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(No Model.) ' à‘sheew-sheenl.

N0. 466,338. Patented Jan. 5, 1892.
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YH: »mums versus co., »Hom-urge., wnsmmmn. u. c.

(No Model.) 3 Sheets-Sheet 2.
No. 466,338. y Patented Jan. 5, 1892.

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:Tens no., mem-armo., wAsmNnYoN, n. c.

(No Model.) 3 Sheets-Sheet 3..

No. 466,338. Patented Jan. 5, 1892.

“ITL 503'/ f .


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'ma «mams Pains CoA, morn-umm wnsnmafou. uA c.



SPECIFICATION forming part Ormea-.ers Patent No. 466,338, dated January 5, 1892. '
Application filed February 23, 1889. Serial No. 300,895. (No model.)

To all whom it may concern. partment A3 is rearward of the compartment

y Be it known that I, WILLARD H. FULLER, A2. Both the compartments A2 A3 have com- `
of Passaic, in the county of Passaicand State -bined with them a single cover a’. This is
of New Jersey, have invented a certain new hinged in place- at one end-«in the present in
and yuseful Improvement in Photographic stance at the rear end~-by means of hinges'
Cameras, of which the following is a specili @12, and at the sides and front end is connect-`
cation. ed to a bellows-like flexible covering a2. This
My present improvement is specially adapt covering a2 is also connected to the side walls
ed for use in photographic cameras whereinr of the compartments A2 A2 and is connected
IO a number ot' sensitized plates are employed _ to the front portion thereof..
for successive use. It is specially designed The covering a2 is made of any suitable
for the use of plates of celluloid or analogous light-excluding material. The combination
material. A »of this covering and the cover a’ with the

I will describe a camera embodying my im _compartments A2 A3 is such` that the cover

provement, and then point out the novel fea > a’inay be raised into an upright position with
tures in claims. -,out admitting any light into either ot' the
In the accompanying drawings,Figure l is compartments A2 A2.
a plan or top view of a camera embodying my In order to allow of the passage of air to
improvement, certain parts being removed v and from the compartments A2 As with suffi
and certain other parts being shown in section. cient freedom to enable the cover a’ to be
Fig. 2 is a central longitudinal section of this raised and lowered without material resist
camera. Fig. 3 is a transverse vertical sec ance, I provide the walls of the compartments
tion taken at the plane of the dotted line œ œ, with circuits or passages d20 asl. It will be
Fig. I, looking toward the front of the cam seen that the passage @31 opens at the rear
25 era. ^ Fig. 4 is a front view of the camera with end Wall of the compartment A2, that it eX
certain parts in section. Fig. 5 is a longi~ tends thence downwardly‘through this end
tudinal section of the front end portion of the wall to the bottom, thence along the bottom,A
camera, the section being taken through the and that-itopens intor the interior of the com
axis of the lens-tube. Fig. 6 is a front view partment A2. There may be two of the pas
50 of the forward end portion of the camera, the sages aSÚ, one in each side wall of the com
front end plate or piece being removed. Fig. partment A2. As’these-passages are circui
7 is a view similar to Fig. 6, 'showing` certain tous, light will not be admitted through them
parts in a different position. 1 It will be uu into the compartment. p
derstood that Figs. 5, 6, and 7 are on an en In the compartment A2 a number of sensi`
35 larged scale. « ' - -
tized plates D are used.- They are >of rectan
Similar letters of reference designate cor gular form, as may be understood by refer
responding parts in all the figures. ence to Fig. 3. These plates are of celluloid
Adesignates the main portion or dark-cham or analogous material sensitized in any suit-‘
ber of the camera. Forward of this chamber able manner. They may-be several-ly ar|-`
is a chamber A', in which the lens-tube B and ranged in holders ot' any suitable kind. As I. ’
shutter mechanism coacting therewith are'lo shown, each is arranged in >a holder E, which
cated. In this chamber A', I have also shown is open at the front, but which has a solid
a finder-camera C. It may be of any suitable 'back and has the bottom and side edges
construction, and is here shown as consisting turned over to receive within them the edges
45 of a lens c', an inclined mirror c2, and ahori of a plate D. ' -
zontally-arranged ground glass c3. Rearward Each of the 4holders E has in the upper part
ot' the compartment A are compartments A2 slots e. These are located above the corre
4A3. All these compartments may be made sponding plate D, which tits in such holder.
- together, so as to ~t`orm a single case or boX. These slots c are intended to be engaged by IOO
50 The compartments A2 A3 are separated by a hooks, »whereby the holders, with the plates
partition a.. It- will be seen that the com in them, may be one at a time picked up from'
one part of the camera to be moved into an position. They are shown as having receded
otherppart. into these recesses, where they are repre
It- will be seen that a number of the holders sented in bold lines in Fig. 2. When the
E, containing plates D, are arranged in the rock-shat't~is in its other extreme position,
compartment A2, one behind the other. They these arms I’ will occupy a position approxi-4
are pushed forward toward the compartment mately at right angles to the cover a', as in
A of the camera by a pusher or follower G, dicated by the dotted lines in Fig. 2. The
located in the compartment A2. This follower rock-shaft springs into such position as to 75
may be made of a rectangular piece of wood move the arms into a position at right angles
IO fitting snugly in the compartment A2 and to the cover when the cover is moved down
guided therein by arms or ribs (,ûtting in wardly into the position indicated by dotted
grooves in the sides of the camera. Springs outlines in Fig. 2, and when the cover is moved
combined with this pusher propel it forward. upwardly into the position in which it is
In the present instance I employ springs H, shown in bold outlines in Fig. 2 the rock
arranged in grooves in the sides of the camera >shaft will move into such position as to move
and connected at one end to the ends of the the arms within their recesses in the inner
grooves near the front of the camera and at side of the cover. Combined with the rock
the other end to the arms g. I have shown shaft is a spring, which tends to oscillate it in 85
the follower G as also provided with an arm such direction and to such extent as to move
g', having teeth arranged thereupon in the the arms into the position at right angles to
form of a rack. This arm íits in a groove in the cover. This spring isvin the present in
the side of the camera and engages with a stance shown as a spiral spring I2, coiled
pinion upon a shaft g’. The shaft g’ extends around the shaft. It is prevented from mov 90
to the exterior of the camera and may be ro ing the rock-shaft any further than this by
25 tated from the outside for the purpose of mov means of a stop I5, consisting of a hook-shaped
ing the follower against the resistance of the piece so arranged that one of the arms I’ will
springs. come in contact with it when the rock-shaft
The follower or pusher G moves the plate has been adjusted far enough to move the 95
holders with their contained plates forwardly arms into the position at right angles to the
30 toward an opening a3, with which the forward cover a’. One of the arms I’ has its forward
end of the compartment A2 is provided. The or front edge curved, so as to be more pretu
front plate is exposed to rays of light enter berant about midway between the ends than
ing the compartment A, and hence is in posi at the ends. A sliding rod I3, supported in IOO
tion for photographing. bearings 112 i2, connected to the inner side of
35 By the raising of the cover a’ the front the cover, has its forward or outer end bent
plate-holder ywith its plate may be picked up transversely to bear against the curved front
out of the compartment A2 and deposited in of the arm referred to. The transversely
the rear compartment A3. When this is done, bent end of this rod lits behind an arm t3, at 105
the plate~holders with their plates remaining tached to the inner side of the cover. lVhen
in the compartment A2 will be moved forward this rod l3 is slid outwardly or toward the
by the follower or pusher. Obviously each front.edge of the cover ct’,it will move nearer
plate-holder, after the exposure of its plate, to the rock-shaft I, upon which the arms I'
may be removed from the compartment A2 are affixed, and the spring I2 will then be al
and placed in the compartment A3. It fol lowed to act so as to move the rock-shaft in
45 lows, therefore, that a number of plate-hold a direction to adjust the arms into a position
ers with their plates may be arranged in the at right angles to the cover. The sliding rod
compartment A2, and after the exposure of I3 is connected to a rod I4, which is pivoted
each plate may be successively removed from to the upper part of the compartment A3. IIS
the compartment A2 into the compartment A3 The connection between the rod I4 and the
50 without exposing the same to the light during rod I3 consists of a longitudinal slot in the
the transit from the compartment A2 to the rod I3 and a pin in the rod It. XVhen the
compartment A3. The compartment A2 is a cover a’ is moved downwardly, the rod I4 will
holder for plates before photographing, and move the rod I3 outwardly, whereupon the
the compartment A3 is a holder for plates spring I2 will oscillate the rock-shaft so that
55 which have been exposed or photographed. it will adjust the arms into a position at right
I will now explain the means which I have angles to the cover a’. This will be done
in the present instance combined with the gradually. \Vhen the cover a’ is raised, the
cover a’ to elfect the transfer of the plate sliding rod I2 will be drawn inwardly, or to 125
holders with their plates from the compart ward'the rear edge of the cover a’. Owing to
ment A2 to the compartment A2. this its transversely~extended end will move
I designates a rock-shaft, here shown as along the front edge of the contiguous arm I’,
arranged in a recess provided in the inner and, operating upon the more protuberant
side of the cover a', on this shaft are allixed middle portion,will force the arm, and with it 13o
arms I', here shown as two in number. The the rock-shaft and the other arm I’,back into
65 inner side of the cover is provided with re theThe other extreme position.
lower ends of the arms I’ are provided
cesses, into which these arms may recede
when the shaft I is rocked into one extreme with hooks. These hooks extend forwardly.

466,338 " s

Each arm has combined with its hook a grip; holder B’ and is free to slide longitudinally
per ¿4, consisting of a spring inserted in the therein. It has 1a pin p fastened to it. This
arm and extending in front of its hook. pin extends upwardly through a slot which
When the cover d’ is moved downwardly is made lengthwise in the upper part of the 70
5 and the arms I’ are consequently adjusted holder B’. An arm p', which is affixed to one
into a position at right angles thereto, the end of a rockfshaft P, is provided with a 1on
lower ends of the arms will slide'behind the gitudinal slot, into which the pin p projects.
forward or first plate-holder and lthe hooks The 'shaft P is supported in a bearing P',
will engage with »the slots e thereof. The 75
affixed to the front portion of the camera.'
io ends of the hooks are forwardly rounded, so 1 Above the camera-case' the shaft P is pro~
that the hooks may be forced backward be vided with a hand-piece P2 and an index-fin
hind the plate-holder. The lower ends of ger P3. The index-finger extends over a plate
their gripper-s ¿4 extend slightly beyond the E4, which may be marked with a series of lines
hooks. Hence when the hooks descend be to indicate the position into which the lens
15 hind the front plate-holder the grippers will tube B should be adjusted to adapt the cam
be in front of the upper edge of the plate era for photographing an object at any par
holder; When the hooks, after the descent> ticular distance at which the object may be
of the arms, come opposite the slots e in the distant. By turning the rock-shaft Pits arm
forward plate-holder, the arms move slightly p', actingthrough the pin p, will adjust the S5
2o forward Linder the influence of the spring I2, lens-tube within its holder. It will be ob-
so that the hooks will enter the slots. The served that the lens~tubc has extending across
grippers will then extend over the-forward> it between the ends a diaphragm’ 7o, provided
extremities lof the hooks »and prevent the with a central opening. It is through this
_ ‘ plate-holder from slipping off them. ÑVhen opening that the rays of light enter the cam 90
z 5 the covera.’ is raised, the forward plate-holder era for photographing. Combined with this
will be carried up with it, and by the oscilla diaphragm 7c are plates K’ K2. These are
tion or swinging
b b of the arms I’ into their re--
pivoted at the center by a pin >or screw 7a’ to
cesses the plate-holder will be disengaged the diaphragm 71; of the lens-tube; but they
from the hooks and will drop into the com are thus pivoted eccentrically to the axis of 95
30 partrnent A3. '
the lens-tube.`_ Owing to their eccentricity
I have shown combined with the cover a.’ I they extend through a slot in the lens-tube
a gripper-opener, whose function it is to sepa and the holder B’, so as to be cut away for
rate the grippers from the hooks when the quite a distance longitudinally as well as cir
arms recede into their recesses in the cover cu mferentially to avoid interfering with the
3 5 a’. This opener consists of aplate I6, 'secured travel of` these plates through it when the
to the inner side of the cover a’ adjacent to lens-tube is adjusted. i
the recesses for the arms I’. This plate has ' The plates K’ K2 can rotate independently
slots near the end. These slots extend through upon their pivot-pins. The plate K2 is pro~
the forward or upper edge of the plate. 'At vided with an arm 7a2. This is connected to a
4o this edge of the plate they are narrower than spring 763,. that extends around the holder B’
theyare a short distance behind. Owing to and is fastened to a pin 7a2, which is secured
this lugs ¿5 are formed. The inner or adja to the lens-tube and passes'through a slot
cent sides of the two arms are notched, so that formed `longitudinally in the holder, so that
they may pass by the lugs ¿5 without being en- i the pin can travel through the holder when . IIO
45 gaged by the said lugs; but when the grippers the lens-tube is moved lengthwise> thereof.
come in' contact with these lugs ¿5 they will be The spring 7a2 imparts motion to the plate K2
prevented from moving further with the arms in one direction. The arm 7a2 has also con
I’ toward the recesses provided for said arms nected to 'it a strap or cord 705. This passes
in the side of the cover a', and hence the around the lens-tube land is attached to a x15
5o hooks and the grippers will be separated to pulley 766. This pulley has secured to it an
disengage the plate-holder. The complete other pulley 7t'*,» upon. which a strap 7.a'ï is
disengagement of the hooks from the plate wound and connected. A springt:8 is fastened ‘
holder will be effected by reason of thefreced to the strap or cord 707. The strap or cord 7.”,7
» ing of the arms which are provided with the .extends around suitable guide-pulleys 7a2 and 12o4
55 hooks into the recesses inthe cover, because is fastened to the cover a’. It does not ex
the plateèholder cannot follow them into said tend outside of the camera-body, and hence
recesses. ‘ .
« does not afford any opportunity for the pas
ÑVhen a plate-holder drops from the hooked sage of light into the camera. -It- will be seen>
arms I', it will fall upon a guide J, arranged that the strap or cord 7c5 passes in the reverse x25
6o at the rear of the compartment A3, here shown direction from the spring 7c3, andI hence tends
as consisting of a downwardly and forwardly to move the plates K2-in the opposite direc
extending wi re frame. As the lower edge of tion to that in which it will be moved by the
the plate-holder will strike this first, the plate spring 7c3. When the cover ct’ is raised, the»
holder, in descending, will be given a forward pulleys 7c“ 7c* will be rotated, and thisv willl 13o
65 incline at the lower edge. This will tend to cause the rotation of the plate K'É'againstthe'
direct» it forwardlyrin the compartment A3. resistance of the spring 702. y When theplat'e"` "
The lens-tube .fitted .in aA cylindric ' K2 has been .moved as far as possible >lin this»,v
4 466,335

direction, a detent-lever L10 will engage with case of an ordinary shutter. This shutter,
a notch 7511, formed in the edge or circumfer which can be set without admitting any rays
ence of the plate, and the plate will then be of light, is important in connection with a 70
prevented from returning until such time as camera wherein plate-holders and plates are
the detent-lever shall be disengaged from it. shifted from one place to another and one
A spring 7c12 actuates the detent-lever to en plate is always left exposed to any rays of
gage with the notch. A pin 791.3, extending to light which might enter the lens-tube, be
the outside of the camera-body, serves as a cause it protects the exposed plate during 75
means for moving the detent-lever in the re the setting of the shutter.
IO verse direction to disen gage it from the notch. NV hat l claim as my invention, and desire
If the cover a’ is shutdown immediatelyafter to secure by Letters Patent,is
having set the plate K2, the strap or cord 701 l. The combination, with a photographic
will not be liable to run olf the guide-pulleys camera, of a compartment wherein a plate
71:9, because the spring 7a2 will pull it forward may be exposed,a movable part arranged
and takeup the slack, leaving enough slack above said compartment and fcrmin g a cover
between the spring and the pulley 7c. lVhen therefor, and mechanism connected with said
ever the detent-lever is disengaged from the movable part for removing a plate-holder
plate K2, the latter will be returned to its after exposure, substantially as specified.
original position by thespringki‘. The plate 2. The combination, with a photographic
K2 has an opening 7,314. “Then the plate is camera, of: a compartment wherein a plate
` rotated, this opening k1* will be moved past may be exposed, a movable part arranged
the opening in the diaphragm 7a of the lens above said compartment and forming acover
tube. therefor, a flexible covering extending be 90
Having now fully described the plate K2 tween the said compartment and the said‘i-ß`
movable part, and mechanism combined with
25 and its appurtenances, I will explain the plate said movable part for removing a plate
K’ . This plate is not connected to move in ’
unison with the plate K2. This plate K’ has holder aft-er exposure, substantially as speci
an opening k1“, like the openingk“1 of the plate fied. 95
K2, and this opening 7t15 moves past the opening 3. The combination, with a photographic
camera, of- a compartment wherein a plate
30 in the diaphragm Ít‘ of the lens-tube whenever may be exposed, a movable part arranged
the plate K’ is rotated. The plate K’ has no
motion except what is given to it by the plate ` above said compartment and forming a cover
K2. The plate K’ hasin its edge or circumfer~ therefor, a flexible covering extending be IOO

ence a long notch R16, and the plate K2 has a pin tween the said compartment and the said
movable part, hooks carried by the said mov»
35 7e“ extending rearwardly into the notch 7016 of able part, and mechanism for oscillating said
the plate K’. ÑVhen the plate K2 is moved in
the direction which the strap 7a5 gives to it, hooks upon the imovement of the said mov-'
such plate will not impart any motion to the able part, substantially as specified. 105
plate K2 until it has rotated a considerable 4. The combination, with a photographic
distance and by so doing has caused its pin 7c“ camera, of a compartment wherein a plate
to contact through one end of the notch k1“ may be exposed, a movable part arranged
in the plate K’. This operation is important above said compartment and forming a cover
in that it insures the opening 7,311 of the plate therefor, a flexible covering extending be ITO
K2 being out of line with the opening 7615 of tween the said compartment and the said
movable part, hooks carried by the said mov
45 the plate K’ before the plate K2 imparts any able part, and mechanism comprising a slid
motion to the plate K’. After this ñrst mo->
tion of the plate K2 its further motion im ing rod operated by the movement of the
parts a like motion to the plate K' until the movable part and causing the oscillation of 115
detent engages with the plate K2 and holds the hooks, substantially as specified.
5. The combination, with a photographic
50 it. Owing to this independent motion of the camera, of a compartment wherein a plate
two plates, insuring the adjustment of their
two openings out of line, the shutter, which may be exposed, a movable part arranged
is composed of the two plates, may be set above said compartment and forming a cover
without admitting any light into the camera. therefor, a ilexible covering extending be
ÑVhen the detent-lever is disengaged, the tween the said compartment and the said
plate K2 moves, under the iniluence of the movable part, hooks carried by the said mov
spring 7c3, along until its pin 7e“ reaches the able part, 'a rock-shaft upon which the hooks
other end of the notch k1“ in the plate K’. are mounted, a spring applied to said rock
By this time the opening 7s“ of the plate K2 shaft, and a sliding rod operated by the
is in line with the opening 7615 of the plate movement of the movable part and causing
K’. The continued movement of the plate the oscillation of the hooks, substantially as
K2 under the influence of the spring 7a3 will specified.
be participated in by the plate K', and the 6. The combination, with a photographic 13e
two plates will then move with their open camera, of a compartment wherein a plate
ings 7c“ 7515 in line past the opening in the may be exposed, a movable part arranged
65. diaphragm 7a of the lens-tube. Owing to this above said compartment and forminga cover
:the rays of light will be admitted, as in the therefor, a flexible covering extending bc
466,338 5
tween the said compartment and the said for a portion of the camera, and a shutter
movable part, hooks carried by the said mov having two plates, each provided with an 50
able part, mechanism for oscillating the hooks opening and moved independently, so that in
upon the movement of the said movable part, rotating one way theirk openings will be out
grippers combined with the hooks, and an of line and in rotating the other way their
opener for the grippers, substantially as speci openings will be in line, the said shutter op`
tied. 55
erated by the movable part, substantially as
7. The combination, with a photographic specified.
camera, of y a compartment wherein a plate l2. The combination, with a photographic
IO may be exposed, a movable part arranged
camera, of a compartment wherein a plate is
above said compartment and forming a cover exposed, a movable part arranged above said
therefor, a flexible covering extending be compartment and forming a cover therefor,
tween the, said compartment and the said mechanism combined with said movable part
movable part, hooks carried by the said mov for removing a plate-holder after exposure, a
able part, a rock-shaft upon which the hooks sh utter having two plates, each provided with
are mounted, a spring applied to said rock an opening and moved independently, so that
shaft, a sliding rod operated by the move in _rotating one Way their openings will' be 65
ment of the movable part and causing the out of line and in rotating the other way their
oscillation of the hooks, grippers combined openings will be in line, and a connection be- -
with the hooks, and an opener for said grip tween said shutter and the movable part, lo
pers, substantially as specified. cated above the compartment in which the
8. The combination, with a photographic plates are exposed, substantially as specified. 70
camera, of a compartment for plates to be ex 13. The combination, with a photographic
- posed, a follower or pusher for moving said camera, of amovable part comprisinga cover
25 plates forward, a movable part arranged for a portion of the camera, a shutter com
above said compartment and forming a cover posed cf two plates pivoted to rotate inde
therefor, and mechanism combined with said 75
pendently, each provided with an'opening,
movable part for removing a plate-holder and mechanism, substantially such as de
after exposure, substantially as specified. scribed, whereby they will move independ
f 9. The combination, with a photographic ently, substantially as specified. '
camera, of a compartment for plates to be ex 14C. The combination, in a photographic
posed, a follower or pusher for moving said camera, of a number of independent plates, a
plates forward, a movable part arranged above compartment or receptacle within the camera
said compartment and forming a cover there case for holding said plates to be exposed, a
for, mechanism combined with said movable device'wholly within the camera-case adapted
- part for removing the plate-holder after ex to engage with the upper edge of a plate for
posure, and a `guide for directing a descend Ss
shifting it, a portion of the camera-case con
ing plate-holder forwardly, substantially as structed so as to be free to move up and down
specified. for operating the shifting device, and a re
lO. The combination, with a photographic ceptacle in the rear of the ñrst-named com
camera, of Va movable part forming a cover partment or receptacle, into which the plates 90
for a portion of the camera, the walls of the may be shifted, said receptacle being con
camera having circuits or inlets for the pas structed to be capable of holding all of said
sage of air or the admission of light during the plates, substantially as specified. '
45 operation of the movable part, substantially
as specified. ’ WILLARD H. FULLER.
A1l. The' combination, with a photographic Witnesses:
camera, of a compartment'wherein a plate is JAMES S. GREvEs,
exposed, a movable part comprising a cover WILLIAM H. ROBINSON.

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