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LYTTELTON CAS 143111 12017

J5t (8V8O3,744)
[Section 21 read with section 20 and chapter 2 of the Criminal Procedure Act,197T (Act No. 31 ot 1977)
*Delete which
is not rclevant

TO: No. 04892534 Lieutenant Colonel Johannes Ngaka Makua (Futt names or potice
official in charge of this search and seizure)

Directorate For Priority Crime lnvestigation; Serious

Name of stationUnit/Division:
organised Grime Unit: crimes Against The state, pretoria.
Reference no. of the*enquiry/case docket Lyttelton cAS 143/1112017
WHEREAS it to me from information on * oath/ affirmation provided by the potice involved in an
investigation into the commission or otherwise suspected commission of offence(s) listed below,
that there are reaaonable grounds for reasonable believing that:-

A. thefollowing offence(s) *have been lare beinglare intended to be committed, namely

lset out the common
law or statutory offences with applicable Act, name and number as well as the relevant offence section. Also
sfa/e essenftal facts of the offence including date/period/place/area/identified offender(s)l

1. Gontravention of section 4(21 of the Protection of lnformation Act, 1982

(Act 84 of 1982).

According to the contents of the book: 'The Presidents' Keepers,', which

Jacobus (Jacque) Pauw, is the author, he received the secret documents
and information, that belongs to the State Security Agency of the RSA
knowing, or having reasonable grounds to believe, that such documents
or information was being disclosed to him in contravention of the
Protection of lnformation Act, {982 (Act 84 of 1982) between +- August
2016 to date.

2. Contravention of section 26({XaXiii) of the lntelligence Servlce Aet, ZOO2

(Act 65 ot 20021.

Jacobus (Jacque) Pauw disclosed classified information or material

entrusted to him by a member(s)/ former member(s) of the State Security
Agency (SSA) of the RSA without the permission
in contravention of the aforesaid Act, and it is un Bag X01, Malmesbury 7299

LYTTELTON CAS 14311112017
The article capable of seizure which "are concemed/ may affotd evidence / are intended to be used in
commission or suspected commission of the set offense (s) are listed (as attached hereto) and

1. software/copy or manuscript used to the production the book: ,,The

President's Keepers"
2. Computer(s) or taptop(s) or electronic item(s)/object(s) used/contains
evidential material or any hard or soft instrument(s)/machine(s) related
to the production of the book in par. 1 above
3. Any notes, document(s) containing information related to the book
and any item(s)/material that may form part of the evidence of the
offence(s) mentioned above in this apptication.

G. Such articles
(i) are upon or at the fotlowing premises within my area of juisdiction, namely (describe the tocation
and nature of the property in sufficient detait in order to be accurately identified, physicat address/
reg i ste red pa fticu I a rs/ G pS Coord i n ates)

23 Hermon Streetn Riebeek Kasteel, Matmesbury

(such being hereinafter referred to as, "the premises); and/or

(ii) othervvise are under the control of or upon the fottowing person(s) who currcnfly resrde(s) within my
area of jurisdiction (set out the name of the person and if available, the identification number or
passport number)
[such being hereinafter refened to as, "the identified person(s)"]

Jacobus (Jacque) Pauw, lD: 590822 $29 Ag g

THEREFARE THERE lS A NEED to search for and sieze the said articb(s) * upon or at the
premises/ under the control of or upon the identified percon(s).

YOU ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND REQUTRED within the context of the pefiormance of al
relevant duties to-
o enterthe prmises and approach the identified person(s) during the *day/nigftime and
search the identified person(s)/premlses and any person found upon or at such premises, for
the articles (listed as aftached hereto) and to seize any such articbs that are found and
exercise any fufiher powerc and perfotm any fufiher duties in relation to such seized afiictes
as set out iin Chapter 2 of the CpA; and
o search for and through and data and data messages and the examination thereof, on any
information system that is found (as these terms are defined in the Electronic
Communications and Transactions Act, Na. 25 of 2002), such may be done during the
conducting of the search via the making and
/nessages storcd on the information system.

2818 -02- 2S

LYTTELTON GAS 1 43111 12017
Any person whose ights in respecf of any search or afticle ieiz
a copy of this warrant, together with a copy of supporting *affidavit/statement under affirmation.

The police official in charge of this search and seizure will during the search and seizure be asslsled by the following
police officials (indicate full Names, Rank, Persal. No, Station/tJnit/Division/Office);

1. 7000208-8 Captain ML Hattingh; Nat. H/O DPCI, Crimes Against The

Shte, Pretoria,
2, 0408060-2 JJG Nel: DPCIWestern Cape PROV. Bellviile.

Given under my hand

At Malmesbury on this 2BTH day of FEBRUARY 20to


,nrunrle: ...... lgs

AREA oF J u RrsDrcn o N : . . . . . . . . .. . . C3.S.S.t1g. .8.:*(y

LYTTELTON CAS 143111 12017
Any person whose rights in respect of any search or article seiii
a copy of this wamnt, together with a copy of supporting *affidavit/statement under affirmation.

The police official in charge of this search and seizure witl during the search and seizure be assl.sfed by the following
police officials (indicate full Names, Rank, Persal. No, Station/unit/Division/Office);

1. 7000208-8 Captain ML Hattingh; Nat. H/O DPCI, Grimes Against The

State, Pretoria.
2, 0408060-2 JJG Nel: DPCIWestern Cape PROV. Bellviile.

Given under my hand

At MalmesbUry on this 28TH day of FEBRUARY 2018


DEsrcNAnoN:...... .....11.*g.l.S:I(.ffi
AREA oF J uRrsDrciloN .. .. .. .. c3.n.*.tL9..B.v€Y
:.. . .

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