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Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2015) 31, 9–19

w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m
w w w. r b m o n l i n e . c o m


Impact of ovarian endometrioma on ovarian

responsiveness and IVF: a systematic review
and meta-analysis
Chun Yang 1, Yuhong Geng 1, Yanhui Li, Chunyan Chen, Ying Gao *

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan 430022, China
* Corresponding author. E-mail address: (Y. Gao). 1 The two first authors contributed equally to this work.

Dr Yang is a doctor at the Assisted Reproductive Technology Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. She obtained
her PhD from Tongji Medical College in 2011. Her current research interests include studies on endometriosis
and assisted reproduction.

Abstract In this systematic review and meta-analysis, the effect of ovarian endometrioma on ovarian responsiveness to stimulation
and on assisted reproduction outcomes was evaluated. Nine published studies (1039 cases) were included. The number of oocytes
retrieved (mean difference [MD] −1.50; 95% CI, −2.84 to −0.15, P = 0.03), metaphase II (MII) oocytes retrieved (MD −3.61; 95%
CI −4.44 to −2.78, P < 0.00001) and total embryos formed (MD −0.66; 95% CI −1.13 to −0.18, P = 0.007) were significantly lower in
women with ovarian endometrioma than the control group. Gonadotrophin dose, duration of stimulation, number of good-quality
embryos, implantation rate, clinical pregnancy rate and live birth rate were similar. Comparisons between ovaries with endome-
triomas and healthy ovaries of the same individuals were also made. Number of oocytes retrieved, MII oocytes retrieved and
total embryos formed were not statistically significantly different between the affected ovaries and contralateral normal ovaries.
Observational studies showed that ovarian endometrioma was associated with fewer oocytes retrieved, fewer MII oocytes retrieved
and fewer total formed embryos. Clinical pregnancy rate and live birth rates were not affected. Intra-patient comparisons in women
with unilateral endometrioma suggested the number of oocytes retrieved, MII oocytes retrieved and total embryos formed were
© 2015 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

KEYWORDS: in vitro fertilization, meta-analysis, ovarian endometrioma, ovarian responsiveness
1472-6483/© 2015 Reproductive Healthcare Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
10 C Yang et al.

Introduction cohort studies) that assessed the association of ovarian re-

sponse, oocyte quality, embryo quality and IVF outcome with
Endometriosis is a chronic, painful disease caused by the ovarian endometrioma; (iv) any type of ovarian stimulation
growth of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus, which protocol was allowed; (v) the diagnosis of the endometriotic
induces a chronic inflammatory reaction (Kennedy et al., cysts was performed by ultrasound; and (vi) control partici-
2005). The prevalence rate of endometriosis has been esti- pants consisted of women who had not undergone previous
mated to reach around 10–5% in reproductive-age women ovarian surgery and who did not have any ultrasonographic
(Macer and Taylor, 2012). Around 25–50% of women with in- evidence of ovarian cysts, including endometriomas, were
fertility may be affected by endometriosis, and 30–50% of without a history of endometriosis.
women with endometriosis have infertility (Macer and Taylor, The major exclusion criteria were literature reviews, non-
2012). original articles; non-ovarian endometrioma; duplication of
Ovarian endometrioma (chocolate cyst) is a common and a previous publication; and women who had received medical
specific manifestation of the disease; the effect of ovarian or surgical treatment of their ovarian endometrioma before
endometrioma on assisted reproduction technique out- IVF–ICSI cycles.
comes is still a controversial issue. Some studies have shown
that ovarian endometrioma could adversely affect the number
of oocytes retrieved (Suzuki et al., 2005; Yanushpolsky et al., Data extraction
1998), oocyte quality, embryo quality and implantation rate
(Azem et al., 1999; Yanushpolsky et al., 1998). Studies, Two investigators independently extracted the data to ensure
however, found no adverse effect of ovarian endometrioma homogeneity of the data collection and to rule out subjec-
on oocyte quality, embryo quality, implantation rate and preg- tivity in data gathering and entry. The following data were
nancy rate (Ashrafi et al., 2014; Benaglia et al., 2013). Pre- collected from all the included trials: the first author’s name,
vious meta-analyses have shown inconsistent results and were the year of publication, the number of patients, total amount
focused on different stages of endometriosis or pregnancy of FSH used, duration of stimulation, total number of oocytes
outcome (Barnhart et al., 2002; Harb et al., 2013). To better retrieved, metaphase II (MII) oocytes retrieved, total formed
explore the role of endometrioma in assisted reproduction embryos, good-quality formed embryos, fertilization rates,
techniques, a systematic review and meta-analysis was carrued implantation rates, clinical pregnancy rates and the live birth
out to evaluate the effects of ovarian endometrioma on ovarian rates where available. Authors were not contacted for addi-
responsiveness and IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injec- tional data. Continuous data were extracted in the form of
tion (ICSI) outcomes between patients with and without en- mean, SD, and population size. Data were collected from per
dometrioma. The comparisons were also made among patients patient and per cycle outcomes.
with unilateral disease.

Assessment of publication bias

Materials and methods
The possibility of publication bias was assessed by two re-
viewers using the Newcastle–Ottawa Quality Assessment
Search strategy Scales, which is based on the recommendation of the Co-
chrane Collaboration for observational studies (Higgins and
Related studies were identified by searching PubMed, Embase Green, 2011; Wells et al., 2010). The quality checklist used
and BIOSIS from January 1994 to June 2014. The following key awards a maximum of one star for each item except compa-
words and their synonyms were used: ‘endometriosis’ or rability, which can be given a maximum of two stars. An ar-
‘ovarian endometrioma’ or ‘endometriotic ovarian cyst’, ‘in- bitrary score based on the assumption of equal weight of all
vitro fertilization’ or ‘intracytoplasmic sperm injection’ or ‘as- items included in the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale was used. The
sisted reproductive technologies’, ‘infertility’, ‘fertilization’ score was used to give a quantitative assessment of the quality
and ‘oocyte’. The language of publication was restricted to of each study. The score ranged from 0 to 9, with a score of
English. The reference lists of all publications and reviews were either 0 or 1 for each item. Although no cut-off limit exists
hand-searched to indentify missing relevant publications. Two to classify good or bad studies, a lower limit of five stars has
authors (CY and YhG) independently conducted the search, been suggested to identify studies at low risk of bias (Aziz
and reviewed titles, abstracts and full manuscripts. Each et al., 2006).
article was independently assessed for inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria, and, when disagreements occurred, they were
arbitrated by the two-thirds agreement. Outcome measures

Primary measures
Study selection Primary measures included the results of comparisons between
women with and without endometriomas.
The studies that were included in the meta-analysis met the
following criteria: (i) an original paper; (ii) a study of ovarian Secondary measures
endometrioma; (iii) a clinical study (including randomized con- Secondary measures included the results of intra-patient com-
trolled trials, case-control, prospective and retrospective parisons between the affected ovary and normal ovary.
Impact of ovarian endometrioma on IVF 11

Statistical analysis All of the nine included studies were observational studies,
with a total study population of 1039. The characteristics of
Data analyses were carried out using RevMan, version 5.1 the nine studies and the Newcastle–Ottawa Quality Assess-
(Cochrane, Collaboration, Oxford, UK). Heterogeneity was ment are presented in Tables 1 and 2. The studies scored
evaluated graphically using forest plots and statistically using well on the Newcastle–Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale
the I2 statistic to quantify heterogeneity across studies. An (Table 2).
I2 > 50% was considered to represent substantial heteroge-
neity between studies. A random-effect model was used for
meta-analysis in cases of high heterogeneity, and a fixed- Primary outcomes
effect model was used in cases of low heterogeneity. Di-
chotomous outcome data were reported as odds ratios with Total gonadotrophin consumption
95% confidence intervals (CI). Continuous data were synthe- Pooling of results from three studies (Almog et al., 2011;
sized using weighted means with 95% CI. Benaglia et al., 2013; Bongioanni et al., 2011) that reported
total dose of gonadotrophin (Figure 2A) did not show a dif-
ference between ovarian endometrioma group and control
group (weighted mean difference [WMD 108.56 IU; 95% CI
Results −207.06 to 424.17). Significant heterogeneity existed among
the studies, as indicated by an I2 value of 83% (P = 0.003).
The search strategy yielded 832 studies. Of these, a total of
17 articles were found to be relevant by examining the ab- Duration of stimulation
stracts and titles. The literature search results are repre-
Pooling of results from three studies (Almog et al., 2011;
sented in Figure 1. Eight original articles were excluded
Benaglia et al., 2013; Yanushpolsky et al., 1998) that re-
because five studies investigated women who underwent sur-
ported the duration of stimulation (Figure 2B) did not show
gical interventions to treat ovarian endometrioma (Benaglia
a difference between the two groups (WMD 0.22 days; 95%
et al., 2012; Donnez et al., 2001; Mao et al., 2009; Nakahara
CI: −0.14 to 0.57). The I2 value was 0%, indicating that het-
et al., 1998; Suzuki et al., 2005), one had a control group of
erogeneity was unlikely between the studies.
ovarian cysts (Kumbak et al., 2008), one had a control group
with endometriosis but without ovarian endometrioma (Isaacs
et al., 1997), and in one study, no extractable data were avail- Number of oocytes retrieved
able (Benaglia et al., 2011). Therefore, the total number of Pooling of results from six studies (Almog et al., 2011; Ashrafi
studies included in the meta-analysis was nine. et al., 2014; Benaglia et al., 2013; Bongioanni et al., 2011;
Reinblatt et al., 2011; Yanushpolsky et al., 1998) that re-
ported total number of oocytes retrieved (Figure 3A) found
1.50 fewer oocytes retrieved in those with ovarian endome-
trioma than in those without ovarian endometrioma (WMD
−1.50; 95% CI −2.84 to −0.15, P = 0.03). Significant variation
existed across studies as indicated by an I2 value of 91%
(P < 0.00001).

Number of MII oocytes

Pooling of results from two studies (Ashrafi et al., 2014;
Reinblatt et al., 2011) that reported number of MII oocytes
retrieved (Figure 3B) found 3.61 fewer MII oocytes re-
trieved in the ovarian endometrioma group than in control
group (WMD 3.61; 95% CI −4.44 to −2.78, P < 0.00001). The
I2 value was 0%, indicating that heterogeneity was unlikely
between the studies.

Number of total formed embryos

Pooling of results from two studies (Ashrafi et al., 2014;
Benaglia et al., 2013) that reported number of total formed
embryos (Figure 3C) suggested that 0.66 fewer total formed
embryos in the patients with ovarian endometrioma than
without ovarian endometrioma (WMD −0.66; 95% CI −1.13 to
−0.18, P = 0.007). Heterogeneity between the studies was
limited (I2 = 15).

Number of good-quality formed embryos

Pooling of results from two studies (Ashrafi et al., 2014;
Figure 1 The literature search. ICSI = intracytoplasmic sperm Benaglia et al., 2013) that reported number of good-quality
injection. formed embryos (Figure 3D) did not show a statistically
Table 1 Characteristics of studies of ovarian endometrioma versus control on ovarian response and IVF and inracytoplasmic perm injection outcome.
Population Ovarian endometrioma group Control group Outcomes Study design
Study year

Ashrafi et al., 2014 Women undergoing ICSI at Women with either unilateral or Patients with mild male Number of oocytes retrieved; number Cohort study
(n = 104) Royan Institute, Iran between bilateral ovarian endometrial cysts factor infertility and of MII oocytes retrieved; number of
2005 and 2007. of less than 3 cm (n = 47) without ovarian formed embryos; fertilization rate;
endometriomas (n = 57) implantation rate; number of good-
quality formed embryos; clinical
pregnancy rate.
Benaglia et al., 2013 Women undergoing IVF at the Women with unoperated bilateral Patients without Number of oocytes retrieved; Number Cohort study
(n = 117) Infertility Unit of the endometriomas (n = 39) endometriotic or non- of formed embryos; Total dose of
Fondazione Ca’Granda endometriotic ovarian gonadotropin (IU); Number of good-
between 2006 and 2010. cysts (n = 78) quality formed embryos; Number of
days of stimulation; implantation
rate; clinical pregnancy rate; live
birth rate.
Bongioanni et al., 2011 Women undergoing IVF at three 142 women with unoperated Women with tubal factor Number of retrieved oocytes; Cohort study
(n = 316) IVF units in Italy. endometrioma (≤6 cm ) and without ovarian fertilization rate; implantation rate;
endometriomas (n = 174) total dose of gonadotropin (IU).
Reinblatt et al., 2011 Women undergoing IVF at the Women with bilateral Patients with male or Number of oocytes collected; Number Cohort study
(n = 52) McGill endometriomas (n = 13) tubal factor infertility of MII oocytes retrieved.
Reproductive Centre between without endometriomas
2006 and 2010. (n = 39)
Almog et al., 2011 Women undergoing IVF at 81 women with unilateral Women without Number of retrieved oocytes; total Cohort study
(n = 243) McGill University Health endometrioma endometriomas (n = 162) dose of gonadotrophin (IU); Number
Center, Montreal, between of days of stimulation;
2006 and 2009.
Yanushpolsky et al., 1998 Women undergoing IVF at 37 women with endometriomas Patients without any Number of retrieved oocytes; number Cohort study
(n = 94) Harvard Medical School ovarian endometriomas of days of stimulation; implantation
between 1994 and 1995. (n = 56) rate; clinical pregnancy rate; live
birth rate.
Filippi et al., 2014 Women undergoing IVF–ICSI at Affected ovary (n = 29) Intact ovary (n = 29) Number of co-dominant follicles; Cohort study
(n = 29) the Infertility Unit of the Number of oocytes retrieved; total
Fondazione Ca’Granda formed embryos; fertilization rate.
between 2012 and 2013.
Esinler et al., 2012 Women undergoing ICSI at Affected ovary (n = 28) Intact ovary (n = 28) Number of oocytes retrieved; number Cohort study
(n = 28 cycles) Hacettepe University, Turkey. of MII oocytes; fertilization rate.
Somigliana et al., 2006 Women undergoing IVF–ICSI at Affected ovary (n = 56) Intact ovary (n = 56) Number of co-dominant follicles. Cohort study
(n = 56 cycles) Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico,

C Yang et al.
Mangiagalli and Regina Elena
between 2000 and 2004.

ICSI = intractoplasmic sperm injection; MII, metaphase II.

Impact of ovarian endometrioma on IVF 13

significant difference between the two groups (WMD −0.21;

95% CI −0.61 to 0.19), although the direction of effect sug-

gested a reduction in good-quality formed embryos of pa-
Duration of
tients with ovarian endometrioma. Heterogeneity between
the studies was limited, as indicated by an I2 value of 8%.

* Implantation rate
Four studies (Ashrafi et al., 2014; Benaglia et al., 2013;

Bongioanni et al., 2011; Yanushpolsky et al., 1998) reported

implantation rate, but only two studies (Ashrafi et al., 2014;
Benaglia et al., 2013) reported it per patient. Pooling of results
from the two studies (Figure 4A) did not show a difference

in this outcome (odds ratio [OR] 1.11, 95% CI 0.68 to 1.81).

The I2 value was 0%, indicating that heterogeneity was un-
by analysis

likely between the studies.

Clinical pregnancy rate


Pooling of results from three studies (Ashrafi et al., 2014;


Benaglia et al., 2013; Yanushpolsky et al., 1998) that re-

by designa

ported clinical pregnancy rates (Figure 4B) did not differ

between the group of ovarian endometrioma and the group
of control (OR 1.26, 95% CI 0.78 to 2.05). There was no het-


erogeneity in this comparison (I2 = 0%).

Outcome negative

Live birth rate

Pooling of results from two studies (Benaglia et al., 2013;
Yanushpolsky et al., 1998) that reported live birth rates
at start

(Figure 4C) did not show a significant difference in this

outcome (OR 0.70, 95% CI 0.37 to 1.33). There was no het-
Appraisal of methodological quality (Newcastle–Ottawa Scale) of included studies.


erogeneity in this comparison (I2 = 0%).

Ascertainment of

Secondary outcomes

Number of co-dominant follicles between ovary with

For comparability by design the checklist awards a maximum of two stars (**).

endometrioma and normal ovary


Pooling of results from two studies (Filippi et al., 2014;

Selection of non-exposed

Somigliana et al., 2006) that reported the number of co-

dominant follicles between affected ovary and intact ovary
(Figure 5A) suggested 0.81 fewer codominant follicles in the
affected ovary than intact ovary (WMD −0.81; 95% CI −1.41
to −0.21, P = 0.008). There was no heterogeneity between
the two studies (I2 = 0%).

Number of oocytes retrieved between ovary with


endometrioma and normal ovary

Case –cohort

Pooling of results from four studies (Almog et al., 2011; Ashrafi

et al., 2014; Esinler et al., 2012; Filippi et al., 2014) that re-
ported the number of oocytes retrieved between affected
*Indicates that a feature is present.

ovary and intact ovary (Figure 5B) did not show a signifi-
cant difference (WMD −0.11; 95% CI −0.25 to 0.03)]. The I2

value was 0%, indicating that heterogeneity was unlikely

Yanushpolsky et al., 1998

between the studies.

Bongioanni et al., 2011

Somigliana et al., 2006

Reinblatt et al., 2011
Benaglia et al., 2013
Ashrafi et al., 2014

Esinler et al., 2012

Filippi et al., 2014
Almog et al., 2011

Number of MII oocytes between ovary with

endometrioma and normal ovary
Pooling of results from two studies (Ashrafi et al., 2014; Esinler
Table 2

et al., 2012) that reported the number of MII oocytes


(Figure 5C) between the affected ovary and intact ovary did
not suggest a significant difference (WMD −0.14; 95% CI −1.01
14 C Yang et al.

Figure 2 (A) Gonadotrophin consumption; (B) duration of stimulation between ovarian endometrioma group and control group.

t 0.73). The I2 value was 0%, indicating that heterogeneity was within-patient comparisons indicated that the number of
unlikely between the studies. oocytes retrieved, MII oocytes retrieved and total formed
embryos were not significantly different between the ovary
Total number of embryos formed between ovary with with endometrioma and the contralateral normal ovary.
endometrioma and normal ovary
Pooling of results from two studies (Ashrafi et al., 2014; Filippi
et al., 2014) that reported the number of total formed embryos Strengths and imitations
(Figure 5D) between the affected ovary and intact ovary did
not show a significant difference (WMD −0.32; 95% CI −0.91 A previous meta-analysis (Gupta et al., 2006) did not exclude
t 0.27). There was no heterogeneity between the two studies the studies in which the patients had undergone excision of
(I2 = 0%). ovarian endometrioma before IVF–ICSI. It is now widely known,
however, that any type of surgery could cause additional
Fertilization rate between ovary with endometrioma and damage to already compromised ovarian function, even when
normal ovary the surgery is carried out by a skilful gynaecological surgeon
(Esinler et al., 2006; Raffi et al., 2012; Somigliana et al., 2008).
Three studies (Ashrafi et al., 2014; Esinler et al., 2012; Filippi
Women who were previously operated on for ovarian endo-
et al., 2014) compared the fertilization rate between ovary
metrioma were excluded to protect our results from the con-
with endometrioma and control ovary; however, only two of
founding effects of previous surgery. Patients were included
them (Ashrafi et al., 2014; Filippi et al., 2014) reported it per
on the basis of a transvaginal ultrasonography diagnosis of en-
patient. Pooling of results from the two studies did not show
dometrioma. Owing to their characteristic echogenic appear-
a difference (Figure 5E) between the two groups (OR 1.06,
ance, endometrioma could be easily distinguished from other
95% CI 0.71 to 1.60). The I2 value was 0%, indicating that het-
ovarian cysts. Sensitivity and specificity of transvaginal ul-
erogeneity was unlikely between the studies.
trasonography have been reported to be 84–100% and 90–100%,
respectively (Eskenazi et al., 2001). In this study, the results
from affected ovary and intact ovary were analysed. It allows
Discussion each patient to serve as her own control, thereby reducing
the effect of potentially important confounders, such as age,
Main findings ovarian stimulation, oocyte and sperm quality and labora-
tory conditions. The Newcastle–Ottawa Quality Assessment
The present study is the first meta-analysis to investigate Scale to rate the quality of the included studies was used, and
the effect of ovarian endometrioma on ovarian responsive- the included studies scored well on this scale, suggesting low
ness to stimulation and IVF outcomes. The results of the study risk of bias.
indicated that the presence of ovarian endometrioma reduces Because clinical and methodological diversity always occur
the number of oocytes retrieved, MII oocytes retrieved and in a meta-analysis, statistical heterogeneity is inevitable
formed embryos. The outcome, however, was similar in terms (Higgins et al., 2003). Methodological problems caused by clini-
of implantation, clinical pregnancy or live birth rates. The cal heterogeneity and insufficient power (low sample size)
Impact of ovarian endometrioma on IVF 15

Figure 3 (A) Number of oocytes retrieved; (B) number of metaphase II oocytes; (C) number of total formed embryos; and (D) number
of good-quality formed embryos between ovarian endometrioma group and control group.

cause difficulty in drawing inferences from the meta-analysis. random-effects model for combined outcomes in cases of high
The heterogeneity among the studies, calculated using the heterogeneity. Owing to the limited data, a subgroup meta-
I2 statistic, was high in the number of oocytes retrieved. This analysis to reduce the heterogeneity could not be per-
finding may be explained by the size of the studies (ranging formed. Therefore, further randomized controlled trials with
from 52 to 316 participants) and the size of endometrioma. larger sample size will be helpful for the corroboration of these
Coccia et al. (2014) reported that in patients with ovarian en- results.
dometriomas 3 cm or greater, the size of endometrioma was
the most influential contributor to the total number of oocytes
retrieved. Other sources of clinical heterogeneity included Interpretation
the endometriomas origin from unilateral or bilateral ovaries.
Data from women with unilateral endometrioma are poorly Our results indicated that the number of oocytes retrieved,
informative because the contralateral intact ovary compen- MII oocytes, total formed embryos in patients with ovarian
sated for ovarian function and fertility potential. We used a endometrioma were significantly lower. Some mechanisms
16 C Yang et al.

Figure 4 (A) Implantation rate; (B) clinical pregnancy rate; and (C) live birth rate between ovarian endometrioma group and control

such as changes in autoimmune factors, accumulation of As previously mentioned, a healthy ovary could compen-
interleukin-6 or silencing of vascular endothelal growth factor sate for ovarian function and fertility potential of the con-
in the follicular fluid were considered as negative factors for tralateral affected ovary in the same individual. The results
follicular growth and oocyte maturity (Garrido et al., 2000; from the studies of bilateral endometriomas should be par-
Lucena and Cubillos, 1999). Moreover, several studies re- ticularly emphasized. Two studies (Benaglia et al., 2013;
ported that the density and diameters of primordial fol- Reinblatt et al., 2011) reported on IVF outcome in women with
licles are decreased in the cortex from ovaries with bilateral endometriomas. Reinblatt et al. (2011) failed to docu-
endometrioma, and the vasculature network is distorted when ment any effect, whereas Benaglia et al. (2013) suggested a
the ovarian cortex surrounding endometrioma (Kitajima et al., mild reduction in ovarian responsiveness but similar embryo
2011, 2014; Kuroda et al., 2012; Schubert et al., 2005). Also development and pregnancy rates. Drawing definitive con-
of relevance is the observation that the amount of oxidative clusions based on these conflicting reports is difficult; more-
and carbonyl stress markers such as FOXO3A, oxidized DNA over, the sample sizes of the two studies are small. More
adduct 8-OHdG (8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine), AGEs (Ad- women with bilateral endometriomas should be recruited for
vanced Glycation End products) and reactive oxygen species further studies.
production in the ovarian cortex surrounding endometrioma Interestingly, the differences of the number of oocytes
is markedly higher than in other types of cysts (Barnhart et al., retrieved, MII oocytes and total formed embryos between
2002; Di Emidio et al., 2014; Jana et al., 2010; Karuputhula the ovary with endometrioma and contralateral normal ovary
et al., 2013; Matsuzaki and Schubert, 2010). Our results in- were not significant, although fewer codominant follicles were
dicated that the quality of the retrieved oocytes is not ham- formed in the endometrioma ovary group. It might be due
pered by the presence of ovarian endometrioma. to the microenvironment of endometriosis such as
Impact of ovarian endometrioma on IVF 17

Figure 5 (A) Number of codominant follicles; (B) number of oocytes retrieved; (C) number of metaphse II oocytes; (D) total number
of embryos formed; and (E) fertilization rate between affected ovary and contralateral ovary.

inflammation, reactive oxygen species production that can a deleterious effect on ovarian reserve. The dimension of
impair ovarian responsiveness, but not the cyst of ovarian the endometriomas in women recruited for the intra-
endometrioma itself. Esinler et al. (2012) reported that a patient comparisons was relatively small (the mean diam-
single endometrioma 3 cm or less in diameter did not have eter was less than 3 cm). We therefore cannot rule out that
18 C Yang et al.

larger cysts may be detrimental. Further evidence is also re- Benaglia, L., Bermejo, A., Somigliana, E., Scarduelli, C., Ragni, G.,
quired to address this point. On the other hand, in the com- Fedele, L., Garcia-Velasco, J.A., 2012. Pregnancy outcome in
parisons of women with and without endometriomas, because women with endometriomas achieving pregnancy through IVF.
of selection biases, the ovarian responsiveness might be en- Hum. Reprod. 27, 1663–1667.
Benaglia, L., Bermejo, A., Somigliana, E., Faulisi, S., Ragni, G.,
hanced in control group rather than reduced in women with
Fedele, L., Garcia-Velasco, J.A., 2013. In vitro fertilization
endometriomas. outcome in women with unoperated bilateral endometriomas.
In this meta-analysis, we found that the clinical preg- Fertil. Steril. 99, 1714–1719.
nancy and live birth rates were similar between the pa- Bongioanni, F., Revelli, A., Gennarelli, G., Guidetti, D., Delle
tients with and without ovarian endometrioma. It is consistent Piane, L.D., Holte, J., 2011. Ovarian endometriomas and IVF: a
with the meta-analysis by Gupta et al. (2006) but in con- retrospective case-control study. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 17,
trast to those from a meta-analysis by Barnhart et al. (2002). 81.
The pooling results, however, did not suggest a significant dif- Coccia, M.E., Rizzello, F., Barone, S., Pinelli, S., Rapalini, E.,
ference of gonadotrophin consumption between the two Parri, C., Caracciolo, D., Papageorqiou, S., Cima, G., Gandini,
groups, which was inconsistent with previous studies (Al-Azemi L., 2014. Is there a critical endometrioma size associated with
reduced ovarian responsiveness in assisted reproduction tech-
et al., 2000; Kumbak et al., 2008). Surgery may diminish the
niques? Reprod. Biomed. Online 29, 259–266.
ovarian reserve, reduce responsiveness to ovarian stimula- Demirol, A., Guven, S., Baykal, C., Gurgan, T., 2006. Effect of
tion (Demirol et al., 2006; Dilek et al., 2006). Our results endometrioma cystectomy on IVF outcome: a prospective ran-
suggest that surgical removal of endometriomas before as- domized study. Reprod. Biomed. Online 12, 639–643.
sisted reproduction techniques does not provide any benefit Di Emidio, G., D’Alfonso, A., Leocata, P., Parisse, V., Di Fonso, A.,
to IVF treatment success. Artini, P.G., Patacchiola, F., Tatone, C., Carta, G., 2014. In-
In conclusion, the meta-analysis was conducted to assess creased levels of oxidative and carbonyl stress markers in normal
the effect of ovarian endometrioma on ovarian responsive- ovarian cortex surrounding endometriotic cysts. Gynecol.
ness to stimulation and IVF outcomes. The results of the meta- Endocrinol. 17, 1–5.
analysis indicated that ovarian endometrioma had adverse Dilek, U., Pata, O., Tataroglu, C., Aban, M., Dilek, S., 2006.
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ovarian tissue. Fertil. Steril. 85, 758–760.
formed embryos but not on quality of embryos and IVF out- Donnez, J., Wyns, C., Nisolle, M., 2001. Does ovarian surgery for
comes. Ovaries with endometriomas, however, showed a endometriomas impair the ovarian response to gonadotropin?
similar response to stimulation compared with the contra- Fertil. Steril. 76, 662–665.
lateral healthy ovaries in the same individuals. In this regard, Esinler, I., Bozdag, G., Aybar, F., Bayar, U., Yarali, H., 2006.
assisted reproduction techniques would provide a therapeu- Outcome of in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injec-
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