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OPINION Update on rheumatic heart disease
Bobby Yanagawa a, Jagdish Butany b, and Subodh Verma a

Purpose of review
The purpose is to provide a broad overview of the current state of knowledge of pathogenesis, diagnosis,
and management of rheumatic heart disease (RHD).
Recent findings
Studies on pathogenesis of RHD have focused on autoimmunity because of molecular mimicry between the
streptococcal M antigen a-helical coiled-coil structure and sarcomeric proteins such as myosin and
tropomyosin. More recently, nonsarcomeric autoantigens, endothelial injury and the innate immune system
have been proposed to play key roles in the pathogenesis of RHD. In the 2015 revised Jones Criteria, the
importance of echocardiography and subclinical carditis in the diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever is
highlighted. Experimental studies with targeted anti-inflammatory therapeutics have been largely
unsuccessful and the only established treatment is still lifelong antibiotics. Efforts to improve patient selection
and outcomes with percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty are ongoing. With regard to surgical
management, several groups have demonstrated excellent operative and midterm outcomes from valve
repair as opposed to valve replacement.
There are still many unanswered questions regarding RHD pathogenesis. The only accepted medical
treatment is still long-term antibiotic therapy, whereas advances in mitral repair techniques have led to
successful durable repairs being performed in high-volume, expert centers.
autoimmune, mitral stenosis, rheumatic heart disease

INTRODUCTION cardiovascular mortality and morbidity among you-

Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) is the sequela of ng people in developing countries. If left untreated,
untreated oropharyngeal infection by group A RHD can result in mean age of death less than 25
hemolytic Streptococcus. The most common mani- years in some endemic countries [6]. The dispropor-
festations are carditis, arthritis and chorea [1 ]. The tionately high prevalence in developing countries
extracardiac manifestations are self-limiting and affecting the most vulnerable communities is
with no residual injury. In terms of carditis, there related to overcrowding, inadequate hygiene, poor
is no lymphocytic myocarditis or significant tropo- access to healthcare, and poor compliance with
nin release, even in patients with congestive heart medications. Although RHD primarily affects those
failure, suggesting a lack of fulminant myocardial in developing countries today, there have been iso-
injury [2]. Pericarditis occurs infrequently and any lated resurgences of ARF in the developed world [7].
pericardial effusion is self-limiting. On the other In 2015, the American Heart Association revised
hand, rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a progressive the 1992 Jones Criteria for the diagnosis of ARF in the
valvulopathy that occurs in approximately 60% of
those patients with ARF [3]. In addition, a significant
proportion of patients will also have initial subclin- Division of Cardiac Surgery, St Michael’s Hospital and bDivision of
Pathology, Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ical carditis that may progress to end-stage valvul-
& Ontario, Canada
opathy [1 ]. Clinically apparent RHD affects 15.6
Correspondence to Bobby Yanagawa, MD, PhD, FRCSC, Department of
million people worldwide, with 282 000 new cases Surgery, University of Toronto, Division of Cardiac Surgery, St. Michael’s
added each year [3]. Echocardiographic screening Hospital, 30 Bond Street, 8th Floor, Bond Wing, Toronto, ON M5B 1W8,
studies in endemic areas have revealed an approxi- Canada. Tel: +1 416 864 5706; fax: +1 416 864 5031;
mately 10 times greater incidence, and as such, we e-mail:
likely underestimate the true prevalence of this dis- Curr Opin Cardiol 2016, 31:162–168
ease [4,5]. RHD still accounts for a majority of the DOI:10.1097/HCO.0000000000000269 Volume 31  Number 2  March 2016

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Update on rheumatic heart disease Yanagawa et al.

medical management, as well as surgical manage-

KEY POINTS ment. For each section, we will highlight the major
 RHD is still largely considered an autoimmune disease, unanswered questions.
but work to identify novel upstream inflammatory
regulatory events and genetic and genomic
determinants of susceptibility is underway. PATHOLOGY OF RHEUMATIC HEART
 Despite studies to find targeted treatments to slow the
progression of RHD, medical treatment is limited to RHD is a pancarditis that affects the myocardium
lifelong antibiotic therapy. in the form of focal interstitial granulomas or
Aschoff bodies, fibrinous pericarditis, and vege-
 PMBV can be an effective intervention for tations (verrucous) on the valve leaflets with late-
hemodynamically significant but nonsevere MS. Efforts
stage manifestation of stenotic valvulopathy. In
are underway to identify the ideal candidate to
optimize outcomes. the myocardium, Aschoff bodies are aggregates of
interstitial fibroinflammatory lesions containing
 Several experienced surgical groups have published lymphocytes, macrophages, B cells, and giant cells
their experience of valve repair with excellent long-term as well as collagen necrosis, considered pathogno-
survival and freedom from reintervention.
monic for RHD. However, there is rarely significant
myocardial injury, including protracted myo-
carditis, dilated cardiomyopathy or constrictive
era of Doppler echocardiography [1 ] (Table 1). With pericarditis, associated with end-stage rheumatic
regard to RHD, a major advance is the use of echo- valve disease [8].
cardiography, as opposed to clinical examination, to The primary cardiac phenotype is valvulopathy,
detect mitral or aortic valve regurgitation. In this with the mitral valve most often affected and the
regard, subclinical carditis, or valvulopathy revealed aortic valve the next most common [9]. Acute rheu-
by echocardiography but not by classic auscultation, matic valvulitis shows gross features of small pink
is a criterion for ARF and can beget RHD. vegetations (verrucae) on the rough zone of the
In this overview, we will review the current valve leaflets. Histologically, active inflammation
knowledge of histopathology, pathogenesis, and and edema can be seen. In the acute phase, the

Table 1. 2015 Revised Jones Criteria. Adapted from Gewitz et al. [1 ] &

Diagnosis Criteria

Initial ARF Evidence of GAS infection and two major or one major and two minor
Recurrent ARF Evidence of GAS infection and two major or one major and two minor or three minor

Major criteria Low-risk patients Moderate and high-risk patients

Carditis (clinical or subclinical) Carditis (clinical or subclinical)

Polyarthritis Monoarthritis or polyarthritis or polyarthralgia
Chorea Chorea
Erythema marginatum Erythema marginatum
Subcutaneous nodules Subcutaneous nodules

Minor criteria Low-risk patients Moderate and high-risk patients

Polyarthralgia Monoarthralgia
Fever (38.58C) Fever (388C)
ESR  60 mm in the first hour and/or CRP 3.0 mg/dl ESR  30 mm/h and/or CRP  3.0 mg/dl
Prolonged PR interval, after accounting for age variability Prolonged PR interval, after accounting for age variability
(unless carditis is a major criterion) (unless carditis is a major criterion)

ARF, acute rheumatic fever; CRP, C-reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; GAS, group A streptococcal infection.
Low-risk patients are those who come from a population in which ARF incidence is 2 per 1 00 000 or less in school-aged children or rheumatic heart disease
prevalence is 1 per 1000 or less per year for all ages.

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Valvular heart disease

leaflets exhibit focal evidence of immune cell of CD4þ and CD8þ lymphocytes into the subendo-
infiltration, fibrosis, neoangiogenesis, and later thelial space [22]. Complement activation may
evidence of calcification. Areas of angiogenesis stain also be important, as mannose-binding lectin
positively for vascular endothelial growth factor (MBL) and MBL2-associated genotypes associated
[10]. Regarding cellular infiltration in the mitral with the high production of the soluble pathogen
valve, CD4þ and CD8þ T lymphocytes and macro- recognition receptor MBL were found in patients
phages are expressed in the valvular endothelium with RHD [23].
and in perineovascular areas. A vicious cycle of
inflammation, neovascularization, healing, and
further damage results in chronic RHD with prolif- PATHOGENESIS: AUTOIMMUNITY
erative and exudative inflammation involving The importance of autoimmunity in the pathogen-
primarily collagen or ground substance. Extensive esis of rheumatic fever was based on the demon-
gross pathological studies of end-stage rheumatic stration of focal deposits of bound g globulin in the
valves demonstrate a fibrotic and firm leaflet with myocardium of rheumatic atrial appendages [24]
postinflammatory leaflet thickening, scarring, and valvulitis and focal myocarditis in Lewis rats
fusion, and shortening of the commissures and immunized with recombinant streptococcal M
chordae. These patients can develop severe ‘fun- protein [25]. Furthermore, human and rat cardiac
nel-shaped’ severe mitral valve stenosis, whose ori- myosin induced severe myocarditis in the Lewis rats,
fice resembles a ‘fish mouth,’ its classic descriptor. and myosin-sensitized lymphocytes from the hearts
of Lewis rats with peptides of streptococcal M5
protein responded most strongly to peptides within
PATHOGENESIS: ENDOTHELIAL INJURY the B repeat region of streptococcal M protein [24].
AND INNATE IMMUNE RESPONSE Streptococcal antigen presentation by HLA class II
Rheumatic disorders can be divided into primarily molecules to T-cell receptor with antigenic mimicry
autoimmune and autoinflammatory, with some between streptococcal M protein and several cardiac
overlap, but each having distinct mechanisms sarcomeric and structural proteins may lead to infil-
[11]. Autoinflammatory disorders are primarily of tration and activation of CD4þ/CD8þ T lympho-
the innate immune response and driven by inflam- cytes and macrophages [18,26,27].
masome-induced IL(interleukin)-1b and IL-18 [12]. The M protein is the most important antigenic
On the other hand, autoimmune diseases are prim- structure of S. pyogenes. It shares structural
arily adaptive immune responses, driven by T-and homology with g-helical coiled-coil human proteins
B-cell activity and interferon type I. RHD has been such as cardiac myosin, tropomyosin, keratin,
understood as an autoimmune disease but also has a laminin, and vimentin [26,28–31]. Vimentin, a
component of active inflammation, as evidenced major type III intermediate filament protein, is
by elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) release both expressed in endothelial and other mesenchymal
acutely and chronically [13–16]. CRP levels have cells that regulate focal adhesions. Antivimentin
been shown to correlate with more rapid pro- antibodies cross-reactive with streptococcal proteins
gression of mitral stenosis (MS) [17]. The proinflam- were present in patients with RHD [30]. Group A
matory milieu is also associated with higher carbohydrates have also been shown to trigger auto-
expression of plasma fibrinogen, IL-6, IL-8, tumor antibodies [32]. Antigroup A carbohydrate anti-
necrosis factor (TNF)a, and high-sensitivity CRP bodies correlated with need for valve replacement
[15]. Furthermore, IL-6 and TNFa levels are strongly and decreased following surgical removal of the
correlated with valve calcification [18]. The vaso- diseased valve [33,34].
constrictor endothelin-1 is also upregulated in As explained by Tandon et al. [35], antigenic
patients with RHD [19]. mimicry with sarcomeric antigens may not fully
Endothelial injury may be an important primary explain RHD pathogenesis, as myocardial sarco-
event in RHD. Galvin et al. [20] demonstrated that meric proteins are intracellular and thus relatively
antistreptococcal antibodies were cytotoxic for cul- inaccessible as an autoantigen; sacromeric proteins
tured human endothelial cells as well as human are absent in heart valves, the primary focus of
valvular endothelium and underlying basement immune injury; and where sarcomeric proteins
membrane. Scalzi et al. [21] showed potentially are abundant in the myocardium, inflammation is
pathogenic direct antiendothelial cell antibodies not found clinically. One such novel mechanism for
in 40% of RHD patients. Explanted rheumatic valve immune activation is streptococcal M protein bind-
tissues at the time of surgery show activation of ing to the cyanogen bromide peptide fragment 3
surface valvular endothelium with expression of (CB3) region in subendothelial basement mem-
vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and extravasation brane collagen type IV, initiating an antibody

164 Volume 31  Number 2  March 2016

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Update on rheumatic heart disease Yanagawa et al.

response to the collagen [35–38]. Finally, immuno- antithrombotic properties that stabilize endo-
editing is a newly discovered autoimmune mecha- thelium and atherosclerotic plaques and protect
nism whereby somatic mutations in normally against oxidative stress. Treatment with statins
tolerant self-antigens result in neoantigens, has been shown to slow the progression of aortic
which may become immunogenic [39]. Whether valve calcification, but the results from prospective
immunoediting is involved in RHD is completely trials have been inconclusive [51–53]. Similarly, a
unknown. retrospective study found that statins were associ-
ated with a lower progression of transmitral gradient
and transaortic velocity [54,55]. The mechanism is
GENETICS thought to be secondary to anti-inflammatory or
The fact that only a small subset of children with endothelial-protective effects of statins [56]. The
untreated Streptococcal sore throat develop ARF, potential protective role of statins in RHD needs
and that a subset of those predisposed to protracted confirmation in a prospective study. A prospective
inflammation will go on to develop chronic RHD, trial of immunoglobulin treatment [intravenous
suggests a genetic component for determination of immunoglobulin (IVIG)] did not show any improve-
susceptibility. Furthermore, familial clustering and ment in erythrocyte sedimentation rate or echo-
high concordance of ARF and RHD among mono- cardiographic cardiac involvement in patients
zygous twins strengthen this argument [40,41]. The with ARF at 1 year (41 vs. 50%) [57]. A recent
risk of ARF in a monozygotic twin with a positive meta-analysis of mostly historical trials demon-
history is increased by more than six times com- strated no benefit of corticosteroids or IVIG in
pared with that of dizygotic twins. A meta-analysis reducing the risk of developing carditis in patients
of 435 twin pairs with ARF confirmed that the with ARF [58]. A difficulty in treatment of ARF is the
monozygotic twin concordance substantially time delay from the start of infection, as patients
exceeded the dizygotic twin concordance [42]. often present weeks into the course of their disease.
Several studies have identified candidate genes Finally, despite decades of work, there is currently
and loci in association with RHD susceptibility. The no vaccine for primary prevention of suppurative
HLA-DR7 allele is the HLA class II gene most con- and nonsuppurative infection with GAS, the causa-
sistently associated with genetic susceptibility to tive agent of ARF and RHD.
RHD [43,44]. This enzyme presents antigens to
the T-cell receptor, leading to the recruitment of
CD4þ T cells that recognize antigenic peptides, and INTERVENTIONAL AND SURGICAL
activates the adaptive immune response. Other MANAGEMENT OF RHEUMATIC HEART
potentially important polymorphisms associated DISEASE
with RHD include signal transducer and activator Percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty (PMBV)
of transcription (STAT)3, STAT5b, ficolin-2 (FCN2), remains an effective intervention for rheumatic MS.
TNFa and its promoter region, toll-like receptor Commissural splitting is the dominant mechanism
2 (TLR)2, IL-10, IL-6, IL-1Ra, MBL, and TGFb1 for enlargement of the mitral valve area, reduction
[45–50]. There are several genes that encode pro- of the transmitral gradient, and observed clinical
inflammatory cytokines, and the TGFb1 gene improvement [59]. For patients with low Wilkins
encodes a key regulator of fibrosis and calcification. Score (<8) and not in atrial fibrillation, there was no
The precise roles of these mutations in RHD patho- difference in event-free survival and clinical events
genesis remain unclear. for PMBV versus surgery [60]. Candidacy for PMBV
includes a comprehensive echocardiographic evalu-
ation of mitral pathology, including Wilkins Score,
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF RHEUMATIC degree, and mechanism of mitral regurgitation (MR)
HEART DISEASE as well as characteristics such as asymmetrical
Regular and possibly lifelong antibiotics are cur- involvement, severe commissural fibrosis and calci-
rently the only established treatment for secondary fication, and subvalvular involvement that contrib-
prevention of RHD based on the importance of utes to decision making for individual patients.
prevention of recurrent infections with group A Efforts to better predict the types of valvular
streptococcus (GAS). anatomy most amenable to successful PMBV and
There are several lines of investigation into nov- thus standardize outcomes are ongoing.
el medical treatments to delay the progression Regarding surgical management, valve replace-
of RHD. Hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme-A ment is the gold standard. This is increasingly being
reductase inhibitors, or statins, are lipid-lowering performed via a minimally invasive, direct vision, or
medications with pleotropic anti-inflammatory and robotic small thoracotomy approach [61,62]. Valve

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Valvular heart disease

replacement can be performed with excellent out- repair without the need for complex subvalvular
comes, but for young patients who require a mech- procedures, which is appealing to surgeons who
anical prosthesis, there is a burden of lifelong rarely see such pathology.
anticoagulation and associated yearly risk of throm-
boembolism and bleeding [63,64]. In such patients,
valve repair is associated with better preservation of GUIDELINES
left ventricular function, improved survival, and The most recent 2014 AHA/ACC Guidelines for
lower long-term morbidity [65–68]. Even in the the Management of Patients with Valvular Heart
developing world, the argument that replacement Disease includes important changes for patients
is preferred for patients with restricted access to with rheumatic MS [73 ]. MS is conceptualized
ongoing care is under question. according to the stages of disease based on valve
In adults, a large retrospective series of patients anatomy, hemodynamics, ventricular effect, and
undergoing surgery for RHD from the Toronto symptoms (Table 2).
General Hospital found that repair was associated PMBV is recommended for symptomatic
with improved survival and that replacement was patients with severe MS and favorable valve
associated with greater freedom from reoperation morphology in the absence of left atrial thrombus
but more thromboembolic complications [69]. or moderate-to-severe MR [Class I, level of evidence
Dillon et al. [70] reported 83.3  4.3% 10-year (LOE) A] and is reasonable for asymptomatic very
survival and 98.4  0.9% freedom from reoperation. severe MS (mitral valve area 1.0 cm2) (Class IIa,
Waikittipong [71] reports a very high rate of LOE C). PMBV may be considered for asymptomatic
success for complex valve repair using primarily severe MS with new onset of AF (Class IIb, LOE C)
leaflet mobilization with chordal cutting, papillary and for symptomatic patients with mitral valve area
muscle splitting, and commissurotomy for type more than 1.5 cm2 and pulmonary artery wedge
IIIb restricted leaflet motion and neochords, chordal pressure greater than 25 mmHg or mean mitral valve
transfer, or shortening for type II leaflet prolapse. gradient more than 15 mmHg during exercise (Class
The author emphasizes three criteria for success- IIb, LOE C). Finally, it may be considered for patients
ful repair: selection of patients who are beyond with symptomatic severe MS who are not candidates
the acute inflammatory phase with suitable or are at high risk for surgery (Class IIB, LOE C).
morphology for repair; repair based on surgical Mitral valve surgery is indicated for patients
principles of leaflet mobilization, correction of pro- with severe symptomatic MS who are not candidates
lapse and ring annuloplasty; and secondary prophy- for or have failed percutaneous mitral balloon com-
laxis using penicillin. Bhadwar’s group in Pittsburgh missurotomy (Class I, LOE B). Mitral valve surgery is
report their simplified and reproducible three- reasonable for concomitant severe MS (Class I, LOE
part technique of bicommissural release, anterior C) and may be considered for concomitant moder-
leaflet augmentation, and oversized annuloplasty ate MS (Class IIb, LOE C). Finally, mitral valve
in 35 patients [72]. Notably, they standardized surgery and excision of the left atrial appendage

Table 2. Stages of mitral stenosis. Adapted from Nishimura et al. [73 ] &

Anatomy Hemodynamics Hemodynamic Symptoms


Stage A Mild diastolic


Stage B Commissural Increased Mild–moderate

fusion transmitral LAE
flow velocities

Stage C Fusion/ MVA ≤ 1.5 cm2

thickening/ Pressure T1/2 Severe LAE
retraction ≥150 ms PASP > 30mmHg Decreased exercise
Stage D tolerance and

LAE, left atrial enlargement; MVA, mitral valve area; PASP, pulmonary artery systolic pressure; pressure T1/2, pressure half-time.

166 Volume 31  Number 2  March 2016

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