverbial in the world, that
overcome, and the angels are overcoming angels' visits are few and far between.
like we are. But let me here observe, it is And let me here observe, that when a
a good deal with the angels, in my opin- servant of God, clothed with the spirit of
ion, as it is with us. his calling, enters a house, a town, or a
We who have been in the Valley country, he feels the spirit in a moment
some length of time, feel that we are that prevails in that house, country, or
at home, and in a goodly place, chosen people among whom he comes. For in-
of God, a secret habitation surrounded stance, if he lands upon the shores of
by mountains, walled in by natural bar- a foreign country, the moment his feet
riers, where we are secluded from the press their soil, their spirit presses his
world, and inhabiting a little world by heart! He senses it; and if the spirit
ourselves. We know the world is opposed that reigns in the country is diverse to
to our doctrine. Now if one of us were re- the Spirit of God; he feels it painful
quired to go abroad among the nations, to his heart; and it is upon this prin-
a spirit of patriotic devotion to the inter- ciple that the Savior said to the disci-
ests of God's kingdom, would stimulate ples, "And into whatsoever house ye en-
us to forego all the pleasures of domestic ter, first say, Peace be to this house. And
life, to earn a crown of glory, and shine as if the son of peace be there, your peace
stars in the firmament forever and ever; shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn
when, if we consulted our own individ- to you again." Then when a servant of
ual feelings and interest only, we would God enters a strange place, and he feels
say, "O that we might remain at home, the son of peace there, let his peace come

upon that people, house, and city. If the son of peace is? In the last days, I
he feels there is an adverse power that will take peace from the earth, saith the
holds the sway there, his peace must re- Lord by one of the ancient writers, and
turn to him, and he must go his way after they shall kill one another. And there
he has faithfully discharged his duty. was given a great sword unto him that
I recollect once in a certain place sat on the red horse. And the nations will
in England, when traveling along with be armed against each other. The angels
brother Kimball, it was in a country are not fond to descend to this world, be-
town called Chatburn, where the people cause of the coldness of the spirit that
were humble, simple, and honest; they reigns in it; they would rather remain in
loved the truth, and were seeking for it— heaven around the throne of God, among
when we went there, their hearts and the higher order of intelligences, where
doors were opened to receive us, and our they can enjoy life, and peace, and the
message. What were our feelings? We communion of the Holy One. When they
felt that the ground upon which we stood are sent, they will come; but they are tol-
was most sacred, and brother Kimball erably well advanced among them that
took off his hat, and walked the streets, overcome.
and blessed the country and the people, These are some of the reasons why
and let his peace come upon it. These they do not mingle with us, why we
were our feelings. Why? Because the cannot see them. But, let me tell you,
people were ready to receive the word of brethren and sisters, if we will be united
our testimony, and us for Christ's sake. as the heart of one man, and that general
We had been to other places, where union of spirit, of mind, be fastened upon
the very moment our names were the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall draw
sounded, and it was known we were in down celestial intelligence by the Spirit
a house, there was a similar spirit man- of God, or by angels who surround the
ifested as there was in the days of Lot, throne of the Most High. It is an electric
when the Angel came to his house to wire through which and by which intel-
warn him to flee from Sodom; for a mob ligence comes from heaven to mortals; it
was raised at once, and demanded the is only necessary for the word to be spo-
strangers to be given up to them. We ken, and the power of it is at once felt in
have been in places where the mob de- every heart.
manded us to be given up to them; but "Him that overcometh will I make
we were shielded by friends, and God a pillar in the temple of my God," &c.
always opened a way of escape for us. Do we ever wish to see the time when
Wherever there is a spirit congenial with we can retire from the scenes of every-
the Spirit of God, and a loyalty to the day life, to the temple of God, and go
kingdom of the Most High, you will find no more out? Are we looking for a pe-
a hearty welcome, and you are glad to go riod of this kind? Yes, when we shall
there. be made pillars in the temple of our
If we, whose sensibilities are be- God. We know when a pillar is placed
numbed by this veil of flesh which is in a building, it is placed there to re-
around us, have discernment to dis- main, pillars are not often removed. All
criminate where the son of peace is, pillars are considered permanent; they
the angels, who are not clogged as we are not to be taken away, because the
are, whose sensibilities are keener than removing of them endangers the safety
ours, do you not think when they ap- of the building. In order to be made
proach the world, they know where pillars in the temple of our God, what

are we to do? W E MUST OVERCOME . not increase their generation; glory to

God, they cannot do it, but we have the
Let it be remarked, that the disposi- power of multiplying lives; this is what
tion so prevalent in the hearts of many, they are angry about. Says Paul, "Do
not to abide the counsel of their superi- ye not know that the Saints shall judge
ors, has to be overcome; it must be slain, the world? And if the world shall be
and laid prostrate at our feet; and we judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge
must say we came not to do our own will, the smallest matters?" Is it possible that
but the will of him that sent us. We came these Elders and servants of the Most
to do the will of him to whom we have High, who are going abroad among the
plighted our faith, to uphold him as our nations, will have power to judge the
leader, lawgiver, and Seer. We have got nations of the earth? Says one, "God
to overcome the inclination to revolt at will do it, and not man." Now, for in-
the idea, and be brought into complete stance, I am building a house, and it is
submission, and union of spirit. said Solomon built a temple, but do you
"O," says one, "how does this look, suppose Solomon quarried the rock, laid
to be slaves, to have no mind or will of it up, &c.? No, but he gave directions
our own, but be swallowed up in the will to others, and it is said Solomon built
of another, and thus become tools, ma- a temple; so God will judge the world.
chines, slaves, and not free men, and in- The Almighty Ruler will instruct His ser-
dependent like other people!" Well, my vants to do it, and the Saints will give
dear friends, I will tell you how it was the grand decision, and the nations that
in heaven. There was a disposition once have slain them will have to bow to their
in heaven that preferred to be indepen- word.
dent enough to chalk out its own course. What says the good Book again? "And
The rebellious angels undertook it, and he that overcometh, and keepeth my
what became of them? They fought works unto the end, to him will I give
against the throne of God, and were cast power over the nations; And he shall
down, to be reserved in chains of dark- rule them with a rod of iron; as the ves-
ness, unto the judgment of the great sels of a potter shall they be broken to
day. Yes, they are reserved there, and shivers; even as I received of my Fa-
that is their glory, and the honor that ther." Do we not expect to overcome and
is attached to them for being indepen- have power over the nations? Yes. Says
dent, and declaring in the presence of Paul, the Saints shall judge the world;
God their independence—instead of de- not only this, but they shall judge angels.
riving any advantage from this course, "Why," says one, "I thought that angels
down they went to their reward. were greater in might and power than
we, and is it possible that we, the ser-
I will advance a sentiment by Paul vants of God, are going to judge angels?
the Apostle, showing that we were there You are surely exalting yourselves above
at the time that notable controversy was all that is called God; for God shall judge
going on, and no doubt we took an active the world." How is it that we do not rec-
part with them who sustained the throne ollect anything now that took place be-
of God, and we were therefore permitted fore we took upon us these bodies? When
to come to this world and take upon us we lay them off we shall remember ev-
bodies. The devils that fell were not per- erything, the scenes of those early times
mitted to enjoy this privilege; they can- will be as fresh in our view as the sun

was this morning when he rose over the have persecuted me they will also perse-
mountains. The Saints will say to their cute you." They knew him not, neither
fallen brethren, You were arrayed un- did they know his disciples. Well did
der the command of Lucifer, and fought the Savior say at one time, "Father for-
against us; we prevailed, and it now be- give them, for they know not what they
comes our duty to pass sentence against do." They did not understand the power
you, fallen spirits. You have been re- that was lodged in the breast of their vic-
served to this condemnation, and bound tim; but when the day of his wrath will
with a chain. With what chain? That you come, they will say to the mountains and
could not multiply your race. There were rocks, "Fall on us, and hide us from the
limits put to you that you could not in- face of him that sitteth on the throne,
crease. It was never said to you, Go forth and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the
into hell and multiply; but it was said to great day of his wrath is come, and who
man, Go forth and increase on the earth. shall be able to stand?" It will not only be
Here were stakes set they could not go the Lamb that will come in the clouds of
beyond, and this is what they are angry heaven with power and great glory, but
about, this makes a hell to them, because his angels and Saints that have gone be-
they "can't do it." They see the superior- fore him; these are they that will come
ity of the Saints who have kept their first with him; myriads of spirits will come,
estate, and they are envious, and now wafted as it were through the air to
it becomes the Saints' duty to pass sen- earth's cold regions to call the sons of
tence upon them. The Saints shall judge men to an account for their doings.
angels, even those spirits who kept not Now, "him that overcometh will I
their first estate, and have been a long make a pillar in the temple of my God,"
time in chains like criminals who are and "he that overcometh to him will I
kept in bondage to await their sentence. give power over the nations." Do you
It will be the prerogative of the servants want to overcome this worldly ambitious
of God to pass a decision upon them, and spirit that is ever burning to be indepen-
not only upon them, but upon the world dent, that is, self sufficient and proud?
among whom they have been associated, Overcome this, and bring every power
and having combined in them the judi- and faculty of the soul into subjection
cial power, and power of witness, they to the power of the Most High, and you
will have power to judge and determine, are safe. What have you to overcome
for the Saints shall judge the world. next? You have to overcome that untir-
ing disposition to do wrong, to overreach
How will the wicked feel when they your neighbor, that thereby you may ac-
come up at the last day (or at some day, quire for yourselves a paradise or heaven
be it last or middle), how will they feel in this world, while in its fallen state.
when they see, perhaps one whom they Remember this one thing, if you want
have persecuted, one whom they have to be free from the curse. You know it
killed as an impostor, or because they is said, "It is easier for a camel to go
said he was an impostor, when they see through the eye of a needle, than for a
that person exalted upon the judgment rich man to enter into the kingdom of
seat, and they themselves arraigned be- God." Who then can be saved? Again,
fore him, and compelled to hear from says the Savior, "With men this is impos-
his lips their sentence? Sadly will they sible, but with God all things are possi-
be mistaken. Says the Savior, "If they ble." Let me show you the philosophy of

this, why it is impossible for a rich man thou art tormented." His arm was too
to enter into the kingdom of God. God short to reach that one drop of water to
said in the beginning, "Cursed be the him, for there was "a great gulf fixed; so
ground for thy sake;" that is, earth and that they which would pass from hence
earthly things are cursed. Now the man to you cannot; neither can they pass to
who has the most of it has the greatest us, that would come from thence." The
amount of the curse; therefore if a man scene was changed. This is enough to ad-
acquire a great deal of earthly things, he monish us, and to make us adopt the ad-
acquires a great deal of this curse. For vice of the Savior, "Seek ye first the king-
they that will be rich are made to pass dom of God, and his righteousness; and
through many sorrows, and they have all these things shall be added unto you."
to harden their hearts and their faces, When should we want to be rich?
and oppress the poor to acquire it; and When the curse is taken from the earth.
when they have acquired it, what have We do not want the earth while it is
they got? It is to them something like cursed, for "cursed be the ground for
a red hot ball in the hands of a child, it thy sake," &c. Let the world that love
burns; they have acquired it, and have darkness rather than light, be heirs of
got a great curse along with it. It is the curse if they will; but do not let us
hard for such to enter into the King- seek after it with too greedy hearts, un-
dom of God. The gate is narrow, and til the curse is taken away; and when
the curse is wide, so if they wish to go the curse is rebuked, and the earth
in at that gate, they must be stripped, undergoes such a change that it will
and become destitute of the love of this shine forever and ever, and there is no
world's goods. I recollect a beautiful il- night there, then we may have it, and
lustration of this in the case of the rich it will do us good. It is like this—
man, and Lazarus that was poor, and full We say that wheat and barley are ex-
of sores, and who lay at the rich man's cellent when we use them in their na-
gate. There was the rich man clothed tive state; but when we extract the spirit
in fine linen, and fared sumptuously ev- from these grains, and drink it, it intox-
ery day. By and by he died, and went to icates; when they are used in their na-
hell, and saw Abraham afar off with the tive state, they make bread which gives
same poor Lazarus in his bosom. Says life to the body, while in the other state,
the rich man, "Father Abraham, have they destroy. So the earth, when the
mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he curse is taken away, will sustain an end-
may dip the tip of his finger in water, less life. Though the figure is not al-
and cool my tongue; for I am tormented together correct, still it serves to illus-
in this flame." He was so humbled as to trate the principle. The Savior did not
accept one drop of water from Lazarus, say the Saints should inherit the earth
who while he lay at the rich man's gate while the curse was upon it, but he said,
was ready to eat the crumbs that fell "Blessed are the meek: for they shall
from his table. How reverse the scene.
inherit the earth." He will not give them
Abraham, with the kind feelings of a fa-
something to destroy them, but they have
ther, at the same time with that justness
got to stay until the earth has fulfilled the
and dignity which is ever the character- measure of its creation; and then the an-
istic of the upright, said, "Son, remem- gel will raise his hand to heaven, and swear
ber that thou in thy life time receivedst that time shall be no longer. What be-
thy good things, and likewise Lazarus comes of the earth then? Why, says the
evil things; but now he is comforted, and prophet, it shall "reel to and fro like a

drunkard, and shall be removed like a when the earth is taken out of this orbit,
cottage; and the transgression thereof it will come in contact with the rays of
shall be heavy upon it, and it shall other suns that illuminate other spheres;
fall, and not rise again." If the earth their rays will dazzle our earth, and
falls, which way will it go, up or down? make the glory of God rest upon it, so
Tell me, ye wise men, ye philosophers. that there will be no more night there.
Will not the greatest and most power-
Is it possible, then, that there are
ful planet attract it whether it goes up
worlds reserved in eternal night, in an
or down? For the greater bodies attract
eternal eclipse, rolling in the shade?
the lesser. If the earth falls, and is not
What is their use? They are the homes
to rise again, it will be removed out of its
of them that love darkness rather than
present orbit. Where will it go to? God
light; and it shall be said unto them,
says He will gather all things into one;
Depart, ye cursed, into outer darkness.
then He will gather the earth likewise,
There are planets that revolve in eternal
and all that is in it, in one. The gather-
darkness, that you who love darkness
ing will be upon a larger scale in time to
rather than light may go and find your
come; for by and by the stars of Heaven
own home. There is a place prepared for
will fall. Which way will they go? They
everybody, no matter what their charac-
will rally to a grand center, and there
ter. Says the Savior, "I go to prepare a
will be one grand constellation of worlds.
place for you." There is a place for every
I pray that we may be there, and shine
person. There is a place for everybody
among those millions of worlds that will
that comes into this Valley, if they can
be stars in the Almighty's crown.
only find it. So there is a place in yon-
The earth will have to be removed
der world for every person; but to him
from its place, and reel to and fro like a
that overcometh will I give power over
drunkard. The fact is, it has got to leave
the nations, and he shall be a pillar in
the old track in which it has roamed in
the Temple of my God, and go no more
time passed, and beat a new track; and
saith the Lord, "come up here." What is
He going to do with it? Why, take it If there is anything in this world my
where the sun will shine upon it contin- soul desires the most, it is that I may
ually, and there shall be no more night overcome, and be made a pillar in the
there; and the hand of God will wipe Temple of my God, and remain at home
away the tears from all faces. "Come in the society that is continually warm-
up here, O earth! For I want the Saints ing my spirit, encouraging my feeling,
who have passed through much tribula- with that which is congenial with every
tion to be glorified with you, and then principle of my nature; let me bask in
I will give the earth to the meek. For their goodly presence, live in their affec-
I will take the curse from it, and re- tions, dwell forever in the midst of their
buke the destroyer for your sakes, and society, and go no more out. And may
bring all things in subjection to you, and God in His mercy help us all to over-
you shall dwell in everlasting light." Now come every obstacle, and endure hard-
it is half day and half night, but I tell ships like good soldiers of the Lamb, and
you it is not going to be half and half, dwell eternally in the mansions of light;
but there will be no night there. We which may God grant for Christ's sake.
have but one sun to shine upon us, but A MEN.




We have assembled together this af- and baptism, with the gifts, he is at lib-
ternoon to continue the business of the erty.
Conference, a portion of which I feel Were it not that our bodies have to
should be devoted to instruction, teach- be fed and clothed, I would propose that
ings, traversing the experience of the we tarry here a few months, to give all
Church, or in any way the Spirit of the a chance to speak, to exhort, to pray, to
Lord shall manifest. prophesy, to sing, to speak in tongues, or
The special business that has to be to do whatsoever the Spirit should mani-
transacted in a Conference like this, can fest unto them. But our work is a work of
be done very quickly—perhaps we might the present. The salvation we are seek-
do all that is necessary in half a day, or ing is for the present, and, sought cor-
in a day at the furthest. rectly, it can be obtained, and be contin-
We came together for the purpose ually enjoyed. If it continues today, it is
of worshipping the Lord, and many upon the same principle that it will con-
have come from a distance, who wished tinue tomorrow, the next day, the next
to come up here and join with their week, or the next year, and, we might
brethren in contemplating the work of say, the next eternity.
the last days, and in speaking to each
other comforting words, for it is a very If we are saved, we are happy, we are
agreeable exercise, on occasions like this, filled with light, glory, intelligence, and
as well as in other meetings, to rehearse we pursue a course to enjoy the bless-
over to each other the scenes of life, ings that the Lord has in store for us. If
the feelings of the heart, the tragedies we continue to pursue that course, it pro-
that have passed among us, the difficul- duces just the thing we want, that is, to
ties we have surmounted, and the days, be saved at this present moment. And
months, and years we have been brought this will lay the foundation to be saved
through. forever and forever, which will amount
I will say, for one, so far as it concerns to an eternal salvation.
my own feelings, my brethren are at lib- Brethren, we have accomplished the
erty to talk about that that is in their design of our hearts, that we listed to
hearts. This is my privilege, and I wish accomplish. And really, this thought
it to be understood that it is the privi- inadvertently rushes upon my mind—
lege of those who shall address this Con- Wherein have we not accomplished all
ference. If they want to preach us a dis- we have listed to do? Not only
course on doctrine—on the gathering of in excavating the earth, and laying
Israel, for instance, they are at liberty so down the Cornerstones in the cen-
to do. If anyone wishes to preach the first ter of the main body of the build-
principles of the Gospel—repentance ing we shall rear for the Temple, but

wherein have we contemplated doing one modated as we desired. We should have

thing we have not done, to build up the been pleased if they could have been so
Kingdom of God? If there has been a situated that all could have heard the
failure, it does not occur to my mind at orations, and prayers that were made
present. I cannot now recall to my mind upon those four stones; but they will be
one circumstance of that kind, with all in print, so you can read them at your
the mobbing, driving, and afflictions that leisure.
this people have passed through. I do not like to prophesy much, I
Though the enemy had power to kill never do, but I will venture to guess,
our Prophet, that is, kill his body, did he that this day, and the work we have per-
not accomplish all that was in his heart formed on it, will long be remembered
to accomplish in his day? He did, to my by this people, and be sounded as with a
certain knowledge, and I have many wit- trumpet's voice throughout the world, as
nesses here that heard him declare that far, as loud, and as long as steam, wind,
he had done everything he could do—he and the electric current can carry it. It is
had revealed everything that could be re- a day in which all the faithful will rejoice
vealed at present, he had prepared the in all time to come.
way for the people to walk in, and no Some will inquire, "Do you suppose
man or woman should be deprived of go- we shall finish this Temple, brother
ing into the presence of the Father and Brigham?" I have had such questions put
the Son, and enjoying an eternal exalta- to me already. My answer is, I do not
tion, if they would walk in the path he know, and I do not care anymore about it
had pointed out. than I should if my body was dead and
in the grave, and my spirit in Paradise. I
From the day that he fell, until this
never have cared but for one thing, and
day, if there is one item of business, if
that is, simply to know that I am now
there is one thing that should have been
right before my Father in Heaven. If I am
done by this people, that has not been
this moment, this day, doing the things
done, I cannot call it to mind, though it
God requires of my hands, and precisely
looked gloomy for a month or six weeks
where my Father in Heaven wants me
past, the weather being so unfavorable
to be, I care no more about tomorrow
with regard to being ready to lay those
than though it never would come. I do
Cornerstones, today.
not know where I shall be tomorrow, nor
I am happy to say that there has been when this Temple will be done—I know
a great deal of faith manifested by the no more about it than you do. If God re-
Saints, and, through that faith the Lord veals anything for you, I will tell you of it
has granted unto us the desire of our as freely as to say, go to City Creek, and
hearts, or else the devil has been sent drink until you are satisfied.
on an errand another way, and has for- This I do know—there should be a
gotten himself. I do not think, however, Temple built here. I do know it is
he need trouble himself much about the the duty of this people to commence to
world, for he has them secure enough. build a Temple. Now, some will want
Perhaps he may have slept a little too to know what kind of a building it
long, as he has not been here on this no- will be. Wait patiently, brethren, un-
table day. I attribute it to our Father til it is done, and put forth your hands
in heaven, for giving us this beautiful willingly to finish it. I know what it
weather today. will be. I am not a visionary man,
The congregation was not accom- neither am I given much to prophesy-

ing. When I want any of that done I When the cornerstones were laid in
call on brother Heber—he is my Prophet, Kirtland, they had to pick up boys of fif-
he loves to prophesy, and I love to hear teen and sixteen years of age, and or-
him. I scarcely ever say much about rev- dain them Elders, to get officers enough
elations, or visions, but suffice it to say, to lay the Cornerstones. The Quorum
five years ago last July I was here, and of the Twelve, and the High Council,
saw in the Spirit the Temple not ten feet and many other authorities that now ex-
from where we have laid the Chief Cor- ist, were not then in existence. Joseph
nerstone. I have not inquired what kind presided over the Church, by the voice of
of a Temple we should build. Why? Be- the Church.
cause it was represented before me. I Perhaps it may make some of you
have never looked upon that ground, but stumble, were I to ask you a question—
the vision of it was there. I see it as Does a man's being a Prophet in this
plainly as if it was in reality before me. Church prove that he shall be the Pres-
Wait until it is done. I will say, however, ident of it? I answer, no! A man may
that it will have six towers, to begin with, be a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and
instead of one. Now do not any of you it may have nothing to do with his be-
apostatize because it will have six tow- ing the President of the Church. Suf-
ers, and Joseph only built one. It is eas- fice it to say, that Joseph was the Presi-
ier for us to build sixteen, than it was dent of the Church, as long as he lived:
for him to build one. The time will come the people chose to have it so. He al-
when there will be one in the center of ways filled that responsible station, by
Temples we shall build, and, on the top, the voice of the people. Can you find any
groves and fish ponds. But we shall not revelation appointing him the President
see them here, at present. of the Church? The keys of the Priest-
hood were committed to Joseph, to build
The First Presidency proceeded to the
up the Kingdom of God on the earth, and
southeast corner, to lay the first stone,
were not to be taken from him in time
though it is customary to commence at
or in eternity; but when he was called to
the northeast corner—that is the begin-
preside over the Church, it was by the
ning point most generally, I believe, in
voice of the people; though he held the
the world. At this side of the equator
keys of the Priesthood, independent of
we commence at the southeast corner.
their voice.
We sometimes look for light, you know,
I want the Elders of Israel to reflect
brethren. You old men that have been
upon this subject. I would be glad to
through the mill pretty well, have been
teach you something, that you may not
inquiring after light—which way do you
get into such snarls as heretofore. You
go? You will tell me you go to the east
make me think of a child that is trying
for light? So we commence by laying the
to make rope of a parcel of old thrums,
stone on the south-east corner, because
until he gets the whole into snarls. It is
there is the most light.
so with the Elders of Israel as touching
Just as quick as the minutes of this their ideas of the Priesthood.
day's proceedings are out, there will Now hear me, and I will try to talk
be Elders, High Priests, and Seventies, so that you can understand. I will
inquiring whether the same order has presume to go a little further than I
been carried out today, as was observed did, with regard to the President of the
in laying the Cornerstones of the other Church, and say to this people, a man
Temples. I want to give you a lit- might have visions, the angels of God
tle history of it, that you may know. might administer to him, he might have

revelations, and see as many visions as laying the Cornerstones, and take up
you could count; he might have the heav- the Apostleship, in connection with this.
ens opened to him, and see the finger of Let me ask the High Priests' Quorum
the Lord, and all this would not make a question, in order to bring out the
him the President of the Church, or an thing I wish to lay before you. I ask
Elder, a High Priest, an Apostle; nei- the High Priests, from whence does the
ther would it prove that he was even Apostleship grow? Does it grow out of
a Saint: something else is wanted to the High Priesthood? I will venture to
prove it. Why I mention this, is be- say, if I was not here today, and this
cause of the frailty, weakness, and short- question was proposed for debate, you
sightedness of the people. If a man would find the Elders in this congrega-
should come and tell you he had had a tion, perhaps, nearly equally divided on
vision, and could appear to substantiate the point. There would be as many High
his testimony that he had had the heav- Priests to say the Apostleship grows out
ens opened to him, you would be ready of the High Priesthood, as there would to
to bow down and worship him; and he say it does not. Let me answer the ques-
might be, at the same time, perfectly cal- tion. Now recollect that the High Priest-
culated to destroy the people—one of the hood, and the Lesser Priesthood, and all
biggest devils on earth. He would appear the Priesthood there is, are combined,
to be one of the finest of men, to be hon- centered in, composed of, and circum-
est and unassuming, and come with all scribed by, the Apostleship. Brethren,
the grace and generalship of the devil, did you ever know that before? If you
which is so well calculated to deceive the had read that book attentively [pointing
people. Admit this to be the case. to the Book of Covenants], it would have
told you the story as I am now telling it
If you ask me what will prove a man to you, yet the High Priests did not know
or woman to be a Saint, I will answer it.
the question. "If you love me," says Je- I speak thus to show you the or-
sus, "you will keep my sayings." That is der of the Priesthood. We will now
the touchstone. If you love the Lord Je- commence with the Apostleship, where
sus Christ, and the Father, you will keep Joseph commenced. Joseph was or-
the commandments of the Son—you will dained an Apostle—that you can read
do his will. If you neglect to do this, you and understand. After he was ordained
may have all the visions and revelations to this office, then he had the right to
that could be bestowed upon a mortal be- organize and build up the kingdom of
ing, and yet be nothing but a devil. Why God, for he had committed unto him the
I use this expression is because when a keys of the Priesthood, which is after the
man's mind is enlightened, and he turns order of Melchizedek—the High Priest-
from that light to darkness, it prepares hood, which is after the order of the Son
him to be a devil. A man never knew of God. And this, remember, by being or-
how to be wicked, until light and truth dained an Apostle.
were first made manifest to him. Then is Could he have built up the King-
the time for men to make their decision, dom of God, without first being an
and if they turn away from the Lord, it Apostle? No, he never could. The
prepares them to become devils. keys of the eternal Priesthood, which
is after the order of the Son of God,
Now, I want to go back, for I have are comprehended by being an Apos-
wandered on a little with regard to tle. All the Priesthood, all the keys, all

the gifts, all the endowments, and ev- given to signify there would be such a
erything preparatory to entering into the Quorum.
presence of the Father and of the Son, We see this Apostle with the keys
are in, composed of, circumscribed by, or of the Priesthood to build up the King-
I might say incorporated within the cir- dom, to give light to those who were
cumference of, the Apostleship. in darkness, to succor those who were
feeble, to sustain the trembling, to ad-
Now who do we set, in the first minister salvation to the penitent, and
place, to lay the Chief, the South East, to be a stay and a staff to those who
Cornerstone—the corner from whence were ready to fall. We see this gigan-
light emanates to illuminate the whole tic Apostle thus standing forth, clothed
fabric that is to be lighted? We begin with the authority of heaven, to build up
with the First Presidency, with the Apos- His cause on the earth. Him the Lord
tleship, for Joseph commenced, always, told to call a Bishop. So the Bishop was
with the keys of the Apostleship, and the next standing authority in the King-
he, by the voice of the people, presiding dom of God; therefore we set the Bishop
over the whole community of Latter-day at the second corner of the building. The
Saints, officiated in the Apostleship, as Melchizedek Priesthood, with the altar,
the first President. fixtures, and furniture belonging there-
unto, is situated on the East, and the
What comes next in the Church? I Aaronic Priesthood belongs in the West;
will now refer you directly to the build- consequently the Presiding Bishop laid
ing up of the Kingdom of God in the last the second stone.
days. What do we see next? Joseph as Do you ask, was it so in the other
an Apostle of the Lamb, with the keys buildings? I do not know, neither do I
of the eternal Priesthood committed unto care.
him by Peter, James, and John. What The High Priests' Quorum—do they
for? To build up the Kingdom of God come next in order, do they next step
on the earth. Next grows out an office into the field? No, not particularly,
pertaining to the temporal affairs of this anymore than the Elders, nor the El-
Kingdom, the keys of which are com- ders anymore than the High Council,
mitted to man on the earth, prepara- nor the High Council anymore than the
tory to its establishment, preparatory to Teachers, Deacons, or Priests. The High
its spreading, growing, increasing, and Priests' Quorum is a standing Quorum,
prospering among the nations. The next abiding at home. So is the Elders' Quo-
step we see taken by the Lord, is to pro- rum; but the place of the Bishop is in the
vide for the body, therefore some person temporal affairs in the Church; so then
must be appointed to fill this office, to what shall we say? Why, out of due re-
stand side by side with this Apostle, this spect to the High Priesthood, which is
first President. Who was it? It was not nothing more than what is right and rea-
brother Hunter. Who was it? It was sonable, that we should honor the Priest-
brother Partridge. We see brother Par- hood that God has bequeathed to us, we
tridge was called to fill that place be- say to the High Priests; lay the third cor-
fore there was an Elders' Quorum, or a nerstone.
High Priests' Quorum, in existence, yea, We started at the South East Cor-
before the thing was talked of, and also ner, with the Apostleship; then the
before the Twelve Apostles were chosen, Lesser Priesthood laid the second
not, however, before the revelation was stone; we bring them in our ranks to

the third stone, which the High Priests tleship circumscribes everything in the
and Elders laid; we take them under Church of God on earth. This is the or-
our wing to the North East Cornerstone, der, and I have endeavored to carry it out
which the Twelve and Seventies laid, before you, that you all might know here-
and there again join the Apostleship. after, what is the true order, as far as it
It circumscribes every other Priesthood, can be exhibited in the laying of Corner-
for it is the Priesthood of Melchizedek, stones. So far as simply laying a corner-
which is after the order of the Son of God. stone is concerned, one corner is just as
To say a man is an Apostle, is equal good to me as another.
to saying that a man is ordained to build
I will give you the explanation why
up the Kingdom of God from first to
we proceeded as we have. It was sug-
last; but it is not so by saying he is or-
gested to me, that perhaps the Twelve
dained a High Priest. The Bishopric by
would feel better to lay the second stone.
right belongs to the literal descendants
When I told them the fourth stone was
of Aaron, but we shall have to ordain
the stone they should lay, it struck my
from the other tribes, men who hold the
mind that I was ordained an Apostle;
High Priesthood, to act in the Lesser, un-
and I still belong to the Apostleship; did
til we can find a literal descendant of
you ever cut me off, brethren? [Voices
Aaron, who is prepared to receive it.
in the stand, No.] It struck my mind if
The Lesser Priesthood then, you per-
you wanted to lay the second stone, you
ceive, comes within the purview of the
did not feel that you had the Apostle-
Apostleship, because a man that holds it
ship in you, or you did not feel like as
has a right to act or officiate as a High
I did; for it is the beginning and the end,
Priest, as one of the High Council, as
the height, depth, length, and breadth of
a Patriarch, as a Bishop, Elder, Priest,
all that is, that was, and ever can be to
Teacher, and Deacon, and in every other
all eternity. I have not heard that there
office and calling that is in the Church,
were any feelings about the matter, only
from first to last, when duty demands it.
somebody suggested the thing. It was
This is the order of the Priesthood,
three of the Twelve, then, that laid the
brethren. I felt as though I wished to
first stone, and then the Quorum of the
make some remarks upon this subject on
Twelve laid the fourth.
the Temple ground; but dismissing the
congregation hurt me much. I wanted to Now will it cause some of you to
make some remarks at the same time, marvel that I was not ordained a High
but I despaired of making you hear, so Priest before I was ordained an Apostle?
I thought I would omit speaking in the Brother Kimball and myself were never
open air, and say what I had to say in ordained High Priests. How wonderful!
the Tabernacle. I was going to say how little some of the
I know what was done at Nau- brethren understood the Priesthood, af-
voo; it was all right. Everything is ter the Twelve were called. In our early
right with me. There the Twelve were career in this Church, on one occasion,
called to lay the North West Corner- in one of our Councils, we were telling
stone, if I mistake not. However, it about some of the Twelve wanting to or-
is no matter, they were just as well dain us High Priests, and what I said
there, as anywhere else. But to take to brother Patten when he wanted to or-
up the Priesthood in its perfect order dain me in York State: said I, brother
and form, you perceive that the Apos- Patten, wait until I can lift my hand

to heaven and say, I have magnified the I know that Joseph received his Apos-
office of an Elder. After our conversa- tleship from Peter, James, and John,
tion was over in the Council, some of before a revelation on the subject was
the brethren began to query, and said printed, and he never had a right to orga-
we ought to be ordained High Priests; nize a Church before he was an Apostle.
at the same time I did not consider
that an Apostle needed to be ordained I have tried to shew you, brethren,
a High Priest, an Elder, or a Teacher. as briefly as possible, the order of the
I did not express my views on the sub- Priesthood. When a man is ordained to
ject, at that time, but thought I would be an Apostle, his Priesthood is with-
hear what brother Joseph would say out beginning of days, or end of life, like
about it. It was William E. McLellin the Priesthood of Melchizedek; for it was
who told Joseph, that I and Heber his Priesthood that was spoken of in this
were not ordained High Priests, and language, and not the man.
wanted to know if it should not be When I arose to address you, I
done. Said Joseph, "Will you insult wanted to talk to you a little of my
the Priesthood? Is that all the knowl- experience in practical "Mormonism,"
edge you have of the office of an Apos- but I have not had time, and have
tle? Do you not know that the man
who receives the Apostleship, receives talked long enough already. I have been
all the keys that ever were, or that can round about it, you know, for it is all inside
of what I have been telling you.
be, conferred upon mortal man? What
are you talking about? I am aston- May the Lord bless you forever, in the
ished!" Nothing more was said about it. name of Jesus Christ. Amen.



Friends and Fellow Citizens—We flowing from the hearts of our fel-
have been edified and instructed to- low citizens, or produced by the skill
day, our hearts have been warmed, and of our hands in the use of musical
our minds entertained with a variety. instruments. All has been music—
Shall I say interspersed with music? music to the ear, and poetry to the
No, for it has all been music, whether heart. We have had a variety, all

tending, however, to one point, all chim- I, for one, feel, in rising under these
ing in one common harmony, without a circumstances, as though I would rather
jarring string. We have had the gush- sit and contemplate, and reflect upon
ing eloquence of youth, kindled as it were the history of the past, and the glorious
with liquid fire, portraying the glories prospect of the future. But on the other
of our country, and touching upon some hand, I feel willing as a fellow citizen
portion of its history. to contribute my mite, realizing at the
same time my own weakness, and not
Our sympathies, and feelings of pa- having had time to prepare anything in
triotism, have been moved in listen- writing.
ing to the items relating to the "Mor- I will express my ideas, or rather a
mon Battalion"—their sufferings upon few of them, in regard to the Constitu-
the plains of Sonora, and the variety tion of our own country, and its polit-
of scenes of joy, and sorrow, and patri- ical principles, of their effects, and of
otism; and the results in their march. the results of the movements which gave
We have had portrayed before us at one rise to that Constitution. The longer
moment the opening of the treasures of I live, and the more acquainted I am
the western mines, and the cause that with men and things, the more I realize
led to it, pouring into the treasuries of that these movements, and particularly
nations, as it were, a stream of gold. that instrument called the Constitution
At another moment we have been enter- of American Liberty, was certainly dic-
tained with a view of the results of the tated by the spirit of wisdom, by a spirit
actions of our fathers, and the causes of unparalleled liberality, and by a spirit
that led to the great Declaration of In- of political utility. And if that Constitu-
dependence, and to the statement of the tion be carried out by a just and wise
principles contained in that instrument, administration, it is calculated to bene-
which was read today; contemplating, fit not only all the people that are born
not only the direct bearing of those ac- under its particular jurisdiction, but all
tions of our fathers in setting a nation the people of the earth, of whatever na-
free, but the indirect bearing and influ- tion, kindred, tongue, religion, or tradi-
ences of such movements upon the whole tion, that may seek to take a shelter un-
world of mankind—upon the destiny of der its banner. It seems broad enough,
the race of which we form a part. and large enough, to receive and protect
all that may be in any way deprived of
At another moment we have listened the common rights of man. It was doubt-
to the grave eloquence of official gentle- less dictated by the spirit of eternal wis-
men, portraying the history of our fa- dom, and has thus far proved itself ade-
thers in the anxious movements that fi- quate to the wants of the nation, and to
nally resulted in the establishment and the wants of all mankind that have seen
in the maintainance of those great prin- fit to attach themselves to it, to come un-
ciples and truths put forth in the Dec- der its protection, and share in its bless-
laration. In short, we have had a ings.
variety, and we have had entertain- The great question, as has been be-
ment that has been profitable to the fore observed today more than once,
mind, and that has caused us to re- is, not the operations of the instru-
flect. And as to the display of elo- ments, the beauty of the writing, the
quence, poetry, music, and above all of formation of the language, or the prin-
patriotic feeling, good sentiment, and ciple of liberty guaranteed therein,
wholesome doctrine, what is there left? but the administration of those prin-

ciples. For instance, paper itself can- city had failed to grasp—the greatness
not enforce its own precepts; and un- of the destiny of those principles. One
hallowed principles in the people, or in thing is certain, in the minds of all Chris-
the rulers which they choose, may per- tians who admit the truth of the Bible,
vert any form of government, however and who have perused its pages, and
sacred, true, and liberal. They may over- that is, there is a day coming when all
throw and destroy the practical work- mankind upon this earth will be free.
ing of those very principles, which are When they will no longer be shackled,
so true, and so dear to us, and in which either by ignorance, by religious or po-
we so rejoice. It is the living adminis- litical bondage, by tyranny, by oppres-
tration, after all, that is the government, sion, by priestcraft, kingcraft, or any
although a good form opens the way for other kind of craft, but when all will pos-
good results, if carried out; but if not car-
itively have the knowledge of the truth,
ried out, the form becomes a dead letter. and freely enjoy it with their neighbors.
Much depends on the feeling and action However they may do in other points,
of the people in their choice of men and these points are clearly developed in that
measures, and much depends on the ad- good Book which Christendom acknowl-
ministration of those they may choose. edges. This is the destiny that the
In the principles of the Constitution Prophets of old have predicted in regard
formed by our fathers, and handed down to the race of mortals upon the earth.
to their children, and those who should Whatever principles of darkness have
see fit to adopt this country as theirs, united to obscure ages and generations;
there is no difficulty, that is, in the lawswhatever of wrong and bloodshed might
and instruments themselves. They em- prevail; whatever of corruption, decep-
brace eternal truths, principles of eter- tion, or superstition might enslave the
nal liberty, not the principles of one pe- mind of man, and chain down his body;
culiar country, or the sectional interest however the earth might be drenched
of any particular people, but the great, in the blood of millions; however many
fundamental eternal principles of lib- might be the futile struggles of nations
erty to rational beings—liberty of con- or individuals for liberty; yet, in the fi-
science, liberty to do business, liberty to nal result, the darkness which has cov-
increase in intelligence and in improve- ered the earth will be chased away, light
ment, in the comforts, conveniences, and will prevail, liberty triumph, mankind
elegances of this life, and in the intellec-be free, the nations be brethren, and
tual principles that tend to progress in none have need to say to his neighbor,
all lives. "Know ye the Lord," or the truth, which
The more I contemplate our coun- is just the same thing; for all will know
try, the providences which have at- Him, from the least to the greatest. If
tended it, the principles upon which such is to be the final result, how natu-
it is governed, the principles upon ral it is for men to look at the workings
which the Constitution is founded, of the causes that will bring it about,
and the practical working of it when and to contemplate the great things that
properly carried out; the more I are growing out of so little, compara-
look at the spirit of our institutions; and tively speaking. When a single individ-
the more I contemplate the circumstances ual conceived a big thought, and formed
of mankind in general; the more I re- a grand design of taking an unbeaten
alize that which before I had scarcely track, and penetrating the unexplored
thought of, that which even the largest capa-

seas of the West, who could have contem- bled to celebrate the day on which free-
plated the result that has grown out of it dom dawned.
in about 300 and odd years? Who can realize the present and fu-
On the other hand, when a few ture bearing of this? Mine eyes have be-
colonies, weak and feeble, settled on held the downtrodden people of our an-
these western shores, called New Eng- cient mother country—England. I have
land, when all the grain they had in their contemplated the working of European
possession, in a little while after they nations, not after the hearing of the ear
landed, might have been measured in a only, but mine eyes have beheld it. I have
pint cup, who then could have contem- also beheld a portion of the great Pacific,
plated the result? Or when a few small and seen our brethren of mankind at war
colonies, weak and far separated from with each other in Spanish America, for
each other by dreary miles, without the I have crossed the equator, and been far
aid of steam cars, or steam boats, or the along the western shores of the Pacific.
convenience of the telegraph to convey I have also seen thousands of people of
news from place to place with lightning Asia, from the most despotic government
speed, were united, and by their rep- on the earth, swarming upon our west-
resentatives made this Declaration we ern shores, dwelling under the common
have heard today, and pledged them- banner of freedom—I mean the Chinese.
selves, though few in number—only be-
tween two and three millions, to defend We have heard something today
and carry it out, who could have contem- about the prospects of annexation, or en-
plated the result even of that? And when largement of the dominions of the Con-
these few colonies were once set free to stitution of America. The principle of
manage their own affairs, and, having annexation of large countries is not im-
achieved that which they so bravely un- portant, but the influence of our insti-
dertook to accomplish, and establish lib- tutions, the pattern we set, the working
erty, they came together to establish a of these institutions, and their influence
capital that should be central and con- abroad will bring about the same results
venient for the colonies that were then precisely, whether it is particularly by
strewed along the shores—at that time annexation or not. The Spanish Ameri-
who could have contemplated a nation can, who is he? He possesses a country
that would stretch its dominions and and resources almost unbounded. Put
settlements from Maine to Florida, and that country and its resources with the
from the northeast, washed by the At- United States, with the Canadas, and
lantic, to the very interior of the con- I will guarantee that every man that
tinent then unknown to civilized man? now stands upon the earth could be sus-
And that the shores of the Pacific would tained by these resources, if the rest of
have formed our western limits, its seas the world were to sink.
been whitened with our sails, and the The natural elements of the Ameri-
unnumbered millions of Asia influenced can continent, that are not developed,
by our institutions? would sustain the world. The Span-
Our hearts beat high for lib- ish American possesses a country that
erty. The valleys of the mountains, is rich in everything that is desirable,
the backbone of the American Conti- as a climate in all its varieties. It is
nent, are peopled with 20 or 80 mil- rich in mineral wealth and agricultural
lions of free people scattered over the resources, in timber, and in all the el-
land, and dwelling securely under the ements of wealth and greatness, and
same banner, and now are we assem- is comparatively undeveloped and unoc-

cupied. But who are these Spanish try made them so, and tradition has fas-
Americans? They are in a great mea- tened the bands, and makes them so yet.
sure aboriginal inhabitants of this coun- But when they speak to Americans, they
try, mingled with European people, from speak with those whom they suppose can
the pure white of old Spain, and in all its teach them. When they contemplate the
shades until you come to the full blooded United States, they contemplate a coun-
Indian, or Redman. try that they suppose is setting them an
What institutions are they under? example worthy to be patterned after.
They are said to have liberty, something They delight to sit for hours and learn of
after the pattern of the United States, our institutions, of our railroads, of our
but in many instances, I am sorry to say, telegraph, of the speed by which we can
only in part, not in spirit, nor in truth; convey ourselves and goods from place to
for while they profess liberty, they them- place, and of our wonderful quickness of
selves are in bondage to a religion es- conveying news. They love to hear of our
tablished by law. While their institu- improvements in steam, of our naviga-
tions may be nominally free in many re- tion, of our schools, of our newspaper lib-
spects, they have this awful clause speci- erty, or the liberty of the press, of our lib-
fying a certain religion, that shall be the erty of conscience, of our universal adap-
religion of the State, to the prohibition tation of education, and of our system
of all other religions, or public exercise of paying for education out of the pub-
of other religions. Hence the people are lic funds, leaving the people to contribute
trammeled by priestcraft, by a yoke of freely according to their own judgment
bondage, first enforced upon them by the and desires for the support of religion.
sword in the days of Cortez and Pizarro, These things have a bearing upon their
and afterwards riveted by the traditions minds; they are ready to converse upon
of three centuries. They know not how to them, and when they have heard the de-
appreciate liberty, they know not how to scription, say they, "It is good, far better
throw off the yoke that goads their neck. than our own institutions," and they are
As it has been observed today by ready to condemn the priestcraft among
one of the orators, mankind are pro- them, but they have to follow it because
gressive beings, and there are no obsta- they have nothing else. Their organs of
cles that might be thrown in the way of thought are not accustomed to much ex-
their progress, that could not be over- ercise, they want the information to lib-
come. This will apply to our brethren erate themselves.
of every shade on this continent, and to
mankind in general. It is hardly pos- When we contemplate the designs
sible for one dwelling at home to real- of the country, and its influence, we
ize the influence that American and En- contemplate not merely our own lib-
glish institutions, which are the best, ex- erty, happiness, and progress, nationally
ert over the nations, and among them. and individually, but we contemplate the
They look to America for instruction and emancipation of the world, the flowing
example in the first place, and they of the nations to this fountain, and to
next look to England; they look to these the occupation of these elements, blend-
countries for everything that is yet un- ing together in one common brotherhood.
developed, of liberty, art, science, ed- They will thus seek deliverance from op-
ucation, and improvement. You may pression, not in the style of revolution,
say they are Catholics, but who blames but by voluntarily emerging into free-
them for this? The law of their coun- dom, and the free occupation of the free

elements of life. In contemplating the ken, and they will begin to emerge into
fulfilment of things so clearly developed freedom. In short, all the people of the
by the Prophets, I do not view it as do earth, though they cannot master their
many, who suppose a revolution should tyrants at home at one fell swoop, and
take place in France, in Austria, in Ger- burst asunder their chains and the fet-
many, and the other nations, and that ters of priestcraft that have bound them
one revolution following another, would down, and trammeled the free circula-
gradually emancipate mankind in every tion of thought, yet one by one, family
nation, and give progress to the prin- by family, can flow out from those coun-
ciples of freedom, to liberty of thought tries, to where they have a right to the
and action, and to the free circulation elements to sustain them. What is to
of intelligence. We have seen it tried, be the result in the end? They will step
and tried in vain. The people are on the other side of the big ship called
not able to throw off those fetters of the world, or in other words the East-
bondage, and that heavy yoke. Circum- ern Hemisphere, and take their stand to-
stances are against them. But Provi- gether, at least upon general principles,
dence opens the way whereby they may if not upon particular items, and begin
liberate themselves—I mean the first to think. It will be a long time, of course,
and best spirits from all countries under before all things will settle into a state
the heavens. They may leave the old con- of harmony; it will be a long time before
stitutions to crumble down in their own many will begin to think at all. They will
rottenness, and emerge from them, and ultimately begin to think, and think un-
come out where they may enjoy sufficient til they form habits of thinking, and per-
of the elements upon free, good, and eq- haps after awhile they will learn to think
uitable principles; operate upon these el- truly. Men who are not in the habit of
ements, and increase their numbers and thinking are as apt to think wrong as to
powers by the union of the best spirits of think right, but when the habit is once
all nations of the earth. formed they will begin to discriminate,
On the one hand the Chinese emerges and use faculties with which they are
from the institutions of ages almost im- naturally endowed. When they emigrate
memorial, from the antiquated creeds to this land, the first thing they think of
and regulations that he thought ev- is to improve the elements, and provide
ery man in the world had been gov- for themselves the means of subsistence.
erned by for thousands of years. He But the stepping of the people on this
emerges from that superstitious govern- side of the ship, or on the land shadowing
ment, and lands upon these shores, and with wings, in such numbers, would, to
learns principles of freedom faster than use a figure, almost turn the world over;
he does the English language—his old they would, in other words, overbalance
traditions are swept away, and he is a it, the same as a ship would be overbal-
man. But take that whole nation, and anced by the shifting of the cargo from
they could not be brought to think of one side of the vessel to the other.
liberty as we do; take from ten to a
thousand individuals and put them where
You take the people from the East-
they may think, and they will think; and ern Hemisphere, and put them on the
as they think, their old traditions will van- western, far away from tyranny and
ish one by one. At the same time the Span- oppression, and let them use their in-
ish American follows, and all the other na- dividual exertions to improve them-
tions in the train; the barriers will be bro- selves, mentally and nationally, and

their influence will ultimately overbal- developed, and influences are at work
ance the world, they will overturn those of such magnitude and greatness, that
institutions which they could not con- language is inadequate to express the
quer in their own country. probable result; we can only borrow the
Hence we contemplate that small be- language of the Prophets, which is also
ginning made by the American pioneers, insufficient to convey the idea properly,
by Columbus as the first pioneer, and that is, The earth shall be full of knowl-
by our fathers the pioneers of religion edge, light, liberty, brotherly kindness
and liberty; we contemplate how that in- and friendship; none will have need to
fluence has spread and increased in the teach his neighbor to know the Lord, but
earth, influencing the feelings of individ- all will know Him from the least to the
uals as well as national institutions, un- greatest; darkness will flee away, oppres-
til among all the nations of the earth, a sion will be known no more, and men will
sufficient number are gathered together, employ blacksmiths to beat up their old
and the elements sufficiently developed weapons of war into ploughshares and
that now lie unoccupied, and sufficient pruninghooks. Their occupation will be
light is infused for them to comprehend, to develop the inexhaustible resources
to contemplate, to investigate, and in- of nature, improve the intellect, and lay
terchange with each other the blessings hold of the Spirit of the Lord, and live by
of Providence, until by and by the rest it. The world will be renovated both po-
of the world is overwhelmed, that it is litically and religiously.
obliged to bow to their superior great-
ness. "Do you mean that we shall re-
turn again to our fathers' land, and com- These are but partial ideas. To view
pel them to be American citizens?" No. the subject in its true light, would lead
But to two hundred millions of people the mind to contemplate all the practical
on the American continent, dignified by truths in the universe, that are within
the principles of American freedom, Eu- the grasp of mortal man; indeed it may
rope must bow, by the indirect influence reach into immortality. We will acknowl-
which must necessarily be exercised on edge the hand of God in the movements
those despotic nations. of men, and in the development of minds,
Suffice it to say the continent is the result of which will be the fulfill-
discovered, the elements for life and ment of what the Prophet has spoken—
happiness are known to exist, and the renovation of our race, and the estab-
are partly developed, and constitutions lishment of a universal Kingdom of God,
and governments formed, and princi- in which His will will be done on earth as
ples beginning to be instituted and it is done in heaven.




I wish to make a few remarks only, religion I have embraced, and be for-
to this congregation, as the time allotted saken of my God. If you or I should see
to us this morning, is far spent. The re- that day, we shall see at once that the
marks which have been made previous to world will love its own; and affliction,
my rising are very good, as they are also persecutions, death, fire, and the sword,
true. They are things not fresh to the will cease to follow us.
majority of this assembly, though there
If the Latter-day Saints magnify their
may be some present who are perhaps ig-
calling, walk humbly before their God, do
norant of them.
the things that are pleasing to their Fa-
Suffice it to say, that five years ago
ther in heaven, and walk up to their duty
this day, the Pioneers approached this
in every respect, I am bold to say that not
valley, with their implements of hus-
five years only, but scores of years, will
bandry, &c., which were represented by
pass away without the Saints ever being
them in the procession today. We came
interrupted, or driven again from their
for the purpose of finding a place to set
possessions: thus far it is for our good.
our feet, where we could dwell in peace.
That place we have found. If the Saints I did not rise for the purpose of de-
cannot enjoy that peace which is so dear livering an oration on this occasion, but
to them here, I would say that I am ig- to remind you of the blessings we now
norant of the spot on the earth where are privileged to enjoy. When we first
they can. Where could a place have been approached this valley, there was not a
found where we might enjoy freedom of man upon the face of the earth whoever
thought, freedom of speech, and freedom had beheld these valleys of the moun-
of worship? If not in these mountains, I tains, or knew anything of the Great
am ignorant of the place. Basin, who knew that corn, or any other
We have enjoyed perfect peace here kind of grain could be raised here. Can
for five years; and I trust we shall for you find the man who had any knowl-
many fives to come. If the Saints are edge of the Great Basin, as it is called,
persecuted, it is for their good; if they that believed there could be an ear of
are driven, it is for their good; conse- corn ripened in it? There is not that
quently, when I reflect, I have noth- man on the earth, when you have ex-
ing to fear in all the persecutions or cepted the people called the Latter-day
hardships I may pass through in con- Saints. We came here and planted our
nection with this people, but the one garden seeds of various kinds, five years
thing, and that is, to stray from the ago this day; they grew, but they did not

ripen, though the buckwheat would have attends them; something mysterious
ripened, perhaps, had it been properly hangs around them. What is it? It is not
taken care of; some other grains also magnetism; it is something more won-
would have come to maturity, so as to derful; those that are present this day
have assisted a small colony to live here; may truly say it is wonderful in the ex-
they, however, lived; how? Shall I say treme. Who gives me power, that "at the
by faith? Yes, partially so; for had they pointing of my finger," the hosts of Israel
not had faith, they certainly never would move, and at my request the inhabitants
have come to this place: it is the faith of of this great Territory are displaced: at
the Latter-day Saints that brought them my command they are here? Who gives
here. me that power? Let the world inquire. It
There is a very mysterious princi- is the God of heaven: it is the Spirit of
ple that abides with this people; it is a the Holy Gospel; it is not of myself; it is
mystery, and one of the greatest myster- the Lord Jesus Christ, trying to save the
ies to the inhabitants of the earth that inhabitants of the earth.
have been made acquainted by history,
or by personal knowledge, with this peo-
ple. And what makes it more singular, The people are here; they endure.
say they, by all our calculations we can- Did they bring their bread with them?
not conceive of it; it is so mysterious that No. Did they bring their meat with
it absolutely amounts to a miracle. What them? No. Did they bring that that sus-
is this great mystery? It is that these tained them until they raised it from the
Latter-day Saints are of one heart, and earth? They could not do it, for they were
of one mind. obliged to bring tools, ploughs, drag-
To Saint and sinner, believer and un- chains, &c.; they were obliged to bring
believer, I wish here to offer one word their wives and children in their wag-
of advice and counsel, by revealing the ons; five, and six, and eight, and in some
mystery that abides with this people wagons ten, people would get huddled to-
called Latter-day Saints; it is the Spirit gether, to drive a thousand miles from all
of the living God that leads them; it is sustenance, and there plant themselves
the Spirit of the Almighty that binds in the wilderness, where nothing met the
them together; it is the influence of eye but snowy peaks, and parched vales;
the Holy Ghost that makes them love and trust in the God of Israel to sustain
each other like little children; it is the them. Let the world ask the question—
spirit of Jesus Christ that makes them would the Methodists thus run the haz-
willing to lay down their lives for the ard of losing their lives for their religion?
cause of Truth; and it was that same Would the Presbyterians, the Baptists,
Spirit that caused Joseph our martyred the Quakers, or their old mother, the Ro-
Prophet to lay down his life for the tes- man Catholic church, run the same risk?
timony of what the Lord revealed to Would she venture thus in the wilder-
him. This mystery, the great mystery ness? No. It is not very common to
of "Mormonism," is, that the Spirit of find a whole people on the earth, as in
the Lord binds the hearts of the peo- the case of the Latter-day Saints, who
ple together. Let the world look at would do it; though single individuals
it. This I say by way of exhortation, might be found so enthusiastic as to sac-
if you please. Let the inhabitants of rifice their lives, and run into a lion's
the earth gaze upon this people, this den, in proof of their faith in their re-
wondrous people, for a magic power ligion. But where are the tens of thou-

sands, and the scores of thousands, and this place, for a testimony of their en-
the hundreds of thousands, who would durance, and unflinching industry.
lay down every principle of life and hap- I say to this community, be hum-
piness, and everything that is desirable, ble, be faithful to your God, true to His
pertaining to this world, for the princi- Church, benevolent to the strangers that
ples of eternal life; and would go forth may pass through our territory, and kind
into the wilderness, having no other stay to all people; serving the Lord with all
but the hand of God to lead them? They your might, trusting in him; but never
are not to be found! fear the frowns of an enemy, nor be
We meet here and celebrate the day; moved by the flatteries of friends or of
five years we have been in this val- enemies from the path of right. Serve
ley; and I will say to the newcomers, your God; believe in Him, and never be
our brethren, or those who are not our ashamed of Him, and sustain your char-
brethren, three years ago last October, acter before Him, for very soon we will
the first house was reared in this place. meet in a larger congregation than this,
There was not a rod of fence, nor a and have a celebration far superior; we
house, except the old fort, and a little will celebrate our perfect and absolute
log cabin. Here we are now, spread out deliverance from the power of the devil;
from the east to the west, measurably we only celebrate now our deliverance
so, but more extensively to the north and from the good brick houses we have left,
south. Travel through the valleys, and from our farms and lands, and from the
scan the houses, and the farms, and see graves of our fathers; we celebrate our
the improvements that have been made; perfect deliverance from these.
take the back track of the "Mormons;"
follow them from here to Nauvoo: from Our lives have been spared, and we
Nauvoo to Far West; then to Kirtland; are yet upon this planet; and by and by
and back to Missouri again to Jackson we will celebrate a perfect deliverance
County; and all people will acknowledge from all the powers of earth; and we will
that the "Mormons" have had enough to keep our eyes set upon the mark, and go
do to mind their own business, and make forward to victory.
the improvements that have been per- I say to the aged, to the middle-aged,
formed by them! They have done noth- and to the young—all be true to your
ing but mind their own business. Look God, true to your brethren, and kind to
at the improvements that have followed all, serving God with all your heart. And
this people, in all their travels up to may He bless you for Jesus' sake. Amen.


L AKE C ITY, J UNE 12, 1853.


In rising to address you this morn- world, and those things associated with
ing, I do it with feelings of peculiar plea- our everlasting welfare.
sure, for I always love to meet with the If these are not our feelings, what are
Saints of the Most High; I always loved we doing here? Why are we found in this
to speak or to hear of the things associ- distant land? Why have we left the land
ated with the kingdom of God; and con- of our birth, and dwelling place? Why
sequently, as we are all engaged in the have we quitted our former associations
worship of the Almighty, and meet to- and friends, in different nations, coun-
gether from time to time, to sing, to pray, tries, tongues, and peoples, and thus
to speak, to edify, and be edified, it is of become amalgamated? Why do we to-
little importance to me what part I take gether worship the Most High in the
in the drama, I am pleased at all times to valleys of the mountains, if these have
hear my brethren speak, and it likewise not been our feelings? We have come
gives me pleasure to address the Saints here expressly for this purpose. This
for their edification. has been our only object, our only hope,
As men and women of intelligence, our chief desire, and may account for
as those who profess to be the servants our singular gathering, and our pecu-
of the Most High, we all have more or liar location here. And notwithstanding
less reflection pertaining to the king- we may have a few trials and difficul-
dom of God. The ideas that we have ties, and various things that frequently
entertained, relative to this kingdom, perplex and annoy our minds, and dis-
have brought us here; these feelings turb our feelings, yet the polar star of
and principles have caused us to leave our minds, the strong and deep feeling
our native homes, our former habita- of affection, and the principle of truth
tions and associations, and to mingle within us, still point to the same thing
with the Saints of the Most High in for which we started at the commence-
the valleys of these mountains. If we ment of our career; and when we bow
have suffered afflictions and privations, down before our God, when we enter into
if we have passed through troubles or our closet and call upon the Lord, when
sorrows, if we have had to do with the associated with our families to suppli-
chequered scenes of this life, more par- cate the Most High, when we mingle
ticularly as it is associated with the king- with the Saints in public worship, or
dom of God, it is because we have been whenever we are led seriously to reflect
stimulated by thoughts, feelings, hopes, upon the true position of this kingdom,
and desires, pertaining to the eternal our rejoicing is, that our face is Zion-

ward, that our hopes are placed upon nesses of our fellow men; our own
God, and we know that He is our Father strength, as well as the strength of oth-
and Friend. We contemplate with joy ers; and comprehend our true position
that the heavens have been opened, that before God, angels, and men; that we
truth has been revealed, and the power may be inclined to treat all with due re-
of God developed; that angels have man- spect, and not to overvalue our own wis-
ifested themselves, that the glory of the dom or strength, nor depreciate it, nor
eternal world has been made known, and that of others, but put our trust in the
that we have been made participators in living God, and follow after Him, and re-
that light, glory, and intelligence which alize that we are His children, and that
God has been pleased to reveal for the He is our Father, and that our depen-
blessing, salvation, and exaltation of the dence is upon Him, and that every bless-
human family in this time and through- ing we receive flows from His beneficent
out all eternity. These are our feelings. hand.
We believe that God has set His hand It is necessary, then, that we pass
in these last days to accomplish His pur- through the school of suffering, trial,
poses, to gather together His elect from affliction, and privation, to know our-
the four winds, even to fulfill the words selves, to know others, and to know our
which He has spoken by all the holy God. Therefore it was necessary, when
Prophets, to redeem the earth from the the Savior was upon the earth, that he
power of the curse to save the human should be tempted in all points, like
family from the ruins of the fall, and unto us, and "be touched with the feel-
to place mankind in that position which ing of our infirmities," to comprehend
God designed them to occupy before this the weaknesses and strength, the per-
world came into existence, or the morn- fections and imperfections of poor fallen
ing stars sang together for joy. We be- human nature. And having accom-
lieve in and realize these things; we feel plished the thing he came into the world
them, we appreciate them, and therefore to do; having had to grapple with the
are we thus assembled together. hypocrisy, corruption, weakness, and im-
I know that, as other men, we have becility of man; having met with tempta-
our trials, afflictions, sorrows, and pri- tion and trial in all its various forms, and
vations; we meet with difficulties; we overcome, he has become a "faithful High
have to contend with the world, with Priest" to intercede for us in the everlast-
the powers of darkness, with the corrup- ing kingdom of His Father. He knows
tions of men, and a variety of evils; yet how to estimate and put a proper value
at the same time through these things upon human nature, for he having been
we have to be made perfect. It is nec- placed in the same position as we are,
essary that we should have a knowl- knows how to bear with our weaknesses
edge of ourselves, of our true position and infirmities, and can fully compre-
and standing before God, and compre- hend the depth, power, and strength of
hend our strength, our weakness, our the afflictions and trials that men have
ignorance and intelligence, our wisdom to cope with in this world, and thus un-
and our folly, that we may know how to derstandingly and by experience, he can
appreciate true principles, and compre- bear with them as a father and an elder
hend, and put a proper value upon, all brother.
things as they present themselves before It is necessary, also, inasmuch as
our minds. It is necessary that we should we profess that we are aiming at
know our own weakness, and the weak- the same glory, exaltation, power, and

blessings in the eternal world, that we Have we united with this Church be-
should pass through the same afflictions, cause we expect to become more honor-
endure the same privations, conquer as able in the eyes of the world? No. I think
he conquered, and overcome as he did, this work would have been the last ship
and thus by integrity, truth, virtue, pu- we should have boarded, if that had been
rity, and a high-minded and honorable what we sought. This reminds me of a
course before God, angels, and men, se- minister that I once conversed with in
cure for ourselves an eternal exaltation England. He wanted a little private con-
in the eternal world, as he did. versation, after having had some public
debate with me. Said he, "Elder Tay-
The world, at the present time, is lor, is there any way you know of that I
all confused, and it seems to me, some- can be saved without uniting with your
times, that even we have made very lit- Church?" These were the feelings most
tle improvement indeed, according to the of us had when we first heard the Gospel.
light and intelligence God has commu- "Mormonism" is the first impression, and
nicated to us. But what has the world the "Mormons" are looked upon as be-
done? Whether you look at it morally, ing deluded fanatics and fools, the offs-
religiously, philosophically, or politically, couring of the earth. This is the way we
or in what way you please, you will find have been looked upon, and in this light
it is all a chaotic mass. Confusion, dis- we looked upon "Mormonism," ourselves,
order, weakness, corruption, and vice of at the first. When I first read about
every kind are abounding, and the whole the Gospel preached by the Latter-day
world seems to be confused and retro- Saints, I thought it was nothing akin to
grading. The human family have de- religion; and I presume now that the peo-
parted from the principles which God ple in England, and in the United States,
has laid down for their guidance, direc- particularly since they have heard some
tion, and support; they have forsaken of the late doctrines which have been
Him the fountain of living waters, and proclaimed, think it is nothing like re-
hewn out to themselves cisterns, broken ligion. I know what their feelings are,
cisterns, that can hold no water. and I know that nothing but a sterling
I shall not, at the present, examine par- desire to do the will of God will cause
ticularly their philosophy or politics; these men to endure the contumely and re-
things you are already acquainted with, for proach of their fellow men, and asso-
you have had more or less to do with them; ciate themselves with the people denom-
you have seen their weakness, and incompe- inated Latter-day Saints or "Mormons."
tency to accomplish anything they desired in We had similar feelings to these our-
times past. There is no project they have put selves; and we united with this people
on foot, to the present time, if carried out because we considered there was truth
to the furthest extent, according to the most associated with their religion, otherwise
sanguine desires of its advocates, that would
we never should have become converts to
be capable of producing happiness to the hu-
it, we should never have been here, but
man family. I shall not enter into a detail of
these things at the present, but merely make we should have been with the world, and
this statement. Suffice it to say that we have following in their path. But we are here;
been satisfied of these things years ago, and the world have their ideas, and we have
therefore have come here. Have we come here ours. I was going to say, they think they
because we expect to become more rich? No. are right; but on reflecting a moment,

I am led to think they do not think so, brother Christians, who are going to the
but they are at a loss to know how to same heaven. The other party pray for
mend themselves. The difference be- the same thing, and when both have
tween them and us is, they think they been praying, then comes the clang of
do not know a better way than that they arms, the deadly strife, the groans of
are pursuing; we think we do, and some the dying, blood, carnage, and desola-
of us know we do. I confess, myself, tion. And after they have got through,
that if I knew no other religion, than the the victorious party thank God that He
religions that are propagated abroad, I has given them the victory over their en-
would not be a religious man at all, but emies.
I would lay it all aside, as something be- These kinds of Christian feelings do
neath my notice, and worship God as the exist. I speak of this as one circum-
great Supreme of the Universe, accord- stance. What can I think of such priests,
ing to my own judgment, independent of and of such prayers? I think just as
the opinions of man, and without hav- much of the one as I do of the other. But
ing any regard to the ridiculous dogmas what would you think of the gullibility
taught in the world. of the people who would listen to such
Many find fault with and blame the things? Would I be gulled by such in-
consistencies? Not if I had my reason.
infidel community, and say that none
but scoundrels would be associated with At the present time, take Christians in
them, &c. The most intelligent men general, which, you know, we all suppose
to be the best people in the world, and
in the world are found among the In-
fidel class of society. They see a vari- one half of their time is spent in polem-
ical essays and strife; and I think some-
ety of sects and parties contending for
times our Elders engage too much in that
all kinds of conflicting dogmas. They
know that persecution and wrong have matter. But I am not surprised at it, be-
cause they have come from that school,
prevailed, under the cloak of religion,
causing many to be imprisoned and put and have been trained in that element.
to death. In fact there has been no They seem to have the bump of combat-
iveness well developed, for almost the
inhumanity, barbarity, or cruelty equal
to that practiced by the professors of very first thing that men do when they
go out to preach, is to run against these
religion. Humanity shudders at the
Christians, and their principles. We are
thought, and yet the hypocrites tell us,
it is all for the love of God. And they not among them here, but gathered out
from them, and if we refer to their incon-
do it for the benefit of the human fam-
ily. The Catholics have killed Protes- sistencies, it is that we may comprehend
tants by thousands, and vice versa, and our own, and the position of others.
There are Catholicism, Presbyteri-
yet we must believe it is for the love of
God, and for the welfare of souls. Can I anism, and all other isms, the ad-
vocates of which worship the same
think that God has anything to do with
God, though their doctrine, precepts,
influencing such a course of conduct?
No. What can there be more ridiculous, and belief are not the same; they
think differently, and worship differently, and
for instance, at the present day, than each party sends to hell, in a wholesale
two Christian nations fighting with each manner, all who differ from them! And
other, and both worshipping the same if God was no more merciful than they
God, and whose ministers call upon God, are, we should find ourselves all there to-
as they say, in sincerity. What for? gether. This is the way things exist down
For God to destroy their enemies, their in the world. If it was not for the religion

I profess, which gives me to know some- want to know something about that eter-
thing about the matter, by revelation for nity with which I am associated. I want
myself, I would not have anything to do to know something about God, the devil,
with religion at all. I would worship God heaven, and hell. If hell is a place of
the best way I knew how, and act justly misery, and heaven a place of happiness,
and honorably with my neighbor; which I want to know how to escape the one,
I believe thousands of that class of men and obtain the other. If I cannot know
called Infidels do at the present day. But something about these things which are
I never would submit to be gulled with to come in the eternal world, I have no
the nonsense that exists in the world, religion, I would not have any, I would
under the name of religion. not give a straw for it. It would be too
low and groveling a consideration for a
What is it, then, that we believe
man of intelligence, in the absence of this
in? We believe in the restoration of all
knowledge. If there is a God, I want a re-
things. We believe that God has spoken
ligion that supplies some means of cer-
from the heavens. If I did not believe
tain and tangible communication with
He had, I would not be here. We be-
Him. If there is a heaven, I want to
lieve that angels have appeared, that the
know what sort of a place it is. If there
heavens have been opened. We believe in
are angels, I want to know their nature,
eternal principles, in an eternal Gospel,
and their occupation, and of what they
an eternal Priesthood, in eternal commu-
are composed. If I am an eternal be-
nications and associations. Everything
ing, I want to know what I am to do
associated with the Gospel that we be-
when I get through with time; whether
lieve in is eternal. If it were not so, I
I shall plant corn and hoe it, or be en-
would want nothing to do with it. I do
gaged in some other employment. I do
not want to make a profession, and wor-
not want any person to tell me about
ship a God because this one, that one,
a heaven that is "beyond the bounds of
or the other one does it, and I not know
time and space," a place that no per-
whether I am right, and those whom I
son can possibly know anything about, or
imitate not know, anymore than myself,
ever reach, if they did. I do not wish any
whether they are right or wrong.
person to frighten me nearly to death, by
I profess to know for myself, and if telling me about a hell where sinners are
I did not know for myself, I would have roasted upon gridirons, and tossed up by
nothing to do with it. Acting upon this devils upon pitchforks, and other sharp
principle, I associated myself with the pointed instruments. These notions are
Latter-day Saints. I preach that doc- traditionary, and have come from the old
trine which I verily believe with my mother church.
whole soul. I believe in its principles, I have a Catholic book contain-
because there is something intelligent ing pictures of devils roasting sin-
about it. For instance—if I am an eter- ners on gridirons, tossing them about
nal being, I want something that is cal- with pitchforks; of snakes and drag-
culated to satisfy the capacious desires ons devouring them, &c.; which I have
of that eternal mind. If I am a being brought with me from the old coun-
that came into the world yesterday, and try. The Protestants are indebted to the
leaves it again to morrow, I might as well Catholics for all this blessed informa-
have one religion as another, or none tion, and all the glory associated with
at all; "let us eat and drink; for tomor- it, and I suppose the Catholics are in-
row we die." If I am an eternal being, I debted to some of the ancient painters

for it. I want nothing to do with such locality and interests, independent of
things, I care nothing about them. But anything else, or any regard to the rest
as an intelligent being, if I have a mind of mankind. They look upon each other
capable of reflection, I wish to contem- as upon as many thieves, and maintain
plate the works of nature, and to know their armies and navies for self-defense
something of nature's God, and my des- against the intrusions of their neighbor-
tiny. I love to view the things around me; ing brother robbers.
to gaze upon the sun, moon, and stars;
Such is the nature of the main or-
to study the planetary system, and the
ganization of the nations at the present
world we inhabit; to behold their beauty,
time. But if we look back for a few ages,
order, harmony, and the operations of
we shall discover that where the most
existence around me. I can see some-
mighty nations existed generations ago,
thing more than that mean jargon, those
is now a desolate waste, and a howl-
childish quibbles, this heaven beyond the
ing wilderness. We are now occupying
bounds of time and space, where they
a place that was a wilderness, before
have nothing to do but sit and sing them-
we commenced to people it, but which
selves away to everlasting bliss, or go
was densely populated generations ago.
and roast on gridirons. There is noth-
Such is the case, in a great measure,
ing like that to be found in nature—
with Palestine, Babylon, and many parts
everything is beautifully harmonious,
of the Assyrian empire. Changes have
and perfectly adapted to the position it
been going on continually, and the ambi-
occupies in the world. Whether you look
tion of man has desolated nations, over-
at birds, beasts, or the human system,
turned kingdoms, depopulated empires,
you see something exquisitely beautiful
overthrown countries, and millions have
and harmonious, and worthy of the con-
had to welter in their gore. This has been
templation of all intelligence. What is
the wisdom of Gentile governments, with
man's wisdom in comparison to it? I
all their intelligence and philosophy.
could not help but believe there was a
God, if there was no such thing as reli- We look again at the works of God,
gion in the world. and see nothing exhibited there but
If we look at men, with the best and perfection, harmony, symmetry, and or-
most exalted talents you can find what der. If we look at the planetary sys-
do they know or comprehend, or what tem, we see this principle beautifully
can they do in comparison to the works and most perfectly maintained. Im-
of God. What is there that is wor- mense planets revolve round our sun,
thy of notice in all the mechanism of and this system; and other suns, with
men, with all their intelligence and sci- their systems, round another; and that,
ence combined, upon which they have and innumerable other suns and sys-
been improving from year to year, and tems, with our own, around another yet
from generation to generation? What greater and more magnificent; and so,
do they know to the present time? If millions of systems more in their or-
you look at their governments you see der, until it is past our comprehension,
none of them pursuing their legitimate and yet everything is beautiful, perfect,
object of promoting the happiness of the and harmonious. If it was otherwise, if
world, but they are engaged in watching the kingdoms of God were governed by
each other for evil, and destroying them- the same confused order of things that
selves. They have organized armies, are characteristic of the governments of
navies, customhouse officers, &c., in this world, we would have had planet
order to support their own peculiar dashing against planet in wild confusion,

and millions of their inhabitants sent to know? How far short, then, are we of
desolation in a moment. that intelligence that governs the uni-
God's works are perfect. If you ex- verse, and regulates all the works of na-
amine vegetation, how beautiful that is. ture. I look at the bones of the mam-
Who is there that can imitate it? We moth, and they tell me of something that
can see some painters who have man- was. I can gaze upon an elephant, as it
aged to make rough daubs in imitation. now is, a mighty, ponderous moving ma-
One of the greatest feats that a painter chine, with strength and energy. Who
ever did, was to paint a curtain so per- planned and contrived these mighty be-
fectly as to deceive another painter so, ings? I look again at the animalculae, a
that he went forward to draw it aside to thousand of which can float in a drop of
exhibit a picture behind it. There are water, and I see, by means of a powerful
millions of curtains in the works of na- glass, the veins, muscles, and everything
ture, which spring forth from the works that is perfect to constitute a living, mov-
of God by that light which is in them, ing creature, invisible to the naked eye.
which is imparted to them by the great He who organized the one, regulates the
Eloheim. other. Man is an intelligent being, but
We see men who are considered how far does his intelligence fall short of
very talented, whose names are handed that which regulates the world! He can-
down to posterity as great sculptors or not even govern himself, he never was
painters. Their works are among the an- able to do it, and never will be able until
cient ruins, and are exhibited as speci- he receives that wisdom and intelligence
mens of artistic skill, that men may see which comes from God. If every man can
how intelligent their forefathers were. obtain intelligence of that kind, and from
And what is it which they had wisdom that source, which governs the world,
to make? Something like a man, or a and keeps in order all the planetary sys-
beast. But break off an arm or a leg, and tems, and adapts every fish, fowl, and in-
you discover that it is but a lifeless piece sect to its own peculiar position in the
of matter, though the outlines may be world, and supplies all its wants; if he
true to nature; and in this alone consist can receive it from God, as his instructor,
the beauty and skill of the artist. But he is then able to govern himself, pos-
there is no life in them, and they fall far sessing intelligence which he now knows
short of perfection, beauty, and symme- nothing about; and intelligence which in-
try, as it is seen in the human system, deed is worthy of God and man. If I can-
or that of any other animal. Look upon not have a portion of that intelligence
a man, he is a perfect being, he is per- and that wisdom, if the great Eloheim
fect inside and outside. If you remove cannot impart a portion of that spirit to
the skin, the perfect covering of the hu- me, and teach me the same lessons that
man form, the nerves, muscles, arteries, He understands, I want nothing to do
veins, and everything necessary for this with a system of theology at all.
peculiar system, are there found in per-
fect harmony, and in every way adapted
to make complete a living, moving ma- I believe in obtaining from Him,
chine. Not only so, but he is an intelli- intelligence to enable me to compre-
gent being, capable of reflecting and act- hend all the works of God, to compre-
ing. We profess to know a great deal, but hend all the purposes of God. And
what of our philosophy? Who is there if I cannot know something of these,
can tell me by what power I lift my right I am altogether in the background,
arm? If that cannot be told, what do we and shall not be able to comprehend

my true position in society, and for what moniously to the same place. The
I came into the world. Catholics and Protestants are generally
What are we? We are noble, intelli- united in sending all the Mahometans
gent beings, bearing the impress of a Je- and Heathens there. It would be some-
hovah. With all our imperfections, we thing like it was with me once, when I
can reflect upon things back, and things was discussing with a minister on the
to come. Our minds are capable of flying principles of "Mormonism." Before I got
from one part of the earth to the other, through with him, he nearly destroyed
in less than a moment of time. We can and cast away the whole of the Bible, in
contemplate things we did in the years his zeal to destroy our faith. He threw
of our infancy, and thousands of miles away one book after another, until but
distant from our present position; and a small portion remained. So it is with
in another moment contemplate things the religious world generally; each one
that are ahead of us. That is a degree of packs off his neighbor to hell; and after
wisdom and intelligence which God has such narrow minds have made their se-
imparted unto us, and which we may im- lections of the worthy ones, and put them
prove as intelligent beings, and, having right, as they think, few besides will get
tasted of the fountain, go and drink, and to heaven.
participate more fully in all those bless- Others will take everybody to heaven,
ings which are in store for us. no matter who or what they are. I think
I have often been amused at the nar- the latter idea is as ridiculous as the for-
row contracted ideas of men, when I mer, although there is something more
have looked abroad in the world, and pleasing in the last idea, I must confess,
seen their cogitations and calculations than in the other. The only thing I would
in their writings. One man believes in hate in it, is being associated with a mul-
justification by faith, another in justifi- titude of cutthroats and blacklegs there.
cation by works. Some believe in one For instance—the old world was cut off
thing, and some in another; all have through their wickedness and corrup-
their own peculiar ideas, unguided and tion. I could not think it right of the Lord
ungoverned by the only legitimate rule to take all those wicked fellows straight
and standard of truth—the living and to heaven, because they were wicked and
eternal Priesthood of God. Few can ex- unworthy, and leave Noah and his fam-
tend their charity sufficiently for to be- ily to combat with the troubles of earth
lieve it is possible that some will be because they were righteous. But such
saved as well as themselves; but that are the ideas of men; while some are all
some few thousands of people are going charity, others have none at all. I have
to heaven and all the rest, to hell, is the sometimes thought that we "Mormons"
prevailing belief; and if a few, besides are almost as uncharitable as others.
these "elect," reach heaven, they think it I believe God has a great design
will be a hard chance. The Protestants in view, in the creation of the human
believe the Catholics are all in error, and family. I do not believe that an all-
pack the whole church off to hell as the wise Being would ever make a beauti-
mother of harlots, without any trouble, ful earth like this, and people it with
or without even a sigh. And the old man, and a multiplicity of other kinds
mother is just as uncharitable towards of beings designed to exist upon it,
her daughters, for they are her offspring, and all for no purpose. I do not be-
and she sends the whole of them uncere- lieve that 350,000,000 of people that

live in China in a state of heathen dark- The Catholics have many pieces of
ness are created to live in this state, and truth; so have the Protestants, the Ma-
be damned because they have not the hometans, and Heathens; and am I to
right religion. I do not believe that all embrace one of these systems because
the nations that worship various kinds of it has got certain things that are right?
idols, in different parts of the earth, and No. Suppose a person should tell me
know nothing about the true God, will that two multiplied by two makes four.
be consigned to be burned in fire here- Well, that is right. I believe it with
after, because they know no better than all my heart. But suppose he believes
worship as they do. I cannot receive any and teaches also, that six and four make
such ideas into my mind. Although I was twenty, and exhorts me to believe it,
going to say I am not a Universalist, but saying—I was right in the other calcula-
I am, and I am also a Presbyterian, and tion, did I not prove the other to you? O
a Roman Catholic, and a Methodist, in yes, but you did not prove that six and
short, I believe in every true principle four make twenty. I will take out the
that is imbibed by any person or sect, truth and leave the error.
and reject the false. If there is any truth Then you believe that we, as "Mor-
in heaven, earth, or hell, I want to em- mons," have got truth? O yes, I do, and
brace it, I care not what shape it comes for this reason, I have traveled exten-
in to me, who brings it, or who believes sively in most of the States of the Union,
in it, whether it is popular or unpopular. and in Canada; also in England, Ireland,
Truth, eternal truth, I wish to float in and Scotland; in the Isle of Man, Jersey,
and enjoy. and other islands of the sea; in France,
Now I come to us, "Mormons." We are Germany, Belgium, and other parts of
the only true Church, so we say. We the earth; and I have not yet seen a man
have got the only true faith, so we say that could find one error in doctrine or
and believe. I believe we have got many principle connected with the religion of
great and true principles revealed from the Latter-day Saints. I do not talk of
the heavens. I will tell you how I feel practice. God knows there is too much
about it, and what I have said many delinquency among us. I speak of princi-
times when I have been abroad among ple. Then if you have got a thing that
the priests, people, and philosophers. If nobody can overturn, but can be sus-
any man under the heavens can show tained everywhere; that bids defiance to
me one principle of error that I have en- the wisdom and intelligence of the world
tertained, I will lay it aside forthwith, to find one fault in it, you must say it is
and be thankful for the information. On right, until it is proven to be wrong.
the other hand if any man has got any Can anybody prove to you that two
principle of truth, whether moral, reli- multiplied by two makes six? There
gious, philosophical, or of any other kind, are certain things which are matters
that is calculated to benefit mankind, I of fact—two multiplied by two makes
promise him I will embrace it, but I will four, and two parallel lines infinitely
not partake of his errors along with it. extended will never meet at right an-
If a man should say, I am in posses- gles, but run to eternity. These truths
sion of one piece of truth, and, because demonstrate themselves, no man can
I have got that, I must be right, am I alter these matters of fact. And if
to believe him? Certainly not. It does I have got principles which are out
not follow that he has not many errors. of the power of man to prove false,

I consider they are right, and I stand der the dominion. It is difficult for them
upon them as a sure foundation. to comprehend correct principles when
On the other hand, am I to think it they hear them, or to know the light
is right, because I am right, to send ev- when they see it shine. The light shineth
erybody else to hell? No, I will leave in darkness, and the darkness compre-
them in the hands of God. He has told hendeth it not. They understand many
me to preach the Gospel to every crea- things, perhaps better than you do, but
ture, saying, "he that believeth and is they do not understand the principles of
baptized shall be saved; and he that be- the Gospel as you do, for want of the light
lieveth not shall be damned." He has told of the Spirit of God. No man can under-
me to do this. And how many millions stand that without the Spirit. A great
of mankind are there who have never many among the prevailing sects of the
heard the Gospel? And are they go- day have to some considerable extent en-
ing to be damned for not believing in compassed sea and land to make pros-
a thing they have not heard, and that elytes, and in the majority of instances
never came within their range, and that where they have been successful, they
they have not the slightest knowledge have made them ten fold more the chil-
of? No. What is it we have to do? We dren of hell than they were before. They
must spread forth the light of the Gospel. have taught them hypocrisy, and evils of
Why? Because God has communicated a many kinds, of which they were ignorant
system of religion which is calculated to before. They do not understand how to
ennoble and exalt the human family. propagate true principles, for they do not
The world is confused, it is in dark- understand them themselves, and how
ness and ignorance, and knows noth- can they teach them to others? But I will
ing about God, His purposes, designs, or love them, and let them go.
the object of His creations. God knows We "Mormons" think that we have
how to touch my understanding, and made a wonderful stretch, for we say
how to touch theirs; and if they live and that all Israel is going to be saved, and
die without a knowledge of God, and we believe we are of Israel, and that
His law, we are told that they will be we shall be gathered into the fold with
judged according to the light they have, them. And when we are gathered in with
and not according to that they have not. all the Israel of God, as we call them,
Those that have lived without law, will that have lived in the various ages of the
be judged without law. world up to the present time, we with
Am I going to weep over the condi- them shall be redeemed and saved in
tion of the world? No. God made it, the eternal kingdom of God. What else?
and if He suffers millions to dwell upon Then His work will be accomplished, you
it in ignorance of Him, I have nothing may say. But I do not think it will,
to do with it. All I have to do is, when though it will certainly be a great work.
God sends me, to go and teach the peo- This looks like the time of the restora-
ple the principles of light, intelligence, tion of all things, but in reality it is only
and truth, so far as I know them, and a restoration of a few. Why, you may in-
no further; and if they reject them, it is quire, will you take in somebody besides
none of my business. In many instances, the Israelites? Certainly. We are told
they do it for want of information, and they were beloved for the fathers' sakes,
according to the government, priestcraft, and in consequence of the promises made
prejudices, &c., of which they are un- to the fathers. If they are brought in, it

will be in consequence of these promises. His purposes; and he acted upon it, and
I wonder if there were no other men of profited by it. Very well, if he knew about
faith besides Abraham, Isaac, and Ja- these things, I want to know whether
cob, that existed previous to their days. he will not have some promises to claim
And if there were, I want to know if for himself and descendants by and by,
they knew anything about God, and ob- when they are hunted up.
tained promises for their offspring. I I will go further back yet; to old Noah,
will go a little further than old Abra- for instance. He was a good man, and
ham, and say, I am glad to see your while the whole earth was destroyed, his
posterity saved, Abraham, but I think life was preserved, and his posterity with
some of your descendants prophesied of him. He was a man of God. I want to
the time when Ammon would stretch out know if he could also obtain blessings for
his hands to God, and Moab and Philis- his posterity, and whether he will feel af-
tia be blessed with the same blessing. I ter them sometime or other, and if the
think some of your descendants, when time will come round that they may par-
their minds were enlightened and ex- take of the covenants and blessings of
panded, looked forward into the womb God, and stand in their proper place, and
of the future, to a time when there not be consigned to all eternity in this
would be a great gathering, when peo- dreadful hell. I think he would not like to
ple from Hamath, Cush, and from the see his posterity there, more than Abra-
islands of the sea, when different tribes ham would like to see his. All these
and nations, should flow together to the holy men have their interest to feel af-
name of the Lord of Hosts. If Abraham ter their posterity, and all desire to see
knew how to obtain promises, I won- them brought forth.
der, for instance, if the old man that
was called Melchizedek, who lived before "But," says one, "they are felled crea-
Abraham, and whom Paul in his writ- tures." And so are the Israelites. Where
ings makes a greater man than Abra- will you find a more corrupt set than
ham, for, says he, "the lesser was blessed the descendants of Ephraim, so far fallen
of the greater"—I wonder if Melchizedek and so debased a set as the Indians that
did not know also how to obtain promises dwell in these mountains, and that roam
for his seed? There was an old man who wildly over the broad prairies of this
lived in the land of Uz, who is said to country? Their fathers have got to do
have been a very patient man; notwith- something for them, to bring them forth
standing he cursed the day he was born, to inherit the promises. It is for Abra-
and the womb that gave him birth. He ham to feel after his seed, and be inter-
surely knew how to obtain blessings ested in their welfare.
from God. God came to him, and he We will go back to old Adam, and
obtained blessings from God, and could see him coming on the earth, as he is
look forward through the dark vista of the head and father of us all. Well,
ages and contemplate the purposes of now I want to know if the old gen-
God, and he saw himself not only dead tleman would like to see his children
and buried, but, said he, "though after packed off by nations into a place of
my skin worms destroy this body, yet in torment, millions and millions turned
my flesh shall I see God." He had the off into the Catholic hell, to roast there
kind of religion I believe in, exactly— to all eternity. I think he has fa-
a religion that caused him to know therly feeling to his numerous offspring,
and understand something of God and and would desire, and seek earnestly to

have them saved, to have them re- the human family, that the earth may
deemed from their fallen and degraded answer the end of its creation, and that
condition. For they are no worse fallen, all men whoever did or ever will live may
no more degraded and corrupt, than the answer the end of their creation, that
Israelites are, and have as much right to men who have fallen from righteousness
be brought forth at the proper time, and may suffer for their sins and transgres-
be blessed, as they have. This is my doc- sions, and by and by come forth and en-
trine, and these are my feelings. joy their proper lot in the eternal world.
You may go to the head fountain of "O then," say you, "I will do as I
all, to the God who made Adam, and say, please in this world." Very well, go and
O Lord, why did you make the earth, and do it. It will prove that you do not live
cause the sun, and moon, and stars to be by the truth because you love it, but if
made to give light to it, and man to in- you follow the truth, you are actuated
habit it, telling him to multiply, and re- to do so by a dastardly fear of hell. If
plenish the earth, and cause it to bring that is the case, I would not give the
forth in its strength for man and beast? ashes of a rye straw for ten thousand
I will go back further, and find the such "Mormons." If a man cannot stand
spirits that are existing with him in the up in the defense of truth, to the death, it
eternal world. They came here and ob- is not worth having, and he is not a man
tained bodies, that both bodies and spir- who is acknowledged or considered wor-
its might receive an exaltation among thy among the Saints. But such will find
the Gods, and be capable of eternal in- it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands
crease worlds without end. I think this of the living God.
agrees more with philosophy and truth, I will notice an instance for your in-
with an intelligent and extensive mind, formation, to stir up your pure minds,
with true religion, with our fathers, and if you have got such minds. I read
with God, than anything else we see of many people who were destroyed by
abroad. the flood; and in Jesus Christ's day, we
I see the world of mankind in dark- read that he was put to death in the
ness, and try my best to enlighten them flesh, and quickened by the Spirit, by
as much as possible. If I can do them any which he went to preach to the spirits
good, I will do it. God has revealed His in prison, who had been disobedient in
truth to us, "Mormons." What to do? To the days of Noah, &c. He preached to
make us glory in it, and in nothing but them, and they came forth out of their
what God gives to us; and to teach it to confinement. "Well, that would be all
others, that they may be put in posses- right," you say. O yes, but I want to
sion of the same intelligence that we en- know how you would like to be shut up
joy. What have we to do? To spread this in prison, three or four thousand years,
Gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, or even one year. It is said in Scrip-
and people, that the Spirit of the Lord ture, that "it is a fearful thing to fall
may operate upon those who love the into the hands of the living God." It also
truth, that they may have an opportu- says that "the wicked shall be turned
nity of embracing it, and of participat- into hell, with all the nations that forget
ing in the same blessings we enjoy, and God." Do you believe that? "Certainly I
forming a nucleus whereby a fulness of do." I remember a minister once asking
eternal truth may be developed, and an- me a question upon this subject. Says
gels come again and communicate with he, "Do you believe in eternal punish-

ment?" "O yes, I believe the wicked will ask him, for I have nothing to say about
be turned into hell, with all the na- it. I have gone far enough in my re-
tions that forget God." "Do you believe marks. I believe God will accomplish all
they will stay there?" "O no." "Why do His purposes, and Satan will not have
you not?" "Because it is not according power to frustrate His designs in any
to Scripture." "But if they all be turned way whatever; for if he did, he would
into hell, who forget God, and will go be more powerful than God. Every man
away into everlasting punishment, will will be rewarded according to the deeds
they not stay there forever?" "Yes," I done in the body. Those who have re-
said, "they will go into everlasting pun- ceived pure and heavenly principles, and
ishment, but they will come out again." lived up to them, and kept the celestial
"How is that?" "Why the Scriptures de- law of God, will enjoy a celestial king-
clare that death and hell will deliver up dom. Those who have not attained to
their dead, and the sea deliver up the this perfection, but can obey a terrestrial
dead that is in it; and all nations will law, will receive a terrestrial glory, and
stand before God, to be judged accord- enjoy a terrestrial kingdom, and so on.
ing to the deeds done in the body." So But I believe, furthermore, that there
you see they have got to come out to be are eternal grades of progression, which
judged according to their works, whether will continue worlds without end, and
they be good or evil. Suppose we have a to an infinity of enjoyment, expansion,
States prison, for instance, in this place, glory, progression, and of everything cal-
a transgressor of the laws of the land is culated to ennoble and exalt mankind.
put in for a certain time, according to the
deeds which he has done, and the evi- This is one of our first estates, or it
dence and circumstances of the case. Af- is our second estate, if you please, and
ter he has suffered according to law, he is so we move on from state to state, with
set at liberty, but, mark you, the prison a knowledge of the true principles of the
still remains, which may be compared eternal world revealed to us, which prin-
to eternal punishment, or God's punish- ciples are eternal—eternal truth, eter-
ment. Who will go there? The wicked, nal life, eternal intelligence, leading us
for the punishment of their sins, and to on to the possession of celestial king-
teach them a useful lesson. The Scrip- doms of God. From intelligence to intelli-
tures say that some will not have for- gence, from glory to glory, from power to
giveness in this world, nor in the world power we proceed onward, until we pos-
to come, but these we will leave in the sess thrones, and powers, and dominions
hands of God. in the eternal worlds. And I pray God to
Some people will ask if we think give us power to obtain all these things
the devil will be saved. You must in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.




The subject President Young wished blessings are just as necessary for those
me to speak of is in regard to our tem- who go South, as for those who go North,
ple, which we shall soon commence to it makes no difference. They will all,
build—what course we shall take, and however, get their blessings, and en-
what kind of materials it shall be built joy their privileges in obtaining those
of; whether we shall build it of the stone things. We have plenty of time, and there
that is got in the Red Butte Canyon, or is no particular hurry, but it is for every
of adobies, or of the best stone we can man to walk up to his duty in the time
find in these mountains. For instance— being, and then when tomorrow comes,
at Sanpete there is some splendid stone; walk up to it tomorrow, and so let us
and inasmuch as we intend to build a do all we can, for we have got consid-
house unto the Lord for Him to accept, erable over one thousand years to work,
for His angels to come to as ministers to and when we have worked one thousand
give instructions, I can feel, myself, as years, there will be another, and another,
though we are perfectly able to build one, and we shall be at work to all eternity.
of the best kind of materials, from the There is no end to our work for the living
foundation to the tip top. We are able, and for the dead. Let us try and be active
and we have strength and union, and we to do whatever we find to do today.
have bone, and marrow, and muscle, and Let the brethren go and get farms,
we are able to commence it next year. and locate themselves, and raise good
I merely present these things for the fields of grain, that they can bring in the
brethren to consider and reflect upon. firstfruits of the earth. This is what is
We can go to work and make an adobie required to be done at the present time.
house, and lay the foundation of stone Take this course, brethren, and then ev-
from Red Butte, and then we can plaster erything you possess will prosper, and
it outside, and make it like the Tithing you will be abundantly blessed. It is just
office. I would like to see something as necessary to be engaged in one thing,
pretty nice, something noble, and some as it is in another. It takes many kinds
of the most splendid fonts that were of materials to build a house, so it re-
ever erected. I know for a certainty quires all kinds of materials to build an-
that our President is perfectly able to other earth like this, it requires the same
give us the design of this contemplated kinds of materials to make one man as it
house, and all other necessary instruc- takes to make another. But let us try to
tions. What we need is to receive those temper ourselves according to the Gospel
blessings that we all want, and this must of Jesus Christ, and the plan of salva-
be felt more, especially by those who tion.
have come in this present season. These We will bring up a few comparisons.

Now supposing brother Tanner goes into perhaps have to grind there one thou-
the shop, to make a scythe, and he takes sand years, and then the Gospel will be
the materials necessary for the forma- offered to you again, and then if you
tion of that scythe, is he dictated to by will not accept of it, and become passive,
it, as to how he shall mold it and fashion you will have to go into the mill again,
it? Would you have the scythe rise up and thus you will have offers of salvation
and say—Brother Tanner, what do you from time to time, until all the human
do so for? Why do you strike me on the family, except the sons of perdition, are
back? Well, it is just as ridiculous for redeemed. The spirits of men will have
you to undertake to dictate to President the Gospel as we do, and they are to be
Young, or those whom he sets to work. It judged according to men in the flesh. Let
is not for you to dictate to them. Upon us be passive, and take a course that will
the same principle, supposing I have a be perfectly submissive.
lump of clay which I put upon my wheel, What need you care where you go if
out of which clay I want to make a jug; you go according to direction, and when
I have to turn it into as many as 50 or you get to Coal Creek, or Iron County,
100 shapes before I get it into a jug. How be subject to that man who is placed
many shapes do you suppose you are put there to rule you, just the same as you
into before you became Saints, or before would be subject to President Young, if
you become perfect and sanctified to en- you were here, because that man is dele-
ter into the celestial glory of God? You gated by this Conference, and sanctioned
have got to be like that clay in the hands by this people, and that man's word is
of the potter. Do you not know that the law. And so it is with the Bishops; they
Lord directed the Prophet anciently, to are our fathers, our governors, and we
go down to the potter's house to see a are their household. It is for them to pro-
miracle on the wheel? Suppose the pot- vide for their household, and watch over
ter takes a lump of clay, and putting it them, and govern and control them; they
on the wheel, goes to work to form it into are potters to mold you, and when you
a vessel, and works it out this way, and are sent forth to the nations of the earth,
that way, and the other way, but the clay you go to gather the clay, and bring it
is refractory and snappish; he still tries here to the great potter, to be ground
it, but it will break, and snap, and snarl, and molded until it becomes passive, and
and thus the potter will work it and work then be taken and formed into vessels,
it until he is satisfied he cannot bring according to the dictation of the presid-
it into the shape he wants, and it mars ing potter. I have to do the work he tells
upon the wheel; he takes his tool, then, me to do, and you have to do the same,
and cuts it off the wheel, and throws it and he has to do the work told him by
into the mill to be ground over again, un- the great master potter in heaven and
til it becomes passive (don't you think on earth. If brother Brigham tells me to
you will go to hell if you are not pas- do a thing, it is the same as though the
sive?), and after it is ground there so Lord told me to do it. This is the course
many days, and it becomes passive, he for you and every other Saint to take,
takes the same lump, and makes of it a and by your taking this course, I will tell
vessel unto honor. Now do you see into you, brethren, you are on the top of the
that, brethren? I know the potters can. I heap. We are in the tops of the moun-
tell you, brethren, if you are not passive tains; and when the stone shall roll down
you will have to go into that mill, and from the mountains, it will smash the

earth, and break in pieces everything can be found in the mountains. It is now
that opposes its course; but the stone has open for discussion.
to get up there before it can roll down. Our temple block is 600 feet square,
and according to the number of people
We are here in a happy place, in a
that compose the Church of Jesus Christ
goodly land, and among as good a people
of Latter-day Saints, we are able to build
as ever the Lord suffered to dwell upon
a temple that size, and do it easier than
the face of the earth. Have I not a reason
we built a temple at Kirtland. I put the
to be proud? Yes, I am proud of the reli-
motion which is before you, that we build
gion of Christ, I am proud of his Elders,
a temple of the best materials that can
his servants, and of his handmaids, and
be furnished in the mountains of North
when they do well I am prouder still. I do
America, and that the Presidency dic-
not know but I shall get so proud, that I
tate where the stone and other materi-
shall be four or five times prouder than I
als shall be obtained; and that the Pres-
am now.
idency shall be untrammeled from this
I want a vote from the congrega- time henceforth and forever. I want ev-
tion concerning the temple, whether we ery brother, sister, and child to vote one
shall have it built of the stone from way or the other. All in favor of this mo-
Red Butte, or of adobies, or timber, tion raise your right hand. [It was unan-
or of the best quality of stone that imous.]


S ALT L AKE C ITY, J ULY 31, 1853.


I wish to say a few words to the is—IT IS RIGHT, and perfectly calcu-
Latter-day Saints this morning, as there lated, like all other providences of the
seems to be considerable excitement in Lord, of the like nature, to chasten this
the feelings of the people, and many in- people until they are willing to take
quiring what will be the result of the counsel. They will purify and sanctify
present Indian difficulties. the Saints, and prepare the wicked for
I will give you my testimony, as far their doom.
as I have one on the subject, concerning There has nothing strange and un-
these difficulties in this territory, north common to man, yet occurred; nothing
and south, pertaining to our brethren, has yet happened out of the ordinary
the Lamanites. My testimony to all providences of the Lord. These com-

mon dealings of our great Head with His Away he goes without a gun or a pis-
people have been manifested from days tol to defend himself, in case of an at-
of old, in blessings and chastisements. tack from some Indian or Indians, to
Wars, commotions, tumults, strife, na- rob him of his cattle, and perhaps his
tion contending against nation, and peo- life. Herds of cattle are driven upon the
ple against people, have all been gov- range, the feelings of the people are di-
erned and controlled by Him whose right vested of all fear by this little show of In-
it is to control such matters. dian friendship, and their hearts are at
Among wicked nations, or among peace with all mankind. They lie down
Saints, among the ancient Israelites, to sleep at night with the doors of their
Philistines, and Romans, the hand of houses open, and in many instances with
the Lord was felt; in short, all the pow- no way to close them if they were willing,
ers that have been upon the earth, have only by means of hanging up a blanket.
been dictated, governed, controlled, and Thus they go to sleep with their guns un-
the final issue of their existence has been loaded, and entirely without any means
brought to pass, according to the wisdom of defense, in case they should be at-
of the Almighty. Then my testimony is, tacked in the night. On the other hand,
IT IS ALL RIGHT. they no sooner discover an Indian in an
There seems to be some excitement hostile attitude, than the hue and cry is
among the people, and fears are aris- "We shall all be murdered immediately."
ing in the breasts of many, as to the That is the kind of stability, the kind
general safety. Some person has been of unshaken self-command, the style of
shot at by the Indians, or some Indians generalship and wisdom manifested by
were seen in an hostile condition. And Elders in Israel. Today all are in arms,
away go messengers to report to head- war is on hand; "we are going to be de-
quarters, saying, "What shall we do? For stroyed, or to fight our way through," is
we cannot tell, but we shall all be killed in every mouth. Tomorrow all is peace,
by them; they have stolen our horses, and every man turns to his own way,
and driven off some cattle, which has wherever the common avocations of life
created a great excitement in our set- call him. No concern is felt as to pro-
tlement," &c.; when, perhaps, tomorrow, tection in the future, but "all is right,
the very Indians who have committed all is safety, there is no fear of any fur-
these depredations will come and say, ther trouble," is the language of people's
"How do you do? We are friendly, can- thoughts, and they lie down to sleep in
not you give us some Chitcup?" They will a false security, to be murdered in the
shake hands, and appear as though it night by their enemies, if they are dis-
were impossible for them to be guilty posed to murder them.
of another hostility. And what is the I can tell you one thing with re-
next move? Why, our wise men, the gard to excitement and war. You
Elders of Israel, are either so fluctu- may take Israel here, as a commu-
ating in their feelings, so unstable in nity, with all their experience, and with
their ways, or so ignorant of the In- all they have passed through in the
dian character, that the least mark of shape of war, and difficulties of vari-
friendship manifested by these treacherous ous kinds, and these wild Indians are
red men, will lull all their fears, throw them actually wiser in their generations in
entirely off their guard, saying, "It is all the art of war than this people are.
right; wife, take care of the stock, for I am They lay better plans, display greater
going to the canyon for a load of wood." skill, and are steadier in their feel-

ings. They are not so easily excited, and Brigham, to give us counsel that we can
when excited are not so easily allayed, as get the whole world in a string after us,
the men who have come, to inhabit these and have it all in our own possession, by
mountains, from where they have been and by." If there is light enough in Israel,
trained and educated in the civilization let it shine in your consciences, and il-
of modern nations. You may not believe luminate your understandings, and give
this assertion; it is, however, no matter you to know that I tell you the truth.
whether you do or do not, the fact re- This is the object many have, in wish-
mains unaltered, as well as the convic- ing to settle and take in land that is far
tion of my own mind regarding it. distant from the main body of the peo-
I have been frequently asked, what is ple. I have not given you the language of
going to be the result of these troubles? their lips to me, but the language of their
I answer—the result will be good. What hearts.
did you hear, you who have come to these Elders of Israel are greedy after the
valleys within the last few years, previ- things of this world. If you ask them if
ous to your leaving your native country? they are ready to build up the kingdom
You heard that all was peace and safety of God, their answer is prompt—"Why,
among the Saints in these regions; that to be sure we are, with our whole souls;
the earth yielded in her strength, giving but we want first to get so much gold,
an abundance of food; and that this was speculate and get rich, and then we can
a splendid country to raise stock. Your help the Church considerably. We will go
determination was then formed to go up to California and get gold, go and buy
to the Valleys of the mountains, where goods and get rich, trade with the emi-
you could enjoy peace and quiet, and fol- grants, build a mill, make a farm, get a
low the avocations of life, undisturbed. large herd of cattle, and then we can do
When the people arrive here, many of a great deal for Israel." When will you be
them come to me and say, "Brother ready to do it? "In a few years, brother
Brigham, can we go here, or there, to Brigham, if you do not disturb us. We
get us farms? Shall we enter into this do not believe in the necessity of doing
or that speculation? We have been very military duty, in giving over our surplus
poor, and we want to make some money, property for tithing; we never could see
or we want the privilege of taking with into it; but we want to go and get rich,
us a few families to make a settlement to accumulate and amass wealth, by se-
in this or that distant valley." If I inquire, curing all the land adjoining us, and all
why they cannot stay here, their answer we have knowledge of." If that is not the
is, "because there is no room, the land is spirit of this people, then I do not know
chiefly taken up, and we have a consider- what the truth is concerning the matter.
able stock of cattle, we want to go where Now I wish to say to you who are
we can have plenty of range for our stock, fearing and trembling, do not be afraid
where we can mount our horses, and ride at all, for it is certain if we should
over the prairies, and say, I am Lord be killed off by the Indians, we could
of all I survey. We do not wish to be not die any younger; this is about as
disturbed, in any way, nor to be asked good a time as can be for us to die,
to pay tithing, to work upon the roads, and if we all go together, why you
nor pay territorial tax, but we wish all know, we shall have a good company
the time to ourselves, to appropriate along with us; it will not be lone-
to our own use. I want you, brother some passing through the valley, which

is said to have a veil drawn over it. If go to destruction; we really cannot fort
we all go together, the dark valley of the up." Would there not be a great amount
shadow of death will be lighted up by us, of hard feelings upon the subject? I think
so do not be scared. But there will not so, whether you do or not. I think I
be enough slain by the Indians at this should want as many as a legion of an-
time to make the company very conspic- gels to assist me to convince every family
uous in that dark valley. Do you begin it was necessary, if it actually was so.
to secretly wish you had stayed in the
States or in England a little longer, un- I do not know but the time may come,
til this Indian war had come to an end? and that speedily, when I shall build a
There is a mighty fearing and trembling fort myself in this city, and those who are
in the hearts of many. I know what men disposed can go into it with me, while the
have done heretofore, when they have rest can stay out. When I see it is abso-
seen the enemy advancing, they have lutely necessary to do this, I shall do it.
skulked, they were sure to be somewhere If the people of Utah Territory would do
else than on hand when there was fight- as they were told, they would always be
ing to do, although, upon the whole, I safe. If the people in San Pete County
have no fault to find with the Latter-day had done as they were told, from the be-
Saints, or with the Elders of Israel upon ginning of that settlement, they would
that subject, for they love to fight a lit- have been safe at this time, and would
tle too well. If I were to have fears con- not have lost their cattle. The day before
cerning them, it would not be that they yesterday, Friday, July 29th, the Indi-
would make war, but in the case of war ans came from the mountains, to Father
being made on them, I should have more Allred's settlement, and drove off all the
fear in consequence of the ignorant and stock, amounting to two hundred head.
foolish audacity of the Elders, than of If the people had done as they were told,
their being afraid. I should fear they they would not have suffered this severe
would rush into danger like an unthink- loss, which is a just chastisement.
ing horse into battle. So I will not find
fault with regard to their courage. On I recollect when we were down at Fa-
that point I am a coward myself, and if ther Allred's settlement last April, they
people would do as I tell them, I would had previously been to me not only to
not only save my own life, but theirs like- know if they might settle in San Pete,
wise. but if they might separate widely from
Suppose, now, that we should say to each other, over a piece of land about
this congregation, and to all the wards in two miles square, each having a five acre
this city, the time has come for us to fort lot for their garden, near their farms.
up; do you not think a great many per- They were told to build a good substan-
sons would come immediately to me, and tial fort, until the settlement became suf-
inquire if I did not think their houses ficiently strong, and not live so far apart,
quite safe enough, without being put to and expose themselves and their prop-
that trouble and expense? Yes, my of- erty to danger. Father Allred told me
fice would be crowded with such persons, they were then so nigh together, they
wanting to know if they might not live did not know how to live! I told him
where they were now living, "for" they they had better make up their minds
would say, "we have got good houses, and to be baptized into the Church again,
well finished off, besides, such a course and get the Spirit of God, that each one
will ruin them, and our gardens will might be able to live at peace with his

neighbor in close quarters, and not think dian difficulty. They had faith they could
himself infringed upon. They wanted keep the Indians off. Well, now is the
to know if they were to build a fort. time to call it into exercise. They did,
"Why, yes," I said, "build a strong fort, after a while, build a temporary fort at
and a corral, to put your cattle in, that San Pete, which now shields them in a
the Indians cannot get them away from time of trouble.
you." "Do you think, brother Brigham, When the brethren went to Salt
the Indians will trouble us here?" they Creek, they wanted to make a settlement
inquired. I said, "It is none of your there, and inquired of me if they might
business whether they will or not, but do so. I told them, no, unless they first
you will see the time that you will need built an efficient fort. I forbade them
such preparations." But I did not think taking their women and children there,
it would come so quickly. There will until that preparatory work was fully ac-
more come upon this people to destroy complished. Has it ever been done? No,
them than they at present think of, un- but families went there and lived in wag-
less they are prepared to defend them- ons and brush houses, perfectly exposed
selves, which I shall not take time, this to be killed. If they have faith enough to
morning, to dwell upon. I said also to the keep the Indians off, it is all right.
brethren at Utah, "Do you make a fort,
and let it be strong enough, that Indians From the time these distant valleys
cannot break into it." They commenced, began to be settled, until now, there has
and did not make even the shadow of a scarcely been a day but what I have felt a
fort, for in some places there was nothing twenty-five ton weight, as it were, upon
more than a line to mark where the ap- me, in exercising faith to keep this peo-
proaching shadow would be. They began ple from destroying themselves; but if
to settle round upon the various creeks any of them can exercise faith enough for
and streamlets, and the part of a fort themselves, and wish to excuse me, I will
that existed was finally pulled up, and take my faith back.
carried away somewhere else. I have The word has gone out now, to the
told you, from the beginning, you would different settlements, in the time of har-
need forts, where to build them, and how vest, requiring them to build forts. Could
strong. I told you, six years ago, to build it not have been done last winter, bet-
a fort that the Devil could not get into, ter than now? Yes. Do you not suppose
unless you were disposed to let him in, people will now wish they had built forts
and that would keep out the Indians. Ex- when they were told? If they do not, it
cuse me for saying devil; I do not often proves what they have been all the time,
use the old gentleman's name in vain, shall I say fools? If that is too harsh a
and if I do it, it is always in the pulpit, term, I will say they have been foolish.
where I do all my swearing. I make this It is better for me to labor in building a
apology because it is considered a sin to house or a fort, to get out fencing tim-
say devil, and it grates on refined ears. ber, and wood to consume through win-
I told the settlement in San Pete, ter, when I have nothing else to do, and
at the first, to build a fort. They not be under the necessity of leaving my
did not do it, but huddled together be- grain on the ground to do those things.
side a stone quarry, without a place Harvest is no time to build forts, neither
of common shelter where they could is it the time to do it when we should be
defend themselves, in case of an In- plowing and sowing.

Now the harvest is upon us, I wish you are so instructed, to see if you will
to say a few words concerning it. I de- do as you are told. Let your dwelling
sire you to tell your neighbors, and wish house be a perfect fort. From the day I
them to tell their neighbors, and thus lived where brother Joseph Smith lived,
let it go to the several counties around— I have been fortified all the time so as to
now is the time for women and children resist twenty men, if they should come
to assist in the harvest fields, the same to my house in the night, with an intent
as they do in other countries. I never to molest my family, assault my person,
asked this of them before; I do not now or destroy my property; and I have al-
ask it as a general thing, but those em- ways been in the habit of sleeping with
ployed in the expedition south, in the one eye open, and if I cannot then suffi-
work of defending their brethren from ciently watch, I will get my wife to help
Indian depredations, who have heavy me. Let an hostile band of Indians come
harvests on hand, rather than suffer the round my house, and I am good for quite
grain to waste, let the women get in the a number of them. If one hundred should
harvest, and put it where the Indians come, I calculate that only fifty would be
cannot steal it. And when you go into the able to go to the next house, and if the
harvest field, carry a good butcher knife Saints there used up the other fifty, the
in your belt, that if an Indian should third house would be safe.
come upon you, supposing you to be un- But instead of the people taking this
armed, you would be sure to kill him. course, almost every good rifle in the ter-
Tell your neighbors of this, and go to ritory has been traded away to the Indi-
work, men, women, and children, and ans, with quantities of powder and lead,
gather in your grain, and gather it clean, though they waste it in various ways
leave none to waste, and put it where the when they have got it. The whites would
Indians cannot destroy it. sell the title to their lives, for the sake of
Does this language intimate any- trading with the Indians.
thing terrific to you? It need not. If
you will do as you are told, you will They will learn better, I expect, by
be safe continually. Secure your bread- and by, for the people have never re-
stuff, your wheat, and your corn, when ceived such strict orders as they have got
it is ripe, and let every particle of grain now. I will give you the pith of the last
raised in these valleys be put where it orders issued—"That man or family who
will be safe, and as much as possible will not do as they are told in the orders,
from vermin, and especially from the In- are to be treated as strangers, yea, even
dians, and then build forts. as enemies, and not as friends." And if
Let every man and woman who there should be a contest, if we should
has a house make that house a fort, be called upon to defend our lives, our
from which you can kill ten where liberty, and our possessions, we would
you can now only kill one, if Indians cut such off the first, and walk over their
come upon you. "Brother Brigham, bodies to conquer the foe outside.
do you really expect Indians to come Martial law is not enforced yet, al-
upon us in this city?" This inquiry, I though the whole territory is in a state
have no doubt, is at this moment in of war, apparently, but it is only the
the hearts of a few, almost breathless Utah [Indians] who have declared war
with fear. Were I to answer such in- on Utah [Territory.] Deseret has not
quirers as I feel, I should say, it is yet declared war; how soon it will be
none of your business; but I will say, declared is not for me to say; but

we have a right, and it is our duty, to put dians are in war, I have been with them
ourselves in a state of self-defense. more or less from my youth upward,
The few families that settled in Cedar where they have often had wars among
Valley, at the point of the mountains, themselves. Let every man, woman, and
were instructed to leave there, last child, that can handle a butcher knife, be
spring. They have gone back again, upon good for one Indian, and you are safe.
their own responsibility, and now want I am aware that the people want to
to know what they must do. They have ask me a thousand and one questions,
been told to do just as they have a mind whether they have done it or not, touch-
to. ing the present Indian difficulties. I have
Those who have taken their wives tried to answer them all, in my own
and children in the canyons to live, have mind, by saying, it will be just as the
been told to remove them into the city; Lord will.
and if you want to make shingles, or do
How many times have I been asked
any other work that requires you to re-
in the past week, what I intend to do
main there, have your gun in a situation
with Walker. I say, LET HIM ALONE ,
that an Indian cannot creep up and steal
SEVERELY . I have not made war on the
it from you before you are aware, that
Indians, nor am I calculating to do it. My
you can be good for a few Indians if they
policy is to give them presents, and be
should chance to come upon you.
kind to them. Instead of being Walker's
If I wished to live away from the body
enemy, I have sent him a great pile of to-
of the people, my first effort should be di-
bacco to smoke when he is lonely in the
rected towards building a good and effi-
mountains. He is now at war with the
cient fort. When new settlements were
only friends he has upon this earth, and I
made in the eastern countries, they built
want him to have some tobacco to smoke.
them of timber, and they were called
"block houses." I would advise that ev- I calculate to pursue just such a
ery house in a new settlement should be course with the Indians, and when I am
made good for all the Indians that could dictated to by existing circumstances,
approach it, with an intention to tear it and the Spirit of the Lord, to change my
down. If I did not do that, I would go course, I will do it, and not until then.
to where I could be safe, I would take If you were to see Walker, do you
up my abode with the body of the peo- think you would kill him? You that
ple. I would take my family there at want to kill him, I will give you a mis-
least. By taking this course, every per- sion to that effect. A great many ap-
son will be safe from the depredations pear very bold, and desire to go and
of the Indians, which are generally com- bring me Walker's head, but they want
mitted upon the defenseless and unpro- all the people in Utah to go with them.
tected portions of the community. I could point out thousands in this Ter-
I know what the feelings of the ritory who would follow these Indians,
generality of the people are, at this and continue to follow them, and leave
time—they think all the Indians in the cattle to be driven off by the emi-
the mountains are coming to kill off grants, and the grain to perish, and thus
the Latter-day Saints. I have no subject the whole community to the rav-
more fear of that, than I have of the ages of famine, and its consequent evils.
sun ceasing to give light upon the I have been teased and teased by men
earth. I have studied the Indian char- who will come to me and say, "Just give
acter sufficiently to know when the In- me twenty-five, fifty, or a hundred men,

and I will go and fetch you Walker's you," from morning till evening; until
head." I do not want his head, but I wish each person can say, "I love you all, I
him to do all the Devil wants him to do, have no evil in my heart to any indi-
so far as the Lord will suffer him and vidual, I can send my children to school
the Devil to chastise this people for their with yours, and can correct your chil-
good. dren, when they do wrong, as though
I say to the Indians, as I have often they were my own, and I am willing you
said to the mob, go your length. You say should correct mine, and let us live to-
you are going to kill us all off, you say gether until we are a holy and sancti-
you are going to obliterate the Latter-day fied society." There will always be Indi-
Saints, and wipe them from the earth; ans or somebody else to chastise you, un-
why don't you do it, you poor miserable til you come to that spot; so amen to the
curses? The mob only had power to drive present Indian trouble, for it is all right.
the Saints to their duty, and to remem- I am just as willing the rebellious of this
ber the Lord their God, and that is all people should be kicked, and cuffed, and
the Indians can do. This people are mobbed, and hunted by the Indians, as
worldly-minded, they want to get rich in not, for I have preached to them until
earthly substance, and are apt to forget I am tired. I will give no more coun-
their God, the pit from which they were sel to any person upon the duties of self-
dug, and the rock from which they were preservation; you can do as you please; if
hewn, every man turning to his own way. you will not preserve yourselves, I may
Seemingly the Lord is chastening us un- reason with you until my tongue cleaves
til we turn and do His will. What are to the roof of my mouth, to no avail. Let
you willing to do? Would you be will- the Lord extend the hand of benevolence
ing to build a fort, and all go in there to brother Walker, and he will make you
to live? I tell you, you would have a do it by other means than exhortations
hell of your own, and devils enough to given in mildness.
carry it on. Do you suppose you will This very same Indian Walker has a
ever see the time you would do that, mission upon him, and I do not blame
and live at peace with each other, and him for what he is now doing: he is
have the Spirit of the Lord enough to helping me to do the will of the Lord to
look each other in the face, and say, with this people, he is doing with a chasten-
a heart full of kindness, "Good morn- ing rod what I have failed to accomplish
ing, Mary," or "How do you do, Maria"? with soft words, while I have been hand-
Y OU WILL BE WHIPPED UNTIL you have ing out my substance, feeding the hun-
the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ suffi- gry, comforting the sick. But this has no
ciently to love your brethren and sisters effect upon this people at all, my coun-
freely, men, women, and CHILDREN; un- sel has not been needed, so the Lord is
til you can live at peace with yourselves, making brother Walker an instrument to
and with every family around you; un- help me, and perhaps the means that he
til you can treat every child as though will use will have their due effect.
it were the tender offspring of your own Do you suppose I want to kill him?
body, every man as your brother, and No. I should be killing the very means
every woman as your sister; and un- that will make this people do what we
til the young persons treat the old with wanted them to do years ago.
that respect due to parents, and all learn There are hundreds of witnesses to
to shake hands, with a warm heart, bear testimony that I have counseled
and a friendly grip, and say, "God bless this people, from the beginning, what

to do to save themselves both temporally the community this year, is not a drop
and spiritually. in comparison to the heavy shower that
In one of our orders issued lately, will come. "Well, and where is it com-
the southern settlements were advised ing from?" From hell, where every other
to send their surplus cattle to this val- trouble comes from. "And who do you
ley. No quicker had the news reached think will be the actors?" Why, the Devil
them, than our ears were greeted with and his imps. [W. W. Phelps in the
one continued whine, which meant, "We stand, We could not do very well with-
are afraid you want them." So we did, to out a devil.] No, sir, you are quite aware
take care of them for you. of that; you know we could not do with-
When Father Allred was advised to out him. If there had been no devil to
adopt measures to secure themselves tempt Eve, she never would have got her
and their property, he replied, "O, I do eyes opened. We need a devil to stir up
not think there is the least danger in the wicked on the earth to purify the
the world; we are perfectly able to take Saints. Therefore let devils howl, let
care of our stock, and protect ourselves them rage, and thus exhibit themselves
against the Indians." All right, I thought, in the form of those poor foolish Laman-
let circumstances prove that. ites. Let them go on in their work, and
do you not desire to kill them, until they
Now as difficulties surround them, ought to be killed, and then we will ex-
they say to me, "Why, brother Brigham, tinguish the Indian title, if it is required.
if you had only told us what to do, we Did you never feel to pity them
would have done it. Were we not always on viewing their wretched condition?
willing to take your counsel?" Yes, you Walker with a small band has succeeded
are a great deal more willing to take it, in making all the Indian bands in these
than to obey it. If people are willing to mountains fear him. He has been in the
carry out good counsel, they will secure habit of stealing from the Californians,
themselves accordingly. and of making every train of emigrants
I have thought of setting a pattern, that passed along the Spanish trail to
by securing myself; but were I to build a California pay tithing to him. He finally
fort for myself and family, I should want began to steal children from those bands
about a legion of angels from the throne to sell to the Spaniards; and through fear
of God, to stay nine months with me, to of him, he has managed to bring in sub-
get my folks willing to go into it. But I jection almost all the Utah tribes.
am so independent about it, I care not I will relate one action of Walker's
the snap of my finger for one of them. If life, which will serve to illustrate his
my wives will not go into a place of secu- character. He, with his band, about last
rity with me, it is all right, they can stay Feb., fell in with a small band of Piedes,
out, and I will go in and take my children and killed off the whole of the men, took
with me. I say, I do not know but I may the squaws prisoners, and sold the chil-
take a notion to set a pattern by building dren to the Mexicans, and some few were
a fort; if I do, someone in this city may disposed of in this territory. This trans-
follow my example, and then somebody action was told by Arapeen, Walker's
else, &c., until we have a perfect city of brother, though he was not at the affray
forts. himself.
"Brother Brigham, do you really The Indians in these mountains
think we shall ever need them?" Y ES, are continually on the decrease; bands
I DO. All the difficulties there is in that numbered 150 warriors when we

first came here, number not more than Lamanites, if they do not bow down in
35 now; and some of the little tribes obedience to the Gospel, they will hunt
in the southern parts of this territory, them until there is but a small rem-
towards New Mexico, have not a sin- nant of them left upon this continent."
gle squaw amongst them, for they have They have either got to bow down to the
traded them off for horses, &c. This prac- Gospel or be slain. Shall we slay them
tice will soon make the race extinct. Be- simply because they will not obey the
sides, Walker is continually, whenever Gospel? No. But they will come to us
an opportunity presents itself, killing and try to kill us, and we shall be under
and stealing children from the wander- the necessity of killing them to save our
ing bands that he has any power over, own lives.
which also has its tendency to extinguish I wished to lay these things before
the race. the people this morning, to answer a
Walker is hemmed in, he dare not go great many questions, and allay their
into California again. Dare he go east to fears. Yesterday, brother Kimball heard
the Snakes? No. Dare he go north? No, at his mill, ten miles north, that I had
for they would rejoice to kill him. Here sent word to him, that the mountains
he is, penned up in a small compass, sur- were full of Indians, and he and the fam-
rounded by his enemies; and now the El- ilies with him were to move into the
ders of Israel long to eat up, as it were, city; so they immediately obeyed this re-
him and his little band. What are they? port. Brother Kimball came to me and
They are a set of cursed fools. Do you not inquired if I had sent such orders. I said,
rather pity them? They dare not move no. But it is all right, for I wanted the
over a certain boundary, on any of the women and children from there. This
four points of the compass, for fear of shows the excited state of the people.
being killed; then they are killing one One thing more. I ask you men who
another, and making war upon this peo- have been with Joseph in the wars he
ple that could use them up, and they not passed through, and who were with him
be a breakfast spell for them if they felt at the time of his death, what was it
so disposed. See their condition, and I that preserved us, to all outward appear-
ask you, do you not pity them? From ances? It is true, in reality, God did it.
all appearance, there will not be an In- But by what means did He keep the mob
dian left, in a short time, to steal a horse. from destroying us? It was by means
Are they not fools, under these circum- of being well armed with the weapons of
stances, to make war with their best death to send them to hell cross lots. Just
friends? so you have got to do.
Do you want to run after them to kill As for this people fostering to them-
them? I say, let them alone, for per- selves that the day has come for them
adventure God may pour out His Spirit to sell their guns and ammunition to
upon them, and show them the error of their enemies, and sit down to sleep
their ways. We may yet have to fight in peace, they will find themselves de-
them, though they are of the house of ceived, and before they know, they will
Israel to whom the message of salvation sleep until they are slain. They have
is sent; for their wickedness is so great, got to carry weapons with them, to
that the Lord Almighty cannot get at the be ready to send their enemies to hell
hearts of the older ones to teach them cross lots, whether they be Laman-
saving principles. Joseph Smith said ites, or mobs who may come to take
we should have to fight them. He said, their lives, or destroy their property.
"When this people mingle among the We must be so prepared that they

dare not come to us in a hostile manner you that try to help yourselves, and carry
without being assured they will meet a out the maxim of Doctor Dick—"God
vigorous resistance, and ten to one they helps them that help themselves."
will meet their grave. I am my own policeman, and have
The Lord will suffer no more trou- slept, scores of nights, with my gun and
ble to come upon us than is necessary sword by my side, that is, if I slept at
to bring this people to their senses. You all. I am still a policeman. Now is
need not go to sleep under the impres- the day to watch. It is as important
sion that it is the north and south only for me to watch now, as well as pray,
that is in danger, and we are all safe as it ever has been since I came into
here. Now mind, let this people here lie this kingdom. It requires watching, as
down to sleep, and be entirely off their well as praying men; take turns at it, let
watch, and the first thing they know, some watch while others pray, and then
they are in the greatest danger. You change round, but never let any time
must not desert the watch tower, but do pass without a watcher, lest you be over-
as I do—keep some person awake in your taken in an hour when you think not; it
house all night long, and be ready, at the will come as a thief in the night. Look
least tap of the foot, to offer a stout re- out for your enemies, for we know not
sistance, if it is required. Be rely at any how they will come, and what enemy it
moment to kill twenty of your enemies at will be. Take care of yourselves.
least. Let every house be a fort. Again, let me reiterate to the sisters,
After the cattle were stolen at San do not be afraid of going into the harvest
Pete, a messenger arrived here in about field. If you are found there helping your
thirty hours to report the affair, and ob- sons, your husbands, and your brethren,
tain advice. I told brother Wells, "you to gather in the harvest, I say, God bless
can write to them, and say, 'Inasmuch you, and I will also.
as you have no cows and oxen to trou- Take care of your grain, and take care
ble you, you can go to harvesting, and of yourselves, that no enemy come to slay
take care of yourselves.'" If you do not you. Be always on hand to meet them
take care of yourselves, brethren, you with death, and send them to hell, if
will not be taken care of. I take care of they come to you. May God bless you all.
them that help themselves. I will help Amen.




Brethren and Friends—I am glad not expect to address you this morn-
to see you once more, and for the ing, not being well in health; but at
privilege of meeting with you. I did the request of my brother, who pre-

sides over me, and in the absence of might be considered to contain truths.
many who might edify you, I rise to But I do not understand the prediction
speak a short time, and give place to oth- to which I refer as exclusively pertain-
ers. ing to a book, but rather to a religion,
I desire your prayers, that my body to a set of principles developed, to a
may be strengthened, and also for the covenant established, or, to carry it out
Gift of the Holy Spirit, without which no more fully, to a people organized, gath-
man can edify his fellow man. ered together, and established in one,
having one faith, one spirit, one bap-
We are told, by the Prophet of old, tism, one God, one eternal and ever-
in the good old Bible, and by that pe- lasting covenant by which they are all
culiar Prophet that the Christian world united, and one set of principles by
(that portion of them that esteem the which they are governed. For where
Bible) consider more clear, and more elo- such a government might be subdivided
quent than any other, whose prophecies by local circumstances, whether these
are on record—the Prophet Isaiah; we principles were written in one book or
are told by him, that the Lord would, in a thousand books, or whether they
some time, "lift up a standard for the were taught and acted upon without any
people," "an ensign for the nations," and book, whether the people could read a
that He would not only do this, but do it book or could not, nothing short of the
as a manifestation which should result development of certain principles of re-
in the great restoration of all things spo- ligion, law, and government, embraced
ken of by the Prophets, in the restoration by a certain portion of people, by which
of the twelve tribes of Israel from the they could see eye to eye, in which they
four quarters of the earth, to their own were united, and by the spirit of which
country, nationality, institutions, and re- they were made one in light and truth
ligion; that they might again be na- and fellowship, and gathered, organized,
tionalized, established, and reinstated planted, established—in short, a system
in their covenant renewed unto them, containing a development of all the prin-
as in days of old, and have their own ciples that constitute a heavenly gov-
Priesthood, rulers, governors, and con- ernment, nothing short of this, if I un-
sequently their own blessings. I say, we derstand the prediction of Isaiah, would
are told, by one of the greatest Prophets, be considered by the Jews, and by the
whose prophecies are on record, that a other tribes of Israel, wherever they
standard would be lifted up or mani- were found, and finally by the whole of
fested, in order to bring about that great the Gentile world that might live to see
restoration. What is that standard? Let it, as a "standard." This would be some-
us reason a little upon that subject, this thing worthy to be called a standard,
morning. Some might say it is a book. something to which they could look, and
It might be, in a certain sense. A dictio- come to, and be organized, consolidated,
nary of a language is sometimes called a nationalized, and governed by, politically
standard, that is, something established, and religiously; or more truly and con-
something that is a sufficient authority, sistently speaking, religiously, because
something to which all can refer, as to that includes all the political govern-
a sample or doctrine, to decide a ques- ments that are worth naming or striving
tion or an uncertainty in the meaning of for in heaven or on earth.
words. A system of religion, or a people
In point of principle or doctrine, a organized upon it, should include ev-
book that we might call a "standard," ery branch of government that they

could possibly need for their dwelling practical utility; and this they call civil
with each other, for their organization, government and politics, distinct from
peace, welfare, defense, order, happi- religion, though in some countries they
ness, and for their dwelling with neigh- blend one with the other, and both are in
boring nations. A system of religion that force. But I use the terms politics and
is from heaven never would stop short religion to adapt myself to those obso-
of including all these principles. There- lete ideas, that are about passing away
fore it is inconsistent, it is because of the with us, but under which a great major-
ignorance that is in the world that two ity of mankind still labor. In addressing
terms—"political government" and "reli- the Saints, I make no distinction; when
gious government," are used. I say a religious system, I mean that
Men have been in the habit of walk- which unites principles of political gov-
ing with, of being organized and iden- ernment and religions, which is perfectly
tified with, religions more or less false, sufficient for, and completely adapted to,
and not sufficient in themselves to carry all the wants of cities, boroughs, coun-
out all the principles of government; they ties, states, kingdoms, empires, or the
are a kind of Sunday convenience, sepa- world, or a million of worlds; that system
rate and distinct from the everyday af- of religion or government, just which you
fairs of life; a kind of a big religious please to call it, that regulates things
cloak, to be put on for that day, but not in heaven, and for which all professing
to be considered to have anything to do Christian men pray.
with everyday affairs. This kind of re-
ligion not being sufficient for the hap- Whether men realize it or not, when
piness and government, enlightenment they say, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be
and improvement, education and regu- done on earth as it is in heaven," it is as
lation of mankind, or of society in all much as to say, "O God, sweep away all
its branches, of course men would get the falsehood and abuses of power there
up something else separate from it, and are in the world, whether religious or
call that "the policy of civil government." political; down with the tyrants, down
I do not blame them, for a false reli- with the abuses, down with the false
gion, or one partly false and partly true, nobility, down with the pride, extrava-
never was calculated to answer the pur- gance, and idleness of the one class, and
pose. A religion not wholly true could down with the hard trials, want, oppres-
not possibly develop all the resources, sion, and poverty that are heaped upon
principles, branches, departments, offi- the other class; do away with all the
cers, and powers adapted to the govern- kingcraft, priestcraft, and republic craft
ment, organization, peace, order, happi- that are in the world. And in the place
ness, and defense of society, and for its of all these false governments and reli-
regulation while dwelling with foreign gions, in political and social life, intro-
departments and powers. duce that eternal government, that pure
Men require something more than order of things, those eternal principles
these imperfect systems, which are a and institutions, which govern society in
mixture of truth and error, that ex-
those better worlds, the worlds of immortal-
ist in the world (and they have no ity and eternal life." That is what a man
better, of course); they need some- prays for, as well as I can tell it, when
thing else besides their Sunday arrange- he says, "Thy will be done on earth, as
ments, besides this machinery of theo- it is in heaven." He says, "Sweep away
ries; they need something of everyday all abuses, all corruption, all falsehood,

all war, all ungodly and selfish ambition; Some may be in possession of the same
and in its place introduce a new govern- portion of truth, but may not possess it
ment for universal man, a system that in fulness, but it is true so far as it goes,
will touch all his wants, religiously, polit- by which all are in union, peace, and
ically, and every other way; which will or- love, and by which they all do right, and
ganize and govern society upon the prin- all glorify God, and maintain an eternal
ciples that society is governed upon in peace and bond of happiness.
I pray for that day, understanding it In viewing heaven thus, "I do not be-
in that light. And if anybody uses that lieve I differ, except in degree, from the
prayer, and does not mean it in that expectations and views of all Christen-
light, it is for want of reflection. For dom that believe in a hereafter." They
instance—does any man in his senses, would not contend for a moment for the
believe that the government of the eter- jargon and division that exist in this
nal heavens in the presence of God, con- world, that produce—what? Envy, ha-
sists of a variety of kingdoms, empires, tred, darkness, and ignorance. They do
republics, and states, governed by var- not believe for a moment that anything
ious principles, ruled by aspirants, and of this kind exists in heaven. They pray
sometimes by tyrants, that differ widely as well as we, "Thy will be done on earth
one from another in the principles by as it is in heaven." They pray, whether
which they rule, one jarring with, and they think of it or not, that all the jar-
encroaching upon, the other, and fre- gon, errors, abuses, darkness, and igno-
quently going to war with him, having rance that now exist in the world, un-
a thousand different ways of worship, der the name of religion, government,
and of religious and political administra- or anything else, may come to an end;
tion? I ask, again, does any sane per- that, so far as there is unrighteousness,
son, who reflects, believe that heaven or any error in principle, thrones may be
is governed in that way? No. Every cast down; that all the powers of earth,
reflecting person believes as well as I, whether republic or monarchial, that are
that if there is a world of immortality at not in accordance with the law and gov-
all, where righteousness rules, the same ernment of heaven, may pass away, and
principles, as far as they go, are devel- those principles be introduced that gov-
oped unto all, and adapted to all. Some ern the sanctified in heaven, so far as
may have more truth, ascend to greater man in this life is capable of receiving
degrees of perfection, and be able to re- these good things, and enjoying them in
ceive higher and more glorious princi- truth, union, and peace. Then with this
ples of government than others, even in view of the subject, such a system in-
heaven. Some may attain to a celestial troduced, even among a few men they
glory, of which the sun is typical; others being organized upon it, and acting it
be as telestial beings, the glory of which out in a good measure, we should call
is compared with the stars, as they ap- this a "standard." The Jews could look
pear to our sight; and these two classes to it and call it a "standard." The ten
may differ as widely from each other as
the stars differ from the sun in glory, tribes, and the scattered remnants, and
as seen by man. So far as heavenly be- all that appertain to the lineage of Abra-
ings have become enlightened by revela- ham, Isaac, and Jacob, scattered through the
tion in the laws of eternal government, world, waiting for the redemption, and the
a sameness exists in their possession of restoration of the kingdom to Israel, could
principles of truth, as far as it goes. look to such a "standard," to the people or-

ganized upon these principles developed holy place, containing the holy things,
from heaven, and carrying them out in and power to inquire of God, and to
all their points, for they are capable of instruct the people in what was for
governing a world, or a million of worlds; their peace, defense, welfare, govern-
to this they could look and say, there is a ment, judgment, and law. The Jews
"standard." cannot say they have these things now.
If all the railroads, steamboats, and Moses and the Prophets had the minis-
other swift means of conveyance, with all tering of angels. The Jews at this day
the gold and silver, were in the hands have not. Moses and the Prophets had
and under the control of the right lin- living oracles from heaven. The Jews
eage, and all the sea captains and rail- have not. Moses and the Prophets had
road proprietors stood ready to serve power to control the elements, and work
them, as the Jew turned his attention mighty wonders in the name of the Lord,
to the brightening prospect, and to his some of them even rolled the earth back
own land the question would naturally on its axis. Have the Jews this power?
arise in his mind—under what STAN - No. To restore them to Palestine, and
DARD shall I go? You may say under the let their own institutions be a standard,
colors of Great Britain, but that is not would be to put there what neither re-
sufficient. Upon what principles shall semble Moses and the Prophets, nor Je-
we be organized, religiously and politi- sus and the Prophets.
cally? Which of all the churches in Chris-
tendom will present us with a just stan-
dard, constituted to our capacity? Which "But suppose we try to convert them
of all the nations will present a govern- to the present Christian institutions,"
ment standard, constituted to our posi- says one. Well, where is the "standard?"
tion? Who has got it? The Christian institu-
"Well, but," you say, "let the Jews tion consisted of Apostles and Prophets,
take their own standard." Then they will ministers whose Priesthood was after
neither have the Christian dispensation, the order of the Son of God, and ordained
nor that of Moses and the Prophets, be- by himself, for he says, "As my Father
cause both of these had power in them hath sent me, even so send I you;" "ye
that the Jews do not profess to have. have not chosen me, but I have chosen
The Christian religion had its inspired you, and ordained you." Connected with
men, Apostles and Prophets. Those the Apostleship are the keys and pow-
the Jews have not got. Moses and the ers of government, the administration
Prophets had their miracles, gifts, pow- of ordinances, and the gifts and pow-
ers, and oracles, men who were raised ers of the Holy Spirit. This is a "stan-
up by heaven, to direct, make laws dard," which the Jews, and the ten tribes
and governments, and organize a king- would all acknowledge, and it is a Chris-
dom among the Jews; they have not got tian one, yet such a one all Christen-
these either. The most they pretend dom cannot present. They can present
to have is a Book that gives the his- a book, like the Jews; the one is a
tory of their fathers, and of Moses and book that testifies that Moses and the
the Prophets; showing that they lived Prophets had this power, the other that
under a dispensation of Priesthood, re- Jesus and his Apostles had it, but nei-
vealed from heaven, and handed down ther of these books can be the "stan-
from the fathers, from generation to gen- dard," because the mere history that
eration, which Priesthood held the Urim somebody had this power would not be a
and Thummim, and the charge of the living "standard." If the Christians pre-

sent the Jews with the New Testament, mighty chose Moses and ordained him;
the Jews will present the Christians and Moses laid his hands upon Joshua
with the Old Testament, and the writ- and ordained him, and therefore the two
ers of both of them had the power. The were full of the Spirit of God to fill a sim-
Jew would have to admit, that the power ilar calling.
and "standard" that his book was the key The Jews and the Ten Tribes know
of, had passed away; and the Christian, better than to bow to such an order of
that the angels, gifts, and blessings that things, for no rule, precedent, or exam-
his book gave an account of, had also ple, can be found in the history of the
passed away. fathers to substantiate such a course;
If you take the despotic standard of they would either conclude that God had
Russia, or the standard of any other changed, or that such proceedings were
of the nations of Europe, some of them an imposition, and pertained to no real
are unlimited in their provisions—the government from heaven at all.
sovereign is the law; others are limited—
the sovereign only being part of the law "Well, then," says the Lord, "I will
and power, frequent bloody wars arise set up a standard for my people, and
between the monarch and the people; lift up my hand to the Gentiles. A sys-
and those who come direct to the throne tem shall be developed from heaven, by
by hereditary right are beset by the same which the people are to be planted in
evils. Besides that, in Russia there is one one, that is, those who embrace it; by
kind of religion; in Greece, another; in which shall be developed among them
Rome, a third; and in England, a fourth; all, one spirit, one doctrine, one order
all widely differing from each other. of Priesthood, worship, power, and gov-
To take the republican form of gov- ernment, to lead, direct, control, and say
ernment, and set it up as a standard, what religion they shall adopt, including
would be to set the Jews and the Ten every department of government, suffi-
Tribes, when they get home, to creat- cient for all the affairs of state, both in-
ing their own government, religion, and ternal and external, and that would con-
officers. They would say, "This is not tribute to their enlightenment, improve-
a restoration of all things to the order ment, defense, exaltation, and their re-
of the fathers. Whoever heard of a na- lations with all the world." Such a thing
tion's rising up, and making its own min- would be a "standard." It would answer
istry of angels, its own Prophets, Apos- the purpose to plant and govern them. It
tles, and Priesthood to speak the word of would bring the Gentiles to it. In order
God, and to inquire of Him?" The Lord for this, it would be a principle of govern-
would turn round and say, "I have not ment developed in all its parts, not dif-
chosen this man, you have chosen him fering so much from the old one either.
and ordained him." Did the people elect "Do you mean the law of Moses?" Yes,
and appoint Moses to receive all his pow- but only so far as the same eternal prin-
ers, to hold communion with the burn- ciples existed in that law. There were
ing bush, and divide the waters of the many principles given in that law which
Red Sea? Did they elect Joshua to that pertained not to the eternal kingdom of
faith by which he lived to lead Israel God; they had to be fulfilled in Christ,
into Canaan, and divide Jordan by the and then have an end.
word of God? Did they instruct him to "Well, then, what do you mean?
lengthen out the day while Israel con- Do you mean to say that this modern
quered their enemies? No. God Al- standard must not differ from the in-

stitutions revealed and carried out in them to believe in me, their eternal King
the days of Christ and his Apostles?" and great High Priest, who rose from the
No, this is not what I mean, because dead, and ascended up on high in your
it must differ in some of its bearings presence, to reign in heaven, and even-
from those institutions. "Wherein?" In tually upon the earth. Go and tell the
this respect, if nothing more—Peter and people that, and let them repent, and
the rest of the Apostles having done turn to me with full purpose of heart,
what we are doing now, that is, talked and know that I am the law, and the way,
about that "standard," and the restora- and the truth; and if they shall keep my
tion of the kingdom and government to words, they shall have eternal life; and
Israel, said to Jesus, "Lord, wilt thou at if they do not, they shall remain in con-
this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" demnation. If they hear you, they hear
That is, "Wilt thou at this time raise a me; and if they receive you, they receive
standard with all the powers of govern- me; and if they receive me, they receive
ment, break down the Roman Empire, him that sent me; and if they reject you,
and give the kingdom and the greatness they reject me. And whatsoever they do
of the kingdom under the whole heaven to you, it is the same as though they
to thy Saints, that so all Israel may be did it to me. You are my ambassadors,
saved?" So far from a satisfactory an- my representatives, my ministers, and if
swer being given to Peter and the Apos- they do good to you, it is the same as
tles, the Savior said, "It is not for you though they did it to me. If they discard
to know the times or the seasons" when you, and believe not your words, and
this shall be done, letting alone doing it, withhold their hands from helping you
for the knowledge of these times "the Fa- to carry out the principles of truth, it is
ther hath put in his own power." Jesus the same as though they did it unto me."
did not turn round and answer them as "But, master, how shall we establish a
the sectarians would—"You are entirely standard of government, and peace, so
mistaken, my kingdom will always be a as to maintain these principles?" "You
spiritual kingdom; and you will be very cannot do it." Did Jesus Christ and his
much disappointed if you look for any- Apostles say these things in so many
thing else." He virtually said—"Suffice it words? No. But in words that amounted
to say, it is not given to you Apostles to to the same thing. Says he—"The time
hold the keys of my kingdom in that day cometh, that whosoever killeth you will
and age of the world, or even to know think that he doeth God service." And
the time that I will do that work." "Well, unto Peter, the head of the Apostles,
Lord, what will you have us to do? As the Jesus said, speaking of the death Pe-
Scriptures are more full upon that sub- ter should die—"When thou shall be
ject than almost any other, for kings and old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands,
Prophets spoke of little else, and you will and another shall gird thee, and carry
not tell us of that, but reserve it for some thee whither thou wouldest not." Jesus
other people, and to be known at some told his servants they would be scourged
other time, which we are not to know, from city to city, and from place to place,
what is it you would have us to do?" and from synagogue to synagogue, and be
"Simply be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, overcome, for another power would rise
Samaria, and in the uttermost parts different from the kingdom of God, and it
of the earth. Baptize the people, if should make war with them, and overcome
they will repent, after you have taught them, and be drunken with the blood of the

Saints, and hold dominion over all the would be slain and go into yonder world.
kings of the earth, over every tribe and Hence the kingdom of God had to be
tongue and people, until the words of set up twice, once in the days of Peter,
God should be fulfilled; therefore they wherein those who obeyed the Gospel or-
were not to think to gather the people, dinances had to submit to the Roman
to establish a kingdom or government on power and be killed. After they are
the earth, for they could not do it. There killed, and the Priesthood is taken from
was another power to rise, that would the earth, and the keys of it are gone
put their power down, and bear rule over from the earth also, or hid up, so that
all nations, and all nations would be de- nobody holds them, and all nations are
ceived by it. deceived, as it was written by the Rev-
Now you take the instructions of the elator John by this ruling power, which
Apostles to the Saints in former days, is nothing more nor less than Rome, for
and the manifestations of the Lord to the that was the world then known—after
last of the Twelve while he was on the all this, when the time comes for the
Isle of Patmos, and see if they do not word of God to be fulfilled, and for a stan-
amount to the above. dard to be set up, what does this book,
Well, then, give us a dispensation the Bible, say? What does Jesus Christ
like the one they had, one fitted to the himself say? "There shall be signs in the
New Testament; and it is simply to run sun, and in the moon, and in the stars,
through the world, and witness of the and upon the earth distress of nations,
manifestations of the Lord of life and with perplexity; the sea and the waves
glory in the flesh, and his resurrection roaring; men's hearts failing them for
from the dead; to call upon the people to fear;" and he goes on to say that when
repent and be baptized, and give them you shall see these things come to pass,
the first principles of the Gospel, and then know that the kingdom of God is at
prepare them to reign in yonder world hand.
of glory, so far as they could by being The Millerites mistook it, and
faithful through the Gospel; and as fast thought it meant, then know that the
as they were baptized, say to them, "You kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ is just
may expect to be killed, and if you are at the door. A great many have been
not willing to lay down your life, do not mistaken on this subject, among Chris-
put your name among us, nor be bap- tian communities, so called. But if they
tized at all, for the wicked will make had searched diligently to know, they
war with the Saints and overcome them." would not have taken the second advent
To repent, and be baptized, and receive of Messiah, and put it in the place of his
the Gospel for the remission of sins, be kingdom, to be at hand when you see the
killed and go home to glory, was the signs begin to take place; then "know
Gospel the ancient Apostles preached. I ye, that the kingdom of God is nigh at
say, if we had a dispensation precisely hand."
like that which Peter and the rest of the Now it is evident that the kingdom
former-day Apostles had, that is just as of God was to be set up twice—at two
far as we could carry it. Where is the distinct times, or else the whole mat-
place where we could build up the king- ter is a mistake from the beginning
dom of God? Nowhere. If you lived in to the end, because John the Baptist
Rome (and Rome was the world), and said it was at hand in his day, Jesus
submitted to its butcheries, until the Christ said the same, the Apostles and
words of God should be fulfilled, you Seventies said, in their days, that it

was right at the door. And then Jesus will; the revelation of the law of God, and
Christ predicted a whole string of events, the new and everlasting covenant made
including the destruction of Jerusalem, to Abraham of old and his seed, which
and the dispersion of the Jews. He then has never been altered by the Lord, only
predicted signs that were to be seen in lost to the people. Paul said that the
the sun, moon, and stars, and said, lo! law given upon Mount Sinai, four hun-
"the kingdom of God is nigh at hand." dred and thirty years after that covenant
Just as sure as the sun shines, the king- was made, might not disannul it. Jesus
dom had to be set up twice, or there is Christ was that man spoken of when God
no meaning to the Book, and the last, said, "In thee and in thy seed shall all
too, at the time the Millerites and oth- nations of the earth be blessed." Thus,
ers have set for the personal appearance Paul and Jesus, in so many words, con-
of the Savior. firmed the covenant made with Abra-
ham, that neither the law of Moses nor
The Lord, in speaking to his Apos-
Jesus Christ ever disannulled. What was
tles, said, "It is not given for you to know
it? A great many things, but the prin-
the times or the seasons, which the Fa-
cipal thing was, "I will greatly multiply
ther hath put in his own power." What
thy seed;" in short, a law was given him
would he say to the Apostles in the last
by which he and his posterity should be
days? He would say quite the reverse
regulated and governed, with regard to
of this—"To you it is given to know the
matrimony and posterity.
times and the seasons, because you are
Now, then, to restore the new and
the very men to do that work, but my
everlasting covenant made with Abra-
old Apostles were only to bear witness
ham, and not disannulled by Moses, the
of me to the world. As the received tra-
Prophets, Jesus Christ, and the Apos-
ditions and religion of the world were
tles; to restore an organization of prin-
at war with the principle of the resur-
ciples, of law; a development that would
rection presented in my body, I required
make a standard to regulate families,
my ancient Apostles to bear witness of
households, and kingdoms in every re-
it in Jerusalem and Samaria, and to the
spect; that would be to fulfil the words
uttermost parts of the earth, wherever
of Isaiah, where he says, I will "set up
they could find followers. But I now will
my standard to the people;" then I will
raise up you and other men, and ordain
gather you. Going to work to gather
you, and cause keys of power to be com-
them to a standard set up by modern pro-
mitted to you, as in days of old, in the
fessors would be nonsense, for it would
same Gospel ordinances and spirit; but
not chime in with the law that governed
when they come, you will not be required
Abraham and his family matters, when
to fulfil any such thing as my servants
he and a great many others should come
did anciently, which was, to bear witness,
together and sit down in the kingdom of
preach repentance, baptize the people,
God. Such a standard would be lame in
and be killed. You will know the times
some points.
and the seasons, which the Father put
If I were a Jew, you might cry to me
in His own power, and which my other
and preach to me until doomsday, and
Apostles could not know, and then go to
then take a sword, and hold it over me
work with your mights and fulfil it."
to sever my head from my body, but I
Hence the gathering of the Saints; should say, "I will not move one step
the organization of the kingdom of to the standard that is not Abraham's,
God, religiously and politically, if you nor from the everlasting covenant in

which my fathers Abraham, Isaac, and then, the whole of their kingcraft, and
Jacob, and all the holy Prophets will priestcraft, and confused systems would
come and sit down in the presence of soon pass away, and the covenant made
God, upon the same principles with their with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and
modern children. I am a Jew, and my to which the Prophets, Jesus, and the
hope is in the covenants of the fathers. Apostles looked forward, would be estab-
If you nations who are not numbered in lished.
that covenant wish to be blessed, it must
be in that covenant, and in no other way; "When ye see these things come to
and you cannot bring me any other stan- pass, know ye that the kingdom of God
dard that is a lawful one. You may teach is nigh at hand." Is it a system of gov-
me Christianity, as you call it; you may ernment, to organize and gather the peo-
try to govern me by a republican gov- ple? Yes, a people that will not have their
ernment, as you call it; and ten thou- heads cut off any more by that govern-
sand other things; but when you have ment that has deceived the whole world,
taught them all to me, neither for your and drunk the blood of the Saints of the
fire, your sword, your government, your Most High. It is a kingdom that the
religion, your threats, nor anything else wicked will not be permitted again to
will I ever embrace any other system possess or destroy. How shall we look
but the standard, the covenant, in which for it? It will be one of the smallest of
all my nation, all the Ten Tribes and governments upon this earth, to which
the scattered remnants can be blessed; a grain of mustard seed is brought as a
a covenant that will look them up, with comparison. When we see the signs in
all the Gentile world; and raise all the the sun, moon, and stars, and among dif-
ancients from the dead, and by which ferent nations, it proves that the king-
all can sit down together in the same dom of God is nigh at hand; we may then
kingdom, and be governed by the same begin to look around for it. We must not
principles, covenants, laws, and ordi- look to Russia, or to England, to become
nances forever." That is the stubborn- this kingdom, but to the smallest of the
ness I should have in my nature, if I were governments in this world, one so small
a Jew. And the blood that flows quick that it is compared to a grain of mus-
through my veins tells me I am not one tard seed. Where must we look for it? In
whit behind the Jew; it tells me I am the very spot where it has room to grow,
of the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Ja- and in its smallness be overshadowed
cob; therefore I am just about as hard as with weeds and plants of other kinds;
they are to believe in anything but a full so we must look for its organization, es-
and complete standard, a development of tablishment, and development in some
that system which will organize me and country where that little few compose
my house, and all the people, whether the majority, and should rule. Now with
Jew or Gentile, that will embrace it, in these great characteristics, and plain di-
all the world, if they will repent. I rections, which any man can gather from
read it, in so many words of the good the Bible, we need not look to any other
old Prophet, that "the nation and king- place where we may find this kingdom.
dom that will not serve thee shall per- Then among the Saints right here, where
ish; yea, those nations shall be utterly they compose the majority, where there
wasted." I would say to king Agrippa, if is not another larger government, where
he were here today, "Believest thou the they are hemmed in with mountains,
Prophets?" If the world would believe, and can establish peace, and a kingdom,

and a government, and a law. "Well," here, and nobody can help it. There is
says one, "you are a republican govern- no law against unity, against being bap-
ment; how does that chime in with the tized, against receiving the administra-
word kingdom?" It matters not as to tion of angels, or the keys of the Apostle-
the outward name, whether it takes the ship, against laying hands on others that
name of republic or kingdom, or this, men may be filled with the Holy Ghost.
that, or the other; it is not the name There is no law against these things,
that does the business. We call England thank God. This makes us united, it
a monarchy, because its Presidency per- makes us do our duty, and remain in the
petually comes from one line, it is hered-
spirit of oneness and in faith, operating
itary. We call the United States a re- diligently upon the principles developed
publican government, because they put by revelation upon revelation, and pre-
in a man to rule, and put him out once cept upon precept, and law upon law, and
in four years. I have been in both coun-truth upon truth. We find ourselves a
government organized upon these great
tries and lived and acted more or less un-
der the two governments. I went to Eng- principles, and a government in peace.
This government has to maintain its
land with a good deal of prejudice; for I
character, and become a standard, hav-
was brought up to believe that a republi-
can government was the only good gov- ing developed in it every principle for
ernment in the world, and the British the salvation of the living and the dead;
were made to be killed off. When my to hold the keys of the Priesthood that
brother Orson began to speak at all, thebear rule in heaven, on earth, and in
first word which I can remember he ever hell, and maintain a people built upon
said, was—"Why, dad's gone to shoot the it, which is all necessary in order to be-
British." So I must have gone there morecome a standard. To this the Ten Tribes
or less prejudiced against that govern- will look, to this will look the scattered
remnants that are aware of the promise
ment. What is the fact, against all these
to Abraham, that in his seed, and not
prejudices of early life? It is, that govern-
in some other Priesthood and lineage,
ment is tolerably good in both countries.
The United States have the best institu-shall all the nations and people of the
earth be blessed. Where should they
tions of the two, but I tell you, if they had
carried them out better for us, we mightlook, if we were to be scattered abroad,
if we should come to a standstill, and
have been here, not so poor as we are to-
stick our stakes, and say to the Almighty
day. I like England the better of the two;
not because her institutions are better,and to His servants—"We will do this,
but because they are carried out better.and that, and that is what we will not
A government well carried out is better do, but we will go our own way?" Sup-
than any other form of government not pose now the spirit of prophecy should
carried out. You may spread your forms descend upon the Ten Tribes of Israel,
on paper, but paper will lie a long timeand they smite the mountains of ice by
before it will take off a man's head forthe word of God, and the mountains flow
breaking the law. down, and their Prophets travel abroad
to search the world through, for they
Here we are, and, thank God for have seen the signs in the heavens, and
it, a small government, you may call they feel like the wise men of the east
it a republican government, or what as they inquired for the Savior; sup-
you please; but the spirit, and Gospel, pose the Ten Tribes come and inquire—
and law, and principles of union are "Where is the Temple of God, for we have

seen the signs in the heavens; where God is? What worldly government could
shall we find it?" And we were to scat- you live under, as the kingdom of God,
ter and divide, and lose the Spirit of when you had satisfied these desires?
God, and become sectarians, or some- Just point your finger to the place, on
thing worse; the Ten Tribes Would then this wide earth, where there is any bet-
have to search with a lighted candle, and ter climate than this, any better market
could not find the Temple here, and I than this, where the staple necessaries
defy them to find it anywhere else. and conveniences of life exist in greater
"Now, then, brother Pratt, we have abundance than they do here. Point
embraced all this good Gospel, which you your finger to such a place, and convince
tell about. We have been baptized, we me by mathematical demonstration that
have come into the new and everlasting this people can live there, and be a ma-
covenant, we are one, our sins are for- jority there, and reign there, and main-
given us, and we have received a por- tain the kingdom of God there, and I am
tion of the Holy Ghost." Having availed not sure but I will go with you, and, I
ourselves of all these things, what we believe, the President will, and I think
are as individuals, we have gained to- the Lord would be pleased with it. If
gether as number one and two, and all we had such a place, and could go and
are justified together, and the common enjoy it, who cares? The less time it
interests of the kingdom are carried out. will take to get a living, the more time
Some may say, "There are warmer cli- we shall have to attend to the teaching
mates than this, why not go to them, of others, and the more convenience to
and accommodate ourselves better than gather them to it. I do not know that
we can here? Besides that, there are the Lord would have any objection to it,
places where men get more gold and sil- if you could name such a place.
ver, and can buy sugar, fruit, &c., where What kind of a government is there
wood is plentiful, and where the coun- out yonder, west of us? The very scum
try presents more beautiful scenery, and floods out of the United States into that
is more like Paradise than this place is; goodly land, that golden country; there
the whole earth is before us, why can we is a concentration of jargon, ignorance,
not go and possess it where we please? folly, corruption, and abomination, all
Why can we not go and serve ourselves gathered together in one focus, and then
awhile, and let the kingdom of God take corrupting itself after being made of cor-
care of itself, or let these good, pious El- ruption. A Saint of God might put all
ders and Apostles that are so attached to the advantages of climate, timber, soil,
it, take care of it?" If it is right for you trade, and money together in the world,
to set your minds upon warmer climates, and he could not live under that govern-
upon more convenient timber, and upon ment. Why did you not stop in Rome,
making money, then it is right for every and serve God there? You were in a fine
one of us to do the same. If it is right country, a salubrious climate, the tim-
for you, it is right for our President, and ber was handy, and you possessed a de-
his Council, and the Twelve, and every- lightful situation. Why? Because the
body else. If each person should get his Apostles could not live under the Ro-
own way, go to where the climate will man Government without being killed;
suit him best, where there are a mar- and how could you do it without sharing
ket and all other conveniences, I want the same fate? If you did live in Rome,
to know, then, where the kingdom of you cannot say that the government

is according to the covenant made with soms. What would they do? Why, the
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why not world itself would see their light. Like a
stay in England? It is a fine climate, lighted candle on a candlestick, it could
and, in many respects, it has a good not be hid. Do you want riches? This is
soil, with trade, and plenty of coal for gold, it is silver, it is clothing, it is bone,
fuel. Why not stay in the United States, it is sinew, it is industry and power. It
where you can get sugar for three cents will come flowing to you like a flowing
per pound? Why did you ever leave stream. Your Apostles and your First
your countries, your native homes, to Presidency, instead of being perplexed
come here? Look at these snow-clad with the cares of this world, as to how
mountains, and naked plains—look at to plow their fields, or build their cabins,
the scarcity of timber, and the difficulty would not have time scarcely to go out
of traveling such a distance to get here, of yonder temple to get their breakfast,
and so far from any market. Bless your if we had the temple built. To a people
soul, you will not find conveniences in thus consolidated, nations of the earth
the world, anywhere, handier than they would come. The kings and queens,
are here! Why not stay where you were? and governors and rulers, and a great
"Why," you say, "I thought I should get many of the house of Israel, and peo-
a little instruction here, that I could not ple of influence and power out of all na-
get anywhere else; but, having got that tions, would come. They would say, "The
instruction, I thought to enjoy it, and go Lord is there, the power of God is there;"
where I pleased." My view of the sub- and if they had any money they would
ject is this—to gather, and stay gath- make a deposit of it there, for the nations
ered, to be organized into the govern- would be breaking up, and the people
ment of God, and call it what you please would want to escape with their life from
as to name. They used the word king- war, and distress of nations. The people
dom in ancient times, meaning nothing would say, "There is where we will go to
more nor less than government. We find safety, for there the inhabitants live
should stay gathered, and count one in in union, they have the light of eternal
schools, in meetings, in paying tithing, truth, while other people are in darkness
in paying taxes, in acting our part as and ignorance without measure. Those
members of the community; count one happy people know how to unite and de-
when men are needed, if necessary, to fend themselves: it is not their numbers
go against the savages; count one in in- that constitute their strength, but it is
fluence, in beauty, in spirit, in faith, their union, and, of course, their num-
and in works; to build Temples, to at- bers have an influence."
tend to the ordinances, and adminis- If one man is mighty, there are
ter to the living and the dead, and set more mighty. If a man wants the
an example worthy of imitation. What riches of time and eternity, let him
would a million of people do if they were have a good government, education,
all doing this, under one covenant, be- and the laws of heaven to bring up
ing actuated by the same spirit, bap- his children in the right way. He never will
tized by one baptism? They would be get rich as fast as he would if he cooper-
a million of that faith, a million of that ated with the kingdom of God. You know
spirit, a million of that light and truth, when anything is wanted of me, I am on
a million possessing the very powers of hand all the time, though there would not
peace, and heaven, and Zion in their bo- be a man you could hire. Men will go to

California, to the States, or anywhere if the Lord will give them a mission
else, but you could not get them to there, and be mighty glad to get back as
do it ordinarily without hiring them. soon as they have done it.
But if you appoint them to take a
mission without purse or scrip, the I have detained you too long. May the
same as an angel, they will go to hell, Lord bless you. Amen.


L AKE C ITY, J UNE 19, 1853.


I do not feel like making a military wicked into hell, with all the nations that
or a political speech on the present occa- forget God. But I did not suppose that
sion; but I wish to say a few words in ref- Zechariah Taylor could be classed with
erence to some of the items that have oc- those that forget God, for he never knew
cupied the tongue and the lips of so many anything about Him. I am confident that
of this community. such a thing was never mentioned by me.
When wicked men die—Zechariah
The expression, "Old Zechariah Tay- Taylor, or any other wicked man, they
lor is dead and in hell, and I am glad of go to hell. This has been explained to a
it," which the returning officers, in their congregation in this hall by Elder Hyde,
Report, alleged was said by me, I do not and also in the Frontier Guardian. If
know that I ever thought of, until I heard as good a man as Jesus Christ went to
Brocchus himself mention it on the stand hell, we may well expect that a wicked
in the Old Bowery. When he made the and ungodly man will go there to atone
statement there, I simply bore testimony for his sins. Enough upon that mat-
to the truth of it. But until then, I do ter: suffice it to say, that all, when they
not know that it ever came into my mind die, go somewhere; and if the people
whether Taylor was in hell or not, any want to know particularly where they
more than it did that any other wicked are going when they die, let them read
man was there. I suppose he is where all the Bible and learn. As for this peo-
the ignorant wicked are gone, and where ple, as for the disturbances and Re-
they will continue to go. The Bible de- ports of the returned judges, as for
clares that the Lord Almighty turns the the say so of one nation, and all the

nations upon the earth, I am entirely If anything oppose the progress of

unconcerned; but I hope one thing con- this great work, if any person, whether
cerning this people and kingdom of God great or small, should stand in the way
which are established upon the earth, of it, do you suppose it will stop? Do
that they will turn neither to the right you think the great car will stay in its
nor to the left, but maintain continu- onward progress, because some infernal
ally a steady and unslackened pace to scoundrel stands on the track? No; but
build up the cause of truth. Let small the wheels will roll over him, and crush
men or large men, officers of state or cit- him, until, like the pig brother Bernhisel
izens, kings or beggars, say or do what spoke of, he will "die all over."
they please, it is all the same to the
Almighty. The king upon his throne, the I admit it is hard for our Elders, for
president in his chair, the judges upon our brethren that are abroad, when any-
the bench, and the beggar in the street, thing of a transverse nature occurs in
are all overruled in their actions by the the midst of this people, especially in
Almighty God of heaven and earth. Who our present organization. It is hard for
can successfully fight against Him? All our Elders to meet with interruptions in
persons who are acquainted with this their course, to meet with, and have to
kingdom, who knew Joseph Smith from combat, the prejudices of the people. But
his boyhood, from the time the Lord who causes prejudice against this peo-
revealed to him where the plates con- ple? Do they cause it themselves? No. It
taining the matter in the Book of Mor- is the wicked. They court it, and nourish
mon were deposited, from the time the and cherish it; they suck it in like the in-
first revelation was given to him, and as fant child the mother's milk, they love it,
far back as he was known, in anywise they languish for it; it is their food, it is
whatever, as a person professing to have their life. Why do they love it? Because
received a visitation from heaven—all it is falsehood.
must know that as much priestcraft as Do the righteous of this people cause
was then within the circle of the knowl- persecution to come upon themselves?
edge of Joseph Smith, Jun., he had to No. Do the principles of the Gospel
bear on his back, and to lift from time create prejudice and persecution against
to time. On the other hand, as his them? No. But it is the disposition of the
name spread abroad, and the principles wicked to oppose the principles of truth
of the Gospel began to be more exten- and righteousness, which cause it.
sively taught, in the same proportion
he had more to bear. The Lord began When the officers returned from this
to raise him up, and endow him with territory to the States, did we send them
wisdom and power that astonished both away? We did not. But I will tell you
his friends and his foes. Did Joseph what I did, and what I will do again—I
rise? He did. Did his influence grow did chastise the mean ruffian, the poor
and spread far and wide? It did. Under miserable creature, who came here by
what circumstances? Why, with all the the name of Brocchus, when he arose be-
influence and power that could possibly fore this people to preach to them, and
be arrayed against him, by priests and tell them of meanness which he sup-
people, by doctors and lawyers, judges posed they were guilty of, and traduce
and juries, backed up by the whole their character. But they bore the insult
mass of the wicked world. All this he like Saints of God. It is true, as it is said
had to raise up, and carry with him. in the Report of these officers, if I had

crooked my little finger, he would have officers at the present time, I will say,
been used up, but I did not bend it. If for their information, I believe we are.
I had, the sisters alone felt indignant I will speak for this people, and say, we
enough to have chopped him in pieces. I cannot be situated better in that respect
did not, however, do it, but suffered him than we are at the present time, so far
to fill up the measure of his shame and as we know. One of our judges, Judge
iniquity until his cup is running over. He Shaver, has been here through the win-
was not hurt in the least. ter, and, as far as he is known, he is a
With regard to the four different Re- straightforward, judicious, upright man,
ports of those judges, which were in ex- and a good adjudicator in the law. This
istence at the same time, brother Bern- I believe, and so do others who are ac-
hisel seems to wonder how they came. quainted with his acts. He cannot be
I know how they came. Some friends beaten among Jews or Gentiles. He and
of those judges, thinking they could bet- Judge Reid, who has lately arrived, I be-
ter the matter for them, were the au- lieve will do the best they can, and all
thors of those extra Reports. But those is right. They have not come here with
friends found that the Reports did not the impression that we are going to send
answer their expectations, and those of- them as our delegates to Washington, as
ficers themselves would not acknowledge others did, so they are not disappointed.
who wrote them. In this instance, they As far as I know, we are just as well sit-
overshot their mark, and foiled, in a sig- uated in this respect as we need ask to
nal manner, their own purposes. be.
I have no fears whatever of Franklin
There is one circumstance the doctor Pierce excusing me from office, and say-
did not relate, which is worthy of notice. ing that another man shall be the Gover-
Secretary Harris stated that he did sign nor of this territory. At the beginning of
Doctor Bernhisel's certificate, but that our settlements here, when we sent Al-
he was intimidated by Governor Young, mon W. Babbit to Washington with our
and dare not but do it. How could this be, Constitution for a State Government,
when no person knew about this signing, and to ask leave to adopt it, he requested
but the doctor and Harris? Thus every that I should not sign my name to it as
man that operates against the truth, will Governor; "for," said he, "if you do, it
forestall himself, and be confounded by will thwart all your plans." I said, "My
his own arguments and operations in ev- name will go as it is in that document,
ery movement and act that he shall per- and stay there from this time henceforth
form; it will all work to his own injury and forever. Now," I continued, "if you
and disgrace. Every man that comes to do not believe it, you may go to Wash-
impose upon this people, no matter by ington, and give those papers to Doctor
whom they are sent, or who they are that Bernhisel, and operate against him, and
are sent, lay the axe at the root of the against our getting a State Government,
tree to kill themselves. I will do as I said and you cannot hinder it, I will be Gover-
I would, last Conference. Apostates, or nor still, after you have done everything
men who never made any profession of you possibly can to prevent it."
religion, had better be careful how they We have got a Territorial Govern-
come here, lest I should bend my little ment, and I am and will be Gover-
finger. nor, and no power can hinder it, un-
If the congregation wish to know til the Lord Almighty says, "Brigham,
if we are well situated for territorial you need not be Governor any longer;"

and then I am willing to yield to another allow me to tell you, Elders of Israel, and
Governor. I have told you the truth about delegates to Congress, you may expect
that, I entertain no concern about it, or an eternity of cats, that have not yet es-
about the changing of any of our other of- caped from the bag. Bless your souls,
ficers; we are well enough off in this re- there is no end to them, for if there is not
spect at present. one thing, there will always be another.
It came into my mind when brother Do you suppose that this people will
Bernhisel was speaking, and the same ever see the day that they will rest in
thing strikes me now, that is, inasmuch perfect security, in hopes of becoming
as he has done first-rate, as our delegate like another people, nation, state, king-
in Washington, to move that we send him dom, or society? They never will. Christ
again next season, though it is the Sab- and Satan never can be friends. Light
bath Day. I understand these things, and and darkness always remain opposites.
say as other people say, "We are Mor- The kingdom of God and the kingdom
mons." We do things that are necessary of Satan will always remain two king-
to be done; when the time comes for us doms; and so long as they are, you will
to do them. If we wish to make politi- find from time to time that the citizens
cal speeches, and it is necessary, for the of Satan's kingdom will be telling you
best interest of the cause and kingdom of of cats that are ready to leap out of the
God, to make them on the Sabbath, we bag, of something that is wonderful and
do it. Now, suffer not your prejudices to alarming in its nature, as much so as
hurt you, do not suffer this to try you, the circumstance which brother Bern-
nor be tempted in consequence of it, nor hisel touched at, which created a great
think we are wandering out of the way, excitement in Washington—that we had
for it is all embraced in our religion, from revolted from the parent Government,
first to last. and hoisted the flag of our independence.
Brother Kimball has seconded the I know how that report originated. The
motion, that Doctor Bernhisel be sent letter containing this startling intelli-
back to Washington, as our delegate. All gence, and purporting to have been re-
who are in favor of it, raise your right ceived at California from this place, was
hands. [More than two thousand hands written in Washington. After the orig-
were at once seen above the heads of the inators had failed in their object, they
congregation.] supposed that nothing more would be
This has turned into a caucus meet- said about it, but the whole of the United
ing. It is all right. I would call for an op- States believed the report to be true,
posite vote if I thought any person would and thought that all the citizens in Utah
vote. I will try it, however. [Not a single were rebels.
hand was raised in opposition.] Do you understand the reason why
I will now say, not only to our dele- such feelings exist against this people?
gate to Congress, but to the Elders who Go to the United States, into Europe, or
leave the body of the Church, that he wherever you can come across men who
thought that all the cats and kittens have been in the midst of this people,
were let out of the bag when brother and one will tell you that we are a poor,
Pratt went back last fall, and pub- ignorant, deluded people; the next will
lished the Revelation concerning the plu- tell you that we are the most industri-
rality of wives: it was thought there ous and intelligent people on the earth,
was no other cat to let out. But and are destined to rise to eminence as a

nation, and spread, and continue to we do, and, strange to relate, they are no
spread, until we revolutionize the whole less excited at what we do not do.
earth. If you pass on to the third man, You will find that there will be cats
and inquire what he thinks of the "Mor- and kittens leaping out of the bag con-
mons," he will say they are fools, duped tinually. "What can come next I wonder!"
and led astray by Joe Smith, who was I do not know; but this I know, the Lord
a knave, a false Prophet, and a money Almighty will not suffer the Saints, nei-
digger. Why is all this? It is because ther the world, to slumber upon their
there is a spirit in man. And when oars. The time is past for them to fold
the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached their hands, and say, "Yet a little sleep,
on the earth and the kingdom of God a little slumber, a little folding of the
is established, there is also a spirit in hands." This people will never see that
these things, and an Almighty spirit day, for the Lord will keep them on the
too. When these two spirits come in alert all the time; they will continually
contact one with the other, the spirit have something to contend with to keep
of the Gospel reflects light upon the them from dropping to sleep, and it is no
spirit which God has placed in man, and matter to me as to what means He may
wakes him up to a consciousness of his use to do it.
true state, which makes him afraid he Inasmuch as we send brother Bern-
will be condemned, for he perceives at hisel back to Washington, I say to him,
once that "Mormonism" is true. "Our Fear not their faces, nor their power, for
craft is in danger," is the first thought we are perfectly prepared to take all the
that strikes the wicked and dishonest of nations of the earth on our back; they
mankind, when the light of truth shines are there already, and we will round up
upon them. Say they, "If these people our shoulders, and bear up the ponder-
called Latter-day Saints are correct in ous weight, carry the Gospel to the utter-
their views, the whole world must be most parts of the earth, gather Israel, re-
wrong, and what will become of our time- deem Zion, and continue our operations
honored institutions, and of our influ- until we bind Satan, and the kingdoms
ence, which we have swayed successfully of this world become the kingdom of our
over the minds of the people for ages. Lord and His Christ; and no power can
This Mormonism must be put down." hinder it.
So priestcraft presented a bold and ex-
I care not what may come, I will do
tended front against the truth, and with
the work the Lord has appointed unto
this we have to contend, this is our dead-
me. You do the same, and fear not, for
liest foe.
the Lord manages the helm of the ship
Why should there be anymore ex-
of Zion; and on any other ship I do not
citement when a public officer is chas-
wish to be. As I once said to Sidney Rig-
tised in Utah for publicly insulting a
don, our boat is an old snag boat, and has
loyal people, than there would be if a
never been out of snag harbor, but it will
similar occurrence transpired in Ore-
root up the snags, run them down, split
gon, Minnesota, or any other terri-
them up, and scatter them to the four
tory? It is because we are Latter-day
winds. Our ship is the old ship of Zion.
Saints. And let me tell you the Devil
Nothing that runs foul of it can resist the
has put the whole world on the watch
against us. It is impossible for us to
shock and fire.
make the least move without exciting, if The hue and cry in the world about
not all the world, at least a considerable this people is—"What an awful set
portion of it. They are excited at what of people these Mormons are! Why,

they are a dreadful people!" What makes gious instructions; he is satisfied that he
them so? "They are Mormons." And that knows and understands the Bible from
is all the people can say about the mat- the beginning to the end of it, and is ca-
ter. pable of withstanding all creation upon
Do you know what it is that scares Bible doctrine, and is as well skilled
the world? As I have already said, it is in theological researches as a man can
the Spirit of the Lord that is placed in be—imagine this great man sailing tri-
man, and the reflection of light from it umphantly over the sea of time, and the
upon his spirit wakes up the sensibili- little unassuming bark, the boy, darts
ties in him, and creates conviction. That along, and strikes this proud hulk, this
Spirit, with the Gospel of Christ, inter- great, tremendous vessel, and pierces it
rupts the whole world in their common through below the water mark; it begins
career, in every capacity of life. That to sink, and turns to make battle, but the
Spirit does not chime in and harmo- little craft hits it on the keel and capsizes
nize with any earthly kingdom or gov- it, sinking it in shame and bitter disap-
ernment, either in their political or re- pointment. Such will be the fate of all
ligious institutions; but it seems to put a who will oppose the truth.
check upon everything, to throw into dis-
order the best laid plans of the wise and
farseeing among men; in short, it turns The report of the Gospel of Jesus
the whole current of earthly calculations Christ terrifies the people, it goes forth
back upon the world, and deluges it in with such gigantic strides. When this
the dark waters of confusion. Church first commenced, I used to say to
As this kingdom of God grows, the people, "If you do not like my preach-
spreads, increases, and prospers in its ing, when I do the best I can, I cannot
course, it will cleanse, thoroughly purge, help it, but if you will let us alone, and
and purify the world from wickedness. suffer us peaceably to enjoy our religion,
He who supposes his house to be built we shall enjoy ourselves better together,
upon a rock, and well calculated to with- as friends, neighbors, and citizens. If
stand any test that may be applied to it, you will come to my house, I will give
finds, when it is tried by the Gospel of you your dinner and your supper, I will
the kingdom, that its foundation proves treat you hospitably, as one friend ought
to be sand, and the whole fabric ap- to treat another; and when I come into
pears nothing in which a man may se- your neighborhood, do the same to me,
curely trust for salvation. One of the for, in pursuing this course, we shall feel
weakest of our Elders, I mean one of much better than if we suffered a differ-
our boys, who is conversant with the ence of opinion to make us enemies. I
Bible, is well qualified to instruct the will tell you what we will do—we will
learned priest, confound in Bible doc- preach the Gospel, and revolutionize the
trine the greatest theologians upon the whole earth, that is, if you will let us
earth, and throw into confusion, and in- alone, but if you persecute us, we will
terrupt, and fill with contradictions and do it quicker. This places the wicked in
inconsistencies, their choicest theories. the same circumstances as the drunken
Imagine to yourselves a learned doc- man, who would fall down if he tried to
tor of divinity, securely surrounded stand, and fall if he tried to walk. So, if
with the bulwarks of his religious lore, they will let us alone, we will evangelize
pampered with the applause of thou- the whole earth; and if they do not, we
sands who hang on his skirts for reli- will do it the quicker.

How often, to all human appear- Do not be afraid, whether you are at
ance, has this kingdom been blotted Washington or anywhere else, for we will
out from the earth, but the Lord has progress. I say to brother Bernhisel and
put His hand over the people, and it everybody else, Put your shoulders to the
has passed through, and come out two, wheel, and do not go from this place with
three, and four times larger than be- your hearts in your mouths, you that go
fore. Our enemies have kicked us and to the nations, and be so faint that you
cuffed us, and driven us from pillar to have need to carry a bottle of camphor
post, and we have multiplied and in- with you, but go like men of great hearts,
creased the more, until we have become and say, in the midst of your enemies—
what we are this day, in possession of I stand here in the name of Him who
a territory with an appropriate govern- sent me, and who has called me to de-
ment. Let them still continue to perse- fend the truth, which I am determined
cute us, and who cares? If they will let to do, whether I live or die.
us alone, we will preach the Gospel to
all nations, and gather Israel. If they
continue to abuse us, we will overrun
them entirely, until all shall be brought God bless you all, brethren, in the
in subjection to the will of heaven. name of Jesus Christ. Amen.




It is with pleasure that I have lis- they see me arise to occupy the stand,
tened to the remarks of President Kim- will at once say within themselves, "We
ball. The sentiments he has advanced are going to hear something in relation
are true and just, and I am certain no to enlarging the new settlements, mak-
person can have listened to them with- ing entirely new ones, establishing iron
out having felt edified and instructed. works, or some other thing of that na-
There is no doubt that a great pro- ture, to draw our feelings out of the
portion of the people who have been channel they have run in," for it is so
here in these valleys for years past, really certain, that I have scarcely at-
can bear witness to the counsel and tended a single Conference since I have
instructions that have been given, for been in the Valley, without having some-
the preservation of the settlements, thing of this kind to present during the
and the establishment of the stakes of term of Conference. I think, however,
Zion within the limits of these moun- for the last year, it has not been my
tains. Perhaps those persons, when lot to address an assembly in this place,

perhaps more than once or twice, and as Numbers were counseled to go to Iron
I had been noted for short sermons and County, and make there a strong settle-
short prayers, my addresses have also ment, sufficiently so to enable the peo-
been few. But although my voice has not ple to protect themselves, and establish
been heard from this stand, I have not iron works. Many started in that direc-
been silent, neither have I been idle. tion, and succeeded in making the dis-
I was appointed to preside over the tance of from thirty to seventy miles, and
affairs of the Church in the county of concluded they had traveled far enough
Utah. I have also made two trips annu- on good land without settling upon it.
ally through the southern portions of the Last spring, when President Young
territory, visiting all the Branches, tak- made his visit through the settlements,
ing considerable time and a great deal of the county of Utah was very flourishing
interest in the affairs of Iron County, be- in appearance. Many splendid farms had
sides making as many missions to this been opened, and men were living upon
place as were necessary, to obtain coun- them with the same security and care-
sel, and acquire information to carry on lessness as heretofore the people have
the work entrusted to my charge. done in the State of New York, where
Any man that knows the country, and they need not fear the attacks of hostile
is acquainted with the business that has Indians. The President had previously
been placed before me, will be aware, counseled them to settle in forts, and not
that, lazy as I might be, I have had scatter asunder so as to render them-
plenty to occupy my thoughts, and to selves in a state of helplessness in the
give me active exertion, at least for the case of attack by the red men. Forts had
past year, in the exercise of my ministry accordingly been surveyed, and cities
and calling. had been surveyed, where the people
I present myself before you, then, to could gather together and fortify them-
offer a few reflections upon what I feel selves; yet the great mass, I may say,
to be important for this Conference to or, at any rate, all the wealthy portions
consider for the safety, welfare, and pro- of them, had selected good farms, and
tection of the Saints in the valleys of were building good buildings, and mak-
these mountains. I have been made fa- ing improvements upon them, and were
miliar with the condition of our settle- dwelling safely, scattered all over the
ments south, and am aware somewhat of valley; a great many of them had lately
the condition of our settlements in other come from England, and different parts
parts of the territory. of the world, and were in a flourishing
In the commencement of my re- condition; cattle were increasing around
marks, I will say, that the people al- them, corn was growing in abundance,
most universally do not realize the im- and fruit and all things seemingly were
portance of listening to the voice of beginning to flourish exceedingly.
God through His servant Brigham. My
On viewing this state of things, I said
heart has been pained by the things
to myself, "Is this to be the order of
that are past, when I have been trav- things? Are the people going to pros-
eling and laboring in different parts per in this way, while in open violation of
of the territory; it has been pained to the counsels that have been given, namely,
see the carelessness and indifference to gather into forts?" I knew that that
with which the words of the Almighty, state of affairs would not continue a great
through His servant, have been received. length of time, and can call the men

and women in every settlement to bear and securing to themselves beautiful sit-
witness that I have publicly testified that uations, and making splendid improve-
that order of things could not remain; for ments, and living in peace, and eating of
when God has a Prophet on the earth, the fat of the land, and forgetting their
and that Prophet tells the people what to God. Can this state of things remain?"
do, and they neglect to do it, they must I went to every settlement, and at-
suffer for it. I bear witness before you, tempted to encourage them to fort, but
this day, in the name of the Lord God of failed to accomplish anything towards
Israel, that no people can treat lightly getting them to obey the word of the Lord
the sayings of a Prophet of God, whom on this matter. Some of them said they
He places on the earth to direct His peo- would move into forts in the fall of the
ple, and prosper. I know it is impossible. year.
I have borne this testimony to the set-
Sometime in the summer, however, a
tlements, in my preachings, when I have
man, known in these mountains by the
visited them. In reply, the folks would
name of Walker, found that the people
say, "There is no danger, brother Smith,
cared nothing about God, or the instruc-
if we do live in the country, upon our
tions of brother Brigham, and brother
farms, for it is so unpleasant to live in
George A., so he said, "I wonder if you
will mind me;" and in less than one soli-
When President Young was going
tary week, he had more than three hun-
south last season, in one of the large
dred families on the move, houses were
meetings he addressed at Palmyra, in
thrown down in every direction, and I
Utah County, he bore testimony, in the
presume one hundred thousand dollars
name of the Lord God of Israel, that if
worth of property was wasted.
the people did not gather into cities and
forts, and fortify themselves, they should Had the people listened to the counsel
be driven out of these mountains. If God of President Young, in the first place, and
had come down upon one of these moun- put their property in a proper place, it
tains as He did upon Mount Sinai, and would have been protected. In the coun-
kicked up a tremendous thunderstorm, ties of Utah, Juab, and San Pete, the
I could not have been impressed with houses were vacated, and the Indians got
the truth of those remarks one particle into them, and shot the brethren, so they
more than I was on that occasion. I knew had to be entirely demolished, which
Brigham to be a Prophet of the Lord, and rendered it necessary for great numbers
esteemed his words as the voice of God to to move into forts. This has been affected
the people. by brother Walker. That bloodthirsty In-
I straightway commenced to encour- dian, in this matter, had more influence
age the people, and preached to them, to make the Saints obey counsel than the
and proposed laying out a fort for them, Presidency of this Church had, and could
when they would perhaps turn round actually kick up a bigger fuss in a few
and say, "Really, brother Smith, do you days than they could by simply telling
think there is any danger?" I would the people the will of the Lord.
say within myself, "Here are hundreds When God places a man on the earth
and thousands of brethren that have to be His mouth, he says this or that
never been proved; they have never is the law, and this is the thing for
borne the heat and burden of the day, the people to obey. "Well, but," says
but they are picking up the fat valleys one, "I cannot make as good a liv-
of Ephraim, and selecting good farms, ing in town as I can away out on a

farm, where I can keep a great many have occurred. I know this language will
cattle." It appears probable to me, you hurt the feelings of a great many.
might make more by going to parts of But I will talk about Iron County,
California, or Australia, than you can as I am the "Iron Major;" I am advanc-
make even out on a farm in this country. ing in the ranks. They used to say, in
If your object is to make as much earthly Utah, I was a pretty good sort of a fel-
gain as possible, why not go where you low until I got to be a Colonel, and then
can get the most of it? This business of I became more savage. Be this as it
having one hand in the golden honeypots may, I do know, that if the people of
of heaven, and the other in the dark re- Iron County had listened to the counsel
gions of hell, undertaking to serve both given to them, they would have saved
God and Mammon at once, will not an- to themselves in that little settlement—
swer. not over eight hundred strong, not less
Aside from the settlements in San than twenty-five thousand dollars, which
Pete, I believe I have, more or less, been they have actually lost, or I may more
with nearly all the settlements south, properly say, WASTED, in consequence
and I have also visited the San Pete set- of the disposition to do as they pleased.
tlements two or three times, and I do When we first went to iron County, we
know, that if the counsel and instruc- went with the same instructions the peo-
tions of President Young could have been ple had in all the other settlements, and
observed, it would have saved the peo- accordingly we laid out forts as well as
ple at least one hundred thousand dol- we were capable of. We will admit that
lars. And I do further know, to my sat- those efforts were not planned as well
isfaction, that if the counsel of President as they might have been, but they were
Young had been observed, not one of the planned as well as we knew how to plan
Saints would have lost his life by an In- them at the time. A considerable num-
dian. I am certain of these facts; and ber of men went to work at building
yet occasionally some man falls a prey forts, and those who did so were sub-
to some cruel savage, and whole villages jected to very little loss. But almost ev-
have to be removed, and farms vacated, ery time I have visited any settlement in
and tens of thousands of dollars' worth Iron County, from the time it first com-
of damage is done all the time, because menced, up to the present, and I have
men will not live according to the in- been through a great proportion of them,
structions given to them by the Prophet I have had from one to fifty applicants
of God. If you ask men to build in a fort, saying, "Brother Smith, may I not go fur-
they will say, "It is a free country, and ther, this way or that way, to make me
we can build where we please." I admit a farm? Or, to the other place, to make
that a man is free to serve the devil if he me a ranch?" And so it would be almost
thinks proper; but let me tell you, it is continually—asking for privileges to do
the cheapest in the end to do right. things that they knew were contrary to
There was no more necessity of hav- counsel. My answer would be, "Yes, of
ing this Indian war than there is of course, just as soon as the settlements
our going out to kill the cattle on are strong enough to secure to you pro-
the plains of Jordan, and leave them tection; but it will not do to venture out,
for the wolves to devour. If we had and separate far from each other, for two
taken the course that was marked out or three years. Until the settlements
to us, and observed the advice given get strong, we must stay together, lest
to us, all our past troubles would not some evil influence should stir up the

Indians, and destroy our settlements en- city. The President of that company is
tirely." one of the most righteous men I ever was
With all the influence I could use in acquainted with; there is not a man liv-
those parts of the country, some of the ing, I presume, would say any evil of
brethren broke through and established him, and I am the last man to do it on
several posts for cattle ranches, and com- any account; but he wanted to set an ex-
menced to open farms, but it was after- ample, you know; for it is generally ex-
wards found necessary to gather these pected that Presidents and Bishops love
distant posts in, and those who were to set an example to the flock of Christ;
living on large farms, and erecting fine so he went off up the creek, and found
buildings, which either had to be re- a splendid piece of farming land. He
moved away or entirely abandoned. All took his cabin from the miserable hud-
this trouble and loss of property could dle they meant for a fort, and put it on
have been prevented, only for that reck- this piece of land, and said, "Now, you
less disposition—"I want a little more lib- poor brethren (if he did not say it, I al-
erty to go a little further off." ways thought he did), you stay in town,
As I had the honor to preside over and I will remain here, and when I get
Provo, I take the liberty to talk about my rich I will remove into town, and build
own place, and tell its history, and I want me a fine house, for these log cabins will
all the newcomers to profit by it. In the not look well in town." Every man that
first place, there was a number of men wanted to get rich went up the creek to
wanted to go to Provo and make a set- what we technically call "the Bushes,"
tlement, and have a chance to fish in the and pretty much all the property went
waters, and trade with the Indians. They into the bushes, and there it remained
accordingly begged of the President to let until Walker spoke, and it was not a
them go in accordance with their wishes. week after before this good President,
He finally gave them the privilege of go- and all who followed his brave example,
ing there, if they would build a fort for came bundling into town, after he had
their protection. They went, and made put up a thing up the creek among the
a beginning; they built something, but I bushes, that I call one of the mysteries of
never knew what it was. I have passed the kingdom.
there, but not being very well acquainted Now if that man had taken the good
with the science of fortification, nor with and wholesome advice that was given
the science of topography, I never could him, he would now have been well off, it
find or frame a name for the thing which would have been over two thousand dol-
they built. lars in his pocket, and so it is with all
They then petitioned for the privilege the balance of the people who have acted
of laying out a city with small lots, and as he has. They have had to sacrifice all
living in the capacity of a town, as it this property by taking their own way.
is so much more convenient to live in The Indian war is the result of
a town than in a fort. The President our thinking we know better than
gave them the privilege, because he was our President, the result of following
afraid, I presume, if he had not granted our own counsel instead of the coun-
it to them, some of their own careless sel of Brigham Young. It has been
boys, or the Indians, would set their the cause of almost all the loss of
hay on fire and burn up the whole con- life and property that has been sus-
cern. They went to work and laid out a tained from the Indians; that is, in

the southern departments. Understand not only to settle in forts and cities, but
me, I do not pretend to say anything to go armed, and not be overtaken and
about matters this side the Utah moun- murdered by the way, in the manner that
tains, but I will tell you what I think: some have been.
I think that all the forting I have seen You might suppose, because I am
in Great Salt Lake County—it is true I so cowardly, that I am very anxious
have not seen much of it, but the most to kill the Indians; but no man ever
of what I have seen amounts to noth- heard me undertake to advocate the
ing more than a humbug; and if ever business of killing Indians, unless it
an Indian war comes upon you, you will was in self-defense; and in no orders
be no better off than the distant settle- that I have issued (and I have issued
ments, unless you make timely calcula- a great many under different circum-
tions for it beforehand, and make them stances since the war commenced, be-
right. Such a war will cost you nearly ing the "Iron Colonel"), have I ever given
all you possess. I do not know that you license of this kind, but to act in de-
will ever have one, but I should think, fense of ourselves and property. For I
allowing me to judge, that you have one do believe, if the people can be made to
on your hands now. And if I had a fam- listen to President Young's counsel, we
ily scattered out on any of these creeks, can close the war without bloodshed. I
or living in any of these unfortified set- have believed it all the time, and I have
tlements, I should think it prudent for acted upon it. With the exception of
me to move them into the city, or into a a few bloodthirsty individuals that may
fort, and do it the first thing I did. After have to be punished for their crimes, the
the Indians have come and peeled your great body of the Indians that have been
heads clean, murdered your wives, killed affected, can be brought to peace and
off your children, burnt your houses, and duty, if the people themselves will ob-
plundered your property, then you can serve their instructions.
move into forts, and it will be all right. I know not what my friends may
That appears to me to be the kind of fort- think of me for talking as I have to-
ing I can observe in the thinly settled day; but I have expressed freely my
parts of this county; in the cities the peo- candid sentiments, and I can express
ple are more wide awake. nothing else; at the same time I do
not consider that the Indians have had
I expect, brethren, I shall preach any provocation in any shape or man-
here again, if I live, and I shall prob- ner, to cause them to commence this
ably preach about the Indian difficul- war upon their friends. I believe it
ties, about the Indian war, if they did was commenced through the influence
say I was the biggest coward south of of some corrupt individuals who were
the Utah mountains, and that I dare not fired with a desire for plunder; and
go out anywhere, not even for my cows, that it never would have been com-
without my gun, and generally with menced at all, if the people had all been
somebody with me; and consequently, in forts, as they ought to have been,
being so nervously afraid, I shall say notwithstanding this influence. But
to the newcomers, especially if they want
when the Indians saw property scattered
to be preserved and to save their property, all over the plains, thousands of cattle
and labor to preserve the lives of their fam- and horses, with grain and everything
ilies, they have got to take the counsel of spread before them, in an unprotected
President Young, and that is, to SETTLE condition, those that were evil minded
IN FORTS—and have fortified cities; and among them coveted our property, and

thought we could not defend it. And sure and at the same time a more danger-
enough we could not, for we have more ous place did not exist in the district;
property than we can defend, we have the safety of the settlement actually re-
more cattle than we can take care of; quired its removal.
Indians can steal from us all the time, There were several men wounded
and we cannot take care of that which through leaving their houses and not
God has given us, because we have so throwing them down, for they became a
much of it; and for want of its being barricade for the Indians; so I took upon
brought under a proper organization, it me the responsibility of removing such
is badly scattered and exposed; and un- dangerous places as would give shelter
til we make proper provisions to take to our enemies, while they pierced us
care of our stock, evil-minded persons with their bullets.
will plunder us. Some men would tell me such a
If we had built our forts, established course was not strictly according to law.
our corrals, and taken care of everything I told them I should save the lives of the
we had, according to the instructions people. And if they had not been gath-
that all the new settlements received, ered up, scores of men, women, and chil-
this Indian war never would have com- dren would have been butchered before
menced, because the Indians would have now.
discovered there was no chance for plun- I presume I have talked to you long
der. They had no idea we would move enough. It is a matter I feel consider-
into forts as we have done. able about. I know men are careless,
I advised one individual, before he women are careless; and if there is not
built a house out on a farm, to build greater care taken, women will be car-
in the city. O no, he must have more ried away prisoners; and their children
room; and he built in one of the most will be murdered, if they wander off care-
dangerous positions in the mountains. lessly and unprotected. I tell you, in
By and by the Indians drove him in. I a country like this, where women are
absolutely did know, if I let that man's scarce and hard to get, we have great
house stand, his family would sooner or need to take care of them, and not let the
later be murdered, which might have oc- Indians have them.
curred any day; so I issued an order for Walker himself has teased me for a
it to be removed. He durst not trust white wife; and if any of the sisters will
me to remove it, for fear I should break volunteer to marry him, I believe I can
something; and don't you think the poor close the war forthwith. I am certain, un-
miserable fellow broke two joists in re- less men take better care of their women,
moving it himself, which did not appear Walker may supply himself on a liberal
so small a matter to him as it does to scale, and without closing the war either.
us. He lost considerable, because he In conclusion I will say, if any lady
would not build in a safe place. His wishes to be Mrs. Walker, if she will re-
house was situated in a position to com- port herself to me, I will agree to negoti-
pletely command the mouth of a canyon, ate the match.




I rise to occupy a few moments of presume to dictate to the Lord; they

time this morning, as we have opened come to naught, but His work moves
our Conference by the dedication prayer, steadily forward. Many who have left
for we will spend the remainder of the this Church have tried the experiment
forenoon in speaking. I desire to offer my of building up the kingdom of God by
own reflections upon this interesting oc- their learning, saying, "When we have
casion, but whether they may be strictly established our Church it will then be
appropriate or not, will, of course, be left the kingdom of the Lord." They have
for you to judge. laid their subtle plans, have marked out
We have assembled together in this their ground, pointed out their own path,
comfortable and commodious building in have firmly (as they supposed) set their
peace, and are we not led to exclaim stakes, commanding their proselytes not
who could have fathomed, who could to turn to the right hand nor to the left,
have understood the ways of the Lord, from the course marked out by them, but
which are higher than man's ways, as in every case has the Lord overthrown
heaven is higher than the earth? We their plans, and thwarted all their de-
can now calmly reflect upon the experi- signs. When the Lord works, no man
ence of our past lives, and those minds can hinder, while those who feel willing
that are opened to receive light and to hearken to His words work with Him;
truth, that can behold the manifesta- and when He says, "Be still," they are
tions of the Lord, can at once see that He subject; when He dictates, they cease to
has done that which we could not have direct; when He directs, they are willing
accomplished by our own power, and to do His commandments, He bestows
that directly behind (to all human ap- blessings on their labors, His work pros-
pearance) a frowning Providence often- pers in their hands, His kingdom moves
times are concealed the greatest bless- onward with a steady and unwavering
ings that mankind can desire. It teaches progress, the honest in heart are blessed,
us to trust in the Lord, to have con- and the whole is in a state of continual
fidence in our God. It teaches us ab- and rapid increase. Then let the world
solutely that we need never undertake and the enemies of Christ and His king-
to guide the ship of Zion, or dictate, dom that are upon earth and in hell, do
by our own wisdom, to the kingdom of their worst, it matters not, the work of
God on the earth. It teaches us def- the Lord is still onward and prosperous
initely and emphatically that the Lord in His hands.
Almighty can do His own work, and no
power of man can stay the potency of It is a great privilege which we en-
His wonder-working hand. Men may joy this morning of assembling our-

selves together in this comfortable edi- a house that we may enter within its
fice, which has been erected in the short walls, and there offer our prayers and
space of about four months, in the most thanksgivings before the Lord, and wor-
inclement season of the year. We have ship Him as long as we please, with-
now a commodious place in which we out the fear of being driven home with
can worship the Lord, without the fear storms of wind, rain, and snow." I said,
of being driven from our seats by wet "If the Lord blesses me with life and
and cold, or of standing exposed to the health, I shall put forth my hand to rear
weather. I now say to my brethren, that an edifice, in which the people can com-
I feel to dedicate myself and all I possess fortably assemble, as large as we can
to the Lord, and constantly feel, with all build at present, and dedicate it to the
I have, on the altar of sacrifice to the Lord, that the people may say in their
cause of my God. heart, Let us go up to the house of the
A year ago this day, when the Lord to worship." I saw that when we
brethren were assembled to offer up should obtain this commodious building,
their prayers, and to present business some would wish to be excused from en-
before the Conference, for the consider- gaging in the pleasing duty of worship-
ation of the people, and for the further- ping here, and say, "My cattle, my farm,
ance of the cause we have espoused, I or my business will be forsaken, I must
recollect I was not able to sit up, be- take care of my family, for the Lord gave
ing sick, but not discouraged. I had not them to me to take care of;" or, "I must
fainted by the way, but my heart was attend to my affairs here and there, and
as brave as it ever was in any moment I cannot therefore stay to worship the
of my life, yet I was not able to be in Lord." I say to such, Go! but as for me,
the assembly. I contemplated the situ- though all the world should sink into
ation of this people, and looked over our oblivion, I will go up to worship the Lord.
past history, considered our then present These were my feelings a year ago,
prospects and privileges in these peace- and they are the same today. I dedicate
ful valleys. My eyes were upon those myself, my family, and my substance
who were faltering by the way or wan- anew unto the Lord, they are not mine, I
dering after the things of this world, and am not my own creator, nor the producer
I could not refrain from tracing their of anything I possess; I did not originate
steps, as they were passing to the right one atom of it. Let the world and its
and to the left after the perishing things cares go! The Lord Almighty, who made
of this life. I saw the afflictions of it, is able to take care of it, and He may
the people, and contemplated their past do with it what He pleases; but He has
sufferings and present situation. As I commanded me to worship Him, which is
mused, I said in my heart, "As soon as one of the greatest privileges that could
I am able to speak to the people, I will be conferred upon man.
unfold to them my thoughts and feel- How long shall we stay here? I an-
ings, and tell them that in the midst of swer, as long as I please. Brethren
all the afflictions and chequered scenes and sisters, cast from you the love
through which the Saints have passed— of the world, and let it have no do-
their joys and their toils, their suffer- minion over you. There are a many
ings and their comforts, their fears and who delight in the good things of this
their faith, I have never seen them as earth—in gold and silver, in carriages
comfortable as they are now. I shall and horses, in houses and splendid fur-
say to the brethren, Come, let us build niture, in costly clothing, in orchards

and gardens, in vineyards and fields, us dedicate ourselves, our families, our
and extended possessions. These things, substance, our time, our talents, and ev-
compared with eternal riches, are noth- erything we have upon the face of this
ing, though in their place they are good. world, with all that will hereafter be
You may say, "If we live, we must eat, entrusted to us, to the Lord our God;
drink, and wear clothing;" and, "He let the whole be devoted to the building
that provideth not for his own house- up of His kingdom upon the earth, and
hold, has denied the faith, and is worse whether you are called here or there, it
than an infidel;" numberless arguments makes no matter; but this morning let
of this kind will present themselves to every heart be humble, watchful, and
the minds of the people, to call them prayerful, dedicating themselves unto
away from the line of their duty, when the Lord.
they know it is their privilege to dedi- This people have passed through
cate themselves, their families, and all scenes of deep sorrow and affliction, but
they possess to the Lord. How quick is they are now in comfortable circum-
the enemy, how ready to present some- stances. They have been miserably poor,
thing of an opposite nature to what is but they are now, I may say, in compara-
right before them! You know the men- tive wealth. We have been sick, now we
tal and physical weakness of man, so are well. We have been tormented, now
common to mortality, and which the en- we are comforted. We have been afflicted
emy is so ready to turn against you, by our enemies, but we are now far from
to his own advantage. You think that them. You pause, and ask, how long will
your business needs your continual and it be so? I answer, so long as you and I
undivided attention, that you must at- serve the Lord with all our hearts, just so
tend to this, or to that, before you can long shall we be free from our enemies.
dedicate yourselves and families to the We have now a comfortable habi-
Lord. There may perhaps be some few tation to meet in, and we enjoy the
here this morning who feel they ought privilege of assembling here in peace.
to be plowing, fencing, building, or at- How has it been in bygone years?
tending to some minor affair, and can- Look back six, seven, eight, ten, or
not possibly spend time to remain at twelve years ago, or to the year 1830,
the Conference. If you will hearken to when the Church of Jesus Christ of
the counsel of your humble servant, you Latter-day Saints was organized with
will say to the fields, the flocks, and six members—which is twenty-two years
the herds, to the gold and the silver, ago this day, and can you tell me
to the goods and chattels, to the tene- of a year, of six months, or of three
ments and the possessions, and to all months that Joseph was not hunted
the world—Stand aside, get away from like the deer upon the mountains, by
my thoughts, for I am going up to wor- sheriffs with writs in their hands to
ship the Lord. Let it all go by the board, drag him from us to prison; when he
brethren, and who cares? I do not. Your and his brethren were not menaced with
oxen and horses will not live forever, bloodthirsty mobs, until this people assem-
they will die occasionally; and some- bled in the peaceful valleys of the moun-
tains? Who troubles them now? No per-
times we are deprived by death of our
son who fears God, who serves the King,
children, and other members of our fam- the Lord of Hosts; and none who are will-
ilies. I say, let the dead bury the dead, ing to love our Father in heaven supremely—
let the corn and the wheat, and all other above all things else upon the face of
things, take care of themselves, but let this earth, or in eternity, will be found

persecuting even an idolater, to say noth- fashion me as seemeth Him good; and
ing of the Saints of the Most High. if He will make known to me His will,
Let us now seek with greater dili- mine shall bow to it, my affections shall
gence to build up the kingdom of heaven, be placed upon eternal things, and shall
and establish righteousness; seek to not rest upon the fading, transitory ob-
magnify the Lord God, and sanctify our jects of time and sense. Can we make
own hearts; establish peace on earth, de- this covenant with ourselves this morn-
stroy every root of bitterness from among ing? Not only to say we dedicate this
the people, and cease from this moment house and ourselves, our flocks, herds,
to find fault with any brother or sister, families, and possessions, to the Lord,
even though they do wrong, for the Lord but actually perform the work, dedicat-
will apply the chastening rod to them ing our affections to His service. If our
if they need it. We serve our children affections are won and wholly dedicated
so; if we consider they need chastening, to His cause, we have then obtained the
we chastise them, but we do not thereby victory.
hate them. If it is necessary, we will cor-
rect their faults. But should we contend Perhaps we may find one here and
with them? By no means. there who will say, "I cannot do this, I
Are those who have assembled here may say it with my lips, but to feel it in
this morning prepared to make a my heart, the case is hard; I am poor and
covenant with themselves that they will needy, and desire to go to the gold mines
cease from all evil practices, from all evil to obtain something to help myself, by
speaking, and from all evil thinking, and speculating upon the Gentiles, and thus
say from this very morning, I will never get me a good farm and team, with which
do another evil as long as I live, the Lord to get out of this thralldom and difficulty;
being my helper? I will do all the good my mind is so perplexed, I cannot say my
I can, and prepare for the coming of the affections are fully dedicated to the Lord
son of man? To this end I wish we should my God." What is to be done in such a
dedicate our hearts, our affections, and case? I know what I would do, for I have
our whole life to the cause of God on the experience in these matters—I would
earth. call upon the Bishop, and make known
I do not feel like preaching a dis- to him my distress. There are many
course upon any particular subject; but who in these words complain, and say
of urging the necessity of the brethren they are so poor they cannot pay their
and sisters absolutely coming to this de- tithing; say they, "I have only got three
termination this morning, and dedicat- horses and two yoke of cattle and about
ing themselves and all they have to the fifty sheep; I want one horse to ride,
Lord from this time henceforth. Can we and the others to haul wood, I therefore
come to this conclusion, to firmly, faith- do not know how I can possibly pay my
fully, and unitedly enter into a covenant tithing." While on the other hand, others
with ourselves, saying, I am for the Lord who have only got half a dozen chickens
and none else; from this time henceforth, can willingly pay their tithing. You may
I will do the will of my Father who is in say, "It is easier for them to pay tithing
the heavens, who has called me to min- than for those who possess so much, for
ister the fulness of the Gospel, and to they are so very poor, it does not infringe
share the glory that is prepared for the upon other matters." Now if I had but
righteous: I will be like clay in the hands one cow, and felt thus, I would give her
of the potter, that He may mold and away forthwith. If you have only six

horses and ten yoke of cattle, or only one kingdom in order to sustain our lives and
cow, and you are too poor to pay your interests; by so doing we shall receive
tithing, give the whole into the public the Spirit of the Lord, and ultimately
works. I speak thus to those who are in- work with all our hearts.
clined to love the substance of this world
better than the Lord. If you have gold This is a policy which I have not re-
and silver, let it not come between you flected upon until this morning, but be-
and your duty. I will tell you what to fore we get through with the Conference,
do in order to gain your exaltation, the I shall, perhaps, see it entered into, not
which you cannot obtain except you take as the result of any premeditation in the
this course. If your affections are placed least, but when the condition of our tem-
upon anything so as to hinder you in poral affairs is read from the stand, you
the least from dedicating them to the will find the Church in considerable in-
Lord, make a dedication of that thing in debtedness. If any man is in darkness
the first place, that the dedication of the through the deceitfulness of riches, it is
whole may be complete. good policy for him to bind up his wealth
What hinders this people from being in this Church, so that he cannot com-
as holy as the Church of Enoch? I can mand it again, and he will be apt to
tell you the reason in a few words. It cleave to the kingdom. If a man has the
is because you will not cultivate the dis- purse in his pocket, and he apostatizes,
position to be so—this comprehends the he takes it with him; but if his worldly
whole. If my heart is not fully given up interest is firmly united to the Kingdom
to this work, I will give my time, my tal- of God, when he arises to go away, he
ents, my hands, and my possessions to it, finds the calf is bound, and, like the cow,
until my heart consents to be subject; I he is unwilling to forsake it. If his calf
will make my hands labor in the cause of is bound up here, he will be inclined to
God until my heart bows in submission stay; all his interest is here, and very
to it. likely the Lord will open his eyes, so that
I might here use a just and true com- he will properly understand his true sit-
parison which will apply to the Church. uation, and his heart will chime in with
The rulers of Great Britain have tried to the will of his God in a very short time.
make every capitalist identify his inter- Were we to dedicate our moral and intel-
est with the Government—that has sus- lectual influence, and our earthly wealth
tained the kingdom, and is like a pow- to the Lord, our hearts would be very
erful network around the whole. Apply likely to applaud our acts. This reason-
this comparison to the kingdom of God ing is for those who do not feel exactly to
on earth. subscribe to all that has been said this
Brethren, do you wish this heav- morning, with regard to dedicating our-
enly government to stand? There is selves to the cause of truth. This is what
no government more beautiful, no con- you must do to obtain an exaltation. The
federacy more powerful! What shall Lord must be first and foremost in our af-
we do to accomplish this? Imitate the fections, the building up of His kingdom
policy of that earthly kingdom, iden- demands our first consideration.
tify our interest with the kingdom of
God, so that if our hearts should ever The Lord God Almighty has set up
become weaned from loyalty to the a kingdom that will sway the scepter
sovereign, all our earthly interest is of power and authority over all the
bound up there, and cannot be taken kingdoms of the world, and will never
away. We must therefore sustain the be destroyed, it is the kingdom that

Daniel saw and wrote of. It may be Church and Kingdom of God being
considered treason to say that the king- united in one; the Kingdom increasing to
dom which that Prophet foretold is ac- the overcoming of everything opposed to
tually set up; that we cannot help, but the economy of heaven, and Satan being
we know it is so, and call upon the na- bound, and having a seal set upon him.
tions to believe our testimony. The king- All things else will be as they are now,
dom will continue to increase, to grow, to we shall eat, drink, and wear clothing.
spread and prosper more and more. Ev- Let the people be holy, and the earth un-
ery time its enemies undertake to over- der their feet will be holy. Let the people
throw it, it will become more extensive be holy, and filled with the Spirit of God,
and powerful; instead of its decreasing, and every animal and creeping thing will
it will continue to increase, it will spread be filled with peace; the soil of the earth
the more, become more wonderful and will bring forth in its strength, and the
conspicuous to the nations, until it fills fruits thereof will be meat for man. The
the whole earth. If such is your wish, more purity that exists, the less is the
identify your own individual interest in strife; the more kind we are to our ani-
it, and tie yourselves thereto by every mals, the more will peace increase, and
means in your power. Let every man and the savage nature of the brute creation
every woman do this, and then be will- vanish away. If the people will not serve
ing to make every sacrifice the Lord may the devil another moment whilst they
require; and when they have bound up live, if this congregation is possessed of
their affections, time, and talents, with that spirit and resolution, here in this
all they have, to the interest of the king- house is the Millennium. Let the inhab-
dom, then have they gained the victory, itants of this city be possessed of that
and their work is complete, so far as they spirit, let the people of the territory be
understand. possessed of that spirit, and here is the
If this people would take that course, Millennium. Let the whole people of the
what hinders their being in the Mil- United States be possessed of that spirit,
lennium? If I were to ask what the and here is the Millennium, and so will
Millennium—the Latter-day glory so of- it spread over all the world.
ten spoken of, is, I should find numer-
Let us cease from all evil, and do all
ous opinions among this people, and
the good we can to the nations abroad,
many in and out of this congregation. I
and by and by the veil of the covering will
have learned long ago that the thoughts
be taken from the earth, and the inhabi-
and expressions of men are very di-
tants see as they are seen.
versified; if, indeed, their thoughts or
ideas are similar, I know their words May the Almighty Father of heaven
differ widely; so should I find a great and earth bless you, and I bless you in
many different opinions among this peo- His name, and pray that we may be dili-
ple, with regard to the real essence and gent in every good word and work before
effect of the Millennium. The Millen- the Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.
nium consists in this—every heart in the Amen.



Brother John Young said he felt as principles, and I wish to God, that you,
though he wanted to talk; I told him to my brethren, the Elders of Israel, when
open his mouth wide, and he would be you go home from this place, would trea-
very apt to pour out something. What sure up the counsel that you have re-
he has said, and what President Young ceived, that you would nourish and cher-
has said before him, today, is verily true. ish it in your hearts, then you never
I felt a flow of good feelings while he would be unfruitful nor walk in dark-
was speaking, and this I feel all the time ness, nor be left to murmur, complain,
while sitting under such teachings. The and find fault.
ideas advanced are so plain and simple,
When I proposed to the brethren of
it seems to me as though every person
the complaining class, that they be orga-
possessing a sane mind, when they leave
nized into a building committee, I wish
this house, or when they go home from
you to understand, that I had not heard
this Conference, will do right, will deter-
anyone murmur, but I heard there were
mine in their hearts to do as they are in-
some. I was rather inclined, however, to
structed. If they will do this, it is well
believe that those who told it were the
with them.
ones that murmured, but they wanted
There are a great many who have the
to throw it off from their own shoulders,
idea, that the time will come when we
and make it out that somebody else was
shall be broken up as a people. Do I fear
complaining. I do not believe you were,
any such thing? No, I do not fear any-
brethren. I do not believe we can raise
thing. I fear nothing that is in heaven,
material enough to organize a company
or that is upon the earth. I do not fear
of such characters. I do not believe you
hell nor its combinations; neither hell,
are going to murmur, but I believe you
nor the devil, nor any of his angels, has
will go to and do as you have been told.
power ever me, or over you, only as we
I want you to do so, I know the blessings
permit them to have. If we permit the
you will obtain in so doing.
devil to have power over us, and we are
seduced by him, and we crouch down un- Go and take up some good farms,
der his power, then he will have domin-but do not take up too much, as a
ion over us. Upon the same principle, great many in this place have done,
they have taken up from one hundred
we let sin have power over us, but it has
no power over us unless we subject our-to one hundred and fifty acres, and
selves to it. have then undertaken to put in 50
I think and reflect much upon these acres of wheat, when they could not

attend to the half of it. Be cautious in will become hard to bear; but I be-
this matter, put in no more seed than lieve ourselves, our flocks, our herds, our
you can manage, and improve all the crops, and everything that pertains to
land you do take in, and be faithful to the earth which we inhabit, will greatly
God, and I know that He will bless the multiply and increase. These are my
land for your sakes, and He will bless feelings, and this is my faith all the
you abundantly, and He will bless your time—I have no other.
increase, and He will bless your wheat,
We should teach our children righ-
and your corn, and everything that per-
teousness, if we would raise them up in
tains to you.
the way of the Lord, as it is spoken in
I have spoken about these things
the Book of Mormon. Let mothers teach
many times. There is nothing impossible
their children as they were taught then.
with God, but He will not do anything
Three thousand of those men are worth
that is contrary to His law, and that is
more than one hundred thousand not
not according to his designs. I have said,
raised as they were. They had faith that
many times, if you only have faith, and
they should never fall in battle, because
listen, and put works with your faith, do-
their mothers taught them so. Although
ing as you are told, it is not impossible
there was much of their blood shed, yet
for a hen to lay two eggs per day. To
not one of them fell. That was the re-
prove this, I have sheep in this valley,
sult of proper instructions being given
and so have other people, that have had
them by their mothers. Mothers, I wish
four lambs this year, and we have over
you would wake up and act in your of-
thirty lambs now of the second crop. I
fice and calling, as well as the brethren.
have seldom heard of such a thing in my
It is their calling to go and preach the
life. This is quite a testimony to bear, but
Gospel, build up the kingdom of God, and
I can prove it to be true, now, on the spot,
establish righteousness, and it is for you
if it is necessary. The sheep have brought
to be stewards at home, and attend to
forth the second crop of lambs. That is
the things that they leave behind, and to
a great curiosity, but it is true, and has
get wisdom and knowledge in all these
taken place here under our immediate
things pertaining to your duty.
notice, and some of the sheep that have
been so prolific belong to me. When I heard brother Brigham
This is not contrary to my faith; we preaching here today, and laying things
are the children of Israel, and it is for of worth before us, I felt greatly to re-
us to be faithful, and listen to the will joice, and I believe you felt as I did,
of heaven, and to the man that presides and as though they never would be erad-
over us, and to his associates, for they icated from your minds, but that you
will not teach you anything only what would treasure them up in your hearts.
he sanctions; you need not be afraid, We have not a great while to stay on the
for if I should teach wrong doctrine or earth, if we live to the full age of man.
principle, here is the authority to cor- We must all die, sooner or later, as it re-
rect me, that this people may have cor- gards our earthly tabernacles, but our
rect views. Well, inasmuch as we are spirits will continue to live forever. If
the children of Israel, we are bound to they go to a state of happiness, they will
prosper, if we continue in the goodness be happy; and if they go to a state of mis-
of God, and walk in His precepts; if we ery, they will be miserable. You all know
do not, it will be with us as it was with this as well as I do, then why do you not
the children of Israel of old, our burdens live accordingly? I presume you will.

A great many things of this kind have chosen. Brother Joseph called and or-
been laid before the brethren who have dained the Twelve Apostles of the last
come from England, and from the States, days, and placed that power upon them.
and from different nations of the earth. Five of those men who received that au-
They will hear many more things taught thority from under his hands are now liv-
here in addition to what they have heard ing. Have I any doubt? Why, no. I know
in Old England. They could hear nothing all about it, I am a witness of this Gospel,
there, except the first principles of the of the order and power of the Priesthood,
doctrine of Christ; but since they have and of the organization of this Church
come here it is all let out, that is, a great from the beginning. I glory in it, I glory
many things; the bird is let out of the in this Gospel, I know it is like a root
cage, and they have it before them to out of the dry ground, it neither has
read and reflect upon; it is the truth, it form nor comeliness to this world, it is
is the word of God, and the revelations against them every way, and they will
of Jesus Christ, which were revealed to run against it and snag themselves. You
brother Joseph and others. know a root out of dry ground has many
As to the power and authority in- snags or sharp points to it, and they stick
vested in brother Brigham, do I doubt out many ways; so the people run against
it? Have I the least hesitation as to his a snag when they run against this work,
calling as the President of this Church? or against the servants of the Most High.
No, no more than I have that God sits I know, as well as I know that I live, that
upon His throne. He has the same au- every man that fights against it will be
thority that brother Joseph had. That damned. I know it, and am bearing tes-
authority was in the Twelve, and since timony to what I know, gentlemen, and
brother Joseph stepped behind the veil, you may know it just as well as I do. This
brother Brigham is his lawful successor. Gospel, this kingdom, this Church, and
I bear testimony of what brother Joseph this people, are the pride of my heart, I
said on the stand at Nauvoo, and I pre- have no pride in anything else. I have
sume hundreds here can bear witness pride to see this work roll forth, and turn
of the same. Said he, "These men that over the kingdoms, and break in pieces
are set here behind me on this stand, I the nations of the earth. I know that ev-
have conferred upon them all the power, ery man and woman, every nation and
Priesthood, and authority that God ever king that oppose it, will wither like a
conferred upon me." There are hundreds limb that is severed from a tree.
present this day who heard him utter Now there are a great many people
words to that effect, more than once. that have broken off from this Church,
The Twelve had then received their we will not mention names, but have
endowments. Brother Joseph gave them they not withered? Yes, and so will you if
the endowments, and keys and power you turn away from it, and if you refuse
were placed upon them by him, even to obey the counsel that is given to you,
as they were placed upon him by Pe- you will wither away like a limb that is
ter, James, and John, who ordained cut off from an apple tree, or the grass
him. That is true, gentlemen, be- that is mown down when the sun strikes
cause they held the Apostleship last, it. We are the people of God, and we
and had authority to confer it upon cannot prosper upon any other principle
him, or any whom the Father had than to cleave together, to cleave to His

work, to amalgamate our feelings in one, If this is brother Brigham's household,

and nourish the all-powerful principle of I belong to him, and it is my house-
union, all feeling a general interest for hold. Well, then, provide for it, provide
the public welfare. for Israel first, and when they have got
As President Young has said, this is enough, then let others have it. Do not
the household of faith, this is his house, let others have the bread until Israel, the
and this is his people, and he is our household of faith, are provided for. Do
leader, our Governor, he is our Prophet, you understand it, brethren? If you do,
and he is our Priest. As I have said say aye. [Aye.] All say aye for Israel.
in other places and in other meetings, Now we are going to stick together.
when speaking to the Elders, when they Those that have come in here are like
are sent from this place, they are sent clay brought from different parts of the
forth by the shepherd that God has sta- earth—it is taken out of the bank and
tioned here; he is the head shepherd that thrown into the mill, and the mill has
is visible on earth, under the direction been grinding it until it has become pli-
of Joseph, and he sends forth the El- able and passive; then we send out the
ders as shepherds to gather up the lost Elders to bring in a fresh supply of new
sheep of the house of Israel, and bring clay, and it is thrown into the mill, where
them home to put them into the fold. I it has to become passive, and thus the
have said that you have no business to mill keeps grinding and grinding, and
make a selection of any of these sheep, mixing that which is thrown into it. As
or to make a choice of them, or make soon as you are passive others come in.
any covenant with them, until they are
brought home and placed in the fold, and It keeps us thrashing all the time.
then if you want a sheep or two, ask the The reapers go forth, and bind up the
shepherd for them, and if you choose a wheat and draw it in, and thus we keep
sheep without taking this course you will throwing in new wheat all the time, and
get your fingers burnt. Why? Because we shall never get the floor empty, but
they are his sheep—mark it. How would we must thrash and thrash until we
you like it, were I to go and take one are worn out, and others will come up
of your sheep without permission, would and continue it. Did you ever see them
you ever think of such a thing? One is thrash in country towns in England? It
just as right as the other. You will learn is something like that. We are passing
these things by and by. I would rather through the mill, and we have got to be
have my head laid upon a block, and sev- thrashed and cleaned up, and the chaff
ered from my shoulders, than ever make has to be separated from the wheat in
a proposal to any woman living upon the passing it through the fanners. There
earth and marry her, unless I had per- are three ends to this mill in the moun-
mission from the chief shepherd. That tains, where the chaff goes out. Brother
tells it. I do not know that you can all Brigham does not grind any in his mill,
understand me, but those who have their without first passing it through the smut
eyes open understand it. I only hint at machine; so we have got to pass through
these things, that you may be careful of the smut mill, before we are fit to be
the course you take. thrown into the hopper to be ground.
Well, then, he that will not provide We must be passive as clay in the
for his own household is worse than hands of the potter. The potter takes
an infidel, and hath denied the faith. the passive clay, and molds it into

numerous shapes; he can make it into a and the work of God to spread to all the
milk pan, or into a crock, or into a cup, nations of the earth.
or a jug, and from that into ten thousand
Do I fear the world? I do not fear
shapes; he does everything according to
them, I never did fear them, and I have
his own pleasure, and as the Master Pot-
seen enough of their stuff. I have been
ter has told him to shape it. If the Master
driven with the rest of my brethren from
gives him a pattern, he must mold ac-
the United States and from my native
cording to that pattern; it would make
home, but what do I care for it? My
him busy indeed if he were to work ac-
kindred are there, but they do not be-
cording to every pattern. We must work
lieve the Gospel, nor the revelations of
according to the Master's pattern. If we
Jesus Christ; they believe in the spiri-
take this course there will be no trou-
tual knocking, and nearly all the world
ble. Go forth, then, upon your farms, sow
are going into it, and receiving revela-
your grain, and when you get your sheep,
tions for themselves from the regions of
they will have two litters a year, but if
despair. It used to be with them, "Old Joe
you do not do right you shall have none.
Smith, an old gold digger," but all are
Does not God love to bless those who ap-
digging gold now, and all are getting rev-
preciate His blessings? Yes, just as much
elations, but they did not believe a word
as a kind father loves to bless his son.
from him. He was a Prophet of God, and
Our Father in heaven is much more will-
they cannot help themselves. They slew
ing to bless us than we are to bless each
him, and that nation has got to smart for
it, and it will be as much as the Saints
Let us remember these things in
can do to gather out of it. If they stay
which we have been instructed. And let
there, they will not gather from there;
us take hold of that wall when the Con-
it is necessary to gather the wheat, and
ference is over, and put it round this
put it into the barn; if it is left out, the
block this winter, so that next spring
storms will come and actually waste or
we may fill it up with shrubbery of all
destroy it.
kinds, and decorate it, and prepare it
for future purposes. And let us build Let us be stirring and moving the
up a temple with diligent hands. I principles of life and salvation forward
have helped to build up two temples, in every rightful and possible way. I do
and have had my endowments in them, not care what I am told to do, if it were
and in other places; but to have an to take an adobie and turn it over 500
endowment that is proper and consis- times a day; if I am doing the will of God,
tent, is to have it in a temple that if I am doing the will of him who sent
has been built and consecrated to that me to do it, it is none of my business nor
purpose. Now go to, and get your yours. It is for us to do that which we
farms, and bring in the firstfruits of the are told to do. You need not trouble your-
earth, the first things you raise; bring selves about brother Brigham, nor about
them in here and commit them into the brother Heber, nor about the Twelve;
hands of the Bishops. Remember that, brother Brigham will attend to them,
and you shall have an endowment, and and then, if they live faithful, will judge
shall be greatly blessed with that bless- you and your children, and the nations of
ing you have not room to contain, if the earth, and those that are dead. Don't
you only appreciate it We want these you judge those men—that is for brother
things to roll on, God's work to pros- Brigham to do; if we need thrashing, he
per, and His kingdom to be built up, is capable of thrashing us, it is none of

your business; and we will sit down and you will be molded into vessels of honor,
bear it like good fellows, and not move but you cannot be molded into vessels of
our tongue; if it should move, we will honor except you be subject. You potters
take it between our teeth, and give it know it, if you have worked at the pot-
a nip, and say, "Stay there, you little ter's business as I have.
fellow." As for the Twelve, and brother
Brigham, and brother Willard, they are
all men of God; and there never were I love to talk about these things. I
better men than the Twelve that live love the Saints, they are the pride of my
in these last days—better men never heart. As for the world; its gold or silver,
lived. [A voice in the stand, "True."] or anything that pertains to it, my heart
It is true, and I know it. Every soul is not upon it, but upon this Church
of them can be prepared in two days and kingdom, and it never will be over-
to go to the nations of the earth, if come, worlds without end. [A voice in
we say so. You have got to be so too, the stand, "Amen."] Although we may
brethren and sisters; you have got to be scattered to the four quarters of the
learn to be subject to the Priesthood, as earth, we will gather again, never to be
well as these brethren, and your children removed any more, henceforth and for-
must learn the same lesson, and then ever. Amen.




There is a matter of temporal busi- male members of this community, or in

ness that I wish to lay before this Con- other words, get all the inhabitants of
ference, and I embrace the present op- these valleys together, that portion of
portunity to do so. I have not very acute them that can hear and understand, it
feelings upon the matter, but I have fre- would be better; but seeing that this can-
quently known cases of difficulty and dis- not be done, we shall have to content
satisfaction come before me, which were ourselves by laying before this Confer-
calculated to annoy my feelings, and the ence the matter, pertaining practically to
feelings of this people. I feel very acutely, the actions of men, that we now wish to
very exquisitely, upon certain subjects present. It is concerning the canyons,
pertaining to their history, but on the the wood, the timber, or whatever the
present occasion I am quite careless and canyons situated near these valleys pro-
indifferent as to the subject I now pro- duce.
pose to lay before the Conference. If Wood seems to be the first
we could obtain a hearing of all the and most prominent product of the
canyons. The situation of them is too

well known to make it necessary for present what I would like to present, and
me to offer a description. I believe what I have previously had in my mind,
that there are some acts performed in and exhibit it in a few words, and in its
these canyons, of which the actors are true colors, I believe an expression upon
ashamed, and they would rather I would it from this Conference will have a salu-
pass over these points, and the hard tary influence upon the community; that
words they have made use of; they would is my opinion, and the reason why I now
much rather have them forgotten by all present the subject before you. I will call
who have a knowledge of what they have upon my brethren who sit here, to let
done and said in the canyons. their past experience answer a question,
There are a great many whose expe- or perhaps more than one. Are you not
rience exceeds the experience of brother dissatisfied, and is there not bitterness
Hyde in this matter. His short experi- in your feelings, the moment you find a
ence, he says, teaches him, that if he had canyon put in the possession of an indi-
the power in his hands, he would decree vidual, and power given unto him to con-
that all men who go into the canyons for trol the timber, wood, rock, grass, and,
wood and timber should be saved. This in short, all its facilities? Does there not
may be the mind of others, and to them something start up in your breast, that
it may serve as an excuse for outraging causes you to feel very uncomfortable?
the principles of righteousness, but to You may be ready on the right and on the
another class of men it would be no ex- left to say, "No, I am not aware that it af-
cuse at all. I believe it would be just as fects me any." This may be the case with
necessary for the boys, when they have a few, but while we find one here and an-
mounted their sleds on the top of the other there of that class, do we not find
hill, to curse, and swear, and fight, and multitudes of the other class that would
quarrel, while they are riding down with be very irritable upon that subject—a
all ease, and without any trouble, as it facsimile of a roily fountain much dis-
would be to curse, swear, and fight while turbed, or like the troubled sea that casts
drawing their sleds up the hill to en- up mire and dirt? Why I judge the mat-
joy another ride. You know, boys enjoy ter in this light is because of what I have
themselves very well while their sleds learned previously to this day, concern-
are traveling down the hill at a great ing the real feelings of the majority of
speed; it is hurrah with them, and all the people touching this matter. There
is right; but in dragging their sleds up were a few instances, some two or three
the hill, they fall down sometimes, and years ago, of the legislative council as-
bump their heads, and bruise their knees signing canyons to individuals. Now it is
against the hard snow, and they have no in the hands of county officers to dispose
sooner recovered their foothold than down of such matters. Are the people satisfied
they go again, and so they get into confusion. with these assignments? They are not.
Now it appears to me to be just as necessary
Could they be satisfied were they placed
for them to quarrel in riding down the hill, as
under different circumstances in rela-
it is for them to quarrel in drawing their sleds
up the hill, as for any good it accomplishes in tion to this matter? They could. Have
either case. we power as a people to introduce an or-
It is an uphill business to go into der of things that will give general satis-
these canyons and get wood, to say faction? I will say, that it depends alto-
the least of it. If I am able to gether upon circumstances. It can or it

cannot be done, just as the people please. to him, "Look yonder, there is plenty of
timber, and as easy to get at as this
I will relate a few circumstances or that I call my own." Friend H. replies,
incidents that have taken place here, but "But I will be damned if I don't get wood
I will not name particular places, nor in- where you get it." Mr. B. says, "And I'll
dividuals. Mr. B. goes into the canyons, be damned if you do go there." This is
without any leave or licence, and with- the language of men who sit here before
out even asking for a grant; he makes his me today, and so near me that I could
way up a canyon, and finds, on each side put my hand upon them. They go up in
of him, both firewood and fence poles. the canyon, and there quarrel with each
He climbs the mountain, for two or three other. Let friend S. once pass by the road
miles, works a road, and gets to the tim- that Mr. B. has made, and he may go
ber, poles, and wood, at an expense of on up the canyon ten miles, surrounded
from one to five hundred dollars. He with wood, and not get a stick of tim-
commences to get out poles, and keeps ber, for he and friend H., with his train,
his men and teams laboring there from and others, never can see and under-
day to day. Now how long will he remain stand how they can get poles in any other
there before news will come into the city, place than where friend B. has made a
that Mr. B. is getting timber and poles good road leading to where he gets his.
at such a point, and that it is a most ex- Is this so? You Elders of Israel will go
cellent chance there? Well, some of the into the canyons, and curse and swear—
citizens will say, "Has brother B. worked damn, and curse your oxen, and swear
a road up there?" "Yes." "Can we get by Him who created you! I am telling the
up with a team?" "Yes." "Then let us go truth. Yes, you will rip, and curse, and
and get some wood and poles." How long swear, as bad as any pirates ever did.
would it be before the eyes of a portion of Suppose these characters do as the
the community would be turned directly old Quaker did when he whipped the
to that spot? How long would it be before man: he took off his coat, and said, "Re-
they would go to the very place where ligion, do thou lie there, until I whip this
brother B.'s road branches off from the man." The boys, or many of them, who go
main road, and go up the mountain (of into the canyons with wagons and teams,
course they could see no other track than do the same: they lay down their reli-
where Mr. B. was getting out his wood), gion at the mouth of the canyon, saying,
and get poles, wood, and timber? They "Thou lie there, until I go for my load of
would not stop to look on the mountains wood." I expect, in all probability, it was
around them, and make new roads for the case with Elder Hyde, for he never
themselves. No, they can only get wood, would have thought that he ought to be
poles, and timber where brother B. is saved for going into the canyon once, if
getting them, after he has been at the he had had his religion along with him.
trouble and expense of making a road. I do not wish to say much upon
When they find brother B. there, he says, this subject, I am not spirited in it,
"You cannot come into this canyon, for nor do I care much about it. I want
I have worked the road myself, to facil- to show to this community a plan by
itate the getting of my wood and poles which these matters of business trans-
here." Another person comes along with actions can be brought to some kind
twenty or thirty wagons. Mr. B. says of a system, to the better accommoda-

tion of the public. We will suppose, up in the Red Butte Canyon, or they
when strangers come to these valleys, may be in Canyon Creek Canyon, or over
that they find land offices, canyon of- in the west mountains; I have got ser-
fices, timber offices, &c. They enter, and vants, and plenty of wood, this you can
walk up before the clerk in the office, have on certain conditions." "What are
and inquire what facilities there are to your conditions, good landlord?" "These
get a living here. Out steps the land- are my conditions—you must take your
lord and says, "This valley and all the teams into Red Butte, where you will
canyons belong to old General Harris, find a gate, and a man living there, to
and to his heirs after him. That valley him you will have to pay 25 cents for
over yonder—Utah Valley, belongs to old getting a load of wood." "But how is the
General Wolf's heirs; and there's another road after you get through the gate?" "O,
valley, that belongs to another man; and it is a good road, and the wood, timber,
I am here as the guardian of these heirs rock, and everything else are first rate;
to all this property, I am here to dispose and now you go and get a cord of good
of it." "We want to settle here," say the wood for 25 cents. Or you may go to
people, "can we get any land?" "O yes," the west mountains, there the canyons
the landlord replies, "lift up your eyes are all prepared for you, the roads are
to the right, and to the left—do you see made, and I keep men there to see that
the grass?" "Yes." "Do you see the lovely they are kept in good repair, and all you
streams that gush from the mountains?" have got to do is to pay 25 cents for the
"Yes." "Do you see this vast prairie be- use of the road." What would be the feel-
fore you?" "Yes." "Look at the soil, it is ings of this people under such circum-
rich and productive. We do not have win- stances? Do you suppose they would feel
ters here, as you do in the eastern coun- as those do that have kept up a contin-
tries, but your cattle can feed in these ual quarrelling, murmuring, and bicker-
mountain valleys both winter and sum- ing, and have given way to wickedness?
mer." The landlord says again, "Lift up The canyons are precisely in the position
your eyes and look: this wood, land, and I present them to you in this similitude;
the grass that you see growing, and all and you murmur at the council, at the
these valleys, with all they contain, you legislative assembly, at the county court,
are freely welcome to; go now, lay out and at everybody that wants to make
your city plots and your farms, dig your these canyons convenient and passable
ditches, and turn the streams whither- to the community.
soever you will, for to all this you are Again, I ask the question, what
welcome." Would they not think he was would be the feelings of this people,
one of the finest men that ever was? supposing they had come to these val-
Would they not love such a landlord? The leys under such circumstances? "The
people inquire again, "What chance is valleys, the grass, the soil, the water,
there here for getting wood?" "O," says and all the advantages you are welcome to,
he, "that is another thing, I will talk but I shall charge you 25 cents per load
to you about that." "We wish to know if for your wood." If you won't answer the
we can get wood here to burn, to cook question, I will for you: every time you
would meet with that landlord, it would be,
our food with, and to keep our houses
"God bless you, you are the best man on
warm; and upon what terms?" Says earth;" and you would be ready to lick the
the landlord, "My hired servants are dust off his feet; you would not say "God

damn you, I will get wood where I wood, and have not been able to get it.
please." I am ashamed to repeat the lan- I have cut it down, and piled it up, and
guage that is too often made use of, but still have not got it. I wonder if any-
I do it that the community may see how body else can say so. Have any of you
disgraceful it is, and frown upon every piled up your wood, and when you have
man that will allow himself to be de- gone back could not find it? Some sto-
graded by the use of such filthy lan- ries could be told of this kind, that would
guage; it is a disgrace to the wicked, to make professional thieves ashamed. It is
say nothing of Saints. Again upon this not all of this community that possesses
point, would you not take off your hats, such spirits. A flock of sheep consist-
and say, "Thank you," every time you ing of thousands must be clean indeed
met that landlord? Yes, you would, and if some of them are not smutty. This
I know it. Well, supposing the legisla- is a large flock of sheep that have come
tive body in these valleys should say to up to these mountain valleys, and some
some man, Take that canyon, and put of them have got taglocks hanging about
a gate at the mouth of it, and make a them, or in other words, there are those
good road to the wood and timber, and that will do what you have heard exhib-
to defray the expense of this, lay a tax ited to you today.
of 25 cents on every man that passes
What shall be done with sheep that
through with a team to get wood, timber,
stink the flock so? We will take them,
or anything else the canyon produces—
I was going to say, and cut off their
could you bless that legislature, could
tails two inches behind their ears; how-
you greet it with smiles and thanks, for
ever, I will use a milder term, and say,
doing that for this people? Or would you
cut off their ears. But instead of doing
curse it?
this, we will try to cleanse them; we will
If I had time to do so, and if it
wash them with soap, that will come well
would be wisdom, I could demonstrate,
nigh taking off the skin; we will then
by a mathematical calculation, definitely
apply a little Scotch snuff, and a little
and truly, and you might take into the
tobacco, and wash them again until we
calculation Red Butte Canyon, and ev-
make them clean. That is what I am do-
ery other canyon that the people have
ing now. Peradventure we shall find a
been into—I could demonstrate that they
few such sheep here in the flock, and a
have destroyed more horses, mules, har-
few that have got the itch; these are apt
ness, oxen, wagons, chains, and ox yokes,
to spread the disease among those that
and other property, in getting out of
are clean, for they will run along and rub
these canyons what they have got, than
themselves on others, until all are smit-
what would lay a first rate turnpike road
ten with the disorder, and it would be
in every direction, as far as they have
hard to tell in which it originated.
penetrated these canyons. Suppose we
have a canyon here within one mile of I do not want to destroy the peo-
us, open to all the people, I ask where ple, I want to wash them, and, if
is there a man that would work the road necessary, apply the Scotch snuff. If
to the wood? He is not to be found in this community would let any man of
this community. If it were open and free sense, of calculation, of a good mind
to all, I might spend a thousand dollars and judgment, sit down and make his
there, and never get one load of wood. calculations, with regard to their get-
I have done just such things myself. I ting wood out of these canyons, they
have gone to work and made roads to get would see the advantage of taking the

course the legislature has marked out, across the road there 1,500 dollars,
so clearly, that this whole people would would you try to pay it? Yes, you would
speak out boldly and say, "You men hav- lie awake at nights to think how to pay
ing authority, look up every canyon in those merchants that do not belong to
these valleys, and put them in the pos- the kingdom of God, you would offer
session of individuals who will make them horses, and wagons, and oxen, to
good roads to the timber, that we may get liquidate that debt. But that man who
there without breaking our wagons, or owes on the tithing books will say, "Just
without breaking our limbs, destroying straighten that up for me, cancel that
our property, and endangering our lives." debt, for I want my name to look as good
I say, every man of good sense would ex- on the tithing books as the rest." Would
claim, "Put these canyons into the hands he say this to a Gentile? No, he would
of individuals, with this proviso—make not. We never see such goodness, such
good roads, and keep them in good re- kindness, such benevolence, such phi-
pair." lanthropy in the persons who owe the
To exhibit it to the people in another tithing office anything.
point of view. I will suppose a Gentile Did you ever ask me to liquidate your
owns all these canyons, Uncle Sam, for debts? You may answer the question
instance. He determines he will work for yourselves. I shall not name any-
these canyons himself, work the roads, body. But let one of these merchants
&c., and draw his revenue from them by ask for the payment of a debt, saying, "I
the people's getting their timber—should am going away in September," and you
we not esteem it a blessing? We should. conclude that that debt must be paid—
If it would be a blessing to him, or to do you pay it? Yes, you will sell every-
any rich company of speculators, then thing you have on earth, to pay it. But
why would it not be a blessing to us, to do you owe the tithing office anything?
act upon the same principles ourselves? "O yes, and I am going to work it off;
Could you tell any reason why not? I know I owe about 1,500 dollars. But
A great many here do not under- you know it won't do to owe the Gen-
stand certain things that exist; I can tiles anything. Brother Brigham, can't
tell you some of them. If any individ- you lend me some money to pay a small
ual will come here and live, and find debt on that store? Can you let me have
out how we do business, learn and un- a yoke of cattle, my family is suffering
derstand our business transactions, he for want of wood?" You trace those cat-
will see that exhibited that will prove to tle, and where are they gone to? Why,
him a great many things he is not ac- to pay the enemies of this people. You
quainted with. I will take one of the best would take out of this Church the last
individuals we have, and put him into dime of money, and every ox, and cow,
the tithing office, put another into the and horse, and hand them all over to
stonecutter's shop, and another in the our enemies, and let the Church sink
joiner's shop, and let them work there to the nethermost hell, for aught you
one or two years, when the books are care. That is the difficulty that exists
examined they have taken up every far- here. If I have got your spectacles, or
thing of their wages, and many have con- your shoes, or any other thing of yours,
tracted considerable debts in that office, the common saying made use of is, "O,
some are owing 800, 1,000, and some as never mind, it is all in the family, you
high as 1,500 dollars. Now comes the are a brother, it is all right." I am telling
decision. Suppose you owe that store you as it is in that tithing office. What

did you hear read, last April Conference? days. Joseph goes to New York and buys
That there were 48,000 dollars owing to 20,000 dollars' worth of goods, comes
the tithing office; yet do you try to pay into Kirtland and commences to trade.
that debt? No, but the word is, "Brother In comes one of the brethren, "Brother
Brigham, trust me another thousand;" Joseph, let me have a frock pattern for
and you never will pay it on the face of my wife." What if Joseph says, "No, I
the earth, and you think me rather hard cannot without the money." The conse-
because I scold you. These are the diffi- quence would be, "He is no Prophet,"
culties that are here among us. says James. Pretty soon Thomas walks
There exists a double spirit, there is in. "Brother Joseph, will you trust me
a false, hypocritical spirit in many of the for a pair of boots?" "No, I cannot let
people; it is bred in the flesh, and in the them go without the money." "Well," says
bones, it is received from their fathers Thomas, "Brother Joseph is no Prophet;
and mothers, a hypocritical pretension I have found that out, and I am glad of
to friendship, when the real thing itself it." After awhile, in comes Bill and sis-
does not exist in them, and never did; ter Susan. Says Bill, "Brother Joseph, I
but they are destitute of the true knowl- want a shawl, I have not got the money,
edge of the principles of righteousness. I but I wish you to trust me a week or a
have frequently thought it was not good fortnight." Well, brother Joseph thinks
for a man to have around him too many the others have gone and apostatized,
friends. I have said to my brethren, and he don't know but these goods will
heretofore, "Don't love me quite so well make the whole Church do the same, so
as to take away all I have got. I want he lets Bill have a shawl. Bill walks
you to love me pretty well, I have plenty off with it and meets a brother. "Well,"
of flour now, and scores and scores of tons says he, "what do you think of brother
I can distribute, but do not take my soul Joseph?" "O he is a first-rate man, and I
out of me, do not love me quite to death. fully believe he is a Prophet. See here,
I am willing to be loved sincerely, but he has trusted me this shawl." Richard
covet not that which I possess, under a says, "I think I will go down and see if he
false pretension of love to me." There is won't trust me some." In walks Richard,
that spirit among this people, but it is for "Brother Joseph, I want to trade about
want of knowledge, and a proper under- 20 dollars." "Well," says Joseph, "these
standing. Did they possess these, there goods will make the people apostatize; so
would be no difficulty in the case. over they go, they are of less value than
Now, for instance, a great many in- the people." Richard gets his goods. An-
quire, saying, "Why does not our Church other comes in the same way to make a
keep a store here?" Many can answer trade of 25 dollars, and so it goes. Joseph
that question, who have lived here for was a first-rate fellow with them all the
some years past; and you who make such time, provided he never would ask them
an inquiry, would have known the rea- to pay him. In this way it is easy for us
son, had you also lived here. You that to trade away a first-rate store of goods,
have lived in Nauvoo, in Missouri, in and be in debt for them.
Kirtland, Ohio, can you assign a reason
why Joseph could not keep a store, and And so you may trace it down
be a merchant? Let me just give you through the history of this people.
a few reasons, and there are men here If any brethren came into the midst
who know how matters went in those of them as merchants, I never knew

one of them go into their stores and go from the Church, because he asked them
out again satisfied, neither did you. If to pay their just debts. I said to Thomas,
I had 100,000 dollars worth of goods in "If they do not pay you as they agreed,
that store, owned by myself, or held by arraign them before the High Council;
a "Mormon" company, in six months the I will be your lawyer, and they shall be
goods would be gone, and we should not cut off from the Church." They had got it
have 100 dollars to pay the debt. But all cut and dried, that if he asked them
let an infernal mobocrat come into our to pay him, he should be cut off from
midst, though he brands Joseph Smith the Church, but I told them that if they
with the epithet of "false Prophet," and did not live up to their agreement, they
calls the "Mormons" a damned set of should be cut off from the Church, and
thieves, and would see all Israel scorch- then be tried by the law of the land.
ing in Tophet, you would give him the How has Thomas Williams behaved
last picayune you could raise. here? He has paid his tithing, and done
There is not a man who has been in good to this people; he has handed over
this community a few years but knows nails, cotton cloth, and other necessary
I am telling the living truth. Do any articles. When he brings in his goods,
of you hate me for it? Do any of you he pays his tithing on them honorably,
love me for it? It is all the same to yet he can be abused; and it is so with
me. Do you love the cause? "Yes," ev- every man who comes into the midst of
ery heart at once responds, "I love the this people with goods, unless he pays
cause, I love the Lord and my religion." them out at random to Tom, Dick, and
If I would only permit myself to swear, the devil. Latter-day Saints cannot keep
I would say, What the devil is the reason, a store of goods, because they will not act
then, you don't live according to it? What as Latter-day Saints, but they will sus-
keeps you from that? What is the rea- tain their enemies. How much do you
son you cannot pay me what you owe me, suppose you have paid into these Gen-
as well as your enemy. You continue to tile stores within four months? Can you
trade with the Almighty that way, and it give a rough guess? I can tell you, if
will sink this whole people down to hell. you do not know, for I know something
You trade with the Almighty worse than about it. You have paid to them 300,000
you do with the devil. These things ex- dollars within the last six months. The
ist, and you know it. A man comes into brethren think that we are very hard
this Church with a little property, and he with them if we ask for a little tithing.
must suffer them to pick him until he is I wonder if we have received 30,000 dol-
as blind as brother Leonard is, that sits lars, which we should certainly have re-
over there, or else the people will turn ceived in silver and gold, if the peo-
round and curse him, and sink him to the ple had been faithful in paying their
nethermost hell if possible. They have tithing on the money they have spent
treated Edwin D. Woolley so, and others. at these stores; the money has gone,
Can they keep a store among this peo-
from time to time, in gold and silver, by
ple? No, they must let them have the boxfuls, to the east. There is not a span
goods, and wait until they can pay them, of mules that could be found in this val-
if they ever do it at all. ley, able to draw the money, if it were all
They got up a quarrel, about a year in silver, to the States, that this people
ago, and every High Priest and Elder have spent with these merchants within a
were going to cut Thomas Williams off few months past; they must therefore do

business upon the principle of checks; in do, they would be sent to hell before the
any other way it is a burden to them to rising of another sun; but as they are ig-
get it over the plains. These are the diffi- norant, and inasmuch as they desire to
culties that work against our living and do good, God winks at their foibles, and
doing as we should do. hopes by it to bless them.
Now, I am going to have an expres-
I will now go back, and say to all the sion from this Conference, with regard to
inhabitants of these valleys, if I had the the plan that we, as a community, shall
power, and the people were willing to adopt; not as a county, not as the Leg-
subscribe to that which would do them islature of Utah, not as civil and mili-
good, I would look up all the canyons tary officers, but as officers and mem-
containing wood and other facilities, put bers of the Church of Jesus Christ of
gates at the mouths of them, have good Latter-day Saints; and before I take the
roads worked in them, so as to make expression, if there is one man in this
the wood and the timber easy of access, house who feels himself capable of show-
and make the people pay for the roads ing a better method, or of producing a
and the keeping of them in good repair. better plan to keep the people from run-
If I was a Gentile, and I owned these ning over each other, from breaking each
canyons, and should make such a propo- other's necks, and the necks of their
sition, it would be so that I could hardly horses, I will give him an opportunity
get down to this meetinghouse without of presenting that plan. In the first
some one crying out, "I move that we place, the feelings of individuals are—
give that gentleman a vote of thanks;" what advantage can I get by introduc-
another would second it, "For that is cer- ing this plan? I wish you to remember
tainly a Gentile of the first class." [The that all I can get by it is, to protect you
speaker made motions, such as bowing against running over and trying to kill
and scraping, as the poor serfs of for- each other. We do not own the canyons,
eign nations do, who subsist on the pat- but the plan is—let them go into the
rimony of a titled fellow mortal.] I make hands of individuals who will make them
these motions to show this people how easy of access, by paying them for their
disgraceful it is; it is a disgrace to any labor. Before I take an expression, I
community to act as they have done to- want to see if there is a man that can
wards the measures of those who wish rise up and propose a better plan than
to do them good all the day long. If a I propose, which of course would be to
Latter-day Saint wants to do good, why our advantage to adopt in preference to
not bless him for it. But no, it is over- mine. I have talked long enough upon
looked as a thing of naught. Now, if I do this matter. The motion is, that we, as
ape out a little of these feelings here, it the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
is to show you how they look inside. I day Saints, in the capacity of a Gen-
can see them in the people, I know what eral Conference assembled, and embrac-
there is in the midst of them, I know ing the whole community in the midst of
what they have to contend against, and the mountains, recommend, and give it
the difficulties and weaknesses they are as our opinion, that the best method of
subject to; it is the want of true knowl- disposing of the canyons is to put them
edge and a sound understanding which in the hands of individuals to make good
causes them to act as they do; if it were roads in them, and obtain their pay by
not for that, if this people had the knowl- taking toll from those who use the roads,
edge of angels, and then did as they at a gate erected for that purpose at the

mouth of each canyon. Now, sisters, I a temple of gold, of silver, or of brass? No,
want you to vote also, because women it will not.
are the characters that rule the ballot I am inclined to offer a chemical ar-
box. If you are in favor of this motion, gument with regard to the material for
as Latter-day Saints, signify it by the up- building a temple in our present circum-
lifted hand. [Unanimous.] stances. The best materials, I have men-
tioned, probably. Iron might be better
Let the judges in the county of Great
than stone; the time will come when
Salt Lake take due notice, and govern
the Lord will bring for brass gold, for
themselves accordingly. The same thing
iron silver, and for stones iron, and for
I say to the judges of any of the other
wood brass, to beautify His sanctuary,
counties of the territory, Take notice, and
and make the place of His feet glorious.
govern yourselves accordingly. Put these
That will be, but it is not now. I thought,
canyons into the hands of individuals
when I was at Iron County, and saw the
who will make good roads into them, and
iron mountains, that the iron was actu-
let them take toll from the inhabitants
ally come instead of stone.
that go there for wood, timber, and poles.
But for the chemical argument touch-
Now this is my order for the judges to
ing the material for the building of a
take due notice of; it does not come from
temple in this city. It has been proposed,
the Governor, but from the President of
that we send to San Pete to get the rock.
the Church; you will not see any procla-
Some say it will cost too much, others
mation in the paper to this effect, but
say we cannot do it, and others say that
it is a mere declaration of the President
we can. I, not being a practical chemist,
of the Conference. Let these things go
but only a chemist in theory, shall have
out to make the people satisfied, and feel
to use my own language, to express my
contented to have the privilege of getting
ideas. You may bring the stone from San
wood without breaking their necks and
Pete, which is a beautiful specimen of
destroying their teams.
rock, and erect a temple here with it;
I want to occupy a few moments then you may take this sandstone that
more, and talk about our contemplated is found in abundance in the Red Butte
temple. It has been moved, seconded, Canyon, and build a temple of that; then
and carried by this Conference, that we you step over to the Emigration Canyon,
build a temple here of the best material and get this bastard marble, and build
that America affords. If this is done, another of the same dimensions as that
it will have to be built of platina; and you have built of the red sandstone. Now
I do not know that there is any of it you have got the San Pete rock temple,
to be got in this territory. It is purer, the red sandstone temple, and another
stronger, and is every way a better metal built of limestone, or bastard marble I
than pure gold. If we cannot get the call it; then, right beside of that, another
platina, we must build a temple of pure one of adobies, mixed with pebbles—take
gold; that is here, I know. But if the that clay, and these pebble stones that
Conference want us to build a temple are so abundant here, and mix in with
of pure gold, they will have to put into them straw, and build another temple
the tithing stores something besides old of that composition, besides the three
half-dead stinking cows, and old broken- which are built of different kinds of rock,
kneed horses; or if they even put in all and let them stand together—which
the good cattle they possess, will it build do you think will stand the longest?

Being a chemist in theory, I should say, posed; and he will find, that just as quick
according to my mind, when the San as it is at its perfection, that very instant
Pete rock is washed into the Jordan, the it begins to decompose. We have proof
other buildings will still be standing, and of this. Go into Egypt, for instance, and
be in moderate condition. The red sand- you will find the monuments, towers,
stone will go the next, and the other two and pyramids, that were erected in the
still remain, the bastard marble or lime- days of Joseph, and before he was sold
stone will be in pretty good preservation; into Egypt; they were built of what we
and when that is all decomposed and call adobies, clay mixed up with straw;
washed away into the Jordan, you will these fabrics, which have excited inter-
find that temple which is built of mud or est for so many ages, and are the won-
adobies, as some call them, still remains, der of modern nations, were built of this
and in better condition than at the first raw material. They have bid defiance to
day it was built. the wear of ages, and they still remain.
You may ask any practical chemist, But you cannot find a stone column that
any man who knows, understands, and was reared in those times, for they are
studies the elements, and he will corrob- all decayed. Here we have actual proof
orate these statements. This is a mat- that the matter which is the furthest ad-
ter I want you to look at, to think and vanced to a state of perfection, is the first
meditate upon. I do not talk about the to decompose, and go back into its native
expense of the building, and the time it element, at which point it begins to be or-
would take to erect it, but its durability, ganized again, it begins to congeal, pet-
and which is the best material within our rify, and harden into rock, which grows
reach to build it with. If you take this like a tree, but not so perceptibly.
clay, which is to be found in abundance
Gold and silver grow, and so does ev-
on these bottom lands, and mix with it
ery other kind of metal, the same as the
these pebble rocks, and make adobies of
hair upon my head, or the wheat in the
the compound, it will petrify in the wall
field; they do not grow as fast, but they
and become a solid rock in five hundred
are all the time composing or decompos-
years, so as to be fit to cut into millstones
ing. So much, then, for my views touch-
to grind flour, while the other materials
ing the material to be used in building a
I have mentioned will have decomposed,
Temple upon this block. You may go to
and gone back to their native elements.
San Pete and get stone for it, and when
I am chemist enough to know that much.
five hundred years have elapsed you will
My simple philosophy is this. The ele-
not find a building. You may build of
ments of which this terra firma is com-
that red sandstone, and it will live out
posed, are every moment either compos-
the San Pete rock, and the limestone will
ing or decomposing. They commence to
outlive that. But when you come to the
organize or to compose, and continue to
adobies, they will outlive either of them,
grow until they arrive at their zenith of
and be five hundred years better than
perfection, and then they begin to de-
the day they were first laid. This is a
compose. When you find a rock that
pretty strong argument in favor of a mud
has arrived at its greatest perfection,
you may know that the work of decay-
ing has begun. Let the practical chemist How long has the city of Washing-
make his observations upon a portion of ton been built? What was there be-
the matter of which this earth is com- fore my father entered into the revo-

lutionary war? Where was the Capi- fore it begins to decay. What do our "Mor-
tol then? It was in Philadelphia sixty mon" boys say about trying to dig into
years ago, there was no such thing as one of those old Catholic cathedrals that
a Capitol in Washington. Let me ask a are now standing in California? They
question—is it built of rock? I never was say they might as well have undertaken
there. [Voice, "Yes."] It is built of rock. to dig through the most solid rock you
The House of Representatives was re- ever saw, as to dig through those ado-
built in 1812, not more than forty years bie walls. Do you think they are decay-
ago. Would any of you that have not been ing and falling down? No, they are grow-
there, suppose that it would need patch- ing better all the time, and so it is with
ing up already to make it comfortable for the houses we live in. If they have good
the representatives of the nation? This, foundations, these houses that we live in
however, is the case, for within ten years will be better when they have stood fifty
past eighty thousand tons of putty have years than they are at this day. I will
been used to putty up the places where not say that it is so with a stone house,
the stone has decayed by the operation or with a brick house; for when you burn
of the elements, and it has not yet been the clay to make brick, you destroy the
built forty years. I mention this, because life of it, it may last many years, but if
I wish the Conference to know what they the life is permitted to remain in it, it
are doing when they commence to build will last until it has become rock, and
a temple of stone. As for myself, I know then begin to decay.
enough about rock. If a man should un-
dertake to put me up a stone house, I
should wish him to build it of adobies As for the temple, I will give you the
instead, and then I should have a good nature of your vote with regard to it—
house. We are talking about building one the sum of it was, that those that dictate
for the community, and I mention this the building of it be left to do with it as
about the Capitol to show you that the they please. They will, anyhow. But I
rock does not endure; the moment it be- give it as my opinion that adobies are the
comes as hard as it is ever going to be, best article to build it of. I do not fear
that moment it begins to decay. It may the expense, neither do I care what you
be a slow process in growing, or decom- build it of; only when it is built, I want it
posing, yet it is doing the one or the other to stand, and not fall down and decay in
continually. twenty or thirty years, like brother Tay-
I have my own individual thoughts, lor's one would, that he was giving an ex-
of course, and these I express with position of; "that when we go within the
regard to the temple. According to veil into the heavenly world, we need not
my present views, there is not mar- be ashamed of it, but when we look down
ble in these mountains, or stone of any upon it, it will be of solid rock:" but if it
kind or quality, that I would rather is built of San Pete rock, when he looks
have a building made of than adobies. down to see it he will find it aint there,
As for the durability of such a build- but it is gone, washed into the Jordan. It
ing, the longer it stands the better cannot remain, it must decay.
it becomes; if it stands five thousand
years, it increases in its strength un-
til it comes to its highest perfection, be- May the Lord bless you. Amen.




It rejoices my heart to hear the princi- The principles of justice, righteous-

ples that have been advanced this day by ness, and truth, which have an end-
our President, because they have their less duration, can alone satisfy the capa-
foundation in truth, are based upon the cious desires of the immortal soul. We
principles of equity, and are calculated to may amuse ourselves like children do
promote the happiness, well-being, exal- at play, or engage in the frivolities of
tation, and glory of man, in time, and the dance. We may take our little en-
throughout all eternity. They lead us joyments in our social assemblies, but
back into eternity; they existed with us when the man comes to reflect, when
there, and in all the various stages of the Saint of God considers, and the vi-
man's existence they are calculated to el- sions of eternity are open to his view, and
evate and ennoble him, and place him in the unalterable purposes of God are de-
a proper position before God, angels, and veloped to his mind—when he contem-
men. They will put him in possession of plates his true position before God, an-
his legitimate right, save him from the gels, and men, then he soars above the
grasp of the adversary, from every subtle things of time and sense, and bursts the
stratagem of the powers of darkness, and cords that bind him to earthly objects; he
place him in his proper station in time contemplates God and his own destiny in
and in eternity. the economy of heaven, and rejoices in a
I have been much pleased with and blooming hope of an immortal glory.
edified by the remarks that have been Such have been some of our feelings,
made upon this stand during the Con- while our minds have been carried away
ference. Wisdom has been displayed from the things of earth to contemplate
in them; from them the intelligence of the things with which eternal beings are
heaven has beamed forth, the myster- associated, and the glories that await us
ies of eternity have been spread before in the everlasting mansions of the Gods.
our minds, and we have had a view
The principles that we have to do
of heavenly things, that has filled our
with, then, are eternal, and not sim-
hearts with joy and our mouths with
ply to play a game upon the checker
praise. It has made us feel as though
of mortality, on which people can win
we were upon the threshold of eter-
and lose for the time being. We have
nity; as though we were eternal beings,
to do with that which shall continue,
and had to do with eternal things; as
"While life, and thought, and being last,
though the things of this world were
short, fleeting, and evanescent, not wor- Or immortality endures."
thy of a thought when compared with We seek not to build our hopes upon
those things that are calculated to exalt things that are evanescent, fleeting, and
and ennoble us in time and in eternity. transitory.

It is not he that can play the best position of mankind, under different cir-
game at checkers, that can take the most cumstances, in this state of mortality;
advantage of his neighbor, that can grasp but they cannot influence or change the
the most earthly good, or that can put Gospel of the Son of God, or the eternal
himself in possession of anything his truths of heaven; they remain unchange-
heart desires pertaining to time, that is able; as it is said very properly by the
the most happy; but it is he who does Church of England, in one of their hom-
that which will last, live, and continue ilies, "as it was in the beginning, is now,
to abide with him while "immortality and ever shall be, worlds without end." If
endures," and still be on the increase nothing else they say is true, that is, and
worlds without end. I can say amen to it, with all my heart.
If we can possess principles of this All true principles are right, and if prop-
kind, then we are safe, everything else erly understood and appreciated by the
amounts to an illusion or a delusion, human family, to them they are a foun-
which cannot satisfy the desires of the tain of eternal good.
mind, but as the Prophet says, it is like
a thirsty man who dreams he is drink- The principle of "heirship," which
ing, but when he awakes, he is faint, and President Young preached about today,
his soul is thirsty; he dreams that he is is a principle that is founded on eternal
eating, and when he awakes his soul is justice, equity, and truth. It is a principle
empty. This is the true situation of all that emanated from God. As was said by
men who are without God in the world; some of our brethren this morning, there
and nothing but a knowledge of eternal may be circumstances arise in this world
principles, of eternal laws, of eternal gov- to pervert for a season the order of God,
ernments, of eternal justice and equity, to change the designs of the Most High,
and of eternal truth, can put us right, apparently, for the time being, yet they
and satiate the appetite of the immortal will ultimately roll back into their proper
soul. place—justice will have its place, and so
If we make not a just estimate of will mercy, and every man and woman
these things, it is in vain that we attempt will yet stand in their true position be-
to say, "Lord, Lord," because we do not fore God. If we understand ourselves cor-
the things which He says. Everything rectly, we must look upon ourselves as
associated with the Gospel of salvation is eternal beings, and upon God as our Fa-
eternal, for it existed before the "morn- ther, for we have been taught when we
ing stars sang together for joy," or this prayed to say, "Our Father, which art in
world rolled into existence. It existed heaven, hallowed be thy name." We have
then, just as it now exists with us, and fathers in the flesh, and we do them rev-
it will exist the same when time with us erence, how much more shall we be in
is no more. It is an eternal principle, and subjection to the Father of Spirits and
everything associated with it is everlast- live. I need not enter into any proof
ing. It is like the Priesthood of the Son of in relation to this; for it is well under-
God, "without beginning of days or end stood by the Saints that God is the Fa-
of years." It lives and abides forever. If ther of our spirits, and that when we go
there is any principle that is not eternal, back into His presence, we shall know
it is not a principle of the Gospel of life Him, as we have known our earthly par-
and salvation. ents. We are taught to approach Him
There are many changes and shift- as we would an earthly parent, to ask
ing scenes that may influence the of Him such blessings as we need; and

He has said, If a son ask bread of his fa- and rise to take my seat among the Gods
ther shall he give him a stone, or if he of eternity.
ask for fish, a scorpion. If ye then, be- We will now come to the principle
ing evil, know how to give good gifts unto of legitimacy, which was the text given
your children, how much more will your out this morning—to our rights, privi-
Heavenly Father give His holy Spirit to leges, Priesthoods, authorities, powers,
them that ask Him. dominions, &c., &c. And as some of us
are Scriptorians, and all profess to be-
We have a Father, then, who is in
lieve the Bible, I feel inclined to quote a
heaven. He has placed us on this earth
text from it. Paul, when speaking of Je-
for some purpose. We found ourselves
sus Christ, gives us to understand that
in possession of bodies, mental faculties,
he is the firstborn of every creature, for
and reasoning powers. In a word, we
by him were all things made that were
found ourselves intelligent beings, with
made, and to him pertains all things;
minds capable of recalling the past and
he is the head of all things, he created
launching into the unborn future with
all things, whether visible or invisible,
lightning speed; and were it not for this
whether they be principalities, powers,
earthly tabernacle, this tenement of clay,
thrones, or dominions; all things were
they would soar aloft and contemplate
created by him and for him, and with-
the unveiled purposes of Jehovah in the
out him was not anything made that was
mansions of the redeemed. We found
made. If all things were created by him
ourselves here with minds capable of all
and for him, this world on which we
this and more. God, who has ordained
stand must have been created by him
all things from before the foundation of
and for him; if so, he is its legitimate, its
the world, is our Father. He placed us
rightful owner and proprietor; its lawful
here to fulfil His wise and unerring coun-
sovereign and ruler. We will begin with
sels, that we might magnify our calling,
him, then, in the first place, in treating
honor our God, obtain an exaltation, and
on the subject of legitimacy.
be placed in a more glorious, exalted,
But has he had the dominion over all
and dignified position than it would have
nations, kindreds, peoples, and tongues?
been possible for us to enjoy if we had
Have they bowed to his scepter, and ac-
never taken upon us these bodies. This
knowledged his sway? Have all people
is my faith; it is the faith of this people.
rendered obedience to his laws, and sub-
I have no complaints to make about mitted to his guidance? Echo answers
our father Adam eating the forbidden "NO!" Has there ever been a kingdom,
fruit, as some have, for I do not know but a government, a nation, a power, or a
any of us would have done the same. I dominion in this world that has yielded
find myself here in the midst of the cre- obedience to him in all things? Can you
ations of God, and it is for me to make point out one?
use of the intelligence God has given me, We read of the Jews who were a
and not condescend to anything that is nation that submitted only in part to
low, mean, groveling, and degrading— his authority, for they rebelled against
to anything that is calculated to debase his laws, and were placed under a
the immortal mind of man, but to fol- schoolmaster until the Messiah should
low after things that are in their na- come. We read also, in the Book of
ture calculated to exalt, ennoble, and Mormon, of some Nephites that dwelt
dignify, that I may stand in my true upon this land, who kept the com-
position before God, angels, and men, mandments of God, and perhaps were

more pure than any other nation that to reign shall take the dominion, then
history gives any account of. But, with nothing but the Priesthood will bear
these exceptions, the nations, kingdoms, rule; it alone will sway the scepter of au-
powers, and dominions of the world have thority in heaven and on earth, for this
not been subject to the law, dominion, is the legitimacy of God.
rule, or authority of God; but, as it is ex- In the absence of this, what has been
pressed by one of the ancients, the prince the position of the nations? You who
and power of the air, the god of this world have made yourselves acquainted with
has ruled in the hearts of the children the political structure and the political
of disobedience, and led them captive at intrigues of earthy kingdoms, I ask, from
his own will. Where is the historian, the whence did they obtain their power? Did
man acquainted with ancient lore, who they get it from God? Go to the his-
can point me out one government, na- tory of Europe, if you please, and exam-
tion, power, or dominion, that has been ine how the rulers of those nations ob-
subject to the rule of God, to the domin- tained their authority. Depending upon
ion of Jesus Christ, with the exception history for our information, we say those
of those Jews and Nephites which I have nations have been founded by the sword.
referred to? If there has been any such If we trace the pages of history still fur-
nation, the history of it has escaped my ther back to the first nation that existed,
notice. I have never been able to obtain still we find that it was founded upon the
such information. same principle. Then follow the various
revolutions and changes that took place
What then has been the position of
among subsequent nations and powers,
the world for generations past? They
from the Babylonians through the Medo-
have been governed by rulers not ap-
Persians, Grecians, Romans, and from
pointed of God; if they were appointed
that power to all the other powers of
by Him, it was merely as a scourge to the
Europe, Asia, and Africa, of which we
people for their wickedness, or for tempo-
have any knowledge: and if we look
rary rulers in the absence of those whose
to America from the first discoveries by
right it was to govern. They had not the
Columbus to the present time, where
legitimate rule, Priesthood, and author-
are now the original proprietors of the
ity of God on the earth, to act as His rep-
soil? Go to any power that has ex-
resentatives in regulating and presiding
isted upon this earth, and you will find
over the affairs of His kingdom.
that earthly government, earthly rule
Perhaps it may be well, at this stage and dominion, have been obtained by
of my remarks, to give you a short expla- the sword. It was the sword of men
nation of my ideas on government, legit- that first put them in possession of this
imacy, or Priesthood, if you please. The power. They have walked up to their
question, "What is Priesthood?" has of- thrones through rivers of blood, through
ten been asked me. I answer, it is the the clotted gore and the groans of the dy-
rule and government of God, whether ing, and through the tears and lamen-
on earth or in the heavens; and it is tations of bereaved widows and helpless
the only legitimate power, the only au- orphans; and hence the common say-
thority that is acknowledged by Him to ing is, "Thrones won by blood, by blood
rule and regulate the affairs of His king- must be maintained." By the same prin-
dom. When every wrong thing shall ciple that they have been put in pos-
be put right, and all usurpers shall be session of territory, have they sought
put down, when he whose right it is to sustain themselves—the same vio-

lence, the same fraud, and the same op- ticularly, and yet have accomplished it."
pression have been made use of to sus- We began with the power of God, with
tain their illegitimacy. the government of heaven, and with ac-
Some of these powers, dominions, knowledging His hand in all things; and
governments, and rulers, have had in God has sustained us, blessed and up-
their possession the laws of God, and the held us to the present time; and it is the
admonitions of Jesus Christ; and what only government, rule, and dominion un-
have they done to his servants in differ- der the heavens that will acknowledge
ent ages of the world, when he has sent His authority.
them unto them? This question I need Brethren, if any of you doubt it, go
not stop to answer, for you are already into some of those nations, and get your-
made too familiar with it. This, then, selves introduced into the presence of
is the position of the world. Author- their kings and rulers, and say, "Thus
ity, dominion, rule, government has been saith the Lord God." They would at
obtained by fraud, and consequently is once denounce you as a madman, and
not legitimate. They say much about straightway order you into prison. What
the ordination of kings, and their be- is the matter? They do not acknowl-
ing anointed by the grace of God, &c. edge the legitimacy, the rule and gov-
What think you of a murderer slaying ernment of God, nor will they inquire
hundreds and thousands of his fellow into them. They receive not their au-
creatures because he has the power, and thority from Him. Nations honor their
while his sword is yet reeking with hu- kings, but they do not honor the author-
man blood, having a priest in sacerdo- ity of their God in any instance, neither
tal robes to anoint him to the kingship? have they from the first man-made gov-
They have done it. What think you of the ernment to the present time. If there has
cries of the widows, the tears of the or- been such a nation, or if there is at this
phans, and the groans of the dying, min- time such a government, it is a thing of
gling with the prayers and blessings of which I am ignorant.
the priest upon the head of the murderer The kings and potentates of the world
of their husbands and their fathers? profess to be anointed by the grace of
It is impossible that there can be any God. But the priests who anoint them
legitimate rule, government, power, or have no authority to do it. No person has
authority, under the face of the heavens, authority to anoint a king or administer
except that which is connected with the in one of the least of God's ordinances,
kingdom of God, which is established by except he is legally called and ordained
new revelation from heaven. of God to that power; and how can a
In a conversation with some of our man be called of God to administer in His
modern reformers in France, one of name, that does not acknowledge the gift
their leaders said, "I think you will of prophecy to be the right of the children
not succeed very well in disseminat- of God in all ages? It is impossible. These
ing the principles of your religion in men have been grasping after power, and
France." I replied, "You have been seek- for this they have laid waste nations and
ing to accomplish something, for gener- destroyed countries. Some of them pos-
ations, with your philosophy, your phil- sessed it for a while, and others were
anthropic societies, and your ideas of on the eve of getting it when they were
moral reform, but have failed; while cut off, and down they went. What be-
we have not been seeking to accom- came of them afterwards? Isaiah in
plish the thing that you have, par- vision saw the kings of the earth ga-

thered together as prisoners in a pit, and He could swear by no greater, saying,

after many days they were to be visited. "That in blessing I will bless thee, and
in multiplying I will multiply thy seed."
Having said so much in relation to-
"And in thy seed shall all the nations of
gether governors and governments, we
the earth be blessed." Abraham obtained
will now notice the difference between
his dominion by legitimate authority; his
them and Abraham of old. Abraham
Priesthood was obtained from God; his
was a man who contended for the true
authority was that which is associated
and legitimate authority. God promised
with the everlasting Gospel, which was,
to him, and to his seed after him, the
and is, and is to come, that liveth and
land of Canaan for their possession, "The
abideth forever. And the promises made
Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot
to him will rest upon him and his pos-
was separated from him, Lift up now
terity, through every subsequent period
thine eyes, and look from the place
of time, until the final winding up scene
where thou art northward, and south-
of all things. Will he ever obtain them?
ward, and eastward, and westward; for
Yes. For we are eternal beings, and I
all the land which thou seest, to thee
am now talking as though we were in
will I give it, and to thy seed forever."
eternity. We shall wake up in the morn-
What did Stephen say, generations af-
ing of the resurrection, attain to all the
terwards? That God "gave him none in-
blessings which have been promised to
heritance in it, no, not so much as to
us, and strike hands with Abraham, and
set his foot on; yet he promised that he
see him inherit the promises. Abraham
would give it to him for a possession, and
and all his children will then inherit the
to his seed after him, when as yet he
promises, through the principle of legit-
had no child." Ezekiel's vision of the dry
imacy. And there are many of the sons
bones explains this seeming contradic-
and daughters of Abraham among us at
tion. The Lord said to him, "Son of man,
the present time; these will be baptized
can these bones live?" &c. Who are they?
for their dead brethren and sisters, and
We are told, in the same chapter, they
by this means bring them unto Christ,
are the whole house of Israel, and that
beginning on the outside branches of the
they shall come out of their graves, bone
tree, and so progressing to the main
come to its bone and sinew to sinew, and
stock, and from that to the root. And it
flesh come upon them, and they shall be-
shall come to pass that all Israel shall be
come a living army before God, and they
saved. Why? Because it is their legiti-
shall inherit the land which was given
mate right. And they are Israel who do
to them and their fathers before them.
the works of Abraham.
The measuring line shall again go forth
Thus it is, then, with Abraham. The
upon those lands, and mark out the pos-
old man feels perfectly easy about the
sessions belonging to the tribes of Israel.
matter; and if he does see many of his
Abraham was a man who dared descendants existing as a cursed race
fear God, and do honor to His author- on account of their transgressions, many
ity, which was legitimate. God tried of them enjoying no higher avocation
and proved him, the same as He has than crying "Old clothes," still the time
tried many of us, and felt after his of their redemption will come, and by
heartstrings, and twisted them round. means of the eternal Gospel and Priest-
When He had tried him to the ut- hood, they with us will be made perfect,
most, He swore by Himself, because and we with them. While the faithful are

operating in heaven to bring this about, dominion over the world—the proud and
the Saints are operating on earth; and haughty usurpers, and the shedders of
by faith and works we will accomplish innocent blood. These are they that have
all things, we will redeem the dead and lived in the world, and possessed all the
the living, and all shall come forth, and good things of it. And what has been
Abraham will stand at the head of his the situation of the Saints in every age?
seed as their ruler. This is his legitimate All those who dared acknowledge that
position. God lived, that this kingdom belonged
We will now notice those men who are to Him, that it was His right, and that
contending for it without any authority, He would without doubt possess it, have
and make a contrast between the two. been trodden under foot, persecuted,
We see them gathering their forces, and cast out, hated, killed; "they wandered
using their influence to destroy the poor about in sheepskins and goatskins; being
among men. How long will the kings and destitute, afflicted, and tormented." As
rulers of the earth do this? Until they one of old says, in speaking of the Jews—
are dead and damned. And what then? Which of the prophets have not your fa-
They will be cast down into a pit. Isaiah thers killed, who testified before of the
saw them there, along with many other coming of the Just One.
scoundrels, murderers, and scamps. Af- This was the case in ancient days,
ter many days they will be visited, but and has been carried on in modern times.
they have got to lie in prison a long time I have, with my own eyes, seen holy
for their transgressions. The one is legit- Prophets expire, who were killed by the
imacy, and the other is illegitimacy; the hands of a murderous gang of blood-
one is the order of God, and the other is thirsty assassins, because they bore the
the order of the devil. same testimony that the holy Prophets
Such is the position of things in re- did in days of old. How many more of
lation to the world, to legitimacy and il- their brethren who dared acknowledge
legitimacy, in regard to things that are the truth, have fallen beneath the same
right and things that are wrong. Jesus influences—have been shot, whipped,
Christ created all things, and for him imprisoned, and put to death in a va-
were they made, whether it be princi- riety of ways, while hundreds of oth-
palities, powers, thrones, or dominions. ers, driven from their homes in the win-
Now the question is, is he going to be dis- ter, have found their last bed; they were
possessed of his right because scoundrels worn out with suffering and fatigue, the
exist in the world, and stand in power weary wheels of life stood still; they were
and dominion; because his subjects have obliged to forsake the world, in which
rebelled against him from time to time, they could no longer remain, because of
and usurpers have taken his place, and the persecution heaped upon them by
the dominion is given to another? Ver- the enemies of the truth.
ily, no. But the time will come when
the kingdom and the greatness of the The reason of all this vile outrage
kingdom under the whole heaven will be upon innocent men, women, and chil-
given to the Saints of the Most High, and dren, is because there is no legitimate
they will possess it forever and ever. rule upon the earth. God's laws and
We will now notice some of the government are not known, and His ser-
acts of God, and some of the acts of vants are despised and cast out.
those who have been under the do- Legitimacy and right, whether in
minion of Satan, those who have had heaven or on earth cannot mix with

anything that is not true, just, and eq- Talk about peace, when rancorous
uitable; and truth is free from oppres- discord makes its nest in the councils
sion and injustice, as is the bosom of Je- and cabinets of all nations, and the
hovah. Nothing but that will ultimately hearts of their statesmen are steeped
stand. What has been the position of the in hatred one to another. Jealousy, an-
world generally, among themselves? You imosity, and strife, like the influence
see men marshalling armies, and mak- of a deadly contagion, may be found
ing war with one another to destroy each in almost every family; brother rising
other, and take possession of their ter- up against sister, sister against brother,
ritory and wealth. One man who is in the father against the mother, and the
possession of wealth, power, and author- mother against the father, etc. We can
ity, sees oppression exercised by kings; so find discord reigning even in the "Peace
he follows the example, as do rulers who Society" itself.
exercise authority under their sovereign; Jesus Christ says, "My peace I give
then others in a still lower degree do unto you: not as the world giveth, give I
the same; thus oppression treads upon unto you," &c. Wherever this peace ex-
the heels of oppression, and distress fol- ists, it leaves an influence that is com-
lows distress. You will find this to exist forting and refreshing to the souls of
in a great measure through every grade those who partake of it. It is like the
of society, from the king on his throne, morning dew to the thirsty plant. This
down to the matchmaker, or the chimney peace is alone the gift of God, and it can
sweep. only be received from Him through obe-
dience to His laws. If any man wishes to
To ameliorate the condition of man, introduce peace into his family or among
there are a great many institutions in- his friends, let him cultivate it in his own
troduced into the world in the shape bosom; for sterling peace can only be had
of Tract Societies, Bible Societies, and according to the legitimate rule and au-
many more too numerous for me to thority of heaven, and obedience to its
name. Many of them are founded by sin- laws.
cere men, but commencing on the wrong Everything is disordered, and in con-
foundation, they keep wrong all the time, fusion in the world. The reason is be-
and fail to accomplish the object desired. cause no legitimate authority has been
If any one of these different institutions known or acknowledged on the earth.
were to carry out their own principles, Others have been trying to build up
they would not only fail in accomplish- and establish what they supposed to be
ing the object they have in view, but ulti- the kingdom of God. The socialists of
mately destroy themselves. France call themselves religious people,
and they also expect to bring about a
There are Peace Societies among the reign of glory through a species of Robe-
rest; their object is to bring peace into spierreism. I was told by a man well ac-
the world, without the Spirit of God. quainted with matters of fact in relation
They see plainly that peace is desir- to these things, that if they gained the
able, but they wish to graft it onto a ascendancy in France, their first object
rotten stock. In Europe they had a would be to erect a statue to Robespierre.
"Peace Congress," and sent their rep- They were going to cut off thousands
resentatives to all parts of the world; of people, to accomplish their designs:
and of course this "Congress of Peace" and had not Napoleon taken active mea-
wished to regulate the world, make an sures to head them, bands of men
end of war, and bring in universal peace. were ready on a moment's warning to

cut off the heads of thousands, and emanate from God, principles that are
among these, I was informed, fifty thou- calculated to elevate man in time and
sand priests were doomed. through all eternity. How shall this be?
These are some of the principles and It will be by a legitimate rule, authority,
ideas that exist in the world, among the and dominion.
various nations and institutions of men,
which are framed according to illegiti- Who have we for our ruling power?
mate principles. A change of government
Where and how did he obtain his author-
changes not the condition of the people,
ity? Or how did any in this Church and
for all are wrong, and acting without kingdom obtain it? It was first obtained
by a revelation from the Lord of the Uni-
Our ideas are, that the time has come verse, by the opening of the heavens, by
to favor God's people; a time about which the voice of God, and by the minister-
Prophets spoke in pathetic strains, and
ing of holy angels. It is by the voice of
poets sung. These men of God looked God and the voice of the people, that our
through the dark vista of future ages,
present President obtained his author-
and being wrapped in prophetic vision,
ity. Many people in the world are talk-
beheld the latter-day glory—the time of ing about misrule and misgovernment.
the dispensation of the fulness of times,
If there is any form of government un-
spoken of by all the holy Prophets since der the heavens where we can have legit-
the world began; for they all looked imate rule and authority, it is among the
forward with joyful anticipations to the
Saints. In the first place, we have a man
things which have commenced with us; appointed by God, and, in the second
they all had their eye upon the time
place, by the people. This man is chosen
when legitimacy would obtain its proper
by yourselves, and every person raises
place upon the earth, in the shape of the his hand to sanction the choice. Here is
kingdom of God established in the world,
our President, Brigham Young, whom we
when all false rule and dominion would made choice of yesterday, who is he? He
be put down, and the kingdoms of this is the legitimate ruler among this peo-
world would become subject to God and
ple. Can anybody dispossess him? They
His Christ. These are the ideas that cannot, because it is his legitimate right,
they had, and these are the things we are
and he reigns in the hearts of the peo-
seeking to carry out.
ple. He obtains his authority first from
If we look at what illegitimacy has God, and secondly from the people; and
done in former times, we shall see the
if a man possesses five grains of com-
absolute necessity of the restitution spo- mon sense, when he has a privilege of
ken of by the Prophets, for it has filled voting for or against a man, he will not
the earth with evil, it has caused the
vote for a man that oppresses the people;
world to groan in bondage, laid millions he will vote according to the dictates of
in the cold embrace of death, and caused
his conscience, for this is the right and
disease to spread its pestiferous breath
duty of this people in the choice of their
among the nations, leaving ruin, misery, President, and other leading officers of
and desolation in its path, and made this
fair earth a howling wilderness. And
the kingdom of God. While this is be-
nothing but the wisdom and intelligence ing done here, it is being done in every
of God can change it. The kingdom part of the world, wherever the Church
of God will establish truth and correct of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has
principles—the principles of truth, equity, a footing. Is there a monarch, potentate,
and justice; in short, the principles that or power under the heavens that under-

goes a scrutiny as fine as this? No there

of legitimacy. God is our legitimate
is not; and yet this is done twice a year,
Father, and we are His children, and
before all the Saints in the world. Herehave a claim upon Him, and He has a
are legitimacy and rule. You place the claim upon us. We have come into this
power in their hands to govern, dictate,world to accomplish a certain purpose,
and we have come in the dispensation of
regulate, and put in order the affairs of
the kingdom of God. This is, Vox Dei the fulness of times, when God decreed
vox populi. God appoints, the people to gather all things together into one,
sustain. You do this by your own act; whether they be things in heaven or on
very well, then, it is legitimate, and must
earth; and everything that has been in
stand, and every man is bound to abide existence in any age of the world, or that
it if it takes the hair off his head. I is, or will be, which is calculated to ben-
know there are things sometimes that efit and exalt man, we shall have; conse-
are hard, tough, and pinching; but if a quently it is for us to look after anything
man is a man of God, he has his eyes and everything that ever has been true,
or that has ever been developed in any
upon eternal things, and is aiming to ac-
complish the purposes of God, and all period of the history of man, for it all be-
will be well with him in the end. longs to us, and has got to be restored,
What advantage is there, then, be- for restitution means bringing back that
tween this government and others? Why, which is lost. If the Antediluvians en-
we have peace, and as eternal beings joyed anything that was good, true, and
we have a knowledge of eternal things. eternal, which is not yet made known
While listening to the remarks made on to us, it has to be restored; or if any-
this stand, what have we not heard— thing existed among the ancient Patri-
what have we not known? The curtains archs and Prophets, that has been lost,
of heaven have been withdrawn, and we it has to be restored. If there are any
have gazed as by vision upon eternal re-people of God upon any detached part of
alities. While, in the professing world,this world, they with it have got to be re-
doubt and uncertainty throw their dark stored. God's word will also be gathered
mantle over every mind. into one, and His people and the Jews
will hear the words of the Nephites, and
Let us now notice our political posi-
tion in the world. What are we going to the Ten Tribes must hear the words of
do? We are going to possess the earth. the Jews and Nephites, and God's peo-
Why? Because it belongs to Jesus Christ,ple be gathered and be one. All things
and he belongs to us, and we to him; we will be gathered in one, and Zion be re-
are all one, and will take the kingdom deemed, the glory of God be revealed,
and possess it under the whole heavens, and all flesh see it together. God's domin-
and reign over it forever and ever. Now,ion will be established on the earth, the
ye kings and emperors, help yourselves, law go forth from Zion, and the word of
the Lord from Jerusalem, and the king-
if you can. This is the truth, and it may
as well be told at this time as at any doms of this world will become subject to
other. God and His Christ.
"There's a good time coming, Saints, As eternal beings, then, we existed
A good time coming, with our Father in the eternal worlds.
There's a good time coming, Saints, We came on to this earth, and ob-
Wait a little longer," tained tabernacles, that through tak-
Having said so much on this ing possession of them, and passing
point, we will return to the principle through a scene of trial, and tribula-

tion, and suffering, we might be exalted days; the weary wheels of life stand still,
to more glory, dignity, and power, than and he goes to the world of spirits. He
would have been possible for us to obtain believed in the principles of justice, eq-
had we not been placed in our present uity, righteousness, and truth, and that
position. If any of you do not believe this, his rights would be held sacred to him
let me refer you to a passage of Scripture by his brethren after he was gone. But
or two. How was man created at first? some professed man of God comes to his
We are told that God made man a little widow, and wants to steal her away from
lower than the angels; then says Paul, him; he would rob the dead with im-
"Know ye not that we shall judge angels." punity, under the ostensible garb of jus-
What through? It is through the atone- tice to her and her dead husband; he will
ment of Jesus Christ, through the tak- tell her he is doing it out of pure love
ing of our bodies, the powers of the holy to them both, and he is going to exalt
Priesthood, and the resurrection of Jesus them in the kingdom of God. We read
Christ that we shall obtain a higher ex- of the kingdom of God suffering violence;
altation than it would have been possible if violence is ever attempted, it is in a
for us to enjoy, if we had not fallen. To do case of this kind. It is bad enough to
right in our present state, then, we must steal from a man his earthly property,
carry out the principle of legitimacy ac- his oxen, his cow, his horse, his harness,
cording to a correct rule, and, if we pro- his wagon wheels, and other parapher-
fess to be subjects of the kingdom of God, nalia; but what think you of a man that
we must be subject to the dominion, rule, would rob the dead of a treasure which
legitimacy, and authority of God. No per- he holds the most dear, and prized as
son can escape from this, unless he apos- the most precious thing he possessed on
tatizes, and goes to the devil, like a fool. earth—his affectionate wife! Such a per-
He must be a fool who would barter away son will assuredly miss his figure.
eternal life, thrones, principalities, and You will find in the ancient laws of Is-
powers in the eternal world, for the pal- rael, there were proper rules in relation
try trash which exists in the shape of to these matters; one was, that if a man
wealth and worldly honor: to let go his died without a child, his brother or the
chance of heaven and of God, of being a nearest relation of the husband should
King and Priest unto Him, of living and take the widow; and raise up seed to her
reigning forever, and of standing among husband, that his name might be con-
the chiefs of Israel. I cannot help call- tinued in Israel, and not be blotted out.
ing such men fools, for they are damned Where did these laws come from? We are
now in making such a choice, and will be told they came from God. But instead of
hereafter. doing this, suppose he should try to steal
this woman away, and rob his brother—
I will say a little more on legitimacy how would he get along, I wonder, with
and right to rule. What would be the po- such a case against him, at the bar of
sition of a man who would take a course justice? The laws and ordinances that
to rob his neighbor, or take advantage of exist in the eternal world have their pat-
him in the case of his legitimacy, which tern in the things which are revealed to
you have heard of this morning? Such the children of men on earth. The Priest-
a man must be a greater fool than the hood as it exists on the earth is a pattern
other. For instance, a good man dies, who of things in heaven. As I said in a for-
has served God in righteousness all his mer part of this discourse, Priesthood is

legitimate rule, whether on earth or or in offspring, that shall be great, and clothed
heaven. When we have the true Priest- with the mighty power of God, to rule in
hood on earth, we take it with us into His kingdom, and accomplish the work
the heavens; it changes not, but contin- we propose they shall fulfil; and that
ues the same in the eternal world. when we go to sleep, we may sleep in
There is another feature of that an- peace, knowing that justice will be ad-
cient law which I will mention. It was ministered in righteousness. We shall
considered an act of injustice for the know that we have a claim upon our own
nearest relation not to take the wife of in the first resurrection; we shall know
the deceased; if he refused to do it, he that our wives and our children will be
was obliged to go before the Elders of Is- there to join us, justice will be adminis-
rael, and his brother's wife shall loose his tered, and we shall have a claim upon
shoe from off his foot, and spit in his face, them in the eternal world, and that no
and shall answer and say, "So shall it be unprincipled scoundrel will be permitted
done unto the man that will not build up to set his foot on another, or rob him of
his brother's house; and his name shall his just claims. Why is a woman sealed
be called in Israel, The house of him who to a man for time and all eternity? Be-
hath his shoe loosed." If the restitution of cause there is legitimate power on earth
all things is to be brought to pass, there to do it. This power will bind on earth
must be a restitution of these things; and in heaven; it can loose on earth,
everything will be put right, and in its and it is loosed in heaven; it can seal on
proper place. earth, and it is sealed in heaven. There
is a legitimate, authorized agent of God
There is another thing which is most
upon earth; this sealing power is regu-
grievous, afflicting, and distressing to
lated by him; hence what is done by that,
contemplate. When a man takes to him-
is done right, and is recorded. When the
self a woman that properly belongs to an-
books are opened, everyone will find his
other, and defiles her, it interferes with
proper mate, and have those that belong
the fountain of life, and corrupts the very
to him, and everyone will be deprived of
source of existence. There is an offspring
that which is surreptitiously obtained.
comes forth as the fruit of that union,
Let us do righteously, and you who
and that offspring is an eternal being—
would seek to injure another and take
how can it be looked upon? To reflect
advantage of one who was just and
upon it, wounds the finest feelings of hu-
faithful to his God in his day, how
man nature in time, and will in eter-
would you like, when you get a few
nity. For who can gaze upon the degra-
years older and drop into eternity, for
dation of their wife, and the corruption of
somebody to come and serve you the
their seed, without peculiar sensations?
same? You could not expect anything
How much more is this feeling enhanced
else, you could not die without being
when the wronged man considers that he
menaced by this supposition, and your
has been robbed by one who professed to
dying pillow would be made unhappy,
be his friend? This thing is not to be tri-
you would know you had done wrong,
fled with, but is of the greatest impor- and would expect somebody to measure to
tance; hence the necessity of the seal- you the same measure pressed down, shook
ing powers, that all things may be pure, together, and running over.
chastity maintained, and lasciviousness We have been told to preach
be rooted out from among the Saints. confidence—correct principles and just
Why so? That we may have a holy dealings alone will inspire it. If a

man speaks that which is not true about first resurrection. Nothing contrary to
another, can you have confidence in him? the authority, rule, and government of
No. If a man defrauds another, can you heaven, will stand in time or in eter-
have confidence in him? No, But if you nity; and if any man wants to be blessed
would, through a principle of covetous- and honored, and to obtain a high place
ness, seek to sap the foundation of an- in the eternal world, let him pursue
other's happiness, by trying to wrench a course of honor, righteousness, and
from him those sacred rights which per- virtue before his God; and if he wants to
tain to his interest in the eternal world, find himself amongst usurpers, defraud-
how much greater will be your condem- ers, oppressors, and those in possession
nation? Nothing but truth, integrity, of illegitimate claims, let him take an
virtue, honor, and every pure princi- opposite course. If time would permit,
ple, will stand in the great day of God much more might be said about social,
Almighty. If such a person happens family, and individual legitimate rights;
to get through this world, he will find but as time hastens, I forbear for the
barriers in the next, and probably miss present.
a chance of obtaining a place in the Well, brethren and sisters, may God
bless you. Amen.


L AKE C ITY, J ULY 24, 1853.


I feel disposed to occupy a portion of life that concern myself as an individual,

time this morning. I am happy.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ, as it is
I have no doubt but the people, who given in the Old and New Testaments,
are Saints, are much edified by the the Book of Mormon, the Book of Doc-
preaching and exhortations given from trine and Covenants, and in the ex-
this stand. Were I to speak for myself, perience of every true Christian who
I could truly say, I am glad, I rejoice, and has lived and still lives upon the earth,
I feel exceedingly happy, when preach- teaches that it is the privilege of ev-
ing myself, and when listening to preach- ery Saint so to live and walk before
ing, exhortations, and prayer, and when their God, as to enjoy the light of the
associating with the Saints in other oc- spirit of truth from day to day, from
cupations and pursuits of life. Also in week to week, and from year to year,
a family capacity, in our family prayer through their whole lives. Without this
meetings, and in all the avocations of privilege in the Gospel, connected with

the gifts of the Holy Ghost, I should be that we only begin to see the dawning
inclined to believe that the religion that of truth through the deep mantle of ig-
is taught in the Bible and in the Book norance in which we are enveloped. To
of Mormon, would amount to nothing those who live faithfully in their duty
more than a mere phantom—an imagi- as Saints of God, and continue to serve
nary thing. It would be inadequate to Him, time will develop that the Latter-
satisfy, in any degree, the mind of man, day Saints—the best of them—the most
as it is now organized. intelligent among them, are still in ig-
norance, still wanting, still looking for
I can appeal to the experience of thou-
something more, still increasing, still
sands, as well as to my own, that the
growing; I say, time will develop to their
doctrine of the Savior is true, that the
satisfaction that at this stage of their ex-
history given in the New Testament is
istence they were in ignorance, but not
a true history, as far as it goes, of the
to the same degree as those who had not
feelings and the experience common to
had the privileges they enjoyed.
every variety of human life, and chimes
It is frequently observed—especially
with the experience of every true be-
by the Latter-day Saints—what a curios-
liever in Jesus Christ in all ages of the
ity it is, how singular that the Gospel
world, though the expression, "true be-
of Jesus Christ should have the effect
liever," needs qualifying, for many be-
upon the minds of the people that it does
lieve who do not obey—I will qualify it by
have. It is remarkable! It is strange!
saying, a believer in Jesus Christ, who
When people reflect upon it, they are
manifests his faith to God, angels, and
astonished that the Gospel of salvation
his brethren, by his obedience. Not but
should so disturb the feelings, the quiet,
that there are believers who do not obey,
the peace of the community. Does it have
but the only true believers are they who
this effect upon the world? Your own ob-
prove their belief by their obedience to
servation enables you to answer in the
the requirements of the Gospel.
affirmative. It is a true saying of the Sav-
It is a special privilege and blessing ior's, that he came not into the world to
of the holy Gospel to every true believer, make peace, to unite the whole people,
to know the truth for himself. For ora- but to make division. He came for the ex-
tors to speak to us, Prophets to expound press purpose of dividing the righteous
the law, and teach us doctrine, for the from the wicked. This formed as much
special purpose of giving us comfort, is a part of his holy ministry as any other
not particularly required; but in the re- part of the will of his Father.
flections and meditations of the mind in We see this principle verified from
contemplating the things of God and the days of old. It was demonstrated in
rich treasures of infinite wisdom, which the very commencement of the peo-
are opened to the children of men who pling of the earth. How soon an op-
obey the Gospel, they enjoy a continual position was introduced in the morn-
feast to the soul. This is the privilege ing of creation, when righteousness
of Latter-day Saints, it is the privilege of was proclaimed, when truth was re-
the whole world, as quick as the knowl- vealed, when the light and knowl-
edge of God can be disseminated among edge of eternity shone with lustrous
the people. It is true, the world groans beauty upon Adam and his children,
in darkness. They are bound with the Cain must rise up and slay his brother,
fetters of unbelief, error, and ignorance, while they were walking with the Lord,
more than we are; yet we can say truly, while He visited them from day to

day, administered to them, conversed The Gospel of salvation is perfectly

with them, preached to them, and gave calculated to cause division. It strikes at
them instruction, as I and my brethren the root of the very existence of mankind
instruct you from this stand. He taught in their wickedness, evil designs, pas-
them how to live, how to order their sions, and wicked calculations. There is
course, and acted in all points like a ten- no evil among the human family, but at
der and affectionate parent, yet at the the foundation of which it strikes effectu-
same time there must be an opposition. ally, and comes in contact with every evil
It is very true had not sin entered passion that rises in the heart of man. It
into the world, and opposition been in- is opposed to every evil practice of men,
troduced, death would not have entered. and consequently it disturbs them in the
From that time to this, death, opposition, wicked courses they are pursuing.
selfishness, malice, anger, pride, dark-
ness, and wickedness of every descrip- When the Gospel which was preached
tion that could be invented by the chil- by Jesus and His Apostles was preached
dren of men, as they have multiplied to the children of Israel by Moses, it cre-
and spread abroad on the earth, have in- ated the same effect among them. When
creased. Yes, verily, they have increased. he taught them to forsake their sins, to
And the days that we, as Christians, forsake every evil principle and practice
call the days of darkness and ignorance, of their lives, and turn to the Lord with
were days of light, knowledge, and intel- all their hearts, it created such a divi-
ligence, to exceed that which we enjoy in sion that Moses could not establish the
this age. Gospel among them, after all the kind-
We discover that the Gospel of life ness the Lord had shown towards them,
and salvation is perfectly calculated to though He brought them out of Egypt
disturb the wicked. Shall we say they with a high hand, dividing the sea, caus-
are at peace? Are they in happi- ing the water to gush out of the dry
ness? Are they enjoying that which rock to quench their thirst, manna to fall
their hearts desire? We can truly say from heaven to satisfy their hunger, and
they are seeking for it as well as they quails to satisfy their desire for flesh. He
know how, but the result is, the in- also ordained that their clothing should
crease of wickedness upon the earth, not wax old, nor their shoes wear out for
and the increased unhappiness of the the space of forty years. They did not
human family. Mankind, indeed, can- have to plough, to reap, or gather into
not be happy unless they are first mis- barns, as we do. Notwithstanding this
erable; they cannot be easy, they can- manifestation of the goodness of their
not be at rest and feel comfortable, un- God, he could not establish the Gospel
less they are first in pain; they cannot among them, and was obliged to give
be joyful, unless they are first in sor- them a law of carnal commandments.
row. Refer, for instance, to your own Why did not the Lord destroy them, see-
dispositions, to the fallen nature that ing they were so very wicked? He did;
is in you. When passion rises within and out of all who left Egypt, only two
you, can you satisfy your feelings unless went into the land of Canaan—Joshua
you give way to them, to the injury of and Caleb.
yourselves and others? You cannot sit
down and feel at rest unless you can sa- Whenever the Gospel is preached
tiate the burning vengeance of passion, in towns, cities, country places, or in
by reeking your vengeance upon some any community who are in darkness,
person, or upon some helpless animal. it never fails to bring light; it mani-

fests their ignorance; it distracts them, brace it, and then it will divide those
and annoys their peace. They say, "I who embrace it from those who reject
supposed I was wise, happy, comfort- it. Christ and Belial cannot be made
able, and well enough off; but here comes friends, neither can the Church of Christ
something that informs me I am mis- and the worshippers of Belial unite to-
taken, that this and the other thing are gether. They cannot amalgamate. Con-
wrong. It reflects light upon my under- sequently, those who receive the Gospel
standing, and teaches me that my acts, with all their hearts, after believing the
while I live upon the earth, should tend testimony of God's servants, will divide
to the glory of God and the peace of themselves from those who do not re-
mankind. This naturally seems contrary ceive it. In this Gospel, life and salva-
to my feelings, disposition, passions, and tion are offered to every honest soul; in
traditions, and to everything about me, the world they find tribulation, but in Je-
except the reflection of truth upon my sus Christ peace. In obeying the Gospel
mind, which enlightens my understand- is comfort, but in the glory of the world,
ing, and teaches me to glorify God, and sadness and sorrow.
do good to my fellow creatures." If the inquiry should arise in our
The Gospel is not only calculated to minds, why it is that we are in the po-
divide the people, but it will divide sin sition we this morning occupy, it is very
from those who embrace it with a true easily answered and understood by ev-
heart. In the world we find goodness, ery person who understands the nature
honesty, humility, and prudence, which of the Gospel of Christ. It is because it is
are prompted by the motives of a good impossible to unite Christ and Belial—
heart. But virtue is trampled into the to unite righteousness with unrighteous-
dust, honesty and prudence are pointed ness, for they never can go hand in
at with the finger of scorn and derision! hand. Righteousness cannot become un-
We see almost every principle of righ- righteousness, and wickedness never can
teousness discarded. If the whole world inherit a righteous kingdom.
are not in this condition already, it needs The ancient Saints were and the
but a few steps more to lead them into Saints of latter days have been driven
the depths of it, and complete them in from pillar to post, their name a hiss
their rebellion against all good and its and a by-word, and their character tra-
Author. duced to the lowest degree. I will appeal
It is the darkness upon the earth, to men in this congregation, who have
the gross darkness that broods over the lived for years in the society of the world,
minds of the people, that leads them into who are judges, magistrates, sheriffs,
error, wickedness, and destruction, yet merchants, mechanics, and farmers, if
in the midst of this ignorance and aw- anything was ever alleged against their
ful corruption of the human mind, there character until they joined the Latter-
are to be found humility, goodness, and day Saints. But where are your char-
virtue. But what use is made of them? acters now in the world? Your former
They are destroyed; they are used ac- friends now have found out that you
cording to the wishes of the wicked, and always were miserable creatures, they
according to the designs of the evil de- now declare they never had any confi-
signer. This is almost universally the dence in you, for you always were enthu-
case. siastic beings, and knew not what you
The Gospel is calculated to divide were doing. They always believed you
this wickedness from those who em- would prove yourselves dishonest, &c.

This has been the character given to the price, and invite them to come and par-
Saints by the world in all ages. take of the waters of life freely. I de-
Suppose we now notice that part of clare the same. I am a believer in Jesus
the world called Christians, that pro- Christ, in God the Father, and in the doc-
fess to believe the Old and New Testa- trines of salvation as they are taught in
ment, King James' translation. They the Old and New Testaments, though not
say they believe this Bible, yet if you so pointedly in the Old as in the New. Yet
are in France, Germany, England, in the same principles of life and salvation
the United States, in the Canadas, in are set forth in both of these books, and
the islands of the sea, or no matter I believe them. Come, my brother B., do
where among the Christian nations, the you believe them? You reply, "Yes, and
moment you make it known that you have for these thirty years, twenty-seven
have embraced the Book of Mormon, of which I have been a preacher of the
and that you believe Joseph Smith is a Gospel. I believe in the Son of God, and
Prophet, they will at once accuse you in the Old and New Testaments." Well,
of throwing away the Bible, they will then, what in the world do you want to
publish abroad that you have become a quarrel with me for? "Because you are
"Latter-day Saint," "a Mormon," and con- not a believer, you have thrown away the
sequently have denied the Bible you for- Bible." You are mistaken, Mr. B.; for in-
merly believed, and have cast it entirely stead of that, I have learned wisdom, got
away. What is the reason of this, which I light, knowledge, and understanding, so
need not undertake to substantiate, for it that I know how to believe the Bible. I
is a fact that almost every person knows? ask you, brother B., how I must believe
Now, we ARE believers in the Bible, and the Bible, and how shall you and every
in consequence of our unshaken faith other follower of the Lord Jesus Christ
in its precepts, doctrine, and prophecy, believe it? "Brother Mormon, how do you
may be attributed "the strangeness of our believe it?" I believe it just as it is. I
course," and the unwarrantable conduct do not believe in putting any man's in-
of many towards this people. terpretation upon it, whatever, unless it
Come, my brother Presbyterian; should be directed by the Lord Himself
come, my brother professors of every in some way. I do not believe we need in-
persuasion of long standing and popular terpreters and expounders of the Scrip-
distinction in the world, who are dubbed tures, to wrest them from their literal,
with the word "O RTHODOX;" come, we plain, simple meaning.
are all good Christians; I find no fault
with you—why should you find fault
with me? But you reply, "I cannot be a Let us take up a point of Scripture,
Latter-day Saint, consequently we must and we will try to agree with Mr. B., and
be separated, and we cannot be brethren take him along with us a few moments,
any longer." and find out where we disagree. We read
Come, my good brother Methodist, in the Bible many things pertaining to
and my good brother Baptist, you are life and salvation. We first begin to read
free and open in your views and feel- that Jesus came in the flesh. Now to
ings, for you hold forth a free sal- touch that point, which I do not pur-
vation. This is a favorite doctrine pose to do but slightly this morning, I am
of the Methodists. They say sal- sure we shall disagree at the commence-
vation is handed out to all the hu- ment. But suppose I examine that,
man family, without money and without a moment. The New Testament tells

me that the Father gave His only be- has limbs that he can walk, for the Lord
gotten Son a ransom for the sins of the God walked in the garden in the cool
world. Do you believe that, brother B.? of the day. He conversed with His chil-
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the dren, as in the case of Moses at the fiery
only begotten Son of the Father? "Yes." bush, and with Abraham on the plains
Do you believe the Son was begotten by of Mamre. He also ate and drank with
the Father, as the Apostles said he was? Abraham and others. That is the God the
Here I shall have to disagree with you, "Mormons" believe in, but their very re-
to begin with; for I believe the Father ligious Christian brethren do not believe
came down from heaven, as the Apostles in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
said He did, and begat the Savior of the which is the God the Bible sets forth, as
world; for he is the ONLY begotten of the an organized corporeal being. In this one
Father, which could not be if the Father point, you can now clearly see wherein
did not actually beget him in person. we disagree.
You say, I have thrown away the New
"I cannot believe that, for he is a Testament. I say, I have not. You say,
God without body, parts, or passions; He I have sacrificed it for the Book of Mor-
has no person, therefore, I must disagree mon. I say, I have not. I have acknowl-
with you, brother Mormon." I believe the edged the Bible from the time I could be
Father came down in His tabernacle and taught by my parents to revere it. They
begat Jesus Christ. Mr. B. believes He taught me that it was the sacred word of
has no tabernacle. I believe He has a God. And as far as it could be translated
tabernacle, and begat Jesus Christ in correctly from the Hebrew and Greek
His express image and likeness, because languages, it is given to us as pure as
the Bible expressly declares it. You dis- it possibly could be given. The Bible is
believe it, because your priest and your mine, and I am not prepared to have you
mother have taught you it is not so. rob me of it, without my consent. The
When your mothers first read this Scrip- doctrine in it is mine, which I firmly be-
ture, it was so plain to their understand- lieve. I believe the Father begat the Son,
ings and to their children, that they un- and gave him to be a propitiation for the
derstood it as an angel would, but deacon sins of the world. I believe he died for
Jones must be called in to explain, and the redemption of man, and rose again
he explained it away. So I disagree with the third day.
you, Mr. B., in the first point we have no- Do you believe in the death and resur-
ticed, for you believe that God is without rection of Christ for the salvation of man,
body and parts, while the Bible declares Mr. B.? "Yes."
He has a corporeal body; that in His like- Again, I believe he endowed the Apos-
ness, precisely, He created Adam. The tles to go and preach the Gospel of life
priests of this age declare it is not so. and salvation to the world. For, said
The God Mr. B. believes in is without Jesus Christ, "Ye are my witnesses; go
body, parts, and passions. The God that and preach my resurrection from the
his "brother Mormon" believes in, is de- dead. Tell the people, the Father gave
scribed in the Bible as being a person- me for their sins; but in Adam all die,
age of tabernacle, having eyes to see, for but in me all shall again be made alive.
he that made the eye shall he not see? If they ask you what they shall do to
Having ears to hear, for his ears are open be saved, tell them what I have told
to hear the prayers of the righteous. He every other person who has been sa-

ved; that they can only be saved in acts of ter will wash away sins. It is no matter
obedience to prove they believe in me, in to me what they say; it is a command-
the Father, in heaven, in angels, and in ment of the Lord; there is no mistake in
you, that you are my servants and true it, it tells for itself. He says, Do thus and
believers in me. Tell them to go into the so, and your sins shall be washed away.
waters of baptism, and be baptized for I care not how they are taken away;
the remission of sins. That is the first or- whether an angel takes them to the Lord
dinance to be attended to after believing. to get forgiveness, whether they sink to
After they have manifested their faith in the bottom of the stream, or float on the
God the Father, in me, and in your words top, and be scattered to the four winds;
by their repentance, then immerse them He says, Go into the water and be bap-
in water in imitation of my burial, and tized, and they shall be washed away;
raise them up again out of the water, in which is enough for me. On this point
imitation of my resurrection." also the Christian world and the "Mor-
"Oh," says brother B., "I believe in mons" disagree. But I want to know if
baptism, but still I believe a person can we agree with the teachings of the Bible,
be saved purely by the blood of Jesus, in our belief and practice. The Latter-
without the first drop of water." But Je- day Saints believe in doing just what the
sus told them to go into all the world, Lord has told them to do in this book. If
and preach the Gospel to every creature; they go forth and are baptized for the re-
he that believeth and is baptized shall be mission of sins, their sins are remitted to
saved, and he that believeth not shall be them, if they go with all good conscience,
damned. calculating to serve the Lord all the rest
"And do you believe it is absolutely of their days.
necessary to be baptized in order to be
saved? I cannot believe that." This is an- What next? Jesus instructed his ser-
other point wherein you and I differ, Mr. vants, after they had baptized believers,
B. You cannot say with a good grace, you to lay their hands upon them for the gift
believe the Bible, while in your works of the Holy Ghost. We believe in that.
you deny it. I not only say I believe, but What do you believe concerning it, Mr.
prove it by my works. I go and submit to B.? "Why, I believe it is necessary to
be baptized for the remission of sins, as I give up our hearts to God." We believe
am commanded. that, as much as you do. "I believe in go-
"But, brother Mormon, do you really ing to our great meetings, to our prayer
suppose that water will wash away your meetings, and protracted meetings, and
sins?" I will tell you what I suppose. I camp meetings, and reformation meet-
suppose THE L ORD SAID IT WOULD, and ings; for they are got up for the pur-
further it is none of my business. Bap- pose of exciting the feelings of the peo-
tism has been instituted for the remis- ple; I believe in going there and strug-
sion of sins; I therefore do it to take away gling with the Lord for the forgiveness
my sins; if there is any guilt in this, it of sins." We do not care how long or how
rests upon the Author of it, and not upon loud you pray; you may pray loud enough
me. Paul was told to be baptized TO to break up the roof of the house, and
WASH AWAY HIS SINS . send it to the four winds, but are you go-
My Christian brethren in the world ing to get the forgiveness of sins in this
say it is a piece of folly—a species of way? "O yes, brother Mormon, do you
extreme nonsense, to believe that wa- not see the world is almost evangelized

by our meetings, our tract societies, and got this great power, and can heal the
our missionary societies. We are going sick by the laying on of hands, come with
to convert the world in that way. I was me and heal the sick in our neighbor-
converted so, and I am trying with all hood; or how is it that any of you Mor-
my might to convert others in the same mons die at all?" Take your time, Mr. B.
way. We tell sinners to go to the anxious The Bible teaches me I am dust, and to
seat to get remission of their sins." Here dust I must return. It is not for me to
is where we differ again. You tell them to thwart the plans of Jehovah, or do away
go to the anxious seat to get forgiveness; with any item of doctrine the Lord has
Christ, his Apostles, and we, tell them to taught me. From dust I am, and to dust
be baptized for the remission of sins. You I must return. So it is with the rest of
also tell them to go to the anxious seat to us, we shall all die and be buried in the
get the Holy Ghost; we tell them to re- silent grave, unless we can obtain faith
ceive it by the laying on of hands, as the sufficient to overcome death. We die be-
Bible instructs us. cause we have not conquered death, hell,
"Well, Mr. Mormon, and do you actu- and the grave. But if we continue obey-
ally receive the Holy Ghost in that way?" ing the Gospel, you will see the time
Yes, we do. If you call for testimony to when we will have that power.
substantiate this, we can give the high- Here again we disagree, as to the re-
est, the testimony of Jesus Christ. He ception of the gift of the Holy Ghost.
said to his ancient servants, "Go ye into Mr. B. converts people with long prayers
all the world and preach the Gospel to and loud shouting; we convert people
every creature. He that believeth and is by preaching repentance, and baptizing
baptized shall be saved; and he that be- them for the remission of sins, and laying
lieveth not shall be damned. And these on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost;
signs shall follow them that believe; In which spirit broods over them continu-
my name shall they cast out devils; they ally for their good, heals their bodies, en-
shall speak with new tongues; they shall lightens their minds, and makes them
take up serpents; and if they drink any humble, meek, and harmless as little
deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they children. When a person receives the
shall lay hands on the sick, and they Holy Ghost by legal authority, he is like
shall recover." We appeal to thousands in a child in its mother's lap; all is harmony,
this Church, who can testify to the fulfil- praise to God, and good will to the chil-
ment of this quotation. At any rate, for dren of men on the earth. He is full of
one I am here to testify to hundreds of in- peace, comfort, and salvation, and feels
stances, of men, women, and children be- like crying hallelujah all the time. He
ing healed by the power of God, through is perfectly humble and passive, and the
the laying on of hands: and many I Lord can do with him as He pleases. Will
have seen raised from the gates of death, this state of feeling always remain? Will
and brought back from the verge of eter- passion ever rise again? Yes; for you then
nity; and some whose spirits had actu- commence a warfare, though the Com-
ally left their bodies, returned again. I forter fills your heart, making you rejoice
testify that I have seen the sick healed in God your Savior, with the atmosphere
by the laying on of hands, according to of your existence clear and unclouded;
the promise of the Savior. this is not to continue, but soon the
"Well," says Mr. B., "if you have day of trial and temptation darkens the

fair prospect, to teach you to lean on the great object of their existence. They also
Lord, and to overcome the world. Under comprehend the designs of the wicked
the influence of the Holy Ghost I have one, and the designs of those who serve
felt as happy as I possibly could feel, my him; they comprehend the designs of
heart has been full of joy; I cling to that, the Almighty in forming the earth, and
and hold fast to the promise of the Lord mankind upon it, and the ultimate pur-
in the hour of temptation, and call upon pose of all His creations. It leads them to
Him to give me strength to overcome. drink at the fountain of eternal wisdom,
I must break from the thread of my justice, and truth; they grow in grace,
discourse here, and say—Husbands, is and in the knowledge of the truth as it
that the way you do? Wives, do you is in Jesus Christ, until they see as they
adopt that plan when passion arises in are seen, and know as they are known.
your hearts against each other? Do you "What!" says Mr. B., "a man or a
call upon the name of Jesus Christ, and woman have revelation in these days—in
say, "Father, I ask thee for the gift of this enlightened age!" Yes, my brethren
thy Spirit to conquer this rising passion;" and sisters here, both men and women,
or do you give way to it, and scold at have revelation, and I can say with
your wives, or at your children, in bitter Moses of old—"Would God that all the
and vindictive language? I say, shame Lord's people were prophets." But in this
on that man who will give way to his point we disagree.
passions, and use the name of God or of Mr. B. is a stormer to preach, and
Christ to curse his ox or his horse, or any to work upon the sympathies of the peo-
creature which God has made; it is a dis- ple, and especially upon the tender feel-
grace to him. ings of the female portion of his congre-
gation. He will tell about their children
After this short digression, I will dying, and picture out the sufferings of
again resume the thread of my subject. the poor, little, tender creatures. He
You remember the points upon which will tell about their husbands dying, and
we disagree with our brother Christians; about wives dying, and how they are ly-
our disagreement is mutual; they dis- ing in the lowly and silent grave. Add to
agree as much with us as we with them. this subject, which is so thrilling to the
The Bible leads us to disagree with all sensations of mortals, a peculiar trem-
the Christian nations, and then with all bling, plaintive tone, and perhaps accom-
the world. It has drawn the line of de- panied with a shower of tears streaming
marcation between those who serve God down the preacher's face, and it is well
and those who serve Him not. calculated to disturb the equilibrium of
The Holy Ghost takes of the Father, the naturally tenderhearted, throw them
and of the Son, and shows it to the disci- into tears and sobs, and make them sup-
ples. It shows them things past, present, pose it is the operations of the Holy
and to come. It opens the vision of the Spirit, when in reality there is not one
mind, unlocks the treasures of wisdom, word of common sense or saving truth in
and they begin to understand the things all the preaching.
of God; their minds are exalted on high; Again, they will walk up into the
their conceptions of God and His cre- pulpit and pray for God the Father
ations are dignified, and "Hallelujah to to descend into their midst, for Jesus
God and the Lamb in the highest," is Christ and angels to mingle in their
the constant language of their hearts. company, and be one with them. They
They comprehend themselves and the will pray for a Pentecostal shower of

the Holy Ghost, whereas, in very deed, written, but we have a very pretty in-
the persons who want the Holy Ghost, terpretation which suits us much bet-
angels, the Son, the Father, and all ter than the plain text. And further-
heaven in their midst, when they have more we have a sweeping argument that
done praying, will straightway tell the will destroy all your system from begin-
people that God does not give the Holy ning to end, and prove there is to be
Ghost, and that there is no such thing no more revelation." Let us look at the
in these days as revelation; that Joseph passage here referred to. John, while
Smith was an impostor because he pro- upon the Isle of Patmos, had a revela-
fessed to have received new revelation; tion which he wrote, and he concluded
that the Latter-day Saints are all impos- the same by saying, "For I testify unto
tors, and have thrown away the Old and every man that heareth the words of the
New Testaments; that they are danger- prophecy of this book, if any man shall
ous persons; and advise their hearers to add unto these things, God shall add
keep away from them, or they are sure unto him the plagues that are written
to be deluded, and carried away with in this book; and if any man shall take
their false doctrines; that they are the away from the words of the book of this
most wicked and dangerous people on prophecy, God shall take away his part
the earth, &c. out of the book of life, and out of the holy
Well, Mr. B., on this point you and city, and from the things which are writ-
I disagree. We believe the New Testa- ten in this book." When this book, the
ment, and consequently, to be consistent, Bible, was compiled, it was selected by
we must believe in new revelation, vi- the council of Carthage from a pile of
sions, angels, in all the gifts of the Holy books more than this pulpit could hold,
Ghost, and all the promises contained in which has been printed, and bound in
these books, and believe it about as it almost all shapes and sizes, and called
reads. We give great credit to the Apos- the Bible. John's revelation was one of
tles, translators, and the fathers that the many books destined by that coun-
have preserved and handed down the cil to form the Bible. And the saying
Bible to us, their children, and defended which we have quoted, and which consti-
it through blood and fire. In this they tutes the sweeping argument of modern
have certainly bequeathed a great bless- Christians against new revelation, only
ing to the world, if they will be guided by alludes to this particular book, which
the plain instructions contained in that was to be kept sacred, as the word of
book. the Lord to John, and not to the whole
The Latter-day Saints understand Bible; nor does it prohibit the Saints in
the Bible as it reads, but the generality his day, or the Saints in any future time,
of modern Christians disagree with us, from getting new revelation for them-
and say it needs interpreting. They can- selves. That is not all; if we turn to the
not believe our Lord means what he says writings of Moses, we find the same sen-
in the 16th chapter of Mark, when he timent, and almost the same language
tells his Apostles to go "into all the world, used. Moses says, "Ye shall not add
and preach the Gospel to every creature. unto the word which I command you,
He that believeth and is baptized shall neither shall ye diminish ought from it,
be saved; but he that believeth not shall that ye may keep the commandments
be damned. And these signs shall fol- of the Lord your God which I command
low them that believe," &c. "Now," say you." So if such quotations are given
they, "we cannot believe that as it is with the intent to shut the heavens,

and put an end to all new revelation, seen, where you may converse with Je-
then the revelations given to Prophets sus Christ, have the visitation of angels,
who arose after Moses, and the revela- have dreams, visions, and revelations,
tions given to Jesus Christ and his Apos- and understand and know God for your-
tles, including John and his revelation on selves. Is it not a stay and a staff to you?
the Isle of Patmos, all amount to noth- Yes: it will prove to you that you are fol-
ing, and are not worthy of our notice. lowing in the footsteps of the ancients.
This "sweeping argument," when it is ex- You can see what they saw, understand
amined, sweeps away rather too much; what they understood, and enjoy what
besides, John's Gospel and his epistle they enjoyed.
to his brethren were written after he
wrote his revelation on the Isle of Pat- Is this throwing the Bible away? No,
mos, consequently he would destroy his not at all; but it adds faith to faith, virtue
own system; but it sets forth the igno- to virtue, knowledge to knowledge, light
rance and shortsightedness of those who to light, truth to truth; for truth em-
have not the testimony of Jesus, which is braces truth, light cleaves to light, and
the spirit of prophecy. every holy principle cleaveth to its own.
In this we disagree. They say that We have always differed in these items.
the Bible needs interpreting; that it does I have always, from my first expe-
not mean what it sets forth; that the rience, been ready to talk, converse,
Holy Ghost has not been given since the and exchange ideas with every man and
days of the Apostles; that there is no woman in whose society I have chanced
need of any more revelation, the canon to be thrown. I say to all parties, I have
of Scripture being full. My KNOWLEDGE no quarrels with you, no contentions, but
is, if you will follow the teachings of Je- I am willing to exhibit my belief before
sus Christ and his Apostles, as recorded you, for it is the doctrine of the New Tes-
in the New Testament, every man and tament, which is also the doctrine of the
woman will be put in possession of the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Doc-
Holy Ghost; every person will become a trine and Covenants, which books con-
Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and an ex- tain the revelations of Jesus Christ, and
pounder of truth. They will know things lead to eternal life. I give them to you
that are, that will be, and that have freely. If you have got anything extra,
been. They will understand things in and worth more than what I have, why
heaven, things on the earth, and things not be willing to give to me as I am to
under the earth, things of time, and give to you? Have you got true principles
things of eternity, according to their sev- of Christianity? They are also mine. I
eral callings and capacities. never had any occasion to have a quarrel
There is one idea entertained by the or debate with any man.
"Mormons" which is somewhat of a stum-
blingblock to the people, and apostates You say you belong to the Presbyteri-
handle it to suit their purpose. It is, ans; it is no matter if you have got the
that we consider the Bible merely as a truth. Are you a Calvinist, or a Wes-
guide or fingerboard, pointing to a cer- leyan? It is no matter, if you have got
tain destination. This is a true doc- the truth; that truth is also mine. Do
trine, which we boldly advance. If you you belong to the Methodist's society?
will follow the doctrines, and be guided And have you got the truth? It is right,
by the precepts, of that book, it will di- that truth is "Mormonism," it is my prop-
rect you where you may see as you are erty. Are you a Quaker? It is no matter,

if you have the truth, that same truth is to Saints and sinners: there is the New
mine. Are you a Catholic, and have got Testament; you may leave out the Book
the truth? That is my doctrine, and I will of Mormon, and the Book of Doctrine
not quarrel about it. and Covenants, and follow the precepts
"Well," says one, "I am a Jew; I guess of that book faithfully, and I will warrant
I can get up a quarrel with you." No, you you to arrive at salvation.
cannot. I shall not contend with you, for
the Jews have got true principles, and "That is what we have believed all
they possess no truth but what belongs the time," say some; "we never did be-
to "Mormonism;" for there is not a truthlieve in gathering to the Salt Lake Val-
on earth or in heaven, that is not em- ley; we have always believed the Lord
braced in "Mormonism." could save us in our own land as well
Another steps forward and says, "I as in America. Cannot the Lord save
am a Pagan; I think you will not agree us in England as well as in that far off
with me." Yes I will, as far as you fol-distant valley? And we never thought
low the path of truth; and when you haveit was very necessary to embrace the
got to the end of that, I will give you Book of Mormon." But if you will fol-
low up the testimony of that book (the
more truth; but if you reject it, it is your
own business, and not mine. I will not New Testament), and square your lives
ask any person to embrace anything that strictly by its doctrines, precepts, and
is not in the New Testament, until they commandments, you will come to me and
have asked God if it is true or untrue, say, "Brother Brigham, baptize me, that
I may receive the Holy Ghost, for the
who will satisfy them if they ask in faith
Lord has told me that I must be bap-
nothing doubting. I will not ask any per-
son to embrace the Book of Mormon and tized for the remission of my sins by one
the Doctrine and Covenants, to believe who has authority; and the Latter-day
that we talk with God and angels, un- Saints hold the keys of the kingdom;"
and by that means find out that the Book
til they find out the truth of it for them-
of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith
selves. If you say you believe it, because
was a true Prophet of the Lord, that an
I say it is true, and never seek to know it
for yourselves, my testimony will do youangel from heaven administered to him,
that the Latter-day Saints have got the
very little good. For me to say, I believe
in Christ, and not obey the Gospel, willtrue Gospel, that John the Baptist came
to Joseph Smith and committed to him
do me very little good; to say that Joseph
Smith was a Prophet, and not obey his the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood; and
Gospel, would not profit me. that Peter, James, and John also came
This may be considered strong lan- to him, and gave him the keys of the
Melchizedek Priesthood, which is after
guage. But I will say further: if I attain
to the knowledge of all true principles the order of the Son of God. "And now,
that have ever existed, and do not gov- brother Brigham, Joseph has sent an an-
ern myself by them, they will damn me gel to me, who has told me all about it,
deeper in hell than if I had never knownand I am going with you to the Salt Lake
anything about them. Valley in the mountains." So by faithfully
I have noticed a few principles upon attending to the first principles of the
which the Christian world so called, Gospel laid down in the New Testament,
and the Latter-day Saints, disagree. you are introduced into the knowledge of
Now let me say to you, my hearers, the works of God in the dispensation of

the fulness of times. I say to the Chris- pense of their brethren. I would not give
tian world, all this is as true as the Lord much for the exaltation of such men, un-
God liveth; but is this my testimony to less they seek to do good for this peo-
convert anybody? No. Nevertheless it is ple, and the people immediately around
verily true. them. The Lord does not thank you for
If the Christian world would follow your alms, long prayers, sanctimonious
the instructions of the New Testament, speeches, and long faces, if you refuse
they would believe the doctrines of the to extend the hand of benevolence and
Latter-day Saints: and our swords would charity to your fellow creatures, and lift
be beaten into plowshares, and our them up, and encourage and strengthen
spears into pruninghooks, and we should the feeble, while they are contending
hail each other as brethren. All quar- against the current of mortal ills.
relling upon these plains would come to
Cease your anger, and sullenness of
an end, and all desire to injure each
temper, and serve the Lord with cheer-
other would cease. The word in each per-
fulness, and singleness of heart. You
son's mouth would be "Brother, what can
need not expect salvation, except you can
I do for you? Have I anything you need,
administer the same salvation to others,
that I can serve you with, which is neces-
both in precept and example. If you ex-
sary to administer to your sick wife and
pect compassion from me, administer the
children? Are your cattle lost, and shall I
same to me. If you wish kind words
help you to find them?" All the weapons
and kind treatment from me, give me the
of warfare would be buried in the dust,
same blessing you desire yourself; and
no more to be resurrected, and each man
that is the way you will be saved.
would say, "Come, let us hail each other
as brethren, and do each other good in- I say, O! ye Latter-day Saints, cease
stead of evil." your wickedness; serve the Lord with all
How is it with the Latter-day Saints? your hearts, and keep your covenants
I dare scarcely talk about them. We that with God and your brethren. Then we
have been inside among the Saints, have shall gain the victory, and our warfare
known longer than you who have been very soon will come to a close. We will
outside, that they are not over righteous, gain the upper hand of the enemy and
though we are not guilty of what you subdue our foe, and find ourselves in
think we are. heaven with our families and friends.
Let me explain. A man or woman
This is Zion; and if we do not get
who has embraced, and who enjoys,
this union among ourselves, it is not Zion
the principles of this Church, ought to
that will make us happy. We must begin
live like an angel. They ought never
and make Zion in our own hearts, and
to be angry with each other, but live
then extend it to our neighborhoods, and
in the light of the truth continually,
so continue until the Lord shall reign
and every man be kind to his neigh-
upon the earth.
bor. Instead of that, there are bick-
ering, quarrelling, and hard feelings, These broken remarks I have dealt
and men who are seeking to build up out to you freely. May God bless you.
themselves, and get glory at the ex- Amen.


I wish to make a few remarks, on her death she was prayerful and humble.
this solemn occasion, in regard to sis- I have never seen a person in my life that
ter Mary, and in regard to what brother had a greater desire to live than she had,
Brigham has said, which is perfectly con- and there was only one thing she desired
genial to my feelings. to live for, and that was to see to her fam-
As it regards sister Mary Smith's ily; it distressed her to think that she
situation and circumstances, I have no could not see to them; she wept about it.
trouble at all, for if any person has lived She experienced this anxiety for a month
the life of a Saint, she has. If any per- previous to her death, and she wept and
son has acted the part of a mother, she prayed that the diseased place might be
has. I may say she has acted the part opened.
of a mother, and a father, and a Bishop. She was never left alone, after she
She has had a large family, and several became sick. My family, and brother
old people to take care of, and which she Brigham's family, and others, waited
has maintained for years by her economy upon her all the time. She had every at-
and industry. tention paid to her, that ever was paid
One thing I am glad of, and I feel to a sick person. This she expressed,
to rejoice in the providence of God that herself, times and times again. Sister
things have been as they have. She Thompson has been here ever since sis-
came here sick on the Sabbath, eight ter Mary was taken sick, and she paid
weeks ago last Sunday, for me to lay every attention to her. I say, with re-
hands upon her. She was laid pros- gard to my family, if ever there were
trate upon her bed, and was not able good feelings shown to any person, they
to recover afterwards. I felt as though have manifested them to her, so also
it was a providential circumstance that have brother Brigham's family, and oth-
it so happened. She always expressed ers who live around here. I will say so
that she knew the thing was dictated much in their behalf, and for the conso-
by the Lord that she should be placed lation of the friends of the departed.
here in my house, though accidentally. I am thankful to the Lord God, that
She probably would not have lived so I have had the privilege, with my fam-
long, had she been where she could not ily, to do Mary a kindness; it is a
have had the same care. On Tuesday consolation to me. Do I regret it?
evening, eight weeks and two days since, No. I never regret a good deed that
she came here sick; from that time until I have done in my life. If I regret

anything, it is that I have not the ability and I have no other desire in my heart,
to do more good. nor ever had from the first day I enlisted
Let us do all the good we can. Show into this Church. I never had any wish,
all the kindness we can to the world, to but to do that which is right all the time.
both Saint and sinner, to all upon the Considering the character of my calling,
face of the earth, and I know we shall connected as I am and have been with
receive our reward for every good and the Prophet, Apostles, and Patriarchs of
for every evil work we do, but I do not Jesus Christ, and with holy men of God,
want to be rewarded for anything but I do not consider that anything else but
that which is good. May God grant me doing right is the character of such a
life, that it may be spent for the good of man, it is the nature of his calling and
this people, and for the comfort and con- office to be an Apostle, and issue forth
solation of brother Brigham. God forbid the light and truth of God, from this time
I should ever grieve his feelings, and the henceforth and forever. These are my
Spirit of God, from this time forth, that feelings, brother Brigham, all the time.
when I die I may depart in peace, to min- [President Brigham Young, "I know it."]
gle with those who have gone before me. When I eat and when I drink, when I go
I know sister Mary has departed in out and when I come in, my prayer is,
peace; she has gone home. I never heard and feelings are, to do right; and I am
her murmur against brother Brigham glad I did right to sister Mary, and took
in my life, nor against me. If I went care of her, and that my family had the
to see her, it was well; if not, it was pleasure of nourishing her; the satisfac-
all the same. She has come to see me, tion this gives me, is worth more to me
sometimes once, and sometimes twice a than a hundred thousand dollars. Do I
week. When I have seen her, I have believe they know it in heaven? Yes, as
said to her, I have no time to come and much as you do. I want to live all the
see you, Mary, therefore you must come time in righteousness, as I know that
and see me. She never considered it God sees me and all the works of His
too much trouble to come and see me hands. When we see as He sees, and
and her brethren. I am satisfied she de- comprehend as He comprehends, it will
sired to live for the benefit of her chil- be by the same powers and keys that we
dren. I know she has given them good are known to Him. I rejoice exceedingly
counsel, and if they will follow it they before God, that I am a Latter-day Saint,
will never be in trouble. I feel well to- that I am a "Mormon" Elder in Israel, for
wards them, and towards all present, what I know, and for what I have seen
and, in fact, I have nothing against any and passed through; it is worth more
being upon the face of the earth. I feel to me than gold and silver, or precious
to rejoice, I am comforted, and I feel to stones; what I have passed through has
praise the Lord God; and when I have given me an experience, and I praise the
done my work, I will go to my brethren, Lord God that I am a member of the
and be with those I have associated with house of Israel, and one of the elect of
from the beginning. Why I believe it, God; and I shall dwell with you in eter-
is, because I have an assurance for my- nity, and I know it.
self, which is like an anchor, and taketh
hold of that which is within the veil.
I shall land safe; this is my feeling, May God bless you forever, Amen.


L AKE C ITY, J UNE 5, 1853.


I feel disposed to say a few words on While the brethren have been speak-
the present occasion. It is said, that "at ing upon the blessings the Lord bestows
the sight of the eyes the heart is made upon this people, my mind has reflected
to rejoice." This is truly the case with me upon many of the circumstances of life,
this afternoon, when I look upon the con- and upon certain principles. I will ask
gregation, to see this spacious hall filled you a question—Do you think persons
with the Saints of the Most High, for can be blessed too much? I will answer
the purpose of partaking of the Sacra- it myself. Yes, they can, they can be
ment of the Lord's Supper. It is a sight blessed to their injury. For instance,
which I have not had the privilege of see- suppose a person should be blessed with
ing before, only on Conference days. This the knowledge of the holy Gospel, whose
morning I looked around to see how the heart is set in him to do evil. We es-
house was crowded, which was packed teem this as a blessing, and would not
to that extent that scores could not be the Lord consider it a blessing to be-
seated. I looked if peradventure I could stow His favors and mercies upon any
designate any person that did not be- individual, by giving him a knowledge
long to the Church, that did not pro- of life and salvation? But suppose He
fess to be a Saint; but I could not see bestowed it upon persons whose hearts
a single person of that description, that were set in them to do evil, who would
I knew of. I thought, why not be as by their wickedness turn these blessings
diligent to attend the afternoon meet- into curses, they would be blessed too
ings, to partake of the Sacrament of the much. It is possible to bless people to
Lord's Supper, as to attend the morn- death, you can bless them to everlast-
ing meetings? Hitherto it has not been ing misery by heaping too many bless-
the case, but my heart rejoices to see ings upon them. Perhaps this is what
the house so well filled this afternoon. I was meant by the saying—It is like heap-
feel in my heart to bless you; it is full of ing coals of fire upon their heads; it will
blessings and not cursings. It is some- injure them, consume them, burn them,
thing that does not occupy my feelings, destroy them. Suffice it to say, that peo-
to curse any individual, but I will mod- ple can be blessed too much. Can you
ify this by saying those who ought not bless a wise man too much? A man
to be cursed. Who ought to be? Those who knows what to do with his blessings
who know their master's will, and do it when they are bestowed upon him? No,
not; they are worthy of many stripes; it you cannot. Can you bless a wise peo-
is not those who do not know, and do not ple too much? No, it is impossible, when
do, but those who know it, and do not they know how to improve upon all bless-
do it—they are the ones to be chastised. ings that are bestowed upon them. But

the Lord does and will bless the inhabi- ought to do with it; you ought to say
tants of the earth with such great and in- to your poor brethren—"Come and help
estimable blessings, in the proclamation take care of my grain, and share with
of the Gospel, that they will be damned me, and feed yourselves and your fami-
who reject them, for light brings condem- lies." If you have so much that you can-
nation to men who love darkness rather not take care of it, and have nowhere to
than light. put it, and your neighbor is not without
Have this people been blessed too bread, tell Bishop Hunter that you have
much? I will not positively say, but I got so many hundred bushels to lay over
think they have, inasmuch as their bless- in the store, and you will have the benefit
ings in some instances have been to their of it on your tithing. That is what I rec-
injury. Why? Because they have not ommend you to do with your blessings,
known what to do with their blessings. when you have more than you can take
While the brethren were speaking of care of yourselves. I say, hand it over and
the liberal hand of Providence in be- let your neighbors take care of it for you.
stowing abundantly the products of the This makes me think of what I saw
earth, it occurred to me, that this people, the first year I came into this valley,
to my certain knowledge, had felt that the same year I moved my family, which
they had too much, and they esteemed was the next season after the pioneers
it as good for nothing. It is true what arrived here. It was late in the sea-
brother Jedediah Grant said with regard son when I arrived, but from the ground
to wheat, and other grains, for I have where this house now stands, there had
seen it myself. I have seen hundreds, been cut two crops of wheat. They had
and thousands, and scores of thousands harvested the first crop very early, and
of bushels of grain lying to waste and rot, the water being flooded over, it again
when it has not brought a great price. started from the roots, and produced a
Many of this people have thought, and fair crop, say from ten to twelve bushels
expressed themselves in language like to the acre. That was harvested, and
this—"I can go to California, and get so it was coming up again. I said to
much gold, or I can trade and make so the brethren, "Let these my brethren
much gold, I cannot therefore spend time who have come with me gather up this
to take care of wheat, nor to raise it; let it wheat," but they would not suffer them
lie there and rot while I go and accumu- to do it. Some of the brethren had gath-
late riches." They were then wealthy, for ered their crops of grain, and left a great
their granaries and barns were full of the deal wasting on the fields. I said, "Let
blessings of the Lord, but now they are the poor brethren, who have come in
empty, because they did not know what from abroad, glean in your fields." You
to do with their blessings. can bear me witness that a great many
I can tell this people how to dispose of widows and poor men came here, and
all their blessings, if they will only allow brought but very little with them, and
me time enough; and if I cannot tell them there never was a man, to my knowl-
how, I can show them. For instance, you edge, ever expressed a desire to let them
who have fields of wheat, beyond the lim- glean in his field. "All right," I said,
its of grasshoppers, will have consider- "we can live on greens," while at the
able crops when it is harvested, and per- same time there was more wasted that
haps so much that you will not know season than to make up the deficiency,
what to do with it. I know what you that all might have been comfortable.

Late in the fall I saw one man work- bushel, or for a million dollars per
ing among his corn; he had a large crop, bushel, no matter what amount, so that
more than a single man could take care you sell all your wheat, and transport
of. I saw he was going to let it go to it out of the country, and you are left
waste; I said to him, "Brother, let the with nothing more than a pile of gold,
brethren and sisters help you to husk what good would it do you? You could
your corn, to gather it and put it safely not eat it, drink it, wear it, or carry it off
away, for so much it will benefit them where you could have something to eat.
and help you." "O," he replied, "I have The time will come that gold will hold no
nothing to spare, I can take care of it my- comparison in value to a bushel of wheat.
self." I saw it wasting, and said to him, Gold is not to be compared with it in
"Brother, get your corn husked immedi- value. Why would it be precious to you
ately, and let the brethren do it, and pay now? Simply because you could get gold
them with a portion of it." He replied, "I for it? Gold is good for nothing, only as
cannot spare a bit of it." I have no ques- men value it. It is no better than a piece
tion of it at all in my mind, but three- of iron, a piece of limestone, or a piece of
fourths of his corn went into the mud, sandstone, and it is not half so good as
and was trampled down by the cattle; the soil from which we raise our wheat,
and women and children went without and other necessaries of life. The chil-
bread in consequence of it. That man dren of men love it, they lust after it, are
had no judgment, he knew not what to greedy for it, and are ready to destroy
do with the blessings the Lord had be- themselves, and those around them, over
stowed upon him. whom they have any influence, to gain it.
When this people are blessed so much
Were I to ask the question, how much that they consider their blessings a bur-
wheat or anything else a man must have den and a drudge to them, you may
to justify him in letting it go to waste, it always calculate on a cricket war, a
would be hard to answer; figures are in- grasshopper war, a drought, too much
adequate to give the amount. Never let rain, or something else to make the
anything go to waste. Be prudent, save scales preponderate the other way. This
everything, and what you get more than people have been blessed too much, so
you can take care of yourselves, ask your that they have not known what to do
neighbors to help you. There are scores with their blessings.
and hundreds of men in this house, if the What do we hear from the inhabi-
question were asked them if they consid- tants of the different settlements? The
ered their grain a burden and a drudge cry is—"I do not wish to live out yon-
to them, when they had plenty last year der, for there is no chance to speculate
and the year before, that would answer and trade with the emigrants." Have you
in the affirmative, and were ready to plenty to eat? Have you plenty of wheat,
part with it for next to nothing. How fowls, butter, cheese, and calves? Are
do they feel now, when their granaries you not raising stock in abundance for
are empty? If they had a few thousand flesh meat of different kinds? What
bushels to spare now, would they not con- use is gold when you get enough to eat,
sider it a blessing? They would. Why? drink, and wear without it? What is
Because it would bring the gold and sil- the matter? "Why, we are away off,
ver. But pause for a moment, and sup- and cannot get rich all at once." You
pose you had millions of bushels to sell, are lusting after that which you do not
and could sell it for twenty dollars per know what to do with, for few men

know what to do with riches when they common comforts of life, when they had
possess them. The inhabitants of this them, to say nothing of an abundance of
valley have proved it. They have proved wealth.
it by their reckless waste of the prod- Again, there have been more con-
ucts of the earth, by their undervalu- tention and trouble between neighbors,
ing the blessings conferred upon them in these valleys, with regard to surplus
by the emigration, which has adminis- property, which was not needed by this
tered clothing and other necessaries to people, than any other thing. For in-
them. We can see men who can clothe stance, a widow woman comes in here
themselves and their families easily, go from the United States, and turns out
into the canyons in their broadcloth pan- on the range beyond Jordan three yoke
taloons to get wood, or you may see them of oxen and a few cows, for she consid-
take a horse, and ride barebacked until ers she is too poor to have them herded.
they tear them to pieces, that they are Again, a man comes in with ten yoke of
not fit to come to meeting in. They do oxen; he also turns them out to wander
not know how to take care of good cloth- where they please. If he is asked why he
ing. Again, if we were digging in a water does not put them in a herd, he will tell
ditch tomorrow, that required all hands, you, "I do not want to pay the herding
in consequence of the rising of the water, fee." Another comes on with three or four
I have no doubt but you would see what span of horses, and twenty or thirty yoke
I saw the other day—one of our young of cattle. Has he any for sale? No, but he
dandies, who was perhaps not worth the turns them all out upon the range and
shirt on his back, came to work in a they are gone. By and by he sends a boy
water ditch, dressed in his fine broad- on horseback to hunt them, who is un-
cloth pantaloons, and a fine bosomed successful in finding them after a week's
shirt, and I have no doubt he would have toil. The owner turns out himself, and all
worn gloves too if he had been worth a hands, to hunt up his stock, but they also
pair. You would see men of this descrip- fail in finding them, they are all lost ex-
tion, who are without understanding, cept a very few. He was not able to have
whole hearted, good fellows, and ready them herded, he thought, though he pos-
to do anything for the advancement of sessed so much property, and knew noth-
the public good, commence to dig in the ing more than to turn them out to run at
mud and wet, in their fine clothes, and large. Thus he consumes his time, run-
go into the water, up to their knees, with ning after his lost property. He frets his
their fine calfskin boots. This is a wan- feelings, for his mind is continually upon
ton waste of the blessings of God, that it; he is in such a hurry in the morning
cannot be justifiable in His eyes, and in to go out to hunt his stock, that he has
the eyes of prudent, thinking men, un- no time to pray; when he returns home
der ordinary circumstances. If prudence late at night, worn out with toil and
and economy are necessary at one time
anxiety of mind, he is unfit to pray; his
more than at another, it is when a family
cattle are lost, his mind is unhinged and
or a nation are thrown upon their own darkened through the neglect of his duty,
resources, as we are. But you may trace and apostasy stares him in the face, for
the whole lives of some men, and it will he is not satisfied with himself, and mur-
be impossible for you to point out a sin- murs against his brethren, and against his
gle portion of time when they knew how God. By and by some of his cattle turn
to appreciate and how to use even the up with a strange brand upon them; they

have been taken up and sold to this per- Some persons will perhaps say—"I
son or that one. This brings contention do not know how good and how high a
and dissatisfaction between neighbor fence it will be necessary to build to keep
and neighbor. Such a person has too thieves out." I do not know either, except
much property, more than he knows you build one that will keep out the devil.
what to do with. It would be much bet- Build a fence which the boys and the cat-
ter for a man who is a mechanic, and in- tle cannot pull down, and I will ensure
tends to follow his business, to give one you will keep your stock. Let every man
out of two cattle which he may possess, to lay his plans so as to secure enough for
some person, for taking care of the other. his present necessities, and hand over
It would be better for those who possess the rest to the laboring man; keep mak-
a great quantity of stock, to sell half of ing improvements, building, and making
them to fence in a piece of land, to se- farms, and that will not only advance his
cure the other half, than to drive them own wealth, but the wealth of the com-
all out to run at large, and lose three- munity.
fourths of them. If there are half-a-dozen
men round me, and I can put a cow in
their way or anything else that will do A man has no right with property,
them good, for fencing up a lot for me, which, according to the laws of the land,
the property I thus pay is not out of the legally belongs to him, if he does not
world, but is turned over to those men want to use it; he ought to possess no
who had not a mouthful of meat, but- more than he can put to usury, and
ter, or milk; it is doing them good, and I cause to do good to himself and his fel-
am reaping the profit and benefit of their low man. When will a man accumulate
labors in exchange. If I did not do this, I money enough to justify him in salting it
must either see them suffer, or make a down, or, in other words, laying it away
free distribution of a part of what I have in the chest, to lock it up, there to lie,
among them. doing no manner of good either to him-
It is impossible for me to tell you how self or his neighbor. It is impossible for a
much a man must possess to entitle him man ever to do it. No man should keep
to the liberty of wasting anything, or of money or property by him that he cannot
letting it be stolen and run away with by put to usury for the advancement of that
the Indians. The surplus property of this property in value or amount, and for the
community, as poor as we are, has done good of the community in which he lives;
more real mischief than everything else if he does, it becomes a dead weight upon
besides. him, it will rust, canker, and gnaw his
I will propose a plan to stop the soul, and finally work his destruction, for
stealing of cattle in coming time, and his heart is set upon it. Every man who
it is this—let those who have cattle has got cattle, money, or wealth of any
on hand join in a company, and fence description, bone and sinew, should put
in about fifty thousand acres of land, it out to usury. If a man has the arm,
make a dividend of their cattle, and body, head, the component parts of a sys-
appropriate what they can spare, to tem to constitute him a laboring man,
fence in a large field, and this will and has nothing in the world to depend
give employment to immigrants who upon but his hands, let him put them to
are coming in. When you have done usury. Never hide up anything in a nap-
this, then get up another company, kin, but put it forth to bring an increase.
and so keep on fencing until all the If you have got property of any kind,
vacant land is substantially enclosed. that you do not know what to do with,

lay it out in making a farm, or building and if you have wheat, dispose of it
a sawmill or a woolen factory, and go to to them, and receive their labor in re-
with your mights to put all your property turn. Raise enough and to spare of all
to usury. the staple necessaries of life, and lay
If you have more oxen and other cat- your plans to hire your brethren who will
tle than you need, put them in the hands come in this fall to fence your farms, im-
of other men, and receive their labor in prove your gardens, and make your city
return, and put that labor where it will lots beautiful. Lay your plans to secure
increase your property in value. enough to feed yourselves, and one or
I hope you will now lay your plans to two of the brethren that are coming to
set men to work who will be in here by dwell with us.
and by, for there will be a host of them, When we first came into the Valley,
and they will all want employment, who the question was asked me, if men would
trust to their labor for a subsistence; ever be allowed to come into this Church,
they will all want something to eat, and and remain in it, and hoard up their
calculate to work for it. In the first place, property. I say, NO. That is a short
keep the ground in good order to produce answer, and it is a pointed one. The
you plentiful crops of grain and vegeta- man who lays up his gold and silver, who
bles, and then take care of them. caches it away in a bank, or in his iron
Let me say to the sisters, those who safe, or buries it up in the earth, and
have children, never consider that you comes here, and professes to be a Saint,
have bread enough around you to suf- would tie up the hands of every individ-
fer your children to waste a crust or a ual in this kingdom, and make them his
crumb of it. If a man is worth millions servants if he could. It is an unrighteous,
of bushels of wheat and corn, he is not unhallowed, unholy, covetous principle;
wealthy enough to suffer his servant girl it is of the devil, and is from beneath. Let
to sweep a single kernel of it into the every person who has capital, put it to
fire; let it be eaten by something, and usury. Is he required to bring his purse
pass again into the earth, and thus ful- to me, to any of the Twelve, or to any per-
fil the purpose for which it grew. Some son whatever, and lay it at their feet? No,
mothers would fill a basket full of bread not by me. But I will tell you what to
to make a plaything for their children, do with your means. If a man comes in
but I have not had flour enough in the the midst of this people with money, let
time of my greatest abundance, to let my him use it in making improvements, in
children waste one morsel of bread with building, in beautifying his inheritance
my consent. No, I would rather feed the in Zion, and in increasing his capital by
greatest enemy I have on the earth with thus putting out his money to usury. Let
it, than have it go into the fire. Remem- him go and make a great farm, and stock
ber it, do not waste anything, but take it well, and fortify all around with a good
care of everything, save your grain, and and efficient fence. What for? Why for
make your calculations, so that when the purpose of spending his money. Then
the brethren come in from the United let him cut it up into fields, and adorn it
States, from England, and other places, with trees, and build a fine house upon it.
you can give them some potatoes, onions, What for? Why for the purpose of spend-
beets, carrots, parsnips, watermelons, or ing his money. What will he do when
anything else which you have, to com- his money is gone? The money thus
fort them, and cheer up their hearts, spent, with a wise and prudent hand,

is in a situation to accumulate and in- becomes a saving blessing to him and

crease a hundredfold. When he has done those around him. And when the kings,
making his farm, and his means still in- princes, and rulers of the earth shall
crease by his diligent use of it, he can come to Zion, bringing their gold, and sil-
then commence and build a woolen fac- ver, and precious stones with them, they
tory for instance, he can send and buy will admire and desire your possessions,
the sheep and have them brought here, your fine farms, beautiful vineyards, and
have them herded here, and shear them splendid mansions. They will say—"We
here, and take care of them, then set the have got plenty of money, but we are des-
boys and girls to cleaning, carding, spin- titute of such possessions as these." Their
ning, and weaving the wool into cloth, money loses its value in their eyes when
and thus employ hundreds and thou- compared with the comfortable posses-
sands of the brethren and sisters who sions of the Saints, and they will want
have come from the manufacturing dis- to purchase your property. The industri-
tricts of the old country, and have not ous capitalist inquires of one of them—
been accustomed to dig in the earth for "Do you want to purchase this prop-
their livelihood, who have not learned erty? I have obtained it by my econ-
anything else but to work in the fac- omy and judgment, and by the labor of
tory. This would feed them and clothe my brethren, and in exchange for their
them, and put within their reach the labor I have been feeding and clothing
comforts of life; it would also create at them, until they also have comfortable
home a steady market for the produce situations, and means to live. I have this
of the agriculturist, and the labor of the farm, which I am willing to sell to enable
mechanic. When he has spent his hun- me to advance my other improvements."
dred and fifty thousand dollars, which he "Well," says the rich man, "how much
began business with, and fed five hun- must I give you for it?" "Five hundred
dred persons, from five to ten years, be- thousand dollars," and perhaps it has not
sides realizing a handsome profit from cost him more than one hundred thou-
the labor of the hands employed, by the sand. He takes the money and builds
increased population, and consequent in- up three or four such farms, and employs
creased demand for manufactured goods, hundreds of his brethren who are poor.
at the end of ten years, his factory would
be worth five hundred thousand dollars. Money is not real capital, it bears the
Suppose he had wrapped up his hundred title only. True capital is labor, and is
and fifty thousand in a napkin, for fear confined to the laboring classes. They
of losing it, it would have sent him down only possess it. It is the bone, sinew,
to perdition, for the principle is from nerve, and muscle of man that subdue
beneath. But when he puts forth his the earth, make it yield its strength, and
money to usury, not to me or any other administer to his varied wants. This
person, but where it will redouble itself, power tears down mountains and fills up
by making farms, building factories for valleys, builds cities and temples, and
the manufacture of every kind of mate- paves the streets. In short, what is there
rial necessary for home consumption, es- that yields shelter and comfort to civi-
tablishing blacksmith's shops and other lized man, that is not produced by the
mechanical establishments, making ex- strength of his arm making the elements
tensive improvements to beautify the bend to his will?
whole face of the earth, until it shall
become like the garden of Eden, it I will now ask the question again—

How much must a man possess to au- shame to that foundation. Distribute
thorize him to waste anything? Three or your property. The man that thinks he
four years ago money was of little value requires ten yoke of cattle, and can only
in this country; you might go round ex- use one yoke, is laboring under a mis-
hibiting a back load of gold, and hold out take, he ought to let nine yoke go to the
a large piece to a man, I was going to say, laboring community. If every man would
almost as big as this bible, and ask him do this with the property which he is not
to work for you, but he would laugh at using, all would be employed and have
your offer, and tell you he was looking sufficient. This would be the most ef-
for someone to work for him. He would fectual means of bringing the vile prac-
then hail another man who had been in tice of stealing cattle and other property
Nauvoo, and passed through the pinches to a termination, which, as I have al-
there, and had scarcely a shirt to his ready said, has been encouraged by cov-
back, but he would reply—"I was looking etous, selfish men, who have refused to
for some man to work for me." Gold could use their property for their own good, or
not purchase labor, it was no temptation the community's.
whatever, but those times are passed. It Let us hold before our mind the miser.
is not now as it was then. I consequently If the people of this community feel as
alter my counsel to the brethren. I used though they wanted the whole world to
to counsel you to hand over your sur- themselves, hate any other person to
plus property, or that which you could possess anything, and would hoard up
not take care of, to me, and I would apply their property, and place it in a situation
it to a good purpose, but now I counsel where it would not benefit either them-
you to put it into the hands of men who selves or the community, they are just as
have nothing at all, and let them pay you guilty as the man who steals my prop-
for it in labor. erty. You may inquire—"What should be
I have never been troubled with done with such a character?" Why, CUT
thieves stealing my property. If I am HIM OFF FROM THE C HURCH. I would
not smart enough to take care of what disfellowship a man who had received
the Lord lends me, I am smart enough liberally from the Lord, and refused to
to hold my tongue about it, until I come put it out to usury. We know this is right.
across the thief myself, and then I am I recollect well the days brother
ready to tie a string round his neck. Grant was telling of, when it was so
I have not the least hesitation in say- hard to raise fifty dollars for brother
ing that the loose conduct, and calcu- Joseph. I also remember we had a man
lations, and manner of doing business, for trial before the High Council, a man
which have characterized men who have who had plenty of money, and refused
had property in their hands, have laid to loan it, or use it for the advancement
the foundation to bring our boys into the of the cause of truth. He would not
spirit of stealing. You have caused them put his money out to usury. I was go-
to do it, you have laid before them ev- ing into the Council when he was mak-
ery inducement possible, to learn their ing his plea, and he wept and sobbed.
hands and train their minds to take that His name was Isaac McWithy, a man of
which is not their own. Those young men about fifty-three years of age. I knew
who have been taken up the past sea- him when he lived on his farm in York
son and condemned to ignominious pun- state. He told them, in his plea, what he
ishment, may trace the cause of their had done for the cause, that he had al-

ways been a Christian, and had done He held out the basket to us, and when
so much for the Churches, and for the we were about to help ourselves, his
Priests, and been so liberal since he niggardly soul made him draw it back
had been in this Church, which was be- again, for fear we should take any. I
tween three and four years. Some of saw he did not intend us to have any ap-
the brethren said—"Brother McWithy, ples, so I put my hand on the basket,
how much do you suppose you have ever and drew it out of his hand, saying—
given for the support of the Gospel?" The "Come here." I took it on my knees, and
tears rolled down his checks, and he said, invited brother Joseph to eat some ap-
"Brethren, I believe I have given away in ples. He did make out to give us some
my life time two hundred and fifty dol- breakfast in the morning, and even then
lars." I spake out and said, "If I could he got up from the table before we had
not preach as many months each year time to half finish our breakfast, to see
in this kingdom as you have been years if we would not give over eating. Said
in this Church, and give no more than I—"Never mind, I shall eat what I want
two hundred and fifty dollars, I should before I stop."
be ashamed of myself." I am happy to say, through your
On one occasion, brother Joseph Trustee-in-trust, that the Latter-day
Young and myself had traveled more Saints, in the capacity of a Church and
than two hours among snow, and in a kingdom, do not owe near as much
piercing cold, to preach in his neigh- money as they have on hand. A year ago
borhood one evening. Having had no last April Conference, we owed over sixty
dinner or supper, we went home with thousand dollars, but we do not now owe
him, and he never asked us to eat a single red cent.
a mouthful of supper, though he did May God bless us, that we may al-
muster courage enough to go into the ways have enough, and know what to do
cellar with a little basket, he came up with what we have, and how to use it for
with the tears almost running down his the good of all, for I would not give much
cheeks, and said with some difficulty— for property unless I did know what to do
"Brethren, have some apples." with it.




At the request of my brethren, I that I may have the Spirit of God, with
rise to occupy a portion of the time. the prayers and confidence of the people,
I realize that there are many present to speak in wisdom that which is nec-
who are equally prepared to admin- essary, and then give opportunity to my
ister in the things of the Spirit of brethren; for I love to hear them, and so
God. The time is precious, and I desire do this people.

I have reflected a little upon the text It may be inquired where this elec-
that was presented to us by our Pres- tion first originated, and upon what prin-
ident a few days since, and upon the ciple a just and impartial God exercises
excellent remarks made by himself and the elective franchise. We will go back
others upon the subject of heirship, or to the earliest knowledge we have of the
the inherent rights of the firstborn, and existence of intelligences. We learn from
of election. I consider, indeed, that it the writings of Abraham and others, and
opens a broad field, and that there is no from modern revelation, that the intelli-
danger of exhausting the subject, what- gences that now inhabit these taberna-
ever may be said of it. cles of earth were living, active intelli-
The covenants made with the fathers, gences in yonder world, while the par-
and the rights of the children by reason ticles of matter which now compose our
of them, are an interesting subject to me. outward bodies were yet mingled with
their native element; that then our em-
In the first place, if all men were cre- bodied spirits lived, moved, conversed,
ated alike, if all had the same degree and exercised an agency. All intelli-
of intelligence and purity of disposition, gences which exist possess a degree of
all would be equal. But, notwithstand- independence in their own sphere. For
ing the declaration of American sages, instance, the bee can go at will in search
and of the fathers of our country, to the of honey, or remain in the hive. It can
contrary, it is a fact that all beings are visit one flower or another, as indepen-
not equal in their intellectual capacity, dent in its own sphere as God is in His.
in their dispositions, and in the gifts and We find a degree of independence in ev-
callings of God. It is a fact that some erything which possesses any degree of
beings are more intelligent than others, intelligence; that thinks, moves, or acts:
and some are endowed with abilities or because the very principle of voluntary
gifts which others do not possess. action implies an independent will to di-
In organizing and peopling the rect such action.
worlds, it was found necessary to place Among the intelligences which ex-
among the inhabitants some superior isted in the beginning, some were more
intelligences, who were capacitated to intelligent than others, or, in other
teach, to rule, and preside among other words, more noble; and God said to Abra-
intelligences. In short, a variety of gifts, ham, "These I will make my rulers!" God
and adaptations to the different arts, said unto Abraham, "Thou art one of
sciences, and occupations, was as nec- them; thou wast chosen before thou wast
essary as the uses and benefits arising born."
therefrom have proved to be. Hence N OBLE! Does He use the word noble?
one intelligence is peculiarly adapted Yes; the word noble, or that which signi-
to one department of usefulness, and fied it, was used in conversation between
another to another. We read much in God and Abraham, and applied to su-
the Bible in relation to a choice or elec- perior intelligences on earth, and which
tion, on the part of Deity, towards in- had pre-existed in the heavens.
telligences in His government on earth, I am aware that the term is greatly
whereby some were chosen to fill sta- abused, in Europe and elsewhere, be-
tions very different from others. And ing applied to those titled, and to
this election not only affected the indi- those who inherit certain titles and es-
viduals thus chosen, but their poster- tates, whether they are wise men or
ity for long generations, or even forever. fools, virtuous or vicious. A man may

even be an idiot, a drunkard, an adul- eternal element called spirit, which el-
terer, or a murderer, and still be called a ement composes each individual spirit,
nobleman by the world. And all this be- and which element exists in an infini-
cause his ancestor, for some worthy ac- tude of degrees in the scale of intellect, in
tion, or perhaps for being skilled in mur- all the varieties manifested in the eter-
der and robbery, under the false glare of nal God, and thence to the lowest agent,
"military glory," obtained a title, and the which acts by its own will.
possession of a large estate, from which It is a fixed law of nature that the
he had helped to drive the rightful occu- higher intelligence presides over, or has
pant. more or less influence over, or control of,
that which is less.
Now the Lord did not predicate His The Lord, in surveying the eternal
principle of election or nobility upon such intelligences which stood before Him,
an unequal, unjust, and useless order of found some more noble or intellectual
things. When He speaks of nobility, He than others, who were equally innocent.
simply means an election made, and an This being so, He exercised the elective
office or a title conferred, on the princi- franchise upon wise principles, and, like
ple of superiority of intellect, or noble- a good and kind father among his chil-
ness of action, or of capacity to act. And dren, He chose those for rulers who were
when this election, with its titles, dig- most capable of benefiting the residue.
nities, and estates, includes the unborn Among these was our noble ancestor,
posterity of a chosen man, as in the case Abraham.
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, it is with I do not take up the subject in the
a view of the noble spirits of the eter- middle of it, like the natural man who
nal world coming through their lineage, knows little of the past or future, and
and being taught in the commandments who judges by the things present be-
of God. Hence the Prophets, Kings, fore his eyes. Such a one might sup-
Priests, Patriarchs, Apostles, and even pose that it so happened that Abra-
Jesus Christ, were included in the elec- ham came along, and was picked up
tion of Abraham, and of his seed, as man- without any particular reference to the
ifested to him in an eternal covenant. past, or to eternal principles, and was
Although some eternal intelligences elected to office; that it might just as
may be superior to others, and although well have been somebody else instead of
some are more noble, and consequently him. But instead of this, he was cho-
are elected to fill certain useful and nec- sen before the world was, and came into
essary offices for the good of others, yet the world for the very purpose which
the greater and the less may both be in- he fulfilled. But, notwithstanding this
nocent, and both be justified, and be use- pre-election in passing the veil, and
ful, each in their own capacity; if each entering a tabernacle of flesh, he be-
magnify their own calling, and act in came a little child, forgot all he had
their own capacity, it is all right. once known in the heavens, and com-
menced anew to receive intelligence in
It may be inquired, why God made this world, as is the case with all. He
one unequal to another, or inferior in therefore was necessitated to come up by
intellect or capacity. To which I re- degrees, receive an experience, be tried
ply, that He did not create their in- and proved. And when he had been suf-
telligence at all. It never was cre- ficiently proved according to the flesh,
ated, being an inherent attribute of the the Lord manifested to him the elec-

tion before exercised towards him in the to obtain the renewal of the same accord-
eternal world. He then renewed that ing to the flesh, brought upon his poster-
election and covenant, and blessed him, ity, as well as upon himself, that which
and his seed after him. And He said—In will influence them more or less to the re-
multiplying, I will multiply thee; and in motest generations of time, and in eter-
blessing I will bless thee. nity.
The Sodomites, Canaanites, &c., re- Paul, the great Apostle of the Gen-
ceived the reverse of this blessing. In- tiles, when speaking upon this subject,
stead of giving them a multiplicity of testifies that the children of Israel dif-
wives and children, He cut them off, root fer much every way from the Gentiles,
and branch, and blotted their name from for to them, says he, pertains the elec-
under heaven, that there might be an tion, the covenants, the promises, the
end of a race so degenerate. Now this service of God, the adoption, the glory,
severity was a mercy. If we were like the giving of the law, and the coming
the people before the flood, full of vio- of Christ in the flesh. He then goes on
lence and oppression; or if we, like the to trace the peculiar branches in which
Sodomites or Canaanites, were full of all the heirship is perpetuated. Abraham
manner of lawless abominations, hold- had a son Ishmael, and several children
ing promiscuous intercourse with the by his other wives and concubines which
other sex, and stooping to a level with the Lord gave unto him. They might all
the brute creation, and predisposing our be blessed, but the peculiar blessings of
children, by every means in our power, heirship and Priesthood remained and
to be fully given to strange and unnatu- were perpetuated in Isaac.
ral lusts, appetites, and passions, would
Again, when Rebecca, the wife of
it not be a mercy to cut us off, root and
Isaac, had conceived twins, the election
branch, and thus put an end to our in-
to these peculiar blessings ran in the lin-
crease upon the earth? You will all say
eage of Jacob, and not of Esau. True,
it would. The spirits in heaven would
Esau was the firstborn, and was heir
thank God for preventing them from be-
to the inheritance, which always per-
ing born into the world under such cir-
tains to the birthright, but the election to
cumstances. Would not the spirits in
hold and perpetuate the keys of eternal
heaven rejoice in the covenant and bless-
Priesthood was peculiar to Jacob, and
ings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in re-
even that which Esau did inherit was
lation to the multiplying of their seed,
forfeited by transgression, and therefore
and in every additional wife which God
transferred to Jacob.
gave to them as a means of multiply-
ing? Yes, they would; for they could The Lord blessed Ishmael in many
say—"Now there is an opportunity for us things, because he was Abraham's seed.
to take bodies in the lineage of a noble The Lord blessed Esau in many things,
race, and to be educated in the true sci- because he was a son of Abraham and
ence of life, and in the commandments of Isaac, but the peculiar things of the
God." O what an unspeakable contrast, Priesthood, through which all nations
between being a child of Sodom, and a should be blessed, pertained exclusively
child of Abraham! to that peculiar branch of the Hebrews
Now, Abraham, by his former supe- which sprang from Jacob.
riority of intelligence and nobility, by his Now before these two children were
former election before the world was, and born, or had done any good or evil in
by conducting himself in this world so as this life, God, who was acquainted with

them in the former life, and who knew or a builder, and another a teacher, a
the grades of intelligence or of nobility governor, or a minister of justice and eq-
possessed by each, revealed to Rebecca, uity? What is more natural, more useful,
their mother, that two nations or man- or just, than for a father who discovers
ner of people would spring from these the several abilities or adaptations of his
twins, and that one people should be children, to appoint them their several
stronger than the other, and that the callings or occupations?
elder should serve the younger. When God did not say that Jacob should be
these two children had been born, and saved in the kingdom of God, and Esau
had died, and when their posterity had be doomed to eternal hell, without any
become two nations, then the Lord spoke regard to their deeds; but He simply said
by the Prophet Malachi, that He loved that two distinct nations, widely differ-
Jacob, because of some good he had ing, should spring from them, and one
done, and that He hated Esau, and laid should be stronger than the other, and
his mountains waste, because of certain the elder should serve the younger. If
evils specified in the same declaration. one nation is stronger than the other, it
The Apostle Paul, in speaking of Ja- can assist to defend the other. If the
cob and Esau, quotes the revelation of one nation serves the other, it will have
Rebecca, before they were born and the a claim on a just remuneration for ser-
revelation to Malachi after they had be- vices rendered. If one inherits a bless-
come two nations; and the two quota- ing or Priesthood, through which all na-
tions, both following in immediate con- tions shall be blessed, surely the nation
nection in Paul's writings, have been which is composed of his brother's chil-
mistaken by many, as if God had re- dren will have an early claim on sal-
vealed both sayings before the two chil- vation through this ministry. I should
dren were born; and thus the Scriptures esteem it a great privilege if, while I
are wrested and made to say that God was serving my brother, and we were
hated a child before he was born, or had both partaking of the fruits of my labors,
done any good or evil. A more false he should be elected to a Priesthood,
and erroneous doctrine could hardly be through the ministry of which myself
conceived, or a worse charge sustained and all my posterity, as well as his own,
against Juggernaut, than the imputa- might be taught, exalted, and eternally
tion of hating children before they are saved. By our mutual labors, then, we
born. could be mutually benefited in time and
Here I would inquire, if it is anything in eternity. I am administering to him,
inconsistent, or derogatory to the char- and I am happy. He is administering
acter of a good or impartial father, who to me, and he is happy. It is a kind
loves all his children, for him to elect or of mutual service, a classification of la-
appoint one of them to fulfil a certain bor, wherein each attends to the busi-
purpose or calling, and another to ful- ness most natural to him, and wherein
fil another useful calling? Is it anything there is mutual benefit. Why, then,
strange for one person to be stronger should I find fault, or entertain envy
than another, for one person to serve an- or hatred towards my brother? Dress-
other, or for one person to have a more ing a vine, ploughing a field, harvest-
numerous posterity than another? Is ing, or building, is just as necessary
it anything strange or unrighteous for as teaching, or administering the or-
one person to be a farmer, a vinedresser, dinances of salvation; one acts in one

capacity, and the other in another, but the blessings peculiar to the everlasting
they are mutually blessed and benefited covenant of the Gospel, its sealing pow-
by their separate callings and endow- ers, Priesthood, and ordinances, it has
ments. been through the ministry of that lin-
eage, and the keys of Priesthood held
On the subject of hatred, I feel much
by the lawful heirs according to the
as the Lord did when He hated Esau,
flesh. Were the twelve Apostles which
and laid his mountains waste. When the
Christ ordained, Gentiles? Were any
children of Jacob were in trouble with
of them Ishmaelites, Edomites, Canaan-
their enemies, Esau's descendants joined
ites, Greeks, Egyptians, or Romans by
with the enemy, and did not stand by
descent? No, verily. One of the Twelve
their brethren. When Jacob was unpopu-
was called a "Canaanite," but this could
lar, and the nations hated him because of
not have alluded to his lineage, but
the peculiarities of his religion, Esau for-
rather to the locality of his nativity, for
sook his brother and disowned relation-
Christ was not commissioned to minis-
ship, fellowshipping with his brother's
ter in person to the Gentiles, much less
persecutors. I also hate a traitor, who
to ordain any of them to the Priesthood,
turns against me in a day of adversity,
which pertained to the children of Abra-
when I have claim on him as a brother.
ham. I would risk my soul upon the
But to return to the subject of elec- fact that Simon the Apostle was not a
tion, and of heirship. In the lineage Canaanite by blood, He was perhaps a
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, accord- Canaanite upon the same principle that
ing to the flesh, was held the right of Jesus was a Nazarite, which is expres-
heirship to the keys of Priesthood for sive of the locality of his birth or so-
the blessings and for the salvation of journ. But no man can hold the keys of
all nations. From this lineage sprang Priesthood or of Apostleship, to bless or
the Prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus, administer salvation to the nations, un-
and the Apostles; and from this lineage less he is a literal descendant of Abra-
sprang the great Prophet and restorer ham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus Christ
in modern times, and the Apostles who and his ancient Apostles of both hemi-
hold the keys under his hand. It is true, spheres were of that lineage. When they
that Melchizedek and the fathers be- passed away, and the Saints, their fol-
fore him held the same Priesthood, and lowers, were destroyed from the earth,
that Abraham was ordained and blessed then the light of truth no longer shone
under his hand, but this was an older in its fulness.
branch of the chosen seed. I am speak- The world have from that day to this
ing more fully of those who have lived been manufacturing priests, without any
since the older branches passed away, particular regard to lineage. But what
and since the transfer of the keys to have they accomplished? They have
Abraham and his seed. No Ishmaelite, done what man could do; but man could
no Edomite, no Gentile has since then not bestow that which he did not possess,
been privileged to hold the presiding consequently he could not bestow the
keys of Priesthood, or of the ministry eternal keys of power which would con-
of salvation. In this peculiar lineage, stitute the Priesthood. They have manu-
and in no other should all the nations factured something, and called it Priest-
be blessed. From the days of Abraham hood, and the world has been cursed
until now, if the people of any country, with it up to this time.
age, or nation, have been blessed with But God Almighty, in fulfilment of

the covenants made with Abraham, reserve during the reign of Mystic Ba-
Isaac, and Jacob, and with the Prophets, bel, to be born in due time, as successors
Apostles, and Saints of old, raised up a to the Apostles and Prophets of old, be-
Joseph, and conferred upon him the an- ing their children, of the same royal line.
cient records, oracles, and keys of the They have come forth, at length, as heirs
eternal Priesthood. If he was the im- to the keys of power, knowledge, glory,
postor the world took him to be, why and blessing, to minister to all the na-
did he not happen to state in his book tions of the Gentiles, and afterwards to
that he was a descendant of the Ro- restore the tribes of Israel. They are of
mans, or that he had come through the the royal blood of Abraham, Isaac, and
loins of Socrates, or sprung from some of Jacob, and have a right to claim the or-
the Greek philosophers, or Roman gen- dination and endowments of the Priest-
erals? Why not a descendant of some no- hood, inasmuch as they repent, and obey
ble house of the Gentile kings or nobles? the Lord God of their fathers.
As we were ignorant of the peculiari-
Those who are not of this lineage,
ties of election and heirship to the royal
whether they are Gentiles, Edomites,
Priesthood, why did not the Book of Mor-
or Ishmaelites, or of whatever nation,
mon predict that a noble Gentile should
have a right to remission of sins and
be the instrument to receive and trans-
the Gift of the Holy Spirit, through their
late it in modern times, that through the
ministry, on conditions of faith, repen-
Gentiles the Jews might obtain mercy?
tance, and baptism, in the name of Je-
It is true the book was brought forth and
sus Christ. Through this Gospel they are
published among the Gentiles: it is also
adopted into the same family, and are
true that it comes from the Gentiles to
counted for the seed of Abraham; they
Israel, speaking rationally; but when it
can then receive a portion of this min-
predicts the name and lineage of its mod-
istry under those (literal descendants)
ern translator, "Behold, he is a descen-
who hold the presiding keys of the same.
dant of Joseph of Egypt," why should an
imputed impostor be consistent in this as By obeying the Gospel, or by adop-
well as in all other items? The reason is tion through the Gospel, we are all made
obvious. It is because the record is true, joint heirs with Abraham, and with his
and its translator no impostor. seed, and we shall, by continuance in
Knowing of the covenants and well doing, all be blessed in Abraham
promises made to the fathers, as I now and his seed, no matter whether we
know them, and the rights of heirship are descended from Melchizedek, from
to the Priesthood, as manifested in the Edom, from Ishmael, or whether we be
election of God, I would never receive Jews or Gentiles. On the principles of
any man as an Apostle or a Priest, hold- Gospel adoption, the blessing is broad
ing the keys of restoration, to bless the enough to gather all good, penitent, obe-
nations, while he claimed to be of any dient people under its wings, and to ex-
other lineage than Israel. tend to all nations the principles of sal-
The word of the Lord, through our vation. We would therefore more cor-
Prophet and founder, to the chosen in- dially invite all nations to join them-
struments of the modern Priesthood, selves to this favored lineage, and come
was this—"Ye are lawful heirs accord- with all humility and penitence to its
ing to the flesh, and your lives have royal Priesthood, if they wish to be in-
been hid with Christ in God." That structed and blessed, for to be blessed
is to say, they have been held in in this peculiar sense in any other

way, or by any other institutions or will with us enjoy the great thousand
government, they cannot, while the years in which to teach, qualify, and pre-
promises and covenants of God hold good pare us for eternity.
to the elect seed.
Turn from all your sins, ye Gentiles;
turn from all your sins, ye people of the We have need to learn more fully the
house of Israel, ye Edomites, Jews, and relationship we sustain to our families,
Ishmaelites; all ye nations of the earth, to the community, to the nations of the
and come, to the legal Priesthood, and be earth, to the house of Israel, to heaven,
ye blessed. The promise is to each and all to earth, to time, and to eternity. We
of you; do not reject it. The keys of the have need to learn more fully to fulfil the
kingdom, of government, of Priesthood, duties of those relationships. We must
of Apostleship; the keys of salvation to learn by degrees. Truth is not all told at
build up, govern, organize, and adminis- once, nor learned in a few days. A little
ter in temporal and spiritual salvation to was developed by our President the other
the ends of the earth, are now restored, day, for which we are very glad; we will
and held by the chosen instruments of treasure it up, and as circumstances call
this lineage. for it, we shall receive a little more, until
I have spoken in a national capacity by degrees the law of God is learned from
and in general principles. In regard to those who hold the keys, even every item
individual heirship and the rights of fa- which pertains to our own rights, and the
thers, mothers, husbands, wives, sons, rights of our children, so that we shall
daughters, &c., I have not the power, if not trespass on another's. In this man-
I had the time; to make the subject any ner all the good people on earth, in the
plainer than our President made it the spirit world, or in the world of the resur-
other day. It is for us to learn more and rections, may become one in love, peace,
more from day to day, and continue to goodwill, purity, and confidence, and in
learn and practice those principles and keeping the laws of Jesus Christ and of
laws that will secure to each individual the holy Priesthood. If each person has
and family its rights, according to the the knowledge and the disposition to do
ancient order of the government of God, right, and then does it continually, even
which is now being restored. as he would wish others to do to him,
The living oracles or Priesthood in this will not only give to each his right,
our midst can develop these principles but create the utmost confidence, love,
from time to time as we need them, and goodwill, by which a perfect union
for they minister in holy things, and may be formed between each other, and
soon they will enter with us into the with all good spirits and angels, and, fi-
holy temple, where we may learn more nally, with Jesus Christ and his Father
fully; and if we are still lacking, they in worlds without end. Amen.




I am disposed this morning to give and they are left as they were, that they
my testimony to this congregation upon may learn to act by faith, or as the Apos-
the subject of true riches. Wealth and tle has it, not walking by sight, but by
poverty are much talked of by all people. faith.
The subject was tolerably well discussed In viewing this subject, permit me to
yesterday, and according to my under- preach what I have to preach, without
standing, the most that I have heard said framing or systematizing my address.
upon that point has been on the negative When I have endeavored to address a
of the question. congregation, I have almost always felt
a repugnance in my heart to the practice
If you wish me to take a text, I will of premeditation, or of pre-construction
take the Scriptures of the Old and New a discourse to deliver to the people, but
Testaments, referring, if you please, to let me ask God my heavenly Father, in
both text and context, and let the peo- the name of Jesus Christ, to give me His
ple distribute, or apply them according to Spirit, and put into my heart the things
their own pleasure. I will, however, use He wishes me to speak whether they be
one passage of Scripture as a text, that for better or worse. These have been my
was used yesterday. Jesus said to his private feelings, as a general thing. I
disciples, to them it was given to know would ask our Father in heaven, in the
the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, name of Jesus Christ, to pour His Spirit
but to them that were without, it was not upon each one of us this morning, that
given. If we were to examine the sub- we might speak and hear with an un-
ject closely, we should learn that a very derstanding heart, that a hint, a key
scanty portion of the things of the king- word, or a short sentence pertaining to
dom were ever revealed, even to the dis- the things of God, might open the vision
ciples. If we were prepared to gaze upon of our minds, so that we might compre-
the mysteries of the kingdom, as they hend the things of eternity, and rejoice
are with God, we should then know that exceedingly therein.
only a very small portion of them has In the first place, suppose we com-
been handed out here and there. God, mence by examining the principles that
by His Spirit, has revealed many things have been laid before us this Confer-
to His people, but, in almost all cases, ence, taking up the negative of the
He has straightway shut up the vision question; suppose, in our social ca-
of the mind. He will let His servants pacity here, we have a system that
gaze upon eternal things for a moment, feeds the hungry, clothes the naked,
but straightway the vision is closed, administers to the widow and the

fatherless, so that we can say of a truth, chariots, and wears his crown of gold, set
as they did in the days of the Apos- with the most precious stones. He sets
tles, we have no poor among us. Would up one, and drags down another. Those
it establish the principle that we are who have in the least incurred his dis-
rich? To me it would establish no more pleasure, he condemns to the block, and
than a good wholesome principle upon he exalts others to sudden wealth and
which the wicked may act, as well as the power. This monarch reigns for a day,
righteous—a principle upon which the a month, a year, or for half a century,
world ought to act, by the moral obliga- according to the will of Him by whom
tions they are under to stretch out the kings sway the scepter of power; and the
arm of charity to every person, to fill up world say he is a rich man, a powerful
their days with industry, prudence, and and wealthy man. But this is not riches
faithfulness, procuring means to sustain according to the saying of the Savior in
themselves, and to administer to the the New Testament.
wants of those who are unable to ad- Suppose we could heap to ourselves
minister to themselves. To me, I say, the treasures of the earth, as was men-
this principle manifests no more than tioned yesterday; suppose we could load
a moral obligation under which all are our wagons with the purest of gold;
placed. Though some may think it a with it we could open our commer-
decided mark of Christianity, that it is cial business on an extensive scale, we
a proof of deep piety, and bespeaks the could build our temples and mansions,
character of Saints, and all this, if we macadamise our streets, beautify our
scan the subject closely, it amounts to gardens, and make these valleys as it
nothing more than a moral obligation all were like the Garden of Eden, but would
are under to each other. it prove we were actually rich? It would
Again, we call up the question of not. As it was said yesterday, and justly,
riches, wealth. We may behold one upon too, we might be brought into circum-
the right, that commands his thousands stances, in the midst of this supposed
of gold and silver, which he has trea- wealth, to be glad to give a barrel of
sured up; he has houses and lands to gold for as much flour. In such a cir-
occupy, goods and chattels to fill his cumstance, of what benefit to us would
storehouses, cattle to cover his fields, be this wealth, so called? Would not the
and servants to obey his commands; we idea which the wicked, and, I may say,
call such an individual rich, wealthy, with some propriety, the Saints, have of
but when we take into consideration the wealth vanish like smoke, and should we
"true riches" spoken of in this book [the not find ourselves poor indeed? if we
Bible], they are not riches. We may possessed mountains of gold, should we
behold another upon the left, reigning not perish without bread, without some-
as a monarch; the gold, and the sil- thing to feed the body? Most assuredly.
ver, yea all the treasures of the king- Though an individual, or a nation of
dom over which he reigns are at his com- people, could command their millions
mand; and all his subjects are fully dis- of millions of gold and silver, houses,
posed to do the will of their sovereign. lands, goods, and chattels, horses and
He reigns, he rules, he governs, and chariots, crowns, and thrones, or even
controls, and there are none to gainsay, the products of the soil—the wheat, the
none to offer a single word of opposition, fine flour, the oil, and the wine, and
his word is the law, his commands are all the precious metals of the earth in
supreme, he rides in his richly-adorned abundance—though they were flooded

with all these good things, yet if the that are perishable. On the right hand
Almighty should withdraw His hand, and on the left we see persons whose
they would be smitten with the mildew, trust is wholly in the riches of this world;
and disappear; their wealth would be- they say, "I have gathered to myself sub-
come the most abject poverty. The pos- stance, if you rob me of it you rob me
session of these things is not wealth to of my all. I have my flocks and herds
me. Not that I would cast them away as around me, if you take these from me all
a thing of naught, or look upon the good is gone." These men or women to whom
things of this earth, and the riches of the this will apply have not eternal riches
world, as things of naught, but they are abiding in them. Their minds are set
not the true riches, the pearl of great upon the things of this world, upon a
price spoken of in the Scriptures, when shadow, upon the substance that passes
a man found which, he sold all he had away, like the shadow of morn, or like
to purchase; they do not belong to those the morning dew upon the flowers. They
principles couched in the saying of our are like a thing of naught to those who
Lord, touching the mysteries of the king- understand the things of the kingdom
dom. The riches of this world are noth- of God. They are to be used, but not
ing more than a stepping stone, or neces- abused. They are to be handled with
sary means whereby people may obtain discretion, and looked upon in their true
the true riches—by which they can sus- light, without any lustful desires, as the
tain themselves until they can procure means to feed, clothe, and make us com-
the true riches of the kingdom of God. fortable, that we may be prepared to se-
As such they ought to be looked upon cure to ourselves eternal riches.
and handled. "Seek first the kingdom of Suppose we should remain here to
God." "Seek FIRST" that durable object. discuss the subject, for days, months,
"Seek FIRST" the righteousness that will and years, and scan it with a scrutiniz-
never betray you. Obtain "FIRST" the ing examination, in the end of all our
prize that will not forsake you. Procure labor we should find that the things of
to yourselves "FIRST" of all, that which this world called riches, are in reality not
will endure through time, and through riches. We should find they are like mira-
all the eternities that will be. "Seek cles to the ignorant, mere phenomena to
FIRST the kingdom of God, and its righ- the inhabitants of the earth; today they
teousness," and let the gold and silver, are, tomorrow they are not; they were,
the houses, the lands, the horses, the but now they are gone, it is not known
chariots, the crowns, the thrones, and where. The earthly king upon his throne,
the dominions of this world be dead to who reigns triumphantly over his sub-
you, as it is necessary you should se- jects, is blasted, with all his kingdom,
cure for yourselves eternal riches that and brought to naught at one breath
will never forsake you in time nor in all of Him who possesses true riches. Let
eternity. Him who possesses the true riches say
The negative of the question is to the elements around that kingdom,
present with the people. If they be- "produce no wheat, nor oil, nor wine,
gin to seek the kingdom of heaven, if but let there be a famine upon that peo-
they set out to glorify God in their ple," in such a circumstance where is
souls and bodies, which are His, how the wealth of that king, his power, his
quick their feelings and desires, how grandeur, and his crown? There is no
soon their natural propensities cling bread, no oil, there are no flocks, no
with greater pertinacity to the things herds, for they have perished upon the

plains, his wheat is blasted, and all his is their wealth in their grain, and in
crops are mildewed. What good does his their cattle? Are these things riches? No.
wealth do him? His subjects are lying all They are the things of this world, made
around him lifeless for want of bread; he to decay, to perish, or to be decomposed,
may cry to them, but in vain; his wealth, and thus pass away.
power, and influence have vanished, they
Were we to spend the period of our
are swept away like the flimsy fabric of a
lives and try to trace the history of
mankind upon this world, from the be-
Again, the rich merchant, or private
ginning to the present time, by referring
individuals, may have millions of gold
to the lives of kings, rulers, governors,
and silver deposited, hid in the ground,
and potentates; to the wealth, magnifi-
or elsewhere, perhaps, and this is their
cence, and power of nations; also to the
god. Should the Lord Almighty say, as he
poverty, wretchedness, war, bloodshed,
did in the days of the Nephites, Let their
and distress there have been among the
substance become slippery, let it disap-
inhabitants of the earth, it could not all
pear that they cannot find it again; it is
be told, but I have noticed some few of
gone, and they may hunt for it in vain.
the items which I call the negative of the
Or let it be deposited in a bank, the first
question. To possess this world's goods is
they know, the bank is broken, their sub-
not in reality wealth, it is not riches, it is
stance is gone, and they are left in per-
nothing more nor less than that which
fect beggary. To possess gold and sil-
is common to all men, to the just and
ver, or earthly power and wealth, is not
the unjust, to the Saint and to the sin-
riches to me, but it is the negative of the
ner. The sun rises upon the evil and the
good; the Lord sends His rain upon the
There are hundreds of people in these
just and upon the unjust; this is manifest
valleys, who never owned a cow in the
before our eyes, and in our daily experi-
world, until they came here, but now
ence. Old King Solomon, the wise man,
they have got a few cows and sheep
says, the race is not to the swift, nor
around them, a yoke of oxen, and a
the battle to the strong, neither riches to
horse to ride upon, they feel to be per-
men of wisdom. The truth of this say-
sonages of far greater importance than
ing comes within our daily observation.
Jesus Christ was, when he rode into
Those whom we consider swift are not
Jerusalem upon an ass's colt. They be-
always the ones that gain the mastery
come puffed up in pride, and selfish-
in the race, but those who are consid-
ness, and their minds become attached
ered not so fleet, or not fleet at all, of-
to the things of this world. They become
ten gain the prize. It is, I may say, the
covetous, which makes them idolaters.
unseen hand of Providence, that overrul-
Their substance engrosses so much of
ing power that controls the destinies of
their attention, they forget their prayers,
men and nations, that so ordains these
and forget to attend the assemblies of the
things. The weak, trembling, and feeble,
Saints, for they must see to their land,
are the ones frequently who gain the bat-
or to their crops that are suffering, until
tle; and the ignorant, foolish, and unwise
by and by the grasshoppers come like a
will blunder into wealth. This is all be-
cloud, and cut away the bread from their
fore us, it is the common lot of man, in
mouth introducing famine and distress,
short, I may say, it is the philosophical
to stir them up in remembrance of the
providence of a philosophical world.
Lord their God. Or the Indians will come
and drive off their cattle; where then Suppose we look for a short time

after the true riches—after the pearl of world? Why, if you were to put wheat in
great price. In doing this were I to the ground that has been well tilled, it
systematize, I would say, let us leave would grow, and bring an increase to re-
this subject, which is the negative of the pay the husbandman for his labor. If you
question, and take up another, entirely plant potatoes in the ground the philos-
different. We would have to take up the ophy of the earth is, it will bring forth
subject of salvation to the human fam- potatoes. If you plant corn, corn will be
ily, calling up the characters who have produced in abundance, and this will ap-
officiated in this great work, and have ply to all the grain, and vegetables, and
brought forth redemption, and placed it products of this earth.
before the world, putting it within the What is there here, in the valleys of
reach of every individual of the sons and these mountains? Why, the same that
daughters of Adam and Eve. Yet it is all was centuries ago. As I told my brethren
the same subject. six years ago, I said, there are here
wheat, corn, potatoes, buckwheat, beets,
Where shall we direct our course to
parsnips, carrots, cabbage, onions, ap-
find true riches? Who is there that pos-
ples, peaches, plums, pears, and fruits
sesses them? Were we to admit scrip-
of every description and kind. They are
tural testimony, I could refer you to the
all in the philosophical world—in the air
Bible, where we read of people exhibit-
we breathe, and in the water we drink;
ing a power that gave their beholders
it needs nothing more than philosoph-
satisfactory proof of their possessing the
ical applications to bring them forth.
true riches. The riches of the world are
The most delicate silks, the finest linen,
natural, and common to the human fam-
and fine cloth of every description, that
ily, but who governs and controls them?
were ever produced upon the earth, are
Who holds the destiny of the wealth of
right here in this valley, and it requires
the nations in his hand? Do the kings,
nothing more than a philosophical ap-
rulers, governors, or the inhabitants of
plication to bring them forth to admin-
the earth generally? No, not one of them,
ister to our wants. What more is there
by any means. Have there ever been per-
here! When we first came into this valley
sons upon the earth who have exhibited
we had no knowledge that our brethren
the principles of true riches? Yes. The
could find gold in California, or perhaps
Bible tells us who they are, and delin-
we might have been digging gold over
eates the principles of true riches.
there at this time; but our thoughts
Again, here is the philosophical were occupied with how we should get
world, the terra firma on which we tread. our wives and children here; we were
Here is the atmosphere which the wise thinking about wheat, potatoes, water-
men of the world tell us it is surrounded melons, peaches, apples, plums, &c. But
with, which is congenial to the constitu- allow me to tell you, that gold and sil-
tion of the vegetable and animal world, ver, platina, zinc, copper, lead, and every
it is the air we breathe. Philosophers element that there is in any part of the
tell us that the terra firma on which earth, can be found here; and all that is
we walk is surrounded with it 40 miles required, when we need them, is a philo-
high from the surface of the earth. It sophical application to make them sub-
revolves in this subtle element, which servient to our wants.
is a combination of other elements. Here we pause, and think—"What!
This is a philosophical world. What is there gold here, silver here? Are
then are the results of the philosophical the finest and most beautiful silks that

were ever made, to be found here?" it, there is plenty of it now. When you
Yes. Is there fine linen here? Yes, and I can say, "Let there be gold in this
and the finest broadcloths, and shawls valley," and turn round again, and com-
and dresses of every description. We mand it to disappear, that it is not to be
are walking over them, drinking them, found; when we can call gold and silver
and breathing them every day we live. together from the eternity of matter in
They are here with us, and we can make the immensity of space, and all the other
ourselves rich, for all these things are precious metals, and command them to
within our reach. What hinders us from remain or to move at our pleasure; when
being truly rich? This is the point. I we can say to the native element, "Be
will tell you when you and I may con- thou combined, and produce those com-
sider ourselves truly rich—When we can modities necessary for the use and sus-
speak to the earth—to the native ele- tenance of man, and to make this earth
ments in boundless space, and say to beautiful and glorious, and prepare it
them—"Be ye organized, and planted for the habitation of the sanctified;" then
here, or there, and stay until I command we shall be in possession of true riches.
you hence;" when at our command the This is true riches to me, and nothing
gold is hid so that no man can find it, any short of it constitutes them. When I have
more than they could in California until gold and silver in my possession, which
within a few years back. a thief may steal, or friends borrow, and
Again, we have a little absolute truth never pay me back again, or which may
still nearer, and which comes under our take the wings of the morning, and I be-
own knowledge. There is the Sweet Wa- hold it no more, I only possess the nega-
ter that runs into the Platte River, that tive of the true riches. When the riches
this people have passed by for years. of this world leave me, I cannot say—
There have been no pains spared to find "Gold, return thou to my chest." I cannot
gold on that stream and its tributaries, say to the gold I pick up out of the earth,
but it could not be seen, and yet of "Be thou separated from every particle
late an abundance of it has been dis- of dross, and let me see the pure virgin
covered, ranging over a district of coun- gold." I cannot do that without submit-
try from the South Platte to the South ting to a tedious process of chemical ac-
Pass. There are men present here to- tion.
day, I have no doubt, who have it in
their pockets, or in their wagons. There All those who wish to possess true
are as good prospects for gold there, as riches, desire the riches that will en-
there ever were in California. How is dure. Then look at the subject of sal-
this? Why He that hath all power and vation, where you will find true riches.
all true riches in His possession, has They are to be found in the principles
said, "Let that sleep, let it be out of of the Gospel of salvation, and are not
sight to this people, until I say the word; to be found anywhere else. With whom
I organized the elements, and control abide eternally the true riches? With
them, and place them where I please." that God whom we serve, who holds all
When He says, "Let it be found;" it things in His hands, that we know any-
is right there on the top of the earth. thing of; He is the first and the last,
Where was it before? I do not know; the Alpha and the Omega, the begin-
it was out of sight. In the very place ning and the end, who at one survey
where men have gone from this val- looks upon all the workmanship of His
ley, to my knowledge, and hunted weeks hands; who has the words of eternal
and weeks for gold, and could not find life, and holds the hearts of the child-

ren of men in His hand, and turns them them. They did not know but that it was
whithersoever He will, even as the rivers the few loaves and fishes that fed the
of waters are turned; who commands the whole of them as they ate. The truth is,
earth to perform its revolutions, or stand he called forth bread from the native el-
still, at His pleasure; who has given ements. Is that mystery to you? Did you
the sun, the planets, the earths, and never think of it before? How do you sup-
far distant systems their orbits, their pose he fed them, he did not feed them
times, and their seasons; whose com- upon nothing at all, but they ate bread
mands they all obey. With Him abide the and fish, substantial bread and fish! un-
true riches. til they were satisfied. This the Savior
I will now notice the character who called from the surrounding elements;
exhibited the power of true riches on he was quite capable of doing it, because
the earth, though he himself was in a he had the keys and power of true riches,
state of abject poverty, to all human ap- if any man possess which, he is rich in
pearance, for he was made poor that we time, and in eternity both.
might be made rich, and he descended
below all things that he might ascend
above all things. When the only be- Again, the Savior changed water into
gotten Son of God was upon the earth, wine, in the same manner, by command-
he understood the nature of these ele- ing the elements. Can that be done by
ments, how they were brought together a chemical process. I admit it can by
to make this world and all things that the persons who understand the process;
are thereon, for he helped to make them. and that men can make bread also. As
He had the power of organizing, what quick as I admit that the history Moses
we would call, in a miraculous man- gives of himself is true, I cannot have
ner. That which to him was no mira- any question in the world but what in
cle, is called miraculous by the inhabi- ancient days they understood in a mea-
tants of the earth. On one occasion he sure how to command the elements. The
commanded a sufficient amount of bread magicians of Egypt were instructed in
to be formed to feed his disciples and things pertaining to true riches, and had
the multitude. It was in the air, in obtained keys and powers enough to pro-
the water, and in the earth they walked duce a bogus in opposition to the true
upon. He, unperceived by his disciples coin, as it were, and thus they deceived
and the multitude, spoke to the native the king and the people. They could
elements, and brought forth bread. He cause frogs to come upon the land, as
had the power. We have not that power, well as Moses could. They could turn
but are under the necessity of produc- the waters of Egypt into blood, and in
ing bread according to a systematic plan. many more things compete with Moses.
We are obliged to till the ground, and There was one thing, however, they could
sow wheat, in order to obtain wheat. not do, though they produced a very
But when we possess the true riches, we good bogus, but it was not quite the
shall be able to call forth the bread from true coin. When they threw their staffs
the native element, like as Jesus Christ on the floor before the king, they could
did. Everything that is good for man, is not swallow the staff of Moses, but the
there. Jesus said to his disciples, Make staff of Moses swallowed the staffs of
the multitude sit down, and divide them the magicians. I have no doubt that
into companies, and take this bread men can perform many such wonders
and break it, and distribute it among by the principles of natural philosophy.

Again, they can deceive the inhabitants be rich indeed. How is it now? Let the
of the earth, and make them believe that slightest accident come upon one of the
things were done, which in reality were human family, and they are no more. Do
not. If there were not a true coin in ex- we then possess true riches in this state?
istence, how could there be a bogus pro- We do not.
duced? The true coin is what we are af-
What shall we do to secure the true
ter, the true riches. We are seeking to be
riches? "Seek first the kingdom of God,
made rich in the power of God, so as to be
and its righteousness." Lay up for our-
able to control the elements, and say—
selves treasures in heaven, where moth
"Let there be light," and there is light;
cannot eat, rust corrode, nor thieves
"Let there be water," and there is water;
break through and steal them. If we
"Let this or that come," and it cometh; by
find the pearl of great price, go and
the power that is within us to command
sell all we have to purchase it, and se-
the elements; and they obey, just as they
cure to ourselves the friendship of God,
did the Savior when he changed the wa-
and our Elder Brother Jesus Christ, and
ter into wine, or made bread to feed the
walk humbly before God, and obey those
whom He has told us to obey, all the days
What shall we say? Do the things
of our lives, and He will say, "These are
of this world, in their present state, of-
my friends, and I will withhold nothing
fer unto us true riches? I say they are
from them."
not riches, in the true sense of the word;
there is no such thing as a man be- And is it indeed possible that we can
ing truly rich until he has power over come into that power, while we are in
death, hell, the grave, and him that this mortality, to say to death, "Touch
hath the power of death, which is the me not?" Were it possible, I for one do
devil. For what are the riches, the not want it, I would not accept it were
wealth possessed by the inhabitants of it offered to me. If the Lord Almighty
the earth? Why, they are a phantom, proffered to revoke the decree, "Dust
a mere shadow, a bubble on the wave, thou art, and to dust thou shalt re-
that bursts with the least breath of air. turn," and say to me, "You can live for-
Suppose I possessed millions on millions ever as you are;" I should say, "Father,
of wealth of every description I could I want to ask you a few questions upon
think of or ask for, and I took a sud- this point. Shall I still be subject to
den pain in my head, which threw me the toothache, to the headache, to the
entirely out of my mind, and baffled chills and fever, and to all the diseases
the skill of the most eminent physicians, incident to the mortal body?" "O yes,
what good would that money do me, in but you can live, and never die." "Then
the absence of the power to say to that I would have you, Father, to let the
pain, "Depart?" But suppose I possessed old decree stand good; I find no fault
power to say to the pain, "Go thou to with your offer, it may be a good one;
the land from whence thou camest;" and but I have the promise of receiving my
say, "Come, health, and give strength to body again—of this body coming up in
my body;" and when I want death, to the morning of the resurrection, and be-
say, "Come you, for I have claim upon ing reunited with the spirit, and being
you, a right, a guarantee deed, for this filled with the principles of immortality
body must be dissolved;" says death, and eternal life. Thank you, Father, I
"I want it, to prey upon;" but again would rather take a new body, and then
I can say to death, "Depart from me, I shall get a good set of new teeth. My
thou canst not touch me;" would I not sight, too, is failing; if I want to read,

I cannot do it without using glasses; and are destroyed in a day. We can then say
if I wish to walk a few miles, I cannot do to the hailstorm, "Stay thou thy rage,
it without making myself sick; if I wish and hurt not the fields and fruit trees of
to go out on a journey, I am under the ne- the servants of God;" and we are obeyed.
cessity of taking the utmost care of my- On the other hand, when they need a
self for fear of injuring my health; but little chastisement, we can say to the
when I get a new body, this will not be rain, to the lightnings, and to the thun-
so; I shall be out of the reach of him that ders, "Chasten ye the people;" and the el-
hath the power of death in his hands, for ements are at once in a state of agitation,
Jesus Christ will conquer that foe, and and they are chastened by the destruc-
I shall receive a new body, which will tion of their crops, and cities are swal-
be filled with eternal life, health, and lowed up in the yawning earthquake,
beauty." when God can bear their wickedness no
longer. He does not want to slay His
What more? Why, to him that over-
children who love and serve him, He is
cometh shall be glory, immortality, and
not a hard master, nor a severe Father,
eternal life. What more? Jesus says, as
but when He chastens, it is because He
it was said yesterday, Except ye are one,
wishes to bring His children to under-
ye are not mine. Again, he says, I pray
standing, that they may know where the
thee, Father, to make these, my disciples,
true riches are, and what are the true
one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in
riches of eternity, and rejoice with Him
thee, that they also may be one in us, I
in His presence, being made equal with
in them, and thou in me, that they may
be made perfect in one. This is a curios-
These are some of my reflections upon
ity that ranks among the mysteries that
true riches. Why will the Latter-day
the people do not understand. The Fa-
Saints wander off after the things of this
ther and I are one, you disciples and I are
world? But are they not good? We can-
one; it is quite a curiosity, but it is as true
not do very well without them, for we
as it is curious. It is nothing more than a
are of the world, we are in the world,
key word to exaltation, glory, power, and
we partake of the elements of which it
excellency, by which principalities, king-
is composed; it is our mother earth, we
doms, dominions, and eternal lives will
are composed of the same native mate-
surround us.
rial. It is all good, the air, the water, the
That will give you true riches, and gold and silver; the wheat, the fine flour,
nothing else will. The only true riches and the cattle upon a thousand hills are
in existence are for you and I to secure all good; but, why do men set their hearts
for ourselves a holy resurrection; then upon them in their present organized
we have command of the gold and the state? Why not lay a sure foundation
silver, and can place it where we please, to control them hereafter? Why do we
and in whose hands we please. We can not keep it continually before us that all
place it here and there, where it can flesh is grass; it is today, and tomorrow
be found, and in abundance, when we it is not; it is like the flower of the grass
say the word. We can say then to the when it is cut down, it withers, and is no
flies, and to the grasshoppers, "Be ye ex- more? Why do the children of men set
tinct," and it will be so; and again say, their hearts upon earthly things? They
"Go ye, and make a work of devastation," are to be used, but not to the abus-
and at our word clouds of them darken ing of yourselves. They are to be used
the sun, and cover the ground, the crops to make us comfortable. Suppose all

the good things of this world should be is. When my heart trembles with rage,
given to us, the gold and the silver, the and my nervous system becomes irri-
cattle and the horses, and all the flocks tated to knock down and kill, it is for me
of a thousand hills; it would be for the ex- to say, Brigham, hold on, you should not
press purpose of building mansions and do this. Do you wish me to tell you what
temples, of feeding the poor that cannot right is? I will point out the way if you
feed themselves, of succoring the tried will walk in it. If your neighbor or your
and the tempted, of sending Elders to brother should sue you at the law for
preach the Gospel from nation to nation, your coat, give it to him, and your cloak
from island to island, and of gathering also, and not turn round and say, "It is
Israel from the four quarters of the globe. my right; are you going to rob me?" The
But that moment that men seek to build instructions of the Savior of the world,
up themselves, in preference to the king- which I have quoted, are right; and I
dom of God and seek to hoard up riches, could prove it so by philosophical reason-
while the widow and the fatherless, the ing, and make you believe it, and you
sick and afflicted, around them, are in would be satisfied it is the best course
poverty and want, it proves that their you could pursue. I will give you the key
hearts are weaned from their God; and to it, which is this—it gives you an in-
their riches will perish in their fingers, fluence you never can obtain by contend-
and they with them. ing for your rights. You say, "Take it, it
is no matter whether it is my right or
Where are the true riches—the pearl not." If a man asks you to go with him
of great price? They are here. How one mile, go two, and then you can say,
can we secure them? By being obedient, "You only asked me to go one mile, but I
for the willing and obedient will eat the have gone two." That is the counsel Jesus
good of the land by and by; but those Christ gave. If you sit down and calmly
who heap to themselves riches, and set reason the case, you cannot but discover
their hearts upon them, where will they that it gives you an influence over that
be by and by? There are men in our man, which you could not gain by con-
midst who will quarrel for five dollars, tending with him in anger. All the power
and have their trials before Bishops and which is gained by contending with peo-
other tribunals if it costs all they possess. ple is usurped power.
They say, "I will have my rights." They The power which belongs to the true
tell about their rights, when they know riches is gained by pursuing a righteous
nothing about rights; in this they are gov- course, by maintaining an upright de-
erned solely by the influence of former portment towards all men, and espe-
traditions. Why do they not say, "I will cially towards the household of faith,
satisfy my hellish will, if it destroys me yielding to each other, giving freely of
for time and all eternity." If they would that which the Lord has given to you,
say that, they would say the truth. If thus you can secure to yourselves eter-
a man says, "It is my right to have this nal riches; and gain influence and power
or that," he knows nothing about rights, over all your friends, as well as your ene-
so never say anything more about rights. mies. "If you want anything I have, here,
But if you can find one individual who take it, and I will have influence and
knows what right is, ask him, and then power over you;" this is a key word to
say, "That is right, and I will do it." Take gain the true riches; that is the amount
that course, and rejoice that you have of it.
found somebody to tell you what right I want to hint at the negative of

the question again. I have, from time resurrection, and be cleansed from the
to time, said many things to you in this filthiness that has gone forth out of her.
tabernacle, and so have my brethren, This is Bible doctrine. What filthiness
and the people are much inclined for the has gone forth out of her? You and I, and
mysteries of the kingdom. I can tell you all the inhabitants of the earth; the hu-
what they are, in some degree. The idea man body, and all earthly bodies, both
appears very foolish to me when we are animal and vegetable; are composed of
talking about it, but we are obliged to the native element that we breathe, that
use the English language as it is, which we drink, and that we walk upon; we till
is scarcely a similitude of what we want. the earth for our bread, which is one of
Again it is first rate to communicate our the materials of which your body is com-
ideas, and good to enable us to talk one posed, it comes forth from the native ele-
way, and mean another, when we have ments into an organized state; what for?
a disposition to do so. Brother Hyde To be exalted, to get a glorious resurrec-
preached us a good discourse on mystery tion. We are of the earth, earthy, and
yesterday. not only will the portion of mother earth
What is a mystery? We do not know, it which composes these bodies get a res-
is beyond our comprehension. When we urrection, but the earth itself. It has
talk about mystery, we talk about eter- already had a baptism. You who have
nal obscurity; for that which is known, read the Bible must know that that is
ceases to be a mystery; and all that is Bible doctrine. What does it matter if
known, we may know as we progress in it is not stated in the same words that
the scale of intelligence. That which is I use, it is none the less true that it was
eternally beyond the comprehension of baptized for the remission of sins. The
all our intelligence is mystery, yet this Lord said, "I will deluge (or immerse) the
word is used by the translators of the earth in water for the remission of the
Bible. They write about mystery, and sins of the people;" or if you will allow
talk about mystery; what are they talk- me to express myself in a familiar style,
ing about? I do not know what they to kill all the vermin that were nitting,
mean, nor what they wish to convey by and breeding, and polluting its body; it
that word, and they do not know them- was cleansed of its filthiness; and soaked
selves. This language is made use of in in the water, as long as some of our peo-
the Bible, because they have nothing bet- ple ought to soak. The Lord baptized
ter. Things transpire almost every day in the earth for the remission of sins, and
our lives which we class under the term it has been once cleansed from the filthi-
mystery, for want of a better term. What ness that has gone out of it, which was in
does it mean, in reality? Why, nothing at the inhabitants who dwelt upon its face.
all. But for the accommodation of those
who speak the English language, we will The earth is organized for a glori-
continue to use the term, and proceed to ous resurrection, and life and death are
examine the negative of true riches. set before the people, true riches and
Here are the earth and the inhab- false riches; and the whole world are
itants upon its face, organized for the gone after the false riches; after that
express purpose of a glorious resurrec- which is not life, after decomposition,
tion. The terra firma on which we after that which perishes, and passes
walk, and from which we gain our away like the twilight of evening. The
bread, is looking forth for the morn- Lord has set before the inhabitants of
ing of the resurrection, and will get a the earth, true riches, from the days of

Adam until now. In olden times, in the and he will be decomposed, and the par-
ages we call "the dark ages of the world," ticles which compose his body and spirit
men could talk to the Lord face to face, will return to their native element. I told
and He looked like another man. When you some time ago what would become
He had a mind to do so, He could walk of such men. But I will quote the Scrip-
into the assemblies of the people, and tures on this point, and, you can make
none of them would know him, only they what you please of it. Jesus says, he
knew He was a stranger that had vis- will DESTROY death and him that hath
ited their meeting. He understands the the power of it. What can you make of
difference between true riches and the this but decomposition, the returning of
bogus which passed current in the days the organized particles to their native el-
of Pharaoh in Egypt. We see the bogus ement, after suffering the wrath of God
power again exhibited in the days of Saul until the time appointed. That appears a
the king of Israel, by the witch of En- mystery, but the principle has been in ex-
dor, who, at the request of Saul, brought istence from all eternity, only it is some-
forth the spirit of Samuel, or some other thing you have not known or thought
spirit. They understood the principles of of. When the elements in an organized
life, for the Lord had set life and death form do not fill the end of their creation,
before them, true riches and false riches, they are thrown back again, like brother
or in other words, composition and de- Kimball's old pottery ware, to be ground
composition, and the laws, principles, up, and made over again. All I have to
and powers of the eternal world; and the say about it is what Jesus says—I will
people of the early ages of this world un- destroy Death, and him that hath the
derstood them. power of it, which is the devil. And if
The people in this age, are like the he ever makes "a full end of the wicked,"
old miser, whose latter end was draw- what else can he do than entirely disor-
ing nigh; he had saved a good purse of ganize them, and reduce them to their
gold, but he was blind and could not native element? Here are some of the
see it, so he requested the attendants mysteries of the kingdom.
to bring him the gold that he might put
his hand on it; when he laid his hand On the other hand, let us take the
upon it, he could go to sleep. He pos- affirmative of the question; and inquire
sessed the negative of true riches. Again, what is life and salvation? It is to take
they are like the man who found a lump that course wherein we can abide for-
of gold which weighed 100 pounds, the ever and ever, and be exalted to thrones,
last that was heard of him was, he was kingdoms, governments, dominions, and
sitting upon it, offering a great price have full power to control the elements,
to the passers by for something to eat, according to our pleasure to all eter-
and swearing that if he had to starve to nity; the one is life, and the other is
death, he would stick by the gold, and death, which is nothing more or less
die a rich man. If he had understood than the decomposition of organized na-
the principles of life—the principles of tive element. There can be no such
true riches, he could have commanded thing as power to annihilate element.
that gold in California, in England, or There is one eternity of element, which
anywhere else; but he had no power can be organized or disorganized, com-
over it, and died like a fool, no doubt. posed or decomposed; it may be put
What good was his gold to him? He into this shape or into that, according
had not the power of endless life in him, to the will of the intelligence that com-

mands it, but there is no such thing as of death, and him that hath the power of
putting it entirely out of existence. it; then we are exalted to thrones, and
I never studied philosophy to any have power to organize element. Yes,
great extent, but on one occasion I had they that are faithful, and that over-
a kind of a confab with Professor Or- come, shall be crowned with crowns of
son Pratt, who endeavored to prove that eternal glory. They shall see the time
there was empty space, I supposed there when their cities shall be paved with
was no such thing. He thought he had gold; for there is no end to the precious
proved it; but I thought he had not metals, they are in the native element,
proved a word of it, and told him the idea and there is an eternity of it. If you
was folly. After hearing a good many ar- want a world of the most precious sub-
guments from him, and other men, his stance, you will have nothing to do but
colleagues in learning, I wished them to say the word, and it is done. You can
tell me where empty space was situated, macadamize streets with it, and beau-
that I might tell the wicked, who wish tify and make glorious the temples. We
to hide themselves from the face of him can then say to the elements, "Produce
that sitteth upon the throne, where to ye the best oranges, lemons, apples, figs,
go, for they will then be where God is grapes, and every other good fruit." I pre-
not, if they can find empty space. To ar- sume we do not draw a single breath that
gue such a question as that, would be, there are not particles of these things
to confute my own arguments in favor of mingled in it. But we have not the
other truths I have advocated, and op- knowledge now to organize them at our
pose my own system of faith. We believe pleasure. Until we have that power we
that God is round about all things, above are not fully in possession of the true
all things, in all things, and through all riches, which is the affirmative of the
things. To tell about empty space is to question, and the negative of the ques-
tell of a space where God is not, and tion is no riches at all in reality.
where the wicked might safely hide from Well, brethren, I think I have stood
His presence. There is no such thing as out first rate. When I rose I did not think
empty space. I could speak over ten minutes. May
Remember, that true riches—life, the Lord God bless you, and have mercy
happiness, and salvation, is to secure upon the world, and upon this people,
for ourselves a part in the first resur- that we may be saved in His kingdom.
rection, where we are out of the reach Amen.

G REAT S ALT L AKE C ITY, F EB. 14, 1853.


If the congregation will give me their I can say that He requires it just as
attention, I will detain them but a short much as ever He required one to be built
time. Our history is too well known to elsewhere. If you should ask, "Brother
render it necessary for me to enter into Brigham, have you any knowledge con-
particulars on the subject this morning. cerning this? Have you ever had a rev-
Suffice it to say, to this congregation, elation from heaven upon it?" I can an-
that we shall attempt to build a temple swer truly, it is before me all the time,
to the name of our God. This has been not only today, but it was almost five
attempted several times, but we have years ago, when we were on this ground,
never yet had the privilege of complet- looking for locations, sending our scout-
ing and enjoying one. Perhaps we may ing parties through the country, to the
in this place, but if, in the providence of right and to the left, to the north and the
God, we should not, it is all the same. south, to the east and the west; before
It is for us to do those things which the we had any returns from any of them, I
Lord requires at our hands, and leave knew, just as well as I now know, that
the result with Him. It is for us to la- this was the ground on which to erect a
bor with a cheerful good will; and if we temple—it was before me.
build a temple that is worth a million of The Lord wished us to gather to this
money, and it requires all our time and place, He wished us to cultivate the
means, we should leave it with cheerful earth, and make these valleys like the
hearts, if the Lord in His providence tells Garden of Eden, and make all the im-
us so to do. If the Lord permits our ene- provements in our power, and build a
mies to drive us from it, why we should temple as soon as circumstances would
abandon it with as much cheerfulness of permit. And further, if the people and
heart as we ever enjoy a blessing. It is no the Lord required it, I would give a writ-
matter to us what the Lord does, or how ten revelation, but let the people do the
He disposes of the labor of His servants. things they know to be right. Permit me
But when He commands, it is for His to ask the question—do you not know
people to obey. We should be as cheer- that it is your duty to accumulate your
ful in building this temple, if we knew daily bread, to cease your wickedness?
beforehand that we should never enter Are not these duties required at your
into it when it was finished, as we would hands? Do you not know this of your-
though we knew we were to live here a selves? There is not an individual in this
thousand years to enjoy it. assembly that does not understand this,
If the inquiry is in the hearts of that is not as well convinced of it as I am.
the people—"Does the Lord require the Concerning revelations pertaining
building of a temple at our hands?" to building temples, I will give you

the words of our beloved Prophet while duce their improvements. But I trust
he was yet living upon the earth. Many this people do not require commanding,
of us that are here today, were with him every day of their lives, to pray, to do
from the commencement of the church. unto others as they would that others
He was frequently speaking upon the should do unto them: I trust they do not
building of temples in Kirtland, Mis- want a special command for this; if not,
souri, and Illinois. When the people re- upon the same principle, they will not
fused in Kirtland to build a temple, un- want any commandment upon the sub-
less by a special revelation, it grieved his ject of building a temple, more than what
heart that they should be so penurious is before them.
in their feelings as to require the Lord to A few words to this people, upon the
command them to build a house to His principles which were laid before them
name. It was not only grievous to him, yesterday, in the tabernacle. One thing
but to the Holy Spirit also. He frequently is required at the hands of this people,
said, that if it were not for the covetous- and to understand which there is no ne-
ness of the people, the Lord would not cessity for receiving a commandment ev-
give revelations concerning the building ery year, viz.—to pay their tithing. I do
of temples, for we already knew all about not suppose for a moment, that there is
them; the revelations giving us the or- a person in this Church, who is unac-
der of the Priesthood make known to us quainted with the duty of paying tithing,
what is wanting in that respect at our neither is it necessary to have a revela-
hands. If you should go to work to build tion every year upon the subject. There
a dwelling house, you know you would is the law—pay one tenth. I wish to
want a kitchen, a buttery, sitting rooms, say to you, and I wish you to tell your
bedrooms, halls, passages, and alleys. neighbors, if there is any man or woman
He said, you might as well ask the Lord who do not want to pay their tithing,
to give revelation upon the dimensions we do not want they should. It is for
and construction of the various apart- your particular benefit, and that of ev-
ments of your dwelling houses, as upon ery individual upon the face of the earth.
the erection of temples, for we know be- To me, as an individual, it is no matter
fore hand what is necessary. whether you build a temple or not; I and
my brethren have received our endow-
Concerning this house, I wish to say, ments, keys, blessings—all the tokens,
if we are prospered we will soon show signs, and every preparatory ordinance,
you the likeness of it, at least upon pa- that can be given to man, for his en-
per, and then if any man can make any trance into the celestial gate.
improvement in it, or if he has faith The Prophet's feelings were often
enough to bring one of the old Nephites wounded because he was under the ne-
along, or an angel from heaven, and he cessity of giving commandments con-
can introduce improvements, he is at lib- cerning duties that were already be-
erty so to do. But wait until I dictate, fore the people, until the temple was
and construct it to the best of my abil- completed; but had he not done so,
ity, and according to the knowledge I pos- the temple would not have been built;
sess, with the wisdom God shall give me, had he waited until the minds of the
and with the assistance of my brethren; people were opened, and they were
when these are exhausted, if any im- led to see and do their duty, with-
provement can be made, all good men out commandment, he would have
upon the earth are at liberty to intro- been slain before the keys of the

Priesthood could have been committed to place, not knowing, at that time, whither
others, but the Lord put it into his heart we were going, but firmly believing that
to give this power to his brethren before the Lord had in reserve for us a good
his martyrdom. place in the mountains, and that He
If the people will pay their tithing, would lead us directly to it. It is but
we have all the means we can ask or seven years since we left Nauvoo, and we
wish for. If the tithing is paid, we do are now ready to build another temple.
not want the brethren and sisters to give I look back upon our labors with plea-
up their surplus property, for there will sure. Here are hundreds and thousands
be a great surplus in the storehouse of of people that have not had the privi-
the Lord. This is what is required of this leges that some of us have had. Do you
people, not to give all they have, though ask, what privileges? Why, of running
it should be constantly upon the altar, the gauntlet, of passing through the nar-
but to be ready, if required; but if the rows. They have not had the privilege
people will pay their tithing punctually, of being robbed and plundered of their
there will be an abundance, yes, and a property, of being in the midst of mobs
surplus. For me to ask the people if they and death, as many of us have.
will give their surplus property, would be
useless. I shall not ask any such ques- Only be faithful, brethren and sis-
tion, but I shall now ask the people to ters, and I promise that you shall have
pay their labor tithing, that we may ex- all such privileges as shall be for your
cavate this foundation, and prepare for good. You need not be discouraged, or
the stone work by the 1st of April. I ex- mourn, because you were not in Jack-
pect to see a great turn out, no doubt we son County persecutions, or were not
shall have all the help we can require. driven from Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois,
While the brethren are before me, let and stripped, robbed, and plundered of
me say, that we cannot commence to lay all your property. Do not mourn and
rock here without time, and we cannot feel bad, because you were not in Nau-
get the stone for the foundation without voo; have no fears, for if the word of the
the railroad from this place to the quarry Lord is true, you shall yet be tried in all
is completed; these two items must be at- things, so rejoice, and pray without ceas-
tended to. This is sufficient to say upon ing, and in everything give thanks, even
that matter. if it is in the spoiling of your goods, for
Let us revert for a moment to it is the hand of God that leads us, and
the past, to the years we have spent will continue so to do. Let every man
in toil and labor, though very agree- and woman sanctify themselves before
ably. Seven years ago tomorrow, about the Lord, and every providence of the
eleven o'clock, I crossed the Missis- Almighty shall be sanctified for good to
sippi River, with my brethren, for this them. I will now close my remarks.




I have been requested to preach the pass away; death seems to have univer-
funeral sermon of the wife of brother sal dominion in our creation. It certainly
Levi Savage, who died last December; is a curious world; it certainly does not
and since coming to this place this morn- look like a world constructed in such a
ing, I have been requested to preach manner as to produce eternal happiness;
the funeral sermons of several of the and it would be very far from the truth,
Saints who have died in England; and I I think, for any being at the present
have concluded, instead of limiting my time to pronounce it very good: every-
address to any one individual case, to thing seems to show us that goodness,
preach what may be considered a gen- in a great degree, has fled from this cre-
eral funeral sermon of all the Saints that ation. If we partake of the elements,
have died in all past ages and genera- death is there in all its forms and vari-
tions, with all that shall die hereafter, eties; and when we desire to rejoice, sor-
and the funeral sermon of all those who row is there, mingling itself in every cup;
are not Saints, and also the funeral ser- and woe, and wretchedness, and misery,
mon of the heavens and the earth; and seem to be our present doom.
for this purpose I will take a text, which
you will find recorded in the 51st chapter
of the prophecy of Isaiah, and the sixth
verse— There is something, however, in man,
"Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and that is constantly reaching forward after
look upon the earth beneath: for the happiness, after life, after pleasure, af-
heavens shall vanish away like smoke, ter something to satisfy the longing de-
and the earth shall wax old like a gar- sire that dwells within his bosom. Why
ment, and they that dwell therein shall is it that we have such a desire? And why
die in like manner: but my salvation is it that it is not satisfied? Why is it that
shall be forever, and my righteousness this creation is so constructed? And why
shall not be abolished." is it that death reigns universally over
All things with which we are ac- all living earthly beings? Did the great
quainted, pertaining to this earth of Author of creation construct this little
ours, are subject to change; not only globe of ours subject to all these changes,
man, so far as his temporal body is which are calculated to produce sorrow
concerned, but the beasts of the field, and death among the beings that inhabit
the fowls of the air, the fishes of the it? Was this the original condition of our
sea, and every living thing with which creation? I answer, no; it was not so con-
we are acquainted—all are subject to structed. But how was it made in the
pain and distress, and finally die and beginning? All things that were made

pertaining to this earth were pronounced upon that principle. Is this a contradic-
"very good." Where there is pain, where tion? No. God has given some other
there is sickness, where there is sorrow, particulars in relation to these works.
and where there is death, this saying He has permitted the destroyer to visit
cannot be understood in its literal sense; them, who has usurped a certain do-
things cannot be very good where some- minion and authority, carrying desola-
thing very evil reigns and has universal tion and ruin on every hand; the perfec-
dominion. tions of the original organizations have
We are, therefore, constrained to be- ceased. But will the Lord forever per-
lieve, that in the first formation of our mit these destructions to reign? No. His
globe, as far as the Mosaic history gives power exists, and the power of the de-
us information, everything was perfect stroyer exists. His power exists, and the
in its formation; that there was noth- power of death exists; but His power ex-
ing in the air, or in the waters, or in ceeds all other powers; and consequently,
the solid elements, that was calculated wherever a usurper comes in and lays
to produce misery, wretchedness, unhap- waste any of His works, He will repair
piness, or death, in the way that it was those wastes, build up the old ruins, and
then organized; not but what the same make all things new: even the fish of the
elements, organized a little differently, sea, and the fowls of the heavens, and
would produce all these effects; but as the beasts of the earth, must yet, in order
it was then constructed, we must ad- to carry out the designs of the Almighty,
mit that every particle of air, of water, be so constructed as to be capable of eter-
and of earth, was so organized as to be nal existence.
capable of diffusing life and immortal-
It would be interesting to know some-
ity through all the varied species of an-
thing about the situation of things when
imated existence—immortality reigned
they were first formed, and how this de-
in every department of creation; hence it
stroyer happened to make inroads upon
was pronounced "very good."
this fair creation; what the causes were,
When the Lord made the fowls of
and why it was permitted.
the air, and the fishes of the sea, to
people the atmospheric heavens, or the Man, when he was first placed upon
watery elements, these fowls and fishes this earth, was an immortal being, ca-
were so constructed in their nature as pable of eternal endurance; his flesh
to be capable of eternal existence. To and bones, as well as his spirit, were
imagine anything different from this, immortal and eternal in their nature;
would be to suppose the Almighty to and it was just so with all the inferior
form that which was calculated to pro- creation—the lion, the leopard, the kid,
duce wretchedness and misery. What and the cow; it was so with the feath-
says the Psalmist David upon this sub- ered tribes of creation, as well as those
ject? He says that all the works of that swim in the vast ocean of waters;
the Lord shall endure forever. Did not all were immortal and eternal in their
the Lord make the fish? Yes. Did nature; and the earth itself, as a living
He not make the fowls of the heavens? being, was immortal and eternal in its
Yes. Did He not make the beasts of nature. "What! is the earth alive too?"
the field, and the creeping things, and If it were not, how could the words of
the insects? Yes. Do they endure for- our text be fulfilled, where it speaks of
ever? They apparently do not; and yet the earth's dying? How can that die that
David says all His works are constructed has no life? "Lift up your eyes to the

heavens above," says the Lord, "and look says one, I should think there is no harm
upon the earth beneath; the heavens in eating fruit. There would not be un-
shall vanish away like smoke, and the less God gave a command upon the sub-
earth shall wax old like a garment, and ject. There are things in nature that
they that dwell therein shall die in like would be evil without a commandment:
manner." In like manner! What! The if there were no commandment, it would
earth and the heavens to die? Yes, the be evil for you to murder an innocent be-
material heavens and earth must all un- ing, and your own conscience would tell
dergo this change which we call death; you it was an evil thing. It is an evil for
and if so, the earth must be alive as well any individual to injure another, or to in-
as we. The earth was so constructed that fringe upon the rights of another, inde-
it was capable of existing as a living be- pendent of any revealed law; for the sav-
ing to all eternity, with all the swarms of age, or that being who has never heard
animals, fowls, and fishes that were first of the written laws of heaven—who has
placed upon the face thereof. But how never heard of the revealed laws of God
can it be proved that man was an im- with regard to these principles—as well
mortal being? We will refer you to what as the Saint, knows that it is an evil to
the Apostle Paul has written upon this infringe upon the rights of another; the
subject; he says that by one man came very nature of the thing shows that it
death; and he tells us how it came: it is an evil; but not so in regard to many
was by the transgression of one individ- other things that are evil; which are only
ual that death was introduced here. But made evil by commandment.
did transgression bring in all these dis- For instance, here is the Sabbath day:
eases and this sorrow, this misery and a person that never heard the revealed
wretchedness, over the whole face of this law of God upon the subject, never could
creation? Is it by the transgression of conceive that it was an evil to work on
one person that the very heavens are to the Sabbath day; he would consider it
vanish away as smoke, and the earth is just as right to work on the first day of
to wax old like a garment? Yes, it is by the week, as on the seventh; he would
the transgression of one; and if it had perceive nothing in the nature of the
not been for his transgression, the earth thing by which he could distinguish it
never would have been subject to death. to be an evil. So with regard to eating
Why? Because the works of the Lord are certain fruits; there is no evil in it of
so constructed as to exist forever; and if itself, it was the commandment of the
death had come in without a cause, and Great God that made it an evil. He
destroyed the earth, and laid waste the said to Adam and Eve, "Here are all the
material heavens, and produced a gen- fruits of the garden; you may eat of them
eral and utter overthrow and ruin in this freely except this one tree that stands
fair creation, then the works of the Lord in the midst of the garden; now beware,
would have ceased to endure according for in the day you eat thereof you shall
to the promise, being imperfect in their surely die." Don't we perceive that the
construction, and consequently not very commandment made this an evil? Had
good. it not been for this commandment, Adam
But what was this sin, and what would have walked forth and freely par-
was the nature of it? I will tell you taken of every tree, without any remorse
what it was; it was merely the par- of conscience; just as the savage, that
taking of a certain kind of fruit. But, never has heard the revealed will of God,

would work on the Sabbath, the same as this commandment; if He had not in-
on any other day, and have no conscience tended the man should be tried by this
about the matter. But when a man mur- commandment, He never would have
ders, he knows it to be an injury, and planted that tree, He never would have
he has a conscience about it, though he placed it in the midst of the garden. But
never heard of God; and so with thou- the very fact that He planted it where
sands of other evils. But why did the the man could have easy access to it,
Lord place man under these peculiar cir- shows that He intended man should be
cumstances? Why did He not withhold tried by it, and thus prove whether he
the commandment, if the partaking of would keep His commandments or not.
the fruit, after the commandment was The penalty of disobedience to this law
given, was sin? Why should there have was death.
been a commandment upon the subject But could He not give a command-
at all, inasmuch as there was no evil in ment, without affixing a penalty? He
the nature of the thing to be perceived could not: it would be folly, even worse
or understood? The Lord had a purpose than folly, for God to give a law to
in view; though He constructed this fair an intelligent being, without affixing a
creation, as we have told you, subject to penalty to it if it were broken. Why?
immortality, and capable of eternal en- Because all intelligent beings would dis-
durance, and though He had constructed card the very idea of a law being given,
man capable of living forever, yet He had which might be broken at pleasure, with-
an object in view in regard to that man, out the individuals breaking it being
and the creation he inhabited. What was punished for their transgression. They
the object? And how shall this object be would say—"Where is the principle of
accomplished? justice in the giver of the law? It is not
Why, the Lord wanted this intelligent there: we do not reverence Him nor His
being called man, to prove himself; inas- law; justice does not have an existence in
much as he was an agent, He desired His bosom; He does not regard His own
that he should show himself approved laws, for He suffers them to be broken
before his Creator. with impunity, and trampled under foot,
How could this be done without a by those whom He has made; therefore
commandment? Can you devise any pos- we care not for Him or His laws, nor His
sible means? Is there any person in this pretended justice; we will rebel against
congregation having wisdom sufficient to it." Where would have been the use of it
devise any means by which an intelli- if there had been no penalty affixed?
gent being can show himself approved
before a superior intelligence, unless it But what was the nature of this
be by administering to that man certain penalty? It was wisely ordained to be of
laws to be kept? No. Without law, with- such a nature as to instruct man. Penal-
out commandment or rule, there would ties inflicted upon human beings here, by
be no possible way of showing his in- governors, kings, or rulers, are generally
tegrity: it could not be said that he would of such a nature as to benefit them.
keep all the laws that govern superior Adam was appointed lord of this
orders of beings, unless he had been creation; a great governor, swaying
placed in a position to be tried, and thus the scepter of power over the whole
proven whether he would keep them or earth. When the governor, the per-
not. Then it was wisdom to try the man son who was placed to reign over this
and the woman, so the Lord gave them fair creation, had transgressed, all in

his dominions had to feel the effects of it, they were agreed in partaking of that
the same as a father or a mother, who fruit. Was not the spirit to suffer then as
transgresses certain laws, frequently well as the body? Yes. How long? To all
transmits the effects thereof to the latest ages of eternity, without any end; while
generations. the body was to return back to its mother
How often do we see certain diseases earth, and there slumber to all eternity.
becoming hereditary, being handed down That was the effect of the fall, leaving out
from father to son for generations. Why? the plan of redemption; so that, if there
Because in the first instance there was a had been no plan of redemption pre-
transgression, and the children partook pared from before the foundation of the
of the effects of it. world, man would have been subjected
And what was the fullest extent of to an eternal dissolution of the body and
the penalty of Adam's transgression? I spirit—the one to lie mingling with its
will tell you—it was death. The death mother earth, to all ages of eternity, and
of what? The death of the immor- the other to be subject, throughout all
tal tabernacle—of that tabernacle where future duration, to the power that de-
the seeds of death had not been, that ceived him, and led them astray; to be
was wisely framed, and pronounced very completely miserable, or, as the Book of
good: the seeds of death were introduced Mormon says, "dead as to things per-
into it. How, and in what manner? Some taining to righteousness;" and I defy any
say there was something in the nature such beings to have any happiness when
of the fruit that introduced mortality. they are dead as to things pertaining to
Be this as it may, one thing is certain, righteousness. To them, happiness is out
death entered into the system; it came of the question; they are completely and
there by some means, and sin was the eternally miserable, and there is no help
main spring by which this monster was for them, laying aside the atonement.
introduced. If there had been no sin, That was the penalty pronounced upon
old father Adam would at this day have father Adam, and upon all the creation
been in the garden of Eden, as bright of which he was made lord and governor.
and as blooming, as fresh and as fair, This is what is termed original sin, and
as ever, together with his lovely consort the effect of it.
Eve, dwelling in all the beauty of youth. But there is a very curious saying
By one man came death—the death in the Book of Mormon, to which I
of the body. What becomes of the spirit now wish to refer your minds; it reads
when the body dies? Will it be per- thus: "Adam fell that man might be;
fectly happy? Would old father Adam's and men are, that they might have joy."
spirit have gone back into the presence Says one, "If Adam had not fallen, then
of God, and dwelt there eternally, en- there could not have been any poster-
joying all the felicities and glories of ity." That is just what we believe; but
heaven, after his body had died? No; how do you get along with that saying
for the penalty of that transgression was which was given previous to the fall,
not limited to the body alone. When he where he was commanded to multiply
sinned, it was with both the body and and replenish the earth? How could
the spirit that he sinned: it was not he have multiplied and fulfilled this
only the body that ate of the fruit, but commandment, if "Adam fell that man
the spirit gave the will to eat; the spirit might be?" Let me appeal to another say-
sinned therefore as well as the body; ing in the New Testament: "Adam was

not deceived; but the woman, being de- and I have; it is true, they had a degree of
ceived, was in the transgression," says intelligence, but they had not the experi-
the Apostle Paul. Well, after the woman ence, they had not the knowledge by ex-
was deceived, she became subject to the perience, which you and I have: all they
penalty; yes, after she had partaken of knew was barely what they knew when
the forbidden fruit, the penalty was upon they came there; they knew a command-
her, and not upon Adam; he had not par- ment had been given to them, and they
taken of the fruit, but his wife had. Now, had sufficient knowledge to name the
what is to be done? Here are two beings beasts of the field as they came up before
in the garden of Eden, the woman and them; but as for the knowledge of good,
the man; she has transgressed, has bro- they had not got it, because they never
ken the law, and incurred the penalty. had anything contrary to good placed be-
And now, suppose the man had said, "I fore them.
will not partake of this forbidden fruit;" We will bring up an example. For
the next word would have been, "Cast instance, suppose you had never tasted
her out of the garden; but let Adam anything that was sweet—never had the
stay there, for he has not sinned; he sensation of sweetness—could you have
has not broken the commandment, but any correct idea of the term sweetness?
his wife has; she was deceived, let her No. On the other hand, how could you
be banished from the garden, and from understand bitter if you never had tasted
my presence, and from Adam's presence; bitterness? Could you define the term
let them be eternally separated." I ask, to them who had never experienced this
on these conditions could they fulfil the sensation, or knew it? No. I will bring
first great commandment? They could another example. Take a man who had
not. Adam saw this, that the woman was been perfectly blind from his infancy,
overcome by the devil speaking through and never saw the least gleam of light—
the serpent; and when he saw it, he was could you describe colors to him? No.
satisfied that the woman would have to Would he know anything about red, blue,
be banished from his presence: he saw, violet, or yellow? No; you could not de-
also, that unless he partook of the for- scribe it to him by any way you might
bidden fruit, he could never raise up pos- undertake. But by some process let
terity; therefore the truth of that saying his eyes be opened, and let him gaze
in the Book of Mormon is apparent, that upon the sunbeams that reflect; upon
"Adam fell that man might be." He saw a watery cloud, producing the rainbow,
that it was necessary that he should with where he would see a variety of col-
her partake of sorrow and death, and the ors, he could then appreciate them for
varied effects of the fall, that he and she himself; but tell him about colors when
might be redeemed from these effects, he is blind, he would not know them
and be restored back again to the pres- from a piece of earthenware. So with
ence of God. Adam previous to partaking of this fruit;
good could not be described to him, be-
This tree, of which they both ate, cause he never had experienced the op-
was called the tree of knowledge of posite. As to undertaking to explain to
good and evil. Why was it thus him what evil was, you might as well
termed? I will explain a mystery to have undertaken to explain, to a being
you, brethren, why this was called so. that never had, for one moment, had
Adam and Eve, while in the garden his eyes closed to the light, what dark-
of Eden, had not the knowledge you ness is. The tree of knowledge of good

and evil was placed there that man same; and you, and I, and every man,
might gain certain information he never and woman, and child, have got to, un-
could have gained otherwise; by par- dergo that penalty; it will be inflicted
taking of the forbidden fruit he experi- upon us, and thus will the law of God be
enced misery, then he knew that he was magnified, His words fulfilled, and jus-
once happy, previously he could not com- tice have its demands. It is not because
prehend what happiness meant, what of our sins, that we die; it is not be-
good was; but now he knows it by con- cause we have transgressed, that we die;
trast, now he is filled with sorrow and it is not because we may commit murder,
wretchedness, now he sees the difference or steal, or plunder, or rob, or take the
between his former and present condi- name of the Lord in vain; it is not these
tion, and if by any means he could be things that bring the death of the body;
restored to his first position, he would but it is Adam's sin that makes the lit-
be prepared to realize it, like the man tle child die, that makes kings, princes,
that never had seen the light. Let the and potentates die, and that has made
man to whom all the beauties of light all generations die from his day down to
have been displayed, and who has never the present time. Don't you think there
been in darkness, be in a moment, in the ought to be some way to redeem us from
twinkling of an eye, deprived of his nat- this dreadful calamity? We had no hand
ural sight; what a change this would be in the transgression of Adam; you and I
to him; he never knew anything about were not there to participate in it; but it
darkness before, he never understood was our great father who did it, and we
the principle at all; it never entered are suffering the effects of it.
the catalogue of his ideas, until dark- Cannot some of the wise medical men
ness came upon him, and his eyesight of the age—some of the great physicians
was destroyed: now he can comprehend and doctors of the day, who have stud-
that the medium he once existed in was ied medicine all their life—can they not
light. Now, says he, if I could only re- imagine up something new, that will re-
gain my sight, I could appreciate it, for lieve the posterity of Adam from this
I understand the contrast; restore me awful calamity? They have not done
back again to my sight, and let me en- it yet. Dr. Brandreth recommended
joy the light I once had; let me gaze upon his medicine for all kinds of diseases,
the works of creation, let me look on the and even it was said that steamboats
beauties thereof again, and I will be sat- were propelled by its power; but it made
isfied, and my joy will be full. It was no man immortal; it did not save one
so with Adam; let the way be prepared man; and it is doubtful in the extreme—
for his redemption, and the redemption it is certain, that no man in this mor-
of his posterity, and all creation that tality has ever discovered that medicine
groans in pain to be delivered—let them which will relieve us from these awful ef-
be restored back again to what they lost fects transmitted from father Adam to
through the fall, and they will be pre- this present time. There is a remedy,
pared to appreciate it. but it is not to be found in the cata-
In order to show you the dire effects of the logue of the inventions of man; it is not
fall, it is not only necessary to say that old fa- to be found in the bowels of the earth,
ther Adam has experienced that penalty, and or dug out of any mines; it is not to
laid down his body in the dust; but all gener- be purchased by the gold of California,
ations since that time have experienced the or the treasures of India. What is it,

and how was it discovered? It was the bellious to thy commandments; and now
Being who made man, that made him I will suffer for my brethren and sisters:
immortal and eternal, that Being whose let thy justice be magnified and made
bosom is filled with mercy, as well as jus- honorable; here am I; let me suffer the
tice, that exercises both attributes, and ends of the law, and let death and the
shows to all creation that He is a merci- grave deliver up their victims, and let
ful God, as well as a God of justice; it was the posterity of Adam all be set free, ev-
He that discovered this wonderful rem- ery soul of them without an exception."
edy to preserve mankind from the effects This is the way that justice is magni-
of this eternal death. But when is it to be fied and made honorable, and none of
applied? Not immediately, for that would the creations of the Almighty can com-
frustrate His designs: when the body has plain of Him, that He has not answered
got back into the dust, and after man has the ends of justice; no intelligent being
suffered sufficiently long for the original can say, "You have deviated from your
sin, He then brings him forth to enjoy all words." Justice has had its demands in
the bloom of immortality; He tells Death the penalties that were inflicted upon
to trouble him no more; He wipes away the Son of God, so far as Adam's trans-
all tears from his eyes, for he is prepared gression is concerned.
to live forever, and gaze upon His glory, I will explain a little further. So far as
and dwell in His presence. that transgression is concerned, all the
This great Redeemer is stronger than inhabitants of the earth will be saved.
Death, more powerful than that direful Now understand me correctly. If there
monster who has come into the world, are any strangers present, that have not
and laid siege to all the inhabitants understood the views of the Latter-day
thereof; He will banish it out of this cre- Saints, I wish you to understand that
ation. How will He do it? If the penalty we have no reference in any way to our
of the original sin be the eternal sepa- own personal sins; but so far as the orig-
ration of body and spirit, how can jus- inal sin of father Adam is concerned, you
tice have all its demands, and mercy be and I will have to suffer death; and ev-
shown to the transgressor? There is a ery man and woman that ever lived on
way, and how? It is by the introduc- this globe will be redeemed from that
tion of His Only Begotten Son, the Son sin. On what condition? I answer, on no
of His own bosom, the firstborn of ev- condition whatever on our part. "But,"
ery creature, holding the birthright over says one, "where I came from they tell
every creation He has made, and hold- me I ought to repent for the original
ing the keys of salvation over millions of sin." I care not what they tell you, you
worlds like this; he has a right to come will be redeemed from the original sin,
forth and suffer the penalty of death for with no works on your part whatever.
the fallen sons and daughters of man. Jesus has died to redeem you from it,
He offered his own life: says he, "Fa- and you are as sure to be redeemed,
ther, I will suffer death though I have as you live upon the face of this earth.
not merited it; let me suffer the demands This is the kind of universal redemp-
of the law. Here I am innocent in thy tion the "Mormons" believe in, though in
presence; I have always kept thy laws one sense of the word, it is a different
from the day of my birth among thy cre- kind of universal redemption from that
ations, throughout ages past down to which the nations have been in the habit
the present time; I have never been re- of hearing. We believe in the universal

redemption of all the children of Adam reigns; I care not where you place them;
into the presence of God, so far as the you may take any of the celestial worlds,
sins of Adam are concerned. They will and place millions of beings there that
obtain a universal redemption from the are dead to righteousness, and how long
grave. It matters not how wicked you will it be before they make a perfect hell
are; if you have murdered all the days of of it? They would make a hell of any
your life, and committed all the sins the heaven the Lord ever made. It is the sec-
devil would prompt you to commit, you ond death—the penalty attached to the
will get a resurrection; your spirit will commandment given to the posterity of
be restored to your body. If Jesus had Adam, viz., "You shall cease to do evil;
not come, all of us would have slumbered for if you cease to do evil, you shall be re-
in the grave; but now, wicked as we may deemed from Adam's transgression, and
be, if we go down to the grave blasphem- brought back into my presence; and if
ing the name of the Lord, we shall as you cease not to do evil, you shall be pun-
sure come up again as we go down there. ished with everlasting destruction from
This is free grace without works; all this my presence, and from the glory of my
comes to pass without works on the part power," saith the Lord.
of the creature. "But," says one, "He is so merciful
that He would not inflict such a penalty
Now let us pause upon another sub-
upon us." Have you ever seen a man that
ject, as we pass along. Don't you know,
has escaped from the first death? Or who
my hearers, that there has been another
had any prospect of it? No; you cannot
law given since man has become a mortal
find a remedy to hinder him from go-
being? Is it the Book of Mormon? No. Af-
ing down to his grave. Has there been
ter man became a mortal being, the Lord
any escape for any individual for 6,000
gave him another law. What was it? "You
years past? Now, if the Lord has been
have now got into a condition that you
punctual to make every man, woman,
know good and evils by experience, and
and child, suffer the penalty of the first
I will give you a law adapted to your ca-
transgression, why should you suppose
pacity," says the Lord, "and I now com-
that you can stand in His presence, and
mand you, that you shall not do evil."
behold the glory of His power, and have
What is the penalty? Second death. everlasting life and happiness, when He
What is that? After you have been re- has told you that you should be banished
deemed from the grave, and come into therefrom, that the second death should
the presence of God, you will have to be inflicted upon you? For the first provo-
stand there to be judged; and if you cation, He has fulfilled to the very letter
have done evil, you will be banished ev- the penalty of the law; so will He in the
erlastingly from His presence—body and second, and there is no escape. Says one,
spirit united together; this is what is "Is there no escape?" No; not so far as
called the second death. Why is it called you are able to provide. But I will tell
the second death? Because the first is you that there is a redemption for man
the dissolution of body and spirit, and from this second death or penalty, and
the second is merely a banishment— the Lord remains a perfect, just Being,
a becoming dead to the things of righ- His justice being magnified.
teousness; and as I have already re- There is a way of escape from the
marked, wherever a being is placed in effects of your own individual trans-
such a condition, there perfect misery gressions, but it is different from the

redemption from the original sin of have had some excuse; but as it is, they
Adam. The redemption from that sin have none: all you have got to do is to
was universal without works, but the re- believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of
demption from your own personal sins God, turn away from your sins, cease
is universal with works on the part of to do evil, saying, "Father, I will cease
the creature—universal in its nature, be- from this time henceforth to sin, and will
cause it is free to all, but not received by work the works of righteousness; I will
all. The salvation, or redemption from try to do good all the days of my life;
your own sins, is not by free grace alone, and I witness this before thee by this day
it requires a little work. But what are going down into the waters of baptism;
the works? Jesus Christ, through his and thus cast off the old man, with his
death and sufferings has answered the deeds," and henceforth live in newness
penalty, on condition that you believe in of life. If you will do this, you will just
him, and repent of your sins, and be bap- as sure be redeemed from your own sins,
tized for the remission of them, and re- and the penalty thereof, and be lifted up
ceive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, by the to dwell in the presence of God, as you
laying on of hands, and continue humble, have been redeemed or lifted up from the
and meek, and prayerful, until you go waters of baptism. This is the Gospel,
down to your graves; and on these condi- the first principles thereof, by which you
tions, Jesus will plead for you before the can be redeemed from your own sins; and
Father, and say, "Father, I not only died by and by death will come, and it will
for Adam's sin, but for the sins of all the be sweet to you, for Jesus has suffered
world, inasmuch as they believe in my the penalty of sin; the pangs of sin are
Gospel; and now these individuals have gone, and you fall asleep in peace, hav-
repented, they have reformed their lives, ing made sure your salvation, and hav-
and have become like little children in ing done your duty well, like those we
my sight, and have performed the works are preaching the funeral sermon of this
I have given them to do—and now, Fa- morning; and thus you will fall asleep,
ther, may they be saved with an ever- with a full assurance that you will come
lasting salvation in thy presence, and sit up, in the morning of the first resurrec-
down with me on my throne, as I have tion, with an immortal body, like that
overcome, and sit down with thee on thy which Adam had before he partook of the
throne; and may they be crowned, with forbidden fruit. This is the promise to
all the sanctified, with immortality and them that fall asleep in Jesus.
eternal life, no more to be cast away."
When our spirits leave these bodies,
Don't you think the Father would
will they be happy? Not perfectly so.
accept an appeal of this kind from
His Only Begotten Son? Yes. He is Why? Because the spirit is absent from
the body; it cannot be perfectly happy
our Mediator, to plead before the Fa-
ther for those who will comply with while a part of the man is lying in the
his commands, and the laws of his earth. How can the happiness be com-
plete when only a part of the redemption
Gospel. The way is simple, so simple
and easy that many step over it and is accomplished? You cannot be perfectly
say, "O, that is of no consequence, it is happy until you get a new house. You
of no avail, it will do no good to be bap- will be happy, you will be at ease in par-
tized in water." But if the Lord had not adise; but still you will be looking for a
constructed it upon a simple plan, adapted house where your spirit can enter, and
to the capacities of all men, they might act as you did in former times, only more

perfectly, having superior powers. Con- our God kings and priests." Here then
sequently, all the holy men that have we find, from the first chapter, that they
lived in days of old, have looked forward were made Kings and Priests before they
to the resurrection of their bodies; for were dead; and in the next quotation; we
then their glory will be complete. find that they still retained their kingly
office after death, and actually had made
What did Paul say upon this sub- songs to express their happy condition—
ject? He said, "I have fought a good "Thou hast made us kings and priests."
fight," "I have kept the faith; henceforth Now we see the reason why they are to
there is laid up for me a crown of righ- wear crowns, for they will be made Kings
teousness, which the Lord, the righteous and Priests on the earth: the Lord then,
judge, shall give me at that day." Do must have some way to give this kingly
you understand this passage? Remem- power.
ber that this crown that Paul speaks Do you understand this, brethren and
of, was not to be given in the day we sisters? If you were to speak, I should
die; but it is to be given in "that day"— hear innumerable voices respond, "Yes,
the day of the Lord's appearing; it is we understand it; the Lord has revealed
to be given to all those that love his the ordinances; we know how the sons
appearing; then is the time that Paul and daughters of God obtain this kingly
will get his crown; then is the time office, while living here in this mortal
that the Saints who fall asleep in our tabernacle."
day, will receive their crowns—crowns We will pass over that; suffice it
of rejoicing—kingly crowns. What good to say, that death does not wrench it
would a crown do a man who is miser- from them; for they are to be kings,
able and wretched? Many persons have not for a day, or for this short life,
worn crowns in this life; tyrants have but they are to remain to all eternity
had crowns of diamonds and gold; but kings; having their thrones, and acting
what benefit are they? None at all, ex- in the duties belonging to their kingly
cept to a being who has made himself office. Compared with this, what are
perfectly happy by his obedience. But all the little, petty kingdoms of this
what are we to understand by this crown earth worth? They are not worth one
of righteousness, which is to be given to snap of the finger. The kings of the
the Saints? We understand that it is ac- world exercise a certain authority over
tually to be a crown of glory; that they the nations—over their subjects, issu-
are to be kings in reality. John speaks in ing laws, and framing governments, and
the first chapter of his Revelation to the controlling them; and do you suppose
Churches in his day, and represents the that the Saints will be kings in the eter-
Saints to be Kings and Priests; he says, nal world, and sit down upon thrones,
Christ "hath made us kings and priests in silence, not exercising the functions
unto God and His Father;" and this too, of their office? No. That is not the way
while in this life. the Lord has organized His creations; if
there are kings, you may depend upon
In another place he speaks of those it they will have kingdoms under their
who are dead—about their singing a control; they will have authority and do-
new song: "And they sung a new minion; they will give laws to those sub-
song, saying, Thou hast redeemed us jects over whom they bear rule; they
Oh God by thy blood, out of ev- will control them by the priestly of-
ery kindred, and tongue, and people, fice, for it is combined with the kingly
and nation; And hast made us unto office, and neither can be separated

to all eternity. Is our God so narrow and The earth is to die; it has already re-
contracted in His feelings, in His views ceived certain ordinances, and will have
and disposition, that He would limit the to receive other ordinances for its recov-
authority of the priestly office to this lit- ery from the fall.
tle globe we inhabit? No. God has more We will go back to the creation. The
expansive views; His works are with- first account we have of the earth, it
out beginning, and without end; they are was enveloped in a mass of waters; it
one eternal round. What kind of works was called forth from the womb of liq-
are they? They are to make creations, uid elements. Here was the first birth
and people them with living beings, and of our creation—the waters rolled back,
place them in a condition to prove them- and the dry land appeared, and was soon
selves; and to exercise the kingly and clothed upon with vegetable and ani-
priestly office to redeem them after they mal existence. This was similar to all
have suffered pain, and sorrow, and dis- other births; being first encompassed in
tress; and to bring them up into the pres- a flood of mighty waters, it burst forth
ence of God; that they, in their turn, may from them, and was soon clothed with all
become kings and priests for other cre- the beauties of the vegetable kingdom.
ations that shall be made, and that shall By and by it became polluted by Adam's
be governed and ruled over by those pos- transgression, and was thus brought un-
sessing the proper authority. der the sentence of death, with all things
We do not believe that everything has connected with it; and as our text says, it
got to be limited to this little space of must wax old and die, in like manner as
time in this world; but the Saints will the inhabitants upon the face thereof.
be doing a work that will be adapted to The heavens and the earth were thus
beings that are the sons of God in the polluted, that is, the material heavens,
fullest sense of the word, that are pre- and everything connected with our globe;
cisely like their Father; and if so, they all fell when man fell, and became sub-
will be like Gods, and will hold domin- ject to death when man became subject
ion under that Being who is the Lord of to it. Both man and the earth are re-
lords; and they will hold it to all eternity. deemed from the original sin without or-
We will come back to our text. We dinances; but soon we find new sins com-
have been talking about the funeral ser- mitted by the fallen sons of Adam, and
mon of the earth; the earth is to wax the earth became corrupted before the
old like a garment and pass away. I Lord by their transgressions. It needs
have already proved to you the redemp- redeeming ordinances for these second
tion of man, and how he will become transgressions. The Lord ordained bap-
immortal and eternal; now let us look tism, or immersion of the earth in wa-
after his inheritance; we will see if he ter, as a justifying ordinance. Said he
is to be lifted up in space, without any to Noah, "Build an ark for the sav-
inheritance to stand upon, without any ing of thyself and house, for I will im-
land upon which to raise manna for eat- merse the earth in water, that the sins
ing, or flax for the spinning and mak- which have corrupted it may be washed
ing of fine robes and other wearing ap- away from its face." The fountains of the
parel. Let us see if it is to be a great deep, and the windows on high,
shadowy existence, like the God that is were opened, and the rains came and
served by Christendom, "without body, overwhelmed the earth; and the dry
parts, and passions," and located "be- land disappeared in the womb of the
yond the bounds of time and space." mighty waters, even as in the begin-

ning. The waters were assuaged; the of God, He will say to the earth, "Die."
earth came forth clothed with innocence, What will be its death? Will it be
like the newborn child, having been bap- drowned? No: it is to die through the
tized or born again from the ocean flood; agency of fire; it is to suffer a death sim-
and thus the old earth was buried with ilar to many of the martyrs; the very el-
all its deeds, and arose to a newness of ements themselves are to melt with fer-
life, its sins being washed away, even vent heat, and the hills are to be made
as man has to be immersed in water to like wax before the Lord. Will the earth
wash away his own personal sins. be annihilated? No, there is no such a
word in all His revelations; such a thing
was never known in the bosom of the
Almighty, or any other being, except in
the imaginations of some of the mod-
By and by the earth becomes cor- erns, who have declared that the globe
rupted again, and the nations make was to become like the "baseless fab-
themselves drunken with the wine of the ric of a vision." It is one of the sectar-
wrath of great Babylon; but the Lord has ian follies, that the elements and every-
reserved the same earth for fire; hence thing else are to be completely struck out
He says by the prophet Malachi, "Be- of existence. The Lord never revealed,
hold, the day cometh that shall burn as or thought of, or even hinted at such a
an oven, &c." A complete purification is thing.
again to come upon the earth, and that The earth will not be annihilated, any
too, by the more powerful element of fire; more than our bodies are after being
and the wicked will be burned as stubble. burned. Every chemist knows that the
When is this to be? Is it to be before the weight of a thing is not diminished by
earth dies? This is a representation of burning it. The present order of things
the baptism that is received by man af- must be done away, and, as the apostle
ter he has been baptized in water; for he John says, all things must become new;
is then to be baptized with fire and the and he tells us the time when: it is to be
Holy Ghost, and all his sins entirely done after the millennium. The passing away
away: so the earth will be baptized with is equivalent to death, and all things be-
fire, and wickedness swept away from ing made new is equivalent to the res-
its face, so that the glory of God shall urrection. Is the new earth to be made
cover it. As the waters cover the great precisely like this earth? No; but as this
deep, so will the earth be overwhelmed earth was, before sin entered into it; and
and immersed in the glory of God, and we shall inherit it. This is our heaven,
His Spirit be poured out upon all flesh, and we have the title to it by promise,
before the earth dies. After this purify- and it will be redeemed through the faith
ing ordinance, there will be a thousand and prayers of the Saints, and we shall
years of rest, during which righteous- get a title from God to a portion of it as
ness shall abound upon the face of the our inheritance.
earth; and soon after the thousand years O ye farmers, when you sleep in
have ended, the words of the text shall the grave, don't be afraid that your
be fulfilled—"The heavens shall vanish agricultural pursuits are forever at an
away like smoke, and the earth shall end; don't be fearful that you will never
wax old like a garment," &c. When the get any more landed property; but if
earth waxes old, and has filled the mea- you be Saints, be of good cheer, for
sure of its creation, and all things have when you come up in the morning
been done according to the mind and will of the resurrection, behold! there is

a new earth made, wherein dwells righ- same ordinances the earth has received,
teousness, and blessed are ye, for ye and be baptized with fire and with the
shall inhabit it. "Blessed are the meek," Holy Ghost, as this earth will be when
says our Savior, "for they shall inherit Jesus comes to reign upon it a thousand
the earth," though they have died with- years; and be clothed upon with the glory
out a foot of land. The Latter-day Saints of God, as this earth will be; and af-
were driven from one possession to an- ter they have died as the earth will die,
other, until they were driven beyond they will have to be resurrected, as this
the pale of civilization into the deserts, earth will be resurrected, and then re-
where it was supposed they would die, ceive their inheritance upon it.
and that would be the last of them; but Look at the seventeen centuries that
behold, they have a firm hold upon the have passed away on the eastern hemi-
promise that the meek shall inherit the sphere, during which time the sound of
earth, when they come here with immor- the Gospel has never been heard from
tal bodies capable of enjoying the earth. the mouth of an authorized servant of
True, we can have plenty of the things God. Suppose now that out of the vast
of this life in their cursed condition; but amount of the population of this earth,
what are all these things? They are one in a hundred should receive the law
nothing. We are looking for things in of meekness, and be entitled to receive
their immortal state, and farmers will an inheritance upon the new earth; how
have great farms upon the earth when much land would they receive? We an-
it is so changed. "But don't be so fast," swer, they would receive over 150 acres,
says one, "don't you know that there are which would be quite enough to raise
only about 197,000,000 of square miles, manna, and to build some habitations
or about 126,000,000,000 of acres, upon upon, and some splendid mansions; it
the surface of the globe? Will this accom- would be large enough to raise flax to
modate all the inhabitants after the res- make robes of, and to have beautiful or-
urrection?" Yes; for if the earth should chards of fruit trees; it would be large
stand 8,000 years, or eighty centuries, enough to have our flower gardens, and
and the population should be a thousand everything the agriculturalist and the
millions in every century, that would be botanist want, and some to spare.
eighty thousand millions of inhabitants; What would be done with the spare
and we know that many centuries have portions? Let me tell you of one thing
passed that would not give the tenth part which perhaps some of you have never
of this; but supposing this to be the num- thought of. Do you suppose that we shall
ber, there would then be over an acre and get up out of the grave, male and female,
a half for each person upon the face of and that we shall not have the same
the globe. kind of affections, and endearments, and
But there is another thing to be con- enjoyments that we have here? The
sidered. Are the wicked to receive the same pure feelings of love that exist in
earth as an inheritance? No; for Jesus the bosoms of the male and female in
did not say, Blessed are the wicked, for this world, will exist with seven-fold in-
they shall inherit the earth; this promise tensity in the next world, governed by
was made only to the meek. Who are the law of God; there will be no cor-
the meek? None but those who receive ruptions nor infringements upon one an-
the ordinances of the Gospel, and live ac- other's rights. Will not a man have his
cording to them; they must receive the own family? Yes; he will also have his

own mansion and farm, his own sons and that are crowned as kings and Priests in
daughters. And what else? Why, the fact the presence of God.
is, man will continue to multiply and fill Much more might be said, for we have
up this creation, inasmuch as it is not only just touched upon these things,
filled up by the resurrected Saints after only turned the key that you may look
it is made new. through the door and discern a little of
And what will he do when this is the glories that await the Saints. Let me
filled up? Why, he will make more tell you, it has not entered into the heart
worlds, and swarm out like bees from the of man to conceive the things which God
old hive, and prepare new locations. And has laid up for them that love Him, un-
when a farmer has cultivated his farm, less he is filled with the Holy Ghost, and
and raised numerous children, so that by vision gazes upon the thrones and the
the space is beginning to be too strait dominions, the principalities and pow-
for them, he will say, "My sons, yonder ers, that are placed under His control
is plenty of matter, go and organize a and dominion; and He shall sway a righ-
world, and people it; and you shall have teous scepter over the whole.
laws to govern you, and you shall under- This we will consider a kind of resur-
stand and comprehend through your ex- rection sermon for this creation, and all
perience the same things that we know." the righteous that shall inhabit it. We
And thus it will be one eternal round, have not time in this discourse to preach
and one continual increase; and the the resurrection of the wicked, nor point
government will be placed under those out the place of their location.




The brethren have heard consider- divide them with the emigrants, rather
able about going south; and I know there than that they should leave the city;
is considerable feeling manifested upon and at the same time take one hun-
this matter. There are a great many dred and fifty or two hundred dol-
persons in this valley, who are working lars out of their brethren's pockets for
against this operation; I mean fathers that which cost them little or noth-
and mothers, brothers and sisters, and ing; so they have a certain object in
other relations. Nearly all of these per- view in persuading people to stay in
sons have city lots, and they propose to the city. These things have a strong
tendency to bind the brethren here.

There are also many other things that powerful, for there is the center of the
have the same tendency. They rea- government of the State of Deseret, and
son among themselves, saying, "If we where the governor and his associates,
go to Iron County, or to Millard County, some time in the future, will dwell part
we shall perhaps lose our blessings, of the year. There will be a building
our sealings, and our endowments, and erected there for the use of the general
many other privileges;" and conclude to government of this State and for the
stay here for the purpose of obtaining general government of the Church and
these things. I will tell you that stay here kingdom of God. Then why need you
for this purpose, you will not get your be afraid of the result of anything that
blessings as soon as those will who go is best for you to do? Let grandfather,
and settle where they are counseled. For grandmother, brother or sister, have no
none of you can have these blessings un- influence over you to turn you aside from
til you prove yourselves worthy, by culti- your duty.
vating the earth, and then rendering to If brother Brigham is not of more con-
the Lord the firstfruits thereof, the first- sequence to you than your brother or sis-
fruits of your cattle, of your sheep, and ter, or father or mother, or anything else
of all your increase. This is how I un- that pertains to this life, I would not give
derstand it. Now go and get farms for much for your religion. If you will re-
yourselves while you can. flect for a moment, and let the Spirit of
Those brethren in Iron County, and the Lord—the spirit of revelation, have
those that are still at Coal Creek, pretty place in your bosoms, so that you can
much all of them, are ironmongers; they foresee the future events which we are
were the first to go into the iron and coal approaching, and let your minds expand
business and leave their farms. There by the power of the Holy Ghost, you will
are somewhere in the neighborhood of not hesitate one moment to go to these
two hundred acres of land under cultiva- valleys.
tion in those valleys, that you can have We have no wish to get rid of the
the privilege of purchasing, or of culti- Saints, but the counsel that is given
vating for the time being, until you can them to go and settle those places, is for
make farms for yourselves. In the city their best interest, and for the upbuild-
of Manti, half of the houses are vacant; ing of the kingdom of God.
there are houses enough empty there to You have arrived safely in this valley,
accommodate fifty or a hundred families. by the providence of God, from Old Eng-
In Iron County also there are similar ad- land, where it rains almost every day,
vantages. and where they have to keep the lamps
Fillmore City, in Millard County, is lit, sometimes, in order to pass through
situated in a very extensive valley. I the streets safely in the day time. Often,
think we travel, as we are going to Iron when I was there, I had to sit and read
County, somewhere in the neighborhood in the day time by candle light; and we
of fifty or sixty miles, and then it ex- very seldom durst go out without an um-
tends west far beyond the power of the brella, for if we did, we were sure to get
eyes to see; the fact is, we can see no soaked to the skin before we returned. It
distant mountains at all in some direc- is not so in this country; and the further
tions; and there are numerous rich val- you go south, the higher the valleys are,
leys that are connected or which commu- until you go over the rim of the Great
nicate with this, on to Iron County. Mil- Basin, about sixty miles, down to the Rio
lard County we wish to make strong and Virgin. As soon as you get there, you are

where it is summer all the year round; temple, a baptismal font, storehouses,
but we do not wish you to go there until and such things the Church has need of.
you are appointed to go. We want you to I do not know whether you have any de-
go where you are sent, for you cannot get sire to have a temple built or not. Have
your endowments until you have proved you reflected upon it, that we may go
yourselves—that is what we intend; it is to with our might, our means, our sub-
the mind of brother Brigham, the Pres- stance, and with all we have to build a
ident of the Church of Jesus Christ of house to the Lord, to build fonts, that
Latter-day Saints, and the Prophet of we can attend to the ordinances of sal-
God, who holds the keys of life and sal- vation for ourselves, our children, our
vation pertaining to you, and me, and all fathers, and mothers, both living and
the world—not a soul is excepted, nei- dead? What do you say? If you say we
ther man, woman, nor child; they all be- shall do so, raise your right hands. (All
long to him; for he is the Prophet, he is hands were up.) It is clear that they will
our Priest, our Governor, even the Gov- have a temple, brother Brigham.
ernor of the State of Deseret. Now if you will take hold together,
and do as you have been told, and go and
I think more of the things that per- people those rich valleys, except those
tain to the Church of Jesus Christ of who have been counseled to stay here,
Latter-day Saints, or the kingdom of for if they are wanted here, it is nec-
God, than I do of these little petty terri- essary they should stay here; you shall
torial matters. I presume if the brethren be blessed. Gather up your substance,
in this Conference will go into these val- and go and make farms for yourselves,
leys, and grow wheat, raise cattle, and that you can raise from two hundred to
other products of the earth, and then three thousand bushels of wheat next
give one-tenth of all their increase into summer. We have been in those valleys
the Lord's storehouse; and one-tenth of two or three times on exploring expedi-
all they have got now, we shall be able to tions, and we are going again next fall,
set to immediately, and build a temple, over the mountains, down into the lower
and finish it forthwith, and abandon the world, if the Lord will. We shall thus
idea of the Church building houses for travel back and forth, and live about as
individuals, to get a few dollars here and much in one place as in another; for the
there to carry on the public works. Let us future we shall keep on the move, going
attend to the Church matters, and rear to and fro, and shall never be easy; we
that wall round the Temple block as soon never want to be, nor that you should,
as possible, and apply the Church funds until the kingdom of God prevails over
to this purpose, instead of putting them this earth. We will fill up these moun-
into the hands of a few individuals, that tains, take up the land, and, as they used
would perhaps pay one hundred dollars, to say in the States, "become squatters,"
or turn in a yoke of cattle, and say, "Build and we will become thicker on the moun-
me a house, and then let the Church pay tains than the crickets ever were.
the difference." They will pay so much, If you can once break up the ranks
and perhaps the rest of it is sucked out of the crickets, it breaks up their
of the vitals of the Church. This is calculations, and under such circum-
afflicting the Church; it cannot carry stances they never will undertake a
this burden, but must and will throw war upon your crops. In like manner
it off, and use the tithing in building a we have to become one, and build a

Temple, that we may learn the princi- building committee to build brother
ples of oneness more fully, to prepare for Brigham a house, and the person who
all things to come, that when we become murmurs the worst shall be the Presi-
fixed for war, we may whip out all the en- dent. We will give him the same right
emies of truth, and never yield the point, which we gave to Father Sherwood; but
neither man, woman, nor child that is in it was a tie between him and Zebedee
Israel. Coltrin which should preside; but Father
As for murmurers and complainers Sherwood's tongue being more limber, he
and faultfinders, we want to give them whipped out Coltrin, and got the Pres-
some employment, and we shall at- idency. We will organize a company of
tend to that part of the business be- males and females, for we calculate to
fore long. After meeting we will lay give females an office in that company,
the thing before them, and all the mur- and they shall be upon an equal foot-
murers, and complainers, and faultfind- ing with the men. Now there's a chance
ers, &c., we want they should raise for you women who seek to be equal
their right hand to do some good. If with your husbands. This is sticking to
they want to vote, we will appoint the text brother Brigham gave yesterday.
a meeting at the Council House di- But I believe I will stop speaking for the
rectly after Conference, and organize present.
them into companies, and appoint a

C ITY, J ULY 10, 1853.


I hope the congregation will lend us There may be many strangers assem-
their undivided attention, and exercise bled with us as at this season of the
their faith and prayers for those that year; many are passing through this city
speak, that the truth may be drawn out from different parts of the world. The
to the edification of all. members of the Church need not com-
I always feel diffident to address plain, if I should address myself to the
the assemblies of the people of God, people as if they were all strangers, on
at the seat of the government of the the principles that are sometimes des-
Church, knowing that there are many ignated "M ORMONISM;" and confine my-
that can edify and enlighten our minds self to some of the plain, simple, intro-
better than I can. I always feel ductory principles of that system. It will
that I would sooner hear than speak. refresh the minds of those acquainted
But nevertheless, I feel it my duty with them, and perhaps edify them, and
to impart my testimony, and exercise at the same time edify others.
my gift among my brethren, accord-
ing to my calling; I therefore shall ad- Suppose I were to ask a question
dress you for a while this morning. this morning, as a stranger, "What

is Mormonism?" I suppose it is known to of God, and the principles of God should

most men at all conversant with prin- bear rule over all the earth. Daniel and
ciples classed under that name, that it the other Prophets, in speaking of this
is a nickname, or a name applied by subject, always call them the Saints of
the public, and not used officially by the Most High. They do not call them
the Church so called. Mormon was a "Mormonites," Methodists, Presbyteri-
man, a Prophet, an author, a compiler, ans, Congregationalists, Jews, Pagans,
and a writer of a book. Mormon was or Muhammadans, nor yet Catholics;
a teacher of righteousness, holding cer- but the language of the Apostles and
tain doctrines. The Church of Jesus Prophets is, that the S AINTS of the
Christ of Latter-day Saints are agreed Most High shall prevail—prevail over
with Mormon, as well as with many the world, establish a true order of gov-
other ancient writers, and hold to the ernment, and, in short, rule the lower
same principles; therefore their neigh- world, and that all the nations shall bow
bors have seen fit to call those principles to him who is at their head, and to the
they hold, "M ORMONISM." They might principles held by them.
as well have called them, Abrahamism, Why not this be continued and sus-
Enochism, or Isaiahism; because the an- tained, O ye people of Christendom, and,
cient Prophets, Patriarchs, and Apostles, letting these party names go by the
held to the same truths in general terms, board, and be classed among the things
only differing in circumstances, in dis- that were in the darker ages, come to the
tant countries and ages of the world, proper and correct Scripture language,
and acted upon the same general princi- and when we speak of the people of God,
ples, according to the particular circum- call them S AINTS OF THE M OST H IGH?
stances that surrounded them. But the Well, then, such is the name that the
world, out of all the ancients, have se- Church which I represent, do their busi-
lected one called Mormon, and all the ness in. As such, they are known on
principles held by all good, inspired men their own records, and on the records
of all ages and countries they have seen of heaven, inasmuch as they are rec-
fit to sum up, and call "Mormonism." ognized there. But we know what
Well, it is as well as anything else, for the world mean when they say "Mor-
aught I know; the name does not affect monism," and "Mormon." What are the
the principles. principles called "Mormonism?" You may
The word of God, as written in the ask those who profess to be instruc-
good old Book, designates the people of tors of the people abroad in the States,
God by the name of Saints; which name and elsewhere—and very few of them
is almost or quite as ancient, as any will give you one correct idea in re-
writings extant. Saint was spoken of by gard to the doctrines of the Latter-
Enoch long before the flood. The same day Saints. Indeed they have not in-
term was applied to the people of God by formed themselves, but remain in igno-
the Prophets, the Psalmist, and by the rance on the subject; and when they
writers of the New Testament. would show others, of course they can-
Not only was this term applied to not inform them correctly on that sub-
Saints in ancient days, but the Patri- ject. But you will generally be informed,
archs, Prophets, and Apostles applied that "Mormonism" is a new religion, that
it prophetically, speaking of the people it is something new under the sun, and
of God in the latter days, when the of course is an innovation—a kind of tres-
kingdom should be given to the people pass on Christianity, on the Bible, or on the

good old way. "O," say some of the editors or the rest of the Apostles would con-
that ought to be the most enlightened, demn a man because he believed in the
and that profess to be, "if Mormonism ministration of angels, because he re-
prevails, Christianity will come down." lated an experience wherein he had had
Now suppose that we examine, prin- a vision of an angel.
ciple by principle, some of the fundamen- Now that was the principle that dis-
tal principles of "Mormonism," and see turbed this generation, in the commence-
whether there is one item that is new, ment of the introduction of that which
or that is in any way an innovation on is now called "Mormonism"—a principle
Christianity. as common in the ancient Church as the
What is the first start towards an in- doctrine of repentance. I will say more—
troduction of these principles in this age, it is a principle that has been common in
and the organization of a people? What all dispensations; it is a principle which
is it that first disturbed the world, or any was had before the flood, and fully en-
part of it, or called the attention of the joyed by the ancient Saints, or at least
people towards it, giving rise to the sys- held to by them; a principle that was
tem now called "Mormonism?" It was the common among them; not that every
ministration of angels to certain individ- man attained to it.
uals; or in other words, certain individu-
als in this age enjoyed open visions. But where can we read, under the
Now we will stop, right at this point; government of the Patriarchs, before the
it is called "Mormonism." Let us dwell flood or after it; before Moses or af-
on it. Is that a new principle? Is ter him; before Christ or after Christ—
it adding something to Christianity, or where can we read in sacred history
taking something from it? Do not let of a people of God by whom the doc-
our modern notions weigh anything, but trine of visions and ministering of angels
come right to the fact of the matter. If would be discarded, or be considered er-
Peter the Apostle were here today, and roneous? It was common to all dispen-
a person were to relate to him a vi- sations, it was enjoyed by the Patriarchs
sion wherein an angel appeared to him and Prophets under the law of Moses, be-
and said something to him, would Pe- fore it and after it, and by the people of
ter call together the rest of the Apos- God among the Ten Tribes, and among
tles, and sit in council on that man's the Jews. We will carry it still further.
head for error? Would they say to that It was enjoyed among the Gentiles, be-
man, "Sir, you have introduced some- fore there was a people of God fully orga-
thing here in your experience that is nized among them in the days of Christ.
derogatory to Christianity, and contrary Cornelius had the ministering of angels
to the system of religion we have taught, before he became a member of the Chris-
and introduced into the world?" I need tian Church, or understood there was a
not answer this question, neither need I crucified and risen Redeemer. He prayed
bring Scripture to show what were the to the living God, and gave alms of such
teachings and experience of Peter and things as he had. He was a good man,
the rest of the Apostles on this sub- and an angel came to him and told him
ject. The Bible is too common a book, his prayers were heard, and his alms had
too widely circulated in the world, and come up as a memorial before God.
the people of the United States, espe- It is astonishing then, to me, that
cially, are too well read in its contents the modern Christian world consider
to suppose, for a moment, that Peter this a new doctrine, an innovation—a

trespass on Christianity. No! It is as old sins—is that anything new? No. Ev-
as the world, and as common among the eryone conversant with the Bible will
true people of God, as His every day deal- say, that such things took place fre-
ings with man. We will leave that point, quently under all the different dispensa-
and say, it is the Christian world, and tions. The heathen were warned in this
not the Latter-day Saints, that have a way. Individuals, households, cities, na-
new doctrine, provided they discard that tions, and the world have to be warned in
principle. this way, and especially under the Chris-
What next? Why, that man, by vi- tian dispensation. So there was a spe-
sion, the ministering of angels, and by cial commission given to the servants
revelation, should be called with a high of God, to go to all the world, and call
and holy calling—commissioned with a upon everybody to repent, or whole na-
holy mission to preach, and teach, and tions should become disfranchised, scat-
warn, and prophesy, and call men to re- tered, and millions be destroyed, as for
pentance. That was one of the first prin- instance the Jews at Jerusalem, because
ciples introductory to what is now called they would not hearken to it. It is noth-
"Mormonism" in this age. ing new, to cry to all men to repent, and
Is there anything new about that, warn different cities and nations of wars
anything strange, anything that differs coming upon them, or that they will be
from the Patriarchal ages, from the Jew- damned if they do not repent. This is
ish economy, the Mosaic dispensation, one of the early principles called "Mor-
or from the dispensation called Chris- monism." Is there anything new in this?
tian? Similar things happened before Is there anything strange or unscrip-
Moses, in his day, and after his day; tural? No; no sensible professing Chris-
and among the Prophets, and in differ- tian will maintain such a point for a mo-
ent ages. Were not such things com- ment.
mon in the days of Jesus Christ, and Suppose that some people should
after that in the days of the Apostles? hearken, when the ministering of an-
Was not John the Baptist thus commis- gels takes place. Among many men one
sioned? Was not Jesus thus commis- certain man is commissioned by revela-
sioned. And were not His Apostles, El- tion to preach the Gospel, and cry re-
ders, and Seventies? After his resurrec- pentance. Suppose that some persons
tion, and ascension into heaven, were hearken and repent, and he should take
not others called, and ordained under them and walk down to the water, and
the hands of those who were thus com- bury them in the water in the name
missioned, and called sometimes by vi- of the Father, and of the Son, and of
sions and revelations directing them to the Holy Ghost, and raise them again
those who were thus commissioned in or- out of the water, to represent the death
der to be ordained? That was no new doc- and burial of Jesus Christ, and his res-
trine, no innovation on Christianity, no urrection from the dead; and to repre-
perversion of the Scriptural system, nor sent the faith of the individual thus min-
was it anything new, unless you call the istered to, that he does believe in Je-
old principle new. sus Christ, that he died, and that he
Well, then, that the man thus com- did rise from the dead, and that he,
missioned should call upon others to the individual, does put his trust and
turn from their sins; and that an indi- confidence in him for the remission of
vidual, a government, a house, a city, sins and eternal life—is that anything
a nation, or a world of people should new? Would that be new to Peter? Sup-
perish unless they did turn from their pose some person was to relate before

Peter and Paul today, and the Chris- an infant's face and call that a burial!
tians with them, that lived when they Paul said that was a principle of the true
lived—suppose they were all present, Church of Rome that had been buried
and this person told them that a man with Christ by baptism into death, and
came along preaching repentance, and had risen to newness of life. Have these
he called upon us to believe in Jesus modern Roman Catholics gone forward
Christ, and we did so, believing their tes- repenting of their sins, and been buried
timony, and they took us and buried us in water, in the likeness of the death of
in water, and raised us again out of the Jesus Christ according to this pattern?
water unto newness of life—would Pe- If they have not, they are a spurious
ter or John blame him? Would Paul say, Church of Rome, and not real. There-
"It is something new?" Or would he say, fore, if they be the real Church of Rome,
"Brother, thousands of us received the it will be no new thing to them when the
very same thing in ancient days?" Latter-day Saints inform them upon be-
ing buried with Christ in the likeness
The Catholic Church profess to be of his death, &c. If this is a new doc-
the true Church—the ground and pillar trine to them, they had better be looking
of the truth, handed down by regular about them to see if they have not got up
succession from the ancient Church, of a counterfeit Church of Rome, for Paul
which they are still members; and their knew of only one, and the members of it
priesthood and apostles are now of the were all buried with Christ in baptism.
very same Church which the New Tes- If 500 persons here were to say they
tament calls the true Church at Rome. came repenting of their sins, and went
These Roman Catholics of modern times down and were buried in the waters of
profess to be members of the very same baptism, and had risen again to walk
Church that Paul wrote that epistle to. in newness of life, Paul would say, if
If they are, I will show you to demon- he were here, "It is just what we used
stration, if the Scriptures be true, that to do in ancient times; and I wrote
this doctrine called "Mormonism" is not to the Church of Rome, telling them
a new doctrine. Paul, writing to that that as many of them as were baptized
Church, of which they profess to be mem- into Christ were baptized into his death,
bers, says, Know ye not, brethren, ye buried with him by baptism into death,"
Romans, that as many of you as have &c.
been baptized into Christ have been bap- Now if this doctrine is new to the
tized into his death, being buried with church of Rome, then that is that
him by baptism into death, that like as Church, that priesthood, and those
Christ rose from the dead, even so ye members that have introduced some-
may walk in newness of life? Now this thing new, who are departing from the
epistle containing this doctrine was writ- old Christian religion, and not the "Mor-
ten by Paul to the Church at Rome, and mons."
which these modern people called Ro- This reasoning applies just the same
man Catholics profess to be members to the Church of England. They
of. If they are what they profess to be, have just as good a right to have a
every one of them have been buried with
Church in England as anywhere else—
Christ in baptism, and have risen again to have a national Church of England
to newness of life. We will, however, by law established, but if they are a
leave them to describe whether that is re- true Church of God, all of them have
ally the case, or whether they are con- been buried with Christ in baptism,
tented to sprinkle a few drops of water on &c., or the Apostle must have been

mistaken, or there are two different new in "Mormonism." First, the minis-
kinds of Gospel. tering of angels. Second, the commission
Now if I were speaking to the state of ministers, Apostles, Prophets, and El-
church of England, or the state churches ders to administer in holy things, by
of the Catholic world, I would tell them revelation and the authority of heaven.
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to Third, that all those that hear them, be-
repent of their new doctrine, and come lieve their words, and repent of their
back to the old standard spoken of by sins, shall go down into the waters of
the Apostle, when he says, "though we or baptism, and be immersed or buried in
an angel from heaven preach any other the name of the Father, and of the Son,
Gospel unto you than that which we and of the Holy Ghost, and thus show
have preached unto you, let him be ac- that they do believe in a crucified and
cursed," &c. risen Redeemer, and in the remission of
I need not go through with this same sins through his name. So far, I think,
application upon the Lutherans, upon we have fairly stated some of the first
the Presbyterians, upon the Methodists, principles of what the world calls "Mor-
and others, for all these people sprin- monism;" and everyone who has heard
kle infants; for the principle once carried us, must decide that there is nothing
out will apply to the whole. If they are new in these principles, but rather, that
Christians according to the doctrine of those who have departed from them, are
the ancient Church, they hold the doc- justly chargeable with introducing new
trine of the Apostles, they have repented things, and innovations on Christianity.
of their sins, after believing on the Lord Now suppose that one, two, or a
Jesus Christ, and have been BURIED dozen, or a hundred thousand, or even
with Christ by baptism into death, &c. millions of individuals thus baptized,
If not, they may judge themselves, for should all come together, in their sev-
I will not judge them. If they have got eral congregations, and should unite in
a new doctrine, different from that be- earnest prayer, and a man commissioned
lieved by the Apostles, and the Latter- in the ministry of Jesus Christ should
day Saints have got the old one, why rise and lay his hands on them, pray-
not say, then, "If sectarianism prevails, ing the Almighty God to give the Holy
Christianity, as held by the Mormons Spirit, and it be given as in days of
will be in danger," instead of saying the old, and he confirms that promise upon
opposite? Why not turn the thing right them according to the pattern in the
about? If we have no one new principle New Testament—would that be some-
in our religion, why are we considered thing new? Would it be an innovation
innovators, and opposed to Christianity? upon Christianity? Would it be right
And why is Christianity in the world in to say "this is Mormonism, come to do
danger if "Mormonism" prevails? It is be- away with Christianity?" Why, no! Ev-
cause that floating Christianity, called so ery sensible man at all acquainted with
by the world, is a spurious one; they have the Holy Scriptures, would laugh at the
departed from the doctrine of the Apos- idea. If the ancient Saints were here,
tles. Then, I ask again, why say, "If Mor- they would tell you that it was their an-
monism prevails Christianity is in dan- cient manner; they would ask you if you
ger?" For if it is a false Christianity, the had not read over their history, which de-
quicker it falls the better. scribes how the Holy Spirit was adminis-
We have examined three general tered in days of old. Every man who has
principles, to see if there is anything read the Bible, knows it.

Well, then, the different sections of and spiritually, to build up themselves as

what is called Christianity, never do a people, and each other as individuals,
this, and call it something new. When in righteousness upon the earth; and the
the "Mormons" do it, they are at once Spirit of the Lord God into which they
charged with innovation; and yet we were all baptized, should make them
have not got anything new in that re- very great in union—in union of effort,
spect, but simply a restoration of that in counsel, in operation, in fellowship,
which was. They are the persons charge- in temporal things in a great measure,
able with new doctrine, and not the and in spiritual things, by which they
Latter-day Saints. are all of one heart and mind to a great
Well, then, suppose that after this or- degree, and growing in it every day—is
dinance, the Holy Spirit falls upon these this something new, because it is "Mor-
congregations, or upon these individuals monism?" Or is this the very doctrine
thus baptized and confirmed, and fills which was inculcated in days of old by
them, and enlightens their minds, and the Apostles of Jesus Christ?
bears testimony to them of the truth It was the main object for which the
which they have received, and confirms Holy Spirit was given, that they might
them in the faith of it, and fills them all grow up in union, in fellowship, in co-
with the spirit of utterance and prayer, operation, in holiness in the Lord. No
and with gifts whereby they prophesy, or man who has read the New Testament,
speak in tongues, lay hands on the sick will say this is NEW, when we say that
and they recover, in the name of Jesus, the great object of the Gospel is, that we
or whereby they are filled with the spirit may all become one in Christ Jesus—one
of any gift, renewed in their utterance, in knowledge, and in the love and prac-
strengthened in their powers of intellect, tice of the peaceable things of God. Is
so as to be able to speak with eloquence it anything new? No. Well, it is a part
to the edification of others by the word of what the world calls "M ORMONISM;"
of wisdom, knowledge, and prophecy; or and I would to God it was more perfected
peradventure some one, two, or three of among this people than it is.
them have a heavenly vision, and hap-
pen to relate it—is this something new? If any one of these principles in prac-
Are these things an innovation on Chris- tice, should prevail over the whole world,
tianity? it would be nothing new; but the world
Let the Apostles of the ancient only hold this last as a theory; as to the
Church come up now, and be judges, not practice of it, they are strangers.
these innovators. O yes, Saints of an- We have examined five or six gen-
cient days, are these things new to you? eral principles, called "Mormonism," and
"NO," they reply, "but just exactly what found nothing new in them. "But,"
we used to have among us; and you who says one, "I heard you had got a
have read the New Testament know it new Bible; that is certainly an in-
is so." If this, then, is "Mormonism," it novation." But stop; suppose, on in-
is nothing new, but simply that which quiry, you become as much surprised
should have been in the world in order and disappointed as many have who
to constitute true Christianity. have asked for a "Mormon Bible,"
Now suppose, after all these have and when we have presented them with
been established, the people organize one, behold, it is King James' translation
on them; and that in the enjoyment of the Scriptures, the standard we read,
and cultivation of them, this people containing the covenants, predictions, and
unite in their efforts, both temporally hopes of the ancients, and the doctrines

of Jesus Christ, just as we believe them, its predictions do not differ from those
and hope for their fulfilment. Is that contained in the old and new Testa-
anything new? ments, what is the use of it?" The
"Well, if you have not a new Bible, same question was investigated in an-
you have certainly got a new book." Is cient times. A great conqueror had taken
that anything strange? Have not other possession of an ancient library, when
societies got new books? The Church of there were no printing presses, contain-
England have not only the Scriptures, ing one hundred thousand volumes, all
but the Book of Common Prayer, and the in manuscript comprising more history
time was when they did not have such a than was in any library extant in the an-
book, therefore when they made that, it cient world. The conqueror was a Ma-
was something new. They are not alone hommedan. He wrote to the head of the
in that however, for the Methodists have department to know what to do with this
a new book called the "Methodist's Dis- library. It was invaluable in its cost and
cipline." One hundred and twenty years intrinsic worth. "What shall I do with
ago there was no such thing in existence. it?" The reply was, "If it agrees with the
If having a new book be an innovation, Koran, we have no use for it; and if it
then all are guilty of it as well as the does not agree with the Koran, it is false
"Mormons." anyhow; so in either case burn it."
"Now if these Latter-day Saints have
"But those other people do not pro- a book extant among them, and it agrees
fess that their books are inspired, and we with the Bible, there is no kind of use
have learned that you have a book that for it," says the opposer, "for the Bible
you believe is inspired. What is it, any- contains all that is necessary; if it does
how?" This is all a fact, and if it is wrong not agree with the Bible, it is false any-
we will cheerfully plead guilty. We have how; so in either case burn it." This was a
got another book besides the Bible, that principle of Mahommedanism, and may
was an ancient book, and profess that it be a principle of what is called modern
is inspired, and was written by Prophets, Christianity. I hope not, however.
and men that enjoyed the ministering of "What is the use of the book in ques-
angels, more or less of them, and had tion, anyhow?" Why, in the first place,
communion with the heavens, and the it differs in its history from the Bible.
spirit of prophecy. And moreover, we pro- The Bible is a history of things that
fess that this ancient book was restored took place in Asia, principally, and a lit-
to the knowledge of the modern world by tle of what took place in Europe and
inspiration, and the ministering of an- Africa. The Book of Mormon is a his-
gels. Is that something new? It may be tory of things in another hemisphere:
new to the world in its history, and in its The one book is the ancient history of
bearings; in that respect it may be new the Eastern Hemisphere, in part; and
to them; but suppose, after all, it should the other is a history of the Western
contain no new doctrine, no new princi- Hemisphere, in part. Shall we say, be-
ple, no new prophecy, that is, differing cause we have the history of one part
from or doing away that which is already of the world, that the history of the
extant in the Bible? Well, then, I do not other part of the world is good for noth-
say that it would be a new doctrine. Men ing? Could the rulers of nations real-
had books revealed in the days of old. ize that fact, and could they only have
"If it is no new doctrine, and if a copy in their libraries at the cost of

$100,000, they would appropriate it for here comes a book informing us that
this history of the Western Hemisphere. these glad tidings were also to another
hemisphere at the same time.
Discredit it as you will, we have it Now, stop a moment, and let us rea-
in genuineness and in truth, written by son. Suppose yourself an angel of God
the ancient Prophets that lived upon this at that time, full of benevolence, full
land, and revealed in modern times by of joy, full of a soul-inspiring hope, full
the ministering of angels, and inspira- of charity for poor, ignorant, perishing
tion from the Almighty. It is in the world, mortals, and you felt so full of poetry,
and the world cannot get it out of the and song, and gladness, that you could
world. It is in the world in six or seven scarcely hold your peace. Suppose you
languages of Europe. It is as important had a bird's eye view of our little, dark,
in its history as the Bible, and it is just as benighted world, by soaring above it, and
interesting and as necessary for men to in a moment you could light down upon
get an understanding of the ancient his- any part of it. You come to Palestine,
tory of America, as it is for them to get in Asia; that part of the globe is rolling
an understanding of the history of Asia. under your feet; you visit it, and sing
"But are the merits of history all that to the shepherds the glorious tidings of
it is good for?" It is good in doctrine also. great joy, which shall be to all people:
If two or more writers, one living in Asia, "for unto you is born this day in the city
and the other in America, and contempo- of David, a Saviour which is Christ the
rary, have the same doctrine revealed to Lord." The earth rolls on about half way
them, and both bear record of the same round, you look down again with a bird's
plan of salvation, who is he that shall say eye view, and you discover the West-
that the record of one is of no worth? ern Hemisphere, and it is full of peo-
ple: I wonder whether your soul would
Is it not a satisfaction to sit down still swell with the same glad tidings—
and read, that a country far removed or would your charity trove become ex-
from Bible scenes, from that part of hausted? Would you not fly and declare
the stage on which figured the Patri- these glad tidings to them also, and sing
archs of old, with Moses and the Jew- them a song of joy, and tell them what
ish Prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus day the Savior was born, that would
Christ and the Apostles, was also the reach their case as well as the case of
theater of revelation, prophecy, visions, those who dwelt upon the continent of
angels, of the ministration of the doc- Asia? "Yes," you reply, "if I were an an-
trine of Christ, of the organization and gel, and had liberty to tell these glad tid-
government of his true Church; that ings, I would never tell them to one part
there too were angels, that there too of the earth and go to sleep there, while
were Apostles, that there too was the the other part rolled under my feet un-
word of God, that there too faith came noticed."
by hearing, and salvation by faith! Shall Were those angels commissioned and
we say that such things and such good endowed to bear glad tidings to ALL PEO -
news are worth nothing, when that very PLE, that the Savior was born? I say
news corroborates the song of the heav- that the choir of angels which sang that
enly hosts, when they declared to the song, had full liberty, not only to tell
shepherds of Judea, in joyful songs, the plan of salvation to chosen vessels of
that they brought glad tiding of great the Lord in one country, but also to an-
joy, that should be to all people! And other country—not only that the Savior

was born, in general terms, but the place there ships and steam vessels to bear
where, and the time when, he was born. them to this country? No. Was there
These were the tidings, "Go to all peo- any communication kept up, or was this
ple." An angel must be a limited being, or country known to them? No. But the
be very ignorant in geographical knowl- waves, and winds, and elements, and
edge, or partake largely of sectarian feel- the great depths that intervened, even
ings of heart, to bear such tidings to one the unexplored ocean, said to the an-
half of the globe, and not to the other. cient Apostles, "Thus far shall ye go,
I knew an infidel once, who did not and no further." This ocean however was
believe in the Christian religion, nor in no barrier to the fleet-footed angel of
the New Testament, nor in the Savior of God, to the risen Jesus, and to immor-
the world. I asked him why he did not tal man. They could come to this hemi-
believe this. "Because," says he, "accord- sphere, and reveal the things of heaven
ing to the New Testament the manifes- to the people, and could rejoice in the
tation of such an important affair was same glad tidings, whether it was here
so limited. Here was half of the world, or in Jerusalem, or if it were in the ut-
according to the New Testament, that termost parts of the earth.
never heard of it. A message so impor- Though Peter was crucified at Rome,
tant should have been made more pub- and Paul suffered in the same manner;
lic." "Well," said I, "if I will produce you though Saints of the Most High were
a record, and a history, as well authen- slaughtered by thousands and tens of
ticated as the New Testament, show- thousands, and bled at the feet of Ro-
ing that angels, the risen Savior, holy man altars; yet a crucified and risen
inspired Prophets and Apostles, minis- Redeemer, angels of God, and the Holy
tered in the western hemisphere, and Spirit of truth that fills all things,
preached the Gospel to every creature, were not thus curtailed and limited, but
and handed it down to ages, will you could minister truth to the uttermost
then believe?" "Yes," he answered, "I bounds of the universe of God, where
will." I presented him the Book of Mor- intelligences were mourning in dark-
mon, which he perused. I inquired if he ness; wherever the ravages of death had
now believed. "Yes," he said, "I do." And spread sorrow, wherever there was a
he has lived a Christian until now, for broken heart to be bound up, or wher-
aught I know. I have seen him in this ever there was a despairing mortal to be
congregation, and he may be here today. inspired with hope, they could go and
His name is Alger. tell the glad tidings of life and salva-
What objection have you to the hope tion. The Book of Mormon says they did
of eternal life being as widely devel- come to this continent. It is a history
oped as the ravages of death, sorrow, of their coming, and contains the doc-
and mourning? What objection have trine taught to the people here by the
you to the angels of God, Apostles of risen Jesus, and by his predecessors. In
God, the Son of God, or to the Holy short, the doctrine taught and practiced
Spirit of prophecy being poured out in in ancient America is there portrayed,
more countries than one? You may together with the history of the people.
say the keys of the Gospel were given Again, is this book of no interest
to the Jewish Apostles, but they were with regard to the prophetic value?
so far off as not to be able to reach It reveals many things not noticed by
the western hemisphere, even if they the Jewish Prophets. Did the old
had had a knowledge of it. Were Prophets touch upon every item that

pertains to man in other countries? No, ciple and history penned; the history
they did not, only in general terms to- comprising but a small portion, such as
gether with the rest of the world. These can be written, revealed to us Latter-
other Prophets portrayed many things day Saints, and practiced upon; so
not in their book, though agreeing with that our modern books are like the an-
it as far as it goes, but touching events cient books—a mixture of revelation,
on which their book is silent. prophecy, history, and doctrine. Has any
person any objections to this? I ask,
Has any person any cause to say that should an angel administer to this or
there has not been a multiplicity of reve-
that man, or suppose an open vision was
lations, testimony, prophecy, history, and manifested to him, revealing many pre-
doctrine developed in various countries
cious truths, would he not be a simple-
by the same Spirit of God, and by angels?
ton not to write it? If the power of God,
And is not all this of great worth, to com- and the ministering of God, and the vi-
pare, in order to blend it together, that
sions of the Almighty are extant in the
we may see more clearly the principles world, these will be written. The prac-
of the doctrine of salvation, and under- tical part of history will be written, for
stand prophecy more extensively, espe-
if all were written, the world would not
cially in an age when the mind has been contain the books. The ancient Apostles
obscured by priestcraft?
and Prophets wrote a few of the items re-
If these are the principles of "Mor- vealed to them, and a history of the prac-
monism," where can you point out an in- tical workings of the system over which
novation on Christianity? "But is this they presided. Do we differ from them?
all?" No, this is not all, and I shall not No.
tell it all today. I do not know it all yet. "Well," says one, "to be plain with
I have been twenty three years learn- you, Mr. Speaker, we have been taught
ing "Mormonism," and I know but little to believe that the one book, called the
of it. If anyone expects to learn all the Bible, contains all the revelations that
doctrines of "Mormonism," he must learn God ever revealed to man, therefore it
more than twenty-three years. For be it is an innovation to offer anything else
known unto you all, that "Mormonism," to the world as a revelation." This is a
instead of being confined to a few dogmas tradition of your own, so I have noth-
or general truths, opens the floodgates ing to do with it. The Bible never
of all truth and knowledge, and teaches taught that to you, nor angels, neither
mankind to retain all the truth they can did any minister of God ever teach it
already comprehend, and comprehend as to you; and if it is a modern sectarian
much more as they can all the time. tradition, it is calculated to bind men
into a cast-iron creed, and the sooner
"Have you not other books?" Yes, you break the fetters the better; burst
we have histories and compilations of them asunder, and come out into lib-
the dealings of God with us as a peo- erty and freedom, and know and un-
ple. We keep a record, if you must derstand that there is no such doctrine
know not only individually some of us, in the broad principles of eternal truth,
but as a Church, as a body, or com- that heaven is full of knowledge, and
munity. We have revelation penned, the earth ought to be full of Prophets,
revelations and visions penned, we have heaven and earth full of angels, and both
revelation and prophecy penned, we have full of inspiration; and if the inhabi-
knowledge penned, we have knowledge tants of all the worlds of the universe
and principle penned, we have prin- were scribes, every blade of grass a pen,

and every ocean ink, they could not write Christianity. We differ from modern
all the doings of the Almighty, of His ser- Christianity, but not from the Bible.
vants, and of His angels. If I were to Patriarchs of the remotest ages, that
live for millions of years to come, and obeyed the Lord God in regard to
then millions of millions more, I expect their marriages and family organiza-
there would always be some being ready tions, have not disagreed with us, nor we
to reveal something new, and somebody with them, so far as we and they have
would write it. The art of writing will obeyed the law of God. If there is any
never cease. We may not have pens and difference at all, it was more developed
ink, but we may have something better. among them than it is among us, we be-
Suffice it to say, that the arts and sci- ing in our infancy. If it should happen
ences will not come to an end, yet man to be, that the whole modern world dif-
may have been traditionated to believe fer from the Bible—have done away with
that one small book contains all that God the law of God, and we have come in
ever said or did. Such persons are to be contact with them, instead of with the
pitied, and not to be reasoned with. word of God, then the boot is on the other
What is "Mormonism?" It is a restora- foot, and in reality what is said to us ap-
tion by new revelation, by the author- plies to them. It is like the farmer and
ities of heaven, by the ministration of the lawyer. A certain farmer came to
angels, by the ordination of Prophets a neighboring lawyer, and frankly con-
and Apostles, and ministers or Elders, fessed that his bull had had the misfor-
by their testimony and ministry on the tune to kill one of his (the lawyer's) oxen.
earth, by the organization of Saints, by The lawyer replied, "Thou art a very hon-
the administration of ordinances, by the est fellow, and will not think it wrong
operations of the Holy Spirit; it is a that I have one of thy oxen in return."
restoration of these ancient principles "But," said the farmer, "I am mistaken,
revealed from heaven, for the govern- it was thy bull that killed my ox." "O,"
ment of man. replied the lawyer, "that alters the case,
Says one, "You have said you are not and if, if, i-f—."
going to tell the whole system today." I
Now, then, if it is the whole Chris-
do not know it all, and I shall not state
tian world, from Catholicism down to the
the half I do know. What I have said are
latest of her daughters, that have made
a few everyday items, a few of the first
void the law of God, and trampled un-
principles of the Gospel of Christ, as be-
der foot the institutions of heaven, the
lieved and practiced by the "Mormons."
holy principles of matrimony and family
I will tell one more before I close.
government, and have made them void
"Your marriages," says the objector, "are
also, by their traditions, and introduced
founded upon principles entirely new,
that which God never did, and "Mor-
and different from the Christian world."
monism" has restored the law of God,
I say, without any hesitancy, I defy the
in theory and practice, then it is the so-
world to establish that assertion. I say
called Christian world, and not us, that
our marriage relations are nothing new
are wrong. Whether it regards family or-
at all. There is no man, or set of men, or
ganization, the law of God, Patriarchal
nation of men, where the Bible is extant,
government, ordinances, principles, and
and they are readers, but what know
prophecy, I know of nothing new, or of
that the institutions of marriage con-
nothing wherein we are innovators.
tained in the Bible, and the organization
of families, differ widely from modern As I said before, and I am able to

maintain it when called upon, "Mor- norance, darkness, and tyranny, and re-
monism" is a system which was un- store mankind to righteousness, truth,
derstood and enjoyed by the ancients, liberty, law, and government, in which
and restored unto us by revelation. the Lord's will will be done on the earth
And if carried out, what will it do? as it is in heaven. That is what "Mor-
It will simply fulfill the sayings of monism" will do, when carried out.
the Prophets, both ancient and mod-
ern, put down all wickedness, abuse,
proscription, misrule, oppression, ig- May God bless you all. Amen.


G REAT S ALT L AKE C ITY, F EB. 20, 1853.


Truly happy is that man, or woman, only people that now enjoys such signal
or that people, who enjoys the privileges favors. The Priesthood has been upon
of the Gospel of the Son of God, and the earth from time to time, and the
who know how to appreciate his bless- kingdom of God has been organized to
ings. Who is that person, or that peo- certain degrees, but we can truly say,
ple? We are ready to reply, "The Latter- this is the time of times, we live in the
day Saints are the only people on earth, day of days, we enjoy the blessings of
that we have any knowledge of, to whom the blessed, and have bestowed upon
the everlasting Gospel has been given in us, in the fulness of times, privileges
these days; they are the only people who that surpass all privileges hitherto be-
are the heirs to it, with all its blessings stowed upon mankind. In this dispen-
and privileges. Not to our knowledge is sation all things will be gathered to-
there any other people on the face of this gether in one, and, strange and mar-
globe, that enjoy this inestimable bless- velous as it may appear to the world,
ing." True, all mankind enjoy to a certain these are the people who are the in-
degree its influence, the manifestations struments in the hand of God to bring
of the Author, Proprietor, and Giver of it to pass. This is a truth that no argu-
the Gospel of life and salvation to fallen ments can successfully bear down. No mat-
man. All the offspring of Adam from his ter how it is despised, persecuted, or ne-
day to this, have enjoyed, to a greater glected, as a frivolous, trifling, and child-
ish work, it is true, and it will remain; it
or less degree, the light, the glory, and
is the kingdom of heaven upon the earth.
the manifestations of the countenance of Here is the plan of salvation, here are the
their Lord. But they have not enjoyed in words of life, here is the light of eternity, here
all ages the Gospel, with its ordinances, is the intelligence that will instruct kings,
blessings, and privileges. This is the and impart judgment to rulers. It is em-

bodied here in the midst of this people, for there are many theories and systems
and from them the rays of heavenly light, on the earth, incontrovertible by the wis-
wisdom, and intelligence have spread dom of the world, which are nevertheless
upon the wide earth; and the Spirit of false. Nothing less than the power of the
the Lord, that fills immensity, has been Almighty, enlightening the understand-
poured out upon its face, giving light to ings of men, can demonstrate this glori-
every man and woman that cometh into ous truth to the human mind.
this world. When you were in your native homes
Brethren and sisters, can we real- in the old countries and in the United
ize its greatness? Arouse the reflecting States, before you gathered with the peo-
and reasoning faculties with which you ple of God, what were your thoughts
are endowed, reason upon your past ex- and expectations, when you looked for-
perience in this Church, and then in- ward to the period of your being em-
quire if you are as happy as you antici- bodied with the Saints? What were
pated you would be, if you have received the vision of your mind, and the oper-
that which you desired, if you enjoy that ations of the Spirit upon your under-
which was once in the future to you— standing? When you were gathered with
and what will be your reasonable conclu- the Saints of the Most High, and be-
sions? What would an enlightened judg- came associated as a brother, a sister,
ment tell you? What would the spirit of and a neighbor with that blessed soci-
truth decide? That here are the pure ety, you expected to enjoy the manifes-
rays of light, here is heaven on earth; tations of the Lord Jesus Christ, to walk
and no argument, no intelligence, no in- in the light of his countenance, and by
fluence of earth and hell combined could the power of the Holy Ghost have the
disprove it, or produce one good reason oracles of truth revealed to you contin-
to the contrary. You may then ascend ually, and that you would be in heaven,
to the powers supreme, and consult the and in the Zion of the Lord. These were
intelligence that fills the bosom of eter- your expectations. You did not expect
nity; you may inquire of the Creator, Or- to hear the name of the God we serve
ganizer, and Preserver of the Universe, blasphemed from morning until evening;
our Father who is in heaven; you may you expected to be delivered from hear-
associate with the glorious retinue of ing the blasphemies of your wicked shop-
Saints, angels, martyrs, and the spir- mates, from the tyranny of your ungodly
its of just men made perfect; and they employers, and from the persecutions
will all, with one voice as it were, tes- of the bigoted religionists, who were all
tify to the truth of this work in which we united to pick you to pieces, and destroy
are engaged. On the other hand, noth- you both temporally and spiritually, if
ing short of the power of the Almighty, it were possible; on one side you were
nothing short of the Holy Spirit of Je- sheared, and on the other shaved. You
sus Christ, can prove to you that this is were annoyed with the ungodly conver-
the work of God. Men uninspired of God sation and filthy deeds of your neighbors,
cannot by their worldly wisdom disprove your peace was destroyed, and you could
it, or prevail against it; neither can they not enjoy that happiness held out to you
by wisdom alone prove it to be true, ei- in the Gospel; yet you felt the influence
ther to themselves or to others. Their of the spirit of truth burning in your
not being able to prevail against it does heart, which kindled in you a longing de-
not prove it to be the kingdom of God, sire to mingle with the Saints; you would

exclaim, "Oh! that I could enjoy the soci- heart, if my individual will yields obedi-
ety of the Saints, and make my escape ence to the requirements and mandates
from this ungodly place. Oh! that I of my heavenly Master. He has set me a
had means to gather up my little family, pattern to copy, which, if I imitate faith-
and journey to the place of the gather- fully, will yield to me all and more of
ing of the Saints of the Most High." This heaven in my own heart than I can an-
was your feeling, and this your prayer. ticipate. This is my answer.
You anticipated deliverance from hell, to
find a heaven with the Saints; you ex- Brother Erastus Snow asked a
pected to exchange confusion for a Zion question—"If my neighbor shall do
of order and beauty, misery for peace wrong to me, am I thereby compelled
and happiness, blasphemy and tumult to do wrong to my next neighbor?" I say,
for quietness and reverence to the name no. If a brother shall tread down my
of God, starvation for plenty; in short, grain, that is ripening in the field, am
you expected to find a place where all I thereby compelled to run through and
evil had ceased, and iniquity and sorrow tread down yours? No. When a person
were brought to an end, and where you steals my poles from the fence, am I com-
would bask undisturbed in the smiles of pelled to steal yours? If my neighbor, or
the countenance of your Lord from day my brother in the Church, shall swear,
to day. I think I have drawn a faithful and take the name of God in vain, does
picture of what were the thoughts of the it necessarily follow that I must use the
majority of this people, before they were same language? If my brother shall do
gathered to the body of the Church. wrong in any way, it does not follow that
Now, brethren and sisters, what hin- I shall be justified in committing one
ders you from enjoying all you antici- single evil in all the acts of my life. Let
pated? The calm reflections of your own each Latter-day Saint examine himself,
minds, and the conclusions of a well and inquire, "Am I one of those persons
balanced judgment, enlightened by the who will do right in all things, though
Spirit of the Lord, will give you a cor- others may do wrong? Am I that person
rect answer to this question. I can an- that will serve the Lord with my house,
swer it for myself, and perhaps for many that will cease from every evil act, and
of you. If I do not enjoy all I antici- from every evil word, though my neigh-
pated, if my happiness is not as com- bors, or my brethren and sisters, may do
plete as I anticipated, if the light of the the opposite?" Let the spirit within you
Holy Spirit is not in my heart to that de- reply to these questions, and in every
gree which I expected it would be, if I breast the response is, "Let me be that
have not obtained all I anticipated when person, let me do right from this time
I was down in yonder world, mingled henceforth and forever, without commit-
with the wicked, the cause is in myself, ting another evil." Then what, have you
in my own heart, in my own disposition, got? You have got heaven in your own bo-
in the weakness of human nature; it is soms, you have got Zion in your hearts,
my own will that prevents me from en- you have obtained all the glory, all the
joying all I anticipated, and more. It is peace, all the joy, all the comfort, and
a mistaken idea to suppose that others all the light you anticipated when you
can prevent me from enjoying the light were mingling with the wicked world. If
of God in my soul; all hell cannot hin- you are deceived, who will deceive you?
der me from enjoying Zion in my own If you are wronged, who wrongs you?

If you are cheated out of your crown at better than mine, therefore you can do
last, who has cheated you? These ques- good for me; I will submit myself wholly
tions may apply in different ways. They to you, and place in you all my confi-
may apply to the business operations of dence for life and salvation; where you
the world, as well as to the grace of God go I will go, and where you tarry there
in the heart, and the salvation of the I will stay; expecting that you will intro-
soul. It is to the latter I wish them more duce me through the gates into the heav-
particularly to apply. Who has influ- enly Jerusalem."
ence over any one of you, to cause you to I wish to notice this. We read in the
miss salvation in the celestial kingdom Bible, that there is one glory of the sun,
of God? I will answer these questions for another glory of the moon, and another
myself. If brother Brigham and I shall glory of the stars. In the Book of Doc-
take a wrong track, and be shut out of trine and Covenants, these glories are
the kingdom of heaven, no person will be called telestial, terrestrial, and celestial,
to blame but brother Brigham and I. I which is the highest. These are worlds,
am the only being in heaven, earth, or different departments, or mansions, in
hell, that can be blamed. our Father's house. Now those men, or
This will equally apply to every those women, who know no more about
Latter-day Saint. Salvation is an indi- the power of God, and the influences of
vidual operation. I am the only person the Holy Spirit, than to be led entirely
that can possibly save myself. When by another person, suspending their own
salvation is sent to me, I can reject or understanding, and pinning their faith
receive it. In receiving it, I yield im- upon another's sleeve, will never be ca-
plicit obedience and submission to its pable of entering into the celestial glory,
great Author throughout my life, and to be crowned as they anticipate; they
to those whom He shall appoint to in- will never be capable of becoming Gods.
struct me; in rejecting it, I follow the They cannot rule themselves, to say
dictates of my own will in preference to nothing of ruling others, but they must
the will of my Creator. There are those be dictated to in every trifle, like a child.
among this people who are influenced, They cannot control themselves in the
controlled, and biased in their thoughts, least, but James, Peter, or somebody
actions, and feelings by some other in- else must control them. They never
dividual or family, on whom they place can become Gods, nor be crowned as
their dependence for spiritual and tem- rulers with glory, immortality, and eter-
poral instruction, and for salvation in nal lives. They never can hold scepters
the end. These persons do not depend of glory, majesty, and power in the ce-
upon themselves for salvation, but upon lestial kingdom. Who will? Those who
another of their poor, weak, fellow mor- are valiant and inspired with the true in-
tals. "I do not depend upon any in- dependence of heaven, who will go forth
herent goodness of my own," say they, boldly in the service of their God, leav-
"to introduce me into the kingdom of ing others to do as they please, deter-
glory, but I depend upon you, brother mined to do right, though all mankind
Joseph, upon you, brother Brigham, besides should take the opposite course.
upon you, brother Heber, or upon you, Will this apply to any of you? Your own
brother James; I believe your judgment hearts can answer. Do you know what is
is superior to mine, and consequently right and just, as well as I do? In some
I let you judge for me; your spirit is things you do, and in some things you

may not know as well; but I will explain bellowing, and pressing upon them until
what I mean, in the following words—I they had to fly.
will do all the good I can, and all I know I wish to ask those persons who were
how to do, and I will shun every evil that driven from Jackson County, if they suf-
I know to be an evil. You can all do that fered as much in the actual driving as
much. I will apply my heart to wisdom, they would have done in the anticipa-
and ask the Lord to impart it to me; and tion of it a year before it took place? You
if I know but little, I will improve upon will all reply that, if you had known it
it, that tomorrow I may have more, and a year beforehand, you would not have
thus grow from day to day, in the knowl- endured the thought. I wish to apply
edge of the truth, as Jesus Christ grew this both ways. You that have not passed
in stature and knowledge from a babe through the trials, and persecutions, and
to manhood; and if I am not now capa- drivings, with this people from the be-
ble of judging for myself, perhaps I shall ginning, but have only read of them, or
be in another year. We are organized to heard some of them related may think
progress in the scale of intelligence, and how awful they were to endure, and won-
the least Saint by adhering strictly to the der that the Saints survived them at all.
order of God, may attain to a full and The thought of it makes your hearts sink
complete salvation through the grace of within you, your brains reel, and your
God, by his own faithfulness. bodies tremble, and you are ready to ex-
I know how it was in Jackson County. claim, "I could not have endured it." I
There are families in this city that went have been in the heat of it, and I never
to that county twenty-one or twenty-two felt better in all my life; I never felt; the
years ago last fall, if I mistake not. I peace and power of the Almighty more
know what their feelings were. All their copiously poured upon me than in the
desire was to got into the town of Inde- keenest part of our trials. They appeared
pendence, Jackson County, where they nothing to me. I hear people talk about
expected to find all sin and iniquity dried their troubles, their sore privations, and
up, heaven begun on earth, and an end the great sacrifices they have made for
to all their mortal griefs. That was the the Gospel's sake. It never was a sac-
motive that prompted them to go there. rifice to me. Anything I can do or suf-
Poor souls, how little they knew about fer in the cause of the Gospel, is only
salvation and its mode. I might have like dropping a pin into the sea; the
gone there too, but I wanted to thunder blessings, gifts, powers, honor, joy, truth,
and roar out the Gospel to the nations. It salvation, glory, immortality, and eter-
burned in my bones like fire pent up, so nal lives, as far outswell anything I can
I turned my back upon Jackson County do in return for such precious gifts, as
to preach the Gospel of life to the peo- the great ocean exceeds in expansion,
ple. Such were the feelings of those who bulk, and weight, the pin that I drop
went up to Jackson County, but I did into it. Had I had millions of wealth,
not want to go there, nothing would sat- and had I devoted it all to the build-
isfy me but to cry abroad in the world, ing up of this people, and said, "Take it,
what the Lord was doing in the latter and build temples, cities, and fortifica-
days. After awhile this undercurrent be- tions with it," and left myself pennyless,
gan to work two ways; and they had would it have been a sacrifice? No, not to
more trouble in Independence than we my feelings. Suppose I should be called
had in York State; it came foaming, and to preach the Gospel until my head is

white, and my limbs become weak with ed to be Saints indeed, should do ev-
age, until I go down into my grave, and erything to promote righteous principles
never see my family and friends again in and peace among men, and be perfectly
the flesh, would it be a sacrifice? No, of one heart and of one mind. I laid aside
but one of the greatest blessings that my old account books, because I expected
could be conferred upon mortal man, to we should be one family, each seeking
have the privilege of calling thousands, to do his neighbor good, and all be en-
and perhaps millions, from darkness to gaged to do all the good possible. To
light, from the power of Satan and un- carry out this principle faithfully, would
righteousness to the principles of truth crown the people of God with good to
and righteousness in the living God. overflowing. It is easy for us to think
I was as ready to pass through the how things should be, but the difficulty
scenes of mobbing and driving in Jack- is, things are not always as we would like
son County, as I was to pass through to have them. Though if the Saints at
the troubles in Kirtland, Ohio; in Davis that time could have rightly judged of ap-
and Caldwell Counties, Missouri; in Illi- pearances, could have understood the as-
nois; and up to this place. And what pect around them, it was clear that sor-
of it? I have not known or seen a sin- row and trouble were impending. It was
gle sacrifice that this people have made. right they did not see the dark cloud that
There has not been one such providence was ready to burst with violence upon
of the Almighty to this people, that was their heads.
not calculated to sanctify the pure in In the short speech of not more than
heart, and enrich them with blessings five minutes, which I delivered in the
instead of curses—enrich them not only old Bowery, when that judge publicly in-
with earthly blessings, but with crowns sulted this people, there were men and
of glory, immortality, and eternal lives women in the congregation who suffered
in the presence of God. Where, then, more in the anticipation of what might
is the sacrifice this people have ever be the result of it in future, than the
made? There is no such thing—they generality of this people have suffered in
have only exchanged a worse condition being actually mobbed. They could see,
for a better one, every time they have in imagination, all hell let loose upon
been moved—they have exchanged igno- us, themselves strung up, their ears cut
rance for knowledge, and inexperience off, their bowels torn out, and this whole
for its opposite. people cut to pieces. After they had had
I want you to look at the Saints be- time to think, they found themselves still
fore they first gathered to be mobbed; alive and unhurt, to their great astonish-
they expected all sin to be at an end at ment. They suffered as much as though
the place of gathering. These were my they had been sent to the bottom of the
own feelings, though I did not gather bottomless pit. They suffered all this,
with them at that time. I had to go out because I told that corrupt man, that
and preach, lest my bones should con- he ought to be kicked out of the terri-
sume within me. But I will tell you tory for his insolence and barefaced pre-
what I did do, I commenced to contract sumption. I know this people have suf-
my business operations and dealings, fered more by the contemplation of trou-
and laid away my ledger, and notebooks, ble, than they have when actually pass-
saying, "I shall never want you any ing through it.
more." I believe that those who want- As they have magnified future

trouble almost infinitely beyond its real every officer in the Church; I wish fa-
dimensions, so they have imagined to thers to teach it to their children; and
themselves a greater heaven than they I desire the subject to be taken up by
can find in Zion, at its present stage of all bodies of the Saints throughout the
progression. You do not enjoy the Zion world, viz., establish CONFIDENCE IN
you anticipated. That mankind make EACH OTHER . Take this for a text if
mistakes in these two ways must be ap- you like, and preach upon it, both ver-
parent to those who have felt the work- bally and practically, until confidence in
ings of hope and fear in their nature. each other reigns universally among the
People suffer more in the anticipation of Saints, and then will be accomplished
death, than in death itself. There is more what I wish to see. If we wish to es-
suffering in what I call borrowed trou- tablish a confidence such as the Gods en-
ble, than in the trouble itself. On the joy, let us cease from every evil act, and
other hand, you have anticipated more from the contemplation of every evil de-
Zion, more happiness, and more glory in sign; never infringe upon another's right,
the flesh than you will ever realize in but let each one sustain his brother
this mortality. Those who are apt to go in the enjoyment of his privileges and
to one extreme, are almost sure to go rights, holding them as sacred as our
to the other, which always causes disap- own salvation. If confidence has been
pointment, either agreeably, or disagree- lost, this is the surest and only success-
ably. These two extremes have caused ful way to restore it. Hear it, ye preach-
the Saints much trouble; and some, for ers, ye Apostles, and Prophets; ye El-
want of patience, and a little reasonable ders, High Priests, and Seventies; ye
thought, have laid the blame of their dis- Priests, Teachers, Deacons, and Bishops;
appointments in the wrong quarter, and every man and woman in the Church
have apostatized from the Church, never of God throughout the world; commence
thinking the blame was in themselves. to preach this discourse at home, begin-
Upon these weaknesses of human nature ning with your own heart; then teach
the devil works sometimes very success- your wives and your children; then let
fully. But brethren, we cannot escape it spread its warming and cheering in-
from ourselves; and while we remain in fluence, like the genial sunbeam, from
this tabernacle, our onward course will family to family, until the whole Church
be obstructed, more or less, by the weak- of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is
ness to which the mortal flesh is sub- united as the heart of one man.
ject. By and by our bodies will go to their I will illustrate the method of estab-
mother earth, and receive a resurrection, lishing confidence in each other by tak-
and become glorious; then we shall enjoy ing, for example, the child of four or five
all, and more than the heart of man can years of age. The mother allows that
conceive, unless it is inspired by the Holy child to own a small chest in which to
Ghost. This will be the inheritance of the keep his little trinkets, such as little bo-
faithful. som pins, ribbons, doll clothes, &c. This
is considered by all the family the child's
There is much room for improvement in
chest. Now let none go into that chest
all. If we commence from this day, and
do all the good we can, and never do an- and take anything from it, without the
other evil, we shall come to that which I consent of the child. This is a very small
want the brethren to preach about, and en- matter, some may think; but begin at
deavor to establish. I wish it preached as small a point as this to create con-
by the Bishops, by the Deacons, and by fidence, and let it grow up from little

to much. Wives, let your husband's or ox from starving in the cold of win-
stores alone, if they have not commit- ter, and if we see any of his property in
ted them to your charge. Husbands, jeopardy, we should be as careful of it as
commit that to your wives that belongs if it were our own; our object should be
to them and never search their boxes to save everything we can, both of our
without their consent. I can boast of neighbor's and our own.
this. I have lived in the marriage re- Let every man pay his just debts. The
lation nearly thirty years, and I never editor of the News has published a piece
was man to open my wife's chest, with- in the paper about owing no man any-
out her consent, except once and that thing; read it, reflect upon and practice
was to get out a likeness that I wanted it. I can owe everybody everything; that
on the instant, and she was not at home is one side of the matter, and to pay ev-
to get it for me. That was the first erybody is the other. I mean to owe every
time I ever opened a trunk in my life, man a debt of gratitude.
that belonged to my wife, or to my child.
The child's little chest, with its con- I have perhaps spoken too long I have
tents, is as sacred to him, as mine is given you all a text to preach upon, and
to me. If this principle were strictly to act upon in your lives; do it faithfully,
carried out by every man, woman, and and it will do you good.
child among the Saints, it would make May the Lord God of Israel bless you,
them a blessed people indeed. We should and save you in His kingdom, is my
seek to preserve our neighbor's horse prayer. Amen.



Brethren and Sisters—It seems to may say generally, quite as much as they
have fallen to my lot this afternoon to are.
speak to you. Whether I may speak
lengthily, or occupy but a short time, will I rejoice this afternoon in the privi-
be as I am led and dictated by the Holy lege of meeting so many of my brethren
Spirit. who have just arrived from the old coun-
I rejoice in the opportunity, for many try. I behold faces in the congrega-
reasons. The first and greatest is it tion with whom I have within a few
is a blessing for a man who is called years past been wont to assemble in Eng-
of God to teach the people, to ex- land, in Scotland, in Wales, and in other
ercise himself in his office and call- places. There we used to rejoice together.
ing, and try to magnify it, for he is The Spirit and power of God rested
thereby made a blessing to the peo- upon us while we contemplated the
ple, and is himself edified, often, yea, I things of God, that are calculated to pre-

pare us for the life which is to come. lost upon you, and it is worth your while
I feel to congratulate you, my to hearken to it. You may dwell in this
brethren, who have newly come in, and society, and never know what manner
who constitute so goodly a number of my of spirit you are of, nor the power of
hearers this afternoon, upon your safe God that dwells in the Priesthood in your
arrival in these beautiful valleys; for you midst; and, on the other hand, you may
have now accomplished one of the great- come here in a right frame of mind, and
est undertakings of your lives. Once, hearken to the Spirit of God through the
had you been told that you would for- man whom He has appointed to watch
sake father, mother, brethren, sisters, over us, and know that the words of all
kindred, and friends, and that you would God's servants are the words of life to
do it under the stigmatized appellation you; and their faces will shine with wis-
of "Mormon"—to come so great a dis- dom in your eyes. If you possess this
tance, to traverse one-third of the cir- frame of mind, you will be prepared to
cumference of the globe, it would have drink in intelligence from day to day,
been as incredible to you as to any of from their counsel and examples, that
us. While you were near the close of this will lead you on in the bright and shining
great task, doubtless some felt that had way that was discoursed upon this morn-
it been one hundred miles further, they ing.
scarcely could have endured to the end of In the first place, I will offer a word to
the journey; yet, to some of us, this won- all, whether they are mechanics or com-
derful, great undertaking is but a small mon laborers. No matter what calling
thing; we have done it several times, and you may follow in life, you have need,
expect to do it many times more. I con- at this juncture of your existence, to ob-
gratulate you, however, on your having serve and treasure up one thing carefully
accomplished the task, and feel, as your and faithfully in your minds, namely, if
brother in the Lord, to welcome you here you live a proper life before the Lord,
in the midst of God's people, and to pray you know that you have the fellowship of
with sincerity that the spirit of Zion may His Spirit, so that you know your prayers
rest upon you. are heard and answered, because you re-
You have come to this place with feel- ceive the things you ask for. If you live
ings and views as varied as the degree so as to always have the witness of the
of faith in, and knowledge you have of, good Spirit, you will be saved today and
the Gospel, and the measure of spirit in every day, and thus it will constantly be
which you walk. There are some who, in well with you. But if you are heedless
their own estimation, are well qualified of this day, and calculate on tomorrow,
and fully prepared to judge of the propri- you have no assurance that you will re-
ety and impropriety of everything that alize your hopes tomorrow. The only cer-
exists here; and such, while they may tain stepping stone to the great good you
find some few things answer pretty well, may have tomorrow in the midst of this
will find many things which, in their people is, that you be faithful to your
opinion, are not right, and really need covenants with God, and secure thereby
reformation. the fellowship of the Spirit, and walk in
Brethren, you who have just ar- the counsels of it today; if you do this,
rived in the Valley, I wish to direct my you will have the good that is for you to-
words to you this afternoon, to sound morrow.
a word in your ears that may not be If you have come into this place

nearly penniless, and, in many respects, can receive words of life from those
comparatively destitute, and with no one whom God has appointed to lead His
to take you by the hand, or your friends people into the way of salvation. Be
are not here, or, if they are, and do not careful now, that the good Spirit which
hail you as you think they ought, be of has accompanied you in the old world,
good cheer, and let not your hearts be and dwelt with you in the ship across
sad, knowing you are doing right, and the sea, and has sustained you and
have gathered according to the word of your teams while crossing the plains—
the Lord. be careful that you retain it, and make it
your counselor here.
If you look about you and see the I know how natural it is for the Saints
Saints who have been here some years, who come from abroad to be very dili-
and the choice locations taken up by gent in inspecting God's people, to see if
them, and you are still at the foot of the they are as righteous as they ought to be;
hill apparently, do not fret your souls; re- but they forget they have a duty to per-
member that those brethren made the form to themselves. As one of old said,
roads to this place, killed the snakes, "the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor
or gently turned them out of their path, the ear with hearing," but they forget to
made the bridges, opened the canyons, look at themselves; the spirit of murmur-
made the fences, ploughed the ground, ing and complaining takes possession of
and worked in the wet and cold, in the them, and you may see them wander-
midst of hunger and privation, to the ing about in sorrow, affliction, and grief;
best of their ability, more than any por- and what is worse than all, they have
tion of this people have. Have they not brought it upon themselves, because they
worked to obtain what they have now have not retained the fellowship of the
got? If you look at it with a single eye, it Holy Spirit through faithfulness of con-
is marvelous to see the kingdom of God duct, and away they go to California. I
at this day. After being here only six felt to speak these things to you, that
years; after being driven from Nauvoo, you might be admonished at the present
and suffering the toils of a wilderness time to faithfulness, and that you might
life among savages and wolves, to see it rejoice in the assembly of God's peo-
at the present time is indeed comfort- ple, that you had been brought over the
ing and cheering; the aspect is promis- mountains to this place in safety. I feel
ing beyond all we could have anticipated, to magnify the name of the Lord to see
or almost what could have been wished. so many of you, and pray that those who
Does it not make your souls rejoice in the are still journeying on the plains may be
Lord, that He has established His peo- safely brought in.
ple, and to realize that you are blessed In coming here, you cannot, as in-
above measure in having a name and a dividuals, know all things that are be-
place in this city or territory? You are fore you. You are now dwelling in
better off this afternoon in this place, a society that differs from any you
in rags, and begging your bread, than ever dwelt in. The circumstances of
in England, Scotland, or Wales, earn- life are all different, and the business
ing one hundred pounds per annum. arrangements different, to those you
You would there be dwelling among the have been used to in the old coun-
cloudy mists of Babylon, where you dare try. It is necessary that you look about
not say your souls were your own. You you for a season, find out whom you
could make but little advancement in are among, and know the condition
your holy religion there; but here you and nature of the elements and state

of the society, that you may drop into but bark and snarl like the dog in the
business through the fellowship of your manger), when you get into the society
brethren and sisters, and take hold with of such people, you will take notes, if you
them in the different branches of busi- do as I do, and seek the company of those
ness that are carried on here for the com- who will speak well of the brethren and
forts of life. You Elders, who have been sisters, and then you may expect they
in that country, preaching and building will speak well of you. When you asso-
up Branches of the Church there; you ciate with those who speak well of the
that have taken up your cross, and gone truth, their counsels will edify you, and
from your homes, and warned the inhab- their words will be seasoned with grace
itants of the earth where you have la- to your edification and instruction, and
bored, the Lord went with you, when you the clouds of adversity that rest down
went in the name of Jesus; His Spirit upon you will vanish away.
was upon you, and you were the means of You will find Saints living about you,
building up Churches, and of doing much that have the good Spirit, and can give
good in various ways; that same Spirit you the word of comfort, and take you by
will be with you when you go to labor in the hand and pour the oil of consolation
the canyons, or do anything else, if you into your heart, and do you good in the
will nourish it, and not cast it from you. name of the Lord. If you seek that kind
Peradventure in the canyons you may of society, you will tend upwards towards
need its premonitions most when your the realms of light, in duty and intelli-
life or limb may be in jeopardy. This, my gence. By taking this course, you will be
brethren, is the rock upon which many cultivating the same good Spirit in your
Saints split—they leave the way of truth, own hearts, that you see in the hearts,
they step aside from the rugged path examples, and general conduct of your
of duty which they have been wont to brethren and sisters around you, and
walk in, and, feeling a degree of ease and which is most conspicuous in those who
safety, as they suppose, on arriving here, are called to lead and direct in the Priest-
they forget their prayers, and that they hood. On the other hand, if you come in
have need to continue to increase their here, with the intention to be right down
fellowship with the Holy Spirit; they sharp, careful to watch and to criticize
leave off their duties, and, ere they are your brethren very closely, you will find
aware of it, they are left to themselves. all the evil you look for, and see imper-
It is said that the females are the fections which the cloak of charity and
ones by whom the nations are ruled. It good will would have covered, had you
is certain that the females have neces- possessed it yourself. You never were
sarily great influence upon the whole among a people where men talked as
community, and especially upon the ris- they meant, and meant what they said,
ing generation. Allow me a word with so near as in this place. If you feel to take
the sisters. In your associations and advantage of your brother or your sister,
visiting with those about you, when you may, but it will not be good for your
you find a sister or brother that can soul; it will be money badly earned. But
speak evil of dignities with impunity, if you come here with a frank and hon-
and can find fault with what is be- est heart, and prepared to speak and act
ing done by the Church, and can- without hypocrisy, and just as you feel,
not do any good themselves (for such you will find yourselves among a com-
folks cannot do anything themselves munity of brethren and sisters that are

ready to aid, comfort, and bless you. If a house, alone; but it is our duty while
you look with your eyes, as I did with seeking to make an inheritance here, to
mine when I came home from England, reach out our prayers in faith and sup-
plication for the general good, and with
you will find your brethren and sisters to
be such kind of beings, whose good works becoming liberality feel after those who
you will wish to emulate. are to enjoy the same blessings we en-
Take the wisest course to grow in joy. We have our duties to ourselves and
grace, and in the knowledge of the truth;families to perform, and our daily and
and the only way is by attending dili- hourly duties to our God; but there is a
gently to your prayers, and walking in duty we owe, in common with all God's
the light of God's Spirit. You will find people, to those who are not yet gath-
that condescension in the hearts of your ered from the house of bondage. How
brethren, that love and charity abound- many of the Israel of God are there sit-
ting in darkness, in distant nations, that
ing in their bosoms that if you are in ad-
versity and need they will extend a help-have not the light proclaimed to them?
ing hand, and comfort you, and do you Have we come home here to sit down in
good, and will not charge you one hun- ease, and let them go down to the grave
dred percent interest either. I have to in ignorance? If we have, we mistake the
say that if you have come to these val- matter, and in the end will find we shall
leys determined, as for you and yours, tocome short of that glory and reward we
anticipate. You have come here to obtain
serve the Lord, you will find it the easi-
est thing in the world to fellowship withinheritances for yourselves and families,
those whose hearts run together like two and for your generations forever, in righ-
drops of water, and you will be blessed, teousness, as God shall give you power
as also will those with whom you asso- to do. You have, in connection with this,
ciate. You have arrived at a juncture of to build up the kingdom of God, to pay
your life where two ways branch out; if tithing, and be ready to fill every office
you wish to travel downward, the great and duty that is put upon you, making
depot of that route is California; if up-the kingdom of God the first and fore-
most in your affections and attention,
ward, the great depot on that road is this
city, these men that surround me in this and yourselves and families a secondary
stand. You do not know what you may be consideration; and this Gospel has to be
called upon to do. I do not know what borne off among the nations of the earth.
I may be called upon to do before this How good it is for us to hear, by the
Conference comes to a close, in addition monthly mails, how many there are con-
to what is already laid upon me here at tinually witnessing afar off to the for-
home. It is necessary to be always ready;giveness of sins through the Gospel. We
and if you live as you ought, you will ought to remember them, and be pre-
always be ready, and nothing will come pared for whatever may be expected at
wrong to you; and if you always live thatour hands in those far off regions. Let
way, you may always be as happy as you us not settle down, and become sordid
wish to be. in our affections to anything earthly. It
The work we are called unto in these is our duty to seek first the kingdom of
last days, calls upon us not to nar- God, and the promise is that other things
row our minds down to the building of shall be added unto us.
a piece of fence, to the enclosing of a The Lord has manifested His readi-
piece of land, or to the putting up of ness, and determination of purpose, to

pour out knowledge and intelligence comes to pass, something must be done
upon His people, as fast as they are pre- here, there is a temple to be built in
pared to receive it. Since I left you the this city. You, brethren, who received
last time in the old country, the revela- your blessings and endowments in the
tions of the Lord have been sent forth, temple that was built in Nauvoo, have
which had never before been made pub- been made witnesses of the wisdom and
lic, and we have all been led along by power that have gone forth to the na-
degrees in the knowledge of life and sal- tions of the earth from that place, and of
vation. Yet a great amount of advance- the power that was realized in the quo-
ment has yet to be made while we are rums of the Priesthood; no tide of oppres-
in the flesh, greater duties are rolling sion could be raised powerful enough to
upon us as fast as we can perform those bear down the authorities of God's king-
we are already engaged in. We look dom; we see the wicked who came to
around us here upon the house of Israel, rule us turned back to their own place,
the Lamanites, and while our hearts are and the Priesthood appears greater than
opened towards them for good, they are the powers of earth. The powers of the
not backward to administer death to our Priesthood must be made manifest be-
brethren. Is this always going to be so? fore the eyes of all the world, and become
No. The Lord God will work upon them transcendently above every other influ-
in His own way, until they become one ence. You have sure grounds for confi-
with us in building up the kingdom of dence, for every step and every turn this
God. Church makes, is calculated to increase
confidence; and if we live so as to have
The Priesthood in the last days has to
our eyes washed with the eye water of
be manifested in sufficient power to bear
the Gospel, we can ourselves realize the
off the kingdom of God triumphant, that
rapid growth of Christ's kingdom, and
all Israel may be gathered and saved. If
the growth of grace in ourselves and in
all Israel will not be sanctified by the law
others necessary to lead us on to perfec-
which their Moses first offers them, they
tion. You have come here to cultivate
will peradventure receive a law of ordi-
perfection in yourselves in the name of
nances administered to them, not accord-
the Lord; and if you do that, and try to be
ing to the power of an endless life. Men
useful, and willing to do anything here or
will be saved in the last days as in former
anywhere else you are instructed to do,
days, according to their faith and willing-
you will be made fit for the performance
ness to receive the word of God, and walk
of any essential good in the kingdom of
in it.
We may speak in terms of wonder Well then, brethren and sisters, while
and admiration of what has been done, all is auspicious around us, and every-
and yet where shall these things grow thing calculated to encourage us to do
to? They must grow until they spread good, let us be up and doing, and try to
over all the face of the earth, and con- keep the commandments of God with all
trol the powers that exist upon it. There our hearts, and we shall find it easier
must be other revelations fulfilled in our and easier to do it. Let us be prepared al-
return to Jackson County, and building ways for every duty that is laid upon us,
up the New Jerusalem there; the Lord and the grace of God will be sufficient for
prepare us for that day, that we may be us under every circumstance.
able to stand the exhibition of glory that When I was called to preside in
will there be made manifest. Before that England, I felt as though I never

could magnify that calling, it appeared your way rejoicing, and be able to do the
too great for me. But if we feel right, will of God here and abroad. May the
we shall feel like the Prophet of old, blessings of God be and abide upon you
the Spirit of the Lord will be suffi- by day and by night, and increase you on
cient for us in the performance of ev- the earth, in blessings and riches forever,
ery duty. I pray that the spirit of is the prayer of your brother Franklin.
Zion may be given to you who have
newly come in, that you may go on




I wish to call the attention of this to call the attention of the Conference,
Conference to an invitation I shall give and the community at large. I wish all
them, and wish to extend it to the Saints to hearken to it, to reflect upon it, and
in this valley and elsewhere. I allude to contemplate it seriously.
the gathering of the poor Saints. I call upon those who have not yet
put forth their hands to assist in gath-
Many of us are acquainted with the ering the poor, to give us their names
circumstances of the Saints when they and their means, during this Conference,
came to this valley six years ago, also that we may raise a few thousand dol-
five and four years ago. Were we to lars to be applied to this purpose. Sup-
go through this community and search pose we should try to raise as much as
out the men, women, and children who we did four years ago, when we were
have come here on their own resources, in the midst of our greatest poverty and
and those who have been helped here distress—we had just arrived here, and
by the Perpetual Emigrating Fund, and had scarcely sufficient to sustain life;
by private individuals, it would be seen notwithstanding these straightened cir-
that a large proportion of the community cumstances, at the first Conference we
have been brought here through the as- held in the old Tabernacle, this sub-
sistance of others. I will not say a major- ject was agitated, and $5,700 in gold
ity have come here under those circum- was raised, and sent to gather in the
stances, but there are thousands who poor. Dare I venture to flatter myself
have. Thousands of men, women, and that we can raise $5,000 or $6,000 this
children have been helped here by the Conference, to be applied to the same
Perpetual Emigrating Fund alone. good purpose? The people are better
able to raise $50,000 now, than they
This is the subject to which I wish were to raise $5,000 then. Suppose we

raise $15,000 or $20,000 to send for our day by day? Of visiting, journeying,
poor brethren and sisters, who long to be doing business, laboring, and spending
here as much as any of you did, before your lives with those who know and love
your way was opened. This amount can the Lord, and will serve Him? Is there
be raised now, and not call forth an un- anything you would not have sacrificed?
usual effort. Verily, no!
If you can remember your own feeling
We might ask you to reflect upon
then, you can know how others feel, you
the days that you have spent in yon-
can realize how thousands and scores of
der distant land, where you could sel-
thousands feel at this present moment.
dom walk the streets or enter a shop,
There is no hardship they would refuse
like another citizen, without the finger of
to undergo, no danger they would not en-
scorn being pointed at you, without suf-
deavor to surmount, if they could assem-
fering the malignant taunts and sneers
ble with us here this day. No trial would
of the ungodly, for the sake of your reli-
be too keen for them; there is no sacri-
gion. Let me refer your minds to the time
fice that they would not readily and will-
that the Gospel was first introduced to
ingly make for the privilege you enjoy
you, and the light and glory of it opened
this day. Brethren and sisters, can you
up to your understandings; when eter-
realize this?
nity and eternal things reflected upon
Let us now read a chapter on the
your benighted minds, and your concep-
other side of the page, and we find the
tions were aroused to see things as they
hearts of men and women, by crossing
were, as they are, and as they will be.
the ocean, by traveling a few weeks or
What were your feelings and medita-
months by water and land, appear to be-
tions, when Zion and its glory burst upon
come partially closed up, and they lose
your vision? When the people of God
sight of the object of their pursuit. It
appeared to you, assembled together,
seems as though the hardships they pass
preparatory to the coming of the Son of
through, in coming to this land, ban-
Man? Again, what were your feelings,
ish nearly every particle of the light of
when in every direction that you turned
Christ out of their minds.
your eyes, they were met with scenes of
If you started on your journey with
wickedness, and your ears saluted with
the influence of the Holy Spirit warming
deep dyed blasphemies of every descrip-
your hearts, who prevented you from re-
tion? Were there any that feared the
taining it every day of year life? You may
Lord? No. The most pious could do noth-
say it was the devil that robbed you of
ing more than some did in the days of the
it. But what business had you with the
Apostles; they could erect an image to
devil? Was there any necessity that you
the unknown God, and worship somebody, or should enter into fellowship with him, or
something, but they knew not what. What into partnership with the works of dark-
were your feelings and reflections, under ness? "No," you reply, "I had forsaken
such circumstances, when you first heard him and all my old associates and feel-
of the latter-day work? Of the Gospel
ings, and had given myself to the Lord,
in its fulness? When you first learned
had embraced His Gospel, and set out
that the Lord had a Prophet, and Apos-
tles, who held the words of life for the peo- to build up His kingdom, and wished to
ple? What was there you would not have gather with the Saints at the gathering
sacrificed in a moment for the privilege of place."
assembling with the Saints? Of mingling Suppose the devil does tempt you,
your voices and conversation with theirs, must you of necessity enter into part-

nership again with him, open your doors, things that will be. If any of you had a
and bid him welcome to your house, and vision of Zion, it was shown to you in its
tell him to reign there? Why do you not beauty and glory, after Satan was bound.
reflect, and tell master devil, with all his If you reflected upon the gathering of the
associates and imps, to begone, feeling Saints; it was the spirit of gathering that
you have served him long enough. enlightened you; and when your minds
Says one, "I did not know that I could were opened in vision to behold the glory
possibly come here with unruly cattle, and excellency of the Gospel, you did not
without getting wrong in my feelings;" see a vision of driving cattle across the
or, "this brother did wrong and marred plains, and where you would be mired
my feelings; I was irritated, and the in this or that mud hole; you did not
cares of the journey bewildered my mind, see the stampedes among the cattle, and
and hurt me so that I do not really know those of a worse character among the
whether I have got to where I started for, people; but you saw the beauty and glory
or not; things are different here to what of Zion, that you might be encouraged,
I expected to find them, &c." and prepared to meet the afflictions, sor-
This is a representation of the feel- rows and disappointments of this mortal
ings of some who have crossed the plains life, and overcome them, and be made
this season. My advice to you is, go and ready to enjoy the glory of the Lord as
be baptized for the remission of sins, and it was revealed to you. It was given to
start afresh, that temptation may not you for your encouragement. R ECOL -
overcome you again; pause and reflect, LECT THAT.
that you be not overcome by the evil one You will recollect my exhortation to
unawares. those who have means; we want them
In the first place, if you are rebap- to give the Perpetual Emigrating Fund
tized for the remission of sins, peradven- a lift. Bring in your tithes and offerings,
ture you may receive again the spirit of and we will help a great many more to
the Gospel in its glory, light and beauty; this place in the future than we have this
but if your hearts are so engrossed in year. We wish to double our diligence,
the things of this world, that you do not and treble the crowd of immigrants by
know whether you want to be rebaptized that Fund.
or not, you had better shut yourselves I wish to show you a little of the phi-
up in some canyon or closet, to repent losophy of human nature in its fallen and
of your sins, and call upon the name of degraded state; you may consider it in
the Lord, until you get His Spirit, and the Gospel or out of it; in the light of
the light thereof, to reflect upon you, that the Holy Spirit, or without it; as you
you may know the nature of your of- please. The philosophy of mankind, in
fenses, and your true condition; that you their daily avocations, you may all know
may realize and appreciate the blessing for yourselves, by your own observation
you enjoy in being here with the Saints and experience. I wish to mention a por-
of the Most High. tion of it that has come under my notice.
Let me lead your minds a little fur- I could mention names, but I will content
ther. I wish to tell you something myself with naming circumstances.
which you may perhaps know as well We pick up, say 200 persons, in
as I do, but you may not have re- England and convey them across the
alized it. When the Lord Almighty water, and across the plains, and set
opens the vision of a person's mind, He them down in this valley. They com-
shows him the things of the Spirit— mence to labor, and in a short time

they make themselves comfortable. They person feel? Why, his heart sinks within
can soon obtain plenty of the best kind him. I can find thousands of just such
of pay for their labor, such as bread— men and women in this territory. When
the staff of life, butter, cheese and veg- they are brought to this place, they do
etables. When a man gets these things, not know their benefactors, who saved
without the fancy nicknacks, he does them from death, but they are a head
well. and shoulders above them, when they
Suppose we pick up a company of meet them in the streets.
these poor Saints in England, whose Do you know the conclusion that is
faces are pale, and who can scarcely natural to man, when he is treated in
tread their way through the streets for such a manner by his fellow man? It is,
want of the staff of life; you may see them "I wish I had left you in your own coun-
bowed down from very weakness, with try." I wish so too. I say, let such persons
their arms across their stomachs, going starve to death, and die Christians, in-
to and from their work; the greater part stead of being brought here to live and
of them not enabled to get a bit of meat commit the sin of ingratitude, and die
more than once a month; and upon an and go to hell; for while they remained
average only about one tablespoonful of in their poverty, they were used to the
meal per day, for each person in a family, daily practice of praying for deliverance;
without butter or cheese, by working 16 and I say it is better for them to die pray-
hours out of the 24; and when they go to ing, and go into eternity praying, and the
their work and return from it, they need Almighty to have bowels of compassion
a staff in their hands to lean upon. We and mercy towards them, than for them
bring 200 of them here; instead of their to come here, and lose the Spirit of God
being obliged to work for two or three through ingratitude, and go into eternity
pence per day, they can get a dollar and a swearing.
dollar and a half per day. With one day's I can pick up hundreds of men who
wages they can purchase flour and meat have passed by their benefactors, and if
and vegetables enough to last a moder- they should speak to them, would turn
ately sized family one week. round and say, "I really don't know you."
Or if they do, they will speak everything
They have not been here long when against them their tongues can utter, or
they may be seen swelling in the streets can be allowed to; and they will swear
with an air of perfect independence. Ask falsely about them—about the very men
one of these men if he will pay you for who have saved them from starvation
bringing him here; and he will reply, "I and death.
don't know you, sir." You ask another if I frequently refer to facts that come
he will work for you, for bringing him out under my own observation. When I came
to this place; and he will appear quite as- into this Valley, we had notes amount-
tonished, saying, "What have I had from ing to $30,000 against brethren we had
you?" Another will say, "If I work for you, assisted, which no person will pay one
what will you give me? Can you give me cent for. We have helped men, women,
some adobies? For I am going to build a and children from England, to over the
fine house, or if you have any money to amount of $30,000. Except one individ-
pay me, it will answer as well." ual, and that is a man by the name of
How does such language and in- Thomas Green, who lives in Utah, and
gratitude make the benefactor of that one young woman, who came from Eng-

land, there has never been a single per- wish our means to be applied to an evil
son who has paid one dime towards can- use."
celing a debt amounting to over $30,000, If you wish to know what I mean by
besides other notes, accounts, and obli- all this, it is that if any men or women
gations which we hold. refuse to pay their passage to this place
Do I mean to be understood that no when they are in circumstances to do it,
person pays their passage? By no means. let them be cut off from the Church, and
My remarks will not hit those, neither then sue them at the law, and collect the
are they directed to them who are thank- debt. Sever those limbs from the tree,
ful to their benefactors, and who do, and and then make them pay their honest
are willing to pay. But as far as I am debts. That is to the poor.
concerned, before we came into this Val- We now want the rich to turn in their
ley, with the exception of one man and means, that the poor, the honest poor,
woman, no person has offered to pay may be delivered. Some of you may in-
us one dime, and eight-tenths of them quire if we wish to send the means now
have turned away from the Church, and to England? Yes; we want the means
a number of them joined the mob, and now, which you can pay into the Tithing
sought to dye their hands in our blood. Office, and have it recorded on the books,
to answer the means we have there,
Now do you see the philosophy of hu- which can be used for next season. We
man nature, and I will say of divine na- want to give a heavy lift to the emigra-
ture? Let me help a man who makes an tion of the poor, next season. We have
evil use of the assistance I render him, brought out a considerable number this
and endeavors to injure himself and me, season, but it is hardly a beginning to
and his neighbor with it, what does the what we wish to be brought out next sea-
Spirit of the Lord teach me in such a cir- son.
cumstance? What would the Lord do, The first duty of those who have been
provided He was here himself? Do you brought out by the Perpetual Emigrating
not think He would withhold the thing Fund is to pay back what they have re-
from him? Do you think an angel would ceived from it, the first opportunity, that
help a man who would turn round and others may receive the same benefit they
destroy that angel and himself? I do not, have received. We wish you in the first
neither do I think the Lord would, and place to get something to eat, drink, and
no good man would if he knew it, unless wear; but when you are in any way com-
it were done with a view to prove a per- fortable, we wish you to pay that debt
son. I do not think a bad man would dis- the next thing you do, and replenish the
tribute his means to another individual, Fund. It is built upon a principle, if car-
or to individuals, who would use them to ried out properly, and the debts punctu-
his injury. ally refunded, to increase in wealth. The
It is the evil actions and covetousness $5,000 that was sent for the poor four
in the hearts of the poor that shut up years ago this fall, if every man had been
the bowels of compassion in the rich, and prompt to pay in that which he received,
they say they will not help the poor. We would have increased to $20,000.
could have gathered hundreds of thou- We are the greatest speculators in
sands more of the poor, were it not that the world. We have the greatest spec-
the rich have been so biased, and still ulation on hand that can be found
continue to be. Say they, "We do not in all the earth. I never denied

being a speculator. I never denied be- get that, we shall have power. This is the
ing a miser, or of feeling eager for riches; plan for us to work upon, and I wish the
but some men will chase a picayune five brethren to whisper this around among
thousand miles when I would not turn their neighbors, when they go out of this
round for it, and yet we are preachers tabernacle, and say, "What can we give
of the same Gospel, and brethren in the to the Perpetual Emigrating Fund? Can
same kingdom of God. You may consider we give anything this season?" We will
this is a little strong; but the specula- not refuse help from the sisters. Do you
tion I am after, is to exchange this world, ask how small an amount we will take?
which, in its present state, passes away, We will take from a pin to a bed quilt;
for a world that is eternal and unchange- but be sure, when you bring a pin, that
able, for a glorified world filled with eter- you have not many other things in your
nal riches, for the world that is made an trunk that would be useful, more than
inheritance for the Gods of eternity. you at present need; for if you bring a
pin under such circumstances, you can-
The plan is to make everything bend
not receive a blessing, and the reward it
to the revelations of God; this is the ob-
is entitled to. If the clothing you wear
ject of our Priesthood—to bring into req-
each day is all you have, and you have
uisition every good thing, and make it
need to borrow a shawl to go out in, and
bear for the accomplishment of the main
you have only a pin to bestow, bring that,
point we have in view; and when we get
and you shall receive a blessing.
through we shall reap the reward of the
We think it is not necessary to give
just, and get all our hearts can anticipate
you the report of the Perpetual Emigrat-
or desire. To lay plans for the attainment
ing Fund this Conference. It is doing
of this, is just as necessary as for a mer-
well, but we want it to do a great deal
chant to lay plans to get earthly riches
better. We want to swell the operation,
by buying and selling merchandise. It is
and bring the poor from the nations by
for us to lay plans to secure to ourselves
scores of thousands instead of by hun-
eternal lives, which is just as necessary
dreds. This embraces what I wished
as it is for the miser to lay plans to amass
to lay before the Conference upon this
a great amount of gold upon the earth;
and it is for us to engage in it systemati-
Before the Conference is concluded
we shall call for quite a number of El-
I say to the poor, PAY YOUR DEBTS TO ders. It was anticipated that our mis-
THE P ERPETUAL E MIGRATING F UND; sionaries would have been called at the
and to the rich, HELP THE POOR; and August Conference of this year, but we
this will bring wealth and strength, will call a considerable number this Con-
by each one, according to his ability, ference. You need not inquire where we
calling, and means, assisting in every want you to go, for it will be told you
point and place in this great specula- when you are ready. Prepare your mind
tion for kingdoms, thrones, principali- and circumstances against that time, for
ties and powers. It is said union is we wish to send the Gospel to Israel.
strength; and that is enough; if we May the Lord bless you. Amen.




The earth was formed to be take up their abode upon this magnifi-
inhabited—it was designed to be the cent creation. Among the rest, man—
abode of animated existence—the the offspring of deity—left his ancient
dwelling place of beings capable of en- home—his brother and sister spirits,
joying life and happiness. and came to a world most beautifully
At the time of its creation, it was adapted to his future wants. Here he
pronounced by its Author to be "very entered a tabernacle of flesh and bones,
good." The term "very good" could have and received dominion and authority
no meaning, unless spoken with ref- over all the lower orders of existence.
erence to beings who should be capa- Here immortality reigned, and death
ble of experiencing some benefit from had no dominion. The elements were so
its construction. However beautifully wisely arranged and proportioned, that
formed—however grand and magnificent life was derived from all things ordained
its motions—however skillfully its ele- for the use of man or beast, fowl or fish.
ments are combined, or its parts propor- The nourishing element of life was dif-
tioned to each other, yet, if not designed fused through the earth, the ocean and
to be connected with perceptive beings, the air. Life pervaded every vegetable
the earth could not be pronounced good. and fruit not forbidden to man. Life
reigned triumphantly throughout this
A mass of inanimate elements can- vast creation. Death was unknown; it
not be organized in any possible form or had not been seen, heard of, nor experi-
proportion so as to benefit or injure it- enced in all the varied ranks of earthly
self, and therefore cannot be good nor beings.
bad with reference to itself. Goodness Here, then, was a creation "very
and its opposite quality, when applied to good," inhabited by beings capable of
unconscious matter, always have refer- eternal existence, both body and spirit.
ence to conscious beings capable of de- Here was a creation adapted to the
riving happiness or misery from these wants of all its inhabitants, calculated
qualities. This was the meaning of the to preserve unchanged that immortality
Creator when he ascribed the quality of with which they were endowed. Here,
goodness to the earth; it contained ev- then, was a creation worth possessing as
ery necessary ingredient to render hap- an eternal abode.
piness to the beings who were designed Such was the inheritance given
to occupy it. to man, with its vast treasures and
After having made every necessary sumptuous luxuries—such was the gift
preparation, countless species of liv- of heaven under certain restrictions.
ing, moving beings came from the spirit These restrictions were not complied
world to inhabit earthly bodies, and with—man fell—a great change came

over the fair face of creation—the But a universal redemption from the
earth was cursed—sickness, pain, and effects of original sin, has nothing to do
misery ensued—immortality yielded to with redemption from our personal sins;
mortality—death reigned triumphantly for the original sin of Adam, and the per-
throughout the animal kingdom—the sonal sins of his children, are two differ-
everlasting inheritance on the newly- ent things. The first was committed by
formed earth was forfeited—all seemed man in his immortal state; the second
to be lost—forever lost! While all cre- was committed by man in a mortal state;
ation groaned in utter despair and death, the former was committed in a state of
a voice was heard; not a voice of wrath ignorance of good or evil; the latter was
and indignation, but the voice of mercy committed by man, having a knowledge
and compassion—the voice of the Cre- of both good and evil. As the sins are
ator, proclaiming himself the Redeemer; different, and committed entirely under
love flowed through every sentence— different circumstances; so the penalties
man listened with eagerness—the door are different also. The penalty of the
of hope was opened—despair fled away— first transgression was an eternal sep-
all things again assumed a new as- aration of body and spirit, and eternal
pect. The earth, though cursed, was to banishment from the presence of Jeho-
be redeemed—the body, though corrupt- vah; while the penalty of our own trans-
ible, was again to put on incorruption— gressions does not involve a disunion of
all things lost by the first transgression body and spirit, but only eternal banish-
were to be restored again in their prim- ment. The first penalty not only shut
itive excellence and beauty. Though this man out from the presence of God, but
great redemption was to be universal, deprived him eternally of a body; the
yet the change was to be gradual or pro- second penalty permits him to retain
gressive, not immediate; the effects of his body, though in a banished condi-
the fall were to continue for a season, un- tion. As the penalties are different, so
til all the inhabitants of the spirit world, also is the redemption. Redemption from
designed for this creation, should learn the first penalty is unconditional on the
by bitter experience, the unhappy conse- part of man; redemption from the second
quences of sin. Hence, the whole world penalty is conditional. Unconditional re-
still groans under the sad effects of the demption is universal; it takes within its
original transgression. Sorrow, mourn- scope all mankind; it is as unlimited as
ing, and death, still prevail—the aged, the fall; it redeems men from all its ef-
middle-aged, and infant still feel the fects; it restores to them their bodies; it
force of these evils—all are made par- restores them to the presence of God.
takers in a greater or less degree of the The children of Adam had no agency
wretchedness and miseries of the fall— in the transgression of their first par-
none escape—none can proclaim them- ents, and therefore they are not required
selves immortal, or free from these dire- to exercise any agency in their redemp-
ful effects. tion from its penalty. They are redeemed
The universal redemption of the from it without faith, repentance, bap-
posterity of Adam from the fall will tism, or any other act, either of the mind
be fully accomplished after the earth has or body.
been filled with its measure of inhabitants,
and all men have been redeemed from the Conditional redemption is also uni-
grave to immortality, and the earth itself versal in its nature; it is offered to
has been changed and made entirely new. all, but not received by all; it is a

universal gift, though not universally ac- tion from the first death is completed,
cepted; its benefits can be obtained only then comes the judgment, when his
through faith, repentance, baptism, the own sins will be inquired into, and not
laying on of the hands, and obedience to Adam's. As he stands before the judg-
all other requirements of the Gospel. ment seat, he will find himself entirely
Unconditional redemption is a gift innocent of Adam's transgression, and
forced upon mankind, which they cannot entirely redeemed from the effects of it,
reject, though they were disposed. Not but he still finds himself guilty of his own
so with conditional redemption; it can be individual sins, the penalty of which is a
received or rejected according to the will second death, not a dissolution of body
of the creature. and spirit like that of the first death, but
a banishment from the presence of God,
Redemption from the original sin is
and from the glory of his power.
without faith or works; redemption from
Redemption from the second death,
our own sins is given through faith and
as we have already observed, is condi-
works. Both are the gifts of free grace;
tional. Man having voluntarily commit-
but while one is a gift forced upon us un-
ted sin, must voluntarily comply with
conditionally, the other is a gift merely
the conditions of redemption; otherwise,
offered to us conditionally. The recep-
he must suffer the penalty. If any should
tion of the one is compulsory; the recep-
feel disposed to doubt whether the sec-
tion of the other is voluntary. Man can-
ond penalty will be inflicted, let them
not by any possible act, prevent his re-
look at the infliction of the first, during
demption from the fall; but he can ut-
the last 6,000 years. The first death,
terly refuse and prevent his redemption
with all its attendant evils, has extended
from the penalty of his own sins.
its ravages among all nations and gener-
The earth, like the posterity of Adam, ations since the first law was broken. If
was cursed because of the original sin, God, then, has fulfilled His word in the
and like them, it will be redeemed un- first provocation, to the very letter, why
conditionally, and restored again into the should anyone suppose that He will not
presence of God. So far as the original inflict the second death as a penalty of
sin is concerned, mankind and the earth the second provocation?
keep pace with each other. When one All generations bear witness to the
falls, the other falls also. When one is faithfulness of His word spoken in the
redeemed, the other is redeemed also. garden of Eden. Why, then, should
Had there been no other sin but that we suppose that justice shall be frus-
of Adam's, the redeemed earth would trated, and His word become null and
have become the eternal abode of all the void in regard to any future penalty
posterity of Adam, without one excep- with which the sinner is threatened? If
tion. But both man and the earth have the sin of one man brought the first
been still further corrupted by other sins. death upon unnumbered millions, why
The posterity of Adam have transgressed not the sin of each man bring the sec-
the code of laws given since the fall, ond death upon himself? There is no
and subjected themselves to its penalty. escape for the sinner from the second
This penalty does not interfere with the death, only through the conditions of the
first penalty. Man will be redeemed Gospel. All who will believe in Christ,
from the first before the second will and repent of their sins, and be baptized
be fully inflicted. When his redemp- by immersion for the remission of them

and receive the Holy Ghost through the minister this grand cleansing ordinance,
ordinance of the laying on of hands, and and restore it to its infant purity. That
continue faithful unto the end, shall es- administrator was the Redeemer him-
cape the penalty of the second death. All self.
who reject these conditions must suffer The second ordinance instituted for
it, for the word of God cannot become the sanctification of the earth, is that of
void, and justice be thwarted from his fire and the Holy Ghost. The day will
stern decrees. come when it shall burn as an oven, and
all the proud, and all that do wickedly
Though all mankind are to be fully
shall be as stubble; after which, the glory
redeemed from the effects of the origi-
of God shall cover the earth, as the wa-
nal sin, yet we have great reason to fear
ters cover the deep. Here then is a bap-
that but few will be redeemed from their
tism of fire first, then of the Holy Spirit.
own sins. Those few who are redeemed
As man receives the baptism of fire and
will receive the earth for an eternal in-
the Holy Spirit through the laying on of
heritance; for the earth, as we have al-
the hands of a legal administrator, so the
ready observed, will be unconditionally
earth receives the same, not through its
redeemed from the curse of the original
own agency, but through the agencies or-
sin, and so far as that sin is concerned,
dained of God. As man becomes a new
it will be no obstacle to the earth's en-
creature by being born again, first of wa-
tering into the presence of God. But as
ter, then of the spirit, in the same man-
the earth has been corrupted by other
ner the earth becomes a new earth by
sins than the original, it must partake
being born again of these cleansing and
of the curses of the second death, after
purifying elements. As man becomes a
it is redeemed from the curses of the
righteous man by the new birth, so the
first, unless God has provided a way for
earth becomes a righteous earth through
its sanctification and redemption there-
the same process.
from. It has seemed good unto the great
Righteousness will abide upon its
Redeemer to institute ordinances for the
face, during a thousand years, and the
cleansing, sanctification, and eternal re-
Savior will bless it with his personal
demption of the earth, not from the origi-
presence: after which the end soon
nal sin, but from the sins of the posterity
comes, and the earth itself will die,
of Adam.
and its elements be dissolved through
The first ordinance instituted for the the agency of a fire. This death, or
cleansing of the earth, was that of im- dissolution of the earth is a penalty
mersion in water; it was buried in the of the original sin. Infants and righ-
liquid element, and all things sinful teous men die, not as a penalty of their
upon the face of it were washed away. own sins, but because Adam sinned; so
As it came forth from the ocean flood, the earth dies, or undergoes a similar
like the newborn child, it was innocent, change, not because of the transgres-
it arose to newness of life; it was its sions of the children of Adam, but be-
second birth from the womb of mighty cause of the original transgression. But
waters—a new world issuing from the all mankind are made alive from the
ruins of the old, clothed with all the in- first death through the resurrection, so
nocency of its first creation. As man the earth will again be renewed, its el-
cannot be born again of water, without ements will again be collected, they will
an administrator, so the earth required be recombined and reorganized as when
an agency independent of itself, to ad- it first issued from the womb of chaos.

As the bodies of the righteous are made from other men? There must be some
immortal, eternal, unchangeable, and qualities about them far superior to the
glorious, so the earth itself will be so generality of mankind, or they would
constructed as to be capable of everlast- not become the exclusive heirs of the
ing endurance. Immortality will be in- new earth. The law of meekness in-
delibly stamped upon every department cludes all the laws of the Gospel, with
of this creation. It will be crowned its ordinances and blessings, Priest-
with the presence of God the Father, and hood and powers, through obedience to
shine forth in all the splendors of celes- which mankind become justified, sanc-
tial glory. But who will be its inhabi- tified, purified, and glorified. Such are
tants? Those who have passed through the meek of the earth, and none others.
the same process of purification, and And as the Gospel has not been preached
none else. As all who partake of the sec- nor administered by authority on the
ond death must be banished from the eastern hemisphere for the last seven-
presence of God, it necessarily follows, teen centuries, consequently, during that
that they must be banished from the glo- time, there have been none possessed of
rified earth; for that is redeemed into the the requisite qualities of meekness suf-
presence of God, and enjoys the glory of ficient to entitle them to the promised
His power; and no beings can inhabit it inheritance upon the new earth. A few
but those who are sanctified by the same only will be saved—a few only will re-
ordinances and law. ceive the law of meekness and continue
As the earth passes through its great
Different portions of the earth have
last change, two of its principal cities—
been pointed out by the Almighty, from
the Old Jerusalem of the eastern conti-
time to time, to His children, as their
nent, and the new Jerusalem of the west-
everlasting inheritance. As instances—
ern continent, will be preserved from the
Abraham and his posterity, that were
general conflagration, being caught up
worthy, were promised Palestine. Moab
into heaven. These two cities, with all
and Ammon—the children of righteous
their glorified throng, will descend upon
Lot—were promised a portion not far
the redeemed earth, being the grand cap-
from the boundaries of the twelve tribes.
itals of the new creation. "Without" (or
The meek among the Jaredites, to-
exterior to these holy cities, and upon
gether with a remnant of the tribe of
other creations of an inferior order, far
Joseph, were promised the great west-
separated from the glorified earth) "will
ern continent. The righteous of all
be dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremon-
nations who shall in this dispensation
gers, and murderers, and idolaters, and
be gathered to that land, will receive
whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. (Rev.
their inheritance in common with the
xxii. 15.)" These are they who are ban-
meek who formerly sojourned upon the
ished from the presence of God, and from
land. In the resurrection, the meek
the glory of a celestial earth.
of all ages and nations will be re-
It is the meek only who shall receive stored to that portion of the earth pre-
the promised inheritance—they are the viously promised to them. And thus,
lawful heirs. "Blessed are the meek: for all the different portions of the earth have
they shall inherit the earth," was the been and will be disposed of to the law-
promise of the great Redeemer. ful heirs; while those who cannot prove
their heirship to be legal, or who can-
But who are the meek? By what not prove that they have received any
peculiarities are they distinguished portion of the earth by promise, will be

cast out into some other kingdom or But when we reflect how few will be
world, where, if they ever get an inher- saved—how few have received the plan
itance, they will have to earn it by keep- of redemption, even when it has been
ing the law of meekness during another proclaimed by authority in their ears,
probation. and how many generations have passed
How great will be the disappointment away unto whom the Almighty has sent
to the rich, the high and the noble, who no message, we are compelled to believe
have rejected the messages of eternal that not one out of a hundred will re-
truth, sent forth in different ages for the ceive an inheritance upon the new earth.
redemption of men, when they find that But even though we suppose one per-
there is not a foot of the new earth that cent of all this immensity of population
they can call their own; the whole of it shall, through obedience to the Gospel,
having been lawfully disposed of to the become lawful heirs to the new earth,
poor and the meek. then there will be over one hundred
and fifty acres for every soul. If the
Howl, then, ye rich men, who reject
new earth contains only the same pro-
the message of the servants of God; for
portion of land as the old, there would
your portion is in this life, and you have
still be about forty acres for every re-
no claim upon the everlasting inheri-
deemed soul. But the new earth is rep-
tance. God will rescue the earth from
resented by the Apostle John, as being
under your dominion, and give it to those
without any sea, which increases its ca-
unto whom it is promised. Howl, for the
pacity for inhabitants above the old four
miseries that shall come upon you!
fold. The farmer who is looking forward
It has been conjectured by some, that to the new earth for his everlasting in-
the earth will not be sufficiently capa- heritance, need have no fears of being too
cious to accommodate the nations of the much limited in his possessions. There
righteous. But such a conjecture will ap- will be ample room for the delightful pur-
pear erroneous to anyone who will ex- suits of the agriculturist. He can have
ercise his reasoning powers sufficient to his pleasure grounds; his orchards of the
calculate the superficial contents of our most delicious fruits; his gardens deco-
globe, and compare the same with the rated with the loveliest flowers; and still
probable number of inhabitants who are have land enough for the raising of the
destined for this creation. more staple articles, such as manna to
In round numbers, the surface eat, and flax for the making of fine robes,
of our terrestrial spheroid contains &c.
197,000,000 of square miles, or over Who, in looking upon the earth as it
one hundred and twenty-six thousand ascends in the scale of the universe, does
millions of acres. Now, if from the cre- not desire to keep pace with it, that when
ation of the earth to its final glorifica- it shall be classed in its turn, among the
tion, there should elapse a period of eight dazzling orbs of the blue vault of heaven,
thousand years, or eighty centuries, and shining forth in all the splendors of ce-
if we should suppose the population to lestial glory, he may find himself propor-
average one thousand millions per cen- tionably advanced in the scale of intellec-
tury (which is probably an average far tual and moral excellence? Who, but the
too great), yet there would be an abun- most abandoned, does not desire to be
dance of room upon the new earth for counted worthy to associate with those
all this vast multitude. There would be higher orders of beings who have been
over one acre and a half for every soul. redeemed, exalted, and glorified, to-

gether with the worlds they inhabit, earth, and secure thine everlasting in-
ages before the foundations of our heritance upon the same, that when it
earth were laid? O man, remember shall be glorious, thou shalt be glorious
the future destiny and glory of the also.


D ECEMBER 5, 1853.


Myself and my brethren frequently gies, during our time here, in a chan-
rise to address the congregation in this nel to secure salvation in the kingdom of
place, not knowing precisely what may God.
prove the most beneficial and instruct- Mankind, in general, do not stop to
ing. The same weakness is in me, that reflect, they are pressing headlong to
is common to the most of my brethren grasp the whole world if possible; each
who address you from this stand, that is, individual is for himself, and he is ig-
a degree of timidity, which arises from a norant of the design the Almighty had
sense of the importance of the work in in his creation and existence in this life.
which we are engaged; but my resolution To obtain a knowledge of this design is
overbalances this. a duty obligatory upon all the sons and
daughters of Adam.
Can anything be taught that will ed- The Latter-day Saints realize that
ify this congregation like the principles there is no period of man ' existence
of the Gospel? It may be said the life not incorporated with the plan of salva-
and existence of man, with the varied av- tion, and directly pointing to a future ex-
ocations of his life, from birth to death, istence. Consequently, when we stand
are an interesting subject, as much so here to speak to the people, let every
as the Gospel. But this is connected man speak what is in his heart. If one
with the Gospel of salvation, as well as of our Elders is capable of giving us a
everything else that is associated with lecture upon any of the sciences, let it
his being. The whole mortal existence be delivered in the spirit of meekness—
of man is neither more nor less than in the spirit of the holy Gospel. If, on
a preparatory state given to finite be- the Sabbath day, when we are assem-
ings, a space wherein they may improve bled here to worship the Lord, one of
themselves for a higher state of being. the Elders should be prompted to give
The labor of man in this existence seems us a lecture on any branch of education
to be almost wholly directed to procure with which he is acquainted, is it out-
a mortal subsistence; this is more par- side the pale of our religion? I think
ticularly the case with those who have not. If any of the Elders are disposal
not learned the order of heaven, and to give a lecture to parents and chil-
that it is necessary to direct our ener- dren on letters, on the rudiments of the

English language, it is in my religion, seeking for gold and silver, and for the
it is a part of my faith. Or if an Elder riches, grandeur, popularity, and titles
shall give us a lecture upon astronomy, of this world. If the religion we pos-
chemistry, or geology, our religion em- sess does not control and reign predomi-
braces it all. It matters not what the sub- nant over every other principle and feel-
ject be, if it tends to improve the mind, ing, we have not been schooled in it
exalt the feelings, and enlarge the ca- so as to learn our lessons correctly—we
pacity. The truth that is in all the arts are not masters of this heavenly science.
and sciences forms a part of our religion. If the Latter-day Saints have not been
Faith is no more a part of it than any schooled enough to realize that all things
other true principle of philosophy. Were which pertain to this world—riches, hon-
I to give you a lecture today upon farm- ors, worldly grandeur, and worldly titles,
ing, would I be speaking upon a matter are not wholly subservient to their reli-
that transcends the bounds of our reli- gion, they are not fully skilled in their
gion? Agriculture is a part of it as well profession. Are you aware of this? Do
as any other truth. Were I to lecture the Latter-day Saints individually real-
on business principles of any kind, our ize the circumstances in which they are
religion embraces it; and what it does placed, the position they occupy in hu-
not circumscribe, it would be well for man society, in the midst of the Church
us to dispense with at once and forever. of Jesus Christ? How many are there
This language may come in contact here today who realize as they ought
with the prejudices of many people, and their standing with God and man, and
I will add, of all people, unless they who understand precisely their position
have been schooled in "Mormonism." It in life, their relationship with angels,
comes in contact with the traditions, and the destinies of Providence? Here
prejudices, and feelings of former years, are many who have been in the Church
when the alpha and omega of our re- for years—are they masters, or are they
ligion consisted in singing, preaching, yet only scholars? Are they fathers, or
exhorting, and shouting "Glory, hallelu- yet only babes? Have they need to be
jah, praise the Lord!" And when Mon- taught what are the rudiments of the
day morning came, we would go to our doctrine of Christ, or are they capable
farms, to our merchandise, to our mech- of teaching them to the human family,
anism, and to what we called our dull pointing out the way of life and salva-
business of life, which we considered did tion? Many are capable. If we have
not belong to our religion. These are the learned our lessons well, while we teach
traditions of the world, but it is not so with the way of life and salvation to others, we
us; we have learned the Gospel better. shall exemplify it in our own lives. How
I am aware how easy it is for the many of my hearers possess the mas-
mind of man to become entangled with tery over themselves, can keep the an-
the deceitfulness of riches, for I am gry spirit of wrath under the empire of
somewhat experienced in the spirit of reason, and cannot be prejudiced against
the world. How easy it is for the their brethren? Select the men or women
love of the world to take possession of who are capable of judging a righteous
the hearts of the human family! How judgment, who can weigh exactly the life
easy it is for their minds to become and conduct of their neighbors in the bal-
darkened by the god of this world, ance of justice, mercy, and truth? Are
and, become like the eyes of the fool, there any? I hope there are many.
which are in the ends of the earth,

How many of the Latter-day Saints, governs and controls the nations of the
who have been in the Church from fif- earth, and marks out the destinies of in-
teen to twenty years, have learned the dividual man? If we have not learned
Gospel sufficiently to be masters of their these lessons they are before us, and we
passions? How many have learned the have them yet to learn. If we have not
nature of things, as well as of men, the yet learned that poverty, sickness, pain,
use of gold and silver, and the elements want, disappointment, losses, crosses,
that are around us, so as to enjoy the life or even death, should not move us one
of the world, and understand the nature hair's breadth from the service of God, or
of it well enough to devote all the trea- separate us from the principles of eter-
sures of the east, did they possess them, nal life, it is a lesson we have to learn.
to the building up of the kingdom of God, If we have not learned how to handle the
and to have no will but the will of the things of this world in the light of sal-
Lord? Who is proof against the influence vation, we have it yet to learn. Though
of a good name, and worldly renown? we have mountains of gold and silver,
How many have learned the lesson so and stores of precious things heaped up,
perfectly as to defy the depths of poverty, and could control the elements, and com-
distress, and misery to move them, or mand the cattle on a thousand hills, if
in the least shatter their integrity? The we have not learned that every iota of it
congregation can answer these questions should be devoted to the building up of
at their leisure, each one for himself. I the kingdom of God on earth, it is a les-
can assure you we have to learn such son yet to learn.
lessons, if we have not learned them al- Our religion embraces every truth
ready. pertaining to mortal life—there is noth-
The mysterious and invisible hand ing outside the pale of it. It is no mat-
(so called) of Providence is manifested in ter what persons do, if they keep within
all the works of God. Who of this congre- the bounds of truth and righteousness,
gation can realize for one moment, that of the Gospel of the Son of God. Can
the Lord would notice so trifling an af- they step beyond these bounds? They
fair as the hairs you have combed from can. I will tell you how easily. When
your heads this morning? Yet it is so, not Saints start to cross the plains to this
one hair has fallen to the ground without place, no matter where they start from,
the notice of our Father in heaven. To they are full of faith and religion, they
convince the ancient Apostles of His care are full of prayer and humility, and O
over them, Jesus selected the most tri- how they desire to get to Zion! They cross
fling things, in their estimation, to illus- the Atlantic, travel on the waters of the
trate to their minds that the least thing Mississippi and Missouri, and commence
escaped not His notice. Said he—"Fear their journey over the plains, but be-
not them which kill the body, but are not fore they have traveled over half the dis-
able to kill the soul; but rather fear him tance, they enter into temptation, some
which is able to destroy both soul and of them so far as to say, "When I get to
body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold the Valley I shall go on to California."
for a farthing? and one of them shall not Some will step out of the way far enough
fall on the ground without the knowledge to curse and swear at their cattle, and
of your Father. But the very hairs of your others will cruelly treat them, in a rage
head are numbered." of madness. Those who do these things
Can we realize how this Providence know they are beyond the bounds of

what they have been taught is right, like the young man in Nauvoo, who sat
even by the traditions of the fathers. We down to breakfast from a Johnny cake
have been taught from our childhood, alone; says he, "I do not ask a blessing
that passion, anger, strife, and malice upon this; if God does not give me bet-
are wrong. Our former traditions, in ter food than this, I shall never ask him
a great many instances, have been as to bless it." I said, "You will make ship-
true, and as much in accordance with the wreck of faith." The spirit he manifested
Gospel, as they could be given. We have was an apostate spirit; he had forgotten
been traditionated not to swear, and the there was a providence in the very cir-
spirit within us forbids it. If we maltreat cumstance he spurned, and he went to
our animals, or each other, the spirit destruction. Mysterious as it may ap-
within us, our traditions, and the Bible, pear to the children of men, God is in and
all agree in declaring it is wrong. When round about all things.
the Saints arrive in Salt Lake Valley, To do right, can be reduced to per-
how easy it is for them to wander from fect simplicity in a few words, viz., from
the right way! I could point out scores of this time henceforth, let no person work,
cases, had I time. On the other hand, I or transact any kind of business what-
can point out men who have been with ever, that he cannot do in the name of
us for years in the depths of poverty, and the Lord, and let him sink wholly into
some from the beginning, and they never His will, whether it oppose his preju-
saw the time they could feed their fami- dices, or not, or is decidedly objection-
lies with sufficient food, nor clothe them, able to his feelings. The Lord will ul-
and yet they are full of faith and humil- timately lead such persons into the ful-
ity. Should this people partake of the ness of His joy by a way that may some-
blessings of the Lord as freely as He is times appear dark to them. But there
willing to bestow them, it would destroy are thousands who will say, "Lord, we
them. They do not realize they are to believe in your name, in your name we
be tried in all things. They would say, have been baptized, and we have proph-
"I acknowledge I am blessed, but I have esied, and have cast out devils in your
blessed myself;" and forget it is the Lord name; do you not remember we laid
who has blessed them, and given them hands on a person in yonder city, or
their gold and silver, their houses and in that house, and cast a devil out of
lands, their horses and carriages, and all him?" Such persons, that have healed
things they possess. the sick, or cast out a devil, sooner or
later, take strength to themselves, if they
If the Latter-day Saints have not are not careful, and believe they have
learned to handle the good things of this power of themselves to do what they
world, acknowledging the hand of God in please. Boast not of these matters. You
putting them into their possession, they hear many say, "I am a Latter-day Saint,
have this lesson yet to learn. When those and I never will apostatize;" "I am a
who can bear poverty are blessed with Latter-day Saint, and shall be to the day
prosperity, they are apt to rise up in their of my death." I never make such dec-
own strength and wisdom, and forget the larations, and never shall. I think I
God who has blessed them, and make have learned that of myself I have no
shipwreck of faith. Again, there are power, but my system is organized to in-
those who have been prospered in their crease in wisdom, knowledge, and power,
life, when they are brought to poverty getting a little here and a little there.
and want, turn away from the truth, But when I am left to myself, I have

no power, and my wisdom is foolishness; me from one Monday morning to the

then I cling close to the Lord, and I next, the year round, or it will not an-
have power in His name. I think I have swer me. You can see how easy it is for
learned the Gospel so as to know, that in Latter-day Saints to step out of the path
and of myself I am nothing. In the or- of duty.
ganization of my system, however, is a Those who step out of the way do
foundation laid, if I rightly improve upon not know themselves, they are unac-
it, that will secure to me the indepen- quainted with the nature of the human
dence of the Gods in eternity. This is ob- family, and with the principles of the
tained by strictly adhering to the princi- kingdom we are engaged in building up.
ples of the Gospel in this life, which will When the Latter-day Saints make up
lead us on from faith to faith, and from their minds to endure, for the kingdom
grace to grace. This is the way, I think, I of God's sake, whatsoever shall come,
have learned the Lord. whether poverty or riches, whether sick-
Shall we ever see the time we shall ness or to be driven by mobs, they will
be perfectly independent of every other say it is all right, and will honor the hand
being in all the eternities? No; we shall of the Lord in it, and in all things, and
never see that time. Many have fallen serve Him to the end of their lives, ac-
on as simple ground as this, and were I cording to the best of their ability, God
to use a Western term, I would, say, "they being their helper. If you have not made
were troubled with a big head." Such per- up your minds for this, the quicker you
sons think they have power to do this, do so the better.
that, and the other, but they are left to Persons who cannot control them-
themselves, and the Lord loves to show selves, and hold in subjection their feel-
them they have no power. ings, and lustful desires, and appetites,
We hear some saying—"I will get out know no better than to run distracted af-
of this community as soon as I can." ter the perishable things of this world.
Why? "Because I bought a wagon of They say they "are going to California;"
one of my brethren, and he wants me to and I thank the Lord they are. Why? Be-
pay for it." Or, "I rode a brother's horse cause I would rather be in this commu-
to death, and he thinks I should make nity with one hundred families of poor,
it good." "It is a damnable community, honest-hearted Saints, than one hun-
and I will not stay in it." I do not hear dred millions who mix up with devils,
these things myself, but I can hear of and go to California. And how long will
them. I know it is so. What ails such they be there before they are begging
people? They have taken strength to of some Gentile merchant to bring them
themselves, and forgotten the Lord their back again? But I say, "let them lie there
God. They do not call upon His name, in hell, until they are well burnt out,
and trust in Him to direct them in all like an old pipe." I would not move my
their ways. They forget they are do- finger to help them back now, for they
ing as they used to do, viz., serve the would only corrupt the community. Af-
Lord on the seventh day, and take six ter awhile, when they are purified, then
to themselves. They will traffic, trade, we will bring them to Zion, if they wish
labor and heap up riches six days, and to come and serve the Lord; but if they
go to meeting on Sunday to serve the wish to serve themselves, let them serve
Lord one day. About such a religion themselves, and if the devil, let them
I am ignorant, only I know it is good serve him.
for nothing. My religion must be with My prayer for you, this morning, is,

that you may be servants of the Most is true doctrine. Now let the newcom-
High God; but if any of you find men ers especially remember not to judge
or women who will not serve the Lord, their brethren and sisters. A great
do not lay a straw in their way to hin- many sit in judgment upon me, and
der them from serving the devil, but give upon this people, and I have a right
them a dollar, or help them to a wagon, to judge as well as they. Were I to
to speed their way out of this community. pass my judgment upon those who judge
It would be better to do so than to keep me and this people, I would do it in
them here, when they have no disposi- the language of Joseph, in the Dialogue
tion to love and serve the Lord. We are we have in print. In it a question is
better without them. put to Joseph as follows—"Joseph, are you Je-
sus Christ?"—"No; but I am his brother."
Will all the people be damned who
Judge not, that ye be not judged. Let are not Latter-day Saints? Yes, and a
no man judge his fellow being, unless he great many of them, except they repent
knows he has the mind of Christ within speedily. I will say further, that many of
him. We ought to reflect seriously upon the Latter-day Saints, except they learn
this point; how often it is said—"Such a their lessons better, will be judged in
person has done wrong, and he cannot the same way. That is my candid opin-
be a Saint, or he would not do so." How ion. There are families with us here
do you know? We hear some swear and with whom I have been acquainted from
lie; they trample upon the rights of their the beginning, who have ideas of the
neighbor, break the Sabbath by staying things of this world that appear strange
away from meeting, riding about the city, to me. They have a strange conception
hunting horses and cattle, or working in of the good things of the earth. Upon
the canyons. Do not judge such persons, this item especially, I wish the Saints
for you do not know the design of the of God to concentrate their minds, and
Lord concerning them; therefore, do not learn this important lesson right, that
say they are not Saints. What shall we they enter not into temptation. We will
do with them? Bear with them. The suppose, for instance, a small Branch of
brethren and sisters from the old coun- the Church raised up in a district where
tries frequently place great confidence they are generally well off as to earthly
in the American Elders who have been substance. They sell their property, and
their pastors, but some trifling thing oc- gather with the Saints. Say there are
curs that does not appear right to them, ten families in the Branch, and allow
and they say in a moment, "That Elder them to be worth ten thousand dollars
is not a Latter-day Saint." Judge no man. each. Nine of the ten lose their prop-
A person who would say another is not a erty by lawyers, by their brothers, by
Latter-day Saint, for some trifling affair their fathers, or by some person who
in human life, proves that he does not robs them on the way, and they have
possess the Spirit of God. Think of this, only enough left to get here. One of
brethren and sisters; write it down, that the ten is fortunate enough to save his
you may refresh your memories with it; property, and has it in gold. He, how-
carry it with you, and look at it often. If ever, lends one man a hundred dollars,
I judge my brethren and sisters, unless buys a team for another, and pays the
I judge them by the revelations of Jesus passage of this or that poor family un-
Christ, I have not the spirit of Christ; til he expends all his money, and he also
if I had, I should judge no man. This arrives here naked. Now, take these

ten families and put them together; from communities wealthy, and bring them
the lips of the nine, whose property has to poverty, at His pleasure. When He
gone into the hands of the wicked, you pleases, He can give them wealth, com-
will not hear one murmur or complaint, fort, and ease, and, on the other hand,
where you will hear a hundred from him torment them with poverty, distress, and
who has disposed of his money to help sore afflictions. Who can realize this?
the poor Saints to gather to Zion. I am All the world ought, and especially the
now telling you what I know to be true, Saints.
for I have watched this item of human I wish to impress another thing upon
life from the beginning. your minds. An Elder, who is willing to
preach the Gospel, borrows a hundred
Allow me here to say to the Saints,
or a thousand dollars from you, and you
that I have accumulated a great amount
never breathe the first complaint against
of wealth in my time; and I call upon all
him, until you came home to this val-
who are acquainted with me, to bear wit-
ley, but after you have been here for a
ness, if they can, that I have ever dis-
few days, you follow me round and fill
tressed a man for what he owes me, or
my ears with complaints against this
crowded any person in the least. Have I
brother, and ask me what he has done
ever turned the widow and the orphan
with your money? I say, "I do not know."
empty away, or the poor man hungry
Thus you are distressed and in misery,
from my door or purse, if I had a dime
all the day long, to get it back again.
in it? Have I ever taken a brother by the
If an Elder has borrowed from you, and
throat and said—"Pay me that thou ow-
you find he is going to apostatize, then
est me?" No. But I have stacks of notes
you may tighten the screws upon him;
against them, amounting to over thirty
but if he is willing to preach the Gospel,
thousand dollars. I boast not of this, but
without purse or scrip, it is none of your
present the picture as an example for
business what he does with the money
you to follow.
he has borrowed from you. The doctrine
When poor, miserable curses, who of brother Joseph is, that not one dollar
would cut our throats, get means from you possess is your own; and if the Lord
a member of this Church, it hurts my wants it to use, let it go, and it is none
feelings. How much better would it be of your business what He does with it.
to hand it over to the proper person, Should it be laid out to pamper the lazy?
saying—"Take this, feed the poor Saints, No; but you can see those who have been
and do good with it?" Who can realize out on missions, working in the canyons,
that the Lord can put a great amount and traversing the country right and left,
of property in his hands in a short time, trying to get a living by the work of their
or take it from him again? I can real- hands.
ize this to a considerable degree. I may But you say, "What has he done with
have thousands of wealth locked up to- my money?" He has, perhaps, helped
day, and hold checks for immense sums that poor family to gather with it, or
on the best banking institutions in the they would not have been here. If
world, but have I any surety that I shall you murmur against that Elder, it will
be worth a cent tomorrow morning? Not prove your damnation. The money
the least. The Lord Almighty can send was not yours, but the Lord Almighty
fire and destruction when He pleases, put it into your hands to see what
destroying towns and swallowing up you would do with it. The gold, the
cities in the bellowing earthquake. silver, the wheat, the fine flour, the
He can set up kingdoms, and make buffalo, the deer, and the cattle on

a thousand hills, are all His, and He Perhaps I have detained you long
turns them whithersoever He will; and enough. In my remarks I have not tran-
He turns the nations whithersoever He scended the bounds of my religion. If I
will, casting down one nation and setting had told you about the Latter-day Saints'
up another, according to His own plea- new spelling book, my religion embraces
sure. All there is of any worth or value it, and all the good we see from one year's
in the world is incorporated in our glo- end to another.
rious religion, and designed to exalt the
minds of the children of men to a perma- Will you try to be Saints in very deed?
nent, celestial, and eternal station. I do not pray the Lord that you may, but
No man need judge me. You my prayer is offered to you, and I pray
know nothing about it, whether I am you, in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to
sent or not; furthermore, it is none God, and serve Him with an undivided
of your business, only to listen with heart, to the end of your lives. And I pray
open ears to what is taught you, and my Heavenly Father to enable you so to
serve God with an undivided heart. do. And may God bless you. Amen.

S ALT L AKE C ITY, AUG . 7, 1853.


The weather being warm, and the frequently exhibited, and is, as it has
people generally of the laboring class, I been, peculiar to this society.
presume are the cause of a rather late
The world, and the inhabitants
attendance at meeting this morning.
thereof, are fluctuating; not only the in-
There are peculiarities connected
habitants, but the elements that sur-
with our duties, that make them differ
round the earth are frequently in a fluc-
from the duties of almost every other
tuating condition. I have often listened,
community. Other communities have
with a great deal of attention and in-
gold and silver to aid them, in build-
terest, to the explanations given of the
ing, in planting, in gathering, and in
beauties and of the uniformity of na-
all the different avocations of life; but
ture, contrasted with the fluctuations
this people have to accomplish all they
and changes of men, of nations, of king-
do accomplish, by the bone and sinew
doms, and of countries.
alone, which the Almighty has given
them; and where it is constantly em- Man is sometimes represented as
ployed, it has an effect upon the bank if he were the only fluctuating and
more or less; not, however, that the changeable being in existence; but when
specie is exhausted, or the bills de- I contrast in my thoughts the rev-
preciated in value, but it exhibits a olutions of nations, with the revolu-
feature in our history which has been tions and changes that have taken

place upon the face of our globe, I am mighty deep, protected by the arm of
sometimes led to the conclusion that the Jehovah, while every other living thing
elements change as often as the inhabi- sank in the depths of a watery grave?
tants that dwell upon the earth. Was it when Abel rose up to offer in sacri-
We see at one time, the earth shaken, fice the first fruits of his flock to the Most
as it were, from center to circumference; High God, and Cain his brother rose up
we hear the sound of bellowing earth- and murdered, or sacrificed him for do-
quakes; we see the smoke of the tower- ing so? Was that a day of uniformity?
ing mountains, and the yawning crater Were the elements calm and composed?
belching forth its boiling lava; indeed ev- Did nature exhibit a serene and smooth
ery mountain, valley and dell, the rivers, surface?
and the ocean into which they empty You pass further down the lapse of
their waters, and all the elements with time, from the days of our earliest pro-
which we are surrounded, exhibit one genitors, until the earth was deluged in
constant scene of change, one constant water, and the lofty summits were sub-
scene of variety, and one constant scene merged in the raging element. After the
of commotion. waters subside, and the inhabitants of
We cannot say, "Man, thou art the earth begin to increase and go forth
the only changeable creature, the only upon its face, you soon discover a change
changeable substance we gaze upon." in them and in the earth itself.
But the ocean, and all the waters com- If you look for uniformity in man, was
municating therewith; the earth, with it when the descendants of Noah sought
its ten thousand lofty mountains, ver- to build a great tower, that they might,
dant valleys, and extended plains; ex- as they thought, climb up to where their
hibit to our view a variety of changes Father in Heaven lived, and thus try to
that have been, and that we may expect defy His power, should He again bring
will continue to be, from this time forth. a flood of water to deluge the earth?
Consequently, when we see man ex- Was that the age, when people studied to
cited to follow any avocation in life, know the purposes of a righteous God?
whether it be for gold, silver, or other Pass on from that day, until you
precious ores, for which he leaves his all, come to the illustrious Abraham, the
acts unwisely and inconsistently, sacri- father of the faithful, and ask your-
ficing his home, his family, and every- selves if his course was very uniform,
thing dear and near to him, we can ex- and if the course of the inhabitants of
claim, "This wild career of man is not the the earth around him was very uniform,
only wildness exhibited in nature." and something to be admired. You see
If you refer back to the earliest him rushing forth to war. Not only did
ages, and trace the history of the world, he sally out to the field to fight with
where can you find uniformity in na- the weapons of death in his hands, but
ture's works? If you can find a unifor- we might take a glance at his course in
mity at any time in the earth, the sea, the domestic circle. Was it uniform in
the air, or in the elements, pray tell me Sarah and Hagar to quarrel with each
when it was. other, and when Hagar had to be ban-
Was it when our first parents were ished with her son Ishmael? Even in
cast out of the Garden of Eden, when the domestic circle of the great Patri-
it became desecrated by sin; or when arch, we discover nature was not uni-
old father Noah rode safely over the form. Was it uniform when the cry of the

banished Hagar ascended to heaven, and forth to Sinai, where the voice of God,
brought an angel to give drink to the the roaring thunder, and vivid lightning
young urchin who was dying of thirst un- were exhibited. While Moses was upon
der one of the shrubs? the mount conversing with the Most
If you pass on through the line of High God, Aaron took the gold offered to
his descendants you find the same lack him by the people, and made a calf for Is-
of uniformity. How sublime the quar- rael to worship, and they said, "These be
rel that took place between Joseph and thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee
his brethren! What remarkable con- up out of the land of Egypt." Was there
tentions existed among them. Look at any sublimity, glory, and loyalty to God
the old Patriarch Jacob in his family cir- in this? When Moses descended from
cle, and you see him goaded with thorns the mountain, was everything calm and
of grief because of his family broils. Do peaceable, and uniform? No! The Is-
we find the elements around that family raelites had made a golden calf, and were
very calm, pacific, uniform, serene, an- dancing round the god they had made
gelic, and Godlike? How calm they were out of their earrings and jewelry they
when one of his wives, in order to get had pilfered from the Egyptians—they
her rights, had to purchase her husband had stolen by revelation, by divine di-
with mandrakes? rection; they were having a grand dance
You discover a scene of vexatious around this molten calf, when Moses in
broils in the domestic circle; though they his anger broke the tables. Can you find
were not at war with surrounding na- any uniformity, any beauty, any order
tions, yet the elements were at war in the reigning in the house of Israel?
very center of that venerable house. Pass on, and look at affairs in the
days of Solomon—how uniform that
Such, then, were the scenes in early mighty king was in his course, with his
ages among those righteous, pure, holy, seven hundred wives, and a legion of con-
just, and noble Patriarchs, who con- cubines. How uniform he was in his pas-
versed with God, wrestled with angels, sions and feelings. He was not contented
obtained promises, and coped with high with the fair daughters of Israel, but the
heaven. queen of Sheba, and the women of na-
If you pass on and seek to find uni- tions afar off, captivated this wise king—
formity, beauty, and sublimity, will you by whom he was led astray, and dese-
find it when the Israelites were bondmen crated the altars of God, the sanctuaries
in Egypt, when they were compelled by of Israel, and the Urim and Thummim,
hard task masters to gather straw and by introducing the idolatrous worship of
make bricks for a living? the strange gods of his wives and concu-
If you should pass on to the time the bines.
illustrious meek man of God, Moses, was There was also David, the father
sent to them, how much uniformity do of Solomon, and the man after God's
you discover when he led them to the own heart. Though his wives were
Red Sea, and a mighty host from Egypt many, and his family numerous, yet he
around them threatening their destruc- could not cast his eyes out of a win-
tion, but the sea opened and let them dow, and see a beautiful woman in a
through dry shod, and the mountains bath, without lusting after her. His
skipped like rams, and the little hills like heart was so susceptible of love, that
lambs? Was this a scene where we may he conceived the murder of her hus-
look for uniformity? Or, after he led them band to possess her, and caused his

victim to be stationed in the front of the the turmoil, the strife, and the difficul-
battle where he would be sure to be slain. ties that existed.
This was the kind of sublimity the men of Were sublimity, uniformity, and
God exhibited anciently. beauty seen at the time when the King
Look at the difficulties that existed of righteousness, the anointed of God,
between Israel and the Prophets; look was carried up unto an exceeding high
at the murders, devastation, destruc- mountain by Lucifer, who showed him
tion, altars smoking with blood, cities the kingdoms of the world, and the glory
wrapped in flame, and thousands and of them, saying, "All these things will
tens of thousands mantled in death upon I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and
the bloodstained earth by contending worship me." Was that uniformity?
armies; and ask yourselves if that is the Suppose a Prophet should arise now,
time to look for uniformity. and proclaim to the world he is a Prophet
Was it to be found in the days of of God, and Lucifer should take him by
Alexander the Great, when he conquered the coat collar, or by the hair of the head,
the world, and spilled rivers of blood to and escort him to the top of a high pinna-
attain his purpose? Was it to be found cle, and hold him there, would they be-
among the Romans, or among the Medes lieve he was a Prophet? The uniformity
and Persians? Shall we look to any of the of that age is thus exhibited, however, by
ancient nations for uniformity. the writers of the New Testament.
Again we find it exhibited when a le-
But we will pass by these dark ages, gion of devils was cast out of a man,
and come down to the interesting time and entered into a herd of swine, causing
when the Son of God unfolded the glo- them to run down a steep place into the
rious theme of the Gospel of peace, of sea, where they were drowned. These
matchless glory, of matchless love; when are some of the characteristic features of
the babe of Bethlehem was born; when the age in which Christ and his apostles
the sun of righteousness appeared with lived.
healing in his wings; and when beauty, If you pass on to the time when Je-
and glory, and sublimity were displayed sus Christ the Son of God was put to
in their grandeur, full bloom and glory. death, when they mocked him, spit upon
You do not wish us to understand, him, placed a crown of thorns upon his
that that was the time when Herod put head, and smote him upon the cheek,
forth his hand to put to death the young saying, "Prophesy." Is that the time for
children under a certain age, in hopes us to look for uniformity? If you wait un-
to kill the young child Jesus. Is this til they arraign him before an earthly tri-
the beauty of that age—the sublimity to bunal, condemn, and put him to death,
which you call our attention—when the and place him in the tomb, do you there
reigning king put to death thousands of look for beauty and uniformity? What
helpless children, drenching the earth do you see? A host of soldiers guard-
with their innocent blood? ing the mouth of the tomb to keep his
When the babe Jesus returns from disciples from stealing his dead body;
Egypt, he exclaims of himself, "The they did not only think they would steal
foxes have holes, and the birds of the his dead body, but that they would lie
air have nests, but the Son of man about it afterwards, and say he had risen
hath not where to lay his head." Even from the dead, and palm an imposition
in that age, look at the commotion, upon that age of the world. These are

some of the sublimities of the Christian seek to find uniformity in that age of
religion in the days of its Founder; and the world, follow the disciples; when
the confidence the multitude had in the they left Jerusalem to go forth with the
advocates of that religion. proclamation of the Gospel, and we find
wherever they went, they were consid-
ered insane, mad, and possessed of dev-
But if you still wait until he who was
once the babe in Bethlehem, bursts the ils. It was said of Jesus their mas-
ter, he was leagued with Beelzebub, the
barriers of the tomb, and approaches and
prince of the devils. And, said the
speaks to his disciples, and commissions
them to preach his Gospel, beginning at Savior, "If they have called the mas-
ter of the house Beelzebub, how much
Jerusalem, what do you see? Watch the
movements of the disciples. The Son more shall they call them of his house-
of God told them to wait the appointed hold?" Wherever they went, then, they
were called Nazarites, and Christians
time at Jerusalem. And when the Holy
Ghost came upon them, and they began was an odious name in that age. They
were hooted at by the Jews, pointed at
to speak by the inspiration and power
by the Gentiles, and scoffed at by the
thereof, the multitude cried out, "These
world; if you seek for testimony in that age of
men are full of new wine." This was the
the world, was it for or against them?
uniform testimony of the multitude. But Pass on still further in their history,
if you will notice the assembly preached
and look at their course and conduct, if
to on that occasion, there were some few
you will believe the writers that lived
who gave a contrary testimony. But what in that age. What does old Celsus say,
were a few thousands, compared to the
who was a physician in the first cen-
vast number then assembled? In some tury, whose medical works are esteemed
small hamlet a few thousands of people very highly at the present time. His
might be a decided majority, and perhaps
works on theology were burned with fire
take in all to baptize so many. But a few by the Catholics, they were so shocked
thousands in comparison with the great
at what they called their impiety. Cel-
multitude that dwelt in Jerusalem, was
sus was a heathen philosopher; and what
only like one grain of sand in compari- does he say upon the subject of Christ
son to a handful. The grand majority of
and his Apostles, and their belief? He
the mass governs; the uniform testimony says, "The grand reason why the Gen-
of the million was, that they were drunk, tiles and philosophers of his school per-
and of course you are to believe according
secuted Jesus Christ, was, because he
to the greatest amount of testimony, are had so many wives; there were Eliza-
you not? Then if you arraign those dis-
beth, and Mary, and a host of others that
ciples before the grand tribunals of the
followed him." After Jesus went from the
nations, the great majority of the multi- stage of action, the Apostles followed
tude would say they were drunk; but if
the example of their master. For in-
only a flew thousands say they were not, stance, John the beloved disciple, writes
which are you to believe? Where then is in his second Epistle, "Unto the elect
the uniformity in this testimony? Look
lady and her children, whom I love in
at the discrepancy, and the array of tes- the truth." Again, he says, "Having many
timony against the disciples. It is cer-
things to write unto you (or communi-
tainly overwhelming in its nature.
cate), I would not write with paper and
ink: but I trust to come unto you, and
But if you look still further, and speak face to face, that our joy may be

full." Again—"The children of thy electknow spiritual rappings are quite com-
sister greet thee." This ancient philoso-
mon in this day.
pher says they were both John's wives. If you will pass along in the days
Paul says, "Mine answer to them that doof the Apostles, after awhile you see
examine me is this ... them thrust into cauldrons of oil, cru-
Have we not power to lead about a cified with their heads downwards, and
persecuted in various ways until they be-
sister, a wife, as well as other apostles,
and as the brethren of the Lord, and came extinct. After awhile, you have
Cephas." He, according to Celsus, had athe beauty, the sublimity of Catholicism.
numerous train of wives. Look at the old mother, seated upon a
scarlet-colored beast, boxing the ears of
The grand reason of the burst of pub-
her daughters; and the Church of Eng-
lic sentiment in anathemas upon Christ
land in turn boxing the ears of the old
and his disciples, causing his crucifixion,
mother, assisted by her other numer-
was evidently based upon polygamy, ac-
ous offspring, and then mark the bitter
cording to the testimony of the philoso-
contentions and bloody feuds among the
phers who rose in that age. A belief
children! O, have they not had a sub-
in the doctrine of a plurality of wives
lime time—a beautiful dish of sucker-
caused the persecution of Jesus and his
tash. What a uniform course they have
followers. We might almost think they
were "Mormons."
But are the inhabitants of the earth
But if you pass on in their historythe only portion of nature that is not uni-
to seek for uniformity and beauty, you form? No.
will find some grand flare-ups among Look at the bellowing earthquake,
them. Look, for instance, at Paul and Pe-
uprooting the mountains and precipitat-
ter, disputing and quarrelling with each
ing them from their beds, and rend-
other; and Paul and Barnabas contend- ing the rocks with violence, leaving the
ing, and parting asunder with angry feel-
trembling earth in a state of horrible
ings. "When Peter came to Antioch," says
devastation; and then for men to teach
Paul, "I withstood him to the face, be-me about the uniformity of nature's
cause he was to be blamed," &c. Paul course, and that man is the only being
does not gain much credit with the Mor-in nature that is uniform, is folly. Talk
mons for taking this course. We know henot to me about the uniformity of nature;
had no right to rebuke Peter; but some where is it to be found upon this earth,
man said he was like Almon Babbit, he among men, in the mountains, among
wanted to boast of rebuking Peter. He the valleys, in the ocean, or among the
thought it was a feather in his cap be-streams that water the land.
cause he coped with Peter and rebuked Before you censure my views upon
him. Had that affair come before a "Mor-
this subject, look at mother earth, at the
mon" tribunal, they would have decided ocean, at the rocks, at the planets that
in favor of Peter and against Paul. We bespangle the blue vault of heaven; in
believe when Paul rebuked Peter, he hadshort, at nature in all her works, which
in him a spirit of rebellion, and was de-
you will find stamped with the insignia
cidedly wrong in rebelling against the of continual change. But pass on.
man who held the keys of the kingdom You look and you see the Church,
of God on the earth. as it were, driven from the earth;
But I will proceed, and I wish you you see it left without a Prophet,
to understand that I am only just giv- without a Seer, without Apostles,
ing you a rap here and there; you and without the voice of inspira-

tion. You hear the professed ministers They suppose that the "Mormons" have
of Christ teaching the benighted multi- turned a somerset, have apostatized,
tude, that the day when angels adminis- and altered their character and creed as
ter to men has ceased; that the sacred a people. I always take great pleasure
Urim and Thummim is lost; that the in telling such honorable men, such wise
holy Priesthood is no longer needed, and men, that that which they call "Mor-
the sacred place where they offered sac- monism" changeth not. It is the same
rifices for Israel is gone, all are gone. now as in the days of Joseph.
In this way, century after century
"And do you Mormons in the Valley
passed away; nation rose against nation,
believe and advocate the same doctrines
and kingdom against kingdom; nations
that Joseph Smith did?"
and kingdoms rose, and in their turn
fell in succession, to give place to others, Yes, sir, precisely, not one practical
while nature, in her convulsive throes, point of the religion has changed; but
shook the earth from center to circum- we as a people may be fluctuating, but
ference. Pass on still, and do you look for our religion changeth not. You see some
uniformity? of our men want to go to California for
But says one, "You Mormons tell us, gold—they want to do this, and to do
that in the age in which we live there that; but the people generally are right
is a work commenced on the earth that at home.
will entirely eclipse every other dispen-
But you must look in the last days
sation, and usher in a day of righ-
for a kingdom that in its commencement
teousness, overcome Lucifer the arch de-
will be the least of all, and is compared to
ceiver; a day wherein he is to be bound,
the mustard seed. If then it is the small-
and thrust into the pit, and lose his
est of all kingdoms, we need not look for
power; when the earth will be redeemed,
a large church like the church of Rome,
and appear in her primeval bloom and
or the English church, but like a mus-
beauty, and man shall cease to war
tard seed; look for that, and it will grow
against his fellow man; when the convul-
and become the largest of all herbs, so
sions of the earth shall cease—the earth-
that the birds of the air will shelter in it.
quake cease to bellow, the thunder cease
to roar, and the lightning cease to be- Says one, "I like it very well, if you did
come destructive, and to mar the face not gather together, and suffer Brigham
of nature, spreading terror and dismay Young to lead you like one man."
among animated beings; when the earth
In that consists the beauty of our re-
and all nature shall become calm and
ligion; and he can wield us as a people,
tranquil, and the glory of God shall be
like God does the armies of heaven. He
among men."
can wield us to preach, to pray, or to
"Why bless me, with the excep-
fight. We have everything spiritual, tem-
tion of a few points," say statesmen,
poral, and natural, as it should be. We
"your society has decidedly changed
believe it is just as much our religion to
from what it was in the days of Mr.
talk about wheat, plowing, sowing, and
Smith. Because of the peculiar traits
gathering in at harvest time, it is just as
of his character, it could not have pos-
much our religion as anything connected
sibly existed under his government; we
with it.
are glad to see the decided improve-
ment that has been made since his "Pertaining to the Mormons away
death; and under the administration of off in the Valley, they never will be
Mr. Young." This is their language. much anyhow," says one. They used

to tell Joseph Smith he could never Lucifer is not yet bound; and while
accomplish anything, for he had nei- the earth is fearfully convulsed because
ther money nor friends. They tell us of the wickedness on its face, the na-
we cannot accomplish much, "for every- tions will gather themselves and make
body says you are crazy followers of Joe an effort to wrest the kingdom from
Smith, and believers in the Book of Mor- the Saints, and destroy them root and
mon; therefore what can you do?" We will branch.
do just as Jesus Christ said the mustard We are not coping with a few people
seed would do. If you will read and learn here and there, but with the world, with
what it did, you will then know some- all the enemies of God, with all hell, and
thing about the future history of "Mor- with the devil and his host. That is "Mor-
monism." You will ascertain just what we monism."
will do. You need not wonder that we raise
stout boys in the mountains, for we want
"But do you really believe your children of the right blood; we do not
Church is the kingdom Daniel spoke of— want a scrubby breed here. Men of "Mor-
the stone that should be hewn out of the mon" blood are not afraid to die. The
mountain without hands?" I suppose he men that tremble, and whose hearts go
might have said with hands just as well, pit-a-pat because they have got to die,
for it is no matter whether it was hewn are not worth a picayune. A man that
out with or without; suffice it to say, the refuses to walk up in the track, no mat-
result of it is what we see; no matter how ter what comes, and steadily press for-
it came out of the mountain. What does ward, though there should be a lion in
the historian represent by that stone? the way, is not of "Mormon" grit. That
Something that would begin to roll, and was the grit Joseph Smith had; and
smite the great image on its feet, and roll when he spoke, he spoke by the power of
forth until it should fill the whole earth. an endless Priesthood, which was upon
If you want to know what "Mormonism" him; and that is the power by which
is, it is that which will roll forth until it Brigham speaks. When he stood up in
fills the whole earth. the majesty of his Priesthood, and re-
Do we expect to find uniformity at buked the judges here, I know some of
this time? No sir; but we look for mobs, our milk-and-water-folks thought all the
and the very scum of hell to boil over. Do fat was in the fire. "Brother Brigham has
we look for a privilege to fold our hands gone rather too far; he might have spo-
and sing lullaby baby, etc.? No; we ex- ken a little milder than he did; I think it
pect the rage of all hell to be aimed at would have been much better," &c. This
us to overthrow us; we expect mobs, and was the language of some hearts; and
troubles with the Indians. The earth will I feel to say, damn all such poor pussy-
be rent with earthquakes, and a thou- ism. When a man of God speaks, let him
sand thunders will utter their voices, speak what he pleases, and let all Israel
and make the ears of mortals tingle, and say, Amen.
their hearts to fail within them; and We expect to see and hear tell of
the voice of God will be heard, that will earthquakes, and other mighty convul-
pierce the wicked to the very core. sions in the earth, as it has been in
former times; and if the devil exerted
Do the Latter-day Saints expect his power in ancient days to destroy the
to settle in peace? M ARK you, work of God, so he will in the latter days.
your peace has not come yet, for My exhortation to the Latter-day

Saints is to keep the commandments then watch for the Lord's coming, for you
until truth shall prevail, the devil know not the day nor the hour the Son of
is bound, and righteousness prevails; man cometh. Amen.




Life and death are set before us, and To live as I am, without progress, is
we are at liberty to choose which we will. not life, in fact we may say that is im-
I have frequently reflected upon these possible. There is no such principle in
two principles, but were I to explain existence, neither can there be. All or-
in full my own views upon them, they ganized existence is in progress, either
might perhaps come too much in contact to an endless advancement in eternal
with the feelings and views of many peo- perfections, or back to dissolution. You
ple. may explore all the eternities that have
To me, these principles are like the been, were it possible, then come to that
vision of open day upon this beautiful which we now understand according to
earth. Life and death are easily under- the principles of natural philosophy, and
stood in the light of the Holy Ghost, but, where is there an element, an individ-
like everything else, they are hard to be ual living thing, an organized body, of
understood in its absence. whatever nature, that continues as it is?
To choose life is to choose an eternal I T CANNOT BE FOUND. All things that
existence in an organized capacity: to have come within the bounds of man's
refuse life and choose death is to refuse limited knowledge—the things he natu-
an eternal existence in an organized ca- rally understands, teach him, that there
pacity, and be contented to become de- is no period, in all the eternities, wherein
composed, and return again to native el- organized existence will become station-
ement. ary, that it cannot advance in knowledge,
Life is an accumulation of every wisdom, power, and glory.
property and principle that is calcu- If a man could ever arrive at the
lated to enrich, to ennoble, to en- point that would put an end to the ac-
large, and to increase, in every partic- cumulation of life—the point at which
ular, the dominion of individual man. he could increase no more, and ad-
To me, life would signify an exten- vance no further, we should naturally
sion. I have the privilege of spreading say he commenced to decrease at the
abroad, of enlarging my borders, of in- same point. Again, when he has gained
creasing in endless knowledge, wisdom, the zenith of knowledge, wisdom, and
and power, and in every gift of God. power, it is the point at which he be-

gins to retrograde; his natural abilities ment, &c. These revolutions we measur-
will begin to contract, and so he will con- ably understand.
tinue to decrease, until all he knew is But to simply take the path pointed
lost in the chaos of forgetfulness. As we out in the Gospel, by those who have
understand naturally, this is the conclu- given us the plan of salvation, is to
sion we must come to, if a termination to take the path that leads to life, to eter-
the increase of life and the acquisition of nal increase; it is to pursue that course
knowledge is true. wherein we shall NEVER , NEVER lose
what we obtain, but continue to collect,
Because of the weakness of human to gather together, to increase, to spread
nature, it must crumble to the dust. But abroad, and extend to an endless dura-
in all the revolutions and changes in the tion. Those persons who strive to gain
existence of men, in the eternal world ETERNAL LIFE , gain that which will pro-
which they inhabit, and in the knowl- duce the increase their hearts will be
edge they have obtained as people on the satisfied with. Nothing less than the
earth, there is no such thing as principle, privilege of increasing eternally, in every
power, wisdom, knowledge, life, position, sense of the word, can satisfy the immor-
or anything that can be imagined, that tal spirit. If the endless stream of knowl-
remains stationary—they must increase edge from the eternal fountain could all
or decrease. be drunk in by organized intelligences,
To me, life is increase; death is the so sure immortality would come to an
opposite. When our fellow creatures die, end, and all eternity be thrown upon the
is it the death we talk about? The ideas retrograde path.
we have of it are conceived in the mind, If mankind will choose the opposite
according to a false tradition. Death to life held out in the Gospel, it will
does not mean what we naturally think lead them to dissolution, to decomposi-
it means. Apparently it destroys, puts tion, to death; they will be destroyed,
out of existence, and leaves empty space, but not as it is commonly understood;
but there is no such death as this. Death, For instance, we would have destroyed
in reality, is to decompose or decrease, more of the material called flour, had we
and life is to increase. possessed it this spring in greater abun-
dance. We should have destroyed more
Much is written in the Bible, and in of the wood that grows on the moun-
the other revelations of God, and much tains, could we have got it with more
is said by the people, publicly and pri- ease, which seems to us to be utterly de-
vately, upon this subject. Life and death stroyed when it is consumed with fire.
are in the world, and all are acquainted But such is not the case, it will exist
with them more or less. We live, we die, in native element. That which is con-
we are, we are not, are mixed up in the sumed by eating, or by burning, is noth-
conversation of every person, to a lesser ing more than simply reduced to another
or a greater degree. Why is it so? Be- shape, in which it is ready for another
cause all creation is in progress; com- process of action. We grow, and we be-
ing into existence, and going out of exis- hold all the visible creation growing and
tence, as we use the terms; but another increasing, and continuing to increase,
form of language fits this phenomenon until it has arrived at its zenith, at which
of nature much better, (viz.) form- point it begins to decompose. This is
ing, growing, increasing, then begins the the nature of all things which consti-
opposite operation—decreasing, decom- tute this organized world. Even the
position, returning back to native ele- solid rocks in the mountains continue to

grow until they have come to their per- thing intervenes between us and them,
fection, at which point they begin to de- which we cannot penetrate. We are short
compose. The forests grow, increase, ex- sighted, and deprived of the knowledge
tend, and spread abroad their branches which we might have. I might say this is
until they attain a certain age. What right without offering any explanation.
then? Do they die? Are they annihilated? But there are many reasons, and
No! They begin to decompose, and pass much good sound logic that could be pro-
into native element. Men, and all things duced, showing why we are thus in the
upon the earth, are subject to the same dark touching eternal things. If our
process. agency was not given to us, we might,
We say this is natural, and easy to perhaps, now have been enjoying that
comprehend, being plainly manifested we do not enjoy. On the other hand,
before our eyes. It is easy to see anything if our agency had not been given to us,
in sight; but hard, very hard, to see any- we could never have enjoyed that we
thing out of sight. now enjoy. Which would produce the
greatest good to man, to give him his
If I look through my telescope, and agency, and draw a veil over him, or,
my friends inquire how far I can see, I to give him certain blessings and priv-
tell them I can see anything in sight, no ileges, let him live in a certain degree
matter how far from me the object may of light, and enjoy a certain glory, and
be; but I cannot see anything out of sight, take his agency from him, compelling
or that which is beyond the power of the him to remain in that position, with-
instrument. So it is in the intellectual out any possible chance of progress? I
faculties of mankind; it is easy for them say, the greatest good that could be pro-
to see that which is before their eyes, but duced by the all wise Conductor of the
when the object is out of sight, it is a dif- universe to His creature, man, was to do
ficult matter for them to see it; and they just as He has done—bring him forth on
are at a loss how to form an estimate of the face of the earth, drawing a veil be-
it, or what position to put themselves in, fore his eyes. He has caused us to for-
so as to see the object they desire to see. get everything we once knew before our
In regard to eternal things, they are spirits entered within this veil of flesh.
all out of sight to them, and will so re- For instance, it is like this: when we lie
main, unless the Lord lifts the curtain. down to sleep, our minds are often as
The only reason why I cannot see the bright and active as the mind of an an-
heavy range of mountains situated in the gel, at least they are as active as when
Middle States of the American Confeder- our bodies are awake. They will range
acy, is because of the natural elevations over the earth, visit distant friends, and,
that raise themselves betwixt me and for aught we know, the planets, and ac-
them, above the level of my eye, mak- complish great feats; do that which will
ing them out of sight to me. Why can- enhance our happiness, increase to us
not we behold all things in space? Be- every enjoyment of life, and prepare us
cause there is a curtain dropped, which for celestial glory; but when we wake
makes them out of sight to us. Why can- in the morning, it is all gone from us;
not we behold the inhabitants in Kolob, we have forgotten it. This illustra-
or the inhabitants in any of those dis- tion will explain in part the nature of
tant planets? For the same reason; be- the veil which is over the inhabitants
cause there is a curtain dropped that of the earth; they have forgotten that
interrupts our vision. So it is, some- they once knew. This is right; were it

different, where would be the trial of our tered into my heart; but you hear others
faith? In a word, be it so; it is as it should preach, that people will go there to dwell
be. throughout the endless ages of eternity.
Now understand, to choose life is to Such persons know no more about eter-
choose principles that will lead you to nity, and are no more capable of instruct-
an eternal increase, and nothing short of ing others upon the subject, than a lit-
them will produce life in the resurrection tle child. They tell about going to hell,
for the faithful. Those that choose death, where the worm dieth not, and the fire
make choice of the path which leads to is not quenched, where you must dwell.
the end of their organization. The one How long? Why, I should say, just as long
leads to endless increase and progres- as you please.
sion, the other to the destruction of the One thing more. The beauty of our
organized being, ending in its entire de- religion, that very erroneous doctrine,
composition into the particles that com- which the world call "Mormonism," we
pose the native elements. Is this so in all had set before us this morning by El-
cases, you inquire? Yes, for aught I know. der Parley P. Pratt. The whole object of
I shall not pretend to deny but what it is my existence is, to continue to live, to
so in all cases. This much I wanted to increase, to spread abroad, and gather
say to the brethren, with regard to life around me to an endless duration. What
and death. shall I say? You may unite the efforts of
As to the word annihilate, as we un- the best mathematicians the world can
derstand it, there is no such principle produce, and when they have counted as
as to put a thing which exists, entirely many millions of ages, worlds, and eter-
out of existence, so that it does not ex- nities, as the power of numbers within
ist in any term, shape, or place what- their knowledge will embrace, they are
ever. It would be as reasonable to say still as ignorant of eternity as when they
that ENDLESS, which is synonymous to began. Then ask people of general in-
the word eternity, has both a beginning telligence; people who understand in a
and an end. For instance, supposing we great degree, the philosophical princi-
get one of the best mathematicians that ples of creation, which, they have stud-
can be found, and let him commence at ied and learned by a practical course
one point of time, the operation of multi- of education, and what do they know
plication when he has exhausted all his about it? It is true they know a little,
knowledge of counting in millions, &c., and that little every other sane person
until he can proceed no further, he is no knows, whether he is educated or une-
nigher the outside of eternity than when ducated; they know about that portion
he commenced. This has been under- of eternity called TIME. Suppose I ask
stood from the beginning. The ancients the learned when was the beginning of
understood it, it was taught by Jesus and eternity? Can they think of it? No!
his Apostles, who understood the true And I should very much doubt some of
principles of eternity. In consequence the sayings of one of the best philoso-
of some expressions of the ancient ser- phers and writers of the age, that we
vants of God, has come the tradition of call brother, with regard to the charac-
the Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ ter of the Lord God whom we serve. I
of Latter-day Saints. You hear some very much doubt whether it has ever en-
of them preach and teach that which I tered into his heart to comprehend eter-
never taught; you hear them preach peo- nity. These are principles and ideas I
ple into hell. Such a doctrine never en- scarcely ever meddle with. The prac-

tical part of our religion is that which reached this stage in the onward course
more particularly interests me. Still my of your progression, you will be perfectly
mind reflects upon life, death, eternity, satisfied not to be in a hurry.
knowledge, wisdom, the expansion of the
The inquiry should not be, if the prin-
soul, and the knowledge of the Gods that
ciples of the Gospel will put us in posses-
are, that have been, and that are to be.
sion of the earth, of this farm, that piece
What shall we say? We are lost in the
of property, of a few thousand pounds, or
depth of our own thoughts. Suppose we
as many thousand dollars, but, if they
say there was once a beginning to all
will put us in possession of principles
things, then we must conclude there will
that are endless, and calculated in their
undoubtedly be an end. Can eternity
nature for an eternal increase; that is, to
be circumscribed? If it can, there is an
add life to life, being to being, kingdom
end of all wisdom, knowledge, power, and
to kingdom, principle to principle, power
glory—all will sink into eternal annihila-
to power, thrones to thrones, dominions
to dominions, and crowns to crowns.
What is life to you and me? It is the
utmost extent of our desires. Do you When we have lived long enough
wish to increase, to continue? Do you by following out the principles that are
wish to possess kingdoms and thrones, durable, that are tangible, that are cal-
principalities and powers; to exist, and culated in their nature to produce end-
continue to exist; to grow in under- less life—I say, when we have lived long
standing, in wisdom, in knowledge, in enough in them to see the least Saint,
power, and in glory throughout an end- that can be possibly called a Saint, in
less duration? Why, yes, is the reply possession of more solar systems like
natural to every heart that has been this than it is possible for mortals to
warmed with the lifegiving influences of number, or than there are stars in the
the Holy Ghost. And when we have lived, firmament of heaven visible, or sands on
and gathered around us more kingdoms the seashore, we shall then have a faint
and creations than it is possible for the idea of eternity, and begin to realize that
mind of mortals to comprehend, (just we are in the midst of it.
think of it, and how it commenced like
Brethren, you that have the princi-
a grain of mustard seed, cast into the
ples of life in you, be sure you are gather-
ground!) then, I may say we could com-
ing around you kindred principles, that
prehend the very dawning of eternity,
will endure to all eternity.
which term I use to accommodate the
idea in my mind, not that it will at I do not desire to talk any more at this
all apply to eternity. When you have time.


G REAT S ALT L AKE C ITY, N OV. 14, 1852.


The hymn which has been sung, I The majority of you enjoy greater
think, is a very appropriate one, and if blessings this day than you ever did in
we can all put it in practice, if we all your lives. I have traveled over a great
say we will commence to do it from this portion of the earth in days that are past.
day, I imagine that we have created a I have seen the sorrows of the world. I
heaven already in our own minds. If we have seen this people, or many of them,
would forsake everything that is unrigh- very poor, and penniless. I have dwelt in
teous, that creates sorrow and misery in England, and a part of the time in Lon-
this world, you will all admit that I and don, and established the Gospel there,
you would be at once in possession of a when I have lived upon my two penny
heaven of happiness. loaves per day, with a glass of water. You
The discourse we have heard from that have come from there, know what
brother Taylor was a rehearsal of a great kind of a thing a penny loaf is; there cer-
many things we have passed through, tainly is not that substance existing in
that is, many of us. Those who have it that there is in a piece of good solid
passed through these things have ap- bread the breadth of my three fingers; it
preciated them, and they are actually is not all bread, but it is a mixture, a
in possession of more knowledge and combination of other fixings, something
experience than those who have not like their milk in London, which they
passed through them. Still, we find, make from chalk; so if any of you are
in the course of our experience, that destitute of milk cows, I am telling you
many think they have more experience, how you can make milk. I speak of these
and know more and comprehend more, things because I have experienced them.
than their neighbors. However, I will I want to know if there are any people
let time suffice to give them an expe- brought to that, in this community? Do
rience in that matter—time is neces- you live as poor and as penniless as you
sary to bring it about. I have said it did there? No, you do not. There are
many times, that I had no doubt that ev- many here that did live there and they
ery man and every woman would, per- have now their abundance, and they eat
haps, get all the experience they wanted. so much here that they are almost dis-
And as for this people, I do not say to abled, their minds are not so active, and
what they can be brought; but some- this is the cause many times they are
times I have thought, or had my doubts, not to be found in this hall—they eat so
whether or no the majority of them much, they are under the necessity of go-
will take a course to keep peace in our ing to bed, not to rest themselves, but to
midst, and secure to us continually the rest the food they have taken. This is
comfort and consolation we now enjoy.

too much the case. If I take food in the prosper, and dwell upon the earth, and
afterpart of the day, it is disagreeable continue in the Valleys of the moun-
for me to speak in the afternoon; it is tains, and never be removed, that is, if
hard and laborious. When you go from we will be faithful, and do as well as
this place and return to your homes, you we know how, and follow the dictates
eat so much, that when you return here of the Holy Spirit of God, and of him
again, those that do, you are as void of and his brethren who preside over us.
receiving intelligence and the Spirit of If we do this, we never shall be over-
the Lord God as a stone. This I know come. These things have been talked
to be true; that is, with many of that about many times, and I might split my
portion that do return. There is nearly lungs, and my brethren might do the
one-half of this congregation who disable same, unto some people in the world; for
themselves, and are obliged to go to bed the more you talk to them, the more light
to rest their food, on the Sabbath after- that is revealed to them, the less they
noon. I am not speaking of this thing seem to appreciate it. If they do seem
as though it is practiced here any more to appreciate it, they do not obey it, they
than it is in the whole world. You do do not walk in the path marked out; but
not train your bodies, and cultivate your they will receive instructions from day to
minds, in eating and drinking, in partak- day, and enter into the most solemn obli-
ing of the fruits of the earth; your lives gations, before God and angels, that they
are wasted away, not in a useful manner, will observe them, but before they get
but in a very useless manner. You throw home they forget them. Is not this true,
away your lives. I could prove it to you gentlemen? Is it not true, ladies? I will
very easily if I had you in a place where tell you my feelings plainly about these
I knew who you were. I know I cannot matters. I wish to God that this people
teach here, and come upon little mat- would do as they are told, as brother Tay-
ters, that, nevertheless, are important to lor has said today. You know what my
be known. Why? Because it would be belief is, and I am satisfied it is the be-
considered ridiculous. What did brother lief of every person here. Many are will-
Brigham say here one day, when he was ing to eat and drink, wear clothing, and
speaking upon the works of the human lie down to sleep, and they think they
family, and that they would have to give are going to be ushered into the King-
an account of their works? Said he, "It is dom of God by that portion of men and
ridiculous for me to recount their works, women that are faithful. This is a mis-
or speak them before any public assem- take, gentlemen and ladies. If you do
bly." So you would consider, many of you, not cultivate yourselves, and cultivate
that the holy order of God, or what I your spirits in this state of existence, it
would say to you, is ridiculous; on the is just as true as there is a God that
other hand, many of you would consider liveth, you will have to go into another
it the most consistent. But allow me to state of existence, and bring your spirits
say, that your salvation and exaltation into subjection there. Now you may re-
depend upon what you consider indeli- flect upon it, you never will obtain your
cate for a man to speak in a public con- resurrected bodies, until you bring your
gregation. spirits into subjection. I am not talk-
Brethren, there is not anything I ing to this earthly house of mine, nei-
fear, sisters, there is not anything I ther am I talking to your bodies, but I
fear, in this world, but that we shall am speaking to your spirits. I am not

talking as to people who are not in the Brigham. And when you sin against me,
house. Are not your spirits in the house? you have got to seek forgiveness of me,
Are not your bodies your houses, your before you get it from the Father. You
tabernacles or temples, and places for have got to repent of your sins, and turn
your spirits? Look at it; reflect upon unto the Lord your God, with full pur-
it. If you keep your spirits trained ac- pose of heart, and cease your murmuring
cording to the wisdom and fear of God, and complaining, that you may be for-
you will attain to the salvation of both given.
body and spirit. I ask, then, if it is your
I could not get a company here last
spirits that must be brought into subjec-
Conference, I could not get one solitary
tion? It is; and if you do not do that in
vote for a man to preside over a company,
these bodies, you will have to go into an-
of murmurers. You cannot organize ten
other estate to do it. You have got to
murmurers in this whole city; for if you
train yourselves according to the law of
can get them together, they cannot agree,
God, or you will never obtain your res-
and that is the difficulty.
urrected bodies. Mark it! You do not
think of these things, you only think of I will tell you what will be good for
today. If you can pass along today, it is us, and it will bestow upon us all the
all right, thinking that brother Brigham, luxuries of this life, of heaven and earth.
brother Heber, brother Willard, and the You are talking about heaven and about
Twelve, with brother Joseph at our head, earth, and about hell, &c.; but let me
will lead you all into the celestial world. tell you, you are in hell now, and you
We cannot do it. Why? Because Jus- have got to qualify yourselves here in
tice sits at the door, and will not admit hell to become subjects for heaven; and
a single soul until he has paid the ut- even when you have got into heaven,
termost farthing. Do you think we can you will find it right here where you are
pass you in there clandestinely? If you on this earth. When we escape from
do, you will find justice sitting at the this earth, we suppose we are going to
door, and she will require justice at your heaven? Do you suppose you are going
hand, and mercy will claim all that is to the earth that Adam came from? That
due to her, but mercy will not rob jus- Eloheim came from? Where Jehovah the
tice, not one writ, neither will justice Lord came from? No. When you have
rob mercy; they are united together, just learned to become obedient to the Father
as much as the Father, Son, and Holy that dwells upon this earth, to the Fa-
Ghost ever were. As brother Brigham ther and God of this earth, and obedi-
said here, if you sin against God, you ent to the messengers He sends—when
have got to satisfy Him; and if you sin you have done all that, remember you
against Jesus Christ, you have got to are not going to leave this earth. You
make confession to Jesus, and He and will never leave it until you become qual-
the Father can forgive you; and if you ified, and capable, and capacitated to be-
sin against the Holy Ghost, you have come a father of an earth yourselves.
got to satisfy the Holy Ghost, for nei- Not one soul of you ever will leave this
ther the Father nor the Son can forgive earth, for if you go to hell, it is on this
that sin. Is not that good law? That earth; and if you go to heaven, it is on
is the law of Deseret, gentlemen. And this earth; and you will not find it any-
when you sin against brother Brigham, where else. Is it not hard to bring these
will the Father forgive you? No: you truths home to you. I tell you I am
have got to ask forgiveness of brother at home now, and I am in heaven; but

the heaven I have to enjoy is the heaven half winks here, but whole winks or
I make myself. Do you know it? Well, nothing. We can do it just as easily as
if this be the case, which you will proba- I have built a little house on the corner
bly all admit, for it will be the case with there. How do you feel, brethren? Do
me, it will be the same with you, and you feel, do it? Don't you say yes, or give
you cannot help yourselves—I want to me a half wink, without meaning it; but,
know if you have any peace at home, in as the girls say, give me a whole heart
your families, only what your wife and or nothing. I do not want you should
children make? You have not. If you have my heart, and I do not want you
make peace and a heaven in your habi- should have the hearts of my brethren,
tations, then you are in heaven, both you because if you have their hearts, they
and your families. Now suppose we ap- will do nothing for God or His cause. You
ply this principle to the house of every know I talk just as I have a mind to,
man in Israel, who is a father of a fam- when I get up to talk here. Do you con-
ily, and they all agree they will make sider it sensible, that we go to work, and
heaven at home, and after that they all rear a temple to the name of the Lord,
conclude to come together and make a and have the roof on it next fall? Say?
general heaven. But the first place to None of your half winks to me again; is
begin to make a heaven, is to make it it not reasonable to say, it cannot be done
at home, and then we will club together, unless you do it?
and conclude to have it all over. Do you It is necessary to unite and cultivate
understand my logic? Do you, brother the hearts of this people together, more
Hyde? [Elder Hyde, "Yes, sir."] These are than anything else. The subject of build-
my feelings. ing a temple alone will not do it, or
Now let us go to work, every one of your means; but to bring this to a focus,
us, and pull together, and put means into your hearts must be where your trea-
the hands of the Trustee-in-trust, pay up sure is. If you place your treasure in
our tithing, and then if we have a sur- the temple, your hearts must be there,
plus which we do not want to put out they are wherever you place your trea-
to usury now, put it in the hands of the sure. The Scripture says so, and so say
Trustee-in-trust. Go to work, not only I. I am a servant of God, a man of truth,
next spring, but now make preparations, and President Young is my brother, my
and let us build a temple. What say leader, and governor, and shall be for-
you? I do not want you to say yes, un- ever and ever, and you cannot unhorse
less you calculate to do it, but, as brother me if you try, and we will unhorse the
Joseph used to say, "Yankee doodle do whole of you if you do not do right.
it." Now go to work, and do the thing Shall we go to work, and build a tem-
right up, and when next fall comes to ple, and a wall around it? Now, gen-
pass, let us see the walls of the tem- tlemen, if we do it at all, we have got
ple erected, and the roof on it. What to commence the work, and continue to
say you? It is just as you say. No one progress in it until we have completed
man has the capacity and power to do it it. You must put your means and la-
himself, but if you say it, and you will bor in it. How many hands do we see
do it, there will be a temple next fall, here on the public works weekly? Why
with a roof upon it. Do you believe it? there is scarcely a man to be seen, ex-
You do. You nod your heads; come, nod cept regularly employed hands. Do not
them a little lower still; none of your talk to me about doing a thing, when

you do not do it. As brother Hyde said, not think you are cold; you never saw a
it is punctuality that will save you. The man or a woman have the blues yet, but
Lord said, through Joseph, in the Book of they looked black, and their flesh looked
Doctrine and Covenants, that a covenant blue, like the green fly. I have got the
breaker never could be saved. You never start of you, for I have on a great coat. I
can be saved, only in truth and faithful- have not spoken in public for some time,
ness to God, and those whom He has ap- and I did not know if ever I should again,
pointed and selected to govern the affairs my lungs are so injured by speaking in
of His Church on the earth. Now, you private meetings.
say, "Brother Kimball, you talk rather What do you say now, casting away
barefaced, the Gentiles will hear you." the blues and everything of this kind,
That is what they dread. Bless your what do you say about going to, ye
souls, we want they should hear it more Bishops, with your several wards, after
and more and more, until the kingdom this day—tomorrow morning, with light
of our God brings under subjection every hearts, and cheerful spirits, and glad
kingdom in the world. Can we do it; gen- countenances, to prepare for the erection
tlemen and ladies, upon any other prin- of a temple to the name of the Almighty.
ciple than by being one? Tell me if any We want to get stone on the ground,
of you have got an argument to prove to and other preparations are necessary to
the contrary? I know you have not got it; be made, to lay the foundation for this
if you have, I am ready for it today. work. What do you say? I will have no
I am perhaps trespassing upon your half winks, neither will I call a vote with-
time and patience; well, I do not care out you go it as the heart of one man.
whether I am or not, you seem to sit What do you say, brethren and sisters?
very easy notwithstanding. It is not Will you say, "Yankee doodle do it?" If you
very cold; though your faces appear do, say aye. [All said, "Aye."]
rather blooming; your eyes are bright There, Bishops, I will deliver up the
and your spirits look cheerful. I do meeting into your hands.




As there is still a little time which and we should rejoice in them; they
may be occupied to our benefit this morn- are the best days we ever saw; and
ing, I arise to improve it. in the midst of the sorrows and afflic-
These are happy days to the Saints, tions of this life, its trials and temp-

tations, the buffetings of Satan, the down. Why? Because I shall be lifted
weakness of the flesh, and the power up again. I rejoice that I am poor, be-
of death which is sown in it, there is cause I shall be made rich; that I am af-
no necessity for any mortal man to live flicted, because I shall be comforted, and
a single day without rejoicing, and be- prepared to enjoy the felicity of perfect
ing filled with gladness. I allude to the happiness, for it is impossible to prop-
Saints, who have the privilege of receiv- erly appreciate happiness, except by en-
ing the Spirit of truth, and have been during the opposite.
acquainted with the laws of the new I was glad to hear brother Babbit
covenant. There is no necessity of one of speak this morning. He wondered why
these passing a day without enjoying all he had been called to the stand to speak,
the blessings his capacities are capable and could not conceive of any other rea-
of receiving. Yet it is necessary that we son, except it was that the people might
should be tried, tempted, and buffeted, know whether he was in the faith or
to make us feel the weaknesses of this not. He guessed pretty nigh right. He
mortal flesh. We all feel them; our sys- has been gone some time, and travels to
tems are full of them, from the crown and fro in the earth, playing into law
of the head to the soles of the feet; still, up to the eyes, mingling with the bus-
in the midst of all these weaknesses and tle of the wicked world. Has he got any
frailties of human nature, it is the privi- faith? We think he has. I wanted to
lege of every person who has come to the hear him speak, and to know what his
knowledge of the truth, to rejoice in God, feelings were, and if the root of the mat-
the rock of his salvation, all the day long. ter was in him; so we had him come be-
We rejoice because the Lord is ours, be- fore the public congregation, to exhibit
cause we are sown in weakness for the it there. My reasons for pursuing such
express purpose of attaining to greater a course are known to myself; but one
power and perfection. In everything the thing is certain, if we magnify our call-
Saints may rejoice—in persecution, be- ing as Elders in Israel, we are the sav-
cause it is necessary to purge them, and iors of the children of men, instead of be-
prepare the wicked for their doom; in ing their destroyers. We were ordained
sickness and in pain, though they are to save the people, and to save them in
hard to bear, because we are thereby the manner the Lord has pointed out.
made acquainted with pain, with sor- The Savior came not to call the righ-
row, and with every affliction that mor- teous, but sinners to repentance; and we
tals can endure, for by contrast all things preach to the people, and call upon them
are demonstrated to our senses. We have to be saved—not the righteous, but we
reason to rejoice exceedingly that faith is call upon sinners; for those that are well,
in the world, that the Lord reigns, and need no physician, but they that are sick.
does His pleasure among the inhabitants With those who are saved already, we
of the earth. Do you ask if I rejoice be- have nothing to do. But it is those who
cause the Devil has the advantage over are in sin and transgression, who are
the inhabitants of the earth, and has af- in darkness and in weakness, those who
flicted mankind? I most assuredly an- are wrapt up in the superstitions and false
swer in the affirmative; I rejoice in this traditions of the nations that have lived
as much as in anything else. I rejoice and passed away, whom we must plead
with and try to save; and if they begin
because I am afflicted. I rejoice because
to see, continue to anoint their eyes with
I am poor. I rejoice because I am cast truth, that they may see clearly; and put

them in every possible condition we can

which he can discriminate between good
place them in, to encourage them to call
and evil; and cleave unto the good, fol-
upon the Lord, and trust in Him alone;
low after it, pray for it, and cling to
it by day and by night, if he wants to
for those who will trust in the Lord will
be made strong. enjoy the blessings of a celestial king-
dom. I wish this for myself and for my
As for the weaknesses of human na-
brethren. Never think that the Lord will
ture, we have plenty of them; weakness
and sin are with us constantly; they are
permit you to commit a little sin here,
sown in the mortal body, and extend and a little sin there; that He will per-
from the crown of the head to the soles
mit you to lie a little, serve yourselves
of the feet. We need not go to our neigh-
or somebody else a little, besides Him,
bors for sin, to palliate all our crimes,
because you have faith, and are a pro-
for we ourselves have plenty of it; we
fessed friend of God, and have a desire
to see His kingdom prevail, thinking you
need not crave weakness from our fellow
will be saved at last. This throws a per-
man, we have our own share of it; it is
son, at least, upon the ground where
for us to trust in the Lord, and endeavor
he is liable to be overthrown by the en-
to deliver ourselves from the effects of
emy. It is a risky position to stand in,
sin, plead with every person to take the
same course, and propose and plan every
to say the least of it, for a Saint of God
possible means to become friends of God,
to say he can serve himself, or the en-
that we may thereby become friends of
emy, or anything else in this world, for
gold; those who do it, stand upon slip-
sinners, and receive a great reward in a
day to come. pery ground, and if they are saved at all,
it will be by the skin of their teeth; so
I am satisfied with the remarks of
brother Babbitt and if we sum them I will not justify any person in pursu-
all up, and make a close calculationing such a course. Brother Babbit has to
law it here, and law it there; though he
upon the whole, looking over the lives
may not feel justified in doing so, I re-
of Prophets, Patriarchs, and Apostles;
joice to hear him declare that the root
not overlooking the circumstance of Pe-
of the matter is in him. Would I not
ter denying his Lord, or any of the old
rather see him an almighty man before
ancients faltering in their steps, trans-
God, thundering out the truths of eter-
gressing, falling into weaknesses, turn-
ing away from the commandments of nity, and living in the flame of revela-
the Lord, or being overtaken in any tion, than see him engaged in the pal-
fault whatever—sum up the whole, andtry business of pettifogging? I thank the
add the weaknesses and sins of mod- Lord for all the good and for all the faith
there is in him. Brother Babbit is near
ern Prophets, Apostles, and Saints; then
sum up all the weaknesses and sins to my heart, for notwithstanding all the
of mankind, and bring them together,faults of the brethren, I love them—the
and you will find that it will never jus-
old, middle-aged, and young; if they have
tify you nor me one moment in doing a particle of love in them for the truth,
a wrong thing, in forsaking the Lord,
they are near to my heart. I wish to bind
and serving the devil, or any of histhem to the Lord, and to His cause upon
emissaries. Consequently, I feel to urge
the earth, that they may secure to them-
upon every person who has named the selves salvation.
name of Christ, the necessity of his being
faithful to the requirements of his religion, I am happy, and am made glad this
and of shunning all evil, as quick as he day. If you wish to know what I
becomes acquainted with the principle by think of brother Babbit, I will tell you.

If we could keep him here a few months, is that every person has the right to en-
and in our councils a few years, I think joy every mortal blessing, so far as he
that he would despise litigation as he does not infringe upon the rights and
would the gates of hell. If we had him privileges of others. It is also accord-
here, we would wrap him up in the ing to the acts of every legislative body
Spirit and power of God, and send him throughout the Union, to enjoy all that
to preach glad tidings to the nations of you are capable of enjoying; but you are
the earth, instead of his being engaged forbidden to infringe upon the rights,
in the low and beggarly business of pet- property, wife, or anything in the pos-
tifogging. If he would dwell among us, session of your neighbor. I defy all the
doubtless he would despise it, for it is world to prove that we have infringed
from hell, and it will go there. upon that law. You may circumscribe
the whole earth, and pass through ev-
We have heard good remarks, but let
ery Christian nation, so called, and what
me forewarn you again, that the Elders
do you find? If you tell them a "Mor-
in Israel need never flatter themselves
mon" has two wives, they are shocked,
that they can serve the devil, because
and call it dreadful blasphemy; if you
they think the root of the matter is in
whisper such a thing into the ears of a
them, for before they are aware, they will
Gentile who takes a fresh woman every
be led captive by him, and he will lead
night, he is thunderstruck with the enor-
them down to hell. That is my exhorta-
mity of the crime. The vile practice of
tion, not only to the Elders in Israel, but
violating female virtue with impunity is
to all Saints.
customary among the professed Chris-
There is one thing in the sayings of tian nations of the world; this is there-
brother Babbit, which I will refer to, in fore no marvel to them, but they are
relation to the loyalty of this people. I struck with amazement when they are
am at the defiance of the rulers of the told a man may have more lawful wives
greatest nation on the earth, with the than one! What do you think of a woman
United States all put together, to pro- having more husbands than one? This
duce a more loyal people than the Latter- is not known to the law, yet it is done in
day Saints. Have they, as a people, bro- the night, and considered by the major-
ken any law? No, they have not. Have ity of mankind to be all right. There are
the United States? Yes! They have certain governments in the world, that
trampled the Constitution under their give women license to open their doors
feet with impunity, and ridden recklessly and windows to carry on this abominable
over all law, to persecute and drive this practice, under the cover of night. Five
people. Admit, for argument's sake, that years ago the census of New York gave
the "Mormon" Elders have more wives 15,000 prostitutes in that city. Is that
than one, yet our enemies never have law? Is that good order? Look at your
proved it. If I had forty wives in the Constitution, look at the Federal law,
United States, they did not know it, and look at every wholesome principle, and
could not substantiate it, neither did I they tell you that death is at your doors,
ask any lawyer, judge, or magistrate for corruption in your streets, and hell is
them. I live above the law, and so do this all open, and gaping wide to enclose you
people. Do the laws of the United States in its fiery vortex. To talk about law
require us to crouch and bow down to the and good order while such things exist,
miserable wretches who violate them? makes me righteously angry. Talk not to
No. The broad law of the whole earth me about law.

Suppose that the things they are would command that esteem from me
pleased to say about this people are true, which is due to an honest man.
do you suppose I care about it? I do A blackleg is a polished rascal. If you
not, for I ask no odds of them. This go to the polished circles of society, you
people have treated them kindly. Did will find the greatest scape-graces and
we not pay for our land honorably when pickpockets concealed under the most
we settled in Missouri and other places? polished gentlemen in appearance. A
We have paid them millions of dollars man never can be a polished scoundrel,
for land, of which we have been basely until he can figure in polished society.
robbed; and shall I crouch down, and say It proves the truth of the saying, that it
I dare not speak of it? I would rather takes all the revelations of God, and ev-
have my head severed from my body in ery good principle in the world, to make
this room, than be compelled to be silent a man perfectly ripe for hell.
on this matter. I am a green mountain
You will not see in the nature of a
boy, I was born in the State of Vermont,
man who has a soul in him, and who is
and plead for my rights, and the rights
filled with the Holy Ghost, a disposition
of this people, upon the broad Constitu-
to bow and scrape to every blackguard
tion of the United States, which we shall
that may come in the shape and address
certainly maintain, in spite of the poor,
of a gentleman. But if you are thirsty,
rotten, political curses that pretend to
hungry, or destitute, I will assist you.
enforce the Constitution. I ask no odds
How many have I helped away to Cali-
of them. I will feed them, if they come
fornia, and given them bread and meat,
hungry to my door, for they are flesh of
notwithstanding they wanted to go to the
my flesh. The King upon the throne, and
devil; this made no difference to me; I
the President in his chair, are the same
have helped them, and told them to go,
to me as these poor emigrants, who are
if they wished to. There is no tyranny
lying around my doors—when they are
here, but perfect liberty, which is a boon
hungry, I feed them; when they are sick,
held sacred to all men. They have a
I nurse them; the same as I would the
right to come and go as they please. I do
President of the United States, or any
not ask you to be a "Mormon." Can you
of the kings of Europe, unless they were
point out one person who has entreated
better men.
any of the emigrants to become "Mor-
As for the pride that is in the world,
mons," since they came into our midst?
I walk over it, it is beneath me. To see
Since their arrival here, we have been
men who are called gentlemen of char-
kind and hospitable to them, and have
acter, sense, taste, and ability, who pass
not cared whether they have been "Mor-
through this city, and come bending with
mons" or Methodists. They can come and
their recommendation, saying, "Gover-
hear preaching, if they think proper; but
nor Young this," and "Governor Young
we shall never put them to any trouble
that"—it makes me feel to loathe such
because they are not "Mormons."
hypocritical show, in my heart. I shall
not say all I think about it. If they would You may say you do not believe in
come to me, and say, "Brigham, how are God. Well, it is your privilege to be-
you?" or, "I want to speak to you, &c.," lieve as you like; you can believe in the
with a good honest heart in them, in- Methodists' God, that has neither body,
stead of, "Governor Young," "Governor parts, nor passions (which amounts to
Young," in a canting tone, with hearts nothing at all), if you please.
as black and deceitful as hell, they But one may say, "I belong to the

holy Catholic Church." You have a right should be the penalty." I would not
to belong to what Church you please. An- be afraid if the whole artillery of the
other may say he believes in and wor- United States, with the best engineers
ships a white dog, for he has lived with that could be raised to manage it, were
the nations who have a tradition teach- arrayed against me for righteousness'
ing them to do so. It is all right; you are sake, knowing that the God of heaven, in
as welcome to worship a white dog as the whom I trust, would not suffer a ball to
God I do, if it is your wish. I am perfectly touch me, if it was His will that I should
willing you should serve the kind of a god yet live. This I have felt time and time
you choose, or no god at all; and that you again.
I do not desire to harass the feelings
should enjoy all that is for you to enjoy.
of the people by reiterating the past, but
There are some things, however, I if you want these things buried up, treat
am not willing you should do. For in- us like men and human beings, and they
stance, I am not willing you should steal will be forgotten, but if you still want to
the money out of my pocket, and then probe us with the hot iron of persecution,
cry, "Bad dog;" and get somebody to kill probe on.
me. I am not willing you should en- We came here ourselves, unassisted
ter my house to defile my bed, or en- by any power, but that of God, and
deavor to bring death upon an innocent walked through the Indian tribes as in-
people. I am not willing you should drive dependent as I am this day. We dug
me and my brethren from our houses our way through the canyons, and made
and farms, as has been the case in for- the roads to this place; while at the
mer times. There are scores of thou- same time five hundred of our most en-
sands, I may say hundreds of thousands, ergetic men were fighting the battles of
of acres of land in the United States, for the United States in Mexico.
which we have paid money, but which When our women and children were
we cannot possess. I am not willing you left on the banks of the Missouri, in
should drive your cattle into my corn a helpless condition, I said to one of
field, which has been done before my the United States officers, who had
eyes, by men who have thought, "You are been threatening those who were left
only poor damned Mormons anyhow, and behind—"While I am gone to find a home
we'll tread you down." I am willing every for my family, if you meddle with them,
man should worship God as he pleases, or insult them in the least, by the Gods
and be happy. But the measure that of Eternity I will be on your track." And
has been meted to this people, will be had their threats been executed, I would
measured to that people; and it will be have slain them, even though I should
heaped up, pressed down, and running have had to go into the heart of Wash-
over; and then as much again thrown ington city to do it. Says he, "Mr. Young,
in; all this good measure I am willing you talk strangely." "Well," I said, "let
they should have when the Lord will. I my family alone;" for they wanted to per-
shall not exult in the miseries that will suade them back to the other side of the
come upon them, but weep over them; river, to afflict them still more.
whereas I have seen a mob with their Five hundred of our best men were
rifles pointed at me by hundreds, and then in the United States' army, travers-
could not be moved to tears, but I felt like ing the sandy deserts and scorching
Daniel of old,"I will worship my God, and plains of the South, without shoes to
pray with my windows open, if my life their feet, or clothes to cover them.

There are scores in this congrega- Though he had prophesied that he would
tion who can prove this declaration. On not live to be forty years of age, yet we
one occasion they traveled day and night all cherished hopes that that would be
for ninety miles, through the scorching a false prophecy, and we should keep
sands, without one drop of water. And him forever with us; we thought our
now, as payment for this arduous service, faith would outreach it, but we were
they try to taunt us by saying—"We don't mistaken—he at last fell a martyr to his
want to give you Mormons anything." I religion. I said, "It is all right; now the
care not if you should never give us one testimony is in full force; he has sealed it
dime. with his blood, and that makes it valid."
Now let me tell you the great
killing story—"Governor Young has six- I would be happy, exceedingly happy,
teen wives, and fourteen babies." Now to let our past experience and afflictions
they did not see that sight; but the cir- sleep forever; but the Lord will not suffer
cumstance was as follows. I took some me to let them sleep. I would be willing
of my neighbors into the large carriage, to forget them, but I cannot. The Lord
and rode down to father Chase's, to will never suffer this people to dwindle
eat watermelons. When driving out of down, and be hid up in a corner; it can-
the gate in the evening, brother Babbit not be; neither does He want any per-
walks up, and I invited him into the car- son to help them but Himself. Satan and
riage, and he rode up into the city with the Lord never can shake hands, and He
me, and I suppose he told the United will let the nation know it; for He has
States' officers. That I believe is the way got servants who will do His righteous
the story of sixteen wives and fourteen will, and that faithfully. I would rather
children first came into circulation. But be chopped to pieces at night, and resur-
this does not begin to be the extent of rected in the morning; each day through-
my possessions, for I am enlarging on out a period of threescore years and ten,
the right hand and on the left, and shall than be deprived of speaking freely, or be
soon be able, Abraham like, to muster afraid of doing so. I will speak for my
the strength of my house, and take my rights. I would just as soon tell a govern-
rights, asking no favors of Judges or Sec- ment officer of his meanness and filthy
retaries. conduct, as I would any other person;
Do you think we shall all die in they are all alike to God, and to those
Utah? If so, why have we not died who know His will.
ere this, when we dwelt in the midst
of a people that cherished hostile feel- I have studied the law, and say again,
ings against the Latter-day Saints? Who I defy the united authorities of the earth
delivered Joseph Smith from the hands to show where this people have not been
of his enemies to the day of his death? loyal, wherein they have not proved
It was God; though he was brought to loyal, in Germany, in France, in Eng-
the brink of death time and time again, land, or in the United States; for they
and, to all human appearance, could not are the best people upon the face of the
be delivered, and there was no proba- earth to observe the law and keep or-
bility of his being saved. When he was der. I want to live perfectly above the
in jail in Missouri, and no person ex- law, and make it my servant, instead of
pected that he would ever escape from its being my master. That is the way to
their hands, I had the faith of Abraham, live; to be humble before God, and ob-
and told the brethren, "As the Lord God serve the laws; for there is no necessity
liveth, he shall come out of their hands." of breaking the laws in America, in keep-

ing the commandments of God. When Indians, as they do to other territories?

the law is our master, the yoke is hard to Their present course towards us, put in
bear; but when it is our servant, it works language, is, "We will squeeze them still,
easy; whereas, if it be our master, we are and dig out their eyes if it be possi-
continually compelled and driven by it. ble." While they continue to pursue that
There is not a single constitution of course towards us, we shall continue to
any single state, much less the consti- tell them of it. It makes me think of
tution of the Federal Government, that what an old farmer said in Boston, who
hinders a man from having two wives; had been in the habit of paying his mer-
and I defy all the lawyers of the United chant's bills very punctually, but, from
States to prove the contrary. some cause, he did not continue to meet
Let the past experience be buried in his payments as usual. The merchant
the land of forgetfulness, if the Lord will; sent for him, and said—"I have always
but if this is done at all, it will be by found you to be a very honest man,
showing kindness towards us in the fu- why do you now lie to me?" The farmer
ture. If they wish us to forget the past, replied—"Because I am pinched." The
let them cease to make and circulate merchant asked—"How hard should an
falsehoods about us, and let all the good honest man be pinched to make him lie?"
people of the Government say—"Let us The farmer replied—"Just pinch him till
do this people good for the future, and not he lies." They want to pinch us till we are
try to crush them down all the day long led to do something to bring the whole
by continuing to persecute them." nation down upon us, according to the
If we are a company of poor, ig- plan of old Tom Benton, but, gentlemen,
norant, deluded creatures, why do not this cannot be done, for there is a God in
they show us a better example? Why Heaven, and He rules, thank His Holy
not send the money to pay the ex- Name; and we will be wise enough to
penses of our legislature, and the ex- keep His commandments, that we may
penses of the expeditions against the be saved. Amen.


L AKE C ITY, A PRIL 19, 1854.


Having been called upon by Presi- or not, I am unprepared to say; I can tell
dent Grant to address you this morn- you better when I have tried.
ing, I do so with pleasure. How long I I have been much interested during
shall speak, I do not know, for I have the Conference that is past; and al-
been quite unwell for some time past, though I was not able to take an active
and whether my strength will hold out part in the business that was going on,

yet my spirit rejoiced to hear the princi- great chain of our existence, of our hopes
ples of truth that were advanced, and in and prospects.
the things that were developed and fully There are many things that seem to
made manifest by the Spirit of the Most us trials and difficulties, that perplex,
High God. annoy, and harass our spirits; yet these
very things, as one justly observed, are
Associated as we are with the king- blessings in disguise, so many helps to
dom of God, we may reasonably expect, us to develop our weaknesses and infir-
so long as we do our duty before the mities, and lead us to put our trust in
Lord, to have continual developments of God, and rely upon Him to give us a
light, truth, and intelligence, that em- knowledge of ourselves, of our neighbors,
anate from the great God, for the guid- and of the work of God; they have a ten-
ance, direction, salvation, and exaltation dency to develop principles of worth to
of this people, whether it relates to time, our minds, and thus they serve as school-
or to eternity; for everything we have to masters, helps, and instructors, and are
do with is eternal; and when we speak to us as many blessings in disguise. In
of time and eternity, they are only rel- fact all things that we have to do with
ative terms which we attach to things in the world, whether they are adver-
that are present; and things that are to sity or prosperity, whether they relate
come, and things that are past. But in to ourselves or to others, if rightly ap-
relation to ourselves as individuals, we preciated and understood, may teach us
are eternal beings, although we occupy a lesson that will be to our joy, prob-
a certain space of eternity called time; ably not only in time, but in all eter-
in relation to the Gospel we preach, it is nity. We must know ourselves, learn
eternal; in relation to the Priesthood, it what is in our nature—our weakness,
is eternal; in relation to our covenants our strength, our wisdom, our folly; and
and obligations, they are eternal; in re- the like things that dwell in others, that
lation to our promises, prospects, and we may learn to appreciate true and
hopes, they are eternal. And while we correct principles, and be governed by
are acting upon this stage of being, we them whenever they are developed; that
are merely commencing a state of things we may learn to set a just value upon
that will exist while countless ages shall all sublunary things, that we may not
roll along; and if we have right views value them above their real value, and
and right feelings, and entertain cor- that we may neither value ourselves
rect principles as eternal beings, all our nor others above our or their worth;
thoughts, our actions, our prospects— that we may learn to look upon our-
all our energies and our lives, will be selves as eternal beings, acting in every-
engaged in laying a foundation upon thing with a reference to eternity; that
which to build a superstructure that will we may by and by secure to ourselves
be permanent, lasting, and enduring as eternal exaltations, thrones, principalities,
the throne of the great Jehovah; and if and powers in the eternal worlds.
anything is short of this, it is short of These are some of my feelings in
the mark of the high calling whereunto relation to everyday affairs and occur-
we may or ought to arrive; and many rences in life, and the things with
of the little incidents and occurrence of which I am surrounded, and I feel
life that we have to pass through, are anxious every day, when I feel right,
transient in comparison to the things to make an improvement today, in
that are to come; and yet all these something that will benefit me or oth-
little things are so many links in the ers in relation to eternity, as well

as to time; for while we are eternal be- they see in part, and know in part; it is
ings we are also temporal beings, and because their hearts are not devoted to
have to do with temporal things, as well God, as they ought to be; it is because
as with spiritual or eternal things. Tak- their spirits are not entirely under the
ing this view of the subject, it is of very influence of the Spirit of the Most High;
little importance whether we are rich or it is because they have not so lived up
whether we are poor, whether we are to their privileges, as to put themselves
placed in adverse or in prosperous cir- in possession of that light and truth that
cumstances. It may, however, be of more emanate from God to His people; it is be-
importance than we think of. I think ad- cause the god of this world has blinded
versity is a blessing in many instances; their minds that they cannot fully un-
and in some, prosperity; but nothing is derstand, that they cannot be made fully
a blessing to us that is not calculated to acquainted with the great and glorious
enlighten our minds, and lead us to God, principles of eternal truth. When we look
and put us in possession of true princi- at ourselves aright, when we understand
ples, and prepare us for an exaltation in the principles of truth aright, what is
the eternal world. there we would not give for salvation?
In regard to God and the things of When the Spirit has beamed forth pow-
God, could the world of mankind see erfully upon the hearts of the Saints,
aright, and understand aright; could when the light and intelligence of heaven
they know what was for their true in- have manifested themselves, when the
terests; or could they have known it for Lord has shone upon the souls of the
generations, there are none of them but Saints when assembled together, what
what would have feared God with all have they felt like? That they are the
their hearts, minds, soul, and strength, blessed of the Lord. How oft, when they
that is, if they had had power to do so; have met together on special occasions to
that would have been their feeling, and receive certain blessings from the hands
more especially so among the Saints. If of God, has the spirit of revelation rested
the Saints could understand things cor- upon them, and the future been opened
rectly; if they could see themselves as to their view in all its beauty, glory, rich-
God sees them; if they could know and ness, and excellency; and when their
understand and appreciate the princi- hearts have been warmed up by that
ples of eternal truth as they emanate spirit, how have they felt to rejoice? How
from God, and as they dwell in His have they looked upon the things of this
bosom; if they could know their high world, and the prospect that awaited
calling's glorious hope, and the future them—upon their privileges as Saints
destiny that awaits them, inasmuch as of the Most High God, and upon the
they are faithful; there is not a Saint glory they will inherit if they are faith-
of God, there is not one in these val- ful to the end! You may have experi-
leys of the mountains, but would pros- enced the feeling that such thoughts and
trate himself before Him; he would ded- prospects would naturally create in the
icate his heart, and his mind, and his human heart. Why is it we feel other-
soul, and his strength to God, and his wise at any time? It is because we forget
body, and spirit, and property, and ev- to pray, and call upon God, and dedicate
erything he possesses of earth, and es- ourselves to Him, or because we fall into
teem it one of the greatest privileges transgression, commit iniquity, and lose
that could be conferred upon mortal the Spirit of God; and forget our calling's
man. If there are those who do not
see these things aright, it is because

glorious hope. But if we could all the God our heavenly Father, by walking humbly
time see, and realize, and understand before Him, fulfilling His laws, and accom-
our true position before God, our minds plishing this the object of our creation.
would be continually on the stretch af- I say, as I said before, if we under-
ter the things of God, and we should be stood ourselves aright, this would be our
main object; but we know in part, and
seeking to know all the day long what we
see in part, and comprehend in part; and
could do to promote the happiness and
many of the things of God are hid from
salvation of the world; what we could do
our view, both things that are past,
to honor our calling—to honor the Priest-
things that are present, and things that
hood of the Son of God, and what to do
are to come. Hence the world in gen-
to honor our God, and to improve the re-
eral sit in judgment upon the actions of
maining time we have upon the earth,
God that are passing among them, they
and the energies of our bodies, for the
make use of the weak judgment that God
accomplishment of His purposes, for the
has given them to scan the designs of
rolling forth of His kingdom, for the ad-
God, to unravel the mysteries that are
vancement of His designs, that when we
past, and things that are still hid, for-
stand before Him He may say to us—
getting that no man knows the things of
"Well done, thou good and faithful ser-
God but by the Spirit of God; forgetting
vant, enter into the joy of thy Lord; thou
that the wisdom of this world is foolish-
has been faithful over a few things, I will
ness with God; forgetting that no man
make thee ruler over many things."
in and of himself is competent to un-
These would be our feelings, and no ravel the designs and know the purposes
doubt this is what we came into the of Jehovah, whether in relation to the
world for. I know of no other object, no past, present, or future; and hence, for-
other design, that God had in view in getting this, they fall into all kinds of
sending us here. We came forth from blunders; they blunder over things that
our Father in heaven, having the privi- are contained in the Scriptures, some of
lege of taking bodies in this world. What which are a representation of the fol-
for? That our bodies and spirits together lies and weaknesses of men, and some
might accomplish the will of our heav- of them perhaps may be the wisdom
enly Father, and find their way back and intelligence of God, that are as far
again into His presence; that while we above their wisdom and intelligence as
are upon the earth, we might be gov- the heavens are above the earth. How
erned by His wisdom, by the intelligence often have I heard individuals, for in-
and revelations that flow from Him; that stance, exclaiming against the harsh-
He might be a guide and dictator of our ness, the cruelty, and tyranny of God in
steps while we sojourn here; and that destroying the antediluvians, the people
we might fill up the measure of our cre- of Sodom and Gomorrah, and other cities
ation in honor to ourselves, in honor to and places, and against other judgments
our progenitors, and in honor to our pos- and cruelties that befell the people.
terity; and finally, find our way back How little do such persons understand
into the presence of God, having accom- about it. According to their own sys-
plished the object for which we came into tems of philosophy, they would act pre-
the world, having filled up the measure cisely upon the same principles if they
of our creation, having obtained honor to only understood the principles He acted
ourselves, honor for our posterity and for upon; whereas in ignorance of them they
our progenitors, and become an honor to think it cruel indeed for God to de-

stroy the inhabitants of the old world,

forsaken God, the Father and fountain
the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, orof their existence, and the giver of ev-
other places. Why? Because it was the
ery good and perfect gift, yielding sub-
mission to the powers of the adversary
destruction of so much human life. But
do they know the whys and the where-in a state of darkness and ignorance, liv-
fores of that? No. In the same way ing and propagating their species innu-
merable in that state of corruption, de-
they look upon Moses, Joshua, and some
other eminent men of God, who were praving themselves morally and intel-
called forth to execute His judgments,
lectually, forsaking God, and teaching
and accomplish His designs—root out nothing but principles that were corrupt
the wicked, destroy the ungodly, and es-
and abominable. Look at the world in
tablish the principles of righteousness.
that state, and consider God as their
They would look upon their acts as acts
Father, and themselves as eternal be-
ings, and propagating eternal beings in
of cruelty, tyranny and oppression. Why
a state of the deepest depravity; look at
so? Because they can conceive of no other
things that awaited them in the future,
idea than that which dwells in their own
the position they stood in, the misery
bosoms; there dwells the principle of re-
they must endure in the future after they
venge, or ambition, and they know of no
other motive that could prompt God to
had lived here, the trouble and position
do as He has in the destruction of the
they had got to be placed in before ever
wicked at sundry times. In the same they could get back to the presence of
their Father; think of millions and mil-
way men judge us in relation to our mat-
lions of people living and dying in this,
rimonial relations; if a man is associ-
and bringing millions of individuals into
ated with more females than one in the
the world, that had got to bear their fa-
world, they cannot look upon it in any
thers' sins, cursed with their curse, and
other way than lasciviousness and adul-
living and dying in their corruption still
tery, the very principles that predomi-
more increased, to be damned and go to
nate in themselves; they have no other
hell, to be redeemed before they could
idea. Our situation, our conduct, and our
be brought back again into the presence
proceedings, to their feelings and views,
of their Creator—taking this view of the
are outrageous and abominable and this
matter, can you say that God was un-
they believe in all sincerity. Why? Be-
just, cruel, and tyrannical for destroy-
cause they know of no other principle
ing such a people as that? No; for
than that, they have not been enlight-
ened, they do not understand the endthere were millions of unborn spirits to
from the beginning, the whys and thecome into this world and inhabit these
depraved bodies, and become subject to
wherefores; if they did, they would know
that virtue, purity, and strict integrity
the corruptions of a depraved parentage;
dwell in the bosoms of the Saints, and
for there was not a righteous genera-
that they are governed by correct, virtu-
tion, for the whole earth had corrupted
ous, and holy principles, and a thousand
themselves. He had power to put a stop
times more so than ever they dreamedto the propagation of such corruption,
of in their lives. This is so with regard
but, had He not done it, would He have
to their views of the transactions of God
acted righteously to those yet unborn?
with the wicked in former ages. Would He be doing justice to His creation
upon the earth to let the devil bear rule
The whole antediluvian world was and universal sway, and never put forth
enveloped in corruption; they had His hand to stop mankind in their mad

career? Every man of reflection would wrong to the understanding of mankind;

look upon the destruction of such de- hence His servants have been perse-
praved beings as an act of mercy, thus cuted, afflicted, tried, driven, hunted,
stopping those growing evils by cutting put to death, and endured every kind of
off the life of man from the earth, and torment and affliction that the ingenu-
stopping the onward course of that vile ity of wicked men, and the hellish malice
seed. of demons could contrive, and all this for
What is the reason men form wrong the lack of understanding and of love for
judgments about such things? It is the principles of truth. It has been dif-
because they do not understand and ficult in every age of the world for the
comprehend correct principles, because servants of God to accomplish His pur-
they do not possess the visions of the poses upon the earth. It has been diffi-
Almighty; they understand not the end cult for those who have professed to be
from the beginning, neither do they com- Saints of God, in every age, to do His
prehend the designs of the Great Jeho- will faithfully without being molested,
vah; if they did, they would have very such has been the influence of the pow-
different feelings and ideas in relation to ers of darkness, the weakness of man's
the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah intellect, and the lack of knowledge in
and the old world, with all their abom- the things of God. Because of this, it
inations and corruptions, and in rela- has been a difficult matter for those who
tion to the doings of Moses and Joshua, have professed godliness, to discriminate
and other men of God, who were set between right and wrong; they would
apart to keep in order affairs pertain- feel inclined to do right, but as it was
ing to the kingdom of God, and estab- with Paul on certain occasions, when he
lish righteousness, and do the will of would do good, evil was present with
heaven. If they had not done these him. I expect he ought to have over-
things, they themselves would have been come it, and I expect we ought likewise;
corrupted, and their children after them, but such is the case, we cannot look any-
they would have suffered the evil to over- where but we can see the weakness and
come the good, and suffered Satan to tri- infirmity of human nature.
umph over God, and to bear rule, and We can sit down and reason calmly
have dominion, and corrupt the whole and dispassionately upon this matter,
of the human family. There are thou- guided by the Spirit of God, and re-
sands of such things as these that men flect back to the time of Enoch, and
form wrong ideas about, and wrong judg- read some of the revelations given to
ments; whereas, if they only understood that people, and look at the struggles
the mind of God, and correct princi- and trials they had to pass through;
ples, they would come to other conclu- then look also at the length of time
sions, and say—"God acts with wisdom that elapsed, after he had gathered
and prudence, and righteously, in all His His people from the corrupt world, be-
dealings with the human family." fore they were prepared to be caught
It is necessary that men should pos- up into the heavens; for Enoch was
translated, and the city with him, and the
sess the Spirit of God before they can
Saints, its inhabitants, those who believed in
know the things of God: hence the
him as a Prophet of God, and worked righ-
great difficulty that the servants of teousness.
God have had to labor under, in dif- Look again at the time that Noah
ferent ages of the world, in the propa- came from the ark, after he and his
gation of the truth, is, what would be household were saved from the flood
right in the eyes of God would seem that drowned the world; they were

the only ones that were righteous. When Wherein are we better than many of
Noah and his family had seen the those of which we have spoken? God has
dreadful wreck, the awful calamity, the revealed His truth to us; He has opened
heartrending scenes of distress and an- the heavens and sent forth His holy an-
guish, trouble and death, that over- gels, has restored the holy Priesthood
whelmed the world—with all this star- in as great power as ever it was in any
ing them in the face, how soon his poster- age, and in fact greater; for we are now
ity departed from correct principles, and living in the dispensation of the fulness
bowed their necks to the power of the ad- of times, when God has determined to
versary; how soon was the weakness of gather all things in one, whether they be
human nature made manifest! Consider things in heaven or things in the earth;
the trouble, afflictions, war, and blood- notwithstanding all this, are we much
shed that have come in consequence of better than the ancient people we have
all this, the fostering of evil passions in just noticed? We can read the history
the human heart, and giving way to ev- of the people of this continent, in the
ery kind of iniquity, being led captive by Book of Mormon, of their faithfulness
the devil at his will, until nation has to God, and the principles of truth and
been arrayed against nation, kingdom righteousness, and the hand of God was
against kingdom, power against power, stretched out in mighty power to save
and authority against authority. Witness them from their enemies; and we read
the human beings that have been slain, again of their destruction and overthrow
and the human carcasses that have been in consequence of their departure from
left to rot upon the battlefields; all this God. And among this people, who have
has been in consequence of not adhering been blessed with the light and revela-
to what is righteous, true, and holy. tions of God, who have been gathered
from different nations, who have trav-
Again, see the old Israelites. Abra- eled thousands of miles for the privi-
ham had been set apart, and selected by lege of listening to the oracles of eternal
the Almighty, as a man who had proved truth, of securing to themselves salva-
faithful in all things, after being tried to tion, who have hailed with joy the mes-
the uttermost extremity. God positively sage of mercy that has been extended to
said, "I know Abraham will fear me and them, whose hearts in former times beat
command his children after him." Yet high with prospects of mingling with the
look at his children, and look at their Saints of God in Zion, and listening to
seed in the wilderness, and when the the words of eternal life, what do we see
arm of God had been stretched out in even among them? The same specimen
their behalf, see their rebellion, idola- of fallen human nature; the same weak-
try, and lasciviousness, and you will see ness, infirmities, and follies that have
fair specimens of poor, fallen, depraved characterized men who have lived in for-
human nature. Such was the case with mer ages.
them, and such has been the case in ev- How many of us have fallen on the
ery age of the world. We cannot account right hand and on the left; those we
for it upon any other principle, than that have judged to be men of intelligence,
the God of this world has blinded, and some of them have stepped aside in
does continue to blind, the hearts of the one shape and some in another. Some
children of men, lest the light of the glo- have given way to their corrupt ap-
rious Gospel of peace should shine in petites and passions, and have fallen
upon them, and they should be saved. in an evil hour, have lost the Spirit of

God, have destroyed themselves, and things do not come smooth and square
have destroyed others; corrupted, weak, according to your notions; and if you
fallen, degenerate, and abominable, they have made your golden or some other
have sunk to their own place. How much darling idol, and a Moses should come
of this has there been both among men along and break it to pieces and stamp
and women, to the violation of the most it under his feet, and scatter it abroad,
sacred covenants they have made before and say, "Arise, Israel, and wake from
God, angels, and men. They have broken your slumbers;" do you feel very much
their covenants, corrupted themselves, grieved? Do you feel as though some
departed from the right way, lost the dreadful calamity had happened to you?
Spirit of God, and they are anxious to go Have you forgot who you are, and what
here and there, and everything is wrong your object is? Have you forgot that you
with them, and every place fails to yield profess to be Saints of the Most High
them comfort, because a consciousness God, clothed upon with the Holy Priest-
of their guilt is continually with them; hood? Have you forgot that you are
everything is out of place to them, and aiming to become Kings and Priests to
their understandings are darkened. At the Lord, and Queens and Priestesses to
one time they were quick to comprehend Him? Have you forgot that you are as-
truth by the light of the Spirit, but now sociated with the Saints of God in Zion,
they walk in darkness. where the oracles of truth are revealed,
and the truths of God are made mani-
This reminds me of a remark made fest, and clearly developed; where you
once in Far West by a man; says and your posterity after you can learn
he, "I know Joseph Smith is a false the ways of life and salvation; where you
Prophet, and that the Book of Mormon are placed in a position that you can ob-
and Covenants are false." How do you tain blessings from the great Eloheim,
know it? "Why, says he, if a man com- that will rest upon you and your pos-
mit adultery, he shall apostatize; and I terity worlds without end? Have you
have done it, and have not apostatized." forgot these things, and begun to turn
That is a good sample of the intelligence again to the beggarly elements of the
that is manifested by many. Do people world, and become blind, like others we
think they can commit acts of iniquity, have spoken of, turning like the sow
transgress the laws of God, and break that was washed to her wallowing in
their covenants, after being admitted to the mire? We ought to reflect some-
great privileges in the kingdom of God, times upon these things, and understand
and retain His Spirit, and a knowledge our true position. Have you forgot that
of His purposes? I tell you, no; but their you came from God, that He is your
very conduct and spirit give the lie to Father? Have you forgot that you are
their profession all the day long, just as aiming to get back to His presence? If
much as this Missouri man's did which I you have forgot all this, your conduct
have mentioned. and actions now are fraught with eter-
nal consequences to yourselves, to your
Well, what is it we are engaged in? Is
progenitors, and to your posterity after
the object of our being, in this life, attained
by thinking of nothing else but horses, to you. Have you forgot that thousands
look to nothing else but our little interests, who have possessed the Holy Priesthood
our little farm or house, a few cattle, and here, still exist in the eternal world,
the like? Is this all we are concerned in, and look with interest upon your con-
ye Latter-day Saints? And if some of these duct and proceedings? Have you forgot

that God has set His hand again the God, to do His bidding, and to walk in
second time to gather the remnants of obedience to His laws, to sustain His
His people? Have you forgot that He kingdom, to roll forth His purposes, and
is preparing a people that shall be pure do whatsoever He shall think fit to re-
in heart; be blessed with light, life, and quire of us.
intelligence; with knowledge of things We have had some things presented
past, present, and to come? Have you for- to us during the Conference, about which
got that you are standing in the midst of I am ignorant of the feelings of this peo-
brethren who have gone behind the veil, ple, neither do I care what are their feel-
who are watching your actions, and are ings; it is a matter of no moment to me,
anxious for your welfare, prosperity, and neither is it to my brethren, nor to any
exaltation? Have you forgot that we are who do the will of God. But one thing
living in the last time, wherein a mighty I know, and one thing you know, you
struggle will have to take place between are not competent, in and of yourselves,
the powers of darkness that are in the to regulate anything pertaining to your
world, and the children of light; that it eternal welfare; I do not care how wise
is necessary for us as individuals to gird and intelligent you may be, there is not
ourselves with the principles of truth, one among you independent of God, or
and be girt about with righteousness on of the teachings of His servants. That I
the right hand and on the left, to enable know, and that you know.
us to stand in the midst of desolation, We have noticed some things this
ruin, and misery, that are overhanging a morning, wherein the world are at fault,
devoted earth; and that as eternal beings because of their lack of experience. Take,
we ought to have our eyes open to eternal for instance, one half of the world, I
things, and not be dreaming away our mean China, and the great majority in
existence, forgetful of what we came into Europe. Notice their position at the
the world to accomplish? present time, and can any of you point
out a remedy that will restore amity and
Well, here we are, and who are we? peace among them? Is there a master
We are Saints of the Most High God, mind, or spirit—a man possessed of suf-
are we not? And after all our weak- ficient intelligence, to walk forth among
ness and infirmities, we are the best peo- the nations of Europe, and say to the
ple there is under the face of the heav- hydra-headed monster, "War, lie still and
ens, by a thousand fold. Poor as we are, be thou quiet?" Is there a man who can
weak as we are, changeable, afflicted as go into China and do the same thing, and
we are, still we are the best people God straighten out the snarled condition of
has upon the earth. If truth is revealed the world?
anywhere, it is here; if God communi- Let us come nearer home; can any
cates His will to the human family any- of you regulate the affairs of this nation
where, it is here. If anybody can en- and put them right? I do not believe
lighten mankind, this people can; and you can; and if you cannot do such small
if the nations of the earth, with their things, that are associated with time,
kings, potentates, and powers, are ever things that we can see, know, and under-
exalted in the kingdom of God, ever re- stand, how are you going to put in order
ceive the light, truth, and intelligence of the things of God? How are you going
heaven, it will be through the means of to order ends that are to come? To know
this people. We are His servants; we what will be the best course to pursue,
are enlisted for life in the kingdom of when the nations shall be convulsed,

thrones cast down, and empires de- die, or whatever course we may have to
stroyed; when nation shall rush madly pursue. I think it is a great privilege for
upon nation, and human blood shall flow us to be associated with the kingdom of
as rivers of water? What would we do in God. I esteem it so myself, and I feel
such circumstances? Some people have to bless God my heavenly Father, all the
thought we were in a dreadful condition, day long, that He has counted me worthy
when the Indian difficulties were among to obtain the Priesthood, and to be as-
us in these mountains; and our distant sociated with His servants, who are the
neighbors have been surprised how we most honorable, pure, and philanthropic
have existed; but what would you think men upon the earth; and I feel to bless
if you were in some of the European na- and praise my heavenly Father all the
tions at the present time? Suppose you day long; my heart is full of praise, and
were one of the kings of those nations, I rejoice exceedingly that I have been
or one of the counselors, and some of the counted worthy to be associated with His
largest nations should undertake to com- people and kingdom.
mand you to supply a number of men to Should we not all feel alike in this?
help fight their battles, and you would We all profess to be full of love for, and
say, "We wish to remain neutral;" the manifest a great amount of confidence
reply would be, "But we will make you in, the Holy Priesthood. It reminds me
fight, and if you do not do it we will ex- of some of the missionaries among the
terminate you, to begin with." Suppose churches of the day; they always have
you were in a position like that. I think a great deal of faith about the spiritual
we are no worse off in these mountains, welfare of the people, but they never had
than the world are. We may be in some faith enough to trust their time and their
circumstances, but in many other re- friends in the hands of God, while they
spects we are much better off than they. I were engaged in His work; but there
think our young men, for instance, would must be missionary boxes to swallow up
think it very hard if they were obliged to the money put into them, and if they
spend from three to five years in soldier- go abroad, they must be well supplied
ing in times of peace, which they have with money, but they call upon the peo-
to do in many of the nations of Europe, ple to trust them for their spiritual wel-
or bring a substitute to go in their place. fare, while they cannot trust God for
I think sometimes we might be a great a piece of Johnny cake. I think we
deal worse off than we are; and I think it are very like them sometimes; we have
is necessary men should be tried in order a good supply of faith, we can speak
that they may be proved, and that they and sing in tongues, and some of us
may know themselves; and that some have the gift of prophecy, and are full
should be destroyed, as they have been of religion and zeal. We pray fervently
on this continent, or on the other; it is all for the President, and for the Twelve,
in the wise providence of God; life and and for the rolling forth of God's king-
death are of little moment to Him. It dom, and we seem all alive in it in this
is a matter of great importance to know way; but what about our temporal inter-
the truth, and obey it, to have the privi- ests? "O, I do not know so much about
lege of learning, at the mouths of the ser- them, I think we are the best judges in
vants of God, His will, and then to have these matters, but in spiritual matters
the privilege of doing it unmolested, no I do not meddle as a judge, they are in
matter what it is, whether to live or the hands of the Lord's servants, and I

can attend to my temporal affairs my- The principle that was laid before us
self." has been published years ago in the rev-
"Yes, we have a great deal of faith, we elations of God, and the Saints have anx-
can speak in tongues, and cast out devils iously looked forward to the time when it
in thy name." But take care he does not would be fully entered into by them. But
say at last, "I do not know you." "Why, there is one thing you may set down for
Lord? Did we not cast out devils, and a certainty—if a man has not confidence
were we not full of thy religion, and did in one revelation of God, he has not in
we not pray unto thee often?" Yet He will another; and if a man feels right in one,
say, "I never knew you." he will in all the revelations from that
I will tell you how I feel about the source. I would hate, after struggling,
principle of consecration, that has been and trying to master the evil around me,
presented by the President before the and to conquer the evil disposition that
Conference; but there is one thing that besets me, to let some little thing up-
will perhaps make a difference with me, set me, and root me up, and cause me to
I have not much to consecrate or sacri- lose my high calling's glorious hope, and
fice, consequently I cannot boast much make a shipwreck of my faith, and send
in these matters. No matter about that, me down to perdition; and I know you
let it come; for I feel I am enlisted for would hate it also. We have got to follow
the war, and it is going to last for time, the oracles of heaven in all things; there
and throughout all eternity; and if I am is no other way but to follow him God has
a servant of God, I am under the direc- appointed to lead us and guide us into
tion of those servants of God, whom He eternal salvation. He is either delegated
has appointed to guide and counsel me from heaven to do this, or he is not; if he
by revelation from Him; it is their right is, we will follow his counsel; if he is not,
to dictate and control me amid all the af- then we may kick up our heels, and every
fairs of those associated with the king- man help himself the best way he can. If
dom of God; and I feel moreover that ev- I came from my Father in heaven, and
erything, whether spiritual or temporal, am seeking to find my way back to His
relating to time or to eternity, is associ- presence again, and I do not know the
ated with the kingdom of God. Feeling way myself, I feel, for one, by the grace of
in that way, it makes very little differ- God, to yield to the intelligence He gives,
ence to me which way things go; it is and go forward in the name of the great
not a matter of great moment whether Eloheim, that I may obtain the object of
they take that side, this side, or the my creation, and not make a fool of my-
other side; whether the path is rough or self, and destroy myself, but be a bless-
smooth; it will only last a certain time, ing to myself, to my progenitors, and my
and I can only last a certain time; but posterity, and obtain a seat in the king-
the chief thing with me is, how to hold dom of God.
on to my faith, and maintain my in-
tegrity, and honor my calling, and see to These ought to be our feelings. I know
it that I am found faithful at the latter the majority of this people feel right, and
end, not only of this life, but in worlds I pray God to increase this good feeling
without end; and continue to grow in all in every bosom, that our hearts may ex-
intelligence, knowledge, faith, persever- pand, and that the blessings of the great
ance, power, and exaltation; that is a God may rest upon us, and that we may
matter of some importance to me, but all ultimately be saved in His kingdom.
the other is scarcely worth a thought. A MEN.


D EC. 16, 1851.


Five years ago we were menaced good. I am a public hand, and my-
on every side by the cruel persecutions self and all I possess belong to the
of our inveterate enemies; hundreds of
families, who had been forced from their
homes, and compelled to leave behind
them their all, were wandering as ex-
iles in a state of abject destitution: but,
by the favor of heaven we have been
enabled to surmount all these difficul-
ties, and can assemble here today in
the chamber of these mountains, where
there are none to make us afraid, far
from our persecutors, far from the tur-
moil and confusion of the old world.
Brethren and sisters, has not the
Lord poured out His blessings upon you
to surpass all former times? Your barns
and presses are filled with fine wheat,
and other productions of these valleys;
your tables groan under the abundance
of the blessings of the Almighty. Is
there room for one complaint or mur-
mur by this people? No! You are full
with the blessings of God; you can sit
down and eat and drink until you are
satisfied. There are hundreds of thou-
sands in the old world who can say they
never did have enough to satisfy the
cravings of nature. There are thousands
at this time, who would crawl upon their
hands and knees, or travel on foot over the
mighty ocean, were there an highway cast
up, carrying their little children upon their
backs, to obtain the blessings that we this day
enjoy. That day of peace and plenty which the
Saints have looked for from the commence-
ment of this Church, has in a great measure
come to pass.
This is a party for the public hands,
those who are laboring for the public

Lord; all I possess is tithing, from the cap Brethren, we are the Lord's, and all
upon my head to the soles of the pumps we possess; and I have determined, by
upon my feet. When my Bishop came to the help of the Lord and this people, to
value my property, he wanted to know build Him a house. You may ask, "Will
what he should take my tithing in. I told He dwell in it?" He may do just as He
him to take anything I had got, for I did pleases; it is not my prerogative to dic-
not set my heart upon any one thing; my tate to the Lord. But we will build Him
horses, cows, hogs, or any other thing he a house, that if He pleases to pay us
might take; my mind was not set upon a visit, He may have a place to dwell
any of them. My heart is set upon the in, or if He should send any of His ser-
work of my God, upon the public good vants, we may have suitable accommo-
of His great kingdom. If there be any dations for them. I have built myself a
public hands who feel contrary to this, house, and the most of you have done
they had better leave, and seek to build the same, and now shall we not build the
up themselves; let them try if they can Lord a house? (The deep-toned voices of
accomplish any more in that way, than the public hands answered, "Aye.") I will
by dedicating themselves to the Lord, in not interrupt your enjoyments by saying
the building up of His works. Those who more, though, on such an interesting occasion
wish to try this, will meet with a signal as this, much more might be said.
disappointment. Brethren and sisters, I feel to bless you in
the name of the Lord. Amen.

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