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Soriano, John Raymond M.

Drug Name Classification Dose, Frequency Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Side Effects and Nursing Responsibilities
and Route Action Adverse Reaction

Diclofenca NSAID Administration Unclear. Analgesia, Hypersensitivity to CNS: Headache, dizziness, 1. Assess for
Per Orem Thought to block Dysmenorrhea, drug its drowsiness hyprtrmsion
500 mg/Tab TID activity of rheumatoid components, other 2. Monitor hepatic and
CV: Hypertension renal function
cyclooxygenase, arthritis NSAIDS, or aspirin
3. Observe for and
thereby osteoarthritis Active GI bleeding GI: diarrhea, abdominal report signs and
inhibiting anklylosing or ulcer disease pain, dyspepsia, heart symptoms of
inflammation spondylitis burn, peptic ulcer, GI bleeding
responses of 4. Instruct patient to
vasodilation and take drug on empty
swelling and GU: dysuria, frequent stomach for 1 hour
before or after meal
blocking urination nephritis
5. Advice patient not
transmission of to lie down for 15 to
painful stimuli Hepatic: hepatotoxicity
30 minutes after
Skin: rash, contact takin the drugs, to
6. Instruct patient to
immediately report
signs or symptoms
of hyper sensitivity
Soriano, John Raymond M.

Drug Name Classification Dose, Frequency Mechanism of Indication Contraindicatio Side Effects and Nursing Responsibilities
and Route Action n Adverse Reaction
Clindamycin ANTIBIOTIC; Administration -Inhibits bacterial - infections caused Contraindicated CNS: headacheCV: -assess patients infection
Anti- infective PO: May take with protein synthesis bysensitivestaphylo in patients Thrombophlebitis before and regularly
food by binding to cocci,streptococci, hypersensitive to EENT: pharyngitis GI: throughout therapy-before
50Ssubunit pneumococci, bacte drug abdominal pain, Anorexia, giving first dose, obtain
 75mg of ribosome.- roides,fusibacteriu or lincomycin- bloody or tarry stools, specimen for culture and
 150mg hinders or kills m,clostridium perfri use cautiously constipation, diarrhea, sensitivity test, begin therapy
 300mg susceptible bacter ngens, another in patients with dysphagia, esophagitis, pending results.-monitor
ia. sensitive aerobic renal or hepatic flatulence, renal, hepatic, and
and anaerobic disease, asthma, nausea, psuedomembranu hematopoietic functions
organisms.- history of GI scolitis, unpleasant or during prolonged therapy.-be
endocarditis prophy disease, bitter taste, vomiting. alert for adverse reactions
laxis for dental or significant GU: UTIHEMATOLOGIC: and drug interactions-if
procedures allergies. Eosinophilia,thrombocytop adverse GI reactions occurs,
in patients allergic enia,transientleukopeniaS monitor patients hydration.-
to penicillin-acne KIN:maculopapular rash, teach patient how to store
vulgaris-bacterial urticarial OTHER: oral solution.-tell patient to
vaginosis- anaphylaxis, erythema, take entire amount prescribed
pneumocystis jirove pain(I.V. use),induration, even after he feels better.-
ci pain; sterile abscess (I.M. warn patient that I.M. injection
(carinii) pneumonia use). may be painful-instruct patient
- to report diarrhoea and to
toxoplasmosis(cere avoid self-
bral or threatening psudomembranus
ocular)immunocom colitis -tell patient receiving
promised patient. drug I.V. to report discomfort
at infusion site.

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