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GORE-Case analysis

Akash Jain(UM16133)


Nishant Kumar (UM16152)

Vivek Mishra (UM16182)

Kartik Pradhan (UM16161)

Final conclusion:

Gore with its radical and evolving management model has been
puzzling the management gurus and pundits for over 4 decades. This
is very much an utopian organization in the world where posh offices
with plethora of presidents, vice presidents, CFO’s ,CTO’s, COO and
what not has been performing their role as per the requirement of the
organization, aimed at maximizing the profit.

This firm(Gore) with his unique form of management and office

forms and flat organization structure have subvert the dominant
paradigm of command and control scientific management model,
which is still active in most of the organization.
While delving into the greater details of how the management actually
works in Gore W.L ,we found that during the very inception of the
firm, the company wanted to manifest the “Theory Y” in their
organizational structure.

The company believed that with a hierarchical structure, decision

making can be more heavily influenced by informal and formal biases,
which does not make for a healthy environment. There are still
hierarchies in a network, but the hierarchies tend to be competence-
based hierarchies, relying more on peer accountability than on
authority-based accountability, that is, accountability to someone who
knows something rather than to someone simply because they occupy
a position, regardless of competence.
Also, taking a behavioral aspect in account I am assuming here that
owners know that how every individual is different and there are
actually people out there who actually want to contribute and ready to
strive more for their passion. And a process, though a lengthy one
could be applied to find people who actually took gratification from
the quality of work along with independence and autonomy they are
given to at workplace.
Moreover, founders and experienced members have played a major
role in their successful tenure of 50 years in which not for even a
single time, they have not registered a loss. Why??
Because ,willingness to give up power and authority is not very easy
in any organization. Most of the leaders across different part of the
world doesn’t have stomach for that. Here, it required a great deal of
preparation, validation and people skills to effectively use the

resources, rather than dictation based on authority. And since
everyone is an associate so in case an employee exhibit “know it all”
attitude would lose the followers and the resources, and in some case
might lead to involuntary and voluntary termination.


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