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Section 2

Survey (online and physical data collection)

1. A relevant Questionnaire and Online Survey was done to identify participant’s attitudes and level
of awareness regarding Nutrition Water available currently in the market.

2. It helped identify existing participants need with respect to Nutrition benefit water, options
accessible in the market and helped to formulate a suitable marketing mix.

3. Through online survey we could collect information, which will, helped us establish clear and
effective marketing strategies for implementation of the product. In addition, factors that influence
the purchase decision and select a preferable Distribution channels to target the potential
participants. Moreover, the value participants would place on the product

4. Online survey helped us obtained the exact figures of what percentage of people are willing to
buy a health benefit drinks the questionnaire consisted of questions regarding how did the
participants know about nutrition drinks and how often are the used to consuming nutrition drinks.

5. Also to know the level of competition from other brands and what is the unique selling
preposition of other brands in the market. About the availability of the products, we could
understand how we are supposed to distribute and market our product.

6. The questionnaire also help us understand other factors that a new age participants wants to in
like usage of all organic ingredients, quality of packaging and the customization and assortment the
participants demands. We also understood the overall brand image so fit as a brand holds and the
product quality it needs to deliver.

Survey results:

1. 103 people participated in our survey in which 37 were female and 66 were male.
2. 98.1% of our participants says they are health conscious.
3. 96.1% of participants have listened about Infused water and all of them thinks that they are
4. 94.2% of participants knows the health benefits of Infused water
5. 12.6% makes it at home (which will take at least a whole day to get infuse) and 59.2% want
to purchase it and would wait for 4-5 min to get the vegetable or fruits are infused.
6. The taste and choice of participants were 18.4% wants Vegetable infused, 16.5% voted for
Fruits, 10.7% voted for Herbs and 54.4% for Mixture of any of the above.
7. 54.2% want this to be available in Retail stores, 16.5% in Cafeteria, 29.1% in fitness centres
and 7.8% in Schools and Colleges.
8. The price range the highest number of people are willing to pay is between INR 20-30 were
9. If we provide them USE & THROW BAGS, of infused fruits and vegetable as if a tea bag then
70.9% says Yes 20.4% says may be and 8.7% says No for the purchase of product.
10. 90.3% participants think that this type of product should come to the market.
11. The range of participants were 12 to 51 years.
Focused group
1. The focused group’s age range between 18 to 25 years.
2. We had the discussion for 15 minutes.
3. A focused group discussion was conducted with three major segments like millennials,
women and athletes to understand customer perception according to the groups and add
more qualitative value to the research.
4. To gain an in depth understanding of consumer behaviour and to how it affects their
consumption patterns.
5. To identify on a root level segment wise how the customer is willing to switch for unhealthy
drinks towards healthy lifestyle and their readiness to pay for the product.


Infused water Focused group results: As per the segments targeted for the research i.e. millennials,
women, athletes the overall outcome we obtained is as follows:

1. Millennials:
• For Millennials convenience and less time-consuming product are the top most priority. They
are inclining towards a healthy and balanced lifestyle
• Women and Men of the same age group also have different motivations to consume
nutritional drink. While both want to be healthy and look fit, men usually eat to substitute
working out and women for weight management and therefore they would replace carbonated
• Mostly Millennials purchase nutritional drinks from the nearby grocery stores. In this highly
competitive market, they tend to easily switch brands or products to try something new as they
constantly look for the next best thing. They are highly guided by social media on what to
consume and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle
• Millennials priorities nutritional value, taste and brand reputation over packaging and portion
size. They are willing to pay a premium for health benefits of a product

2. Women:
• We have found that 90% of the participating women have consumed homemade nutrition
drinks or at least tried them majorly for weight management and fitness.
• After the discussion we have concluded that the most important aspect for women is
nutritional value and quality of the ingredients.
• And women are more specific about the price and want it in a pocket friendly budget. Taste is
partially important as they consume it for the fitness aspect.

3. Athletes:
• 40% participant thinks that nutritional drinks contain sugar in it to taste good. This group of
people look keenly at the nutritional value a product has to offers.
• 90% would prefer to consume Infused water because it will be easily available to them and
priced too low.
1. Specially focused to take the feedback of kids and teenagers.
2. To gain an in depth understanding of consumer behaviour and to how it affects their
consumption patterns.

• Taste was a number one priority for kids followed by Quality.
• 33% do not indulge in healthy food, as they perceive it to be bland and boring.
• 100% agreed on chocolate being their favourite.
• Teenagers are on pocket money and for kids their parents buy their beverages.
• Kids do not consider organic ingredients as a criterion for their purchase.

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