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The two main concepts behind this experiment are electric field and equipotential lines. A force F, is
exerted by a charge qo, to a point charge q with a distance of r away from qo. In order for the force F to be
experienced by the point charge q, an electric field E must exist.

Electric field is defined as quotient of the electric force F and the charge qo.

E = F/qo (Eqtn. 1)

In general, the electric force on a charged body is exerted by the electric field created by other charged
bodies (Young and Freedman, 2004).

The electric field E and the force F are both vectors, but their directions are dependent on the sign of qo. If
qo is positive, the force vector and the electric field vector point have the same direction. If qo is negative, they face
opposite directions. These vectors can be represented using electric field lines. These lines give the direction of E at
each point in the field, and the spaces between the lines can tell about the magnitude of E at each point. If E is
strong, the lines are closer together; and if E is weak, the lines are far from each other. Also, the direction of the
electric field is unique for each point, therefore the electric field lines can never intersect.

Given a collection of charges, the electric force caused at rest is a conservative force. Once the charged
particles move along the electric field, the work done by the charged particles can be expressed by the change in
potential energy.

W = ΔU (Eqtn. 2)

This change in potential energy can be used in calculating the potential V. The potential V, with respect to
the initial to final point, equals the work done by the electric force when a unit charge moves from the initial to the
final point. In other words, the potential equals the work that must be done to move a unit charge from one point to

V = U/qo (Eqtn. 3)

Potential is a state function, meaning it is independent of the path taken from the initial to the final point.
Another important concept is that the direction of decreasing potential can be found by moving along the direction
of the electric field vector, and vice versa. This can be proven using equipotential lines. An equipotential line is
defined as a line on which the value of V is the same in every point. When this is graphed, the equipotential lines
surround the point charge. This aspect is to be proven using the data obtained from the experiment performed.

2. Methodology

The experiment involved measuring potential therefore a voltmeter was used to determine the potential at a
given point. First, an electrolytic tank was filled with enough water (around ¾) such that there are no open spaces at
the surface of the tank. Next, a disc electrode was positioned at the coordinates (0,8) while the rod electrode was
positioned at (0, -8). The disc electrode was then connected to the positive side of the power supply, while the rod
electrode was connected to the negative side. The connectors of the probe were then connected to the positive
terminal of the voltmeter. The negative terminal of the voltmeter, on the other hand, was connected to the remaining
socket of the negative side of the power supply. The voltmeter was then adjusted to the appropriate range. The set up
is as shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Experiment set up

After turning on the power supply, the probe tip was then used to measure the potential values of the
electrodes. The probe tip was also used to measure the potential at various parts of the tank as well. At least ten
coordinates with a potential of 2V were determined. The same was done for 3V up to 7V. The coordinates were then
graphed. The graph must show how the equipotential lines look like about the electrodes.

Given the coordinates obtained, the electric field vectors can now be determined. Using the graph created,
the points where x=0,2,4,6 were located on the 3V equipotential line. Then, the perpendicular distance from each of
these points to an adjacent equipotential line was then measured to obtain Δl. The values of ΔV were then obtained
by getting the absolute value of the difference in potential between the 3V line and the adjacent line used. The
electric field magnitudes would then be obtained by using the equation

|E| = ΔV/Δl (Eqtn. 4)

The scale to be used is 1cm is to 1 V/cm.

3. Results and Discussion

This section analyses the results of the experiment. The observed measurements of the
equipotential lines are found in Figure 1. From these values, a plot of equipotential lines was
projected. Also from the measured equipotentials, the perpendicular distances from each
these points were then located, as shown in the discussion above.

As part of this experiment, the theoretical values of temperature were calculated for each
measured pressure value. In this calculation, which used the ideal gas equation, the volume
and mass were assumed to be constant. These theoretical values of temperature are shown in
the final column of Table A-1. From this final column arose Figure A-2, a graph of ideal
temperature (K) versus pressure (kPa). As shown in this graph, the relationship between
temperature and pressure is exactly linear.

A comparison between the graph showing measured data (Figure A-1) and the graph
showing theoretical data (Figure A-2) reveals differences. In general, the measured values of
temperature are lower than the ideal values, and the measured values are not exactly linear.
Several errors could explain the differences: precision errors in the pressure transducer and
the thermocouple; bias errors in the calibration curve for the pressure transducer and the
thermocouple; and imprecision in the atmospheric pressure assumed for the locale. The bias
errors might arise from the large temperature range considered. Given that the temperature
and pressure ranges are large, the calibration equations between the voltage signals and the
actual temperatures and pressures might not be precise for that entire range. The last type of
error mentioned, the error in the atmospheric error for the locale where the experiment
occurred is a bias error that could be quite significant, depending on the difference in
conditions between the time of the experiment and the time that the reference measurement
was made.

Figure 2. Plot of Equipotential Surfaces

x Δl (cm ) ΔV (V) |E | ( V /c m )
0 2 .5 1 0 .4
2 2 .5 1 0 .4

Table 2. Computed Data

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