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Jurnal 1 Penumbuhan Karakter Islami Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan

melalui Pembelajaran Fisika Ilmu Tarbiyah

Berbasis Integrasi Sains-
Jurnal 2 Deskripsi Sikap Sosial pada e-Journal PGSD Universitas
Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri 4 Pendidikan Ganesha
Penarukan Kecamatan
Buleleng Kecamatan
Jurnal 3 Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA
IPA Terintegrasi Nilai Islam
untuk Meningkatkan Hasil
Belajar IPA.
Jurnal 4 Implementasi Model Jurnal Pendidikan Sains
Discovery Learning pada Indonesia
Materi Laju Reaksi untuk
Meningkatkan Keterampilan
Proses Sains dan Sikap Sosial
Peserta Didik MAS Ulumul
Qur’an Banda Aceh.
Jurnal 5 Students’ Changing Attitudes Research in Science Education
and Aspirations Towards
Physics During Secondary
Jurnal 6 Encouragement of Students’ European Journal of Education
Learning Achievements and Studies
their Attitudes Towards
Science Through The STEM
Education Instructional
Method in Science Class at the
9th Grade Level.
Jurnal 7 The Influence of Attitudes Scientific Research Publishing
towards Mathematics, and
Metacognitive Awareness on
Mathematics Achievements.
Jurnal 8 The Teacher as One of the CEPS Journal
Factors Influencing Students’
Perception of Biology as a
School Subject.
Jurnal 9 Locus of control as a predictor International Journal of
of academic attitudes among Educational Policy Research
university students. and Review
Jurnal 10 The Nexus Between Journal of Applied Research in
Emotional, Metacognitive, and Higher Education
Motivational Facets of
Academic Achievement
among Iranian University
Jurnal 11 Mobile technology and Journal of Computers in
mathematics: effects on Education
students’ attitudes,
engagement, and achievement.

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