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1.1 Background of the study

The use of social networking sites has both positive and negative consequences. It is amazing
how someone can find a long-lost friend through a social networking site, enabling them to
reconnect. In a society where people have become quite mobile and family and friends are often
geographically separated, it is convenient to keep in touch through technology.

We use technology for almost everything and have come to rely on it heavily. It has taken the
place of alarm clocks, music players, computers, televisions, and even face-to-face
communication. It has changed the way we communicate with each other, making it less
personal than ever before. Adults are quickly losing social and communication skills while many
children are never learning those skills in the first place (Luscombe 2014). The quality of our
communication as a society has declined greatly due to technology.

The problems of the Decline of Communication Due to Technology:

and mobile devices allow users to stay connected even when away from their computers. While
this can be a great benefit, especially in emergencies, it can also be a dangerous distraction.
Hundreds of thousands of people suffer injuries every year in accidents involving a distracted
driver, and texting and cell phone use are primary sources of distraction behind the wheel. While
it may only take a driver a few seconds to read a text message, during that time his vehicle could
travel the length of a football field without his eyes on the road. Technology can also be a
distraction at home or in the office, as always-present instant messaging applications and social
networks can draw a user's attention away from more important matters.

Technology can create elaborate social networks online, but these can unexpectedly lead to
social isolation. In some cases, communicating online replaces face-to-face interaction for users,
reducing the amount of time they actually spend in the company of other human beings. In
addition, these social networks sometimes replace a small number of strong social connections
with a larger number of much shallower connections, leading to situations where a user may
have large numbers of "friends" but few actual real-world companions

General Objectives Specific objectives

The major aim of the study is to examine the declining communication due to technology and its
impact sides.Other specific objectives of the study include;

1. To examine the level of the advantage and disadvantage of declining communication due
to technology.
2. To examine the relationship between communication and humans .
3. How communication technology becames something necessary in our life.
4. To examine how our society becames rely on technology and to know why they spend
more time using it.
5. Finally to know how to reduce about the negative side of declining communication due to

Specific objectives

 To explore the impact of social media on people’s relationships, especially the family,
gender, intimate relationships and friendships.
 To examine how social media has impacted upon key issues such as politics and privacy.
 To explore the way social media has been used within institutions such as education,
commerce, the state and religion.
 To consider the current state of the 'digital divide' and how social media relates to the
problems of low income populations and their welfare.
 To provide insights on what an in-depth ethnographic study of social media might bring
to social science more generally.


2.1 Concepts,ideas,opinion from authors/expert.

1 Technology
Technology is something created by human that can make easier our work or almost solve
problems we have. Of course, Technology brings people far away from another people closer to
one another, we used technology appremoxely anything and have play important in our daily
routine. In addition, it has replaced the position of alarm clocks, music players, computers,
televisions; face to face communications as well.

Since technology has started , the number of worldwide internet users has increased from
specific users to more than as it expected. As usually as we use technology, there’s no doubt
that it has an astonishing impact on society. Exactly, there are be positive in fluencies, as that
technology has totally revolutionized the way we do almost everything these days, but one of
these impacts, unfortunately, seems to be primarily negative; the decline of communication
due to technology.

Another popular form of communication technology includes sending and receiving messages
through social media place like WhatsApp and Facebook wich is ready becoming another cover
for verbal communication . Like texting, over four billion messages are sent via facebook daily
[Estman 2013]. Moreover, more than five billion photos are uploaded to Instagram every day
and they acquired over fifty million users in two years; within six months, they saw an increase
in visitors by over 700 [Eastman 2014].

The enjoyment of a cup of tea and a texting with a friend the doesn’t make a sense but it
might be lost forever.
The impact of technology on communication technology has evolved throughout the years in
various forms we all need that the advancement of knowledge to make life easier efficient and
more effective as human in tractions is concerned good communication is to key to successful
relationships technology doesn’t automatically equal to good relations regardless of how
closely it connects the communication of the whole world.

But here we are, year 2017, and the situation looks completely different. Today’s society is
privileged with several free services accessible for anyone with a smart phone, to communicate
with anyone, anywhere. To access information is just as simple, all of them are thankful in
internet. On the other hand, communication with people from other countries or states, wasn’t
only complicated but also extremely expensive. Making a long distance call was a time-
consuming process and the reception wasn’t anything ti cheer for.

This new technology has completely changed the way we communicate. It’s changed just about
everything about us. Altering our very culture; it’s changed the way we engage with one
another, the way we market brands and ourselves. To all of us it seems like these applications
have been around for quite some time, but they’re fairly new. We have became so wrapped
up with new technology that we have pretty much forget how to engage and interact with
each other face-to-face. This is a growing fact in the world in the world today that we simply
can’t ignore.

It’s really small amount of scary whether you ask me. Why?

As we know, Most of these huge network and communities won’t just stop growing; Face book
is the most famous in technology
All of these characteristics are unique for the internet where the concept and purpose of it is to
connect, communicate and inform. Somehow it feels like today’s society has taken the cyber
world too far and our usage of internet is damaging everyday contact and interpersonal
communication. As internet progressed over the years, a new world phenomenon has been
born and social media saw its first rays of light.

It is close to impossible to meet someone today that has managed to dodge the attraction from
networks such as Face book or twitter. Social media has many different amazing features but it
also doesn’t come with high price.

In fact, people from many generations use these networks every day, but it slowly taken over
their real life .There are numerous stories neglected children that are struggling with parents
who would rather update their face book page then pay attention to their own flesh and blood.

Of course, using social media is a great way to keep in touch with a friends and family; we can
attach media , use emoticons and more . It adds


3.1 Research Objectives

This study will adopt quantitative and qualitative approach and descriptive survey design, since
it involves a large sample and descriptive comparative design that going to describe the degree
of effect of declining communication. It simply describes the phenomenon or situation under
study and its characteristics, and this methods commonly used in descriptive research for all
these kinds of survey.

3.2 Research population

The study carried out target population of mainly of different kinds of connected internet in
Hargeisa district in somaliland, since the net users are very large population we tried to select
four specific areas, which are separated used public and private while we are selecting two
public sectors [ UOH AND GOLIS University. Specially telecommunication and ICT
University] and two other


4.1 Introduction
This study looks at discussions and summary of the findings based on the objectives,
conclusions and recommendations of the study and suggested areas of further research.

4.2 Discussion of findings

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