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Computers & Geosciences 45 (2012) 52–56

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Short note

Visualizing structural geology: From Excel to Google Earth

T.G. Blenkinsop n
School of Earth and Environmental Science, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4812, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:
Received 12 January 2012
Received in revised form
2 March 2012
Accepted 6 March 2012
Available online 18 March 2012

Virtual globe
Structural geology
Google Earth

1. Introduction latitude and longitude), and orientations of structures such as

bedding, foliation and lineation.
Virtual globes are outstandingly useful for visualizing struc- This short note presents an Excel workbook that converts field
tural geology (e.g. McCaffrey et al., 2008; Simpson and De Paor, data into a KML document via a Visual Basic for Applications
2009; Whitmeyer et al., 2009, 2010; De Paor and Whitmeyer, macro. The KML document uses a new method for visualizing the
2011). Virtual globes can combine displays of geology and structural data, which may be understood more intuitively than
topography, allow rapid changes of scale and view point, and conventional map symbols in the 3D environment of a virtual
can easily integrate other digital data such as outcrop photo- globe. The spreadsheet is called S2K (Structures to KML), available
graphs (Whitmeyer et al., 2010). Virtual globes are also very in two versions (Appendix A). S2K.xlsm works with Excel 2011 for
effective for teaching structural geology (Tewksbury and Macintosh and Windows, while S2K.xls works for Excel 2007 for
Tewksbury, 2009), partly because they give more intuitive views Windows and Excel 2004 for Macintosh.
of geology than traditional maps. Keyhole Markup Language
(KML) allows users of virtual globes to visualize and manipulate
2. Example: the Mary Kathleen synform, Mount Isa Inlier
spatial data without having to learn or purchase more sophisti-
cated GIS packages (Bailey and Chen, 2011).
The Mary Kathleen synform, in the Mount Isa Inlier, is a km
Structural data acquired digitally are compiled in databases,
scale, tight, fold of early Proterozoic Corella Formation metasedi-
spreadsheet or workbook. Data from traditional mapping techni-
mentary rocks (biotite schists, laminated calcsilicates, and
ques are also usually transcribed from hand-written notes
marbles) and skarns, with secondary structures that include
or maps into a spreadsheet, used for subsequent digital map
minor folds, hinge surface parallel cleavage. The fold plunges
creation and/or stereoplotting. Most, if not all, structural geolo-
gently NW with an upright hinge surface (Fig. 1), and most
gists therefore have spreadsheets containing structural data
probably formed during the second deformation event (D2) of
(perhaps including data collected in the pre-digital era), which are
the Isan orogeny (Oliver et al., 1991). Exposure is good, there is
typically organized by rows corresponding to observation points and
significant topography, and the area has an excellent Google Earth
columns containing location information (UTM coordinates or
aerial image and DTM. The synform therefore furnishes a useful
illustration of the advantages of visualizing structure as proposed
here. The figures in this note are taken from an area of
2 km  2 km that shows the hinge and limbs of the Mary Kathleen
Tel.: þ61 7 47814318; fax: þ61 7 4781 5581. synform. The data shown are a subset of a larger database and
E-mail address: illustrate only the basic structure.

0098-3004/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.G. Blenkinsop / Computers & Geosciences 45 (2012) 52–56 53

Fig. 1. Overview of the structure of the Mary Kathleen synform, shown by symbols to represent bedding, schistosity, intersection lineations, fold hinge surfaces, fold
hinges, and mylonitic foliations and lineations. Screen overlays show key and stereoplot from jpg files.

Fig. 2. (a) Library of symbols available to S2K. Planar structures can be directly represented by rectangular, disc and hexagon shaped sheets, or by conventional dip and
strike symbols. Linear structures are represented by cylinders and pencil shapes. (b) Colours available in the library.

3. Visualizing structural data in virtual globes useful default value for km scale folding mapped on a scale of
Whitmeyer et al. (2010) suggested the use of rotating 3D A library of symbols provided with the S2K workbook includes
structural symbols for representing orientations of planar struc- rectangles, discs and hexagons, as well as conventional bedding
tures. These are readily appreciated by any geologist with map- and foliation strike marks, for planar data, and cylinders and
ping experience, and an online orientation symbol generator is prisms for linear data (Fig. 2). All models have been created in a
available (Whitmeyer, 2012). The alternative presented here is a range of Apple colours (Fig. 2). Experience suggests that colour
more direct representation of planar structures as planar symbols, selection should complement the background colour light in the
and linear structures as cylinders or prisms (Fig. 2; Karabinos, Google Earth image: light colours for dark images and vice versa.
2010). Sheets with a visible thickness show the planar features Each model can be displayed at a variable height above ground,
clearly from above even when they have a vertical dip. This set by the height parameter. Models that show rectangles emer-
representation may be more intuitively understood by novices. ging from the ground are particularly effective for understanding
The symbols used here were created in Google Sketch Up, (cf. the relation between topography and geological surfaces (Fig. 3).
Whitmeyer et al., 2010; De Paor and Whitmeyer, 2011). The Combinations of colours and symbols can be used to represent
models have long dimensions of 10–15 m: this seems appropriate different types of structures, rock types or structural domains.
to represent the scale of outcrops. A scale parameter is provided When two planar surfaces are plotted at the same locality
in S2K to adjust the size of these symbols. A scale factor of 10 is a (e.g. bedding, cleavage), the two symbols intersect each other,
54 T.G. Blenkinsop / Computers & Geosciences 45 (2012) 52–56

Fig. 3. Eastern limb of the Mary Kathleen synform, showing how planes emerging from the ground convey structural orientations graphically. White planes are bedding,
maraschino planes are S2 Schistosity, and red thin pencils are measured bedding/schistosity intersections. Note clockwise schistosity vergence (red planes must be rotated
clockwise to become parallel to white planes). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 4. Western limb of Mary Kathleen synform. Symbols as above with sky coloured planes and lines representing the hinge surfaces and hinges of small-scale folds. Note
measured bedding/schistosity intersections (maraschino thin pencils) are parallel to intersections of bedding (white) and schistosity (maraschino) planes; measured fold
hinges (sky pencils) are also parallel to this direction, and the hinge surface (sky rectangle) is parallel to the measured schistosity. Cleavage vergence is anticlockwise on
this limb of the fold. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

making their line of intersection readily visible (Figs. 3 and 4). S2K can create a KML document from multiple types of structural
Measured small-scale fold hinges in the Mary Kathleen synform data, like the online symbol generator of Whitmeyer (2012). One
example are also parallel to this direction, and fold hinge surfaces advantage of S2K is that the intermediate step of copying and pasting
are parallel to the schistosity. The change in cleavage vergence text that is output to a web page into a new file, required in the
from clockwise on the east limb to anticlockwise on the west limb online symbol generator, is omitted. On the other hand, S2K does
is clearly visible in the example from comparing Figs. 3 and 4. The require downloading and becoming familiar with the spreadsheet,
consistency of measurements can be evaluated and used for which is more demanding than using the exceptionally simple
structural interpretation: in this case all the structures are interface of the online generator. Equally, a spreadsheet approach
consistent with the formation of a synclinal synform in a single such as S2K requires a specific piece of software (Excel in a macro-
deformation event (D2), except for some enigmatic younging enabled version), in comparison to the online option that requires
indicators on the east limb of the fold. only a web browser, and is not machine-specific.
T.G. Blenkinsop / Computers & Geosciences 45 (2012) 52–56 55

4. Data input corresponding to each measurement. Orientation is given as Dip

Azimuth (azimuth of the down dip direction) and Dip for planar
Structural data is entered into the S2K Excel workbook, which data, and Trend and Plunge for linear data. The colour and type of
is arranged in a typical format that any structural geologist might symbol are chosen via drop down menus that read from a list in a
use to record field data (Fig. 5). Data can be entered in up to 10 Selection worksheet, which is hidden in the S2K workbook. The
worksheets: different worksheets could be used for structural type of symbol is used to discriminate between planar and linear
domains and/or rock types. The name of the data set is entered data. A younging arrow is provided that points in the horizontal
into cell B1 in each worksheet: this name appears as a folder title direction of increasingly younger strata, entered as an azimuth.
in the KML document. The first four columns are the UTM
coordinates and the latitude and longitude. Only the latter pair
of coordinates, in decimal degrees, is required by Google Earth 5. Creating the kmz document with S2K
and S2K, so they must be present for any row of data to be
represented. Many ways are available on the web and through GIS The Visual Basic code, contained in the macro ‘‘KMLCreator’’,
software to convert from UTM to Geographic coordinates simply places the necessary KML code to represent the chosen
(e.g. Dutch, 2011; Geoscience Australia, 2011). Google Earth uses colours and symbols in their correct orientation into a KML
the WGS84 datum, and any coordinate transformation must be document (Fig. 6). The KML document name is automatically
effected with this datum. created as the name of the Excel spreadsheet, with the .xlms
Each pair of columns following the coordinates records orien- or .xls suffix replaced by .kml. The KML document is saved into
tation data for a particular structure. The name of the structure is the currently active folder.
entered at the head of the second of the pair of columns (Fig. 5): Within the KML document, folders are created for each work-
this name becomes the name of a folder that contains symbols sheet, named after the entry in cell B1. Each folder in the

Fig. 5. Data entry in S2K, showing a typical worksheet. Bold black borders denote cells in which symbols or names are entered. The drop-down list of colours is shown.

Fig. 6. Structure of the kmz document created by S2K. (a) The document consists of folders corresponding to each worksheet. Folders contain subfolders corresponding to
each structure. Each datum is numbered by the row in the spreadsheet. (b) Example from the Mary Kathleen synform.
56 T.G. Blenkinsop / Computers & Geosciences 45 (2012) 52–56

worksheets contains symbols for the data from each pair of Appendix A. Supporting information
columns (Figs. 5 and 6). Each structural observation is labelled
as the type of structure, followed by its row number in the Supplementary data associated with this article can be found
worksheet: these numbers could be used as identifiers for the in the online version at
stations from which the data came, since they are not consecu- 007.
tive, but increment to include rows that do not have data in that
particular column. If the check boxes in row 1, columns H and J on
the first worksheet are set to Yes, the macro reads files called References
‘‘Stereoplot.jpg’’ and ‘‘Key.jpg’’ if they are provided in the desktop
folder, and makes them into screen overlays (Fig. 1). Bailey, J.E., Chen, A., 2011. The role of virtual globes in geoscience. Computers and
Geosciences 37, 1–2.
The programme is executed by opening the visual basic editor De Paor, D., Whitmeyer, S.J., 2011. Geological and geophysical modelling on virtual
under the Tools-Macro menu, and choosing KMLCreator as the globes using KML, COLLADA, and Javascript. Computers and Geosciences 37,
macro to be run. The S2K folder must contain the symbol folder 100–110.
Dutch, S., 2011. Converting UTM to Latitude and Longitude (Or Vice Versa),
(Symbols) and the Stereoplot.jpg and Key.jpg files if used. The S2K / (accessed
folder supplied with this short note contains two versions of S2K: 12.01.12).
S2K.xlsm works with Excel 2011 for Macintosh and Windows, Geoscience Australia, 2011. Geodetic Calculation Methods, /
while S2K.xls works for Excel 2007 for Windows and Excel 2004
htmlS (accessed 12.01.12).
for Macintosh. The folder also contains the example document Karabinos, P., 2010. Adding structures to 3-D geologic maps. (Geological Society of
used in this paper, MaryKathleenExample.kmz, and the source America, 2010 Annual Meeting, Anonymous) Abstracts with Programs –
files for the Symbols in the folder SketchUpModels. S2KReadMe Geological Society of America – November 2010, vol. 42(5), p. 421 (Geological
Society of America, 2010 Annual Meeting, Anonymous).
contains more detailed instructions about running the macro. McCaffrey, K.J.W., Feely, M., Hennessy, R., Thompson, J., 2008. Visualization of
More information and updates will be posted on /https:// folding in marble outcrops, Connemara, western Ireland: an application of virtual outcrop technology. Geosphere 4, 588–599.
Oliver, N.H.S., Holcombe, R.J., Hill, E.J., Pearson, P.J., 1991. Tectonometamorphic
evolution of the Mary Kathleen Fold Belt, northwest Queensland: a reflection
of mantle plume processes? Australian Journal of Earth Science 38, 425–455.
6. Conclusion Simpson, C., De Paor, D.G., 2009. Restoring maps and memoirs to four-dimensional
space using virtual globe technology: a case study from the Scottish High-
Virtual globes are becoming a standard way to visualize lands. In: Law, R.D., Butler, R.W.H., Holdsworth, R.E., Krabbendam, M.,
Strachan, R.A. (Eds.), Continental Tectonics and Mountain Building: The Legacy
structural data. S2K is a macro-enabled Excel workbook with a
of Peach and Horne, 335. Geological Society of London Special Publication,
Visual Basic macro for creating a KML document to be used in a pp. 427–439.
virtual globe, which draws upon a library of symbols to enable Tewksbury, D.A., Tewksbury, B., 2009. Teaching geologic map interpretation using
rapid and intuitive visualization of structural geology in Google Google Earth. Abstracts with Programs—Geological Society of America,
vol. 41(7), p. 384.
Earth. The simplicity of the data input and file creation, combined Whitmeyer, S.J., 2012. Orientation Symbol Generator, /
with the widespread use of Excel and Google Earth, should make lab/Whitmeyer/web/visuals/GoogleEarth/tools/SD.htmlS (accessed 10.02.12).
this workbook widely applicable. The library of structural models Whitmeyer, S.J., Feely, M., De Paor, D.G., Hennessy, R., Whitmeyer, S., Nicoletti, J.,
et al., 2009. Visualization techniques in field geology education: modern
can easily be expanded to encompass less common symbols—or
pedagogy and original research in Western Ireland. In: Whitmeyer, S.J., Mogk,
adapted for representing other types of spatial data entirely. D., Pyle, E.J. (Eds.), Field Geology Education: Historical Perspectives and
Modern Approaches, 461. Geological Society of America Special, pp. 105–116.
Whitmeyer, S.J., Nicoletti, J., De Paor, D.G., 2010. The digital revolution in geologic
Acknowledgement mapping. GSA Today: A Publication of the Geological Society of America,
vol. 20, doi:10.1130/GSATG70A.1.

Joao Babo, Rob Holm and Mark Munro are thanked for
testing S2K.

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