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The Development of Information and Communication Technology

in Indonesia

By : Mahfudi Sahly S





In the modern era, the need of the importance of information and communication
facilities have become the need of every person. All of society will require a
means of communication and information to convey passion and dignity as social
beings. It is necessary for the development of information and communication
technologies are more sophisticated. Definition of information technology has
been advanced by some leaders including:

1. Haaq and Keen

A set of tools that help work with the information and perform tasks related to
information processing.

2. Mc Keown

In 2001 Mc K eown defines information technology refers to all forms of

technology used to create, save, modify, and use the information in all its forms

3.William and Sawyer

In 2003 William and Sawyer defines Information technology is teknlogi that

combines computing (computers) with high-speed communication lines that carry
data, voice and video. Entang understanding of IT is a combination of computer
related communication channels with high speed data transmission, either in the
form of text, audio and video. Data in the form of multimedia accommodated by
using a computer.

Technology comes from the Greek "technologia", techne which means the skill
and logia which means knowledge. Meanwhile, when I describe based
DICTIONARY OF INDONESIAN Technology is a scientific method to achieve
practical purposes, in this case humans. So the whole technology is a means to
provide the goods necessary for the survival and comfort of human life.
Information is the message (words or expressions) or group of messages
consisting of order sequences of symbols, or meanings that can be construed from
the message or group of messages. So that I can interpret that information
technology is a tool created to facilitate the delivery of the message. Furthermore,
I will elaborate on the definition of communication technology. Understanding
communication technology expressed by several leaders including:

1.Carl I. Hovland

Communications technology is a process that allows a person deliver stimuli to

change the behavior of others.

2. New Comb

Communication technology is the transmission of information consisting of

discriminatory stimuli from the source to the receiver.

3. Colin Cherry

Communication technology is a process in which the parties mutually to use the

information for purposes mncapai together and communication is the
interrelationships posed by the successor generation of stimulation and response.
Communication is a process of delivering information (messages, ideas, ideas)
from one party to the other. So that I can conclude that communication technology
is a means of delivering information that is useful to human survival. Of the
various expert opinions and my analogy of information and communication
technologies is a big umbrella terminology (the science of the term and its use)
that covers the entire technical equipment to process and communicate
information, and without both of them the world would be dumb and accusatory
nature of man as intelligent and social creatures.




ICT developments need to know we talked about the history of its development as
Bung Karno said REMEMBER JAS RED (do not ever forget history). The
development of human civilization is accompanied by the development of the
delivery of information, ranging from images that had no meaning in the walls of
the cave until the introduction of the world flow of information known as the
Internet. Following these phases, the stages that have been examined by experts.

1. Prehistoric Period

At this time, information technology and communications made by humans to

function as a system untukm introduction of the forms that humans know. At
times in also began to be created and used tools that produce sound and gesture as
a sign of warning against danger.

2. Modern Period

In Indonesia, the development of ICT in education begins with begins to emerge

and the development of ICT hardware, especially computers. Its development
began around the late 1970s and early 1980s were characterized by the use of
computer software. In the late 1980s and early 1990s digunaknnya CD-developed
ICT room and a multimedia computer. Then, early in 1990 the use of the internet
which serves as a medium of communication (tool informing) and until now with
various penyempuraan. Internet is very important to the progress of a nation.

Application of ICT in education in Indonesia

Application of ICT in education absolutely must be developed. A report in the

daily National INSTITUTE OF MULTIMEDIA EDUCATION In Japan, it can be
to prove that the increase in the absorption of students by using ICT technologies
through curriculum integration can significantly have a positive impact, especially
in the field of knowledge, understanding, practical skills, presentation skills in
various subjects of education. For administrative staff with computers and the
Internet can facilitate in making the teaching curriculum, school schedule, make a
list of namma students, create a list of values, making attendance etc. It used to be
done with conventional learning process, but now has been provided lektronik
books etc. Students can also add their knowledge through internet access even in
the village though.

Utilization of ICT in learning in Indonesia has had a long history. Beginning of

educational radio and television broadcasts education is an effort to deliver
information to the education units are spread throughout the archipelago. But it
has drawbacks and finally made internet-based learning that allows the
synchronous learning with the major advantage that learners and trainers do not
have to be in the same place.

Application of ICT in manufacturing factory in Indonesia

Based on my experience THAT the use of ICT in industry, in this case in the
printing industry. Showed that the use of ICT sophistication has helped the
company in its business, especially in informing. Advances in technology will
improve the productivity of the industry both from the technological aspect of the
industry as well as aspects produsi types. Investment and Reinvestment which
took place on a large scale which will further increase the productivity of the
industrial world. The impact of technological developments in the industry will be
increasingly important. Application of ICT in the field of engineering

Awareness of the importance of ICT not just for the great engineers but for
everyone involved in the engineering field. For example, students in the
engineering field always needs the latest information in the field of engineering
that can be accessed via the internet. Internet use for the engineering students also
play a role in the development of design concepts in the prototype of a work.

Application of ICT in other fields

ICT advances in the field of transport is used to increase the services for example
in the case of online ticket booking. Internet use in the health sector for example
which is useful for the socialization of health problems. In the field of defense of a
country can also be used for intelligence operations that are useful to know the
development of other countries.

The development of ICT for the wider community

In everyday life people will always need information and communication skills
necessary for self-actualization. Then sophistication of ICT is needed for the
community. In the past people when buying and selling transactions must meet
and even then it took planning, so that the process is long. Now with the
sophistication of ICT people just need to transact through their smartphones.

In the era before the 2000s in Indonesia has not been too familiar with mobile
phones, people -people go to a phone shop or use a public phone there is even still
corresponded to bring the gospel to others. Now everyone can exchange
information on the spot using their smartphones.

The negative impact of ICT developments in appears logical

Now everyone can easily receive all the information such as the recent news of
Mr. Ahok rapidly consumed by all elements of society. No exception of small
children can consume improper information, such as pornographic, political, etc.



Of exposure above shows that the development of ICT is very helpful in the
progress of human civilization, generally in all aspects of life. But it's all there
must be a downside of which freedom of information that can be accessed by
anyone, even small children can access adult content via the internet
sophistication. Of course this as one of the things that must be considered by
everyone. Basically, the development of ICT can lead to positive and negative
sides to memejukan a nation but can also destroy a nation. To that required an
attitude of wisdom in the face of ICT developments here at home.

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