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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ‫اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ اﻟﺴﻌﻮدﻳﺔ‬

KING SAUD UNIVERSITY ‫ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﻤﻠﻚ ﺳﻌﻮد‬

Deanship of Scientific Research ‫ﻋﻤﺎدة اﻟﺒﺤﺚ اﻟﻌﻠﻤﻲ‬


Temperature Effects on Polyethylene (HDPE)

and Fiberglass (GRP) Pipes.

Professor H. A. Alawaji
Civil Engineering

Temperature effects on deformation of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Fiberglass

(GRP) pipes are investigated. Pipe load tests and Nonlinear Finite elements analysis are

employed to investigate temperature effects on pipes buried in embankments. The testing

program consists of exposing HDPE & GRP ring pipe samples to water heated to prescribed

temperatures then loading up to 10% vertical deflection. Four temperatures of 30, 40, 50, 60,

and 70o C covering the range of operating field conditions in arid lands are considered.

Experimental results show that, deformation modulus of pipes decreases linearly with

increasing temperature. Due to temperature increase from 30 to 70o C, deformation modulus

decreased 62%. Numerical analysis is conducted to simulate temperature effects on buried

pipes in sand embankments. Staged Nonlinear finite element analysis program (Z_Soil) is

employed. Pipe springline deflection increases as soil density decreases and temperature

increases but pipe performance remains within acceptable limit of 3-5%. In practice, HDPE

and Fiberglass pipes are cost effective and efficient alternative for buried applications in arid

lands even under high temperature up to 70o C.


High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Fiberglass (GRP) pipelines form an important part of
infrastructures that is necessary for major industrial, desalination, and water transmissions
activities. Increasing cost and severe technical difficulties associated with protected steel and
concrete pipes are increasingly forcing engineers to consider HDPE and GRP alternatives
pipes. To account for operational and environmental conditions, temperature effects on load
deformation characteristics of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Fiberglass (GRP) pipes
are investigated. The testing program consists of exposing HDPE & GRP ring pipe samples to
water heated to prescribed temperatures in large test box. Four temperatures of 30, 40, 50, 60,
and 70o C covering the range of operating field conditions in arid lands is considered. After
one day heating, line load has been applied diametrically at constant rate of 1-2 mm/min up to
10% deflection under constant prescribed temperature. Experimental results show that,
deformation modulus of pipes decreases linearly with increasing temperature. Due to
temperature increase from 30 to 70o C, deformation modulus decreased 62%. Numerical
analysis is conducted to simulate temperature effects on buried pipes in sand embankments.
Staged Nonlinear finite element analysis program (Z_Soil) is employed. Medium sand and
dense sand materials were used for pipe's backfilling and cover in embankment construction
procedure. Surface pressure as well as pipe internal pressure is considered in simulating
operation condition. Imposed stresses distribution and deformation response are determined
for selected pipes at various temperatures. Results show that pipe springline deflection
increases as soil density decreases and temperature increases but pipe performance remains
within acceptable limit of 3-5%. Further results indicate the significant of construction
procedure and the importance of actual pipe and backfill in-situ materials parameters. With
proper installation procedure and adequate backfill material quality, Fiberglass and
Polyethylene pipes are found to be cost effective and reliable alternatives in buried
applications under temperature in the range of 30 to 70o C. Proper in-situ evaluation of
backfill and cover soil's stiffness and engineering properties coupled with instrumented pipe
load tests can lead to efficient evaluation and proper design of buried flexible pipes.

Key words: Fiberglass Pipes, Polyethylene Pipes, Sand, FEM, Pipe-Soil Contact, Deflection,

‫ﻣﻠﺨﺺ ﻣﺨﺘﺼﺮ ﻋﻦ اﻟﺒﺤﺚ‬

‫هﺬا اﻟﻤﺸﺮوع ﻟﺪراﺳ ﺔ ﺗ ﺎﺛﻴﺮ اﻟﺤ ﺮارة ﻋﻠ ﻰ ﺗ ﺸﻜﻞ وﺳ ﻠﻮك أﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ اﻟﺒ ﻮﻟﻴﺜﻠﻴﻦ ﻋ ﺎﻟﻰ اﻟﻜﺜﺎﻓ ﺔ )‪ (HDPE‬واﻟﻔﻴﺒ ﺮﻗﻼس‬
‫)‪ (GRP‬اﻟﻤﻄﻤﻮرة ﺗﺤﺖ ﺳﻄﺢ اﻻرض‪ .‬أﺟﺮﻳﺖ ﺗﺠﺎرب ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻞ اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ ﻓ ﻰ اﻟﻤﻌﻤ ﻞ واﺳ ﺘﺨﺪﻣﺖ ﻃﺮﻳﻘ ﺔ اﻟﺘﺤﻠﻴ ﻞ‬
‫اﻟﻌ ﺪدي ﺑﺎﺳ ﺘﺨﺪام اﻟﻌﻨﺎﺻ ﺮ اﻟﻤﺤ ﺪودة اﻟﻐﻴ ﺮ ﺧﻄﻴ ﺔ ﻟﺘﺤﺪﻳ ﺪ اﺛ ﺮ اﻟﺤ ﺮارة ﻋﻠ ﻰ اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ اﻟﻤﻄﻤ ﻮرة ﺗﺤ ﺖ ﺳ ﻄﺢ‬
‫اﻻرض‪ .‬ﺗﻢ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﻌﻤﻞ ﻏﻤﺮ اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎء ﻋﻨﺪ درﺟﺎت ﺣﺮارة ﺗﺸﻤﻞ ‪ 70 ،60 ،50 ،40 ،30‬درﺟﺔ ﻣﺌﻮﻳﺔ ﺛ ﻢ‬
‫ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻠﻬﺎ ﺣﺘﻰ ﺗﺸﻜﻞ ﻗ ﺪرة ‪ %10‬ﻣ ﻦ اﻟﻘﻄ ﺮ‪ .‬وﺗ ﻢ ﻗﻴ ﺎس ﺗﻐﻴ ﺮ ﻣﻌﺎﻣ ﻞ اﻟﺘ ﺸﻜﻞ‪ ،‬وإﺟﻬ ﺎد اﻟﺨ ﻀﻮع‪ ،‬واﻟﺘ ﺸﻜﻞ اﻟﻐﻴ ﺮ‬
‫ﻣﺮن ﻓﻲ هﺬة اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ ﻋﻨﺪ درﺟﺎت ﺣﺮارة ﻣﺤﺪدة‪ .‬وﺿﺤﺖ ﻧﺘﺎﺋﺞ اﻻﺧﺘﺒﺎرات ﺗﻨﺎﻗﺺ ﺧﻄﻲ ﻟﻘﻴﻤ ﺔ ﻣﻌﺎﻣ ﻞ اﻟﺘ ﺸﻜﻞ‬
‫ﻟﻼﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ ﻣﻊ زﻳﺎدة درﺟﺔ اﻟﺤﺮارة‪ .‬ﻧﺘﻴﺠﺔ زﻳﺎدة درﺟ ﺔ اﻟﺤ ﺮارة ﻣ ﻦ ‪ 30‬اﻟ ﻰ ‪ o70‬م‪ ،‬ﻧﻘ ﺺ ﻣﻌﺎﻣ ﻞ اﻟﺘ ﺸﻜﻞ ﺑﻤﻘ ﺪار‬
‫‪ .%62‬واﺳﺘﺨﺪم اﻟﺤﺎﺳ ﺐ اﻻﻟ ﻲ واﻟﺘﺤﻠﻴ ﻞ اﻟﻌ ﺪدي ﻟﻤﺤﺎآ ﺎة ردم اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ واﻟﺘﺤﻤﻴ ﻞ ﻓ ﻮق ﺳ ﻄﺢ اﻻرض واﻟ ﻀﻐﻂ‬
‫داﺧﻞ اﻻﻧﺒﻮب ﻋﻨﺪ درﺟﺎت ﺣﺮارة ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ‪ .‬ﺗ ﺸﻜﻞ اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ اﻻﻓﻘ ﻲ ﻳ ﺰداد ﻣ ﻊ ﻧﻘ ﺺ آﺜﺎﻓ ﺔ اﻟﺘﺮﺑ ﺔ وﻣﻌﺎﻣ ﻞ اﻟﺘ ﺸﻜﻞ‬
‫اﻟﺤﻘﻠﻲ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑﺔ وزﻳ ﺎدة درﺟ ﺔ اﻟﺤ ﺮارة‪ ،‬ﻟﻜ ﻦ ﺗ ﺸﻜﻞ اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ ﻳﺒﻘ ﻰ ﻓ ﻲ اﻟﺤ ﺪود اﻟﻤ ﺴﻤﻮﺣﺔ اﻗ ﻞ ﻣ ﻦ ‪ . %5-3‬ﺗﺆآ ﺪ‬
‫اﻟﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞ اﻣﻜﺎﻧﻴﺔ اﺳﺘﺨﺪام اﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ اﻟﺒﻮﻟﻴﺜﻠﻴﻦ ﻋﺎﻟﻰ اﻟﻜﺜﺎﻓﺔ واﻟﻔﻴﺒﺮﻗﻼس آﺒﺪاﺋﻞ اﻗﺘﺼﺎدﻳﺔ وذات آﻔﺎﺋﺔ ﻋﺎﻟﻴ ﺔ ﻟﻼﻏ ﺮاض‬
‫واﻟﺘﻄﺒﻴﻘﺎت اﻟﻤﻄﻤﻮرة ﺗﺤﺖ ﺳﻄﺢ اﻻرض ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﻨﺎﻃﻖ اﻟﺼﺤﺮاوﻳﺔ ﺗﺤﺖ درﺟﺎت ﺣﺮارة ﻋﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺣﺪود ‪ o70‬م‪.‬‬

‫ﻣﻠﺨﺺ ﻋﻦ اﻟﺒﺤﺚ‬

‫ﺗﻌﺘﺒ ﺮ أﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ اﻟﺒ ﻮﻟﻴﺜﻠﻴﻦ ﻋ ﺎﻟﻰ اﻟﻜﺜﺎﻓ ﺔ )‪ (HDPE‬واﻟﻔﻴﺒ ﺮﻗﻼس )‪ (GRP‬ﻣ ﻦ أه ﻢ ﺟ ﺰاء اﻟﺒﻨﺒ ﺔ اﻟﺘﺤﺘﻴ ﺔ اﻟ ﻀﺮورﻳﺔ‬
‫ﻟﺠﻤﻴﻊ اﻟﺼﻨﺎﻋﺎت اﻻﺳﺎﺳﻴﺔ ﻣﺜﻞ ﻣﺠﻤﻌ ﺎت ﺳ ﺎﺑﻚ واﻟﺠﺒﻴ ﻞ وﻳﻨﺒ ﻊ وأراﻣﻜ ﻮ وﻏﻴﺮه ﺎ ﻣ ﻦ أﻋﻤ ﺎل اﺳ ﺘﺨﺮاج اﻟﺒﺘ ﺮول‬
‫واﻟﻐ ﺎز‪ .‬إن زﻳ ﺎد اﻟﺒ ﻮﻟﻴﺜﻠﻴﻦ ﻋ ﺎﻟﻰ اﻟﻜﺜﺎﻓ ﺔ )‪ (HDPE‬واﻟﻔﻴﺒ ﺮﻗﻼس ‪ (GRP‬ة ﺗﻜ ﺎﻟﻴﻒ وﺗﻌﻘ ﺪ اﻟﻤ ﺸﺎآﻞ ﻓ ﻲ أﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ‬
‫اﻟﺤﺪﻳﺪﻳﺔ واﻟﺨﺮﺳﺎﻧﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﺤﻤﻴﺔ ﺿﺪ اﻟﺼﺪا واﻻﻣﻼح اﻟﻀﺎرة ﻓﻲ اﻟﺘﺮﺑﺔ دﻓﻊ اﻟﻜﺜﻴﺮ ﻣ ﻦ اﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳ ﻴﻦ ﻻﻋﺘﺒ ﺎر ﺧﻴ ﺎرات‬
‫أﺧﺮى ﻣﺜﻞ أﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ اﻟﺒﻮﻟﻴﺜﻠﻴﻦ ﻋ ﺎﻟﻰ اﻟﻜﺜﺎﻓ ﺔ واﻟﻔﻴﺒ ﺮﻗﻼس‪ .‬ﻓ ﻲ ه ﺬا اﻟﻤ ﺸﺮوع ﺗ ﻢ دراﺳ ﺔ ﺗ ﺎﺛﻴﺮ اﻟﺤ ﺮارة ﻋﻠ ﻰ ﺗ ﺸﻜﻞ‬
‫وﺳ ﻠﻮك أﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ اﻟﺒ ﻮﻟﻴﺜﻠﻴﻦ ﻋ ﺎﻟﻰ اﻟﻜﺜﺎﻓ ﺔ واﻟﻔﻴﺒ ﺮﻗﻼس اﻟﻤﻄﻤ ﻮرة ﺗﺤ ﺖ ﺳ ﻄﺢ اﻻرض‪ .‬أﺟﺮﻳ ﺖ ﺗﺠ ﺎرب ﺗﺤﻤﻴ ﻞ‬
‫اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ ﻓ ﻰ اﻟﻤﻌﻤ ﻞ واﺳ ﺘﺨﺪﻣﺖ ﻃﺮﻳﻘ ﺔ اﻟﺘﺤﻠﻴ ﻞ اﻟﻌ ﺪدي ﺑﺎﺳ ﺘﺨﺪام اﻟﻌﻨﺎﺻ ﺮ اﻟﻤﺤ ﺪودة اﻟﻐﻴ ﺮ ﺧﻄﻴ ﺔ ﻟﺘﺤﺪﻳ ﺪ اﺛ ﺮ‬
‫اﻟﺤﺮارة ﻋﻠ ﻰ اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ‪ .‬ﺗ ﻢ ﻓ ﻲ اﻟﻤﻌﻤ ﻞ ﻏﻤ ﺮ ﻋﻴﻨ ﺎت اﺳ ﻄﻮاﻧﻴﺔ ﻣ ﻦ اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ ﻓ ﻲ ﻣ ﺎء ﻋﻨ ﺪ درﺟ ﺎت ﺣ ﺮارة ﺛﺎﺑﺘ ﻪ‬
‫ﺗﺸﻤﻞ ‪ 70 ،60 ،50 ،40 ،30‬درﺟﺔ ﻣﺌﻮﻳﺔ ﺛﻢ ﺗﻢ ﺗﺤﻤﻴﻠﻬﺎ ﺑﺤﻤﻞ ﺧﻄﻲ ﻣﻨﺘﻈﻢ ﺣﺘﻰ ﺗ ﺸﻜﻞ ﻗ ﺪرة ‪ %10‬ﻣ ﻦ اﻟﻘﻄ ﺮ‪.‬‬
‫وﺗﻢ ﻗﻴ ﺎس ﺗﻐﻴ ﺮ ﻣﻌﺎﻣ ﻞ اﻟﺘ ﺸﻜﻞ‪ ،‬وإﺟﻬ ﺎد اﻟﺨ ﻀﻮع‪ ،‬واﻟﺘ ﺸﻜﻞ اﻟﻐﻴ ﺮ ﻣ ﺮن ﻓ ﻲ ه ﺬة اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ ﻋﻨ ﺪ درﺟ ﺎت ﺣ ﺮارة‬
‫ﻣﺤﺪدة‪ .‬وﺿﺤﺖ ﻧﺘﺎﺋﺞ اﻻﺧﺘﺒﺎرات ﺗﻨﺎﻗﺺ ﺧﻄﻲ ﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ ﻣﻌﺎﻣﻞ اﻟﺘ ﺸﻜﻞ ﻟﻼﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ ﻣ ﻊ زﻳ ﺎدة درﺟ ﺔ اﻟﺤ ﺮارة‪ .‬ﻧﺘﻴﺠ ﺔ‬
‫ﻟﺰﻳﺎدة درﺟﺔ اﻟﺤﺮارة ﻣ ﻦ ‪ 30‬اﻟ ﻰ ‪ o70‬م‪ ،‬ﻧﻘ ﺺ ﻣﻌﺎﻣ ﻞ اﻟﺘ ﺸﻜﻞ ﺑﻤﻘ ﺪار ‪ .%62‬اﺳ ﺘﺨﺪم اﻟﺤﺎﺳ ﺐ اﻻﻟ ﻲ واﻟﺘﺤﻠﻴ ﻞ‬
‫اﻟﻌﺪدي ﻟﻤﺤﺎآﺎة ردم اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ واﻟﺘﺤﻤﻴﻞ ﻓﻮق ﺳﻄﺢ اﻻرض واﻟﻀﻐﻂ داﺧﻞ اﻻﻧﺒ ﻮب ﻋﻨ ﺪ درﺟ ﺎت ﺣ ﺮارة ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻔ ﺔ‪.‬‬
‫وﺿﺤﺖ اﻟﻨﺘ ﺎﺋﺞ ان ﺗ ﺸﻜﻞ اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴ ﺐ اﻻﻓﻘ ﻲ ﻳ ﺰداد ﻣ ﻊ ﻧﻘ ﺺ آﺜﺎﻓ ﺔ اﻟﺘﺮﺑ ﺔ وﻣﻌﺎﻣ ﻞ اﻟﺘ ﺸﻜﻞ اﻟﺤﻘﻠ ﻲ ﻟﻠﺘﺮﺑ ﺔ وزﻳ ﺎدة‬
‫درﺟﺔ اﻟﺤﺮارة‪ ،‬ﻟﻜﻦ ﺗﺸﻜﻞ اﻻﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ ﻳﺒﻘﻰ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺤﺪود اﻟﻤﺴﻤﻮﺣﺔ اي اﻗﻞ ﻣﻦ ‪ . %5-3‬ﺗﺆآﺪ اﻟﻨﺘﺎﺋﺞ اﻣﻜﺎﻧﻴﺔ اﺳ ﺘﺨﺪام‬
‫اﻧﺎﺑﻴﺐ اﻟﺒﻮﻟﻴﺜﻠﻴﻦ ﻋﺎﻟﻰ اﻟﻜﺜﺎﻓﺔ واﻟﻔﻴﺒﺮﻗﻼس آﺒﺪاﺋﻞ اﻗﺘﺼﺎدﻳﺔ وذات آﻔﺎﺋ ﺔ ﻋﺎﻟﻴ ﺔ ﻟﻼﻏ ﺮاض واﻟﺘﻄﺒﻴﻘ ﺎت اﻟﻤﻄﻤ ﻮرة‬
‫ﺗﺤﺖ ﺳﻄﺢ اﻻرض ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﻨﺎﻃﻖ اﻟﺼﺤﺮاوﻳﺔ ﺗﺤﺖ درﺟﺎت ﺣﺮارة ﻋﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺣﺪود ‪ o70‬م‪.‬‬


Cover Page i

Abstract ii

Summary iii

Abstract (Arabic) iv

Summary (Arabic) v

List of Symbols and Abbreviations viii

List of Figures vi

List of Tables x

Acknowledgements xxii


1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Research Objectives. 3

1.3 Research Methodology 3

1.3.1 Pipes Types 4

1.3.2 Temperature range 4

1.3.3 Finite Element Analysis 5


2.1. General Introduction 6

2.2 Above Ground HDPE Pipes. 8

2.2.1. Experimental Study of HDPE Polyethylene Pipes 8

2.2.2 FEM Analysis of HDPE Polyethylene Pipes 11


2.3.1 Numerical Models 22

2.3.2 Soil Parameters 28

2.3.3 Pipe-Soil Contact Parameters 29

2.3.4 Staged Analysis 29

2.3.5 Results and Discussion 33

2.3.6 Conclusions 56


3.1. General Introduction 58

3.2 Above Ground Fiberglass Pipes. 59

3.2.1. Experimental Study of Fiberglass Pipes 59

3.2.2 FEM Analysis of Fiberglass Pipes 64


3.3.1 Numerical Models 73

3.3.2 Soil Parameters 79

3.3.3 Pipe-Soil Contact Parameters 80

3.3.4 Staged Analysis 82

3.3.5 Results and Discussion 83

3.3.6 Conclusions 107




KSU King Saud University

FEM Finite Element Analysis

3D Three dimensional

Exp Experimental

Num Numerical

AWWA American Water Works Association

DN Nominal diameter (mm)

PN Nominal Pressure (Bar)

LVDT Linear variable differential transducer

STIS Standard tangent initial stiffness

HDPE high-density polyethylene

Sand Th Thomamah sand

USCS unified classification system

Time Fictitious time for nonlinear analysis

E Deformation modulus

ν Poisson's ratio

kn Contact normal elastic multiplier

kt Contact tangent elastic multiplier

γ Unit weight

C Cohesion

φ Friction angle

ψ Dilation angle

φ cv Friction angle at critical state

I1t Tension cut off

N_MAX Maximum normal force

T_MAX Maximum shear force

M_MAX Maximum bending moment

fc Compressive strength

ft Tensile strength

DS Dune sand

Dcv Vertical crown displacement ratio (crown vertical displacement/ pipe vertical diameter)

θ Angular coordinate (Clock wise with θ=0o at vertical plan)

Sn Normal contact stress

Tau Shear contact stress

N Normal force

T Shear force

M Bending moment

σyy Vertical stress

σxx Horizontal stress

SP Poorly graded sand

Gs Specific gravity

D10 Effective grain size is the diameter below which 10 percent of the particles by weight lay.

Cu Coefficient of uniformity

Cc Coefficient of curvature

Ko Coefficient of earth pressure at rest

t Nominal steel cylinder thickness

D Outside diameter of pipe

Ux horizontal diameter change

E' Modulus of soil reaction

K Bedding constant

E Modulus of elasticity

H Cover height


Financial support for this study was provided by SABIC Co., Saudi Arabia, through the

Deanship of Scientific Research grant No. 426/23, King Saud University, Riyadh. Author

would also like to thank Amiantit Co., Saudi Arabia for providing pipe samples and relevant

pipe user's manuals.


Figure Page

2.1 Pipe load test setup under elevated temperature 12

2.2 HDPE pipe alignment and buoyant force resistance plates 12

2.3 Typical load-deformation response curves for HDPE pipes at various temperatures 13

2.4 Mesh of single layer four nodes 3D shell elements used to model HDPE pipe load tests 14

2.5(a) Finite element fit to experimental results for HDPE pipe (PE 4-1) 15

2.5(b) Finite element fit to experimental results for HDPE pipe (PE 4-2) 15

2.5(c) Finite element fit to experimental results for HDPE pipe (PE 4-3) 16

2.5(d) Finite element fit to experimental results for HDPE pipe (PE 4-4) 16

2.5(e) Finite element fit to experimental results for HDPE pipe (PE 4-5) 17

2.6 Variations of secant deformation modulus (at 2.7% deformation) with temperature for

tested HDPE pipes 18

2.7 Predicted deformed configuration (4.71% vertical deflection) for tested HDPE pipe

(PE 4-5) at 70o C 21

2.8 Illustration of FEM mesh configuration for modeling buried HDPE pipes 23

(a) Embankment layers and surface pressure 23

(b) Elements refinement and transition zones 24

(c) Embankment layers and pipe internal pressure 25

(d) Zoomed view of pipe internal pressure 26

(e) Zoomed view for pipe-soil contact 27

2.9 Normal (N), shear (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams in buried HDPE pipe 34

2.10 Typical normal (Sn) and shear (Tau) contact stress diagrams on HDPE buried pipe 35

2.11 Typical stress diagrams in backfill soil near HDPE buried pipe 36

2.12 Plastic zone initiated in backfill soil (DS1) near buried HDPE pipe 37

2.13 Typical stress levels in backfill soil near HDPE buried pipe 37

2.14 Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for HDPE

pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover 42

(a) without internal pressure 42

(b) with 100 kPa internal radial pressure 43

(c) with 200 kPa internal radial pressure 44

(d) with 300 kPa internal radial pressure 45

(e) with 400 kPa internal radial pressure 46

(f) with 500 kPa internal radial pressure 47

(g) with 600 kPa internal radial pressure 48

(h) with 700 kPa internal radial pressure 49

2.15 Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for HDPE

pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and 700 kPa internal

radial pressure

(a) Temperature = 30o C 50

(b) Temperature = 40o C 51

(c) Temperature = 50o C 52

(d) Temperature = 60o C 53

(e) Temperature = 70o C 54

3.1 Pipe load test setup under elevated temperature 61

3.2 Fiberglass Pipe alignment and buoyant force resistance plates 62

3.3 Typical load-deformation response curves for Fiberglass pipes at various temperatures 63

3.4 Mesh of single layer four nodes 3D shell elements used to model Fiberglass pipe load

tests 65

3.5(a) Finite element fit to experimental results for Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-1) 66

3.5(b) Finite element fit to experimental results for Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-2) 66

3.5(c) Finite element fit to experimental results for Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-3) 67

3.5(d) Finite element fit to experimental results for Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-4) 67

3.5(e) Finite element fit to experimental results for Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-5) 68

3.6 Variations of secant deformation modulus (at 2.5% deformation) with temperature for

tested Fiberglass pipes [FGP 5-(1-5)] 69

3.7 Predicted deformed configuration (5% vertical deflection) for tested Fiberglass pipe

(FGP5-5) at 70o C 72

3.8 Illustration of FEM mesh configuration for modeling buried Fiberglass pipes

(a) Embankment layers and surface pressure 74

(b) Elements refinement and transition zones 75

(c) Embankment layers and pipe internal pressure 76

(d) Zoomed view of pipe internal pressure 77

(e) Zoomed view for pipe-soil contact 78

3.9 Normal (N), shear (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams in Fiberglass pipe buried

under 2.72 m soil cover and 155 kPa overburden pressure in DS1 sand embankment

at 30o C 85

3.10 Typical normal (Sn) and shear (Tau) contact stress diagrams on Fiberglass pipe

buried under 2.72 m soil cover and 155 kPa overburden pressure in DS1 sand

embankment at 30o C 85

3.11 Typical stress diagrams in backfill soil near buried Fiberglass pipe with 2.72 m

soil cover and 155 kPa overburden pressure in DS1 sand embankment at 30o C 86

3.12 Plastic zone initiated in backfill soil (DS1) near buried Fiberglass pipe under

0.995 m backfill cover (Time = 4) at 30o C 87

3.13 Plastic zone in backfill soil (DS1) near buried Fiberglass pipe under 2.72 m

backfill (Time = 51) at 30o C 87

3.14 Typical stress levels in backfill soil (DS1) near buried Fiberglass pipe under

2.72 m backfill (Time = 51) at 30o C: 88

3.14 Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for Fiberglass

pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover:

(a) without internal pressure at Time = 7 93

(b) with 100 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 17 94

(c) with 200 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 27 95

(d) with 300 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 37 96

(e) with 400 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 47 97

(f) with 500 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 57 98

(g) with 600 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 67 99

(h) with 700 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 77 100

3.15 Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for Fiberglass

pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and 700 kPa

internal radial pressure:

(a) Temperature = 30o C 101

(b) Temperature = 40o C 102

(c) Temperature = 50o C 103

(d) Temperature = 60o C 104

(e) Temperature = 70o C 105


Table Page

2.1 HDPE pipe material parameters at various temperatures 19

2.2 Summary of materials parameters used in FEM analyses 32

2.3 Horizontal displacement and deflection at springline of buried HDPE pipes under

155 kPa surface pressure at various temperatures: 39

(a) Dense dune sand (DS1) 39

(b) Medium dense dune sand (DS2) 39

2.4 Horizontal displacement and deflection at springline of buried HDPE pipes under

700 kPa internal pressure and at various temperatures : 55

(a) Dense dune sand (DS1) 55

(b) Medium dense dune sand (DS2) 55

3.1 Fiberglass pipe material parameters at various temperatures 70

3.2 Summary of materials parameters used in FEM analyses 81

3.3 Horizontal displacement and deflection at springline of buried Fiberglass pipes

under 2.723 m DS1 and DS2 sands covers and 155 kPa surface pressure at

various temperatures : 90

(a) Dense dune sand (DS1) 90

(b) Medium dense dune sand (DS2) 90

3.4 Horizontal displacement and deflection at springline of buried Fiberglass pipes

under 700 kPa internal pressure and at various temperatures: 106

(a) Dense dune sand (DS1) 106

(b) Medium dense dune sand (DS2) 106


1.1 Introduction.

The discovery of oil and gas reserves and the associated chemical and petrochemical

industries required a sound and complete infrastructures system. Arid region in Saudi

Arabia witnessed unprecedented pipelines booms with rapidly growing pipes

manufacturing. Industrial programs for SABIC, Jubaila and Yanbu and ARAMCO

among others ambitious and advanced activities such as power and desalination plants,

portable water and sewerage relays mainly on pipelines and storage tanks. Thousands of

kilometers of various pipelines have been installed so far in varying soil conditions and

with different design and loading criteria. Selected types of pipes such as carbon steel,

ductile iron, reinforced concrete, Polyethylene, and Glass reinforced Plastic are produced

in Saudi Arabia for the Middle East markets. Different contractors shared the execution

of huge pipes construction at various parts of this arid region. The long-term quality

assessment and performance monitoring activities has never been considered. The rising

cost of pipelines maintenances and upgrading may reflect the need for comprehensive

infrastructure evaluation and assessment plan. With arid lands soils becoming more

aggressive and continuous corrosion degradation in existing pipelines, alternative pipes

such as fiberglass and polyethylene are increasingly used. Factors such as light weight

ease of fabrication, resistance to chemical corrosion, toughness, and low cost motivate

increasing use of these materials in buried pipelines. However, the significance of

environmental conditions such as temperature effects on fixable pipes behavior still needs

further investigations.

In simple practice, load determination is commonly based on Marston empirical

theory (Marston, 1930). Deflection criterion is commonly based on Spangler empirical

theory. Both theories were based on experimental work conducted during the first third

of the twentieth century at the Iowa Engineering Experimental Station, Iowa state

College, Iowa, USA (Spangler, 1941). However, an ideal design method should consider

the soil, pipe, and environmental conditions such as variations in temperature. Several

investigators have studied soil-pipe interaction during the past decade. Soil box testing

and Finite Element Analysis (FEM) have been used to simulate pipe field response (e.g.

Bishop and Lang, 1984; Sharp et al. 1985). Faragher et al. (1998) showed that pipe

surrounding soil stiffness depends on soil type and its placement and is consequently

greatly influenced by site installation processes. Zhang and Moore (1998) indicated that

thermoplastic pipes posse's nonlinear time and rate dependant stress-strain behaviors at

ambient temperature. Miyajima et al. (1994) demonstrated that polyethylene coating

exhibited excellent mechanical, physical, chemical, and high durability at 80o C. Seibi

(1999) found that the mechanical properties of HDPE samples were stable at lower

temperature of 20 to 40o C and they decrease for higher temperatures. Recent Alawaji

(2004a) employed highly sophisticated FEM code incorporating advanced constitutive

models, interfaces, and progressive backfilling simulation for modeling and analysis of

soil-pipe system. Results show the significant role of backfill material quality and

construction procedure in the overall buried pipes performance. High stability and long

time performance of low cost no corrosive flexible pipes such as Fiberglass and

Polyethylene can be guarantee with suitable construction procedure.

This project investigates temperature effects on load deformation responses of

fiberglass and polyethylene pipes. Experimental and numerical tools will be employed to

achieve the following research objectives.

1.2 Research Objectives.

The main objectives of this research program are the following:

1. Experimentally evaluate the temperature effects on deformation characteristics

of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes.

2. Experimentally evaluate the temperature effects on deformation characteristics

of Fiberglass (GRP) pipes.

3. Numerically simulate load test of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes at

various temperatures.

4. Numerically simulate deformation of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes

buried in sand embankments at various temperatures.

5. Numerically simulate pipe load test of Fiberglass (GRP) pipes at various


6. Numerically simulate deformation of Fiberglass (GRP) pipes buried in sand

embankments at various temperatures.

1.3 Research Methodology.

To study deformation characteristics of HDPE and GRP pipes at different

temperatures, a proper design of testing fixture must be established. Large steel test

box will be made. Pipe ring samples will be submerged in water filled test box. Two

temperature thermo regulators will be used to obtain desired water temperature. Tank

will be externally isolated against temperature lost. Isolated plate will be used to cover

the top of the tank before loading test. Displacement controlled compression machine

will be used to impose vertical line load to submerged pipe at displacement rate of 1 to

2 mm/min. Pipe vertical deflection will be measured by LVDT. Load will be measured

by electronic load cell. Data acquisition system will be used to control the

measurements and scan control variables data. Nonlinear Finite Element analysis code

currently available at KSU research center will be used to simulate buried pipes in

sand embankments under various temperatures. Pipes manufacturers and main clients

will be consulted during the study. The main parts of this research methodology can

be stated as following:

1.3.1 Pipes Types

Fixed pipe geometry with 300 mm length and around 300 to 400 mm diameter will

be maintained for each pipe type. In this project, the tested pipes include the following:

1. High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes.

2. Fiberglass (GRP) pipes.

1.3.2 Temperature range

Two heaters will be used to achieve constant water temperatures of 30, 40, 50, 60,

and 70o C.

1.3.3 Finite Element Analysis

Nonlinear finite element analysis program with continuum, shell, beam, and

contact elements will be used to predict buried pipe deflection under various

temperatures for cases pertinent to arid lands such as the following:

1. Pipe load test on High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes at various


2. Pipe load test on Fiberglass (GRP) pipes at various temperatures.

3. High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe buried in sand embankment at various


4. Fiberglass (GRP) pipes buried in sand embankment at various temperatures.

Numerical simulation which takes into accounts the effects of initial soil in-situ ko

stresses state, bedding and pipe installation, pipe and pipe zone backfilling, progressive

layers of soil cover, internal pipe pressure as well as surface loads were conducted with

staged analysis and nonlinear solution iteration for each step as shown in the following


Chapter 2 presents studies of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipes. Chapter 3

presents studies of Fiberglass (GRP) pipes. Chapter 4 presents conclusions drawn from

these studies. Finally, chapter 5 presents some practical recommendations.


2.1. General Introduction

In arid lands; the pipelines operating temperature can be high especially for

desalination plants, water transmission and distribution systems and others hydrocarbons

explorations and applications. Widespread corrosion and increasing cost of installation

and maintenance of traditional pipes in desert environment suggests polyethylene pipe

alternative. Thorough understanding of performance of buried polyethylene pipe at

elevated temperature is essential for infrastructure sustainable developments in arid lands.

Corrosion and harsh environmental conditions caused failure and degradation of buried

pipes in aggressive soils. Corrosion caused failure of the reinforcing wire on over 10 km

of Pre-stressed Concrete Pipe (PCP) used for the central Arizona project cited by Travers

(1997). This PCP pipe had been in service less than 15 years which is significantly

shorter than its expected design life. Hassett et al. (1998) reported several leaks and

breaks over several years in 76 cm cast iron pipelines for Houston treated water

transmission system. Talesnick and Baker (1999) documented failure of a large diameter

concrete-lined steel sewage pipe, buried in a clay soil profile. The project consisted of a

3.5 km long gravity pipe which failed before being taken into service. Failure of the pipe

system was attributed to incompatibility between the mechanical behaviour of the pipe

and the methodology employed in its design. The studies illustrate the effects of a basic

design flaw resulting from lack of adherence to well accepted standard engineering

practices. Generally, published investigations of pipes failure illustrate the effectiveness

of a simple field test as a diagnostic tool to evaluate site conditions and overall

installation procedure quality. Unfortunately, despite the huge leakage and severe failure

of buried pipes in under developing countries, there are no documented case studies in

arid lands.

Several investigators cited temperature effects on the mechanical, physical, and

chemical properties of polyethylene material. Seibi (1999) presents the effect of heated

crude oil on adsorption and mechanical properties of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

samples. Hydrocarbon cause swelling and influence the mechanical properties at elevated

temperatures as the cross links become weaker causing the chains to flow easily. It was

reported that, the permeability of HDPE is low even at high temperatures implying that

HDPE is strongly resistance to aggressive environment. Miyajima et al. (1994)

demonstrated the polyethylene exhibited excellent mechanical, physical, and chemical

properties at elevated temperature of 80oC.

Buried flexible pipes derived their stability from surrounding soil. Moore (1995)

reported a finite element parametric study to determine how stresses on profiled

polyethylene pipe are affected by burial depth and backfill quality. He emphasized the

deficiency of design practice that relays on ring compression theory which asserts that the

full overburden load acts on the pipe based on very conservative assumption. It is shown

by Moore that substantial positive arching and only a fraction of the overburden load

reaches the HDPE pipe. Spangler equation or "Iowa" formula Spangler (1941) ignores

the substantial positive arching associated with circumferential shortening and use a soil

subgrade modulus, E', which is generally not adjusted to account for the real stiffness of

the backfill surrounding the pipe. Faragher et al. (1998) experimentally evaluated

Spangler's moduli of soil reaction (E') from laboratory testing of buried plastic pipes.

They found that values of E' are significantly higher than those currently used in practice

and suggest a general underestimation of the support offered to a buried flexible structure

by the soil that surrounds it. Zhang and Moore (1998) used nonlinear time-dependant

finite element model to predict structural performance of HDPE pipe under parallel plate

loading and hoop compression tests. Simple plasticity (Von Misses J2 theory) was

successfully used in modeling the nonlinear and rate-dependant behavior of HDPE pipe

except where there is strain reversal as stated by Zhang and Moore (1997). Further

numerical and in-situ studies are needed to examine pipe burial under field conditions

and the implications of HDPE pipe limit states for pipe design. Temperature effects on

the performance of buried HDPE pipe require further investigations.

In this chapter the temperature effect on deformation characteristics of HDPE pipe is

evaluated. Line load was applied on HDPE pipe submerged in hot water under prescribed

temperature. Measured load-response curves are used to calibrate simple nonlinear finite

element model. The calibrated tool is employed in modeling and analysis of buried

HDPE pipes under various temperatures. Several installation methods are considered

including embankment and trench installation in both strong and weak soils. It is shown

that HDPE pipe performs adequately under elevated temperature up to 70o C.

2.2 Above Ground HDPE Pipes.

2.2.1. Experimental Study of HDPE Polyethylene Pipes

In this study, the experimental investigation is intended to study the nonlinear behaviour

of HDPE pipes and the potential effects of temperature on their mechanical properties. To

study the effect of temperature on the deformation characteristics and mechanical

properties of HDPE pipes, a proper design of the testing fixture must be established.

Tests were conducted in steel tank of 0.7 m length, 0.5 m width, and 0.7 m height and

supported by a relatively rigid steel framework. Rigid steel plate and I-beams assembly

were placed under the pipe at the bottom of the tank such that pipe crown is around 5 cm

from the container's rim. With proper adjustment, such arrangements permit testing of

various pipe sizes. Two heaters with control regulators were fixed at the bottom of the

tank to obtain desired accurate water temperature. During setting and before loading,

isolated wood cover was used with vents to allow vapor to ventilate from the water bath

as well as to measure the water temperature using thermometers. Initially, weight and

geometrical measurements of the pipe ring sample was performed before soaking in the

water bath of prescribed constant temperature. Monitoring and adjusting the temperature

controller were continued for 24 hours in order to achieve the desired constant

temperature of the water bath and submerged pipe. The identical HDPE polyethylene

pipe samples used in this study were supplied by Amiantit Co., Saudi Arabia. Physical

and mechanical properties and other quality control routine tests were conducted at the

manufactory according to relevant ASTM standards. Laboratory load tests were

conducted on polyethylene pipes of 355 mm diameter (D), 300 mm length (L), 34 mm

thickness. Vertical line load was applied to the pipe by means of 10 tone compression test

machine (Wykeham Farrance England). It is displacement controlled machine with rate

capability in the range 0.0001 to 59.99 mm/min. It is emphasized here that 6 mm steel bar

welded to rectangular hollow square steel beam was used to transfer vertical line load and

minimize boundary effects. Commonly used flat plate may cause increasing contact area

with pipe deformation and mixed boundary conditions. The applied load was measured

using a load cell (Tokyo Sokki) of 100 KN capacity placed at the bottom of the machine

top reaction beam. Displacement was measured by LVDT (Tokyo Sokki) placed

vertically along a diagonal through the center of the pipe. This LVDT had a 50 mm range

with 0.001 mm sensitivity. Data acquisition system (Tokyo Sokki) and Sony laptop

computer were used during the test to scan, monitor and store hoop strain, deflection and

load. Figure 2.1 shows assembled temperature controlled pipe load test. It is emphasized

here that the pipe invert was fixed between two thin steel plates (Figure 2.2) to resist

buoyant up lift force and to facilitate pipe alignment inside the test container. This

constraint has no effects on the experimental results since it gets remove (contact

released) after slight pipe vertical deformation. Elliptical deformed shape was observed

throughout the entire pipe loading history. Typical load-deformation response curves for

the tested HDPE polyethylene pipes at various temperatures are presented in Figure 2.3.

Further details of experimental description and test results including internal and external

hoop strains along the pipe circumferential line is recently presented by Alawaji (2004a).

It is emphasized here that nonlinearity is observed from the beginning of the load-

deformation response curve. Relatively large unrecoverable deformation which decreases

with increasing temperature was observed upon unloading. Reloading response was also

nonlinear even within the previous loading locus, i.e. below maximum previous load

level. These experimental results are compiled with physical and mechanical properties

of HDPE polyethylene pipes to calibrate and validate finite elements models as given in

the following section.

2.2.2 FEM Analysis of HDPE Polyethylene Pipes

The finite-element program, Z-Soil 3D Version 6.13, used in this study has been

developed by ZACE Co. (2004). Figure 2.4 shows 3D mesh of single layer four nodes 3D

shell elements used to model HDPE pipe load test. Only a quarter of the pipe is modeled

utilizing the dual symmetry of the problem. Simple elastic and Huber-Mises constitutive

models is employed. As might be expected, the initial linear elastic model predicts the

response successfully only for very small deflection (up to 1.2%). Therefore, nonlinear

model which consists of secant elastic deformation modulus (at 2.7% deformation) and

Huber-Mises criteria was considered. Figures 1.5 (a-e) present finite elements fit to the

experimental results for the tested HDPE pipes at various temperatures (30, 40, 50, 60,

and 70oC). Table 2.1 presents the calibrated HDPE pipe material parameters at various

temperatures in the range of 30 to 70o C. Constant Poisson's ratio, ν = 0.4, was assumed

for the HDPE pipes (1995). Results indicate that deformation modulus decreases linearly

with increasing temperature as shown in Figure 2.6. Due to temperature increase from 30

to 70oC, the HDPE pipe deformation modulus decreased by 62%. Yield strength

decreases while strain at yielding increases with increasing temperature. Where, yield

strength of the tested HDPE pipes decreased by 59% due to temperature increase from 30

to 70oC.

Figure 2.1. Pipe load test setup under elevated temperature.

Figure 2.2. HDPE pipe alignment and buoyant force resistance plates.

20 T = 30 C
19 T= 40 C
17 T = 50 C
16 T = 60 C
15 T = 70 C
Vertical force, F (kN)

3 Pipe: PE 4 (1-5)
2 D = 35.5 cm
1 Rate = 2 mm/min

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Pipe vertical deflection, δv/D (%)

Figure 2.3. Typical load-deformation response curves for HDPE pipes at various

Figure 2.4. Mesh of single layer four nodes 3D shell elements used to model
HDPE pipe load tests.

20 Experimental

Vertical load (kN)

6 Pipe: PE 4-1
DN = 355 mm
Length = 300 mm
2 T = 30oC
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Vertical defliction (mm)

Figure 2.5(a). Finite element fit to experimental results for HDPE pipe (PE 4-1).

20 Experimental
Vertical load (kN)

6 Pipe: PE 4-2
4 DN = 355 mm
Length = 300 mm
T = 40 oC
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Vertical defliction (mm)

Figure 2.5(b). Finite element fit to experimental results for HDPE pipe (PE 4-2).

Experimental Pipe: PE 4-3
Numerical DN = 355 mm
18 Length = 300 mm
16 T = 50 oC

Vertical load (kN)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Vertical defliction (mm)

Figure 2.5(c). Finite element fit to experimental results for HDPE pipe (PE 4-3).

Experimental Pipe: PE 4-2
Numerical DN = 355 mm
18 Length = 300 mm
16 T = 60 oC
Vertical load (kN)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Vertical defliction (mm)

Figure 2.5(d). Finite element fit to experimental results for HDPE pipe (PE 4-4).

Experimental Pipe: PE 4-1
Numerical DN = 355 mm
18 Length = 300 mm
16 T = 70 oC
Vertical load (kN)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Vertical defliction (mm)

Figure 2.5(e). Finite element fit to experimental results for HDPE pipe (PE 4-5).


1.8 Pipes: PE 4-(1-5)

Secant deformation Modulus,Εs (GPa)

DN = 355 mm
1.6 Length = 300 mm




Εs (GPa) = -0.02490105 * T (oC) + 2.3542449
Coef of determination, R-squared = 0.9892
20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Temperature, T (oC)

Figure 2.6. Variations of secant deformation modulus (at 2.7% deformation) with
temperature for tested HDPE pipes.

Table 2.1. HDPE pipe material parameters at various temperatures.

Temperature, Deformation Poisson ratio, Tensile &

modulus, Es compressive
T (oC) ν
(kN/m2) strength, ft& fc

30 1,630,609 0.4 15,000

40 1,300,000 0.4 13,000

50 1,159,129 0.4 11,000

60 841,335 0.4 8,829

70 614,889 0.4 6,200

Typical predicted deformed configuration at 4.71% vertical deflection and 70o C is

illustrated in Figure 2.7. It is clear that this mode of deformation is more general than

simple elliptical and uniform deformation assumptions. From the measured and predicted

response curves (Figures 1.5 a-e), it is clear that the used nonlinear model can predict

pipe response successfully up to 6% deflection. This deflection level is rarely attained in

practice without joint leaks or triggering maintenance and repair remarks. Therefore,

model prediction is considered adequate for buried pipe applications. However, failure

load was underestimated. Therefore, the overall analysis of buried polyethylene pipes

using this model is accurate for working conditions but conservative for ultimate failure

prediction. Zhang and Moore (1998) showed that, for high-density polyethylene (HDPE)

pipes under parallel plate loading, geometrical nonlinearity effect becomes significant

beyond 5 percent vertical diameter decrease for their tested pipes. Since design and

operation are limited to small deformation, geometrical nonlinearity will not be

considered in the following buried polyethylene pipes analyses.

Figure 2.7. Predicted deformed configuration (4.71% vertical deflection)
for tested HDPE pipe (PE 4-5) at 70 oC.


2.3.1 Numerical Models

In this study, plane strain nonlinear finite element analysis was used to model

polyethylene pipes buried in dune sand embankments. Typical polyethylene pipe of 355

mm diameter and 34 mm thickness was simulated. Four nodes Quadlateral and beam

elements were used and only a one half of the system was modeled due to symmetry of

the problem around X = 0 axis. The finite-element program used in this study, Z-Soil 3D

Version 6.13, was developed by ZACE Co. (2004). Mohr-Coulomb and Huber-Mises

constitutive models were employed for soil and pipe, respectively. The mesh extends

horizontally 3 m from pipe center. Complete fixity was enforced at the lower edge of the

mesh. Roller support was used at both vertical sides of the mesh. The mesh

configurations are shown in Figures 1.8 (a-e). Figure 2.8 (a) shows mesh used for

embankment and surface pressure at final stage. Elements refinement and transition zones

shown in Figure 2.8 (b) were used near the pipe to enhance nonlinear solution convergent

and prediction accuracy. Figure 2.8 (c) shows mesh used for embankment and internal

pressure at final stage. Figure 2.8 (d) shows near pipe view and internal pressure. Contact

elements were employed at pipe-soil interface as shown in Figure 2.8 (e). Soil cover

layers, soil overburden pressure, and pipe internal pressure were activated in consequent

stages to simulate embankment construction and pipe operation conditions as presented

in the following sections.

(a) Embankment layers and surface pressure.

Figure 2.8. Illustration of FEM mesh configuration for modeling buried HDPE pipes.

(b) Elements refinement and transition zones.

Figure 2.8. Illustration of FEM mesh configuration near buried HDPE pipes.

(c) Embankment layers and pipe internal pressure.

Figure 2.8. Illustration of FEM mesh configuration for buried HDPE pipes.

(d) Zoomed view of pipe internal pressure.

Figure 2.8. Illustration of FEM mesh configuration for buried HDPE pipes.

(e) Zoomed view for pipe-soil contact.

Figure 2.8. Illustration of FEM mesh configuration for buried HDPE pipes.

2.3.2 Soil Parameters

Thomamah sand (Sand Th) from sand dunes north eastern Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia,

was used to represent sand dunes material in arid lands. Geotechnical properties and

characteristics of Thomamah sand was given in details by Alawaji (1997). It can be

described as wind blown predominantly fine to medium sand which is classified as

poorly graded sand (SP) according to the unified classification system (USCS). The sand

has a specific gravity (Gs) of 2.67, and an effective size (D10) of 0.11 mm. The

maximum and minimum dry densities were 18.48 kN/m3 and 15.81 kN/m3 in accordance

to ASTM D-4253 and D-4254, respectively. The coefficient of uniformity (Cu) and the

coefficient of curvature (Cc) were 2.88 and 1.1, respectively. Shear strength for

Thomamah sand at 70% relative density (17.57 kN/m3) was determined from

conventional consolidated drained triaxial tests. It was found that, for confining pressure

in the range of 25 to 150 kPa, the friction angle was found to be 40 degrees at 70%

relative density Alawaji (1997).

For coarse grained soils, the coefficient of earth pressure at rest, Ko, can be estimated

by the empirical relationship of Jaky (1944),

K o = 1 - sin φ (2.1)

where φ is the soil drained friction angle. Furthermore, for coarse grained soils, the

dilation angle, ψ, can be obtained from the empirical expression of Bolton (1986),

0 .8 ψ = φ − φ cv

where φ cv is the soil friction angle at critical state. For the present purpose, φ cv has been

taken as 32o.

Solutions were sought for medium dense and loose sand states designated DS1 and

DS2, respectively. Moher-Coulomb (M-W) criteria were used for the sand material with

Drucker-Prager plastic flow and initial ko state. Table 2.2 presents the sand material

parameters for medium dense and loose sand states. These two material states represent

good and poor embankment construction procedures in dune sand at arid lands. Talesnick

and Baker (1999) measured wide variations in the in-situ stiffness of dune sand backfill

along buried pipeline with sand backfill material. Gravel backfill material commonly

used in pipe zone consists of crushed stone. The main advantage of gravel backfill near

pipe zone is that, gravel is self compaction material which insures adequate compaction

at pipe hunches and shoulders. Alawaji (2004a) emphasized the low confining pressure

effects near haunches and shoulders of flexible pipes even with uniform compacted

backfill material for both trench pipe construction procedure (Alawaji, 2004b) as well as

embankment pipe construction procedure (Alawaji, 2004c).

2.3.3 Pipe-Soil Contact Parameters

Frictional contact elements were used between pipe beam elements and soil

quadrilateral continuum elements. Mohr-Coulomb contact material parameters are given

in Table 2.2. Augmented Lagrangian Contact algorithm was activated in the nonlinear

equations solver with Maximum number of augmentations of 5, stop augmentation if

maximum over penetration is less than 1e-006, increase penalty stiffness with multiplier

of 2 at each augmentation, and maximum penalty stiffness multiplier of 100. Detailed

description of contact elements and contact algorithm are given in the Z_Soil code user

manual (2004).

2.3.4 Staged Analysis

Staged construction of buried HDPE polyethylene pipes in dune sand embankment

were simulated using nonlinear Z-Soil FEM program. The first stage activates soil initial

ko stress state in five steps (Time = 0.2 to 1 and Increment of 0.2). In this stage, soil layer

representing under base material of 0.75 m thickness was activated alone. The second

stage consists of successive backfilling of ten soil layers in ten analysis steps (Time = 0

to 11 and Increment of 1). The first step introduced pipe and soil layer of 0.8 m thickness.

The pipe was activated simultaneously in the middle of this layer. Then, soil cover layers

of 0.25 m thickness were activated in the remaining ten steps. The total soil cover over

pipe crown is 2.723 m. The third stage applies uniform vertical pressure of 155 kPa in

forty steps (Time = 11 to 51 and Increment of 1). This overburden pressure is equivalent

to adding forty successive soil layers of 0.25 m thickness. The complete FEM mesh at

final stage for embankment and surface pressure case is shown in Figure 2.8 (a). It is

emphasized here that solution iterations were employed at each analysis step. Compacted

material parameters were used without surface pressure over backfill lefts. Sharp et al.

(1985) indicated that pressure application on compacted layers does not improve the

results in simulating soil box tests. However, a more objectives layered compaction

simulation would require evolution of soil properties such as unit weight, deformation

and strength parameters with stress level during compaction of each soil layer.

To investigate the effect of internal pressure on HDPE pipes buried in sand

embankments at various temperatures, radial surface pressure was applied inside buried

HDPE polyethylene pipes. The pipes were installed and covered in staged as described

above. The first stage activates initial ko stress state in five steps (Time = 0.2 to 1 and

Increment of 0.2). In this stage, soil layer representing under base material of 0.75 m

thickness was activated alone. The second stage consists of successive backfilling of six

soil layers in six analysis steps (Time = 0 to 7 and Increment of 1). The first step

introduced pipe and soil layer of 0.8 m thickness. The pipe was activated simultaneously

in the middle of this layer. Then, soil cover layers of 0.25 m thickness were activated in

the remaining ten steps. Soil cover over pipe crown of 1.723 m was maintained without

surface pressure. Soil consists of medium dense and loose sand states designated DS1 and

DS2, respectively. Third stage applies incremental radial internal pressure. In this

analysis stage, internal pressure of 700 kPa was applied in 10 kPa increments. Seventy

analysis steps (Time = 7 to 77 and Increment of 1) were used with numerical iterations in

each step. The complete FEM mesh at final stage for embankment and internal pressure

case is shown in Figure 2.8 (c).

Numerical results obtained in this study show pipe bending moment, shear and

normal stresses; pipe-soil contact stresses; soil deformation, plastic zones, stress and

strain maps for each analysis step. Typical pipe-soil interaction characteristics for buried

polyethylene pipes in dune sand embankments at various temperatures are presented in

the following results and discussion section.

Table 2.2. Summary of materials parameters used in FEM analyses.

Material Model Parameter Value

DS1 Mohr-Coulomb Deformation modulus, E (MPa) 30
Poisson's ratio, ν 0.3
Unit weight, γ (kN/m3) 17
Friction angles, θ o 45
Dilatancy angle, ψ o 15
Cohesion, C (kPa) 4
Tension cut-off, I1t (kPa) 0
Ko(x), ko(z), Inclination angle <x',x> 0.6, 0.6, 0

DS2 Mohr-Coulomb Deformation modulus, E (MPa) 10

Poisson's ratio, ν 0.3
Unit weight, γ (kN/m3) 15.5
Friction angles, θ o 38
Dilatancy angle, ψ o 10
Cohesion, C (kPa) 4
Tension cut-off, I1t (kPa) 0
Ko(x), ko(z), Inclination angle <x',x> 0.4, 0.4, 0

Contact Mohr-Coulomb Normal stiffness multiplier, kn 0.1

Tangent to normal stiffness
multiplier ratio, kt/kn
Friction angles, θ o 20
Dilatancy angle, ψ o 5
Cohesion, C (kPa) 0

2.3.5 Results and Discussion

The calibrated numerical tool and the refined material parameters are used for

modeling and analysis of staged backfilling of buried polyethylene pipes in dune sand

embankments at various temperatures. Figure 2.9 shows typical Normal force (N), shear

force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams in HDPE pipe buried under 2.72 m soil

cover and 155 kPa overburden pressure in DS1 sand embankment at 30o C. Figure 2.10

shows typical normal and shear contact stress diagrams on HDPE pipe under 2.72 m soil

cover and 155 kPa overburden pressure in DS1 sand embankment at 30oC. Figures 1.11

(a) and (b) present typical variation of vertical and horizontal stresses in backfill soil near

HDPE pipe buried under 2.723 m soil cover and 155 kPa overburden pressure in DS1

sand embankment at 30oC. Low values of vertical stress were predicted near the pipe

springline, and high vales were predicted near the pipe shoulder as shown in Figure 2.11

(a). Low values of horizontal stress were predicted near the pipe hunch and shoulder, and

high vales were predicted near the pipe springline as presented in Figure 2.11 (b). Plastic

zone initiated in the soil near the pipe haunch when the soil cover height reached 1.22 m

at Time =5, as shown in Figure 2.12. The sand material was homogenous, but arching

and pipe-soil interaction causes low horizontal stress (low confining pressure) and high

stress level at these locations as depicted in Figure 2.13. In practice, reinforcing the soil

or placing stiffer material such as cemented crushed sand or gravel near the pipe

haunches and shoulders may improve buried flexible pipes performance.

Figure 2.9. Normal (N), shear (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams in buried
HDPE pipe.

Figure 2.10. Typical normal (Sn) and shear (Tau) contact stress diagrams on HDPE
buried pipe.

(a)Vertical stress.

(b) Horizontal stress.

Figure 2.11. Typical stress diagrams in backfill soil near HDPE buried pipe.

Figure 2.12. Plastic zone initiated in backfill soil (DS1) near buried HDPE pipe

Figure 2.13. Typical stress levels in backfill soil near HDPE buried pipe.

Installation procedure and temperature effects on polyethylene pipes buried in sand

embankments were also investigated. Two models for installation procedures were

considered. These installation procedures include backfilling and cover with dense sand

(DS1) and medium dense sand (DS2) soils (Table 2.2). Finite element analyses were

executed under 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70o C. The used HDPE pipe material parameters at

various temperatures were given in Table 2.1. Table 2.3 shows predicted horizontal

displacement (Ux) and horizontal deflection (δx = 2*Ux/D) at pipe springline, where D is

pipe diameter, for buried HDPE pipes under 2.723 m DS1 and DS2 sands covers and 155

kPa surface pressure. It is emphasized here that deflection slightly increases with

temperature, but performance remains acceptable and deflection still fare below permissible

limit of 3-5%. Due to temperature increase from 30 to 70o C, springline horizontal

displacement increased by 3% and 43% for HDPE pipes buried in DS1 and DS2 sand

embankments under 155 kPa surface pressures, respectively. Also it is been noticed that,

the rate of deflection increase slightly decreases at high temperature (T = 70o C), where

mode of pipe deformation probably changes from elliptical to rectangular, especially when

dense soil (DS1) is employed for embankments. Where, in case of rectangular mode of

deformation, more vertical crown displacement takes place without further increase in

springline horizontal displacement. Furthermore, in the investigated temperature range of

30 to 70o C, deflection increases as soil density decreases but pipe performance still

remains within acceptable limit of 3-5%. In practice, this may allow for little uncontrollable

variations in the in-situ density along the pipeline during field installation.

Table 2.3. Horizontal displacement and deflection at springline of buried HDPE
pipes under 155 kPa surface pressure at various temperatures.

(a) Dense dune sand (DS1).

T (oC) 30 40 50 60 70

Ux (mm) 0.69726 0.71959 0.72707 0.73334 0.71786

δx (%) 0.393 0.405 0.4096 0.413 0.404

(b) Medium dense dune sand (DS2).

T (oC) 30 40 50 60 70

Ux (mm) 0.0014 0.0016 0.0017 0.0019 0.002

δx (%) 0.7887 0.9014 0.9577 1.0704 1.1268

The effects of backfill and cover materials parameters (types) on cover height which

induced prescribed crown vertical deflections were recently studied by Alawaji (2004a,b,c).

It was found that stiff backfill near pipe zone and stiff embankment cover reduces pipe

deflection and allows larger cover height. However, gain from gravel backfill near pipe

zone is relatively small. For example; at cover height which induced 3% pipe deflection,

cover gain obtained from placing gravel backfill near pipe zone ranges from 17% for

medium dense sand to 13% for dense sand cover.

Internal pressure effects on polyethylene pipes buried in embankments were also

numerically investigated in this study. Pipe installation procedures include backfilling and

cover with dense sand (DS1) and medium dense sand (DS2) soils (Table 2.2). Operation

procedures include application of increasing vertical surface pressure and application of

increasing internal radial pressure inside the buried pipes. Finite element analyses of buried

HDPE pipes were executed under 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70o C. The used Pipe material

parameters at various temperatures were given in Table 2.1. Figures 1.14 (a-h) present

variations of normal force, shear force, and bending moment diagrams with internal

pressure (0-700 kPa) for HDPE pipes buried in 1.723 m DS1 sand cover at 30o C. It is

found that normal force changes from compressive to tensile when 100 kPa internal

pressure is applied; then it increases as internal pressure increased up to 700 kPa.

Maximum value of bending moment decreases as internal pressure increases up to 700 kPa.

Figures 1.15 (a-e) present variations of normal force, shear force, and bending moment

diagrams with temperature (30-70o C) for HDPE pipes buried under 1.723 m DS1 sand

cover with 700 kPa internal pressures. It is found that maximum values for normal force,

shear force, and bending moment decreases with increased temperature. Table 2.4 shows

pipes horizontal pipe springline displacement (Ux) and deflection (δx) for buried HDPE

pipes under 1.723 m DS1 and DS2 sand covers and 700 kPa internal radial pressures at

various temperatures. It is emphasized here that for both density states deflection slightly

increases with temperature, but performance still remains acceptable and deflection is fare

below permissible limit of 3-5%. Due to temperature increase from 30 to 70o C, springline

horizontal displacement increased by 112% and 106% for HDPE pipes buried in DS1 and

DS2 sand embankments under 700 kPa internal pressures, respectively. Furthermore, over

the investigated temperature range of 30 to 70o C, deflection increases as soil density

decreases but pipe performance still remains within acceptable limit of 3-5%. As expected,

it is found that internal pressure reduces pipe vertical crown displacement and increases

vertical invert displacement. In general, acceptable small deformations are predicted under

simulated operational and environmental conditions pertinent to arid lands.

(a) without internal pressure.

Figure 2.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(b) with 100 kPa internal radial pressure.

Figure 2.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams

for HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(c) with 200 kPa internal radial pressure

Figure 2.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams

for HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(d) with 300 kPa internal radial pressure

Figure 2.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams

for HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(e) with 400 kPa internal radial pressure

Figure 2.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams

for HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(f) with 500 kPa internal radial pressure

Figure 2.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams

for HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(g) with 600 kPa internal radial pressure

Figure 2.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams

for HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(h) with 700 kPa internal radial pressure

Figure 2.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams

for HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(a) Temperature = 30o C.

Figure 2.15. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and 700 kPa

internal radial pressure.

(b) Temperature = 40o C.

Figure 2.15. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and 700 kPa

internal radial pressure.

(c) Temperature = 50o C.

Figure 2.15. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and 700 kPa

internal radial pressure.

(d) Temperature = 60o C.

Figure 2.15. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and 700 kPa

internal radial pressure.

(e) Temperature = 70o C.

Figure 2.15. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

HDPE pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and 700 kPa

internal radial pressure.

Table 2.4. Horizontal displacement and deflection at springline of buried HDPE
pipes under 700 kPa internal pressure and at various temperatures

(a) Dense dune sand (DS1).

T (oC) 30 40 50 60 70

Ux (mm) 0.47143 0.55968 0.61075 0.78133 0.99709

∆x (%) 0.266 0.315 0.3441 0.4402 0.5617

(b) Medium dense dune sand (DS2).

T (oC) 30 40 50 60 70

Ux (mm) 0.58355 0.69768 0.76283 0.97578 1.2

δx (%) 0.3288 0.3931 0.4298 0.5497 0.6761

2.3.6 Conclusions

From the HDPE pipe load tests at various temperatures and the staged construction

simulation of buried HDPE pipes in dune sand embankments, the following conclusions

can be drawn:

1. Pipe load test is essential for proper HDPE pipe material characterization and

numerical tool calibration and verification.

2. Secant deformation modulus and Huber-Mises (M-W) criteria accurately predict

HDPE pipe response up to 6-8% vertical pipe deflection.

3. HDPE pipes deformation modulus decreases linearly with increasing temperature.

Due to temperature increase from 30 to 70o C, the HDPE pipe deformation modulus

and yield strength decreased 60%.

4. Low confining pressure near pipe haunches and shoulders causes high stress level in

backfill soil (close to material plastic range) which could lead to lose of adequate

soil support for buried pipes.

5. Detailed investigation and evaluation of existing pipelines during maintenance and

operation activities will furnish further understanding of actual long time pipe

performance under various environmental conditions.

6. Physical tests and finite element analysis could be coupled for better evaluation of

buried pipe performance for particular site and construction procedure.

7. HDPE pipes can safely withstand large dune sand cover especially when good

quality control is exercised during construction procedure.

8. Type of material and density at both the backfill near pipe zone and cover

embankment significantly affect pipe performance during construction and


9. At cover height which induced 3% pipe deflection, additional cover gain obtained

from placing gravel backfill near pipe zone ranges from 17% for medium dense

sand to 13% for dense sand cover.

10. Temperature effects on buried HDPE pipes depends on installation procedure. For

example, due to temperature increase from 30 to 70o C, springline horizontal

displacement increased by 3% and 43% for HDPE pipes buried in DS1 and DS2

sand embankments under 155 kPa surface pressures, respectively.

11. Temperature effects on buried HDPE pipes depends on operation conditions. For

example, due to temperature increase from 30 to 70o C, springline horizontal

displacement increased by 112% and 106% for HDPE pipes buried in DS1 and DS2

sand embankments under 700 kPa internal pressures, respectively.

12. Staged FEM simulation of buried pipe is essential for proper modeling and analysis

which can leads to efficient and economical construction procedure.

13. In-situ evaluation of backfill and cover soil stiffness and other geotechnical

properties is necessary for accurate assessment of existing pipelines.

14. Polyethylene pipes are cost effective and efficient alternative for buried applications

under high temperature (up to 70o C) in arid lands.


3.1. General Introduction

In arid lands; the pipelines operating temperature can be high especially for

desalination plants, water transmission and distribution systems and others hydrocarbons

explorations applications. Widespread corrosion and increasing cost of installation and

maintenance of traditional pipes in desert environment suggests Fiberglass pipes

alternative. Thorough understanding of performance of buried Fiberglass pipes at elevated

temperature is essential for infrastructure sustainable developments in arid lands.

Generally, published investigations of pipes failures illustrate the effectiveness of a

simple field test as a diagnostic tool to evaluate site conditions and overall installation

procedure quality for buried pipes. Unfortunately, despite the huge leakage and severe

failure of buried pipes in under developing countries, there are no documented case studies

in arid lands.

In this chapter the temperature effect on deformation characteristics of Fiberglass pipe

is evaluated. Line load was applied on Fiberglass pipe submerged in hot water under

prescribed temperature. Measured load-response curves are used to calibrate simple

nonlinear finite element model. The calibrated tool is employed in modeling and analysis of

buried Fiberglass pipes under various temperatures. Several installation methods are

considered including embankment and trench installation in both strong and weak soils. It

is shown that buried Fiberglass pipes perform adequately under elevated temperature up to

70o C.

3.2 Above Ground Fiberglass Pipes.

3.2.1. Experimental Study of Fiberglass Pipes

In this study, the experimental investigation is intended to study the nonlinear

behaviour of Fiberglass pipes and the potential effects of temperature on their mechanical

properties. To study the effect of temperature on the deformation characteristics and

mechanical properties of Fiberglass pipes, a proper design of the testing fixture must be

established. Tests were conducted in steel tank of 0.7 m length, 0.5 m width, and 0.7 m

height and supported by a relatively rigid steel framework. Rigid steel plate and I-beams

assembly were placed under the pipe at the bottom of the tank such that pipe crown is

around 5 cm from the container's rim. With proper adjustment, such arrangements permit

testing of various pipe sizes. Two heaters with control regulators were fixed at the bottom

of the tank to obtain desired accurate water temperature. During setting and before loading,

isolated wood cover was used with vents to allow vapor to ventilate from the water bath as

well as to measure the water temperature using thermometers. Initially, weight and

geometrical measurements of the pipe ring sample was performed before soaking in the

water bath of prescribed constant temperature. Monitoring and adjusting the temperature

controller were continued for 24 hours in order to achieve the desired constant temperature

of the water bath and submerged pipe. The identical Fiberglass pipe samples used in this

study were supplied by Amiantit Co., Saudi Arabia. Physical and mechanical properties and

other quality control routine tests were conducted at the manufactory according to relevant

ASTM standards. Laboratory load tests were conducted on Fiberglass pipes of 310 mm

diameter (D), 300 mm length (L), 8 mm thickness. Vertical line load was applied to the

pipe by means of 10 tone compression test machine (Wykeham Farrance England). It is

displacement controlled machine with rate capability in the range 0.0001 to 59.99 mm/min.

It is emphasized here that 6 mm steel bar welded to rectangular hollow square steel beam

was used to transfer vertical line load and minimize boundary effects. Commonly used flat

plate may cause increasing contact area with pipe deformation and mixed boundary

conditions. The applied load was measured using a load cell (Tokyo Sokki) of 100 KN

capacity placed at the bottom of the machine top reaction beam. Displacement was

measured by LVDT (Tokyo Sokki) placed vertically along a diagonal through the center of

the pipe. This LVDT had a 50 mm range with 0.001 mm sensitivity. Data acquisition

system (Tokyo Sokki) and Sony laptop computer were used during the test to scan, monitor

and store hoop strain, deflection and load. Figure 3.1 shows assembled temperature

controlled pipe load test. It is emphasized here that the pipe invert was fixed between two

thin steel plates, as shown in Figure 3.2, to resist buoyant up lift force and to facilitate pipe

alignment inside the test container. This constraint has no effects on the experimental

results since it gets remove (contact released) after slight pipe vertical deformation. Typical

load-deformation response curves for the tested Fiberglass pipes at various temperatures are

presented in Figure 3.3. Further details of experimental description and test results

including internal and external hoop strains along the pipe circumferential line is recently

presented by Alawaji (2004a). It is emphasized here that nonlinearity is observed from the

beginning of the load-deformation response curve. Relatively large unrecoverable

deformation which decreases with increasing temperature was observed upon unloading.

Reloading response was also nonlinear even within the previous loading locus, i.e. below

maximum previous load level. These experimental results are compiled with physical and

mechanical properties of Fiberglass pipes to calibrate and validate finite elements models as

given in the following section.

Figure 3.1. Pipe load test setup under elevated temperature.

Figure 3.2. Fiberglass Pipe alignment and buoyant force resistance plates.

19 Pipe: FGP 5-(1-5)
18 D: 310 mm
17 t: 80 mm
16 L : 30 cm
Force, F (kN)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Vertical Deflection, δ/D (%)

Experiment: Temp = 70 oC, Theta = 0, Rate = 1 mm/min.

Experiment: Temp = 60 oC, Theta = 0, Rate = 1 mm/min.
Experiment: Temp = 50 oC, Theta = 0, Rate = 1 mm/min.
Experiment: Temp = 40 oC, Theta = 0, Rate = 1 mm/min.
Experiment: Temp = 30 oC, Theta = 0, Rate = 1 mm/min.
Linear Fit: Temp = 30 oC, Theta = 0, Rate = 1 mm/min.

Figure 3.3. Typical load-deformation response curves for Fiberglass pipes at various

3.2.2 FEM Analysis of Fiberglass Pipes

The finite-element program, Z-Soil 3D Version 6.13, used in this study has been

developed by ZACE Co. (2004). Figure 3.4 shows 3D mesh of single layer four nodes 3D

shell elements used to model Fiberglass pipe load test. Only a quarter of the pipe is

modeled utilizing the dual symmetry of the problem. Simple elastic and Huber-Mises

constitutive models is employed. As might be expected, the initial linear elastic model

predicts the response successfully only for very small deflection (up to 0.9 %). Therefore,

nonlinear model which consists of secant elastic deformation modulus (at 2.5%

deformation) and Huber-Mises criteria was considered. Figures 3.5 (a-e) present finite

elements fit to the experimental results for the tested Fiberglass pipes at various

temperatures (30, 40, 50, 60, and 70oC). Table 3.1 presents the calibrated Fiberglass pipe

material parameters at various temperatures in the range of 30 to 70o C. Constant Poisson's

ratio, ν = 0.25, was assumed for the Fiberglass pipes. Results indicate that deformation

modulus decreases linearly with increasing temperature as shown in Figure 3.6. Due to

temperature increase from 30 to 70oC, the Fiberglass pipe deformation modulus decreased

by 62%. Yield strength decreases while strain at yielding increases with increasing

temperature. Where, yield strength of the tested Fiberglass pipes decreased by 56% due to

temperature increase from 30 to 70oC.

Figure 3.4. Mesh of single layer four nodes 3D shell elements used to model
Fiberglass pipe load tests.


Vertical load (kN)

6 Pipe: FGP 5-1
Diameter = 310 mm
4 Thickness = 8 mm
2 Length = 300 mm
T = 30oC
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Vertical defliction (mm)

Figure 3.5(a). Finite element fit to experimental results for Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-1).

18 Pipe: FGP 5-2
16 Diameter = 310 mm
Thickness = 8 mm
Vertical load (kN)

14 Length = 300 mm
12 T = 40oC
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Vertical defliction (mm)

Figure 3.5(b). Finite element fit to experimental results for Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-2).

18 Pipe: FGP 5-3
16 Diameter = 310 mm
Thickness = 8 mm

Vertical load (kN)

14 Length = 300 mm
12 T = 50oC
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Vertical defliction (mm)

Figure 3.5(c). Finite element fit to experimental results for Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-3).

Pipe: FGP 5-3
16 Diameter = 310 mm
Vertical load (kN)

Thickness = 8 mm
Length = 300 mm
12 T = 60oC

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Vertical defliction (mm)

Figure 3.5(d). Finite element fit to experimental results for Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-4).

16 Pipe: FGP 5-3
Diameter = 310 mm
Vertical load (kN)

14 Thickness = 8 mm
12 Length = 300 mm
T = 70oC

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Vertical defliction (mm)

Figure 3.5(e). Finite element fit to experimental results for Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-5).

Pipes: FGP 5-(1-5)
Secant deformation Modulus,Εs (GPa)

Diameter, D = 310 mm
80 Thickness, t = 9 mm
Length, L = 300 mm



Εs (GPa) = -1.362525 * T (oC) + 127.18997
Coef of determination, R-squared = 0.9983
20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Temperature, T (oC)

Figure 3.6. Variations of secant deformation modulus (at 2.5% deformation) with
temperature for tested Fiberglass pipes [FGP 5-(1-5)].

Table 3.1. Fiberglass pipe material parameters at various temperatures.

Temperature, Deformation Poisson ratio, Tensile &

modulus, Es compressive
To C ν
(kN/m2) strength, ft& fc

30 87121900 0.25 250000

40 71498500 0.25 200000

50 59582100 0.25 180000

60 44742400 0.25 140000

70 32373700 0.25 110345

Typical predicted deformed configuration at 5% vertical deflection and 70o C is

illustrated in Figure 3.7. It is clear that this mode of deformation is simple elliptical and

follow simple uniform elliptical deformation assumptions commonly employed in buried

pipes design practice. From the measured and predicted response curves (Figures 3.5 a-

e), it is clear that the used nonlinear model can predict pipe response successfully up to

7% deflection. This deflection level is rarely attained in practice without joint leaks or

triggering maintenance and repair remarks. Therefore, model prediction is considered

adequate for buried pipe applications. However, failure load was underestimated.

Therefore, the overall analysis of buried Fiberglass pipes using this model is accurate for

working conditions but conservative for ultimate failure prediction. Since design and

operation are limited to small deformation, geometrical nonlinearity will not be

considered in the following buried polyethylene pipes analyses.

Figure 3.7. Predicted deformed configuration (5% vertical deflection) for
tested Fiberglass pipe (FGP 5-5) at 70o C.


3.3.1 Numerical Models

In this study, plane strain nonlinear finite element analysis was used to model

Fiberglass pipes buried in dune sand embankments. Typical Fiberglass pipe of 310 mm

diameter and 8 mm thickness was simulated. Four nodes Quadlateral and beam elements

were used and only a one half of the system was modeled due to symmetry of the

problem around X = 0 axis. The finite-element program used in this study, Z-Soil 3D

Version 6.13, was developed by ZACE Co. (2004). Mohr-Coulomb and Huber-Mises

constitutive models were employed for soil and pipe, respectively. The mesh extends

horizontally 3 m from pipe center. Complete fixity was enforced at the lower edge of the

mesh. Roller support was used at both vertical sides of the mesh. The mesh

configurations are shown in Figures 3.8 (a-e). Figure 3.8 (a) shows mesh used for

embankment and surface pressure at final stage. Elements refinement and transition zones

shown in Figure 3.8 (b) were used near the pipe to enhance nonlinear solution convergent

and prediction accuracy. Figure 3.8 (c) shows mesh used for embankment and internal

pressure at final stage. Figure 3.8 (d) shows near pipe view and internal pressure. Contact

elements were employed at pipe-soil interface as shown in Figure 3.8 (e). Soil cover

layers, soil overburden pressure, and pipe internal pressure were activated in consequent

stages to simulate embankment construction and pipe operation conditions as presented

in the following sections.

(a) Embankment layers and surface pressure.

Figure 3.8. Illustration of FEM mesh configuration for modeling buried Fiberglass pipes.

(b) Elements refinement and transition zones.

Figure 3.8. Illustration of FEM mesh configuration near buried Fiberglass pipes.

(c) Embankment layers and pipe internal pressure.

Figure 3.8. Illustration of FEM mesh configuration for buried Fiberglass pipes.

(d) Zoomed view of pipe internal pressure.

Figure 3.8. Illustration of FEM mesh configuration for buried Fiberglass pipes.

(e) Zoomed view for pipe-soil contact.

Figure 3.8. Illustration of FEM mesh configuration for buried Fiberglass pipes.

3.3.2 Soil Parameters

Thomamah sand (Sand Th) from sand dunes north eastern Riyadh city, Saudi Arabia,

was used to represent sand dunes material in arid lands. Geotechnical properties and

characteristics of Thomamah sand was given in details by Alawaji (1997). It can be

described as wind blown predominantly fine to medium sand which is classified as

poorly graded sand (SP) according to the unified classification system (USCS). The sand

has a specific gravity (Gs) of 2.67, and an effective size (D10) of 0.11 mm. The

maximum and minimum dry densities were 18.48 kN/m3 and 15.81 kN/m3 in accordance

to ASTM D-4253 and D-4254, respectively. The coefficient of uniformity (Cu) and the

coefficient of curvature (Cc) were 2.88 and 1.1, respectively. Shear strength for

Thomamah sand at 70% relative density (17.57 kN/m3) was determined from

conventional consolidated drained triaxial tests. It was found that, for confining pressure

in the range of 25 to 150 kPa, the friction angle was found to be 40 degrees at 70%

relative density Alawaji (1997).

For coarse grained soils, the coefficient of earth pressure at rest, Ko, can be estimated

by the empirical relationship of Jaky (1944),

K o = 1 - sin φ (3.1)

where φ is the soil drained friction angle. Furthermore, for coarse grained soils, the

dilation angle, ψ, can be obtained from the empirical expression of Bolton (1986),

0 .8 ψ = φ − φ cv

where φ cv is the soil friction angle at critical state. For the present purpose, φ cv has been

taken as 32o.

Solutions were sought for medium dense and loose sand states designated DS1 and

DS2, respectively. Moher-Coulomb (M-W) criteria were used for the sand material with

Drucker-Prager plastic flow and initial ko state. Table 3.2 presents the sand material

parameters for medium dense and loose sand states. These two material states represent

good and poor embankment construction procedures in dune sand at arid lands. Talesnick

and Baker (1999) measured wide variations in the in-situ stiffness of dune sand backfill

along buried pipeline with sand backfill material. Gravel backfill material commonly

used in pipe zone consists of crushed stone. The main advantage of gravel backfill near

pipe zone is that, gravel is self compaction material which insures adequate compaction

at pipe hunches and shoulders. Alawaji (2004a) emphasized the low confining pressure

effects near haunches and shoulders of flexible pipes even with uniform compacted

backfill material for both trench pipe construction procedure (Alawaji , 2004b) as well as

embankment pipe construction procedure (Alawaji, 2004c).

3.3.3 Pipe-Soil Contact Parameters

Frictional contact elements were used between pipe beam elements and soil

quadrilateral continuum elements. Mohr-Coulomb contact material parameters are given

in Table 3.2. Augmented Lagrangian Contact algorithm was activated in the nonlinear

equations solver with Maximum number of augmentations of 5, stop augmentation if

maximum over penetration is less than 1e-006, increase penalty stiffness with multiplier

of 2 at each augmentation, and maximum penalty stiffness multiplier of 100. Detailed

description of contact elements and contact algorithm are given in the Z_Soil code user

manual (2004).

Table 3.2. Summary of materials parameters used in FEM analyses.

Material Model Parameter Value

DS1 Mohr-Coulomb Deformation modulus, E (MPa) 30
Poisson's ratio, ν 0.3
Unit weight, γ (kN/m3) 17
Friction angles, θ o 45
Dilatancy angle, ψ o 15
Cohesion, C (kPa) 4
Tension cut-off, I1t (kPa) 0
Ko(x), ko(z), Inclination angle <x',x> 0.6, 0.6, 0

DS2 Mohr-Coulomb Deformation modulus, E (MPa) 10

Poisson's ratio, ν 0.3
Unit weight, γ (kN/m3) 15.5
Friction angles, θ o 38
Dilatancy angle, ψ o 10
Cohesion, C (kPa) 4
Tension cut-off, I1t (kPa) 0
Ko(x), ko(z), Inclination angle <x',x> 0.4, 0.4, 0

Contact Mohr-Coulomb Normal stiffness multiplier, kn 0.1

Tangent to normal stiffness
multiplier ratio, kt/kn
Friction angles, θ o 20
Dilatancy angle, ψ o 5
Cohesion, C (kPa) 0

3.3.4 Staged Analysis

Staged construction of buried Fiberglass pipes in dune sand embankment was

simulated using nonlinear Z-Soil FEM program. The first stage activates soil initial ko

stress state in five steps (Time = 0.2 to 1 and Increment of 0.2). In this stage, soil layer

representing under base material of 0.75 m thickness was activated alone. The second

stage introduced pipe and pipe zone cover (Time = 0 to 1) then successive backfilling of

ten soil layers in ten analysis steps (Time = 1 to 11 and Increment of 1). The first step

introduced pipe and soil layer of 0.8 m thickness. The pipe was activated simultaneously

in the middle of this layer. Then, soil cover layers of 0.25 m thickness were activated in

the remaining ten steps. The total soil cover over pipe crown is 2.723 m. The third stage

applies uniform vertical pressure of 155 kPa in forty steps (Time = 11 to 51 and

Increment of 1). This overburden pressure is equivalent to adding forty successive soil

layers of 0.25 m thickness. The complete FEM mesh at final stage for embankment and

surface pressure case is shown in Figure 3.8 (a). It is emphasized here that solution

iterations were employed at each analysis step. Compacted material parameters were used

without surface pressure over backfill lefts. Sharp et al. (1985) indicated that pressure

application on compacted layers does not improve the results in simulating soil box tests.

However, a more objectives layered compaction simulation would require evolution of

soil properties such as unit weight, deformation and strength parameters with stress level

during compaction of each soil layer.

To investigate the effect of internal pressure on Fiberglass pipes buried in sand

embankments at various temperatures, radial surface pressure was applied inside buried

Fiberglass pipes. The pipes were installed and covered in staged as described above. The

first stage activates initial ko stress state in five steps (Time = 0.2 to 1 and Increment of

0.2). In this stage, soil layer representing under base material of 0.75 m thickness was

activated alone. The second stage introduce pipe and pipe zone layer (Time = 0 to 1) then

successive backfilling of six soil layers in six analysis steps (Time = 0 to 7 and Increment

of 1). The first step introduced pipe and soil layer of 0.8 m thickness. The pipe was

activated simultaneously in the middle of this layer. Then, soil cover layers of 0.25 m

thickness were activated in the remaining ten steps. Soil cover over pipe crown of 1.723

m was maintained without surface pressure. Soil consists of medium dense and loose

sand states designated DS1 and DS2, respectively. Third stage applies incremental radial

internal pressure. In this analysis stage, internal pressure of 700 kPa was applied in 10

kPa increments. Seventy analysis steps (Time = 7 to 77 and Increment of 1) were used

with numerical iterations in each step. The complete FEM mesh at final stage for

embankment and internal pressure case is shown in Figure 3.8 (c).

Numerical results obtained in this study show pipe bending moment, shear and

normal stresses; pipe-soil contact stresses; soil deformation, plastic zones, stress and

strain maps for each analysis step. Typical pipe-soil interaction characteristics for buried

Fiberglass pipes in dune sand embankments at various temperatures are presented in the

following results and discussion section.

3.3.5 Results and Discussion

The calibrated numerical tool and the refined material parameters are used for

modeling and analysis of staged backfilling of buried Fiberglass pipes in dune sand

embankments at various temperatures. Figure 3.9 shows typical Normal force (N), shear

force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams in Fiberglass pipe buried under 2.72 m soil

cover and 155 kPa overburden pressure in DS1 sand embankment at 30o C. Figure 3.10

shows typical normal and shear contact stress diagrams on Fiberglass pipe under 2.72 m

soil cover and 155 kPa overburden pressure in DS1 sand embankment at 30o C. Figures

3.11 (a) and (b) present typical variation of vertical and horizontal stresses in backfill soil

near Fiberglass pipe buried under 2.723 m soil cover and 155 kPa overburden pressure in

DS1 sand embankment at 30o C. Low values of vertical stress were predicted near the

pipe springline, and high vales were predicted near the pipe shoulder as shown in Figure

3.11 (a). Low values of horizontal stress were predicted near the pipe hunch and

shoulder, and high vales were predicted near the pipe springline as presented in Figure

3.11 (b). Plastic zone initiated in the soil near the pipe haunch when the soil cover height

reached 0.995 m at Time = 4, as shown in Figure 3.12. Plastic zone further extends near

the pipe when the soil cover height reached 2.723 m at Time = 51, as shown in Figure

3.13. The sand material was homogenous, but arching and pipe-soil interaction causes

low horizontal stress (low confining pressure) and high stress level at these locations as

depicted in Figure 3.14. In practice, reinforcing the soil or placing stiffer material such as

cemented crushed sand or gravel near the pipe haunches and shoulders may improve

buried flexible pipes performance.

Figure 3.9. Normal (N), shear (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams in
Fiberglass pipe buried under 2.72 m soil cover and 155 kPa overburden
pressure in DS1 sand embankment at 30o C.

Figure 3.10. Typical normal (Sn) and shear (Tau) contact stress diagrams on
Fiberglass pipe buried under 2.72 m soil cover and 155 kPa overburden
pressure in DS1 sand embankment at 30o C.

(a)Vertical stress.

(b) Horizontal stress.

Figure 3.11. Typical stress diagrams in backfill soil near buried Fiberglass pipe
with 2.72 m soil cover and 155 kPa overburden pressure in DS1
sand embankment at 30o C.

Figure 3.12. Plastic zone initiated in backfill soil (DS1) near buried Fiberglass
pipe under 0.995 m backfill cover (Time = 4) at 30o C.

Figure 3.13. Plastic zone in backfill soil (DS1) near buried Fiberglass pipe
under 2.72 m backfill (Time = 51) at 30o C.

Figure 3.14. Typical stress levels in backfill soil (DS1) near buried Fiberglass pipe
under 2.72 m backfill (Time = 51) at 30o C.

Installation procedure and temperature effects on Fiberglass pipes buried in sand

embankments were also investigated. Two models for installation procedures were

considered. These installation procedures include backfilling and cover with dense sand

(DS1) and medium dense sand (DS2) soils (Table 3.2). Finite element analyses were

executed under 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70o C. The used Fiberglass pipe material parameters

at various temperatures were given in Table 3.1. Table 3.3 shows predicted horizontal

displacement (Ux) and horizontal deflection (δx = 2*Ux/D) at pipe springline, where D

is pipe diameter, for buried Fiberglass pipes under 2.723 m DS1 and DS2 sands covers

and 155 kPa surface pressure. It is emphasized here that deflection slightly increases

with temperature, but performance remains acceptable and deflection still fare below

permissible limit of 3-5%. Due to temperature increase from 30 to 70o C, springline

horizontal displacement increased by 20% and 46% for Fiberglass pipes buried under

2.723 m DS1 and DS2 sand embankments; respectively, with 155 kPa surface pressure.

Also it is been noticed that, in the investigated temperature range of 30 to 70o C,

deflection increases as soil density decreases but pipe performance still remains within

acceptable limit of 3-5%. In practice, this may allow for little uncontrollable variations

in the in-situ density along the pipeline during field installation.

Table 3.3. Horizontal displacement and deflection at springline of buried
Fiberglass pipes under 2.723 m DS1 and DS2 sands covers and 155
kPa surface pressure at various temperatures.

(a) Dense dune sand (DS1).

T (oC) 30 40 50 60 70

Ux (mm) 0.67566 0.71098 0.74016 0.77939 0.81359

δx (%) 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.50 0.53

(b) Medium dense dune sand (DS2).

T (oC) 30 40 50 60 70

Ux (mm) 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9

δx (%) 0.84 0.90 0.97 1.10 1.23

The effects of backfill and cover materials parameters (types) on cover height

which induced prescribed crown vertical deflections were recently studied by Alawaji

(2004a,b,c). It was found that stiff backfill near pipe zone and stiff embankment cover

reduces pipe deflection and allows larger cover height. However, gain from gravel

backfill near pipe zone is relatively small.

Internal pressure effects on Fiberglass pipes buried in embankments at various

temperatures were also numerically investigated in this study. Pipe installation

procedures include backfilling and cover with dense sand (DS1) and medium dense

sand (DS2) soils (Table 3.2). Operation procedures include application of increasing

vertical surface pressure and application of increasing internal radial pressure inside the

buried pipes. Finite element analyses of buried Fiberglass pipes were executed under

30, 40, 50, 60, and 70o C. The used pipe material parameters at various temperatures

were given in Table 3.1. Figures 3.14 (a-h) present variations of normal force, shear

force, and bending moment diagrams with internal pressure (0-700 kPa) for Fiberglass

pipes buried in 1.723 m DS1 sand cover at 30o C. It is found that normal force changes

from compressive to tensile when 100 kPa internal pressure is applied; then it increases

as internal pressure increased up to 700 kPa. Bending moment and shear values do not

change as internal pressure increases up to 700 kPa. Figures 3.15 (a-e) present

variations of normal force, shear force, and bending moment diagrams with temperature

(30-70o C) for Fiberglass pipes buried under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover with 700 kPa

internal pressures. It is found that maximum values for normal force, shear force, and

bending moment slightly decreases with increased temperature. Table 3.4 shows pipes

horizontal pipe springline displacement (Ux) and deflection (δx) for buried Fiberglass

pipes under 1.723 m DS1 and DS2 sand covers and 700 kPa internal radial pressures at

various temperatures. It is emphasized here that for both density states deflection

slightly increases with temperature, but performance still remains acceptable and

deflection is far below permissible limit of 3-5%. Due to temperature increase from 30

to 70o C, springline horizontal displacement increased by 48% and 66% for Fiberglass

pipes buried in DS1 and DS2 sand embankments; respectively, with 700 kPa internal

pressures. Furthermore, over the investigated temperature range of 30 to 70o C,

deflection increases as soil density decreases but pipe performance still remains within

acceptable limit of 3-5%. As expected, it is found that internal pressure reduces pipe

vertical crown displacement and increases vertical invert displacement. In general,

acceptable small deformations are predicted under simulated operational and

environmental conditions pertinent to arid lands.

(a) without internal pressure at Time = 7.

Figure 3.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(b) with 100 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 17.

Figure 3.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(c) with 200 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 27.

Figure 3.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(d) with 300 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 37.

Figure 3.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(e) with 400 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 47.

Figure 3.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(f) with 500 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 57.

Figure 3.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(g) with 600 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 67.

Figure 3.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(h) with 700 kPa internal radial pressure at Time = 77.

Figure 3.14. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover.

(a) Temperature = 30o C.

Figure 3.15. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and

700 kPa internal radial pressure.

(b) Temperature = 40o C.

Figure 3.15. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and

700 kPa internal radial pressure.

(c) Temperature = 50o C.

Figure 3.15. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and

700 kPa internal radial pressure.

(d) Temperature = 60o C.

Figure 3.15. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and

700 kPa internal radial pressure.

(e) Temperature = 70o C.

Figure 3.15. Normal force (N), Shear force (T), and bending moment (M) diagrams for

Fiberglass pipe buried in embankment under 1.723 m DS1 sand cover and

700 kPa internal radial pressure.

Table 3.4. Horizontal displacement and deflection at springline of buried
Fiberglass pipes under 700 kPa internal pressure and at various

(a) Dense dune sand (DS1).

T (oC) 30 40 50 60 70

Ux (mm) 0.12744 0.13823 0.14864 0.16628 0.18896

δx (%) 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12

(b) Medium dense dune sand (DS2).

T (oC) 30 40 50 60 70

Ux (mm) 0.20368 0.22856 0.25255 0.29191 0.33873

δx (%) 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.19 0.22

3.3.6 Conclusions

From the staged construction simulation of buried polyethylene pipes in dune sand

embankments, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Pipe load test is essential for proper Fiberglass pipe material characterization

and numerical tool calibration and verification.

2. Secant deformation modulus and Huber-Mises (M-W) criteria accurately predict

Fiberglass pipe response up to 6-8% vertical pipe deflection.

3. Deformation modulus of Fiberglass pipes decreases linearly with increasing

temperature. Due to temperature increase from 30 to 70o C, deformation

modulus and yield strength decreased 62%.

4. Detailed investigation and evaluation of existing pipelines during maintenance

and operation activities will furnish further understanding of actual long time

pipe performance under various environmental conditions.

5. Physical tests and finite element analysis could be coupled for better evaluation

of buried pipe performance for particular site and construction procedure.

6. Fiberglass pipes can safely withstand high (70o C) operational temperature

especially when good quality control is exercised during construction procedure.

7. Type of material and density (strength and deformation parameters) at both the

backfill near pipe zone and cover embankment significantly affect pipe

performance during construction and operation.

8. Temperature effects on buried Fiberglass pipes depend on installation procedure

and operation conditions. For example, due to temperature increase from 30 to

70o C, springline horizontal displacement increased by 20% and 46% for

Fiberglass pipes buried under 2.723 m DS1 and DS2 sand embankments;

respectively, with 155 kPa surface pressure.

9. Temperature effects on buried Fiberglass pipes depend on operation conditions.

For example, due to temperature increase from 30 to 70o C, springline

horizontal displacement increased by 48% and 66% for Fiberglass pipes buried

in DS1 and DS2 sand embankments; respectively, with 700 kPa internal


10. Staged FEM simulation is essential for proper modeling and analysis of buried

Fiberglass pipes and temperature effects which can leads to efficient and

economical construction procedure.

11. In-situ evaluation of backfill and cover soil stiffness and other geotechnical

properties is necessary for accurate assessment of existing pipelines.

12. Fiberglass pipes are cost effective and efficient alternative for buried

applications under high temperature (up to 70o C) in arid lands.


Based on experimental and numerical studies of buried HDPE and Fiberglass pipes at

various temperatures, the following general recommendations can be drawn:

1. Pipe load tests should be conducted and documented in electronic pipes national

data base for proper pipe material characterization and numerical analysis of

new and existing major pipelines.

2. Soil cover and backfill materials Geotechnical properties including in-situ soil

stiffness and strength characteristics should be properly measured during

construction of buried pipes and documented in electronic backfill material data

base for proper soil characterization and numerical analysis of new and existing

major pipelines.

3. Evaluation and assessment of buried pipes actual performance is essential

during maintenance and operation.

4. HDPE and Fiberglass pipes are cost effective and efficient alternative for buried

applications in arid lands even under high temperature up to 70o C.

5. Further cooperation of manufacturers, owners, contractors and researchers is

needed in the area of buried pipes.


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