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set h [exec sh -c {perl -e 'my $y=`ls`;'}]

Convert all gz files to non gz files

ls | perl -ne ' if ((/(.*)\.gz/) & !(/strm/)) {chomp($_) ;print "mv $_ $1 \n " ;}' | source /dev/stdin

Gunzip all the files

ls | perl -ne ' if ((/(.*)\.gz/) & !(/strm/)) {chomp($_) ;print "gunzip $_ \n " ;}' | source /dev/stdin

perl -pi -e 's/^ATOPTECHVER .*/ATOPTECHVER = AP_15.02.rel.3\nSTARRCXTVER = 2012.12-

SP3\nEXTREMEDAVER = goldtime-2011.12-patch-25170/' Makefile.local

perl -pi -e 's,PREVIOUS_GDS .*,PREVIOUS_GDS =

m4349_top_no_foundry.strm.gz,' Makefile.local

cd scripts/atop

ls | perl -ne ' if ((/(.*)\.gz/) & !(/strm/)) {chomp($_) ;print "gunzip $_ \n " ;}' | source /dev/stdin

cd touch

ls | perl -ne ' if ((/(.*)\.gz/) & !(/strm/)) {chomp($_) ;print "gunzip $_ \n " ;}' | source /dev/stdin

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