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Tutorial 7 - Solution


t v Simp 1/3 Simp 3/8 Trap h=1 Trap h=2 Trap h=4
0 0 0.33 1.72 12.78
1 0.65 1.44 3.97 1.19
2 1.72 2.60 8.11
3 3.48 7.34 4.94
4 6.39 28.23 8.79 25.48 119.98
5 11.18 23.40 15.14
6 19.09 25.61 72.69
7 32.12 67.06 136.98 42.86
8 53.6 71.31 201.01 912.06
9 89.02 185.70 118.22
10 147.41 624.28 195.55 549.84
11 243.69 508.20 323.06
12 402.43
793.14 793.46 809.57 858.85 1044.82

Romberg O(h4) 793.14 796.86

Romberg O(h6) 792.89

The distance travelled in 12 minutes is: 793.14 cm using Simpson’s 1/3 rule, 793.46 cm using
3/8 rule, and 792.89 cm using Romberg integration with three trapezoidal estimates (809.57
using h=1, 858.85 using h=2, 1044.82 using h=4). Note that the Romberg, O(h4), with h=1 and
2, is same as Simpson’s 1/3. Also note that 1/3 rule is more accurate than 3/8 (assuming
Romberg to be the best estimate).


Conversion to standard domain: z=r/0.06−1 => I=0.06 Iz

𝑟 1/7
The table below shows the computation of Iz and I: 𝑓 = 2𝜋𝑟 × 2 (1 − 0.12)

2-point z w r f w.f T.V. 0.07389

-0.57735 1 0.025359 0.308044 0.308044
0.57735 1 0.094641 0.952475 0.952475 I Error (%)
Iz 1.260519 0.075631 -2.35605

3-point z w r f w.f
-0.77460 0.555556 0.013524 0.167072 0.092818
0 0.888889 0.060000 0.682900 0.607022
0.77460 0.555556 0.106476 0.979540 0.544189 I Error (%)
Iz 1.244028 0.074642 -1.01697

4-point z w r f w.f
-0.86114 0.347855 0.008332 0.103630 0.036048
-0.33998 0.652145 0.039601 0.469970 0.306489
0.33998 0.652145 0.080399 0.862339 0.56237
0.86114 0.347855 0.111668 0.958623 0.333462 I Error (%)
Iz 1.238368 0.074302 -0.55737

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