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Daily Pre Drive Test Check Sheet

Pre Drive Hardware inspection Status Comments

1. Check for lose cables in the an, i.e.. Check all mobile cradles, docking station, modem
connections etc Yes
2. Check if the antennae and GPS placed on the vehicle is correct Yes

Pre Drive Equipment setup

3. Switch on the power supply. Ensure this is done before connecting and switching on any
equipment Yes

4. Connect each laptop to it's correctly marked docking station. Ensure positions are correct Yes
5. Ensure that correct workspace and scripts are used for each individual laptop Yes
6. Connect the mobiles to their respective marked positions. Ensure that the ports are not swapped
as it would require re-loading of the drivers for the mobile on the specific port. Yes

Pre Drive Handset RxLev Tests (Measured Values)

MS1 Rx Level Dedicated
MS2 Rx Level IDLE

Pre Drive Call Setup

MS1 number dialled, call successful (i.e. not user busy or voicemail) then yes/no + comment Yes
MS2 number dialled, call successful (i.e. not user busy or voicemail) then yes/no + comment Yes

Checks to be before Drive test commence

7. Ensure the Rx Lev difference between MS1 & MS2 does not exceed 6dBm Yes
8. Ensure the log files are saved at the correct location, i.e. ....../NSN/ Yes

9. Make a test log file for about 10m, this is just to make sure that everything works perfect with
respect numbers being able to be dialled, levels are within 6dBm Yes

Vehicle particulars Route area :

Registration Pre CLUSTER 8
Faults on vehicle
Start Km 7870
End Km 8056
Difference on KM 186

Any other comments

Drive Test Eng Name Sheraaz Date: 26/08/2010

1 Date / Time 6 Date / Time
Log file name Log file name
Start Km Start Km
End Km End Km
Difference on KM 0 Difference on KM 0
2 Date / Time 7 Date / Time
Log file name Log file name
Start Km Start Km
End Km End Km
Difference on KM 0 Difference on KM 0
3 Date / Time 8 Date / Time
Log file name Log file name
Start Km Start Km
End Km End Km
Difference on KM 0 Difference on KM 0
4 Date / Time 9 Date / Time
Log file name Log file name
Start Km Start Km
End Km End Km
Difference on KM 0 Difference on KM 0
5 Date / Time 10 Date / Time
Log file name Log file name
Start Km Start Km
End Km End Km
Difference on KM 0 Difference on KM 0
Each hour dropp calls short calls
dropp calls long callsDB -40 - -80
DB -80 - -120

Time of dropp call 3:45

Place New road Midrand
BTS no 43
logg file name JNB_MD_08_9_2010
Comments: The signal in the area of New road Midrand fluctuate in the sence
that the signal drop between -67 to -99 dBm and it uccurs to give a
drop in voice calls in that area
Date: Occurences
number Comments
if phone disconnected
Touble shooting tips 1. stop car
1. See if phone is not freezed 2. stop recording
2. see if cables are connected corect ports 3. see time of drop
see if com port pics up 4. restart recording
4. see if software notfreezed
frezed 5. start driving
5. see if socomputer not freezed

confirm diffrent route colours maps on top of each other

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