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ASEA Catalogue RK 65-23 E Edition | February 1976 File F, Part 1 Voltage relays ‘© Neutral-point-voltage protection ‘¢ Flash-over protection © Overvottage protection dervoltaga protection *Ditferont variants with respect to tripping and indicating functions. by br (clo[m|B[1) LETLIEDX Covtents General 2 Design 2 Instantaneous noutral-point-vottage or Hash-over relays 3 Delayed nautral-pointwokage oF overvoitage relay 4 eutral-point-veltage relay with two time stages 6 Neutral-point-voltage relay with three time stages a Delayed undervoltage relay 9 Delayed tnree-phase undervoltage rolay, positive-coquonce voltage 10 {instantaneous three-phase overvoltage etey. negative-sequence voltage 11 Instatiation. " Ordering particulars, 12 Reference publications 12 193106: AK 65-23 E Pepreary 1276 Instantaneous neutral-point-voltage or flash-over relay “This relay ' avaiebla in two versions, and B as 3hown i Figs. tend 2 4 WN Version A Cal. No. RK 651 200-AB Mass 2.15kg ok “Tapping rayete. 7 ‘ot BTXP 16 Test stn REG 2 Voltegecetay "} Connect 223 -22 a 24rd oss vada. Fa, Bagram 74320071-48 Yorsion B Cat No. RK 661 200-BB Mass 2.10 kg 01 ATER 18 Test ewiton sor KEG 2 Yotage ay 207 BME | uitiry olay "Connect 228224 at 24 and MOn125¥ de = Alarm. of. Fo.2 Diagram Teszo0r.28, Verafon B Cat. Ne. RK 651 201-BA Mass 350kg Tenoieg of oeakor _ my i red had RK 65-23 & Feneuary 1075 rh Fig. 5. Diagtam Tas O074.8 Version ¢ Cat.No. RK 651201-CA Mas 3.65 kg 10 EXP 18 Test atch wor REG 2 Vohagevalay or EKH 2 Time-og ley 30 "Connect 229~ 206 at 24 and 110 125V de. storm, ate, + De-biocking, ee Fig. 6. Dlagram 7492 0974-08 cor FHP 18 Test sites 107 REG 2 Vahage ray 07 ARKH 2 Timeg relay 39 RXSF 1 Signal eeay "WWonnect 225-224 824 ed Won 25 vale espsctvely RK 65-23 E February 1976 Cat. No, RK 65? 203-CA Mass 5.10kg v TWpsingselay. ao | v1 * ‘ RXSF 1 "1" "2" Slonal rekvs : Cat. No. RK651203-DA Mass 6 kg : H THeoteg eoay, cae RIXP 18 Tox avai RXEG 2 Voragerolay 113,907 RKHZ 6c2, RET Thee rays sot AXINI21 Counbr oa.o7 ARSE" "2° slgaa relays "VGomnect 229-204 a 24 arg De-blacking, rateatio, oe, Fig. 10 Dingiam 7432 0075-08 Delayed undervoltage relay ‘Thia relay ia available In one version, the B version as shown In Fig. 13 ‘The relay Is used, among other things, for busbars where it Is required t0 have a number of tripping circuits. Fig, 12. Vorlon B (03488) Version 3 Cat. No, RK 651 202-BB aoe 3.36 kg 101 TAP 16 Toot pio od REG 2 Vonage ety 207 RHE Aunty rtay RKB 1 Thne-g lay ar. ae THiglng, oe ‘Connect 223226 81 24.8nd HO 125 Va ig 18. Duagramn 7426 102-88 February 1996 lastantaneous three-phase overvoltage relay, negative-sequence voltage This relay ie available in version 3 ag shown in Fig. 15. It is used, for Version B Portional to the negative-sequence ‘component of the three-phase voltage RK 65-23 Pesruary 1576 txampie, asa protecton egainat phase Independent ot the posiversoquence | Uinisc o> fain in low-rotage threo-ohues mo- component. The relly can be bet to tors or for incorrect phase sequence. a negative-sequence voltage of 5— The relay measures the regative- 16 % of the ‘ated voltage and in its sequence vollige wih an AXTBEA 2 standard version Is manufectored for fitorwhich supploe tro RXIG 2 curtant mtod voltagoe of 110, 220 and’ 380 V, welay with a Current which is pro- 50 o0r60 Hz. Cal No. RK 651 261-BA Mane 10kg Teng. 06. wo er teves stn ‘or FOTBEA Fier oo he cums te Fg. 15.Dlegram 7413 005-84 installation All internal connections (continuous lines in the diagrams) are already made on delivery and therelore only the ex- ternal connections remain to be made ‘The modules included are screwod to apparatus bars, The protective relay can theretore be screwed tt a 18° equipment frame or ina RHGX type ca- so. The widths ard heights of the relay ave given in the diagram with the ald of widih and helght modules, Example 45 300. 45 S86. C=7 mm and $246.45 mm, The relay, inchiding connections, requires a depth of approx. 209 ram. A dotaited description of the GOMBIFLEX Modular system is given in Catalogue BK 92-10. BXME YE Aunty relay Me ‘comes 2 24a 24one ¥ Hoe sv de! atu. 2, Testin Flag locking strip Each meet relay has a tost switch Voltage relay BXEG 2 is equipoed with an indicating fag. For certain re~ Jays a flag locking strip 1s supplied ingerted in tho flag holder which is indicated in the diagram with sym- bols as shown in Figs. 18 end 17. 1 80 requited, the locking strip can be easily remaved. The flag ie rocet manually. 26 a Fig. 17. Smpottorteg vithou lacking sp. Fig. 16 Syotol for foekeat tog, which is a part of the COM BITEST test- ing system. The test ewitch has stan- datd symbo's tor voltage, tripping ard signel clreuits. These symbols are also shown on the circuit diagram of the protective relay. For further iatormation about the COMEITEST testing eystam, refer to Catalogue RK 92-11 E, Example Phase voltage Phage voltage Phase voltage + Positive terminal = Negative terminal © Tripping ‘The protective relay is influenced by extemal conditions, 2.9. block- ing o dabiocking Various. eg. signal, ovigoing blocking signal, a

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