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Models for Analysis of Water

Hammer in Piping With

Entrapped Air
Water hammer transients in a pipe line with an entrapped air pocket are analyzed with
M. A. Chaiko three one-dimensional models of varying complexity. The most simple model neglects the
influence of gas-liquid interface movement on wave propagation through the liquid region
K. W. Brinckman and assumes uniform compression of the entrapped noncondensable gas. In the most
complex model, the full two-region wave propagation problem is solved for adjoining gas
PPL Corporation, and liquid regions with time varying domains. An intermediate model which allows for
Nuclear Technology Group, time variation of the liquid domain, but assumes uniform gas compression, is also con-
Allentown, PA 18101 sidered. Calculations are carried out for a wide range of initial system pressure ranging
from 0.101 MPa (14.7 psia) to 6.89 MPa (1000 psia). A step increase in pressure equal to
5 times the initial system pressure is imposed at the pipe inlet and the pressure response
of the system is investigated. Results show that time variation of the liquid domain and
nonuniform gas compression can be neglected for initial air volumes comprising 5% or
less of the initial pipe volume. The uniform compression model with time-varying liquid
domain captures all of the essential features predicted by the full two-region model for the
entire range of pressure and initial gas volume considered in the study, and it is the
recommended model for analysis of waterhammer in pipe lines with entrapped air.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.1430668兴

1 Introduction treatment of hydraulic transients in pipelines with entrapped air

The prediction of pressure transients in separated gas-liquid involves the solution of coupled pressure-wave propagation prob-
systems is of particular interest in the power and process indus- lems on time-varying domains.
tries. For example, a gas accumulator, which in its simplest form In order to simplify engineering analyses, it is commonly as-
consists of a vertical tube with noncondensable gas trapped sumed that the entrapped air will compress and expand uniformly,
against the top closed section of the tube, may be employed on the i.e., no spatial variation in the gas region, so that the pressure-
discharge piping of a positive displacement pump to dampen pres- wave propagation problem for the gas phase can be eliminated.
sure pulses in piping networks. In some cases, a trapped gas With the assumption of uniform gas compression, effects of the
pocket in a dead-end section of process piping can produce unde- entrapped air appear in the model as a nonlinear boundary condi-
sirable hydraulic interactions between pumps and check valves. tion imposed on the liquid-phase problem. For relatively small
The accumulated gas increases the compressibility of the inven- amounts of air, it is further assumed that the displacement of the
tory in the pump discharge piping, which can result in a flow/ interface can be considered small in comparison to the length of
pressure surge during a rapid pump start. The flow surge causes the liquid region, and therefore, pressure-wave transmission
the pump discharge check valve to quickly swing open. As the through the liquid is computed on the unperturbed spatial domain
fluid momentum is arrested, over-compression of the gas pocket 关4兴. Interface displacement is derived from the computed liquid-
can produce a reverse flow in the pipe causing the check valve to phase velocity on the unperturbed interfacial boundary. The dis-
slam closed, resulting in a waterhammer transient. In contrast, gas placement is then incorporated into the calculation of the gas pres-
pockets can be used to lessen the severity of waterhammer tran- sure which in turn feeds back into the liquid-region problem
sients in voided systems by providing a cushioning affect for an
through the interfacial pressure boundary condition.
accelerating water slug. A study by the Electric Power Research
Martin 关2兴 used a lumped parameter model to compute the pres-
Institute 共EPRI兲 of hydraulic transients in cooling-water systems
sure rise for an entrapped air pocket at the closed downstream end
found that the presence of free air in water systems may be suf-
ficient itself to limit the severity of a pressure surge and make the of a pipe caused by sudden pressurization at the upstream end.
addition of vacuum breakers unnecessary 关1兴. The EPRI study The model neglected liquid compressibility and assumed uniform
reviewed data from a number of plant transients involving pump gas compression. Calculations showed that the peak air pressure
trips and liquid-column separation. In most cases, owing to can be significantly higher than the driving pressure imposed at
vacuum breaker operation and the presence of free air in the sys- the upstream end of the pipe.
tem, a waterhammer was avoided following pump restart. While Qiu and Burrows 关5兴 analyzed pressure surges caused by pump
the air is effective in mitigating severe loads in voided systems, shutdown in pipe lines with entrapped air. Their model considered
the peak pressure resulting from the rapid pressurization of a liquid compressibility and cavitation using the discrete cavity
closed system with entrapped air can be significantly higher than model described by Wiley and Streeter 关3兴; however, the en-
in a purely liquid system 关2, 3兴. Since pressurization of the piping trapped gas was treated as a lumped system and the variation of
system will cause movement of the gas-liquid interface, a rigorous the liquid column length was neglected. Their results showed that
small amounts of entrapped air can cause an increased pressure
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL surge as compared to the case of no entrapped air.
OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Journal of Fluids Engineering
Division, January 23, 2001; revised manuscript received October 30, 2001. Associate Lee and Martin 关6兴 analytically and experimentally studied the
Editor: E. Graf. pressurization of an air pocket trapped against the closed end of a

194 Õ Vol. 124, MARCH 2002 Copyright © 2002 by ASME Transactions of the ASME

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horizontal pipe containing water. Rapid pressurization of the air I. Time-varying liquid length and nonuniform gas compres-
pocket was accomplished by the sudden opening of a valve sepa- sion
rating the air, initially at atmospheric pressure, from the pressur- II. Time-varying liquid length and uniform gas compression,
ized liquid. Liquid pressure was set by a pressure tank connected and
to the pipe inlet. Peak air pressure was determined for various III. Fixed liquid length and uniform gas compression
tank pressures and for different volumes of entrapped air. Experi- The physical model considered in this study consists of a ver-
mental results were compared to predictions obtained by solving tical pipe containing liquid with an entrapped noncondensable gas
the water hammer equations on the time-dependent liquid domain pocket at the top closed end of the pipe. The gas pressure response
using a uniform compression/expansion model to account for the to a sudden pressure disturbance imposed at the bottom open end
presence of the entrapped air. A simpler model which neglects of the pipe is investigated with respect to the initial fraction of the
compressibility of the liquid 共rigid column analysis兲 was also con- pipe length occupied by liquid. Gas compression is assumed to be
sidered. As shown by the Lee and Martin, rigid column theory isentropic regardless of whether it occurs uniformly or nonuni-
breaks down for systems with small entrapped air pockets while
formly. Potential vapor formation in the liquid region is not con-
water hammer theory shows fairly good overall agreement with
sidered. Based on subsidiary calculations carried out with a two-
the experiments.
fluid 共vapor/liquid兲, two-component 共air/water兲 method, transient
Brinckman and Chaiko 关7兴 evaluated the capability of the
nuclear thermal-hydraulics code TRAC-BF1 for predicting peak pressure can drop to saturation resulting in some liquid vaporiza-
pressure in an air-water-system pressurization transient. TRAC tion; however, void fractions in the liquid region are extremely
results for peak system pressure were compared against water- small 共10⫺10 to 10⫺6 兲, and the void formation was found to have
hammer solutions obtained by the method of characteristics for a no appreciable effect on the computed peak air pressure.
pipe with small initial air volume 共⭐10% of pipe volume兲. Re- Use of Model I involves solving the one-dimensional, isentro-
sults for peak pressure agreed favorably with the method of char- pic, compressible-flow equations on the time-varying gas domain.
acteristics; however, on longer time scales TRAC tends to exag- The classical waterhammer equations are solved on the time-
gerate the oscillation period and the solution suffers from artificial varying liquid domain, and the gas and liquid-phase solutions are
damping. coupled at the moving interface by appropriate matching condi-
The present study examines the range of validity associated tions. Rather than working explicitly with the time-varying do-
with certain approximations which are commonly made in carry- mains, mappings are introduced to transform the governing gas-
ing out water hammer analyses for systems with entrapped air. phase and liquid-phase equations to fixed spatial domains, and the
First, the study determines the conditions for which it is appropri- resultant equations are solved using a first-order-accurate,
ate to neglect the movement of the gas-liquid interface in the method-of-characteristics approach. The influence of gas-phase
solution of the water hammer equations for liquid pressure and wave transmission on system response is determined by compar-
velocity. If a method of characteristics approach is used to solve ing results for models I and II. Similarly, a comparison of results
the water hammer equations, this simplification greatly reduces for models II and III indicates the importance of including inter-
solution complexity because characteristics become linear paths in face movement in the solution of the liquid phase pressure and
the x-t plane, and no interpolation is required to determine the
velocity. Solutions are compared over a wide range of the dimen-
origination points of characteristics on the previous time level.
sionless parameter ␭ which is defined as the fraction of the tube
Clearly, the error associated with solving the waterhammer equa-
tions on the unperturbed liquid domain diminishes as the initial length initially occupied by liquid. Values of ␭ range from 0.1 to
volume of the entrapped air decreases. The study determines the 0.98. Calculations are carried out for three initial pipe pressures:
range of liquid fraction ␭ for which the fixed-liquid-domain ap- 0.101 MPa 共14.7 psia兲, 0.689 MPa 共100 psia兲, and 6.89 MPa
proximation remains valid and discusses the error incurred by 共1000 psia兲. The dimensionless parameter ␦ quantifies the magni-
using the approximation for systems with large entrapped air tude of the pressure disturbance imposed at the inlet of the pipe. ␦
pockets. is defined as the ratio of the imposed disturbance to the initial
The second approximation that is examined in this study is the system pressure. Values of ␦ ranging from 1 to 10 were considered
use of a uniform gas compression model to account for the influ- in this study. Representative results for ␦ ⫽5 are presented.
ence of the entrapped air. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, Solutions to the governing equations for models I, II, and III are
none of the water hammer analyses reported in the literature has obtained using the method of characteristics. Solution of the
quantitatively examined the importance of pressure-wave trans- model I and model II equations by the method of characteristics
mission within the gas region. Owing to its simplicity, the stan- involves the use of linear interpolation to determine the origina-
dard approach taken in water hammer analysis with entrapped air tion points of characteristics on previous time levels. It is well
is to assume uniform compression and expansion of the gas known that the use of linear interpolation in the method of char-
pocket. The present study determines the effect of nonuniform gas acteristics solution of waterhammer problems can introduce nu-
compression on peak system pressure for systems with large en- merical damping into the solution. As reported by Wiley and
trapped air volumes. Streeter 关3兴 and confirmed in this study, the use of a higher-order
While a lumped-parameter model for the entire air-water sys- interpolation scheme 共second order interpolation兲 introduces ex-
tem can be obtained by neglecting the liquid compressibility and
traneous fluctuations into the solution when applied to problems
thereby treating the liquid phase as a rigid column along with
involving steep wave fronts. A linear interpolation scheme was
assuming uniform gas compression, this model is not considered
here as it has already been shown by Lee and Martin and by therefore selected for use with the method of characteristics.
Guarga et al. 关8兴 that rigid-column theory can significantly over- Model II equations are also solved using a spectral method to
predict peak gas pressure for systems with small entrapped air assess the influence of numerical diffusion on the results obtained
pockets. Analyses of pressure surge in piping with entrapped air by using the method of characteristics with linear interpolation.
using the lumped-parameter model have also been carried out by Although the spectral method is not as computationally efficient
Carrera et al. 关9兴 and Hashimoto et al. 关10兴. as the method of characteristics, it does not introduce numerical
Three different mathematical models for water hammer tran- damping into the solution and it is therefore a useful technique for
sients in a pipe line with entrapped air are compared in order to assessing the degree of artificial damping present in the method of
assess the range of validity associated with the fixed-liquid- characteristics solution.
domain and uniform gas compression approximations. The three Calculation results for models I, II, and III are compared to the
models consist of: experimental results of Lee and Martin 关6兴 obtained using an air/

Journal of Fluids Engineering MARCH 2002, Vol. 124 Õ 195

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⳵pl ⳵ul ⳵ul 1 ⳵pl f
⫹ ␳ l c 2l ⫽0 and ⫹ ⫽⫺ u 兩 u 兩 (1)
⳵t ⳵x ⳵t ␳l ⳵x 2D l l

where the subscript l denotes the liquid phase, p is the pressure,

u is the velocity, t is the time, x is the spatial coordinate, ␳ is the
density, f is the Darcy-Weisbach pipe friction factor, and D is the
pipe diameter. The density in 共1兲 is the unperturbed liquid density
which differs negligibly from the actual fluid density. Liquid
phase sound speed c l is assumed constant. Convection effects are
neglected in the liquid phase since the liquid velocity is much less
than the wave speed c l . The pipe friction factor f depends on the
local Reynolds number and the relative roughness of the tube.
These dependencies are incorporated into the model by using the
single-phase friction factor correlations employed in the TRAC-
BF1 thermal-hydraulics code 关11兴. The effects of viscous heating
at the pipe wall are not incorporated into the friction factor calcu-
lation as sensitivity studies showed that varying fluid temperature
and associated viscosity in the applicable range had a negligible
effect on the computed peak gas pressures. At t⫽0, the pressure at
Fig. 1 Schematic of gas-liquid system the inlet of the pipe (x⫽0) begins to increase from p 0 to p 0
⫹p 0⬘ according to the relation

water system similar to that considered in this study. The experi- p l 共 0,t 兲 ⫽p 0 ⫹p 0⬘ 共 1⫺e ⫺bt 兲 (2)
mental apparatus used by Lee and Martin contained a flow meter
which produced a large irreversible pressure loss in the liquid where the constant b is chosen so that the rise in pressure closely
region of the tube. For purposes of comparing against the experi- approximates a step increase. Physically, this boundary condition
mental data, the inlet boundary condition in Eq. 共2兲 was modified could correspond to the opening of a valve at the inlet of the pipe
to include a large irreversible loss coefficient, and the liquid-phase where the valve separates the pipe from a constant-pressure tank.
wave speed was adjusted to be consistent with the value corre- The time-varying liquid domain is defined by 0⬍x⬍s(t) where
sponding to the experimental apparatus. Unfortunately, the inclu- s(t) is the location of the gas-liquid interface 共see Fig. 1兲.
sion of the large loss coefficient had the effect of masking any In the gas region, one-dimensional isentropic flow of the non-
differences between the three models. The comparison against ex- condensable, ideal gas is governed by the respective continuity
perimental data does however demonstrate that all three models and momentum equations,
considered here can give an accurate prediction of peak pressure
in air/water systems with large frictional resistances. ⳵cg ⳵ c g 共 ␥ ⫺1 兲 ⳵ u g
As part of this work, guidance is developed with regard to the ⫹u g ⫹ cg ⫽0
range of validity of the simplified models II and III. Discussion is
⳵t ⳵x 2 ⳵x
presented concerning the magnitude and type of errors which may
be incurred if models II and III are employed for gas-liquid sys- and
tems with relatively large air volumes.
⳵ug ⳵ug 2 ⳵cg
⫹u g ⫹ cg ⫽0, (3)
2 Physical Model ⳵t ⳵x 共 ␥ ⫺1 兲 ⳵x
The system considered in this work consists of a vertical pipe where the adiabatic index ␥ ⫽1.4 is the ratio of the gas specific
containing water with air entrapped at the top closed end of the heats. For the gas region, the domain is s(t)⬍x⬍L where L is the
pipe 共see Fig. 1兲. Complete separation of the air from the liquid total length of the pipe. Pressure in the gas phase is related to
phase is assumed. Pipe length is 3.05 m 共10 ft兲 and initial pressure wave speed by the isentropic relations for an ideal gas,
ranges from 0.101 MPa 共14.7 psia兲 to 6.89 MPa 共1000 psia兲. The

冉 冊 冉 冊
pipe has uniform cross-sectional flow area, and the pipe has an 1⫺1/␥
cg 2
pg ␥ RT 0
inside diameter of 0.0254 m 共1 in兲. There is no heat transfer from ⫽
and c g 0 ⫽ , (4)
the fluid to the pipe walls. Initially, the water and entrapped air are c g0 p0 ␻
stationary and at a uniform pressure p 0 共gravity effects are ne-
glected兲. At t⫽0, a step increase in pressure to p 0 ⫹p 0⬘ is imposed where R is the ideal gas constant, T is the absolute temperature,
at the pipe inlet (x⫽0), and the interaction between the entrapped and ␻ is the molecular weight of the gas. The subscript g refers to
air and the pressure disturbance is computed. In the model, the the gas phase, and the subscript 0 refers to the initial state of the
magnitude of the imposed pressure disturbance is described by the fluid. The top of the pipe is closed, and therefore, the appropriate
dimensionless parameter ␦ ⬅p ⬘0 /p 0 . The initial temperature of the boundary condition on the gas region is
system is 294 K (70°F), and within the gas region, wall friction is
neglected. The sound speed in the liquid phase is constant and u g 共 L,t 兲 ⫽0. (5)
taken equal to 1423 m/s 共4670 ft/s兲 corresponding to the sound
speed of 70°F water in a 0.0254 m 共1 in.兲 steel pipe accounting for Since the pipe diameter is assumed large enough for surface
pipe wall elasticity. The air is assumed to obey the ideal gas equa- tension effects to be negligible, and since there is no flow across
tion of state, and compression and expansion of the air occurs the gas-liquid interface, the pressure and fluid velocity are con-
isentropically. tinuous across the interface. Thus, matching conditions for pres-
sure and velocity consist of
3 Governing Equations
P l 关 s 共 t 兲 ,t 兴 ⫽ P g 关 s 共 t 兲 ,t 兴 and u l 关 s 共 t 兲 ,t 兴 ⫽u g 关 s 共 t 兲 ,t 兴 . (6)
3.1 Model I. In the liquid region, the pressure and velocity
are governed by the classical waterhammer equations 关4兴, The kinematic relation for the interface,

196 Õ Vol. 124, MARCH 2002 Transactions of the ASME

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ds 共 t 兲
⫽u l 关 s 共 t 兲 ,t 兴 , (7) ␸ 共 0,␶ 兲 ⫽1⫹ ␦ 共 1⫺e ⫺ ␤␶ 兲 and ␸ 共 1,␶ 兲 ⫽ 冋 1⫺␭ ␥

1⫺ ␩ 共 ␶ 兲
, (19)

with s(0)⫽s 0 , follows from the fact that the time rate of change and initial conditions,
of the interface location is equal to the liquid 共or gas兲 velocity at
␸ 共 y,0兲 ⫽1 and U 共 y,0兲 ⫽0. (20)
the interface. Finally, initial conditions consistent with the as-
sumption of uniform initial pressure and no fluid motion at t⫽0 The non-linear interfacial boundary condition in 共19兲 which in-
consist of volves the dimensionless interface location ␩ ( ␶ ), describes the
pressure change in the gas as a result of adiabatic, uniform com-
p l 共 x,0兲 ⫽p 0 , u l 共 x,0兲 ⫽0, for x苸 共 0,s 0 兲 (8) pression and expansion. ␩ ( ␶ ) is determined from the solution of
共15兲 with initial condition ␩ (0)⫽␭.
p g 共 x,0兲 ⫽p 0 , and u g 共 x,0兲 ⫽0 for x苸 共 s 0 ,L 兲 . (9)
3.3 Model III. As in the case of model II, the gas phase is
Governing equations are nondimensionalized and transformed
assumed to compress and expand uniformly. An additional simpli-
to time-independent gas and liquid domains by introducing the
fication is incorporated which involves solving the water hammer
following dimensionless variables and parameters:
equations for the liquid-phase on the unperturbed domain, x
tc l x x⫺s ul ug 苸(0,s 0 ), i.e., the length of the liquid region remains constant.
␶⫽ , y⫽ , z⫽ , U⫽ , V⫽ , This approximation is equivalent to setting ␩˙ ⫽0 and ␩ ⫽␭ in the
L s L⫺s cl c g0
transformed Eqs. 共11兲 and 共12兲. The governing equations become
pl cg s p 0⬘ c g0 ⳵␸ 1 ⳵U ⳵ U ␧ ⳵␸
␸⫽ , ␺⫽ , ␩⫽ , ␦⫽ , ␬⫽ , ⫹ ⫽0 and ⫹ ⫽⫺ ␮ U 兩 U 兩 (21)
p0 c g0 L p0 cl
(10) ⳵ ␶ ␧␭ ⳵ y ⳵␶ ␭ ⳵y
g0p0 bL fL s0 where y苸(0,1). Boundary and initial conditions consist of 共19兲
␧⫽ , ␤⫽ , ␮⫽ , and ␭⫽ . and 共20兲.
␳l cl 2
cl 2D L
For the present study, 1⭐ ␦ ⭐10, ␬ ⫽0.243, ␤ ⫽100, and ␧ 4 Solution Techniques
⫽3.41⫻10⫺4 . The parameter ␭ is introduced to define the frac-
tion of the pipe length initially occupied by liquid. In this study ␭ 4.1 Method of Characteristics for Model I. The dimen-
ranges from 0.1 to 0.98. Dimensionless continuity and momentum sionless governing Eqs. 共11兲–共18兲 for Model I are solved by the
equations, respectively, for the liquid region become numerical method of characteristics. Liquid-phase equations are
expressed in characteristic form through the standard approach of
⳵␸ 1 ⳵U ␩˙ ⳵␸ multiplying 共11兲 by an unknown function ⌳ 1 and 共12兲 by a second
⫹ ⫺y ⫽0 (11)
⳵␶ ␧␩ ⳵y ␩ ⳵y unknown function ⌳ 2 and then adding the resultant equations. It is
found that if the ratio ⌳ 2 /⌳ 1 satisfies the relation (⌳ 2 /⌳ 1 ) 2
⫽(␧ ␩ ) ⫺2 , then the linear combination of 共11兲 and 共12兲 can be
⳵ U ␧ ⳵␸ ␩˙ ⳵ U expressed in terms of total derivatives of ␸ and U along a curve in
⫹ ⫺y ⫽⫺ ␮ U 兩 U 兩 (12) the y⫺ ␶ plane. It then follows that ␸ and U are related by the
⳵␶ ␩ ⳵y ␩ ⳵y compatibility equations,
where the liquid domain is now fixed such that y苸(0,1). For the d ␸ 1 dU ␮
gas region, the dimensionless continuity and momentum equations ⫾ ⫾ U 兩 U 兩 ⫽0, (22)
are d␶ ␧ d␶ ␧

⳵␺ ⳵ ␺ ␬ 共 ␥ ⫺1 兲 ⳵ V which hold along characteristic curves defined by solutions to

共 1⫺ ␩ 兲 ⫹ 关 ␬ V⫺ 共 1⫺z 兲 ␩˙ 兴 ⫹ ␺ ⫽0 (13) ␩˙
⳵␶ ⳵z 2 ⳵z dy 1
⫽⫺ y⫾ . (23)
d␶ ␩ ␩
Note that if there is no movement of the interface then ␩˙ ⫽0
⳵V ⳵V 2␬ ⳵␺ and ␩ ⫽␭, and the characteristics for the liquid region become
共 1⫺ ␩ 兲 ⫹ 关 ␬ V⫺ 共 1⫺z 兲 ␩˙ 兴 ⫹ ␺ ⫽0, (14)
⳵␶ ⳵ z 共 ␥ ⫺1 兲 ⳵ z linear paths in the y⫺ ␶ plane. It is the movement of the interface
which introduces curvature into the liquid-phase characteristics.
where again the domain is now fixed with z苸(0,1). The dimen- Also, note that ␩˙ ⫽1 corresponds to movement of the interface at
sionless kinematic relation for the interface response is the sonic velocity. For the problem of interest, the interface moves
␩˙ ⫽U 共 1,␶ 兲 , (15) at speeds much smaller than the sound speed, and therefore, ␩˙
Ⰶ1. For the gas region, the compatibility equations,
and the nondimensionalized initial, boundary, and matching con-
ditions, respectively, consist of d ␺ 共 ␥ ⫺1 兲 dV
⫾ ⫽0, (24)
d␶ 2 d␶
␸ 共 y,0兲 ⫽1, U 共 y,0兲 ⫽0, ␺ 共 z,0兲 ⫽1, V 共 z,0兲 ⫽0, ␩ 共 0 兲 ⫽␭,
(16) relate the dimensionless wave speed ␺ for the gas to the dimen-
sionless gas velocity V along the characteristics defined by solu-
⫺ ␤␶
␸ 共 0,␶ 兲 ⫽1⫹ ␦ 共 1⫺e 兲, V 共 1,␶ 兲 ⫽0, (17) tions to
␸ 共 1,␶ 兲 ⫽ 关 ␺ 共 0,␶ 兲兴 2 ␥ /( ␥ ⫺1) , and U 共 1,␶ 兲 ⫽ ␬ V 共 0,␶ 兲 , (18) dz 共 1⫺z 兲 ␩˙ ␬ 共 V⫾ ␺ 兲
⫽⫺ ⫹ . (25)
d␶ 共 1⫺ ␩ 兲 共 1⫺ ␩ 兲
3.2 Model II. Model II is similar to model I in that it incor-
porates the effects of interface displacement on the transmission Initial conditions for 共22兲–共25兲 are derived from the initial,
of pressure-waves through the liquid region; however, in the gas boundary and matching conditions 共16兲–共18兲. The gas region so-
region, a simplified approach of assuming that the gas compresses lution is coupled to that of the liquid region through the interfacial
and expands uniformly is taken, i.e., there is no spatial variation in matching conditions 共18兲.
the gas region. Liquid region governing equations consist of 共11兲 Characteristic Eqs. 共23兲 and 共25兲 are solved numerically on a
and 共12兲 along with boundary conditions, fixed spatial grid using first-order, semi-implicit temporal integra-

Journal of Fluids Engineering MARCH 2002, Vol. 124 Õ 197

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acteristic from the liquid and the left moving characteristic from
the gas. Additional constraints are provided by the associated
compatibility relations and by the two matching conditions 共18兲.
In solving for the interface location ␩ j at the new time level, and
the interface velocity U Mj
which is equal to ␩˙ j , the second-order
accurate, finite-difference formula 共trapezoid rule兲,
␩ j ⫽ ␩ j⫺1 ⫹ j
关UM ⫹U M
兴 (26)
is used to approximate the interface relation 共15兲. Here the super-
script denotes the time level, and the subscript denotes the spatial
grid point. Although the remaining differential equations are inte-
grated using a first-order accurate approach, a second-order
method is used for the interface equation because it adds no com-
putational complexity. Moreover, the interface location and inter-
Fig. 2 Computational grid for method of characteristics solu- face velocity feed into all of the characteristic relations.
tion of model I equations The finite-difference approximations to the compatibility, char-
acteristic, and matching relations at the interface consist of:
1 ␮
⫺ ␸ E⫹ 共 U M
⫺U E 兲 ⫹ U E 兩 U E 兩 ⫽0, (27)
tion. Integration is implicit with respect to the interface location ␩ ␧ ␧

冉 冊
and the interface velocity ␩˙ ⫽U(1,␶ ). The remaining variables on
the right-hand side of 共23兲 and 共25兲 are treated explicitly. This ⌬␶ j
1⫺y E ⫽ ⫺ y E⌬ ␶ , (28)
approach is taken to avoid numerical instabilities in problems ␩ j
where stability constraints on the interface relation 共15兲 are more
restrictive, for the case of purely explicit integration, than they are 共 ␥ ⫺1 兲 j
for the characteristic equations. If purely explicit integration was ␺ 1j ⫺ ␺ F ⫺ 共 V 1 ⫺V F 兲 ⫽0, (29)
used to solve the characteristic equations, the time step size could
be limited by stability constraints on 共15兲 rather than by con- ⌬␶␯ 共 z F ⫺1 兲 U M
straints on the much more computationally intensive characteristic z F⫽ 共 V ⫺ ␺ 兲 ⫹ , (30)
共 1⫺ ␩ 兲
j F F
共 1⫺ ␩ 兲
equations, and this could lead to unnecessarily large computation
times. ␸M
⫽ 共 ␺ 1j 兲 2 ␥ /( ␥ ⫺1) , and (31)
In the present semi-implicit formulation, time step size is vari-
able, and is determined at each time level such that a disturbance j
UM ⫽ ␬ V 1j . (32)
does not travel farther than the spatial separation between grid
points during a single time step. Figure 2 shows the computational In addition, linear interpolation formulas are used to express
grid used in solving the governing Eqs. 共22兲–共25兲 by the numeri- ␸ E , U E , ␺ F , and V F in terms of known values at neighboring
cal method of characteristics. In the interior of the gas and liquid mesh points on the same time level. Routine algebraic manipula-
regions, the solution is advanced in time by forcing the right- tions lead to the following relations for the dimensionless liquid
moving and left-moving characteristics to intersect on an interior pressure and the gas-phase wave speed at the interface:
grid point at the next time level. Over a single time step, charac- 1 ␮
teristics are approximated by straight line segments. Characteris- ␸M
⫽a 2 ⫺ 共 U M
⫺a 3 兲 ⫺ a 3 兩 a 3 兩 ⌬ ␶ , (33)
tics will intersect at the target grid point, on the next time level, ␧ ␧
only if they originate from specific locations on the current time and
level. Origination points are denoted in Fig. 2 by A through D for
the interior mesh points, by E and F for the interfacial grid points, ␥ ⫺1
and by G and H for the boundaries. Points of origination for the ␺ 1j ⫽a 14⫹ a 16 , (34)
characteristics are computed as part of the solution. At interior
mesh points where the right-moving and left-moving characteris- where the coefficients a i are defined sequentially in the Appendix.
tics intersect, the compatibility Eqs. 共22兲 for the liquid and 共24兲 Note that the coefficients a i depend on the interface location ␩ j
for the gas, are used to compute the dependent variables. When and the interface velocity U M at the current time level. Therefore,
advancing the solution on the boundaries at y⫽0 and z⫽1, only an iterative procedure is used to compute the interface location,
the characteristic and compatibility relations corresponding to velocity, and pressure. The procedure begins with a guess for the
wave propagation into the boundary are used; the appropriate j
interface velocity U M . The interface location ␩ j is then computed
boundary condition from 共17兲 provides the additional constraint from 共26兲. Coefficients a i are computed, and ␸ M j
and ␺ 1j are cal-
needed to determine the solution. At the interface, interfacial culated from 共33兲 and 共34兲. It is then determined if ␸ M j
and ␺ 1j
matching conditions 共18兲 are used in conjunction with the liquid-
satisfy the matching condition 共31兲; if not, an improved estimate
phase and gas-phase characteristic and compatibility relations
which correspond to wave motion into the interface. Note that
for U M is made and the process is repeated until 共31兲 is satisfied to
solution of the compatibility equations requires the values of the the desired degree of accuracy. In this work an outer-loop bisec-
dependent variables at the characteristic origination points. Since tion procedure was used to determine U M , and the magnitude of
characteristics do not, in general, originate from grid points at the the error in the matching condition 共31兲 was required to be less
previous time level, the dependent variables, at points A through than 10⫺8 .
H in Fig. 2, are determined by linear interpolation. There are M Once the interface problem is solved, ␩ and ␩˙ ⫽U M j
, are
mesh points in the liquid region and N mesh points in the gas known on the next time level. The solution is then advanced on
region. the boundaries and interior grid points of the gas and liquid re-
In the solution scheme, the interface problem is solved first. gions. Using first-order, finite-difference approximations for the
Determining the interface location, velocity, and pressure involves characteristic and compatibility relations 共22兲–共25兲, and incorpo-
only one characteristic from each region: the right-moving char- rating the boundary conditions 共17兲, leads to the following results

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U 1j ⫽␧ ␸ 1j ⫹b 4 , (35) ␸ 共 y, ␶ 兲 ⫽ ␸ 共 0,␶ 兲 ⫹y 关 ␸ 共 1,␶ 兲 ⫺ ␸ 共 0,␶ 兲兴

兺冋 册

共 ␥ ⫺1 兲 共 ⫺1 兲 k ␸ 共 1,␶ 兲 ⫺ ␸ 共 0,␶ 兲
␺ Nj ⫽d 4 ⫹ d5 (36) ⫹2 ⫹ ␸ k 共 ␶ 兲 sin共 k ␲ y 兲
2 k⫽1 k␲
1 ␧ (42)
␸ ij ⫽ 共 g 7 ⫹g 8 兲 , U ij ⫽ 共 g 7 ⫺g 8 兲 for i苸 兵 2,3, . . . M ⫺1 其 ,
2 2 and the dimensionless velocity U(y, ␶ ) is represented by the co-
(37) sine series,
1 h 11⫺h 22 ⬁
␺ ij ⫽ 共 h 11⫹h 22兲 , and V ij ⫽
2 ␥ ⫺1
for i苸 兵 2,3, . . . N⫺1 其 , U 共 y, ␶ 兲 ⫽U 0 共 ␶ 兲 ⫹2 兺 U 共 ␶ 兲 cos共 k ␲ y 兲 ,
k (43)
which is also uniformly convergent for y苸 关 0,1兴 . Series 共42兲 is
where the b i , d i , g i , and h i are defined in the Appendix, and ␸ 1j
obtained by expanding ␸ y (y, ␶ ) as a cosine series on y苸(0,1) and
and V Nj are determined based on the boundary conditions 共17兲. then integrating the series term-by-term. In 共42兲 and 共43兲, k rep-
4.2 Method of Characteristics for Model II. In model II, resents a wave number for the monochromatic constituents of ␸
the response of the gas region is described by the uniform- and U. k is the number of waves in an interval of length 2, and the
compression boundary condition 共19兲 specified for ␸ on y⫽1. The associated wave length is 2/k. The time-dependent coefficients
interface problem consists of the compatibility and characteristic ␸ k ( ␶ ) and U k ( ␶ ) are given by
equations from 共22兲 and 共23兲 which correspond to wave propaga-
tion from the liquid into the interface 共sign is ‘‘⫹’’兲 along with the
second boundary condition in 共19兲 and the linear interpolation
␸ k共 ␶ 兲 ⫽ 冕 0
dy sin共 k ␲ y 兲 ␸ 共 y, ␶ 兲 and

formulas which express ␸ E and U E in terms of neighboring mesh 1
point values. Approximating the characteristic and compatibility U k共 ␶ 兲 ⫽ dy cos共 k ␲ y 兲 U 共 y, ␶ 兲 . (44)
equations with first-order-accurate, finite-difference equations 0
leads to the following expression for the liquid pressure at the
interface: Equations 共44兲 define finite sine and cosine transforms for the
dimensionless pressure and velocity; inversion formulas are given
1 ␮ by 共42兲 and 共43兲.
⫽a 2 ⫺ 共 U M
⫺a 3 兲 ⫺ a 3 兩 a 3 兩 (39) Taking the sine transform of 共11兲 and the cosine transform of
␧ ␧
共12兲 leads to the amplitude equations
As for model I, the solution scheme involves guessing the in-
terface velocity U Mj
and then computing the interface location ␩ j d ␸ k共 ␶ 兲 k ␲ ␩˙
⫽ U 共 ␶ 兲 ⫹ 关 ␸ 共 1,␶ 兲 ⫺ ␸ 共 0,␶ 兲兴 J 共 0,k 兲
from 共26兲. The interfacial pressure ␸ M j
is then calculated from d␶ ␧␩ k ␩
共39兲. It is then determined if the relation ⬁
冉 冊 ⫹2 兺 关共 ⫺1 兲 ␸ 共 1,␶ 兲 ⫺ ␸ 共 0,␶ 兲 ⫹ j ␲␸ 共 ␶ 兲兴 J 共 j,k 兲 ,
␥ j
1⫺␭ ␩ j
⫺ ⫽0 (40) j⫽1
1⫺ ␩ j
from 共19兲 is satisfied to the desired degree of accuracy. If it is not,
then a root-finding scheme is used to obtain an improved estimate dU 0 共 ␶ 兲 ␩˙ ␧
⫽ 关 U 共 1,␶ 兲 ⫺U 0 共 ␶ 兲兴 ⫹ 关 ␸ 共 0,␶ 兲 ⫺ ␸ 共 1,␶ 兲兴
for U Mj
, which corresponds to ␩˙ j , and the process is repeated d␶ ␩ ␩

until convergence is obtained. In this work, a bisection procedure 1
is used to compute the interface velocity. ⫺ dy ␮ U 共 y, ␶ 兲 兩 U 共 y, ␶ 兲 兩 , (46)
On the boundary y⫽0 and in the interior of the liquid region, 0
the solution is advanced in the same manner as described for
model I. and

4.3 Method of Characteristics for Model III. In model III, dU k 共 ␶ 兲 k␲␧ ␧

⫽⫺ ␸ 共 ␶ 兲 ⫹ 关 ␸ 共 0,␶ 兲 ⫺ 共 ⫺1 兲 k ␸ 共 1,␶ 兲兴
uniform compression and expansion of the gas phase is assumed. d␶ ␩ k ␩
In addition, the liquid-phase equations are solved on the unper- ⬁
兺 U 共 ␶ 兲 jJ 共 k, j 兲
turbed liquid domain. The liquid-phase equations in characteristic
form consist of the compatibility Eqs. 共22兲 and the associated ⫺2 ␲
␩ j⫽1
characteristic equations,

⫺ 冕 0
dy ␮ cos共 k ␲ y 兲 U 共 y, ␶ 兲 兩 U 共 y, ␶ 兲 兩 , (47)

With this model, the characteristics are lines of constant slope in where k苸 兵 1,2,3, . . . 其 and
the y⫺ ␶ plane. This approximation greatly simplifies the solution
because all characteristics originate and terminate at mesh points.
Therefore, no interpolation is required.
J 共 j,k 兲 ⬅ 冕 0
dy y cos共 j ␲ y 兲 sin共 k ␲ y 兲 . (48)

4.4 Spectral Method for Model II. The uniform compres- Initial conditions consist of
sion problem with time-varying liquid domain is also solved by 关 1⫺ 共 ⫺1 兲 k 兴
means of finite Fourier transforms. This alternate solution ap- ␸ k共 0 兲 ⫽ , U 0 共 0 兲 ⫽0, and U k 共 0 兲 ⫽0 for
proach is chosen to quantify the effects of artificial damping in the k␲
method-of-characteristics solution of the model II governing Eqs. k苸 兵 1,2,3, . . . 其 . (49)
共11兲, 共12兲, 共19兲, and 共20兲. In the spectral solution, the dimension-
less liquid pressure ␸ (y, ␶ ) is expressed in terms of the uniformly The kinematic interface relation 共15兲 and a truncated set of
convergent Fourier sine series, amplitude equations are integrated numerically to obtain the time-

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dependent Fourier coefficients ␸ k ( ␶ ), U 0 ( ␶ ), and U k ( ␶ ) where k
is restricted such that k苸 兵 1,2,3, . . . ,K 其 . Converged solutions
were obtained using K⫽2 6 ⫽64. The mode coupling integrals
J( j,k) are evaluated analytically.
When the cosine series 共43兲 is truncated to K⫹1 Fourier
modes, the smallest scale for spatial variations in the liquid veloc-
ity U(y, ␶ ) is 2/K which corresponds to the minimum wave length
which can be resolved by the series representation of U. Since the
Fourier decomposition of U is band limited to wave lengths which
are ⭓2/K, the computed liquid velocity U(y, ␶ ) can be deter-
mined everywhere within the range y苸 关 0,1兴 by sampling U at
K⫹1 equally-spaced points spanning the range y苸 关 0,1兴 . At each
time step during the numerical integration of the amplitude and
interface equations, the K⫹1 values of U are obtained from the
truncated form of 共43兲 where the K⫹1 Fourier cosine coefficients
are determined from the numerical integration of 共46兲 and 共47兲.
Note that the nonlinear friction integrals which appear in 共46兲 and
共47兲 are the Fourier cosine coefficients of the function W(y, ␶ )
⬅ ␮ U(y, ␶ ) 兩 U(y, ␶ ) 兩 . The Fourier cosine coefficients of W, and
hence the friction integrals, can be expressed in terms of the dis-
crete Fourier cosine transform,

冕 1
Fig. 3 Comparison of peak gas pressure predicted with mod-
els I, II, and III against experimental data of Lee and Martin †5‡.
dy cos共 k ␲ y 兲 ␮ U 共 y, ␶ 兲 兩 U 共 y, ␶ 兲 兩
Initial gas pressure is 0.101 MPa „14.7 psia… and liquid pressure
at pipe inlet is 0.608 MPa „88.2 psia…
⫽ 关 W 共 0,␶ 兲 ⫹W 共 1,␶ 兲共 ⫺1 兲 k 兴
liquid region variation strongly affects peak pressure in systems
1 where frictional effects are not dominant. This finding points out

K 兺
W 共 y p , ␶ 兲 cos共 k ␲ y p 兲 , (50) that model assessments based on experimental results from sys-
tems with strong frictional damping will not capture the limita-
where y p ⫽p/K. Values of W at the K⫹1 discrete points required tions of relatively simple models which do not account for varia-
in 共50兲 are determined from the definition of W and the values of tion in the liquid region length.
U computed from the truncated form of 共43兲 on the K⫹1 evenly Figure 4 compares the predicted temporal response of interfa-
spaced grid points spanning the range y苸 关 0,1兴 . Rather than cial pressure for models I, II, and III. Results in Fig. 4 correspond
evaluating the friction integral by the computationally-inefficient to the case where 10 percent of the tube is initially filled with
defining expression for the discrete Fourier cosine transform given liquid (␭⫽0.1). Initial pressure within the tube is 6.89 MPa 共1000
in 共50兲, a standard Fast Fourier Transform algorithm, which re- psia兲, and at t⫽0, the inlet boundary pressure rises rapidly from
quires K to be an integral power of 2, is used 关12兴. Likewise, the 6.89 MPa 共1000 psia兲 to 41.4 MPa 共6000 psia兲 corresponding to
inverse transform 共43兲 is performed using a Fast Fourier inversion ␦ ⫽5. A high initial system pressure is chosen because predictions
formula rather than directing performing the summation in 共43兲 at of system response have been found to be more sensitive to mod-
each of the K⫹1 mesh points. eling assumptions in high-pressure systems. For ␭⫽0.1, the pres-
sure disturbance imposed on the inlet of the tube at ␶ ⫽0 reaches
the gas-liquid interface at ␶ ⫽0.1; at this time the gas pressure
5 Results begins to increase. Because of the relatively large entrapped gas
Figure 3 compares predictions of peak gas pressure for models pocket considered in this case, the time scale associated with the
I, II, and III against the experimental results of Lee and Martin change in gas pressure is considerably slower than the time scale
关6兴. The experimental apparatus used by Lee and Martin to mea- associated with pressure wave transmission through the liquid re-
sure peak gas pressure in air-water systems is similar to the physi- gion. As a result, there are many wave reflections which take
cal system considered in this work 共Fig. 1兲. It consists of a hori- place within the liquid region during a single gas compression
zontal pipe containing water and an entrapped air pocket at the cycle. Predicted gas-pressure oscillations decay with time because
closed downstream end of the pipe. Initially, the liquid and gas of the influence of wall friction within the liquid region. As can be
regions are separated by a closed valve. Gas pressure is 0.101 seen from the model I results in Fig. 4, pressure-wave transmis-
MPa 共14.7 psia兲 at the start of the transient. sion within the gas region has a significant effect on the details of
Liquid pressure is 0.608 MPa 共88.2 psia兲 共6 times the initial gas the interfacial pressure response. Pressure disturbances propagat-
pressure兲 prior to opening the valve separating the gas and liquid ing through the gas region produce fluctuations in gas pressure not
phases. At the inlet of the pipe, liquid pressure is maintained at observed in the results obtained with uniform gas compression
88.2 psia for the duration of the transient. A flow meter in the models 共model II and model III兲; however, the leading order pres-
liquid region is responsible for a large irreversible pressure loss. sure response, which is generally the parameter of interest in en-
Liquid region boundary and initial conditions presented in §3 gineering applications, shows excellent agreement with the pre-
were modified to emulate the experiments. As shown in Fig. 3, all diction of model II; peak gas pressure and the dominant frequency
three models predict peak gas pressures consistent with the ex- component of the pressure oscillation match closely. Model III, on
perimental results. The small variation among the predictions is the other hand, significantly underpredicts the peak pressure and
due to the large flow resistance associated with the flow meter. A overpredicts the oscillation frequency. The spectral and method of
large irreversible pressure loss tends to make the results rather characteristics solutions for model II show excellent agreement
insensitive to modeling assumptions. Specifically, the peak pres- which indicates that numerical diffusion is not a factor in the
sure is essentially independent of whether or not the model in- method of characteristics solution of the model II equations for
cludes time variation of the liquid domain. Models I and II allow this value of ␭. All of the method of characteristics solutions were
for changes in the liquid region length whereas model III does not. carried out using 100 mesh points for the liquid region. For model
As will be shown from the calculation results presented below, I, 50 mesh points were found to be adequate for the gas region in

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Fig. 5 Peak gas pressure predicted with models I, II, and III as
a function of ␭ and initial air pressure with ␦ Ä5

based on physical considerations. When the initial length of the

gas region is small compared to that of the liquid region, nonuni-
form compression of the gas and variation of the liquid length
should become unimportant, and all three models should produce
identical results. The source of disagreement can be seen from the
Fig. 4 Temporal response of dimensionless gas pressure for temporal response of the interfacial pressure shown in Fig. 6 for
␭Ä0.1, ␦ Ä5, and P 0 Ä6.89 MPa „1000 psia… an initial system pressure of 6.89 MPa 共1000 psia兲 and ␭⫽0.98.
Comparison of the pressure trace corresponding to model I against
the response predicted by models II and III shows that there is
strong numerical damping in the method of characteristics solu-
all problems except for those in which ␭→1. For other than the tion of the model I equations. The linear interpolation scheme
noted limit, doubling the mesh in the liquid and gas regions pro- used in the method of characteristics solution of the model I equa-
duced negligible changes in the calculated results. In the limit as tions eliminates all of the fine structure in the pressure response.
␭→1, the gas pressure predicted by model I became sensitive to Even the method of characteristics solution of the model II gov-
the gas-phase mesh spacing, and mesh-independent solutions erning equations shows some numerical damping when compared
could not be obtained. This encountered difficulty is attributed to to the spectral solution for model II, although the degree of nu-
numerical diffusion and is discussed later in this section. Mode- merical damping is weak, and none of the important features of
independent spectral solutions were obtained using 64 Fourier the solution are lost. For ␭⫽0.98, the spectral solution of the
modes. model II equations shows excellent agreement with the method of
In waterhammer analyses, a key result is peak system pressure. characteristics solution of model III. No numerical damping is
Figure 5 compares peak interfacial pressure calculated with the present in the model III solution since the liquid-region character-
three models for ␭ ranging from 0.1 to 0.98. Initial system pres- istics are linear paths in the y- ␶ plane and no interpolation is
sure ranges from 0.101 MPa 共14.7 psia兲 to 6.89 MPa 共1000 psia兲. required to determine the origination points of characteristics on
Results in Fig. 5 demonstrate that model II agrees very well with previous time levels.
Model I over the entire range of initial pressure and ␭ with the
exception of ␭→1 at high initial pressure (6.89 MPa
⫽1000 psia). The good overall agreement between models I and 6 Conclusions
II for peak pressure indicates that the uniform gas compression The presence of air in voided liquid systems can be effective in
approximation remains valid even when the initial length of the mitigating severe waterhammer loads due to rapid void collapse.
gas region is comparable to, or larger than, the length of the liquid For this reason, it is common to incorporate vacuum breakers into
region. The fixed-liquid-domain approximation employed in piping systems which are susceptible to liquid-column separation
model III can introduce significant, nonconservative error into the and void formation. Caution must be exercised when introducing
peak pressure when ␭⬍⬃0.95. air into liquid systems as the peak pressure resulting from the
The discrepancy between the results predicted by models I, II, rapid pressurization of a closed system with entrapped air can be
and III for the high-pressure system with ␭→1 is unexpected significantly higher than in a purely liquid system due to compres-

Journal of Fluids Engineering MARCH 2002, Vol. 124 Õ 201

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Table 1 Range of validity for waterhammer models

the liquid-region model to produce an accurate system simulation.

Present results demonstrate that the model with variable liquid
length and uniform gas compression 共model II兲 captures all of the
essential features of the full two-region model 共model I兲 for sys-
tems in which the gas region initially occupies a large fraction of
the pipe length. Small-amplitude fluctuations in interfacial pres-
sure predicted by model I for high-pressure systems with large gas
volumes are not captured by model II; however, these fluctuations
are generally not of interest in practical applications. Typically,
the peak pressure and the dominant pressure oscillation frequency
are the results of interest. For ␭→1, results obtained with Model
II show a small degree of artificial diffusion characterized by a
loss of fine detail in the solution.
The most complete model considered in the present study ac-
counts for interface movement and tracks pressure wave propaga-
tion in both the gas and liquid regions. This model 共model I兲 is
capable of capturing small-amplitude, high-frequency fluctuations
in the interfacial pressure which the other models are incapable of
predicting. However, with model I, the effects of numerical diffu-
sion are much more severe for ␭→1; all of the fine solution
Fig. 6 Temporal response of dimensionless gas pressure for structure is lost and at high system pressures this diffusion can
␭Ä0.98, ␦ Ä5, and P 0 Ä6.89 Mpa „1000 psia… lead to a slight under-prediction in peak pressure.
Results of the present study suggest that an appropriate model
for pressure prediction in liquid systems with an entrapped gas
pocket must account for the effect of interface movement on the
sion of the air as it arrests the momentum of the moving liquid. liquid domain length if the model is to be valid for cases where
The consequences of introducing air into liquid systems should be gas pockets occupy greater than 5% of the pipe volume. It is
analyzed in order to verify that the measures taken are effective in further shown that the uniform gas compression model is valid
mitigating potential waterhammer events and to assess the impact over a range of system pressures and gas volumes and does not
of the air pocket on hydraulic transients. The present study com- suffer from the numerical diffusion of the more complicated
pares models of varying complexity for analyzing pressure tran- model which tracks pressure wave propagation in the gas space.
sients with entrapped air. The simplest model 共model III兲 does not These findings suggest that model II considered in the present
account for the influence of gas-liquid interface movement on study will provide a robust methodology for analyzing waterham-
pressure-wave transmission through the liquid region and assumes mer transients in systems with entrapped gas. Conclusions regard-
that the gas phase compresses and expands uniformly. It is found ing the range of applicability for each of the three models assessed
that this fixed-liquid-length approximation can introduce signifi- are summarized in Table 1.
cant error into the predicted response when the initial gas region
length is comparable to that of the liquid region. Approximating
the time-varying liquid length with a fixed solution domain leads Appendix
to an over-prediction in the frequency of interfacial pressure os-
cillations and an under-prediction of the pressure amplitude which
is nonconservative for engineering considerations. For systems The Coefficients a i , b i , d i , g i , and h i
with ␭⭓0.95, it is appropriate to neglect variation of the liquid
␩ j ⫺⌬ ␶
domain as there is negligible error introduced by this approxima- a 1⫽ j ,
tion. In fact, for ␭⭓0.95, use of model III is the most suitable ␩ j ⫺⌬ ␶ U M

冉 冊
approach because it produces results with higher resolution than
more complex models considered. Model III underpredicts the ␸M
a 2⫽ ␸ M ⫺1 ⫹
共 a 1 ⫺y M ⫺1 兲 ,
peak gas pressure in systems with significant initial gas volume ⌬y

冉 冊
(␭⬍0.95) and should not be used in these cases.
For systems with larger gas pockets, the effect of the change in
a 3 ⫽U M ⫺1 ⫹
共 a 1 ⫺y M ⫺1 兲 ,
liquid length with interface movement must be accounted for in ⌬y

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⌬ ␶␬ ␸ i⫹1
⫺ ␸ ij⫺1
a 4⫽ , g 5 ⫽ ␸ ij⫺1 ⫹ 共 g 2 ⫺y i 兲 ,
1⫺ ␩ j
⫹⌬ ␶ U M
j j⫺1
U i⫹1 ⫺U ij⫺1
a 5⫽ , g 6 ⫽U ij⫺1 ⫹ 共 g 2 ⫺y i 兲 ,
1⫺ ␩ j
⫹⌬ ␶ U M
␺ 2j⫺1 ⫺ ␺ 1j⫺1 g4 ␮
a 6⫽ , g 7 ⫽g 3 ⫹ ⫺ ⌬ ␶ g 4兩 g 4兩 ,
⌬z ␧ ␧

a 7 ⫽1⫺a 4 a 6 , g6 ␮
g 8 ⫽g 5 ⫺ ⫹ ⌬ ␶ g 6兩 g 6兩 ,
␧ ␧
a 8 ⫽a 4 a 6 ,
a 9 ⫽ ␺ 1j⫺1 ⫹a 5 a 6 , z i 共 1⫺ ␩ j 兲 ⫹⌬ ␶ U M
h 1⫽ ,
1⫺ ␩ j ⫹⌬ ␶ U M
V 2j⫺1 ⫺V 1j⫺1
a 10⫽ , ␬⌬␶
⌬z h 2⫽ j ,
1⫺ ␩ j ⫹⌬ ␶ U M
a 11⫽⫺a 4 a 10 ,
h 2 j⫺1
a 12⫽1⫹a 4 a 10 , h 3⫽ 共 V ⫺V i⫺1
⌬z i
a 13⫽V 1j⫺1 ⫹a 5 a 10 ,
h 4 ⫽1⫹h 3 ,
a 9 a 12⫺a 8 a 13
a 14⫽ , h 1 ⫺z i⫺1 j⫺1
a 7 a 12⫺a 8 a 11 h 5 ⫽V i⫺1
⫹ 共 V i ⫺V i⫺1
a 7 a 13⫺a 9 a 11
a 15⫽ h 2 j⫺1
a 7 a 12⫺a 8 a 11 h 6⫽ 共 ␺ ⫺ ␺ i⫺1
⌬z i
a 16⫽ ⫺a 15 , h 7 ⫽1⫹h 6 ,

h 1 ⫺z i⫺1 j⫺1
⌬␶ h 8 ⫽ ␺ i⫺1
⫹ 共 ␺ i ⫺ ␺ i⫺1
b 1⫽ , ⌬z
␩ j ⫺⌬ ␶ U M

h 5 h 7 ⫺h 3 h 8
b1 h 9⫽ ,
b 2 ⫽ ␸ 1j⫺1 ⫹ 共 ␸ 2j⫺1 ⫺ ␸ 1j⫺1 兲 , h 4 h 7 ⫺h 3 h 6
h 4 h 8 ⫺h 5 h 6
b1 h 10⫽ ,
b 3 ⫽U 1j⫺1 ⫹ 共 U 2j⫺1 ⫺U 1j⫺1 兲 , h 4 h 7 ⫺h 3 h 6
␥ ⫺1
b 4 ⫽⫺␧b 2 ⫹b 3 ⫺⌬ ␶␮ b 3 兩 b 3 兩 , h 11⫽h 10⫹ h9 ,
⌬ ␶␬
d 1⫽ , z i 共 1⫺ ␩ j 兲 ⫹⌬ ␶ U M
1⫺ ␩ j ⫹⌬ ␶ U M
h 12⫽ ,
1⫺ ␩ j ⫹⌬ ␶ U M

d 1 j⫺1
d 2⫽ 共 ␺ ⫺ ␺ N⫺1
兲, ⌬ ␶␬
⌬z N h 13⫽ ,
1⫺ ␩ j ⫹⌬ ␶ U M

d 1 j⫺1
d 3⫽ 共 V ⫺V N⫺1
兲, h 12⫺z i j⫺1
⌬z N h 14⫽ ␺ ij⫺1 ⫹ 共 ␺ i⫹1 ⫺ ␺ ij⫺1 兲 ,
␺ Nj⫺1 共 1⫹d 3 兲 ⫺d 2 V Nj⫺1
d 4⫽ , h 15⫽h 13共 ␺ i⫹1
⫺ ␺ ij⫺1 兲 /⌬z,
共 1⫹d 2 兲共 1⫹d 3 兲 ⫺d 2 d 3
h 16⫽1⫺h 15 ,
V Nj⫺1 共 1⫹d 2 兲 ⫺d 3 ␺ Nj⫺1
d 5⫽ , h 12⫺z i j⫺1
共 1⫹d 2 兲共 1⫹d 3 兲 ⫺d 2 d 3
h 17⫽V ij⫺1 ⫹ 共 V i⫹1 ⫺V ij⫺1 兲 ,
y i ␩ ⫺⌬ ␶
g 1⫽ , h 18⫽h 13共 V i⫹1
⫺V ij⫺1 兲 /⌬z,
␩ j ⫺⌬ ␶ U M

y i ␩ j ⫹⌬ ␶ h 19⫽1⫹h 18 ,
g 2⫽ ,
␩ j ⫺⌬ ␶ U M
h 14h 18⫹h 16h 17
h 20⫽ ,
␸ ij⫺1 ⫺ ␸ i⫺1
j⫺1 h 15h 18⫹h 16h 19
g 3 ⫽ ␸ i⫺1
⫹ 共 g 1 ⫺y i⫺1 兲 ,
⌬y h 14h 19⫺h 15h 17
h 21⫽ , and
U ij⫺1 ⫺U i⫺1
j⫺1 h 15h 18⫹h 16h 19
g 4 ⫽U i⫺1
⫹ 共 g 1 ⫺y i⫺1 兲 ,
⌬y h 22⫽h 21⫺ 共 ␥ ⫺1 兲 h 20/2.

Journal of Fluids Engineering MARCH 2002, Vol. 124 Õ 203

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