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An Overview of ALV Tools

With the ALV tools, you are able to display the table-type structures in
different ways.

Simple, two-dimensional table

They contain any number of rows, that
 each have the same structure
 have no hierarchical relationships to one another
The structure is defined by the columns. Every column has specific properties
that are automatically transferred to the values of the column.

Hierarchical-sequential list
Hierarchical-sequential lists consist of any number of rows that are
divided into exactly two hierarchy levels. This differentiates between
header and position rows: Position rows are subordinate to the header rows.
For every header, there can be any number subordinate position rows.

Tree Structure
In tree structures you display the table-type data in any number of hierarchy
levels. The rows of the tree structure are called nodes. Every node, no matter
which hierarchy level it is on, has the same data structure. However, the
nodes are related to one another hierarchically, such as superordinate or
subordinate nodes (parent-child relationship) or nodes on the same level
(sibling-sibling relationship).

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