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YÖKDİL – Sosyal 1/0217

1 – 20. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 5. Today, many Americans see the ---- against
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz terrorism as an example of the US standing
up for what is right in the world.
1. Congress is the legislative branch of the
federal government and is ---- for creating A) desire B) loyalty
laws. C) drive D) delivery
E) fight
A) challenging B) responsible
C) hospitable D) abundant
E) reluctant

6. Recent research has ---- our understanding of

the motives behind crime and provided a
2. Americans ---- to view their history as a better insight.
success story and as a victory for democracy.
A) made up B) coped with
A) tend B) exploit C) contributed to D) broken out
C) dedicate D) adapt E) taken off
E) adjust

7. Social sciences mainly study how people

interact ---- and relate ---- one another.
3. The term bureaucracy ---- the various
departments and agencies of the executive
A) with / to B) from / in
branch that help the president carry out his or
C) at / into D) on / out
her duties.
E) up / onto

A) turns down B) puts off

C) results in D) refers to
E) takes up

8. Contrary ---- common belief, jogging is not

completely harmless to people ---- 65.

4. Some indigenous people in Africa are ----

A) of / from B) from / of
gifted in the art of healing people and even
C) at / in D) to / over
better than doctors.
E) out of / to

A) necessarily B) exceptionally
C) gradually D) respectively
E) hardly

YÖKDİL – Sosyal I/2017

9. Psychology ---- the way the human mind 12. Although print media readership ---- in the last
works, ---- us to understand why people few decades, many ---- a newspaper every day
behave the way that they do. or a newsmagazine on a regular basis.

A) studied / helps A) declined / will read

B) studies / helping B) had declined / would have read
C) will study / to help C) was declining / were reading
D) had studied / to have helped D) has declined / read
E) would study / helped E) decline / are reading

10. ---- to England in 1859, Darwin ---- his ideas 13. Most people regard memory as something
about evolution in his great work, On the fixed and nonflexible. ----, memory can be
Origin of Species. enhanced in a variety of ways.

A) To return / publish A) In addition

B) Returned / had published B) However
C) To have returned / will publish C) Otherwise
D) Having returned / has published D) Therefore
E) Returning / published E) Afterwards

14. ---- culture often has a strong effect on

11. Most Americans ---- their information about
behaviour, scholars rely on anthropological
government from the news media because it
studies and methods to draw conclusions.
---- impossible to gather all the news
A) Whereas
A) had got / will be B) Only if
B) get / is C) As soon as
C) were getting / has been D) Because
D) are getting / was E) Unless
E) got / would have been

YÖKDİL – Sosyal 1/0217

15. ---- crying is an infant's only way of 18. Many Asian cultures, ---- those of
communication, it is not limited to one individualistic western countries, promote a
monotone sound. view of the self as interdependent.

A) When A) unlike
B) Because B) for all
C) Once C) thanks to
D) despite
D) If
E) except for
E) Although

19. Since people cannot learn new material ----

16. It appears ---- moderate consumption of sleeping, one way to minimize forgetting is to
alcohol and a Mediterranean diet may reduce sleep after studying material.
the risk of dementia.
A) if
B) while
A) that C) although
B) what D) in that
C) which E) unless
D) whose
E) when

20. Variation exists within every culture, in terms

17. It is said that one can walk from one end of of ---- individuals ---- subcultures.
Kiev to ---- in the summertime without leaving
the shade of its many trees. A) rather / than
B) as / as
A) other C) as well / as
B) others D) so / that
C) the other E) both / and
D) another
E) the others

YÖKDİL – Sosyal I/2017

21 – 25. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 23.

düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) more B) very
C) by far D) so
It was claimed that 500,000 people went to the E) far
Women's March last January. (21) ----, there was a
disagreement over this number. A digital services
company (22) ---- that there were 440,000 marchers.
Yet, it is known that it was the biggest US protest since
the Vietnam War protests. The New York Times said
the Women's March was (23) ---- bigger than President
Donald Trump's inauguration.The Women's March was
a also global protest for women's rights. Five million
people (24) ---- marches around the world. Marchers
focused (25) ---- immigration, healthcare, the
environment, racial equality, freedom of religion and A) joins B) must join
workers' rights. C) had joined D) joined
E) will join


A) Therefore B) Otherwise
C) However D) Thus
E) In addition


A) on B) into
C) about D) for
E) to


A) published B) estimated
C) pretended D) improved
E) increased

YÖKDİL – Sosyal 1/0217

26 – 30. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 28.

düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) to escape
B) to have been escaped
Starbucks boss Howard Schultz said that his company C) escaping
(26) ----10,000 refugees over the next five years. Mr D) being escaped
Schultz is the CEO of the international coffee shop E) to be escaped
chain. He is very unhappy with President Donald
Trump's new ban (27) ---- the citizens of seven Middle
Eastern and North African countries. Schultz said his
promise was, "a concerted effort to welcome and seek
opportunities for those (28) ---- from war, violence, and
discrimination". He added: "There are more than 65
million citizens of the world recognized as refugees by
the United Nations, and we are developing plans
(29) ----hire 10,000 of them over five years in the 75 29.
countries around the world ----Starbucks does business
A) on behalf of
and earns a lot."
B) in addition to
C) irrespective of
D) in order to
E) but for


A) will employ
B) would employ
C) had employed
D) may have employed
E) employ


A) which B) that
C) who D) whose
E) where


A) to B) with
C) by D) from
E) on

YÖKDİL – Sosyal I/2017

31. – 40. sorularda verilen cümleyi 33. Hong Kong must preserve the global essence
tamamlayabilecek seçeneği bulunuz. of its legal system----.

31. Although Queen Victoria's reign was a time of A) if it is to remain as an international city*
great material prosperity and economic
B) just in case the local party becomes legal or
growth, ----.
C) after spending years trying to promote a
A) the Queen herself believed strongly in the local Hong Kong party leadership
importance of these ideas
D) ever since the mainland communists worked
B) women would have been granted the right to hard to influence foreign investors
vote in the twentieth century
E) whose rivals will vote her down by a solid
C) the middle classes in Britain were gradually majority
getting richer
D) industrialization and urbanization brought
huge social difficulties
E) the 1876 and 1884 Reform Bills achieved
further democratization of British politics

34. ----, rather, they just repeated many of their

32. While most critics liked and praised new
previous mistakes
horror films, ----.

A) The Korean War also strengthened the US

A) spectators did admire the show
relationship with Britain
B) few considered them to be worth watching
B) The congress refused the proposal to start a
C) critics generally made good comments, too new war in Vietnam
D) the writer of the book thinks otherwise C) Vietnam era policy-makers did not apply the
E) they needed a publisher to release them lessons of the Korean War to the Vietnam
D) The United States attempted to keep the
Korean and Vietnam wars on a very small
E) Just five years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki
were bombed, the Korean War was not an
atomic war

YÖKDİL – Sosyal 1/0217

35. ----, they can easily understand where events 37. When the Great War broke out in 1914, ----.
are taking place.

A) agricultural production plummetted due to

A) Although there are many reasons to study lack of labour force which was employed for
geography the war

B) As rivers are easy examples of how B) that greatly contributed to the prosperity of
geography can impact history the nations that joined the war

C) While early people had an easy way of C) poverty ended all across the world,
transporting goods particularly in Europe

D) If people develop a map of their community D) the rich would never forget donating to
and the world charities in those days

E) Unless geographical features have had an E) the stock market has collapsed owing to the
equally strong impact on history fact that Britain decided to attack

38. Microcredit was introduced in 1976 in

36. ---- unless they are identical twins. Bangladesh ----.

A) Most people would like to have a family to A) just as those investments in large
depend on businesses are necessary there
B) Siblings do not get on well due to financial B) so virtually all the wealthy people in the
hardships region applied for huge loans
C) Sometimes parents have argued and even C) as investors establish several banks for this
got divorced purpose alone
D) Couples have difficulty in looking after a child D) where its government tried to alleviate
E) No two people share the exact combination poverty and improve the lives of the poor
of genes E) while the minorities in the country mostly
speak local languages

YÖKDİL – Sosyal I/2017

39. Considering the repeated attacks on civilians, 41. - 46. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
there has been a debate about ----. anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) that terrorists who indiscriminately and 41. Considerable additions need to be made in its
brutally massacre thousands of citizens must content so that your book can be published.
be found
B) so that they can reach a consensus on such
critical issues as discrimination A) İçeriğinde yapılması gereken büyük
değişikliklerden ötürü, kitabın basılamıyor.
C) however the state struggles to root out the
source of terrorists attacks B) Kitabının basılabilmesi, içeriğinde büyük
değişiklikler yapılmasını gerektirmekte.
D) whether capital punishment should be
reinstated in order to deter terrorists C) İçeriğinde büyük değişiklikler yap ki kitabın
E) unless children are discouraged from
watching violent movies on television D) İçeriğinde büyük değişiklikler yapılması
durumunda, kitabın gelecekte basılabilir.
E) Kitabının basılabilmesi için içeriğinde büyük
eklemeler yapılması gerekmekte.

42. The construction work will have to go on on

40. Public services and information in some states
of the US are widely available in Spanish, ----. this spot regardless of weather conditions.

A) since a large number of people speak the A) Hava koşullarına uygun olarak, bu noktada
language. inşa çalışmasının sürdürülmesi gerekebilir.
B) so, how they manage to communicate with B) Bu noktadaki hava koşullarına bağlı olarak
each other is a mystery inşa çalışmasının sürdürülmesi gerekmekte.
C) but various forms of printed and broadcast C) Hava koşulları ne olursa olsun, inşa
media are in Spanish çalışmasının bu noktada devam etmesi
D) as if the population were comfortable with gerekecek.
German D) İnşa çalışması hava koşullarına göre bu
E) although some regions in the south are close noktadan itibaren devam edecektir.
to the Mexican border E) İnşa çalışması, hava koşullarını iyi olsa da
olmasa da bu noktadan devam etmek zorunda

YÖKDİL – Sosyal 1/0217

43. As a result of the long debate among the 45. Though we think that our hands are clean after
delegates, the chairman was forced to resign. we wash them, there may be thousands of tiny
organisms called “bacteria” on them.

A) Delegeler arasındaki tartışma o kadar uzun

sürdü ki başkan istifa etmeye mecbur kaldı. A) Ellerimizi yıkadıktan sonra temiz olduklarını
B) Başkan, delegeler arasındaki uzun düşünsek de üzerlerinde “bakteri” denen
tartışmadan sonra istifa etmek zorunda kaldı. binlerce küçük organizma olabilir.

C) Delegeler arasındaki uzun tartışma B) Ellerimizin yıkadıktan sonra temiz olduğunu

neticesinde, başkan istifa etmek zorunda kaldı. sanıyoruz, ancak üzerlerinde “bakteri” denen
binlerce küçük organizmanın yaşadığını
D) Delegeler arasındaki uzun tartışma başkanın
istifa etmesine sebep oldu.
C) Ellerimizi yıkasak bile “bakteri” denen küçük
E) Başkan, delegeler arasında çıkan tartışmadan
organizmaların binlercesi yaşamaya devam
sonra istifa etti.
ediyor olabilir.
D) Ellerimizi yıkadığımızda tamamen
temizlendiklerini düşünüyoruz, ancak
üzerlerinde “bakteri” denen binlerce küçük
organizma yaşamaya devam ediyor.
E) Ellerimizi yıkadığımızda temizlendiklerini
düşünebiliriz, ancak “bakteri” adı verilen
binlerce küçük organizma hala yaşamaya
devam ediyor.
44. More than any other item in history, smart
phones have made journalism so
commonplace. 46. Restrictions on Iran's nuclear program should
not be lifted for as long as Iran continues its
aggression in the region and in the world.
A) Tarihteki diğer ürünlerin yanı sıra gazeteciliği
bu kadar yaygın hale getiren akıllı telefonlardır.
A) İran, bölgedeki ve dünyadaki saldırganlığına
B) Akıllı telefonlar gazetecilikte tarihteki diğer devam ettiği sürece İran’ın nükleer programı
herhangi bir ürün kadar kullanılmaktadır. üzerindeki kısıtlamalar kaldırılmamalıdır.
B) Bölgedeki ve dünyadaki saldırganlığına devam
C) Tarihte akıllı telefonların gazeteciliğin
eden İran’ın nükleer programı üzerindeki
yaygınlaşmasına yaptığı katkının fazlasını
kısıtlamaların kaldırılmaması tavsiye
diğer ürünler sağladı.
D) Akıllı telefonlar, tarihte diğer başka herhangi C) İran, bölgedeki ve dünyadaki saldırganlığına
bir üründen daha fazla, gazeteciliği böylesine devam ettiği için İran’ın nükleer programı
yaygın hale getirmiştir. üzerindeki kısıtlamalar kaldırılmamalıdır.
D) İran’ın nükleer programı üzerindeki kısıtlamalar
E) Gazetecilikte akıllı telefon kullanımı öyle kaldırılmadığı sürece İran bölgedeki ve
yaygınlaştı ki tarihteki başka bir üründen daha dünyadaki saldırganlığına devam edecektir.
fazla telefon yapılmaktadır.
E) İran’ın nükleer programı üzerindeki kısıtlamalar
kaldırılmamasına rağmen İran bölgedeki ve
dünyadaki saldırganlığına devam etmektedir.
YÖKDİL – Sosyal I/2017

47. - 52. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye 49. Tam uçak havalanacağı sırada, gidilecek
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. havalimanındaki grevin haberi geldi.

47. Endüstri devriminden sonra, orta ölçekli

A) Just as the plane was about to take off, there
fabrikalarda çalışan insan sayısı önemli ölçüde
came the news of strike at the destination

B) The plane was taking off when the news of

A) Fewer and fewer people went on working for
strike at the destination airport was heard.
middle-sized factories after the industrial
revolution took place.
C) While the plane was taking off, it had already
been heard that there was strike at the
B) After the industrial revolution, the number of
destination airport.
people who worked for middle-sized factories
declined significantly.
D) During the take-off, it was learned that there
was strike at the destination airport.
C) Once the industrial revolution had taken place,
the number of people who worked for middle-
E) Hardly had the plane taken off when the news
sized factories declined instantly.
of strike at the destination airport came.
D) There were very few people who worked for
middle-sized factories after the industrial
revolution took place.

E) There was a significant decline in the number

of people who were working for middle-sized
factories after the industrial revolution.

48. Yeni antrenörle anlaşamadığı için, ünlü 50. Rüzgar o kadar sert esiyordu ki nereye
futbolcu takıma giremedi. gittiğimizi bile göremiyorduk.

A) Failing to earn himself a position in the team, A) We were unable to see even where we were
the famous football player had a row with the going because the wind began to blow really
new trainer. fast.

B) No famous football player that fails to get on B) The wind was blowing so hard that we weren’t
well with the new trainer can enter the team. even able to see where we were going.

C) As he couldn't get on well with the new trainer, C) We couldn’t see where we were going
the famous football player failed to enter the because the wind was blowing much faster
team. than usual.

D) Because the famous football player failed to D) Such was the force of the wind that we couldn’t
enter the team, he quarrelled with the new see our way.
E) The strong wind prevented us from seeing
E) The new trainer left the famous football player where we were going.
with whom he couldn't get on out of the team.

YÖKDİL – Sosyal 1/0217

51. Bakanlık hayvancılığı desteklemediği takdirde, 52. Matematik çalışmalarının belirli bir düzeye
ciddi bir et sıkıntısının olması kaçınılmazdır. ulaştı ve bu sayede astronomi çalışmalarına
destek olmaya başlamıştır.

A) Unless the Ministry subsidizes cattle farming, a

serious meat shortage is inevitable. A) Though mathematical studies reached a
certain level, this discipline rarely assisted
B) The cattle farming subsidies decided on by the astronomy.
Ministry have not tackled the meat shortage.
B) Mathematical studies used to assist astronomy
C) Although the Ministry has decided to subsidize to a certain extent
cattle farming, a meat shortage cannot be
avoided C) Mathematical studies reached a certain level,
and thanks to this, it began to support
D) But for the Ministry’s decision to subsidize astronomical studies.
cattle farming,the demand for meat cannot be
met. D) Mathematical began supporting astronomy
when it reached a certain level
E) A shortage of meat will inevitably force the
Ministry to subsidize cattle farming. E) When mathematical studies reached a certain
level, astronomy was far from an established

YÖKDİL – Sosyal I/2017

53. - 55. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 54. The writer -----.

A) sounds absolutely convinced that music is a

Music may truly be a universal language. When
universal language
listening to the same piece, different listeners show
very similar patterns of brain activity, a new study of B) regards the finding of the research exciting,
brain scans suggests. Untrained listeners in the study but inconclusive
responded very similarly to a 10-minute symphony, C) does not approve of the way that the research
and the similarities cropped up not only in brain areas is carried out
linked with sound processing, but also in regions
D) advises other researchers to replicate the
responsible for attention, memory and movement
study with professionals musicians
planning. "The findings may help explain why music is
such a powerful group experience" so concluded the E) reckons that music hardly ever triggers
researchers. "Evolutionarily, music is something resembling emotions on strangers
people came together to do. People chanted when
they worked together. It was to bring us together for
rituals, and to some degree, that still happens when we
go to concerts or a club. The research triggered an
intriguing question: Is music a universal language? If
so, to what extent? Some people may rock out to
Metallica, while others prefer Gencebay, but at least a
few elements of the listening experience seem to be
universal. For instance, studies have found that
happiness, anger and other basic emotions are
expressed similarly in music across cultures. The
preliminary findings are yet to prove that music is an
universal language, but it elicited enough proof to claim
that it ignites similar behavior, irrespective of ethnicity.
55. It is stated in the passage that -----.

53. It is stated in the passage that -----.

A) music has been a medium that binds people
and gathers them in the same place
A) music is a bond that binds all the cultures in
the same way B) brain activities of the test subjects hardly
demonstrated any significance
B) the evolution of music cannot be differentiated
from that of the humans C) just as all languages serve the same purpose,
so does music
C) research subjects were experienced and
trained in music D) whatever the genre is and whoever the
listener is, music will be played the same
D) no matter what sort of music is played, it
triggers same emotions on all humans E) whether it is Metallica or Gencebay, most
components of the listening experience are
E) there is logic in suspecting that music could identical
be common language
YÖKDİL – Sosyal 1/0217

56. - 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 57. One can understand from the passage that
cevaplayınız. ------.

For centuries, philosophers and sociologists have

A) parents’ way of bringing up a child has a deep
pondered and discussed the idea of reality. impact on construction of reality
Sociologists generally accept that reality is different for
each individual. The term social construction of reality B) perceptions of others about us can change
once they get to know us
refers to the theory that the way we present ourselves
to other people is shaped partly by our interactions C) our perception of others can change as we
with others, as well as by our life experiences. How we gain more experience
were raised and what we were raised to believe affect
D) beliefs and backgrounds has nothing to do
how we present ourselves, how we perceive others, with our sense of reality
and how others perceive us. In short, our perceptions
of reality are colored by our beliefs and backgrounds. E) our reality depends on us and it is completely
a product of our own doing
Our reality is also a complicated negotiation. What is
real depends on what is socially acceptable. Most
social interactions involve some acceptance of what’s
going on. While we participate in the construction of
reality, it’s not entirely a product of our own doing.

56. We learn from the passage that the idea of 58. The best title could be ----.
reality ----.

A) Social Interactions
A) has been a matter of interest for philosophers
B) Some Perceptions of Reality
C) Philosophy and Reality
B) has drawn the attention of sociologists rather
than philosophers
D) Sociology and Reality
C) is far from flexible as it is fixed for the majority
E) Social Construction of Reality
D) has provoked debate in academic circles for a
long time

E) is shaped solely by our interactions with


YÖKDİL – Sosyal I/2017

59. - 61. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 60. We are given the information in the passage
cevaplayınız. that ----.

Imagine a world where everybody told the complete

and honest truth all the time. This would be humorous A) there are both good and bad lies in one’s life

because it's so contrary to the world we live in. Can B) there are various reasons why we tend to tell
you assume telling someone you were breaking up a lie
with him because of his bad looks? Or admitting to
C) a good liar must be proud of himself as it
your boss that you have read his private e-mails? We
indicates a high level of intelligence
don't do that in a usual society. Instead, we create a
different story that fits into our interests, either major or D) people turn to lying when they are punished
minor. We lie because it works, and because it has by their fellows

benefits. We avoid punishment by creating the best E) the range of lying differs among certain age
possible version of ourselves, and we lie so that we groups
don't have to face the consequences of the real story.
We are very experienced liars in that our story of doing
so begins as we start speaking. Apart from that,
scholars point out that lying is also tied in within the
level of self-esteem. Once people feel that their self-
esteem is threatened, they immediately begin to lie at
higher levels, or otherwise. To some extent, we can be
proud of our lies. Lying is considered a sign of
intelligence and cognitive skill, because it takes some
aptitude to recognize the way things are and then
create and present an alternative to that reality. Thus,
the next time you lie don’t get embarrassed as it is just
part of the human nature.

59. The author implies that ----.

61. As it is clearly stated in the passage, the
severity of the lie depends on --------.

A) in an ordinary society, lying is both usual and

A) what other people expect us to perform for
B) we have to refrain from deception if we are to
live in an honest society
B) the age of the person we are trying to mislead
C) children are better liars than most adults
C) whether we are dealing with a relative, a
friend or a foreigner
D) we have to face the consequences and
always tell the truth
D) our-self esteem and what the truth will cost us
E) someone who lies is no less intelligent than
E) how much we are mocked by our fellows
someone who does not

YÖKDİL – Sosyal 1/0217

62. - 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 63. One can understand from the paragraph that
cevaplayınız. ----.

In many organizations, perhaps the best way to

approach certain new projects is to assemble a group A) an organization member always has to be
good at creating new solutions
of people into a team. This offers several advantages.
First, a group has a wider range of knowledge and B) a task cannot be planned and completed
skills than any single individual is likely to possess. without the help of group members
Sometimes creative solutions come about because a
C) the contributions of a team member is
group is able to make risky decisions, but an individual considered more crucial than those of a single
might not easily do so. This is because the group person
spreads responsibility for a decision to all the members
D) without working in a group, an individual
and thus no single individual can be held accountable
cannot gain more reputation in a company
if the decision turns out to be wrong. Taking part in a with his thoughts
group process can also be very rewarding for
E) a person feel more relax when he works
members of the team. When team members have a
alone on a project
voice in making a decision, they surely feel better
about carrying out the work. Furthermore, a team
member has a better chance to shine since his ideas
and contributions are recognized as significant.

62. It is stated in the passage that in terms of

knowledge and skill, ----. 64. The passage is mainly about ----.

A) the elderly can anticipate different aspects of A) pros and cons of new projects for an
fulfilling a project organization

B) an abrupt decision is the only way out for the B) the advantages of working in a group for both
risky responsibilities the team and the team member

C) the best way to achieve a task is to work C) the challenges individuals may encounter
alone when they work in a group

D) an individual cannot outperform a team D) the difficulties an individual may encounter

when working alone
E) an executive group needs to include a gifted
personnel E) an organizational project carried out by a
group of people

YÖKDİL – Sosyal I/2017

65. - 67. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 66. We can understand from the passage that ----.

Robert Capa has been the synonym of war A) Spain was dealing with a civil war when Capa
photography. Born as Friedmann Endre Ernő, Capa lived in his homeland

was forced to leave his homeland after his involvement B) Capa left Germany because of anti-
in anti-government protests. Capa had originally government protests
wanted to become a writer, but after his arrival in
C) Berlin is the place where Capa became a
Berlin, he first found work as a photographer. He later
left Germany and moved to France due to the rise in
Nazism. He tried to find work as a freelance journalist. D) Robert Capa is the most important name in
It was there that he changed his name to Robert Capa, war photography as he is incredibly
mainly because he thought it would sound more
American. In 1936, after the breakout of the Spanish E) Capa acquired fame as a war photographer in
Civil war, Capa went to Spain and it was here over the his first three years in Spain
next three years that he built his reputation as a war
photographer. One of Capa’s most famous quotes was
'If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close
enough.' And he took his attitude of getting close to the
action to an extreme. His photograph, The Death of a
Loyalist Soldier is a prime example of this as Capa
captures the very moment the soldier falls. However,
many have questioned the authenticity of this
photograph, claiming that it was staged and fake.

67. It is pointed out in the passage that “The

65. According to the passage, Capa ----.
Death of a Loyalist Soldier” ----.

A) initially wanted to work as a war photographer

A) has been a disputed issue for many who have
B) changed his name in order to sound more alleged it was not genuine
B) was admired by Capa’s contemporaries in the
C) didn’t think that his pictures were good US
C) made Robert Capa famous for his talent in
D) moved to France as a result of the breakout journalism
of the Spanish Civil War
D) was not an original photo for many war
E) ignored, in his photography, the necessity to photographers in Spain
be close to the action
E) is the sole example of being officially a
successful photographer

YÖKDİL – Sosyal 1/0217

68. - 70. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 69. According to the passage, the main reason
cevaplayınız. why some people avoid maintenance ----.

Regular maintenance is necessary for all kinds of

appliances. It enables repairmen to detect developing A) is their opinion that there is no need for that
problems before they appear. Then, cheap measures as their machinery is running properly
can be taken. This prevents the repairing expenditure
B) can be the fact that they don’t want to stop
which can cost quite a lot. However, most customers their running machinery
don’t give enough importance to maintenance. They
C) is the lack of knowledge about how to use
either think it is unnecessary or that there is no
their appliances the most efficiently
problem with their machinery. However, when break-
downs occur, they have to spend small fortunes on the D) is that it can sometimes be more expensive
spare parts and repairing. Then, some of them regret than repairing
neglecting maintenance. On the other hand, others still
E) can be the false belief that it may lead to
think maintenance is not necessary as they claim that more serious problems
their machinery lasts very long without breaking down.
This is just by chance, and everyone is not so lucky.

68. Upon reading the passage, we can conclude 70. According to the passage that it is just a
that the author ----. matter of chance ----.

A) is an expert who has earned a lot of money A) for the repairmen to detect the problem with
by repairing appliances an appliance before it arises

B) is in favour of regular maintenance B) that we will have appliances that never break
C) can’t make an exact decision about whether
maintenance is beneficial or not C) to save money by neglecting maintenance

D) has himself saved money thanks to D) for owners of appliances to find spare parts
E) to get maintenance done on time
E) criticizes only people who partly support

YÖKDİL – Sosyal I/2017

71. – 75. sorularda paragrafta verilen boşluğa 72. Writing letters or messages were much more
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek common in the past than they are now. There
cümleyi bulunuz.
were no cell phones, no internet or computers.
----. Unlike these means of communication,
71. The High Court in Kenya has blocked the today’s technology allows us to get in touch
Kenyan government's attempt to close the with each other after a few clicks.
largest refugee camp in the world. The camp,
called The Dadaab, houses 330,000 Somalian
refugees. Kenya's government wanted to close A) The development of electronic devices took
place mostly after the invention of the transistor
it and send 260,000 Somali refugees back to
Somalia. ----. B) It was impossible to broadcast radio waves to
more then 50 kilometres away

A) In addition, they feared that declaring war C) People definitely relied more on social activities
against Somalia would create another crisis such as sightseeing instead of staring at
computer screens
B) Therefore, it is made up of five giant camps and
is run by the United Nations D) Travelling from country to country took a lot of
time without planes
C) In contrast, these refugees were suffering from
epidemic diseases E) So, people had to rely on pen and paper really
frequently then
D) However, the court decided it was wrong to
send them back just because of their nationality

E) In fact, he said that this would have caused

discrimination among the refugees across the

YÖKDİL – Sosyal 1/0217

73. The number of people who die in traffic 75. ---- His most famous works are the Foundation
accidents is so high that measures need to be Series, the Galactic Empire series and the Robot
taken urgently. Actually, deaths can be series. Later, beginning with Foundation's Edge,
minimized by several very simple measures. ----. he linked distant future to the Robot and Spacer
Though this is a very simple safety measure, stories, creating a unified "future history" for
few people care about it. his stories. He wrote hundreds of short stories,
including the social science fiction "Nightfall",
which in 1964 was voted by the Science Fiction
A) For instance, wearing the seatbelts can save Writers of America the best short science fiction
thousands of lives
story of all time.
B) Cars should be serviced at least once a year to 1

avoid major expenditure

A) Isaac Asimov, like his peers, began reading
C) Statistics indicate all drivers wear their seatbelts science fiction magazines at a young age.
in short distance travel in Sweden B) Isaac Asimov was one of the "Big Three"
science fiction writers during his lifetime.
D) People with serious eye defects are not given
driving licences in Norway C) Isaac Asimov was also a founding member of
the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of
E) Speed limit is the fastest speed at which you Claims of the Paranormal.
can travel safely
D) Only two people whose intellect surpassed that
of Asimov did not appreciate the stories he

E) The Boston University offered Asimov a position

with which he remained associated thereafter.
74. As an agent of identity, Hadrian's Wall served
multiple parties over time. For many, it is viewed
as a physical reminder of Britain’s Roman
heritage. ---- The Scottish view of the Wall, on 76. – 80. sorularda paragrafta verilen boşluğa
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
the other hand, held it as a symbol of courage of cümleyi bulunuz
the ancient Scots who resisted and opposed the
imperial aims of Britain/Rome. 76. (I) Russian society in the early twentieth century
was bipolar. (II) In other words, a tiny minority
controlled most of the country’s wealth, while the
A) The Scottish never admitted to having vast majority of the country’s inhabitants were
participated in the construction of this wall.
impoverished and oppressed peasants.
B) For the British, the wall implied that the British (III) Communism arose in Russia when the nation’s
Empire had inherited the imperialist rights held workers and peasants rebelled against and
by the Romans. overwhelmed the wealthy and powerful class of
capitalists and aristocrats. (IV) They also hoped to
C) Everybody believes the Great Wall of China is establish a socialist utopia based on the principles
the longest and the most magnificent.
of the German economic and political philosopher
D) Experts have yet to prove this connection Karl Marx. (V) The Communist Manifesto, in
between the Romans and Scots. contrast, was an impassioned call to action that
urged “Workers of the world, unite!”
E) If it hadn’t been for this catastrophic war,
Hadrian’s Wall would have never been built. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

YÖKDİL – Sosyal I/2017

77. (I) 1984 is a political novel written by George 79. (I) The Impressionists were a loose group of late-
Orwell with the purpose of warning readers in the nineteenth-century French painters who painted
West of the dangers of totalitarian government. casual, everyday scenes of middle-class life with
(II) George Orwell designed this novel to warn bright colors. (II) "Avant-garde" is French for
Western nations which were still unsure about how "advance guard." (III) The term describes how
to approach the rise of communism and totalitarian certain groups of artists since the mid-nineteenth
governments in Spain and Russia. (III) In 1949, century have thought of themselves as plunging
when the Cold War had not yet escalated, many bravely into the future, ahead of the laggards of
American intellectuals supported communism. mainstream society. (IV) It is difficult to pinpoint
(IV) Orwell was deeply disturbed by the the origin of the phrase. (V) However, an early
widespread cruelties and oppressions he observed example of its use in a French essay from 1845 on
in these communist countries. (V) He was also the role of the artist gives a good sense of its
particularly concerned by the role of technology in meaning: Art is the forerunner.
enabling oppressive governments to monitor and
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
control their citizens.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

78. (I) Pablo Picasso, born in a poor family in southern 80. (I) Queen Victoria's reign spanned nearly sixty-four
Spain in 1881, started as a child prodigy and years of British history, 1837 to 1901. (II) As a late
ended as the acknowledged greatest painter of his nineteenth century phrase expresses, "The sun
century. (II) After some early training with his never set on the British Empire." (III) Those years
father, a provincial drawing teacher, Picasso are remembered as the Victorian Age, which
showed that he had thoroughly grasped naturalistic encompassed tremendous changes for Great
conventions at a very young age. (III) After some Britain. (IV) Change occurred in nearly every
incomplete sessions of art school, Picasso spent aspect of British life. (V) By the end of Victoria's
his adolescence associating with the group of reign, for example, political institutions and
Catalan modernists in Barcelona. (IV) But it was structures, economic and social conditions, trade,
the invention of Cubism that secured his science, and technology all underwent radical
immortality. (V) From there he moved to Paris, changes.
where his work began to attract serious critical
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
attention and praise by the time he was twenty.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V



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