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Cavite West Point College

Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers



An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of BS Business Administration
Cavite West Point College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements



APRIL 2017

College of Business Administration • April 2017

Cavite West Point College
Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


Today’s definition of beauty is relative. Beauty in its traditional notion refers to the

attribute of being physically attractive. However, this does not seem to be enough as it

seems to be an essential yet insufficient condition. (1994) wrote that substantial

indication has been collected, apart from cultural changes in its meaning; beauty is an

effective trading commodity. Beauty has been an active part of consumer lifestyle.

Lifestyle is the outward expression of a consumer’s needs, desires and values, reflected

through patterns of demographics, purchasing behaviors, activities, interests and

opinions (1996). Consumer lifestyle can be practically referred to as the manner on how

people live, how they spend their economic resources, and how they allocate their time.

On this case, beauty products and services are purchased for personal consumption

and the relative importance of social factors is reflected to consumer approval or final

decision. Consumer lifestyle can change dynamically under social environmental

influences and are also derived from the individual's personal value system and

personality (2003). This fact is among the reasons why beauty industry continuously

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

innovate products and services that cater to the changing needs of the beauty and

lifestyle conscious consumers.

Beauty industry undeniably shares a significant portion in the Philippines’

economic growth. As the country moves toward urbanization, there is a high probability

of using at least one or more beauty products and services that are offered in various

leading beauty related establishments like salons and spas. Also, because of the

growing importance of beauty in lifestyle of modern consumers, it is very important to

know the trends and development in the beauty industry that, in one way or the other,

can affect marketing and management practices of people working in this industry.

Thus, the researcher decided to conduct a study that aims to gauge and compare the

over-all customer feedback of beauty industry clientele in terms of the quality of service

offered, affordability of their service and the promotional interventions undertaken by the

identified business establishments.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Theoretical Framework

Beauty Salons in Naic,


Randomly Selected


Figure 1.1 “Onion-Peeled” Model

This figure shows how the study was conducted. It featured the established

beauty salons in the Municipality of naic, Cavite and randomly selected clients from

each of the identified salons to collate needed data regarding their over-all feedback to

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

the salon’s quality of service, affordability of service and promotional offers and

compare the data from each of the salons.

Statement of the Problem

This study generally provides a background of the beauty industry in the

Municipality of Naic, Cavite. It primarily focuses on the identification of the critical

success factors of the industry in terms of quality, affordability and promotional offers.

More specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

The following problems are answered in this study:

1. What is are the existing beauty salons in the Municipality of Naic and what are

the various services they offer (including price listing of their services)?

2. What is the over-all customer feedback of the beauty salons in Naic, Cavite in

terms of:

a. Quality of Service

b. Affordability of Service

c. Promotional Offers


3. What is the comparative difference of the over-all customer feedback of each of

the beauty salons identified?

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Significance of the Study

Theoretically, this study is intended for:

Marketing Management Practitioners, Academicians, And Business Or Managerial

Personnel. The study provides them a body of knowledge that they may use in the

performance of their own individual duties. It is also an attempt to contribute on the

literature focusing on the said subject. Moreover, this study seeks to give information on

issues ranging from the critical success factors of the beauty industry and its role in

enhancing the economic condition and the marketing strength of similar business

entities. Empirically, this study is intended as a theoretical basis that can be used in

problem-solving and decision making and taking situations in the academic setting.

The Readers Of This Research . They will be able to validate their existing

preconceptions by linking such with the results and findings of the study.

Future Researchers They will have an established reference for similar industries

in the field of marketing and management in general.

To the Researcher This study will increase the knowledge that is innate to

herself. The interests that she possess in relation to marketing, management, and its

applications will flourish as she continues to explore the adventurous and challenging

world of marketing and management. From this research study, the researcher will be

able to contribute to the existing body of knowledge within the limits of her academic

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

environment through the study’s results and findings. Additionally, the development in

her personality in relation to professionalism and work ethics will also be cultivated

throughout the duration of the research. All in all, this endeavor will make the researcher

a better person and an able professional in her chosen profession in the future.

Definition of Terms

Affordability - The extent to which something is affordable, as measured by its cost

relative to the amount that the purchaser is able to pay

Beauty Salons- an establishment in which hairdressing, makeup, and similar cosmetic

treatments are carried out professionally.

Customer Feedback- Information coming directly from customers about the

satisfaction or dissatisfaction they feel with a product or a service. Customer comments

and complaints given to a company are an important resource for improving and

addressing the needs and wants of the customer.

Promotional Offers- The act of offering a lower price temporarily in order to enhance

the effectiveness of product sales efforts to cost sensitive consumers. For example,

many businesses will offer promotional pricing as a sales incentive when initially

launching a particular product line to potential consumers.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Quality of service- refers to a business’ ability to achieve maximum bandwidth and

deal with other network performance elements like latency, error rate and uptime.


Ho: There is no significant difference in the over-all customer feedback in terms of

quality of service.

Ho: There is no significant difference in the over-all customer feedback in terms of

affordability of service.

Ho: There is no significant difference in the over-all customer feedback in terms of

promotional offers.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers


Review of Related Literature

A beauty salon is an establishment providing men and women with services to

improve their beauty, such as hairdressing, manicuring, facial treatment and massage.

They are also known as beauty parlor and beauty shop. You might assume that beauty

salon is barber salon are the same, but that's not true. Barber salon mostly deals with

hairdressing and cutting, while a beauty salon deals with body and face treatments.

The concept of beauty salons started back in the days of ancient civilization,

where people mostly of upper class loved to set up fashion trends for thousands of

years. Although through the ages, hairstyles, cuts and trends have changed a thousand

times but some things like women wearing wigs, coloring hair are not new, and are still

practiced. Back then, beauty salons were the places where wigs were being made and

ordered. Rich and noble people had their beauty salons in their palaces.

Ever since then, the concept of beauty salon is constantly evolving and people

have become accustomed to having hair styled to them throughout the years. Though,

today beauty salon does not only offer different hair styling, but a number of other

services such as perms, massage, waxing, tanning, facial treatments, pedicure,

manicure and many more.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Analysis On How Innovation Has Changed A Service Within The Beauty Industry

Beauty industry is now a multinational and million dollar business. The services

within the beauty industry have widely changed, as now beauty salons are not places

where simply you have your hair cut and get your nails done, but also emphasize to

refine and polish the inner beauty through physical and spiritual therapy.

It is not just the beauty salons and beauty shops that come under the heading of

beauty industry but sales of cosmetics, perfumes and products for hair and skin care

synthesize it. While beauty shops and salons are mere the service sector of this

industry. In addition, some economists include cosmetic surgery and health club in this


Beauty matters most, to most of the people in this world and so from ages the

beauty industry is providing and innovating its services in order to satisfy the needs of

its customers. According to the business analyst, the best selling beauty products are

that clean and beautify hair. But today beauticians believed that beauty and health are

interlinked, and so that is how the idea of spas and health care centers came under this


Queen Elizabeth was the main female icon and set the trends in the 16th

century. Beauty was limited to the appearance only, where a little of face powder,

glowing cheeks and red glossy lips had done it all. People used to bleach their hair

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

using either saffron or onion skins. It used to take immense of hard work and contrary

styling techniques to make a person look beautiful and presentable to attend some

event. But with the ace of time and development of technology, beauty industry has also

been able to advance itself by inventing artistry equipments and researching in the

biological and chemical sciences which offer more sophisticated, high-performance skin

care products, all in the quest for beauty.

Women used to risk their life with many of their homemade cosmetics. They used

burnt matches to darken their eyes, berries to stain their lips, and even used young

boy's urine to get rid of their freckles. They even used lead, mercury and even leeches

to give them pale appearance. Thankfully, beauty industry has come a long way from

using toxic and hazardous mixtures, and has advanced scientifically for providing a vast

range to enhance our looks.

Previously, people had limited hair dressing and hair treatment techniques, but

more and more are developed in the market. These do not only require temporary

techniques but also a permanent makeover of a person. From wigs and temporary hair

styling; permanent waving, perms, tinting and coloring gave women a wide range of

choices to satisfy their demands. Beauty salons promoted its facilities and equipment.

Hair irons were introduced which helped to change the arrangement of the hair with the

help of the heat, it is an easy an effective way of styling your hair and does not require

the traditional wash, set and dry procedure. Hair lotions and chemicals were also used

College of Business Administration • April 2017 11

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

to straighten hair, but hair iron proved to be an easier and sound method, causing less

damage and dryness. Apart from that, hair extensions and hair transplants revived the

idea of hair loss problem. The discovery of hair transplantation blew away the fear of

getting bald from many people; men and women equally. This technology later

promoted to laser hair transplants which is a "high-tech" way of restoring hair fall.

The desire to be beautiful intensifies with time and so the passion of expanding

the industry familiarized us with the words such as tummy tuck, cosmetic surgery,

liposuction, breast lift, and breast reduction. These surgeries became common to the

rich and famous people who wished to change their beauty. At first cosmetic surgery

was rare, and was developed in response to the birth disfigurement and deformities

caused by wars but now cosmetic surgery is a huge part of beauty industry, and is

available with wide variety of procedures.

However, for many years, people have always associated bronze tan look with

health and beauty. In ancient times people used lead paints and chalk to whiten their

skin, which proved to be disastrous and had long term effects. The craze of tan

continued and so tanning crèmes, and dyes came in the market. By the seventies,

eighties and nineties, the industry was able to build and maintain a proper tan. Tanning

beds and booths have shortened tanning session times, and sunless have provided

quick and easy alternative to ultraviolet lights.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Everyone is now aware of the word "spa". Well spa actually means a mineral

spring or a locality where springs exist, and that is the core aim and concept of the

beauty spas present around the world. It redefines the definition of beauty in the present

world. In the past years, the idea that inner beauty lies within has gained its attention

and so people are more attracted in seeking the cure for tiredness and disease to attain

impeccable beauty. It blends with the ancient traditions of natural healing through herbal

baths, massage, meditation, respect for nature and the desire to achieve physical and

mental well being, the key to maintaining health and beauty.

In a recent online newspaper article published in The Star Onlineand written by

Dong (2008), the trend in beauty industry today is medical beauty. It is a term that was

coined to characterize any beauty services that are rendered using specialized medical

principles. This includes cosmetic surgery and other treatments that use lasers, light-

based technologies, radio frequency devices, Botox, placenta injections as well as non

invasive treatments. , Chairman of the Federation of Beauty Industry, Hong Kong, and

editor-in-chief of , a beauty magazine in Hong Kong sees a growing market in this area,

as there are more and more people looking for a quick fix. Medical beauty offers

solutions much faster than traditional beauty treatments. He added that the service will

attract a niche group of clientele, especially those willing to pay a premium for instant

results. However, the challenge of this promising field of medical beauty industry lies on

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

the proposition of legal policies and regulations that will serve as general guide for all

practitioners and related individuals.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
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This chapter presents the methods and procedures utilized by the researcher in

pursuing answers to the questions raised in the study. It also provides information on

the description of the methods and procedures that were conceptualized and

constructed in order to obtain the needed data and information that will be most useful

to the study. Details on how the accumulated data were analyzed and interpreted as

well as how the conclusion was drawn is discussed in full extent in this section. This

provides justification of the means in which the study was accomplished and at the

same time helps in giving purpose and strength to the validity and reliability of the

collected information that makes this particular research practice truthful and analytic.

Research Design and Instrument

In order to come up with the most suitable research approaches and strategies

for this study, the research process “onion” is undertaken. This is because conducting a

research is like peeling the back layers of an onion – in order to come to the central

issue of how to collect the necessary data needed to answer the research questions

and objectives, important layers should be first peeled away. With the said process, the

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

researcher was able to create an outline on what measures are most appropriate to be

applied in the study.

The researcher uses the qualitative research design utilizing the descriptive

research method, which is primarily concerned with describing the nature or conditions

of the current situation in detail (1994). According to (2000), the qualitative research

approach is most appropriate when conducting descriptive and exploratory study in

order to quantify data that seem immeasurable, such as feelings, beliefs, and thoughts.

Qualitative research is defined by (2003) as “a subjective approach which includes

examining and reflecting on perceptions in order to gain an understanding of social and

human activities” . The emphasis is on describing rather than on judging. This study

employs qualitative research method, since it intends to find and build theories that

would explain the relationship of one variable with another variable through qualitative

elements. These qualitative elements does not have standard measures, rather they are

behavior, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs. So, the goals of qualitative research are

primarily to advance new theory, interpret the significance of individual events and

giving voice to particular groups.

So, the goals of qualitative research are primarily to advance new theory,

interpret the significance of individual events and giving voice to particular groups. In

contrast quantitative research is primarily about testing theory, identifying broad

patterns and making predictions. Quantitative researchers are interested in how

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

variables co-vary across cases. Therefore, they seek a limited amount of information

about many cases. Qualitative research, on the other hand, seeks a lot of information

about a limited number of cases. In this case, the choice of research strategy depends

at least in which part and what the researcher wants to achieve.

This type of research will utilize case study. When a person make a detailed

study about one person or unit over a considerable period of time, he/she is engaging in

what is known as a case study. (1998) states that case studies involve looking one or

more cases, which are “studied n detail, using whatever (research) method seems

appropriate”. It aims to develop full understanding of the case as possible and is not

linked with any particular research technique. This method involves the researcher to

inquire deeper and examine thorough behaviors of a person or a circumstance. It is also

noted how these behaviors change as the individual or circumstance adapts and reacts

to the environment. Furthermore, it includes the discovery and identification of all the

important variables which have contributed to the history or development of the chosen

subject. This means that the researcher is going to gather data which include the past

experiences and present condition of the subject as well as the environment. It will

attempt to find out how these factors relate to one another and how they have affected

the subject.

Case studies may sometimes involve small social units such as clubs, a family, a

school, or any group of individual who shares common interest. The researcher who

College of Business Administration • April 2017 17

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

uses the case study research design needs such respondents as he/she searches for

solutions of some important problems. Researches in the field of guidance illustrate the

use of case studies to solve some of the most important problems and queries.

Accounts of respondents’ thoughts, dreams, and actions are noted down to provide an

insight into human behavior which may lead to the discovery of new findings not known


The case study method refers several advantages. The greatest advantage a

researcher can derive in this method is its depth. By digging deeper into the whole

personality of an individual or group or a certain situation, the researcher can probably

tell some imperative knowledge or explanation such as on the kind of behavior or

attitudes. Another advantage that can be derived from case studies is the opportunity of

the researcher to gain insights into the basic concepts of human behavior or any given

body of knowledge. Through intensive investigation, it is possible that the researcher

may come across previous unsuspected relationships of variables.

The researcher opted to use this kind of research purpose considering the desire

of the researcher to obtain first hand data from the respondents so as to formulate

rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Respondents of the Study

Population, or the subject of this study, is defined as a set of categorized group

that can be people, objects or any items from which the selection can be made to be

used in statistical treatment such as a group of young individuals, manager and literary

books. Herein, the researcher will used the sampling method which is defined as a

strategic way of choosing the most appropriate sample or the most suitable part of the

population for determination of the characteristics or restriction.

The researcher, in choosing subjects or respondents for the topic at hand, is

usually thought of to have the power over who the respondents of the study will be.

Such a task would have been easier, except a researcher cannot simply choose out of

urge; the subjects must be selected carefully with the intention of having subjects who

each posses characteristics that, when put together, will represent a community. It is not

only themselves, whom these subjects will represent, but the bigger whole or the whole

population. The characteristics which the researcher has chosen them for will determine

which part of the community they belong and what part of the community they are


This study is mainly focused among randomly sampled 100 clients of the 10

existing beauty salons in the Municipality of Naic, Cavite.

College of Business Administration • April 2017 19

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Sampling Procedure

In this research paper, it is important to distinguish and determines the

respondents of the study. In this manner, the researcher will have the respondents

through a sample. Sample is known as a predetermined element of a statistical

population that undergoes specific study. In conducting a research this population is

called a set of respondents that has been selected from a greater number of

populations for survey purposes.

This research study used the random sampling method. Random sampling is

the selection of respondents in a casual condition provided that it mainly caters to the

key characteristics needed for a population, which is on this case are the customers of

the ten existing beauty salons in the Municipality of Naic, Cavite. Thus, this study

includes 70 respondents who are randomly selected.

Data Collection Procedure

Primary data are gathered with the aid of the predetermined questionnaire

consistently distributed to the respondents. The researcher used a checklist. This type

of survey questionnaire is categorically considered as close-ended questionnaire.

Close-ended survey questionnaire are also used in obtaining the information relevant to

this study in order to draw out substantial amount of information yet limited in number.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

In administering the tool, respondents gathered self-reported information through self-

administration of questions in a paper-pencil format. This method is useful in collecting

data for the following reasons: subjects were asked to respond to the same set of

questions in the same order, they had the same set of options for their responses, and it

is economical. In a questionnaire using closed-ended questions, the researcher offered

a list of answers that will be checked or chosen by the respondent. Close-ended

questionnaires are not limited two alternative replies of true or false from which the

subjects choose the one that matched the appropriate answer. Further, close-ended

questionnaires facilitate easy tabulation and orderly treatment of data. The

questionnaires are more convenient and provide fairly straightforward information

relatively useful for the solutions of the problem posed. It also served as an aid for

deliberate and immediate tallying because of the limitation of time for the prescribed

duration of the research investigation.

The researcher opted to use the questionnaire as a tool since it is easy to

construct having the rules and principles of construction are easy to follow. Moreover,

copies of the questionnaire could reach a considerable number of respondents either by

mail or by personal distribution. Generally, responses to a questionnaire are objectified

and standardized and these make tabulation easy. But more importantly, the

respondents’ replies are of their own free will because there is no interviewer to

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Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

influence them. This is one way to avoid biases, particularly the interviewers’ bias. The

researcher will also use graph and charts for data presentation.

Data analysis employed in the study will be carried out in steps. Every data form

will be carefully read in order to have an idea of the whole results concept. The text will

then be read again and divided into meaningful units as the researcher see fit. Data will

be condensed and formed into syntheses which will be integrated to form the address

the research questions. Once the data has been collected and collated, the final task is

to interpret the results. It is important to exercise caution when interpreting results and

drawing conclusions from data, since it relates only to a sample. The more carefully the

sample size and make-up has been selected, the more value the final data will have.

However, the results can only ever be a guide and will never predict totally accurately.

There will be a certain amount of statistical error in any results and the conclusions

drawn from those results.

For this study, the researcher, after gathering the relevant data needed, it will be

collated. Afterwards, a critical analysis will be rendered on the collected documents and

materials. A summary of all the information gathered would also be provided by the

researcher, as well as a conclusion and insightful recommendations.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Statistical Instrument

When the entire survey questionnaires have been collected, the researcher used

statistics to analyze all the data. This research will utilize the frequency, percentage,

weighted mean, and correlation statistics in order to determine the differences and

relationship of the responses of the respondents regarding their perception on the

variables of the study. It is important to note that these statistical instruments are to be

used on the survey method alone.

In detail, the following statistical instruments will be used.

Frequency – This is the total of similar responses acquired per item and asked in the

survey questionnaire.

Percentage – The percentage is used to compare and present the findings on the

frequency of responses obtained from the questionnaire. The formula is:

P = _n x 100

Where; P – Percentage
n – Number of responses falling under a particular category
N – Total number of respondents

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The concept boundary of role was used as well as the options, to wit:

Scale Ratings Description

5 4.50-5.00 Excellent

4 3.50-4.49 Satisfactory
3 2.50-3.49 Satisfactory

2 1.50-2.49 Unsatisfactory
1 1.0-1.49 Improvement

Table 3.1 Five Point Likert Scale

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Results and Discussion

This chapter presented the gathered data in tabular form and their analysis and
perception on the over-all customer feedback of beauty salons in the Municipality of
Naic, Cavite in terms of quality of service, affordability and promotional offers.

Problem No. 1

1. What is the over-all customer feedback of beauty salons in Naic, Cavite in tems of:
a. Quality of Service
b. Affordability of Service
c. Promotional Offers

Table 4.1

Over-all Customer Feedback of AMMARA BEAUTY SALON in terms of

Quality of Service, Affordability of Service and Promotional Offers

Category 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Verbal

Mean Description
QUALITY OF SERVICE 4 5 1 0 0 4.30 Satisfactory

AFFORDABILITY OF SERVICE 2 7 1 0 0 3.90 Satisfactory

PROMOTIOAL OFFERS 0 7 3 0 0 3.10

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Table 4.1 shows the over-all customer feedback of clients from AMMARA
BEAUTY SALON in terms of quality of their service, affordability and promotional offers.
For quality of service, the clients gauged them as satisfactory with a weighted mean of
4.30. They have been given satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services
with a weighted mean of 3.90. However, they were only given a moderately satisfactory
feedback for promotional offers with a weighted mean of 3.10.

Table 4.2

Over-all Customer Feedback of DAE SALON in terms of

Quality of Service, Affordability of Service and Promotional Offers

Category 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Verbal

Mean Description
QUALITY OF SERVICE 6 4 0 0 0 4.60 Excellent

AFFORDABILITY OF SERVICE 1 8 1 0 0 4.00 Satisfactory

PROMOTIOAL OFFERS 3 6 1 0 0 4.20 Satisfactory

Table 4.2 shows the over-all customer feedback of clients from DAE SALON of
quality of their service, affordability and promotional offers. For quality of service, the
clients gauged them as excellent with a weighted mean of 4.60. They have been given
satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services with a weighted mean of
4.00. Also, they were given a satisfactory feedback for promotional offers with a
weighted mean of 4.20.

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Table 4.3

Over-all Customer Feedback of FRANCHEZCA HAIR SALON in terms of

Quality of Service, Affordability of Service and Promotional Offers

Category 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Verbal

Mean Description
QUALITY OF SERVICE 7 2 1 0 0 4.60 Excellent

AFFORDABILITY OF SERVICE 0 9 1 0 0 3.90 Satisfactory

PROMOTIOAL OFFERS 3 6 1 0 0 4.20 Satisfactory

Table 4.3 shows the over-all customer feedback of clients from FRANCHEZCA
HAIR SALON of quality of their service, affordability and promotional offers. For quality
of service, the clients gauged them as excellent with a weighted mean of 4.60. They
have been given satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services with a
weighted mean of 3.90. Also, they were given a satisfactory feedback for promotional
offers with a weighted mean of 4.20.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Table 4.4

Over-all Customer Feedback of RED GOLD HAIR SALON in terms of

Quality of Service, Affordability of Service and Promotional Offers

Category 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Verbal

Mean Description
QUALITY OF SERVICE 7 3 0 0 0 4.70 Excellent

AFFORDABILITY OF SERVICE 0 9 1 0 0 3.90 Satisfactory

PROMOTIOAL OFFERS 0 9 1 0 0 3.90 Satisfactory

Table 4. 4 the over-all customer feedback of clients from RED GOLD HAIR
SALON of quality of their service, affordability and promotional offers. For quality of
service, the clients gauged them as excellent with a weighted mean of 4.70. They have
been given satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services with a weighted
mean of 3.90. Also, they were given a satisfactory feedback for promotional offers with
a weighted mean of 3.90.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Table 4.5

Over-all Customer Feedback of PRESAM SALON in terms of

Quality of Service, Affordability of Service and Promotional Offers

Category 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Verbal

Mean Description
QUALITY OF SERVICE 7 3 0 0 0 4.70 Excellent

AFFORDABILITY OF SERVICE 0 9 1 0 0 3.90 Satisfactory

PROMOTIOAL OFFERS 1 7 2 0 0 3.90 Satisfactory

Table 4.5 shows the over-all customer feedback of clients from PRESAM SALON
of quality of their service, affordability and promotional offers. For quality of service, the
clients gauged them as excellent with a weighted mean of 4.70. They have been given
satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services with a weighted mean of
3.90. Also, they were given a satisfactory feedback for promotional offers with a
weighted mean of 3.90.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Table 4.6

Over-all Customer Feedback of 3KN SALON in terms of

Quality of Service, Affordability of Service and Promotional Offers

Category 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Verbal

Mean Description
QUALITY OF SERVICE 8 2 0 0 0 4.80 Excellent

AFFORDABILITY OF SERVICE 0 10 0 0 0 4.00 Satisfactory

PROMOTIOAL OFFERS 3 7 0 0 0 3.30

Table 4.6 shows the over-all customer feedback of clients from 3KN SALON of
quality of their service, affordability and promotional offers. For quality of service, the
clients gauged them as excellent with a weighted mean of 4.80. They have been given
satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services with a weighted mean of
4.00. However, they were only given a moderately satisfactory feedback for promotional
offers with a weighted mean of 3.30.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Table 4.7

Over-all Customer Feedback of GANDANG SHALA SALON in terms of

Quality of Service, Affordability of Service and Promotional Offers

Category 5 4 3 2 1 Weighted Verbal

Mean Description
QUALITY OF SERVICE 5 5 0 0 0 4.50 Excellent

AFFORDABILITY OF SERVICE 1 9 0 0 0 4.10 Satisfactory

PROMOTIOAL OFFERS 1 6 3 0 0 3.80 Satisfactory

Table 4.7 shows the over-all customer feedback of clients from GANDANG
SHALA SALON of quality of their service, affordability and promotional offers. For
quality of service, the clients gauged them as excellent with a weighted mean of 4.50.
They have been given satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services with
a weighted mean of 4.10. Also, they were given a satisfactory feedback for promotional
offers with a weighted mean of 3.80.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Table 4.8

Distribution of Over-all Customer Feedback in terms of

Quality of Service, Affordability of Service and Promotional Offers

Category Weighted Verbal

Mean Description


PROMOTIOAL OFFERS 3.77 Satisfactory

Table 4.8 shows the over-all customer feedback of clients from FRANCHEZCA
HAIR SALON of quality of their service, affordability and promotional offers. For quality
of service, the clients gauged them as excellent with a weighted mean of 4.60. They
have been given satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services with a
weighted mean of 3.90. Also, they were given a satisfactory feedback for promotional
offers with a weighted mean of 4.20.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Table 4.9

Comparative Distribution of Over-all Customer Feedback in terms of

Over-all Service Performance

Weighted Verbal
Salon 5 4 3 2 1 Ranking
Mean Description
AMMARA SALON 2 6 2 0 0 3.60 Satisfactory 6

DAE SALON 9 1 0 0 0 4.90 Excellent 1

6 3 1 0 0 4.50 Excellent 4
6 4 0 0 0 4.60 Excellent 3
8 2 0 0 0 4.80 Excellent 2
3KN SALON 8 2 0 0 0 4.80 Excellent 2
4 6 0 0 0 4.40 Satisfactory 5

Table 4.9 shows the comparative distribution and ranking of over-all customer
feedback of clients for all the target beauty salons in the Municipality of Naic, Cavite. In
terms of quality of their service, affordability and promotional offers. Dae Salon ranked
1st with a weighted mean of 4.90 for over-all performance. Presam Beauty Salon and
3KN Salon ranked 2nd with a weighted mean of 4.80 for over-all performance. Red Gold
Hair Salon ranked 3rd with a weighted mean of 4.60 for its over-all performance.
Franchezca Hair Salon ranked 4th with a weighted mean of 4.50. All of them were given
excellent over-all performance. On the other hand, ranked 5th is Gandang Shala Salon
with a weighted mean of 4.40 and ranked 6th is Ammara Salon with a weighted mean of
3.60. Both were given satisfactory feedback for over-all performance.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers


Summary, Findings and Conclusion


The study entitled, Comparative Analysis of Over-all Customer Feedback of

Beauty Salons in the Municipality of Naic, Cavite in terms of Quality of Service,

Affordability and Promotional Offers aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of

the salon industry in the area through a survey which was conducted to the clients of

the seven identified salons in Naic, Cavite. In each salon, seven clients were randomly

selected and were asked to answer the survey form. The total number of respondents is

70. Their responses were tallied and tabulated and interpretation was formulated after

using weighted mean as statistical tool for analysis.


The data gathered showed that the over-all customer feedback of clients from
AMMARA BEAUTY SALON are as follows: for quality of service, the clients gauged
them as satisfactory with a weighted mean of 4.30. They have been given satisfactory
feedback as well for the affordability of services with a weighted mean of 3.90.
However, they were only given a moderately satisfactory feedback for promotional
offers with a weighted mean of 3.10.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

The over-all customer feedback of clients from DAE SALON for quality of service,
the clients gauged them as excellent with a weighted mean of 4.60. They have been
given satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services with a weighted mean
of 4.00. Also, they were given a satisfactory feedback for promotional offers with a
weighted mean of 4.20.

For FRANCHEZCA HAIR SALON, clients gauged their quality of service as

excellent with a weighted mean of 4.60. They have been given satisfactory feedback as
well for the affordability of services with a weighted mean of 3.90. Also, they were given
a satisfactory feedback for promotional offers with a weighted mean of 4.20.

For quality of service from RED GOLD HAIR SALON, the clients gauged them as
excellent with a weighted mean of 4.70. They have been given satisfactory feedback as
well for the affordability of services with a weighted mean of 3.90. Also, they were given
a satisfactory feedback for promotional offers with a weighted mean of 3.90.

Clients from PRESAM SALON gauged them as excellent with a weighted mean
of 4.70. They have been given satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of
services with a weighted mean of 3.90. Also, they were given a satisfactory feedback for
promotional offers with a weighted mean of 3.90.

3KN SALON clients gauged them as excellent with a weighted mean of 4.80.
They have been given satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services with
a weighted mean of 4.00. However, they were only given a moderately satisfactory
feedback for promotional offers with a weighted mean of 3.30.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

Over-all customer feedback of clients from GANDANG SHALA SALON for quality
of service was gauged as excellent with a weighted mean of 4.50. They have been
given satisfactory feedback as well for the affordability of services with a weighted mean
of 4.10. Also, they were given a satisfactory feedback for promotional offers with a
weighted mean of 3.80.

FRANCHEZCA HAIR SALON’s quality of service was gauged as excellent with a

weighted mean of 4.60. They have been given satisfactory feedback as well for the
affordability of services with a weighted mean of 3.90. Also, they were given a
satisfactory feedback for promotional offers with a weighted mean of 4.20.

Based on the comparative distribution and ranking of over-all customer feedback

of clients for all the target beauty salons in the Municipality of Naic, Cavite. In terms of
quality of their service, affordability and promotional offers. Dae Salon ranked 1 st with a
weighted mean of 4.90 for over-all performance. Presam Beauty Salon and 3KN Salon
ranked 2nd with a weighted mean of 4.80 for over-all performance. Red Gold Hair Salon
ranked 3rd with a weighted mean of 4.60 for its over-all performance. Franchezca Hair
Salon ranked 4th with a weighted mean of 4.50. All of them were given excellent over-all
performance. On the other hand, ranked 5th is Gandang Shala Salon with a weighted
mean of 4.40 and ranked 6th is Ammara Salon with a weighted mean of 3.60. Both were
given satisfactory feedback for over-all performance.

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers


With the results from the survey method it may therefore be concluded that there

is a significant difference in the over-all customer feedback in terms of quality of service,

affordability of service and promotional offers in the seven identified salons in the

Municipality of Naic, Cavite. It may be generalized too that following aspects too are the

main reasons why industry has been rampant in the area. The population of the study

have identified a satisfactory-excellent service from the salons, thus promoting a

business trend that encourages other prospective businessman to invest in the industry.


The researcher recommended the following, after thorough study of the results:

1. It is recommended that beauty salons who have moderately favorable response on

each of the aspects to possibly innovate business ideas, including promotional offers

that are competitive.

2. The businesses in similar industries are also encouraged to focus on maintaining a

high-quality service as the business itself is a part of service industry.

3. If the finances would allow, it also recommended to the salons who had moderately

favorable response on the affordability of their service to lower down the cost of their

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Comparative Analysis Of Over-All Customer Feedback Of Beauty Salons In The Municipality Of Naic, Cavite In
Terms Of Quality Of Service, Affordability And Promotional Offers

various offers that is considerate and competitive to encourage clients and also

increase their sales.

College of Business Administration • April 2017 38

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