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Autonomous Learning

Alicia Ruiz

Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana



“Process in which people take the initiative, with or without help from

others, in the diagnoses of their learning needs, approach of their

objectives, the environment required for learning, the choice and use

of right strategies and the evaluation of learning results.” (Slideshare,

2008) . This paper has the objective to help you to find the best

method where you motivation will be key in the good use of time by

taking out the creation and use strategies in learning process and

identify advantages and some problems that can be present during

the cognitive process.

Keywords: Technique, individual, strategies, learning, tools,

knowledge, experience, motivation, cognitive process.


Autonomous Learning

Autonomous learning is a technique which the student or who do use

of this takes in a conscious and free way. The individual is an active

builder from her/his learning process create strategies, takes

advantages from tools like her/his knowledge and experience in order

to be able to contextualize her/his knowledge. This relation should be

in a constant growth in order to increase and associate the knowledge

with the environment where motivation is the principal engine and core

in autonomous learning performance and it has as objective to improve

significantly cognitive process.


Motivation in Autonomous Learning

Motivation is really important in learning process because the first step

that have to give the individual is take the initiative and become owner

from her/his learning growth. It is the base of a constant change of

mind and of course studies habits that will help the individual to create

a routine where s/he is a principal and active subject interest in build

knowledge and make from it a resource that can help her/him in diary

life. “A common theme in justifications for autonomy, especially in

general education but also in language learning, is that autonomous

learners become more highly motivated and that autonomy leads to

better, more effective work. Knowles' claim is illustrative: “… there is

convincing evidence that people who take the initiative in learning

(proactive learners) learn more things and learn better than do people

who sit at the feet of teachers, passively waiting to be taught (reactive

learners)…. They enter into learning more purposefully and with

greater motivation” (1975: p. 14). What is the link between autonomy

and motivation? The writing on motivation in relation to language

learning over the past several years has been dominated by the social-

psychological approach to motivation of Gardner and his associates,

which gives little help in attempts to link autonomy and motivation. To

find such links it is necessary to turn to the literature on motivation in

general education, and especially the literature on cognitive

motivation. This paper will review the literature on motivation and

suggest that there is an important link between autonomy and some


educational theories of motivation which could account for the claimed

power of autonomy.” (Dickinson, 2000).

Autonomous Learning Strategies

In order to accomplish autonomous learning process the individual has

to make use of some tools or/and strategies that make this process

development easier and efficient, those strategies should be create

and outline by the individual and these depend of her/his life style. In

first place s/he has to make a plan that requires the subject that wants

to improve like this the activities necessaries to carry out. These

activities should have as principal objective to keep motivation and the

individual interest in the process and can be. “The concept of "learning

strategies" is based in part on cognitive learning theory, in which

learning is seen as an active, mental, learner-constructed process. A

seminal definition of language learning strategies was developed by

Rebecca Oxford (1990), and is described as specific, self-directed steps

taken by learners to enhance their own learning. The most

comprehensive language learning strategy scheme, the Strategy

Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), developed by Oxford,

separates strategies into two strategy orientations and six strategies

groups: (1) a direct learning orientation, consisting of (a) memory, (b)

cognitive, and (c) linguistic deficiency compensation strategy groups,

and (2) an indirect learning orientation, consisting of (a) metacognitive,

(b) affective, and (c) social strategy groups.


The direct learning orientation strategies involve the identification,

retention, storage, or retrieval of words, phrases, and other elements

of the target language. The indirect strategies concern the

management of the learning and include such activities as: needs

assessment, activities planning and monitoring, and outcome

evaluation. The indirect strategies also involve aspects that aid the

learner in regulating emotions, motivation, and attitudes. These

include routines for self-encouragement and the reduction of anxiety,

and those which address the actions learners take in order to

communicate with others, such as asking questions for clarification and

cooperating with others in communication.

Each of these six strategy groups can be further subdivided, with the

end result being a compendium of 60 specific strategies. Oxford's

model outlines a comprehensive, multi levelled, and theoretically well-

conceived taxonomy of language learning strategies. This taxonomy

usefully encompasses a continuum of strategies, from affective

personal management and general approaches to basic learning to

specific language learning, memory, and communicative techniques.

However, in keeping with the practical objective of autonomous

learning strategies instruction and learner use, Cohen (1995) suggests

that there is a need for greater care in specifying learning strategies on

the basis of what is relevant for the given learner in the given learning

circumstance. Thus, as a means of increasing accessibility and ease of

use by learners and teachers alike, simplification of the language

learning strategies model is important, desirable, and justifiable.


In order to make Oxford's model easier for teachers and learners to

understand and use, I have simplified the terminology and reduced and

clarified the options. I have done this by eliminating extraneous

options, simplifying the terminology, and reorganizing the internal

relational logic of the model's hierarchy. Such adjustments are

necessary in order for learners to be able to understand better the

overall model, as well as to be able to orient themselves in the overall

scheme of the strategies scheme and to select appropriate strategies


The hierarchical order of the scheme is from indirect to direct, grouped

under the headings of management, learning, memory and

communication. This model then becomes an integral part of the SLLS

Menu Approach. The materials that learners might use in this simplified

`menu' include specific descriptions and explanations, instructions for

and examples of use, and exercises for specific strategies.” (Rausch,


Autonomous Learning Advantages

Reward to the effort could be the right definition for advantages in

autonomous learning because when the individual make use of this

technique, discover many ways to take advantage of her/his time and

at the same time how apply this to all the aspects of her/his time. In a

second place is the fact that the individual can increase significantly

her/his knowledge and associate this with the environment and

different areas of life. “There are two general arguments in favor of

trying to make learners autonomous. First, if they are reflectively

engaged with their learning, it is likely to be more efficient and

effective, because more personal and focused, than otherwise; in

particular, what is learned in educational contexts is more likely to

serve learners' wider agendas. Second, if learners are proactively

committed to their learning, the problem of motivation is by definition

solved; although they may not always feel entirely positive about all

aspects of their learning, autonomous learners have developed the


reflective and attitudinal resources to overcome temporary

motivational setbacks.

In the particular case of second and foreign languages there is a third

argument. Effective communication depends on a complex of

procedural skills that develop only through use; and if language

learning depends crucially on language use, learners who enjoy a high

degree of social autonomy in their learning environment should find it

easier than otherwise to master the full range of discourse roles on

which effective spontaneous communication depends.” (Little).


Autonomous learning is one of the most productive techniques that

help to students and people from different areas to have an excellent

learning style and develop their abilities, to become organized and to

take advantage of time and the environment resources in order to

achieve personal and knowledge growth. This technique should be

based in the initiative of the individual because s/he has to be

conscious of the necessity to create and apply studies methods and

take decisions about her/his learning and cognitive process.




Dickinson, L. (20 de January de 2000). ScienceDirect. Recuperado el 11

de September de 2010, de

Little, D. (s.f.). Llas. Recuperado el 11 de September de 2010, de

Rausch, A. S. (2000). aasa. Recuperado el 11 de September de 2010,


Slideshare. (2008). Slideshare. Recuperado el 08 de September de

2010, de

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