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select Name,ID from city LIMIT 3;

SELECT MAX(Population) as População, Name from city;

select SUM(Population) from country;
Select * from city order by Name;
select Continent, Population from country where Continent='Africa' and
Select * from country ORDER BY Name;
Select Code from country where Name='Thailand';
Select COUNT(Name) as NumeroTotalDePaíses from country;
select COUNT(Name) from city where Name like '%Ban%';
DELETE FROM city WHERE Name='Porto';
Select * from city Where Name='Porto';
Delete from city where ID=2915;
select * from city where ID=2915;
select * from city where Name='Porto';
insert into city (ID, Name, CountryCode, District, Population) values ('2915',
'Porto', 'PRT', 'Whatever', '2222');
select * from city where Name='Porto';

UPDATE city SET Population=4444 WHERE ID=2915;

select * from city where Name='Porto';
select * from actor and film;--
select * from actor, film;
select * from payment, rental where payment.customer_id=rental.customer_id;
select payment.*, rental.customer_id from payment, rental where
create database myschool;
use myschool;

create table aluno(

alunoID int primary key, turma_turmaID int, numero int, nome varchar(222), email
varchar (222)
create table disciplina(
disciplinaID int, curso_cursoID int, nome varchar(222), ano int
create table nota(
notaID int, valor int, observaçoes varchar(222), média float
modify aluno drop turma_turmaID;--
ALTER TABLE disciplina DROP COLUMN curso_cursoID;
drop table aluno;
create table aluno(
alunoID int primary key, turma_turmaID int, numero int, nome varchar(222), email
varchar (222)
drop table turma;
create table turma(
turmaID int primary key, nome varchar(222)
drop table curso;create table curso(
cursoID int primary key, area varchar(222)
drop table disciplina;
create table disciplina(
disciplinaID int primary key, nome varchar(222), ano int
drop table nota;
create table nota(
notaID int primary key, valor int, observaçoes varchar(222), média float
drop table disciplina;
create table disciplina(
disciplinaID int primary key, nome varchar(222), ano int
O_Id int NOT NULL,
OrderNo int NOT NULL,
P_Id int,

alter table aluno add column foreign key();--

drop table aluno;
create table aluno(
alunoID int primary key, numero int, nome varchar(222), email varchar (222)
alter table aluno add column foreign key (turmaID) references turma(turmaID);--

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