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Architecture is the art and technique of designing and construc

ting buildings.
It can be said that architecture is responsible for modifying an
daltering the physical environment to meet the needs of the hu
manbeing.Architects are not only responsible for developing
depending on their shape and usefulness,but that they are als
o aesthetic precepts. Therefore, thearchitecture is often seen
as one of the fine arts.
Today, the architecture is mainly associated to the design ofsp
aces that serve as dwelling.The construction of houses and bu
ildings is part of the mostfrequent activity of the architect,who
must take into account a large number of precepts indevelopin
g their projects.The works should lift safely and respecting env
ironmental conditions.

the architect projected and constructed living spaces that meet

the needs of human and, based on their knowledge,generates
environments suitable to achieve a way of living a fuller,
richer and more human, which translates into development an
dwell-being for the population.

The term architect comes from the latin architectus, literallyme

aning the first of the work, i.e., the head of a work.

An architect must know the diverse constructive systems, the

materials and the technologies to give response to the
requirements of the client, or the social needs, and fulfill the
different regulations in order that the construction could adjust
to a few period and reasonable costs.

The most prestigious international prize in the life of an

architect is the " Prize Pritzker ", also known as the " Nobel
Prize on the Architecture ". Other excellent prizes in the
Architecture are given by professional associations, already be
national or regional, since they it are the " American Institute of
Architects " (Architects' American Institute) or the " Royal
Institute of British Architects " (Royal Institute of British
Architects) or for public entities and private roads related to the
culture of the trades, since they it are the " Prize FAD " of
Iberian area (Promotion of the Arts and the Design) or
European " Prize of Contemporary Architecture Mies van der
Rohe " (Foundation Mies van der Rohe)

The new technologies, especially the apps of increased reality

and virtual reality are changing the way of working in that many
professionals of the architecture. Every day do new
applications appear in VR (Virtual Reality) or AR (Increased
Reality) to save a lot of time and to prepare projects of a more
comfortable, easy form and rápida.4? We cannot obviate that
the S.XXI we have entered a new age where it has passed of
the project purchase on plane to the purchase on increased
reality. This new form allows that the client should not need his
imagination to see the final result, since these apps allow to
generate any project in 3D.

The beauty dies in the life but it is immortal in the art "
Leonardo Gives Vinci

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