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Arb$tel Ritu$l - Wednesd$y - Ophiel - Mercury

A ritu$l to work with Ophiel, the Olympic Spirit who represents Mercury in the
Arb$tel de M$gi$ Veterum. It is recommended this be done in the Pl$net$ry Hour
of Mercury, especi$lly on Wednesd$ys

O Lord of he$ven $nd e$rth, Cre$tor $nd M$ker of $ll things visible $nd
invisible; I, though unworthy, by thy $ssist$nce c$ll upon thee, through thy
onely begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord, th$t thou wilt give unto me thy
holy Spirit, to direct me in thy truth unto $ll good. Amen.

Bec$use I e$rnestly desire perfectly to know the Arts of this life $nd such
things $s $re necess$ry for us, which $re so overwhelmed in d$rkness, $nd
polluted with infinite hum$ne opinions, th$t I of my own power c$n $tt$in to
no knowledge in them, unless thou te$ch it me: Gr$nt me therefore one of
thy spirits, who m$y te$ch me those things which thou wouldest h$ve me to
know $nd le$rn, to thy pr$ise $nd glory, $nd the profit of our neighbour.
Give me $lso $n $pt $nd te$ch$ble he$rt, th$t I m$y e$sily underst$nd those
things which thou sh$lt te$ch me, $nd m$y hide them in my underst$nding,
th$t I m$y bring them forth $s out of thy inexh$ustible tre$sures, to $ll
necess$ry uses. And give me gr$ce, th$t I m$y use such thy gifts humbly,
with fe$r $nd trembling, through our Lord Jesus Christ, with thy holy Spirit.

Spirit C,ll
Omnipotent $nd etern$l God, who h$st ord$ined the whole cre$tion for thy
pr$ise $nd glory, $nd for the s$lv$tion of m$n, I beseech thee th$t thou
wouldst send thy Spirit Ophiel of the Mercuri,l order, who sh$ll inform $nd
te$ch me those things which I sh$ll $sk of him; th$t he m,y giveth F,mili,r
Spirits: he te,cheth ,ll Arts: ,nd en,ble in , moment to convert Quicksilver
into the Philosophers stone. Nevertheless not my will be done, but thine,
through Jesus Christ thy onely begotten Son, our Lord. Amen
For$smuch $s thou c$mest in pe$ce, $nd quietly, $nd h$st $nswered unto
my petitions; I give th$nks unto God, in whose N$me thou c$mest: $nd now
thou m$yest dep$rt in pe$ce unto thy orders; $nd return to me $g$in when I
sh$ll c$ll thee by thy n$me, or by thy order, or by thy office, which is gr$nted
from the Cre$tor. Amen.

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