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Uniform Circular Motion




According to the recent physic topic,
students in class enabled to interpret and
obtain deeper knowledge from experiment of
circular motion. Circular motion truly appears
in our daily lives but in form of study, it is
characterised into two types of speeds which
are tangential speed and rotational speed.
Rotational speed helps us to know the speed
of object rotating in one lap. For tangential
speed will tell how many times the object
rotates in what times. It could be identify by
the formula(V = RW or Tangential speed =
Radial Distance x Rotational Speed). Circular
motion can additionally relate and lead to
rotational inertia. This different inertia is the
property of object which can be rotated.
It is a scalar value which tells us how
difficult it is to change the rotational velocity
of the object around a given rotational axis.
The main factor that causes and effects is
the mass of any object being distributed to
around of axis rotation. As the greater the
distance between an object’s mass
concentration and the axis is, the greater the
rotational inertia is. More importantly, to
emerge to rotation, there must be the force
to make object rotate named torque. The
equation to calculate this spinning force is
lever arm multiplying force. With these
gathering information of circular motion, to
the given experiment, our group used our
best to observe from both long radius and
short radius and dissimilar hooked mass
weighed 50g and 100g.
To study the forces involved in the
motion of a body moving with constant
speed in a circular path

Glass tube
Upper tube
Weight hanger
Set up
Measure the mass of the tiny metal disk
Pass the string through the tube and attach the
disk on the top of the tube
Hang a hooked mass of 175 g on the other end of
the string
Hold the tube vertical and swing the disk in a
circular path in a horizontal plane
Adjust the speed of rotation of the disk and the
radius so that the hooked mass is just supported
by the string
Start the motion with the tube at arm’s length and
above the head
Count and record the number of revolution in 30
Grasp the string at the bottom of the tube to mark
the position of the string while the disk is moving.
Measure the distance from the top of the tube to
the center of the disk
Change the radius of rotation. Use smaller value or
larger one
Repeat steps 3-9 using hooked mass of 200g
Data And Result

Mass of the metal object = 5g

Hooked mass = 50g
In the experiment, the metal is moving in
horizontal circular motion while the hook remain
stationary. If mass of hook is increased, tension
will also increased, which mean that centripetal
force is also increased

We can conclude that radius has an effect on
velocity , centripetal acceleration and
centripetal force
Mass at the hook is directly propotional to the
tension of the rope and centripetal force.

- Physic book
- notebook
- Ms. Susan

Work Log

Bam: Lay out, Procedure

Non: Conclusion, Material
Ichi: Analysis, Objective
Pluem: Introduction, Data and result

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